#Orion Vasileios
"The stars are enchanting today , Would you like to go stargazing with me?"
A brotherly figure to the many students of Royal Sword Academy , Orion Vasileios is quite popular around campus . Mild-mannered and easily talked over , he is always there to clean up after Rielle’s messes. 
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Name : Orion Vasileios
Species : Human
Grade: Junior / 3rd year
Class: 3-B (No. 25)
Birthday : October 19th (Libra)
Age: 18
Height : 176cm
Dominant Hand: Right 
Homeland : Jubilee Port 
Club : Student choir 
Best subject:  Magic Analysis
Hobbies : Taxidermy
Pet Peeves: Impulsiveness 
Favorite food : Unadon
Least Favorite Food: Cupcakes (or anything sugary in general)  
Talents :  Catching insects 
Twisted from the Trident and King Triton from the Little Mermaid.
A third year student at Royal Sword Academy , Orion is known as a handyman around school . Mostly for his quick thinking and his magical capabilities , he has made a name for himself for being the reliable senior young students go to for help or advice .
Orion is often seen around the youngest prince of the Atlantica Royal Family , Rielle ; whether it was keeping Rielle from doing dangerous stunts or teaching him about the surface world , the pair is a sight that most RSA students is familiar with .
When you first meet him , Orion doesn't stand out from the crowd too much . much like most RSA students , he's well-mannered and kind . His personality becomes much more obvious once you've interact with him a couple more times , you'll find that Orion is more passive than most , but that doesn't make him a coward ; instead he'll passive-aggressively shade your mother , your father , your dog , your cat , your friends and the family cow for your education before he even swears at you .
Despite being a popular figure at school , Orion is an enigma . He's quite open with people , yet no one gets close enough to him to truly see what's underneath the princely student.
Note : I think that's all I'll write down today , but I'll definitely write more on Orion soon . It's quite funny how far I fell down into the twst rabbit hole .
And I also can't believe that my silly little tumblr blog is actually going to be getting content created , I originally made this just to look at the memes and fanart but damn. How I have been played.
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nem0-nee · 2 years
Oya oya , 🌺✨ and my kids Orion and Yuuri (whom I sadly cannot link for some reason-)
"These were quite tricky to determine, but I tried my best! I hope you two like it!"
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Daylilies are associated with forgetfulness and memory loss. However, they also represent "forgetting worries". Orange or yellow daylilies in particular represent things like joy and courage.
One quirk about them is how they bloom during the day and close at night.
Sephira mainly gave him this flower just because of the forgetfulness part (shocker, I know). He seems to be forgetful after all. Not only that, but he seems to be missing a lot of information about his life.
But of course, that's not the sole reason why he's given the daylily. With this flower, she wishes him to be happy and have courage. Being a prefect isn't the easiest job, especially with the recurring overblots going on.
Additionally, it's a pun on his name. The Japanese word for lily is "Yuri". So y'know, Yuuri = yuri = lily
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Snapdragons are said to ward off bad luck. In terms of representation, they symbolize grace, strength, and maybe even deception. Yellow snapdragons in particular represent happiness.
Grace and strength are adjectives that fit Orion quite well! He's a polite fellow after all. And with the deception part, this could be true as well. I mean, he's got that whole other cheeky and snappy side to him.
Sephira assigned him yellow snapdragons to wish him joy and happiness. Plus, the yellow goes really well with his hair! There's not much of any other reason sadly...
She's unaware of what he could be going through. Though, somehow her selection is somewhat spot on.
Snapdragons have a whole other side to them. When a snapdragon dies, its remains resemble a skull.
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ellovett · 2 years
I offer up my RSA oc Orion for interactions with your RSA staff perhaps? ^^;
Rudolph brings a hand to his chin, "Ahh Mr. Vasileios, of course I'm familiar with him! He's my student in the Choir club, a very helpful and giving lad, I know how a lot of the younger students of this school flock to him for help, sometimes it concerns me how often it happens..even during club hours he's being approached, I do hope he's getting enough rest..lack of proper relaxation strains the voice and most importantly, the mind."
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"The stars are enchanting tonight , would you like to go stargazing with me?"
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(Template by @unfinished-projects-galore )
Name :Orion Vasileois
Unique Magic : Verses of Gold
Using the amount of words spoken to him that day , Verses of Gold converts them into golden strings , which can be used to track down , restrain or cut someone and something . It outputs a small amount of electricity whenever used .
Orion mainly uses it to find troublemakers and to track his missing things.
Twisted from the Trident and King Triton of The Little Mermaid
A third year student at Royal Sword Academy , Orion is known as a handyman around school . Mostly for his quick thinking and his magical capabilities , he has made a name for himself for being the reliable senior young students go to for help or advice .
Orion is often seen around the youngest prince of the Atlantica Royal Family , Rielle ; whether it was keeping Rielle from doing dangerous stunts or teaching him about the surface world , the pair is a sight that most RSA students is familiar with .
When you first meet him , Orion doesn't stand out from the crowd too much . much like most RSA students , he's well-mannered and kind . His personality becomes much more obvious once you've interact with him a couple more times , you'll find that Orion is more passive than most , but that doesn't make him a coward ; instead he'll passive-aggressively shade your mother , your father , your dog , your cat , your friends and the family cow for your education before he even swears at you .
Despite being a popular figure at school , Orion is an enigma . He's quite open with people , yet no one gets close enough to him to truly see what's underneath the princely student.
With close friends , you can notice a small shift in personality ,Orion is a lot cheekier and slyer . He often teases those he considers friends and shower them in embarrassing compliments .
But when he's finally alone , he's actually quite pessimistic and tired most of the time . He means well for the people he cares about , but honestly he's just really tired . Won't you let him rest for a while?
Backstory - A soliloquy between the waves
Orion grew up in a seaside village , with his mother and father . His father was always busy with work and rarely visited his own family and his mother was a rather frail woman who got ill a little too often .
Orion took up the mantle of his mother when she became bedridden due to a rare illness , he did most of the housework and cooking all while taking care of his mother. His father would always return home late anyways .
His magic developed quicker than the average magic wielder , he gained a proficiency for water magic . Since he lived close by the seashore , when he had the extra time , he would go to the shore and learn a bit of tricks with the help of the mermaids that frequent the area .
When his mother slowly started to recover , Orion started to help out around the village as well . He was a scrawny kid , but he had the aptitude with magic , so he found a way to assist the village even if he's rather small .
However , one thing he overlooked was that his output of magic was at an alarming rate , and he didn't have access to a mage stone . Blot was quickly building up in his body , and he didn't even know .
It was inevitable that an overblot would happen , and Orion just happened to be tiptoeing that line .
The tipping point was the night his father returned home drunk out of his mind , Orion had barely seen the man for most of his childhood . And one of the few times they actually got to see each other face to face was a trainwreck .
Mr. Vasileios was a loud drunk , not a particularly harmful one , just one that gets on people's nerves . And on the receiving end of Mr.Vasileios' rants and rambling was Orion .
Orion already had a bad image of his own father built up in his head , for the times where he had sat the dinner table alone , the times he had to remind his mother to take her medicine , the times he waited until midnight to maybe get a moment with his father .
The inkpot was broken , and Orion was drenched in ink and blot . A towering figure holding a golden trident was attached to him , all that pent up rage , stress and excessive magic usage had finally caused him to overblot .
It was not a pretty sight , the fight lasted for almost an hour . Government forces had been called in after a call from a fearful Mr. Vasileios . And luckily , Orion was still alive and well after the incident , but due to an aftereffect , his nails are now a permanent black colour .
And unfortunately , even though the person himself made it out of the situation alive , Mrs Vasileios had passed away due to shock .
Orion has now since buried the incident in the back of his head , his precious mother had died because of him . And yet the cause of the incident still lives .
His relationship with his father has only gotten more strained as time went on . Orion continued to do the housework and cook for the two of them , but the two rarely see each other anymore . They were barely even a family at that point .
Orion rarely speaks of his own past , and every time it gets brought up , he either leaves the discussion or changes the topic . The very mention of his past leaves a sour taste in his mouth and he is still very much haunted by it , even in his sleep he cannot run away from it .
Even though he had already overblotted once , it's still very possible for it to happen again . Would Orion be able to face himself if it came to be ?
-Orion's name takes inspiration from Greek mythology , as Orion and Triton re both sons of Poseidon
-Vasileios means kingly or royalty in Greek
-large inspiration of Orion's character is twisted from the concept of plated gold , as the trident is a golden colour
-Orion is part merfolk on his father's side , but he doesn't gain any perks or quirks from it , so he claims he's a human
-Orion is quite fond of the forest area , often hiding there whenever he wants to be alone
-Orion knows of Rook due to two communicating lots on online forums
-he has a disdain for sweets , often finding them hard to swallow
-his UM is mainly used to restrain others even though Orion hates to admit it
-the accessories on his waist were all gifts from other students
-he does taxidermy on the side as a way to earn extra cash while at school
-he's a decent chef but a horrible baker
-he uses fruity perfumes , as the smell of fish and sweat is often still prevalent in his clothes even after a wash
-he wears red eye makeup as a way to get people to focus on his eyes when talking to him
-he wears lipstick occasionally but not in the presence of many people
{If you've read this far , thank you for your time . And yes , this is a rework of Orion's previous profile}
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“The concept of a Prince Charming as your one and only true love … I wonder if the Ghost Bride is just optimistic or foolish.”
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SR Orion Vasileios Groom for a day Card
Orion’s attempt of wooing the ghost bride :
After being enlisted by the Ramshackle prefect to be part of their plan , Orion seemed to be their best chance of getting the ring on the Bride .
His ability to lie seamlessly about his life as well as appearing to be vulnerable around the Bride was pretty mesmerising to watch .
He may have succeeded , if not for the rose he offered .
Yellow roses despite the cheery and sunny aura they give , has an underlying symbolism of friendship and to the some , it means infidelity.
The ghost bride quickly slapped him across the face , thus banishing him to corner of rejected students .
Note: I’ll upload his groovy as a separate post with his card story , and I’ll link it at the end of this post when it’s finished. Thank you for reading.^^
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Posting these together mostly because showing them side by side makes me think a little about my improvement with art^^
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The background could definitely use some more work in terms of detail but I’m pretty proud of the expression.
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As your senior
Note: I am not a great writer , I specialize in writing jokes for no one but myself . so this might come out a bit clunky I apologise .
And second , this is just a small interaction I wrote between Esme Devance , @wolken-himmel 's oc and my own. So please check her blog out .
Thirdly , Orion is my oc , he's a third year RSA student twisted from both the trident and king triton from the Little Mermaid . His full name is Orion Vasileios (I honestly just put this here for my own sake)
Aaaaand that's all .
Choir practice ended early today , yet some students decided to linger around seeing as the music room is rather spacious . Orion was one of the students , as a third year student , he had volunteered to look after the hoard seeing as their usual choir teacher was preoccupied . 
Usually when Orion has to look after his fellow students , there is mischief involved , whether it was a squabble or pranksters , he has seen it all . 
But surprisingly , today was a quiet day. Most of the students who stayed behind were just chattering amongst themselves , finishing up assignments or scrolling on their phone . 
Relieved , he had decided to find somewhere to rest , noticing from a glance , a second-year student who was daydreaming , Esme Devance .
  “Mind if I sat here?” 
Despite his previous dream-like state , Esme didn’t seem surprised to see his senior . “Ah .. Orion . Yes you can sit here . “ 
“Something bothering you, Devance? “, Orion asked in a low baritone voice , he knew that Esme wasn’t one to be daydreaming often , usually the second-year was wide-awake , aware with walls up around .  This was the first time he had seen Esme so …. Out of it. 
“... I guess you could say that.”  Orion watches as Esme hugs his own figure tighter, as if to shield himself away from the world. Figuring it’s best to not pry any further , Orion switches the topic. 
  “ Did you know that eels have horrible eyesight?” 
Orion asked with a serious face , his blonde hair shimmering in the sunlight as he leaned back . 
  “I didn’t know that.” Esme replied . 
  “Did you also know that if you whisper beep boop to yourself it makes you feel better?” Orion asked with a laugh . 
A small chuckle came from Esme , “I never knew you were such a jokester .”
Orion flashed Esme a toothy grin , “Thanks , I try. “
Esme laughed again , wiping away a fake tear , he replied , “Was that your attempt at cheering me up?”  
   “Did it work?” 
   “It did . Thanks Orion .”
“No problem Devance.” Orion smiled , he reached into his pant pocket and gave Esme a golden star sticker the size of a child’s palm. “Here . Chin up a bit , whatever is happening in life right now will eventually fade into shadows , so remember to shine bright like the stars of the sky. “ 
… Oh wow he really just pulled out his non-existent poem skills from nowhere . Fortunately , Esme seemed to look at the bigger picture , with a soft smile the second year accepted the sticker , “Do you always carry giant stickers on you all the time?” 
“Who knows? Maybe I do , maybe I don't .”
 “ Thanks . “
“Heh ..I’m just doing my job as your senior.”
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Hey hey! This is my first time asking 'round here, and I'm quite interested to know more about Orion!
So hear me out, what are his impressions of NRC? And possibly, what does he think about the students that go there (especially Azul)
Ty for answering in advance ^^
>On Night Raven College
"I think it's neat that we have a rival school , competition helps us both to grow as people. Though some students from Night Raven College seems rather serious about this ..."
The aesthetics of NRC is not Orion's cup of tea but he can't deny that they are a reputable competitor , he's not one for school rivalry compared to some others , he'd rather focus on his own school than their rival .
Orion thinks that some students take it way too far when it comes to school rivalry , sometimes picking on freshmen of the opposing school , he's often the mediator of these feuds .
As for certain students that go to NRC , I'll only do a handful that Orion would be familiar with ^^;
>On Rook Hunt
"I've known him for a while actually , he's quite the character."
Rook and Orion are pen pals , Orion likes Rook a lot , almost romantically so . He was pretty freaked out by Rook on their first meeting , but after a while he considers Rook one of his closer friends . He does think that Rook is quite enigmatic , but he won't pry much on Rook's behalf .
>On Floyd Leech
"Despise is a strong word ... I wouldn't say I particularly despise him , hm ? The way I look at him is quite hateful? Maybe you're mistaken . "
Orion lied , he despises Floyd . The way Floyd flip-flops between moods is frustrating , he hates the nickname "Cuttlefish" and he hates having to try and be civilized around Floyd .
Behind that friendly smile is the thought of slamming his fist onto Floyd's face .
>On Jade Leech
"Quite pleasant isn't he?"
Orion's first impressions of Jade were positive , he's polite and well-mannered . It's on the next few meetings where he really got to understand Jade better , he does not particularly dislike Jade , he's just wary around the eel.
>On Azul Ashengrotto
"Mr Ashengrotto is quite intelligent , that's why you should always be on your guard if you were to make a deal with him ."
Asking the real questions huh? Orion dislike Azul to a small degree , his impression of Azul is mostly neutral , if the octopus would stop trying to make a deal with Orion .
Orion's UM is quite useful , making it one of the things Azul wants . Azul often asks if Orion has some sort of wish when Orion comes by , saying that he can grant anything for a price . So far Orion only has one wish , which is to stop his nightmares and to get rid of the black coloration of blot on his nails .
However , if even doctors weren't able to find a cure for it , then Orion has given up on this wish mostly .
Orion is wary of Azul , but other than potential blackmail , he doesn't think of Azul much more than some annoying student .
He does try and persuade students from making deals with Azul quite often though , believing that hard work is more worth your time than wishes .
Note : I hope you enjoyed this and I'm really happy you asked this question ^^ I'm glad that you would want to learn more about my oc so this ask made me really happy ^0^
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“Come on Prefect , how about I’ll make you a deal instead ?”
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I decided to do a small drawing of Orion in my AU , “it truly is a villain’s world” .
Some info since I want to finish my writing and upload this as soon as possible 🫠
-Orion is an Octavinelle 3rd year
-He was expelled from RSA in his first semester there
-In this au he is still twisted from the trident , but instead of king triton , his other inspiration is Ursula
-He doesn’t work at Mostro Longue , some could say that he’s actively working against Azul in terms of making deals and contracts
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🔔 Ghost Wedding Orion please ?
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Here he is ! Since I used coloured lineart , it felt very cluttered on the actual Ghost Marriage background . So I used a plain background instead . This was a really fun prompt to play around with and I definitely would like to try doing this in my usual black lineart soon ! How Orion would actually be part of the event is actually something I've though about as well . I think it would be funny if Yuu asked for backup from RSA to help with the ghost bride since their school exudes a princely aura . And that's where Orion comes in!
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Character Masterpost **o(^▽^)o **
Orion Vasileios
-RSA oc
-twisted from the trident and King Triton of The Little Mermaid
Main tag - #Orion Vasileios
Yuuri Ramshackle
-loosely twisted from Katarina Claes and Melissa Podebrat
Main tag - #Yuuri Ramshackle
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If you still do it 👐 Orion as HSA student
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Without background Thank you for the ask ! This was so much fun to draw , and I decided to draw him in the ceremonial robes for this . But I do plan on just drawing him in the normal uniform if I have the time! I changed somethings such as removing the pattern on the sleeve and switching the position of the sash . Hope you don't mind!
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👗 with Orion~ you can choose one of the twins.
Oc Emoji Asks
"Ah Mr Dawn . It's a surprise to see you here . "
"Good afternoon Orion ." The Prince asked noticing the long list wrapped around Orion's hand ," Are you perhaps running a few errands ?"
Orion nodded before picking out a few more things from the shelves , "Some students are preoccupied with their club activities so they asked me to pick up a few items for them . " He explained .
"What a coincidence , I'm just here to do a supply run for the student council . " Aries stated before looking over to the collection of stationary on display .
He pondered between a few brands for a moment , should he get something in bulk or just get some for now?
"They're doing a sale on XX brand here . So you may want to consider that." Orion chimed in , before awkwardly adding in ,"Of course you should probably browse around first since you are the president of the student council and you probably knows what's best already-"
"Thank you ." Aries stopped Orion in his rambling , picking up the XX brand pack of pens . "I think I'll go with your advice , I'm not a regular here so I'll trust your words ." He said with a soft smile .
Orion blinked for a few seconds before offering a grin .
"As you wish ."
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Note : I am so sorry for how long this took 🙇 , artblock was a mess and a lot happened in between so hopefully this is still somewhat acceptable .
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"... it was just another nightmare..."
Orion regularly gets nightmares , he's a light sleeper so he usually wakes up . Most of his nightmares all have to do with his mother's passing and the events that happened due to it.
He has gotten used to it now , but sometimes he still finds tears staining his bed sheets when he wakes up .
He's prone to tossing his pillows and blankets away because he moves a lot during these nightmares and feels constrained by the blankets .
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holy shit I have a horribly great idea , time to add it to my oc !
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Francine has money... she would beat around 200000 for Orion.
After the hammer is slammed down , Orion jumps down the hypothetical stage and hugs Francine .
Though he might tell her that she shouldn’t have bet so much for a simple date auction , as long as she asks , he’d be happy to go on a date with her .
With that amount of money , he would ask if she’s looking for several dates instead , to make sure she gets her money’s worth.
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