#Orthopedic surgeon specialties
bestorthopaedic · 23 days
At Parekh Hospital, we take pride in being recognized as the best orthopedic hospital in Ahmedabad. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Ramesh Parekh, a renowned orthopedic surgeon specialist, we offer top-notch orthopedic services aimed at improving your comfort and mobility.
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besthip · 2 years
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Orthopedic surgeon specialties  in Lucknow - Dr. Divyanshu Dutt Dwivedi
Dr. Divyanshu Dutt Dwivedi is a renowned Orthopedic Surgeon in Lucknow, India. He is an expert in treating problems of hip and knee joints, in orthopedic surgery. He has worked as a Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon in various hospitals in Lucknow. He has been a member of the Indian Orthopedic Association and Indian Medical Association.
Dr. Divyanshu specializes in Joint replacement surgeries of the hip. Joint replacement is required in a variety of conditions such as Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid
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philhoffman · 10 months
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Production stills of Phil as Mitch Roman in Patch Adams (1998)
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tiya1928 · 1 year
Super specialty Hospital in Dwarka
Maharaja Agrasen Hospital is one of the best hospitals in Dwarka/Delhi, NCR. Maharaja Agrasen Hospital aims to make the most preferred Hospital brand by providing compassionate, multispecialised healthcare services hospital at Dwarka. MAH Dwarka provides all the convenient services according to the underprivileged patients with best surgeons, super specialization in treatments such as (Orthopedics, Neurology, Gynecology, Physiotherapy, Cardiology, Dermatology).
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deus3xmachinablog · 1 year
i see y’all out here with your “Harrowhark Nonagesimus, MD, Chief of Orthopedic Surgery” and. let me just say. leaving aside the fact that No One, regardless of pedigree or skill, is granted a faculty appointment in leadership over a surgical subspecialty in their twenties (because even with some manner of Doogie Howser situation you wouldn’t be done TRAINING to CERTIFY in a surgical subspecialty until your 30s in the US or your 20s elsewhere)... you are all, all of you, sleeping on the Superior Choice of Medical Subspecialty for Harrow:
one in which Absolutely Nobody outside her field understands her work, and most other doctors think she’s at least a little bit weird.
The medical equivalent of subspecializing in Arcane High Magic:
Harrow is a Rheumatologist
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tritonhospitals · 1 year
Parameters to check while choosing the best maternity hospital in South Delhi
Best Maternity Hospital in South Delhi
Most women can feel a bit anxious when choosing the best hospital for delivery. When the moment comes, several factors will need to be taken into account. In this article, the things to consider while choosing the best maternity hospital will be discussed. Keep on reading for more information.
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Things to consider while choosing a maternity hospital
1) Location
It's crucial to select a nearby maternity hospital while you're expecting. If you experience issues while pregnant or giving birth, you can go to the hospital promptly and conveniently. Pick a hospital close to your house because you will need to go for several check-ups and routine testing during the whole pregnancy. You would find it simpler if the distance were less. Additionally, be sure the hospital you select is recognized by the Joint Commission and has a solid reputation.
2) The standard of care
Choose a hospital with a solid reputation for providing high-quality care. Examine internet reviews and get advice from friends and family.
You may always check for more information online by especially looking for reviews from various parents who have given birth there if you have previously expressed interest in a certain hospital and want to learn more.
Some of the best maternity hospitals in South Delhi such as Triton Hospital provide a high standard of care.
3) The hospital’s reputation
You want a medical facility that has a solid reputation for providing high-quality care. When selecting a maternity hospital, one of the most important factors to take into account is the facility's reputation. In order to learn more about a hospital's reputation, try contacting parents who have had children there for recommendations. You might also wish to look up any hospitals that interest you online.
Prior to making a choice, be sure to gather opinions on the physician, the nursing staff, and the hospital as a whole from a variety of sources, including family, friends, online reviews, etc.
4) Obstetricians on Staff
Having obstetricians on staff is one of the most crucial things to take into account when selecting a maternity facility. You may trust that you're in excellent hands since obstetricians have received training in pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum care. Additionally, if something goes wrong, you're more likely to receive the treatment you need if there is an obstetrician on staff.
5) Patients treated every year
You should think about how many patients they serve each year while choosing the best maternity hospitals in South Delhi. You do want to make sure they have a lot of experience, after all. You may discover more about their practices and personnel using this information.
6) How you feel about your obstetrician
You will be able to tell in your first few consultations with your obstetrician and gynecologist if they have the time and patience to patiently address your concerns. It goes without saying that you want to be with an obstetrician who can help you feel at ease about your pregnancy, assist you in developing that trust, and offer you the assurance that he or she will be there for you to address any concerns while you are pregnant.
7) Qualification of the obstetrician
It is crucial to pick a facility and a doctor whose philosophy and outlook on childbirth align with your own. If your pregnancy is healthy and you don't have any other conditions like diabetes or being overweight, you have a wider range of hospital alternatives, from budget to luxury. However, regardless of other amenities like AC rooms and other amenities that are optional for expectant mothers who wish to appreciate this time, it is advised to consult an obstetrician who has expertise managing challenging pregnancies if you have any illness. The best maternity hospitals in South Delhi like Triton Hospital has highly-qualified obstetricians.
8) Open-minded attitude
It is crucial that your obstetrician be forthright with you and discusses all phases of your pregnancy with you. Your obstetrician should be able to guide you through the process even in the event of a difficulty and make sure the pregnancy and unborn child receive the finest care possible. This is one of the deciding factors to consider when choosing a maternity hospital.
9) Care during odd hours
It is crucial for a prospective mother to think about emergencies and determine whether there will be enough assistance available at odd hours. In the later stages of pregnancy, ask your doctor how quickly she can get at your side once labor pains start, so you'll know how much time you have before they take over the delivery.
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The bottom line
If you are searching for the best maternity hospitals in South Delhi, you may consider choosing Triton Hospital. Triton Hospital is one of the best maternity hospitals, and also has some of the best pediatric surgeons in Delhi.
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shamelest · 5 months
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Unveiling the Earnings in the Surgical Field
Ever wondered about the financial aspects of a career in surgery? SurgeonsSalary.com is your go-to source for discovering the earning potential of surgeons across different specialties. From general surgeons to orthopedic and plastic surgeons, our platform provides insights into the salaries of these medical professionals.
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bunny584 · 8 days
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Part II of this cute lil ask right here
A/N: Shit. You just graduated med school. And today…people expect you to…doctor? Mom come pick us up, we’re SCARED (real thought on my first day of residency).
S/N: Meet your first year surgical residency class. Undifferentiated little stem cells. The bottom of the surgical food chain. First shift last 36 hours and you work every second night until you drop. 
All you know is that you like to cut. Where/what/how that cutting comes will be decided later. Everyone has an idea of their subspecialty but…shit happens, preferences change and sometimes the spleen just bleeds for no fucking reason at 4 am when you’ve gotten 30 minutes of sleep in the last 3 days and you have to—what? Sorry. Forgive me. 
Let’s get into it.
For the love of God, interns — pick up your pagers. 
Dr. Yuji Itadori 
Specialty Interest: ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY 
Don’t tell Dr. Sukuna about this but who here is shocked. This sack of muscles THROWS SUVS AT HIS MORTAL ENEMIES ON A RANDOM TUESDAY NIGHT??? Please???? He also does shit like watch Wormo-Man parts I-V and this is peak orthopod behavior. Yuji definitely has contests with his patients on rounds who can crush the cranberry juice or protein shakes the fastest. Spoiler, he always lets the patient win.
Everyone thinks he’s just joking around but it’s his way of getting post op patients to get their nutrition in. He’s a very thoughtful doctor, even though people assume he’s no thoughts just vibes between his eyes. 
Dr. Megumi Fushiguro
Specialty Interest: HAND SURGERY (can be achieved via Ortho or plastics)
Hand surgeons are a different BREED. Do me a favor and google “hand anatomy.” Not only will you find like 400 bones, there are 7,000 tiny tendons, lumbricals, digital arteries, veins and nerves all packed into the little mitts we take for granted. And to add insult to injury — all of the muscles and tendons are in latin. Like whoever decided that please take your seat on this one way train to hell :)
Nevertheless, Dr. Geto spotted Dr. Fushiguro on day ONE of intern year. How meticulous and neat he is. How intelligent he is in the O.R. As an intern, Megumi broke the record for the fastest carpal tunnel release for residents (4 minutes, 35 seconds — not faster than mine though, 3 mins, 52 seconds over here big dawg). Suguru is Megumi’s mentor within the first week. Two peas in one moody brunette, pod. 
Dr. Nobara Kugisaki
Specialty Interest: TRAUMA SURGERY 
Nobara is 100% resistant to the Satoru Gojo, MD charm. Unlike the rest of the residents, she isn’t squeezing into Dr. Gojo’s trauma ORs just to graze his gloved hand with theirs. Or make eyes over the surgical masks. No, Nobara did her first cricothyrotomy and became HOOKED. The day she had to climb on the gurney to tie off a patient’s external jugulars because after coding and ROSC (return of spontaneous circulation) they were SPURTING out of the large pipes in their neck — she was sold. Trauma surgery through and through.
Real story btw. It was insane. Whirlwind of a day from the trauma bay to the OR to the ice cream we all scarfed down after because we won that day. And you don’t win every day. So the days you get to tell the Angel of Death to fuck off, you savor them. 
Dr. Maki Zenin 
Specialty Interest: VASCULAR SURGERY 
Little known fact about vascular surgeons is that they are gangster as fuck. Hear me out. They like the blood PAPER thin, right? Small, rusty pipes need to get fluid through, so thin the fluid out as much as possible. Meaning patients are on aspirin, lovenox, heparin, and every other anticoagulant known to man.
Everyone else with a working amygdala is scared to DEATH of these patients bleeding because you look at them sideways and suddenly hemorrhage everywhere. Not vascular surgeons and not Maki Zenin. “Aorta ruptured..? No prob, just sew it up with a couple stitches. What—like it’s hard?” - Every Vascular Surgeon ever. Maki just gives unhinged-unbothered-let-them-bleed energy to me. Plus vascular surgeons do all of the amputations. Maki is doing that with her cursed tools and scrubbing in with hand sanitizer only. Period.
Dr. Yuta Okkotsu
Specialty Interest: TRANSPLANT SURGERY 
The OG lover boy is NO different in this AU. He is sentimental. He cries with patients. Dr. Nanami met him during the first month of his residency and immediately took him under his wing. Yuta is always the last to leave the anatomy lab, making sure to stitch the donors completely closed — even though no one will see. When asked why he spends hours post call doing it, he says: “Because they deserve respect until the very end.” Nanami And Yuta are a perfect match. After Yuta’s first liver transplant, Nanami takes him to the same hill he lays on by the airport. They both say goodbye to the donor together. 
Dr. Toge Inumaki
Specialty Interest: ….he switched to PSYCHIATRY, still tight with the surgical interns though.
Hello, please this is also obvious. Inumaki is the only one in the group who can listen intently for hours without interruptions lmao. He saw that aggressive surgery shit and said absolutely not I’ll take my talents ELSEWHERE 😂
And you know, funnily enough, a good majority of surgeons ALSO were torn between picking surg vs psychiatry. My mentor told me that its because its as invasive, just without the scalpel. The rest of us meatheads just like the scalpel a little too much to put it down. 
Specialty Interest: N/A
He is the hospital emotional support animal. 
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E/N: Alright interns. Do your best not to kill anyone. And if your chief resident (me) is sleeping, don’t page me. And if you do page me the patient better be knocking on heaven’s gates. And if they are knocking on heaven’s gates, they better not have crossed into the bright light before I get there. 
Real E/N: Kidding. I am so full of shit lol. I am the senior that brings my juniors cafecitos and treats and takes their pager to let them get some well deserved rest. 
Don’t be late to your OR cases, Shoo!
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shinynewboots · 13 days
Hazbin Hotel Characters as Medical Specialties
Charlie: Pediatrics
You're telling me can't imagine Charlie with Bluey stickers in her pocket and saying "oh I see a dog in your ear. Woof!" When using an otoscope on a child with an ear infection? Be so for real rn
Vaggie: Emergency Medicine
This woman thrives in chaos, she grew up on a battefield. The ED is the Wild West of medicine and Vaggie thrives under the constant stress and variety
Vaggie: "what do you mean you were woodworking while drinking, are you fucking stupid"
Vox: Nephrology
Okay, okay this one is less based in personality and more based in the fact that I need to see a pissing competition between Vox and Alastor (as a cardiologist) about fluid status and renal function
Vox: *decreases lasix dosage in a patient with poor renal function*
Alastor: *punches Vox bc that patient is also fluid overloaded and has heart failure with a reduced ejection fraction*
Velvette: Dermatology
Listen you can't tell me that she didn't have amazing skin when she was alive. I can see her moving more towards the cosmetic side of dermatology with occasional biopsy or Mohs bc who doesn't love a procedure every once in a while
Cherri: ICU/Crit Care
Like Vaggie, Cherrie also thrives in chaos and things in the ICU can go from 0 to 100 in less than a minute. I also feel like she would have pretty good empathy and separation of work and home to be able to not let the job get to her too much
Angel: Psych
This just feels perfect to me, more based on my own experience but everyone I've met in Psych is kind while also being the coolest person you've ever met. I also think Angel would really be able to empathize with his patients based on his own history with addiction. He really likes to listen and offer support and advice.
Alastor: Cardiothoracic surgeon or Cardiologist (to get into a pissing contest with Vox about fluid and sodium)
Look, I know Al is like the perfect surgeon. He's intimidating, meticulous, and calculating. And I don't disagree, I think he would thrive as a CT surgeon...however, there's just something about him arguing with the nephrologist that just gives me the giggles
Lucifer: Internal Medicine
Listen, he's done it all and seen it all. He will spend hours rounding because he just wants to make sure he gets everything right (he's also avoiding going home alone but that's a different story). He also loves working with medical students and will give rousing lectures on first-line antihypertensive and diabetes medications (while also getting all of the students and residents names wrong).
Listen, I love Lute but if I knew her in real life she would intimidate me so badly. Much like the OBGYN attendings I worked with. She's amazing at her job and beloved by her patients for her blunt yet realistic recommendations, but in her L&D room or operating room, that is her domain and there is no deviation from that. Medical students and residents should exercise caution, but she will teach them the most out of any rotation
Adam: Orthopedics
This man is an ortho bro if I've ever see one. He is the attending who will pimp medical students on the playlist he has playing in the OR instead of the surgery in front of them. (What do you mean you don't know what artist this is? It's the fucking Eagles. Go home and study up, we're playing Led Zepplin tomorrow.)
Niffty: Pathology
Listen I have no explanations for this one. It just felt perfect, tbh
Husk: Anesthesia
This man is like every anesthesiologist I've ever met. He is there stereotype and sits behind the current with his sudoku in hand. Don't let that fool you, this man has knowledge and skill and is not afraid to use. The second your patient starts de-sating or coding, he's the one you wanna listen to
Rosie: Family Medicine
Rosie is the picture-perfect family medicine attending. Kind, empathetic and offers great advice. From cradle to grave, she's got you covered with primary prevention and screening and will be there for you for whatever comes next
Lol this is meant in good fun, so there are a few stereotypes about the different specialties and a lot of it is based on my own experiences on rotations. Let me know what you guys think. I know I missed some characters so let me know if y'all want me to come up with more.
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torialefay · 8 days
maybe this is too niche but the most random thoughts keep popping into my head?? idk but i must share them.
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these are the types of doctors i think stray kids would be, based on different doctors' stereotypes (from the pov of a medical student):
chan: sports medicine 🏀⚽️
• description: physicians with training in areas related to treating and preventing injuries and health issues associated with sports, exercise, or strenuous physical activity
• stereotype: athlete-turned-doctor. the less extreme brother of the orthopedic specialists. get to meet a wide range of people and are well-liked. very passionate about sports and physical health. dress really nice and know their ass looks great in their tight pants. probably has memorized all the stats of their favorite teams. ACTUALLY very intelligent and not just a meat head.
minho: forensic pathologist 🩸
• description: subspecialist in pathology whose area of special competence is the examination of persons who die suddenly, unexpectedly or violently. The forensic pathologist is an expert in determining cause and manner of death.
• stereotype: honestly just leave them tf alone. they just wanna do their thing... without you there, just come find them when they've figured it out. nice but also scarred forever. a little fucked up in the head but much needed. no one understands how they're able to do their job tbh. able to conjure up the most morbid situations. kinda freaky but in a respected way. you should be concerned if they stare at you for too long.
changbin: orthopedist (aka orthopedic surgeon aka "ortho bro") 🦴
• description: medical specialist who focuses on injuries and diseases affecting your musculoskeletal system (bones, muscles, joints and soft tissues). although this type of doctor is a surgeon, they often help people get relief with nonsurgical therapies.
• stereotype: the "bro"est of the bros. always talking about their new workout routine or equipment with the other ortho bros. will out-eat you any day of the week. probably has a hot spouse. will be blasting their workout playlist for hours on end in the operating room. honestly just want to do surgeries so they can play with the tools. could fight off an entire army with the amount of protein powder they consume on the daily.
hyunjin: dermatologist 💉
• description: medical doctor who specializes in conditions that affect the skin, hair, and nails.
• stereotype: distinguished and better than you. better than everyone else. can be nice, but can also be cold depending in the person. only uses the best hair products. the specialty is very competitive, but you're 99% sure they got in with pretty privilege. owns 7 cars, but their sunday car is their favorite. sells $90 moisturizer at the check-in counter. most definitely is also certified in botox and filler and will give you a discount on your injections if you compliment them enough.
han: psychiatrist 💆🏻
• description: medical doctor who can prescribe, direct, or administer psychotherapeutic treatments or medications to treat mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders.
• stereotype: actually does give a fuck about you. you can tell them the most fucked up shit and they honestly will not be surprised in the slightest. quirky to a fault. knows how to make you feel special. very #relatable. sacrifices their own mental health for the sake of yours. cannot do math. just wants world peace. mentally diagnoses everyone they meet with a personality disorder.
felix: gynecologist 👛
• description: physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases of the female reproductive system.
• stereotype: will be kind to you and work for the promotion of women's health. never makes you feel uncomfortable and tries to make you feel more secure in an environment that can seem scary. has very expensive bags. their children are very successful, but in a humble way. emotionally intelligent. wishes they had more time to bake. an advocate. seem sweet, but if you cross them, they can drag you through the absolute mud. may or may not have a rhinestone cup collection.
seungmin: general surgeon 🔪
• description: doctor and surgeon who’s trained to diagnose and manage a broad array of medical conditions before, during, and after surgery (preoperative, operative and postoperative care), often as leaders of a team.
• stereotype: literally just trying to get you cut open, close you up, and leave. has 27 different playlists to listen to in the operating room. may or may not flirt with the other staff. got this job bc they cannot handle people telling them what to do. will humble you so quickly. other besties are also surgeons. has very niche interests. weird sense of humor that not everyone gets but they still have to laugh because they are scared of him.
innie: neurologist 🧠
• description: medical doctor who diagnoses, treats and manages disorders of the brain and nervous system.
• stereotype: a little peculiar, but very smart. takes a long time to get an appointment with them. probably thinks you are a little dumb, but tries to be nice anyways. hard to make friends. has an amplitude of medications that they are legally not supposed to have. their children are most definitely overachievers. would not trust you to bring an important dish to the potluck. has the cutest shoes. dabbles in unexpected kinks.
(descriptions gotten from various websites hehe)
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lilislegacy · 5 days
Okay, I love firefighter Percy and Architect Annabeth, but what about them as doctors? I can see Percy being a pediatric surgeon or doctor, but I have no idea what Annabeth's specialty would be. (I blame the Greys Anatomy brainrot for this)
bestie i feel you. greys anatomy is my shit. the brainrot is real
idk about percy being a people doctor. i think he would hate that tbh. but i’ve always said he would be an amazing marine/aquatic vet. mcVet 2.0
annabeth being a doctor is an interesting thought. i can see her going into neuro. (no not because she’s a brain baby.) she’s just so smart and loves a challenge and the brain is unimanginably complex. like a never ending puzzle for her. but if we want to incorporate her love of architecture and structure, she might love orthopedics.
i’m gonna be thinking about this all day. and now i want to watch greys anatomy.
shonda rhimes i want a star customer badge
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bestorthopaedic · 23 days
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Parekh hospital is the best orthopedic hospital in Ahmedabad. Dr Ramesh parekh is one of the top orthopedic surgeon specialists in Ahmedabad.
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besthip · 2 years
Top  Orthopedic Specialist Doctors in Lucknow - Dr. Divyanshu
Dr. Divyanshu Dutt Dwivedi is an Orthopaedic Surgeon practicing in Lucknow. 
He specializes in joint replacement, Sports injury and Arthroscopy, pelvic and acetabulum surgeries, and neglected/complex trauma surgeries. 
He has a vigorous pursuit of academics and research and has many publications in journals of national and international repute
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texasdreamer01 · 1 month
Atlantis Expedition: Science Division Departments - Medical Department
Continuing from my starting post here, I'm now breaking things down by department, beginning with the Medical Department.
I did end up heavily revising this department after the commentary on the general departments post, and also after a lot of looking up of the actual divisions of medical specialties. So, first, the (new) numbers:
> Head: Carson Beckett (later, Jennifer Keller, later, whomever) > Contains: Surgery, psychiatry, physical therapy > Function: Maintaining health of expedition members > Examples of function: surgeries, medical prescriptions, recuperation from injuries, mental stability > Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 10 (surgical team) + 5 10 (nurses non-surgical team) + 1 (psych) + 1 (phys. therapy) + 1 (anesthesiologist) (grouped under non-surgical team) = 19 23 total > A/N: Nurses have training in medications and physical therapy, surgical team also doubles as general practitioners
Information carried over from the first post, with struck text indicating revisions. The new total is 23, and the author's note is now irrelevant in light of new information. Mostly.
After doubling the amount of nurses, realizing "nurse" is a very broad category of medical professional with multiple definitions and aspects of job duties in multiple countries, I did a bit of renaming of the teams within this department: surgical, non-surgical, and miscellaneous (sorry guys).
Something I had realized was that this was not going to be a typical medical department (duh, in hindsight). These people are all going through the SGC, and the SGC quite likely not already has their own training protocols in place for dealing with SGC-specific situations, but also adapted technology from Goa'uld tech. What is Goa'uld tech? Appropriated Ancient tech, but without the gene component - fascinating, but also a post for another time.
This did inform how I revised which personnel to include, their specialties, and their duties. You're not exactly going to be shoving a whole MRI machine through a gate, so a radiologist isn't going to be a necessary specialty. Because of this, there's going to be a lot more cross-training, and more of a focus that's similar to what Atlantis would actually operate as: a forward operating base.
So, on to the teams (commentary included).
Surgical Team
> Personnel quantity: 10 > Minimum education: Doctorate in Surgery (ChM) > All of these people are already trained in basic medical knowledge and practices, and also overall surgical practices in different areas of the body
> Neurosurgery > Dentistry | Oral and maxillofacial surgery  » In the US, trained to do general anesthesia and deep sedation > Orthopedics  » Musculoskeletal > Trauma surgery  » Can contain combat surgeons  » 2x of these > OBGYN > Urology > Cardiothoracic  » 2x of these, by speciality:   ⇛ Cardiovascular surgeon    ⟹ "involving the heart and the great vessels"   ⇛ Thoracic surgeon    ⟹ involving the lungs, esophagus, thymus, etc. > Surgical technologist  » "In the military they perform the duties of both the circulator and the scrub."  » Creates and maintains a sterile surgical environment  » Anticipates the work a surgeon needs to do  » Walking compendium of surgical techniques and stitches
I had wavered a bit on qualifications, and thus who to include - at the end of the day, it was probably going to be on an American standard, given the physical location of SGC. This meant I got to do a nifty thing of having my oral/maxillofacial surgeon be the dentist that's also an anesthesiologist, even if this is apparently considered odd in many other countries.
Mostly I wanted to go by section of the body, and see what kind of specialties there were, and what did and did not overlap. Surprisingly, it was more difficult to figure out who did abdominal surgeries than it was neurosurgery or dental surgery, hence two people in cardiothoracic surgery and two "general" surgeons in the form of trauma surgery because, again, forward operating base - they have no idea what Atlantis will be, so some assumptions will need to be made and better to err on the side of caution.
In a more delicate but still very necessary subject, one OBGYN (obstetrics and gynecology) and one urologist (aka urinary system and male reproductive system). For various obvious reasons, everyone's health in this area still needs to be taken care of, so it's better to have them on the team than politely handwave the idea.
Neurosurgery, for an obvious reason - it's highly specialized and without significant overlap, while also being a critical function on a surgical team with the demands the Atlantis Expedition will likely face.
Orthopedics are musculoskeletal, or deals with muscles and the skeletal system. A fair amount of what they do has overlap (see: trauma surgeons), but having someone specialized for the particularities of setting bones and handling surgeries on things like the joints is incredibly useful when presuming setting up camp in an active combat zone (which they really, really did).
Trauma surgeons are, more or less, the ones that you would see in an emergency situation - acute situations and their injuries are their specialty, and for this expedition likely the head of the surgical team by dint of their training to assess a patient quickly and develop a care plan very quickly. Because of this, I found the overlap of combat surgeons immensely helpful, which means that there's a significant probability that this surgical team has military personnel assigned to it. These surgeons are also the ones most likely to be SGC-imported, and trained to deal with things like injuries from Goa'uld and Goa'uld devices.
All these very highly-trained people, who are all probably very, very smart - who supports them? As it turns out, at least in the operating theater, not the nurses, but surgical technologists.
Surgical technologists main job, at least here, would be to set up the operating theater and anticipate whatever it is a surgeon needs in assistance. This includes things like training on a wide variety of surgical techniques (i.e. stitches), disinfection procedures, and medications such as anesthesia (ish). I included the quote about military duties because it saves money on how many people to include in the expedition, and penny-pinching is the backbone of any hiring process.
Now, the surgical team is all done! That's ten people right there, and on to the non-surgical team.
Non-Surgical Team
> Personnel quantity: 10  » 5 Technicians/Nurses, 5 Non-Surgical Medical Specialists
> (Advanced Practice) Nurses  » 5x of these  » Registered Nurse   ⇛ As the general minimum educational and experimental requirement  » Perioperative nursing   ⇛ Assists surgical team, helps with pre- and post-surgical patients  » Emergency nursing   ⇛ Can do triaging, suturing, casting/splinting, local/regional anesthesia, and other doctoral skills as needed   ⇛ Likely the SGC training model incorporates all of the above, and also training on medical technology adapted from Goa'uld healing technology (which is really Ancient but without the ATA gene lock)    ⟹ Radiology tech    ⟹ MRI tech (which is radiology but a bit to the left)    ⟹ Other adapted diagnostic equipment
Non-Surgical Medical Specialists
> Pathology  » 2x of these  » Coordinates with Life Science Department to develop diagnoses for novel diseases (in the Pegasus galaxy) > Internal medicine | Internists  » 2x of these > Anesthesiology  » For everything the OMS people don't do in terms of anesthesiology  » See also: Anesthesia (topic)
Remember how I said the qualifications were a doozy, and that nurses were a broad category? ... Yeah, this is why. The medical field is probably current in flux right now, given the shifting priorities of medical personnel and so much research that is still in the process of being applied, but I waved my magic plot-fixing wand and assumed the SGC figured this out for me.
All of these nurses are likely to be SGC imports, and thus unbelievably well-trained in everything that the SGC needs them to do. These are the personnel who know how all of the Goa'uld tech works on a functional level, have gotten the goodies first from engineering, and are waving their handheld MRI and other diagnostic equipment over their patients like a fairy godmother in scrubs. As with a real world hospital, these are the people actually running the show, and likely making the surgical team look like hypercompetent show poodles.
As for non-nurses who are also non-surgeons, pathologists are the ones who work up what people will actually be diagnosed with, figuring out all the newest and shiniest diseases and cataloguing them for reference. Doctor Biro is a pathologist, for example.
The thought occurred to me that we still need something resembling a general practitioner, but in light of fancy things like handheld MRIs and other scanners, this role is much reduced in favor of people who pack a greater intellectual punch.
However, I found that internists not only fill this gap, but are also hyper-specialized in their own way, in the respect of their knowledge base being internal diseases and multi-system diseases. Ergo, two of them, because they're just that useful. They'd probably coordinate quite a bit with cardiothoracic surgeons, as those are overlapping areas of study based on region of the body.
One (1) anesthesiologist, because the OMS cannot - nor should they - be the only person to perform anesthesia. This person functions as a sanity checker, and also the thin margin of the anesthesia that the surgeon doesn't cover.
We still need to round out this department, though. So far I've managed to cover in-patient, out-patient, and the various surgical stages. What else?
Well, recuperation - patients can't actually linger in the infirmary for the entirety of their healing process, for such practical reasons as beds available and boredom of patient, so the transitional phase needs to be covered.
Hence, the highly uncreative placeholder section name of Miscellaneous:
> Psychiatrist  » 1x of these, because canon says so? > Physical therapist  » 1x of these, because canon says so?
Now while personnel such as nurses and internists are meant to convey educational material and instructions to patients about recuperation, it helps to actually have specialists on hand to make the patients commit to the bit.
Having only one psychiatrist on hand seems a bit of a Star Trek logical fallacy, but I'm once again waving my plot wand and assuming anyone that managed to get through the arduous employment process of 1) being told the Stargate exists (and coping with their world views being upended), 2) being employed by the SGC in general, and 3) passes their psychological assessment is probably mentally stable enough to only need one psychiatrist for the entire expedition.
(Yes, this does mean everyone on the expedition got their rubber stamp of sanity, and probably in grueling triplicate. Such as it can be defined a fanfiction-like world of scifi. I think they're coping pretty well with everything, no?)
With all the work that the surgical and non-surgical teams put into taking care of injured expedition members, a physical therapist is, as with everyone else here, very good at their job, but ultimately one of the last steps for patients that require longer term care. Think gaining back muscle after a broken leg, or more serious injuries that require months of guided exercise to be back to gate team-ready health (or general running for your life because Atlantis is just as dangerous).
Total Medical Department Personnel
Head of Department: 1
Surgical Team: 10
Non-Surgical Team: 10
Miscellaneous: 2
Total total: 23
I'll be going over headcanons on canonical personnel, such as Carson Beckett, Jennifer Keller, and Biro in their own posts, but for now this is a general accounting of the expedition's medical department.
Shout-out to @savestave and @stinalotte for the discussion and feedback on the original post!
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thaisibir · 1 year
the Phantom Thieves as medical specialties
disclaimer: I’m in the medical field, specifically anesthesiology, and I’ve worked in the ER/emergency medicine before pursuing anesthesia
Ren: emergency medicine -jack of all trades -the Swiss Army knife of medicine -can do everything from suturing cuts to reviving people from cardiac arrest -bikes to work -hits up the batting cages to decompress -has seen some real gnarly shit -can keep a cool head when someone comes in actively dying
Ann: dermatologist -has the bougie lifestyle that everyone in the medical field wants -no calls, no weekends, always living her best life -perpetual glowing complexion -knows a billion clinical terms to describe skin -knows the perfect skin care regimen for all her friends
Ryuji: PM&R (physical medicine and rehabilitation) -helps patients literally get back on their feet -knows all the therapies to correct gait and posture but his own posture is shit -always reminds his friends to stretch -knows every conceivable way the human body can break (mostly from personal experience) -almost went into orthopedic surgery but didn't want to do more school than he could take
Morgana: anesthesiologist (my field!) -makes you go to sleep -won't shut up about patient safety/advocacy ("watch your health!") -would sedate a combative uncooperative kid with a ketamine dart -expert at glaring at surgeons over the sterile drapes -would complain out loud if the medical student is chosen to close skin -more than happy to cancel cases and make surgeons throw a fit -crossword puzzles
Yusuke: pathologist -attention to detail, visually oriented -studies pretty slides all day -constantly mesmerized by the patterns in microscopic cells and tissues -always in search of the perfect beautiful specimen
Makoto: neurosurgeon -been in school/training forever -lives in the operating room -the queen of said operating room -in a profession that demands both physical stamina and immaculate precision -would stand for 10 hours straight correcting someone's spine with screws and rods -would make anesthesia stick an IV in her arm and hydrate her with an IV bag so she can keep operating (yes I've done this for a neurosurgeon once. She was pregnant too. Neurosurgeons don't fuck around.) -appointed as chief of surgery and regrets it sometimes
Futaba: radiologist -rich in the dark -never sees sunlight -stares at the computer all the time -has to be dragged outside by her friends so she can get her daily vitamin D -knows her patients inside and out without speaking a word to them -goes ham on trying out the latest medical tech -hangs up (generic) CT scans and X-ray images in her room for the aesthetic
Haru: pediatrician -wears cute cartoon badge holders -also wears cheery pastel-colored scrubs -keeps calm and polite even before the most anal unreasonable parents -can soothe any crying baby in seconds -very sharp eye for catching signs of child abuse -would rather take the lower salary working with kids than dealing with adults
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intermundia · 5 months
@ anon with the lovely hospital AU, apologies for the delay i was chewing on this for a couple days haha there's a whole season of grey's anatomy primetime soap worthy material. i love how fully you've filled out the AU with characters and unspooled all the drama. i can see why it would be difficult to write, it does have a big scope of imagination there. thank you for sharing it with meeeeeee
for everyone 700 words of lovely obikin hospital AU worldbuilding, continued beneath the cut!!
Shmi is a renowned heart surgeon. Best there is in the country (not just the state thank you very much) and she did it all while her son was young. Her grandmother (Grandma Mira) and her two cousins (Peli Moto and Beru Whitesun ) both helped her out a ton. She is admired and Skywalker is a name very well known in medical circles.
She decided to became a heart surgeon when her own mother (insert name here) died from a heart issue that no one wanted to touch surgically. Anakin was 9 years old. Anakin has his mom up on a pedestal - she is perfect and smart, the best surgeon, the best mom, she’s done it all. Anakin feels the pressure to be just as good as his mom. People expect him to be just as brilliant and successful as his mother. He expects it from himself. Shmi just wants him to be happy. Anakin is ready to start his residency at 25. His mother is in line to be chief of surgery at the hospital she works at (Twin Suns Medical Center). Its considered the hospital to intern at if you want your specialty to be heart surgery. Anakin isn’t really sure what he wants to specialize in, and he doesn’t want people to say that he got it easy during his internship. So he goes to the next best thing (it’s actually the number one hospital overall in the country but to Anakin is second to the hospital where shmi works because Shmi works there). He goes to Jedi Coruscant General Hospital. Chief Executive officer (in charge of whole hospital) : Breha Organa Chief of Surgery : Bail Organa (general surgeon) Brain Surgeon (top brain guy in the country) : Obi-Wan Kenobi 4th year resident: Padme Amidala (Anakin’s assigned resident) Heart Surgeon: Mace Windu Trauma Surgeon: Shaak Ti Pediatric Surgeon: Plo Koon Neonatal Surgeon: Siri Tachi Plastic Surgeon: Quinlan Vos Orthopedic Surgeon: Qui-Gon Jinn Head of the hospital board: Mon Mothma Cancer surgeon: Jocosta Nu Eye Surgeon: Dooku Vascular Surgeon: Wolffe Yoda - retired chief of surgery and general surgeon Anakin’s cohort: Aayla, Ferus Olin, Rex, Jesse, Echo, Fives 4th Year Residents: Sabe, Clovis, Bly 5th year residents: Depa Billaba, Bultar Swan, Cody Anakin’s running late on his first day, in the parking lot he’s too distracted trying to make sure he has everything in his bag that he bumps into a red head and spills the red head’s hot tea all of his shirt. “shit. Fuck. Sorry. Sorry.” Keeps walking but turns around to walk backwards to meet the really pretty blue eyes of the definitely pissed off red head “I owe you. I’ll bring you a … a coffee? Was it coffee during lunch. Sorry!” Ferus Olin, a childhood nemesis makes his appearance. He’s assigned to be Padme’s intern (the woman who gave him back his engagement ring when he was 22 and 27. He hadn’t realized she was back in town and that maybe it was purposeful that he didn’t know). Its turning out to be a truly shit day and then the pretty red head from the parking lot makes his appearance and anakin wants to sink into the ground. But. The red head picks him to help him with a surgery. … Its pretty much a grey’s anatomy AU. Obi-Wan and anakin start hooking up pretty much immediately. Ferus Olin and Anakin make nice and turn out to be pretty decent friends. Then. Anakin realizes that Padme had kids, with him. The twins. And never told him. 🤯. That’s smoothed over. He’s a dad now. He loves it. Obi-Wan’a supportive. Their secret relationship is starting to not be so secret anymore. Then. obi-wan’s ex wife (Satine Kryze) pop in with a kid. obi-wan’s kid. Obi-Wan never told him that he’d been married or that he had a kid. They break up. Anakin thinks about quitting. Then about transferring. Then gets side tracked because Aunt Beru (his mom’s cousin) got married and her husband’s dad was in a bad car crash. Its all hands on deck to save his life. Shmi makes an appearance at the hospital and Obi-Wan realizes that Anakin is Shmi’s son 🤯 Owen’s dad makes it. Anakin and Obi-Wan make up. Their relationship is outted but everything works out. There’s other small and big dramas but thats pretty much it lol
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