#Osho Biography
maskaree · 2 years
ओशो के थॉट्स जीवन परिचय : Osho Rajneesh Thoughts Biography in Hindi
ओशो के थॉट्स जीवन परिचय : Osho Rajneesh Thoughts Biography in Hindi
ओशो के थॉट्स व जीवन परिचय : Osho Rajneesh Thoughts Biography in Hindi – ओशो एक ऐसा नाम जिसकों सुनते ही लगता है कैसा था यह विचित्र व्यक्ति जो धर्म गुरु होकर इतना विवादास्पद रहा। आखिर ओशो के ऐसे कौनसे विचार थे जो सभी धर्म गुरुओं से जुदा थे चलिए जानते हैं ओशो का का जीवन और उनके विचार। ओशो के थॉट्स | Osho Rajneesh Thoughts in Hindi ओशो एक ऐसा आध्यात्मिक गुरु जो बड़ा ही विवादास्पद रहा। इतना…
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fuelinthetank · 6 months
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Please note: This section will be updated from time to time.
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emunenen · 8 months
Osho Biography [pdf]
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chhotibadibaatein · 1 year
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chaitanyavijnanam · 2 years
Osho Daily Meditations - 303. HISTORY / ఓషో రోజువారీ ధ్యానాలు - 303. చరిత్ర
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🌹. ఓషో రోజువారీ ధ్యానాలు - 303 / Osho Daily Meditations - 303 🌹 ✍️. ప్రసాద్ భరద్వాజ 🍀 303. చరిత్ర 🍀 🕉. చరిత్ర చాలా నీచమైనది. చరిత్ర ప్రారంభించాల్సిన స్థాయికి మనిషి చేరుకోలేదు. అదంతా పీడకలలు. 🕉
మానవాళికి తన గురించి ఇంకా వ్రాయడానికి ఏమీ లేదు - ఎక్కడో ఒక మహాత్ముడు , ఎక్కడో ఒక బుద్ధుడు, సుదూర నక్షత్రాల వలె చాలా కొన్ని విషయాలు. మానవజాతి ఎప్పుడూ హింస మరియు యుద్ధాల పిచ్చిలో జీవించింది. కాబట్టి గతాన్ని మర్చిపోవడం ఒక విధంగా మంచిది. గతం చాలా భారమైనది. అది సహాయం చేయదు. నిజానికి అది మనసును పాడు చేస్తుంది. గతాన్ని చూస్తుంటే మానవజాతి ఎదగదు అనిపిస్తోంది. ఇది విషయాలు చాలా నిరాశాజనకంగా కనిపించేలా చేస్తుంది. చరిత్ర ఇంకా రాయడానికి లేదా చదవడానికి విలువైనది కాదు. చరిత్రపై ఆసక్తి మంచిది కాదు. చరిత్ర గతానికి సంబంధించినది.
చరిత్ర చనిపోయిన వారితో ఆందోళన చెందుతుంది. ఇది ఇప్పుడు లేని దాని గురించి ఆందోళన చెందుతుంది. ఉన్న ప్రస్తుతంతో, ఈ క్షణంలో ఉన్న దానితో ఆందోళన ఉండాలి. ప్రపంచ చరిత్రను మాత్రమే మరచిపోకండి, మీ జీవిత చరిత్రను కూడా మరచిపోండి. ప్రతి ఉదయం మీ రోజును పూర్తిగా కొత్తదిగా ప్రారంభించండి, మీరు ఇంతకు ముందెన్నడూ లేనట్లుగా. ధ్యానం అంటే ఇదే: ప్రతి క్షణాన్ని కొత్తగా, మంచులా తాజాగా ప్రారంభించడం, గతం గురించి ఏమీ తెలియకపోవడం. మీకు గతం గురించి ఏమీ తెలియనప్పుడు మరియు మీరు దానిలో దేనినీ తీసుకు వెళ్లనప్పుడు, మీరు ఏ భవిష్యత్తును అంచనా వేయరు. మీరు ప్రాజెక్ట్ చేయడానికి ఏమీ లేదు. గతం అదృశ్యమైనప్పుడు, భవిష్యత్తు కూడా అదృశ్యమవుతుంది. అవి కలిసి ఉంటాయి. అప్పుడు స్వచ్ఛమైన వర్తమానం మిగిలిపోతుంది. అదే స్వచ్ఛమైన శాశ్వతత్వం.
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🌹 Osho Daily Meditations - 303 🌹 📚. Prasad Bharadwaj 🍀 303. HISTORY 🍀 🕉. History is so ugly. Man has not reached the level at which history should start. It has all been nightmares. 🕉
Humanity has nothing yet to write about itself--just a very few cases somewhere a Buddha, somewhere a divine human, just like faraway stars. Humanity has lived in violence and wars and madness, so it's good, in a way, to forget the past. The past is too heavy and it does not help. In fact, it corrupts the mind. Looking at the past, it seems that humanity cannot grow. It makes things look very hopeless. History is not yet worth writing or reading. And the very interest in history is not good. History is concerned with the past. It is concerned with the dead.
It is concerned with that which is no more. The whole concern should be with that which is right now, this very moment. Don't only forget history, but forget your biography also, and each morning start your day as if it were completely new, as if you have never existed before. That's what meditation is all about: to start each moment anew, fresh like dew, not knowing anything of the past. When you don't know anything of the past and you don't carry anything of it, you don't project any future. You have nothing to project. When the past disappears, the future also disappears. They are joined together. Then pure present is left. That is pure eternity.
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
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sandhyabakshi · 4 years
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अगर कोई है सच्चा भक्त, तो भगवान या गुरु कैसे ढूंढ़ लेते हैं अपना शिष्य अगर आपमें शिष्य बनने की योग्यता है, तो आपको गुरु की खोज नहीं करनी पड़ेगी। सद्गुरु आपको स्वयं ढूंढ़ लेंगे। यदि आप सद्गुरु को ढूंढ़ने की कोशिश करेंगे, तो हो सकता है कि सही व्यक्ति तक न पहुंच पाएं, क्योंकि... Source link
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biographyiq · 2 years
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krishnamitra · 4 years
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#karntalk #Biography #osho #facts #facts💯 #amazingfacts #oshoquotes https://www.instagram.com/p/CCU3EM2ll93/?igshid=uqm0a567eq1y
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doonitedin · 5 years
ओशो का जीवन परिचय
ओशो का जीवन परिचय
अध्यात्मिक गुरु ओशो रजनीश की जीवनी, इतिहास, जीवन सफ़र, मृत्यु और कहानी | 
ओशो/रजनीश एक भारतीय रहस्यमयी गुरु और अध्यात्मिक शिक्षक थे. जिन्होंने गतिशील ध्यान को आध्यात्मिक अभ्यास का जरिया बनाया था. वह एक विवादास्पद नेता, वक्ता और योगी थे. उनके लाखों अनुयायी थे और इतनी ही संख्या में आलोचक/ विरोधी भी थे. ओशो ने रूढ़ीवादी समाज का विभिन्न विषयों पर विरोध किया. उन्होंने समाज में मौजूद धार्मिक, सांस्कृतिक…
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dilsedeshi · 6 years
ओशो का जीवन परिचय | Osho Biography in Hindi
ओशो का जीवन परिचय
अध्यात्मिक गुरु ओशो रजनीश की जीवनी, इतिहास, जीवन सफ़र, मृत्यु और कहानी | Osho/Rajneesh Biography, History, Life Struggle and Death story in Hindi
ओशो/रजनीश एक भारतीय रहस्यमयी गुरु और अध्यात्मिक शिक्षक थे. जिन्होंने गतिशील ध्यान को आध्यात्मिक अभ्यास का जरिया बनाया था. वह एक विवादास्पद नेता, वक्ता और योगी थे. उनके लाखों अनुयायी थे और इतनी ही संख्या में आलोचक/ विरोधी भी थे. ओशो ने रूढ़ीवादी समाज का…
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yourselfquotes-blog · 6 years
Best Inspiring Osho Quotes That Will Help Guide You In Life
Best Inspiring #OshoQuotes That Will Help Guide You In Life #Osho #OshoQuote #OshoQuoteLife #OshoQuoteLove #OshoBio #OshoWiki #OshoWords #OshoThoughts #OshoQuotesImages
Long-bearded face, deep eyes, and a strong voice pitched person who was a scholar, philosopher, rebellious enlightened, thinker and broken the thousands of the social myth. He was a rich of the great analytical mind and the logical thought. There are more than 650 Osho Booksavailable on the based-on trance script of his speech and he has never changed or altered his speech on any subject. Indeed,…
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emunenen · 1 year
Osho Biography [pdf]
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polemosrp · 6 years
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Persephone Konstantinos | Goddess of Spring | TAKEN → Neutral
FC: Lily Collins 
“A certain darkness is needed to see stars.” - Osho
Persephone was known as Demeter’s miracle child and the apple of her eye, born on a stormy spring morning, but being an only child had both its perks and downfalls. She had an infinite amount of curiosity running through her veins, but her mother often shielded her in order to keep her out of the limelight. She was often found in the garden, rolling around and getting her dress muddied up, her hair entangled with wildflowers in her hair. She lived a life that any child would’ve wanted to. She was loved and explored in her own bubble of naivete...but eventually Persephone had to grow up. 
She yearned to explore Olympus beyond the grassy plains and pretty flowers that grew in the garden. She was tired of being shielded, tired of being a kid. Demeter was reluctant at first. She knew how Olympus was, how cold it was, how they could snuff the light out of her little girl, but her little girl was no longer and thus, Persephone was set free to explore. She was out in the world studying botany and learning about all things that had to do with her town and when she received an invitation from an old family friend to a party, she was excited to attend and then her life turned upside down the day she met Hades Kolasi, king of the underworld. At this point in time, she’s unsure if he truly likes her or feels sorry for her. However, amidst staying neutral and knowing his stance, as much as her mother tells her to stay away from the conflict, she can’t help but be drawn to her. 
Many view Persephone as sweet, innocent, and a little quirky, but there’s so much beyond the dirt brown curious eyes. She holds a fierceness that’s yet to be unleashed. She’s incredibly cunning, though many mistake her to be naive. Persephone is a young woman that is often viewed under many misconceptions and she’s determined to use that to her advantage to learn more about the world around her and to keep herself and her mother safe. 
Demeter Konstantinos: Mother. Demeter is Persephone’s best friend and her rock. The bond between mother and daughter knows no bounds and although Seph can get annoyed with her mother’s over-protectiveness, she appreciates everything the woman has done for her. She knows she can count on her mom and her mom on her. After all, they’re the only family the other has. 
Hades Kolasi: Crush. Persephone finds it hard to admit to herself that she’s found herself starstruck by the King of the Underworld. She’s unsure about his feelings towards her and although she has such a strong curiosity of him, she’s apprehensive due to his status. She wants to believe that he’s not like his brothers and wants to believe that beneath his cold exterior, there’s warmth. 
Artemis: Best Friend. Artemis and Persephone have been attached to each other at the hip since they were very young. Many have often mistaken them to be sisters because of how close they are. Persephone admires Artemis’ strength and her outspoken personality. 
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affairesasuivre · 2 years
Orange is the New Black / Robert (Antelope Records, 2022)
La scène hip-hop alternative outre-Manche n’a définitivement pas fini de nous en mettre plein la vue. On doit la dernière baffe du moment à un MC qui a déjà de la bouteille (le garçon doit avoir une quarantaine d’années) et qui s’est choisi comme nom de scène un blase si peu street cred’ qu’il en devient incontestablement street cred : ROBERT. Et pourtant, Orange Is the New Black n’a rien d’une vieille couleur rafraîchie : c’est d’une authenticité radicale - une sorte de fusion, par le hip-hop, du punk, du blues et de la pop psyché (rien que ça). Aux manettes de cet OVNI, on découvre donc le fameux Robert, porté par les deux immenses producteurs britanniques The Purist (Danny Brown, Action Bronson, MF Doom, …) et Sonnyjim (Jay Electronica, Madlib, Roc Marciano, …), et bien entouré avec des features de cette île aux merveilles qui comprennent notamment Rag’n Bone Man, Soweto Kinch, ou encore Kool Keith.
Commencé derrière les barreaux de la prison de Channing Woods, le disque Orange Is The New Black partage bien un arrière-fond commun avec la série HBO éponyme : il retrace les réflexions sur l’existence qui ont accompagné un homme, un père et un artiste durant son voyage qui l’a conduit de la taule à la libération. Mais c’est aussi à son compagnon de cellule spirituelle “Osho” que Robert dédie le titre “The Bagwan” et la pochette de l’album. Fondateur du Rajneeshpuram dans l’Oregon, Osho était un gourou indien, et un prophète controversé (c’est un euphémisme - vous pouvez vous rapporter à la série documentaire “Wild Wild Country” sur Netflix). La biographie de ce gourou, dénichée dans un recoin de la bibliothèque de la prison, a servi d’inspiration, et de résonance mystique au rappeur originaire de Plymouth.
Car assurément, il y a bien quelque chose de mystique et d’introspectif dans cet album, en même temps qu’une violence renfermée, qui aurait trouvé désormais son chemin pour se sublimer dans l’art. C’est de cette rencontre que semble naître cette ambiance proprement exceptionnelle qui fait l’âme de ce disque : comme si les racines punk, blues et psyché qui nourrissent ses prods venaient s’entremêler pour construire l’atmosphère nécessaire au jaillissement de cette voix taillée dans les angles de l’accent britannique. C’est en ce sens que Robert appelait ses auditeurs dans une interview pour Babmag, à ne pas écouter Orange Is The New Black comme un disque de rap :
“Je veux qu’ils sachent que ce n’est pas un disque de rap […] écoutez-le comme vous écouteriez du punk, du blues ou du funk, asseyez-vous et écoutez-le sans préjugé.”
On n’a pas de meilleur conseil à vous donner, faites confiance à Robert, laissez-vous faire…
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bookre · 2 years
5 Must Listen Audiobooks For Everyone
In life, there are things you could do, things you should do, and things you must do. These same categories apply to the choice of book you listen next. You could listen any number of books, for reasons ranging from guilty pleasure to the fact that your book club meets in two days.
Below is the list of 5 Must Listen Audiobooks for Everyone. Everyone should listen to these books published by HarperCollins India.
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1. Azim Premji by Sundeep Khanna | Varun Sood
Azim Premji: The Man Beyond the Billions, the fi­rst authoritative biography of the icon, shows how Premji is a philanthropist at heart and a businessman by choice – a man who wanted to give away his billions but realized early enough that he would ­first have to earn them. It peels the layers off Premji’s life while chronicling his professional and charitable work in the context of his many strengths and shortcomings.
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2. I Came Upon a Lighthouse by Shantanu Naidu
In 2014, Shantanu Naidu, an automobile design engineer in his early twenties, developed an innovation to save the local strays from being run over by speeding cars. Ratan Tata, himself known for his compassion for stray dogs, took note. Impressed, he not only decided to invest in the venture, but over the years became a mentor, boss and an unexpectedly dear friend to Shantanu.
I Came Upon a Lighthouse is an honest, light-hearted telling of this uncommon bond between a millennial and an octogenarian that gives glimpses of a beloved Indian icon in a warm light.
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3. Yes Man by Pavan C. Lall
Yes Man is the story of Rana Kapoor, and his Icarus-like flight that eventually led to the Yes Bank crisis. From starting out as a junior employee at Bank of America to leading a bank worth billions, Kapoor’s rise and fall is a case study in ambition, greed and deceit. In this hard-hitting book, Pavan C. Lall details not only Rana Kapoor’s journey, but also asks tough questions about the banking system, its regulators and even the business environment that led to a point of no return for Yes Bank.
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4. A Patchwork Quilt by Sai Paranjpye
Sai started her career at All India Radio, later graduating from the National School of Drama and making her way into theatre, television, documentaries and movies, working with some of the most highly regarded names of the Hindi film world. She met with success in the world of books too, her Marathi translation of Naseeruddin Shah’s memoir winning her the Sahitya Akademi award in 2019.
Frank, forthright, full of anecdotes and written with a flair for recounting her multifarious journey in lively detail, A Patchwork Quilt is Sai Paranjpye’s memoir that looks back on a life well lived.
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5. Nothing to Lose by Manbeena Sandhu
From heading an ashram at Rajneeshpuram, Oregon, USA, in the 1980s to allegedly spearheading what is known as the largest bioterror attack in American history and spending thirty-nine months in prison, Ma Anand Sheela’s life is one that fascinates and intrigues.
But who is the woman beyond the persona of the commune leader? What is Sheela like behind the sensational ‘tough titties’ avatar?
Manbeena Sandhu followed the Osho movement for two decades before her journey finally led her to Sheela. Nothing to Lose is a no-holds-barred account of Sheela’s life, her intense relationship with Bhagwan, and the riveting story of what actually happened behind the closed doors of the cult’s ashram.
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rodprojects · 3 years
Osho and his Spiritual Fuckers quite interesting audio article
Osho and his Spiritual Fuckers quite interesting audio article Greetings everyone. Hope you in good mood. I think quite enough serious news, so why not post something less stressful and neutral. Some quite interesting historical article with alternative view. Hence some articles might make you think differently. So what about some sensitive topic like religion, politic, economic or globalism? Something we like to discus. And today very interesting article with very short biography of well known Osho who create his own sect, and almost new religion, have a lot of followers, what will made possible to ear millions and so on. Disclaimer: you always need to consider any post post might be just imagination of author and don't have nothing to regality, and many post made just in entertaining purposes. And how was the things in real no one knows, but probably would be interesting to figure out by using our mind power. Enjoy the amazing article. Hence feel free to comment it. Thank you for your support! Music: Audio Jungles https://youtu.be/OOqCmKR9_dM References: https://www.b17.ru/blog/103273/
#Osho #SpiritualFuckerss #veryinterestinginvestigation
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