#Who is osho?
loveandthepsyche · 3 months
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monsieurenjlolras · 10 months
Finally watching Wild Wild Country, which I held off on till now because my Auntie, who passed away a few years ago was like. A big Sanyasin for many many years. So there's that.
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brother-hermes · 2 years
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“Man has no center separate from the center as a whole. There is only one center in existence; the ancients used to call it, Tao, dharma, God. Those words have become old now; you can call it truth. There is only one center of existence. There are not many centers, otherwise, the universe would not really be a universe; it would become a “multi-verse.”It is a unity, hence it is called a Universe. Otherwise, this is real this morning; it has only one center.”
-Osho (Book of Wisdom) Humanity is definitely interconnected. We would do well to seek the center within everyone. Even teachers we don’t always agree with. As the old school Kabbalists used to say:
“Who is wise? He who learns from every man.”
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seriallover · 19 days
I’ve noticed that Jyestha and Shatabhisha are common nakshatras among famous people who have incredibly loyal fan bases (some of them batshit crazy); the kind that stick by them through anything— giving off that “we ride at dawn” energy.
Jyestha’s symbols, the amulet🧿 (or evil eye) and the umbrella ☂️, are both connected to protection, so their supporters tend to act as a shield for them.
E.g. Taylor Swift, Donald Trump, Osho, Nicki Minaj.
Shatabhisha, with its symbols of the circle ⭕️ and the veil, represents protection as well, but also exclusivity, creating a kind of cult or elite vibe around them.
E.g. Rihanna, Michael Jackson, Sun Myung Moon.
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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"The doors of love only open for the person who is prepared to let his/her ego go. To surrender one’s ego for someone else is love; to surrender one’s ego for all is divine love." – Osho
A Moment to Ourselves Noah Kocher @nolankosher
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cyb3rtarot · 11 months
Pick a Pile: What's an Insecurity You Need to Confront?
Disclaimer: tarot readings are not replacements for professional advice! Take what resonates; don't force a reading to fit. Readings are based on current energy; your future's in your hands. For this reading I used a recolored Smith-Waite, the Osho Zen tarot, and the Oracle of the Radiant Sun.
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pile 1⋆pile 2 pile 3⋆pile 4
Pile 1:
What’s the insecurity?: hi pile one! You seem to have interests that aren’t very socially accepted. You could like things considered “nerdy, childish, cringe, or weird.” Some of you feel like you’re a frivolous or immature person. You may also feel this way about your friend group or job. There’s some sense of awkwardness, embarrassment, or shame about the things that fulfill you. This may be a career that others don’t take seriously—like the arts—or something really niche like being a clown. However, I see most of you still try to pursue what feels right despite others’ pressure.
Why do you feel this way?: I feel you’re wrapped up in how others perceive you. You may fear being shunned, ostracized, and alone. Some of you have already experienced that level of loneliness before, so you don’t want to be pushed out again. You could be or have been the friend who feels least important, like the one who gets pushed off a sidewalk while everyone else walks side by side. Many of you have social anxiety; you could feel like everyone is staring at you or get easily embarrassed.
Current method of dealing with this: you like to take your mind off your insecurities and emotions as fast as possible. When you feel judged, you change the topic really fast, like by making a joke. You might blurt out something you didn’t really mean to redirect attention, like making a joke at someone else’s expense. Your constant flight or fight pushes you towards impulsiveness, and flip-flopping between embarrassment and defensiveness. This could take a physical toll, like feeling very tired after socializing. A few people in this group could’ve been bullies to deflect from their own issues (though others of you were on the receiving end).
Advice for healing: reflecting on how projections create shame is beneficial. When we judge ourselves, we feel everyone else is judging us too. When others judge us unfairly, they’re projecting something from inside themselves outwards. We can stay trapped in a cycle of shame where everyone is unhappy, or accept that we deserve happiness in our harmless interests. By taking a different perspective of your fears instead of accepting them as the full story, you can leave thought patterns you no longer align with. For those who often say things they regret, there’s emphasis on thinking before you speak, and working through thoughts before projecting them outwards. A few of you are entering a new community that will be a great opportunity to work on this. If you were drawn to pile 2 I encourage you to check it out!
Extra details: a bench (especially green), staring, golf carts, driving, dancing, physically active, excitable/hyperactive, bubbly, theater kid, geeky, black hair, cringe culture, shy, fandoms, the comedian/funny friend, always smiling, secret/hidden life, bullying, travel/moving, leaving friends, feeling dumb, fake persona, panic, school friends, college, dorms, fairies (fairly odd parents?), Are We Friends or Not by Zeph
Pile 2 [TW abuse/childhood abuse]:
What’s the insecurity?: hi pile two! You guys may feel insecure or struggle in what you want to do with your life. You may feel stuck in “analysis paralysis;” constantly ruminating over all the possibilities but never reaching a conclusion. If you compare yourselves to others, it might seem like you’re going very slow in life, a late bloomer, have no solid plan, or like you’re regressing. Some of you struggle with a heavy past, like major childhood trauma that contributes to your present feelings. 
Why do you feel this way?: you have a lot of thoughts in your head that pull you every which way. You might have an inkling of what you want to do, but you get caught in the planning versus the doing. Some of you are stuck between choosing something lucrative or something more purposeful. There are also opinions from others that are confusing you. A few of you have imposter syndrome about a new opportunity, and another few are having problems at a job which is pushing them away.
Current method of dealing with this: this pile seems to deal with it by not dealing with it lol. You want to make the perfect choice so much that you either don’t make any decision or you turn away from what you like. The latter is specific to some of you that have already chosen a more material-focused path but still feel indecisive. However, I don’t feel like you guys are living in an illusion; you’re aware of your situation and the different aspects. You may enjoy the position you’re in despite the insecurity. For example, if you don’t have a job right now, you could enjoy the free schedule. You may like still being taken care of by your family and not having to work. Or, you could enjoy the potential of having many possibilities and not fully committing.
Advice for healing: you need to take a serious look at what you want out of life, what’s important to YOU and not society or others. This includes being more selective with the perceptions and advice you consider; you might also need to be more selective with who’s in your circle. Are there people in your energy who are only there for themselves? Are you maybe a bit too free with sharing your plans and ideas with just everyone? Find out who and what makes you feel fulfilled and empowered. If you also felt drawn to pile 1 I encourage you to look it over!
Extra details: looking for a job or between jobs, optimism, eagerness, vests, libraries, plants, round glasses/brown glasses, light brown hair (especially a bob), quiet or shy kid (some of you outgrew it), teacher’s assistant, childhood trauma or abuse, masculine or androgynous look, horror (the genre), drawing, pop music (some of you love ariana grande 🤨), drag, job opportunities, meditation, overthinking, inner demons, nickelodeon, moving, being busy, lack mindset
Pile 3 [TW mental illness, substance abuse]:
What’s the insecurity?: hi pile threes! Is everything all right?? You guys have an indecisive energy like pile 2, but it feels philosophical instead of material. The insecurity is life itself. You could be having an existential crisis or existential anxiety. You don’t know your purpose or why you’re here, and this creates a stagnant but chaotic feeling inside. Some of you don’t want to be here. Another part of this “insecurity” is that you don’t share this struggle with most. Because others can’t comprehend what you’re going through, it’s isolating. This pile could be very disappointed with how society and survival works, and don’t want to put their energy into the broken system.
Why do you feel this way?: This group has pressure from themselves and others to be successful and “well-adjusted.” To achieve, move forward, and at least appear “normal.” There’s a great internal struggle happening and the pressure to keep up appearances adds to the stress. Mental health issues feel very significant for this pile. You may still conform to so-called normal life while feeling ready to snap.
Current method of dealing with this: most of this pile puts a lot of energy into keeping up the image. There’s a split self where the external you and internal you are living two different lives. You may like to hang out with friends a lot and focus on their lives instead of your own. Your friend group or the activities you do together seem to be filled with gossip, drama, or other excitement that distracts you from what’s going on. I also see a big struggle with overindulgence or addiction. There’s a sense of feeling out of it during the day and then coming alive at night; you might like to stay up or go out really late. Some of you also use partners to fill the void.
Advice for healing: there’s an extremely strong emphasis on removing yourself from people who no longer align with you. There could be a few people or places that always “enable” you to make choices you regret, or always bring drama and toxicity into your life. Specific people in this pile are in a romantic relationship that makes them feel very unhappy. The advice is to reflect on what takes peace from your life and what you can do to protect yourself from toxicity. If you use relationships to never face yourself, you can re-evaluate the energy you put into them. Some time has to be spent with the self to see what the self wants and needs (if you’re drawn to meditation it can be helpful). I highly encourage everyone who wants or needs them to see what mental health services are accessible to you, and to explore potential healthy coping mechanisms.
Extra details: impatient, may like to sing, vocal stim, or rap, goofy, “IT’S FAKE!”(?), a facade/mask, hiding feelings, uses humor to cope or avoid a topic, trap house, memes, spiritual, viewing life as sacred, anti-capitalism, immigrant family, questioning orientation, substance abuse, painting, bathrooms, the middle of nowhere, courage the cowardly dog, pop music, karaoke, bars and clubs, I think we ALL sing, housing insecurity, the characters Mabel or Sarah Lynn could be significant
Pile 4:
What’s the insecurity?: hi pile four! This is an insecurity about being vulnerable as your true self due to the oppressive environment around you. It feels like you carry many responsibilities. You’re expected to act strong, carry out duties, maintain tradition, and in most ways you’ve done this. On the inside you reject this way of life, but also feel fear in fully living out that rejection. This pile may deem themselves as weak, immature, or sinful. I also feel many of you want to be taken care of or protected instead of always having to be the carer and protector, and this could contribute to feeling weak.
Why do you feel this way?: living as your true self may mean becoming the black sheep wherever you are. You may be afraid that the fallout will push you into an unfavorable situation, such as having to leave where you currently are. You might’ve already seen it happen to others. I feel many of you have had to live in a mature role or take care of responsibilities since childhood, and this adds an extra layer as to why it’s so hard to break free.
Current method of dealing with this: I feel like you guys are doing the best with what you have! A good amount of this pile has left or is leaving their hurtful environment, and you’re moving into new communities that align with you. For others, this may just be an internal change. Either way, I feel you’re refusing to be bullied into agreeing with things you don’t believe in. One way or another, you’re going to find a way to rebel how you can and live the way you want. It’s just been hard to reflect on ingrained beliefs and sometimes you catch yourself falling back on ideas you don’t mesh with anymore. But great efforts have been made towards the path you want to be on.
Advice for healing: be open to a completely new journey you would’ve never imagined before! There’s already a lot of energy directed towards the life you envision for yourself. You’re encouraged to be open-minded and allow yourself continuous evolution. There’s an emphasis on giving your inner child a lot of grace and space to heal, even if your first impulse is to judge them. Just as others shouldn’t keep you in their box, don’t keep yourself in your own box either! You may have had to develop certain traits to help you leave old, toxic situations, such as having a hard exterior or going ham during your rebellious phase. Keep what still feels good and let go of the rest; embody what you need and want to be in the present and not the past. But, there’s no need to shame other versions of yourself that had different personalities and beliefs; compassion for past selves leads to compassion for the present and future selves :]!
Extra details [TW abuse mention]: teeter-tottering/off-balance, scooby & shaggy, religious trauma, conservative community, church, childhood trauma, abusive relationships, regretting parenthood, religious deconstruction/leaving, becoming more spiritual, new religious beliefs, Buddhism, moving, financial struggle, single parent, hesitating, sea/sea animals, parties or gatherings, moving/travel across the ocean, writing/journaling, nature, herbalism, plant-induced spiritual experiences, acupuncture, purple
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entheognosis · 1 year
The capacity to be alone is the capacity to love. It may look paradoxical to you, but it is not. It is an existential truth: only those people who are capable of being alone are capable of love, of sharing, of going into the deepest core of the other person—without possessing the other, without becoming dependent on the other, without reducing the other to a thing, and without becoming addicted to the other. They allow the other absolute freedom, because they know that if the other leaves, they will be as happy as they are now. Their happiness cannot be taken by the other, because it is not given by the other.
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snek-eyes · 1 year
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Andi Osho as Sitis (wife of Job) in Good Omens 2.02
[Image ID: A series of gifs from Good Omens season 2, featuring the character Sitis, an older dark-skinned woman dressed in blue.
The camera zooms into a Bible illustration of Sitis lamenting to the sky.
Sitis's face becomes concerned as Job says: "Sitis my dear, this person was looking for the children." She turns, looking defensive, and asks, "Why? Who're you?"
Sitis looks stressed as she chuckles humorlessly and gestures to their ruined house. It is slightly smoking. She says: "Not now, Bildad the Shuhite. Good of you to look in, but we're a tiny bit busy weathering the wrath of God."
Close up on Sitis as her face becomes confused, then changes to horror and disbelief. "…No. God wouldn't!"
Sitis holds back tears as she asks something of her husband. He is about to burst into tears as he shakes his head no.
Sitis implores the angels as Job falls to his knees beside her. "I don't, I don't want more children." A close up of her desperate face. "If my children are dead, then… I will curse God, and—"
Crowley, as Bildad the Shuhite, clasps his hands and rubs them together in a "let's get started" motion. Sitis looks scared and backs away.
Crowley stands framed between Sitis and Job, who are facing each other. He makes a switching motion between them as he says, "Now good lady, simply turn to your husband, reach into his robes…" Sitis looks dubious but reaches towards Job, who abruptly looks very surprised. Crowley interjects: "N-h-higher. Higher."
Sitis and Job's children stand between them. Jemimah throws her arms around her mother who embraces her joyfully.
Job, looking confused, gestures to his restored children as he says to the angels. "But, it is—" Sitis quickly reaches out to Job and interrupts. Clearly frantic and trying to hide it she says, "A-a miracle. It is a miracle, that our new son should look so much like our old son."
Sitis explains very deliberately to Job as she pats her son who is definitely not Ennon on the arm: "No, Job. Look, it's not Ennon, it's… a new child. These are all… They're all… new… children."
Sitis anxiously watches Job speak, and starts to relax until a baffled and annoyed Ennon says something. She tenses and turns to him.
End ID]
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minimalist-quotes · 2 days
The capacity to be alone is the capacity to love. It may look paradoxical to you, but it's not. It is an existential truth: only those people who are capable of being alone are capable of love, of sharing, of going into the deepest core of another person-without possessing the other, without becoming dependent on the other, without reducing the other to a thing, and without becoming addicted to the other. They allow the other absolute freedom, because they know that if the other leaves, they will be as happy as they are now. Their happiness cannot be taken by the other, because it is not given by the other.
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congrats american culers! the bay fc reunion with osho will be great!
also, i have no idea who or what dallas trinity/USL is but i guess that's cool too 😅
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juicepan · 6 months
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radical-revolution · 4 months
The capacity to be alone is the capacity to love. It may look paradoxical to you, but it is not. It is an existential truth: only those people who are capable of being alone are capable of love, of sharing, of going into the deepest core of the other person—without possessing the other, without becoming dependent on the other, without reducing the other to a thing, and without becoming addicted to the other. They allow the other absolute freedom, because they know that if the other leaves, they will be as happy as they are now. Their happiness cannot be taken by the other, because it is not given by the other.
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ko-existing · 10 months
my dear friend Mystics sent me this and here's the thing
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1. If you (anon) are still following us: "སློབ་དེ་ལ་ལུང་བསྐྱེད་པའི་འཕྲིན་ལས། མཐར་དཔལ་བྱུང་བའི་གླེང་བ་ཐོབ་མཁན་པོ་དགའ་བའི་དགོངས་ནས་མེད་པ།" We can show the way, but individuals must choose to walk it."
With all due respect, how do you think people like Mystics, Robert Adams, Rupert Spira, Being is IT, Osho, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Sri Ramana Maharshi, YourHigherSelf, Realitywarpingg, etc got where they are now? They got pointers and went within themselves, nobody did it for them. Nobody gave them "how-to" tutorials.
We understand you're frustrated but we are running this page and the one on IG in our FREE time. This is not our full time job neither does anyone (Mystics included) get paid to do this. Each one of us has private lives to live. We don't have to do any of this. We have ALWAYS said we are not coaches and it is impossible to answer every single question we get.
2. We turned off the anonymous-option because people are getting a little too comfortable behind being anonymous. The moment they know their account is on full display, they think twice about the words they use. -> there must be a reason why you decided to stay anonymous, no?
3. Gatekeeping answers -> Every well-known "guru" out there will tell you the answer is within yourself, because it is the Truth. Is being honest gatekeeping? What do you want us to tell you? "Oh, this is the solution, here's a how-to-tutorial. Follow each step to get ____" ? That's not how this works and that'd be an absolute lie. Do Rupert Spira, Sri Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Swami Sarvapriyananda, etc say that? No.
4. If you are not happy with the way we say things, please find a different account that resonates with you more because what exactly was the point of sending that ask? Did anything change? Is anyone forcing you to read our posts? There are countless other accounts out there. We will not stop saying things in our own bare-minimum-way because we don't want to write repetitive essays that say nothing in the end. There are enough people who say our direct way resonates with them, that's enough for us.
Thanks for reading and to our current followers, thank you very much for the support🙏🏻📿
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
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Oooh! :) 👀 Twitter found out who Andi Osho plays on S2 - she play's Job's wife Sitis :). Wahoo! :)
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jingwei · 4 months
Gakushu Motifs | Japanese Chess
Shogi (将棋) literally means “General’s Board Game.” Gakushu is referred to in his debut episode as the Genetic General. In KoroQ, he is the leader of the paladins/Holy Knights. And in the boutaoshi battle against Class E, with its war motifs, his visualization of the battlefield was that of a general’s deployment chart. I've won multiple tournaments in both Shogi and Western chess, so it was easy for me to catch Matsui’s drift here.
During this scene where Gakushu asks Class E for the favor, the panel shows a highlighted piece from a board. It was the Gyokusho (玉将), or the 'jeweled general'.
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Shogi’s unique elements carry profound meaning that international chess cannot replicate. In Shogi, the Gyokusho is played by the challenger or the lower-ranked player, symbolizing Gakushu’s role in challenging his father who is represented by the reigning champion, Osho (王将, King General).
This dynamic is a powerful allegory for Gakushu’s struggle to overturn his father’s rigid educational ideologies. It showcased Gakushu’s need to enlist the help of others (the other pieces) to dismantle his father’s oppressive system. International chess, with its abstract black and white pieces and equal kings, cannot convey the same depth. The equal kings in chess fail to represent the asymmetrical power struggle and the need for Gakushu to marshal support against a dominant, 'invulnerable' force.
Why not international chess? Isn't it more popular? Gakushu is NOT a king, ruler ≠ monarch. Throughout the entire series, both Asano men repeatedly emphasize over and over again that the familial relationship between them takes the utmost backseat. Gakushu said it himself that Gakuho wouldn't have mercy on anyone, not even his own son. Gakushu is not a prince, in the sense that the role of leadership wasnt given to him because of his blood. He isn't a leader or the top student because his father is the board chairman of the school, he worked hard to get to the position he's in now UNDER Gakuho's educational ideology. Gakushu is the anti-thesis to nepotism, and while he projects the image of a prince charming, he is anything but.
Shogi appears multiple times across the series. And if you think its only in Gakushu's head, you're wrong.
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Karma visualizes with the same game too. Great minds think alike
It's common for Japanese children to be more familiar with shogi than international chess. Shogi, often referred to as Japanese chess, is deeply ingrained in Japanese culture and is widely played and taught. It's akin to how Western children might learn to play chess at a young age. With globalization and the popularity of international chess, more Japanese children are being exposed to and learning both games. Nevertheless, Shogi remains the predominant game in Japan, especially in the context of traditional and cultural upbringing.
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dabiconcordia · 9 months
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“Remain in wonder if you want the mysteries to open up for you. Mysteries never open up for those who go on questioning. Questioners sooner or later end up in a library. Questioners sooner or later end up with scriptures, because scriptures are full of answers. And answers are dangerous, they kill your wonder.” ― Osho
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