#Oswin Oswald cosplay
sheliesshattered · 1 year
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Dragon Con 2023 cosplay lineup!
Thursday: Trillian from Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, for the Bunny Hutch party -- I'll have an Arthur Dent with me, too
Friday: Rhaenyra Targaryen from House of the Dragon, I'll be attending the World Of Ice And Fire photo meetup
Friday evening: punk Rhaenyra Targaryen, for general evening shenanigans
Saturday: Harley Quinn Swiftie mashup, for the Harley Quinn photo meetup and the Swifties photo meetup, and on into the evening parties
Sunday: Oswin Oswald from Doctor Who
Sunday evening: Clara Oswald from the Mummy On The Orient Express episode of Doctor Who, and I hope to attend the Doctor Who Ball that evening
If you see me at Dragon Con, please do say hi!
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screenfashions · 4 years
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A STAR WARS cosplay from the Doctor and Clara
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ollibeestuff · 2 years
I cant obsess over this character i need to physically become them
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iantojpg · 4 years
Hi wait I never shared my Oswin cosplay here??? Okay Oswin hours
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inevitablekickline · 5 years
Oswin... Where are you getting the eggs of the souffles?
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Oswin, the eggs…
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[Oswin Oswald Dalek is OFFLINE]
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amr-cosplay · 6 years
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You know, the thing about a time machine though, you can run away all you like and still be home in time for tea. So what do you say?
2018 has been the year of the Doctor for my cosplay stuff, and I am beyond excited to finally have had a chance to debut my v1 Series 7B costume! Of course it wouldn’t have been nearly as fun without my wonderful girlfriend Mina as my Impossible Girl!  Doctor | Clara | Photographer
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theboyinflowerboots · 6 years
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✨ Eleventh Doctor 5.5″ Collector Figure and Sonic Screwdriver ✨
This is another one of my 11th Doctor figure sets from my really fucking nerdy doctor who collection that I love so much. I got from my local nerd shop and I first adore the packaging (and I have kept it to display it with), I love that they’ve used the tardis as a box with the classic who 3rd doctor logo and how they display matt smith next to the sonic inside the box. But It gets better once the figure gets out of the box because it’s such a perfect likeness to Matt Smith and resembles his series 7 outfit the most so he looks adorable next to Oswin and a bronze dalek figure (i will go down with both the whouffle and whouffaldi ships respectively). As figures of the 11th doctor go, the purple coat 11 is my favourite but my favourite tweed outfit figure has to be the one of him in the series 5 tweed jacket with fez, mop and red bow tie! Though this as a set i love. 
This is such a beautiful figure set 💖
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sheliesshattered · 1 year
Dragon Con 2023 Retrospective
We've been home from Dragon Con for two weeks as of today -- but we've spent most of that time recovering from a particularly nasty Con Crud™. I tested negative for covid, but Jack tested positive and we had the same symptoms, so eh I figure I finally actually caught it, after several rounds of head colds that tested negative.
I always get some level of Con Crud and/or spoonie post-event exhaustion, so I was prepared to feel pretty awful for a week or two at least. The fever and sinus headache was a bit novel this year, but as I'm getting over this infection I'm actually feeling okay-ish. Hopefully my energy will continue to return over the next few weeks (I've got a big day of walking planned for the end of October!) but otherwise I might actually be feeling better now than I have two weeks post Dragon Con (or post Wasteland Weekend) in previous years.
And unlike previous years, I got through the whole con and the trip home without feeling sick at all. A little dehydrated at times (the wait for airport security at ATL was the worst honestly), and my body taking the trouble to remind me how much stretching in the evening helps me, but nothing worse than that.
I've had Dragon Cons in past years when I was too wiped out to even leave the hotel room by Sunday evening, but this year I spent Sunday evening standing around and socializing at the Doctor Who Ball, and didn't hate myself for it later. A combination of being in better physical condition now in general, and pacing myself (and Jack needing to pace too), and staying on top of vitamins and electrolytes and water all really seemed to help.
We got home on the Monday of Labor Day weekend, and then Tuesday morning I was feeling well enough to go grocery shopping on my own and make corn chowder from scratch when I got back. I was tired, but not too bad, honestly. Buuut by that evening I had a sore throat, then by Wednesday morning both Jack and I woke up with a fever. The rest of the week continued more or less like that, with a lot of lying around on the couch and watching movies and tv shows, lol.
Despite feeling like death, we did spend some time talking about what went well at Dragon Con 2023, what we'd want to do again and what we'd want to do differently. I really enjoyed the House of the Dragon photo meetup on Saturday, and wearing my Rhaenyra cosplay in general. I even ended up wishing that I'd carved out time to go to the Game of Thrones/ASOIAF photo meetup in the same costume, just to have more time in that dress and hanging out with that fandom.
There's something that I really enjoy about working hard for months on end to make something screen-accurate from a fandom that is active but also fairly focused. I recognized every costume worn at the HotD meetup, knew which character wore it in which episode, etc. Everyone I talked with at that meetup knew exactly which dress I was wearing, which character I was, and noticed the details I spent so much time working on -- just as I did theirs. There's a wonderful camaraderie and bonding in appreciating each other's hard work to achieve screen accurate reproductions of well-known and visually compelling costumes.
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Between that meetup and late night drinking shenanigans while wearing my Rhaenyra cosplay, I really felt like I achieved my peak Dragon Con experience this year while wearing that costume.
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By contrast, while I did have fun wearing my Harley Quinn Taylor Swift mashup cosplay, I didn't have nearly as much fun as I did as Rhaenyra. I got some nice compliments from complete strangers who saw the shirt and got the mashup concept, and I had one funny in-character interaction with a Joker cosplayer, but by the evening I was ready to switch back to being Rhaenyra.
The Harley mashup was clever, but not people-stopping-to-take-pictures clever, and honestly there are just a lot of Harleys running around the con. And her canon is a lot more scattered than HotD/GoT canon, and costumes are much more commercially available, so there wasn't nearly the same level of bonding over hand-making the costumes.
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The Swifties meetup was fun, and exchanging the beaded friendship bracelets I made was a good experience -- but honestly I had more fun handing out the few Rhaenyra ones I made than I did exchanging the Swiftie ones. I don't regret making the Harley Quinn Taylor Swift mashup, but it did really help clarify my priorities for future Dragon Cons.
So Harley Quinn was fun, but won't be repeated, I don't think. But because I'd worn Rhaenyra's red dress so late into the evening on Friday, I hadn't had a chance to wear my punk!Rhaenyra original concept yet, so on Saturday night when I wanted to switch back to Rhaenyra for awhile, I got to break that one out for late night parties and shenanigans (and also Dairy Queen).
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Sunday was lower-key by comparison. Quite a few Doctor Who cosplayers looked right at my Oswin and didn't seem to recognize it, which seems to be par for the course for mainstream Whovians when it comes to Clara's era. That said, just when I was starting to get snarky about that (quietly, only to Jack), a Sixth Doctor cosplayer complimented my Oswin, which made the whole thing feel worth it.
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And then when I switched to my MOTOE Clara cosplay for the evening hours, there were a few more people who clearly recognized the costume -- including one woman who gasped and yelled 'Clara!!' at me as we were passing each other in heavy Marriott crowds. I didn't get a chance to do more than gasp in surprise at her excitement, but the cycling of the Marriott crowd being what it is, we eventually passed each other again, and I ran off through the crowd to catch her that time. We chatted for a bit and I gave her the beaded bracelet reading 'Don't Stop Me Now' that I made for exactly that situation, lol. We ended up hanging out at the Doctor Who Ball, but her excitement over the MOTOE cosplay really made my night.
The Doctor Who Ball had a costume contest (that wasn't real well organized, but sounds like it will be a more official thing in future years, because it was such a popular event) that I entered on a lark. The announcement of the winners in particular wasn't well done, I missed it completely because I was talking with people, but I went and asked afterwards and found out that I'd done well and (according to the woman running the contest, who immediately asked to take a picture with me) apparently I only lost the Companion category to a Wilf cosplayer who was spot-on, and tugging on everyone's heartstrings. I don't know how close the vote really was, but her enthusiasm for my cosplay felt like such a gift.
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I haven't felt like going to GallifreyOne in recent years, since I've felt so much on the outside of the Doctor Who fandom (between the hate focused on Clara's era and my own dislike of the most recent era), but the Doctor Who Ball was a great time to talk with like-minded Whovians, and to remember why I love this corner of the fandom in general.
I think MOTOE Clara will probably make an appearance at future Dragon Cons, and Oswin met the original purpose of being a comfortable easy-to-wear cosplay for during the day, so in all likelihood that one will come back too (after just a little bit of repair work on the belt).
The red silk Rhaenyra gown held up well, much better than I feared it would. I maaay need to handwash it, but I washed the fabric with shampoo before I sewed it, so theoretically it can be handwashed again, if it really needs it. I need to replace the shoes, but that's already in progress. At this point I'm planning to bring Rhaenyra's Red Dress back to Dragon Con 2024 (and maybe even to something else in between, like Wonder Con?). Quite possibly punk!Rhaenyra too.
I think season 2 of HotD will air before next Dragon Con, or at least start before the end of August. There's every possibility that there will be new costumes from s2 that I'll want to make -- but either way, I know now that I want to lean into cosplay from fandoms like HotD/GoT, and focus less on fandoms like Harley Quinn.
I've already started thinking about and planning cosplays for next year, but this is already way too long, so I'll post an update about that tomorrow...
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screenfashions · 4 years
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entertainmentnerdly · 7 years
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My Oswin Oswald cosplay via /r/doctorwho http://ift.tt/2tpBoVt
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inevitablekickline · 5 years
Are you a dalek?
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I may be struggling with my baking, but I’m not a…Dalek…
I’ll get the soufflé tomorrow. I just…
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bestnoncannonship · 4 years
FEMME PENGUIN: Oswin Cobblepot
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I have very much fallen in love with Gotham's Oswald Cobblepot.
This is a thing I didn't see coming. So have a makeup trial. When I actually cosplay it, I wanna make a prosthetic for the nose because nothing can make my teeny nose into that elegant prow. Still..... I'm feeling this.
Yes Oswin has her girlfriend's symbol painted on her nail, because NYGMOBBLEPOT is real!! What of it??
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mspirations · 4 years
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Clara Oswald / Oswin Oswald "Asylum of the Daleks" & “The Name of the Doctor“ - 7x01 & 7x13
River Island Red Hidden-Heel High Top Wedges
Hi-Tek Pyramid Belt
Storm Junior Watch 1991
American Apparel White with Red Stripe Socks
Fox Run Stainless Steel Magic Whisk
Thanks for identifying:
Doctor Who Cosplay Site
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ritasaxonxx · 7 years
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Victorian Clara Oswald cosplay by me
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