#Oy shut up already with your both sides nonsense already
sparklinpixiedust · 11 months
It's astounding how some of you still believe watching your children being blown into pieces and having to recover their body parts is the same as not having gluten free flour.
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A Fresh Start
Requested by: @widows-knight, who asked for a wedding-day request with a male reader and a pregnancy announcement at the end.
Word Count: 3,462
A/N: I originally tried to keep the request relatively simple, but the prompt developed a mind of it’s own and I kind of ran away with it! I hope you enjoy it!
Also- ngl, I must have spent what felt like a day researching flower symbolism for this (; v ;)
For as long as she had been in Talon, Amélie  never dreamed that she’d live to see the day she’d  see the familiar sight before her again; albeit, she looked just a little bit different than her first wedding. 
She stood before a mirror in a white dress, hair neatly done and tied and braided (courtesy of an incessant Sombra) into a bun, and lips painted with a dark plum-purple lipstick. White silk and lace flowed over blue skin like water, pale roses sewn delicately into the lace sleeves. Cheekily enough, Amélie  found a few spiders hiding among the sea of roses, and she just knew that you had slipped in an extra request to the tailor. 
She chuckled at the thought and briefly wondered how long it would take you to notice the small butterfly woven into your boutonniere. 
Behind her, Amélie  can see Sombra idly fiddling around with the thin bride’s veil while Gabriel leaned against the wall. 
It had been surprisingly easy to invite the two of them to her wedding, Sombra practically jumping at the opportunity; though Amélie  had to keep a close eye on her to make sure the younger woman didn’t cause too much mischief. Gabriel, on the other hand, hardly batted an eye at her request.
In fact Amélie  thought the broody man wouldn’t even come- as he was never one for social gatherings, anyway. However, he had showed up to help her get ready in a suit that looked like it had seen better days, and seemed to at least try to be more sociable for her sake. Which, truthfully, was enough to make her almost crack a smile. 
Even whenever the two started their bickering (“Oye, viejo, quit slouching-” “Oh, be quiet, you brat.”), it hardly dampened the mood. Instead earning an eye-roll and a low chuckle from her while she did her eye make up. She’ll let it slide just for now. If anything, it only added to the strange little family dynamic they had.
It helped her take her mind off knowing that you were out there waiting for her, likely nervously fiddling with the buttons on the cuffs of your suit, and blissfully unaware of the little surprise in the making.
She lowers a slender hand to her stomach and gently bites down on her lower lip. 
Your relationship has always been...active, to put it lightly. Not that she was complaining. Oh no, far from it. It wasn’t even the highlight of the thing you had together.
Around you, Amélie  was able to actually feel. Every moment spent around you gave her the sense of normalcy that had been ripped away from her. You didn’t shy or cower away from her the first time you met her; even going so far as to learn French to grow closer to her. Though you were more or less tongue tied after you had oh-so boldly approached her, and that had gotten her attention. 
She gently chuckles to herself at the memory, the buzz of pleasurable warmth growing stronger and her cheeks flushing a light purple. At the time, Amélie  had no idea what it was about you that interested her.
Perhaps it was the way you seemed so earnest in your attempts to get to know her that intrigued her. Or maybe it was because of cute you looked all flustered and stumbling over your french- and she hardly ever used to word cute for anything. 
Whatever the reason may be, she had let you come closer to her- a choice she never once regretted. And neither did she regret saying yes when you had quietly kneeled before her to pop the question. 
The hand on her middle tenses and her brows crease as she gave her reflection a tight-lipped smile. While her heart rate was still worryingly low from Talon’s poking and prodding, Amélie  swore that she felt it race. 
And it wasn’t just because of wedding-day jitters. 
“Have you told him yet?” 
Gabriel’s sudden question snapped her from her thoughts, causing her gaze to move to his reflection behind her. 
He hadn’t moved at all from his place on the wall, but his normally stern (or as Sombra dubbed it, his “resting bitch face”) had softened a fraction as he gave her a small frown. From her place on the armchair not too far behind Amélie , Sombra piped up before the bride could answer.
“No, she hasn’t.”
Amélie  turns from the mirror to give the younger woman a hard stare, which merely earned her a shrug. Gabriel sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, his brow twitching; the sight not too far off from an exasperated father. 
He’s interrupted before he has the chance to lecture her. 
“Chut toi. I don’t plan on hiding it from him.” the hand at Amélie ’s side tightens into a fist as she  shoots the taller man a curt look. “It’s just..”
She trails off, her lips falling into a tense line. 
Talon had broken her down mentally and physically, taking her whole being and filling it with poison that burned away at her core until a fleshy, twitching wound was left. The pain excruciating as it tore away inside of her and molded her into the perfect little pawn Talon wanted: a living weapon. 
Already pale skin turned a sick, chalky white until it took on a blue hue, giving her an unnatural appearance. Her skin was now cold to the touch, almost as if she was a walking corpse. Had it not been for the fact that she could very faintly feel her pulse every now and then, Amélie  would’ve thought her heart had stopped a long time ago. 
So naturally, Amélie  assumed her body just wasn’t able to do certain things anymore.
Then the two little pink lines on her pregnancy test had to completely blindside her, throwing her for an emotional loop. 
It wasn’t that she didn’t want to have children; she had played with the idea of starting a family before Talon’s influence, after all. Having a child to teach ballet or proudly show off their feats had especially warmed her heart enough to almost propose the idea to Gérard. 
Of course, that was all before she had her life destroyed and her first husband killed at her own hands. 
A bitter smile formed as she crossed her arms, nails digging into lace. 
Well, if she had thought parenting would be stressful before, than she was certain that it would be a downright disaster now. Would the child even be healthy? What if it would only bring regret, causing a strain in your relationship? 
A slender, warm hand claps onto her shoulder, forcing Amélie  back into the present. 
Sombra at least had enough manners to give her a somewhat sheepish smile. Just as the younger woman opened her mouth, Gabriel interrupted her.
“You do realize this is him, we’re talking about, right?” Gabriel’s gruff voice takes on a note gentle enough to catch the attention of both women before him. 
His face hadn’t changed much, but the concerned frown was enough to emphasize the thin scars and lines littered across his face- showing off years of stress and strain.
“The guy has it bad for you, Guillard. If he’s stuck around long enough to get the balls to propose to you, then a pregnancy won’t be an issue for him.”
“..It also helps that you have the man whipped.” Sombra grins beside her as Gabriel rolls his eyes. Though Amélie  can see the ghost of a smile on his face before he covered it by coughing into a closed fist
“Oh, did you want me to get mushy with it, old man?” Sombra snorts, gently turning Amélie ’s head towards herself. Purple eyes glance over to Gabriel and motion towards the door, staring at him before he relents with a huff.
“I’ll wait for both of you outside. Try not to take too long unless you want to give the soon-to-be husband a heart attack.” 
“Well, when you say it like that-” She’s cut off as Gabriel shuts the door, leaving the two women alone. A few moments of silence passed before Sombra hears a slightly muffled “ahem” next to her, and she turns over to meet Amélie ’s slightly squished face.
She grins and the frenchwoman huffs before promptly prying herself away from Sombra’s grip.
After briefly checking in the mirror to see if her makeup was smudged, Amélie  turns back to Sombra, brows furrowed. 
Yellow eyes meet purple, neither women saying a thing as the two of them stood in silence. A few moments pass and Sombra is the first to break the silence, her voice uncharacteristically quiet as she grabs onto her taller friend’s shoulders.
“He loves you a lot, you know.” Amélie  quietly nods, more to herself. Sombra gives her a tiny smile, quietly laughing to herself as she continues. 
“Did you know he asked me if I knew any French so he could talk to you? Me of all people! And he didn’t think I would mess with him when he did- even after I told him whatever bullshit came into mind!”
Suddenly, your stuttered and near-nonsensical phrases made a lot more sense. 
“A part of me almost felt bad when I did it; pobrecito bebé just didn’t know any better,” Sombra waves her hand, a small smirk on her face. “To be honest, I was expecting you to shoot him down like you did the others.” 
Her brows furrowed as her smirk fell slightly, a smile taking its place. 
“So imagine my surprise you had this funny look on your face-” “You were watching us the entire time?” Amélie  already knew the answer to that question, but she couldn’t help but feel the tiniest bit of annoyance flare up at it.
The Mexican only gives her a tiny shrug and a sheepish grin as she continues.
“Anyways, you didn’t look like you hated him, so I mostly just left you two be then. But then he just kept coming back to me for help, always so eager to try and get closer to you.”
Sombra’s face took on a softer appearance, a near giddy smile on her face.
“Even when the two of you had your down moments, he stuck by; just trying to understand the best way he can.” 
Amélie  blinks, eyes stinging slightly as her friend reached up to put in the bridal veil; careful not to undo hours of work put into her hair. Thin lace lightly brushes against her bare neck, the fabric the tiniest bit itchy as it falls over her face.
Sombra steps back to admire her handiwork, silent as she places a hand on her chin as she looks Amélie  up and down. Purple lips purse for a moment, before she nods and looks back up to meet her friend’s stare. 
She sighs, her face falling into a look of unbridled warmth.
“What I’m trying to say is that I think he’s going to keep trying to do his best for you. And I say this as the person who had to deal with him fussing over what do to make you happy.”
Though she could feel her chest begin to grow tight and her vision grow slightly blurry, Amélie  breathed out a quiet laugh as Sombra placed a hand on her cheek.
“..Plus the old man and I kinda already gave him our blessing without telling you. I don’t know if I should be saying sorry about that right now, but we just wanted to let you know that we think you deserve something good-” Sombra trails off as cool flesh meets her hand, the pair locking eyes as Amélie  gives the shorter woman a small but grateful smile. 
“..Thank you, Sombra.” 
“Pssh, don’t get all soft on me now, hermosa. You’re supposed to save that for the actual wedding part,” Sombra laughs, but Amélie  can see her wipe at the corner of her eye with her other hand through the lace curtains of her veil.
A sharp knocking fills the air, causing the two women to look over as Gabriel opens up the door. He pauses for a moment, suddenly feeling a bit awkward as he took in the sight before him. He clears his throat, glancing off into the hallway.
“...Do the two of you need more time?”
Amélie  is the first one to collect herself, taking in a deep breath before stepping forward.
“We were just wrapping things up,” She pauses for a moment. “...Where did you two put the bouquet?”
Not too far away from the trio, you were left to wait for your soon-to-be-wife at the altar; your chest tight and heart nervously fluttering as you periodically glanced into your reflection in a nearby window. 
Every strand of hair and small wrinkle was heavily scrutinized, quickly tucked in place and neatly smoothed back; your fingers slightly shaking each time you did so. It was a little tedious, but it was enough to mostly take your mind off how nervous you were while you waited.
Then your eyes would wander to the flower on your lapel. A single, deep-red carnation sitting in the button hole and then to the tiny, silk yellow butterfly carefully placed in the center, and your heart races and a trace of cold sweat begins to form.
To say that you were nervous would be an understatement. 
You let out a shaky sigh and adjust your tie one last time before turning away from your reflection. For what must have been the twentieth time today, you scanned the room of people in front of you.
Oblivious to the groom’s plight, the neatly-dressed crowd of guests chatted and laughed amongst themselves as they waited for the main event, enveloping the room in a relaxed air.
You could make out a few familiar faces of family members here and there, as well as some of the members of your unit scattered throughout; most of which were taking the occasional swig from flasks they snuck in in between conversation. 
A good chunk of the population here were mostly people you invited, which weren’t a lot of people. Amélie , meanwhile, hardly invited anyone at all save for Gabriel and Sombra. Which didn’t bother you, truthfully. 
While Gabriel may scare you a little and though Sombra had messed with you a majority of your time knowing her, you knew well that Amélie  had come to care for them greatly. And in her line of work, friends were few and far between. Most of one’s time with Talon was spent wondering whether or not they’d get to live another day. 
After how far she’s come, Amélie  deserved to have those two by her side on her big day. Where, you hope, it would only be the start of a lasting and happy marriage. 
You take in a shaky breath and ran a hand through your hair. You hadn’t seen Amélie  since this morning on account of your bride not wanting to bring any bad luck, and it’s been stressful. Your mind kept drifting to a hundreds of “what-ifs”; Amélie  getting cold feet and leaving you the most prominent one. 
It certainly didn’t help that she’s been behaving oddly since a few weeks ago, having been caught more than once staring young couples whenever the two of you were out on dates; especially ones who had a child or two with them. Amélie  had of course tried to reassure you was nothing wrong before changing the subject, but a nagging part of you insisted otherwise.
Your anxiety over the situation only grew worse when you woke up in your shared bed to Amélie  vomiting in the bathroom a week before your wedding. She had insisted that it was just from an upset stomach, but it had done nothing to quell your nerves. 
Someone clears their throat nearby, nearly making you jump. You turn to see Gabriel standing beside you and he moves to pat at your shoulder- stoic face breaking slightly to offer awkward comfort. 
“She’s coming in a bit. We just had some, ah… minor difficulties.” he coughs, moving his arms behind his back. 
Before you even had the chance to wonder just what the hell the other man meant by that, Gabriel looks towards the entrance of the room and Sombra- who had her upper torso poking out between the cracked double doors- shoots him a thumbs up.
Just like that, he gives you one last rough pat on the shoulder before stepping away to stand next to the altar. The officiant, who had silently stood back and waited, cleared his throat-causing you to nearly jump, as you completely forgot he was there- and take his place at the small podium behind you.
The double-doors open up with a groan that filled the room, a hushed silence fell over the crowd. Your breath hitches as you take in the sight of Amélie  making her way towards you, white lace following and flowing with each step. 
A carefully arranged- and from the looks of it, slightly battered- array of blue roses and slender rain lilies sat in her hands. Though their petals had suffered some damage, it did nothing to take away from their beauty; their colors still vibrant and rich, and full of life.
Beside her, Sombra was attached to the crook of her arm- a smaller bouquet of her own in her free hand- as the two walked down the aisle. The two of you lock eyes and she gives you a grin and tried to shoot you a pair of finger guns- albeit failing with her since her were hands full.
Though you couldn’t see it, you were sure Amélie fondly rolled her eyes.
When the two finally reach the altar, you find yourself at a loss of words, your breath hitching as you stare at the veil of lace in front of you. Perhaps it was a bit predictable of you, but at this very moment, even with her face concealed, Amélie  never looked more stunning like she did now.
The officiant’s droning fell on deaf ears as you gave your soon-to-be wife a watery smile. 
You mouthed a small ‘I’m happy that I met you’, chest tight as the situation began to settle in.
It wasn’t until when you finally lifted up Amélie ’s veil and kissed her that you began to feel wetness gather at your eyes, and your cheeks stinging from how hard you were smiling. 
The entire room erupted in cheers and shouts of congratulations all around you, and you were certain that Sombra had shouted something ridiculous because you hear Gabriel burst out into rare laughter.
Though you paid the noise no mind as a cool hand reached up to gently wipe at the corner of your eye, and the sight of your wife- cheeks flushed and eyes soft- with a small smile on her face. Eager, you slowly move her hand away from your face to slide the ring on her finger. 
You fully welcomed the tears gently rolling down your face at this point, you hear Amélie in front of you gently laugh; light-heartedly chastising you for working her up this much as she wipes at her eyes. 
The rest of the evening passed by in a blur, joy and merriment filled the air and creating a pleasurable buzz. Guests gradually began to trickle out as the sun turned a burnt-orange as the sun began to set down the horizon. 
Gabriel and Sombra were the last guests to leave, the two of them shooting their friend a look you couldn’t quite read. Amélie huffs at this before shooing them away and Sombra’s laughs before the door closes; leaving you alone with your new wife.
The two of you were silent, but that didn’t bother either of you in the slightest; too blissed out to let it do so.
As the two of you moved towards the exit, towards the sleek limousine that’ll escort the two of you for the day, Amélie promptly stops just when you were about to open the door. 
Confused, you turn to look towards her, and see her lips drawn into a thin line. 
“I need to tell you something before we go,” her words curt, worry bleeding into her tone as a hand smooths the lace of her sleeves.
“Of course. Is there something wrong?”
“Non, Non. It’s just..” she sucks in a deep breath. 
“I’m pregnant.”
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goodguidanceptc · 6 years
Ironman New Zealand Race Report  March 2, 2019
Welcome masochists and insomniacs. When people ask me about my races, I usually try to deliver a balance of facts (split times, data, total race time) and feelings (mind & body perceptions, key moments) in an entertaining yet succinct report. As usual, that often means STRONG LANGUAGE. Here goes:
A few weeks prior to the trip, I learned that I’d been selected for the “Ironman New Zealand Experience,” an online contest, administered with typical Kiwi approach by the local council. Read: relaxed, with ZERO Ironman lawyers involved. Six men and six women were selected--based on online posts--to learn a haka, perform at the athlete dinner and attend an after-race luncheon that included a presentation and performance of Maori history and traditions. 
I suspect my "pick me! pick me!” post got me plucked from a small applicant pool. Supporting evidence: of the twelve selected, two others were my training buddies from Chicago, Christine B. and Bernie Mc. SIDE NOTE: Each winner was allowed one additional guest at the luncheon--so a very special thanks to Christine for graciously counting my wife as her guest which meant I had both my wife and son at the luncheon.
Haka is Maori for “breathe fire.” Historically, hakas were performed by Maori warriors prior to battle. These days they are performed ceremonially to celebrate major milestones (marriage, retirement), honor important guests or--perhaps most notably--to intimidate opponents at athletic events (here’s a link). Outside of New Zealand, the most famous and awe-inspiring hakas are performed my the Maori All-Blacks National Rugby team prior to each match. 
I learned that there are hundreds of haka versions, each with its own inherent weight baked into the story it’s presenting. Although it was very different than the aggressive, male-only, pre-battle version the All-Blacks perform, I personally felt a tremendous honor and reverence for the one we learned.
The haka preserves indigenous culture, energetically injects traditional language into a modern forum, gathers and channels group energy by seamlessly melding ritual gesture and movement with raw emotion. It all adds up to a sum greater than it’s parts that’s simultaneously respectful and rebellious. Taken as a whole, the haka is something like how the Incredible Hulk would dance if the Incredible Hulk danced.
All of which is just to say that before I even started the race, I’d already experienced that tremendous joy that comes with receiving an unexpectedly perfect gift. IMNZ was already a success before the race even started. Now, let’s get back to facts...
Total race time = 11:33
Not a PR, but a mature result. “Mature?” you may be wondering, “Really?” Granted, few people would describe anything I do as mature, so perhaps a better word is un-deluded. Why? Because plantar fasciitis made for a “No-Run November” (all long runs performed in a pool), I hadn’t done enough resistance training, and winter holidays not only make it impossible to train, they make it nearly impossible to fuel properly. 
In his book, Elite Minds, Dr. Stanley Beecham suggests giving yourself a W when you trained your best and an L if you didn’t. My record for this training sequence (Nov-Feb) was 89-20-11. ( I gave myself T for Ties on days when training went right but something else went bad...usually diet.) In other words, a respectable-but-not-stellar W average (.741) earned a respectable-but-not-stellar result.
But still, the haka was awesome.
Slept well. Ate well. No mechanical issues. Huddled briefly with most of the training buddies and Iron sherpas prior to warming up properly in the water.
Swim (1:06 total swim time)
Clear sighting, aggressive line, good tactics (drafted when possible), and even got some help from the current towards the end. That said, the two turn buoys at the far end were both a raucous scrum. First time I ever took a hard shot to the lip. My best swim ever. 
T1 (7:49)
"T1 is a 400 meter run from the swim out...” My ass. If that’s 400 meters, I’m Leslie Jones from SNL. Plus, AFTER the “400 meters,” a winding grass staircase comparable to any third-floor-walk-up or Wisconsin helix--easily another +50 meters at an +8% grade.
Once I did get up Mount Metric Bullshit, I moved right along. Sprayed on some sunscreen, stuffed a plastic bag under the regular bike jersey with some light gloves (in case it was nippy for the first hour), shoes on in the tent. Go.
Bike (5:38, technically a bike PR)
Two loops. Windy? A tad. The outbound tailwind was so strong, I struggled to maintain target watts. Get that? I didn’t have to pedal as hard as I’d trained to because I was easily traveling +20 mph on flat sections. Ditched the plastic bag and gloves at the first aid station because it was sunny and mild and I was feeling really great. Of course, logic dictates that inbound would be a shitstorm. Which it was. Oy. Mixed with some crosswinds too just in case you, oh I dunno...tried to pee on the bike and took too long...or wanted to take in some nutrition. Nasty. I caught myself using a bastardized mantra from IMAZ, “Frontside fast side, backside strong side” which morphed into “Out bound, throw down; In bound, get down.” whenever I was tempted to chase or draft.
A word on drafting: it’s illegal in Ironman races. BUT! By slipping into the draft zone of somebody passing faster than you are passing then letting them go, you can save energy and still stay within the letter and spirit of the rule. That said, 12 meters = 6ish bike lengths so don’t be the fucko that lingers.
Repeated that song and dance inbound on both loops. It’s a terrible thing when you can’t stay in aero-position because you gotta pee but can’t pee because the wind stuffs any momentum you need to keep your leg straight long enough to break the seal. But it WILL keep you legal.
For you data geeks: Normalized Power was 197 but I AVERAGED 20 m.p.h.
Another notable: the bone-shaking chip-seal they use to pave most New Zealand roads. It just rattled my whole rig from pedals to fingertips to helmet. That shit literally rattled my Torpedo bottle right out from between my aero-bars about halfway through. I’d already taken in the nutrition so I left it (apologies to all the Tidy Kiwis and the whole leave-it-like-you-found-it philosophy) and just held fresh bottles in with my thumbs as needed.
T2 (4:13)
Efficient but could have been a tad quicker. At this point in the race, I was on plan, feeling good and ready to attack the run. Nutrition was on point. Legs were solid, stomach was a non-issue and weather conditions were near ideal. Sunny and delightful low 70s. I was actually looking forward to Run Special Needs where I’d planted a fresh shirt and an extra bottle of nutrition.
Run (4:36 aka: avg 10:39/mi)
I went sub-4 hours in Louisville under raining mid-40 degree conditions. If I could have just matched that, I’d have delivered a juicy PR of under 11 hours.
It seemed reasonable that flat IM-LOU shitstorm would vaguely equate to hilly IM-NZ sunny delight, yes? 
That three loop run over what my training bro Andrew T. would call offensive hills was having none of that nonsense. Turns out, I was woefully undertrained. My legs were just not up to the second and third loop of hills, despite biking to plan, executing nutrition properly, and taking the first loop at a very easy RPE.
In past reports I’ve shared some of the actual mental chatter that runs through my head but in this case none of my mantras were very interesting or helpful. What I have learned to do when I’m truly falling apart is to reinvest in technique. Focus on the extremely immediate present, which I used to counter punch one particularly angry and persistent neg that I just couldn’t shake. See if you can pick it out of the following scientifically gathered brainwave transcription:
On a slightly more-vulnerable note, I will share this: typically, a few tears leak out at special needs. Hormones? Pain? Mental breakdown/relief that the marathon is half over? All of the above, probably. Just a few moments of a grown man losing it. (Do NOT watch Ricky Gervais’ After Life while jet lagged. But DO watch it. Amazing. Shut up. Don’t judge my process.)
Anyway, I was all business during the Special Needs of this run but lost it right after a particularly steep descend where some guardian bros had set up an “unofficial aid station” consisting of Red Bull, handles of vodka, and liters of Jaegermeister. A runner just ahead of me had grabbed something off their card table and their robust cheering were suddenly horrific screams warning him off of chugging it. I was just tickled and toasted at the same time and it all came gushing out. Just all kinds of quads burning gasping ugly face craughing (learned that word from a tweet praising After Life, btw). Of course my male ego would NEVER allow me to overly express vulnerability in front of the drunken bros, thoughtful though they were. So I kept running. A woman running along side me kindly asked if I was okay, I said, “Oh...yeah...this...just happens,” between gulping breaths, “The good...news...is...it’s much...later...than usual.” Which cracked her up, so... y’know, pay it forward.
After slogging my way through the third loop, and making my way through the finishing chute, where the normally incomparable Mike Reilly butchered my last name, I was told that I’d been on the leaderboard during the bike and immediately fell off during the run.
So even though I did not over-bike, I did under-train. Plus, I did not need to go directly to Medical in shock, which suggests that my race plan, nutrition strategy and execution was pretty spot on. IMAZ was a PR of 11:19 and IMNZ was 11:33.
As with prior races, IMNZ yielded some incremental improvements. As I said at the top, this was a mature result, with which I am unsatisfied. I haven't yet done my best race. I haven’t yet DONE MY BEST. There is clearly opportunity for improvements to all five aspects of my racing:
Swim was well executed. Still room for growth.
Bike was properly executed. Adequate. If anything, I could have pushed more.
Run. Ugh. Time to throw myself into Runner’s World and CARA and make like Forrest Gump and Prefontaine and Mo. Also, back to Hokas. Or maybe Altras. The Brooks I ran in were farts. The blisters on my toes had blisters. Not kidding.
Fuel strategy and execution was on point, although I was a few kilos heavier than previous races. Holidays and too few resistance training sessions.
Transitions were adequate.
Am I one of the guys at the pointy end of the bell curve? Clearly still yes. Maybe I’ve just evolved beyond a standard group training plan. Self-Coach? I’ve got the credentials and experience. Back to a previous coach? Maybe a new coach? I’d take some applications. Yes.
In the meantime, I’ll see you in Chattanooga for some 70.3 action in May, 2019. That’s only two build cycles. Ima go noodle around in TrainingPeaks.
Bernie McNally is one of those people I am just glad to have in my life. This race report would be wholly inadequate if I didn't share how this amazing woman is absolutely unstoppable.
First, she got everybody who trained for New Zealand (at Well-Fit) a fleece.
I forgot to mention she broke her ribs in a bike accident a few months ago.
Then, in what can only be described as the luck of the Irish, she charmed her way into the “New Zealand Experience” haka class. Just showed up and got in. Turns out one of the women selected didn’t show up. Classic.
Here’s the unstoppable part: at around Mile 110 of the New Zealand Full fucking Ironman race, she hit a cone and went over her bike handle bars. Road rash up her arm, split her knee open and cracked her head/helmet on a curb. A bystander said, “Do you need some help? I’m calling an ambulance.”
Her reply?
“Just help me get my chain back on.”
So he did. And she finished the bike. The medics in T2 told her she needed stitches.  She said she didn’t have time, to just patch her up so she could get on with it. She finished the race with half an hour to spare. Words fail.
All I know is this: whenever I’m feeling like I can’t get it done--and it can be anything from driving in traffic to folding laundry to a holding pace on a long run--I know exactly what I’ll hear. 
A thick, sassy, Irish brogue doing the haka.
I’m very grateful to my lovely wife Susan and my wonderful kids, Peter and Veronica for their support. Susan, you are my salvation.
I’m grateful to have the expert professionals Coach Russ and Coach Sharone and the entire Well-Fit staff and athletes who generously share their wisdom.
I’m grateful to my inspiring and impressive training partners. Especially the seven hardcore savages that got it done in New Zealand--Adam, Christine, Dan, Kelly, Megan, Mike, Will and Bernie.
I’m very grateful to anybody willing to excuse my terrible smell, deplorable language and barbaric sounds during training.
Maximum gratitude to Well-Fit, Get-A-Grip, Fleet Feet and all the pools I use.
I’m grateful for Crushing Iron (C26), Matt Fitzgerald, Joe Friel, Training Peaks, Scott brand bikes, Apple, Ironman.
Thank you to all the on-course maniacs cheering and making signs and wearing all sorts of crazy outfits to show love and support. For strangers exercising.
I’m grateful that I’m able to race triathlons. I’m grateful to you for reading.
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renaissancedweeb · 6 years
Prompt #20: Debts Repaid
     This was a bad idea. She knew it was a bad idea the moment Melvin came back empty handed. Then he had started talking nonsense about the client not letting him in, and ‘’E says ‘e would only speak wiff you, Boss Lady.’ She could smell the bullshit from the door where he stood.
     “Remind me again why I pay you?” she said, clearly exasperated.
     “Aw, come on, Boss. I tried me ‘ardest, honest to gods I did.”
     Neither he nor the gods were honest, but she let it slide. There was a game being played involving promises and money. Someone thought they could change the rules on her, but that was fine. She was an expert player, and only a novice thought they could use someone like Melvin with any degree of subtlety.
     “‘Ere it is!”
     The pair stopped in front of a modest looking home in what could be considered the lower-middle class area of Limsa Lominsa. Merchants that preferred the sea air to that of the desert were often found here, the ones who made a decent enough living but had not managed to amass a fortune. Those merchants also had a habit of employing pirates and other rough types, and a good few of them had come through her doors looking for a loan to go chasing rainbows which she was happy enough to give. After all, she always got her money back one way or another. Today looked like “another” route.
     “Well? Knock on the door,” Bikki said, arms crossed under her bosom and eyes narrowed to show her clear irritation.
     It was almost cute how Melvin could barely restrain his glee. She had hired him as her collector--which was fancy talk for knee-breaker--precisely because he could not lie his way out of anything. Too, his poker face was atrocious and while he was not the most intimidating when spoken to at length he was big and could look meaner than an angry coeurl when he had a mind to. He also had no qualms about breaking bones of people who had not personally wronged him, so he had been a perfect fit. Alas, someone put some ideas into his head and now she would have to let him go.
     “Oy! Open ‘er up! Brought ‘er by like ye asked, y’bilge sucker!”
     She bit her lip to stop the smile from spreading across her face. If she gave away her hand too early then the game would be lost. Not that Melvin would notice it for what it was, but the man that opened the door would.
     “Ah, Miss Bikki. Please, come in.”
     “Save your snake oil for the poor folk you rob, Carver,” she said, waving her hand in his face dismissively as she strode in like she owned the place. If things had gone right she would have, but that was just how business went sometimes. “I’m here, so where’s my money.”
     The barely restrained rage on the merchant’s face had her gleefully giggling on the inside. She had played along and come to his home turf where he thought he had the upper hand because of whatever promise he had made to Melvin. That he had to pretend she still had the upper hand when he was so certain that she did not clearly made him agitated. That was one of her favorite parts of the game, honestly. What she did not enjoy, however, was waiting, and it was clear he was going to drag it out.
     “Come now, Miss Bikki, surely I can offer you a drink or perhaps some biscuits?” he wheedled while Melvin moved to stand behind her. “They are fresh from The Bismarck.”
     “You can offer all you like, but unless it has anything to do with you fulfilling your contract I am not going to care,” she replied as she inspected her nails and pretended not to hear Melvin cough.
     “I...see. A pity. They’re quite delicious you know. But about your payment…”
     His pause was telling and a telltale shuffle at her right was all the warning she had before Melvin made his move. Fortunately she was faster than the lumbering highlander--that had been another factor in hiring him--and she was out of the chair before he could catch hold of her. She ignored his cry of dismay and the subsequent thump as he presumably fell over the chair as she ran right for Carver. The oily merchant actually squealed in alarm and she silenced him with a punch to the jaw. She was not the strongest person by any means, but she knew the shock of it being her punch would send him toppling.
     “All you had to do was give me the money, Carver,” she said as she kicked him in the ribs, making sure to “accidentally” catch him with the pointed heel of her boot. “You would still have your “medicines” to sell and doing it out of a shack would lend you some actual authenticity.”
     “You bitch, I’ll tear your throat out! Melvin! Be useful, you idiot, unless you don’t want to be paid!”
     Bikki spared enough time to deliver another swift kick to the fallen merchant, this time to his face, before she took off for the door. She tossed what furniture she could as she went--a lovely glass oil lamp from Ul’dah, a small side table, and some books for good measure--all the while letting Melvin close in. Once he was close enough that he could brush the tip of her tail, she immediately veered right which sent him running straight into the solid wood door. Tipping over a shelf that was nearby onto the fallen hireling, she smiled sweetly at Carver who had finally managed to get to his knees.
     “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Carver. Especially not to me.”
     Having no other option left, she quickly moved to the nearest window and saw herself out, promptly shutting it to muffle Carver’s screams of anger. She had little time to make her next move, so she reached into the hidden pocket of her dress and produced a wand. Rods had the ability to hold larger foci which made destructive spells that much more powerful, but wands were so much more easily concealed. Besides, Carver’s personal aesthetics had him eschewing Limsa Lominsa’s stone aesthetics for the woods of the Shroud he had been run out of for his business practices and all she needed was a touch of fire to set the place ablaze.
     She could hear Carver’s screams of rage and fear from inside, and a thought occurred to her that had her stalking around the side of the house wand still in hand. Every window she came across was promptly covered in ice. Oh, it would melt eventually, once the fire got hot enough, but by that time the smoke or heat would have done both men in. As she pocketed the wand, she felt a pang of remorse for Melvin but as quick as it came she dismissed it. She had learned long ago to never give second chances. Her mother’s corpse had taught that lesson well.
     As the sea wind blew in, the fire began to spread rapidly and Bikki allowed herself a small smile before she began to scream. Being so close to the poorer district meant that the scuffle inside had been ignored by anyone that happened to be home, but as she screamed and called out ‘Fire! Fire!’ more people began to emerge. She summoned tears to her eyes and her hair and clothing were already mussed from her fleeing Melvin so anyone, even the most shrewd Yellowjacket, coming upon her would assume her panic was real. Brix would approve the acting, that was certain.
     The roaring heat of the fire sent her and all newly gathered watchers back and she knew her work was done. When she was finally able to go back home, after being coddled, consoled, and questioned, she would have herself a glass of wine and look over her newly acquired assets. She wondered if Carver had actually read the contract to know that even death would not get him out of paying what he owed or if he had just assumed she would not have the guts to ever kill him? In the end it did not matter because like all who had come before him Carver had paid his debts--and, like some of his fellow debtors, he had learned why she was called Blacktongue--and all Bikki had lost was an easily replaceable worker.
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Clone Wars     Episode 19
          Storm over Ryloth
Inter-     sting 
 I   know   (how )   this     likely    means     ‘storm’          as      into      breach        or,        to      take          by         force
     But I can’t help thinking about space       weather
     It’s        so       fricking        cool
     But getting into the      story;
  [Quote;  It is a rough road ahead, leads to                    the height of greatness
               I’ve spoken about this before;                 You don’t need suffering or conflict                            to be great                              (Or to write                           a good story)
               Productivity (and happiness)                  doesn’t require suffering
               Someone might heck you over but that’s just a                  momentary inconvenience
               When you’re chasing                    (and doing)                     your dream
                  And it won’t really matter               after you’re done dealing with it
                  And in light of                  your actual goal
              Now continuing on;
              Droid army
         I like how it’s              “subjected,”
           Like      you know the adults can get out of this at any time
   Same brain,       Same abilities             (Yes)            Same in-    tell-I   gence
 (Same      Ability       (To     escape)
    And       are     assholes        if       they     dragged      children        into        this
  (Enablers        if      they      didn’t       (Directly)
   Again,        Fixable
  Also,       one      blockade         Screws            You           Over?
        You can’t               like            self sustain
             On                your                own               planet?
              That’s..                    kinda                  cringe                   ,bro
 Is anyone not    in this circumstance?
  Like not the children     obviously...
   Also please be more nuanced and      put in more      Thought than      the colonizers         episode
        (My head        can’t stand        that headache.)
     .. .
   “Iron     fist,”
    Well        he        is      made       out        of       iron
   (Or       at least      a metal suit,)
    Oh     Palpatine      cares!
(I know    not really      but run      with me      on this)
   Grand army of the       Republic
    Mount         a       bold               -  offensive
   Again the escalation of this goes      from 10       to 1
 It’sa amazing
    Like       last    episode      was    biological     warfare
  (Now    it’s       a      grand      army)
    And it’s just       off the chart    how this conflict works
    Going from     stabbing each other           To throwing         more        paper      airplanes         at       each      other
  (None       of        it     done    seriously)
    And without any        consideration to        how terrifying            that is        with children...        involved
        Like              it’s their game           but their actual living               nightmare                   That...                   they’ll                      be                    left                     to                   clean                     up, if      it doesn’t kill them first
                  That’s                     terr-                     -fying
                 Also                      this                         is                      one                     planet                        (System?)
                   (But you   showed...
In-     Consistent-ly
   Asoka         is      already      glaring
      And        more        focus          on          her
      Than           Anakin
     Really      focusing         on       Ahsoka         there          movie
     Anakin          gets        shifted          by         the     holograms
  Obi-wan’s         Ground        Assault
    Seriously       it’s one planet
     Big       Planet
      Big         Station-
  Oh I thought Obi-Wan     - was flirting with the villains again
    Never mind        it’s just some random       Sergeant
      (Good for           him)
      And like the      Titanic he’s        fecking          jinxing              it
      “Un-         destructible”         Yeah            I know           a few people         that said that
Tragic    irony,     get      ‘em
   Dude has   mood lighting
   Knows the   Republic is going to attack
     Let’s        get         the      shitshow         on         the         road
      (The battle that’s       likely going to unfold,         not the story,)
        so good 
         so far
      Good           for          him
    Get-ting       assigned           an       important        mi-ssion
Into the Blue! 
 (Here      we      go)
  Let’s       See
    Lots        of    build up       for      the     admiral
    Hey the clone actually talk to him in an accurate show of decent accountability
    Good         Job
      I like the Admiral     when he’s not micromanaging stuff
     He looks practically        adorable
          - with his little mustache...
   “Prepare for battle,”
    Never mind it was ruined by logic         that they        should        always be ready for battle
    They are on a        war ship after all
           -still a nice moment
      Raise the shields
       - Fair order
         Aight,            two           more
This...  is Anakin’s command after    all
  Good for them.   
   Ahsoka gets a starfighter     Why?
   Commanding            a       squadron
  Wait       they gave her a squadron?
  I thought-
       The character             is a Mary Sue
          [either that or              Yoda’s an idiot]
            Or, Anakin an                 unaccountable                  bastard
                [They’re both                   un-accountable]
               “Idiot,” is just short for an                 unaccountable                    at this point
                 [I can’t stand                 to correct it every time]
                 Let’s make a good               impression
                  That was almost a good child-like   impression
                   Still a bit too much emotion and not    stunted enough
                    But fine...
As   is...   
“ of course    I’m not   nervous,”
 Never- mind       there it went     with all the goodwill     towards the character
        - Who shouldn’t    be capable of nervousness
             Shit show                  on the                   road
   First     Command
     All the things wrong with that conversation         with a child
   Good       Job
Abom   ination
De-pend- ing
 Child     soldier    ...
  Lives?      Who     put     the    child    soldier      in    charge,
   Also      Bull        Shit       Adults
 Pressure       Off
Whatever        .....    Handle          It
  Force       be      with       you
   Made the presence of self      (which you can’t have because you’re a child)       Be with       You
  “I won’t let you down”
   [Mary       Sue,]
  It’s...   rolling     out
 Kick-       Back        ....   Knows       Some      Non      -Sense        Is    going-      down       -        He’s      likely    going to die
   Being     the only person    that sees something        wrong    with the     whole   “child soldier,”      Leader      -ing  thing         ...  Aight
‘Mother       Bird,’?
 Please tell me   that isn’t Ahsoka‘s    nickname?
  Couldn’t it    have been     anything else?
 [i’m aware “mother,”        Generally      Refers       To     Base       Or      Lead  -ing           - Ship          -        Just     that      we     see    plenty      of    other   names       -      For the    lead ship       -       That    would’ve     been     less       - - -      Dis -      turb      -ing
  (It’s a nitpick       but one       that I will carry        to my grave)
     (She’s a hec’kin                   Child!)
      I am a little bit        fumed
   At them never writing        her like one
   And       still trying to take any credit for                                                           good writing
Shows on the   roll
..Those         Do...         ...      Kinda.       look      like    vultures      ..  Maybe      wrong       ship          ...          IDk          ..      Okay          There          They           Go         ..     Aight          ...       There         They           Go          ...       Perfect           time             to            get           your          Padawan         involved         ...        Back with this     guy..   
   Okay       when I originally heard this         (I     paused        it)             I thought he was saying “lunch”         To show his decadence         or lack of care,
     What he’s actually saying is a        “Launch,”
     Still       good
    (A     (relatively)         smart        move)
     Just           a           funny          anecdote
      Again         what           is         with         the       mood          ...        lighting?
    (On his         hat?)
      Okay          ....        Right,
      They’re       screwed
(Way to send the   inexperienced Padawan first dickhead,”)
  Also; where the heck is   Obi-Wan?
 Like I normally never usually complain because they never hold him responsible and treat him like a kicked puppy
   ( “In this nonsense ‘adults are the savior of everything, leading down, other adults, capable of initiative, the Glorious path      Of stag     -nation
  And ooh,      Obi-wan          is      the    victim!
 Saving      his    previous   grooming     victim     from      the      evil      of     not      stagnation        (And     being      even        the      tin-iest         bit       upset       about         that        whole       grooming         set         up!
    (Never mind         Accountability           [Shutter])
  I see them      doing it
 I’m just giving the    writers the benefit     of the doubt       that that’s      not   what they’re going        with
   (Until       I’m      certain       that’s        the     narrative)
Anyway,     Yeah, they mentioned him like five minutes ago
 We haven’t seen him since       Or ever
   Switching over to Anakin‘s   Admiral
    When it’s supposed to be Obi-Wan’s mission   ...
  For his attack         it’s surprisingly empty
   Then again when has       he ever focused and      done what he was supposed to do
     [Man is a          dumpster fire]
       [And yeah he has another          child soldier to train so he’s probably busy with that]
         - Last episode snark
     He       really can’t restrain himself to        one
    [ Anakin’s        old       news       now...]
    Okay,         I’ll stop the jokes now
    Back         to        this      episode;
    Fleet          is        ready??           !!
     You’re          all         clear
       For        What?
   There’s    a million ships heading right for her
    She’s going to be     destroyed...
    “Softened             them             up,”
A child dies     when an adult     wants them to die
  There is no way      she makes this
   R7       —-        Ready       —-       Action       —-
  My brains     already      going      numb?
   This        is      going         to         be         an       ‘Asoka’        focused      episode,         isn’t it?
     [i’m starting to              wish               I            read            the          pre-views
   (Or the title       description)
        Note; you’re going to hear a lot of a ““Uhmms,” “Uh-hahs,”, and ”what-  Evers,”
         As my brain shuts down          to make way for the authors favorite                Mary Sue
      God help            me
    Ahsoka should be dead
  Ahsoka should be dead
  Ahsoka should be....
  Movie, you do you know         how children work
  Children...       Can’t survive         An Adult         wanting          them        dead
  Those are bots  programmed to kill every man woman and child
  Ahsoka, should     be dead
What really bothers     me- 
  It’s the fact the    child soldiers  is something that you have to do carefully
You   have     to     think     through        it
   There’s not     brawns because children don’t have the     brawns to win that fight
  Nor anything     else
  The adult has to let them      win
   (Or let them       live at least)
  Which goes well with a story about a      narcissist.     playing both sides
 If the narrative      (didn’t)       what are used to hold the scene with     culpable
  The tension should come     from the fact       That Asoka isn’t     aware of      the danger      she’s       in
  Completely    unaccountable          for         her      situation
   And      would        be     unaware        up        to       the     death
  That       is       the     tragedy        of       child      soldiers
   (They       are        by       very     definition       glass       tanks)
   Fodder          Of          ......     Amorality
   If    you    want      to     write       an     adult,      write       an      adult
   Don’t       push      these     backwards      morals
   Write    responsibly         ........ Accountable         for       the      ideas       you      bring       into         the      world          ...         Ahsoka          the      unchildlike         Narc
     (That        thing         is       not        a      child; I will be addressing it as the quasi-adult abomination it      acts to be        Showing how the       actions (at least)        Work better       with the adult
    While still holding its culpable       for writing a bad character          (Child)          (Un-real     -istic-)
 [also     they’re       leading       into         a     Patroclus like twist]
      I      don’t      care
   Here we see Ahsoka,        taking the blame for            some-thing              an older                (Enabler)                 Generation                    Did,                  Taking                    the                    heat             [for the blame]  
                  And by the energy the                       enabler (toxin instigat    -or has gained, by                              the                            Ena-bling
                            That’s what I would say if the story actually took it self                                properly, and didn’t write Ahsoka poorly
                 -  additionally with Anakin’s emotions of guilt (for enabling)                         addressed
                       [Alt                       ernatively]
                        This represents the complete power Adults [Enabling- over involved- generation breakers] hold over the naïve and defenseless, And how enablers care about their games more than for  any concern about the well-being of others]
                      However that’s not what                           Happens;
                    Ahsoka, the abomination                       culpable to neither odds                       or groups,                            Makes it                          through
OY,      Writers,      Plot armor     only applies      to adults,
  For children   it’s unrealistic and bad writing
   Because while adult humans maybe        space orcs
    Babies are...     Not
   They die     when they are      killed
   While an adult can survive   so long as they know what they’re getting into
Okay. everyone except        Ahsoka
   Who      should        be      dead 
  Clone   enables      ......   Okay         ...    Whatever     .....    There is          ..         Oh yeah       when they’re right on top of you           ..       That’s the right time to call for      reinforcements           ..        Not like they were         arrive          -        just in time          to see you get blown up             -          Good idea            ..          Smart guy
     [Also Anakin lent Asoka his ship so she can be Patroclus-ed  did I mention that?
      And how stupid it is?
     [The characters           I mean]              . .         Alright                         . ..        There              we go               ..           Right                    ...          Whelp                 .....           Four           enemy              cruisers     
             So               she’s       
             Dead                      Now                         Right                                ....                    Warn                      those                            fighters
            Does Anakin               looks so pissed off                at everything?
              Also like not going to pull the                 child soldier                  at any time?
               “You’re                 over reacting                  Admiral.”
                Do you know those fanfiction’s where it states that              someone has a problem but he’s never brought up in any meaningful                                           way?
                                    Just there                                             .... .                                              To                                            make                                           her                                          seem                                          quirky                                            and                                          relatable?
                                          With                                                a                                              child                                             character                                               acting                                                 way                                                 beyond                                                  her                                                  age?                                                      (Or his’                                                 having been                                                no stranger                                               for calling Anakin                                                      out                                                       for                                                       his                                                  shenanigans;                                                      even                                                      though                                                      Ahsoka                                                            is                                                          the                                                            most                                                           oblique                                                           case]
                                                         As a child they shouldn’t have any preferences besides eating and sleeping on un-interrupted
                                                           As an adult                                                                  that would                                                                  be a                                                              good study                                                                 of how                                                             assumed authority                                                                     and                                                                 toxic behavior                                                                   (Such                                                                    as                                                                 enabling)                                                                    leads                                                                           to                                                                          a                                                                      worser                                                                       quality                                                                         life                                                                          (Ahsoka’s preferences and dislikes; no longer a concern,)
                                                                       With the feeling of instability toxic peers bring
                                                                          (Small goal; why cutting toxic peers, out of our life, and society, is a   good idea, a    necessary to prevent society from becoming an    unstable mess)
                                                However here it is nothing due to the                                                       story’s refusal to commit
                                                    And instead creating a non-human abomination of a main character, that sucks all the tension and stakes from the story like an on branded Mary Sue straight from Fanfiction
                   I hope the writers are proud to know they wrote such an                      abomination of a character
                   That it ruins any      semi-decent                   plot they have written
                And their decision to       irresponsibly                    inflicted on the world are not unnoted  
                 Though I do hope to forget this       character as soon as possible
                  And that it’s existence will be                       lost to time and space
                    And not inflicted on the                      future generations
                   (And hopefully not                 many more people from                  this generation either*)
                     Or the older                      brother* generation
                   * Specifically
  With that we are 19:17        minutes in        (From finishing)
   “Blue leader”
    Do you think I won’t be done with a       premise*         so early on
     But the premise       was already such a bad one
    And the characters      so badly miss handled
   Which is a shame because I actually look forward to an episode of this premise
    Heck they were redeemed Jar-jar Binks,       you’d have to figure an episode with Ahsoka being redeemed was waiting right around the corner
     However     this is clearly not it
      Well I hold out hope that the writers will eventually practice accountablity when writing Ahsoka’s character
       That light         is getting shorter and shorter
        (It doesn’t excuse all the mediocre episodes or episodes turned mediocre by the lack    of   acc-     oun        tability
   In     her   writing)
 Con-        tin-     Uing      On
“Admiral    attempts        to     order       a     Jedi,”
    I don’t think he   has the authority to do that
  Movie did you just break your own      rule       of   command?
   For       a     stupid        trope?
    Show        how       “bad ass”         your       Mary         Sue     Character        is?
   Also       Anakin’s       just        a    dip shit
   (An     Unaccountable     dip shit)
    Who      en-dangered          a        child’s          life          on          his         own        volition                  Like        he’s      already       Darth       Vader         to        me
    No need to put on the      mask
    Just       start     playing       the     theme
  (Not charming)
   (Will never be)
     Okay                       .....    There       should          be          no      question       about        that
  (Unless it’s trying to insinuate              Obi-Wan                  as a secondary groomer
             Or the Chancellor’s      second victim)
       But seeing as the writers practice the accountability of a     squirrel
    Probably        not...
    Heck      off
  Un          child        like       abomination
   But the (un) child-like abomination is getting people   killed
  When by all the realism          she should be the one dying
   Writers          ....   
   Not cool
  “Our lines,”
You sent one group      out there
  We’ve     seen     you      do    literally    nothing     else           ....
   [this doesn’t make Asoka look cool, this makes everyone else look    stupid
     [and I know what they are going with the survived beyond all odds when no one else can nonsense,”
      No, movie
 Just...    No
 [so many critical (mis)understandings (intentional mis-carrying), that drives this story into extinction
 “Alright, alright,”
  She only comes back     when she’s needed more!
   Fuck off...    
    That character got someone        killed...
    And has had enough sentience    to understand the consequences of her actions
    [and the system        she enables]
     And the        concept of         death
     [Fair enough       that dude could’ve saved himself]
     But Ahsoka assumed authority and fucked it up           Well enough           Herself
     No innocence          in that
    Dude is ready to die         [and while I don’t actually respect to           or encourage that]
    You kind of have to respect*/laugh                           At his commitment                          to his toxic job
                      Aight,                              Mate
  That I pick and   choose
    And should’ve followed      without a second thought    if I was an actual child
   Abomin        -ation
    hope that was good
    Oh he was actually doing      some thing
    That would’ve been nice to see when he uttered         the “We’re out-numbered,“                 Line
      “Intensify deflector shields”
       There’s too many
  [really setting up the odds for Ahsoka to be the     Big Damn hero     [Un-realistic      -ally]
    Aren’t you     ,movie
    Fighter          Squad
     Also isn’t it supposed to be the whole damn        army?
     Like,  where is their enforcement is my question
     Because it should be like baseball bat to glove
    With them out numbering those guys 1 to 10
    So what is up?
    And also where is       Obi-Wan        Kenobi?
   The guy 
    this  mission is actually supposed to be about
     Seriously, that’s becoming a           littered detail
   Alright,        okay
    Dear       God
     She just said “cool your      jets,”
   To the fuckin        Admiral
    Are you trying to DIE     
   That’s an adult
    They can
    (And might)
    Try to       kill you!
    We’re at        18:03  
     And already     having this many problems with the     story
    Like even an essay on why this character doesn’t        work
  Hasn’t done much to sustain   me
 Through          This        Bull
 Too late!
   Happ         -ened
  Sky-       Walker..
  Just-       Okay       movie
   You-      don’t       get       any   reaction      beyond         that
     And..         the       ship’s       down
    You know if this is in any other      situation
  With actual good characters
   And      set up
    That      might’ve        been         a bit       actually         tear       jerking
     As Ahsoka is forced to reckon with the fact of what the toxic behavior has done to her friends and family
     And even as enablers - of a terrible military complex -( of toxic behaviors) you can’t help but feel - despite this being on making up their own creation - that it’s still too cruel for a human being (or sentient) and that accountability will be a blessing for them, where their hurt to themselves and everyone around them will be lesser
     But that isn’t the case
     Because Ahsoka      
     And toaster
     Hang on Admiral
     Fuck’in Jedi            -under breath
        Like seriously Comms guy here gets lot of our beef
     But he seriously gets put through      a whole fecking lot this episode
      Like yeah      he could stop this at any time
     But          He        Doesn’t
     And as noted above,       It’s like dude you could be doing better for         yourself...
      You deserve   better
      Human         reaction
       Just              Ouch
        Out of                 Here
   Like yeah let me  just try and       contain the inhumane                             abomination                                     of                                 nature                                          Sure,                                    sir                                 Right                                     after-                                      [Ship                                    shaking]
                                   I get                                        these                                       fires                                    contained
                                   [Feckin’                                      Jedi]
 Well     shit      got         more   wrecked
   Oh shit      yeah     I fucked that up
    Oh,        Right
   Few    seconds
   Why are you riding this guy’s                   tailplate?
 Also, this is just like one fleet
               I thought this was supposed to be like a            multi facet thing
               Like it said that         the whole entire army
               And we’re dealing with is extremely           small slice of the pie
              (Like not even supposed to be part of the pie             As Asoka           is a Jedi in training,”
   We didn’t even see what Anakin and the Admiral           are doing otherwise
     Seriously       all their hopes...     
        On            a         “teenager”
       Who        should           be      uncapable           of       intuition             (Or       initiative)
        And          Yoda            (and       surprisingly*        every             one           else)                  Signed            off            on           this
   *Presumably             * Nothing         is surprising       about         A bunch of     child      groomers           Agree-              Ing             to        throw             -ing              A         child       into     danger
   That’s       ex         -pected
  Smart         Guy
  Given that we literally haven’t seen any other bit of the      Army
   Ahsoka meant that she’s going to invade the enemy ship         didn’t she?
     Like it was cut so we couldn’t see      the direction
  The way she said that other clone’s name
  I’m sus.
Good job
 If you do your job well enough         No one can beat it      with half-ass          ery
   Since       when?
    Anyone that got hit        died!
    Stay       with       me
   In this surprisingly      stupid attempt
  ...        ....
  He’s      Dead
  Good job everyone    involved
  Apparently        the only one that survived         (Almost)
 Also, Ahsoka     how does it feel to have enabled that behavior?
   Because        you played a part
  Skipping over the part      that that was her fault?
   And the consequences of enabling   extremely toxic actions?
   Like that person’s   dead
Might not have been dead if everyone didn’t enable this  
Like     there        was       a        part     there
 Close up the hangar doors
Also,    That’s your reaction,      To seeing      all this shit     
We’re home
That’s a bit better
Could’ve use a bit more   conflict Over her role      Eyes widening    and shifting in horror     Actually shocked
 And expressing     the full emotions of an   adult
(If that   is what we’re going for)
Okay,      Alright
  Also,     someone     survived?
  (Guess he only      survived out of his own        initiative)
    And was    just very done
   Hey- “jump to lightspeed”
     Aniken- actually did some thing in this whole episode
     Hope the other traids of this      multi-facet         -Ed
  Also,    how is one ship not on fire?
  Bull shit that’s Anakin’s
  His ship...    was on fire
  Hold your characters accountable         For the situations       they caused
  Now I’m going to assume Anakin and Ahsoka have the standard clichéd ‘You should’ve listen to orders/ I do what I want,” or Anakin comforts the un-child-like abomination for       consciously       Enabl       -ing        Bad        Behaviors,         As        An       Adult,       As      that      the         only   situation       that   conversation      would     happen
  (The narrative        refusing           to         hold         her     accountable)
      With a child it would just be an      over involved         adult      comforting         their        own      orders             That      and      only      that
  Himself      and      only    himself
  Because     children        do       not     require   comforting        if      you       do      not      put      them        in    distressful    situations
  “Sorry”       Doesn’t      quite      cover        it
   Head       Count
   Can’t      make       me      feel      bad     drama     queen
  Stop   bothering       the      tech       guys       and       get       off
    She’s capable of making        her own decisions
   She’s either one an    un child like abomination               Or an            adult               Who should be how to           accountability              for           repeated               tox
       Anakin held accountable             (For enabling)
       The second      he hits an accountable adult
       Point being       they’re both in the wrong
     And if movie is trying to paint one of them as a        more or less innocent         (Accountable)        Movie is wrong
   (You can be more or less toxic than someone,           But after rule of five;          you’re both equally accountable         (Aka, should be         held accountable)
    (Equally        irredeemable)
   (By audience)
   (Different          People)
    Point being; they’re both toxic 
    And I wish the writers would stop treating    Ahsoka as deserving of any      of the inn     -ocence        Un-account        -ability   
     Of         a       child
   When she doesn’t act, talk or have any say to it            besides          in name
        Story telling       us
        Then contradicting by showing us          what is almost the exact opposite              (Quasi-)
       Wanting to give Ahsoka of the responsibilities,            (and dialogue) of an adult
        But the          subjective accountability            Of nothing
         Same             with              the              tone
          Creating a wholly                 Inhumane                Character
          With the loss of                  any sympathy              as consequence
            It sucks
            [Too much                 emotions]
             Like an un childlike abomination
             Children shouldn’t have initiative!
             Yeah- where the FECK is Obi-Wan?
   He was mentioned      at the beginning
   That’s        it
   We   haven’t     heard       (or seen)          lip        of        the        guy
    Until       now
  “ I know    you meant well snips,”
   No    she didn’t
  If she’s capable of     initiative,        She knows she’s enabling the        military      complex
  Fuck      off    with    your   subjective   accountability      movie
  You can’t make me sympathize with a     war     enabler
 (One doing it   completely     of       her    own   sentience)
You   get   in   that   corner       with     your     own (un) accountability
   And stop   focusing on this moment like there’s anything interesting     or we’re supposed to sympathize with these characters
Without adjusting the lighting     or   showing    any      sign    that you’re (assuming   acc   ounta     bility       For   dis-      play     ing      An     enabling   conversation       And     not     normalizing       a     bad   situation      (Which should not     be taken    lightly)
Bigger      Picture      .... That     You’re      Not     Aware        Of
Assuming a   sentient being is uncapable of understanding your logic
First rule of war
 Don’t do war
  It’s unaccountable
 “Listen and obey your      superiors,”
 Yep there’s that    assumed authority
 Also she spent her whole life being    groomed for this
There’s no doubt   in my mind that she knows
That was malicious   disobedience
 (Something uncapable       of children
“But sometimes     you get carried away,”
  Yeah he’s an adult        he does it       maliciously
  You’re supposed to be a child        But you’re capable of      malacian
   But the story refuses to hold     (both you and him)         Accountable         For multiple acts of         deliberate tox
    And por     -tray this conversation,       As    between two tox individuals          Debating which one of them is more   tox, with no   stakes
     To put it shortly,        The story has   commitment issues      (And Severe   characterization issues)         That causes of the story to          be unstable              and flounder
           (As it                   deserves)
   “ understand what       you’re going through,”
       Being an enabler?
   (To this un        -childlike abomination’s        toxs?)
       No one is innocent in this      scenario, movie
  You better get it right
“ that I failed,”
Yeah you specifically    screwed that up
“it wasn’t your fault,”
 Hold up, hold up, hold up
 (You put that                    soft music back where it belongs  
              That                  was               completely                    her                   fault!
               (Enabling                       be                    damned)
                    “So                       many                         of                        my                       pilots,”
                     Put                         that                         light                        music                         away
                        Play                        something                         heavier
                         She’s                              the                             villain                               of                               the                              story
                            This                                 is                             disturbing
                            Not                               cute
                      “that’s the reality of                             command,”
                      That’s the                    reality of being toxic
               “General              we’re approaching our staging area,”
        This is the circumstance you allow      Skywalker
      “Very Good              Captain,”
       Continue         enabling           The        military       complex          Anakin
       It’ll           pay         off        one        day      (No; it      won’t)
 “ Master     Windu,”
  Seriously        first        time      hearing      (Never      mind      Seeing)      Windu;         This      entire       time;
      Oh so       Ahsoka did fuck up the plan
       Big          Whoop
       No      surprises        there
    Mary Sue’s breaking the rules and getting no consequences is pretty on par
     “Our        progress        ,huh,”
     Hey you actually nearly had some bitterness appropriate for the   situation!
    Almost a good job         writers!
    “ we haven’t made any progress yet,”
    Yep both a group of feck ups in a           group of enablers
   Great-       situation that is
 “No, Rex,”
 Rex      is half a Narc
 Still an enabler
 But he gives some care
      (Still bad)
      (And tox.)
Put that sad music back     where it belongs so help me
     Screw that
   You cannot make me feel bad           for the enablers-
     You      shouldn’t           be      damn         trying!
On the   damn line,     this movie            is
   She     made      this      hole
   Like good for her for taking some basic      self        accoun-     tability     and   getting (temporary)    away      from       his     toxicity
  That     was     almost      an   appropriate    emotion
  Okay,      Whatever
 Ahsoka’s going to do something reckless and   stupid       (Un-       Acc          oun       Table)         To         “Prove”          Herself,           Do       the      same      exact      thing,         That       got       her   reprimanded,         And be    rewarded   
  ,isn’t she?
  Jedi     Crashed
  One very small      piece
   Of one      facet
   That shouldn’t       exist
   And they had no back up   plan
 Besides the child soldier
  (That acts like nothing like a child)
  That’s something really        to brag about
  More so to shout “what the heck is that thing?!!”
   At the clearly on unchild     “child”
   Yoda,        And Plo,       Have      some   explaining       to       do
   Over where they     found such a     child
   (A lab?)
It’s always on my mind that no one   screaming    about how   fecked up it is     that a   “child” is capable of   initiative
In every scene    No one’s    screaming,    ‘You’re like       13!      How       are         you       capable          of   anything     besides     following      orders??”
    That’s        how        the       clone       facility        got         shut       down
There’s   some things      even      they      won’t      touch          .....
   Aight        ...       This dude      bragging          ....        Okay
  What-ever          ....   Blockade
    Al right
   Remember      this is just      the blockade
   There’s a whole        slave colony        (Or       whatever)
     That we still haven’t       got to
      (Nor Obi-Wan‘s         arrival)
   How long is this     thing?
But do not   underestimate the Jedi
  ‘Except Obi-Wan     underestimate that bitch all day,       He still      won’t do      shit!
   [Hasn’t        even       shown            up!]
  Commander   bring me the data on general skywalker,
   I know this is working up a ‘don’t underestimate the young,’         But babies?
   Underestimate that all day they’re still          Help-less
   (As Ahsoka       should be)
    Yeah       you shouldn’t underestimate the younger generation,        Because you shouldn’t        heck with the future          at all!
      The tragedy      of child soldiers          (And         abused         children)                 Is that there is no          instant            karma
       Only            Capable            After            The             22            Mark.
      Writing your character an un child like abomination        Isn’t clever movie
  It’s un       acc       Ount            Able  
  (And       Terrible)
   Asoka should be a worse version of     general Kenobi/          Skywalker          Due to having the         orders           But none of the          initiative            ..         Of         an adult           ....
   No Asoka     almost systematically         Screwed up your        unaccountable   plan  Relying      completely        on          her
How this conversation should   go;
So, the plan revolving around the    child soldier     went horribly
Ob; “wouldn’t have    guessed,”
 A; Yeah, I suppose...
 [Angry bick      -ering and      Snark      -ing      comm         ences]
 While   Ahsoka     sits      by   blankly,      awaiting       an     order       [Be-cause       Child]
What actually happens;
 Aniken lies and says they were   “out numbered”,     [didn’t even try]
   Sent out      like one teem  
   [To our     knowledge]
  Wait,       what?   
  When did this     happen?      We didn’t see that!
   Everyone made it to the     safety of     hyper space
[Last I checked]
   Except        for      Ahsoka’s         team!
  And      I’m no expert on     ships
  [i’ve gotten the Separtists           And Republic ships      confused more times than I can      count]
   But Ahsoka’s team was the only ship we saw go down
   And there was definitely more than one of those...
   So like... 
  Show   don’t tell movie
  Plus   an entire squadron of     fighters
   Dude I’d rather see the ship go down!
 What the heck happened     there!
 What      the      Heck!
  That’s an important detail!
 You   could’ve use that as contrast!
  Or to show that Anaken    was further along in enabling!
  - ——-
               !!! !
And your Padawan
And your     Padawan what...
 What   part of the plan are you aware of that we’re not?
(Because apparently a     cruiser went down!)
   So      clearly some nonsense happened     that we didn’t see!
   Also, wait what happened to     Comms guy?
   That is prime guilt trip       material!
    Knowing the consequences of       enabling bad behavior!         (Toxic behavior!)
Ahsoka’s fine
The authority    assumer’s fine
  I was so con        cerned
  About the childlike   abomination that it    doesn’t seem     able to die
    Are       you     kidding?
    She was more concerned with her failure      then the fact        That     those guys      died!
    She treated them like skill points     more than actual people!
   “ give her time,”
  Give her time to get over it and    enable more people in danger!
          - Advice with Obi-                                      Won-
   “ you will need her help-”
    The CHILD soldier’s ?
      Not Cool!
      Through           This
      “I know,”
       I know        child soldiers             are               the          new in!
Also, wow.     Even when   she’s not in the    scene, the universe bends to talk about her and give her   props      Sign         1; that you’re writing      a Mary   Sue
Seriously,      You      didn’t      bother         to        put        this       character        through           like a Mary Sue        checklist?
     (Or did    you use that as writing   guidelines?
      For           This          Character?
       I’m       getting        really       heated..
      I’m just going to        blank my mind for a bit
        And maybe skip past these           scenes
   [because there was just nothing with   redeemable about       These        Characters        Or        This          Plot]
Thank you Windu for not focusing on   Ahsoka..
 Postpone       The...
  [it’s not worth it       It’s a   badly done         “Child screws up one thing (And the entire world) and must overcome your measurable odds (completely unrealistically) to     Atone,”
   It is literally the candy bar      of plots
    The       most     unhealthy          ....     And   unappealing     (Sorry       to     candy,             It     Has   some thing        over       these        plots)
     If        I      stop        at     anything        that      makes        me      angry,       I’m     going       to       be      here       all      day,     [For       Years!]        -        Switching      into       summary       mode           ....      Meaning        that            the   commentary        won’t         be     immediate        .....
     And will be more like when there’s a         Tumblr refresh          Without           The            Brackets...
      Not even worthy of the, “Uhms,”  “Oh yeah, and “That’s great,” I usually start falling into about this point   
     [Oh my god....
         No,                      Just                No
 [Everyone is tox, Ashoka is an adult, tries to assume some accountability and leave, Anakin guilt trip her into it [she’s an adult so she didn’t have to go with it] but still, the Clones show the tiniest bit of Accountability, the Admiral showed reasonable hesitance, confirms     And enables        Ahsoka’s       Un-accoun     tability]
              And the story ends up as clichéd and [even worse] broken as I predicted, going full Mary Sue, having Ahsoka take the helm at the rip age of 13 [Acting on Quasi-22] having the basic decency not to blow my ears out with a happy theme but it’s still appears nauseatingly constant in the background, despite none of this being deserving, staying enough under the radar, near “fiercely annoying,” instead of “actively harmful”           And          Dis          gus          ting
     Like         it’s   predecessors       saving          it        from           a          strike
      But         not        from       being         a      terrible      episode
[Worthy      of     being    forgotten,]
 Ahsoka;       the       tales         of       being          a        Mary          Sue?
     Skip            It
     Which              is             a          shame       
      because               This          character            could               be                so              much              better
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