wayfarerkel-blog · 2 years
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@daytonvamc maiming, blaming, shaming and purging Veterans they have disabled, those who refused to suck off every swingting dick in an uniform, chaplains and Trump cultists.
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12/28/23 - Ozona, TX - OLD FAVORITE - After ten years of the RV life and crisscrossing the country too many times to remember, you develop a memory of some of your all-time favorite places to boondock for the night. This lonely spot high above the Pecos River High Bridge is one of the best we’ve found anywhere. The views and the quiet are unique for a highway picnic area. This is what it looks like just after sunrise. Looking forward to some big miles today. We’re trying to make it to Tucson in time for a New Year’s Eve party with friends we haven’t seen in awhile.
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mcanylm · 2 years
Onun varlığı bir depremi andırıyordu görünmeyen ama sarsıcı...
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Bir ucu yerin altına bir ucu ozona uzanan görülmez bir enerji, hayatımı şekillendiren duygularımı özgürleştiren klişe dışı kadersel bir enerji...
Varlığımı her koşulda varlığına adayacağım enerjinin moleküllerine sınırsız sığınıyor sığınıyordum...
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typhlonectes · 2 years
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Broad-banded Copperhead, Agkistrodon laticinctus, South of Ozona, TX, Crockett County, USA
photograph by Tom Spinker | Flickr CC
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lowcountry-gothic · 6 months
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Detail of Downy Indian Paintbrush, Texas Bluebonnet, Prickly Pear Cactus, Ozona and Marfa, Texas (Specific Objects No. 2), March 2023; Sotol Leaf and Paintbrush, Trans-Pecos, Marfa, West Texas, March 2023; Wild Persimmon and Eryngo, Cross Timbers, Thomsen Prairie, Montague County, Texas, November 2022; and New England Blazing Star, Chinkapin Oak, Fen Grass of Parnassus, Bethel, Connecticut, August 2023 Art by James Prosek.
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It was a warm day in June. The sun was shining brightly. It was the last day of school. Then, I’d be done for good (unless I went to college). my classes seem to take forever. Then it’s graduation time. My mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, and younger sister are in the front row. My friend, Katherina maze, is called first. Then Fiona kettle, Mazza grave, and Anthony Brass. Then, my name, Timpani Ozona, is called. My family is cheering louder than ever before. In fact, my 4th grader sister, flute, even got her cheerleading squad to do a cheer for me! I was smiling wider than ever. I get to study to be a doctor, my dream job. I was excited, but might have gotten a bit carried away when I did a front flip in front of the audience. I go back to my spot, feeling awesome.” After everyone was called, me and my friends walked home. ‘How lucky!’ Kate exclaims. Her twin sister, Jane, replies in a know-it-all voice, “it takes skill, not luck.” Then she turns to me and congratulates me. When I get home, I get no break. We went out to Zina’s grill, my favorite. Then we went to get cake, where I bump into my friend celine. She congratulated me then says “tell me everything you learn, alright?” “I’ll try,” I reply. “I have to leave on august 1st. See you!” When we return home, I pack for college. It is in Madica, Cleveland. I’ll have to go live there. ✨S U D D E N L Y✨, my best friend hope pops up out of nowhere. “Agh! You scared me!” “We can be roommates!” She says excitedly. “Yes!” I say. The rest of the days go by in a blur. However, I can remember something late said. My old boyfriend, Dane, totally dumped me. I was sad for a while. Kate told me. “If you get an awesome boyfriend tell me!!!” Hope pipes up. Her little sister piper is there. She and my sis are BFFS. Three days later, I’m speechless. “Wow” I say, taking in all of Cleveland university of tequila. A guide shows us around. It’s amazing. I hear hope suddenly ask if we can be roommates. “You’ll have to talk to ms. Paleo.” He paused for a moment. “Do you have your books?” “Yes!” “Good. Your classroom is over here.” He says, pointing to a room marked ‘275’ I find two empty desks. We sit down. “Okay class, open to page 52 in the human body: anatomy and workings.” The days go by, and I learn a lot…
It is late august. I am twenty-three years old, and I still keep a diary. I don’t know why. Today this morning I went for a walk, but something told me to bring my first aid kit. I brought a fold up stretcher (are injuries really that severe today???) and stuff to set a broken bone (I’m a total weirdo). I had been strolling happily for five minutes when I heard something interesting. I saw two TOD (tribe of darkness) boys pestering- no, threatening another. They were slowly inching closer so he’d fall off. I caught one word tho: “you’re so scared you belong on the human side haha” they laugh. Why are they laughing, I wondered, why are they pushing someone off Cliff Cleveland, which is 150,000 meters tall. I set up my portable elevator (tons of technology, right? It’s the year of 2109. I climb down it, but it’s too late. The sound of somebody falling echoes through the canyon. He took quite a fall. I pull out the stretcher, and go somewhere where my supplies are. I’m thought learning learning how to treat TOD people was completely worthless, but it paid off BIG TIME. thirty minutes or so later, while I’m fixing myself a cup of tea, I hear a noise. I quickly head back to the room. He looks confused. I hadn’t really thought about what I’d do once he woke up. He starts squirming. He’s obviously trying to get out. He needs to stay 25 more minutes. I was warned about this. I also took psychology (I was a very lucky girl. Not many girls went to college. I had to get 100% on every assignment and had to do 15 sheets of extra credit every night. I had to work very hard.) I also learned that TOD people need to stay in bed for an hour. There were still twenty three minutes left.
@interdimensionalvoid ????????????????????????????????
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shiocreator · 1 year
It was a warm day in June. The sun was shining brightly. It was the last day of school. Then, I’d be done for good (unless I went to college). my classes seem to take forever. Then it’s graduation time. My mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, and younger sister are in the front row. My friend, Katherina maze, is called first. Then Fiona kettle, Mazza grave, and Anthony Brass. Then, my name, Timpani Ozona, is called. My family is cheering louder than ever before. In fact, my 4th grader sister, flute, even got her cheerleading squad to do a cheer for me! I was smiling wider than ever. I get to study to be a doctor, my dream job. I was excited, but might have gotten a bit carried away when I did a front flip in front of the audience. I go back to my spot, feeling awesome.” After everyone was called, me and my friends walked home. ‘How lucky!’ Kate exclaims. Her twin sister, Jane, replies in a know-it-all voice, “it takes skill, not luck.” Then she turns to me and congratulates me. When I get home, I get no break. We went out to Zina’s grill, my favorite. Then we went to get cake, where I bump into my friend celine. She congratulated me then says “tell me everything you learn, alright?” “I’ll try,” I reply. “I have to leave on august 1st. See you!” When we return home, I pack for college. It is in Madica, Cleveland. I’ll have to go live there. ✨S U D D E N L Y✨, my best friend hope pops up out of nowhere. “Agh! You scared me!” “We can be roommates!” She says excitedly. “Yes!” I say. The rest of the days go by in a blur. However, I can remember something late said. My old boyfriend, Dane, totally dumped me. I was sad for a while. Kate told me. “If you get an awesome boyfriend tell me!!!” Hope pipes up. Her little sister piper is there. She and my sis are BFFS. Three days later, I’m speechless. “Wow” I say, taking in all of Cleveland university of tequila. A guide shows us around. It’s amazing. I hear hope suddenly ask if we can be roommates. “You’ll have to talk to ms. Paleo.” He paused for a moment. “Do you have your books?” “Yes!” “Good. Your classroom is over here.” He says, pointing to a room marked ‘275’ I find two empty desks. We sit down. “Okay class, open to page 52 in the human body: anatomy and workings.” The days go by, and I learn a lot…
Five years later
It is late august. I am twenty-three years old, and I still keep a diary. I don’t know why. Today this morning I went for a walk, but something told me to bring my first aid kit. I brought a fold up stretcher (are injuries really that severe today???) and stuff to set a broken bone (I’m a total weirdo). I had been strolling happily for five minutes when I heard something interesting. I saw two TOD (tribe of darkness) boys pestering- no, threatening another. They were slowly inching closer so he’d fall off. I caught one word tho: “you’re so scared you belong on the human side haha” they laugh. Why are they laughing, I wondered, why are they pushing someone off Cliff Cleveland, which is 150,000 meters tall. I set up my portable elevator (tons of technology, right? It’s the year of 2109. I climb down it, but it’s too late. The sound of somebody falling echoes through the canyon. He took quite a fall. I pull out the stretcher, and go somewhere where my supplies are. I’m thought learning learning how to treat TOD people was completely worthless, but it paid off BIG TIME. thirty minutes or so later, while I’m fixing myself a cup of tea, I hear a noise. I quickly head back to the room. He looks confused. I hadn’t really thought about what I’d do once he woke up. He starts squirming. He’s obviously trying to get out. He needs to stay 25 more minutes. I was warned about this. I also took psychology (I was a very lucky girl. Not many girls went to college. I had to get 100% on every assignment and had to do 15 sheets of extra credit every night. I had to work very hard.) I also learned that TOD people need to stay in bed for an hour. There were still twenty three minutes left.
Interdimensionalvoid i know it's you
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happilygroovybear · 6 days
The Neighbors Band - Ozona Grill & Bar October 28, 2023, Set 1 of 3
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seobloggerforwork · 1 month
EPDM Membran Kaplama ve Isı Yalıtımı
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EPDM membran kaplama, modern inşaat ve yalıtım projelerinde sıklıkla tercih edilen bir malzemedir. Uzun ömürlülüğü, dayanıklılığı ve yüksek performansı ile dikkat çeken EPDM membran kaplama, birçok avantaj sunmaktadır. Bu yazıda, EPDM membran kaplamanın özellikleri, avantajları ve uygulama alanlarına dair detayları inceleyeceğiz.
EPDM Membran Nedir?
EPDM membran, sentetik kauçuk bazlı bir malzemedir. Genellikle düz çatı uygulamalarında, su yalıtımı ihtiyacını karşılamak üzere kullanılır. EPDM membran kaplama, çeşitli iklim koşullarına dayanıklıdır ve UV ışınlarına, ozona ve hava koşullarına karşı direnç gösterir.
EPDM Membran Kaplamanın Avantajları
1. Uzun Ömürlü Yapı
EPDM membran kaplama, 20 yıl veya daha uzun bir hizmet ömrü sunabilen son derece dayanıklı bir malzemedir. Bu, bir kez uygulandığında uzun yıllar boyunca bakım gerektirmeden kullanılabileceği anlamına gelir, böylece toplam maliyetleri düşürür.
2. Su Yalıtımı
EPDM membran, tamamen su geçirmezdir ve su sızdırmazlığı sağlar. Çatılarda, teraslarda ve diğer düz yüzeylerde mükemmel bir su yalıtım çözümü sunar. Bu özellik, su hasarını ve nem sorunlarını önlemeye yardımcı olur.
3. Kolay Uygulama
EPDM membran kaplama, hafif ve esnek bir yapıda olduğu için uygulama süreci oldukça kolaydır. Roll olarak satılan EPDM membran, hızlı bir şekilde uygulanabilir ve iş gücü maliyetlerini azaltır.
4. Çevre Dostu Seçenek
EPDM membran, geri dönüştürülebilir bir malzemedir ve çevreye duyarlı bir yalıtım seçeneği sunar. Doğal kaynakları en aza indirerek açık hava koşullarına dayanıklılığı sayesinde çevresel etkiyi de azaltır.
5. Isı Yalıtımı
EPDM membran kaplama, ısıya karşı dirençlidir ve gelişmiş ısı yalıtım özellikleri sunar. Bu özellik, enerji verimliliğini artırarak ısı kaybını en aza indirir ve enerji tasarrufu sağlar.
Uygulama Alanları
EPDM membran kaplama, çeşitli alanlarda kullanılabilir. Başlıca uygulama alanları şunlardır:
Düz Çatılar: EPDM membran, düz çatılar için ideal bir su yalıtım çözümüdür.
Teraslar: Teras alanlarında etkili bir su geçirmezlik sağlar.
Konteynerler: Su yalıtımı ve koruma amaçlı konteyner kaplama uygulamalarında kullanılır.
Endüstriyel Tesisler: Depo alanları ve diğer endüstriyel yapılar için dayanıklı bir kaplama seçeneğidir.
EPDM membran kaplama, dayanıklılığı, su yalıtım özellikleri ve enerji verimliliği ile inşaat sektöründe tercih edilen bir malzemedir. Uzun ömürlü yapısı, kolay uygulanabilirliği ve çevre dostu özellikleri ile birçok projede başarılı sonuçlar elde edilmesini sağlar. EPDM membran kaplama, hem ticari hem de bireysel projelerde güvenilir bir yalıtım çözümü sunarak, inşaat alanında önemli bir yer edinmiştir.
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sunny6677 · 4 months
It was a warm day in June. The sun was shining brightly. It was the last day of school. Then, I’d be done for good (unless I went to college). my classes seem to take forever. Then it’s graduation time. My mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, and younger sister are in the front row. My friend, Katherina maze, is called first. Then Fiona kettle, Mazza grave, and Anthony Brass. Then, my name, Timpani Ozona, is called. My family is cheering louder than ever before. In fact, my 4th grader sister, flute, even got her cheerleading squad to do a cheer for me! I was smiling wider than ever. I get to study to be a doctor, my dream job. I was excited, but might have gotten a bit carried away when I did a front flip in front of the audience. I go back to my spot, feeling awesome.” After everyone was called, me and my friends walked home. ‘How lucky!’ Kate exclaims. Her twin sister, Jane, replies in a know-it-all voice, “it takes skill, not luck.” Then she turns to me and congratulates me. When I get home, I get no break. We went out to Zina’s Mexican grill, my favorite. Then we went to get cake, where I bump into my friend celine. She congratulated me then says “tell me everything you learn, alright?” “I’ll try,” I reply. “I have to leave on august 1st. See you!” When we return home, I pack for college. It is in Madica, Cleveland. I’ll have to go live there. ✨S U D D E N L Y✨, my best friend hope pops up out of nowhere. “Agh! You scared me!” “We can be roommates!” She says excitedly. “Yes!” I say. The rest of the days go by in a blur. However, I can remember something late said. My old boyfriend, Dane, totally dumped me. I was sad for a while. Kate told me. “If you get an awesome boyfriend tell me!!!” Hope pipes up. Her little sister piper is there. She and my sis are BFFS. Three days later, I’m speechless. “Wow” I say, taking in all of Cleveland university of tequila. A guide shows us around. It’s amazing. I hear hope suddenly ask if we can be roommates. “You’ll have to talk to ms. Paleo.” He paused for a moment. “Do you have your books?” “Yes!” “Good. Your classroom is over here.” He says, pointing to a room marked ‘275’ I find two empty desks. We sit down. “Okay class, open to page 52 in the human body: anatomy and workings.” The days go by, and I learn a lot… 
It is late august. I am twenty-three years old, and I still keep a diary. I don’t know why. Today this morning I went for a walk, but something told me to bring my first aid kit. I brought a fold up stretcher (are injuries really that severe today???) and stuff to set a broken bone (I’m a total weirdo). I had been strolling happily for five minutes when I heard something interesting. I saw two TOD (tribe of darkness) boys pestering- no, threatening another. They were slowly inching closer so he’d fall off. I caught one word tho: “you’re so scared you belong on the human side haha” they laugh. Why are they laughing, I wondered, why are they pushing someone off Cliff Cleveland, which is 150,000 meters tall. I set up my portable elevator (tons of technology, right? It’s the year of 2109. I climb down it, but it’s too late. The sound of somebody falling echoes through the canyon. He took quite a fall. I pull out the stretcher, and go somewhere where my supplies are. I’m thought learning learning how to treat TOD people was completely worthless, but it paid off BIG TIME. thirty minutes or so later, while I’m fixing myself a cup of tea, I hear a noise. I quickly head back to the room. He looks confused. I hadn’t really thought about what I’d do once he woke up. He starts squirming. He’s obviously trying to get out. He needs to stay 25 more minutes. I was warned about this. I also took psychology (I was a very lucky girl. Not many girls went to college. I had to get 100% on every assignment and had to do 15 sheets of extra credit every night. I had to work very hard.) I also learned that TOD people need to stay in bed for an hour. There were still twenty three minutes left.
The fitness gram pacer test is a multi state aerobic capaci— /ref /j
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crossover-enthusiast · 4 months
It was a warm day in June. The sun was shining brightly. It was the last day of school. Then, I’d be done for good (unless I went to college). my classes seem to take forever. Then it’s graduation time. My mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, and younger sister are in the front row. My friend, Katherina maze, is called first. Then Fiona kettle, Mazza grave, and Anthony Brass. Then, my name, Timpani Ozona, is called. My family is cheering louder than ever before. In fact, my 4th grader sister, flute, even got her cheerleading squad to do a cheer for me! I was smiling wider than ever. I get to study to be a doctor, my dream job. I was excited, but might have gotten a bit carried away when I did a front flip in front of the audience. I go back to my spot, feeling awesome.” After everyone was called, me and my friends walked home. ‘How lucky!’ Kate exclaims. Her twin sister, Jane, replies in a know-it-all voice, “it takes skill, not luck.” Then she turns to me and congratulates me. When I get home, I get no break. We went out to Zina’s Mexican grill, my favorite. Then we went to get cake, where I bump into my friend celine. She congratulated me then says “tell me everything you learn, alright?” “I’ll try,” I reply. “I have to leave on august 1st. See you!” When we return home, I pack for college. It is in Madica, Cleveland. I’ll have to go live there. ✨S U D D E N L Y✨, my best friend hope pops up out of nowhere. “Agh! You scared me!” “We can be roommates!” She says excitedly. “Yes!” I say. The rest of the days go by in a blur. However, I can remember something late said. My old boyfriend, Dane, totally dumped me. I was sad for a while. Kate told me. “If you get an awesome boyfriend tell me!!!” Hope pipes up. Her little sister piper is there. She and my sis are BFFS. Three days later, I’m speechless. “Wow” I say, taking in all of Cleveland university of tequila. A guide shows us around. It’s amazing. I hear hope suddenly ask if we can be roommates. “You’ll have to talk to ms. Paleo.” He paused for a moment. “Do you have your books?” “Yes!” “Good. Your classroom is over here.” He says, pointing to a room marked ‘275’ I find two empty desks. We sit down. “Okay class, open to page 52 in the human body: anatomy and workings.” The days go by, and I learn a lot… 
It is late august. I am twenty-three years old, and I still keep a diary. I don’t know why. Today this morning I went for a walk, but something told me to bring my first aid kit. I brought a fold up stretcher (are injuries really that severe today???) and stuff to set a broken bone (I’m a total weirdo). I had been strolling happily for five minutes when I heard something interesting. I saw two TOD (tribe of darkness) boys pestering- no, threatening another. They were slowly inching closer so he’d fall off. I caught one word tho: “you’re so scared you belong on the human side haha” they laugh. Why are they laughing, I wondered, why are they pushing someone off Cliff Cleveland, which is 150,000 meters tall. I set up my portable elevator (tons of technology, right? It’s the year of 2109. I climb down it, but it’s too late. The sound of somebody falling echoes through the canyon. He took quite a fall. I pull out the stretcher, and go somewhere where my supplies are. I’m thought learning learning how to treat TOD people was completely worthless, but it paid off BIG TIME. thirty minutes or so later, while I’m fixing myself a cup of tea, I hear a noise. I quickly head back to the room. He looks confused. I hadn’t really thought about what I’d do once he woke up. He starts squirming. He’s obviously trying to get out. He needs to stay 25 more minutes. I was warned about this. I also took psychology (I was a very lucky girl. Not many girls went to college. I had to get 100% on every assignment and had to do 15 sheets of extra credit every night. I had to work very hard.) I also learned that TOD people need to stay in bed for an hour. There were still twenty three minutes left.
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insurgentepress · 5 months
Prolongan Fase 1 de Contingencia Ambiental en Valle de México este sábado
Redacción InsurgentePress/Ciudad de México.- La Comisión Ambiental de la Megalópolis (CAMe) prolongó la Fase 1 de Contingencia debido a la alta concentración de ozona y restringió la circulación de vehículos en el Valle de México este sábado. La (CAMe) precisó que registraron concentraciones máximas de ozono de 170, 164 y 160 ppb en las estaciones de monitoreo de Tlalnepantla, Atizapán y…
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#Ozona FL Owner Finance home just steps from Gulf w/2br/2ba
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Thrill Seekers Unite: Off-Roading Adventures with Paradise Life E-Bikes 🌲🚴‍♂️🏞️
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Calling all adrenaline junkies! Get ready for an off-roading escapade like no other with Paradise Life E-Bikes in Dunedin, Florida. If you're a thrill seeker in search of rugged terrains and heart-pounding adventures, our electric bikes are geared up to take you on an exhilarating journey through the untamed beauty of Dunedin.
🏞️ Honeymoon Island State Park: Coastal Trails and Sandy Adventures
Gear up for off-roading excitement at Honeymoon Island State Park. Our E-Bikes are ready to tackle the sandy trails, providing you with a thrilling ride along the coast. Explore the park's diverse ecosystems, encounter wildlife, and feel the rush as you conquer the challenges of off-road terrain.
🌲 Caladesi Island State Park: Uncharted Off-Road Trails
For the daring thrill seeker, Caladesi Island State Park offers uncharted off-road trails. Let our electric bikes navigate the rugged paths of this barrier island, where untouched nature and challenging landscapes await. Get ready to unleash your adventurous spirit.
⛰️ Ozona Trail: Hills and Valleys Adventure
Embark on an off-roading journey through Ozona Trail, where hills and valleys create the perfect playground for thrill seekers. Our E-Bikes effortlessly handle the terrain, allowing you to experience the ups and downs of this exhilarating trail while soaking in the breathtaking views.
🌳 Hammock Park: Nature's Obstacle Course
Discover the natural obstacle course of Hammock Park on your electric bike. Twist and turn through dense vegetation and winding trails. Our E-Bikes provide the agility needed to navigate this lush haven, creating an off-roading adventure surrounded by nature.
🏰 Fort De Soto Park: Coastal Wilderness Exploration
Conquer off-road challenges at Fort De Soto Park, a coastal wilderness waiting to be explored. Our electric bikes provide access to the park's trails, historical forts, and secluded beaches. It's an off-roading expedition with a touch of history and a whole lot of natural beauty.
🚴‍♀️ Safety First: Off-Roading Guidelines
Before you hit the off-road trails, Paradise Life E-Bikes prioritizes your safety. We provide guidelines for off-roading adventures, ensuring that thrill seekers of all experience levels can enjoy the excitement while staying secure.
🚵‍♂️ Book Your Off-Roading Expedition
Ready to satisfy your craving for off-roading adventures with Paradise Life E-Bikes? Book your electric bike today and gear up for an adrenaline-pumping experience through Dunedin's untamed landscapes. Whether you're a seasoned off-roader or a first-time adventurer, our E-Bikes promise an off-roading thrill that will leave you craving more. 🌲🚴‍♀️ #OffRoadThrills #DunedinAdventures #ParadiseLifeEBikes
#ebikerentalsflorida #ebikerentalsdunedinflorida #ebikeadventures #ebikerentalsdunedinfl #ebiketoursandrentalsdunedinfl #dunedinflebikerentals #dunedinebikerentals #ebikerentalsdunedin #dunedinfloridaebikerental
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drtubakavala · 10 months
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Ben 3 yıldır vücudumdaki ağrılarla cebellesiyordum denemediğim tedavi yöntemi kalmadı ama hiç birsekilde geçmedi Tuba hanımı buldum sağolsun konuştuk ettik ve hızlı birsekilde tedaviye başladık ozona onun sayesinde iyiye gidiyorum ağrılarımda azalmalar oldu bunca yıldan sonra beni tek iyi eden şey megersem bu tedaviymis insan sağlığını kaybeden de kıymetini bilmesi gerekiyor kaybettikten sonra anladım ama o kadar mutluyum ki ne kadar teşekkür etsem az kalır iyilescegime o kadar çok inanıyorum ve hissediyorum ki vücudum onca tedaviye yanıt gostermezken ozonla ağrılarım azalıyor ve bu duyguyu çok özledim herkese tavsiye ederim geç olmadan sağlığınıza kavuşun gerçekten ozonun iyi yapamicagi hiç birşey yok onu anladım artık sağlığıma kavussam bile düzenli şekilde her yıl ozon yaptırırım benim gibi hastalar var ise sakın umutsizlige kapılmayın ben çok çektim sizde geç olmadan yapın yaptırın derim daha 2 seansdan faydasını görmüş olarak söylüyorum bunları 🙋🤗
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📷Talatpaşa Bulvarı Nazar Apt. No:23 Daire:1 (Gazi Orta Okulu Karşısı) Alsancak / İZMİR
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Best Plumbing Services in Clearwater
Website: https://clearwaterplumber.avantel.net/
Address: 800 Grant St, Clearwater, FL 33755
Phone: +1 (727) 219-2347
Call for quality plumbing and exceptional service to our customers in the metropolitan area. We work all types of projects including residential, commercial, or industrial, and our types of service include water heaters, furnaces, boilers, toilets, sinks, faucets, sewer, main line and drain cleaning, toilet back ups, bathrooms sinks & bath tubs, garbage disposals, shower drains, floor drains, septic tanks, bio clean maintenance treatments, water lines, water softeners and filtration, backflow testing, frozen pipes, drain repairs, sump pumps, gas lines, repipe, sewer repair, pipe replacement, and other home services.
Area Served:
Palm Harbor Ozona Safety Harbor Holiday Clearwater Beach Crystal Beach St Petersburg Tampa Elfers Odessa Bay Pines Belleair Beach Clearwater Dunedin Indian Rocks Beach Largo Oldsmar Seminole Tarpon Springs
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