bookishtheaterlover7 · 7 months
"Nobody has pointed out the only time we see #chrisevans n #alba together when there is something. Pap1 WN2, ghosted premiere, pap2 scajo &josh Christmas party, pap3 her movie coming out, oscars party. No pictures of them just being out. Too many poses"
Saw this on X and couldn't agree more.
I'm Team Chris for this reason and as a strong intuitive and tarot reader I know his kind soul and the way his energy makes me feel calm and I also know about Hollyweird antics. Remember his faces whenever he is alone with her, ofc yd he had to smile. Maybe we're coming to an end since people said he wasn't wearing the ring which is a big hint. Or maybe this is the last sighting and he's done. Maybe he got promised GK in the future which we know it's his biggest dream and one would do anything to make his dream come true, right?
Team Chris 💙
This is for certain blogs:
I seriously don't know what to believe anymore. I meant it when I said that.
I just want him to be happy. And not suffer. This shit won't help, but we gotta let our frustrations out somewhere.
And that goes for him for selling this. It's sending the wrong message!
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yeast-papers · 1 year
ACA-28, an anticancer compound, induces Pap1 nuclear accumulation via ROS-dependent and -independent mechanisms in fission yeast
Pubmed: http://dlvr.it/Swf79h
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letteratitudine · 1 year
Piccola Accademia di Poesia - da una visione di Elena Mearini
MILANO - PAP - Piccola Accademia di Poesia
A settembre riprendono i corsi della Piccola Accademia di Poesia di Milano, la scuola di scrittura dedicata esclusivamente al componimento in versi, un’esperienza unica in Italia.
Piccola Accademia di Poesia Ú una visione nata dalla fantasia di Elena Mearini, poetessa, scrittrice e imprenditrice dove "PAP" Ú l'acronimo usato per indicare questo luogo di incontro, confronto, dialogo e ascolto della Poesia. 
Una “Piccola Accademia” in cui, attraverso un metodo didattico innovativo e interdisciplinare, si puĂČ scoprire e mettere a punto una cifra poetica personale. Un luogo unico in cui lasciarsi invadere dalle voci dei piĂč grandi poeti di ieri e di oggi e mettere alla prova la propria.
Vorrei che l’Accademia diventasse sempre di piĂč un punto di riferimento per tutti coloro che desiderano frequentare e praticare la poesia ma non solo. Un luogo di confronto e scambio tra amanti della parola in ogni sua forma ed espressione, uno spazio capace di accogliere e sostenere progetti creativi che pongono al centro lo sguardo poetico sulle cose.
Elena Mearini
Si riparte il 22 settembre con i PAP, i moduli di formazione crescente sviluppata in DUE ANNI, suddivisa in quattro quadrimestri: PAP0, PAP1, PAP2 e PAP3. 
La frequentazione di ogni PAP dà accesso di diritto al quadrimestre successivo. 
I quadrimestri sono strutturati con 8 lezioni ciascuno di una durata di 3h circa per 2 incontri al mese, a scelta tra la classe del venerdÏ sera dalle 19 alle 22 e quella del sabato pomeriggio dalle 14.30 alle 17.30. 
Oltre alla parte didattica si prevedono esercitazioni propedeutiche alla scrittura in classe insieme ai docenti e condivisione collettiva. Talvolta ci saranno “compiti” da svolgere a casa. 
La frequentazione potrà avvenire in presenza in sede oppure online (via Zoom). 
Le sessioni saranno due all'anno: da fine settembre a inizio febbraio e da inizio marzo a fine giugno.
Si aggiungeranno frequenti occasioni di incontro con poeti contemporanei e personalitĂ  artistiche. Tra i nuovi ospiti, LELLO VOCE, scrittore e performer, tra i fondatori del Gruppo 63 e ideatore del primo Poetry Slam italiano.
Oltre a Lello Voce Ăš prevista la presenza anche di FRANCESCO ROAT, saggista e critico letterario e GIOVANNI BLOCK compositore e cantautore (Targa Tenco come migliore autore emergente)
La Piccola Accademia di Poesia nasce nel 2019, a oggi conta oltre 44 iscritti al primo anno (nell’anno accademico 2021/2022 erano 13), prevalenza donne (65%) con un’età che va dai 24 a 71 anni, provenienti da Milano, Lombardia e fuori regione grazie alla modalità mista di fruizione (online e in presenza).
Tra i docenti, oltre alla direttrice Elena Mearini, l'editore Marco Saya e il filosofo Angelo De Stefano.
In aggiunta ai corsi, tanti gli appuntamenti riservati agli allievi: un fitto calendario di incontri con personalitĂ  artistiche e culturali provenienti dagli ambiti piĂč diversi, in un’ottica di contaminazione e trasversalitĂ  che Ăš alla base del programma formativo dell’Accademia. Sandro Bonvissuto, Ivan Tresoldi, e nel 2023, Fabio Pusterla, Vivian Lamarque, Vincenzo Mascolo, Maurizio Cucchi e LELLO VOCE.
L’Accademia ù un vero e proprio hub della poesia in cui poeti e insegnanti porteranno gli studenti a scoprire la consapevolezza del verso attraverso una “didattica dell’ascolto”.
Il metodo di divulgazione e insegnamento della poesia all’interno della Piccola Accademia si sviluppa seguendo tre direzioni: 
la lettura e l’analisi delle grandi voci poetiche che hanno lasciato tracce sostanziali durante il Novecento e lo studio delle piĂč significative voci emerse nel nuovo millennio. 
Lo studio della metrica e della neometrica per l’acquisizione degli strumenti necessari a creare e governare il ritmo e le sue variazioni. 
La conoscenza del pensiero dei maggiori filosofi del secolo scorso, del loro sguardo sul linguaggio e sulla funzione della poesia.
Queste tre direzioni s’intrecciano costantemente durante le lezioni, permettendo agli allievi di approcciare contemporaneamente stile, suono e contenuto di una poesia.
Inoltre, l’ampio spazio dedicato alle esercitazioni pratiche durante le lezioni, consente un confronto immediato con il docente accelerando il processo di apprendimento e verifica delle nozioni impartite.
Altra caratteristica della Piccola Accademia ù l’idea del “fare concreto insieme”, ovvero creare diverse occasioni di scambio tra gli allievi, proporre esercizi di gruppo sulla parola poetica e occasioni di reading pubblici per allenare gli allievi a confrontarsi con lo sguardo dell’altro e permettere alle loro parole di stare con e tra la gente. https://www.piccolaaccademiadipoesia.com/
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dexter10078 · 2 years
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at Chicago, Illinois https://www.instagram.com/p/CnxPJS-PAP1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nikpapp2-blog · 4 years
pap1:Do you want to sub my channel?
rob:Yes,why not?
pap1:Ok,my channel called pap1!
rob:I am a alien!!!!
rob:Ha ha ha
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kissmiasma99 · 4 years
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I’ve honestly never seen Pap1 look so fab and fresh
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littlefloweryuki · 3 years
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@bodega-pap1 @gtownghoul-blog @memorablemomentsphotography @myrelationshipwithlove @nachokage @kbearrmarino @no-such-thing-as-monsters @whiskeyinateakup @mbrammer-blog @kerrialexis-blog @blowwmekiissses-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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antoine56 · 7 years
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Sous le soleil de Marseille
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jonny-sunny · 3 years
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@peopleareclueless @davinchic @justfreakoutandletgo-blog @simplysusiee @classiclikeegyptiangold @scorphius @hushluckyghosts @soupforyourarmpit @jesssicarose-blog @polytonic-blog @musicnerd922 @h-rowls @doubtt-everything @twentyfou-r @bloody-rosary-blog @fuck--your--shit-blog @keep-dancing @tantone @omq-lana @snowyspectre @stijntestrake @tinybbycloud @skrunkish @gunnulfsvns @like-a-boss3 @iwillneverbeyoursteppingsto-blog @mycaberry @thequietgirlwho-sitsintheback @scinical @wannadiethx @siberian-bulldozer-blog @newbestfriend-blog1 @throw-the-world-away-blog @thepleasantunicorn @tumblrsrehab @sanctuary-city @champagne-pap1 @videpourmoi 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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biotechtimes · 4 years
Punjab Agricultural University Jobs 2021 – Biotech & Life Sciences JRF
New Post has been published on https://biotechtimes.org/2020/12/19/punjab-agricultural-university-jobs-2021-biotech-life-sciences-jrf/
Punjab Agricultural University Jobs 2021 – Biotech & Life Sciences JRF
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Punjab Agricultural University Jobs 2021
Punjab Agricultural University Jobs 2021 – Biotech & Life Sciences JRF. School of Agricultural Biotechnology at Punjab Agricultural University is recruiting for a Junior Research Fellow position. Candidates with Biotechnology/ Genetics/Plant Breeding/ Life Sciences background can apply for this PAU Job. Check complete details below:
Project Title: “Genetic Transformation of PAP1 Gene in American Cotton Accessions Coker 312 and PAU Bt 1 for Developing Coloured Cotton” Misc. (FC-7)(PC-5539) for a period of six months or till the termination of the scheme whichever is earlier.
Position Name: Junior Research Fellow
No. of Position: One position
Monthly Emoluments: Rs. 31000/- per month + 16 % HRA
Qualifications for the position of Junior Research Fellow.
B.Sc. with minimum OCPA 6.00/10.00 basis or 60% marks.
M.Sc. in Biotechnology/ Genetics/ Plant Breeding/ Plant Breeding & Genetics/ Life Sciences with at least 6.50/10.00 OCPA or 65% marks.
Note-I: The candidates, who does not possess Master’s degree in the relevant subject but possesses Ph.D degree in the discipline required at Master’s level, shall be eligible for the post.
Note-II: Applicants having post graduate degree in subject mentioned above, but having Bachelor degree with three years must have passed the NET by ARS, DBT, CSIT/UGC NET or GATE.
How to Apply
Applications are invited on the prescribed form alongwith the application fee of Rs. 200/- in the shape of Bank Draft payable at Ludhiana in favour of Comptroller, PAU, Ludhiana on any working day from 9.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. alongwith attested copies of certificates.
The last date for the receipt of applications (duly completed in all respects) in this office is 01/01/2021. Incomplete applications or unsupported by the requisite documents will not be entertained. The candidate should appear for an interview on 06/01/2021 at 11.00 A.M. onwards in the office of the undersigned. No separate information for the interview will be sent.
No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
The application form is available PAU website www.pau.edu
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Download Application Form
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corasohn · 8 years
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nikpapp2-blog · 4 years
pap1:Hi,do you want to play tennis?
pap1:Why not?
pap1:Because what?
rob:Because I am a rob!!!
rob:Ha ha ha
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littlefloweryuki · 3 years
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@bodega-pap1 @gtownghoul-blog @memorablemomentsphotography @myrelationshipwithlove @nachokage @kbearrmarino @no-such-thing-as-monsters @whiskeyinateakup @mbrammer-blog @kerrialexis-blog @blowwmekiissses-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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Cybersécurité combine les agents et équipements et la fonction de DNS RPZ3.
Cybersécurité combine les agents et équipements et la fonction de DNS RPZ3.
LuJam contrairement aux solutions traditionnelles applique un filtrage global et proactif à tout équipement du réseau et à tout matériel PAP1 ou AVEC2 connecté.
ROUEN, NORMANDIE, FRANCE, September 27, 2019 /EINPresswire.com/ — Rouen, le 25 Septembre, 2019. NUI est une association (Loi 1901) pionniĂšre de l’informatique en rĂ©seaux fondĂ©e en 2001. Depuis plus d’une annĂ©e, NUI Ă©vangĂ©lise Ă  leurs

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yeast-papers · 5 years
Identification of ubiquitin-proteasome system components affecting the degradation of the transcription factor Pap1.
Pubmed: http://dlvr.it/RD3J0t
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biotechtimes · 5 years
PAU Recruitment 2019: Biotechnology/ Genetics /Plant Breeding Research Job
New Post has been published on https://biotechtimes.org/2019/08/21/pau-recruitment-2019-biotechnology-genetics-plant-breeding-research-job/
PAU Recruitment 2019: Biotechnology/ Genetics /Plant Breeding Research Job
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PAU Recruitment 2019
Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) is hiring candidates with a background in Biotechnology/ Genetics /Plant Breeding. PAU Recruitment: Biotechnology/ Genetics /Plant Breeding Research Fellow Job. Check out the below-mentioned details on PAU Biotech Job: 
School Of Agricultural Biotechnology PAU, Ludhiana
Project Title: “Genetic Transformation of PAP1 Gene in American Cotton Accessions Coker 312 and PAU Bt 1 for Developing Coloured Cotton” Misc. (FC-8)(PC-5539).
Position Title: Junior Research Fellow
No. of Position: 01
Tenure: for a period of six months or till the termination of the scheme whichever is earlier.
Salary: Rs. 31000/- per month + 16 % HRA
B.Sc. with minimum OCPA 6.00/10.00 basis or 60% marks.
M.Sc. in Biotechnology/Genetics/Plant Breeding/Plant Breeding & Genetics/Life Sciences with at least 6.50/10.00 OCPA or 65% marks.
Note-I: The candidates, who does not possess a Master’s degree in the relevant subject but possesses a Ph.D degree in the discipline required at the Master’s level, shall be eligible for the post.
Note-II: Applicants having post graduate degree in subject mentioned above, but having Bachelor degree with three years must have passed the NET by ARS, DBT, CSIT/UGC NET or GATE.
How to apply: Interested applicants should submit applications on the prescribed form alongwith the application fee of Rs. 200/- in shape of Bank Draft payable at Ludhiana in favour of Comptroller, PAU, Ludhiana on any working day from 9.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. alongwith attested copies of certificates
Incomplete applications or unsupported by the requisite documents will not be entertained. The candidate should appear for interview on 29/08/2019 at 10.30 A.M. in the office of the undersigned. No separate information for interview will be sent. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. The application form is available PAU website www.pau.edu
The last date for the receipt of applications (duly completed in all respects) in this office is 26/08/2019.
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Download Application Form
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