snudootchaikovsky · 3 months
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rothlaylah · 7 days
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theautisticfroglord · 11 months
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took this from an idea on twt
3x3 of my favorite black clover characters!!
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skala-w · 1 year
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colucana · 5 months
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Lil drawing based on an au idea @the-geek-librarian had a while ago, i just happened to finished in time for their birthday
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navysodas · 3 months
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Last post before I fall into obscurity again
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kyokutsu-sama · 2 months
Hi hello I really hope I'm not bothering you with another request ignore this if you don't want to do it it's completely your choose
But I had this idea can you do headcanons on William, Patri, and Rhya
Being told by their Wife that man maybe a another mage or magic knight keeps making her uncomfortable by un-appropriate comments or unnecessary touches it's just a idea I thought of while chatting with a ai bot no pressure to do this request thank you
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A/n: @weebwith-problems !! I'm not good at math but the pic got me🤭❤️
A/n: I know it took a while to write but here it is. I take my time but I don't like to fail with requests. I really embodied the character here because the topic is something that has happened to me and I can't explain the amount of hate that I feel in that moment.
I'm sorry fot the delay btw🥲
Tw: Non-consensual physical contact, harassment
William :
The captain of the golden dawn is a calm man and likes to solve the things in the best way but when the situation involves hurting or making his wife uncomfortable, that can change a little. The situation occurred when the they were going out to dinner and a man who was sitting at the next table couldn't take his eyes off her.
She thought it would stop but it only made it worse when William went to the bathroom leaving you alone. The man got up and approached the table making stupid comments about her and she felt a mixture of hatred and disgust as his mouth spoke those words. When she got up he started to get too close and at that moment her hero William arrived and pulled the man back who quickly recognize the captain. "Captain Vangeance?" The man frowned, now a little uncomfortable "I didn't like the way you spoke to my wife and neither did she, she's my wife and deserves to be respected and you won't do it again." William returned a serious look to the man who was stuttering over his words after found out that she were married with the captain She never expected to see William being this serious, he was always relaxed and smiling. "I-I'm really sorry to you and your wife. I really don't know where my head was. My apologies."The man said, almost pleadingly and she gave a little smile, seeing the whole scene he was doing and the way he was shaking "Well, apologies don't change much about what happened but at least make sure you don't approach her again" William said, holding her hand and leaving the restaurant She felt so much better after her husband's interference that it was as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. William kissed her forehead and didn't let go of her hand until they got home again. He would look and take care of her to make sure she was okay and to try to forget what happened.
Patri :
Patri also comes from a calm nature, as he also inhabits William's body but he is a little more impulsive than him as he is a little scarier than our dear Will. Patri and his wife were walking down the street hand in hand when another man came close to her and put an arm around her shoulders, to which she immediately moved away and Patri intervened, pulling her behind him, ready to face that man. "What do you think you're doing with her? What's your problem?" Patri walked forward, looking into the eyes of the man who was faced with a very threatening look coming from the elf. The man didn't expect that reaction but who would feel sorry for him for doing something so stupid? "She didn't do anything to you, or did she? No, then disappear and don't touch her again." Patri took one last step towards the man who was leaning against a wall, feeling chills and unable to say anything Her wife saw Patri embody something that was new to her and that made her feel a little goosebumps, but seeing the other guy trembling with fear was satisfying. The man ran away and Patri looked at his wife after 'getting back to normal' and smiled at her and it took her a few seconds to smile back and thank him for defending her. Patri can be very overprotective when someone messes with the person he loves.
Rhya :
Rhya ends up being a little more different from the other two above. He may be lazy most of the time but don't underestimate this man. He can get pretty serious and dangerous when he wants to. One day he and his wife went out together for a walk through a garden and after some time when they were sitting on a bench with him resting his head on her shoulder, a man on another bench next to theirs started looking at her as if wanted to say something. At first, she didn't care much but when the man started saying things to her and making her feel uncomfortable, she woke Rhya and told him what was happening. The elf also looked at the man long enough for the other to start to get nervous, but it didn't end up there. "What do you want from my wife? Should I put you in your place?" He said, heading towards the other guy, with a calm and cold voice that hid a lot of atrocities he was about to do "But I was just..." The man tried to change the situation he created but that only made the situation worse for him "Get lost, disgusting human" Rhya looked at the man with a very unfriendly look The man got out of there as quickly as he could and he turned to go back to his wife who was sitting looking at him after that. Rhya ran a hand down her face and smiled before putting an arm around her waist before going back to his nap to make sure no one would mess with her.
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awakefor48hours · 1 year
Anime friendly text post meme
Part 61/???
Can't believe, yesterday was the 1 year anniversary of this series. That's fun. Also, as previously mentioned, I will not be adding any posts related to Sword of the Wizard King for a week.
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blackcloverdatabase · 5 months
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Happy Birthday William and Patri!
Last year, my twin got us both sick with Covid around our birthday, probably because we share a lot of stuff, but at least we don't share a body! It made me think that if William ever got sick on his birthday, Patri would be stuck feeling sick too.
Hopefully they got to celebrate all their birthdays in good health, and I hope you all are able to enjoy the holidays in good health too!
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loosesodamarble · 6 months
The best thing about Yami as a character is the fact that he has secrets, not out of a desire to keep people in the dark or a sense of shame for his past.
But because he probably doesn’t think to let people know stuff about him.
The audience is consistently shown that Yami has connections to people and none of the Bulls are made remotely aware of it.
Lotus reveals he had an encounter with Yami and Luck’s response is to ask “you know the captain?” Not say “The captain’s mentioned a guy like you before.” Safe to say that Yami doesn’t even boast about his past battle victories.
Henry’s existence, despite the Bulls living in Henry’s house, is a surprise as the squad thought he was a ghost at first. It’s honestly silliest case since how does a group go 6-7 years without meeting their (essentially) landlord?
Zora’s status as a Bull comes as a shock to Asta, Noelle, and Luck at the gathering of the Royal Knights. And none of the Bulls recognized him at the exam so he never showed himself earlier and Yami likely didn’t talk about him even to describe his looks.
Nacht being vice captain, the fact that the squad had a vice captain at all to top it off, was a bombshell to Asta but also long standing members like Finral and Vanessa.
There’s also the fact that Yami has a sister back home which Asta was floored by. (Note that Yami outright lied about being born to fishermen but he just quietly omitted Ichika’s existence in his recounting of his life.)
The details of Yami’s history and relationships are a mystery to the whole squad. It’s not done maliciously by any means. Yami comes off as the type to think “they’ll find out eventually so no need to tell them now.” And leaves it up to fate whether or not anyone learns anything about his past.
Also, literally every time, those reveals happen at some wildly inconvenient times. It’s either in the middle of a fight or when everyone is stressing about an upcoming battle or after Yami’s been freaking kidnapped.
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silvyavan · 2 months
Okay so it's getting too chummy around here so I'm gonna throw a molotov.
This is gonna make a bunch of elf fans mad BUT I will take the bullet because I feel MANY missed the point of the Elf vs Clover conflict and how Zagred's bitchass plays into the politics of it all, and how the incident is an example of "divide and conquer" political infighting strategy.
Elves and Nobles fighting is essentially Big Mana on Big Mana Warcrimes and Zagred is acting as the political instigator to wipe out BOTH parties.
The story very clearly says that the elves are victims of genocide by the ruling class but even then it was seen in the elf tribe that there WAS suspicion and racism as well (Patri and Vetto). Licht, the only elf with critical thinking, literally says the elves also have some fear of the humans, similar to how the humans fear the elves.
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On top of that, their idea of vengeance was to possess the descendants of those who killed them and wipe everyone out which would have only continued the cycle of abuse. They quite literally possessed the nobles who ARE the descendants, and they could've very well just gone along with the Sephiroth ritual (I'm genuinely convinced the sephiroth is a reverse engineered qlipoth and clover kingdom of antiquity did the 1st qlipoth, but that's that's different story).
The point of the arc isn't "the elves should have been the ruling people of Clover especially with big mana and wispy white people appearances",
It's actually literally "crimes and massacres made out of fear and greed will end up turning history into a flat circle, with two powerful parties inciting violence that affects bystanders and common people as collateral, gaining nothing and only looking themselves into a cycle of endless violence".
The very point of Black Clover is a story about underdogs and those who aren't blessed. Massive mana doesn't make you a good person and being the victim of a hate crime doesn't make you a saint. Massive mana is also not a get out of jail card. They very much state several times they plan to genocide the humans like they did with them, regardless of mana or status. We're not even sure if the elves who were freed from the malice showed regret of their actions and attack.
Mana not being a reflection of a person is the point of the story, and even if you were hit first, that doesn't mean you get to mass murder the entire race of the offender, involved or not involved.
Was the wedding massacre deserved? Fuck no, these people just wanted to get married, but Tetia and Lumiere were NOT thinking this shit through of "fuck now, explain to the inlaws later".
Does that mean Patri was correct? ALSO NO, because we literally get told that Zagred can't outright manipulate and add malice into people, he can only incentivise something, like he did with the Clover royals, and how he did with elves.
The racism of elves and the genocide made by Clover royalty was very much nuanced. This has layers.
Zagred benefited the mutual racial tensions as a third party inciting the massacre. This man was using divide and conquer political infighting strats because he wanted to get rid of BOTH the Clover royals of the past and the Elves.
Hell, even Zagred's reincarnation spell corrupting some of the elves into violence is a metaphor for inciting violence not on the people directly involved, but on the whole demographic, only increasing the infighting between two demographics while he pushes whatever buttons he needs to weaken BOTH parties to take advantage of them. This man literally SAYS it!!! He was the fuckass that sent the elves to the present!!! He started this shit!!!
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He straight up confesses he tricked them into wrecking the vengeance with mass murder, he does not give a shit, he sees them as stepping stones and stepping stones alone.
He literally admits that he incited humans into the genocide, using their desire for mana and Licht and Tetia's Union as a call to action, based on greed and fear. Even some of the elves know that. This man says it how it is. He used Tetia as a way to incite fear into the humans and their mana prowess as a way to invite greed, while using the prior friction between species in the elves as a cause to incite hatred into them and the tragedy as a way to promote the massacre of humans 500 years later.
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His plan is victims of abuse and genocide into violence not just against the direct descendants of the tragedy, but the common people who had NO say or even action in the matter. Even Drowa, Gauche's elf counterpart, can admit that the common people of the present are not the same as the people who massacred them.
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Say what you will, but Zagred was making MASSIVE POLITICAL CHESS MOVES like this. Man literally almost succeeded too. The fact that nobody questioned the malice they had against humans outside of a few means that they believed the massacre against them would've been justified. Even Raia was low-key supporting the mass murder DESPITE KNOWING IT WAS UNFOUNDED.
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Because he wanted Licht to be reincarnated. Even thought Licht didn't want to start violence between the humans and the elves! Literally everyone is trying to get Licht back, without thinking what he would've wanted or done himself. Raia fucken says he didn't want to diminish their thirst for revenge. Dude knew this was all bullshit and still let them go on to make a possible genocide.
I feel like when you reread the series, like actually READ and DIGEST what they're saying and thinking, you're getting a lot more nuance on the topics at hand. Zagred is essentially the Conservatives pitting minorities against other minorities in an attempt to wipe out both. Smh, I need to reread this whole thing in bulk before the new chapter drops.
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snudootchaikovsky · 10 months
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rothlaylah · 8 months
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Loa bolígrafos de colores son mi nueva pasión
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theautisticfroglord · 11 months
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they're in love your honor
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crazypenc · 15 days
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colucana · 1 year
Elysia’s top tier babysitters
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Moss Dog, Kangaroo Squirrel and Mushroom Toad
Featuring: Licht, Patry, Baval, Rhya, Reve and Tensi
@spicy-clover-database Someone please get Tensi off the Toad's mouth before she gives Brant a heart attack
A little infodump on this critters bellow the cut because I couldn't help it, animal planet influenced my childhood
—Brydae dog/Moss dog
Moss magic
Gentle giants, in charge of sheeps and children, and fierce protectors of what they consider theirs
Lets others ride them and attach baskets to carry fruits, vegetables, fish, toddlers, infants, lambs, or arrows
Moss grows all over their bodies like fur, often getting nibbled and eaten by sheeps or trimmed in different styles
They have the habit of burying themselves deep into the ground to the point of not being able to get distinguished from common grass, more than once has one emerged from the ground and scared a passing elf
Pups are born without any moss covering them, parents will bury their young in fertile moist soil to help in the development of their magic and mana
—Canvor Squirrel/Kangaroo Squirrel
Reinforcement Magic
Standing easily up to an adult elf eye level, energetic and always on high alert for threats
Normally in charge of babies and toddlers, tend to take them for joy rides in their pouches to their parents dismay
Great climbers, high jumpers and fast runners, Baval in his teen years decided to try and ride on Sparkles to compete with Kivn’s moss dog, he ended up stuck in Elysia highest tree
Each individual bonds hard and fast with the elves in their charge to the point of trying to teach toddlers climbing and jumping from tree to tree
Pouches are a characteristic of both genders, males and females take turns in caring for their kits and carrying them around
—Saleeti Toad/Mushroom Toad
Mushroom magic
Giant amphibians with three rows of sharp teeth, expert swimmers and hunters, will often intimidate or attack intruders on sight
Toddlers and infants are frequently seen riding on them as small living boats or sleeping with them as the mushrooms on them are bioluminescent, thus making them a living nightlight for any darkness scared elf.
Adult elves also ride on their backs but instead of staying in the surface, they will dive with them to catch fish or collect other underwater objects they came across.
Carnivorous and with voracious appetite, will either stay underwater with their mouths hanging open and catch any unsuspecting fish, or jump out of their ponds and grab a passing bird. Mammals and baby elves are completely out of their diets.
Fathers care for the army of tadpoles, moving them from a muddy puddle under bushes to a bigger pond in their mouths when the babies are ready to transition. Armies can reach up to 20 pollywogs each.
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