starburst2000 · 4 years
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Some PcVicky fluff plus Leslie! Sorry I haven't posted much of them for all this time!
I used one of @croxovergoddess's squad bases.
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rhirhidamiengurl666 · 7 years
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A little South Park headcanon that @pureblood2000 and I have going.  McDaniels and BarBrady's twin girls, Lena and Olivia  has their first playdate with PC and Vicky's son.
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imagineannemorgan · 5 years
PcVicky for the ship thing. Thanks!
          SEND ME A SHIP AND I’LL DO THIS THING                        
The ship is my: Not my OTP, but I ship it because PCxVicky is cute
I consider this ship’s feelings: Mutual | Mixed | Strange | Awkward | Platonic | Sibling-like | One-sided | They don’t really like each other |
I’d consider the relationship: Healthy | Awkward | Abusive | Doesn’t work properly | They’d never get together |
Children: No | Yes | They’d think about it
PC Principal already has the PC babies and Principal Victoria would make a better mother than Strong Woman. (I’m not hating on any ship, I just don’t like Strong Woman much because of how she treats PC Principal). I would love to see Principal Victoria come back and run the school with PC Principal.
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starburst2000 · 5 years
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starburst2000 · 6 years
Fatherhood part 8
On the 26th day, Leslie has now returned to her original age, and she has now entered the 4th Grade. She and Butters also started to get along in no time, and she has started to get a special interest in technology. She starts to hang out not only with the other kids in her class but also with Terrance Mephisto; some kids joke by calling them “lovingbirds”, but they dismiss, because they consider each other just “friends”...
Meanwhile, PC and Victoria have been getting more intimate than usual, often ending up in some unprotected intercourses. After Leslie has started 4th Grade, Victoria starts to experience strange things, like dizziness, mood swings and frequent urination, along with nausea in the morning. Wanting to know what is wrong, Victoria one day goes to the clinic and explains her symptom to a doctor, who proceeds to give her a blood test. The result come positive for something unexpected... Victoria is pregnant! She couldn’t be happier, since she thought that Breast cancer made her infertile, and she can’t wait to tell Pc, Butters and Leslie about it...
The same day, Victoria and Pc go for a walk with their kids, and arrived to Stark’s Pond, she has wonderful news to reveal... “Soon, a new sibling will come into our life!” Pc is perplexed, but his expression changes after she gently takes his hand and places it on her belly... He takes Victoria in his arms and starts kissing her while holding her softly... A new member will come in their family, and they all couldn’t be happier.
The End
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starburst2000 · 6 years
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Happy 2018 from the Collins family! Victoria is expecting the triplets.
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starburst2000 · 7 years
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For @dangerouslychocolateobservation... there you go, sister! (3B)
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starburst2000 · 7 years
Fatherhood part 5
As the days pass, Leslie becomes bigger and stronger… She begins to stand up, but she still has some troubles with walking. This doesn’t discourages PC and Victoria, who make her train to let the child make her first steps. Leslie has also begun to put her baby teeth, and learns new words every day, such as “Dog”,”Snow”,”Tree”,etc.
Just like most 16-months old child, she is sometimes scared of people she has never met, such as Mayor McDaniels, but the blue-haired woman sun makes the child feel conformable and gains the nickname of “Blue”, or “Bwue”,as told by Leslie’s childish language.
Later, that day, PC and Victoria are having a talk with some PC Bros, when they hear Leslie saying:”Mama! Dada! Look!” They turn around, and they see something beautiful… Leslie is moving her first steps by herself! Vicky kneels and says:”Come on, Leslie! Come at mommy!” The toddler turns around and begins walking towards her mother, but after the 8th step, she falls forward, the child falls and begins crying…
Victoria picks up her daughter and gently kisses Leslie’s forehead, thus making her stop crying. Leslie reaches her hands to her mom, and says:”Mama!! Me just wawked!” And Victoria can’t help but fill with kisses her precious…
Part 6 coming soon
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starburst2000 · 7 years
Fatherhood part 4
A couple of days pass,and Leslie slowly grows up... On the 4th day,she has began vocalizing a few words,but she hasn’t said a concrete word yet... Pc Principal tries to make her say a few words by showing her some colorful pictures,but still nothing... Victoria tells him that children need time to learn how to speak properly,and that he shouldn’t put all that pressure on her...
During the day,the little family goes to walks near the Stark’s Pond,which Leslie particularly enjoys... The sun, the birds, the flowers... On a beautiful day,Pc puts a blanket on the grass,and lets his young daughter play with her favorite toy,a teddy bear wearing a green shirt with the PCΔ logo. They play together,along with Vicky, and as the sun begins to set, they put the blanket and the bear in Leslie’s diaper bag and return to the frat house.
That evening,Victoria feeds the child with applesauce,and later Pc changes her diaper and rocks her gently to sleep. Before closing her eyes,Leslie murmurs:”Pa-pa...” Pc and Vicky can’t believe it:their daughter just said her first word! They couldn’t be happier...
Part 5 coming soon
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starburst2000 · 7 years
Fatherhood part 3
Later,that day,Pc and Victoria return to the Pc Frat House with the little Leslie (Carol McCormick had picked up Kenny from the hospital and brought him home a few minutes before). The hospital has given them a Finnish Baby Box with all the things the child might need,including unisex baby suits and an extra baby bottle with powder milk.
It’s now late evening, and both the Principals prepare the newborn child for the night;Pc offers himself to change Leslie’s diaper,with some problems…  Victoria giggles and helps him to clean Leslie and fold her diaper correctly,then they put on the child a clean purple onesie with feet and place her in the box with the baby mattress and sheets.
They put the box with the child on a desk in the master bedroom and tell the little girl a bedtime story,and as Leslie closes her eyes, Victoria kisses Pc’s cheek softly  and then they change in their pajamas and turn the light off. Inside their bed, Pc confesses to Victoria:<<You know,I always wanted to have a family…And after all we’ve went through ,it’s nice to finally stay together with our child.>>
Vicky smiles and answers:<<I really hope to have other children someday, maybe a boy. But still,it might be a problem when they’ll be teenagers.>> Pc reassures her,and they kiss on the lips before falling asleep in each other’s arms.
Later, that night… they suddenly wake up because of Leslie’s loud crying, and Pc goes near the box and picks up the baby and begins to rock her to sleep while Victoria goes to the kitchen to prepare the milk-filled bottle. A few minutes later, the woman brings the bottle to her boyfriend, and he begins feeding the child. He’s such a great father…
Part 4 coming soon
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starburst2000 · 7 years
Fatherhood part 1
In South Park,it’s an afternoon like the others:kids are playing at their friends’houses,adults are doing “adult stuff”, and Randy is making a fool of himself (Again!)
Inside Kyle’s house, Kyle,Kenny and Stan are playing with Legos,trying to make a castle to use as a fort for when they’ll play after with toy soldiers. After the castle is done, Kenny goes to Kyle’s toy chest to take the soldiers, but when he brings them to his friends, he accidentally steps on a Lego, screams and falls back, dead.
Stan:<<Oh my god! They killed Kenny!>>
Kyle:<<You Bastards!>>
Meanwhile, inside the Pc Frat House, Pc Principal and Principal Victoria are smooching, hugged to each other. All of a sudden, Pc grabs strongly Victoria’s hand, his face contorted in pain. Vicky asks him what’s wrong, and he answers that he needs to go soon to the hospital...
They get into the car, and Victoria drives all way trough, while Pc has the hand grip in his left hand to let out the pain...
At the hospital, Doctor Goauche analyses his blood and the result say something unusual: he’s pregnant, and about to give birth... PC is confused: a cis man cannot give birth! A series of painful contractions makes him scream in pain, almost making him break the hand grip...
The doctor teaches the Principal to push with the anus (it’s an anal birth) while Victoria gives him some water to drink. After almost 15 minutes, Doctor Goauche announces that a little head is coming out! PC gives a last push, and the baby, a boy, comes out, and the doctor gives him to the nurse to make a DNA test to him. A few minutes, as the male Principal is trying to deliver the placenta, another nurse notices that a pair of little legs are coming out!
Here we go again... Pc now has to push more, because the baby is podalic and there may be more risks... Finally, after almost 1 hour and 1/2, the second and last baby comes out: it’s a girl,who’s placed into the nurse’s arms to have the DNA test...
After a few hours, the DNA test results come out, and the results are unequivocal... the boy is Kenny, while the girl is none other than Leslie Meyers, whose DNA matches Pc Principal’s and Caitlyn Jenner’s, but Caitlyn’s part is AD DNA...
Part 2 coming tomorrow
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starburst2000 · 7 years
Pc to the heart
Since she had lost her job and divorced,Principal Victoria Bergman hadn’t got many money because her husband administrated her finances,and so,she was forced to stay at home and clean it daily;but since she still lived with her ex-husband,he always said that the house wasn’t clean enough,and she was badly hit daily.
That day hadn’t been easy for the poor woman:her tormentor had came back at 18:30 PM like everyday,and Victoria had spent every moment of her day cleaning the house,but that day,that monster got so angry that he grabbed her by the hair and kicked her out. She was all alone,jobless,penniless,and she lived on the other side of South Park,which meant that she was isolated from the rest of the town.
She began walking silently down the road when she arrived in Bonanza Street and felt a drop on her head;she lifted her eyes and saw a torrential rain coming,but she did not cared. Even though she was near Sharon and Randy Marsh’s house,she didn’t want to disturb them,so that she sat on a bench near and began sobbing silently.
Even Pc Principal hadn’t had a great day himself:he had had to talk in a school assembly about autism,but it hadn’t sorted a great effect on the bored students. To calm down his nerves,he had decided to have a walk around the town,when it began raining. Thankfully he wasn’t wearing his work clothes but a blue gym suit with a green Texas A&M University hooded sweatshirt. He had just arrived at Eric Cartman’s house when he saw Principal Victoria sitting on a bench.
“What is she doing here?”he thought. “She doesn’t seem very happy,better check out.” He got closer to her and,uncaring that he was about to wet his clothes,he sat next to the woman. That poor little thing. Her clothes were soaking wet and had stick to her skin,her face was paler than usual,and… was she crying? There DEFINITIVELY was something wrong whit her.
"What happened, miss Victoria?"he asked,trying to sound caring. "Has anyone done something bad to you? And why are you out here, you're soaking wet!" 
Principal Victoria looked up and saw the man who had replaced her, and sobbed:"I g-got abused and kicked out by my ex husband and-and..."she began hyperventilating 
"This won't happen again. Let me bring you somewhere warm and dry" he took her hand to bring her somewhere where to drink something warm. Victoria wasn't unsure if following him or not, but she became surprised as they stopped in front of the Pc Frat House. The frat house was empty, but inside there were Topher and Classi relaxing on the couch. They skipped up like two grasshoppers as they heard the door opening.
"Bro, what happened? Why is Principal Victoria here, and why is she wet?" Topher asked.
“That poor little thing, she’s freezing! Let me bring you a hot drink"Classi went to the kitchen to fix her a cup of milk. "Perhaps later. All she needs now is a warm bath” Pc put the record straight and lead the woman to his room.
When they had to take off their clothes,Victoria was hesitant. When she finally was completally naked,she revealed her body filled of bruises and breast cancer signs. She let Pc enter in the bathtub first,and when she entered,she sat among Peter’s legs,in front of him.
He gently took some bubbles from the tub’s water and spread them on the blonde’s body,then he began massaging her shoulders. Vicky turned herself around and smiling,she kissed his forehead,letting Pc embrace her softly.
They stayed in the bathtub for almost an hour,then they came out and dried their bodies and hair,then Pc placed Victoria’s wet clothes on his room’s radiator to let them dry. Since also her undergarments had got wet too,Pc took a box under his bed whit written “XX emergency”. Inside there were female undergarments,some tampons and some hair bands. He also let her wear his pajama shirt as a night gown to keep her warm.
Before falling asleep, Vicky murmured: “Thanks for letting me stay here” “I had to do it.” Pc answered. ”Do you want to return to be the Principal of the school? I’ll be your vice."
Victoria was enthusiastic. "I do” she murmured,before falling asleep whit her head on his chest,listening to his heartbeat.
“Goodnight, Victoria, my safe space.” Peter murmured,running his fingers in her blond hair,before kissing her forehead and falling asleep.
Hope you liked this story! This is for you, @dangerouslychocolateobservation!
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starburst2000 · 7 years
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30 day challenge 8:wearing gender/orientation flag shirt. Pc Principal is a Straight Ally, Principal Victoria is bisexual.
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starburst2000 · 7 years
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30 day challenge day 5:Working out
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starburst2000 · 7 years
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30 day challenge day 7:Stargazing
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starburst2000 · 7 years
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30 day challenge day 4:Laughing
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