#PEG and dialysis
citronaut69 · 1 year
Work shit in the tags cause it's A Lot
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the-rachana · 2 years
Antithrombin Market Highlighting Regional Revenue Share Dominance by 2030
Antithrombins deactivate several enzymes of coagulation system to prevent excessive blood clots. Growing use of antithrombin in conjunction with heparin due to the increased reporting of diseases like sepsis, intravascular coagulations, and myocardial infractions, high incidences of coagulation disorders, increased rates of kidney and heart failure (used extensively in dialysis and open-heart surgeries) are the key drivers of the global antithrombin market. However, because of animal testing restrictions, there is limited research on pipeline drugs being performed is a prominent challenge to the global market. Also, issues including the rising usage of biologics and the high price of antithrombin drugs are limiting the global antithrombin market.
The antithrombin market was pegged at US$ 550 million in 2021. The market is expected to witness a CAGR of 3.90% from 2022 to 2030.
In these circumstances, antithrombins or blood thinners are advised to prevent blood clots, which eventually reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. Antithrombins acts by preventing the activity of certain clotting factors that are naturally found in blood. These medications are frequently used to stop blood clot (thrombi) formations in veins or arteries.
To access the Sample PDF of this research study, please request here: https://growthplusreports.com/inquiry/request-sample/antithrombin-market/7760
Many new developments are also impacting the growth of global antithrombin market. For instance, Antithrombin Kits are developed by Chromogenix Sweden AB. The kit is developed to determine antithrombin activity in human plasma. Apart from traditional thrombin tests, the kit distinguishes between persons who are antithrombin deficient and those who are not. The kit has been modified to work with a variety of automated analyzers, resulting in equivalent response conditions for each analyzer.
Key Players:
Gilead Sciences Inc., Strategic Developments, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Novartis International AG, Merck & Co., Shire Plc., Kedrion S.p.A, Scripps Laboratories Inc., Lee Biosolutions Plc., Grifols S.A., and CSL Behring GmbH among others
Segmentation By Application:
·         Therapeutics
·         Research
·         Diagnostics
By Source
·         Human
·         Goat Milk
·         Bovine
Browse the full report now: https://growthplusreports.com/report/antithrombin-market/7760
Key Questions Answered in the Report Include:
(1) This report gives all the information about the industry analysis, revenue, and overview, of this market.
(2) What will be the rate of increase in market size and growth rate by the end of the forecast period?
(3) What are the major global Antithrombin Market trends influencing the development of the market?
(4) What are the vital results of SWOT analysis of the major players operating in the Antithrombin Market?
(5) What are the potential growth opportunities and threats faced by Major competitors in the market?
 About Us:
Growth+Reports is part of GRG Health, a global healthcare knowledge service company. We are proud members of EPhMRA (European Pharmaceutical Marketing Research Association).
Growth+ portfolio of services draws on our core capabilities of secondary & primary research, market modelling & forecasting, benchmarking, analysis, and strategy formulation to help clients create scalable, ground-breaking solutions that prepare them for future growth and success.
We were awarded by the prestigious CEO Magazine as "Most Innovative Healthcare Market Research Company in 2020.
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sacrifiction-blog · 5 years
     so let’s talk about this for a second.  as per every eddie rp blog out there, i have an au where he lives.  we just slap a band-aid on it, throw him in the hospital, give him some minor long term issues, and he’s fine, right?  it’s an au i think about a lot, being from a medical background and being a healthcare worker myself.  i think about the ramifications of if he had survived, and what the damage would be from something as traumatic as this.  he’s never the same after this and i need to write myself a guide and reference to follow for when i write in this au.
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     yes, it just missed his chest.  maybe even his sternum, if he’s lucky.  definitely pierced his liver, broke his lower set of ribs.  potentially punctured his stomach or even severed his intestines.  not to mention the fact that it was driven straight through from the back, dead center, so his spinal cord is going to have damage, along with all the millions of nerves intertwining down it.  so we’re talking multiple surgeries, if not dozens.  potentially not being able to eat again so needing a peg tube if they can’t reverse some of the more severe damage.  tri-weekly dialysis because of the liver damage.  he was drooling blood when he started talking, so either vomiting it up from his stomach or there was damage to his lungs, along with damaging if not severing the major arteries leading to his heart.  not to mention the fact that he was fucking flung around and goddamn yeeted across the cave, causing a fuck ton of other injuries.  i’m suspecting something along the lines of damage to his diaphragm, meaning he’d have to be ventilated in order to breathe for a while until they could fix it up, aka a tube down his throat and sedated.  going to months of physical therapy, multiple times a week, to be able to walk again, if he’s ever even able to.  not to mention multiple blood transfusions from everything he lost, the risk of infection, skin grafts.  eddie’s body has had four decades of getting used to antibiotics, growing resistant to typical medications that would help normal people.  eddie could handle horse tranquilizers, thanks to being subjected to munchhausen’s by proxy by his mother.  
     TL;DR, eddie would not and could not have survived these injuries, as much as that breaks my heart.  i get that it’s an au and all, and that’s the whole point, but after watching it four times in theaters and studying eddie for so long, i wanted to know exactly what the ramifications of all of this would be.  honestly, would it be worth it if richie had saved him?  would he have a quality of life?  he can’t eat, can barely walk :  think about it.  normal things we do, normal things we take for granted.  bending down to pick something up.  bathing yourself.  shopping.  driving.  walking.  getting out of bed.  all of those normal things would be a struggle for eddie had he survived.  
     not that i won’t subject him to all of this because i am a selfish god and refuse to let him die.  not on my watch.
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missriyochuchi · 5 years
Dad was on dialysis this morning, but then his BP dropped and his heartrate shot up into the 200s, so they stopped treatment and gave him blood and platelet infusions. His poor nurse was scrambling and said they'd try to dialyze again in an hour, but I'm pretty sure the SICU board said that Dad's scheduled for an x-ray soon, so Idk how they're gonna time that. Something always goes wrong on his dialysis days.
In fact, on top of that, I hit a wall with Dad's LOA papers. He got a letter last week saying that his LOA request was approved until July, at which point if he can't go back to work, we reapply and so on. I had a question about the notice, so I emailed his LOA agent who called and said that she was basically loath to discuss his claim with me without power of attorney... which, if you haven't been keeping track, I can't get because he's sedated and intubated, or asleep and can't talk. In the meantime, I sent her a copy of a surrogate form I signed for Dad within the first week at the hospital - any paperwork that might help.
Meanwhile, the doctors and nurses still can't figure out where the air in Mom's abdomen is coming from. They did an x-ray-ish thing this morning, but it didn't clear things up. The attending doc said she'd have to call radiology for another test. The prevailing hypothesis is that the air is from her PEG surgery almost a week ago, but I think they think there must be another source introducing air while she expels it so that there's no observable improvement, you know? Her vitals are good, so they don't seem too worried, just baffled.
The daytime nurse who's had Mom for the past two days is competent, but raises her voice when she talks to Mom. I know Mom's old, but she was never hard of hearing, before or since the accident. She's mute, not deaf. #ableism
I'm starting to bring more food from home because as much as I like the cafe food, I need to save money and get rid of stuff from the fridge. I can't fit as much food as I'd like in my backpack because I bring my laptop, all our cellphones, and all the filled-out forms with me, so I bought a lunch bag. So, now I'll really look like I work at the hospital 🤣
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Vote 2018: California Midterm Elections
Two years later, we’re back. I miss political blogging sometimes but adulthood only leaves room for so much.
Did a quick writeup of the local propositions (San Francisco) and state measures on the California ballot. Let me know your thoughts, and go vote! First, the local measures.
Prop A: Seawall Renovations.
Yes. Seems fairly straightforward to both fix and upgrade a 100-year-old seawall so that SF infrastructure doesn’t get owned by the inevitable catastrophic climate change (unless we seize the state and radically shift from a thing oriented society to a person and land oriented society including rapidly shifting away from carbon technologies and redefining efficiency as sustainability, but that’s neither here nor there). The detracting arguments seem fairly petty and unconvincing, saying that sea-facing businesses and residents should fix it themselves. I think it’s the government’s job to take care of large public projects and threats to public works, so going to disagree.
Prop B: Privacy Policy.
This one is tricky, but I’m saying Yes. It’s largely symbolic at this point, stating that privacy is important and setting timelines for coming up with concrete privacy guidelines. The major detracting arguments come from the Sunshine Ordinance on public records and concerns that SF officials could tamper and limit it. After doing some reading this concerns seem overblown. Many groups are already watching for it, officials seem to somewhat flout the ordinance already, and the City Attorney has stated he won’t sign off on anything of the sort. So I think for better or worse we’re ok, and I agree with putting plans in place for comprehensive policy on privacy.
Prop C: Taxing Big Businesses to fund Homeless Services.
Yes. This is the big one, and by far the most contentious. Detractors argue there is not adequate accountability or a plan to spend the 300 million this would bring in. That the plan for homelessness is already rife with mismanagement. I was pretty swayed at first, but I have strongly U-turned. For starters, the money is being used for definitive action. Additional shelter for 1k people, cutting to the root (or one of the roots) of the problem by helping over 7k households avoid homeless, and creating 4k supportive car homes. There will be a committee put in place to manage the money and make sure it’s being used adequately. There are big provisions for mental health services as well. I could go on about this one for a while, but anyone who lives in SF knows how bad the situation is, and I simply cannot say no to taxing large tech companies who have brought in an influx of well-paid tech workers - myself included - to take a dramatic swing at homelessness in SF. And no, tech companies are far from solely to blame for homeless in SF. It’s complicated, yes. But they can handle this tax on profits over 50 million, and I want to see the homeless situation get better. Strongly encourage a Yes vote.
Prop D: Cannabis Tax.
Yes, albeit tentatively. However, most other major cities tax their new cannabis industries and do not seem to have come to great harm. Furthermore, the cannabis industry pushed for it to be delayed - and it was, until 2021. This will give the new industry more time to settle. It would also be relatively simple for the Board of Supervisors to modify the tax rate if needed or lobbied for. Welcome to have my mind changed, but it seems alright to me. Prop E: Hotel Tax to the Arts. Yes. Kind of an odd one. Without increasing the tax on hotel rooms, this would allocate a set portion of that money to the arts instead of all of it going into a general fund. I’m going to say yes because art is important and I’m a huge fan of supporting arts initiatives. The only detracting args seem to come from people worried that other taxes will rise because of this money not going directly to the general fund. But I’m doubtful that this is enough money to cause a huge uproar in the general fund. I’m open to having my mind changed, but Yes for now.
Second, the state-wide measures. This is going to be fast and a little rough around the edges. Happy to hear differing opinions.
Prop 1: Bonds to fund housing assistance programs.
Yes. This authorizes $4 billion in bonds for affordable housing programs and veteran home owning programs. I’m for anything that helps to alleviate California’s lack of affordable housing. We need it, so let’s fund it and let’s build it.
Prop 2: Bonds to fund housing programs for individuals with mental illness.
Yes, absolutely. Mental health is real and there is a glut of homeless people suffering with mental conditions. Let’s back initiatives to get them the help they need.
Prop 3: Bonds to fund water projects.
This is a tricky one. It’s a lot of money to support very regional interests, but it’s also public infrastructure, which I’m generally in favor of supporting. The LA Times, which I follow and often trust, says no. The League of Pissed-off Voters says it was one of their most contentious but squeaks by on a yes. There isn’t a perfect answer because while some of the money is going towards pretty legitimate public projects, a good chunk is going to private projects and powerful farms. This seems weird to me. I’m torn, but going with No.
Prop 4: Funds for Children’s Hospitals.
This one’s also weird. Private children’s hospitals lobbied to get it on the ballot. It’s hard to vote against something like a children’s hospital but I have questions about its necessity, especially since tax money would be going to private orgs. I know some people who are voting No as it’s possibly a shady method of private hospitals loading up on money they could pony up themselves. Still, the LA Times and League SF both acknowledge the oddities but ultimately find it legitimate. So I’ll got with Yes.
Prop 5: Expand Prop 13 for Property Owners.
This one is way deeper than I can cover here. Long story short, it allows homeowners to transfer low property tax to other residences of greater value where they’d be paying more. Local communities would lose out on this property tax. Most sources seem to peg us it as another easy method for the rich to get richer and avoid paying their taxes. This one is definitely a No.
Prop 6: Repeal the Gas Tax.
Listen, I’m going to keep this short. The answer is No. Do not repeal the gas tax. There’s a massive backlog of needed road fix and improvement projects that the gas and vehicle tax helps fund. Vote No.
Prop 7: Permanent Daylight Savings.
Whatever. DST is outdated and frankly I think it can go. Yes.
Prop 8: Regulating Dialysis Clinic Charges.
So private for-profit dialysis clinics make a ton of money in profits, which is pretty mediocre. I’m all for providing a service and being compensated for it, but wild profits off others’ medical malaise leaves a bad taste in my mouth. This one is a deeply contentious one. Some say absolutely yes mostly because they’re annoyed with dialysis clinic profits (I agree but it seems a little petty and unfocused too). Others say this could drive out much-needed clinics and we should absolutely not. The problem is, I’m simply not sure what the cap would *do*, and the hardcore “yes” sources seem to very obviously avoid answering that. I’m going to say No, but of all the state and local measurements this is one I’m most receptive to further input.
Edit: In the course of writing this, I changed my mind to a tentative yes. If only because capping massive profits on healthcare seems important for turning America into the country it very much is not but could be.
Prop 10: End Restrictions on Rent Control.
This is the “Prop C” of the state measures. Likely the most contentious. I’m voting Yes. It’s a longer story but Costa-Hawkins has been a source of conflict since it was passed and limited enacting rent control. Prop 10 does not enact rent control, but it allows it to be a tool that local government can use to combat homelessness, displacement, and skyrocketing rent. Do your reading - there’s plenty of it on this one - but I’ll reiterate my Yes.
Prop 11: Requiring EMTs to remain on-call during work breaks.
Tentative no. I feel like there’s a lot more to this than even the few articles I’ve read has gotten across, but it seems weird for me for ambulance companies to use a ballot measure to win what effectively a labor dispute. Also, don’t call me on my lunch break.
Prop 12: More Space for Farm Animals.
Ugh. Yes. Increase the space that farm animals live in. I don’t love the fact that costs would go up slightly, but from a moral standpoint better conditions for animals I believe trumps it. Yes.
Phew. Cheers. Midterm elections here we come.
Edit: If you want to read more, my sources were mostly The LA Times, the SF Chronicle (though I take them with a lump of salt, as I strongly disagree with their "No" on Prop C), 48 Hills, a careful reading of the City and County of San Francisco Voter Information Pamphlet, and the SF League of Pissed-Off Voters.
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tokiomaru-blog · 5 years
Becton Dickinson and Co (NYSE:BDX) Shares Sold by Banque Pictet & Cie SA
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Becton Dickinson and Co (NYSE:BDX) Shares Sold by Banque Pictet & Cie SA
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Banque Pictet & Cie SA lowered its position in Becton Dickinson and Co (NYSE:BDX) by 1.2% during the second quarter, according to its most recent 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The institutional investor owned 67,454 shares of the medical instruments supplier’s stock after selling 800 shares during the quarter. Banque Pictet & Cie SA’s holdings in Becton Dickinson and were worth $16,999,000 at the end of the most recent quarter.
A number of other hedge funds have also recently modified their holdings of BDX. Harvest Group Wealth Management LLC acquired a new stake in Becton Dickinson and during the first quarter valued at approximately $25,000. TRUE Private Wealth Advisors bought a new position in shares of Becton Dickinson and during the second quarter worth approximately $25,000. Hexavest Inc. bought a new position in shares of Becton Dickinson and during the second quarter worth approximately $28,000. Lipe & Dalton bought a new position in shares of Becton Dickinson and during the second quarter worth approximately $28,000. Finally, Pinnacle Financial Partners Inc. acquired a new stake in shares of Becton Dickinson and in the first quarter valued at approximately $29,000. Hedge funds and other institutional investors own 84.26% of the company’s stock.
In other Becton Dickinson and news, EVP Simon D. Campion sold 2,903 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction on Wednesday, June 12th. The stock was sold at an average price of $236.94, for a total transaction of $687,836.82. Following the transaction, the executive vice president now owns 9,408 shares of the company’s stock, valued at $2,229,131.52. The transaction was disclosed in a filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is accessible through this link. Also, EVP Roland Goette sold 1,717 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction dated Thursday, August 8th. The shares were sold at an average price of $249.88, for a total transaction of $429,043.96. Following the transaction, the executive vice president now directly owns 19,966 shares in the company, valued at approximately $4,989,104.08. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. Insiders sold 28,620 shares of company stock valued at $7,301,938 over the last 90 days. Company insiders own 0.12% of the company’s stock.
Several research analysts have issued reports on BDX shares. Morgan Stanley increased their price target on Becton Dickinson and from $250.00 to $261.00 and gave the stock an “equal weight” rating in a report on Tuesday, July 16th. Barclays raised Becton Dickinson and from an “equal weight” rating to an “overweight” rating and set a $266.00 target price on the stock in a research report on Monday, May 13th. Wells Fargo & Co increased their target price on Becton Dickinson and from $270.00 to $290.00 and gave the stock an “outperform” rating in a report on Friday. Piper Jaffray Companies reduced their price target on shares of Becton Dickinson and from $267.00 to $266.00 and set an “overweight” rating for the company in a research report on Tuesday, August 6th. Finally, Raymond James boosted their price target on shares of Becton Dickinson and from $265.00 to $288.00 and gave the company a “strong-buy” rating in a research note on Friday, June 28th. Five research analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating, six have given a buy rating and one has issued a strong buy rating to the company. Becton Dickinson and has a consensus rating of “Buy” and a consensus target price of $266.55.
Shares of NYSE BDX traded down $3.66 during mid-day trading on Tuesday, hitting $254.14. 62,568 shares of the stock traded hands, compared to its average volume of 844,326. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.84, a quick ratio of 0.67 and a current ratio of 1.09. The company has a market cap of $70.86 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 23.08, a PEG ratio of 1.91 and a beta of 1.13. The stock has a fifty day moving average price of $252.20 and a 200-day moving average price of $245.22. Becton Dickinson and Co has a 52 week low of $208.62 and a 52 week high of $265.87.
Becton Dickinson and (NYSE:BDX) last announced its earnings results on Tuesday, August 6th. The medical instruments supplier reported $3.08 EPS for the quarter, beating the Zacks’ consensus estimate of $3.05 by $0.03. The firm had revenue of $4.35 billion for the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of $4.37 billion. Becton Dickinson and had a net margin of 5.02% and a return on equity of 14.78%. The company’s quarterly revenue was up 1.7% on a year-over-year basis. During the same quarter in the previous year, the business posted $2.91 EPS. As a group, sell-side analysts predict that Becton Dickinson and Co will post 11.68 EPS for the current fiscal year.
The business also recently declared a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Monday, September 30th. Stockholders of record on Monday, September 9th will be given a $0.77 dividend. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Friday, September 6th. This represents a $3.08 dividend on an annualized basis and a dividend yield of 1.21%. Becton Dickinson and’s dividend payout ratio (DPR) is presently 27.97%.
Becton Dickinson and Profile
Becton, Dickinson and Company develops, manufactures, and sells medical supplies, devices, laboratory equipment, and diagnostic products worldwide. The company’s BD Medical segment offers peripheral IV and advanced peripheral catheters, central lines, acute dialysis catheters, vascular care and preparation products, needle-free IV connectors and extensions sets, IV fluids, closed-system drug transfer devices, hazardous drug detection, hypodermic syringes and needles, anesthesia needles and trays, enteral syringes, sharps disposal systems; infusion pumps and dedicated disposables, medication compounding workflow systems, automated medication dispensing, automated supply management systems, medication inventory optimization and tracking systems; syringes, pen needles, and other products for diabetes care; and prefillable drug delivery systems.
See Also: How to start trading in the forex market?
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hexane-nightmares · 8 years
That is, the reaction mixture of aminated P(HEMA-co-GMA) with Tosyl PEG, placed in dialysis to remove unreacted PEG. It's meant to be spinning but I like the wiggle.
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
Britain’s 30,000 kidney dialysis patients could soon benefit from a new operation that allows them to undergo the lifesaving treatment but spares them the permanent scar it usually leaves. The innovative procedure creates a super-strong needle access point into the body that can cope with the large amount of blood taken out during treatment – using tiny magnets and heat to fuse blood vessels in the arm. A dialysis machine, which takes over the job of failing kidneys, draws blood from a patient and clears it of toxins. It can prevent the worst ravages of kidney disease while patients await a transplant. Without dialysis, they would rapidly die. A graphic shows how a new operation that allows patients to undergo lifesaving treatment, but spares them the permanent scar it usually leaves, will work As dialysis is often carried out three or more times a week, the machine’s access point into the patient’s body has to be stronger than a typical vein. Traditionally this involves an operation to stitch together two blood vessels to create what is called an arteriovenous fistula, carried out via an incision often several centimetres long in the arm. But this leaves a scar – a visible reminder of the patient’s illness – while the fistula can sometimes appear raised above the skin, along the arm. However, the new operation is carried out through two needle-sized holes, meaning an almost scar-free result. What to read watch and do  READ What Have I Done? By Laura Dockrill What Have I Done? Poet and children’s author Laura Dockrill shares an honest account of her recovery from post-partum psychosis – a rare and debilitating mental illness – which developed after the birth of her first son. £14.99, Square Peg WATCH Britain’s Coronavirus Gamble Panorama investigates the UK’s approach to the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic and how these decisions could affect the country’s future as it comes out of lockdown. Tomorrow 7.30pm, BBC One DO Virtual dance classes are being run by The Royal Academy of Dance Try a virtual dance class The Royal Academy of Dance is running an online eight-week programme of ballet-inspired exercises. The 15-minute classes are designed to boost fitness and strength, and are for people of all abilities. https://ift.tt/39gOs4H ‘Due to the high volume of blood going into the vein, the fistula can appear quite prominent in some patients,’ says Dr Ounali Jaffer, interventional radiologist at The Royal London Hospital in East London, where the new procedure is being carried out. ‘So aesthetically, especially for younger patients, that can be an issue.’ In as many as two-thirds of cases, the first attempt at creating a traditional fistula fails, forcing patients to undergo repeated surgery. But initial data on the new technique, called WavelinQ EndoAVF, suggests it is more likely to prove successful the first time. The fistula also seems to be less prominent on the arm. About three million people in the UK are affected by chronic kidney disease. Healthy kidneys filter the blood, removing harmful waste products and excess fluid, and turns them into urine. But if they begin to fail, which can happen due to other illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or infections, these waste substances can build up. Over time, this can cause tiredness, shortness of breath and swollen ankles and feet. If the kidneys deteriorate further, an organ transplant or dialysis may be required. ‘When people have end-stage kidney disease, they are not able to filter out all the waste products,’ says Dr Jaffer. ‘If we don’t intervene, they are likely to die.’ The new procedure to create an arteriovenous fistula takes about 30 minutes and is carried out under local anaesthetic. Using ultrasound imaging guidance, a tiny hole is created through the skin and into the artery usually just above the wrist, and a second hole is made in the adjacent vein. A thin wire is then passed up the artery and another up the vein. These are used to guide thin tubes, containing magnets, through the two blood vessels. When the two magnets are perfectly aligned, they will connect, pulling the artery and vein together. A radiofrequency pulse is then emitted through the magnets, forming a channel between the walls of the vein and artery and creating a tight seal between them. The magnets and tubes are then removed from the patient – the same way they went in – with no stitches required. The new procedure is being carried out by interventional radiologists at The Royal London Hospital in East London The first NHS patient to benefit from the procedure outside of a trial – who has asked to remain anonymous – had it carried out in December and was sent home the same day. The 58-year-old, from Forest Gate, East London, has had end-stage kidney failure for two years and is waiting for a transplant. ‘My kidneys were pretty bad,’ he says. ‘I could hardly walk. I lost a lot of weight and was down to about 55kg [eight-and-a-half stone]. ‘I didn’t think I was going to make it.’ The new passage between the artery and vein is now healed, and considered ready for dialysis. ‘All I have left is two little marks near the wrist, but you hardly ever notice,’ he says. The post 30,000 kidney dialysis patients to benefit from no-scar operation…thanks to micro magnets in veins appeared first on Shri Times.
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gizedcom · 4 years
30,000 kidney dialysis patients to benefit from no-scar operation…thanks to micro magnets in veins
Britain’s 30,000 kidney dialysis patients could soon benefit from a new operation that allows them to undergo the lifesaving treatment but spares them the permanent scar it usually leaves.
The innovative procedure creates a super-strong needle access point into the body that can cope with the large amount of blood taken out during treatment – using tiny magnets and heat to fuse blood vessels in the arm.
A dialysis machine, which takes over the job of failing kidneys, draws blood from a patient and clears it of toxins. It can prevent the worst ravages of kidney disease while patients await a transplant. Without dialysis, they would rapidly die.
A graphic shows how a new operation that allows patients to undergo lifesaving treatment, but spares them the permanent scar it usually leaves, will work
As dialysis is often carried out three or more times a week, the machine’s access point into the patient’s body has to be stronger than a typical vein. Traditionally this involves an operation to stitch together two blood vessels to create what is called an arteriovenous fistula, carried out via an incision often several centimetres long in the arm.
But this leaves a scar – a visible reminder of the patient’s illness – while the fistula can sometimes appear raised above the skin, along the arm.
However, the new operation is carried out through two needle-sized holes, meaning an almost scar-free result.
What to read watch and do 
What Have I Done? By Laura Dockrill
What Have I Done?
Poet and children’s author Laura Dockrill shares an honest account of her recovery from post-partum psychosis – a rare and debilitating mental illness – which developed after the birth of her first son.
£14.99, Square Peg
Britain’s Coronavirus Gamble
Panorama investigates the UK’s approach to the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic and how these decisions could affect the country’s future as it comes out of lockdown.
Tomorrow 7.30pm, BBC One
Virtual dance classes are being run by The Royal Academy of Dance
Try a virtual dance class
The Royal Academy of Dance is running an online eight-week programme of ballet-inspired exercises. The 15-minute classes are designed to boost fitness and strength, and are for people of all abilities.
‘Due to the high volume of blood going into the vein, the fistula can appear quite prominent in some patients,’ says Dr Ounali Jaffer, interventional radiologist at The Royal London Hospital in East London, where the new procedure is being carried out. ‘So aesthetically, especially for younger patients, that can be an issue.’
In as many as two-thirds of cases, the first attempt at creating a traditional fistula fails, forcing patients to undergo repeated surgery.
But initial data on the new technique, called WavelinQ EndoAVF, suggests it is more likely to prove successful the first time. The fistula also seems to be less prominent on the arm. About three million people in the UK are affected by chronic kidney disease. Healthy kidneys filter the blood, removing harmful waste products and excess fluid, and turns them into urine. But if they begin to fail, which can happen due to other illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or infections, these waste substances can build up.
Over time, this can cause tiredness, shortness of breath and swollen ankles and feet. If the kidneys deteriorate further, an organ transplant or dialysis may be required.
‘When people have end-stage kidney disease, they are not able to filter out all the waste products,’ says Dr Jaffer. ‘If we don’t intervene, they are likely to die.’
The new procedure to create an arteriovenous fistula takes about 30 minutes and is carried out under local anaesthetic.
Using ultrasound imaging guidance, a tiny hole is created through the skin and into the artery usually just above the wrist, and a second hole is made in the adjacent vein.
A thin wire is then passed up the artery and another up the vein.
These are used to guide thin tubes, containing magnets, through the two blood vessels. When the two magnets are perfectly aligned, they will connect, pulling the artery and vein together.
A radiofrequency pulse is then emitted through the magnets, forming a channel between the walls of the vein and artery and creating a tight seal between them.
The magnets and tubes are then removed from the patient – the same way they went in – with no stitches required.
The new procedure is being carried out by interventional radiologists at The Royal London Hospital in East London
The first NHS patient to benefit from the procedure outside of a trial – who has asked to remain anonymous – had it carried out in December and was sent home the same day.
The 58-year-old, from Forest Gate, East London, has had end-stage kidney failure for two years and is waiting for a transplant.
‘My kidneys were pretty bad,’ he says. ‘I could hardly walk. I lost a lot of weight and was down to about 55kg [eight-and-a-half stone].
‘I didn’t think I was going to make it.’
The new passage between the artery and vein is now healed, and considered ready for dialysis.
‘All I have left is two little marks near the wrist, but you hardly ever notice,’ he says.
Credit: Source link
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vsplusonline · 4 years
COVID-19 mortality rate 3%, recovery above 20 %, situation in control: Harsh Vardhan
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/covid-19-mortality-rate-3-recovery-above-20-situation-in-control-harsh-vardhan/
COVID-19 mortality rate 3%, recovery above 20 %, situation in control: Harsh Vardhan
New Delhi: Pegging the COVID-19 mortality rate in the country at three per cent and the recovery rate from it above 20 per cent, Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan on Friday hailed the roles of states in keeping the situation under control. Vardhan lauded the states’ role in anti-corona fight during a video conference with health ministers of states and Union territories, held to review the anti-COVID-19 preparedness and public health measures taken in the country.
On the issue of rapid antibody tests, he said the results of the test vary from place to place and “it can’t be relied upon”.
“Moreover, WHO has also not commented on its accuracy. The ICMR is reviewing the efficacy of the test and the kits in its own labs and shall come out with fresh guidelines soon,” a Union Heath Ministry statement quoted him as saying.
The video conference saw participation from Maharashtra, Gujarat, Delhi, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Karnataka,Kerala, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Odisha, Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Assam, Chandigarh, Andaman and Nicobar, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram and Uttarakhand.
“The fight against the pandemic is now more than three and half months old and the prevention, containment and management of COVID-19 in the country is being monitored at the highest level in collaboration with the states,” he said.
“The mortality rate in the country is three per cent and recovery rate is more than 20 per cent,” he said.
Speaking about the surveillance efforts being put in place by the government, he said with proper, graded and guided response, the country is in a situation to overcome the coronavirus pandemic.
He further said teams of technical officers have been sent for handholding, reviewing the situation in the states and helping in day to day fight against COVID-19.
While apprising states about the Ordinance promulgated by the President to amend the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 to protect medicare workers against violence during epidemics, he said, “There is zero tolerance to any form of violence against healthcare service personnel and damage to property of clinical establishments. The amendment makes such acts of violence cognizable and non-bailable offences,” he said.
He reviewed the requirement and the adequacy of PPEs, N95 masks, testing kits, drugs and ventilators with each state, and sought to assure them that the government will ensure there is no shortage of supplies of these critical items.
“PPEs and N95 masks used to be imported in the country but now we have around 100 manufacturing units which are capable of making them in India itself,” he said.
While commending the states’ efforts, he said they may also emulate the best practices of each other.
Dr Harsh Vardhan also reviewed the status of dedicated COVID-19 hospitals in the country.
“There is a need to establish dedicated COVID-19 hospitals in each district of the country and notify them as soon as possible so that people are informed about them,” he said.
Vardhan also exhorted all ministers to ensure that non-COVID patients are not neglected.
“While we are providing treatment and care to COVID-19 patients, we also need to ensure treatment for non-COVID-19 patients, who are suffering from critical ailments such as respiratory or heart disease, those requiring dialysis, those that require blood transfusion and pregnant mothers. We should not turn them away on any kind of flimsy pretexts as these critical procedures can’t wait,” the Union health minister said.
He also stressed upon the states and UTs about the need to promote voluntary blood donation and urged them to keep themselves prepared for other vector-borne diseases such as Malaria, Dengue and TB which should not be ignored in the present circumstances.
He also urged all to download and use the ArogyaSetu App as it will enable people to assess the risk of their catching the coronavirus infection.
“Once installed in a smart phone, the app can assess the risk of infection based on sophisticated parameters,” he said.
“We should follow the Lockdown 2.0 in letter and spirit as was done earlier,” he stressed while warning states not be too relaxed in their approach during lockdown and maintain the standards.
He gave the example of Uttar Pradesh which is efficiently implementing the Lockdown and advised other states to emulate it.
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artificialgrass · 5 years
RN Acute Care Full Time (Relo – TX – Sign On Bonus)
    Acute Care, Med Surg � Medical Surgical  (7 North)
  Full-Time – 36 Hours/Week
  Both Day & Night Shifts Available
  Baylor Scott & White Health is the largest not-for-profit health care system in the state of Texas. With total assets of $9 billion and serving a population larger than the state of Virginia, we have the vision and resources to provide our patients continued quality care while creating a model system for a dramatically changing health care environment. With a commitment to and a track record of innovation, collaboration, integrity and compassion for the patient, Baylor Scott & White Health stands to be one of the nation�s exemplary health care organizations.
  What we need:
  We�re currently seeking full-time experienced (18 Months+) Registered Nurses to join our team at Baylor Scott & White Memorial Hospital in Temple, Texas; The #1 one city in the nation for Nursing opportunities and advancement!  Baylor Scott & White Memorial Hospital is a 636-bed specialty care teaching hospital and the only Level 1 Trauma Center between Dallas and Austin. 
  Why Medical Surgical?
  This is a Internal Medicine comprehensive medical unit 38 bed telemetry monitored nursing unit provides the opportunity to work with a wide variety of patients ranging in age from adults to geriatrics. The conditions that are within the scope of service for 7 North include:
  Pre & Post ICU patients as well as overflow
Patients requiring medication regimens
Patients with impaired respiratory status
Patients requiring isolation or admission to negative airflow rooms
Patients requiring nutritional support
Patients requiring skin and wound care- DHFT, PEGs, Wound Vacs
Diagnostic procedures including thoracentesis, lumbar puncture, central line placement, paracentesis, collection of specimens, angio-cath , pacemaker insertions and chest tubes.
Nasogastric Insertion and Maintenance
Enteral feeding tube Insertion and Maintenance
Patients requiring cardiac monitoring due to chest pain or arrhythmias
Patients with GI abnormalities
Trach care, CBI, IV Therapy
Psych PTS, Dialysis PTS
  Floor Culture Highlights:
  Bowling Team (Go Gutter busters!)
Shared Governance
Moral Committees
Ultimate Team Culture
  �When you become a member of 7 North you begin your transition into a Nurse All-Star, your clinical skills will grow more than you ever thought possible. On 7 North we strive to take care of patients better than anyone else as well as take care of each other. Team work is the definition of 7 North� �Director of Nursing
  Requirements of the Ideal Candidate:
  Graduate of RN School of Nursing
ADN required; BSN preferred
Must be licensed to practice professional nursing by the Board of Nurse Examiners for the State of Texas
Minimum 18 Months of RN experience,  Acute Care or Hospital setting preferred
Basic Life Support (BLS) Required.
Functions competently and effectively under pressure and emergency situations
  $8,000 sign-on bonus offered to qualified selected candidates!  When you join Baylor Scott & White Health, you�re joining a health care system that spans 49 hospitals and more than 800 patient care sites.  But more than that, you�re part of a family of caregivers, each focused on serving the needs of our communities, our patients and each other.  Join us, and together we can improve health care and become a national role model for others to follow!
              �  Associates Degree in Nursing (ADN) required
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Note: If you have less than 6 months of experience, we recommend that you apply to our nursing internship program.  Internships are available for new graduates and experienced nurses in a variety of specialties.  New classes begin in January, June and September.
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juniperpublishersna · 5 years
Nanoemulgel for Transdermal Delivery of Cyclobenzaprine Hydrochloride: Design, Characterization and In-Vitro Studies-Juniper Publishers
Recently utilizing nanoemulsion as a vehicle for deliver the drug through transdermal drug delivery has been increased. The purpose of the present study was to develop a nanoemulsion formulation of cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride and characterize for transdermal drug delivery. Aqueous titration method was adopted for various oil-in-water nanoemulsion preparations. The prepared nanoemulsions were characterized for its particle size, polydispersity index, zeta potential, TEM, pH, viscosity, drug content, spread ability and its in-vitro release studies. Drug excipient compatibility study results reveals that the excipient used in the nanoemulsion is having compatibility. Based on its in- vitro release studies formulation F14 showed higher release compared to other formulations. Formulation F14 was converted into Nanoemul gel and characterized. The in-vitro release profile of the optimized formulation was compared with the nanoemul gel. In conclusion, the results of the present investigation suggested that the developed nanoemul gel formulation of cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride can be used as a vehicle for enhancement of bioavailability through transdermal drug delivery.
Keywords:  Diabetes mellitus; Kaempferitrin; Hyperglycemia; PlantsCyclobenzaprine hydrochloride; Nanoemulsion; Nanoemul gel; Release studies.
An ideal drug delivery system is that fulfills the objective of spatial placement and temporal delivery resulting maximized therapeutic effect and least toxicity. The pharmaceutical scientists are using a wide range of methods to improve the bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drugs coming out of high throughput screening in drug discovery process. With the progress in time and growth of science and technology, the dosage forms have evolved from simple mixtures and pills into highly sophisticated technology intensive systems, which are known as novel drug delivery systems (NDDS). Different approaches have materialized into various forms of NDDS such as microemulsions, multiple emulsions, liposomes, niosomes, micospheres, pharmacosomes, virosomes, dendrimers, etc., Most often the problems associated with these delivery systems are their stability and predictability in biological systems which reduce their clinical potential, although each one is associated with its own strong points [1,2].
Nowadays Nanotechnology is a rapidly expanding field. Various nano-pharmaceuticals currently being used in the process of development are nanoemulsions, nanosuspensions, nanospheres, nanotubes, nanoshells, nanocapsules, lipid nanoparticles and dendrimers [3]. In recent years, one of the most popular approaches is the incorporation of the active lipophilic component into the inert lipid vehicles [4]. Among these drug delivery systems Nanoemulsions has emerged as a boon of nanotechnology in the form of a novel drug delivery system (NDDS). Nanoemulsions are a group of dispersed particles used for pharmaceuticals, biomedical aids, vehicles and also the most valuable options offered to improve the oral bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drugs [5]. Nanoemulsion is considered to be a thermodynamically or kinetically stable liquid dispersion and transparent that shows great promise in the future pharmaceuticals. The most used type of nanoemulsion in pharmaceutical is the system in which the oil (internal) phase is dispersed in an aqueous (external) phase [6].
In Nanoemulsion the drug is loaded into the inner phase of these systems and delivered by lymphatic route, bypassing the enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and reducing the pre systemic clearance and hepatic first pass metabolism. Nanoemulsions have a higher solubilization capacity, better thermodynamic stability, long self-life, rapid onset of action, the nanosized droplets leading to enormous interfacial areas of the drugs associated with nanoemulsions would influence solubilization behavior, transport properties as well as absorption across the mucosa are an important promising factor to achieve sustained and optimum targeted drug delivery [7,8]. Nanoemulsions have been reported to improve the plasma concentration profiles and reduced inter subject bioavailability of drugs more reproducible [9-11].
Cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride is a skeletal muscle relaxant used in the treatment of skeletal muscle relaxant. It is extensively metabolized and excreted primarily as glucronides via kidney and has slow elimination half life of 18h and an oral bioavailability of 33% to 55%. The daily dose ranges from 5 mg to 10mg. It is commercially available as oral tablets. In the present study, to overcome the obstacles in oral drug delivery and to enhance the bioavailability of the cyclobenzaprine, we have developed a novel O/W type nanoemulsion based gel formulation for the transdermal delivery of cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride without the use of additional permeation enhancers for better applicability, to enhance the local therapeutic potential through the skin.
    Materials and Methods
Drugs and chemicals
Cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride was obtained as gift samples from Hetero Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad, India; tween 80, span 80, polyethylene glycol, propylene glycol, carbopol 940, HPMC K15 and isopropyl myristate were procured from Loba Chemie Pvt., Ltd., Mumbai, India; methanol, ethanol, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, triethanolamine and sodium chloride were purchased from SD fine chemicals, Mumbai, India; Dialysis membrane was procured from Sigma Aldrich, USA.
Screening of components
The solubility of cyclobenzaprine in various oils (castor oil, orange oil, turpentine oil and nutmeg oil), surfactant (tween 80) and co-surfactants (span 80, polyethylene glycol, propylene glycol and ethanol) were determined by dissolving excess amount of cyclobenzaprine in 2ml of each of the selected oils, surfactants and co surfactants in 5ml capacity stoppered vials separately and mixed for 10 minutes using a vortex mixer. Combination of oils was also taken for determination of solubility. The mixture containing vials were then kept at 37 °C in an isothermal shaker (Nirmal International, Delhi, India) for 24 hours to attain equilibrium. The equilibrated samples were centrifuged at 3000rpm for 15 minutes. The supernatant was taken and filtered through a 0.45μ membrane filter and the concentration of cyclobenzaprine was determined by UV spectrophotometer at 290nm. The solubility study is shown in Table 1.
Pseudo ternary phase diagram study
On the basis of the solubility studies orange oil was selected as oil phase. Tween 80 and ethanol were selected as surfactant and co surfactant respectively. Distilled water was used as an aqueous phase. Surfactant and co surfactant (Smix) were mixed in different ratios (1:3; 1:2; 1:1; 2:1; 3:1 and 4:1) were used to optimize and determine the optimum ratio. Optimization of surfactant and co surfactant is shown in Table 2. For each phase diagram, oil and specific Smix ratio was mixed well in different weight ratios from 1:9 to 9:1 in different glass vials. Seventeen different combinations of oil and Smix , 1:9, 1:8, 1:7, 1:6, 1:5, 1:4, 1:3, 1:2, 1:1, 2:1, 3;1, 4:1, 5:1, 6:1, 7:1, 8:1 and 9:1 were made so that maximum ratios were covered for the study to delineate the boundaries of phases precisely formed in the phase diagrams. Pseudo ternary phase diagrams of oil, Smix and aqueous phase were developed using aqueous titration method under magnetic stirring [12]. Slow titration was done after each addition of aqueous phase to each ratio and observed visually for its transparency in terms of clarity. Optimization of surfactant: co surfactant and oil: Smix ratio is shown in (Table 2-4).
Drug-excipients compatibility studies
Excipients are integral components of all dosage form. Compatibility between the drug and excipients are determined by DSC, FT-IR, TLC and UV techniques. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and UV spectrophotometry studies were used for the determination of physicochemical compatibility and interactions between the drug and excipients. The earlier reports on drug-excipient interactions recommended that 1:1 ratio of drug and excipient maximizes the possibility of interaction and helps in easier detection of incompatibilities [13]. Therefore, in the present study 1:1 ratio was used for the preparation of physical mixtures and analyzed for compatibility studies.
Preparation of cyclobenzaprine nanoemulsion
Homogeneous organic phase was prepared by dissolving drug in the oil phase. Then the selected Smix was added to the oil phase and stirred in the magnetic stirrer for 5 minutes. The homogenous organic phase was slowly injected into the aqueous phase under magnetic stirring (4000rpm); the o/w emulsion was instantaneously formed by diffusion of the organic solvent in the external aqueous phase leads to formation of nanodroplets and to attain the equilibrium. Magnetic stirring was continued for 8 hours at room temperature for the complete evaporation of the water miscible solvent.
Preparation of cyclobenzaprine nanoemulgel
Cyclobenzaprine nanoemulgel was prepared by dispersing 1g of the Carbopol-934 in sufficient quantity of distilled water, after complete dispersion of the polymer it was kept in dark for 24 hours for swelling. Then the cyclobenzaprine loaded nanoemulsion was slowly added to the viscous solution of Carbopol-934 under magnetic stirring. Other ingredients isopropyl alcohol and PEG-400 were added and mixed well; then the pH was adjusted to neutral with triethanolamine. The composition of cyclobenzaprine nanoemulgel is given inTable 5.
Characterization of cyclobenzaprine nanoemulgel
Globule size distribution & polydispersity index: The mean globule size of the nanoemulsion was determined by Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (PCS) using a Zeta sizer 3000 (Malvern Instruments, UK). This analytical results reveals the mean diameter of the particle at 25 °C, and at an angle of 90 degree (n=10). The PCS analysis yields a mean diameter (z-average) as a light intensity-weighed size of bulk population and the polydispersity index as a measurement for the width of a globule size distribution.
Zeta potential: The electrophoretic mobility was obtained by a Laser Doppler Anemometer connected with the Malvern zeta sizer instrument. A suitable amount of sample (50-100μL) was diluted with 5mL of water (0.45μm) and injected in the electrophoretic cell of the instrument where a potential of ±150mV was set. The zeta potential values were calculated by the instrument software using Smoluchosky equation.
Morphology by transmission electron microscopic (TEM)
TEM helps to visualize the inherent matrix of individual globule and its shape. A drop of the suitably diluted sample was placed on to a holey carbon coated copper grid and left for 10 minutes. Then grid was kept inverted and a drop of phosphotungstic acid (PTA) was applied to the grid for 10s. Excess of PTA was removed by absorbing on a filter paper and the grid was analyzed using the TECNAI-10 (PHILIPS) operated at 70-80kV at 17500 x magnification.
pH: The pH of the formulation was measured in a pH meter (Sartorius, Germany).
Viscosity: The viscosity of the nanoemulgel was determined by a viscometer (Brookfield DV-E viscometer,) which was rotated for 10min at 100 maximum rotations per minute with spindle 61 (Shivhare, 2009).
Drug content: The amount of drug present in the cyclobenzaprine nanoemulgel was determined by dissolving 5g of nanoemulgel in 25ml of phosphate buffer solution at pH 7.4 by sonication. After sonication the solution was filtered, the filtrate was diluted suitably and the absorbance was measured at 273nm in UV-Visible spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, Japan, Model: 1700), finally the percentage of drug content was calculated.
Spreadability: Spreadability test was performed by measuring the spreading diameter of the nanoemulgel between two glass slides. Weighed about 0.5g of sample and placed at the centre (within a circle) of the glass plate, over which a second glass plate was placed and pressed between the two slides and measured the spreadability of the gel in cm after 5 minutes.
In-Vitro release
In-vitro release studies were carried out by using dialysis membrane bag method. The dialysis membrane was conditioned by soaking in phosphate buffer 7.4 for 8 hours. Cyclobenzaprine nanoemulgel of about 3mL was taken in the dialysis membrane and immersed in 200mL of phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.4). A sample of 5mL was withdrawn from the dissolution setup at regular intervals for 8 hours and an equal volume of phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) was replaced to maintain a sink condition. Samples were analyzed by using UV spectrophotometer at 290nm and the amount of drug release was calculated and compared with the marketed oral dosage form.
    Result and Discussion
Formulation in the form of Nanoemulsion has higher solubilization capacity, better thermodynamic stability, long self-life, rapid onset of action and large interfacial areas for the drug action leads to provide optimum targeted drug delivery and reduced inter subject bioavailability variation. The drug cyclobenzaprine is a skeletal muscle relaxant, its pharmacological property suggest that it can be a very good potential drug candidate for the transdermal drug delivery. Our present study is to formulate nanoemulgel for transdermal drug delivery of cyclobenzaprine. The materials used in the formulation are chosen based on its acceptability, nonirritant and nonsensitizing to the skin. Oils, surfactants and co-surfactants are having different physico-chemical properties, but in combination with each other modify the characteristics of the resultant self-emulsifying drug delivery systems. The selected oil phase has important role that the drug should be maintain in the solubilized form. Non-ionic surfactants with relative high HLB value are widely recommended to form a stable nanoemulsion formulation due to its high hydrophilicity which assists the immediate formation of o/w droplets and rapid spreading of the formulation in aqueous media. Surfactant alone some time may not able to give clear and stable nanoemulsion. If the formulation is slight cloudy it may show phase separation after few days, it can be avoided by inclusion of hydrophilic co-surfactant. This co surfactant produces clear and aqueous stable nanoemulsion of interest. Ethanol was selected as co-surfactant, which has HLB value of 4.2. Screening of the components for the solubility of the drug in the oil, surfactant and co-surfactant are having important role. Solubility study was performed in different oils, surfactant and co-surfactant. The solubility of the cyclobenzaprine was found to be highest in orange oil when compared to the other oils. The drug was completely soluble in tween 80 and highest solubility of the drug was observed in ethanol. Hence, orange oil, tween 80 and ethanol were selected as oil, surfactant and co surfactant respectively for the phase study.
Constructing phase diagram is time consuming and care is required to be taken to ensure the observations are not made on meta stable systems. Concentration of compounds for the preparation of nanoemulsion can be easily determined from phase diagram. Safety is a major determining factor in choosing a surfactant, as a large amount of surfactants may cause skin irritation. Hence from the phase diagram study results, the oil: S mixratio of 1:5, 1:6 and 1:7 were chosen for the further  studies. The required quantity of the drug was incorporated in nanoemulsion and observed visually for its transparency and flow ability. Transparency of the nanoemulsion is shown in Figure 1.
FT-IR and UV studies were performed to investigate chemical interactions between drug and the excipients. The FT-IR of cyclobenzaprine shows intense bands at 3000, 2980, 1500, 3100 and 860cm-1 corresponding to the functional groups of alkenyl stretching, alkyl stretching, NH bending vibration of the tertiary amino group, aromatic CH stretching and bending vibrations respectively; these characteristic bands were not appeared in the formulation this might be due to the complete entrapment of the drug in the formulation excipients. No new bands or shift in characteristic peaks were appeared. In UV technique, the UV spectrum of drug is super impossible with the spectrum obtained with drug excipients mixtures and there is no change in the λmax of 290nm between the drug and drug excipients mixtures. FT- IR and UV results revealed that there is no chemical interaction between the drug and the excipients used in the formulation and found to be compatible with each other (Data not shown).
The polydispersity (PDI) of optimized formulations F12, F13 and F14 were measured and the value was found to be 0.315, 0.177 and 0.175 respectively; which indicates the broad distribution of globules and its homogencity. Globule size in the formulation either increases or decreases which can affect the drug release from the formulation and consequently its bioavailability. For emulsion based products, the globule size of droplets of the internal phase have an impact on the stability of emulsion itself. The mean globule size was found to be 38.79nm, 24.55nm and 8.79nm for formulation F12, F13 and F14 respectively. The globule size distribution for the formulation F14 is shown in Figure 2.
The zetapotential was determined by using Malvern zetasizer, it was found to be -23.9mV, -20.4mV and -18.45mV respectively for formulation F12, F13 and F14 respectively. Nanoemulsion formulation consists of non-ionic surfactants which show relatively neutral charge, it means it will not affected by body membrane charge during absorption. The formulation shows an accepted value for good stability, the zeta potential distribution is shown in Figure 3.
TEM for the prepared formulations was examined using TECNAI-10 (PHILIPS) operated at 70-80kV at 17500 x magnification. The TEM results showed that the globules were of nanometer in size range with uniform, spherical and smooth surface. The TEM image of the formulation F14 is shown in Figure 4. The pH values of the prepared formulation were found to be between 6.13 and 6.55 nearing neutral. The result reveals that the pH of the prepared Nanoemulsions is within the acceptable limits for topical application.
The viscosity of the formulation was found to be between 38.28cps and 45.25cps. The viscosity was decreased when there is an increase in concentration of oil. The observed results are matching with the earlier reports [12]. Drug content of all formulations was in the range between 97.54 and 101.25% w/w. Spreadability is an important parameter for the gel it should comes out from the tube. The spreadability of nanoemulgel formulation was determined; which exhibit the good spreadability when it applied on the inflamed skin with maximum slip and drag. The spreadability of the formulation was found to be 4.6±0.18gcmS-1.
The in-vitro release profile of cyclobenzaprine nanoemulsion is given in Figure 5. A burst release followed by a steady release has been observed and the drug release process ranked in the order of F14>F13>F12. The amount of drug released after 180 min were found to be 91.22%, 85.66 and 82.63% respectively for F14, F13 and F12. Thus significant (P<0.5, t-test) higher drug release was observed for formulation F14 compared to others. The optimized formulation F14 followed the higuchi release kinetics that is based on diffusion controlled. According to the "n" value 0.158 obtained from korsemeyer peppas model, F14 followed non-fickian case II diffusion mechanism. The in- vitro release profile of cyclobenzaprine from its nanoemulgel formulation is compared with its nanoemulsion. The comparative in-vitro release is shown in Figure 6.
Cyclobenzaprine is drug used as skeletal muscle relaxant. Recently formulation in the form of nanoemulsion has attention in the drug delivery system due to its nanosize droplets with good stability. A suitable combination of the oil, surfactant and co-surfactant are the major consideration in the formulation of Nanoemulsion as transdermal drug delivery system. In this work, cyclobenzaprine nanoemulsion has been developed. The optimized nanoemulsion formulation, which exhibited maximum drug release, was formulated as novel nanoemulgel of cyclobenzaprine with suitable viscosity for topical administration. The in-vitro results revealed that the developed nanoemulsion based gel containing cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride has great potential to provide better therapeutic effect locally through topical application.
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missriyochuchi · 5 years
Mom’s got air in her abdomen, below her diaphragm, that they can’t account for. They said her x-rays looked normal until this morning, after which they took her for a CAT scan. The PA said it might be caused by a loose PEG or a perforated bladder, but that didn’t seem to be the case. The attending doc said that she’s scheduled for surgery tomorrow and that a surgeon will be down to discuss it more with me. “As if she needs more problems,” the attending doc said; glad to know someone else shares my feelings and sarcasm. At least her back is healed enough that it doesn’t need any dressings.
Dad’s getting dialysis rn. 4.5L in 4 hours, ugh, but he really needs to lose the fluid weight. The nurse did a great job cannulating. Attending doc said they’re not doing anything with him today. So, as usual since the accident, Mom’s getting the brunt of trauma and treatment.
Nurse notes: 
Both their daytime nurses today are new to me, but have been pretty nice so far.
Mom’s nurse last night was someone she had a few times before, so leaving was easier than the night before.
And there’s a male Indian or Pakistani nurse who’s really hot and funny (he’s kinda loud lol) and works weekends, and he’s got a patient nearby, and even after a month, I still haven’t met him ;)
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healthtimetaylor · 5 years
Nobiletin-loaded micelles reduce ovariectomy-induced bone loss by suppressing osteoclastogenesis.
PMID:  Int J Nanomedicine. 2019 ;14:7839-7849. Epub 2019 Sep 26. PMID: 31576127 Abstract Title:  Nobiletin-loaded micelles reduce ovariectomy-induced bone loss by suppressing osteoclastogenesis. Abstract:  Background: Nobiletin (NOB), a polymethoxy flavonoid, possesses anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory activities, has been reported that it played role in anti-osteoporosis treatment. However, previous research did not focus on practical use due to lack of hydrophilicity and cytotoxicity at high concentrations. The aim of this study was to develop a therapeutic formulation for osteoporosis based on the utilization of NOB.Methods: In this study, NOB-loaded poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(e-caprolactone) (NOB-PEG-PCL) was prepared by dialysis method. The effects on osteoclasts and anti-osteoporosis functions were investigated in a RANKL-induced cell model and ovariectomized (OVX) mice.Results: Dynamic light scattering and transmission electron microscopy examination results revealed that the NOB-PEG-PCL had a round shape, with a mean diameter around 124 nm. The encapsulation efficiency and drug loading were 76.34±3.25% and 7.60±0.48%, respectively. The in vitro release of NOB from NOB-PEG-PCL showed a remarkably sustained releasing characteristic and could be retained at least 48 hrs in pH 7.4 PBS. Anti-osteoclasts effects demonstrated that the NOB-PEG-PCL significantly inhibited the formation of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)-positive multinuclear cells stimulated by RANKL. Furthermore, the NOB-PEG-PCL did not produce cytotoxicity on bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMMs). The mRNA expressions of genetic markers of osteoclasts including TRAP and cathepsin K were significantly decreasedin the presence of NOB-PEG-PCL. In addition, the NOB-PEG-PCL inhibited OC differentiation of BMMs through RANKL-induced MAPK signal pathway. After administration of the NOB-PEG-PCL, NOB-PEG-PCL prevented bone loss and improved bone density in OVX mice. These findings suggest that NOB-PEG-PCL mighthave great potential in the treatment of osteoporosis.Conclusion: The results suggested that NOB-PEG-PCL micelles could effectively prevent NOB fast release from micelles and extend circulation time. The NOB-PEG-PCL delivery system may be a promising way to prevent and treat osteoporosis.
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Medical Power Supply Market Pegged for Robust Expansion by 2026
Power supplies are electrical equipment, which modify the form of a source of power into a sought after form to certify compatibility with equipment being used. These devices are used in a wide range of medical applications such as blood analyzers, X-ray, MRI, patient monitors, robotic surgical devices & dental equipment, and CT & PET scanners. Generally, power supply devices can be standalone or discrete. In certain cases, these are integrated into larger equipment and devices as per requirements. However, selection of power supplies and specification for precise medical applications by health care institutions are the key tasks that need to be performed efficiently. Some of the barriers to perform these are regular changes in environmental standards and safety regulations for medical equipment.
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Increase in global geriatric population drives demand for medical device and biotechnology products. Elder persons require more primary medical care and support. This has led to rise in demand for disposable supplies, medical devices, and other monitoring and patient treatment devices. Rapid increase in geriatric population is a major concern across the globe. For instance, the geriatric population in Europe is anticipated to increase from 14.2 million to 19.3 million by 2020, and is estimated to reach 40.5 million by 2050. Additionally, the World Health Organization’s 2016 report findings suggest that the geriatric population is estimated to account for approximately 22% of the global population.
The global medical power supply market is projected to grow at a rapid pace in the next few years. Increase in prevalence of chronic diseases and conditions such as stroke, arthritis, cancers, obesity, and heart diseases drives the market. Rapid adoption of diagnostic systems, display devices, and equipment in diagnostic centers and hospitals is another major factor propelling the market. Additionally, increase in demand for effective power supply for dialysis equipment and ECG (electrocardiogram) augments the global medical power supply market. However, rise in cost of devices and lack of reimbursement policies in developing countries are expected to hamper the growth of the global medical power supply market.
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The global medical power supply market can be segmented into type of current, construction, and application. In terms of type of current, the market can be bifurcated into DC-DC power supply and AC-DC power supply. Based on construction, the global medical power supply market can be classified into U-bracket power supplies, encapsulated power supplies, configurable power supplies, open frame power supplies, enclosed power supplies, and external power supplies. In terms of application, the market can be divided into home medical equipment, dental equipment, surgical equipment, and diagnostic & monitoring equipment.
Geographically, the global medical power supply market can be segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and Latin America. Asia Pacific and North America are projected to dominate the market during the forecast period. North America’s dominance of the market is attributed to favorable reimbursement scenario, acceptance of new advanced techniques, and technologically advanced health care system. Growth of the market in Asia Pacific is likely to be driven by emerging economies such as India, China, Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea. Presence of key players, rise in investments in R&D by large pharma players, collaborations of medical power supply companies with research institutes are factors driving the global medical power supply market.
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Major players in the global medical power supply market are ICCNexergy, Mean Well Enterprises Co. Ltd., SL Power Electronics, Astrodyne Corporation, Wall Industries, Inc., TDK Lambda, XP Power, FRIWO Geratebau GmbH, Delta Electronics, Inc., Excelsys Technology, Emerson Network Power, Powerbox, CUI, Inc., Glob Tek, Inc., and SynQor, Inc.
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
30,000 kidney dialysis patients to benefit from no-scar operation…thanks to micro magnets in veins
Britain’s 30,000 kidney dialysis patients could soon benefit from a new operation that allows them to undergo the lifesaving treatment but spares them the permanent scar it usually leaves.
The innovative procedure creates a super-strong needle access point into the body that can cope with the large amount of blood taken out during treatment – using tiny magnets and heat to fuse blood vessels in the arm.
A dialysis machine, which takes over the job of failing kidneys, draws blood from a patient and clears it of toxins. It can prevent the worst ravages of kidney disease while patients await a transplant. Without dialysis, they would rapidly die.
A graphic shows how a new operation that allows patients to undergo lifesaving treatment, but spares them the permanent scar it usually leaves, will work
As dialysis is often carried out three or more times a week, the machine’s access point into the patient’s body has to be stronger than a typical vein. Traditionally this involves an operation to stitch together two blood vessels to create what is called an arteriovenous fistula, carried out via an incision often several centimetres long in the arm.
But this leaves a scar – a visible reminder of the patient’s illness – while the fistula can sometimes appear raised above the skin, along the arm.
However, the new operation is carried out through two needle-sized holes, meaning an almost scar-free result.
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‘Due to the high volume of blood going into the vein, the fistula can appear quite prominent in some patients,’ says Dr Ounali Jaffer, interventional radiologist at The Royal London Hospital in East London, where the new procedure is being carried out. ‘So aesthetically, especially for younger patients, that can be an issue.’
In as many as two-thirds of cases, the first attempt at creating a traditional fistula fails, forcing patients to undergo repeated surgery.
But initial data on the new technique, called WavelinQ EndoAVF, suggests it is more likely to prove successful the first time. The fistula also seems to be less prominent on the arm. About three million people in the UK are affected by chronic kidney disease. Healthy kidneys filter the blood, removing harmful waste products and excess fluid, and turns them into urine. But if they begin to fail, which can happen due to other illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease or infections, these waste substances can build up.
Over time, this can cause tiredness, shortness of breath and swollen ankles and feet. If the kidneys deteriorate further, an organ transplant or dialysis may be required.
‘When people have end-stage kidney disease, they are not able to filter out all the waste products,’ says Dr Jaffer. ‘If we don’t intervene, they are likely to die.’
The new procedure to create an arteriovenous fistula takes about 30 minutes and is carried out under local anaesthetic.
Using ultrasound imaging guidance, a tiny hole is created through the skin and into the artery usually just above the wrist, and a second hole is made in the adjacent vein.
A thin wire is then passed up the artery and another up the vein.
These are used to guide thin tubes, containing magnets, through the two blood vessels. When the two magnets are perfectly aligned, they will connect, pulling the artery and vein together.
A radiofrequency pulse is then emitted through the magnets, forming a channel between the walls of the vein and artery and creating a tight seal between them.
The magnets and tubes are then removed from the patient – the same way they went in – with no stitches required.
The new procedure is being carried out by interventional radiologists at The Royal London Hospital in East London
The first NHS patient to benefit from the procedure outside of a trial – who has asked to remain anonymous – had it carried out in December and was sent home the same day.
The 58-year-old, from Forest Gate, East London, has had end-stage kidney failure for two years and is waiting for a transplant.
‘My kidneys were pretty bad,’ he says. ‘I could hardly walk. I lost a lot of weight and was down to about 55kg [eight-and-a-half stone].
‘I didn’t think I was going to make it.’
The new passage between the artery and vein is now healed, and considered ready for dialysis.
‘All I have left is two little marks near the wrist, but you hardly ever notice,’ he says.
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