#PIF and DBk love their new little brother
quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
This goes for all the Egg aus where Wukong is with egg during the Journey, but I like or think Wukong never, explicitly, informs his Pilgrim brothers just how risky and dangerous his pregnancy was. Only Ao Lie even has a clue, and that'd only be because he overheard Wukong and Guanyin talking about it.
Cutting to Jttw and Soft Boiled au, that means when the baby comes, none of them are prepared for the seven times immortal sage to NEARLY DIE in childbirth! It's at its most chaotic and frightening in Soft Boile because they didn't have Macaque there to fill in the blanks, so from their perspective, they just were doing this very dangerous ritual when Wikogn suddenly collapses in massive amounts of pain. At first they think he had just gotten cocky and Nezha starts to yell at him after Ao Lie steps in to prevent the stray fire form hitting him and Tripitaka. But before he can smack him with his ring he pauses, seeing something that DEFINITELY shouldn't be there, and his jaw drops in horrified realization that A) Wukong is pregnant and B) the ritual had thrown him into an early labor and they'll potentially lose the baby if they don't get him some medical attention NOW!!
DBK, just hearing this is absolutely panicking. His baby boy is safe but suddenly his little brother is in labor and he recalls a small anecdote, just a bit of dialog he had with Wukong when they were bith still very young back in the Brotherhood and talking about a potential future, you're average "think you'll ever have kids" conversation. Wukong had brushed the matter off, saying that he wanted one eventually but not for a very long time since it's more risky for him. He hadn't known what he'd meant then and thought it was related to the many enemies they had.
When Guanyin and Gold Star appear (they were probably having tea or something together) and reveal that Wukong dying in childbirth is actually a very high possibility since "Stone Monkeys sacrifice their own dao to bring their young into the world," DBK suddenly has a whole new realization about what Wukong had meant and panics even harder because his bratty little brother KNEW and never fucking told any of them!
Yeah, Wukong gets into a lot of trouble when he hides just how dangerous having kids is to him.
Especially when having said kid interrupts a very dangerous ritual and sends him into early labour!
I love the mental imagery of Nezha shouting at Wukong for "getting cocky" during the Ritual, only for his own God of Children-senses to kick in as he notices an extra soul there.
In the Jttw Stone Egged/Post-Jttw Au the "extra" is MK himself, while in the Soft Boiled Au it's little Yuebei. And unlike Slow Boiled, where Yuebei is ok to chill out for a few more centuries; the second the ritual is over, the baby is ready to Go NOW.
(btw; me and a bud were discussing the hilarity and chaos that would ensue if both babies were in there. A little double-yolk egg where big chubby Xiaotian is curled protectively around his tinier sister Yuebei. XD)
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DBK freaking tf OUT, cus while his baby is safe and no longer in pain from hosting a primordial fire - he just learned that Wukong's own baby is in grave danger! He quickly alerts PIF to whats happening so that they can organise Red's care and tend to Wukong at the same time.
Guanyin is like second on the scene - Nezha zipped over on his fiery rings the second he realised it was a birth-related matter, panicking as a teen boy does. Gold Star was just there checking in when he heard the news.
Overall, no matter if the other monkey is present or not; the birth of a new Stone Monkey, and the survival of the Parent, is a monumental occasion.
Even if the parent is about to get yelled at by 10+ family members for hiding the severity of his condition.
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peachshadows · 2 years
So what if MK gets transported to a world where Wukong was never trapped under the mountain or went on a journey to the west?
During the havoc in heaven, Wukong successfully overthrew the Jade Emperor and now rules the celestial realm with an iron fist
Wukong in this universe is more bloodthirsty and doesn't hesitate to use violence or straight up murder someone
Wukong and Macaque are married in this universe since they never fully had their big fallout
Both Mac and Wukong live in FFM but Wukong has his godly ruler duties to attend so he leaves Macaque with the responsibility of ruling the mountain during his absence
MK, upon landing in this new world, accidentally bumps into Red Son at a market place and hugs him cuz he doesn't know where everyone is and is glad to see a familiar face
Of course Red Son gets hella pissed because how dare this peasant touch him like they're acquaintances
So Red Son tries to kill MK, but is shocked when MK not only evades Red Son but manages to land some blows (not hard enough to leave broken bones, but some light bruising)
"Red, please! I don't want to hurt you!"
Red Son just attacks even harder and faster
In desperation, MK summons his staff and pins Red Son to the ground. MK lifts the staff and Red thinks this is the end for him but then hears a loud crash right beside his head
"you're lucky I was holding back"
"...you were holding back?"
"Duh. Now I'm gonna get off, but you have to promise to not murder me, ok?"
Red Son nods, still in shock
But now, there are whispers of the staff that MK is holding (and it looks very identical to the staff that the Great Sage Ruler of Heaven has)
To make matters even worse, a lot of demons are now mistaking MK as Wukong's heir (due to the staff) despite never seeing or hearing about a monkey prince
Regardless, Red Son falls in love through the sheer show of power and the fact MK was holding back
Red Son has the great idea of courting this idiot so he kidnaps MK and takes him to the palace
Upon kidnapping MK, who's screaming and kicking as he's tied down with magical ropes, Red Son's parents immediately sees the very same essence and magic that Wukong has in MK
So PIF sends a letter to Wukong to inform him about his "cub"
Red Son tells his parents that he's gonna court MK
PIF: "Darling, you do realize you're already engaged?"
"You're engaged?!"
"That's besides the point. Me and the dragon girl already talked about this and it's fine between us."
"dragon gir- MEI? YOU'RE MARRIED TO MEI?"
"engaged, but I've already settled on courting you"
Both Mac and Wukong finally arrive at DBK's palace
DBK, pushing MK towards Wukong: "brother I believe we found your cub"
Swk: "...cub?"
Mac, puts a hand on MK's shoulder: "ah bud, so this is where you've been. You gave me and your baba quite the scare."
"What- baba-?"
"You see, we've been keeping our cub a secret 'cause peaches here is too paranoid. Trained him ourselves as you can tell"
PIF: "well you should've told us sooner, Mihou. We could've arranged a marriage between our children. My darling here is already smitten."
Wukong: isn't your kid already engaged?
PIF: you can't really stop love, can you? Great Sage?
Mac tries to grab for MK and drag him back to their palace but Red Son stops him by grabbing MK's other hand
"I'm courting MK. He stays with me."
"Little prince, you'll get your chance with our cub but first we need to...talk to him. It's his first time outside our territory so we're just gonna establish some rules."
Anyways, I have a lot of things planned for this au but I'm not sure how to exactly write it but let me know what y'all think!
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platinumrosetail · 2 years
Yandere shadowpeach dbk freenoodles sliktea and spider queen x baby moth girl reader ( like mothman)
Where she just fall into the Lego world scard and in the process of making her little baby cocoon cuz she's going for it early metamorphosis she just a cute little baby
And it during a huge fight and she scared and stops halfway Makin her cocoon her chrysalis when she see she about to get hurt and call for her mama or papa but no one comes cuz obviously we're in a different world
And the other's save her and they smell like her favorite fruit which is only in the cave where her mama and papa are so like comfort of home lol
And then she coos at them and then go back to Makin her cocoon being cute the whelly doing it. And she falls asleep and the one who wears the pants in the relationship Cough coughing mama macaq mama pigsy Mama huntsman pif Spider Queen cough cough
Hold her cocoon safe and take care of her while also giving her little foods to eat cuz your little mouth is open so like a little baby cuz she can't move it on her eyes are covered) I thought that was very cute)
And then when she gets out of the cocon she's all fluffy and cute and her little wings are pretty like imagine if her wings became the colors of her parents that took care of her ( like for dbk fiery looking wings )
And they help her fly the best they can and take good care of her
Such wholesome and a adorable request.
Warning: noob author, female child reader, dark theme, yandere platonic characters, and others.
Characters: shadowpeach, FreeNoodles, waterspider/silktea, dbk family, spider queen.
You were making a vaccine as to comfort yourself as you seem to have found out you’re in another world but of course you don’t really know that you’re in another world you just think you’re in a new environment now for some reason.
The two monkey found you when they came to visit mk and saw how some rogue bull clones that malfunctioned when the recent battles of many enemies surrounded your small form that had stoped making the cocoon to shake in fear.
They took care of the rogue bull clones, macaque made sure that you’re secure in his arms and made sure to not damage your cocoon that wasn’t finished. You notice how the two both smell like you favorite fruit and decided that they were safe to be with before falling asleep.
Since you’re just a baby you don’t really know what’s fully going and would get distracted sometimes from things that macaque and sun intended for you to be distracted with and other times out of the blue distractions like how you got distracted with sun absentmindedly waving his tail which got your attention and lead to him getting a bitten tail, which erupted a laughing fit from his mate.
Your favorite food is mango and peaches and sometimes when you visit mk he would make you a smoothie of those and maybe add few other ingredients instructed by pigsy.
Sun and macaque has to make sure that you don’t get bored and decide to go on an adventure and get lost and scared because they know how curious a baby can be when they get bored and such so they get you coloring books that mk and mei recommend and some books from pif on how to keep your baby entertained when they aren’t around or looking which isn’t that long maybe like a minute to on some occasions an hour.
When they do leave for a long period of time for a date or something else they leave you with mk, and the group. Bai he loves taking care of you and also loves being the older sister now and make sure that you’re taking care of like how her dads and brother do and soon she joins the boys with how protective she soon became.
It was some thugs that thought it was a bright idea to pick on a baby that just wants to make her cocoon without any ruffians to torment her; Pigsy whacked him with his rolling pin while tang punches the others when they had found you in the alleyway close to the shop.
The two made sure that you weren’t hurt from the thugs and kept you warm with tang’s scarf. You recognized a smell coming off of them and realized that they weren’t out to hurt you.
(I don’t know what they could smell like, maybe for pigsy pigsy or some type of ingredient that he uses while making noodles? And for tang maybe paper that smell like the trees they were made from? I guess, though I would like to hear y’all’s thoughts on this out of curiosity if you would like to leave a comment about it.)
Since you’re a baby moth pigsy has to resort to cooking other things than noodles which was kinda hard seeing as he made it muscle memory to make noodles.
(I feel like that could and have happened before 😂)
Tang loves reading you stories he get from his work; the library, especially if it involves monkey king and of course you being a baby don’t know anything about and just enjoy the story even if you don’t understand anything from it and just like his soft calming voice when he reads you a bed time story.
When you opened your cocoon after 21 days you finelly see them with your very own eyes, although blurry vision but it gets better over time.
When you finally get to eat noodles you eat about 8 to 10 rounds of it before getting food cause it’s that good; which strokes at pigsy’s ego a bit.
You color and draw you and your family a lot which by now hardly fights the fridge anymore. You, mk, and Bai he all draw different things like things from picture books or story that doesn’t have pictures in them to things that you made up on the spot.
It was raining and therefore difficult to make your cocoon even if you go into a cardboard box for shield it’ll just bleed and drip through onto your cocoon. It wasn’t until sandy on a errand to find you and rescue you from your predicament.
He takes you home; dry you, feed you, make sure you all nice and cozy, and made sure that you were hydrated enough before you went to hibernate in your cocoon, this time finally able to without any difficulties in your way.
For 11 days were you in that cocoon, you somewhat met sandy already and with his smell and the way he acted towards you seemed safe for you but when you met another being especially a predator it was hard for you to get used to him and makes you want to go back to your cocoon; though sandy somehow coax you out in the end and you finally see huntsman as a parental figure about a month later after you got out of your cocoon.
You love the cats even though they sometimes like to play and mess with your moth like features! Mo helps you move around and help you adjust when sandy and huntsman aren’t around to help you move around their; now yours as well, place.
They join you when you draw, even invites mk and Bai he to draw with you when they can’t and when the two aren’t busy.
And when it’s cold, sandy knits you and everyone nice cozy clothes to keep warm from the weather of winter season.
Sandy likes to take you and huntsman on nature walks as a way to relax when things might get stressful for y’all or sometimes just to go out and breath in nature air along with making friends with the animals that are in the forest that y’all walk in.
Dbk family:
You met them when mk brought your cocoon over that he had found near their house close to a open fire and was wondering if the family knew you were there or not. The didn’t know that you were there and therefore want to take responsibility as you’re just a baby still and need to be taken care of as you’re too young to that yourself yet.
They at first didn’t know how to take care of you as you’re not what their used to which lead to all of them to read books about moths and experiment from there.
Seeing as you’re a month you prone to follow anything that lights up which includes fire and seeing as they have fire around their home that seem to be hard to let you be by yourself; that which made them overprotective and want to either stay with you so you don’t get hurt or have a bull clone supervise you to make sure you don’t do anything dangerous.
You like to follow redson around as he seems more brighter and can control fire which is light though he does make sure to always carry a flashlight if he needs to get your attention on him.
You be a little model for pif as she seem to have a hobby of making clothes for herself and her family, so that’s what you and her do when you two spend time together.
You and dbk don’t really speak much but you seem to like to always sleep on his shoulder when he watches his coupling show but sometimes when you are awake you do make small talking about what y’all should have for dinner and if you could have what was showing on the tv for dinner one night before going back to sleep.
They would definitely grow attach to you as you do cute and sweet gestures for them and be a good little daughter which leads to redson turning you into a demon if you’re aren’t considered a moth demon to them yet.
You honestly are scared of everyone in the spider group as they are predators to you even if they smell like grape juice.
(I don’t even know why I picked that lol 😂)
Spiderqueen make sure to get you comfortable the most as she’ll be your your mother from now on and of course princess on the spiders.
With her webs she can make you clothes as it became a little hobby of hers since she was born/made as a demon plus it beats going to the store and stealing some.
She will make sure that you’re taught to always stay with her minions or her when they go out into the surface but also to stay in their general eyesight to make sure you’re safe and won’t be kidnapped. The gave you a play pin so you don’t run off either and so you could have a area to play in that won’t be anywhere near any dangerous equipment.
Syntax make sure to teach you things from math to history or well spiderqueen version of it I guess but also other things too so you can use that as an advantage when you become queen.
Huntsman makes sure you’re well fed and know what’s to eat and what’s not to eat to make sure you can survive in different climates plus where to hide to maybe make a cocoon to sleep in as well.
Strong spider is technically your bodyguard if the others are busy and would spend more time with you that the two other minions since he needs to make sure you don’t get hurt, lost, or kidnapped.
(A/n: OMG! This took forever didn’t it!? I’m so sorry! I just got distracted and stuff like that plus with the fact I needed to catch up on the dragon prince season 4 so I was a little busy anyway hope y’all like it!! And hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!!😁)
(P.s: also thank you so much for 100 followers on here!!! 🤩😁☺️.)
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splendentmoon · 2 years
On the one hand I should be asleep, it's 3 in the morning and I shouldn't be writing.
But on the other hand, I had insomnia and my wonderful head came up with an idea, so I won't waste it.
MK, Spindrax, Red Son, Yin and Jin being the catastrophe team.
I mean, they would be like MK's adopted family, his best friends and partners in crime!
Yin and Jin
-They met MK because Jin fought with a demon, he ended up wounded and fainted, his brother was not by his side, and MK took him to his home to cure him.
-Jin got attached to MK first.
-MK was already about 100 years old, but he looked like a 4 year old boy, he already had some scars on his body.
-MK lived in a shack, barely habitable, it looked like it was going to collapse at any moment.
-Yin was relieved to see that his brother was well and was grateful to the boy.
-Both of them, seeing the conditions MK was living in, felt pity and pity, so they took him away.
-Both decided that they would not ask why the scars or MK's past, not only because it seemed to be a difficult subject, but MK said that his supposed father had tried to kill him, that was enough to not want to keep wandering in the past.
-Nowadays, both of them are still like MK's older brothers, although there are times when MK is the one who has to save their bacon.
-Both of them are very protective of MK, especially when Red Son is alone with him, they don't like any demon to be near their little brother.
-Yin and Jin are among the few who have seen MK in his true monkey form.
-They were the ones who gave MK his nickname, as it started with a monkie kid joke and stuck.
-The two of them love MK unconditionally.
-They met because she decided not to be a servant of Spider Queen and ended up in the path of Yin, who instinctively took her home.
-MK was afraid of spiders, so he didn't get too close to her, but little by little they became close.
-In the end, Spindrax couldn't help but get too attached to MK and became her best friend/sister/protector.
-MK and Spindrax get into trouble very often, usually Spindrax's ideas and very rarely MK's ideas.
-Spindrax is able to use acid webs to defend herself, which amazed MK.
-MK is always accompanied by her, it is very rare not to see them together.
-She felt very honored and excited when she saw MK's monkey form.
-When she saw his scars and the piece of his past where his father almost killed him, she promised him (and herself) that she will never let anyone hurt him again.
-She distrusts Red a bit, though they get along better later.
-She gets to know the other members of Spider Squadron, keeps in touch with Huntsman, Goliath and Syntax (though she ends up fighting with the last one).
-Spider Queen and her are like mother and daughter fighting over everything.
Red Son (Spicynoodles is canon in my Au).
-They met long before DBK's attack.
-Red Son remembers the first time he saw MK, he was walking around the city until he heard a beautiful voice, he followed it and found a cute cute boy, since then, Red Son would go to listen to him whenever he could.
-MK and Red Son officially met when Red Son was injured by a challenger, MK found him bleeding and took him home to heal him.
-Red Son is in love with MK, but in pure MK style, he doesn't realize anything as he is very innocent and sweet.
-When Red met Jin and Yin, he felt uncomfortable seeing their penetrating looks on the back of his head.
-Spindrax was no exception and watched him in the same way.
-In the end he was able to gain their trust, but that led to them invading his home whenever they wanted.
-When PIF became aware of Red Son's new friends, she treated them kindly and let them in whenever they wanted, she was happy to see her son with friends.
-They usually have sleepovers at Red's castle, consisting of playing board games, watching animated movies, sometimes horror movies, and sleeping.
-Red is the most responsible of the group and is less bitter, just serious and somewhat indifferent.
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theweirdhybrid · 1 year
Any thoughts on the monkie kid season 4 specials?
Or are you waiting for them to come out in English?
I just watched it in english! And honestly I fucking loved it! A little sad Redson didn’t get any speaking lines but hey, we got a beach scene! And it was honestly wonderful seeing DBK, PIF and Redson join them :]
But!!! But but but but!!!!!! We got to see what King’s imprisonment looked like!!! And that was super fucking exciting! In most interpretations + the og book he quite literally had a mountain dropped on him and pinning him to the Earth :0 Dasheng had been frozen in a block of crystal hidden in a mountain for 500 years, so at least he wasn’t aware he was trapped (at least I don’t think he was), we don’t know what Uncle’s imprisonment looked like but I think the implications for him was that his backstory is pretty much the same as the OG book, Lucky wasn’t trapped under a mountain to begin with (not that I remember anyways, since his story seems to be an exploration from before JTTW), we never saw what Sage’s looked like, and Sunny was pinned to the ground under the mountain. And King was trapped in a giant cavern while encased in the rock itself, and I think it was heavily implied he was trapped under Huaguoshen itself, if those chains holding the mountain together at the end of the special were anything to go by. So that! Is very incredibly interesting!!!!
ALSO MK!!! HOLY FUCKIN SHIT YO!!!!! I think the show was implying that when he’s in his Monkey form his personality is altered just a bit, because he became incredibly cocky and almost… condescending, I wanna say, while taunting Azure when a moment before he’d been terrified, and then after when he’s back to his human form he… loses that bravado and overconfidence. Which! I like to think hints at the fact that MK really is a harbinger of chaos, as was previously stated by the Scroll of Memories. Also!!! Very very interesting that the Scroll itself seemed to want MK to prove it wrong, it said “Then prove us wrong” kind of softly, like it was truly hoping that MK would prove it wrong.
And I think that’s the point, everyone is worried that MK will end up being struck down by his friends and his loved ones, but I honestly think the whole point of his story is defying the expectations of the generations before him. So! I don’t think he’s going to end up being killed by his friends, he’s probably going to end up fighting them sure, but I doubt he’ll end up dying.
I mean this whole story is about the next generation, right? There’s no way they’re gonna kill off the main character, especially not the HEAVILY implied son/little brother of Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, who is the most popular character of all time, if all of the different movies and shows and characters in FTP’s (Free to play’s) and other games that are based off him are anything to go by.
If they did hypothetically kill him off, it’s either gonna be a “haha sike” moment OR an extremely poor narrative decision on their part.
Either way, I’m genuinely excited to see where they take the series!! The new lore pieces that got dropped are ofc gonna impact some aspects of ITTW, but not all of it :]
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luciferapollyon · 2 months
LMK AU's I intend to write at some point:
1. Bakery AU - More Slice-of-life than action/adventure. Follows Macaque after being resurrected by Lady Bone Demon and her General, The Mayor.
Synopsis: Instead of Macaque throwing the key away and going after Sun Wukong, he instead convinces LBD and her lackey to let him recuperate so he can create them both new bodies with shadow magic and effectively make them both Celestial Primates. He does this, but adds a caveat that he can't be harmed by what is basically his own magic. He then takes off to Europe with the two new adolescent Celestial monkeys in tow. After a few hundred years of odd jobs, Macaque meets a woman Lin Moniang (Mazu), who helps run a lighthouse and whose older brothers run a bakery. After falling in love with her, Macaque; LBD and The Mayor all assist with the bakery.
Character Names:
The Six Earred Macaque - Renamed Zao Yueliang. He's the "oldest" of the group of Celestial Primates, being physically around his 20's.
The Ancient Lady White Bone Demon - Renamed Qiao Guniang. She's the youngest now, being physically around 11, and she hates it. She would've killed Macaque after being released and placed into her new body, but both she and Wu Dan found out real quick that neither of them hold the Six Earred Macaque's leash.
The Mayor - Renamed Wu Dan. He's definitely in the middle though he and his Lady-turned-little-sister don't know why that is. At least not while they're on the run from Wukong. He's physically 15 years old and so annoyed with it. He tried to help his Lady kill Macaque, but their new bodies began to desolve back into the shadows.
Secondary Character Names:
Lin Mei (Beautiful Forest) - Macaque and Moniang's eldest. In canon, she would have been LBD's host.
Lei Sheng Paishou (Thunder Clap) - Known as Rumble in the playsets. The eldest of Macaque and Moniang's twins.
Shandian (Lightening Bolt) - Known as Savage in the playsets. The youngest of Macaque and Moniang's twins.
Characters Possibly Only Mentioned by Name:
Lin Moniang - A shamaness turned sea goddess, and protector of sailors. Her Red Light Lantern compliments Macaque's Shadow Lantern
Lin Tingjue - Moniang's "brother", a powerful demon who can hear for great distances. He likes baking savory pastries and breads.
Lin Yankan - Moniang's "brother", a powerful demon who can see for great distances. He likes baking sweet treats.
MK/Xiaotian - The Monkie Kid, Sun Wukong's successor.
Chef Zhu/Pigsy - Owner of Pigsy's Noodles, MK's boss, and reluctant (and somewhat incompetent father figure)
Tang Sanzang - A teacher of myths and legends at Megapolis University and a frequent "customer" at Pigsy's Noodles
Mei Long - MK's best friend and partner in crime
Sandy and Mo - Pigsy's old friend and his therapy cat
Sun Wukong - The Monkey King.
Guanyin - Goddess of Mercy
Erlang Shen - A General in Heaven's Army and the Jade Emporer's nephew
Nezha -
Demon Bull King - Otherwise known by his friends and enemies alike as DBK
Princess Iron Fan - Tieshan Gongzhu, or PIF. A Rakshasa warrior princess who lives in the Flaming Mountains to the north of Taklamakan Desert with her son and husband. She is the fifth daughter of deceased King Ravana of the island kingdom of Lanka and the Queen Mother of the West's niece.
Redson - DBK and PIF's heir and only child
Spider Queen - A female spider demon. She is the oldest of her sisters.
Changed Spider Queen's Retinue. All, but Syntax, are female now.
Wood Spider (taking the place of Huntsman) - A female spider demon, the second eldest and second in command. She helps SQ with her plans even when she thinks they're a bit too far-fetched.
Joro (taking the place of Strong Spider) - A female spider demon whose thinness belies her strength in combat against the Monkie Kids
Phantom Spider - A female spider demon with an attitude. She's SQ's chosen heir. She has a one-sided attraction to MK.
Syntax - The only male spider "demon". He used to be a human scientist that worked for SQ, but had the liquid mutagen he'd developed for SQ and his Spider-bots turned on him. He's smaller and weaker than any of the girls. Joro and Wood take great delight "teasing" about eating him.
How close to canon!LMK, on a scale of 1 to 10; with 1 being not very canon, is this? Depending on length: short one or two chapters, it's at best a 2. If I write it out all the way, it's an 8.5 with Spider Queen and DBK being the primary antagonists.
Is there shipping? Some background ships are IronBull; FreeNoodles; Joro/Syntax/Wood and maybe some variations on Chimera. The only ShadowPeach is Past!ShadowPeach.
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I just imagined SVSSS SJ meeting LMK Macaque
Why did they become besties that sit and braid each other’s hair. Babysit a young Redson and have him have play dates with YingYing
Imagine the righteous cultivation peak lord scolding his fellow peak lords while a little red headed baby sat nestled against his breast.
YQY foaming at the mouth seeing another man (albeit demon monkey) casually strutting around SJ’s place. Sometimes half dressed. He knows it’s on purpose too. YQY is not quiet and Macaque could hear him from miles away.
YQY practically begging SWK to take Macaque but both are met with disgusted sneers from not only the two besties, but the peaks disciples. Especially LBH, whom Macaque and SJ practically co-parent.
Yingying and LBH often play dress up with Macaque who lets them see his original appearance before the incident with WuKong.
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qatheauthoress74 · 4 years
What if: Red Son has a half-brother!?
Okay, new concept here. Now for those who don’t know, in JTTW, DBK had a concubine named Jade Faced Princess (yes, he had her while married to PIF, times back then were different then they are now). She turned out to be a fox-fairy and later killed by Pigsy. But I had this idea that before ‘Jade-Faced’ died she had a son, which was of course DBK’s. 
This child--who henceforth shall be named Jade-Faced Prince (very original I know)--grows up into a shady fox shapeshifter who in a manner similar to Macaque tricks MK into thinking he’s a human who wants to be his friend. Unknown to MK, though, JFP is only pretending to be MK’s friend because he knows about his relationship with Red Son and wants to kill him in revenge for how PIF treated JFP’s mom before she died. And to add further salt to the wound JFP gave MK a lust potion that will make him attracted to the fox and Red Son will be forced to see his beloved run away into the arms of his half-brother while he bleeds from his wounds, oh the drama! 
Red Son (who is seriously done with JFP’s elaborate scheme by this point in time) points out that his mother didn’t kill Jade Faced Princess as it was the original Pigsy that did it. JFP agrees, but it was Iron Fan who convinced DBK to banish him after his mother died and already had Red Son as his heir. 
MK turns out to be okay and reveals that the reason the potion didn’t work on him is because he’s Gray-Ace (Asexual/Demisexual), meaning he’s only is attracted to people he’s formed a long-lasting connection with and would only feel lust around his romantic partner. He and Red Son defeat JFP, who vows vengeance which neither hero takes seriously enough before ‘yeeting’ him out of the city. 
JFP would go on acting like the Golden-Silver Demons as a nuisance that nobody pays attention to and can see through his disguises. 
Overtime JFP’s attempts at getting MK and Red to break up are less out of revenge but out of genuine interest as he starts to crush on MK for real (which isn’t that hard). So now there’s a one-sided love triangle going on that Mei and Sun Wukong are in the background laughing as the half-sons of DBK fight over the Monkie Kid and MK beats both of their asses when their roughhousing gets on his nerves enough. 
Just my little story idea for the day. XD
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months
Pfft I can just imagine Wukong and the groups' faces during this exchange like... form the groups perspective DBK saw this random pregnant person and tried to attack them, MK probably screaming "Monkey King!!" in worry when he sees the fist almost hitting his new friend/idol who he had jsut met and knows is in no condition to dodge the hit, the Bull King freezing right before hitting the person who's hood probably blew back from the sheer g force of the attack that was stopped revealing that yes, it was the Monkey King. And then DBK asks if he is with child.
Then there's this whole back forth like
Wukong, sweating: What!? No... no I'm just... letting myself go?
MK: He is totally pregnant! Like... mega pregnant! That's why he chose me as a successor! Because he can't risk fighting in his condition!
Wukong: Kid... shut up!
But by then, everyone knows what's up and there's no use trying to hide Wukong's condition
referencing this alternate way DBK finds out about the Slow boiled egg.
DBK feels a frying pan tossed at his head at the speed of a cannonball. Turns and sees a pig demon on the ground, furiously yelling up at him.
Pigsy: "HEY! You leave that bystander alone! It's bad enough you and your family nearly killed my son!" DBK: "Son?? Wait... the pig [Zhu Bajie]???" MK, starry-eyed: "Son!?" Pigsy: "YEAH! The one kid powerful enough to beat your bull ass to kingdom come! We came into this fight thinking your wife killed him by tossing him into the lava around Flower Fruit Mountain!" DBK, concerned: "Wife!?" PIF, shrugs: "All fair in love and war my dear. Plus with your younger brother's strength, I knew he'd survive." DBK: *disappointed brow-raise* PIF, guiltly: "And I may have forgotten how... non-fireproof mortal children are after raising our son for so long." Wukong: "We all make mistakes." Red Son, beaten silly by Mei: "Noodle boy's father is a pig?"
I just realised that the Bull family probably were a little freaked out to see what appeared to be a redsign of Wukong's pilgrim squad barrelling at them in a noodle van. XD
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
After that whole mess, they, of course, go back to FFM. Both because the cubs had a long day and needed a nap and also because neither Wukong nor MK had the energy to reset their glamours, and the last thing any of them wanted was to be swarmed. Wukong had to be stopped form going into a cleaning spree as soon as he realized he was having guests over for the first time in years and had to be told to sit down since, out of everyone there, be had been the one in the worst condition when all was said and done. They still enjoyed their smaller, more private New Years celebration and getting to run around in MK's childhood home
Absolutely. Wukong is taking all the cubs home for a well-deserved rest (the eclipse twins argue that they aren't tired [lie]), and to properly introduce himself to the Noodle shop gang/aka his reincarnated Pilgrim brothers.
Wukong is a dedciated King to his people, but hasn't really let people "get close" since the Samadhi Fire incident/DBK's imprisonment. So he's a little rusty on how to play host in his own palace. The Stalwarts and the island's subjects are worried since they noticed some sort of havoc going on in the mainland while their King was gone, but Wukong brushes them off.
When Wukong attempts to clean up and play host, Pigsy quickly makes him sit down since; "You're pregnant and nearly got all your magic drained out of you. I'll make dinner." Which immediately puts the pig in the monkeys' good graces. Wukong does have to admit, piglet's grandson makes amazing noodle soup.
Mei (+MK) helps Pigsy out in the kitchen, and Wukong has a pang of nostalgia and grief at how similar the little dragon looks to Ao Lie. Her fun-loving attitude quickly gains her fans amongst the cubs, even if they try to eat her phone once or twice.
Lots of talking happens - especially on the subject of MK being Wukong's eldest cub + who exactly "dad" is. Wukong is still a little too upset at Macaque to give more than a curt explaination that he left on "a vacation" and has been missing since then.
Pigsy blurts out that he'll; "Sock the punk in the nose the second he sees 'em for leaving his family like that". It gets a laugh out of the king at least. Gao Cuilan did the same to Bajie when he finally returned after the journey.
Tang is ofc in Jttw-nerd heaven. Asking so many questions that MK has to interupt him to give his mom some space. The Stalwarts happily fill in the more embarassing/sappy details of their King and Warrior's romance, which delights the scholar (and mortifies SWK and MK) to no end.
Sandy is quickly the cubs favorite new uncle - though that could be because he smells like old uncle Sha Wujing. The Eclipse Twins are sus though. He makes himself busy serving up tea and addressing any emotional issues Wukong could be going through rn, especially with another little monkey on the way. Wukong is touched.
The Demon Bull Family makes an appearance - mainly to offer their apologies and for DBK to start making amends with his little bro. DBK quickly gets swarmed by the cubs he missed out on meeting, bellowing with laughter as they climb all over his horns. PIF is very aloof as per usual, but expresses her condolences for Macaque's disappearance. Wukong can tell that the former celestial princess is worried about her old friend, even if she doesn't care to show it.
Red Son is super confused, holding a casserole dish of non-spicy barbeque (DBK uncharacterically insisted, apparently the Monkey King hated spicy food), and just blinking at the fact that the "Noodle Boy" and "Pony Girl" he'd been fighting with were actually his calf-hood chums! Yuebei tries to eat his hair the moment he's offered to hold one of the Nodelets for the first time.
Overall the New Years "afterparty" (as Mei dubbed it) goes far better than the original celebration. Even if MK is super-grounded for not telling Wukong he became a superhero + lying who he actually was to the gang.
+Bonus: I love the idea of the cubs being super cranky during the events in the Celestial Realm. And when the spider gang attempt to stop the gang on the airship; little Yuebei starts shrieking with anger over her lack of sleep + missing both parents, and blasts them away with her non-fatal lazer eyes. It's one of many signs that MK's family aren't normal demons. Hunstman is a little embarassed that he was technically defeated by a baby.
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
Answering all three Asks I have about The True Immortal Compliant in "The Monkey King and the Infant" au:
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Answering asks from @justweirddino and @kyliecatqueen + an anonymous;
Pretty much yeah; the whole Monkie Gang only start out barely tolerating True Immortal Compliant/TIC/Ruyi. Wukong (+ most characters who know about the incident) thinks he's a scumbag for extorting the Kingdom of Women all those years ago. But DBK really wants to see his little brother again (the bull has been locked up for hundreds of years) and begs for them to be at least polite when he visits.
TIC is like that creepy mega-right-wing uncle that you have to put up with at thanksgiving and/or christmas. Has really harsh, outdated opinions on womens health. Makes dirty jokes at others expense. But since he's a guest, you don't want to be rude and call him out. In general a dinner with him is more painful than the furnace in SWK's opinion.
After its over Shadowpeach are like; "Lets never speak to him again." "Agreed".
Then a couple of years pass and Spicynoodles are expecting their first baby(s). Uncle TIC makes himself known. At first DBK and Red Son believe he's emerged to establish contact with his future grand-niblings. PIF is suspicious; she knows her brother-in-law still has access to that Spring Water, and that TIC has been enjoying his new life of luxury in the Underworld...
Red Son is like the little kid who used to think his uncle was cool, then as he got older realized that a lot of stuff was red-flags. He makes sure not to give MK/Xiaotian any drink provided by TIC.
It comes to a head when TIC invites the whole Spicynoodle fam + grandparents to his palace in the Underworld in the lead up to the Spicynoodle wedding. The volcanic, super-hot Demon Bull Palace in the Underworld.
At dinner there's nothing but wine/baijiu to drink. Luckily most of the fam packed their own supply of water/iced tea for the journey and give that to MK to drink so he isn't dying of thirst. The micro-aggression does not go unnoticed however.
Later on in the night, MK gets out of bed to stretch his legs (babies making a ruckus), only to be summoned by TIC sitting in the drawing room. A platter holding a pitcher of water, two full glasses, and wedges of lemon just sitting there on the table.
TIC: "Why don't you sit with me and drink? I'm so sorry I'd forgotten your... limitation during dinner." MK: "Um... it's no problem really. I'll sit for a bit. Kids were just keeping me awake is all."
A few moment of awkward convo pass. @justweirddino describes the perfect proceeding scenario. MK is just swirling his glass of water, glaring into it as TIC sits with his own empty glass.
TIC: "You're not drinking." MK: "You poured the glasses before I came in. I didn't see you pour yours." TIC: *Pupils dilate a little but tries not to show any emotion* MK: *pours half the contents of his into TIC's own glass* "It wouldn't be fair to drink mine with yours empty. Drink up!" TIC: *hand shaking as he takes his glass. hesistates taking a sip.* MK, still as brightly as before: "The Demon Bull Family has such a rich history! I really can't help looking into it, seeing how I'm gonna be part of the family really soon!" TIC: *Sweats* MK: "And of course I love hearing how our families interacted during my dad's pilgrimage. Including a really funny chapter involving the Kingdom of Women." TIC: *oh shit reaction* MK, smile turning devious: "You really thought I was that stupid did you?" *lets out the loudest Help!/Danger! chirp he can* Outside the drawing room: *frantic boss music starts playing and getting closer*
TIC barely makes it out of the room alive.
Fun fact about the Spring Water. Half a bowl/goblet is sufficient to cure a pregnancy. But more than that? According to the old woman in Journey to the West that helped Zhu Bajie and Tripitaka; "Any more will dissolve your insides."
Wukong helpfully provides the above knowledge and proceeds to nearly strangle TIC to death.
It wasn't just a simple "remove future heirs"-plan.
It was also a "remove nephew's spouse"-plan.
Once the group learns that last bit, Red Son has to be held back by multiple family members/bull clones to stop him from delivering his Uncle straight to The 10 Kings themselves.
As you can imagine, this was the final straw for DBK. He can deal with a jerk of a little brother - but for his own flesh and blood to try and murder his future son-in-law and unborn grandbabies? Zero contact immediately. Thank you for dinner, never speak to us again or we will destroy you.
Bonus horror/crime idea of TIC;
Princess Iron Fan is comforting MK as TIC is being dragged away to answer for his crimes. She smells the glass and winces.
PIF: "Urgh. No wonder you noticed it. It smells so bitter. Almost like..." PIF: *Drops the glass, shattering it on the ground. Hands clutching her mouth as she remembers the times in the far past when she and DBK had tried for children. A servant always bringing her a familiarly-foul smelling tea when the queen became "nauseous/unwell".* MK, immediately worried: "Yuemu! [mother-in-law] Are you ok?" PIF: "...I'm going to kill him." *wind teleports out of there* MK: *is left confused, but understands her anger*
So yeah, when TIC shows up he doesn't escape post-S4 alive.
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
so like. I'm really into The Monkey King Netflix rn, and the Extended Lore and such, and I'm delighted to hear that Red Girl can have a baby brother as Black Boy
cut to my devastation there's BARELY anything of him
but wait, I wonder if Samadhi Wind is a thing, since there's Samadhi Fire, even if it's not the typical wuxi, and I do find out it is through Yellow Wind Demon, which is completely unrelated until I search for keywords like 'black' and 'whirlwind', and wHO DO I FIND??
his name is Li Kui and man idk he's kinda the perfect character for Black Boy to adapt and tie into I'm just saying!!!!
and it gets WORSE...... BECAUSE I READ ABOUT THE STORY IT'S APART OF "WATER MARSH" (which yes involves the 72 Earthly Fiends that relate to the 72 transformations of Sun Wukong that I've been putting off reading abt 💀) AND APPARENTLY HAS A GUY NICKNAMED LONG-ARMED APE
(猴 'hóu' means monkey, like how Luohou is a pun, Jian's family name is 侯 — WHICH IS BASICALLY THE SAME THING I THINK THE EXTRA BIT IN THE FRONT IS FOR THE ANIMAL CHARACTER SCREAMS)
I'm gonna bite my arm off
I legit looked this up and yeah; the 14th century book Water Margin is set in the 11th century and is about the 108 companions of a bandit lord who are all demons (72) and/or celestial beings (36) trying to gain redemption in their new lives.
One of which is Li Kui; aka Black Whirlwind, aka Iron Ox, aka Killer Star (each character is attributed to a different star). He was the gang's infrantry man and was once a jailer. He has a short temper, and is described as a cannibalistic beserker, especially after he loses his mother to a tiger attack. He ultimately dies after surviving the majority of the book, by being poisoned by the book's main character.
Hou Jian is tailor to a petty official (Huang Wenbing) who tries to get the MC executed to raise his rep; so Hou Jian leads the characters into their master's home where Li Kui eats the official alive. Hou Jian makes the gang's banners and flags. He ultimately dies/is lost at sea cus their boat overturned and Hou Jian couldn't swim (a trait shared with another infamous monkey...).
Chinese mythology/folklore is finding a bunch of characters in different works and being like;
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when ever you see a connection to your faves.
It would be interesting if the many characters of Water Margin were to reappear as reincarnations in other works.
Li Kui is a rough character to adapt simply because he's such a metal dude. He loves his mama, and he hates everyone else.
Sad idea:
Although it would be a sad idea to have Li Kui possibly being Iron Fan and DBK's son who's fate remained the same. Li Kui in the book has a large family, is a grown man, and his mom gets eaten by tigers.
But he could still be *reincarnated* into a new form as a true "Black Whirlwind Iron Ox" >:3
PIF, holding the new baby: "Is it just me or is little Huoshan a bit... hyperactive for his age?" Huoshan/"Black Boy": *barely a few months old, charging around like a little beserker, destroying furniture like the tasmanian devil* DBK, non-plussed: "Nah. Just calf zoomies. He'll tire out soon."
Bonus idea for what I'd think the little "Black Boy" IronBull baby would look like. Imagine expecting a huge minotaur-like celestial warrior, only to see this;
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Huoshan: *blep*
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