#PLATONIC felila
shortmexicangirl · 10 months
5 and 6 for both Senticousins! 🐉🦚
1. my favourite ship of them
adrien: obviously gotta be the lovesquare, with ladynoir being my fav side. i can't even properly explain my love for these guys they're just soOOOo perfect. i think ladynoir especially just share bond that isn't platonic isn't romantic but a secret third thing. they're so deeply intertwined, they bring out the best in each other they bring out the worst in each other, they're a perfect balance they're mirrors they're EVERYTHINGIAEDFKSJDKAF
felix: of course it's gonna be feligami. i remember when i first heard leak rumours of feligami becoming canon i was skeptical, because by that point i already LOVED them in fanon but was terrified that canon wouldn't do them justice or give their relationship proper development. but oh my GOD was i proven wrong, it only made me love them more. agh i don't even have the words they're just so perfectly matched <3
2. my least favourite ship of them
adrien: i am honestly... not sure. my fav trope is 'guy who really loves his gf/wife' so i've always been heavy on the love square for adrien and don't tend to explore other ships for him. i guess i never really got into lukadrien? but that's not even my 'least favourite' it's just indifference lol.
felix: anyone remember lilix/felila... yeah. no. i remember when felix was first introduced at the end of s3, people started shipping him and lila because 'they'll be an evil power couple!!' but even then i was HEAVY against it, firm on my stance that felix would HATE lila! yes, felix was first introduced as an antagonist, but he was still shown to have a strong moral compass. he lies and deceives for the people he loves (like how he stole the graham de vanily ring from gabriel for amelie). he was an asshole, but an asshole with reason. lila only lies for herself and her own gain. i was certain that if they met, felix would hate her, and i've only been proven right so i feel vindicated
thank you for the ask :)
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shootingsun · 3 years
First Time For Everything
Yes I wrote over 3,000 words of Platonic Felila fanfiction. No I don't regret it.
@shslharrisonkinnie I finished it, Lila now has friends, yayyyyy
#Give Lila a real friend 2021
Class was tiring, Lila thought, starting aimlessly into space. Who would need this stuff when she would end up being rich and powerful anyway? She didn’t even know what the lesson was about, it didn't matter to her. Lila looked at the board and tried to pull her head out of the clouds. But it was no use, so she thought, she thought and thought.
"Please come in Miss Rossi," The doctor's had said to her. She remembered questions, about her home life, about her school, about her as a person. But. She had lied, she said things were fine, they weren't. She had told them she had friends, she did, but not exactly good ones. She had told them about her glamorous life, full of adventure and intrigue, the kind of thing adults ate up. They hadn't believed her.
There were more tests, she had lied her way through those too. She hadn't exactly wanted to lie, it just happened. Lila "Lie-a" Rossi, that's who she was, no, who she is. And so, when the letter had came back in the mail, it hadn't really been that much of a surprise.
"Lila, honey, come and talk to me," Her mother had said, before explaining her disorder, to a 12 year old Lila, this had been fine! It just meant that she was good at telling stories. That was what she did to everyone, spin them pretty stories. About her. About them. About others. About anything really.
"Tell me about yourself Miss Rossi?" My name is Lila, I've stared in movies, ("Why haven't you shown us them, Lila?") I fly on a private jet, ("When are we gonna get to see it?") And I know a bunch of celebrities! ("Stop lying to everyone!") She could spin her stories well, she had found.
'Compulsive Lying Disorder' that was what the doctors had called it. She had passed the test with flying colors.
"Alright class!" Miss Bustier cut through Lila's thoughts like a knife. "We have a new transfer student coming in today, so please treat him the same way you treat each other. Félix? Will you come in please?"
And then… Adrien came into the room?! But that can't be right, Adrien is sat at the front of the class with that Nino kid. Besides, Adrien doesn't wear a turtleneck. The class murmured amongst themselves about the model's look-alike. Lila was stunned. There were two of them now??
"Hello, I'm sure you're all wondering why I look so much like Adrien. Well, that's none of your business, but if you must know - we're cousins. My name is Félix, that's all you really need to know about me." The boy in grey said.
"Well… that was- anyway! Félix would you sit next to… Lila! Go and sit with Lila please," She smiled at him and gestured to the empty seat next to Lila. He shrugged and walked to the seat, placing his bag on the ground next to the chair.
Now that she could look at him better, she noticed the differences between Félix and Adrien. Félix carried himself with something that Adrien lacked, although she wasn't sure what. Félix wore a dark grey turtleneck that contrasted Adrien's famous snow white jacket. It was like looking into an alternate universe. What Adrien could have been…
They sat in silence for a while as the teacher talked. Lila hated the quiet, her house was always so silent and still. Félix kept his head down and scribbled away at a notebook. She tried to sneak a peak, just to see what he was writing about, but his hand covered the writing almost instantly. He stared at her.
"Do you need something?" Félix deadpanned. "Or are you just being nosey?"
Lila blinked. How dare he? Nobody at the school talked to her like that! Nobody ever talked to her like that, not since… not since-
"Li-la!" Noemi, her sorelle called out to her. "Come over here!"
Lila was 7, at the time, and loved Noemi more than anyone in the world. Her sister was the sun and Lila was the planets. Noemi was the epitome of perfection. Perfect hair, perfect style, perfect tan, perfect skin, perfect smile. Lila wanted to be just like her.
"Wow Noemi, your sister is like a mini you!" Her sisters friends giggled. Lila liked it when people compared her to Noemi, it meant that she was doing something right.
Besides, the teens weren't wrong. Lila wanted to be like her sister. Neomi wore a pleated baby blue skirt, a black blazer, and a tucked in white shirt. She was so beautiful, at least, in Lila's eyes she was.
"Lila, didn't you get the gymnastics solo in your class? Noemi told us all about it. Congrats! You have such a talented sister Noemi!" The teen girls smiled down at her, but Lila was confused.
She hadn't gotten the solo. Lila was the understudy, whatever that meant. So she told them the truth. That she didn't get the solo. The girls got angry at her, and at Neomi. They left, her sister wasn't pleased.
"Why couldn't you have just gone along with it?! Huh?! Don't you get it, people like you more if your an interesting person! And now you've ruined it for me!" Neomi had screamed in 7 year old Lila's face, which made her cry.
"Don't be pathetic Lila! God. You're hopeless."
"B-but I don't understand! Why would you lie to them if they're your friends?" Lila sniffed, trying to wipe away the tears.
"Lila, it's not lying if you tell them what they want to hear, is it? And besides, keep your little nose out of my business!"
"Hello? Lila Rossi? Are you still here?" Lila blinked and came back to reality, Adrien's clone was waving his hand infront of her face. Rude.
"Ugh," She pushed the hand away from her face. "Yes I'm still here and- wait. How do you know my full name?!"
"Adrien told me, Miss Rossi." His green eyes were like steel, unmoving and cold. "We talk a lot, so I know things."
"Oh yeah? Like what?" She raised her eyebrows, he doesn't know anything about Lila. Not even Lila is sure if she knows anything about Lila.
"Hm, I'm not sure, you seem to be a walking contradiction, Miss Rossi."
"Honestly! My name is Lila," She doesn't tell him how much she hates it, and how even though she's carrying the name of the man who left them, Rossi sounds better to her. "How would you like it if I called you Mister…"
Then Lila realised that she doesn't know his last name.
"De Vanilly, Graham De Vanilly." Then he smirked, just a little, and she wanted to finish her sentence and her thought but Miss Bustier interrupted again!
"Alright kids, we're gonna have a science project in partners this half-term! So I'm gonna read off the pairs, and then you guys can get started on this after school, okay?"
"Zoe and Sabrina, Nino and Luka, Chloe and Ayla, Rose and Juleka, Alix and Mylene, Kim and Max, Marinette and Adrien," Lila glared at the mention of that girl. "Lila and Félix."
Absolutely not!
Lila's hand shot up. "Um, actually Miss Bustier? My parents don't like it when I work with other pupils and so I can't work with Félix!"
"You didn't seem to have an issue when you were working with Adrien on the last project Lila?" The teacher stared at her.
She opened her mouth, not really aware of what she was saying. The story's flowed out of her, winding and winding, coiling up almost everyone in the room. The coils seemed to cut into her. She couldn't help it, and it didn't matter. It doesn't matter.
But she still had to work with Félix. How unfair!
"Well then, come in I guess." Lila held the door open for him. 
"Thanks Miss Rossi." He stepped into her room and glanced around, it was a nice room! What was his issue?
"Why do you call me that anyways? It's weird." Lila scoffed, flopping onto her bed. Félix took the seat across from her.
"Oh, I have a system."
"A system? For names?"
"Yes, if you're an acquaintance I call you Mr/Miss/Mx whatever your last name is, family I like are called by their first name, family I don't like are called by their function to me, and friends are either called by their names or a nickname." Félix said, waving his hands slightly as he spoke.
"Huh, so I'm an acquaintance then?"
"No you're a family member- of course you are." Félix said calmly.
Lila made a small mental note to refer to him as his last name, just to annoy him.
"Speaking of family members, did you know I'm distantly related to the British Royal Family?" No! No! Stop talking! Lila wanted to scream.
"Yeah! And I know tons of celebrities, like-"
"No offense, but I think that you're lying to me." De Vanilly stared at her. Lila recoiled - just keep talking! Make him believe you!
"What?! No! I would never!" Yes, Yes you would Lila. You know that you would so why do you say things like that? Bashing her own head into a wall or taping her mouth shut seemed like very favorable options to Lila in that moment.
De Vanilly was quiet for a while, looking around the room. His green eyes settled on her bookshelf. What is he looking at? Lila wondered before realizing. Oh, oh no. He pointed to a picture.
"Is that you?" He asked, moving over and picking the picture up carefully.
The picture was one from Lila's childhood, a family photo of one of Lila's gymnastics contests. Noemi, her mother, and Lila were all staring into the camera. The photo was taken after Lila had "won" the contest. Lila hadn't won, Lila came fourth. But her sister payed to have an exact copy of the first place medal made. They had taken the picture a few days after the actual contest. Neomi was smiling, but it didn't meet her eyes, her mother was looking the other way and Lila, despite her forced grin, looked like she was about to cry.
"Uh yeah, it's a medal that I won, it was awarded to me by Alberto Busnari. Cool right?" She just hoped her smile didn't look pained. 
"Yeah, who's that then?" He pointed to the triumphant Neomi, if the medal wasn't around Lila's neck, you would have thought Neomi had won there. Maybe, in a way, she had…
"Oh, that's my sister Neomi," Lila said, wincing slightly, looking at the picture, she looked so much like her.
"You look like her." He looked between her and the picture twice, before settling on her face.
"Well, I'm not her okay?!" Lila hissed. Before covering her mouth with her hands.
Older students.
"Oh isn't that Neomi's sister?"
Her classmates.
"I've heard of Neomi, she's like insta famous! You're so lucky!"
Even her teachers!
"Ah Rossi, you must be related to Neomi then. You have a lot to live up to!"
It was always "Neomi this! Neomi that!" Never about Lila. People only ever liked Lila when she lied.
"Are you… okay? You're shaking." He reached out to touch her.
"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?! By the way, did you know that I-" Lila turned her brain off as she spoke, rambling about celebrities and adventure.
The boy only looked at her with concern.
It had been two weeks. Two weeks before the incident. De Vanilly had been working with her at Lila's house ("Anything to avoid my uncle," He had said) and their unstable opinions of each other had gotten quite better.
They were walking together, Lila needed to see the counselor for her… condition. And De Vanilly wanted to learn the school's layout, so he went with her. It had been going fine. Things had been fine.
They weren't fine anymore.
It wasn’t Lila's fault. Another lie, designed to make her feel better. She hadn't looked, and ran into that stupid, clumsy girl. Marinette Dupain-Cheng.  She had tripped, her bag fell to the floor and although she hadn't seen it at the time, her diagnosis papers fell out. Marinette had scuttled away, and Lila clambered off the floor only to see, Vanilly going through her stuff?!
"What are you doing?!" She had yelled, snatching her shoulder bag and papers out of his hands.
"I picked up your stuff. You have Compulsive Lying Disorder?" He had looked at her dead on, bluntly.
Her heart rate quickened. She blinked rapidly. No no no no no, this won't happen again! It won't! It… it can't.
"No! Shut up! I don't have that because if I had that then I would be always lying wouldn't I? And I don't tell lies so why don't you take your false accusations of me and go away!" Lila turned tail and ran out of the school, heart pounding out of her chest, eyes stinging.
Lila gasped as she reached the park near school. This went wrong, so wrong. Now she's gonna have to transfer schools again and she'll be all alone and tell more lies and- Lila vaguely felt tears run down her face. She clutched the diagnosis papers in her arms.
"Guys, guys! I wanna tell you something!" Lila had waved her friends over, excited to tell them about her new label for her mind.
She had tried to explain her disorder to her supposed friends. She had tried, but by then, her friends had already thought she was a liar. And the label, was just the proof they needed. She had only wanted to tell three or four people until she was comfortable.
The next day, when Lila went to school, everyone avoided her. Everyone stared. This went on for two weeks, her trying to reach out and being rebuffed for her efforts. She was confused, they were her friends… weren't they?
Then, the nickname came, nobody addressed her as Lila anymore. It was always "Lie-la" or "Lie-a" with special emphasis put on the lie sound in her name. Eventually, even the teachers called her "Lie-a". And Lila the Liar was born.
Kids would push and shove her in the halls. Then, when Lila accused them, they would just say "Lie-a is just lying! As usual." And they would believe them. Nobody believes a liar. 
And soon Lila didn't have any friends at all, no one could trust her not to tell her lies and not even Lila could help but believe them. She was bad. She was awful.
She was a liar!
Her mother moved to Paris. Lila went with her. A new school, a new chance.
Just tell the truth, she had repeatedly told herself, just tell the truth! Another lie that she told herself.  She lied to Ayla, she lied to Adrien.
She lied to everyone.
And then, and then! This stupid girl had the nerve to accuse her of lying (Marinette was right). She had the nerve to point out the flaws in her story (It wasn't Marinette's fault that Lila had lied in the first place). And then she told her to stop lying!
...like it would ever be that easy.
But the truth? The truth was that Marinette was the person Lila had wanted to be. Talented, special, honest, LOVED. That was the reason why she hated her. The real one.
"It's called lying!"
"B-but I don't understand! Why would you lie to them if they're your friends?"
Why would you lie to them if you just want them to be your friend Lila?
She hadn't even seen the Akuma coming. It was flying toward her quickly, she gasped. Not today, not now. Please, please! Lila doesn't want to be akumatized again, not right now! Was that pounding noise coming from her? From her beating heart?
It wasn't.
Hurry, hurry! Kali demanded in his head.
Félix was running, he had to get to Rossi. He hadn't meant to find her diagnosis papers, she had to have had a reason not to tell the other pupils about it. Whether it was privacy or a previous experience, everyone deserved the right to tell things when they felt comfortable.
Judging by the look on her face, she was clearly distraught. Félix, for some stupid reason, wanted to make sure she was alright. Make sure that his Uncle didn't get to her first. And he was right. Lila was sobbing on the ground, and although he couldn't see it - Kali could sense the akumas presence.
Watch out! The kwami yelped to him.
She tilted her head up, and there was the Akuma. Ready to pounce. Félix wouldn't let that happen, he may not be a hero, but he has an ounce of compassion!
Lila recoiled, trying to escape the Akuma but- someone jumped in the way… a blond boy wearing a grey sweater?
He winced as the Akuma went into his ring. The boy sharply inhaled. He went completely still for a moment. No…
His head dipped. No, no…
He clenched his fist. No, no, no-!
And then he laughed. He brought his head back up and relaxed his hands, all while laughing.
"You seriously think that I want to help you! That's pathetically naive and genuinely sad. I would never betray my loved ones. Not. Ever." Her acquaintance declared, scratching his arm up and down, the Akuma flew away.
Lila was speechless.
"I- you- Akuma- what?" She forced out, De Vanilly turned around to look her in the face, and he was smiling? Stranger and stranger.
"Didn't you know? Physical pain can ward off Akuma's, only if you don't have the negative energy though," He bent down and sat with Lila on the floor.
"Oh, I bet you're wondering why I followed you. Well, I wanted to apologize. It wasn't right of me to look through your things like that, it was an accident, but I'm still in the wrong. I hate to think what would have happened if I wasn't quick enough…" He placed a hand on hers gently. She looked him in the face, green met green.
"You, you took an Akuma for me." She was confused, nobody had ever done anything for Lila without her having to convince them to. But this boy, who was barely even her acquaintance, had saved her.
"Yes, I did."
"You won't tell anyone right? About my whole disorder thing because then-" She was interrupted.
"Not until you're ready." She smiled gratefully at him.
"Well then, Mr. Graham De Vanilly, it seems I'm in your debt." She said, taking his hand and standing. Although the idea of owing someone made her slightly uncomfortable, maybe he wasn't like most people.
"It seems you are," He began to walk away, heading for the gate to the park.
Her owing someone was something that Lila was unfamiliar with, how did it even work? Would he just tell her what to do or demand something of her. She wasn't sure.
It didn't matter though.
Because, it wasn't like he wanted her around. She was just an acquaintance, he had only helped to make himself feel better. Lila would never have a real friend. Lila had never had a real friend.
That was fine.
She would learn to live with it. Probably.
He stopped.
But then again, Lila thought.
"Actually, I do have an idea of how you can pay me back,"
A real friend might be nice.
Lila whirled around to look at him. "You do?"
Maybe she did want one?
"Yes," De Vanilly said, green eyes glittering like a peridot gem.
Lila did want a friend. But she could never have one.
"How?" She insisted, anything to repay her debt and keep her secret, even if it was embarrassing or annoying.
"You could call me Félix."
Lila Rossi had never had a friend, but there was a first time for everything.
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felixfathom · 3 years
quick rundown on every single felix ship i'm aware of (by the only valid felix fan ever, me!)
felinette - hate it romantically, platonically on the other hand... absolutely fantastic 💯 there's just something about marinette and felix being rivals but not having any of that verbal conflict shit. it's an unspoken rule !!
felila - discomforts aside, they're a bit too different for me to even think about them getting along ??? canon!lila would just take advantage of him somehow and i hate how most fics glorify that. i guess lila would like him, but it wouldn't be a mutual feeling 💀
feloe - childhood friends that tease the other 24/7 but actually care, my beloved !! it's my comfort ship and i love it in all variations, bc it's just that good, y'know? they have a lot in common even if they don't want to admit that, and felix totally had a small crush on chloe as a kid. source: i am chloe bourgeois
feligami - i support it !! if there's a ship i'd like to see become canon it'd prolly be them ngl.
feluka - 4/10 honestly ??? like it's not THEE worst ship ever, but i don't see it. i just hate the concept of "luka could change [blank]" regardless of the person involved. i guess aesthetically it's good but it's... not for me.
felinino - do i even have to say it ??? fr ??? @felinino do your job and say something
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biggestgirlfailure · 3 years
mari thinks lila and felix are planning something devious bu they're actually
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volperion-moved · 4 years
Chlodrien or Sabrelix for the question meme?
send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it if I did:
I’m not sure exactly when. I think maybe the finale, where Chloe claims she doesn’t love anyone, and Felix, where she confesses her feelings about her mother to Adrien which she probably wouldn’t do with anyone else made me start viewing them differently. Chloe saying she doesn’t love Adrien actually makes me ship them more because it means Chloe doesn’t take her feelings as seriously as Marinette, Kagami and Lila do, so honestly it’s kind healthier. A lot of Chloe’s actions toward rivals for Adrien can be viewed less like she wants nobody else to have him and more like she’s looking out for him, in her own way. It’s misguided because she thinks everyone else is a loser but still.
my thoughts:
They’re really good actually. A childhood friend ship where the feelings aren’t serious now but could blossom into something better, later.
What makes me happy about them:
Even if it’s just platonic they really do seem to care about each other.
What makes me sad about them:
We’re supposed to be against them when they’re actually a fairly healthy ship lol
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Like I’ve said before I’d like to see lukloe happen, and similar to lukanette, I wouldn’t mind seeing adrigami happen as long as it wasn’t just to ruin them later. I have some issues with adrigami but I’d still be okay with them being endgame.
My happily ever after for them:
They tear down the Agreste mansion and build some kind of support centre or something in it’s place with a big statue of Chloe in the lobby.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
Chloe’s the big spoon.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Adventuring! I can imagine Chloe growing up and travelling, checking out urban legends, ghost hunting etc. and dragging Adrien along for the ride.
when I started shipping it if I did:
lmao I hate feline.tte so I looked for an alternative with similar vibes.
my thoughts:
It could be felinett.e but with more self awareness basically. They could be bad bitches together and that’s part of the fun instead of Felix’s bastardry being portrayed as a good thing. The harl.ey/iv.y to sabrina/chloe’s harle.y/joke.r if you will.
What makes me happy about them:
I dunno I just think they could be cute lol!
What makes me sad about them:
IDK many other people who ship them haha
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
I dunno I don’t really ship Sabrina with anyone else (everyone ignores her hhhhgn) and I sort of ship felila but I can take it or leave it (maybe I’ll change my mind if/when they actually interact).
My happily ever after for them:
Felix becomes a magician with Sabrina as his lovely assistant. Instead of always being ignored she’s used as misdirection so the spotlight’s on her.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
Sabrina’s the big spoon.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Jewellery shopping ;)
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shootingsun · 3 years
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felixfathom · 3 years
I really like your blog, and unfortunately, there is one thing that I like and that brings you discomfort. Can I continue to interact with you if I mark posts with a tag for filtering? I don't want to sound like an egoist, I know what the "DNI" mark means, I probably just need to understand whether you will be so comfortable or not...
if not, I support the idea of blocking my account, because it will be the right thing to do, of course! Thank you in advance for the answer
hi anon !! first off, ty for sticking around my blog, i'm happy to hear people actually like my dumb posts !! & tysm for the concern :>
it's complicated, i think? as long as you don't openly bring them up w/me it's okay !! i just want to let people know that if they're gonna follow me, i'm not gonna say anything good about them... if it's about felix/lila then it's a different situation. i highly dislike the pairing both romantically & sometimes platonically when it's them being evil assholes to adrien and marinette. it's up to you though! you can still follow me, just make sure to tag #felila (especially because i see so much unfiltered content of them) and i won't come across it.
if you have any more questions, i'm here !!
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shootingsun · 3 years
A little excerpt as to how I write Lila's home life! (Based on headcannons I sent to @shslharrisonkinnie):
The picture was one from Lila's childhood, a family photo. Noemi, her mother, and Lila were all staring into the camera. The photo was taken after Lila had "won" the contest. Lila hadn't won, Lila came fourth. But her sister payed to have an exact copy of the first place medal made. They had taken the picture a few days after the actual contest. Neomi was smiling, but it didn't meet her eyes, her mother was looking the other way and Lila, despite her forced grin, looked like she was about to cry.
(This may or may not be from the platonic Felila fic I'm writing noooo)
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