#PLEASE Entrapta is 30.
dearladynightmare · 8 months
18 for the Entrapdak ask meme please?
Your favourite Entrapdak CANON moment?
I think I have to go with the scene in Season 3 "Moment of truth" when Entrapta and Hordak talked about the portal and they just have to keep it open long enough to get a signal through to reach Prime.
Entrapta sadly: “And then you’ll have to go with them.”
Entrapta brightens up “But there’s still so much data we could collect. What’s the rush? We’ll just keep working on it until it’s perfect.”
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This is definitely one of my favourite scenes since both of them choose each other over their normal convictions.
Entrapta who doesn't believe in perfection and rather run scientific experiments on trial and error ,even if everything keeps blowing up that way, suggests to work on the portal until it's "perfect"!
In other words she says "How about we set an unattainable scientific goal - the non existing and perfect theoretical way to make the portal work, but of course without focusing too much on achieving it practically while we just keep being together."
And let's talk about Hordak!!! He absolutely was aware of what she meant by using the phrase "until it's perfect" He started to genuinely smile at her because he agreed!! Over the last 30 years he only focused on returning to Prime but in this moment he realised that he doesn't want to return anymore and he was about to choose Entrapta over Prime. He was definitely about to say sth like: "How about we blow that thing up and rebuild it more considered (intends to use unisolated cables again)...
Ahh and then Catra rushed in! And a few minutes later Entrapta found herself unconsciously on the way to beast I island. I'll never get over this AHH
My second favourite scene is this one... I don't think I have to explain. This one just makes me scream!!!💜
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Thank you so much for asking!!!!💜💜
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bedpolls · 4 months
Entrapta from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. Btw since ableists and biphobes from the fandom claim she is asexual and a child because being autistic apparently always makes you that (???), she is not. She is, canonically, bisexual and 30 years old
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Please reblog for a larger sample size.
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spopsalt · 4 months
Found these on Pinterest. Thought I’d drop em by you and share my thoughts.
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Idk what they’re trying to say. But I don’t like looking at it, so moving on.
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Idk much about Bubbline since I’m not that far I to the show. But something tells me it’s not remotely the same. All I know is that PB was super racist and called Marcy ‘monster trash’ the second before Marcy broke up. Might’ve actually been the reason why Marcy dumped her. Idk.
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Hey now. Don’t do that.😃 Also, Romeo and Juliet is a CAUTIONARY tale, so… Unless this person is acknowledging C//A would be some mutually self destructive shit, this person is implying quite a few things, all objectively wrong. But I don’t have time to unpack all that now. Also I say mutually, not that Adora is abusive, but that Catra’s weird complex would assure her very proximity to Adora would make her feel inferior, meaning she’d be hurt in some way too. Not Adora’s fault, but still.
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Kids. Literal kids. Like look, I’m fine with media explaining that teens can sexual, since it reflects reality and a lot of teens irl ARE sexually active or at least exploring their sexuality. I mean, I wasn’t an active teen, but again, I explored my own sexuality. So that’s fine I guess. But there’s a difference between reflecting the reality of teen sexuality and actively sexualizing underage characters. It’s about framing. And THIS is being framed in a creepy way. Not in a ‘let’s face it, it happens, it’s puberty, it’s normal’ sort of way, but they do it as a ‘look how hot this is! Lol’ way. And I don’t like that. It’s creepy, and low key a bit belittling.
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Okay… Entrapta is like 10-15 years older than Adora. So maybe don’t draw her like this since that’d make her a pedophile/ephebophile which I hate for a number of reasons. Also, Adora is a lesbian in this version, so idk why Bow and Sea Hawk are there. So… yeah. Literally half of them shouldn’t be here.
Hi! First off, please censor the names of the posters of the tweets. Just want to make sure nobody harasses them, ok! Time to dissect them!
Ew, thanks for showing me Adora's scars that she got from her future girlfriend!
Bubbline is so much healthier than c//a!? It's sad how people will compare any wlw ship to c//a. Also, STOP ROMANTICIZING THE PRINCESS PROM DANCE!
Ew, reminder Romeo was much older than Juliet, and Juliet was still a minor, honestly the way it's a toxic ship that was romanticized reminds me of c//a.
Again, CHILDREN. LITERAL CHILDREN! And Adora didn't even want to have this dance in the first place?? Catra literally forced her into it, then dipped her SO LOW that she couldn't support herself, so she had to put her leg there, STOP SEXUALIZING TEENS!
EWWWW! Again, Adora is a lesbian, so Bow shouldn't be there, Sea Hawk looks like a literal adult even though he said to be a teen, Glimmer and Mermista are the only ones who have shown interest in Adora out of these, Glimmer has good chemistry with her, Mermista has blushed at her a handful of times and ENTRAPTA IS LITERAL 30!
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the-nebula-sys · 3 months
Hi. We're the Nebulae. We're a traumagenic system. Endos are valid, block us if you don't think so.
We'll say who is fronting whenever we speak. We're not making bios as there are almost 30 of us. Ask before using pronouns please.
We also have a blog for Entrapta, our second most frequent fronter. It's @enties-thoughts-and-friends.
Thanks for reading, and goodbye.
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swearyshera · 1 year
The End is Nigh...
As we start Episode 8 of the final season, my mind is starting to wander towards the finale. And I think we should go out with something a little special.
Now, I'm very much in the 'is this possible' stage, but I'm thinking about doing an ending/thank you/end credits-type video, and I'm putting out feelers to see if anyone wants to help. There's two things I might need your help with:
A short (20-30 second) animatic featuring our favourite fourth-wall-breaker, Entrapta. It doesn't need to be a super fluid, TV-animation-style thing, and the team will take care of the audio and voice lines. If this sounds like something you're up for, send me a message and let me know roughly how long something like that would take, and what the cost is likely to be.
For the artists out there, do you have any post-canon art you'd be willing to have included (with credit, of course) alongside some thank-yous and silly jokes? This wouldn't be a paid thing so please don't create anything new for it (unless you really want to), but I'd love to have some pre-existing art of people after the war's over as part of the finale if people are willing to let me use it.
Again, I'm at the very early stages of an idea, but I'm putting it out to you all to see if you would like to help make it possible!
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yourfellowhuman07 · 8 months
22, but also a 30 (own question) If you could change anything about how they were handled in the show, what would to be?
Thank you so much for asking!
(I'm going to get so much hate for this.)
22. I know it isn't an issue now, but looking back on the takes the anties had, they are just absolutly wrong about how it was potrayed. For instance, the notion Hordak manipulated Entrapta into working for him is just plain false. He activly told her to leave him alone, but she just insisted on working for him. Honestly, Entrapta could have left at any point if she wnted to.
Now don't get me wrong, I can see why people would dislike Entrapdak, really I do. For instance, if you hate Hordak and can not excuse his actions; therefore, you can not in good concious ship them, I get it. Just please hate the ship for a good reason.
30. I'll just say it: Entrapta should not have forgivin Catra for what she did. I mean, she literally sent her off to a place known to kill people, and the proceeded to gaslight the love of her life and made resent her and feel like he was the problem. Who in their right mind would forgive that person. I get Entrapta is this kind, caring person, but I feel like that was a line the writers should have drawn for her
What they should have done was have her not forgive Catra, and over the course of the season, she would slowly rebuild trust. This also doesn't just go for Entrapta (I also hate that Adora andScorpia forgave Catra)
Once again, thank you for your questions; it feels good to get some negative opinions out.
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nny11writes · 2 years
69 hell yeah
For anyone who wants to play, this is part of the fanfiction writer ask game!
69. What are your favorite fics at the moment?
I'm interpreting this as what are you reading that you love right now.
Number 1, no contest, is Grayskull's Anatomy by ireallyshouldnt_behere!
It's a modern doctor AU that's been ridiculously enjoyable with good ups and downs in the drama department. Waiting for the catradora idiots to TALK since they're exes who are now banging and basically in a relationship again but doing that thing where they don't talk about it and me and Glimmer are sharing a near spiritual bond at the moment. :) It is an explicit fic so keep that in mind if you wanna give it a read, not a lot of sex in it but some in the more recent chapters.
In no particular order after that we've got:
Science Friction by RaptorRed
Another explicit fic that comes with about 30 times the amount of gender questioning, gender identity, and good heap of science scattered in as well. They really did a great job with mixing everything together in a really pleasing way where the pacing always feels just right to my little monkey brain.
Wildcat by Hubris_Plus
An excellent Catra is sent to Beast Island fic, but before the series even starts. Featuring her and Micah making it back to Brightmoon in time for the series, Force Captain Adora, mixed up emotions/feelings from the war, a lot of flashbacks to Beast Island for some great world building, and of course Micah & Catra relationship which I love. Let that man be a dad at anyone he wants to, he deserves it!
Dear Glimmer by @glitrahasconsumedme
HA HA! You thought I wouldn't!??!?! Well I would!!!!!!!!!
Dear Glimmer is a highschool AU glitradora fake dating drama fest where each and every time I think they've figured it out they have not. They are, in fact, digging ever deeper in and making things much more complicated and I love it! Check it out if you enjoy wheezing in pain but also somehow laughing because, really? Really you three? Really??
Bad World by Zuberan
Bad World is where Adora finds the sword the first time she goes out for it, Shadow Weaver decides that she doesn't need Catra anymore, and then Catra joins the Rebellion. Except the joining the rebellion part is VERY difficult, everyone back home thinks Catra's dead, shit keeps hitting the fan, epic fights keep popping up in cool ways, the series is not re-written blow by blow, and also Entrapta keeps bugging her ex even though she's gone official with Catra and frankly it's one of my favorite dynamics in the whole thing lol.
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
I don't intend to reenter discourse for a fandom thats mostly dead, but can we please stop pretending people are ableist for not knowing that Entrapta is in her 30s?
Visually, she doesn't look any older than our much younger protagonists. She doesn't have wrinkles, scars (despite scars making sense due to the reckless work she does) or gray hairs to make her look older.
Her age is also never mentioned in the show itself. Its not like she passes Catra an invite to her 34th birthday next week, so all we have to go on is other character's perceptions of her. Which are horribly ableist, but that is for another post.
Not every fan stalks the authors twitter. and that doesn't make them fake fans or bad people.
That being said, if you still treat her as a child after you learn the writers tried to write her older than the rest of the cast, stay away from me.
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cirusthecitrus · 2 years
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I posted 4,782 times in 2022
That's 2,498 more posts than 2021!
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4,739 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 986 of my posts in 2022
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#spop - 36 posts
#ramblings - 31 posts
#shera - 30 posts
#kur twins tag - 26 posts
#ask memes - 26 posts
#spacebats - 22 posts
#spop au - 21 posts
Longest Tag: 83 characters
#Энтрапта такая: 'тебя когда пиздили в последний раз? никогда? значит начнут нахуй!'
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Bury me on a flower field
But don't cover my withered eyelids
So that at least something will sprout out of them
Since a happy person has not grown out of me
[Дарья Виардо - Ангел похоронитель]
Had a sudden urge to draw the third page for that one entrapdak fam comic I did a while ago :))))
I know explaining your own art is cringe and pretentious but I want to scream about this page so bad so please don't mind my silly commentary ><
Forgot to add, but here Anillis also calls Hordak "Poppy!". The very first thing baby Prime did when he saw Hordak was to give him a name (or rather a nickname)
Сomparing Hordak's eyes with poppy flowers, Anillis literally shows acceptance and appreciation for his imperfections, the very "defect" his (Prime's) future self will despise so much
Literally everything about the song and it's lyrics makes me wanna go feral gpfohpfphp (but it's so hard to translate i hate it here might've missed translation error too :/)
Hordak looking so lost, and vulnerable and younger and so full of HOPE-
I'm still unsure whether or not everything holo-Anillis did and said was pre-recorded so this part is up to interpretation
Either way, it's still not Prime who talks to Hordak and gives him the flower and smiles at him with joy and excitement. Prime is dead
also NOT a fun fact: In spacebats' culture a term "Flower eyes" was sometimes used when reffering to someone who is dead (and the fact that Anillis is pointing at his eye aka at himself HELP)
As well as they symbolize remembrance and eternal sleep(death) poppy flowers are also associated with sleep in general. In that case, could this image of Anillis be a hint that neither Hordak nor Kadroh are fully "awake" yet and still need to open their eyes to some things about themselves, their past and their dead tyrant brother? I dunno c:
Again, I'm so completely normal about this comic and this AU like-
65 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
Kur twins' outfit desgins
Sooo I finally sat down and decided on final designs for Anillis (young Prime) and his brother Hec-Tor!
These are their regular day-to-day looks (how they'll appear in my Horde Prime's origin story, or Kur twins au, how I'm going to call it from now on)
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Despite very lazy simple rendering ( i wanted to focus on it more at first, but then the file crushed a few times so i gave up lol) I still can say these drawings are quite detailed, so tap/click to stare at them in higher quality c:
See the full post
95 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
And if the bridges have been burnt
You'll find another way
Even a broken clock
Is right twice a day
When there are no words left
When screams turn into whispers
We will realize
That it was all just a painful experience
[Ploho - Горький Опыт]
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See the full post
133 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
Oh wow can't believe Crystal Castles are such big spacebats fans that they dedicated a huge chunk of their discography to Hordak and his brothers🙏😔/j
200 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
An interesting Hordak/Entrapta parallel i can't stop thinking about
At a certain point in their lives both of them 1) were exiled and basically sent to die by someone who was important to them and whom they fully trusted (a friend/family/god) 2) got stuck in a strange place, isolated from the rest of the world/universe, all alone (lol speaking of trauma bonds...)
Two very similar and yet very different situations. And here’s the fun part: the main difference between Entrapta and Hordak’s stories is the opposite ways in which they react to their opposite circumstances, cope with and adapt to new changes
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See the full post
223 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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true-bean · 4 years
I hate seeing endrapdak smut like you fools...
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She’s ace
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ocpdzim · 5 years
people who equate disabled adults with children: you are invited to come over here and throw hands sometime and see if you think a “child” could kick your ass as well as i can
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maireadralph · 2 years
Spacebats IRL Meets @ Conventions (!?)
AKA “what do you call a gathering of Spacebats?”
So something I’d been thinking about for a while was ”what if the Spacebats / Entrapdaks actually meet IRL and would the universe implode if too many Entrapta fans were in the same room together?”
So the clogs in my head started turning…what would be a good way to get nerds in the same place? What kind of space would be 100% welcoming to everyone?
Of course the answer is simple…meet at the same Anime/Pop Culture Convention, even if the Convention is trash we can still have fun talking about Hordak’s butt ears and doing our own Post-Con things (like having a Cheeky Nandos)
For those of you unfamiliar with an anime/ pop culture Convention (henceforth going to be simply referred to as a ”Con”) it is a gathering of likeminded nerds to celebrate everything nerdy from anime to K-Pop to just quirky and silly things. Typically held over the course of three days. Some Cons have dedicated spaces for playing video games, taking photos, buying unique fan merch and of course cosplay (a short hand of Costume play). While not a requirement it can be fun to dress up as a favourite character or just admire other people’s cosplays. So there’s something for everyone.
With Cons being held all over the world if should be possible to find one that some Spacebats can attend at the same time So to start I’ve compiled a list of some of the most travel accessible (ie the ones that are easy to get to for as many people as possible) Cons for the European Spacebats.
American Spacebats are of course welcome to nominate and help others find their most travel accessible Con, as I’ve only been to GenCon SoCal and Pensacon I do not have enough experience with American Cons - please scroll down to the very bottom of this post for a blank form and fill it in to help your fellow Spacebats.
Okay so here’s the Cons I recommend starting with the Europe based listed under the cut:
Convention: AnimeCon NL
Location: Netherlands 
Dates (actual/ expected): Early June
Website: https://animecon.nl/regular/en
Notes: Location varies, currently De Broodfabriek, Volmerlaan 12, 2288 GD. Next event is smaller AnimeCon Classic 2022 held in Theater Hotel Almelo 23-25 Sept but since the venue hotel is already booked out on it’s website I have not included it here
Nearest Airport: Schiphol 
Nearest Train Station: Rijswijk Direct
Public Transport available? Yes, Tram (purchase of an OV Chip Caard is recommend), Train  
Free Water Fountains at Venue? No
Nearest Hotel average price: appox €100 a night
Location from Venue: varies
Transport to Venue: varies
Nearest Restaurant: varies
Nearest convenience store: Albert Heijin
Nearest Supermarket: Albert Heijin, Jumbo
Does venue have food available? Yes - Convention Food Stalls in the Food Court Average cost of venue food/drink: €9-13 for meal, €2.50-3 for a soft drink/coffee
Local Spacebat’s Recommendations:
(I’m not the Local for here BTW but been in Den Haag enough to know a few things). At the current location Den Haag (The Hague) is a good place to stay as it is is a single 30 minute tram ride away from Den Haag Centraal Station and Den Haag has a wild wide choice of supermarkets, restaurants and shops. 
AnimeCon assigns venue locations a Zone colour with Red Zones not allow any food/drink or large bags/backpacks/shopping bags.  Smaller bags are allowed (25cm x 14cm x 7cm) which MUST fit in their sizing box (an exemption pass can be obtained for large bags required for medical reasons).  These restricted items can be stored for free in the Bag Room or placed in rented lockers.  As queues for the bag room can be long, I recommend hiring a locker in advance but please check and double check the sizing as the current lockers can only hold one (1) backpack and jacket comfortably, maybe two (2) backpacks at a squeeze.
Travel accessible for European Spacebats
Convention: MCM Birmingham
Location: NEC Birmingham
Dates (actual/ expected): 12-13th Nov
Website: https://www.mcmcomiccon.com/birmingham/en-us/home.html
Plane, Train, Car 
Nearest Airport: Birmingham International 
Nearest Train Station: Birmingham International Direct Public Transport available? Yes 
Free Water Fountains at Venue? Yes near Halls 5 and I think 7 (IIRC MCM is held in Halls 9-11)
Airport Hotels, Birmingham City Center 
Nearest Hotel average price: appox £180 per night source: https://hotelmap.com/events/MXE5P-LV 
Location from Venue: Airport Hotels: 15 or so minutes  City Center: 23 minute train + 10 minute walk 
Transport to Venue: Airport Hotel - Free Train Shuttle & walk.  City Center - Train & Walk
Nearest Restaurant: Wetherspoon’s (English Bar), Subway (takeaway sandwiches) in the NEC.  Nando’s, Zizzi’s (Pizza restaurant) located in Resort’s World 
Nearest convenience store: WH Smith’s located in Airport 
Nearest Supermarket: City Centre Tesco and Sainsbury’s
Does venue have food available? Yes 
Average cost of venue food/drink: around £8-15 depends on the item or meal
Local Spacebat’s Recommendations:
Be prepared for a long walk to the Halls as MCM is often held in the furthest out Halls. 
There maybe other events happening in other Halls at the same weekend. NEC has loads of space and one can wander freely around. 
There is also the Bear Grylss Adventure experience if the Con life isn’t for you and you feel like being Bow and shoot some arrows. 
Smaller two day event. 
SUPER easy to access via the Airport
Boots (a drug store) located in the Airport has packed lunch style picks and mix Meal Deals that come to around £4-5.
Convention: MCM London
Location: ExCel Center, Royal Victoria Dock, 1 Western Gateway, London E16 1XL 
Dates (twice yearly): 27th-30th October, End of June (check website)
Website: https://www.mcmcomiccon.com/london/en-us/home.html
By train, DLR (Docklands Light Railway kinda like a tram), car 
Nearest Airport: London City Airport. Heathrow (with the Elizabeth Line). Gatwick. 
Nearest Train Station: Custom House (DLR + Elizabeth Line), Prince Regent (DLR), West Silvertown (DLR + walk up a high metal bridge) 
Direct Public Transport available? Yes 
Free Water Fountains at Venue? Yes. Located at Hall S1 and IIRC Hall N5
Nearest Hotel average price:  around £200 a night, source: https://hotelmap.com/MJU9Y#hm;s=2022-10-27&e=2022-10-30&r=1&a=1&c=0&i=0&f=;hm 
Location from Venue: Walk 15 minutes 
Transport to Venue: Walk 15 minutes 
Notes: There is a Premier Inn or Travelodge in Woolwich Arsenal one stop away on the Elizabeth Line (3 minute ride)
Nearest Restaurant: The Fox Bar, Tapas Bar (all outside) 
Nearest convenience store: Tesco Express (unsure of location but heard it’s near) 
Nearest Supermarket: Tesco Express 
Does venue have food available? Yes, cafe and fast food 
Average cost of venue food/drink: Venue’s meal deals for one person (sandwich or equivalent with snack and bottle of drink) are around the £10.  Convention food is around the same price
Local Spacebat’s Recommendations:
Event tickets can be mailed out (for a small fee) if ordered in advance.  If these tickets are Weekend or Priority Entry then the holder can skip the main ticket queue and walk in the main Custom House Entrance. 
There are security bag checks on the entrances and bags will be checked by security upon re-entry.
 Restaurants within the venue are nearby are going to be very busy post event. I would recommend taking the Elizabeth Line one stop (3 minutes ride) to Woolwich Arsenal where it will be much quieter and there is a larger selection of restaurants like Beef Eater (a fancy English “pub grub”), [Cheeky] Nando’s (Portuguese Chicken restaurant) and McDonalds. 
Sometimes MCM will only allow Weekend Pass, Priority Pass or Disability Pass holders re-entry via the main entrance with ALL other pass holders being forced to re-entry via the ticket queue.  On the subject of re-entry MCM staff wouldn’t always mention the last re-entry time and will often stop ALL re-entry in the last hour or half hour of the event day.
Those are my main three, I could have gone on about other London Cons but they aren’t as easily accessible as those three  Yes there is the opportunity for Spacebats to stay at each other’s homes or rent an AirB&B I just listed options that would give us all some space - phew that was a lot of writing 😅 
And now the Blank for other Spacebats to contribute their Con wisdom - hopefully the Hivemind can find something that we can work with and finally get to meet each other IRL!!
Dates (actual/ expected):
Nearest Airport:
Nearest Train Station:
Direct Public Transport available? Y/N
Free Water Fountains at Venue? Y/N
Nearest Hotel average price:
Location from Venue:
Transport to Venue:
Nearest Restaurant:
Nearest convenience store:
Nearest Supermarket:
Does venue have food available? Y/N
Average cost of venue food/drink:
Local Spacebat’s Recommendations:
If applicable please add further notes on the venue, past events, restaurant recommendations and helpful tips (for example if event has a Will Call or equivalent service for ticket collection)
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kuurankaiho · 3 years
Hordak for the unpopular opinion
Oo, thank you for the ask!! :D
Unpopular opinions ask meme: Hordak
(Everyone please remember these are just personal musings, the opposite opinions are just as good, plus I don’t 100% follow the 2018 reboot canon anyway. ;) )
1. Hordak was a top general in Prime’s regime and these memories do not emerge from the Hive Mind. While he would have represented a deity to his servants even before, I headcanon that Prime restructured the whole brotherhood from Knights Templar/Livonian Order-like warrior monks to a cult of mindless drones during Hordak’s absence.
2. Hordak is young for a clone, however not so compared to many Etherian humanoids, and the life span of an individual clone may be several thousand years in his universe of origin. While I have been influenced by previous MOTU/SPOP lore, I like to envision him having waged wars upon a great number of battlefronts and visited a wealth of solar systems, even different galaxies. All of this might have required centuries, granting him an unfathomable amount of experiences alongside. Hordak in my current longfic knocks on the door of half a millennium in terms of combined timelines, more so if his age is calculated only in terms of the outer universe time (compare to MOTU 200x/G2 Hordak, who might be a millennium old). Centuries of outer universe time would have passed during his sojourn in Despondos.
3. He’s not innocent in terms of warfare, nor clueless about procreation. If he zealously conquered worlds in the name of Prime’s hallowed light, I doubt he would have felt remorse for destroying the dominions etc. of what he’d consider infidels. On the other hand, to create Imp, he must harbor quite a bit of knowledge about the anatomy and habits of Etherian humanoid species.
4. He shared rather more than a few kisses with Entrapta before the portal incident. For one thing, she’s sitting very intimately upon the armrest of his throne whilst his elbow touches her thigh, and the magnitude of his heartgrief after her disappearance implies they might have been lovers.
5. While Hordak’s degenerative illness influenced the decision, Prime banished him due to his individuality, and possibly dangerous impressions about his status/co-ruling (glances at Milton...). He would have dyed his hair blue and worn eyeshadow before being cast out.
6. He’s a vampiric beast. The Horde emblem refers to his ancestral species that used to possess wings. Red was the natural eye/teeth color of his forebears.
7. He’s dwelt upon Etheria for much longer than 30 years. Ere establishing an empire of his own, he would have needed to learn a bunch of local languages and a wealth of customs to be understood in the first place, recover from his shock and depression of being disconnected from the Hive Mind, build a following from scratch to overthrow King Scorpio, gain access to local resources such as iron ore/other minerals and construct Horde tech from them in proper facilities, and so forth. Such endeavors require time.
That’s all from the top of my head, I may add more.
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swearyshera · 1 year
Hordak did very poorly on his Christianity deconversion speedrun. Wrong Hordak and Adora and Hunter from The Owl House are children/teens who decided to stop being Christian within a few episodes of getting separated from the other Christians. They still have their character flaws, but they did not... dig their heels in for the entire show. Hordak is also an adult authority figure whose behavior indicates that he is a dangerous person and should not be in a position of power over anyone. He tortured Catra with the suffocation machine, and threw stuff at her. He goes back and forth between avoiding his suboortinates and mistreating his suboordinates. He is such a little bitch. I don't like the idea that everyone instantly forgives him, or the idea that Mermista saying, are we all okay with this... is a joke... To be clear, I don't think that he is a poorly written character, I just don't like the interpretations of people who sympathize with him. (It is okay that he doesn't get killed, because it isn't necessary for Entrapta's characterization/the story at large for him to get killed. In fact, it fits more with the idea of restorative justice that he needs to live and make up for his crimes instead of die, but please do not make Mermista being upset at him a joke, or I will low-key lose it).
I would never suggest that any one interpretation of a character is correct - writers generally like having ambiguity and flaws, and the idea that there's not just one truth to a character. So that means that the way different people interpret them doesn't necessarily mean that someone is correct and someone isn't - and I think that absolutely applies to Hordak. For those who like him and think he's misunderstood - they're right! For those who don't like him and think the things he's done aren't forgivable or would require a lot of work - also right!
And it really comes down to a theme that I sadly didn't get to explore as much as I wanted to - that there is a difference between 'reason' and 'excuse'. That applies to Catra, particularly, but the same can be said for Hordak. Knowing what we know by the end, the reason he suffocated Catra or took Salineas with indiscriminate force was to prove himself to Prime. But that doesn't provide an excuse for doing wrong, and I feel like too many people don't see the distinction.
Who knows, I may explore that later on...
As for Mermista's last line, while it is a joke, it's more about Entrapta than Hordak. I'll be honest, I don't think it's the time to start delving into Mermista's feelings towards Hordak when there's literally 30 seconds left of the entire show. But watch this space.
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sobdasha · 3 years
so apparently no one was going to tell me
that some of the characters in She-Ra have more-or-less official ages, and y’all just assumed that I’d be any better at identifying the ages of cartoon characters than I am at identifying the ages of people IRL?
The logical (and shameful) progression went something like this:
Me, shoving She-Ra fanart in my drafts: “is it a dick move to say I don’t ship Entrapta and Hordak in my tags because she is clearly a child who has adopted this father, do I need to disclaim this to ppl viewing my posts so they understand VS do I really need to be rude to the OP??? Like they are clearly a good pair and whether they are shipped or not it’s still the same dynamic of mutual respect and support so....”
Me, later watching Youtube videos (Melina Pendulum, highly recommend): “wait Entrapdak is Problematic because Hordak is an imperialist? Uhhhhhh...okay just setting that aside, is Hordak not supposed to? be an adult? a grown-ass man?? when the princess are all teenagers???? You refer to Entrapta as a grown-ass woman but is a teenager the same thing as a grown-ass woman????”
Me, reading surprisingly good Youtube comments which included a desire to stop saying autistic characters are child-coded, because it’s infantilizing them: “........this..........is exactly what I have done because I am autistic (and ace and aro) and feel like a child so whoops? The point is very valid, I should def consider this (but my personal experience has not been “please treat me like an adult and like my age!” my personal experience has been “please give me support I can’t cope with the things adults my age are expected to cope with!!!” so that’s what I’ve projected, but both are valid and both can co-exist, we should argue both for not infantilizing ppl with disabilities and also for supporting ppl with disabilities, support ppl so they can be independent!) I also consider Scorpia as vaguely-autistic Quirky Kid [see the friend group that is Entrapta (autistic), Scorpia (autistic??), Emily (A Robot, therefore autistic), and Catra (traumatized, BPD?, a person with traits that autistic/neurodivergent ppl are likely to ping on and go “oh you are one of us!” lol)]. And I have, all this time, been compartmentalizing that Scorpia is not a teenager like Catra but presumably a grown-ass woman. The timeline for Hordak’s invasion was like 20 years right? And Scorpia was bitty at the time so she’s probably in her early 20s, and that puts Scorpia and Catra on the wrong sides of a certain societal line for relationships, but I’ve been pretending I don’t know that, I’ve been pretending it’s fine, because Scorpia = probably autistic right so Scorpia = basically young and innocent right and because I Want To Ship This, this ship is entirely divorced from sexual connotations anyway, see ace-aro, I just want them to be platonic sapphic bffs and for Catra to let Scorpia love her sob sob. THE POINT BEING, I’ve misbehaved and been part of the problem fffffffff”
Me, thinking on that more: “I guess Entrapta could be a little older, like Scorpia? I guess Netossa and Spinerella are probably older than the main cast too, I mean they’re married and clearly they’ve been married for a while so that would, y’know, imply they aren’t teenagers and, they were part of the mural of the original rebellion, so they were old enough to fight when Micah was still alive, so at least like 10 because Frosta, I don’t remember when Micah died, man they’re probably in their 20s or 30s.... I need to rewatch and try to figure out all the various timeline-y things so I can work this out...”
Me, finally giving in a googling after watching another video which said Noelle confirmed that Adora and bffs are like 17 at the start and wait they’re 21 at the end???? Do I just have no concept of time at all????? (It’s true, I don’t, that’s why I need this shit written down): “WTF Entrapta is like 30???? Well obviously if she’s 30 she can have any kind of relationship she wants with grown-ass adult Hordak!!!!!!!! Lab partners, bffs, spouses, whatever! Go for it! You get it! That guy is not your father!!!!! Because you’re not a teenager!!!!! HOW THE FUCK WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THIS??????”
In other notes please direct me to She-Ra metas, I see everyone’s clearly on board with Entrapta being autistic and I saw some great explanations for Catra having BPD, what does everyone think about Scorpia? Like she’s not neurotypical right????? Am I getting autistic vibes off Scorpia because I’m picking up on the shared aspects with ADHD and Scorpia has ADHD maybe??? What’s everyone identifying with with her.
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lightlavenders · 4 years
Time for my Entrapdak rant (a.k.a. why Hordak was better for her than literally anyone else, a.k.a. I’m not bias I swear)
as I read through Entrapta/Hordak/princess gang discourse on this site I started to realise the reason why I loved Entrapdak so much in the first place, and I will now talk about that here (some of these points are stolen from better posts). ALSO no matter how much I shit on other characters just know this isn’t an attack of any of them. This is gonna be VERY ENTRAPTA FOCUSED.
OK SO we get introduced to Entrapta pretty early in season 1 and we get to learn a lot about her. It also quickly becomes clear that she’s neurodivergent - something confirmed to be intentional by many of the creators. Entrapta has a passion for technology, science and inventing, and (same as the previous princesses) the best friend squad decide they need her in the alliance so she can build them weapons (whICH SHE NEVER ACTUALLY DOES i think BUT THATS NOT THE POINT). 
Throughout the episode though, the squad (mostly Glimmer bc she’s the one who gets to closely interact with Entrapta the most... Adora being completely out of it and Bow with the kitchen staff) seems to slowly run out of patience for her - Glimmer very obviously puts up a front of tolerance despite her frustration. This is unlike the other episodes, where all the princesses get along in the end and become best friends oh boy! So... we have our only neurodivergent character so far who isn’t really welcomed into the group the same way as the others... and her autistic behaviour is only tolerated because they need her... okay, maybe that’ll change later.
Or not? When Entrapta joins the others on the quest to save Glimmer, she is constantly infantilised by the others and not taken seriously. She runs off to study Horde tech and actually helps rescue Sea Hawk, two very helpful things, but Perfuma talks down to her like a child and PUTS HER ON A LEASH? SHE’S 30!!! SHE WAS TRYING TO HELP! And no one tells Sea Hawk off for getting lost and alerting Scorpia to their presence, which wasn’t helpful at all. Then later, Mermista says she’ll keep an eye on her “in case she decides to befriend any more robots” like okay... she isn’t a child, and she didn’t run off because she wanted to play with robots or something?
Okay, so, Entrapta is left behind, which I won’t blame them for because it definitely looked like she died (they get over it pretty quickly but I digress), and she comes across Catra. Okay! Here’s a chance for Entrapta to make a true friend, right? Or not, because Entrapta and Catra’s friendship is built entirely on manipulation. At least Scorpia was sincere. 
Here Entrapta is again, in a position where she’s being used for her skills and in a we’re-sort-of-friends-but-I-only-tolerate-you-because-you’re-useful situation, with Scorpia probably being her only true friend at the moment. She starts helping out the horde, because they actually let her do what she wants and at the very least don’t treat her like a child. Then, she stumbles into Hordak’s lab.
I’m gonna say this now because I’ll get murdered if I don’t - Hordak is a bad guy. He does bad guy stuff. But so does Entrapta sometimes (I’ll talk about that later) so good morals don’t need to play into their relationship I think. It’s about how they treat each other.
At first, Hordak is very defensive and angry towards Entrapta, as he would be to anyone coming in to his lab without permission and discovering his secret portal project. But then she fixes said portal and he immediately sees her as an intellectual equal. Again, Entrapta has had to prove herself to someone by making herself useful, but it actually goes further. ALSO can I say how Hordak is the ONLY person who interacts directly with Entrapta who doesn’t treat her like a child or emotionally manipulate her, with the exception of Wrong Hordak, Emily, and Imp of all characters... Even Scorpia is guilty of this later.
So, Entrapta and Hordak start working together, and Entrapta is obviously very excited to have someone treat her as an equal (they’re lab partners!!). On top of that, Hordak is also happy to have someone he can actually trust. Catra and Scorpia at separate times both remark on how Entrapta spends all of her time with him now, and who can fucking blame her when he’s the only one that has literally spent all this time growing close to her and understanding her as a person, not just using her, not just tolerating her, not talking down to her constantly. Hordak opens up his trauma to Entrapta and she responds by opening up a bit in return, literally saying that she doesn’t fit in and that Catra doesn’t even talk to her anymore. They are obviously comfortable around each other, and if Hordak was manipulating her, then why was he so distraught when she was taken away? Why did he CRY??? Why did he consider giving up on his life’s purpose and abandoning what is essentially his god for her???
Anyway, stuff happens, and Entrapta shows that she isn’t the irresponsible child everyone thinks she is by agreeing to shut off the portal. But of course, Catra betrays her and sends her away. To die. How nice. Catra tells Hordak that Entrapta betrayed him, and instead of flipping out and turning all Hal Stewart incel “if I can’t have you no one can” he just gets sad... and then later all he really wants is to see her again, even if it is on the battlefield. I’m not sure what he would’ve done so we can’t say for sure, but I seriously doubt he wanted to hurt her.
sidenote - I’m not gonna blame Scorpia for letting Catra doing this, Scorpia had her own shit going on and was essentially trapped in an abusive relationship and she also later makes up for letting Entrapta down by getting her rescued
SO then the best friend squad go to save her from Beast Island, and she’s literally completely given up. Gee, I wonder why. Could it be because it seems like every friend she’s ever had has abandoned her, scolded her, or outright zapped her unconscious and sent her to die in a monster filled island? But the squad save her and affirm to her that they didn’t give up on her and that they’re still her friends. Actions speak louder than words, guys, but okay, cool! To Bow and Adora’s credit, they were the least patronising and mean out of anyone... so, that’s something. Anyway! Affirmations! Some respect from her friends! I hope this lasts... 
It didn’t! Season 5, Entrapta goes along with the others to help find out where Glimmer is. Here is where I quickly have to say something - Entrapta does indeed make some ‘evil’ and stupid decisions sometimes - hacking the black garnet, building robots that attack her old friends, walking out absentmindedly in front of a robot and compromising her team. Some of these things can be explained by her neurodivergence, but do not always justify it. That being said. Entrapta is not evil, she is not stupid, and her “weirdness” does not give her friends the excuse to treat her like a child. 
Here’s where it gets bad!! Perfuma puts Entrapta on a leash AGAIN!!!!!! WHAT? Writers? Wyd?? Not only this, but the others talk about her behind her back, and then scold her without any consideration for how she, as a neurodivergent person, was interpreting the situation. They could’ve explained their feelings to her in a calm way, instead of shunning her and expecting her to pick up on their cues, then exploding at her when they didn’t. THEN THEY CALL HER A BAD FRIEND.... and I feel hypocrisy in this chili’s tonight... and then Scorpia... doesn’t say anything? Girl help. Ik we can’t totally blame her since she was new to the squad and probably didn’t wanna get kicked out or yelled at like with Catra, but please... that is your friend...say something. also why did mermista need to pull her hair and then later say “you’re still a weirdo” like what. why do people ship them? because mermista cried when entrapta ‘died’? Okay??
I think Entrapta actually goes through some character development after this which is pretty cool - she outwardly expresses her concern for Glimmer, which is affirming to her friends the squad, and later at the end of the series, intentionally keeps herself focused during the most high stakes moment instead of running off. I’m not qualified to talk about if these traits, which could be considered traits of autistic people, deserve to be treated as flaws to be fixed, that’s a whole other bag of worms, but yay character development.
Finally, at the end, Hordak properly reunites with Entrapta and he decides to rebel against his creator and his purpose to save her life, showing that Entrapta, and their connection, is his priority now. And once Adora saves Hordak from Prime (thanks Adora), the two finally reunite in a spinning hug - that is literally the most physical contact either of them have had with anyone, how could anyone not believe in their connection and mutual trust???
Mermista gives us one last jab, an understandable one considering Hordak was conquering their planet for years on end, but still - “so, are we all just like, okay with this?” yes girl, we are. He’s literally the only one who ever treated her with real respect and love, the only one who ever prioritised her.
I know some people are gonna be like “just ship her with wrong Hordak” and if you really like that... go ahead I guess? But do we need to force a clone who just got control of his own mind into a relationship, or a girl who is very much in love with someone else into a relationship with one of her friends? You can do what you want though, it’s literally fine, I’m the one who just spent over 1500 words talking about why a 30 year old science woman should go out with an alien warlord.
In conclusion - Hordak and Entrapta deserve each other, because Entrapta deserves someone who treats her right, and I love her.
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