#PS: I don’t care if you disagree and I can and will block anyone who irritates me
iatethepomegranate · 4 months
If I see one more take about Orym being "secretive" in taking the sword, I swear I might start screaming. The dude walked up to Chet in front of everyone, asked for access to the Bag of Holding, took the sword out (in front of everyone) and left with it. Then he came back with the sword strapped to his back... IN FRONT OF EVERYONE. There was ample time for someone to speak up if they wanted to and Orym, quite frankly, didn't have reason to expect it would be an issue. Laudna may have used the lack of discussion as part of her cycle of justifications for her actions, but that doesn't mean it was 1) the main issue she was actually dealing with or 2) an unsolvable problem that required a rash response even if that had been Laudna's primary issue.
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empiregalaxy · 5 years
Leaving Tumblr
Dear Tumblr, 
The cliche goes 'this is a hard post to write.' Well, it's not. This is very easy to write. I'm leaving Tumblr, and you should too. Here's why.
I joined this social media site in 2012, as I was drawn to discussing films. Soon, I got into 'fandoms', mainly Buffy The Vampire Slayer and A Song Of Ice And Fire. For the first few years, there was no problem. Well, except one. Let's call her 'MN.' MN and I met on Yahoo Answers, and we shared private e-mails. I felt safe around her, and I confided in her some of my secrets. She helped me when a Tumblr user were sending sexually crass messages to me. During a time when my social life was falling apart, she helped me. Then one day, she stopped talking to me. She didn't block or unfollow me, but she pretended that I didn't exist. No replies to my friendly comments (she'd reply to everyone else).
 At the time, I thought I did something wrong. But now I realise she was a coward who didn't have the guts to tell me that she no longer wanted to be my friend. That's the thing about Tumblr. It's full of cowards, who lack the intellectual or moral ability to confront their 'friends.'  And when you mention that, they convince you that the problem lies with you.
So I moved away from the film fandom. 
During the next few years, I get more involved in the ASOIAF fandom, particularly the Arya Stark section. And yeah, I was an SJW (vomit!). I would write posts about Arya, how sucky the Sansa fandom was. But overtime, I saw a shift. What started as simple, light-hearted bashing of Sansa fans turned sinister. They 'controlled' the fandom and the mods at ASOIAF university. Looking back it, I want to tell them that Arya and Sansa are both fictional characters. They aren't real. But the Sansa fans you were bashing and calling names, spreading lies about? They are. I often say that 'Tumblr treats real people like fictional characters, and fictional characters like real people.' It's true. All of these characters that you care about... they aren't real. And people don't have to treat them like they are. 
So I 'defect' from the Arya fandom. And oh boy did they turn on me. Some are more slower than others, and they tell me that the reason why they didn't block me immediately was because 'they didn't want to hurt my feelings.' That's utter bullshit. They did it because they were scared of the fallout. They were cowards. But once they did block me, they'd post lies about me. That I was a stalker. That I was a bad person. I was open slather once they decided that I was no longer one of them. That's the thing about Tumblr: it's tribal. People think there actions are morally justified, if the person receiving them is 'bad.' Everything about me was insulted, even my gifsets.
A user who was particularly vicious was Marie. She and I were mutuals for well over 18 months. But she'd call me a bad person, a creep, mentally ill, an evil Reylo or whatever. Worse, was that these Arya stans were discussing me on Twitter. When I exposed them, I only had my closest mutuals at the time supporting me. (I had over 2,000 followers. Only 3 bothered to ask if I was okay). Users I never heard of suddenly had 'hot takes' about me. 
Lies were spread about me, non stop. I realised that not only was this behaviour permitted on Tumblr, but it was actively rewarded.
This happened in 2016, which involved Brexit and the presidental election of Donald Trump. Look, I believe in free speech. I don't care if you are for or against them. Personally, I despise the European Union and if I were American, yeah, I could have voted Republican. But that's irrelevant. Tumblr users were so unhappy with those results, that anyone who did like Trump and Farage were labelled all the awful names in the book. Racist. Sexist. Nazi. Not only did this teach me that Tumblr users have no idea what those words mean, but that they are willing to use them liberally in order to gain power. Looking back at it, I'm glad Trump won. I'm glad Brexit happened. Not only because of politics, but it meant that you guys LOST. You better get used to that feeling, because if you continue to treat people the way you treated me, that feeling will soon be the only thing you know. 
A common misconception in the media is that Tumblr users act like 'SJWs' because they are young and ignorant. I mean, sure. But Tumblr users act like SJWs because they are fundamentally, cultish in nature and adhere to a hideous morality. I study Modern History, and a big part of that is empathy. What motivates someone to join the SS? Or run a gulag? Or torture someone? I manage to answer those questions, with relative ease. But I still have no idea why Tumblr users are so nasty and stupid. Like, none of you know shit about anything. 
The breaking point, when I realised 'we are all fucked' was when neo-Nazi Richard Spencer got punched. Look, I disagree with EVERYTHING Antifa and the Alt-right do. Celebrating any form of political violence leads to a nasty path. One day you are celebrating some one getting punched, and the next, you are cheering people getting slaughtered. People should never be CELEBRATED for violence. There is no moral justification for it. And you guys are too stupid to figure out that once all the 'Nazis' are gone, you are next to be sent to the gulag. You see yourself as distributing justice, but never receiving punishment. And oh, that is going to hurt you long term.
I would subtely mention why Spencer getting punched was wrong. But people on Tumblr were saying 'if anyone doesn't support Antifa, they should get punched too.' That's utter tyranny, and its something a Nazi would do. Since 2017, the countless violence by AntiFa is astounding. And Tumblr cheers it on like its a fucking joke. Like the real world is a theatre, and we are all patrons in the globe. Well, I've got news for you. The world doesn't exist for your pleasure. People don't have to act in certain ways to make you happy. The universe is not a 'safe space.' And you have the arrogant audacity to think you can bully it into changing.
Worse, was that I was fearful to speak out against it. That's utter evil. I understood the meaning of the term 'self-censorship' and since then, have become a free speech advocate.
Of course, no letter about leaving Tumblr would be complete without mentioning Lindsay. Oh Lindsay. We were friends for 2 years, and then I said a historical fact (that the Nazis persecuted people beyond Jewish people) and she flipped out. She blocked me, sent me anon hate, and told all the Reylos to block me. And you know what? Alot did. I was put on hit and block lists. 
Now, anyone who has studied World War II history knows that I am right. But because Tumblr is contrived of people who can't put Austria on a map, I was attacked and slandered. Lindsay would try to bully my friends into blocking me. They obviously refused. But Lindsay probably does the same shit to other people. Good thing she's a boring basic bitch with no personality, who has the charisma of a rock, because people with her mindset can really hurt people. She'll probably call me a 'Holocaust revisionist' for making fun of her. 
I honestly don't care what she thinks of me. I don't care what Marie thinks of me. They will probably interpret me leaving Tumblr as a victory of sorts. And yeah, I'm gone from Tumblr. But I'm not gone from this world. I will continue to live, to write, to create, to argue. I know I matter. I know I'm a good person capable of a positive impact. I am not what you think I am, and I never will be.
You will always have the knowledge that I am out there, being me, being different and weird, and changing the world. Whilst you, are stuck on a computer screen, bullying people who think differently than you.
That's a bloody victory for me, and a sore loss for you. Although I am leaving, I will not delete this blog. I want people to comb through it, and study it. And learn. See my flaws, and know that it possible to leave Tumblr, and still have a good fucking life. 
Goodbye Tumblr. Madeleine.
PS: I will say that the Sansa fandom and (some) parts of the Reylo fandom has been kind to me. It's sad to leave, because I will miss them. If you are one of them and you'd like to maintain contact, send me an e-mail at [email protected] and I'll give you my Facebook, Twitter or personal e-mail.
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bluepulsebluepulse · 5 years
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Top 5 Reasons Why BluePulse Should Become Canon:
Below I have compiled a list of reasons why the legendary characters both Bart Allen and Jaime Reyes, have the potential to be more than just best friends (which is what most relationships start with 😉). And I don’t even care if it isn’t in YJ but that would be ideal. And with that, let’s get started!
1. They provide for perfect character development:
Here me out, so... both Bart Allen and Jaime Reyes and their characters seem to explore very similar themes, and the great part is, they do this together as best friends, but it could easily continue through the format of a relationship as well which would make it more rewarding. The hypothetical feelings are powerful enough to justify, I mean and understandably so, when two people, are facing something as grande as changing fate itself together! And by that I mean the Reach apocalypse. I mean they can’t truly know if they have succeeded or not, and what better way to be prepared and feel like you can face anything the future can throw at you then having the love of your life by your side? And they are the perfect candidates for one another???
2. They share a lot of dynamics:
The two have the potential to help support one another through their hardships as they share a lot of the same dynamics. For instance, both Bart and Jaime have to deal with facing their fears (the same fear). But they are also the key to each other’s freedom! Because without Bart having coming back to the past, and without Jaime’s cooperation, neither of them could have obtained their own respective freedoms (that’s ignoring the freedom of everybody else in existence too 😂) and how could they not love one another for giving each other one of the greatest gifts of all? Freedom.
3. Their relationship would provide the perfect opportunity to teach life lessons:
Both of their origin stories are fascinating and when written by talented people, can be a really rewarding story that could be made even better by the two of them becoming a couple. Relationships without drama are boring and unrealistic and these two can offer plenty. Take your pick from the vast range of elements these characters have to offer to provide that; hidden truths from their past’s and or future’s or their superpowers and the conflicts that come with living that life. And that’s not even including the great story telling that could come as they navigated their way from friends to lovers! When family and friends are considered for the two, they would likely face a few unsupportive people who were not accepting of their relationship, for instance maybe Jaime’s father? Dealing with parents who don’t accept you for who you are is something A LOT of people face, even when not considering the LGTBQ+ aspect, and this is definitely something I know I, and many others, would appreciate seeing answered through the narrative of story telling. The life lessons that could be further enforced by them becoming official are endless too. If Bart can hypothetically fall in love with Jaime (and be loved back), that sets the example that you can’t judge a book by its cover and that forgiveness is strong enough to overcome anything! Bart could have easily assumed the worst of Jaime coming back to the past, could have never let down his guard with him, never trusted him, but Bart did. And as for forgiveness, Jaime is literally the same person who tortured Bart, and despite being under Reach control at the time, Bart would have likely and understandably so, assigned a lot of blame to Jaime because living in a dystopian future doesn’t exactly endow one with the energy to care about carefully assorting blame to the correct parties.
4. They have truly amazing chemistry (and provide an overwhelming abundance of heartwarming humor):
Do I even need to explain this? Anyone who has watched Seasons 2 and 3 of YJ, will know exactly what I’m talking about. Obviously the pair haven’t featured a lot in what we have currently seen from Season 3 😢, but in Season 2 they were the stars of the show and it was amazing. The chemistry they had alone was enough to warrant an eventual relationship to flourish between the two. The humor between these two is electric (in a good way). The contrast in their personalities makes their friendship an absolute delight to watch and I just think about all the new avenues of humor that could open up if they became an actual item.
5. They can set an important standard in representation and diversity:
Not only is there a severe lack of LGTBQ+ representation in just general media, it is also apparent in the superhero mediums (especially animated). DC is becoming progressively better with live action, as is evident with Legends of Tomorrow, Doom Patrol and now Batwoman. So I am not saying there is none at all, but if we are looking at DC animated properties, well... I don’t think I need to finish that sentence. And Bart and Jaime are perfect candidates. Most people see Jaime as bisexual and Bart as gay and I actually agree with this general consensus. I like it that way too. Anyway, they are both relatively minor characters in the DC Universe so it’s a great place to start. And that isn’t meant as in insult, popularity wise, these two characters are ideal to place in a romantic relationship without upsetting too many people. I could understand people getting upset if DC allowed YJ to make a very popular well established character gay such as Batman or Superman or something. But Bart and Jaime aren’t well established so I ask you... why not them? And not only could these two set a good precedent for representation for the LGTBQ+ community; but also diversity in general due to Jaime’s Latino ethnicity. 
And to summarize, these are basically the top 5 reasons I have but believe me I have more! And yes, this was me trying my best to condense what I had to say. If you got this far, I applaud you. Haven’t Bart and Jaime been through enough in their lives? DC just let them be happy together!
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PS: For those of you who are about to jump down my throat over the age gap, please understand that I was hoping for them to be together this season, not last season, they were indeed too young to date back then. And when I say together this season, I mean starting out dating. I am not asking for them to jump into bed right now and then heck, why not elope next season? NO. This season they could literally start out with just hand holding or something. Next season I would expect kissing (amongst other things) though from a hypothetical canon standpoint. They will both be well and truly old enough. The notion that Jaime is taking advantage of Bart (because he is a few years older) is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Firstly, Jaime isn’t that kind of guy and secondly, Bart was mature for his age right from the beginning. They are superheroes for goodness sake, they’re ALL forced to grow up quickly and when you keep that in mind, it makes sense. For anyone who plans on leaving negative or derogatory comments on this post, know I will block you and lose no sleep over it. I rope homophobes and racists into the same category, you’re wrong, so there’s no need for an open and honest discussion on your thoughts and opinions regarding this topic so I just block and move on. Simple. For anyone else who disagrees but for other logical reasons, well then I can respect your viewpoint but know if you dump on this post I am just going to ignore it lol. Also anybody else who has a problem with this ship, just block me so you don't have to see posts from me about it since that's literally all I ever do.
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southsidestory · 7 years
#across the stars (a wank wars story)
SUMMARY: Across the Stars dramatizes the story of the real life Skywalker clan, and fans of the show have built a legion of fractured followers across social media. Ben Solo goes by @mynameiskyloren, and his dealings with Rey, aka his rival fandom leader @jakkujunkrat, bring more than his true identity to light.
NOTES: This is the Star Wars social media fic that absolutely no one asked for. At best I can call this romantic crack with a dose of seriousness, and at worst the result of my brain weasels. Either way, it’s somewhat of an ode to tumblr and its crazy. If this isn’t a dumpster fire, please let me know! (PS my awesome husband helped me brainstorm for this, the evil genius.)
a long time ago in a fandom far, far away...
It is a period of civil war. Fans of popular historical holodrama ACROSS THE STARS squee over the Skywalker family legacy. The show’s three arcs, Republic, Rebellion, and Resistance, have earned critical acclaim and a legion of followers. In the wait between Seasons 7 and 8, WANK WARS fueled by boredom have gripped the fandom as they never have before.
The FIRST ORDER disparages AtS for its failure to dramatize the real Skywalkers' lives with historical accuracy after Season 3. @thesupremeleader, a BNF known only as Snoke, instigates drama whenever the fandom threatens to settle down.
But @mynameiskyloren, Snoke’s loyal devotee, is keeping his true identity hidden from the fandom. It’s only a matter of time before his dealings with @jakkujunkrat draw him away from the First Order, and he makes enemies of his former friends...
15 days before the Season 8 premiere
Look @mynameiskyloren I really don’t care about the historical accuracy of seasons 4-7. Most of us are here to have fun, to write fic and make art and shitpost about our favorite characters. You and your anti brigade need to get off your high tauntauns and face facts: Across the Stars prioritizes good storytelling over everything else. If you can’t accept that maybe you should move your ass along to another fandom instead of harassing the people who are here to celebrate something we love. I mean, this is a holodrama. Don’t you have anything better to do than fight over a piece of fiction???
#ats #wank wars #first order bs #fuck you very much
You’re a hypocrite @jakkujunkrat. You’re arguing over a holodrama too, so you must not have anything better to do either.
And in case you haven’t noticed, this isn’t just fiction. These are real people’s lives being portrayed for mass consumption. Seasons 1-3 dealt in facts, and it still managed to draw all of us in, so don’t feed me that shit line that following real events doesn’t make for a good story.
Just be honest: you’re here to ship Han and Leia, and you don’t care what their marriage is like irl as long as you get their perfect love story in AtS. Maybe YOU should gtfo and find somewhere else to fangirl.
Or you know, just stick to scavenging, since that’s probably all you’re good at.
#ats #hanleia shippers are the worst #and jakkujunkrat is their queen #fuck you too sweetheart
Calm down, mynameisasshole. Dragging Rey’s real life into a fandom fight is a dick move. Especially since your privileged ass probably doesn’t know the first thing about the kind of hard work Rey does every day. So sit down and shut up.
#wank wars #first order bs #leave my friend alone
14 days before the Season 8 premiere
unpopular opinion: Yav Korren is a good-looking man and a great actor, but he is not as hot as the real Ben Solo.
#ben solo #my husband #apologies to yav #but otherwise sorrynotsorry #all these candids of ben cropping up on my dash are fucking me up #han and leia made the best looking son #they have good genes
lmao someone is thirsty. that’s an unpopular opinion for a reason, rey. you know i love you, but we’re gonna have to agree to disagree on that one. back me up @fn-1337
#yav korren is almost as hot as my boyfriend
Sorry baby, no can do. I’m with Rey on this one.
#<3 #ily poe
Ben Solo is boyfriend goals. Fight me.
#we appreciate ben solo in this house #don’t come on my lawn and disparage my man #ben solo
Sorry @jakkujunkrat, it’s gross enough to ship real people, but openly talking about a 19-year-old celebrity child like he’s a piece of meat takes it to the next level. You’re really something else. Am I right, or am I right @therealhux @mynameiskyloren
#RPF is the stuff of nightmares #creeping on a real kid is even worse
100% correct, Phasma. I couldn’t agree more.
I hate to ever support @jakkujunkrat, but I don’t think it’s fair to criticize her just for having a celebrity crush. Who the hell doesn’t?
And she’s right about Ben Solo. Definitely better looking than Yav Korren.
@themaidofstarkiller I’m 18, which I have plastered across the top of my blog. You stalk me too much not to already know that, so you can stfu with pulling Ben Solo’s age like it’s a receipt.
and kylo… did you just defend me??
#is the sky falling?
Don’t get used to it, junkrat.
13 days before the Season 8 premiere
Just a reminder to the First Order that I have a zero tolerance policy for talking to Resistance fans.
I’m not going to call you out, but you know who you are.
#stay away from the resistance #if you want to keep your place on the right side of this fandom
There’s no accounting for taste these days.
#not that I would expect better from the fan in question #he has so much trouble following the rules #like a toddler
@therealhux if you have something to say to me, go ahead and say it.
#vagueposts are for cowards
I just did. Or did you miss it with that goldfish attention span of yours?
#don’t see you calling thesupremeleader a coward
Fuck you.
So eloquent.
I don’t think you have room to further alienate your allies right now, Kylo. You’re on thin ice.
#get it together
sorry @thesupremeleader
jakkujunkrat: finn, are you seeing this?
fn-1337: you mean mynameisasshole taking heat from the first order BNFs? yeah i’m seeing it, and it tastes like sweet sweet comeuppance.
jakkujunkrat: i know i shouldn’t, but i feel kind of bad for him. he’s getting roasted by snoke and hux just for being nice to me. do you think i should say something?
fn-1337: rey. are you kidding me? this is the guy who’s been giving you hell for *four* years. remember that time he left a nasty review on your post-canon fic? he called it what… “repetitive and trite”?
jakkujunkrat: okay. good point. he can fend for himself.
12 days before the Season 8 premiere
This is the worst selfie in the world, but here you go. My sunburned face in all its glory.
#it me #forgive me for dirtying your dash with this
You should change your handle to jakkuleatherface. Or buy some sunscreen.
#she’s going to look 50 when she’s 30 #jakkujunkrat
No wonder you’re single @jakkujunkrat
#I knew that someone that bitchy couldn’t be pretty
Don’t listen to a word these shitheads are saying, Rey. You’re beautiful.
#say one more word and i will drag you guys to hell and back
hux: i don’t think your pasty ginger ass gets to talk about anyone else’s looks
phasma: you’re as pretty on the outside as you are on the inside. which is to say ugly af
rey: you’re stunning, and they’re just jealous.
#you guys are really reaching here
fn-1337: Rey? You okay?
jakkujunkrat: yeah. i’m fine. just don’t really wanna talk right now.
fn-1337: all right, peanut. let me know if you need me. i’m here all night.
JAKKUJUNKRAT INBOX - ask me whatever as long as it’s nice
Hey. I’m really sorry to see all the hate you’re getting about your selfie. I hope this isn’t creepy coming from anon, but… I just want you to know that you’re really pretty, and those guys are being assholes. It’s got nothing to do with the way you look. They’d say the same thing to any Resistance fan.
Thanks, nonny. I really needed to hear that.
And thank you @starfleet-ace and @fn-1337 for being awesome. You guys are the best friends a girl could ask for.
11 days before the Season 8 premiere
I need to take a break from fandom for a little while. Real life is catching up with me, and the rig I’ve put together to even get a slow shitty connection to the holonet is breaking down. I need to put my scavenger hat on and do some maintenance.
See you guys in a few days.
#it’s just a brief hiatus #i promise i’m not ghosting #personal
Take care, peanut. <3
#best friend #see you soon rey
Maybe with the queen gone the peasants will settle down.
I have a finger to point at you @therealhux. Here is a clue: it is not the index or the pinky, or the ring or the thumb. It’s the one you put up when you don’t give a fuck. :D
#choke bitch
10 days before the Season 8 premiere
Look, all I’m saying is that old!Han and old!Leia’s actors absolutely killed it in Season 7, and I can’t wait to see what they do in Season 8.
#my dash is flooded with promo photos of my OTP #and all I want to do is write HanLeia #ONLY TEN MORE DAYS
Newsflash: your OTP is separated irl. Kills the romance a little doesn’t it?
If Season 8 is full of the same used romantic tropes that 4-7 was full of idk if I’m even going to stick around for it.
#god i hate this fandom #fuck the resistance
I’ve never prayed harder for used romantic tropes in my life.
#mynameisasshole strikes again #and for the record i only ship HanLeia in AtS #not irl #wank wars #first order bs
9 days before the Season 8 premiere
JAKKUJUNKRAT INBOX - ask me anything mean and you’ll be blocked
Hi. I know you said you were going to be gone for a little while, but I was just wondering if there’s an ETA on when you might be back? The fandom is pretty boring without you, junkrat.
jakkujunkrat: ...did you send me that anon?
mynameiskyloren: no. if i have something to say to you i’ll say it to your face
jakkujunkrat: come off it, kylo. nobody calls me just “junkrat” but you. i’m “rey” to everybody in the resistance, and first order idiots would never send me anything that nice.
jakkujunkrat: kylo? you there?
mynameiskyloren: i’m here
jakkujunkrat: well. you sent it, right?
mynameiskyloren: yeah i did. but i can explain
jakkujunkrat: explain being decent to me? yeah that’s gonna require a fucking thesis.
jakkujunkrat: you’ve done nothing but harass me since i got involved in this fandom
mynameiskyloren: give me a break, rey
jakkujunkrat: i’m not giving you anything
mynameiskyloren: fine then there’s no point in having this conversation
jakkujunkrat: just be honest. why’d you send me that ask?
mynameiskyloren: because you seem all right. i still disagree with you about pretty much everything AtS related but… i don’t know. i’m starting to think that’s not a good enough reason to give you hell
mynameiskyloren: i think if i’d met you irl we could have gotten along. you have to admit that we keep up with each other pretty well.
mynameiskyloren: rey? say something
jakkujunkrat: i have to go
8 days before the Season 8 premiere
Attention, all First Order fans: one of our own has been fraternizing with the resistance. And what’s more, he’s been stringing us along from day one.
@mynameiskyloren has lied about his age, where he lives, and who he is. He also has a relationship with the Across the Stars cast and their real life counterparts, which he’s been hiding for seven years.
Kylo Ren is actually Ben Solo, and if you don’t believe me I’ve got receipts and all of his personal information below the cut.
[Read More]
#payback is a bitch #mynameisalie
Hux. Is this some kind of joke??
@therealhux did you seriously just doxx one of your own??? wow you’re a piece of shit
Why isn’t anyone commenting on the fact that one of the biggest antis in this fandom is BEN FUCKING SOLO?!! ACTUAL SON OF THE REAL HAN AND LEIA!
#holy shit #it explains a lot at least #oh god i’ve been shipping his parents’ characters
@jakkujunkrat REEEEYYYYYYY
This is gross. Real life identities should be protected, not revealed. Shame on you @therealhux
Wow. This is crazy. I just got to this fandom and it’s kind of exploding…
#this guy can’t really be ben solo tho right?
I don’t think it needs to be said, but if anyone hasn’t put it together yet: mynameiskyloren is no longer welcome in this fandom.
#that’s what you get for lying
jakkujunkrat: kylo? is it true?
sorry, this blog does not exist
7 days before the Season 8 premiere
Hi everyone. This is the former mynameiskyloren here. There’s been a lot of stuff said about me in the last twenty-four hours, and I want to clear it up.
1) @therealhux did doxx me, which is low even for him.
2) I was talking to someone from the resistance, and the reason why is that I’m coming to see the damage that anti behavior can cause. I’ll make a more detailed post on that later, but in short, it’s going to involve a lot of apologizing.
3) In case you hadn’t guessed from my new handle: yes, I am Ben Solo.
starfleet-ace: REY where are you?? finn is flipping out and i can’t handle a fanboy meltdown this big on my own
starfleet-ace: Rey?
mynameisbensolo is following you
JAKKUJUNKRAT INBOX - don’t ask me anything about ben solo
HOLY HELL!! mynameiskyloren is Ben Solo?!! pls tell me what you think about all of this Rey
ok i can see that u don’t want to be asked about ben solo, buuuut… you know we’re all dying to hear from you, right? i mean, you made that post about ben solo being hot, and then he turns out to be kylo!! come on Rey, throw us a bone here!
fn-1337: rey, i know this has gotta be pretty weird, but i’m starting to get worried about you. can you please come online long enough to let me know you’re all right?
jakkujunkrat: hey finn. i’m sorry for disappearing. this is all just… a lot.
fn-1337: yeah, i guess it would be.
fn-1337: can i ask you a question?
jakkujunkrat: always
fn-1337: are you the one he was talking to?
jakkujunkrat: yep. and he followed me this morning. idk what to do, finn.
fn-1337: you don’t have to do anything. you don’t owe him shit just because he decided to finally act like a human being. not after the way he’s treated all of us.
jakkujunkrat: i know that. really, i do.
fn-1337: then what’s the problem?
jakkujunkrat: the problem is that i think i was starting to like him. and now he’s… he’s ben solo. how am i supposed to talk to ben solo?
fn-1337: he’s just a person, peanut. an asshole, but a person.
6 days before the Season 8 premiere
Guys. I know you’re interested in what I think about the Kylo Ren / Ben Solo thing, but I would really appreciate it if you’d stop sending me messages about it. I’ve turned off anon for now. All of you have a nice day.
#sorry #this is getting to be a bit much
So are you guys running off into the sunset together yet?
#you don’t have anyone fooled
It looks like you can’t read: I’m not talking about Ben.
#your name should be therealilliterate
Our resident pathological liar certainly has the money to fly to Jakku. You two fucking yet?
this post has been deleted
mynameisbensolo: Rey? I understand if you don’t want to talk to me, but if you can, let me know
5 days before the Season 8 premiere
It seems like this fandom has forgotten why we’re really here. Season 8 starts in FIVE DAYS, so can we please forget about doxxing drama and focus on the fun?
#damn #ats #ats season 8 #FIVE DAYS in case i didn’t say it loud enough for the people in the back
I am with you @fn-1337!
Am I the only one that thinks @bee-bee-ate is some kind of resistance bot?
in entirely unrelated news, is anyone else sick of Snoke’s stupidly detailed metas with a list of citations longer than his arm? we really don’t care how many degrees you have, man. it’s just a holodrama and you’re treating fandom like a history test you have to pass.
I think it’s safe to say that you wouldn’t know much about passing history tests @starfleet-ace.
FN-1337 INBOX - don’t bother with hate
Are you going to roast Snoke for calling your boyfriend stupid?
You bet your ass I am.
#bring it you supreme idiot #i’m about to rip you apart
4 days before the Season 8 premiere
jakkujunkrat: Ben? I’m here
mynameisbensolo: Damn. It’s really nice to be called by my real name lol
jakkujunkrat: lol I guess so
mynameisbenolo: Rey, I know it probably doesn’t mean much, but I’m sorry for everything I did to you. I hurt you and I bothered the hell out of you, and if I could take it back I would.
jakkujunkrat: It’s not okay, but I believe you. And I guess I can see now why you were so sensitive about the show. It must be weird to see yourself represented on screen like that.
mynameisbensolo: lol yeah. Especially when the popular opinion is that Yav Korren is a lot better looking than me :/
jakkujunkrat: Well. Not to me. But I guess you know that.
jakkujunkrat: this is so embarrassing.
mynameisbensolo: i saw that you deleted everything you had tagged with my name
jakkujunkrat: what, you went looking through it? That’s not narcissistic at all.
mynameisbensolo: better than tagging a stranger #my husband
jakkujunkrat: i don’t know why i thought i could talk to you. i don’t care who you are, you’re still awful
mynameisbensolo: wait i’m sorry rey don’t go
mynameisbensolo: please
jakkujunkrat: why shouldn’t i?
mynameisbensolo: i wasn’t trying to be mean
jakkujunkrat: and yet
mynameisbensolo: Stop it. Stop acting like you don’t feel this too.
jakkujunkrat: i don’t know what you’re talking about.
mynameisbensolo: Then I’ll be more explicit. I like you. I think you’re gorgeous and funny and smart, and I’ve wanted to kiss you for awhile. Long before I had any idea what you looked like.
mynameisbensolo: Still don’t know what I’m talking about, sweetheart?
jakkujunkrat: i can’t do this right now. i have to work if I want to eat. Literally.
mynameisbensolo: please don’t disappear again
3 days before the Season 8 premiere
If one more person sends @jakkujunkrat another message or hijacks her posts with questions about Ben Solo I will personally escort them to the nearest burn unit.
#not kidding #not even a little bit #leave my friend alone #sologate
get these thugs, finn.
I support this action.
#protect our scavenger queen
jakkujunkrat: all right. let’s talk.
mynameisbensolo: I’m really glad you said that. Because… okay don’t be mad. Please.
jakkujunkrat: ...why would I be mad?
mynameisbensolo: I’m kind of. Here.
jakkujunkrat: what do you mean “here”?
mynameisbensolo: as in, on Jakku. I’m at Niima Outpost right now. I’ve tried getting directions from about ten different people but they either don’t speak Basic or have no idea where you live.
jakkujunkrat: you’ve got to be joking. are you joking?
mynameisbensolo: Depends on how angry you’ll be if I say “no”
jakkujunkrat: You have to leave. Right now.
mynameisbensolo: Oh. Okay.
mynameisbensolo: I’m really sorry, Rey I don’t know what I was thinking. I just knew you were here, and I wanted to have a chance to talk to you in person. But if you want me to go, I’ll go.
jakkujunkrat: then get out of here
Please forgive me.
#do not reblog
2 days before the Season 8 premiere
All I’m going to say is that you got what was coming to you.
#no i don’t regret doxxing him #stop asking
#lol #revenge is delicious
Do you think they’re broken up? Or were they ever together?
#forgive him rey!! #i don’t know what he did #but pls forgive him
Full offense @mitakahere but this is none of your business.
#leave my friend alone #i’m getting really tired of tagging that
Resistance morons aren’t welcome on this thread @fn-1337
Get the hell off Hux’s post.
#they’re just everywhere aren’t they? #but finn is the worst
@themaidofstarkiller you have a bad dye job and a worse attitude. Perhaps you should consider a personality recalibration.
#i could help with that! :D
jakkujunkrat: Ben?
mynameisbensolo: yes?
jakkujunkrat: where are you?
mynameisbensolo: on Hosnian Prime. Why?
jakkujunkrat: please come back to Jakku
mynameisbensolo: really? You’re not messing with me, are you?
jakkujunkrat: really. I’ve never had a visitor before, and you surprised me by just showing up unannounced. which wasn’t all right by the way.
mynameisbensolo: I know. I won’t do it again.
jakkujunkrat: stop messaging me and get on a ship.
mynameisbensolo: as you wish, sweetheart.
1 day before the Season 8 premiere
okay i think that no matter where you stand in this fandom, we can all agree that tomorrow is gonna be awesome. we’ve been waiting a year for this! don’t let us down, Rian!
You can say that again, love.
fn-1337: Rey??? Where r u? I need someone to celebrate with.
jakkujunkrat: sorry finn, i’m busy.
fn-1337: what are you doing that makes you too busy to cheer with me?!
jakkujunkrat: ...you wouldn’t believe me if i told you. catch you later!
fn-1337: oh come on, you can’t do this to me
fn-1337: REYYYY
Season 8 premiere of Across the Stars
DID YOU SEE THAT? @starfleet-ace?!
#i’m fucking dying #this is the most amazing day of my life #well except for when poe agreed to go out with me #STILL #it’s great #ats season 8 #ats
yeah i saw it! best season premiere ever.
#love you finn
I can’t believe we can agree on something.
#this is a novel experience #ats season 8 #if they keep this up the show might actually become worthwhile again
The astromech droid is my favorite character.
#so relatable
Where the hell is Rey?! @jakkujunkrat
#come back our scavenger queen #we miss you
Did it really happen like this? Please you have to tell us!!
mynameisbensolo: are you seeing this?
jakkujunkrat: of course :)
jakkujunkrat: watching Yav is pretty weird now that i’ve met you
mynameisbensolo: still think i’m the better looking one now that you’ve seen me up close?
jakkujunkrat: you know i do. at least i really hope so after last night.
mynameisbensolo: are you doing okay? you seemed upset afterward
jakkujunkrat: i’m fine
mynameisbensolo: Rey. I think we’re a little past lying to each other at this point. What’s wrong?
mynameisbensolo: was I bad?
jakkujunkrat: no! no. please don’t think that. it was wonderful, Ben, really. you were wonderful.
mynameisbensolo: so were you. and i really hope it wasn’t the last time i see you. i’d like to come back. Or bring you to Hosnian Prime with me.
jakkujunkrat: I can’t. I can’t leave. That’s why I was upset. My family left me here, and I’m waiting for them to come back for me and I can’t leave. I want to but I can’t and I probably sound really stupid right now but I’ve been waiting all my life and I don’t want it to be for nothing.
mynameisbensolo: it’s all right. You don’t have to go anywhere you’re not ready to go, sweetheart.
mynameisbensolo: And I can wait. If that’s something you want.
jakkujunkrat: It’s not easy. Waiting.
mynameisbensolo: That’s okay. You’re worth it.
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nottooldforthisship · 8 years
The hypocrisy in this fandom is fucking unbelievable. I see posts saying "be a decent human being and respect others" while the same people, in any other time literally shittalk on people just because they don't like them. Remember James Arthur? Where was your respect then? I understand that he said nasty things, I disagree with him just like everyone else. But they took it another level and literally dragged his name through the dirt. Simon? Dan? Eleanor? Brianna &co? etc? Same. (1/6)
I'm not saying you have to like these people. I'm not saying you should support them if you don't want to. But many, many times over the years I felt like I can not enjoy things that I like, just because people would hate me for it. I like James' music, I think he's a talented artist, not a great spokesperson, but his music has nothing to do with that. Then people posted "don't support James/if you listen to James you're just as bad as him, etc. The X Factor? I LOVE it. I like that it gives regular people a platform to show their talent. I find it amusing and enjoyable, same with BGT. posts? "YES FINALLY SIMON'S DISGUSTIN SHOW IS ENDING". Don't watch TXF, it's the creature of the Devil himself. Literally anyone who ever said a bad word about the boys is a dusgusting piece of shit for this fandom, and they promote/manipulate you not to like their stuff. Because their arguement is that "I never said you can't like it!" but  at the same time they say: "well if you like it and show support for them publically, I'm gonna think less of you". Why do I care? Because I think everybody deserves to like things and not being hated/looked down on for it. This is pineapple pizza argument. Then there's that, that "respect others" when do you respect Olivia when you shame her for her religion? When do you respect Briana for being someone whose name is linked to Louis? she's not a good person imo but its no reason for me  to drag her name. I don't like a lot of people, but I'm mature and "decent human being" enough that I treat them with respect, even at their lowest. People done horrible things to me, was I bitter? fuck yeah. Was I shittalking them (which in this case means bullying, and yes, it IS bullying), did I say horrible things about them behind their back or on social media, or even physically harassing them? NO. Because I'm not in highschool anymore, because I HAVE respect to people and I AM a decent human being, a person, who understands that people are sometimes nasty, but they're still people, and you treat EVERYONE EQUALLY RESPECTFUL. Even if you fucking hate their guts. Plus, this is the internet. If you don't want to see it, block it. Ask the question: are you any better then those who attacked them because you made a tumblr post to be respectful? Hate leads only to hate. And now, you're just being hypocrite.
PS: I'm sorry for the rant, I needed to share this and I'm literally no one in this fandom, and if I'd have sent this to anyone else they'd have blocked me or shrugged me off as hate (as they did so many times in the past), I feel like you're one of the very few I can reason with, and that you share some of my opinions. I don't mean to be hateful, but this fandom is making it difficult to just roll my eyes and move on when we're talking about "being a decent human being".             
heya love, I’m publishing this like that, without comment from me because tbh it’s 1AM, I just came back of a party and I’m drunk, and I’m very ambivalent right now about all the posts I see on my dash. I need more time to come to terms with all of this shit. For what I see on my dash, a lot of people are talking about what’s happened with Eleanor tonight is absolutely inadmissible and I support that. Whatever I think about her is not coming under consideration. And I really hope she’s gonna sue the people at the airport.
Anyway, I still think this fandom is lacking of neutrality when it comes to the boys. When something that big is happening, I try to step back and not engage into theories because I know people hurt and opinion are spoken VERY LOUD and STRONG, and it’s very hard to stay impartial.
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