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sizzy-ling · 10 months
“I don’t think I’ve ever forgotten a thing you said.”
"I remember everything."
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false alarm guys I’m fine. just spent the past hour watching paceyxjoey edits and I kind of feel like a person again
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thetaoofbetty · 5 years
Haha love pacey and joey but let's be honest did anyone actually like dawson? The show was named after the guy but dawson was literally a character with no true depth.
Hello you lovely little coconut of delight! 
Uhm, listen, if I say that the title characters of these types of teen shows are often very blatant self inserts of the creators and the ratio of people who love him vs the the people who love the snarky sidekick/foil type of character with a ton of character growth who is usually broody and totally soft for That One Girl™ is never equal, can we even pinpoint what show I’m talking about? 
It’s not like 
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it’s a thing that
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happens consistently or anything 
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But, you know, that’s just a guess of mine. Thanks for the ask, lovely!
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queenofthenorths · 3 years
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television love triangles » dawson leery, joey potter & pacey witter dawson's creek
God, I hate you for kissing me and forcing me to figure out what it all means, Pacey! And I hate you, Dawson, for forcing me to make a choice between our friendship and what I might have had with him. And I hate myself, I mean, I wish we could go back to the way it was, I wish I could take it all back, but I can't. Nothing is worth going through all of this. No one person is worth this. Neither one of you and especially not me.
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"I remember everything"
Well, damn Pacey Witter why don't you stab my heart too while you're at it?
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justinelove · 3 years
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True Love PaceyxJoey
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paceyjoeydaily · 3 years
ooh that mmc and your answer got me thinking! paceyxjoey 1x10 or paceyxjoey 6x15? 🙃
Here you go, anon! This one was kind of easy because as much as I absolutely love 1x10 (it’s my favorite s1 episode and probably ranks in my top 10 paceyjoey episodes), it’s got nothing on 6x15 which is both my favorite episode of the show and my favorite paceyjoey episode. But this was still a fun choice to make, so thanks for asking! 
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alphinias · 6 years
Hi guys! I’m new to tumblr, so if you’re in any of the following fandoms or just want new people to follow, please comment or like this post and I will check out your blog ^_^
Stydia, Bellarke, Delena, PaceyxJoey, Dramione, literally anything Harry Potter, Tyrandy (Cloak and Dagger), Game of Thrones, Throne of Glass, ACOTAR, the Lunar Chronicles, the Shadowhunters Chronicles, anything! I have lots of fandoms. Oh, and I’m also newly getting into the Good Doctor!
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scullys · 2 years
Not sure if you do requests but if so can you please do a parallel set of AnthonyxKate and PaceyxJoey?
omg i'd love to but i haven't been able to download the entirety of dawson's creek so i only have a few episodes. i might do it at some point tho, i do take requests btw
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preppymayhem · 4 years
I don’t know why because personality wise and whatnot they don’t track, and I hate paralleling between two different stories especially if they are different mediums or from different storytelling conventions, but Deok Mi x Ryan gives me really strong PaceyxJoey vibes. I think it’s just the naturalness of their interactions and both couple get to have these natural moments together where we see how they interact without the pressure of it being something more in terms of plot or even necessarily overt romantic tension. Just like breathable moments that we get a feel for them together.
But then it got me thinking that in a lot of ways PJo reads more as a kdrama romance than a USTV one, and that was a totally unintentional thing.....
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thetaoofbetty · 3 years
The ships wars for Dawson creek still is on, the other day the bas compared paceyxjoey with ba an dthe bhs who ship pjo see it and compared Dawson and archie and the bas saw that, who WA spanned endgame or why the writers change the story an dthe endgames for a ship being more popular that don't end well
here’s the thing. 
the problem with their comparison is that they’re trying so hard to make it work for them because that ship was endgame. there’s a reason it doesn’t work: 
they can make all kinds of illogical leaps to try and make archie into pacey but it won’t work and here’s why: 
dawson is
the one with the good (mostly) parents (divorced)
and whose childhood best friend has a crush on him but doesn’t reciprocate
he met the new girl and fell head over heels on sight 
he’s the “good kid.” he’s morally compelled to do the “right thing” 
he gets jealous over said best friend he doesn’t want to date at first 
his dad dies, it makes him grow up 
etc, etc 
pacey is
the outcast of the friend group
the son of an alcoholic, has a not great home life 
counts on his best friend for some stability 
not the best at school but always stands up for his friends 
an underdog 
does the thing that might not be right to his best friend but follows his heart
falls in love with best friend’s childhood best friend 
their friendship falls apart over it 
girl picks him consistently even though she struggles between what she wants and her safety blanket of a friend 
ends up with girl in the end, etc etc 
that last part is the only reason they’re trying to fit a square peg in a round hole tbh. they can like pacey and archie. they don’t have to be compared to be likable to people. the issue is that they’re trying to switch archetypes because they’re not looking past the end of who gets who. they tried to say that b/archie was leyton for a while too, right? 
the problem, for me, i think is that they’re trying to find a love story for them to fit into and none of it works. because i don’t think b/archie is the love story of this show. but they can think what they want, it really has nothing to do with us. 
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mrsmiresa · 7 years
a word to the wise, don’t go and watch paceyxjoey videos on youtube. just don’t.
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zalrb · 7 years
Kevin's tweet: " Who will Elena end up with? We're so not there yet but if you must know. Elena chooses Pacey." Idk if this is old or new, and I haven't watched DC but was Paceyxjoey like DE?
It’s an old interview. People like to think that DE is PJ but I don’t share their views but either way, we know DE is endgame, so.
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ifwehadamonkey · 7 years
11 Questions
I was tagged by ames @unbreakablejemmasimmons. thanks, honey bee!
Rules: 1. Always repost the rules 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you 3. Give 11 questions of your choice to the people you tag 4. Tag 11 people
1. What’s the closest book to you right now?
i went to barnes and noble yesterday and picked up this huge coffee table book called ‘castles of the world’ and i love it.
2. What do you wish you’d studied in school? 
i’m still in school studying exactly what i want to, but i can say that i’d wished i’d at least have tried to have gotten into scad (savannah college of art and design) on a scholarship. they’re still an option for grad school, so you never know.
3. What’s the next cool or fun thing you want or plan to buy?
all of my money for the foreseeable future is going towards my trip to italy in may for study abroad, which is going to be very cool and very fun.
4. What are you most looking forward to in 2017?
that trip to italy i just mentioned. and my bff is having a baby in march aka my honorary nephew (whose middle name is gonna be kal-el after superman which is really fucking cool)
5. Do you feel like you’re an adult?
sometimes yes, most often no, haha. i don’t really think i will until i’ve graduated and are living on my own again. hard to feel like an adult when you live at home and your parents buy all your groceries.
6. What’s your Hogwarts house? 
Slytherin, although I’m formerly a Gryffindor. I retook the quiz recently, and honestly, i’m quite happy with my new result. it suits me much better now than gryffindor.
7. Whatcha got going on this weekend?
fun things like work, although i’m trying to find the time to go to ikea.
8. Is there a fictional character with whom you most identify?
i don’t know. i think i can identify with bits and pieces from multiple characters, but i guess lately i find myself identifying with ronan lynch from the raven cycle, surprisingly. i went through a self-destructive phase, although i didn’t recognize it as such at the time, after my sister died. i’m super loyal, esp to my bff. i too have a potty mouth and sarcasm to spare. i dislike talking about feelings. and i’ve been harboring a crush on one of my best friends for years. 
9. Do you have any weird obsessions?
besides my tv shows? haha. none i’d call weird, no.
10. What was your first fandom and ship?
i didn’t call it that at the time, but probably dawson’s creek and paceyxjoey
11. Recommend me something, anything.
there’s this free software called SketchUp that’s let’s you design structures, everything from tiny houses to large houses. it’s easy to use and super fun, esp for architecture nerds like me.
i’m gonna be super lazy and just offer you these same questions, but i will tag a few people. as always, you don’t have to, only if you want to: @agentverbivore @mrsdecaestecker @reymanova @fitzcamebacktome @acciostucky @widowshulk @accio-the-force @hemnalini @superirishbreakfasttea @ughfitz @writeonthrough 
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