#Page of Time
nintendont2502 · 2 years
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These are so stupid holy shit
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prince-of-time-pt · 5 months
The thing with pages is not all of them are immature; relying on Guidance does not equal immaturity. This is probably common sense but I feel the need to say it.
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The 12 Classes of Time.
“Time is the Aspect of music, of death, of rebellion, of not accepting what comes in the way that it comes. Time is an Aspect that caused much suffering in the comic, but it is also the savior-Aspect. Time Players seem to “go against the clock”, they are usually either terrified of death or completely alright with the idea of it. They work in melodious ways, are impatient, and enjoy the destination more than the journey itself. They are hardly stable, extremely dedicated and stubborn. Time Players are fighters, sometimes even in a literal way. They also tend to be revolutionary, depending on the Class. They can be related to music, since the ticking of the clock is a reference to melody and heartbeat”.
“In more miscellaneous descriptions, Time Players can be enjoyers of History. Since Aspects can be literal sometimes, many Time Players struggle with the concept of Time, are bad at keeping track of time, feel like they don’t have time to do all that they want to do, like they have to catch up. Time is the opposite Aspect to “Space”, which is patient and conforming. Time is an Aspect of change”.
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Sburb Players each have a combination of an Aspect and a Class. Aspects are understood to represent what a player’s goals and actions in life are caused by. A Class is within an Aspect and understood to represent the way they deal with their Aspect.
The Sburb Classes are Maid, Page, Mage, Knight, Rogue, Sylph, Seer, Thief, Heir, Bard, Prince, and Witch. (Lord and Muse*).
(*Classes Lord and Muse seem to only be possible in either Cherub society or in two-player sessions. They are very absolute and it’s rare for a human to identify with their descriptions. I will have to leave them out here and only write about the remaining twelve :)
Adding the Classes to the Aspect of Time will result in twelve God Tiers. My analyses of them are as follows:
1st God Tier: Witch of Time
Witch is the Active Class of manipulation. Witches are known to “control” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Witch of Time, specifically, would be extremely rebellious — it is the most rebellious Class paired up with the most rebellious Aspect! —, somewhat disrespecting of the concept of time. This might mean they’ll be constantly late for meetings, or will be obsessed with the passage of hours and minutes. Witches are good at manipulating, and Time being the Aspect of death, Witches of Time are manipulators of death; that can be a very powerful God Tier. If there’s one God Tier who would play Chess against Death to not have their souls taken away, that’s the Witch of Time. They to me sound like they’d be incredible at making music, controlling the Aspect of music in whatever way they can.
Witches of Time will be aware of their surroundings, be skeptical, and again, very rebellious. They will hate being told what to do. In relation to other people, they may have a hard time being social, mostly only doing it to fit in, but wishing to be somewhere else instead. They’d also be good at influencing others’ taste in music, or any opinions they might have about the end of life. Speaking of that, not only would they fight death, they would also be completely uncomfortable thinking about it. They will hide that, though.
Witch of Time is a canon Homestuck God Tier. Damara Megido is the character that holds that title.
2nd God Tier: Heir of Time
Heir is the Passive Class of manipulation. Heirs are known to “influence” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. An Heir of Time, specifically, would be extremely quick-tempered, not at all patient about change. They would be punctual, believe they always have to be way ahead, struggle with the speed of things and be very stubborn about their ideas. Having a Class of manipulation, these Heirs would be great at influencing others, sometimes even subconsciously, to the point where they might change reality. They may lie about their past and do it so well that they start to believe the lie themselves, switching the way time worked for their lives.
Heir being a Passive Class doesn’t mean they would manipulate “less” than a Witch would. It just means the Witch would be bolder about it, while an Heir’s manipulation might be hidden. One “controls” and the other “influences”, after all, Heirs will cause results more indirectly. Heirs are also known to “become” their Aspect, sometimes even literally, so you know who we can conclude might be an Heir of Time? The Grim Reaper itself.
On a lighter note, this God Tier would also be good at music. However, I think they’d be better at listening to it than at making it. Maybe they’d have a perfect pitch, or be potential judges of talent shows.
3rd God Tier: Mage of Time
Mage is the Active Class of knowledge. Mages are known to “understand” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Mage of Time, specifically, would be knowledgeable about death without even meaning to. I can picture them having some sort of intuition about the underworld not knowing where it comes from. They would “understand” time, so their path might be about awareness of rebellion, of change, an incapability to stop it, spirals of thoughts even after understanding the patterns. I have read that Mages “suffer” through their Aspect, and I really see that in most Aspects. I always think of Mages having speedy minds, and in the case of Time Players, that might be even more sped up. Mages of Time would be focused on the changes around them. More literally, about the changes on the clock, the passage of time. They would be stuck with the knowledge that nothing ever stopped, never be able to take that fact away, and some might like that, while others won’t.
They would be heavily impulsive, possibly irrational sometimes. They would feel like it is “too much”, sometimes, the way the gears won’t stop turning. Most of all, they would be experienced and again, impatient. They would already know how everything is meant to go.
4th God Tier: Seer of Time
Seer is the Passive Class of knowledge. Seers are known to “study” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Seer of Time, specifically, would be interested in learning about dark and philosophical subjects, having an unusual interest in death, History, and the combination of both. The player with this title might be a History student, an archeologist, or have that as a hobby only. They are rebellious like any Time Player, but are much more knowledgeable and aware of it, and so might seem like a calm and collected person. Compared to other Time Classes, they would be saints. They would probably not hold the belief that impulsiveness is a bad thing, and as of result wouldn’t get too anxious about it. They would be great with organization and order, even in their thoughts. Their main motivation is learning about Time, after all.
Seers of Time wouldn’t fear death. They accept it easily as part of life. (They oppose Heirs of Life in that, imo.) In general, I see them being chill individuals, or at least they appear that way. A Seer of Time is easy to get along with, and possibly very helpful. In Sburb at least, they are extremely powerful.
It can be literally as well, with them always “keeping an eye on time”, being good with schedules and deadlines, etc.
5th God Tier: Thief of Time
Thief is the Active Class of stealing. Thieves are known to “take” from their Aspect and through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Thief of Time, specifically, would be very confident in their abilities and personality. To put it more literally, they would be Masters of the clock. They’d always know what to do and when to do it and would rarely doubt themselves in that way. They’d be somewhat selfish, for example believing they should be the ones to control situations instead of sharing the power. Time is a very strong Aspect, and to be sure of your own ability with it is to be extremely trustworthy. Actually, I think they’d be very selfish. But still worthy of trust. And, of course, strong and willing to change circumstances. They’d think of themselves first, of their own death, of their own rhythm, but this doesn’t mean they won’t care for anyone (they will. They are still normal human beings [or trolls] after all).
A Thief of Time would be difficult to control. They wouldn’t like being controlled, really. They believe their plans are the correct ones, and trust that the ends justify the means. This seems to be a trend with all Thieves, and not only Thieves of Time. They would probably have some characteristics that people wouldn’t notice at first, being surprised when they found out. This can mean anything from a random adoration to a moral belief of sorts.
6th God Tier: Rogue of Time
Rogue is the Passive Class of stealing. Rogues are known to “redistribute” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Rogue of Time, specifically, would sacrifice their own time for others. Sacrifice seems to be a Rogue characteristic, going along with their Robin Hood personas. Not every Rogue would be selfless, but even the ones that weren’t would have an inclination inside themselves to share everything with others who need it. They’d share mostly, because of the Aspect, ideas relating to time and rebellion and music and death. They could be great Historians or, more literally, History teachers for real. Rogue is not really the Class of “teaching” or anything like that but they would be great at sharing their experience in every way. Rogues of Time might doubt themselves when it comes to their power. Maybe they’d be self-conscious, slightly scared of death, think that they don’t have it in them, but like every Time Player, they will have to come to their senses and learn to deal with their amount of power. And they would especifically use their powers to help the less fortunate in Time, and this can mean people who are close to death, people who are lost in reality (what’s more real than time?), enigmas about existence, or even people who are too passive and don’t know how to deal with change. Rogues of Time will be fair and less controlling than other Classes, but also completely remarkable and shiny.
They will be powerful once they develop themselves. They may take some time (literally), but it will always come.
7th God Tier: Knight of Time
Knight is the Active Class of utilizing. Knights are known to “handle” their Aspect and through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Knight of Time, specifically, would deal with all kinds of rebellion-related issues. They would be into change enough that they wouldn’t know how to stand still (this applies to many Classes of Time, but especially Knight). They will fight for their Aspect, and since that is Time, they will fight, and fight, and fight, and fight. And time won’t stop for them. They’ll have to handle everything that comes with it, and be strong in the face of danger. More abstractly, they’d be a person who always feels like they have to defend their own autonomy and personal power. They would have it in them, know what they’d have to do, be realistic even when they don’t want to. However, they would possibly like putting off things they don’t want to deal with, for as long as they can, because they’re so sick of having to deal with and deal with and…
Knights of Time will probably have death around them, possibly from a very young age. Time being the Aspect of death and Knight being the Class of handling, they’d just have to work through and handle a lot of grief, to the point where they’d be, pretty much, apathetic to it. This applies to many God Tier titles, but especially to Knight of Time. They would also be confident, or at least pretend to be, and again, would never stop. They just keep going, literally.
Knight of Time is a canon Homestuck God Tier. Dave Strider is the character that holds that title.
8th God Tier: Page of Time
Page is the Passive Class of utilizing. Pages are known to “rise” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Page of Time, specifically, would be doubtful of their own understanding of the world and how they should behave. Pages tend to be naive or easily manipulated, and when it came to Time these players would be easily convinced or guided toward patience. Time is about everything but patience, yet these Time Players will askew themselves from action by the influence of others. They would maybe have delusions, a complicated relationship with reality, or they might just rely a lot on what they fear losing.
Pages usually empower themselves (or others) through the development of their own powers, and I don’t only mean this literally. A Page of Time will learn about limits and where they stand (not only where others say they should stand). With music, they might be really attached to it, possibly not being able to do much without headphones on their heads. They will seem fragile to other people but would have the potential to become an indestructible destruction machine. If they want to be evil, then they are pretty much the scariest type of evil there can be. But if they want to use everything for the good, it’ll be great to be around them. Just don’t ever doubt them when they learn about it all.
9th God Tier: Maid of Time
Maid is the Active Class of construction. Maids are known to “create” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Maid of Time, specifically, would be “made of time”. Yeah, this can be really literal. They’d always be on time and know how to manage life’s rules pretty well, even if in their own turbulent way. They might be anarchists! since they have all of time in themselves and already are fed up with everything and would just be so motivated toward rebellion! They would also be attracted to Time principles, as in aging, growing, and especially death itself. Maids will be really enticed by their own powers, and their struggles in life might be about having TOO MUCH of whatever their Aspects are.
Being full of time can be being made to make rules, to change and destroy what they’re unhappy with to create more. But it can also be living to a very old age, or dying in a really unexpected and absurd way. They are made of action, and are creators of destruction. They will be extremely unpredictable, one of the most unpredictable God Tiers out there.
Maids of Time will deal correctly with their Aspects, they will certainly be gravitated to it without much trouble. What they can do is create trouble, but whatever they do they simple believe is the best way. If there’s a list of the most chaotic titles, Maid of Time is there.
Maid of Time is a canon Homestuck God Tier. Aradia Megido is the character that holds that title.
10th God Tier: Sylph of Time
Sylph is the Passive Class of construction. Sylphs are known to “build” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Sylph of Time, specifically, would be used to having to take care of many things, passively creating Time and managing time. They would likely be mostly accepting of things but rebellious every once in a while, surprising everyone around them with sudden insatisfaction. Though they construct the Aspect of rebellion, they do it softly, in the shadows, and that way are very discreet about their ideas. Inside, they would be chaotic even if they don’t notice it, but it wouldn’t be as clear to others like a Maid of Time would. They might have strange interests, excited about History and historical wars, politics, death and somber music. I imagine Sylphs of Time bonding with Seers about topics like Romanticism, which was an emotional and spontaneous artistic movement that stained the world we live in. (Romanticism is a good mixture of Time + the Aspect “Heart”.)
Sylphs would be singular for sure, and complex when it came to their views of the world. I imagine them being quiet, despite being Time Players. If it’s possible for a Time Player to be collected, they are the closest to it. Literal meanings can involve making excuses for people being late, always making time for everything they have to do, or, because a Player’s struggles are also marked by their God Tier, struggle with making time for everything they have to do.
11th God Tier: Prince of Time
Prince is the Active Class of destruction. Princes are known to “wreck” their Aspect and through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Prince of Time, specifically, would be really controlling, possibly chaotic. They can be unpredictable, one of those people you’re not even sure of their intentions. This would be a very complicated God Tier, because Time is the Aspect of destruction, and Prince is the Class of wrecking, so they would be about “the destruction of destruction”, so… construction?
Princes tend to go against their Aspect and more toward their opposite one, because they wreck their own. Unfortunally there wasn’t a Prince of Time in Homestuck, but with that information we can theorize a Prince of Time would act like a Space Player, adoring creation and attempting to be patient and thinkers of the big picture. The thing is that they would still be Time Players, and so wouldn’t be able to deny the core parts about their own Aspect, and would be pessimistic, rebellious, motionful, etc.
The Prince of Time would be hard to detect because they destroy change, their impulses are to go against impulse, and they are walking contradictions. Still, they would be really motivated and good at solving puzzles. They would share those obvious traits with Space Players, sometimes being mistaken as one, but when looking closer it would be ridiculously easy to see: they are ultimate Players of Time.
12th God Tier: Bard of Time
Bard is the Passive Class of destruction. Bards are known to “deconstruct” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Bard of Time, specifically, would be entitled to control but not be so bold about it. Since they are about deconstruction, they would slowly and indirectly deny Time and its characteristics like death and rebellion and motion. Bards will rarely accept that they are Bards, having trouble with their Class from it not being innocent enough but also not aggressive enough. But Bards would be easily detectable as Bards. And they’d be incapable of going against what they want to go against.
Like Princes, the Active Class, Bards will envy the other side (that being the opposite Aspect) and somewhat wish they could be in their easier shoes. They’d silently desire the patience and acceptance of Space Players, though they wouldn’t actively try to copy them. A Bard of Time’s struggle might be with how their world seems to always be spinning around them, how death seems to be present wherever they go (even abstractly, like there being bones on the walls or dead animals in the streets), with how they couldn’t figure out music or anything that didn’t follow their own idea of melody. They’d be… confused? I think Bards are usually confused with their Aspects. They’re good at figuring things out, though.
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tavtiers · 7 months
This is a weird one, but how overpowered can a Page of Time be, and how fucked up is a person with Trickster Mode + God Tier'd?
Power speculation for the Page of Time:
It is my opinion that all classpects possess the same amount of potential and/or "power level". This is because all god tiers represent someone's best self. That being said, the level of ability they possess at different times in their lives can differ. Where classpects are equal is in the overall power they have throughout their lives. Also, classes like the Lord can appear to have a higher level of strength, but it will come with greater drawbacks. For example, Caliborn's drawbacks were that he was a shallow and unintelligent person who lacked meaningful connections with others.
Let's go back to the concept that god tiers possess different levels of ability at different times in their lives. Pages are unique in that they go through most of their lives unrealized in their potential and lacking in agency. However, much like the character of King Arthur, when they finally come into their own they are powerful beyond a doubt. A realized Page could potentially be as capable as the Lord class.
This means that an older, realized Page of Time could possess as much power as a Lord of Time. Where a Page differs is that they utilize their aspect; a Lord masters their aspect by being a combination of each active class. So a realized Page of Time would be able to expertly utilize endings and destruction for the sake of others or through others. This classpect could be a weapon of massive destruction when pointed at their enemies, or an inspiring commander of armies for their allies.
Specific Powers by bardkind:
"The Page will always be in the alpha timeline. If they move from one timeline to another, the new timeline they are in will become the alpha timeline. This only applies to the Page from the Alpha timeline. Any timeline with a Page in it that is not from the Alpha timeline will not be able to become Doomed. Pages also heal timelines with their mere presence. For example, if a Lord of time was destroying parts of time, the presence of a Page would stop it, if not rewind the damage."
Find the full document here.
Trickster mode and God Tiers:
Every character, whether in Homestuck or not, goes on a personal journey from unrealized, to struggle, to realized. Another way to look at this journey is undeveloped, crisis, character development. God tiers symbolize this journey; completing their planet quests and working to become what their god tier symbolizes will help a character "develop" faster.
Dying on a quest bed and ascending to a god tier, with new powers and an outfit, is another matter entirely. Sburb is set up so that if you follow your planet quest the way it is designed, you should reach character development by the time you die on your quest bed and ascend to god tier status. That isn't always the case, however. Dying on a quest bed and achieving your powers does not fundamentally change you as a person. If an undeveloped character skips their quests and dies on their quest bed, they will still be undeveloped when they ascend. Unfortunately, this means they will be much less prepared to wield the powers they've been granted.
Trickster mode unleashes a character's hidden thoughts and feelings, allowing them to be truly free in who they are. It also comes at the expense of reason. Becoming trickstered is the same as getting shitfaced drunk; it's fun! You won't be a stable, rational person while you're under the influence though.
Because of this, I would say a god tiered character in trickster mode is much the same as a god tiered undeveloped character. It would work about as well as giving a baby a loaded gun. Prepare for Witches of Hope forcing people into laughing fits and Rogues of Space teleporting your friends to the moon. It's a great party! Best be prepared for the aftermath.
Hope this helps!
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giftofclasspects · 10 months
all my time playlists!
maid of time
page of time
mage of time
knight of time
rogue of time
sylph of time
seer of time
thief of time
heir of time
bard of time
prince of time
witch of time
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seldomdrawncherubs · 3 months
Hello! If you two are still doing so, could you two offer some insight for a Page Of Time? Thanks in advance! o(>‿<)o
UU: a page!
UU: the early period will feel like yoU lack any time. yoU might be sick, or occUpied constantly...
UU: pages are often taken Under the wings of other players dUe to their weakness. this symbiosis can UnfortUnately be toxic. tavros sUffered at the hands of vriska, and jane keeps complaining aboUt how jake complains aboUt dirk and my brother trying to help him reach potential.
UU: well, perhaps they are not complaints, per se, more like a refusal to admit that brobot might be less of a mentor and more of an inconvenience...
UU: as a page, yoU have great potential. bUt yoU are also in a position of great danger.
UU: yoUr powers serve yoUr aspect for yoUr own sake. bUt the slowness of yoUr leveling makes it so yoU may start out not knowing how to serve yoUr own aspect for yourself.
UU: yoU may not know how to demand yoUr own time, and yoUr first time travel experiences may end badly. please persevere, and look for people who bUild yoU Up withoUt destroying yoU.
UU: in the worst scenarios, yoU may not learn at all. given the destrUctive capacities of time my brother mentioned, this may be particUlarly dire with yoUr aspect...
UU: take care! and the best of lUck.
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aortaobservatory · 3 months
Page of Time
A Page of Time has little to no skill in efficiency or ability to focus on a specific endgoal, and can't figure out how to make it work for them. They take the ideas of others who seem to know what they're doing and attempt to make that work instead; this may or may not work, and often when it doesn't, they don't understand why. This means they can often wander aimlessly, taking a journey but having no idea where and when to stop or what their goal is.
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shrike-nest · 7 months
Based on this post, I’ve decided to actually draw all the Megaman Classic Robot Masters as Homestuck God Tiers! I’ve done Elecman and Cutman, but the rest are on the way!
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ultra-clashpects · 5 months
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The Page of Time is someone who might have a bad memory and is always overcompensating for their lack of patience and perfection in everything that they do, even though they might believe that they’re great at whatever it is they’re doing. They might have a tendency to rush whatever task they’re doing and therefore deliver sloppy or unfinished work, or they might miss crucial steps because they only skimmed the rules before they started.
The Page of Time is someone who struggles with Time, perhaps in a literal sense as they’re bad at time management and are always late, or in a more mental sense where they have a bad memory and struggle to remember things correctly. They might also have issues when it comes to understanding that everything has an end, people and animals aren’t (usually) immortal, and that nothing can last forever no matter how hard you try.
The Page of Time is likely impatient, even if they don’t mean to be, and it’s part of their task to learn how to slow down and appreciate life and accept that sometimes things become obsolete or were meant to die. They will have to learn the principle of “practice makes perfect” and “good things come to those who wait,” and once they’re mastered the art of patience and using their Time to its full potential, then it opens the gate for the Page to begin helping others. The Page of Time means well, even if they struggle here and there, but there’s nothing that makes them feel better than becoming their best self and being able to help share their Time with everyone around them.
(sorry for posting late today yall)
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Hi! Its the DoH anon again!! And sick! thanks for the cool tag. recently (literally just tonight), i *may* have opened up to me being also a "prince of time" (i still have my qualms but honestly its a pretty cool classpect and somewhat fits, so am not complaining). so one of my other combined classpects could be the Overlord of Paradox (Prince of time + Page of Space). Can you analyse this one, please? Thank you as always! - DoH anon (who turns out to... not be so DoH, apparently) 🌌☀️⌛
LETS GO WE BOTH PARTIALLY PRINCES (im theif +prince also THEY'RE THE OPPOSITE ASPECTSLIKE ME (light+void) so cool) vmdsfsddv (also yeah so real and valid to realize you're different from what you originally thought you were)
------------Overlord of Paradox------------
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one who is serves an aspect through destroying an aspect or destroys an aspect through serving an aspect
you litterally have the aspects/classes of some of the characters that are either loved or absolutely hated on in homestuck (dirk, Tavros, jake, jade, Dave, kanaya as ell as some others TwT)
woah sooo you have both of the big important aspects. time and space. like they litterally couldn't have a session with out you if they didn't have any other time of space players.so you likely have a lot of pressure put on you. which could obviously might push you to make quick decisions without having the time to put in enough thought which tbh makes sense for a prince.
a scheming page can get as bad as a thief if they have the wrong motives. you may feel isolated at times cause of you're space aspect and your prince class may make it feel like you're the only one who really sees the bigger picture. which honestly others probably struggle to understand why you do what you do. I recommend that you take a minute to evaluate you're possibilities and options before acting, but I do understand if that can be difficult sometimes.
pages tend to be really hopeful and want the best thing without fully understanding how to get their. but like with Tavros, you can get to that point if you work extra hard for it. be careful not to get stuck only focusing on bigger pictures and stuff. being a time player you'll try to get one step ahead and prolly fumble a bit. you'll believe other's will be against you in some way. you'll try to avoid getting attached to people and things. which you are prolly really good at.
also one thing princes and pages have in common is that they think they have to be better or at least something they aren't. and while pages are Great at keeping up that act princes are not. seeing you're a page of time you'll be great at pretending and avoiding getting attached and getting people to keep up with THEM instead of slowing down for others even if the NEED to slow down for their own mental/physical health. but seeing your a prince of space you might really try and expect people to not like you or to not understand you, but chances are they at the very least partially understand.
an overlord of paradox's powers would prolly be a bit simple but they could be VERY powerful if used right. things like the ability to teleport, make portals (or like some kind black hole type thingy basically it suck in things that get too close ig?) as well as the ability to slow or speed up time for specific people. maybe even be able to create whole new timelines or jump between them.
weapons are pretty simple, but prolly requiring a lot of skill though. Blades lots of Blades. doesn't even matter what size or kind. could be a javelin, a katana, a knife. as long as it has a sharp edge to it.
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time and it's classpect playlists
maid of time
page of time
mage of time
knight of time
rogue of time
sylph of time
seer of time
thief of time
heir of time
bard of time
prince of time
witch of time
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fraymotifsbeyond · 2 months
Page of Time and Maid of Space?
Page/Time + Maid/Space Pocket of Temporal Echos
By Creating space and Equipping other with the same time, the two create pockets dimensions that are temporal duplicates of another area.
The Maid creates assessable pocket dimensions which are sphere with the size of an other, and the Page of time warps and equips the time inside them so that they are temporal duplications of the other. they have the same objects at every point of time, the same things happen, etc
Anyone can be in those duplicate dimension, but they can't change what the duplicated time does, do if a object is pushed freely but in a pocket dimension it passes through a player, it WILL pass through the player, to fatal extents.
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techtakesoff · 2 years
Could you give your thoughts on a Page of Time? I really loved reading about your takes on the classes and aspects but he's one of the few that I have that I didn't find on your blog :)
Sure, why not.
The Page of Time
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I love Page classes unironically. I feel like people gloss over them too much.
Page - one who serves their aspect, or serves through aspect for themselves.
Time - control over time itself and the purity of the timeline, it represents patience.
The Page of Time is one who serves Time, or serves through Time for themselves.
The opposite of a Page of Time is a Rogue of Space.
Pages tend to have a major struggle with having a lack of their aspect. As a result, they will put up a facade of the opposite aspect. The difference from a Knight lies in the fact that the Page surrounds themselves in their own facade to try and convince themselves that they are what they are not.
A Page of Time lacks Time. They do not have Time, metaphorically or literally. They might be stuck on a tight schedule, or sleep late every day and stay up for less than 12 hours, etc.
The point is they don't have Time, so they try and cover this up by showing a Space player-esque facade. This manifests in the form of creativity, and while the Page of Time does possess this creativity, they struggle with it immensely and might even hate it.
Their sleep schedule is a disaster with a cherry on top and they sleep the day away because their real world is too fast paced and even scary for them to comprehend.
They struggle with improvement or getting things done by the deadlines and their lack of Time clashes so harshly with their desparately constructed facade that eventually it will break them. They have huge potential to invert, which I think is interesting.
And their ascenscion to greatness and acceptance of their aspect is incredibly slow and even infuriating to those around them, especially because Time is a key aspect. Their lack of Time needs to be reversed quickly for them to be able to anything at all.
Their land could be themed around Time itself in the literal sense, about Time going slower or faster depending on where you are, but the message is the same. The Page of Time needs to learn Time management.
They serve their aspect, which means that as soon as they come into themselves and figure out their issue, they rule over Time.
It's a long, arduous journey, but holy damn it is absolutely worth it.
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Hello there! If you're not too busy, could you analyze a session with a: Rogue of Doom, Heir of Mind, Knight of Hope, Sylph of Rage, Witch of Heart, Prince of Void, Page of Time and Mage of Space?
Absolutely, apologies that this took me a while to get to!
The Rogue finds themselves easily acquiring Doom, finding comfort and their own identity within its confines. They may believe their aspect is nothing particularly special, and that everyone can acquire it with the same ease they do. Rogues also tend to isolate themselves with their aspect, which can be detrimental to them when done in excess. Overall, they need to moderate their interaction with their aspect, and once they form a solid understanding of what exactly entails – foster that positive connection and share it with others!
So, sharing Doom with allies doesn’t sound good on paper, but there’s a lot of good that can be done! They’d take more of a supportive role but have a unique way of utilizing offense too. They’d be able to redistribute the damage done to their allies and put it onto their enemies instead. I feel like the Rogue has the capability to save one from death, but it may come at a steep price – like the Rogue (or someone else) having to make the ultimate sacrifice. They may be able to redistribute from Doomed selves, or saving someone from, well, being Doomed! There’s also the matter of an ally suffering deeply. Instead of them having to bear it all alone, the Rogue can help ease that pain, everyone taking a bit of that burden equally.
Doom is a lot more than just suffering and negativity though. It’s rules, limitations, and restraint (and even more of course, but those are what we’ll go into.) If there’s an unruly teammate prone to putting themselves in harm’s way or undisciplined to a dangerous extent, the Rogue can put a hard stop to that!
Of course, they won’t be comfortable and perfect with all of this at the start. They face a hard journey of making decisions pertaining to mortality, death, and being the one to have to step up and put a stop to things. Even when you know something is necessary, having to sacrifice someone for another is a really hard thing to do. They may also have to come to terms that they need to redistribute their OWN Doom, dooming themself in exchange for another to be spared.
This is an invaluable player; they’ll be filling a utility/defensive role with the bonus of hurting enemies while healing their allies! With them protecting their team, no damage will truly stick, and the more the enemy tries to fight back, the quicker they will end up destroying themselves. Under the Rogue of Doom’s protection, their team is near invincible.
The Heir naturally gravitates towards Mind, it permeates their life and comes to them quite easily and naturally. Mind greatly empowers them, being overall a pleasant and positive relationship for the Heir. This positive relationship however can become negative for the Heir’s well-being. Mind is a main source of influence upon the Heir and so can change them irreparably; if they do not learn to take hold of Mind, they will lose themselves to it.
Changing Mind for others is quite interesting. They may change themself for others – but not who they are at their core. Instead, they may have an everchanging and flexible façade, pushing their true self aside for it. They may be the one to change choice and options for the team, opening new possibilities where others cannot see them. They could also change others minds and thoughts, shifting their perspectives and how they make decisions! In turn, they are also heavily influenced by the Mind of others, remaining flexible and open-minded to what others think. They’re pretty good at seeing things from an unbiased point of view and remaining impartial when their judgement is called upon!
The Heir will also have a solid ability in reading what other people will do, and what exactly the effects or consequences said action will have. They’ll have a good understanding of how actions lead into other actions, knowing nothing exists in a vacuum and keeping everything going! Their power may also give them a mild degree of mind control, swaying others to their point of view.
However, this interaction with Mind can be dangerous. That flexibility with facades could bite them back hard! The Heir will be lost on who they really are, what parts of them are really them and what was once a façade. Their identity will be drowned in their various identities and masks. The Heir must take hold of Mind and use it for their own purposes instead of being held to its whims. Their quest may be one of accepting who and what they are instead of stretching their identity across many facades.
The Knight may not have an abundance of their aspect like some other classes, but they know how to make the absolute most of it! They utilize their aspect with finesse; weaponizing, providing, using, distributing, or even aiding people using their aspect – their strength is in serving their aspect to others. Knights seem to have a predisposition of masking their true feelings, projecting a specific kind of image, or hiding behind a façade of sorts. A Knight’s struggle is an internal one. They may feel like they are not worthy of their ability, questioning if they’re doing the right thing… if they have worth. If the Knight can readjust and reaffirm themselves, they will have successfully completed their journey.
So, a popular theory is that Knights serve what there is little of in their session – this case being Hope. Maybe their teammates are despondent and pessimistic, feeling that the game is impossible and that there is no way to succeed and survive. Their teammates may be doubtful of themselves and even their other teammates! They are refusing to see the possibilities and keep an open-mind, and that’s what the Knight needs to provide to their allies. (Of course, that’s just a theory and it depends on if you’d want to go with it or not.)
The Knight needs to be giving their allies Hope. Keeping their minds open to the possibilities, motivating those who need it, and being a general force of optimism and positivity! Even in the face of impossibility, the Knight has an unshakable faith in their friends and the team that they’ll make it out just fine.
But don’t think the Knight is going to be able to do that the whole session without any problems. They will eventually face that struggle they’ve been putting off. This will shake them to their core and cause them to question everything. They are full of doubt, disillusioned with themself and their aspect, and questioning everything they’ve ever believed in. This is the crossroads, and this is one is particularly hard on a Knight of Hope. If they can affirm their values and beliefs, as well as adjusting their expectations, they will bounce back stronger than before and ready to protect their allies.
The Sylph has had their aspect make up a significant part of their life. It is a vital part of who they are, and it has shaped them greatly. They’ve become the person they are due to their aspect, but it doesn’t necessarily mean their relationship to it is completely perfect. Sylphs are known to meddle, but it stems from good intentions, making frequent use of their aspect to fix what isn’t working. There’s a lot of responsibility within this role, and the Sylph needs to be careful. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
So, making Rage for others. This is fun combination for a Sylph, what benefit do others get from making Rage? The Sylph could focus people’s aggression at actual threats and that which is unjust – preventing infighting within the group and having a clear goal for the team to focus on. They can heal Rage, pacifying someone out of control and calming them – or induce a frenzy berserker state, giving them an adrenaline rush to push past the pain and keep going. They’d be realistic and keep the team focused on what is possible, and not on risky and unlikely ideas. Like the Knight of Hope, they’ll also be motivating and impassioning their allies but in more of a boot-camp instructor way. People have different needs, sometimes one might need more of a well-intentioned push and some tough love instead of a pep-talk of belief and trust.
However, the Sylph needs to know that while their methods work for some people, it doesn’t work for everybody. They act in accordance with what they think is important, even when it isn’t the best choice for others. Even when they have the best intentions, their way isn’t always the best or only way! They need to understand that sometimes, the best way to help someone is to leave them be and let them learn through experience. Knowing when to involve themselves and when to back off is crucial and will help them blossom into a fantastic mentor and teacher for those in need of guidance.
The Witch has their life permeated by the presence of Heart, it’s in their interests, what they bring change to, as well as an element in their environment. There may be something or someone holding the Witch back, its negative influence wearing the Witch out and draining them. Once they can cast away those negative forces, they can assert their agency and pursue their goals without being held back. Witches change and break the ‘rules’ of their aspect, rejecting or rebelling against what is expected of the interaction entirely. They need to use this power of change in a morally conscious way, as their powers can be used extremely selfishly and oppressing to those around them.
Witches enact huge change with their aspect by rejecting part of it. What they reject depends on the Witch, maybe they give soul and identity to things that wouldn’t typically have it – like robots or inanimate objects. Maybe they reject splinters/lack of identity, forcing everyone to come to terms with their own identity. Remember, they are changing Heart for their own benefit, so this is hugely personality dependent and how the Witch themself views Heart.
There’s a loooooot the Witch can change with Heart. They could control ghosts, swap souls into different bodies, possess someone’s body, changing other people’s souls, change their OWN soul… They are capable of actively twisting and shaping one’s feelings and the very way they think, changing said person’s identity and core parts of their being. There’s also changing others motivation, passion, and biases for their benefit! This is a very, very, frightening opponent. A lot of dubiousness here, it’s up to the Witch and hope they use their powers for good and respect where others’ boundaries lie.
The Prince does not look fondly upon Void, holding a level of distaste or downright animosity to some parts of it. This rejection or refusal to face their native aspect may make them seem like a Light player but make no mistake – Void is what primarily guides them and what gives them their drive. They, in fact, do have their aspect, they may even have an abundance rather than a lack! The Prince needs to accept that Void has its place and to destroy only what is necessary to utilize it to its fullest potential. The other part is the internal struggle of egotism. They may be incredibly self-deprecating and hold themselves to impossible standards or, on the flip side, domineering and conceited, always believing they know best and that nobody is as capable as they are. The key is learning to balance their destruction as well as their ego.
So! Destroying Void and destroying through Void for their own benefit. They aren’t necessarily one to be trying to reveal all the secrets of the universe or anything, but if they stumble across something that shouldn’t be known – secretive – they’ll expose it for all to know. They want secrets to come into the light and with their reveal, may use them as leverage as grounds for their own relevance. They may also give relevance and meaning to something that was once meaningless, imbuing purpose and focus to it. Destroying through Void gives me the image of using black holes as a method of destruction as well.
Destroying THROUGH Void could also point to a gossiper. Destroying others through secrets and rumors, causing confusion and doubt. They may also destroy through meaninglessness, convincing all that something is entirely irrelevant and worthless – when in fact it is! I’d imagine they could also save someone from grimdarkness as well.
But of course, the Prince needs to learn they can’t just destroy all of Void. They may drag up things that are better left unknown. Just because something CAN be revealed doesn’t me it should. There can be some devastating consequences in revealing secrets! Void has its place, and the Prince needs to accept that.
The Page has a deficit of Time, or at least, perceives that they do. They try to make up for this ‘lack’ with false confidence and overcompensation, maybe by trying to emulate someone else or creating an idealized persona. They have a special kind of potential, unique to them specifically, but with it comes a very long and difficult journey to rise to that kind of power. They will have a very hard time in making direct use of their aspect, forcing them to rely on their allies – making maturation and self-improvement even more of a hurdle. If they can overcome this slow burn of a journey, then the Page will finally come into their unparalleled power and take full advantage of all their aspect has to offer!
Unlike the Knight who is serving Hope to others, the Page will be serving Time to themself. They can’t quite access their own aspect’s power though, so it stockpiles over time. Others give their Time to the Page to make up for the Page’s own ‘lack’ of it. The Page waits and waits, serving Time to themself, adding more to what they’ve obtained. When the right moment finally comes, they may be able to exert significant control over Time itself, and once that time comes, the Page’s power is truly staggering.
As for what those powers are, I’d say get as creative as you can. Realized Pages are stupidly powerful! The Page of Time may have awareness over ALL timelines. They would time-travel with ease and jump to anywhere, anywhen they want. Compress and using Time however they need, like ‘freezing’ people in place but significantly more difficult to break out of compared to some of the Homestuck canon Time players. Serving others Time could also them choosing to age enemies as they attack them.
And well, that all depends on if the Page can endure their long, long journey. If they can realize their own potential and just keep trying, they’ll be greatly rewarded of their effort. But getting there is the hardest part. Their allies can be just as much of a boon as they are a bane to the Page, and its up to the Page to realize who exactly is helping and who is hindering.
For the Mage, the knowledge of Space comes from instinct and their own personal experiences. They don’t need to study their aspect; the understanding comes naturally and easily to them. But due to their understanding being colored by personal experience, they can be quite biased in how they show and act with it. They come from a place of being surrounded by Space and having been shaped by it, knowing the ins and outs of it – but their insight isn’t always something that is appreciated. They need to balance out their desires with what is possible to change.
The Mage knows Space or, knows through Space – for themself. Their knowledge is as expansive as Space itself and with it comes understanding creation, the nurturing of life itself, and propagation. They would have a deep understanding of the physical world as well as being remarkably accurate and aware of their surroundings. Hiding or trying to ambush them is extremely difficult, if not impossible! They’d be quick to familiarize themselves with everything within a space and be the first to find little secrets like hidden rooms or passages. Their precision is something to be feared as well, they are deadly accurate with ranged weaponry – making incredibly difficult shots and quick to spot weak points and openings.
They’d be a fantastic ectobiologist and top-notch frog breeder, able to get both done quickly and likely without needing any help. They will make an outstanding alchemist as well, able to reverse engineer codes and such with ease as well as having many useful and unique items in their arsenal.
I feel like as far as powers go, the active/passive of each class can accomplish the same things. The Mage will know, or, at least, approximately, where exactly things are located, who is where, and what is happening in a general location. They may not exactly SEE it, but they will know. Nothing will be hidden from the Mage, even a poorly drawn and not particularly detailed map will still give enough base info for them to work off of! Distance is something they can calculate and determine quite easily, and they will be proficient with short cuts and alternate paths! Space is also about beginnings, so they will have a solid idea of how to start things, building up a solid foundation for future ideas/plans.
The Mage will need to be careful about what they are pursuing. Their idealized version of the world and their wants may put them at odds with their friends and allies, or even be completely impossible. They need to be flexible and keep their options open without completely throwing away what they’re standing for! They need to figure out what they can plausibly achieve lest they try to change the unchangeable, spiraling into fatalism and dejection. The Mage of Space may also be particularly vulnerable to isolation from their peers, especially if they begin to doubt themselves and are self-deprecating.
This is an interesting mix, a lot of utility based classpects here. This group feels like they play off of each other and smooth out each other’s struggles.
First off, the Rogue is going to be needing quite a bit of moral support. The Heir will help a lot with processing those hard choices and reassuring the Rogue that what they are doing is for the greater good. The Knight will be a great boon to them as well, preventing the Rogue from becoming too pessimistic and bogged down. At worst, the Witch can forcibly change this if the Knight and Heir can’t get through to them.
The Heir may need assistance in being prevented from being overwhelmed in Mind, and the Witch is the best candidate for it. They will be pushing the Heir to accept themself and help lock down their identity, preventing them from losing themself. Of course, the Witch needs to be careful with this as they may push the Heir into this confrontation too soon and end up setting them back! The Sylph could help with this too, helping to give the Heir a clearer idea of what they want to sort out.
The Knight has quite a bit of pressure on them regardless of if their session is lacking in Hope or not! I can see them working alongside the Heir frequently, both working in tandem to keep people’s minds open. When the Knight must confront their own struggle, the Witch and Sylph should be there to help push and motivate the Knight. The Sylph will be pushing and encouraging the Knight back into action as well as helping the Knight clear their doubts with Hope. The Witch will be helping the Knight reconcile with what Hope means and reaffirming them.
The Sylph has got to learn their methods are not ‘one size fits all.’ This is largely personality dependent; I cannot say for certain who this will and won’t work for. They will be the one to help pull the Mage back to reality and reveal what they’re after is impossible, focusing them on what is plausible and preventing the Mage from sinking into fatalism. They are the grounded one, the glue holding the team together and keeping them under control and focused.
The Witch is a big deal, several members of the team have journeys relating to identity and self, and the Witch can greatly ease this process for them. This can be a good thing if the Witch’s desires and goals align with the teams otherwise… this can get bad. Really bad. With great power comes great responsibility after all and this is people’s core of self and individuality we’re talking about! They need to respect that there are boundaries to be had here and keep a strong moral compass, otherwise this team has a MASSIVE problem on their hands.
The Prince can be a mixed bag, if they’re chasing after relevance, they may throw themselves into unnecessary danger or even step on their own teammates to score praise and credit. If they’re the gossiping sort, they could sow confusion and manipulate the politics of Derse/Prospit to their advantage – or sow dissention amongst their own team. The Rogue is important to help keep any unruly behavior in check and the Sylph can help counteract any truly meaningless things given relevance. This is a very strong player on the offense side, but they need to be wary of what exactly they’re uncovering – especially if they’re a Derse player. There are some forces too dangerous to tamper with.
The Page is going to need quite a bit of support, especially at the beginning. The others will have to make up for the Page’s ‘lack’ of Time as well as holding them accountable for their actions. Thankfully they have a variety of allies more than willing to help – but not all of them are completely beneficial. The Prince and Sylph may push the Page too hard and end up frustrated with the lack of results which will just end up harming the Page. The Witch may be tempted to take a short-cut and hasten the Page’s journey to realization, which is of no benefit to the Page, they NEED to figure it out and experience it. The Rogue, Heir, Knight, and Mage are good options to help the Page along – so long as the Page decides to listen to them of course. The Mage may be the best out of the options, as their great knowledge of Space goes together with Time, helping to bestow a better understanding to the Page… if the Page accepts that it’s better to change of course.
As mentioned prior, the Mage may have to be grounded back into reality by the Sylph. The Heir can help smooth this realization out and the Rogue can help with the Mage’s inner-pain. I think the Mage would be a good leader too, their insight and knowledge of Space is extremely important, and their teammates will need their guidance. Their teachings and guidance are something the others better pay attention to, especially the Page.
Overall, I think they have a good chance of success, there’s certainly some bumps along the way but as I said before, I think most of them play off each other quite well.
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tavtiers · 4 months
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The Page of Time [symbols: pawn, gear]
The Page class has its basis in the medieval squire. An example would be King Arthur from Arthurian Legend. It is also based on the sidekick trope, such as Robin from Batman.
The Time aspect’s main themes are endings and destruction. You can find its official description here.
A Page of Time is among those who use physical existence. This is the “classpect group” they belong to. Members include: the Knight, Page, Thief, and Rogue of Space/Time. These classes are all opposites or inverses of each other that use the Space/Time dichotomy (physical existence). A description of classpect groupings can be found here.
The Page of Time passively utilizes the Time aspect. Passive classes are guided by others or act for the benefit of others. They are more likely to be kind, but less likely to stand up for themselves. Knights and Pages use their aspect and everything it symbolizes as a tool. Simplified, the Page of Time is motivated by others to utilize endings and destruction.
In personality, the Page of Time has trouble seeing what they’re good at and has a strong desire for closure. Personality descriptions can be found here.
Their archetype is the Believer Harbinger, defined by confidence, endings, and destruction. Archetypes are explained here.
Their opposite is the Knight of Space, who actively utilizes creation and beginnings.
Their inverse is the Thief of Space, who actively steals creation and beginnings.
A classpect or “god tier” is an individual’s best self. All classpects go through a journey from unrealized, to struggle, to realized. When a character is unrealized, they neutrally exist as their inverse. On their struggle, they will wildly flip back and forth between their inverse and true classpect. In their worst moments they will act as their inverse, in their best their true classpect. When realized, they will stabilize as their true classpect. They will still have room to grow, but will become happier, more successful people.
This means that the Page of Time begins life motivated by themselves to steal creation and beginnings. When their struggle arrives and they are at their worst, they will continue this behavior in negative extremes. However, when at their best, they will find purpose in instead utilizing endings and destruction for others. When realized, they will stabilize and continue to utilize the Time aspect passively, in a positive way.
They share their archetype with the Witch of Hope, the Harbinger Believer.
The Page of Time would quest on a planet similar to the Land of Earth [Page] and Time [Aspect]. An example would be the Land of Volcanic Ash and Ticking. An explanation of planet naming conventions can be found here.
Two possible gods, or denizens, to reign over their planet would be Chronos (God of Time) or Hephaestus (God of the Forge). Other Time aspect denizens can be found here.
When the Page of Time completes their planet quests and dies on their quest bed, they would rise to ascension on the wings of crows (symbols of death). A list of soul animals can be found here.
The characters that I have currently classpected as Pages of Time are: Napstablook from Undertale, Rory Williams from Doctor Who, the Eighth Doctor from Doctor Who, and Kent Connolly from Fallout.
If any of the links not connected to my blog break, the content can be found on my Google Drive.
Official Aspect Descriptions Personality Descriptions Aspect Denizens
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giftofclasspects · 4 months
omg hi i'm here for a session analysis (no rush tho dw) we've got a derse Page of Time, prospit Mage of Space, prospit Knight of Life, prospit Rogue of Blood, and a derse Prince of Rage (ps keep up the great work 👍)
this session is going to be on the struggle bus!!!
a page of time? working with a mage of space to make a genesis frog? GOOD LUCK. its going to take them AGES, especially long if the page can't manage to properly tap into their time power.
a knight of life is actually a fairly good healer to have? i wouldnt say theyre up there with maid or sylph, but i do definitely think they're at LEAST a tier
rogue of blood is going to be very awkward at potentially leading their team. i think they're a good fit TO guide the team, but they've got to REALLY tap into it and embrace their potential.
the prince of rage can be very hit or miss. but i mean hey, at least they'll destroy chaos and negativity...? ha...ha...
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