#Painland endgame
fawncrw · 1 month
I think it’d be really funny if after they got together, Charles made tons of jokes about Edwin’s horribly timed confession.
Charles: makes an inappropriate joke
Edwin: Time and place, Charles.
Charles: Oh you wanna talk about TIMES and PLACES??
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alibrasmind · 1 month
listen i know i said i won't be mad or cry if painland is not endgame but who am i tryna fool? i am already dying internally because they didn't kiss in the first season like damn i'm such a whore i know but i just need my lovesick boys together, leave me alone
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newtmas-supremxcy · 2 months
who would have thought the nerdy and sassy, "go fuck yourself I spent 70 years in hell but 5 minutes around this bitch is even more painful" ghost boy who hates pretty much everyone except his totally platonic 'best friend' would end up being the bicycle of the show who you end up shipping with three different people: a literal bird, a sassy hundred year old with cat eyes (essentially the dead boy detectives equivalent of magnus bane) and his aforementioned 'best friend'
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nualaofthefaerie · 2 months
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Welcome to my crisp ahh chart of Dead Boy Detective romance that isa rhombus as described by the creators themselves. Niko is not here because she is very ace to me and is kind of like a circle that surrounds them all and gives them platonic forehead kisses.
They are all very much involved!
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Got muted on TikTok (because I'm an idiot and didn't realise the audio would be muted lol) so I had to speed it up over there, but here's the original speed version for anyone interested!
Scenepack- Scenepcksga on Instagram
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midnight-skylie · 8 days
Don't get me wrong, I love painland payneland dearly & I'm currently writing *multiple* fics about them.
But if I hear one more person saying shit about Crystal and saying she was gross for what she had with Charles I'll fucking scream.
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stasyalovem · 1 month
why can't we decide between pineland/painland and payneland/paynland, when we literally have a "dead married couple on acid"? what an accurate name for this ship
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bellsmess · 19 days
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Whenever someone calls Charles Rowland straight, an angel dies.
What straight guy tells his best friend who just confessed to him that there's no one else – no one – he would go to Hell for. And that they have forever to figure out what that means. You don’t get his repressed bisexuality like I do!
Even modern bisexuals (I may or may not be speaking from personal experience) are oblivious to the fact they're bi because heteronormative roles are so engraved in our minds. When you're attracted to other genders, it's easy to miss a same-sex crush, only then to realise that oh, it wasn’t just admiration, it was attraction.
Charles, having grown up at the height of the AIDS crisis, with an abusive and probably homophobic father, killed by racist bullies? That would make anyone repress any gay feelings. Especially if you experience crushes on people with a different sex to you.
Charles sees Crystal and takes his chance. He's enamoured with this smart, strong-willed, pretty girl who can see him not only in a physical sense, but pays attention to him. He longs to be loved. Then he says the infamous "That sounds alot like you, doesn't it? Maybe that's why I like her so much" line. What an icon. And he compares himself and his best friend to the greatest love story of all time, Orpheus and Euridyce's.
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When Edwin confesses to him, he doesn't rule out the possibility of returning these feelings. He knows they're already devoted to each other. They've already had 30 years of companionship and solving cases together.
"As long as I have my best mate and a case to solve, I'm good."
Being with Edwin is simple. They solve cases, help others, run away from Death. It's a simple existance. Charles gave up eternity to be with Edwin, because he was kind to him when he was dying. Charles finds him fun, wants to protect him, knows that Edwin is a kind and good person. One that Charles wants to be.
"Bad guys don't worry about being bad guys. And you, Charles Rowland, are the best person I know."
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Crystal's role is very important in changing the dynamic between Edwin and Charles. Not only because Charles falls for her, but because she opens them up. She digs out their repressed feelings and trauma. Charles finally deals with his dad's abuse, his happy-go-lucky mask falls. She points it out to Edwin. Charles kept it up so well because Edwin didn't press it, but Crystal does. And Charles finally lets himself process what happened to him, and how that affects his relationships.
Charles never saw genuine love between his parents, and that affects how he views relationships. It impacts how he forms them, too. But he's a loverboy, he longs to be loved, he falls easily. Why wouldn’t he fall for someone who stuck to his side for 30 years?
Crystal and Monty's roles mirror each other – they help the boys figure out their feelings and desires. Crystal makes Edwin jealous that there's someone else Charles cares about in the same sense he cares for Edwin. The Cat King helps Edwin discover desire, Monty – genuine love. As Charles' and Crystal's relationship kickstarts (albeit ends as quickly) and Monty persues Edwin, he discovers the depth of his feelings.
"These complicated feelings that you have? They're for Charles."
I would love to see their wants explored more in the future season(s, hopefully multiple). Charles giving into desire with Desire of the Endless' guidance? Yes please.
I simply cannot believe that anyone would doubt Painland/Payneland endgame. They're everything to each other. They're a constant presence, reassurance, and love. Platonic, romantic, it doesn't matter. Their bond is so deep and genuine that immortal beings see it and leave them be, in the afterlife they chose for each other. Their love is so deep it transcends planes: from mortal plane to Hell, it leads Charles to Edwin. Charles is not Orpheus, when he turns around to hear Edwin out on the staircase from Hell, he manages to get him out. And they have literally forever for each other.
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bleeding-ambrosia · 1 month
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not sure how much i like how this turned out but I’ll definitely draw more dbd art at some point this was just something for my hands to do while i did my third rewatch aaaa!
I’ve never had a character that i’ve “kinned” but Edwin is so me 😭
I NEED A SEASON TWO SO PLEASE STREAM THE FUCK OUTA THIS (i just have it going on my tv on mute all day i won’t lie)
I think so far my favorite ship is payneland/painland i love a good slow burn! i’m not opposed to Edwin being with anyone else in between but i NEED a payneland endgame 🫶
I think it’s an unpopular opinion? but i rlly don’t like Cat King (IM SORRY) he just rubs me the wrong way thus far ✋😟 AND SOMEONE GIVE MY SON MONTY A SECOND CHANCE AT BEING HUMAN PLEASE please bring my crow son home🧎‍♀️
My biggest hope for this fandom (so long as we get green lit for season two) is that we don’t get into Voltron level ship wars bc i can’t go back and y’all can’t make me!
ty for coming to my ted talk 🫶✨
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returningtotrench · 1 month
Okay painland truthers …
How are we feeling in this age of uncertainty where lots of people start watching and ship Edwin with the Cat King?
I personally don’t ship them romantically, but I could see a good friendship developing and the Cat King helping Edwin to become his true self.
But since there are a bunch of … Catwin(?) shippers these days, do you think painland will still happen?
I lowkey want a plot line where Edwin and the Cat King become close, Charles gets jealous and thus realizes his true feelings. That would be so fun actually.
Tell me your thoughts! Let’s just assume that we’re getting season 2. ✊
Painland endgame or what ?????
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championashley · 2 months
so I finished Dead Boy Detectives.
and that took me through a rollercoaster emotion-wise.
I'm choosing to be delusional. I'm taking the hope route. I'm believing in Painland endgame. If I can survive Destiel fallout, Lokius infinite waiting game, Hannigram semi-canon, Good Omens Season 2 ending, and OFMD cancellation, I will commit to the slow-burn angst.
oh, and the show was amazing and NEEDS more eyes on it immediately.
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theongp · 2 months
As I said before, I don't really like "friend to lover" trope aka shipping fictional characters who are friends with each other, so that's why in my whole 12 years of being a fangirl I only have one OTP that are best friends and Painland is the new one.
I just realized recently that I've been too naive to think I can live on the Painland ship peacefully. There's big ass argument about Edwin and Charles should be endgame or not here on Tumblr now. Of course that topic been brought up is obvious especially while Edwin has a crush on Charles but I thought it wouldn't be that serious. Maybe I'm a bit sensitive but I'm sick of it already, and it's been only 5 days.
I think after Painland I should stop shipping any more fictional pairs of friend and my sensitive ass can't get any more insults for wanting them become lover.
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newtmas-supremxcy · 2 months
Monty is so much stronger than I am lol if I kissed my chrush then confessed my feelings and then got immediately shot down I would simply pass away
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