#Pana Communication
rakkuntoast · 10 months
do you ever think about in juanaflipa's trial where mariana said no one loved him and then tilin told him she did
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doodlboy · 6 months
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The flock family photo ✨️
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Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: Grand Reunion
In Cosmic Discoveries, after SS!Amy got OMT!Tails cured of the Chimera Virus, they were walking through one of the tranquil areas with OMT!Cream following.
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OMT!Tails: This place really is something. With LM off my back for now, I have plenty more time to take it all in again.
SS!Amy: Well, our efforts definitely helped in stopping one of those so-called "canon events" from happening. You've already been through a lot as is, and we couldn't risk you getting worse from it.
OMT!Tails: So, how have you found it here so far, Cream?
OMT!Cream: It's been amazing! I never knew how many other iterations of me and our friends were in the multiverse. I already made friends with multiple mes!
OMT!Tails: You'd be more and more surprised every day, of course!
SS!Amy: What's the bond between you and your Cream like, Tails?
OMT!Tails: Well, compared to the intended norm, me and Cream are actually siblings. I took her in after her mom lost her life to OMT, and we had been living with my Knuckles and Amy.
SS!Amy: I'm really happy to see that you guys have a universe that strays away from all the norms, Tails.
OMT!Tails: Hehe! Thanks, Amy!
They continued along the area to where Skye and Melody were.
Melody: Sure kept us waiting, alternate dad.
OMT!Tails: Heh, sorry, Melody.
Skye: The others are just up ahead from here! We'll follow behind.
They headed forward.
OMT!Tails: Hey, guys!
OMT!Mina: Tails!
The two shared a hug together.
OMT!Mina: I'm so sorry about before, Tails. I understand if you-.
OMT!Tails: Hey, don't worry. It's okay.
D-Sides Mighty: Welcome back, bud!
Mini Sonic: Great work, Tails!
Mr. NM passed him a cheeseburger.
Mr. NM: Here, kid! Just as promised!
OMT!Tails: Sweet!
Nitro: We just met the kids you brought over, by the way.
OMT!Tails: Yeah. I met them on my way back.
Antho: So I heard you met my Tails earlier. What got you two on the move?
Melody: Well, we got forced out of our universe and can't get back in. We were stranded until this Tails found us.
Skye: Yeah, that's right...
Blitz!Tails: As it happens, me and mini-me were the first to come across the little guy on our travels, and he stuck with me whilst Mr. Red-Eyes was chasing Tails around different universes.
Melody: And he found me and rescued me from that Eggman lair full of robot doppelgangers!
OMT!Tails: Believe it or not, I ended up coming across the PRIME universe along the way!
The group were surprised and amazed.
Antho: You met the ORIGINAL Sonic?! Ex-Prince Brian: That's awesome!
CR!Sonic: Guess that's one more thing you can tick off your bucket list, kid!
OMT!Tails: Hehe, thanks!
SS!Amy: So, while we're taking a breather, you mind us having a chat, Tails?
OMT!Tails: Not at all.
The two headed off while OMT!Cream stuck with the Blur Gang and their allies. They came to a stop at another point of the sector as Nine watched with a soft smile.
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SS!Amy: So, were you able to make up your mind about the whole Quill Society thing? There's still no pressure, of course. It's up to you.
OMT!Tails: Yeah. Well, I had been thinking about it a lot. I mean, it's a really amazing community space, though there is still my world to help protect and my friends to be around, so I can't imagine it being full-time.
SS!Amy: Heh, it doesn't have to be full-time, Tails. I mean, you saw everyone here from the Blur Gang yesterday, and it was in the aftermath of a school day, too!
OMT!Tails: Heh, you're right. A part-time rotation would be great for me, of course, so long as it's alright with Knuckles, Amy and my main teacher, of course.
SS!Amy: I'm sure they'd be really supportive of you taking that first step forward to stringing out further yourself.
OMT!Tails: Well, I mean, I could never have gotten this far without the support of people like you, and I couldn't be more grateful. If I do get a part-time rotation and it's on Friday to Sunday, I'm definitely gonna aim to work alongside guys like you and Pana more!
SS!Amy: Hehe, sweet!
OMT!Tails: Hey... I just wanted to say... thanks for sticking by my side through all of this, Amy. I know it's been really tough having to move out of the universe you once knew, but your caring nature has never once been broken.
SS!Amy: You're welcome. Anything to help out a buddy!
They smiled to one another.
Nine: How's the conversation coming along?
SS!Amy squeaked in surprise, blushing bright-red in embarrassment.
OMT!Tails: Oh! Hey, Nine! I didn't realise you followed us.
Nine: Heh, yeah. I've got you to thank as well, Tails. You coming into my life changed it for the better in SO many ways. For the first time, I could make amends with those I had hurt, and that whole multiverse conundrum meant I could finally co-exist with you guys. I mean, seeing this whole Quill Society made me see that, no matter what dimension, anyone can string out from being a wingman and be their own boss.
OMT!Tails: I'm glad to have helped, Nine. You've been an amazing friend throughout our journeys together.
Nine: And you've been just as amazing, if not more so!
The three shared a laugh between each other.
Nine: Well, EV said he prepared your dorm room. Why don't we go and take a look?
OMT!Cream: Oh! Wait up!
OMT!Cream arrived, with a familiar Chao with her.
OMT!Tails: Heh! You got your own Chao companion!
OMT!Cream: Yeah! After seeing all my other counterparts, I decided to name him Cheese in their honour!
OMT!Cheese: Chao chao~!
OMT!Tails: Aww! He looks so cute!
Nine: Heh! Well, let's go, you guys!
They headed off. Over with Blitz!Milla and Skye, meanwhile, they were tending to some flowers in the Chao Garden together.
Skye: So, what's gonna happen if our dimension's... you know?
Blitz!Milla: Well, I really don't want to leave either you or Melody orphaned, Skye, so if you'd like, you two can stay at our dimension under our care!
Skye: You'd... actually take us in? Like second parents?
Blitz!Milla: Of course! You both deserve a happy life to grow in.
Skye: Heh, thanks, Miss Milla.
He gently hugged her as she smiled. As he did so, Smol Devy came from behind and hugged Skye too.
Smol Devy: New fwiend!
Skye: Hehe, aww!
Blitz!Milla: Hehe! You and Devy are welcome at my dimension whenever, too!
Smol Devy: Gweat! ^v^
Meanwhile, with Blitz!Tails and EV!Sonic...
EV!Sonic: So, what was LM's state last you saw him chasing after Tails?
Blitz!Tails: He really didn't look stable whatsoever. I mean, he was still the big grouch the Society now knows him as, but... he seemed more insane when I knocked him into Dimension NEX-2023's further bounds. As if he really isn't being him anymore.
EV!Sonic: This is concerning. Once you get the chance, I recommend investigating his dimension with the Blur Gang to figure out what's amiss.
Blitz!Tails: I'll do my best out there.
EV!Sonic: I'm sure you will, buddy!
MV!Tails: I'll go with 'em. If he's planning something especially nasty, I'm gonna make good on my promise from before.
EV!Sonic: Yeah, good call.
Blitz!Tails: Alright. Let's go!
The two Tails's headed off, whilst EV!Sonic checked the dorm review ratings.
EV!Sonic: Heh, Tails scored his 5 stars. Sweet!
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givaldizhafran · 1 month
Hilirisasi Multi Komoditi
First of all, judulnya keren.
Karir saya di eFishery ini udah cukup tua sebenarnya. Mulai masuk di sini dari masih pacaran sampai sekarang udah punya anak umur 2 tahun. Ibarat anak, karir saya di eFishery sudah memasuki persiapan SD. Bahas bahas soal working desk sesuai tema pada hari ini, saya jadi kilas balik. Kok.... Rasanya.... Gak pernah dapet meja khusus di kantor ya. Mungkin karena lebih dari separuh karir saya di eFishery banyak dihabiskan di lapangan. Cembetul ini ngabisin jatah bistrip? Bukan woy, tapi emang rolenya begitu. Mari kita kilas balik walaupun tidak penting buat hidup kalian.
Masa - Masa Offline Activation Team
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Dulu waktu awal magang sampai jadi junior staff memulai kiprah di bidang marketing tepatnya bagian offline activation. Lewat sini mulai banyak ngenalin Smartfeeder kita ke petani petani di daerah yang baru saya denger: Lubuk Linggau, Pasaman, Kampung Brandan, dan lainnya. Ikan dan Udang dibabat habis.
Masa Masa Nyemplung ke Udang
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Tahap ini banyak di riset dan piloting business model baru. Mulai dari disease prevention, eLab, pembiayaan pakan, Contract Farming Community, dan lain lain. Keliling ke tambak udang dari segmen tradisional sampai ke intensif yang punya garasi mobil berasa showroom. Kunjungan ke tambak yang panas dan cek anco (kaya digambar) begini udah jadi kegiatan sehari-hari.
Masa Masa Downstream Shrimp
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Nah puas menjelajahi dan ngobrol dengan banyak petambak udang, lanjut pindah ke jualan udang. Targetnya juga gak kalah beragam. Mulai dari Hypermart sementereng AEON sampai ke pasar pasar induk juga tak kalah dilahap. Mulai dari pakai jas biar punya kredibilitas sampai pakai sendal jajal pasar.
Kembali Merangkul Komoditas Ikan
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Setelah 1.5 tahun berkecimplung di dunia udang, akhirnya kembali lagi ke pangkuan ikan. Walaupun ikan gak punya paha. Rasanya kangen dan heboh juga karena memang memori ikan ini simpang siur. Alhasil langsung kita terjun juga dari Gurame, Nila, Lele dan Upstream maupun Downstream.
Jadi, selain Pak Prabowo dan Mas Gibran Rakabuming, saya sudah praktik hilirasisi multi komoditi di perusahaan Mas Gibran yang lain. Melalui pengalaman ini, saya berani jamin seratus persen bahwa hilirisasi itu super duper penting. Terakhir, saya datang ke seminar ASOSIASI PRODUSEN PENGOLAHAN DAN PEMASARAN PRODUK PERIKANAN INDONESIA (AP5I) di Surabaya yang dihadiri oleh banyak pelaku bisnis pengolahan udang dan ikan, serta beberapa tamu kehormatan dari negara lain. Semuanya sependapat bahwa saat ini, Indonesia terlalu berat bermain pada produk segar. Padahal, buat meningkatkan konsumsi sangat perlu dilakukan pengembangan produk turunan berupa value added.
Lewat pengalaman dan ilmu ilmu yang saya dapatkan, rasanya ikhlas dan rela kalau saya gak punya meja khusus di kantor. Lewat working desk yang semrawut dari ikan ke udang, upstream ke downstream, tradisional ke intensif atau supermarket ke pasar ini memperluas khasanah saya di dunia perikanan. Jadi, kalau suatu saat udah lulus di universitas eFishery. Saya bisa sombong pas interview : "Mungkin saya bukan karyawan paling bertalenta di perusahaan, tapi bisa jadi saya karyawan paling versatile lewat kesediaan saya blusukan turun ke lapangan.
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zonkabonka · 1 month
i don't know where you found your pfp but I need you to know that it's driving me insane because that cat was a big meme in the Spanish community and explained in english slang terms everyone called him homie miguel and said he was looking pretty chill there was even a whole song about his chillness levels so there are like 472747 versions of the meme around the internet saying stuff like "miguel.this is my homie miguel. miguel looks pretty chill. i love you homie" or "my homie miguel became a streamer not gonna lie my homie looks very HD" and shitposts talking about him like he's a lifelong friend who's been with you forever
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so um.i like your pana miguel pfp thank you
I actually love this sm
I never knew this silly little guy was everyone’s homie
also ty :)
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lamyaasfaraini · 6 months
Day 7 - A song that makes you sad
30 days song challenge
Dari detik awal aja dah sedih inimah.. Tiap dengerin lagu ini galaunya kerasa padahal lg ngga galau juga. Apalagi pas lagi galau, lsg ngahultar~
I'm talking and talking but i don't know how to connect so i disconnect~
And i hold a record of being patient with your kind of hesitation.. I need you, you want me but i don't know how to connect so i disconnect~
Sulitnya berkomunikasi bisa bikin hubungan kacau.. Masalah relationship yg common bgt yah. Tolong mbak mas nya jgn stuck cuma gara2 komunikasi, usahakan lagi yu bisa yu~
Inimah lagu october rain, soriii october 2023 panas bgttt huhu. Edan dengerin lagu ini gloomy bgt, plis ganti liriknya jadi november rain mayan udah sering ceudeum gloomy. Liriknya inimah si cewe lg bete ke cowonya, cewenya sendu bgt, bosen dgn keadaan bosen dgn si dia yg bikin si cewe marah terus huhu. Lagu ini salah satu lagu fav ku di album My Diary.
Feeling bored it starts to haunt me again, i start discover some clues, wondering what you have done. Everything went really bad, i start to feel very mad just as i always do. I don't want to hear your excuse blah, blah, blah. Cause it's all makes my day turn to gray~
Relate bgt yaa kalo lg kesel ke pasangan, begini liriknya.. Apakah kesalahan cowonya tak termaafkan?
Idih ini lagu galau jaman SMA eh apa SMP yah? Walapun saat lagu ini booming aku ngga ngerasain patah hati tp lagunya bawa vibe sedih ih.. Vokal teteh manik yg sendu sendu gmn gitu bikin makin sadddd. Baru masuk intronya lsg galau yaak. Lagunya relate di masa depan saat mulai ngerasain patah hati. Ouchhh!!
Bantu aku membencimu, ku terlalu mencintaimu.. Dirimu begitu~ berarti untukku.. Lupakanku dalam hidupmu, yang pernah mencintaimu, kau memang tercipta.. Bukanlah untukku~
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agumonger · 1 year
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🥳 Here's my commission price sheet for 2023!! 🥳
🥺 ← He needs money to pay debts and education
"wonderful customer service attitude and communication" - an anonymous satisfied customer
"Este hombre es buen artista, bien pana" - a nice fellow that follows me and speaks Spanish
For further examples, please refer to this tag!
I also offer Digimental commissions at $15 each, and Crest commissions at $3 each.
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A Moment Among The Flowers (Chapter 1)
On a rare quiet day after arriving in Baldur's Gate proper, Rae was wandering around the city. Plans needed laid out, their group needed to figure out a to do list, a priority list even. Meeva'Rae had left that to Wyll and Panae, trusting them both to make the right choices while quietly requesting that they did not leave Cazador too late.
She had pointedly ignored the look of pity from Wyll, focusing instead on Panae's understanding and promises they'd get it done as soon as they could manage to find some more holy oil and more divine spells. This had earned the druid a quick hug before the deep gnome had hurried from the inn they'd taken to bunking down in.
She let her feet guide her everywhere, following sights and sounds, smells all exciting and new. She wanted to get a proper look at the city around them, the city that the final stand would take place in. Wanted to truly see what they were fighting for. The small food stands, the hidden away corners and shops, the shared family homes, the children running through the streets laughing. The inns and taverns, bars and brothel houses. All teaming with life.
Life they needed to protect.
Instead of a weight settling, insistent on dragging her down, it all just made her stand straighter, the snarling anger in her chest swirling, determined. They WOULD save these people, she refused to accept anything less. They'd taken down a chosen of a god, had already had many matches of wit and words against Orin, started to spread whispers against Gortash among the criminal underground thanks to her and Astarion's keen eyes and ears for symbols and whispered code words.
In that regard Baldur's Gate was just like the Underdark's communities, there were always scratched in symbols in places you'd least expect them, thieves' can't etched behind or into bar tops or back tables. . .
Her head flashed back to being in a forest camp, sitting with Astarion while he impatiently at first talked her through it, borrowing some ink and paper to get the symbols and words, such as they really weren't, down. He'd become more and more patient with her as time went on, possibly due to her picking it up relatively quick or maybe he'd been growing to like her even then.
After the tiefling party ,she would had explained it away as the former but they had relaxed back into an easy friendship and she didn't take his snapping to heart anymore. The more she learned about him, the more she just wanted to protect him. Even if she had not been madly in love with him, he still would have been one of her people. She protected her people. She had died for her people. She probably would do so again.
Speaking of such a white-haired elf. She caught a glimpse of white hair through a gate and turned in that direction, without her clanky armour, she was quiet, stealthy even. She slipped through the gate silently and carefully and spotted him further down the path. Sitting on a stone bench.
She closed the gate behind her and started to walk over, seeing a garden blooming on either side of her, full of so many different types of flowers. The air was sweet and floral and a smile soon found its way onto her lips.
While she had loved the shadow cursed lands under that infernal spell, she had always loved gloomy places, above ground flowers were soon becoming her favourite things. There were so many different types, all with meanings! Which she found fascinating.
“We had wondered where you managed to slip off to this morning” Rae said quietly, catching Astarion's attention before she past in front of him and joined him on his bench
“Yes well the rabble does tend to get quite loud in the morning, our dear Karlach especially” He said with an exaggerated eye roll and she giggled, hitting him gently with the back of her hand
“Karlach is a delight and you cannot resist her puppy energy, do not give me that Star” she said and he merely playfully 'hmph'd at her causing her to just giggle more. Soon the two just sat in silence, Rae's attention soon being drawn to a nearby patch of flowers. The shape reminded her of the corpse roses that she had found for a particular poison that Panae had agreed to help her make. But they looked different? There was no pale petals with dark veins, no grey stems. What were they called? She wondered.
“What's caught your attention my dear?” came the voice that startled her back to reality and she turned to look and found Astarion looking at her with an amused expression. She coughed, feeling her face heating up and just silently pointed the flowers out. His gaze followed her finger and his amusement turned into understanding “I see you have spotted the Roses”
“So. . .Rose is a flower type?” She asked, tilting her head slightly and he nodded “Okay, do you know any of the others?”
“Of course” he answered and leaned forward slightly, using a finger to point out all of the flowers in the garden near them, one by one, listing names and explaining what colours they came in as she gave him her full attention. Her eyes locked on the flower he was describing before flicking to the next.
Completely missing his occasional glance at her and the small smile that appeared on his face for a brief moment.
After making their way through all the flowers nearby, he stood and gestured for her to follow before setting down the path. Rae, to no one's surprise followed and he started up again. Talking about every flower they past.
They got halfway down the path before a familiar scent tickled her nose and she followed it to their right. Crouching down and sniffing. The patch in front of her was full of vibrant purple blooms, bunched together in clusters, the centres bursting like some of the fire works she'd seen years ago at a travelling show, their lovely but again familiar fragrance heavy in the air around them.
“These smell like you” She announced, looking at Astarion as he stared at her, mouth parted stunned, fangs slightly revealed for just a moment before he recovered with a chuckle.
“Of course darling, Bergamots help cover the scent of undead”
“That would make sense” She said quietly, staring back at the flowers for a moment before she stood back up “It's much better than that awful scent mixture the Gur man we met had on, that wasn't for hiding undead so much as for hiding him however”
“He could have used some sprucing up, maybe some orange zest?” Astarion suggested and she giggled, nodding in agreement before they set off down the path again.
“What would your favourite flower be?” She asked him and he tapped at his chin as he thought
“I am unsure” he admitted after a moment, glancing down at her “There was a flower I quite liked the look of before I was turned, I was dealing with a Shou woman, human, the details of our discussion were quite boring if I remember right but she had a gorgeous flower design on a headpiece she was wearing. A lotus I believe, doesn't quite take top spot but beautiful none the less. And you my dear?”
Rae seemed surprised to have the question turned on her, the deep gnome floundering for a moment
“I don't know either, I liked the Sussur blooms that we found in the Underdark, they were pretty but I don't know if I would call them my favourite?” She answered slowly, taking her time to think about her words
“And above ground?” he prompted and she pressed her lips together thinking
“I think I liked the Camellia? That you showed me? The light pinks ones I think were my favourite” she answered
“They do suit you” He said with a flash of a grin and she blushed, coughing slightly “A beautiful flower for a beautiful woman”
“You are laying it on quite thick there” She said, poking him gently in the leg before setting back down the path. Hearing him laugh, a deep loud thing as he followed. They both knew of her feelings for him and while she trusted him with them. He never could stop himself from giving honeyed words, she was never sure he meant them.
“Well they can't all be winners now can they?”
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glaive-guisarme · 1 year
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Y'all know me and my general reluctance to Do A Capitalism, but like. It's the time and I'm trying to buy my wife a new computer so here I am, Doing A Capitalism. Everything is half off, plus a completely ridiculous "buy it allllll" which amounts to about 75% off.
Highlights include:
​By the Author of Lady Windermere's Fan,​ which is the best RPG ever made about Oscar Wilde plays. This one, in addition to being a hilarious and exhausting game that will resonate with the theater kids in the audience, is just a very funny read.
​Penis 2.0.77​, which is not a "game" so much as it is a zine full of jokes about genitals. Finish off the elaborate character creation for a game that doesn't exist, entirely focused on your underwear zone. 
​Let's Rob RJ McElhenny and Steal Her Golden Quill​, which... hold up, let's check and see if Rowling has said anything this week which makes me want to cry and puke... checking... checking... and yes, of course she did, which means this game is a fucking evergreen catharsis fantasy of wizards robbing a terrible billionaire. 
​You're all lost, starving, in the snowy wilds. You need food. You must sacrifice somebody. But who? Discuss. Vote. Live., ​​​​​ which is a game whose entire text consists of that title, which maxes out the "title field" length when uploading to itch. That was made for a jam and damn if I'm not proud. 
​​o tawa​, which is to the best of my knowledge the first and only RPG written from the ground up in Toki Pona. sona mi la, musi ni li musi wan taso lon toki pona taso. musi la, sina ken tawa lon telo suli, li ken lukin e ma telo nasa, li ken pana e pona tawa jan ale. kin la, sina jo e wawa nasa kepeken nimi pi toki pona. It's a cool way to practice the language if you're learning it! 
​Wooden Sword Thespians​, which is just me going "Thirsty Sword Lesbians is pretty fun but what if instead of powerful adventurers defending your community from toxic threats, you were trying to put on a high school production of A Midsummer Night's Dream?" 
​And more! There's a Disco Elysium game, a Locked Tomb game, a Next Generation game, and weirder little games besides. 
Check it out. Get some games at some discounts. Laugh at my little japes and jests. Get my wife an Acer Aspire TC so she can play Binding of Isaac while she's supposed to be working. Engage in Capital with me.
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mi-sona-lili · 1 year
Waytelam Neytiriey — Neytiri’s Songchord — kalama musi pi jan Nesiri
toki Napi/(toki Inli)
lie si oe neteyamur
(I experience Neteyam,)
nawma sa'nokur mìfa oeyä
((And) Great Mother, within me.)
atanti ngal molunge
(You brought light,)
mipa tìreyti, mipa 'itanti
(New life, a new son.)
lawnol a mì te'lan
(Joy within my heart.)
lawnol a mì te'lan
(Joy within my heart.)
ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe, tonìri tìreyä
(We thank you, for the nights of (our) life)
ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe, srrìri tìreyä
(We thank you, for the days of (our) life)
ma Eywa, ma Eywa
(Oh Eywa, Oh Eywa)
zola'u nìprrte' ma kiri
(Welcome, Kiri.)
ngati oel munge soaiane
(I bring you to the family.)
lie si oe atanur
(I experience the light,)
pähem parul, tì'ongokx ahuta
(A miracle arrives, an unexpected birth.)
lawnol a mì te'lan
(Joy within my heart.)
lawnol a mì te'lan
(Joy within my heart.)
ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe, tonìri tìreyä
(We thank you, for the nights of (our) life)
ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe, srrìri tìreyä
(We thank you, for the days of (our) life)
ma Eywa, ma Eywa
(Oh Eywa, Oh Eywa)
toki pona:
mi pilin e jan Netejan
en ma wawa li insa e mi
sina pana e suno
la mi jo e lon sin
pona li insa e pilin
pona li insa e pilin
mi pana e sina pona
tawa tenpo pimeja
mi pana e sina pona
tawa tenpo suno
o Ewa!
o Ewa!
kama pona, jan Kiri
mi pana e kulupu mama
mi pilin e suno
pona li kama la lon li sona ala
pona li insa e pilin
pona li insa e pilin
mi pana e sina pona
tawa tenpo pimeja
mi pana e sina pona
tawa tenpo suno
o Ewa!
o Ewa!
literal translation from toki pona:
I feel (person) Neteyam
and great creator inside of me
You gave me light
so I hold new life
Goodness in the emotions (of the heart)
Goodness in the emotions (of the heart)
I give you good
for the dark times
I give you good
for the light times
Oh Eywa!
Oh Eywa!
Bring goodness, (person) Kiri
I give you to the ancestral community
I feel the light
goodness is aquired because of the unknown life
Goodness in the emotions (of the heart)
Goodness in the emotions (of the heart)

I give you good
for the dark times
I give you good
for the light times

Oh Eywa!
Oh Eywa!
toki Inli: This isn’t my first time attempting a translation from a Na’vi source but it’s my first published attempt 😂 I still struggle with “la” so this was good practice.
I did my best for the names following the sound rules of the book. Please feel open to share your thoughts!
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lilyresources · 2 years
no but why do people still send anon messages to rps or rpt/rph etc. It's sad and pathetic tbh. I saw your screenshot, willowsedgehq made a post about receiving anons and they've been open 2 week. I think this community really needs to grow up.
Honestly ! like we're all adults here. If you can't come off anon and talk it out and get to the root of the problem and say what's up then don't send shit at all. like whoever this person who's sending me hate all the time, I seriously want to talk it out. what the fuck did I do that has you so pressed that you can't just ignore me or block me.
it's really that simple. if you don't like me or anyone else just block them and you won't have to deal with me or said person ever again but clearly, some people on this site never grew out of their high school teen drama phase.
I always stay in my lane because I come to this hell site to de-stress. not add more in it. but of course sometimes it hard because of hate like that. you hate me ? cool , that sounds like a you problem than a me problem. I'm not a people pleasure . not everyone is gonna like me and I get that . that's okay . I don't really care . but when you constantly send me hate none stop to EVERY SINGLE RP I OPEN OR AM IN AND EVEN HERE -- it's like bruh just fucking block me at this point. deadass just block me because if I knew who they were I would have blocked them and stay clear from whoever this anon is . i already deal with one verbally abusive family member in my life, I don't need an anonymous stalker telling me to die ( which jokes on you nonnie , I've been wishing I was dead for a long time ) , how much of a bitch I am , telling me that they're gonna expose me ( still waiting on that psa to be posted so I can read what I did that makes me such a menace to this community when I literally only talk to like 4 ppl . so tag me ) , and how I'm a fucking cunt ( which honestly holds no real power considering it's associated with misogyny, unlike the people who object so passionately to its usage. I have one and I eat them so it's w/e . ) . messages like these doesn't even scratch the surface of all the hate I get . like mi pana, chill the fuck out. suelta el maldito bulto . im just here to rp and just help out here on my personal however I can because let's be real, I can barely help myself .
I love rping because I get to be in a world and play out my characters and just take a break from my own shitty reality. and I like helping out here on my personal however I can because I just like helping others. comes with the job I do in rl. but honestly over the hate and im sorry they got hate . 
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hydralisk98 · 10 days
Haxe -> Fira empowering mtf tg tf storyline?;
"Turtle Hall" commune
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More info about the commune soon enough...
Nil (second person perspective camera / audience perspective + insertee)
Kate Kér (self-insert, autistic INTJ brunette, […] )
Ava Booksword (synthetic-tier android ENFP blonde, starting out as domestic servant by law and earning her way to full citizenship?)
Tano (INTP)
Milan (ENTP)
May (ISTJ)
Sasha (ISTP)
Pana (ISFP)
Valenz (ESTJ)
Ursa (ENFJ)
Elke (INFP)
Major Civilizations (~24 max)
Major Religions (~20 max)
Pohakantenna (Shoshoni / Numic pantheon)
Angakkunngurniq (Inuit pantheon)
Confucianism tradition (and dialects like Shinto…)
Druidism (Celtic druidic pantheon)
Mwari Cult? (Carib animistic pantheon)
Arianism (iterated from the defunct Christianity dialect)
Chaldeanism (Mesopotamian pantheon)
Calvinism (derived from the Protestant Reformation’s Huguenot Southern French, monotheism)
Tala-e-Fonua (Polynesian Samoan pantheon)
Hussitism (central slavic dialect of monotheism)
Jainism (communal humility & individualized ki monks culture)
Zoroastrianism (Iranian religion)
Ibadiyya (Islam)
Canaanism (Carthaginian belief system)
Pesedjet (Numidan Hieroglyphics belief system)
Wakan Tanka (Blackfoot religion)
Intiism (Inca pantheon)
Tzolk'in (Mayan pantheon)
Key Factions (~12 minimum to 16 maximum)
Collapsing Union Party (Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians united yet corrupted together)
Syndicalism Caucus (Change + Progress)
Georgism / Geocenter Caucus (Liberty + Freewill)
Harmony Caucus (Peace + Community)
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baliportalnews · 3 months
Edukasi Safety Riding ke Siswa SMKN 1 Klungkung Ingatkan #Cari_Aman
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, KLUNGKUN – Fungsi rem biasanya digunakan untuk memperlambat kecepatan dan tidak disarankan untuk melakukan pengereman secara mendadak. Namun sering kali pengendara menempelkan jari di tuas rem atau dibiarkan stand by di tuas rem. Materi ini merupakan pemaparan dari team safety riding Astra Motor Bali yang melakukan kunjungan ke SMKN 1 Klungkung pada Selasa (16/1/2024). Dengan metode peragaan menggunakan sepeda motor, Safety Riding Instructor, Yosepth Klaudius mengingatkan kembali materi memprediksi bahaya, efek kebiasan jari stand by di rem, dan blind spot. Sebanyak 70 Siswa yang bergabung dalam edukasi ini dari kelas 10 dan 11 mengikuti serangkaian pemaparan yang disampaikan. “Dengan jari kita yang selalu stand by di rem, secara tidak sadar mengakibatkan rem akan secara terus menerus bekerja dan kita tidak sadar lampu rem di belakang akan menyala dan pengendara di belakang kita akan mendapatkan informasi yang keliru karena lampu rem menyala. Selain itu akibat jari yang selalu stand by di tuas rem akan membuat rem terus bekerja dan minyak rem menjadi panas sehingga rem berpotensi menjadi blong. Untuk ini, cara yang benar dalam mengoperasikan rem saat berkendara adalah tangan menggengam penuh di stang kemudi dan ketika ingin mengerem, tutup gas terlebih dahulu lalu meremas tuas rem menggunakan 4 jari. Rem bagian depan sedikit lebih kuat dibandingkan dengan rem belakang karena rem depan lebih efektif untuk menghentikan laju kendaraan. “Diingatkan untuk selalu #Cari_aman di jalan raya serta menularkan hal positif ke lingkungan sekitar.” papar Yosepth. Ngurah Iswahyudi selaku PIC Safety Riding & Community Promotion Astra Motor Bali menyebutkan kegiatan edukasi safety riding ke sekolah sudah menjadi agenda rutin yang dilakukan. “Siswa dari TK -SMA adalah target yang diberikan edukasi safety riding, sehingga harapannya sejak usia dini sudah diberikan pemahaman akan pentingnya keselamatan berkendara yang dimulai dari kebiasaan diri sendiri,” ungkapnya.(bpn) Read the full article
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bubblejoystory · 4 months
Refleksi 2023 (Part 3)
Akhir-akhir ini sering hujan, tapi cuacanya panas banget. Keadaanku juga sekarang lagi kurang fit mungkin karena kecapekan abis gowes keliling kota Jogja PP total 20 km saat liburan long weekend kemarin. Oke, sambil istirahat tulisan ini akan tetap aku lanjutkan sampe part yang terakhir ya (ditunggu aja part terakhirnya kapan haha).
Mungkin beberapa dari kalian sering melihat di Instagram ku terlihat kayak sibuk dan produktif banget tiap weekend. Hahaha sebenernya aku bukan anak yang produktif banget kok, tapi ini adalah keinginan lamaku sejak kuliah S1 pengen terlibat di komunitas women in STEM. Oke, bener banget memang tahun ini aku sedang menjalankan sebuah komunitas Generation Girl Surabaya untuk mendukung para cewek biar lebih outstanding nih di dunia STEM. Do you know what motivated me to get involved in running this community?
Sejujurnya, aku punya dua motivasi kuat untuk menjalankan komunitas ini. Pertama, aku pengen banget memotivasi dan memberikan wadah untuk cewek-cewek belajar bidang STEM. Karena faktanya bidang STEM ini masih banyak dikuasai oleh laki-laki dibandingkan perempuan. Memang rasanya cukup berat sebagai cewek ketika berkarir di bidang STEM. Saat kuliah S1, aku melihat anak cewek di jurusanku masih kurang percaya diri dengan kemampuan mereka di bidang STEM. Beberapa dari mereka terlihat seperti benalu menggantungkan skill programming kepada anak cowok agar mendapatkan nilai bagus. Karena beberapa cewek beranggapan ngoding tuh susah karena logika cowok lebih bagus daripada cewek karena mostly pake perasaan wkwk. Aku sempet berpikir emang jadi cewek harus gitu banget? Rasanya pengen banget mengubah mindset temen-temen cewek pada waktu itu. In fact, dulu aku ngerasa susah banget menemukan lingkungan yang bisa support aku buat belajar STEM dengan konsep yang seru dan menyenangkan. That's why I joined Generation Girl Surabaya to support all women in Surabaya to compete in this technology era. Motivasi yang kedua adalah aku gak pengen terlarut dalam kesedihan atau keterpurukan yang aku alami. Pengennya harus tetep bangkit dengan mencari lingkungan positif yang bisa memotivasi diri ini untuk terus belajar dan meningkatkan potensi diri sendiri. Karena selama kita masih hidup di dunia gak akan berhenti belajar. Aku sangat yakin seorang manusia yang mempunyai keinginan kuat untuk belajar, pasti akan tumbuh sangat pesat di kemudian hari.
Beberapa orang dan termasuk orang tuaku menganggap menjadi bagian dari pengurus komunitas cuma bikin capek dan gak ngasih manfaat untuk kita karena gak dapet uang. Ortuku melihat aku seperti seorang anak perempuan yang gak serius menjalani kehidupan sebagai orang dewasa (mohon maap sebenernya saya kepikiran cuma dibikin sante aja, kan udah ada sang pemilik takdir wkwk). Layaknya siklus kehidupan dewasa yang normal pada umumnya mulai dari bekerja, menikah, punya anak, hingga punya rumah sendiri. Mereka berekspektasi aku buat segera mencari jodoh lalu menikah daripada menghabiskan waktu bersama komunitas, mengingat banyak sekali temen-temenku yang karirnya udah stabil, menikah, serta berkeluarga. Hahaha minta doanya saja yaa guys dan tetap yakin karena Allah pasti sudah mengatur jalan kehidupan kita sedemikian rupa dan pasti akan selalu tepat waktunya. Aku bersyukur banget sekarang masih diberikan kesempatan untuk mengembangkan diri untuk mencapai versi yang terbaik. Memang keliatannya seperti gak ngasih impact langsung ke diri kita secara instan, tapi banyak hal yang aku pelajarin dan yakin impact nya akan aku rasakan di masa depan.
Selama mengurus komunitas aku tidak sendirian, ditemani oleh tiga leaders lainnya. Fyi, kita berasal dari background yang berbeda, beberapa ada yang sedang kuliah, freshgraduate, dan udah kerja. Apakah perbedaan generasi menjadi konflik utama ketika mengurus sebuah komunitas? Nah, betul generation gap menjadi tantangan utama saat menjalankan komunitas dengan background yang berbeda. Kata "respect" menjadi sebuah esensi penting saat kerja tim. Kita belajar untuk saling menghargai kesibukan masing-masing karena kita semua pasti memiliki prioritas yang berbeda. Selain itu, kita belajar menghargai ide dan pendapat orang lain dan belajar memberikan feedback yang konstruktif. Sementara itu, aku juga belajar cara berkomunikasi yang baik dengan lintas generasi supaya tetap saling respect dan tidak saling menyinggung. Yahhh lagi lagi kata "respect" di mention wkwk, karena emang penting banget meskipun terlihat sepele.
Aku bangga banget bisa bekerjasama dengan para leaders dan volunteers yang super kreatif meskipun kita sering banget ribut mempertahankan argumen masing-masing (kalian semua pasti taulah drama keributan para cewek kayak gimana wkwk). Yahh itulah seninya kehidupan sosial saat kerja tim. Terkadang aku sebagai yang paling tua berusaha untuk turun tangan agar keributan tidak berubah menjadi drama. Caranya gimana? Yup, aku melakukan exhale dan inhale terlebih dahulu sebelum ingin menyampaikan sesuatu kepada mereka. Nah, dapet lagi nih belajar untuk mengelola emosi dan kesabaran wkwk. Kadang-kadang aku pernah menjadi kaum sambat akibat lelah menghadapi generation gap. Menurutku, generation gap bukan menjadi persoalan membandingkan jaman ketika hidup bersosial. Daripada sibuk membandingkan jaman, lebih baik saling berkolaborasi untuk mencapai tujuan bersama. Gara-gara ini aku jadi bisa memahami dan mempelajari perbedaan karakter masing-masing orang. Jujur yaa, sampe sekarang aku masih bingung termasuk kelompok mana karena ada yang beranggapan aku termasuk generasi milenial dan sisanya menganggap termasuk Gen Z. Tapi, ketika kumpul bersama dengan mereka rasanya keliatan banget generation gap nya. Satu hal yang bikin lucu adalah mereka mengira usiaku di awal 20an, gak nyangka sih padahal umurku udah melewati 1/4 abad guys hahaha. Gapapa lah yaa tetep dewasa dan tetep gaul hehehe biar bisa dinamis mengikuti perkembangan jaman. Aku juga seneng banget bisa membantu cewek-cewek di Surabaya dan sekitarnya menghasilkan portofolio terbaik mereka. Kita juga seneng banget selalu dapet feedback positif dari mereka dan gak melupakan feedback negatif untuk improvement selanjutnya hehe. Harapannya semua acara yang diadakan oleh Generation Girl Surabaya bisa mencetak female leaders di bidang STEM masa depan. Salah satu pelajaran yang aku ambil dari pengalaman ini adalah jangan terlalu fokus mendengarkan opini orang lain terhadap apa yang kita lakukan. Lebih baik kita coba filter mana opini yang sesuai untuk kita. Terkadang gak semua orang itu paham. Karena hanya diri kita sendiri yang tau apa manfaat yang kita dapatkan untuk diri sendiri. Last but not ending, I wanna say thank you to all leaders and volunteers for your hard work in 2023. You've been doing great, girls! 🤩🤩 Let's create amazing journey together in 2024. Keep spreading positivity 💫
P. S Buat anak GenG dan GenG Surabaya yang lagi baca ini please jangan melow wkwk. Aku cuma pengen apresiasi kerja keras kita selama ini. Kalian keren 💗
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iqbalnurrahim · 5 months
Opening MPM batch3 Shafa Community
Surabaya seperti biasanya, masih dengan terik panas nan menyengat di bulan Oktober ini. Di tengah teriknya itu, sebuah pesan singkat masuk di instagram saya. Pesan itu datang dari salah satu teman baik saya (terimakasih banyak, orang baik), dengan konten postingan program Muslim Professional Mentorship (MPM) dari sebuah komunitas bernama Shafa. Iqbal (re: me), yang senang dengan program-program pengembangan diri dan kebetulan sedang sedikit banyak lost saat itu langsung mencari tahu terkait shafa dan programnya. Usut punya usut, ternyata shafa ini didirikan oleh alm. ust Arief Munandar (semoga Allah menempatkan beliau di sisi terbaikNya), sosok yang sangat lekat dengan pembinaan, kaderisasi muda-mudi muslim untuk menjadi profesional, cendikia, dan tangguh dengan berbagai platformnya seperti Rumah Kepemimpinan, Rumah Peradaban, dan shafa community. Lantas setelah mempertimbangkan dengan matang, termasuk kesiapan dan komitmen mengikuti komunitas ini saya pun mendaftarkan diri.
Tanggal 19 November waktu dinihari, saya mendapat pesan dari Aldho, teman seperjuangan di Baktinusa yang mengonfirmasi sebuah screenshot dari postingan instagram terkait kelolosan program MPM shafa, “ini ente akhee?” tanya Aldho. Saya yang saat itu sedang tidak membuka instagram agak terkejut, karena sedikit lupa kapan pengumuman harusnya. Namun lagi-lagi Allah selalu punya cara untuk mengingatkan dan memberi tahu hambaNya.. Alhamdulillaah Allah merezkikan saya untuk menjadi bagian dari keluarga shafa community ini.
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25 November menjadi hari perdana kami, 72 orang mengikuti program MPM ini. shafa dengan tiga nilai utama untuk membentuk muslim profesional yakni tangguh, cerdas, dan kontributif dengan semangat berorientasikan pada Allah. Kami juga dibagi menjadi kelompok mentoring dengan mentor-mentor yang sudah memiliki banyak asam garam dalam dunia profesional dan syiar. Saya bersama lima rekan lainnya mendapat kesempatan untuk dimentori langsung oleh Bang Jodhi Sardjono (Presiden Shafa Community, Digital Entrepeneur, Ketua Asosiasi Blockchain Syariah Indonesia) yang dulunya sempat dimentori langsung oleh alm. ust. Arief Munandar selama 6 tahun lebih. Salah satu pesan Bang Jodhi yang sempat saya diskusikan dengan teman saya juga adalah pentingnya wakaf dan sedekah. “Wakaf tuh kayak win-win solution, kita investasi di dunia tapi di akhirat juga dapat balasanNya”, ucap Bang Jordhi. Bahwa akan putus semua amalan manusia ketika meninggal kecuali tiga perkara yakni ilmu yang bermanfaat, doa anak yang shalih, dan sedekah jariyah". (keinginan agar bisa seperti abdurrahman bin auf skyrocketing 🐱‍🏍🐱‍🏍🐱‍🏍 )
Kelompok kami sangat beragam dan jujur saya bangga sekaligus sedikit inferior melihat rekan-rekan di kelompok, ada yang sudah postdoc di UK, serial entrepreneur yang autopilot, Ketua Lembaga Zakat di suatu kota, hingga Associate di salah satu big 4 firms. Sudah pasti akan banyak ilmu, pengalaman, dan kesempatan yang bisa kami dapatkan selama tiga bulan bersama kedepan.
Setidaknya kami memiliki tiga keresahan yang sama untuk bergabung di program ini, yakni:
Kebutuhan akan lingkungan yang islami dan saling mengingatkan dalam kebaikan
Kesempatan berjejaring dan memiliki mentor yang handal
Bingung akan rencana hidup dan ingin mengembangkan diri dengan orientasi yang lebih benar (dari Allah, untuk Allah)
“Seseorang yang duduk (berteman) dengan orang shalih dan orang yang jelek bagaikan berteman dengan pemilik minyak wangi dan pandai besi. Pemilik minyak wangi tidak akan merugikanmu; engkau bisa membeli (minyak wangi) darinya atau minimal engkau mendapat baunya. Adapun berteman dengan pandai besi, jika engkau tidak mendapati badan atau pakaianmu hangus terbakar, minimal engkau mendapat baunya yang tidak enak.” (HR. Bukhari, no. 2101)
Bismillaah, semoga agenda yang kami ikuti kedepannya diberkahi Allah dan dapat membantu kami menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik dan teman yang dapat diandalkan dalam jalan kebaikan.
#ShafaCommunity #Moslem #Professional
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bunny-caregiver · 5 months
I baby buny riht now an cuddlin with red pana Cora an watchn comfy shw
I got 2 wach a meteor showr las night wif my mama. I don get 2 be as littl as I want to b wif him cuz I get supr scard he will b men 2 me
But I been rellyy hapy jus bein kina littl an hangin out wif him. I got to play wif my Bluey an Pokémon toys kina. I try relly hard not to b supr small wen Im wif Mama, so I only kina playd wif them. But I had a rellyy gud day!
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🫧 Hi there, sweethear. That's so lovely to hear!Bluey is such a good show, and I'm sure you and your dad will have a great time watching it together! .𖥔 ݁ ˖
⊹ ࣪ ˖ It's very good that you explained to him that your regression could make you act strange or make it difficult to communicate in any way, as he'll know how to handle the situation more appropriately ๋࣭ ⭑
˚୨୧⋆。 I'm happy for you that he's understanding and accepting of your regression! Please enjoy watching the show, darling ‹𝟹
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