#Paolo Vinaccia
thoregil · 1 month
2024-07-20 Vinaccia | Repercussions - Teatret Vårt, Moldejazz
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Arild Andersen/Paolo Vinaccia/Tommy Smith: In-House Science (ECM, 2018)
Arild Andersen: double-bass; Paolo Vinaccia: drums; Tommy Smith: tenor saxophone.
In-House Science is the third album from the gargantuan trio of legendary Norwegian bassist Arild Andersen, Italian-born drummer Paolo Vinaccia, and Scottish tenor saxophone giant Tommy Smith.  The live recording from Austria is a follow up to the lauded Mira in 2014, and their watershed recording Live in Belleville (2008).  The six selections featured herein are a jumping off point for searing exploration.  What is remarkable about the trio is how they coalesce as a unit, switching roles from soloists to rhythm section to carriers of melody and back.  Very often, Smith is a lead voice with the bassist, but is just as comfortable in being an accompanist as well.   The elasticity of time displayed among the ensemble, particularly on the burnout material recalls the way the Miles Davis quintet of 1965-1968 with Wayne Shorter, Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter and Tony Williams carefully calculated metric, tempo and harmonic shifts.
The configuration of tenor saxophone, bass and drums that Sonny Rollins introduced to the world at large on the classic A Night At The Village Vanguard (Blue Note, 1957)  was a precursor to the avant garde sub genre of energy music in the sixties and seventies.  Branford Marsalis' Columbia albums such as The Dark Keys (1996) were modeled on the  burnout aesthetic of energy music or, pushing tonality to the breaking point.  Andersen himself  is no stranger to energy music having recorded important work with Sam Rivers, Barry Altschul, Edward Vesala and Juhani Aaltonen in the seventies.  The group's method is captured at it's best on tracks like “Science”, and “Venice”.  On the former track, Smith takes a tenor solo of acrobatic daring defying the laws of gravity as Andersen follows him every step of the way, grounding the proceeding with a breakneck walking line, but also expanding things with arcing phrases. Vinaccia sparks the fire even more with his post bop sprint on cymbals.  The trio mixes earthy funk and boppish swing on “Blussy” and Smith's frequent, abrupt altissimo wails throughout the album  point towards directions less traveled.  Andersen excels at creating larger than life atmospheres on  the child like waltz “Mira” with his chorused bass (shades of Eberhard Weber) and loops on “North of The North Wind”.  His use of extended techniques like bowed harmonics and string scrapes at the tune's opening are intriguing textural components that add to the orchestral nature.
Perhaps it is fitting that In-House Science was recorded at the PKS Villa Rothstein in Austria.  PKS, or Pythagorean Kepler System is devoted to the study of natural energy. Andersen, Vinaccia and Smith frequently explore energy, it's place in the universe and how it is redistributed through their stunning level of micro interaction.  Their frequently exciting quests bring to mind Bruce Lee's famous comments on water, in that it adapts to whatever vessel it is contained in.  The energy is stored, utilized and saved in different ways over the course of the album, and takes shape and molds itself to whatever musical situation in the moment.  Further chapters of this group will be eagerly anticipated.  Terrific stuff.
Rating: 9.5/10
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fashionbooksmilano · 4 years
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100E + Ceramiche X il Paradiso
Artisti insieme per costruire una scuola
a cura di Sergio Calatroni
Sergio Calatroni Artroom , Milano 2008, 339 pagine, brossura
euro 35,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
Catalogo della mostra tenuta a Milano, Fondazione Stelline, Sala del Collezionista, 14-19 febbraio 2008 exhibition & no profit auction
Artisti, designer e architetti hanno ideato piastrelle in duplice esemplare per la realizzazione di un mosaico di due metri per due sul tema “Il Giardino dell’Eden”, e recentemente andate all’asta per finanziare - su iniziativa della Gabbianelli, Decorazione d'Interni - lo sviluppo della nuova Scuola del Centro di Studi e Ricerche Internazionali MAAAM (Morocco All Anonymous Art Marrakech). Ideatore della mostra e presidente del MAAAM e è l’architetto Sergio Calatroni. Quelle esposte al MIC sono le seconde copie delle piastrelle appositamente realizzate per questa mostra e per quella che seguirà alla Fondazione Orestiadi di Gibellina. Il motivo ispiratore delle ceramiche vuole essere la rilettura del tema del Giardino dell'Eden (Genesi, II) e la sua restituzione simbolica mediante l'uso della geometria, secondo l'antica tradizione islamica. “Eden” è una parola sumera che significa parco, giardino in pianura. Secondo la tradizione, questo luogo si trovava ad oriente della Palestina. Nel rigoglioso giardino crescevano due alberi: l'albero della conoscenza del bene e del male e l'albero della vita. Il giardino è dunque il simbolo del Paradiso Terrestre. Le ceramiche sono esposte accanto al bozzetto originale datato e firmato dall'autore.
Gli artisti Sergio Asti, Enrico Baleri, Antonio Ballista, Luigi Baroli, Lapo Binazzi, Julia Binfield, Jean Blanchaert, Virginia Cabassi Poma, Sergio Calatroni, Tassili Calatroni, Santi Caleca, Maurizio Cannavacciuolo, Lidia Carbone, Cy Carre', Lella Castaldo, Alice Cattaneo, Silvio Cattani, Luisa Cevese, Giovanni Chiaramente, Roberto Ciaccio, Aldo Cibic, Geppino Cilento, Antonella Cimatti, Antonio Colombo, Riccardo Dalisi, Tiziano Dal Pozzo, Aldo Damioli, Guido Daniele, Celeste Dell'Anna, Aurora Di Girolamo, Nathalie Du Pasquier, Era Ora Intelligence, Marta Fernández, Marco Ferreri, Pietro Finelli, Letizia Fornasieri, Enrico Francolini, Amalia Garufo, Dario Ghibaudo, Horatio Goni, Ezio Grisanti, Alessandro Guerriero, Guido Guidi, Pino Guidolotti, Takuo Kawashima, Ugo La Pietra, Colomba Leddi, Corrado Levi, Nicola Licitra, Salvatore Licitra, Marco Lodola, Paolo Lomazzi, Daniele Lombardi, Tommaso Maggio, Federico Maggioni, Luigi Mainolfi, Ugo Marano, Enzo Mari, Massimo Mariani, Barbara Martucci, Tullio Mazzotti, Alessandro Mendini, Fulvia Mendini, Ministero del Gusto, Luca Missoni, Mari Miyachi, Muga Miyahara, Axel Müller-Schöll, Yoshiaki Nishino, Alek O., Ohya Family, Original Designers 6R5, Annibale Oste, David Palterer, Antonio Paradiso, Massimo Piani, Steve Piccolo, Giuseppe Pino, Pier Paolo Pitocco, Gio Ponti, Lisa Ponti, Kuno Prey, Daniela Puppa, Franco Raggi, Bruno Rainaldi, Amato Rak, Prospero Rasulo, Roberto Remi, Guglielmo Renzi, Rohka, Alessandro Rossetti, Enzo Roveri, Giovanni Sabatini, Denis Santachiara, Fausto Santini, Luca Scacchetti, Patrizia Scarzella, Fabrizio Sclavi, Roberto Serino, Daniel Silver, Marina Sinibaldi Benatti, Maddalena Sisto, Franca Soncini, George Sowden, Giorgio Spiller, Luca Stoppini, Nello Teodori, Fabius Tita, Clino Trini Castelli, Maurizio Turchet, Guido Venturini, Matteo Vercelloni, Chung Yi Yang, Giorgio Vigna, Nanda Vigo, Valerio Vinaccia, Marco Zanuso Jr., Gianfranco Zavalloni.
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mezeiemesezs · 4 years
Ferenc Snétberger, Richard Bona, Paolo Vinaccia,"kis kece lányom", sound...
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reviewsphere · 6 years
MUSIC REVIEW: Norse Myths ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @SNJO2 @GCHalls @88Keezer @TommySmithMusic #norsemyths
The SNJO brings us Norse Myths – a collaboration between composers Florian Ross, Geoffrey Keezer and Bill Dobbins, and Norwegian jazz musician and composer Øyvind Brække – which pairs Norse mythology and contemporary jazz. Taking centre stage for this concert are European jazz masters Arild Andersen on bass, Paolo Vinaccia on drums and percussion, and SNJO director Tommy Smith on saxophone.
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riffsstrides · 6 years
Arild Andersen Trio  - Science
Arild Andersen, Tommy Smith, Paolo Vinaccia  Live at Cosmopolite ,Oslo . November 25 , 2012.  "Sience"  Composed by Arild Andersen. Video by Odd Geir Sæther
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pangeanews · 6 years
“Nella mia notte interminabile”: il romanzo sulla vita di Emily Dickinson, l’angelo del quotidiano
L’eccentrico, estasiante Luca Merdone, dietro a cui si nasconde un ardito lettore, mi ha fatto conoscere Christian Bobin un tot di anni fa. Fui rincuorato da questo scroscio di farfalle sotto la camicia. Felicemente tradotto in Italia da una miriade di piccoli, delicati editori (provo a non dimenticarli tutti: Gribaudi, Servitium, Quiqajon, San Paolo, AnimaMundi, Camelozampa…), nel 2007, per Gallimard, pubblica il delizioso “La dame blanche”, in omaggio a Emily Dickinson. Abbiamo eletto questo fascicolo, dedicato al poeta irraggiungibile, come nostro, condiviso ‘libro dell’estate’. Dopo i primi assaggi (qui e qui) ecco altre pagine, tradotte da Anna Maria Biondi.
Allo stato attuale delle cose, nel quale più nessuno sente niente, compare, accanto alla notizia sul giornale, un odore di vinaccia e di cane bagnato in cui suo padre ha vissuto e viene interrato.
Dove i corni d’oro di caprifoglio, le rose stupite di calore e stipate davanti Evergreen, e la fortuna indiscussa dei Dickinson, emanano un odore più meritevole, Susan lavora per ampliare il suo mondo. Gli invitati – uomini di legge, politici, scrittori, in giro per conferenze – si accalcano come calabroni sotto la lanterna dell’ingresso, prigionieri degli occhi neri della padrona di casa, soggiogati dalla sua durezza, dai suoi scialli indiani rossi e dai braccialetti d’argento tintinnanti ai suoi polsi. Dalla sua camera, di cui una finestra è rivolta su Evergreen, Emily guarda i grandi salire i gradini di granito.
Gli scrittori che l’epoca acclama – come Emerson, pensatore reputato all’invisibile, che ha appena trascorso una notte presso Austin e Susan – ignorano che essi stanno sbagliano porta e che il più grande poeta del secolo è proprio là, nella casa vicina, dietro una tenda di pizzo tremolante.
Quando l’eccesso di vanità sale alle labbra di sua cognata, Emily rimette tutto di colpo su di una lettera, con, sopra la gota di carta, uno sfregio improvviso: “i tuoi ricchi mi insegnano la povertà, Susie”.
Susan insegna ad Emily la soprannaturale insufficienza di ogni amore.
In risposta Emily riporta a Susan la pienezza che dà alla vita il fatto di pensarla e di scriverla. Le mostra i suoi poemi. Uno di questi, evocando i morti nella sala d’attesa della resurrezione – la loro “camera di alabastro” – viene riscritto dopo la critica di Susan. Costei è menzionata nei poemi, Cleopatra, Golia, Vesuvio, Eternità e, in tre poemi erotici, Bambola. Il genio di Susan è di lasciare giungere a sé migliaia di nomi d’amore senza scacciarne uno solo e senza nemmeno veramente rispondere. In questa assenza di eco l’anima di Emily si galvanizza, come un bimbo che, dalla sua camera nera, chiami invano sua madre e finisca per ottenebrarsi con le sue proprie lacrime.
Nel giugno 1852 Emily scrive a Susan, che soggiornava al tempo a Baltimora, una lettera nella quale inserisce delle violette. Il portalettere è il padre di Emily che passa per Baltimora per recarsi all’assemblea del suo partito. Edward immagina di trasmettere una lettera da ragazze, qualcosa di vaporoso e d’inutilmente sofisticato. Il suo puritanesimo lo acceca.
Fra le mani di un maestro di Amherst, qualche foglietto d’oro bruciante, con, sulla busta che lo protegge, queste parole scritte a matita da Emily: “aprimi molto dolcemente”.
Tre bambini nascono a Susan, suo malgrado. Il primo, Ned, è epilettico, come se il tremolio di spavento di fronte alla povertà, che la madre aveva sotterrato in fondo alla sua anima, fosse tornato e scuotere la carne del figlio. Austin dà a un cavallo della sua scuderia lo stesso nome del fanciullo: il baio chiaro e flessuoso lo compensa della tristezza di avere generato un bambino tremolante come le foglie secche in cima ai rami in autunno. Questa nascita provoca un primo allontanamento di Emily, appena percettibile – il vapore di un respiro su uno specchio. Le sue lettere continuano a battere le ali davanti alla finestra di Susan – miliardi di parole dotate di una vita imperiosa, imploranti e orgogliose.
Ogni viaggio di Susan trasmette la febbre alle frasi di Emily. “La prossima volta io ti serberò in una bara, ti interrerò in giardino e domanderò ad un uccello di sorvegliarne l’angolo”.
Certo, questo non servirà a nulla: nessun luogo resta immobile, neppure quello che noi incateniamo coi morti.
L’amore fra le due donne irresistibilmente si fessura ma il vaso d’oro, anche se sbrecciato, raccoglie l’acqua di una parola limpida.
Apprendendo che un pomeriggio Susan è passata nella sua casa senza chiamarla, Emily esclama: “Io sarei uscita dal paradiso per aprirti, se avessi saputo che tu eri là”.
Amherst cova i suoi tremila abitanti su di una piana che intrattabili foreste di abeti vegliano: un deserto per Susan che non ama far altro che fuggire a New York per acquistare vestiti neri con lustrini, alla moda intorno al 1860.
In un poema Emily distingue due razze di vincitori. Ci sono quelli che acclamati gioiscono di vestiti scintillanti, di concerti operistici e di viaggi euforizzanti, e coloro che trionfano lasciandosi battere: restano a casa, fieramente vestiti di neve. Nelle grandi città attorno ad Amherst, fioriscono e appassiscono nella stessa serata dei spettacoli di pianoforte o di canto. Ad Emily, proprio come a suo padre, non piacciono queste serate. L’aspetto più stupefacente dello spettacolo sono gli stessi spettatori. Non succede mai nulla ad Amherst e questo nulla è vita allo stato puro. Fra Susan che cerca l’ammirazione mondana ed Emily che cerca il suo nutrimento nel cielo, la distanza aumenta, il freddo cade. Il gelo fa scoppiare il vaso d’oro. Emily ne raccoglie i pezzi dentro il cuore ma non entra più nella casa vicina per sedici anni.
Amherst, di cui Emily ha fatto la sua città santa, è descritta anche da Susan: “Un luogo desolante, senza speranza, adatto a dare ad un angelo il male del suo paese. Le lugubri vibrazioni della campana della chiesa risuonano ancora nelle mie fantasie d’inverno”. Il tono è amaro. Colei che parla è attempata, è alla fine della rappresentazione, la maggior parte degli attori hanno lasciato la scena e, nelle poltrone di prima fila, non restano che morti stupefatti.
Austin – soprannominato «il gallo» in gioventù – l’ha da anni tradita con una donna più gioiosa di lei. Dei loro tre figli la morte ha afferrato il più tenero. Amherst restituisce a Susan il suo disprezzo e dà una reputazione di ubriacona e di civetta a colei che Emily, malgrado il loro allontanamento, non aveva mai smesso di giudicare “timida e senza macchia”.
Poi la morte cattura Susan e la addormenta nel suo erbario.
Gli anni passano sui nomi di queste persone, cancellando i contorni delle contestazioni, facendo brillare le devozioni.
La tomba di Emily, da poco ricoperta, diviene un campo di battaglia. Passato l’infalsificabile stupore del dolore, la famiglia legge i poemi, penna alla mano. Il poema «avevo una sorella in casa e un’altra dall’altra parte dell’aia», dedicato a Susan, è radiato da Vinnie, e la dedica cancellata. Un altro, evocante il petto di Susan sul quale Emily sogna di piangere, è attribuito all’insospettabile moglie di un pastore. Ma la voce di Emily, invincibile per la propria purezza, fa uscire la sua amica dagli inferni: nel vialetto di ghiaia bordato di altee, fra le due case dei Dickinson, traversando le censure e la morte, appare una Susan trasfigurata, che si sfrega le mani l’una contro l’altra per fare scomparire una macchia di vino visibile solo a lei stessa.
“Dovessi errare nella mia notte interminabile, io mormorerò ancora: Sue”.
Un canto si eleva, che i poemi lasciano filtrare. Cerca di dire il più puro ed il più vero. I libri mantengono il canto vivente dopo la morte della poetessa, ma la poesia non si deposita solo nei libri. A volte passa senza fare rumore, come l’angelo del quotidiano che non vede nulla. Il pane di spezie per i bambini e i guanciali rimessi sotto la testa divagante della madre erano più puri e più veri di tutto.
Christian Bobin
L'articolo “Nella mia notte interminabile”: il romanzo sulla vita di Emily Dickinson, l’angelo del quotidiano proviene da Pangea.
from pangea.news https://ift.tt/2QayfUR
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cliggomusic · 5 years
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Listen to Paolo Vinaccia for free: https://music.cliggo.com/artist/359249-Paolo_Vinaccia
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traqtravels · 5 years
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Gypsy lady
Art and Culture
Smith and Italian drummer Paolo Vinaccia, in a performance at 8:30 pm on Thursday, 13 October, at Cemal Resit Rey Performance Hall.
One of the biggest jazz artists Turkey has ever produced, the world-class trumpeter Maffy Falay and his band Maffy Falay Sextet will give another great performance at 8:30 pm on Friday, 14 October at Cemal Resit Rey.
The talented and innovative percussionist Arto Tungboyaciyan will take music-lovers on a journey to the limits of jazz music at Ghetto on Wednesday, 19 October, with his new project ‘1to3’.
Never ceasing to impress music-lovers with his deep guality of music, masterly solos and boundless dynamism Dusko Goykovich and his band Dusko Goykovich »
‘Global Music Explorer1 master saxophonist llhan Ersahin will also perform at the festival
The festival hosts prominent jazz musicians with its’Sound of the City’ tagline
Art and Cylture
Zaz husky voice and songs are reminiscent of Edith Piaf swing maestro, Ray Gelato, who has performed for the likes of the British royal family. One of the last representatives of the classical jazz tradition, bringing joy to music-lovers with upbeat songs and stormy saxophone solos, Ray Gelato and his orchestra will perform on the Babylon stage with The Ray Gelato Giants at 10:30 pm on Thursday, 13 October.
Two concerts by Zaz
Throughout the 21st Akbank Jazz Festival, followers will get the chance to see performances by many women musicians such as Zaz, Azam Ali, Carmen Souza and Esra Dalfidan.
With her husky voice reminiscent of two world-famous French stars, Frehel and Edith Piaf, and the songs she writes, Zaz who received ‘most popular French singer’ title in Europe in 2010, will give two unforgettable performances; the first will take place at Lutfi Kirdar Convention Centre on
22 October and the second at the Izmir Arena in Izmir, on 23 October.
The ‘Gypsy girl’ has reached home
‘Zeugma Mosaic Museum’, which has taken the title of ‘the biggest mosaic museum’ away from Tunisia’s Bardo Museum, is also hosting the Gypsy Girl mosaic which has become the symbol of the ancient city
The unique mosaics of the ancient city of Zeugma, the discovery of which was received with great excitement throughout the world, now have a museum. The ‘Zeugma Mosaic Museum’, whose official opening took place last month, sits in place of the former Tekel distillery in Gaziantep and has become the biggest mosaic museum in the world, displaying nearly 1,700 m2 of mosaics. The construction of the museum building, initiated in April 2008 by Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, and restoration and conservation work on nearly 1,700 m2 of mosaics unearthed at Zeugma Ancient City on the banks of the Euphrates River in Nizip County, have now been completed.
Source: https://balkan.tourhints.info/gypsy-girl/
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festravels · 5 years
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Gypsy lady
Art and Culture
Smith and Italian drummer Paolo Vinaccia, in a performance at 8:30 pm on Thursday, 13 October, at Cemal Resit Rey Performance Hall.
One of the biggest jazz artists Turkey has ever produced, the world-class trumpeter Maffy Falay and his band Maffy Falay Sextet will give another great performance at 8:30 pm on Friday, 14 October at Cemal Resit Rey.
The talented and innovative percussionist Arto Tungboyaciyan will take music-lovers on a journey to the limits of jazz music at Ghetto on Wednesday, 19 October, with his new project ‘1to3’.
Never ceasing to impress music-lovers with his deep guality of music, masterly solos and boundless dynamism Dusko Goykovich and his band Dusko Goykovich »
‘Global Music Explorer1 master saxophonist llhan Ersahin will also perform at the festival
The festival hosts prominent jazz musicians with its’Sound of the City’ tagline
Art and Cylture
Zaz husky voice and songs are reminiscent of Edith Piaf swing maestro, Ray Gelato, who has performed for the likes of the British royal family. One of the last representatives of the classical jazz tradition, bringing joy to music-lovers with upbeat songs and stormy saxophone solos, Ray Gelato and his orchestra will perform on the Babylon stage with The Ray Gelato Giants at 10:30 pm on Thursday, 13 October.
Two concerts by Zaz
Throughout the 21st Akbank Jazz Festival, followers will get the chance to see performances by many women musicians such as Zaz, Azam Ali, Carmen Souza and Esra Dalfidan.
With her husky voice reminiscent of two world-famous French stars, Frehel and Edith Piaf, and the songs she writes, Zaz who received ‘most popular French singer’ title in Europe in 2010, will give two unforgettable performances; the first will take place at Lutfi Kirdar Convention Centre on
22 October and the second at the Izmir Arena in Izmir, on 23 October.
The ‘Gypsy girl’ has reached home
‘Zeugma Mosaic Museum’, which has taken the title of ‘the biggest mosaic museum’ away from Tunisia’s Bardo Museum, is also hosting the Gypsy Girl mosaic which has become the symbol of the ancient city
The unique mosaics of the ancient city of Zeugma, the discovery of which was received with great excitement throughout the world, now have a museum. The ‘Zeugma Mosaic Museum’, whose official opening took place last month, sits in place of the former Tekel distillery in Gaziantep and has become the biggest mosaic museum in the world, displaying nearly 1,700 m2 of mosaics. The construction of the museum building, initiated in April 2008 by Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, and restoration and conservation work on nearly 1,700 m2 of mosaics unearthed at Zeugma Ancient City on the banks of the Euphrates River in Nizip County, have now been completed.
Source: https://balkan.tourhints.info/gypsy-girl/
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bookingrooms · 5 years
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Gypsy lady
Art and Culture
Smith and Italian drummer Paolo Vinaccia, in a performance at 8:30 pm on Thursday, 13 October, at Cemal Resit Rey Performance Hall.
One of the biggest jazz artists Turkey has ever produced, the world-class trumpeter Maffy Falay and his band Maffy Falay Sextet will give another great performance at 8:30 pm on Friday, 14 October at Cemal Resit Rey.
The talented and innovative percussionist Arto Tungboyaciyan will take music-lovers on a journey to the limits of jazz music at Ghetto on Wednesday, 19 October, with his new project ‘1to3’.
Never ceasing to impress music-lovers with his deep guality of music, masterly solos and boundless dynamism Dusko Goykovich and his band Dusko Goykovich »
‘Global Music Explorer1 master saxophonist llhan Ersahin will also perform at the festival
The festival hosts prominent jazz musicians with its’Sound of the City’ tagline
Art and Cylture
Zaz husky voice and songs are reminiscent of Edith Piaf swing maestro, Ray Gelato, who has performed for the likes of the British royal family. One of the last representatives of the classical jazz tradition, bringing joy to music-lovers with upbeat songs and stormy saxophone solos, Ray Gelato and his orchestra will perform on the Babylon stage with The Ray Gelato Giants at 10:30 pm on Thursday, 13 October.
Two concerts by Zaz
Throughout the 21st Akbank Jazz Festival, followers will get the chance to see performances by many women musicians such as Zaz, Azam Ali, Carmen Souza and Esra Dalfidan.
With her husky voice reminiscent of two world-famous French stars, Frehel and Edith Piaf, and the songs she writes, Zaz who received ‘most popular French singer’ title in Europe in 2010, will give two unforgettable performances; the first will take place at Lutfi Kirdar Convention Centre on
22 October and the second at the Izmir Arena in Izmir, on 23 October.
The ‘Gypsy girl’ has reached home
‘Zeugma Mosaic Museum’, which has taken the title of ‘the biggest mosaic museum’ away from Tunisia’s Bardo Museum, is also hosting the Gypsy Girl mosaic which has become the symbol of the ancient city
The unique mosaics of the ancient city of Zeugma, the discovery of which was received with great excitement throughout the world, now have a museum. The ‘Zeugma Mosaic Museum’, whose official opening took place last month, sits in place of the former Tekel distillery in Gaziantep and has become the biggest mosaic museum in the world, displaying nearly 1,700 m2 of mosaics. The construction of the museum building, initiated in April 2008 by Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, and restoration and conservation work on nearly 1,700 m2 of mosaics unearthed at Zeugma Ancient City on the banks of the Euphrates River in Nizip County, have now been completed.
Source: https://balkan.tourhints.info/gypsy-girl/
0 notes
traveljobs · 5 years
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Gypsy lady
Art and Culture
Smith and Italian drummer Paolo Vinaccia, in a performance at 8:30 pm on Thursday, 13 October, at Cemal Resit Rey Performance Hall.
One of the biggest jazz artists Turkey has ever produced, the world-class trumpeter Maffy Falay and his band Maffy Falay Sextet will give another great performance at 8:30 pm on Friday, 14 October at Cemal Resit Rey.
The talented and innovative percussionist Arto Tungboyaciyan will take music-lovers on a journey to the limits of jazz music at Ghetto on Wednesday, 19 October, with his new project ‘1to3’.
Never ceasing to impress music-lovers with his deep guality of music, masterly solos and boundless dynamism Dusko Goykovich and his band Dusko Goykovich »
‘Global Music Explorer1 master saxophonist llhan Ersahin will also perform at the festival
The festival hosts prominent jazz musicians with its’Sound of the City’ tagline
Art and Cylture
Zaz husky voice and songs are reminiscent of Edith Piaf swing maestro, Ray Gelato, who has performed for the likes of the British royal family. One of the last representatives of the classical jazz tradition, bringing joy to music-lovers with upbeat songs and stormy saxophone solos, Ray Gelato and his orchestra will perform on the Babylon stage with The Ray Gelato Giants at 10:30 pm on Thursday, 13 October.
Two concerts by Zaz
Throughout the 21st Akbank Jazz Festival, followers will get the chance to see performances by many women musicians such as Zaz, Azam Ali, Carmen Souza and Esra Dalfidan.
With her husky voice reminiscent of two world-famous French stars, Frehel and Edith Piaf, and the songs she writes, Zaz who received ‘most popular French singer’ title in Europe in 2010, will give two unforgettable performances; the first will take place at Lutfi Kirdar Convention Centre on
22 October and the second at the Izmir Arena in Izmir, on 23 October.
The ‘Gypsy girl’ has reached home
‘Zeugma Mosaic Museum’, which has taken the title of ‘the biggest mosaic museum’ away from Tunisia’s Bardo Museum, is also hosting the Gypsy Girl mosaic which has become the symbol of the ancient city
The unique mosaics of the ancient city of Zeugma, the discovery of which was received with great excitement throughout the world, now have a museum. The ‘Zeugma Mosaic Museum’, whose official opening took place last month, sits in place of the former Tekel distillery in Gaziantep and has become the biggest mosaic museum in the world, displaying nearly 1,700 m2 of mosaics. The construction of the museum building, initiated in April 2008 by Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, and restoration and conservation work on nearly 1,700 m2 of mosaics unearthed at Zeugma Ancient City on the banks of the Euphrates River in Nizip County, have now been completed.
Source: https://balkan.tourhints.info/gypsy-girl/
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bookingacruise · 5 years
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Gypsy lady
Art and Culture
Smith and Italian drummer Paolo Vinaccia, in a performance at 8:30 pm on Thursday, 13 October, at Cemal Resit Rey Performance Hall.
One of the biggest jazz artists Turkey has ever produced, the world-class trumpeter Maffy Falay and his band Maffy Falay Sextet will give another great performance at 8:30 pm on Friday, 14 October at Cemal Resit Rey.
The talented and innovative percussionist Arto Tungboyaciyan will take music-lovers on a journey to the limits of jazz music at Ghetto on Wednesday, 19 October, with his new project ‘1to3’.
Never ceasing to impress music-lovers with his deep guality of music, masterly solos and boundless dynamism Dusko Goykovich and his band Dusko Goykovich »
‘Global Music Explorer1 master saxophonist llhan Ersahin will also perform at the festival
The festival hosts prominent jazz musicians with its’Sound of the City’ tagline
Art and Cylture
Zaz husky voice and songs are reminiscent of Edith Piaf swing maestro, Ray Gelato, who has performed for the likes of the British royal family. One of the last representatives of the classical jazz tradition, bringing joy to music-lovers with upbeat songs and stormy saxophone solos, Ray Gelato and his orchestra will perform on the Babylon stage with The Ray Gelato Giants at 10:30 pm on Thursday, 13 October.
Two concerts by Zaz
Throughout the 21st Akbank Jazz Festival, followers will get the chance to see performances by many women musicians such as Zaz, Azam Ali, Carmen Souza and Esra Dalfidan.
With her husky voice reminiscent of two world-famous French stars, Frehel and Edith Piaf, and the songs she writes, Zaz who received ‘most popular French singer’ title in Europe in 2010, will give two unforgettable performances; the first will take place at Lutfi Kirdar Convention Centre on
22 October and the second at the Izmir Arena in Izmir, on 23 October.
The ‘Gypsy girl’ has reached home
‘Zeugma Mosaic Museum’, which has taken the title of ‘the biggest mosaic museum’ away from Tunisia’s Bardo Museum, is also hosting the Gypsy Girl mosaic which has become the symbol of the ancient city
The unique mosaics of the ancient city of Zeugma, the discovery of which was received with great excitement throughout the world, now have a museum. The ‘Zeugma Mosaic Museum’, whose official opening took place last month, sits in place of the former Tekel distillery in Gaziantep and has become the biggest mosaic museum in the world, displaying nearly 1,700 m2 of mosaics. The construction of the museum building, initiated in April 2008 by Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, and restoration and conservation work on nearly 1,700 m2 of mosaics unearthed at Zeugma Ancient City on the banks of the Euphrates River in Nizip County, have now been completed.
Source: https://balkan.tourhints.info/gypsy-girl/
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travelandtravel · 5 years
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Gypsy lady
Art and Culture
Smith and Italian drummer Paolo Vinaccia, in a performance at 8:30 pm on Thursday, 13 October, at Cemal Resit Rey Performance Hall.
One of the biggest jazz artists Turkey has ever produced, the world-class trumpeter Maffy Falay and his band Maffy Falay Sextet will give another great performance at 8:30 pm on Friday, 14 October at Cemal Resit Rey.
The talented and innovative percussionist Arto Tungboyaciyan will take music-lovers on a journey to the limits of jazz music at Ghetto on Wednesday, 19 October, with his new project ‘1to3’.
Never ceasing to impress music-lovers with his deep guality of music, masterly solos and boundless dynamism Dusko Goykovich and his band Dusko Goykovich »
‘Global Music Explorer1 master saxophonist llhan Ersahin will also perform at the festival
The festival hosts prominent jazz musicians with its’Sound of the City’ tagline
Art and Cylture
Zaz husky voice and songs are reminiscent of Edith Piaf swing maestro, Ray Gelato, who has performed for the likes of the British royal family. One of the last representatives of the classical jazz tradition, bringing joy to music-lovers with upbeat songs and stormy saxophone solos, Ray Gelato and his orchestra will perform on the Babylon stage with The Ray Gelato Giants at 10:30 pm on Thursday, 13 October.
Two concerts by Zaz
Throughout the 21st Akbank Jazz Festival, followers will get the chance to see performances by many women musicians such as Zaz, Azam Ali, Carmen Souza and Esra Dalfidan.
With her husky voice reminiscent of two world-famous French stars, Frehel and Edith Piaf, and the songs she writes, Zaz who received ‘most popular French singer’ title in Europe in 2010, will give two unforgettable performances; the first will take place at Lutfi Kirdar Convention Centre on
22 October and the second at the Izmir Arena in Izmir, on 23 October.
The ‘Gypsy girl’ has reached home
‘Zeugma Mosaic Museum’, which has taken the title of ‘the biggest mosaic museum’ away from Tunisia’s Bardo Museum, is also hosting the Gypsy Girl mosaic which has become the symbol of the ancient city
The unique mosaics of the ancient city of Zeugma, the discovery of which was received with great excitement throughout the world, now have a museum. The ‘Zeugma Mosaic Museum’, whose official opening took place last month, sits in place of the former Tekel distillery in Gaziantep and has become the biggest mosaic museum in the world, displaying nearly 1,700 m2 of mosaics. The construction of the museum building, initiated in April 2008 by Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, and restoration and conservation work on nearly 1,700 m2 of mosaics unearthed at Zeugma Ancient City on the banks of the Euphrates River in Nizip County, have now been completed.
Source: https://balkan.tourhints.info/gypsy-girl/
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reviewsphere · 6 years
‘Norse Myths’ by The Scottish National Jazz Orchestra
‘Norse Myths’ by The Scottish National Jazz Orchestra @SNJO2 @CreativeScots @RCStweets @DundeeCouncil @queens_hall @TommySmithMusic @JazzScotland1 @GCHalls @QueensCross #norsemyths #jazz
The new SNJO concert season begins in earnest with Norse Myths an astonishing journey into strange magical realms and extraordinary new adventures in jazz. This new commission sourced ancient narratives, improvisational instincts and Nordic folk song to create this unique and utterly beguiling experience in modern music.
It’s an offering fit for gods and goddesses alike, further enhanced by the…
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riffsstrides · 7 years
Ferenc Snétberger
Enja Records, 2006
Ferenc Snètbeger - chitarra acustica Arild Andersen - contrabbasso, elettronica Paolo Vinaccia - batteria, percussioni, elettronica
Nomad is the seventh release by Hungarian-born, Berlin-based acoustic guitarist Ferenc Snétberger, but in many ways this collaborative effort may be the culmination of experiences by his collaborator, Norwegian bassist Arild Andersen, with small ensembles that feature acoustic guitarists. Andersen recorded Karta (ECM, 1999) with two of Snétberger's musical partners—German trumpeter Markus Stockhausen and French drummer/percussionist Patrice Héral—plus fellow Norwegian guitarist Terje Rypdal; four years later, Snétberger replaced Rypdal for the recording of Joyosa (Enja, 2004). Karta and Joyosa focused on improvised textures and ethereal atmospheres that emphasized the distinctive personalities of each member of these quartets. In contrast, Nomad, which also features Italian-born and Oslo-based drummer/percussionist Paolo Vinaccia, a close associate of Andersen, is much more grounded in song formats and emphatic interplay.
Nomad was recorded in ECM's home base, Oslo's Rainbow studio, by master sound engineer Jan Erik Kongshaug, who managed to capture the warm, vibrant sound and natural ease of this session. Snétberger is credited with seven of the ten tracks, but all of them sound as if they were not written with a special leader in mind. And all reflect Snétberger's nomadic roots and the breadth of his musical vocabulary, from gypsy guitar virtuosity through the subtle sophistication of Jim Hall and the wealthy vision of Egberto Gismonti.
The opening track, "Empathy," exemplifies the beauty of this trio. Snétberger outlines a simple and charming theme, while Andersen consolidates the ballad with imaginative and elegant lines and Vinaccia colors it with spare playing. The following "Childhood" is more about fiery improvisation on a catchy guitar chord progression, and on "Nomad" Snétberger alternates between Spanish and Latin American rhythms, filtered through Vinaccia's clever use of electronics.
"Song to the East" is based on a loose format of call-and-response interplay that's typical of traditional Indian music, and Snétberger succeeds in suggesting an original role for the guitar in that context. Andersen has led several acoustic guitar-based trios in the past which have referred to his folky roots (the magical Sommerbrisen, KKV, 1998; and less cohesive If You Look Far Enough, ECM, 1993). In the same manner, this trio features a blend of folk-based themes, really excelling on some of the tracks, especially "Yellow" and "Move," where Andersen's lyrical tone and organic fluidity are magnificent.
This trio manages to encompass many elements and evoke many joyful images in its unassuming and haunting playing. Beautiful.
EYAL HAREUVENI in All About Jazz
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