#Paracetamol India
chemxert · 2 years
Chemxpert Is One Of The Best Paracetamol Manufacturing company
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Some manufacturers are better at making high quality products than others, but they all have something to offer. If you want to find the best paracetamol manufacturing company for your needs, you're going to need to do some research and be sure you know what you're looking for. Chemxpert is a best paracetamol manufacturer company in India across the globe. We are committed to providing high quality paracetamol at reasonable prices. Visit our Chemxpert website if you have any questions or guidance!
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istoleherheart-3008 · 5 months
Paracetamol cures everything in india
Real 💀
Dukh drad depression sabka ek ilaaj paracetamol ✨✨✨ /s
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headpainmigraine · 1 year
Migraine isn’t a Headache Part Five: make it go away
I wanted to put something about getting diagnosed before I started to address medication, but the spoons to put my diagnosis journey together down on paper are much more than this section, so I’m skipping it until later.
(We’re out of Migraine Awareness Month now, but we are getting into Disability Pride Month, and chronic migraine is a disability, so!)
Treatment for Migraine can be divided into ACUTE and PREVENTATIVE
(and within that, can be divided into ‘medical’ and ‘complimentary’)
Acute treatment includes medication that treats the pain when you’re starting or having a migraine, like triptans, and methods you use to handle the pain, like cold packs
Preventative treatment aims to stop the migraine happening, so that you don’t need to use acute treatments.
Up until very recently (2021) there were no preventative treatments for migraine that were made specifically for migraine (until 2021)
(That was three years ago.)
Every other medication prescribed had originally been designed for something else.
As a result, you’ll find that a lot of suggested migraine preventative treatments are drugs used to treat things like high blood pressure, seizures and mental health issues like depression and psychosis – dosage makes all the difference.
This isn’t because they believe the cause of your migraine to be high blood pressure, or mental illness, but because the drugs also work to mitigate migraines – I’m only highlighting that because I’ve seen it suggested that when a doctor prescribes an antidepressant for migraines, it’s because they’re treating depression – this isn’t true.
Even botox was first used in beauty treatments before they discovered that women who had it also experienced a reduction in their migraines.
There have been no medications made specifically for migraine until the last couple of years, which is a crazy state of affairs.
And, even now, the meds that are coming out for migraine (CGRP mAb injections -nabs and -gepants) aren’t widely available, and not at all in some countries (India, for example). We don’t yet have access to the exciting new -gepant drugs in the UK.
(EDIT: As of 31st May 2023 we MIGHT be getting access to them! Exciting!)
When you present at the GP with a headache, and the GP diagnoses you with migraine, they won’t usually jump to prescribing preventatives.
They will usually prescribe acute medications first, if anything at all.
It’s not uncommon to be told to take high dose dispersible aspirin or other over the counter meds marketed for migraine.
These meds are usually your average ibuprofen or paracetamol with added caffeine, sometimes with an added anti-emetic.
Remember that migraines aren’t a headache, so your stomach can stop working or work inefficiently when you’re having one.
Prescribing an acute pain relief medication alongside an anti-emetic helps your body actually absorb that acute med while you’re having an attack.
In my experience, no GP ever suggested or prescribed an anti-emetic alongside an acute treatment when I first went to them with migraines, so be prepared to have to make that suggestion yourself, and to be shot down if they disagree.
The usual anti-emetics will be metoclopramide hydrochloride, or prochlorperazine (also used for schizophrenia and anxiety)
Sometimes, your GP will prescribe naproxen, or another prescription NSAID for your migraines.
If you’re lucky, your GP might prescribe a triptan.
I believe the most common is ‘sumatriptan’ but there are a whole host of them (rizatriptan and almotriptan might be two others you’ve heard about).
I’m currently taking eletriptan, which is a much older triptan and not widely used by most GP’s for some reason.
This to say, that if you’re prescribed eg sumatriptan and it doesn’t work for you, try asking for another type.
Another reason triptans might not work for you is the method of administration.
If your migraines present with a lot of vomiting, something that melts on your tongue or a buccal tablet that dissolves under your upper lip might work better for you than a tablet you swallow. Some of them even come in nasal sprays.
TL;DR – Acute Treatment - Medications
- Paracetamol
- Ibuprofen
- Aspirin (dispersible aspirin for fast absorption, 900mg best dose)
- Co-codamol (voted most likely to cause rebound headaches)
- Naproxen (prescription only)
- Triptans (prescription only?)
- Anti-emetics (metoclopramide, prochlorperazine)
- Other prescription NSAIDs (tolfenamic acid, diclofenac potassium, diclofenac sodium, mefenamic acid)
- US only? -gepants
You can’t take most of these medications indefinitely.
They recommend taking cocodamol no more than 3 days in a row because of risk of addiction.
You can’t take metoclopramide for a long time.
Almost all of these meds can cause rebound/medication overuse headaches
Not to mention the side effects these meds come with, or the stress you might be putting on your kidneys/liver/rest of your body.
When your pain is that bad that you CAN’T care about the risks of taking something that might make a little dent in the agonies, you don’t think about those risks.
The hard part is that you get to the point where you HAVE TO start thinking about those risks.
Taking painkillers all day every day every time isn’t sustainable.
I know, it sucks.
Maybe in the future they’ll come up with a painkiller we can take that will reduce the pain without side effects destroying your body, but we’re not there yet.
Just another happy part of being alive as someone with chronic pain!
BUT! That’s where ‘complimentary’ treatments come in. These come in preventative and acute flavours too, with a lot of overlap, but we’re looking at acute treatments this time around.
If you’re a long-term chronic pain patient, you’ll probably already know about all of these.
I covered “lifestyle changes” that might help headaches in THIS PART, and you can use those here (sticking to a sleep schedule, regular meals, staying hydrated, ugh, yeah, I know, it helps though), but, for more urgent relief:
***Little disclaimer, not everything will work for everyone. Maybe you have other conditions that contraindicate these ideas. I’m not a medical professional, just a dude who suffers and uses this stuff to suffer a little less.***
- Cold treatment (ice packs, sticky cold patches, running cold water over your head, cold swimming, cold gels in a tube, ice hats)
- Heat treatment (electric heat pads, microwaveable heat packs, sticky heat patches, hot water bottles, hot baths)
- Balms (tiger balm, roll-on headache gels, pulse point gels, menthol rubs)
- Aromatherapy (helpful sometimes, but just as likely to aggravate your migraine as not. Proceed with caution.)
- Hot drinks (I don’t know why, but a cup of hot chocolate really takes the edge off my migraines?)
- Cold drinks, with ice
- Massage/Muscle treatments (anything from muscle relaxant bubble baths to massage rollers to getting someone to rub your back for you, if you’re lucky enough to have someone willing to do that)
- Gentle stretching (you can find a lot online; look for post-operative/elderly/low impact stretches)
- Sleep masks/Sunglasses (get away, light!)
- Travel sickness pills or ginger caplets for nausea
- Acupuncture (there is a point between the index finger and thumb in the meat of your hand that is supposed to ease pain if you add pressure to it – it doesn’t really work for me, but it’s worth a try. I’d suggest Googling/YouTubing it. I have acupuncture needles and have been shown how to use them, so it might be worth asking if you know a practitioner you trust?)
I’m sure I’m missing something that will come to me later.
For travel, I take:
- painkillers and my triptans (and anti-emetic when I’m allowed to have one)
- travel sickness pills/ginger pills
- balm tin/roller
- cold balm/sometimes cold patches
- shades
I’ve also shaved my head – I usually go down to a Grade 1, but have gone 0 before, which was weird.
Hair grows back surprisingly fast, and having short hair is amazing for migraines, especially in the summer.
You don’t need to spend so much time washing/drying your hair (which is helpful when you’re in the midst of an attack and/or have comorbidities that make showering difficult).
You can also apply cold/heat treatments closer to the scalp, but be careful not to burn yourself (I am absolutely not speaking from experience…)
On a greater scale, just making your room (or wherever you go to hide when you have migraines) as comfortable for you as possible is helpful. Enough pillows, blankets you can kick off if you overheat, a fan to keep the room cool but not cold, curtains or blackout blinds depending on how much light you want to block out.
I use a text-to-speech app to read fanfic to me, or I listen to audiobooks when I’m being photosensitive but can manage sound, and don’t want to be bored out of my gourd.
Has anyone else got any other tips that don’t fall into the above categories for help when you’re having a migraine?
Next up in this series: Preventative Treatment (Meds and Complimentary Treatments)
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kunalvc · 1 year
More India-made cough & cold syrups under WHO lens.
More cough and fever medications made by Indian drug makers are under the scanner of the World Health Organization (WHO) as member countries flag contamination or substandard medications. "To date this situation has impacted more than 20 products with two countries of origin (India & Indonesia) and more than 15 different manufacturers," WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris told ET.
All the products are syrup-based such as paracetamol, cough, and vitamins. WHO added that though the investigations in the impacted countries are ongoing, a link has not yet been established.
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platinumpharmacy · 15 days
How to Choose the Right Medicine for Your Cold in India
Navigating the vast array of cold medications available can be overwhelming, especially in a country like India where there are numerous options tailored to different symptoms and preferences. Choosing the right medicine for your cold requires careful consideration of your symptoms, health conditions, and personal preferences. This article aims to provide guidance on selecting the appropriate cold medicine in India, taking into account various factors that can influence your decision-making process.
1. Understand Your Symptoms
Before selecting a cold medicine, it is essential to identify and understand your specific cold symptoms. Common symptoms of a cold may include:
Runny or stuffy nose
Sore throat
Mild fever
Body aches
Different medications target specific cold symptoms, so knowing your symptoms can help you choose the most suitable medication for relief.
2. Types of Cold Medications
In India, cold medications are available in various forms, such as:
Decongestants: These medications help relieve nasal congestion by reducing swelling in the nasal passages.
Antihistamines: Antihistamines can help alleviate sneezing, runny nose, and itching.
Cough Suppressants: These medications help suppress coughing and provide relief from a persistent cough.
Expectorants: Expectorants help thin mucus, making it easier to cough up and clear the airways.
Analgesics: Pain relievers such as paracetamol can help reduce fever and alleviate body aches associated with a cold.
3. Considerations for Choosing the Right Medicine
Understand Your Health Condition: If you have any preexisting health conditions or are taking other medications, consult a healthcare provider before choosing a cold medicine to avoid potential interactions.
Check for Allergies: Be mindful of any allergies you may have to specific ingredients in cold medications, especially if you have a history of allergic reactions.
Avoid Overmedication: Do not use multiple cold medications simultaneously, as this can lead to overdose or adverse effects. Stick to one medication that addresses your primary symptoms.
4. Popular Cold Medications in India
In India, some commonly used cold medications include:
Dabur Honitus: A popular cough syrup that provides relief from cough and throat irritation.
Vicks Vaporub: Used for nasal congestion relief and soothing cold symptoms.
Crocin: An over-the-counter pain reliever that can help reduce fever and body aches.
Sinarest: A combination medication that addresses multiple cold symptoms like congestion, runny nose, and headache.
5. Herbal and Ayurvedic Options
In India, there is a rich tradition of herbal and Ayurvedic remedies for cold and flu. Consider trying herbal preparations like:
Tulsi (Holy Basil) Tea: Known for its immune-boosting properties and soothing effects on cold symptoms.
Ginger and Honey: A popular home remedy for cough and sore throat.
Turmeric Milk: Contains anti-inflammatory properties and can help alleviate cold symptoms.
6. Read Labels Carefully
When selecting a cold medicine, carefully read the label for dosage instructions, potential side effects, and contraindications. Pay attention to the active ingredients to ensure they target your specific symptoms.
7. Consult a Healthcare Provider
If your cold symptoms are severe, persistent, or accompanied by other concerning symptoms, consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment recommendation. A healthcare professional can guide you in choosing the most appropriate medication based on your individual needs.
In conclusion, choosing the right medicine for cold in India involves understanding your symptoms, considering different types of cold medications, checking for allergies and interactions, exploring popular cold remedies, and reading labels carefully. By taking these factors into account and seeking professional advice when needed, you can make an informed decision when selecting a cold medication that effectively addresses your symptoms and supports your recovery.
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farmson · 23 days
Farmson, a premier API manufacturer in India, specializes in producing high-quality Mirabegron, a Beta-3 adrenergic receptor agonist. Widely recognized for its effectiveness in managing overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms, Mirabegron helps relax bladder muscles to reduce urgency, frequency, and incontinence. At Farmson, we ensure strict adherence to international standards, maintaining purity, efficacy, and safety in every batch. Choose Farmson for your Mirabegron API needs and experience unmatched quality and reliability, backed by decades of industry expertise.
For more details visit: https://www.farmson.com/products/new-apis
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optionperks · 23 days
Market regulator Sebi advises exchanges to be more discerning on SME IPOs
Exchanges and market ecosystem should learn to say ‘no’ when it comes to listings of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), said Ashwani Bhatia, a whole-time member of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi), amid concerns of manipulation and fraudulent practices in the sector. His comments come at a time when the market capitalisation of SMEs has surged to Rs 2 trillion and the segment sees heightened investor frenzy for subscriptions during Initial Public Offerings (IPOs). "Nobody is saying no to SME listings, even when they inflate their balance sheets. The auditors should be good doctors —don’t give them steroids when they can survive on paracetamol," he said at the Financing 3.0 Summit in Mumbai. Bhatia urged SMEs to explore other funding opportunities through alternative funds before exploring listing. “Instead of coming straight to IPO, a better way is to go to angel investors. Grow there for a while and then come to the exchanges,” he suggested. The commitments from Sebi-registered alternative investment funds (AIFs) have surged to Rs 1,169 crore for SME financing as of March, with Rs 735 crore already raised. At the same event organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Ashishkumar Chauhan, MD & CEO of the National Stock Exchange (NSE), said the exchanges have taken cognisance of the issues in SME listings. “We will maintain the balance, and a stricter guideline is expected. Not all SMEs are doing good," said Chauhan. The market regulator has of late adopted a stricter approach towards surveillance of SMEs and issued orders against firms found using the route to allegedly siphon off funds, inflate prices through fictitious transactions, or towards promoters using the avenue to offload stakes.
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tfgadgets · 1 month
Paracetamol, cetirizine among 156 combination drugs banned by Indian government; several multivitamins under review
In a move to make public health safer and convenient, the Indian government has banned the usage of several drugs including various cocktail or combination drugs.Along with this, 34 multivitamins are also under review. Following the recent ban on 156 drugs, the Government of India is now considering banning 34 additional multivitamins, according to sources.”34 multivitamins are under evaluation…
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veeremedies · 2 months
Best Veterinary PCD Company in India
Best Veterinary PCD Company in India - Vee Remedies is one of the places offering the Best Veterinary range in India, offering only the best veterinary supplies and services. The distribution of veterinary medicines and supplies through a franchise model is PCD Pharma Veterinary Medicines Franchise Company. This is an opportunity for businesses to reach a wider audience and build their brand nationwide.
Vee Remedies is interested in quality and efficiency in addition to affordable medicines. Veterinary PCD Pharma Franchise Company in India sells several medicines and its solutions include medicine bolus, animal injections, liquid veterinary medicine, feed, nutritional supplements, etc. Vee Remedies welcomes all business associates by allowing them to join the Best Veterinary PCD Pharma Company in India. After comparing various parameters, Vee Remedies is ranked as number one for the best Veterinary PCD Pharma Franchise Companies in India which offers monopoly business.
Comprehensive Product Range Offered by Vee Remedies
With our customer-oriented approach, we deal with a wide range of veterinary medicines. The company is determined and committed to producing and supplying only quality products. Our veterinary medicines are manufactured using world-class infrastructure and advanced technology. We have a wide range of veterinary products that include beef nutritional supplements, steroids, dry powders, calcium nutritional supplements, mineral mixes, veterinary injections, boluses, liver tonics, and more. Let's talk briefly about our selection of vets:
Appetite and digestive bolus
Liver Tonic
Oral Ionic Calcium Gel
Metho Chelated
Perks of Joining Hands with Veterinary PCD Pharma Franchise Company in India
Here is the list of advantages associates will get after joining the PCD pharma company in India with Ventation Pharma.
You will get the Monopoly-based Veterinary PCD Pharma Franchise Company with no business competition in your area.
You will be supported by the best-experienced traders in India who will guide you directly to a successful business.
Dynamic Economic investment plans that meet your every budget.
You will get an opportunity to earn high revenue with less investment. In simple terms, the best profit margin earning is offered for better Rate of return.
Vee Remedies provides promotional support free of cost to its associates for the Veterinary PCD Pharma Franchise Company in India. For example, pens, LBLs, calendars, M R bags, cards, samples, brochures, catalogs, Note pads, monthly hampers, occasional gifts, t-shirts, etc.
Fast delivery assistance in all zones of the country is the main feature of our company.
We have a comprehensive inventory list that leads to never-ending business growth as we keep adding new products from time to time in our catalog.
Contact Details
Name - Vee Remedies 
Phone Number - 91-9814020377
Address - Palam Enclave, Behind Ranjan Plaza, Mohali, Zirakpur, Punjab
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dolvisbio · 2 months
Third party pharma manufacturer Company in India
We at Dolvis Bio Pharma Private Limited are Wholesale Distributor of Herbal Laxative Powder, Fluconazole Azithromycin Tablet, Paracetamol Phenylephrine HCL Caffeine Phenhydramine, Dexrabeprazole Sodium Domperidone Capsules and Pharma & Bioanalytical Services since 2012 in Manimajra, Chandigarh.
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chemanalystdata · 2 months
Para Aminophenol Prices Trend | Pricing | Database | Index | News | Chart
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Para Aminophenol Prices, a crucial intermediate in the pharmaceutical and dye industries, has been experiencing significant price fluctuations due to various factors affecting the global market. The prices of para aminophenol are influenced by the cost of raw materials, production capacities, demand and supply dynamics, and regulatory changes. 
Raw material costs are a primary driver of para aminophenol prices. Aniline, a critical raw material used in the production of para aminophenol, has seen its prices fluctuate due to variations in crude oil prices, as aniline is derived from benzene, a petroleum product. Any volatility in the oil market thus directly impacts aniline costs, subsequently affecting para aminophenol prices. Furthermore, environmental regulations in major producing countries, such as China and India, have led to the shutdown of several aniline production units to comply with stricter pollution control norms, reducing supply and driving up prices.
Production capacities and technological advancements also play a significant role in determining para aminophenol prices. Companies with advanced production technologies and larger production capacities can often produce para aminophenol more efficiently and at a lower cost. However, any disruptions in these facilities, whether due to maintenance, regulatory issues, or unforeseen accidents, can lead to supply shortages and price hikes. The concentration of production facilities in certain geographical regions also means that local issues, such as labor strikes, natural disasters, or political instability, can have a global impact on prices.
Get Real Time Prices for Para Aminophenol : https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/para-aminophenol-1541
The demand for para aminophenol is closely linked to the pharmaceutical industry, particularly the production of paracetamol. With the ongoing focus on healthcare and increasing incidences of fever and pain-related conditions, the demand for paracetamol continues to rise. This persistent demand exerts continuous upward pressure on para aminophenol prices. Additionally, the dye industry, which uses para aminophenol in the production of various dyes and pigments, also influences its demand and price. While the dye industry may not see as consistent a demand spike as the pharmaceutical sector, any increase in industrial activities can lead to a corresponding rise in para aminophenol prices.
Global trade dynamics and tariffs also affect para aminophenol prices. Trade policies, import-export tariffs, and geopolitical tensions can disrupt the smooth flow of para aminophenol between countries, leading to supply chain disruptions and price volatility. For instance, any trade restrictions imposed by major exporting countries can create supply shortages in importing nations, driving up prices. Conversely, favorable trade agreements can enhance supply availability and stabilize prices.
Regulatory changes and compliance costs in producing countries add another layer of complexity to the pricing of para aminophenol. Stricter environmental and safety regulations can increase production costs, as companies need to invest in cleaner technologies and safer production practices. These additional costs are often passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices. Moreover, regulatory delays in approvals for new production facilities can limit supply growth, further contributing to price increases.
Market speculation and the activities of traders can also lead to price fluctuations. Traders who anticipate future shortages may buy and hold large quantities of para aminophenol, reducing immediate availability and driving up prices. Conversely, if traders expect a decrease in demand or an increase in supply, they may offload their holdings, leading to price drops.
In summary, para aminophenol prices are subject to a complex interplay of factors including raw material costs, production capacities, technological advancements, regulatory changes, demand from the pharmaceutical and dye industries, global trade dynamics, and market speculation. Understanding these factors is crucial for stakeholders in the para aminophenol market to make informed decisions and navigate the volatility effectively. As the global economy continues to evolve, the prices of para aminophenol will likely remain dynamic, reflecting the ongoing changes in supply chain logistics, technological advancements, regulatory landscapes, and market demand.
Get Real Time Prices for Para Aminophenol : https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/para-aminophenol-1541
Contact Us:
GmbH - S-01, 2.floor, Subbelrather Straße,
15a Cologne, 50823, Germany
Call: +49-221-6505-8833
Website: https://www.chemanalyst.com
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lucichempharma · 2 months
Best Pharma Products List for PCD Franchise in India
People have always needed Pharma Products. At first, they used other remedies. Then, there was a big change with allopathic medicines. Many pharma companies are in the business, but only a few are good at making quality medicines. Lucichem Pharma which knows a lot about the pharmaceutical market, is now offering the best medicines for people who want to start a pharmaceutical franchise business in India. These medicines are very popular in the pharmaceutical industry.
People in the pharmaceutical industry usually search for the best medicines to start a pharmaceutical franchise business in India. In addition to these medicines, Lucichem Pharma also offers other advantages like exclusive rights, bonuses, tools for promoting products, and more. Hence, it offers the best Pharma Products list for PCD Pharma Franchise in India
Quality Products For Pharma Franchise Business In India
Lucichem Pharma is a top company in India that makes really good medicine and is certified to be safe and high quality. The company follows rules from WHO and CGMP to make sure our products are perfect and high quality. We have many different medicine products that are approved by DCGI and FSSAI. They come in forms like tablets, capsules, injections, eye drops, and more. We sell medicines for common illnesses like nausea, colds, coughs, infections, allergies, and more. These products are all well-liked in the PCD franchise business.
Cefixime 200mg, Azithromycin 250mg & Lactic Acid Bacillus 60 Million Spores
Cefpodoxime 200mg & Diluted Potassium Clavulanate 125mg
Anhydrous Cefpodoxime 50mg
Aceclofenac 100mg,Paracetamol 325mg & Chlorzoxazone 250mg
Etoricoxib 60mg With Thiocolchicoside 4mg
Paracetamol 650mg
Mefenamic Acid 100mg & Paracetamol 250mg
Trypsin Chymotrypsin (6:1) 100000 I.U. (Enteric Coated)
Cholecalciferol 60000 IU
Methylprednisolone 4mg
Ondansetron 4mg orally disintegrating tablets
Prochlorperazine Maleate mouth dissolving 5mg
Multivitamin, Multimineral & Anti Oxidant (Mix fruit Flavour)
Lycopene (10%) 2000mcg, Multivitamin, Multimineral (Sugar Free)
Dextrose 17.5gm, Sucrose 14gm, Ascorbic Acid(Coated) 50mg, Zinc Sulphate 32.5mg & L Taurine 10mg (Orange Flavour)
Ketoconazole 2.00% (Attractive pack)
Cetirizine Hydrochrochloride 5mg/5ml
Levosalbutamol 0.25mg, Ambroxol 7.5mg & Guaiphenesin 12.5mg
Dextromethorphan 10mg, Phenylephrine 5mg & CPM 2mg Excellent Taste & High Viscosity (Sugar Free)
Pantoprazole 40mg & Domperidone 10mg
Isabgol husk & Natural Extracts Powder (Natural Extracts Powder) (Orange Flavour)
Pain Reliever Oil
Tannic Acid(5%w/v), Choline Salicylate(8%w/v), Cetrimide(0.01%w/v), Lignocain Hydrochloride(2%)
Ceftriaxone Sodium 1gm & Sulbactum Sodium 500mg
Clomiphene Citrate 50mg
Dienogest 2mg & Ethinyl Estradiol 0.03mg
Pharma Products List To Start PCD Franchise in India
Cetirizine Hydrochrochloride 5mg/5ml
Cetirizine is a medicine used to help with allergies. It can make allergy symptoms go away. It helps with allergies like hay fever, red eyes, and skin reactions, and also helps with bug bites and sting reactions. It works by stopping histamine, a natural substance made by the body when you have an allergic reaction. Cetirizine HCL tablets help with watery eyes, stuffy nose, sneezing, and itching. This is the best way to start a pharmaceutical business in India.
Paracetamol 650mg
Paracetamol, also known as Acetaminophen, is a medicine that helps with fever and mild pain. Paracetamol only slightly reduces body temperature when taken at a normal dose. Paracetamol is a common medicine that helps to ease pain and discomfort. It can also be used to lower a high fever. In the beginning, paracetamol can cause nausea and stomach pain, but it seems to be just as easy to handle as ibuprofen.
Nimesulide 100mg & Paracetamol 325mg
These medicines are part of a group called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They have pain-relieving and anti-swelling properties that help to reduce mild to moderate pain. It is used to help with sudden illnesses like joint pain, after-surgery pain, fever, menstrual pain, and rheumatoid arthritis. Hurt happens when muscles, bones, or organs get injured. Nimesulide Tablets can help with arthritis symptoms too. This medicine works by stopping a chemical in the body called prostaglandin from causing inflammation and pain.
Advantages Of Starting A PCD Franchise Business With Lucichem Pharma
The person who owns a pharma franchise is important in the pharma industry because they sell the company's pharma products in the market. Lucichem Pharma is a company that cares about its customers. They offer the best medicines for starting a pharmaceutical business in India and make sure their customers are happy. Additionally, the company always tries very hard to make its customers happy. For example, this time we have some good benefits that have been proven to help their business grow. First, we want to talk about our customer service. Our team is always available to help our customers whenever they need it. Here are some benefits of starting a medicine franchise company in India.
We always have medicine and other medical items in stock to meet our client's needs and the needs of their customers.
Pharma experts have been dealing with various marketing problems. But our sales team is here to help customers with the latest marketing techniques.
Our Best Medicines For Starting A Pharma Franchise Business In India gives clients the only right to sell the products, making them the only owners.
For our franchise business, we provide things like a bag, notebook, billing book, and pen with our company's name on it to help promote our business.
If you want to know more about the best medicine for starting a pharma franchise business, just get in touch with us.
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luminouslifelines · 3 months
Zika Virus Cases Are on the Rise in India: Causes, Precautions, Symptoms, and Treatment—All You Need to Know
The resurgence of Zika virus cases in India has raised significant public health concerns. Understanding the causes, symptoms, precautions, and treatment options is crucial for managing and preventing the spread of this mosquito-borne illness. Here’s an in-depth look at everything you need to know about the Zika virus.
The Zika virus is primarily transmitted through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito, which also spreads dengue and chikungunya viruses. The following factors contribute to the rise in Zika virus cases:
Increased Mosquito Population: High temperatures, stagnant water, and unplanned urbanization create ideal breeding conditions for mosquitoes.
Travel and Migration: Movement of people between areas with active Zika virus transmission can introduce the virus to new locations.
Lack of Public Awareness: Insufficient knowledge about the virus and its transmission can lead to inadequate prevention measures.
Environmental Changes: Changes in climate and rainfall patterns can influence mosquito breeding cycles.
Zika virus infection often presents mild symptoms or can be asymptomatic. However, the common symptoms include:
Joint pain
Conjunctivitis (red eyes)
Muscle pain
Symptoms typically appear 2-7 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito and usually last for several days to a week.
While the Zika virus is generally mild, it can lead to severe complications, especially in pregnant women. The virus can cause microcephaly and other congenital abnormalities in the fetus. Additionally, there is a potential link between Zika virus infection and Guillain-Barré syndrome, a rare neurological condition.
Preventing mosquito bites is the primary way to reduce the risk of Zika virus infection. Here are some precautions:
Use Mosquito Repellents: Apply EPA-registered insect repellents containing DEET, picaridin, or IR3535 on exposed skin.
Wear Protective Clothing: Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, socks, and shoes to minimize skin exposure.
Use Bed Nets: Sleep under mosquito nets, especially in areas with no air conditioning or screens on windows and doors.
Eliminate Breeding Sites: Regularly empty, clean, or cover containers that hold water to prevent mosquito breeding.
Stay Indoors: Stay in air-conditioned or well-screened rooms during peak mosquito activity times (early morning and late afternoon).
There is no specific antiviral treatment for Zika virus infection. Management focuses on relieving symptoms:
Rest: Ensure adequate rest to help the body recover.
Hydration: Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.
Pain Relief: Use acetaminophen (paracetamol) to relieve fever and pain. Avoid aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) until dengue infection is ruled out to reduce the risk of bleeding.
Public Health Measures
To combat the rise in Zika virus cases, public health authorities are taking several measures:
Surveillance and Reporting: Strengthening surveillance systems to monitor and report cases promptly.
Community Education: Conducting awareness campaigns to educate the public about preventive measures and symptoms.
Vector Control: Implementing mosquito control programs, including insecticide spraying and environmental management to reduce mosquito populations.
Travel Advisories: Issuing guidelines for travelers to and from affected areas.
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currentmediasstuff · 3 months
Priyanka Chigurupati – Leading Granules India Forward
Priyanka Chigurupati, a dynamic second-generation entrepreneur, is propelling her family’s pharmaceutical business, Granules India, into new heights. Starting her journey with Granules India as a marketing manager for a region-specific division, she quickly rose to oversee a new API facility and establish the US team for Granules Inc.
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Early Life and Education
Priyanka’s path to the pharmaceutical industry was not initially clear. After earning a Bachelor of Science in Business Management from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, she pursued her passion for fashion by obtaining an associate degree in Applied Science (Fashion Marketing) from Parsons, the New School of Design. She launched her fashion label, Chigurupati, designing Western and Indo-Western apparel for young women and retailing through e-commerce platforms, which was a novel approach at the time.
Entering the Family Business
In 2012, Priyanka was invited to join Granules India, the family-owned pharmaceutical company with operations in Hyderabad and the US. Granules India Ltd. is a vertically integrated pharmaceutical company focusing on R&D and multi-product delivery, including the manufacture of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), Pharmaceutical Formulation Intermediates (PFIs), and Finished Dosages (FDs). Reflecting on her decision, Priyanka says, “I joined the family business of pharmaceuticals after pondering on what to do post my education in the US.”
Starting as a marketing manager, Priyanka embraced a collaborative approach, valuing collective decision-making over unilateral actions. This philosophy not only facilitated her learning but also instilled the confidence to influence organizational strategy, shifting the company’s focus towards manufacturing excellence.
Career Progression and Achievements
After a brief sabbatical, Priyanka returned to Granules India to manage a newly acquired API facility and subsequently relocated to the US. There, she drove the over-the-counter division as a project manager, later expanding her responsibilities to the prescription side of the business, which posed a new set of challenges due to the company’s limited R&D emphasis at the time. Her efforts culminated in her appointment as Executive Director of Granules Pharmaceuticals Inc. (GPI), where she oversaw the global business front-end, achieving 30+ abbreviated new drug application (ANDA) filings and their commercialization.
Currently, Priyanka leads the entire US generics business, which generates 50% of Granules’ overall revenues. She also manages the company’s portfolio and spearheads investor relations. Under her leadership, Granules has thrived in the competitive US generics market, maintaining a strong presence even as other Indian drug makers retreated from highly commoditized molecules like Paracetamol and Ibuprofen.
Expanding Horizons
Granules is actively expanding its operations, including setting up a new Multi-Unit Pellet System (MUPS) block in Telangana and an API block for medium to high-volume products. Internationally, the company is making inroads into Europe and enhancing its US market share. The company has seen significant growth, with consolidated revenue reaching Rs 2,598.65 crore in FY 19–20 and continued growth during the pandemic, driven by its essential services designation and commitment to uninterrupted medicine supply.
Personal Passions and Inspirations
Beyond her professional achievements, Priyanka is passionate about fitness and fashion, continuing to write and blog on these interests. Inspired by her marathon-running parents, who earned a Guinness World Record in 2010, she brings the same dedication and resilience to her leadership at Granules. Priyanka aims to consolidate and strengthen Granules’ position as a billion-dollar company, empowering her team to share in the organization’s vision with strong conviction and commitment.
Through her strategic vision and innovative leadership, Priyanka Chigurupati is not only honoring her family’s legacy but also ensuring Granules India’s sustained growth and success in the global pharmaceutical industry.
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chemxpert · 3 months
Paracetamol: From FDA Approvals to Pharmaceutical Trends
Explore the journey of Paracetamol, from FDA approvals to the latest pharmaceutical trends. Understand the intricacies of pharmaceutical labeling and the role of drug wholesale distributors. Delve into the regulatory landscape with insights from the top 20 clinical research companies in India. Stay informed on pharma regulatory updates and industry innovations with our comprehensive overview. Discover the key factors shaping the pharmaceutical industry today.
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granthamlifesciences · 3 months
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