#Paralleling Tommy to Taylor is such a choice
stagefoureddiediaz · 5 months
Is it too soon to talk about the Tommy and Taylor Kelly parallel(s) we got in this episode??
Because @b-dwolf and I were just talking about the fact that the Buck Tommy kiss is literally paralleling the Buck taylor bathroom hook up in season 2 - down to the song choice and the way Madney are sitting - just without the bathroom! we even got a secondary parallel with Taylor dumping Buck to go to work with Tommy dropping out of the party to go to work.
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sibylsleaves · 4 months
This isn't a Buddie established relationship ask so feel free to ignore this but I'm curious...what do you see Buck and Tommy eventually breaking up over? Or what would you want them to break up over?
anon do you want to get me killed
no, i'm totally kidding, this is an interesting question! and im sure everyone is going to be completely normal about me answering it right guys
(under a cut for length)
I think if I'm being super honest, my #1 choice would be Eddie. Both for Buddie reasons and for established narrative reasons--Eddie has been haunting the narrative of BuckTommy, so to speak, since the beginning and it makes a lot of sense to me that it would come back around to him in the end. In 7x04, Tommy says it was "never his intention" to come between Eddie and Buck. He also says Buck "isn't the only one" who can get jealous. In 7x05, Eddie says "this doesn't change a thing between us." Maddie in 7x05 also says that line about "if there's something you need to tell Eddie, you will in your own time."
Right now these are just lines that mean what they mean at face value BUT they are also ripe with potential to be foreshadowing for an eventual break-up/Buddie feelings realization arc. I do think the Bi Buck arc/Tommy arc in general is an excellent catalyst for Buddie feelings realization because. well. it DOES change the equation in a fundamental way. And it's like. slow burn romance 101 to have one character pining over the other while they're in a relationship, so. the stage has been set.
But what form that takes exactly, idk. If I'm the one in charge, I think I'd want Eddie feelings realization -> pining while Buck is with Tommy -> separate Buck feelings realization -> break up with Tommy -> mutual pining for a while -> eventual Buck confession -> they get together. With like some more messy fun things thrown into the mix idk.
I'm less enthused but still intrigued by a Tommy realizes BEFORE Buck arc leading to a break up. I think it makes sense as an echo of Buck's bi realization--Tommy was the catalyst there and it wasn't until he kissed Buck that Buck came to terms with his feeling so I do like the narrative parallels there.
But from a character perspective I think I just really want Buck to get there on his own because one of his prevailing character flaws is that he just kinda...does not know what he's doing or what's happening in his brain ever. He says to Connor and Kameron in season 6 that he "doesn't know what he wants." and in 7x05 he says to Tommy he "doesn't know what he's ready for." And Maddie says in 7x05 that Buck "isn't sure of his own feelings yet." So. I'd like to see a growth where he IS sure of his feelings, where he DOES know what he wants and what he's ready for, and is able to take the initiative and be the one to break things off with Tommy (learning from his mistakes with Taylor/Lucy).
If it's not Eddie (or perhaps Eddie is just PART of the equation) then I think it could go a couple different routes. Route 1 would be a fundamental incompatibility, something like...idk. Tommy not really taking Buck seriously as a partner. This would kind of harken back to their first date (and also to Buck's relationship with Abby) and Tommy cutting out because he thinks Buck "isn't ready."
Or maybe they break up because they don't want the same things in life. I've said it before with other Buck relationships on the show but I would actually love to see an amicable break up because Buck wants kids and his partner doesn't. As Buck gets older, I REALLY would love for the show to really delve into his desire for family/kids, and this particular storyline I don't think I've ever seen portrayed. And it's a very normal reason for a couple to break up!
Or maybe Tommy has to move away for a Cool Helicopter Job and Buck contemplates moving with him. Maybe he even decides he will. But then something Happens and at the last minute he realizes he can't leave his family and that his home is in LA and he has to let Tommy go. This would give me a lot of found family feelings so 🥺
Or maybe they end up together and there's no break up arc. Anything could happen tbh.
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
Seeing your parallels gifsets of Buck's LIs made me realize that either the writers are doing this on purpose or he's turned dating into a social experiment. It also made me think about him somehow turning off the vulnerability he had with Abby after she left and choosing people he won't be getting that deep with. And that's interesting because he's transferred the emotional vulnerability to Eddie instead but it's more complicated because there's intricate rituals there. Idk if this is just intuition but I think more than just a hamster wheel, it feels like he's approaching a breakdown somewhere. It's like Maddie said once, even as a kid Buck knew there was something wrong with his family. And Buck sought out Dr Copeland on his own. There's something going on with his dating choices and I think we're approaching the point where it comes to a head.
As someone who will forever beg for a Buck breakdown, I like the way you think, honey. Because, sure, Buck doesn't realize he's trapped in a cycle, but the idea that he stays in shallow relationships because he doesn't want to go as deep as he did with Abby is interesting for sure, because, yeah, we haven't seen boyfriend Buck come out to play in the degree he did with Abby, and the idea that Buck's chooses people who see him in a specific way can be backed up by the "i feel like she sees me" comment because it was glaring that what was happening was that Natalia saw the parts of him he wanted, and while I think he did care about Taylor as much as he could, there was always a wall around them. And with Tommy right now we were not shown a lot of emotional depth. And, yeah, he has that vulnerability with Eddie and I think he rationalizes it in a "that's what a best friend is for" type way, so he doesn't fully see what he's doing, but he's not fully honest with Eddie either, or maybe he tells Eddie the same lies he tells himself. And the way Buck just goes with the flow has to do something in this particular area of his life, it has to have consequences, because yes, Buck is weirdly perceptive. He knew Abby wasn't all the way in, he knew he would be forced to learn to live with the parts of Taylor he didn't like, he knew something was off with his family. And Maddie tells their parents that Buck is better at seeming fine than anyone gives him credit, and that's very true. Buck is good at carrying the weight once the dust settles. Sure, he will blow up initially, but it's not like he actually deals with stuff. He chooses to ignore the way his parents lied to him, he sits by the window and waits for months, except when talking to Eddie and the doctor during recovery he looked perfectly fine with his death, he got crushed by a truck and they got caught in a tsunami and didn't even blink about it after. His worries about the tsunami were about losing Chris, not almost dying. He's good at diverting, distracting from what's really bothering him. And well, we've learned that bottling shit up won't ever work, with Bobby, and Eddie, and Maddie, and that man has been through A LOT. It has to catch up to him eventually. Because the thing is, Buck is a runner the same way Maddie is, but Buck is running from himself. He ran all across the continent to escape something he couldn't name while searching for something that would make him stay. He settles for anything that makes him feel something because it gives him the illusion he doesn't have to keep running. And that pressure has to go somewhere. So, yeah, ideally this leads to something. I don't have high hopes about it though. But it would be great. I=
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sunflowerdigs · 6 months
Based on the stills, we're getting a loft scene in 7x05 between Buck and Eddie that is clearly meant to parallel the one between Buck and Tommy in 7x04. And I question that choice if Eddie is only going over to reassure Buck that they're still friends. Inevitably, the scenes will be compared and contrasted and the impression the audience will be left with is that the show is trying to draw a clear line between the kind of relationship Buck has with Tommy and the kind of relationship he has with Eddie. So, it makes Buddie seem a lot less likely to happen. Sure, in the future they could reverse that decision, but why film the scene that way in the first place, you know? There's no other reason except to deliberately draw that comparison.
I think a kiss between Buck and Eddie at the end of that scene would strategically be a good choice in order to keep people excited about the show over the 2-week hiatus. Plus, it would make shooting the two scenes so similarly make sense in a Buddie context. Additionally, it would explain why Buck and Eddie seem to be so at odds with each other in 7x06 - they're dealing with the fallout of the kiss and they aren't on the same page about it. Buck's relationship with Tommy is new enough that if he ended it, it would be fine, but Eddie's relationship with Marisol has been going on for months. We've seen Buck behave badly in relation to Eddie, so it would make sense that we see the reverse as well. Plus, Eddie kissing someone else after getting serious with a girl would parallel what Buck did to Taylor in s5.
I know that there are script leaks out there that suggest a different ending for 7x05 (including the dreaded b-word), but, who knows? Hope springs eternal.
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sevensoulmates · 5 months
This is speculation for 7b and s8 based on the spec going around that the last time Oliver was shopped bisexual Buck was "a while back" and the spec that it was maybe season 4/season 5 era. If we're kinda in that season 4 parallel era right now with season 7 then I have some speculations for the second half of season 7 and season 8 as it mirrors season 5.
1.) something big is gonna happen at the end of season 7 paralleling the shooting in the finale of season 4. Doesn't necessarily need to be near death experience but whatever it is will ACTUALLY lead to Buck realizing his feelings for Eddie in a parallel to the will reveal.
2.) Buck will have a chance to take things farther with Tommy (like he did with Taylor Kelly in the s4 finale) and will CHOOSE not to due to realizing his feelings. This will be a reversal of his choices in season 5 with Taylor Kelly.
3.) Eddie will stay with Marisol through till season 8 (like he stayed with Ana till s5). He will have a fully actualized queer realization arc (in a parallel to his breakdown arc in 5b). As a result of this, he will break up with Marisol at some point in season 8 to parallel his breakup with Ana in season 5. Instead of their breakup just being comphet CODED, he will actually know that that's the reason he stayed with her (and Ana and Shannon) for so long. He may or may not know about his feelings for Buck, but will at least know about his attraction to men.
4.) Season 8 will see a BIG step in their relationship, though maybe not a fully actualized romantic relationship. But at least possibly both of them being aware of the others feelings, maybe or maybe not doing something about it and/or adjusting to the idea of what the consequences (reminder: consequences can be good OR bad) would be of shifting their relationship in such a big way.
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tidesreach · 3 months
people being like see bobby approves of tommy...and i'm like that was not the point of why they brought up tommy. bobby also approved of taylor and ana as well so....he's not a good judge of romantic interests for buck and eddie. aside from that the reason tommy was brought up was so that the audience would be aware of where buck was going before running into kim and immediately cancelling plans with tommy because he was worried about eddie and he thinks eddie needs him. it was a way to show the audience that buck is going to choose eddie over tommy even if tommy is "good for him" it's always going to be eddie for buck. this is why the camera panning to eddie instead of buck is so poignant because it's bucks pov. it's the show being conscious of whom is most important to buck even if buck himself may not be ready to vocalize those feelings. they could ahve easily have it pan back to tommy but they didn't. obviously for tommy it would pan to buck because that's the guy he's dating. but the camera panning to eddie for buck was loud and telling of where bucks heart truly lies.
camera panning to eddie you are so special to me. but yeah, that sure was a CHOICE. especially considering with everyone else the camera panned to their partners. i think really, the crux of all of this is exactly that. that buck will always choose eddie, that his and eddie's lives are interwined and inextricable from each other in ways they aren't and never have been with anyone they've dated. have mentioned this before, but the parallels between buck and taylor moving in together and eddie and marisol moving in together are insane actually, then compare those to the way buck and eddie are in each other's space and how naturally it becomes their space, i.e. "this is eddie's house, i'm not really a guest" and the way buck's place only looks and feels like a home when eddie and chris are there, the fucking couch. like, yeah. it's because that's where their hearts lie, that's what home is, each other, christopher. buck is ALWAYS going to choose that. even if he hasn't figured out why yet. so many choices made in s7 point to that, beginning, middle and end.
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thelonelybrilliance · 2 years
HIII 2. midnights has changed who I have absolutely loved it 11/10 3. the whole album is soo stancy coded 3. but the song Question..? really stuck out to me. I think it would be like a conversation he has in his head with nance, yk So here are some lyrics I thought connected. And he's like hurt and sad but also spirals into self-loathing!
basically The Whole beginning part
good girl sad boy, big city wrong choices
we had one thing goin on I swear it was something
causet I don't remember who I was before you panted all my nights
a color ive searched for since.
then we get into the juicy part
but one thing after another fuckin situations
circumstances miscommunication
and I have to say, by the way I just may like some explanation.
then we get to like some details
this part reminds me of the parties and like the locker kiss scene and Tommy H and Carol and Barb too
did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room
and everyone of your friends was making fun of you
but 15 seconds later they were clapping too
then there's this part which is a pretty obvious parallel
did you leave her house in the middle of the night
did you wish you'd put up MORE OF A FIGHT
and then I imagine him like whispering this part if it were a conversation
its just a question
then there's like another deeper detail about there dynamic
she was on your mind with some dickhead guy
that you say that night
then the chorus repeats
but then towards the end in the second bridge just breaks my heart like its so raw and SOO Steve Harrington
Does it feel like everything's just like second BEST AFTER THAT METEOR STRIKE??
and what's that that I heard?
that you're still with her? (*him)
so yeah that was pretty long but its been driving me crazy so I felt like I must share <3 happy streaming
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Also like in the gym part you can clearly see it was eddies attention all along that he wanted also both Buck and Eddie look kind sad like talking about Buck Tommy the way their faces went literally after Eddie says it doesn’t change a thing between us bucks face I’m like interesting acting choices ya know and Tommy even asks “my attention?” He just knew I guess as a friend said Buck is just Tommy’s getaway car he couldn’t get with Eddie so he got with the best friend Tommy do be giving Taylor Kelly vibes tho there’s parallels and we know with this show the parallels means something I mean they cut the karaoke singing because they were paralleling Maddie and chim so also with the focus being on Eddie by the end of the season and shit I’m like is Eddie gonna end in a coma or what
I’m enthusiastically waiting to see what happens.
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chicleeblair · 7 years
Dear Yuletide Writer
Dear Yuletide Author,
EDIT: I am not able to participate in Yuletide this year--I had to forfeit in 2016 due to being unexpectedly hospitalized in Nov/Dec after poorly managing my time, and misreading the rules--I thought the ban could be cleared by submitting a treat OR waiting a year, turns out I have to complete a finished story to be cleared, which I will this year.
All that said, I spent quite a bit of time on this and since I could manage to pinch hint and get to make my requests I’m going to leave my DYW letter here. If anyone feels like writing to these prompts, feel free. I’ll probably reuse them last year, depending on what is written for other people, but I already have plans to nominate a few newer fandoms next year.
Fandoms included: Newsflesh (incl Feedback), 
Hi! I’m incredibly excited about Yuletide this year, and I’ve been considering my requests and offers with more thought than I should be willing to admit to this week. There are so many fandoms that I love nominated, and though I’ve learned to be careful about what I offer to write for, I’ve still found myself making detailed mentao pro-con lists, especially since I try not to request fic from the same fandoms I offer to write in. Still, I’ve been surprised by some of the nominations—I only finished The Lonliest Girl in the Universe a week ago, and Lauren James isn’t well-known in the States, despite being one of my favorite authors. Anyway, I think I’ve got my lists figured out now, so the time has come to tell you what it is I love about my favorite pieces of underappreciated media. What an easy project /sarcasm.
 DISLIKES Before I get into the fandoms individually, I suppose I should let you know what my squicks are (you know you’ve been in fandom too long when you’re shocked Word doesn’t recognize the word ‘squicks.) None of these are triggers in particular, I’ve got depression, but it’s managed, and I don’t have any major traumas to worry about in particular. I don’t mine NSFW/explicit fic, but it’s also not often my reason for reading. That said, the following tags make me likely to hit the back button: watersports, alpha/omega, knotting, feces, mpreg. I’m not particularly fond of girl!penis as a kink, though it’s different if the character is actually dealing with being trans or intersex.
 LIKES One thing I do like that a lot of people don’t is bloodplay, though as there aren’t any vampire stories in my requests it probably won’t be a Thing this year, and I’m good with consensual BDSM.
 I’m sure it’s obvious from my reqs that I’m into zombie fiction, though it’s the human side of it I like, whether that’s humans dealing with zombies, or zombies attempting to deal with their humanity. One thing I will say is that I’ve chosen fandoms that all rest on detailed world-building, and if you want to write a fic that explores the edges of these universes without necessarily including the listed characters, I’m happy with that. Anything that explores how the world has changed/how a certain person has been affected by the big change is fine with me!
 I’m bi, with a deeply abiding love for f/f fic. I definitely have het ships that I’ll fill you in on, but I still love stories where those ladies interact with their female friends. I’m very pro kid!fic, I adore time stamps, alternate POVs, epistolary fic, social media fic, anything that explores the world that an author has already built. I wasn’t ever the kid simply rubbing their Barbies together, I acted out Barbie and Ken meeting while they babysat Kelly and Tommy. (True story: these stories were also written down in a notebook I carried around at school. Basically, I started writing Barbie fanfic at the age of eight.)  
 I’ve received some great Yuletide gifts via letters where I’ve spelled out specific desires, but this year I don’t have specific stories I want written so much as worlds I’d like to see explored further. What are they? Glad you asked, friend!
 Newsflesh (Feed, Deadline, Blackout, Rise, & Feedback)
 This isn’t the most obscure fandom in the world, by any means, since it’s written by Seanann McGuiare under her Mira Grant penname, and because Mark Oshiro of Mark Does Stuff chronicled his journey through the original trilogy. That said, I’m pretty obsessed with the world of these books, and have read and reread all the books and novellas, and I’m not as into the main ship as most readers seem to be. I’m adopted, so the relationship between Georgia and Shaun I don’t love incest in general, though a high school obsession with Life with Derek means I can’t cast stones. However, I nominated this fandom in the first place, and I picked the character pool especially so that even if I didn’t end up requesting it, other participants might take the chance to explore other characters, specifically the characters introduced in Feedback. Their story takes place parallel to Feed; while the Masons are covering the Ryman campaign, Aislinn North, the Irwin who adores chasing zombies, and her companions are on the election trail with Senator Shannon Kilbourne. I like Feedback due to the diversity of its cast—Mat, the teams’ techie and makeup blogger, is nonbinary, and Ash is married to Ben, the Newsie, on paper, but really in a relationship with the final member of their team, fiction-writer Audrey). But another feature I love about this book? Unlike the original trilogy, it was written after the date when Grant sets the Rising—July 2014. Because of this, the book contains some amazing pop cultural nuggets that just make the whole thing seem more real, for instance Ash mentions that Frozen merchandise is a rarity, since the Rising happened mid-PR campaign, and Taylor Swift’s pre-2013 music is “before she turned political.” (If only. Tay and JLaw disappointed me last year.) Like I said, I’m not married to you using these characters. Heck, if you want to explore Taylor Swift’s life, post-Rising, that’d be cool with me. That said, I chose Ash, Emily Ryman, Maggie, and Georgia because they are awesome female characters, and I’d love to see them interact. I can see Ash and Maggie having known each other/dated at some point—though post-canon I am pro-Maggie/Alaric, though less crazy about Ash’s girlfriend—and any situation where they could meet would make a great fic, especially if both Georgia and Ash have to deal with their prejudices towards each other. Also, in regards to Maggie, I wouldn’t mind knowing more about Alisa, Alaric’s sister, especially because the Masons take her in from a shelter in Ferry Pass, which is part of my hometown of Pensacola. Emily is painfully underused, being born pre-Rising and developing retinal KA, and all of them are just badasses. Basically, this world is awesome and I think more people need to be exposed to Feedback, and it’s Irish spitfire of a POV-Irwin. Another feature of this universe I’m interested in is the kids who grow up post-Rising. Grant looks into this with blog posts and flashbacks, but even the description of the post-Rising orphanages in the “All the Pretty Little Horses” short story from Rise makes me want more.
 Parasitology Parasite, Symbiont, Chimera
 Another Mira Grant, another apocalypse. People have accused her of revamping the same story again, but in spite of having some similar characters and circumstances Sal’s story is nothing like Georgia or Ash’s. Of course, I adore the similarities in story-telling—ephemera is my kryptonite—but Sal’s development is unique to Mira Grant books, if not to books in general, and her relationship to her own humanity/lack thereof is fascinating. I especially love that she spends the whole series in a committed relationship, one that she is confident of, and that in spite of only technically having existed for six years she is incredibly sure of herself. I nominated this one as well, and chose Sal, Juniper, Doctor Cale, and Tansy because they are strong ladies with complex stories that have lots of room to be explored. Dr. Cale, Tansy, and Sal to a degree, deal with disability—and this is particular interesting for Tansy & Sal, since they are aware of the fact that they are making a choice to keep this malfunctioning human body. Juniper is a little girl, yet she and Tansy are learning to be people together, Sal is learning to be a mother, and in a way so is Dr. Cale. Also, eventually Juniper will have to decide whether or not to engage with the humans of her generation, and that could be fascinating. That said, Grant hasn’t told nearly as many stories in this universe, since the trilogy relies far more on Sal herself than Newsflesh relies on the Masons, so I’d love to see an exploration of how the parasites and chimeras affected other parts of the world. I think the fact that the symbiotes have brought humanity so close to eradicating illness is something that could be explored further, too, especially when you consider that the parasites disabled their inventor, and that if the Mitchells hadn’t been attempting to hide Sally’s epilepsy, Sal might not have been born. There’s also the fact that the other doctor who is close to Sal—Cale’s son, Nathan—does not use the implants at all, suggesting that at their core physicians with their hearts in the right place know that there is a line that shouldn’t be crossed, that maybe humans need illness and disability to thrive.
 In the Flesh
I really debated requesting this, since it’s a fandom I think I could write in, but I liked the idea of letting my requests adhere to a theme, and this series was the first piece of zombie media I ever consumed (pun intended). There have been many great fics in this fandom, they are often AU and revolve around Kieren’s relationships—I’m all for people celebrating canonically queer characters, but to me neither of those ships were what drew me into the series. I didn’t nominate ItF myself, and I wish I had because I would have included Amy Dyer. As it is, I don’t mind if you mention either of Kieren’s relationships, but I only asked for Kieren and Jem because they’re the characters I care most about, truly. Honestly, I actually care the most about Jem, because I think she’s an incredible character who went through so much to protect her family and is forced to face her fears every day in order to have a relationship with the brother who made her who she is—in so many ways. I am also fascinated by the idea of a world that has faced the apocalypse and is having to move forward. The little details that serve to remind us that society had to hit the pause button, such as the lack of cell phones, are really intriguing to me, as well as the issues students like Jem face having to return to school after war. This world also opens the door for an exploration of what life might be like for children&teens who came back—Henry was a missed opportunity IMO—and while I don’t mind if you don’t bother incorporating the storylines Dominic Mitchell has said he would include in a season three, the idea of Jem making a friend with PDS (as opposed to PTSD, that acronym similarity needs mentioning) would be so great. Again, though, feel free to take this world and run with it, no need to stay in Roarton—I wonder what adulthood for Jem would be like, with Kieren never having aged, for instance?
 World War Z
Another of my nominations. I don’t know why, but I am obsessed with this book, specifically the audiobook. Max Brooks has talked about how he based this book on an oral history of WWII, and I think the parallels between the two wars are deep if you look closely—the idea of total war, the amount of work on the home-front, the inefficiency of assuming what won against one enemy will suffice against another, children escaping unimaginable violence, the nuclear bomb survivor, so much more—but what I really loved is how Brooks really fills in the details from each POV he uses. Without naming celebrities, Brooks clearly sets it in the Bush-era, which is interesting to me but probably not affect fic, but shows how well the world is crafted. The imagery that comes from the Australian astronaut who spent the war on the ISS is particularly poignant to me, especially the way he describes them discovering the burrowing zombies. I also get chills from Jessica’s story, the girl whose parents dragged her up to Canada, and when she discovers the Spongebob sleepover, because it’s a mark of how bizarre our culture and entertainment would seem, and how our comforts could disappear in the blink of an eye. I do think that this book is lacking in female POVs, particular ladies who might not be soldiers but were fighting the war in their own way. I loved Joe Mohammad’s POV, too, but not everyone would need to be part of a patrol group or militia to survive. I’d love to see what the situation was like for city-dwellers, or people who were in the areas not getting supplies due to the Reddecker plan. What about the Israelis, what was it like in the country during this isolated period? There have been some great fics exploring issues like euthanasia and abortion in that period, and I’d love to see an issue like that expanded. On the other hand, there is a lot that could come from looking into the world post-war, describing what the Narrator goes through to get these stories, or what kinds of stories he might hear after the initial book is published—a history of the rebuilding would be interesting since in this world the threat isn’t completely gone. Brooks has written two short stories that are explicitly in this world (a couple that are borderline) and one of them, Closure LtD, and I don’t want to spoil it, but it really makes me wonder what other kinds of industries would emerge in a post-zombie war world.
 Inhuman Condition
Also my nomination, this is a webseries that did not get NEARLY the amount of viewers or fans it deserved. The author has created this incredibly interesting alternative history, and I don’t think everyone who watched even knows how much detail was put into it. For instance, I discovered a blog (https://angrydeadgirl.wordpress.com) written from the POV of Clara—my favorite character—wherein she analyzes TV shows such as Grey’s Anatomy, except it’s Grey’s Anatomy reimagined through the lens of this world, and there is NOTHING I love more than inter-textual references like that. There are other in-universe shows that I have honestly begged to see for real, and via the show we only get a taste of these details. I’d also love to know more about how the existence of zombies and lycans affected history aside from the terror attacks we know of from the series. I’d also love to see more about Kessler, what got her into working with other-humans, whether there is a personal connection that we’re not told, more about her daughter, Mira, who has grown up in a world where the truth is known, there’s so much in there to mine. I didn’t nominate Tamar, the character who seems more superhero than supernatural, because to me her story seems to fit into this world less than Clara and Linc. Not that I don’t like her, I did, but while I totally believe they could all exist in one universe—I read Marvel, after all—her condition doesn’t seem to be in the same category, so the backstory would be different. Lycanthropy and Clara’s form of zombiism both seem to be medical conditions, to a degree, and while Tamar’s issues definitely parallel mental illness, it’s a different issue. I wouldn’t mind seeing her or others like her, just that I think the dynamics of lycan/walker-type conditions. I really appreciate how, like In the Flesh, this series allows the conditions to be a metaphor for real life issues, without erasing those issues. One of Clara’s blog entries, for instance, mentions that there are cases of people being killed for not informing sexual partners of their condition, and this is explicitly related to people with HIV who have faced similar violence. Also, Linc and Kessler are both explicitly bisexual, and in my mind Clara is non-straight, too, and that’s a reason I included Mira because WHY NOT? I nominated Frank because after seeing a fic that shipped him and Clara I got interested in what it would be like to have to spend all your time with this vibrant girl who is so afraid of becoming a monster, I don’t ship them necessarily, but I am interested in knowing more about him. This is the one fandom where I am kind of tied to having the canon characters front and center, but if you want to explore this world through a different lens, I’m open to it.
 The Loneliest Girl in the Universe
 I really, really thought about using this slot for iZombie, because it’s one of my favorite things and fits the theme, but I read The Loneliest Girl in the Universe a few weeks ago, and am THRILLED with the idea of finding other people who love it. I also considered offering to write for it, but I do not have confidence in my ability to calculate transmission delays or describe space physics. I mean, it’s basically a YA version of The Martian featuring an MC with anxiety who writes fanfic. WHAT MORE DO ANY OF US WANT? Throughout this book I was terrified that J would turn out to be an AI, but his actual backstory basically broke my heart, as did the reveal of Romy’s history. I really wish her mother had survived, and I would like to see more of her in Romy’s memories or maybe in the logs/archives now that Romy might be open to looking into them. I would love to see her asking Molly about them, or reading/watching her parents’ reports or journals as she builds a new world with Issac. I also want to know about Issac Evans. Who is he? What happened with him and J? Will he and Romy be MFEO, or simply besties who raise babies? What are the other adults on the ship like? Does Romy find a different person to love? Is it a girl? I’d also LOVE LOVE LOVE to see Romy’s life from the POV of an Earth dweller. You see, DYW, I am a huge fan of several family vlogs; there are babies I have watched grow up via the internet, and I am DEEPLY invested in their lives. NASA would be crazy not to have gotten the world to rally around baby Romy, and some of them probably still read her fics. That’s the thing, though, this book includes her fic, and imaging fic from 2067 makes me want to see more of their social media, and to know how it affected this next group of astronauts. Also, since it turns out that J lied about the war and the collapse of the world’s governments, I’d love to see what the world is actually like. What else is NASA doing? Does the entire world freak out when they find out what happened with Romy and J, or only Molly? Who is Molly? Did she suspect J based on how well she knows Romy? I have a need to know.
 That is it, oh Yuletide Author, way too many of my thoughts about Alternate Worlds, most of them infested by the undead. As I’ve said, I would be happy with stories that feature the characters I requested, or that don’t at all, but unless mentioned I’m not crazy about canon-alternatives.
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graphicpolicy · 7 years
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2017 Annual
Publisher: BOOM! Studios Writers: Kyle Higgins, Tom Taylor, Jamal Campbell, Caitlin Kittredge, and Trey Moore Artists: Goñi Montes, Dan Mora, Jamal Campbell, Da Jung Lee, and Frazer Irving Cover Artists: Main Cover: Goñi Montes Incentive Cover: Dan Mora Acetate Incentive Cover: George Caltsoudas Price: $7.99
The future of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers starts here as Tommy makes a choice that will have huge consequences for the team; Black Power Rangers from across parallel dimensions meet to face off against a deadly foe; and all-new secret origins revealed!
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2017 Annual preview. The future of #MMPR starts here #comics Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2017 Annual Publisher: BOOM! Studios Writers: Kyle Higgins, Tom Taylor, Jamal Campbell, Caitlin Kittredge, and Trey Moore…
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stagefoureddiediaz · 27 days
I’m away from home without full internet access so I can’t go into a full spiral about this latest buck outfit, but I have thoughts and I have parallels pinging around in my brain like the cards used to do at the end of a game of solitaire on the computer 😂
So here is a very brief meta that I will come back to when I am able! @bewitchedbewilderedbisexual I hope this ties in nicely with my post on buck in navy for you 😎
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I’m still super fascinated by the choice of loose fit for Buck, because this outfit is ill fitting as well -the trousers especially, and not in an ‘intentional loose fit’ way - the jeans are too long by about an inch (which is why we see the odd bunch in at the ankle) and they are too loose around the hip and thigh (the section below the waist band). The jacket also doesn’t fit quite right - it’s a little too long in the sleeve and across the shoulder. It’s all very reminiscent of the fit we saw on buck in season 1 and that is super interesting to me considering the number of parallels we have been seeing between Abby and Tommy. This idea that Buck is searching for something - a way to fit in his own skin - something Buck was closest to doing in 2b-the end of s3 - when his clothes fit him the best. We saw the shrinking come into play in s4 and continue through s5 and 6 and then we saw a brief period of well fitting clothes post 7x04 - when he has realised he’s bi - only for them to start to fit poorly again from 7x05 onwards - suggesting that Buck is once more not fully comfortable in his skin and that we’re getting a parallel of his journey through s1 rather than s5/6.
We have buck in a white tee - and we all know what that means - danger ahead for Buck!
We also have the new white trainers - so the scenes this outfit is for will be about Buck and his journey - his new journey as he has new trainers (the old ones were connected to his bi journey - now he’s figured that out, we’re onto the next journey!)
Then we have a navy blue jacket - Buck tends to wear navy in connection with his relationships, most notibly his romantic relationships, but by no means exclusively (he wears navy shorts in connection with key moments in his relationship with Eddie - the fox house dinner in 5x11 and when Chris leaves in 7x10 most notably). All the moments he’s wearing navy blue connect into the breakdown of those relationships - we saw him wearing it a lot with Taylor, especially in scenes where their relationship was in not great places - when nails were being added to the coffin as it were- but we also see him wear navy when his relationship with Eddie falters, and with his parents,even his relationship with Bobby is connected to navy blue (law suit anyone!)
Then there are the khaki trousers - we just don’t see Buck in khaki very often - it’s just not a colour he wears - especially not in trouser form - he is nearly always in black, navy or grey trousers. So this is significant - he wore khaki trousers twice in season 1 - both scenes very much connected with Abby and Buck and Abby’s relationship. The first is imo the most significant - in 1x05 - when he helps Abby look for her mom - the first time they meet in person and Buck essentially commits to trying to date her - to pursuing a ‘grown up’ longer term relationship. That a parental issue is central to this is and the outfit most closely resembles this new one is what I’m most fascinated by. It connects the concept of this new outfit having something related to a parental issue and the fact Buck has th website trainers on means it’s a parental relationship of his not someone else’s that’s the centre of it - the scenes will be about Buck not someone else.
The second scene in s1 is from episode 7 - it’s when Buck and Abby have sex for the first time, but he wears a black tee rather than a white one and this ties it in with the next time we see him in khaki trousers in 2x06 - when he, Chim and Eddie are helping Maddie move into her new appartment - the ‘he’s cute’ ‘you should meet his kid’ scene.
The scene from 2x06 is interesting because it lays the foundation work for Chim and Maddie’s future relationship, at the same time as paralleling Chim and Eddie and Maddie and Buck. Maddie is still technically in a relationship at this point as she is still married to Doug, yet the foundation stones of madney are being laid. In the same vein - Buck is still technically in a relationship with Abby (well he believes he is!) and we see further foundation stones being laid for Buck and Eddie’s relationship. That the show is fairly loudly doing this in parallel is telling!
The only other time we’ve seen buck not wearing blue black or grey trousers is in his coma dream when we had the tan corduroy trousers. And while I think we might have a slight connection there - in that they play into the idea of some kind of internal struggle for buck - I don’t think it’s necessarily relevant here!
I know that the parallel with this outfit of Eddie’s hs already been floated
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And it’s totally relevant in my opinion. Eddie setting off for Texas and setting up dealing with/confronting his daddy issues - whilst Eddie has no intention of addressing his issues in Texas he does end up dealing with at least a portion of them - specifically the ones around his dad. We see the outcome of that in season 6 when we are shown the improving relationship between them.
This feels especially relevant after the date night daddy issues scene between Buck and Tommy last season - one that very much felt like a set up for season 8 and buck addressing his parental relationships - something I think may well have been explored in season 7 if Annalise had been available for season 7 - as we would very likely have had Eddie with his queer arc and buck exploring his issues around abandonment and death (more in this in a minute).
There are actually two other Buck costumes which I think are far far more relevant when it comes to the meaning of this new outfit - this one from a flashback in Buck Begins
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And this one from outside looking in
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Both are white tee/hoodie with a navy jacket! The first is essentially Buck ‘breaking up’ with his parents and the second essentially marks the end of his relationship with Taylor (even if it’s a very long and drawn out end!) - the moment that his unhappiness (even if he’s burying it and not actually able to recognise that he’s unhappy in it) with the reltionship becomes truly apparent to us the audience. (The fact that LAFD bomber along with a hoodie is also worn in the scene when he goes to see Tommy is also key - it parallels the two scenes - placing Tommy in a sort of parallel with Lucy - as a disruptor of the status quo (in not even going to get into the fact that Eddie is key in both of these scenes - that while Lucy is a disruptor of BuckTaylor, she is much more a disruptor of Buck and Eddie!))
Both of these play into an overarching theme with Buck - especially in light of this outfit we’ve also seen for this season
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Because this one also matches with an outfit from Buck begins - the one where he is planning to leave with Maddie but she hides and he ends up leaving without her. (I don’t have access to my stills from that episode at the moment but I’ll add it in later on when I do!) the greyish khaki parallelspeaks of Bucks issues around abandonment - the feeling of being abandoned by both his parents and Maddie (remember this is Bucks feelings in that moment - he is a flawed narrator and didn’t have all the facts- it is not the reality that Maddie abandoned him - she was protecting him and herself so we are not hiding her in any way) and him setting out on his adventure that ends up in L.A. and at the 118.
So this new outfit is very likely going to play into that concept - and the two new outfits taken together suggests to me that we are very likely going to see that aspect of Bucks journey explored this season - it’s an aspect of his character that lead to him clinging to first Abby and then Taylor - it’s no mistake that Taylor’s return to the show comes so soon after we see Buck begins - Bucks abandonment issues have been brought back into the spotlight and are raw when she reappears and becomes his girlfriend.
So I’m expecting to be seeing Buck doing a fair chunk of figuring himself out and dealing with his issues around abandonment in this season and in whatever both of these scenes end up looking like/ being about. This will very likely tie into his romantic relationship as much as his parental/familial ones and while I don’t think either outfit marks a BuckTommy break up, I very much expect them to play into that relationship failing - like the ones we saw leading to the ultimate destruction and end of Bucks relationship with Taylor (the dinner at the diaz house scene and then the Buck Lucy kiss scene) specifically.
I’m excited to see how this all plays out!
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comiccrusaders · 7 years
The future of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers starts here as Tommy makes a choice that will have huge consequences for the team; Black Power Rangers from across parallel dimensions meet to face off against a deadly foe; and all-new secret origins revealed!
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2017 Annual Publisher: BOOM! Studios Writers: Kyle Higgins, Tom Taylor, Jamal Campbell, Caitlin Kittredge, and Trey Moore Artists: Goñi Montes, Dan Mora, Jamal Campbell, Da Jung Lee, and Frazer Irving Cover Artists: Main Cover: Goñi Montes       Incentive Cover: Dan Mora       Acetate Incentive Cover: George Caltsoudas Price: $7.99
PREVIEW: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2017 Annual The future of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers starts here as Tommy makes a choice that will have huge consequences for the team; Black Power Rangers from across parallel dimensions meet to face off against a deadly foe; and all-new secret origins revealed!
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lover-of-mine · 4 months
i mean he cancelled his plans with tommy to go be with eddie, timothy just did the next logical thing which is leave tommy in the middle of a date to go be with eddie. if tommy does not put the pieces together....good lord. like that's what my media literacy is telling me that tommy has to put the pieces together and realize that for buck it's always going to be eddie. it's very much a nuclear bomb vs coughing baby meme, tommy doesn't stand a chance. Eddie will always come first and sure Tommy might be good with it now but eventually he's gonna start growing frustrated and upset and that's gonna do it. Foreshadowing starting in the last episode and it's continuing now, we're building a pattern.
I mean, we don't know if Buck actually didn't eventually leave the Diaz's house to go meet Tommy, but yeah Buck did instantly drop everything to go talk to Eddie once he realized there could be a problem there, and he could've waited until the next day, it's not like the Kim thing was life or death, he could've very much just sat on it before confronting Eddie, but he chose not to, which absolutely comes to show Eddie comes first (also half exemplified by the way the cerimony cut from Buck on the stage to Eddie) and, honestly, the show itself already established Tommy as someone who will not bend a lot when it comes to Buck (even the basketball scene and the symbolisms attached to it and the way Buck slams into Tommy and kinda ricochets back and Tommy doesn't even flinch), he leaves Buck on the street, he doesn't wear something on theme, so I kinda see him looking at Buck leaving him to rush to Eddie's and/or Chris' side and being like "yep, no, I'm not up for being a second choice, have a nice life tho" but you're absolutely right, there's a pattern to be built there, and considering the way Eddie has been in the middle of their relationship at all times, Buck leaving a date because Eddie called would just keep building on that. I really don't want Tommy to look at Buck and be like "you're in love with Eddie" the way some people seem to, but Tommy ending the relationship because he realized something (and he does seem to have enough pieces of the puzzle to realize something is up there) and just going you have no space in your life, kinda in a callback to Taylor telling Buck his life is made of meaningful relationships (since the BTs do be paralleling) and then Buck finally putting two and two together on his own, especially if we get a will callback and/or Eddie getting hurt, would be GREAT.
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 23 September 2019
Quick Bits:
Action Comics #1015 introduces Naomi to the broader DC Universe as she reaches out to Superman to help understand her powers, from Brian Michael Bendis, Szymon Kudranski, Brad Anderson, and Dave Sharpe. It’s pretty great. There’s a nice amount of humour and optimism here as she stumbles her way through.
| Published by DC Comics
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Amazing Spider-Man #30 is a tie-in to Absolute Carnage as Peter tries to keep Normie and Dylan safe from Norman, but also gives us more insight into Kindred. It definitely feels like they’re setting him up to be either Flash or Harry, but that could just be misdirection. Great art from Ryan Ottley, Cliff Rathburn, and Nathan Fairbairn.
| Published by Marvel
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Angel #5 is the other prelude to the Hellmouth event and is much more prelude-y than the integral Buffy the Vampire Slayer #8. This is more the continuation of Angel’s gathering the team story, introducing us to this interpretation of Gunn and his history. Gleb Melnikov and Roman Titov do some killer work here.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Bad Reception #2 is even better than the first issue as we get a better look at the characters and the mystery of the murders at the wedding kicks off in earnest. Juan Doe is really doing a great job of building tension here, with scheming and planning going on, making you question who could possibly be the perpetrator here.
| Published by AfterShock
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Batgirl #39 complicates things further as Oracle seeks out a way to bring Batgirl down and pockets of violence among otherwise peaceful citizens begins to erupt after Luthor’s offer. Cecil Castellucci, Carmine Di Giandomenico, Jordie Bellaire, and AndWorld Design are delivering a very nice multi-layered story here.
| Published by DC Comics
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Batman/Superman #2 gives a fairly epic confrontation with an infected SHAZAM as Batman and Superman learn more of The Batman Who Laughs’ plan. I do find it interesting that this isn’t being branded as a “Year of the Villain” tie-in, but it is largely integral to that, as well as continuing the thread from Metal. Gorgeous artwork from David Marquez and Alejandro Sanchez, really leaning in to the epic scope of a Superman vs. SHAZAM battle.
| Published by DC Comics
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Bettie Page Unbound #4 concludes Bettie’s multiversal adventure with a trip to Neverland. David Avallone, Julius Ohta, Ellie Wright, Sheelagh D, and Taylor Esposito have delivered an interesting trip through Dynamite’s various properties, so it’s kind of weird to end on Peter Pan, but it’s still good.
| Published by Dynamite
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Black Panther #16 sees Daniel Acuña outdo himself with the artwork. This issue is beautiful as T’Challa resumes the reins of governing Wakanda and we get a showcase of Storm vs. some remnants of the Emperor’s regime.
| Published by Marvel
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Black Science #43 is the end. In many ways, these two parallel worlds of a rebellious Grant and a submissive Grant live up to the spirit of the entire series in microcosm, showing us what happens through both inaction and action, and how many terrible choices Grant ultimately makes regardless of where he ends up. Rick Remender, Matteo Scalera, Moreno Dinisio, and Rus Wooton have given us an incredible story here.
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Bloodshot #1 is an action-packed debut from Tim Seeley, Brett Booth, Adelso Corona, Andrew Dalhouse, and Dave Sharpe. It’s basically Bloodshot against a paramilitary group, with some seeds of that same paramilitary group meeting with the G7 leaders to sanction hunting and killing Bloodshot.
| Published by Valiant
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Bronze Age Boogie #6 concludes this series from Stuart Moore, Alberto Ponticelli, Giulia Brusco, and Rob Steen. It’s been fun, reminiscent of some of the weirdness of Doom Patrol, but definitely not a knock-off. Very happy to find out there’s another special coming.
| Published by Ahoy
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Criminal #8 turns the spotlight on Jane for part four of “Cruel Summer” from Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips, and Jacob Phillips. It’s interesting as to how more complex and complicated this arc keeps getting as more layers are revealed through each character, including the set up here for what possibly is going to bring all the plans down.
| Published by Image
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Deadly Class #40 kicks off “Bone Machine” as Saya and Maria get a reunion and Helmut tries to get revenge for Petra. In the latter, we find out that Petra’s people are pretty much nuts. Great art from Wes Craig and Jordan Boyd.
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Detective Comics #1012 goes full bore on Freeze’s mad science experiments for reanimating dead tissue, as he has his teams kidnap women with similar characteristics as his wife. Peter J. Tomasi, Doug Mahnke, Jaime Mendoza, David Baron, and Rob Leigh are certainly making this feel unnerving.
| Published by DC Comics
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Doctor Mirage #2 is more wondrous storytelling from Magdalene Visaggio, Nick Robles, Jordie Bellaire, and Dave Sharpe. The art is phenomenal, bringing together some weird surrealism and detailed ancient spaces, and its interesting to see the selfishness driving Shan.
| Published by Valiant
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Ether: The Disappearance of Violet Bell #1 begins the third volume in this series from Matt Kindt, David Rubín, and Kike J. Diaz. It’s pretty bleak. Despite being brought to life through the gorgeous artwork of Rubín and Diaz, everything has more or less gone to crap in Boone’s life. His friends and family are either dead or hate him and now Ether itself is being corrupted. Add to that a mystery, and you’ve got a compelling start here.
| Published by Dark Horse
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Harleen #1 is really damn good. I’m not one to like romanticizing the relationship between Harley Quinn and the Joker, but damn if Stjepan Šejić and Gabriela Downie don’t manage to make this a beautiful and compelling story of an intelligent woman’s descent into madness.
| Published by DC Comics / Black Label
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Justice League Dark #15 continues to be one of the best things currently being published by DC, going deep into the dark side’s history and continuity and coming back up with some fascinating character developments and changes into something new. James Tynion IV, Alvaro Martínez Bueno, Raul Fernandez, Brad Anderson, and Rob Leigh are working magic here. It should also be interesting to see what kind of nightmare Man-Bat has turned himself into now.
| Published by DC Comics
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Mall #2 deepens the mystery of why and how Andre was framed, while gang warfare threatens to fully erupt. I really quite like the world-building that Michael Moreci, Gary Dauberman, Zak Hartong, Addison Duke, and Jim Campbell are doing here and love the artwork.
| Published by Vault
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Manor Black #3 gives us most of the answers as to what’s going on in this penultimate chapter from Cullen Bunn, Brian Hurtt, and Tyler Crook. The designs for the wild magicians are really neat.
| Published by Dark Horse
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The Plot #1 is a great start to this old-school horror from Tim Daniel, Michael Moreci, Joshua Hixson, Jordan Boyd, and Jim Campbell. There’s a mix of family secrets, dark horror in the past, and monsters ready to bury them all. The art from Hixson and Boyd is incredible.
| Published by Vault
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Relics of Youth #1 is an intriguing start from Matt Nicholas, Chad Rebmann, Skylar Patridge, Vladimir Popov, and AndWorld Design. This first issue sets up an interesting mystery of six kids with matching tattoos, each having weird visions of an island. As they set out to try to find whatever it is, they find that there’s so much more going on.
| Published by Vault
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Resonant #3 sees everything get worse. As their dad is still away, captured for use in what looks like a labour gang, Bec and Ty see their relationship crumble, torn apart over waiting for him and not knowing what to do. David Andry, Alejandro Aragon, Jason Wordie, and Deron Bennett continue to make this one of the most unique post-apocalypse tales out there, with a very interesting focus on the characters.
| Published by Vault
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SFSX #1 is another refugee from Vertigo being shuttered, presenting a world where a puritanical Party has taken control and is enacting strict “purity” laws in regards to sex and conduct. Tina Horn, Michael Dowling, and Steve Wands create a fairly interesting world here, with some hints that everything might not be what it seems with the Party.
| Published by Image
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Strikeforce #1 is an interesting debut from Tini Howard, Germán Peralta, Jordie Bellaire, and Joe Sabino. It’s a very weird team, brought together through being framed by a race of shapeshifters left after the War of the Realms.
| Published by Marvel
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #98 steps closer to the end of “City at War” as the turtles regroup and everything changes with Stockman winning the election. It’s amazing as to how quickly things have changes this arc, it makes you wonder how much is going to stick around as a new status quo after #100.
| Published by IDW
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Thanos #6 concludes the series from Tini Howard, Ariel Olivetti, Antonio Fabela, and Joe Caramagna. It’s interesting how this ties into the broader arc of what’s also going on in the current Guardians of the Galaxy series, with Gamora and Magus.
| Published by Marvel
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Tommy Gun Wizards #2 continues this excellent series from Christian Ward, Sami Kavelä, Dee Cunniffe, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou. The blend of magic with Prohibition era crime is a wonderful mix.
| Published by Dark Horse
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The White Trees #2 concludes this wonderful mini from Chip Zdarsky, Kris Anka, Matt Wilson, and Aditya Bidikar. The feeling of old friends turned to resentment continues here in very interesting ways and we get a twist in the tale that really changes things.
| Published by Image
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Wonder Woman #79 continues “Loveless” as the world continues to fall apart after the death of Aphrodite and Luthor’s doom spreads. Really nice to see art here from Scot Eaton.
| Published by DC Comics
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Other Highlights: Absolute Carnage: Miles Morales #2, Avengers #24, Avengers: Loki Unleashed #1, Batman: Nightwalker, Books of Magic #12, Captain America #14, The Crow / Hack/Slash #3, Dial H for HERO #7, Evolution #18, Faithless #6, Fearless #3, Fight Club 3 #9, The Flash #79, Freedom Fighters #9, From Hell: Master Edition #7, Ghost Spider #2, Immortal Hulk: Director’s Cut #4, Invader Zim #47, Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance #1, Jughead’s Time Police #4, Knights Temporal #3, Lumberjanes #66, Marvel Comics Presents #9, Marvel Team-Up #6, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #43, New Mutants: War Children #1, Powers of X #5, Punisher Kill Krew #3, Queen of Bad Dreams #4, Ragnarok: The Breaking of Helheim #2, Rick & Morty #54. The Ride: Burning Desire #4, RWBY #3, Secret Spiral of Swamp Kid, Sera & The Royal Stars #3, Star Trek: Discovery - Aftermath #2, Star Wars: Age of Resistance - Kylo Ren #1, Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order - Dark Temple #2, Star Wars: Target Vader #3, Star Wars Adventures #26, Superior Spider-Man #11, Warlord of Mars Attacks #4, Wolverine Annual #1
Recommended Collections: Angel - Volume 1, Captain America - Volume 2: Captain of Nothing, Cyber Force: Awakening - Volume 4, Deathstroke: Arkham, Ghostbusters: 35th Anniversary Collection, The Goon - Volume 1: Ragged Return to Lonely Street, Kaijumax - Volume 4: Season Four - Scaly is the New Black, Mae - Volume 2, Monstress - Volume 4, Paper Girls - Volume 6, Secret Warps, TMNT - Volume 22: City at War Pt. 1
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d. emerson eddy feels like a nap.
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cbilluminati · 8 years
BOOM! sent us the briefs and covers for some upcoming titles, and we’re sharing. Here’s the BOOM! Studios Solicits for May 2017.
Retail Price: $7.99 Writers: Kyle Higgins, Tom Taylor, Jamal Campbell, and Trey Moore Artists: Goñi Montes, Dan Mora, Jamal Campbell, and Frazer Irving Main Cover: Goñi Montes Variant Cover: Dan Mora Acetate Variant Cover: George Caltsoudas
The future of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers starts here as Tommy makes a choice that will have huge consequences for the team; Black Power Rangers from across parallel dimensions meet to face off against a deadly foe; and all-new secret origins revealed!
#gallery-0-46 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-46 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-46 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-46 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Victor LaValle Artist: Dietrich Smith Cover Artist: Micaela Dawn
When the last descendant of the Frankenstein family loses her only son to a police shooting, she turns to science for her own justice…putting her on a crash course with her family’s original monster and his quest to eliminate humanity.
An intense, unflinching story exploring the legacies of love, loss, and vengeance placed firmly in the tense atmosphere and current events of the modern-day United States.
Retail Price: $3.99 Writers: Kiwi Smith and Kurt Lustgarten Artist: Naomi Franquiz Main Cover: Naomi Franquiz Treasure Map Variant Cover: Paulina Ganucheau Movie Poster Variant Cover: Ester Zejn
Nothing’s happened in Wilder’s hometown since they filmed that cult kids’ adventure movie there in the 80s… but that’s ancient history.
Until one day, she and her friends come upon a centuries-old pirate map drawn by someone named Black Mary…and find out there might be some REAL adventure in their tiny town after all!
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Retail Price: $3.99 Writers: Claudio Sanchez & Chondra Echert Artist: Rags Morales Cover Artist: Rags Morales
Ambellina and Chase are convinced that Claudio is The Crowing, but how can one simply accept that his fate is to destroy all things?
Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Simon Spurrier Artist: Jonas Goonface Cover Artist: Jonas Goonface
Ennay and Bud are back on the road, but things don’t go quite as expected when they cross a fellow Godshaper’s turf.
Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Tyler Jenkins Main Cover: Tyler Jenkins Intermix Cover: Matt Kindt
Tensions rise when Humbert sends his brother into the Grass Kingdom to search for Maria. Robert and Bruce will have to treat each move with caution if they want to avoid bloodshed.
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Retail Price: $3.99 Writers: Ben Acker & Ben Blacker, Andrew Miller Artist: Hannah Christenson Cover Artist: Hannah Christenson
Final issue! Miranda takes her final shot at revenge against those who murdered her family, while the Turquoise Man seeks vengeance against Joseph.
Retail Price: $3.99 Writers: Robbie Thompson, Justin Jordan Artist: Barnaby Bagenda Main Cover: Dan Mora Movie Poster Variant Cover: Mike Mayhew Classic Variant Cover: Paul Rivoche Spectrum Variant Cover: Felipe Massafera “Vintage” Action Figure Variant Cover: David Ryan Robinson
The origin of the Universal Ring revealed! Battle of the Red and Green Lanterns on the Planet of the Apes! As Cornelius’ corruption manipulates the mutants into an army of ring bearers, Hal Jordan and Zira will do all they can to save him before it’s too late.
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WWE #5
Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Dennis Hopeless Artist: Serg Acuña Main Cover: Dan Mora John Cena Variant Cover: Jamal Campbell Goldust Variant Cover: Marco D’Alfonso Action Figure Variant Cover: Adam Riches Royal Rumble Connecting Variant Cover: Brent Schoonover
Dean Ambrose: the scrappy, wild-eyed, people’s champion who never says die—and the Lunatic Fringe. While his ex-brothers are obsessing over the championship, Dean has taken crazy to an entirely new level by provoking the scariest man in the WWE—the beast incarnate, Brock Lesnar.
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Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Ollie Masters Artist: Eoin Marron Main Cover: Luca Pizzari Subscription Cover: Jonas Scharf
Opie and the club mobilize to find the kidnapped Jax, while the Israelis continue enacting their plan for revenge.
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Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: James Asmus Artist: Carlos Magno Cover Artist: Kim Myatt
Penultimate issue! The corruption within will be revealed, as the island’s Kongs are made feral.
Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Kyle Higgins Artist: Daniel Bayliss Main Cover: Jamal Campbell Connecting Variant Cover: Steve Morris Morphin Variant Cover: Goñi Montes Action Figure Variant Cover: Telmos Santos
Zordon’s fate is revealed leading to some surprising developments for Drakkon’s world and the old sage himself.
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Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Michael Dialynas Cover Artist: Michael Dialynas
Karen is anxious to end Isaac’s plan, but first they must team up with an unlikely ally.
Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Simon Spurrier Artists: Kelly and Nichole Matthews Main Cover: Kelly and Nichole Matthews Subscription Cover: Sana Takeda
While Jen and Kira deal with the chaos the Skeksis have wrought on the castle, Thurma and Kensho are out in the wilds of Thra on the run from the Crystal Guard, unaware that something far more treacherous followed their trail: the Chamberlain.
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Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Liz Prince Artist: Amanda Kirk Main Cover: Kat Leyh Incentive Cover: Liz Prince
Coady and the Creepies are playing their final Pinmaggedon show, and they’re not about to let anything—a wheelchair-unfriendly venue, a boneheaded rival band, or even the actual afterlife—get between them and Punk legend!
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SLAM! #6
Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Pam Ribon Artist: Veronica Fish Main Cover: Veronica Fish Variant Cover: Meredith Gran
Maisie progresses quickly when learning some new movies, but Jen feels like she’s become stagnant.
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Retail Price: $3.99 Writers: Jackie Ball & Hope Larson Artist: Noah Hayes Cover Artist: Brittney Williams
After uncovering a conspiracy in Sugar Maple’s pit crew, Goldie’s determined to bring Sugar’s saboteur to justice.
Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: John Allison Artists: Max Sarin, Liz Fleming Cover Artist: Max Sarin
Ed and McGraw’s home has become a no-go zone with the addition of Dean Thompson, and the impending visit of his girlfriend Posy is anticipated with a mixture of morbid curiosity and dread.
Retail Price: $3.99 Writers: Shannon Watters & Kat Leyh Artist: Ayme Sotuyo Main Cover: Kat Leyh Variant Cover: Ayme Sotuyo
Parents’ Day continues as the Roanokes split into parent/daughter teams for a scavenger hunt, with the girls determined to keep their parents from noticing anything supernatural during their visit.
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Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Sam Sykes Artist: Selina Espiritu Cover Artist: Bridget Underwood
Brianna’s restaurant has gained some positive attention, so of course that’s when her brother Hans decides to roll into town with his food truck for a little competition!
Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Melanie Gillman Artist: Katy Farina Main Cover: Missy Peña Subscription Cover: Rian Sygh Variant Cover: Jenn St-Onge
Steven, Peridot and Amethyst go on their wildest adventure yet—a local Renaissance Faire! While the others enjoy fried food and theater, Peridot enters the joust, and is playing to win.
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THE DEEP #5 (of 6)
Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Tom Taylor Artist: James Brouwer Cover Artist: James Brouwer
The Nekton family discovers a secret about the mysterious island, and it puts the two youngest Nektons in jeopardy!
Retail Price: $3.99 Writers: Jarret Williams, Jorge Corona, Grace Kraft Artists: Jarret Williams, Jorge Corona, Grace Kraft Main Cover: Chad Weerdhuizen Subscription Cover: Jen Wang Variant Cover: Renato Faccini
Finn and Jake face off in the ultimate showdown, Tree Trunks forgets how to bake pies, and Marceline gets lost in her own home.
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Retail Price: $3.99 Writers: Danielle Burgos, Kiernan Sjursen-Lien Artists: Jim Campbell, Cara McGee Main Cover: Kiernan Sjursen-Lien Subscription Cover: Katie Chinaski
Greg and Jason might not be able to save Jason’s dad in time, and Wirt and Sara have to decide if they should help Greg or attend to their own mystery.
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Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Mariko Tamaki Artist: Ian McGinty Main Cover: Shelli Paroline & Braden Lamb Subscription Cover: Alex Fletcher
The Best Princess Ever is finally going to be chosen! Who will it be? And will the prankster finally reveal themselves before they ruin the whole event?
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Retail Price: $19.99 Writer: Justin Jordan Artist: Raúl Treviño Cover Artist: Jilipollo
Written by Justin Jordan (The Strange Talent of Luther Strode) and illustrated by Raúl Treviño (Tinkers of the Wasteland), Sombra is a gripping exploration of the War on Drugs and the double-edged sword of American intervention, informed by Treviño’s experiences in his Mexican homeland.
Conrad Marlowe was a respected DEA agent when he disappeared in Mexico while investigating the ruthless drug cartels. Years later, he has resurfaced as a cult leader who has made it his mission to out-brutalize the cartels terrorizing the country.
The only DEA agent willing to follow his trail of violence is his own daughter, Danielle, and with the help of a journalist on the ground, she’ll have to face the horrors of what her father has become if she wants to survive and bring him to justice.
Collects the complete limited series.
Retail Price: $16.99 Writer: Ollie Masters Artist: Luca Pizzari Cover Artist: Chris Brunner
Writer Ollie Masters (Snow Blind, The Kitchen) and artist Luca Pizzari (Secret Wars Journal, Amazing Spider-Man) journey 10 years before Season 1 of Kurt Sutter’s critically acclaimed television series Sons of Anarchy to tell the never-before-seen, official story of Jax Teller’s first year as a SAMCRO prospect.
Jax Teller has always had one dream: to follow the family legacy and join the Sons of Anarchy. But at eighteen, still reeling from his father’s death and just starting out as a prospect, Jax is about to discover just how hard the life of an outlaw can be.
Collects issues #1-4.
Retail Price: $14.99 Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Michael Dialynas Cover Artist: Michael Dialynas
Written by The New York Times best-selling author James Tynion IV (Detective Comics) and illustrated by Michael Dialynas (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), “The Black City” collects the seventh arc of the best-selling series, now in development at Syfy. Is there a reason mankind has always feared the untamed forest? Karen, Sanami, and Ben will have to venture far beyond the reaches of the civilization they’ve built and into the heart of the alien wilderness in the hopes of finally going home. But in the center of the woods, they discover the truth behind the ancient fear of the forest for themselves. Collects issues #25-28.
Retail Price: $19.99 Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson Artist: Jonas Scharf Cover Artist: Massímo Carnevale
Following the controversial election of an enigmatic dictator, the United States was plunged into a Second Civil War, in the aftermath of which only Kentucky refused to acknowledge the fascist state’s sovereignty. Now a demilitarized zone located in the heart of America, it will take the combined forces of civilians and criminals to overthrow the occupation. In leading this rebellion, former mechanic and reluctant folk hero Kade Mercer will become the first feudal warlord of Appalachia. Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson (Last Sons of America) and illustrated by breakout talent Jonas Scharf, Warlords of Appalachia is a grounded military epic with flourishes of sci-fi futurism that explores the lengths one man will go to protect his family in the face of oppression.
Retail Price: $16.99 Writer: Cory Godbey Artist: Cory Godbey Cover Artist: Cory Godbey
Cory Godbey, the acclaimed children’s book illustrator behind the best-selling Jim Henson’s Labyrinth Tales, delves deep into the Skeksis-ruled land of Thra in this beautiful look at some of Jim Henson and Brian Froud’s finest creations from the beloved cult-classic film The Dark Crystal.
In one tale, when a little bird is hurt in a Skeksis net, Jen takes it to the Mystics for healing and learns how every act of kindness grows like ripples in a lake.
Retail Price: $24.99 Writer: Josh Tierney Artists: Jakub Rebelka, Marina Julia, Nuno Plati, Winston Young, Pablo Clark Cover Artist: Afu Chan
Vincent is a shipwrecked privateer who has lost his crew to winged monsters. Aya is an orphan seeking revenge on the Starless army who killed her family. Through a series of unlikely coincidences, the warrior cat Chobo unites the two and leads them to Princesses Pira and Lono, who are making their final preparations to leave Spera and do battle with the evil Starless Queen. As the fire spirit Yonder infiltrates the Starless-occupied Plain Castle, the newly formed group is taken by surprise by another swarm of winged monsters. Can Yonder survive his mission, and can the Princesses trust their new friends?
Retail Price: $14.99 Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Rian Sygh Cover Artist: Veronica Fish
James Tynion IV (Detective Comics, The Woods) teams up with artist Rian Sygh (Munchkin, Stolen Forest) for an incredibly earnest story that explores what it means to find a place to fit in when you’re kinda an outcast.
When Jory transfers to an all-boys private high school, he’s taken in by the lowly stage crew known as the Backstagers. Hunter, Aziz, Sasha, and Beckett become his new best friends and introduce him to an entire magical world that lives beyond the curtain that the rest of the school doesn’t know about, filled with strange creatures, changing hallways, and a decades-old legend of a backstage crew that went missing and was never found.
Collects the first four issues.
Retail Price: $34.99 Writer: John Allison Artists: Lissa Treiman, Max Sarin Cover Artist: Design by Michelle Ankley
This oversized first volume of Giant Days: Not on the Test Edition, written by John Allison (Bad Machinery, Scary Go Round) and illustrated by Lissa Treiman and Max Sarin, collects the first eight issues of the Eisner Award and Harvey Award-nominated series, as well as additional never-before-collected Giant Days comics in a deluxe hardcover.
University is a time to learn for most people, but for Susan, Esther, and Daisy, academia seems to be throwing more at them than books and learning. House-hunting, terrible breakups, and regretful hookups pepper the girls’ lives this semester as they navigate their way through Freshman year. Thankfully, they have each other.
Retail Price: $39.99 Writers: Noelle Stevenson, Shannon Watters, Kat Leyh Artists: Brooke Allen, Carey Pietsch, Carolyn Nowak Cover Artist: Design by Kelsey Dieterich
When April takes it upon herself to restore an underwater friendship that has fallen apart, will she be in over her head as her above-water friendships take a hit? Between shapeshifters and strange portals causing a storm to suddenly hit the camp, this is one badge that the Lumberjanes are going above and beyond for! Don’t miss out on The New York Times best-selling and multiple Eisner Award-winning series written by National Book Award nominee Noelle Stevenson (Nimona), Shannon Watters, and Kat Leyh (Super Cakes) with stories illustrated by Brooke Allen (A Home for Mr. Easter), Carolyn Nowak (Runges), and Carey Pietsch (Adventure Time: Marceline Gone Adrift). Collects Volumes 5 and 6 of the ongoing series and features a behind-the-scenes look into how to make an issue of Lumberjanes, exclusive sketches from the amazing artists, and so much more!
Writer: Jeremy Sorese Artist: Zachary Sterling Cover Artist: Britt Wilson
Candy, suspicious conductors, and weird science make up this all-new Adventure Time original graphic novel written by Jeremy Sorese (Curveball, Steven Universe) and illustrated by Adventure Time veteran Zachary Sterling. Don’t miss out on this action-packed journey based on the award-winning show on Cartoon Network! Lady Rainicorn has come down with a case of taffy fever and there is nothing Jake can do to help her. After many failed attempts with Princess Bubblegum, Finn and Jake learn of a special cure that can help Lady Rainicorn get back to normal. The catch? They will have to travel on the Ooorient Express on an infamous train ride that no one returns from…
Retail Price: $9.99 Writers: Matthew Daley & Arlene Daley Artist: Wook Jin Clark Cover Artist: Wook Jin Clark
Writing team Matthew Daley (Lantern City) and Arlene Daley call on their combined 25 years of education experience to create this thrilling coming-of-age adventure. Co-Created by Trevor Crafts (Lantern City) and Ellen Crafts, and illustrated by Wook Jin Clark (Adventure Time: The Flipside), Not So Secret Society is an all-ages adventure that celebrates the value of teamwork and lifelong friendships.
Madison, Dylan, Emma, Aidan, and Ava have pretty normal lives for a group of 12-year-olds: They go to school, participate in extracurricular activities, and oh yeah, they also have AWESOME ADVENTURES.
Together they form the Not-So Secret Society. But when they invent a candy-making machine for their school’s annual science fair, things don’t go according to plan . . . and their candy creation comes to life and escapes, threatening to destroy the entire city!
Retail Price: $14.99 Writer: Talya Perper Artist: Queenie Chan Cover Artist: Sara Talmadge
Beach City gets even weirder in this all-new Steven Universe original graphic novel. As electric disturbances begin causing objects to mysteriously hover all around town, The Gems travel to the Moon Base and back to figure out how to solve the problem and figure out who is causing it.
via BOOM! Studios
BOOM! Studios Solicits for May 2017
BOOM! sent us the briefs and covers for some upcoming titles, and we’re sharing. Here’s the BOOM!
BOOM! Studios Solicits for May 2017 BOOM! sent us the briefs and covers for some upcoming titles, and we're sharing. Here's the BOOM!
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outright-geekery · 8 years
BOOM! sent us the briefs and covers for some upcoming titles, and we’re sharing. Here’s the BOOM! Studios Solicits for May 2017.
Retail Price: $7.99 Writers: Kyle Higgins, Tom Taylor, Jamal Campbell, and Trey Moore Artists: Goñi Montes, Dan Mora, Jamal Campbell, and Frazer Irving Main Cover: Goñi Montes Variant Cover: Dan Mora Acetate Variant Cover: George Caltsoudas
The future of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers starts here as Tommy makes a choice that will have huge consequences for the team; Black Power Rangers from across parallel dimensions meet to face off against a deadly foe; and all-new secret origins revealed!
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Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Victor LaValle Artist: Dietrich Smith Cover Artist: Micaela Dawn
When the last descendant of the Frankenstein family loses her only son to a police shooting, she turns to science for her own justice…putting her on a crash course with her family’s original monster and his quest to eliminate humanity.
An intense, unflinching story exploring the legacies of love, loss, and vengeance placed firmly in the tense atmosphere and current events of the modern-day United States.
Retail Price: $3.99 Writers: Kiwi Smith and Kurt Lustgarten Artist: Naomi Franquiz Main Cover: Naomi Franquiz Treasure Map Variant Cover: Paulina Ganucheau Movie Poster Variant Cover: Ester Zejn
Nothing’s happened in Wilder’s hometown since they filmed that cult kids’ adventure movie there in the 80s… but that’s ancient history.
Until one day, she and her friends come upon a centuries-old pirate map drawn by someone named Black Mary…and find out there might be some REAL adventure in their tiny town after all!
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Retail Price: $3.99 Writers: Claudio Sanchez & Chondra Echert Artist: Rags Morales Cover Artist: Rags Morales
Ambellina and Chase are convinced that Claudio is The Crowing, but how can one simply accept that his fate is to destroy all things?
Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Simon Spurrier Artist: Jonas Goonface Cover Artist: Jonas Goonface
Ennay and Bud are back on the road, but things don’t go quite as expected when they cross a fellow Godshaper’s turf.
Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Tyler Jenkins Main Cover: Tyler Jenkins Intermix Cover: Matt Kindt
Tensions rise when Humbert sends his brother into the Grass Kingdom to search for Maria. Robert and Bruce will have to treat each move with caution if they want to avoid bloodshed.
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Retail Price: $3.99 Writers: Ben Acker & Ben Blacker, Andrew Miller Artist: Hannah Christenson Cover Artist: Hannah Christenson
Final issue! Miranda takes her final shot at revenge against those who murdered her family, while the Turquoise Man seeks vengeance against Joseph.
Retail Price: $3.99 Writers: Robbie Thompson, Justin Jordan Artist: Barnaby Bagenda Main Cover: Dan Mora Movie Poster Variant Cover: Mike Mayhew Classic Variant Cover: Paul Rivoche Spectrum Variant Cover: Felipe Massafera “Vintage” Action Figure Variant Cover: David Ryan Robinson
The origin of the Universal Ring revealed! Battle of the Red and Green Lanterns on the Planet of the Apes! As Cornelius’ corruption manipulates the mutants into an army of ring bearers, Hal Jordan and Zira will do all they can to save him before it’s too late.
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WWE #5
Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Dennis Hopeless Artist: Serg Acuña Main Cover: Dan Mora John Cena Variant Cover: Jamal Campbell Goldust Variant Cover: Marco D’Alfonso Action Figure Variant Cover: Adam Riches Royal Rumble Connecting Variant Cover: Brent Schoonover
Dean Ambrose: the scrappy, wild-eyed, people’s champion who never says die—and the Lunatic Fringe. While his ex-brothers are obsessing over the championship, Dean has taken crazy to an entirely new level by provoking the scariest man in the WWE—the beast incarnate, Brock Lesnar.
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Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Ollie Masters Artist: Eoin Marron Main Cover: Luca Pizzari Subscription Cover: Jonas Scharf
Opie and the club mobilize to find the kidnapped Jax, while the Israelis continue enacting their plan for revenge.
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Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: James Asmus Artist: Carlos Magno Cover Artist: Kim Myatt
Penultimate issue! The corruption within will be revealed, as the island’s Kongs are made feral.
Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Kyle Higgins Artist: Daniel Bayliss Main Cover: Jamal Campbell Connecting Variant Cover: Steve Morris Morphin Variant Cover: Goñi Montes Action Figure Variant Cover: Telmos Santos
Zordon’s fate is revealed leading to some surprising developments for Drakkon’s world and the old sage himself.
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Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Michael Dialynas Cover Artist: Michael Dialynas
Karen is anxious to end Isaac’s plan, but first they must team up with an unlikely ally.
Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Simon Spurrier Artists: Kelly and Nichole Matthews Main Cover: Kelly and Nichole Matthews Subscription Cover: Sana Takeda
While Jen and Kira deal with the chaos the Skeksis have wrought on the castle, Thurma and Kensho are out in the wilds of Thra on the run from the Crystal Guard, unaware that something far more treacherous followed their trail: the Chamberlain.
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Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Liz Prince Artist: Amanda Kirk Main Cover: Kat Leyh Incentive Cover: Liz Prince
Coady and the Creepies are playing their final Pinmaggedon show, and they’re not about to let anything—a wheelchair-unfriendly venue, a boneheaded rival band, or even the actual afterlife—get between them and Punk legend!
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SLAM! #6
Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Pam Ribon Artist: Veronica Fish Main Cover: Veronica Fish Variant Cover: Meredith Gran
Maisie progresses quickly when learning some new movies, but Jen feels like she’s become stagnant.
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Retail Price: $3.99 Writers: Jackie Ball & Hope Larson Artist: Noah Hayes Cover Artist: Brittney Williams
After uncovering a conspiracy in Sugar Maple’s pit crew, Goldie’s determined to bring Sugar’s saboteur to justice.
Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: John Allison Artists: Max Sarin, Liz Fleming Cover Artist: Max Sarin
Ed and McGraw’s home has become a no-go zone with the addition of Dean Thompson, and the impending visit of his girlfriend Posy is anticipated with a mixture of morbid curiosity and dread.
Retail Price: $3.99 Writers: Shannon Watters & Kat Leyh Artist: Ayme Sotuyo Main Cover: Kat Leyh Variant Cover: Ayme Sotuyo
Parents’ Day continues as the Roanokes split into parent/daughter teams for a scavenger hunt, with the girls determined to keep their parents from noticing anything supernatural during their visit.
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Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Sam Sykes Artist: Selina Espiritu Cover Artist: Bridget Underwood
Brianna’s restaurant has gained some positive attention, so of course that’s when her brother Hans decides to roll into town with his food truck for a little competition!
Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Melanie Gillman Artist: Katy Farina Main Cover: Missy Peña Subscription Cover: Rian Sygh Variant Cover: Jenn St-Onge
Steven, Peridot and Amethyst go on their wildest adventure yet—a local Renaissance Faire! While the others enjoy fried food and theater, Peridot enters the joust, and is playing to win.
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THE DEEP #5 (of 6)
Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Tom Taylor Artist: James Brouwer Cover Artist: James Brouwer
The Nekton family discovers a secret about the mysterious island, and it puts the two youngest Nektons in jeopardy!
Retail Price: $3.99 Writers: Jarret Williams, Jorge Corona, Grace Kraft Artists: Jarret Williams, Jorge Corona, Grace Kraft Main Cover: Chad Weerdhuizen Subscription Cover: Jen Wang Variant Cover: Renato Faccini
Finn and Jake face off in the ultimate showdown, Tree Trunks forgets how to bake pies, and Marceline gets lost in her own home.
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Retail Price: $3.99 Writers: Danielle Burgos, Kiernan Sjursen-Lien Artists: Jim Campbell, Cara McGee Main Cover: Kiernan Sjursen-Lien Subscription Cover: Katie Chinaski
Greg and Jason might not be able to save Jason’s dad in time, and Wirt and Sara have to decide if they should help Greg or attend to their own mystery.
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Retail Price: $3.99 Writer: Mariko Tamaki Artist: Ian McGinty Main Cover: Shelli Paroline & Braden Lamb Subscription Cover: Alex Fletcher
The Best Princess Ever is finally going to be chosen! Who will it be? And will the prankster finally reveal themselves before they ruin the whole event?
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Retail Price: $19.99 Writer: Justin Jordan Artist: Raúl Treviño Cover Artist: Jilipollo
Written by Justin Jordan (The Strange Talent of Luther Strode) and illustrated by Raúl Treviño (Tinkers of the Wasteland), Sombra is a gripping exploration of the War on Drugs and the double-edged sword of American intervention, informed by Treviño’s experiences in his Mexican homeland.
Conrad Marlowe was a respected DEA agent when he disappeared in Mexico while investigating the ruthless drug cartels. Years later, he has resurfaced as a cult leader who has made it his mission to out-brutalize the cartels terrorizing the country.
The only DEA agent willing to follow his trail of violence is his own daughter, Danielle, and with the help of a journalist on the ground, she’ll have to face the horrors of what her father has become if she wants to survive and bring him to justice.
Collects the complete limited series.
Retail Price: $16.99 Writer: Ollie Masters Artist: Luca Pizzari Cover Artist: Chris Brunner
Writer Ollie Masters (Snow Blind, The Kitchen) and artist Luca Pizzari (Secret Wars Journal, Amazing Spider-Man) journey 10 years before Season 1 of Kurt Sutter’s critically acclaimed television series Sons of Anarchy to tell the never-before-seen, official story of Jax Teller’s first year as a SAMCRO prospect.
Jax Teller has always had one dream: to follow the family legacy and join the Sons of Anarchy. But at eighteen, still reeling from his father’s death and just starting out as a prospect, Jax is about to discover just how hard the life of an outlaw can be.
Collects issues #1-4.
Retail Price: $14.99 Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Michael Dialynas Cover Artist: Michael Dialynas
Written by The New York Times best-selling author James Tynion IV (Detective Comics) and illustrated by Michael Dialynas (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), “The Black City” collects the seventh arc of the best-selling series, now in development at Syfy. Is there a reason mankind has always feared the untamed forest? Karen, Sanami, and Ben will have to venture far beyond the reaches of the civilization they’ve built and into the heart of the alien wilderness in the hopes of finally going home. But in the center of the woods, they discover the truth behind the ancient fear of the forest for themselves. Collects issues #25-28.
Retail Price: $19.99 Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson Artist: Jonas Scharf Cover Artist: Massímo Carnevale
Following the controversial election of an enigmatic dictator, the United States was plunged into a Second Civil War, in the aftermath of which only Kentucky refused to acknowledge the fascist state’s sovereignty. Now a demilitarized zone located in the heart of America, it will take the combined forces of civilians and criminals to overthrow the occupation. In leading this rebellion, former mechanic and reluctant folk hero Kade Mercer will become the first feudal warlord of Appalachia. Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson (Last Sons of America) and illustrated by breakout talent Jonas Scharf, Warlords of Appalachia is a grounded military epic with flourishes of sci-fi futurism that explores the lengths one man will go to protect his family in the face of oppression.
Retail Price: $16.99 Writer: Cory Godbey Artist: Cory Godbey Cover Artist: Cory Godbey
Cory Godbey, the acclaimed children’s book illustrator behind the best-selling Jim Henson’s Labyrinth Tales, delves deep into the Skeksis-ruled land of Thra in this beautiful look at some of Jim Henson and Brian Froud’s finest creations from the beloved cult-classic film The Dark Crystal.
In one tale, when a little bird is hurt in a Skeksis net, Jen takes it to the Mystics for healing and learns how every act of kindness grows like ripples in a lake.
Retail Price: $24.99 Writer: Josh Tierney Artists: Jakub Rebelka, Marina Julia, Nuno Plati, Winston Young, Pablo Clark Cover Artist: Afu Chan
Vincent is a shipwrecked privateer who has lost his crew to winged monsters. Aya is an orphan seeking revenge on the Starless army who killed her family. Through a series of unlikely coincidences, the warrior cat Chobo unites the two and leads them to Princesses Pira and Lono, who are making their final preparations to leave Spera and do battle with the evil Starless Queen. As the fire spirit Yonder infiltrates the Starless-occupied Plain Castle, the newly formed group is taken by surprise by another swarm of winged monsters. Can Yonder survive his mission, and can the Princesses trust their new friends?
Retail Price: $14.99 Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Rian Sygh Cover Artist: Veronica Fish
James Tynion IV (Detective Comics, The Woods) teams up with artist Rian Sygh (Munchkin, Stolen Forest) for an incredibly earnest story that explores what it means to find a place to fit in when you’re kinda an outcast.
When Jory transfers to an all-boys private high school, he’s taken in by the lowly stage crew known as the Backstagers. Hunter, Aziz, Sasha, and Beckett become his new best friends and introduce him to an entire magical world that lives beyond the curtain that the rest of the school doesn’t know about, filled with strange creatures, changing hallways, and a decades-old legend of a backstage crew that went missing and was never found.
Collects the first four issues.
Retail Price: $34.99 Writer: John Allison Artists: Lissa Treiman, Max Sarin Cover Artist: Design by Michelle Ankley
This oversized first volume of Giant Days: Not on the Test Edition, written by John Allison (Bad Machinery, Scary Go Round) and illustrated by Lissa Treiman and Max Sarin, collects the first eight issues of the Eisner Award and Harvey Award-nominated series, as well as additional never-before-collected Giant Days comics in a deluxe hardcover.
University is a time to learn for most people, but for Susan, Esther, and Daisy, academia seems to be throwing more at them than books and learning. House-hunting, terrible breakups, and regretful hookups pepper the girls’ lives this semester as they navigate their way through Freshman year. Thankfully, they have each other.
Retail Price: $39.99 Writers: Noelle Stevenson, Shannon Watters, Kat Leyh Artists: Brooke Allen, Carey Pietsch, Carolyn Nowak Cover Artist: Design by Kelsey Dieterich
When April takes it upon herself to restore an underwater friendship that has fallen apart, will she be in over her head as her above-water friendships take a hit? Between shapeshifters and strange portals causing a storm to suddenly hit the camp, this is one badge that the Lumberjanes are going above and beyond for! Don’t miss out on The New York Times best-selling and multiple Eisner Award-winning series written by National Book Award nominee Noelle Stevenson (Nimona), Shannon Watters, and Kat Leyh (Super Cakes) with stories illustrated by Brooke Allen (A Home for Mr. Easter), Carolyn Nowak (Runges), and Carey Pietsch (Adventure Time: Marceline Gone Adrift). Collects Volumes 5 and 6 of the ongoing series and features a behind-the-scenes look into how to make an issue of Lumberjanes, exclusive sketches from the amazing artists, and so much more!
Writer: Jeremy Sorese Artist: Zachary Sterling Cover Artist: Britt Wilson
Candy, suspicious conductors, and weird science make up this all-new Adventure Time original graphic novel written by Jeremy Sorese (Curveball, Steven Universe) and illustrated by Adventure Time veteran Zachary Sterling. Don’t miss out on this action-packed journey based on the award-winning show on Cartoon Network! Lady Rainicorn has come down with a case of taffy fever and there is nothing Jake can do to help her. After many failed attempts with Princess Bubblegum, Finn and Jake learn of a special cure that can help Lady Rainicorn get back to normal. The catch? They will have to travel on the Ooorient Express on an infamous train ride that no one returns from…
Retail Price: $9.99 Writers: Matthew Daley & Arlene Daley Artist: Wook Jin Clark Cover Artist: Wook Jin Clark
Writing team Matthew Daley (Lantern City) and Arlene Daley call on their combined 25 years of education experience to create this thrilling coming-of-age adventure. Co-Created by Trevor Crafts (Lantern City) and Ellen Crafts, and illustrated by Wook Jin Clark (Adventure Time: The Flipside), Not So Secret Society is an all-ages adventure that celebrates the value of teamwork and lifelong friendships.
Madison, Dylan, Emma, Aidan, and Ava have pretty normal lives for a group of 12-year-olds: They go to school, participate in extracurricular activities, and oh yeah, they also have AWESOME ADVENTURES.
Together they form the Not-So Secret Society. But when they invent a candy-making machine for their school’s annual science fair, things don’t go according to plan . . . and their candy creation comes to life and escapes, threatening to destroy the entire city!
Retail Price: $14.99 Writer: Talya Perper Artist: Queenie Chan Cover Artist: Sara Talmadge
Beach City gets even weirder in this all-new Steven Universe original graphic novel. As electric disturbances begin causing objects to mysteriously hover all around town, The Gems travel to the Moon Base and back to figure out how to solve the problem and figure out who is causing it.
via BOOM! Studios
BOOM! Studios Solicits for May 2017 BOOM! sent us the briefs and covers for some upcoming titles, and we're sharing. Here's the BOOM!
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