#Paramahamsa Vishwananda
turiyatitta · 1 year
A Spiritual Journey with Paramahamsa Vishwananda
Ever since September 3rd, 2019, there has been one figure that repeatedly stands out in my memories, the guiding light that has transformed my life – Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda.The journey began at Trinity St. Paul’s in Toronto. On that fateful day, I was fortunate enough to receive darshan from him. For those unfamiliar with this term, darshan is the divine sight – a soul-touching…
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 3 months
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Bhakti Marga America
“Your work will bear fruits when you do it out of love, when you love what God has given you and happily do it knowing that you are serving Him”
— Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda
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Bhakti Marga Reviews
Discover Bhakti Marga Reviews on The Power of Positivity, which feature true accounts of people who have used spiritual practices to find greater joy and significance in their lives. Discover how views are reshaped by positivity. To learn more, click the provided link.
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bigbunnynetwork · 6 years
Remove Sri Vaishnava reference in Paramahamsa Vishwananda's web site.
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Problem The person known as Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda claims to be Acharya in the Sri Sampradaya. This is known to be false merely by his own statements:
1. The Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya is rooted in Vedas, and therefore does not recognize Bhakti Marga Sadhana, the path that is being promoted by Vishwananda.
2. Initiation into the Sri Sampradaya involves formal initiation by an Acharya (Jeeyar) of tha community. Vishwananda mentions no one, and does not even the describe the ritual of initiation as consisting of Tapa, Pundra, Dasyanama, Mantra and Ijya. 3. Initiated Acharyas in the Sri Sampradaya must have Ramanuja or Ramanuja Dasa in their names. No such name is mentioned in Vishwananda's web page. 4. Bona Fide Sri Vaishnavas are initiated into 3 sacred mantras. Vishwananda only mentions one. 5. The image which Vishwananda claims to be that of Ramanuja is fake. Traditional images of Ramanuja are always seated, and being the preeminent guru of the Sri Vaishnava Tradition, cannot be placed at the feet of any other guru or Acharya.
There are many more substantiations to prove that Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda is not, nor ever was a Sri Vaishnava. We the Undersigned call for the immediate removal of the link: https://www.paramahamsavishwananda.com/the-master/sri-vaishnava-acharya along with all other references to Sri Vaishnavism from Paramahamsa Vishwananda's web site, blog and all other related links.
Solution Removing the link to Sri Vaishnavism from Vishwananda's web site maintains the ethical, spiritual and ritualistic sanctity of the Sri Vaishnava tradition as is practiced by several hundred thousand followers of this ancient tradition in the world today.
Personal story I am a descendant of the Nathamunigal-Sotai Nambi vamsa paramparai. I am direct student of His Holiness U. Ve. Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Srimannarayana Ramanuja Jeeyar Swami, the preeminent scholar of Sri Vaishnavism in the world today.
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kb85lazy · 8 months
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secrethologramstarfish · 11 months
First time I met Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda - Darshan in Paris 28...
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ramveggie · 11 months
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musicmee · 1 year
Explore Your Present Life's Purpose | Paramahamsa Vishwananda
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all-about-news24x7 · 1 year
Parmahamsa Vishwananda says, “Atma Kriya Yoga is like a universal highway to develop your personal relationship with God
[] Everyone who meets Paramahamsa Vishwananda definitely walks out feeling they have been changed for the better. That has certainly been the case for his followers and devotees from all over the world. Guruji has been travelling since the age of 15, sharing his message of Bhakti (devotion) and self-transformation. Guruji touches so many people, not just those whom he meets personally but the…
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thealienspacepod · 2 years
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Who is Mahavatar Babaji ?
Paramahamsa Vishwananda, who is a direct disciple of Mahavatar Babaji and communicates with Him personally, tells that Babaji is Krishna Himself. He came when Krishna left the plane about 5000 years ago to be there for humanity. Krishna is one of the Purnavatars (100% incarnation) of Narayana, symbol of the inner self. From Narayana the Trimurti Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva comes into being as the acting Deities of creation, maintenance, and dissolution in this universe. Mahavatar is also the Trimurti which are just different names from the all pervading Brahman, the basic principle of the universe.
Personal commentary :
It doesnt matter when he happened to physically exist in the timeline, and it doesnt matter who he is or which incarnation he comes from, for he is just a symbol of consciousness which is happening beyond time and space. God-Consciousness has a thousand names but is unnamable and unidentifiable as it has no center or point of reference, but incarnates itself as many characters or deities within it’s dream and other realms beyond the physical plane. To chant Babaji’s name or any other deities is to invocate our very essence of being and brings divine protection. Regardless of the deities or self realized masters, it shouldnt be perceived as an entity, but rather as a symbol that divinely guides us and protects us all from the illusions of the individual and collective ego.
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oruibraga · 4 years
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LAKSHMI NARAYAN MANDIR // March 2017 - June 2018
Original project for the Altar of a Hindu Temple in Porto.
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The Quality of a Vaishnava | Paramahamsa Vishwananda
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talonabraxas · 3 years
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Various scriptures describe the power of the mantra vibrations and their protective potential. Our Gurudev, Paramahamsa Vishwananda, always recommends to chant the 8-syllable mantra Om Namo Narayanaya to connect with the Divine within us. Narayana means “the One, who dwells in all beings” or “the One, in whom all beings dwell”. Chanting this mantra reminds us of our eternal relationship with the Divine and strengthens this sacred bond.
In recent satsang Guruji shared a simple, yet beautiful way, how we can utilise the power of this mantra, in order to infuse our bodies with Divine vibrations and set an energetic protection around us at the same time. This process is described in greater detail in Chapter 8 of 6 Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, in the beginning of the process known as Narayana Kavacham (creating a “shield of Narayana”). In verses 4-6 it is described:
“If some form of fear arrives, one should first wash his hands and legs clean and (…) sit gravely and silently, facing north. When completely purified, one should touch the mantra composed of eight syllables to the eight parts of his body and touch the mantra composed of twelve syllables to his hands. Thus, in the following manner, he should bind himself with the Nārāyaṇa coat of armor. First, while chanting the mantra composed of eight syllables [oṁ namo nārāyaṇāya], beginning with the praṇava, the syllable om, one should touch his hands to eight parts of his body, starting with the two feet and progressing systematically to the knees, thighs, abdomen, heart, chest, mouth and head. Then one should chant the mantra in reverse, beginning from the last syllable [ya], while touching the parts of his body in the reverse order.”
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beingdevotee · 4 years
Life of a devotee of Paramahamsa Vishwananda
Each if us has own purpose in life. I found mine being a devotee of Paramahamsa Vishwananda. In this blog will share experiences, little and big miracles, and of course His Love :)
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improbable-rainbows · 4 years
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Maha Shivaratri 2020 - Paramahamsa Vishwananda by Bhakti Marga on Flickr
Maha Shivaratri is the most auspicious night for the worship of the greatest bhakta of the Supreme Lord Narayana: Lord Shiva. Commonly perceived as the Lord of Destruction, we see Lord Shiva's contribution more as the gift of transformation. The old must be destroyed to make way for the new!
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benvenutisoleluna · 2 years
La storia del mio Maestro Spirituale
La storia del mio Maestro Spirituale
  Fin dall’inizio era chiaro che Paramahamsa Vishwananda non era un bambino come gli altri. Invece di giocare ai giochi dell’infanzia, trascorreva il tempo pregando, visitando i templi e recitando rituali religiosi, vivendo sempre alla presenza di Dio. Anche quando era molto giovane, gli piaceva cantare i Nomi Divini e ispirare tutti coloro che Lo circondavano ad amare Dio. In verità, è sempre…
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