#Spiritual Guru
ajje-111 · 3 months
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General Messages 🤍
Pile 1: Man Kissing Hand (Two of pentacles)
Pile 2: Couple Sleeping (The Lovers)
Pile 3: Couple Kissing (Four of Wands)
Pile 4: Heart-Mirror (The World)
With peace and love, I wish you take these messages with and open heart and mind. As in usual tarot fashion, please take what resonates with your heart; as you are the only one that knows what is best for your path.
If there are any specific readings you want me to do in terms of theme please let me know!
Pile 1:
Cards: Two of Pentacles & Eight of Pentacles
Song: “I’d Rather Go Blind” - Beyoncé
Hello to all who were attracted to this pile. I sense this may be my earth sign pile some of you may be a Virgo but it doesn’t have to be.
Someone may have turned down on an opportunity for change. Or may have disappointed you in some way.I see someone accepting a situation for what it is and it makes the other person upset likely the person who gave this offer of opportunity. This could be work related or love be I see it means a lot to you. I feel this relationship is a “big deal” for you nonetheless.
I think you’re working very hard on a certain project right now and don’t want this situation to slow down your progress, it won’t. I see that is not even an option for you. Which right on I believe that your guides are rooting for you to do what feels good. Heavy on discipline, self-care, and achieving mastery in a specific area of your life. Keeping going.
Although I feel like this energy definitely spills into your love life and you may be looking for something solid and someone whom you can build steady ground with. You’re dedicated and devoted to a specific person in your love life, you know who this person is.
Their feelings for you are deep and conflicted, they seem to have accepted a certain message you gave them. They keep saying “it is what it is”. I don’t think their attitude reciprocates the type of dedication you’re asking for. Deep down you know this. I don’t see this person telling you this directly so take with a grain of salt. I see them still engaging with you and continuing your relationship with you like everything is fine. But their actions will speak otherwise so be aware of this. Your guides say to pay close attention to their actions.
Either way, you both are working hard for this relationship in your own separate ways. You could be very analytical as to what you deem as “progress” on the other end or vice versa. I think if you bring more love into your time together you’ll be able to relax and put less pressure on each other. I’m hearing many of you are in different situations so take this message as you see fit. Either way, I see two people who have worked very hard for they have together and sense strong teamwork. If you are looking for answers on how your partner feels then like I said they’ve accepted a certain message specifically something you said, perhaps a boundary or something of that nature. They feel disappointed and will not share this with you or are reluctant to do so if they do end up sharing this with you.
That’s all have for you again take the message you resonate with. Leave which does not. With peace and love, - Wind
Thanks for sharing your time with me! Please interact with my page as it helps me to continue making these posts!
Pile 2:
Cards: The Lovers, Two of Wands, & Queen of Swords
Song: Congratulations (ft. Quavo) - Post Malone
Hello to everyone who was attracted to this pile.
I just wanted to take a moment to congratulate you I feel like many of you have worked very hard for where you are in life right now. This may be my air pile. This would make sense because I feel an extreme sense of confidence coming from your end. Feelings of embracing and being assertive in your individuality, I really like this energy and it is a good look on you too. I see you attracting many people from your past in this moment.
At this moment you’re stepping into a new path of your life or planning for it. I see you romanticizing your life with mood boards, instagram, pictures or video edits. You’re moved and inspired by music a lot, I think it brings you a peace that is spiritual and allows your to tap into your world. You could be in college I see you trying to manage your school or work routine by pampering yourself, making sure you look good and feel good in order to get certain things you don’t necessarily want to do, done.
I’m seeing a few love offers from people you know and may not know. Nonetheless it is making you feel damn good about yourself. I don’t necessarily see you taking action towards anything physically but you’ve definitely been contemplating it honey. Lol and I mean it, I see you’ve been considering a few people who tickle your fancy.
There is two energies I pick up on, one is someone you almost feel is entitled to your love and the other person you someone you believe is some what out of reach for you.
This person who you feel is entitled to your love, is sweet and gentle and loves you deeply. You feel this love but this is simply a reflection of who they are and how they view themselves. You are not entitled to someone’s love just because they’re nice to you. I sense there is some guilt, it could be you or this person I don’t know.
The next person is someone who you feel is not attainable for x or y reasons, only you know this. But I know you feel like they’re out of reach for some reason. Your or this person knows that there is potential for a future together. I’m not sure in what aspect but they’re showing up as someone who can give you “the world”. It comes from a place of denial, but I see it is something you want.
I sense a strong urge from your guides to not get caught up in the now. Plan for what’s ahead, I see that you may not be looking for something serious right now which is smart because you’re going to be on the move quickly. Your world is rapidly changing right now, if you would like to share it which I sense that you do, then let it be with someone who loves and accepts your wishes and desires and bring that kind of fulfillment to your life.
Again take what resonates, with peace and love I wish you well.- Wind
Thanks for sharing your time with me! Please interact with my page as it helps me to continue making these posts!
Pile 3:
Cards: The Four of Wands &The High Priestess
Song: Autumn Changes - Donna Summer
Hello, pile 3 visitors, wonderful energy that is here today. I have this overwhelming sensation of being refreshed and calm in my mind. You may meditate often or are going through a difficult time that requires you to be in the moment and have a sharp mind.
Whatever it is that you are currently manifesting you will receive it. Take this as confirmation for something you've been asking the divine for.
Concerning your love life there is a stage of introspection that you're going through. You're either with someone or single I'm not feeling anything specific for those factors. You set a high standard for yourself in terms of creating a meaningful manifestation that will be divinely guided. Spirit is rooting for you and asks you to continue on the journey and listen to your intuition. Especially when it comes to financial matters of the heart, trust yourself.
There is definitely a confirmation about something you have been working on. For some of you, it is a work project. Could be something you've been helping your family with, like moving or giving someone a place to stay. There is a moment that you share with a meaningful connection, and you feel the empowering nature of love. There may have been a birth in your family, congratulations, this is not a message for everyone.
For some of you who resonate with this being a work endeavor, it will be successful through connecting and bonding with your team. Someone on your team may have a crush on you. If you had that initial feeling but didn't trust in it, this is confirmation that you were right. They want to take you out on a date after this project is over. Something of that nature would apply if this is someone you met online, through school, or someone you know.
If you're in a relationship right now I see that you are happy with the way you handled a certain disagreement with your partner. You believe that being able to express yourself with clarity will allow your relationship to be stronger.
That's all I have for you be safe, be well. With peace and love -Wind
Thanks for sharing your time with me! Please interact with my page as it helps me to continue making these posts!
PIle 4:
Cards: The World & Six of Pentacles
Song: If You Want It - Niteflyte
Hello, pile 4, welcome to your messages.
“If people define situations as real, they are real in their consequences." - Thomas theorem, sociologists WI and Dorothy Thomas
This was a quote I learned through my studies, and it is straightforward and to the point. It also goes hand in hand with the world card and the symbolism of the mirror you chose. It simply defines manifestation and its process. We can choose to do something or decide in the power of choice. This could mean different things for many of you so I'm hearing. How you define your choices and decisions is a good gauge to reflect on how you are connecting with your intuition and ego.
This pile requires deep reflection on what you want in this world. Spirit wants to remind you that life is like a dream, sometimes things appear magically, and that's because this world we live in is an illusion, reflecting light in a variety of fractal colors that we define as real. Make the colors you see. The reason I say this is because you have all the capable qualities to make your dreams come true. Spirit recognizes your potential, take this as confirmation. Be specific in what you want, not materially, but energetically. I said this in another pile I believe, but envision yourself in the body of your dream reality and you will find answers. Be creative and firm with what it is you want.
I don't know what this manifestation may mean to you all I know is that it is a great deal of stress for you. In the sense that you are worried that it is too good to be true. You don't engage with this thought often but it sits in the back of your mind. Spirit sees this as a blockage, a small one at that. For it is a choice to actually believe in this thought, to that which is up to you.
If you continue to appreciate your surroundings, loved ones, co-workers, etc. people who will do the same for you, I see you ultimately seeing the light with that which you are, in your physical reality.
Very beautiful energy, you guys might be master manifestors because it was hard for me to pick up on any past or future energy. There is a groundedness to this energy that is constantly trying to remain in the present moment of things. This will take you far.
If you're also a tarot reader spirit asks you to meditate, and keep up the good work, for "we are the angels who are kind enough to spread the wisdom of the divine."
I hope this helps, be safe and well. With peace and love. - Wind
Thanks for sharing your time with me! Please interact with my page as it helps me to continue making these posts!
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metalheads-trash-bin · 8 months
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@nervousskull @ohposhers
Indoctrinates you cutely..
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sorru1792 · 3 months
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भ्रष्ट TV9 Bharatvarsh शर्म करो
TV9 Bharatvarsh चुल्लू भर पानी में डूब मरो, झूठ फैलाना बंद करो, मीडिया कुछ तो शर्म करो, भ्रामक खबर फैलाने के लिए माफी मांगो
Media Apologize To Sant RampalJi
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srividyatantram · 2 months
Attributes of Shishya
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Tantra Sara Sangraha, TantraRaja Tantra and Rudra Yamala convey similar message on the attributes of Shishya in the below verses. Shishya should be Shuddhatma (pure in all levels), Purushartha parayana (seeking dharma, artha, kama, moksha), jitendriyah (control over sense), Astika (faith in Supreme Reality as discussed in scriptures), and Drida Bhakti (strong devotion).
( https://srividyatantram.com/ )
Attributes of Shishya
śiṣyaḥ śuddhasanājñāni puruṣārthaparāyaṇaḥ | adhītaśāstratattvajño hi taidvīprāṇināṃ sadā || nāstikācārarahita āstikaśca jitendriyaḥ | sudharmanirataḥ śuddhaḥ pitṛmātṛhite rataḥ || śuśruṣugurubhaktaśca jijñāsuśraddhayānvitaḥ | kāmakrodhādirahito niviṣṭomantrapūjana || (Tantra Sara Sangraha)
śiṣyaḥ kulīnaḥ śuddhātmā puruṣārtha parāyaṇaḥ | adhītavedaḥ kuśalodūramuktamanottaraḥ || hitaiṣī prāṇināṃ nityamāstikyaṃ tyakta nāstikaḥ | svadharmanirato bhaktaḥ pitṛmātṛ hitodyataḥ || (Tantraraja Tantra)
susthiraḥ svacchaḥ suddhātmā susthirāśaṣaḥ | alubdhaḥ sthiragātraśca prekṣākāraṃ jiteṃdriyaḥ || āstiko dṛḍhabhaktaśca guraumaṃtre ca daivate | evaṃ vidho bhavet siṣyesti taroduḥkha kṛdguroḥ || (Rudra Yamala Tantra)
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krishnaart · 2 months
A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
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srisrisriddd · 2 months
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Divine Prayer Poetry Poems of 
Bhagwan Sri Sri Sri Dr Devang H Dattani ji
God Morning SunDay
Infinite SriSriSri DDD
Posted By TheBlissCity DDD Team
See The Photo For Poem / Poetry Of The Week
Divine Poetries
Divine Poems
See The Media For Poem Prayer Quote
Hare Krishna Hare Rama Har Har Mahadev
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theluckybard · 2 years
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Some sketches of my dear Hanuman
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srividyasadhak · 10 days
#naga #nagasadhana #powerfulsadhna #quickresults #nagatantra
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turiyatitta · 4 months
“The guru’s enlightenment isn’t the absence of your own; it is a testament to the infinite possibilities within the boundless expanse of consciousness.”
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leonaluv · 6 months
Venus Is called Guru of Demons-" The term "demon" is derived from the Greek word daimon meaning divine power, fat, or god. The actual translation of demon means "replete with wisdom" connoting that the demons were highly knowledgeable creatures, evident in their knowledge of an individual's secretive sins "
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rameshjaat0004 · 21 days
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cosmicchrist888 · 4 months
Merging the human soul with The Absolute (God), that is, “The Bride” with “The Bridegroom”, Enlightenment or Cosmic Consciousness :
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“The Sage whose mind by the grace of his blessed Guru is merged in his own true nature (Existence, Intelligence, and Bliss Absolute), that great illumined one, wise, with all egotism suppressed, and extremely delighted within himself, sports in joy”.
Poem: Atmavidyavilasa
Sadasiva Brahman
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shantidasi · 2 months
गुरु पूर्णिमा शास्त्र प्रमाणित ज्ञान देता है। उसके द्वारा बताई भक्ति विधि भी प्रमाणित होती है।
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
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sorru1792 · 23 days
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ऊपर को पूर्ण परमात्मा आदि पुरुष परमेश्वर रूपी जड़ वाला नीचे को तीनों गुण अर्थात् रजगुण ब्रह्मा, सतगुण विष्णु व तमगुण शिव रूपी शाखा वाला अविनाशी विस्तारित पीपल का वृक्ष है, जिसके जैसे वेद में छन्द है ऐसे संसार रूपी वृक्ष के भी विभाग छोटे-छोटे हिस्से टहनियाँ व पत्ते कहे हैं। उस संसार रूपी वृक्ष को जो विस्तार से जानता है वह पूर्ण ज्ञानी अर्थात् तत्वदर्शी संत है।
संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी ही वह तत्वदर्शी संत हैं।
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srividyatantram · 1 month
Q. Can my partner/mother join with me to watch and will you give only initiation to family member?
No. That defeats the purpose of individual guidance and Guru-Shishya relationship. I insist on seeing the person on screen, and checking if they are doing properly and correcting. There are submissions as well to check and help in learning. Those who have attend other puja/havan workshops, know well that I check if students have understood by making them do and keep a close watch on each person. So definitely will not allow such acts like watching show, and will not give initiation to just anyone.
I have clearly mentioned in site. This is not a hotline that supplies mantra and initiations for money. Either learn properly as per Guru Parampara or don't learn.
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krishnaart · 2 months
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A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada
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