enbycrip · 11 months
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ID: a black and white photo and caption from a newspaper showing a young white trans man with light hair wearing a tweed jacket and high collar smiling at a young white woman in a pale dress as he brushes her mid-length dark hair. She is smiling at him from the slightly complex angle as he brushes her hair. The photo is faded and not great quality but their faces are clear.
The headline over the photo is “Here’s How I Used To Do It!”
The caption below reads “An expert at women's coiffures although not a hairdresser, Zdenek Koubek proves himself as he combs the locks of Cinda Glenn, New York night club beauty. Koubek knows all about coiffures from experience, since they were of concern to him when he was the foremost girl athlete of Czechoslovakia, prior to a sex-change.”
Zdenek Koubek was born in Paskov, Czechoslovakia (at the time) in December 1913, one of eight siblings, and competed as an athlete. With minimal formal training, he began running at age 17, decided to pursue it formally aged 19, and broke two world records at the 1934 world olympics.
Because queer and gender-diverse history is complex, I’m genuinely unsure if Zdenek was intersex. He seems to have been pretty gender-nonconforming when read as a woman in his early life and seems to have retired from athletics because he was harassed by people wanting him to undergo invasive “gender checks” after his gold medals at the 1934 Olympics.
Apparently the current obsession with “defining gender in sport” has roots back to the 1930s. Athletes competing in female athletics have been forced to undergo a variety of examinations for the purpose of declaring them “female enough”. They seem to have never been pleasant, appropriate, or anything other than invasive and dehumanising, and they seem to have always focused on a) defining gender by physicality b) defined that physicality in fairly arbitrary ways that are actually incredibly difficult to relate to anything objective, despite a veneer of scientific objectivity.
I can entirely see why the threat of such harassment would have caused Zdenek to decide an athletic or adjacent career wasn’t worth undergoing it, whether he personally believed himself to be intersex or whether we would recognise him as such today. The term “intersex” has many definitions, and is often challenged by medical professionals if it could potentially cover too many people - e.g. medical professionals have repeatedly challenged the term when used by AFAB people with PCOS, which can cause fertility issues, hirstutism etc, purely on the grounds of “that would make around 10% of women intersex”. Zdenek simply publicly stated “I was wrongly assigned as female at birth” without giving any other details - as he had *every* right to. Some historians have characterised him as intersex based on this, and others simply as trans; he appears, very reasonably, to have preferred to preserve his privacy on the details.
Zdenek went on a lecture tour of the US talking about his life and transitioned in 1936. At the time of this photo, he was pursuing a career in cabaret in the US. He seems to have been reasonably successful but never settled there, returning home and marrying a cis woman with whom he lived happily for the rest of his life, dying in Prague aged 72 in 1986.
He joined a local rugby team along with his brother Jaroslov after WWII and seems to have been an enthusiastic amateur player. I hope he got a lot of joy out of it, which he does seem to have.
Like so many queer and trans histories, Zdenek’s is somewhat obscured because so much of what has been written about him is always skewed by the writer’s own perspectives about gender and transness. Including the drive to impose a false binary on trans experience - which I as a nonbinary person know is certainly not universally present.
There are, of course, *absolutely* trans people who always have a strong feeling of gender equating to “knowing they are a boy/girl from an early age”, and I in no way wish to erase them or their experiences, but it must also be noted and acknowledged there are plenty of us with different experiences. There are people like me who feel “wrong” in our assigned gender from pretty early in life, all the way down to having quite strong dysphoria in puberty and afterwards, but don’t strongly ID as the “opposite” binary gender either. There are people who rub along fine in their assigned gender, or who have many issues with it but don’t know what they equate to, until they have some experience presenting otherwise and suddenly experience strong gender euphoria for the first time in their lives. There are people who never feel anything much at all about gender and only ever do any identifying purely as a matter of convenience because a very binary society requires it.
Cis people seem to find the “always knew/born in the wrong body” narrative the easiest to relate to, and I can only assume that is because it is the narrative that allows them to challenge our society’s gender-essentialist, binarist worldview the *least*. It is considerably easier, and requires much less thought and critical attention, to say “I guess sometimes the occasional person is just mistakenly assigned to the wrong category” than to question those categories, why they exist, what they actually are, how they are imposed, and whether they actually mean anything at all in an objective sense.
I have no idea where Zdenek fell on any of this, or if his experience was very different in another way.
I posted this to, as ever, note that we are not a new phenomenon. Trans people are part of human history. We have always existed. We have always contributed. The way the society we lived in perceived us *and* how the societies our stories have passed through perceived us affect how our stories are told today, and those things can make it complex to uncover the lived experience of the trans person behind all of that. Queer and trans history must always be about acknowledging those facts and uncertainties while doing our best to find out as much as possible about the actual lived experiences of our siblings in the past.
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tradedmiami · 3 months
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SALE IMAGE: Felipe Montes de Oca, Adrie Moses-Bailey, Mitch Paskover, David Moghavem & Max Sharkansky DATE: 01/25/2024 ADDRESS: 2409 South Conway Road MARKET: Orlando ASSET TYPE: Multifamily BUYER: Max Sharkansky (@MaxShark), Mitch Paskover (@Mitch8181), David Moghavem (@DavidMoghavem), Adrie Moses-Bailey (@Adrie.Bailey) & Felipe Montes de Oca (@Felipe0404) - Trion Properties (@TrionProperties) SELLER: Terra Capital Partners BROKERS: Ryan Moody & Paul Grant - Newmark (@Newmark) SALE PRICE: $44,480,000 UNITS: 344 ~ PPU: $129,302 SF: 334,352 ~ PPSF: $133 #Miami #RealEstate #tradedmia #MIA #TradedPartner #Orlando #Multifamily #RyanMoody #PaulGrant #Newmark #TerraCapitalPartners #TrionProperties #MaxSharkansky #MitchPaskover #DavidMoghavem #AdrieMosesBailey #FelipeMontesdeOca
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vipnoviny · 1 year
Roste zájem o investiční nemovitosti v Moravskoslezském kraji
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Nova Karolina Ostrava Covid-19 a s ním spojená pandemická opatření narušili ekonomické procesy. Současná válka na Ukrajině byla posledním hřebíkem do rakve ekonomiky a v důsledku toho vznikla inflace, která užírá úspory o desítky procent miliónům Čechů. Mnozí investoři proto hledají příležitosti zhodnocení investice, aby jejich peníze neztrácely na hodnotě. Někdo investuje do zlata, stříbra, nebo skupuje kryptoměny, které jsou dnes na historických minimech. Ovšem konzervativnější investoři s vyšším kapitálem se zaměřují na nemovitosti. Podle nejnovějších údajů roste zájem o nemovitosti v Moravskoslezském kraji a v tomto článku si podrobněji rozebereme proč tomu tak je. Levné nemovitosti Investiční byty 1+1 v Praze, nebo Brně stojí kolem 4 500 000 Kč a výnos z pronájmu je v průměru 13 500 Kč/měsíčně. V Moravskoslezském kraji si za tuto cenu koupíte hned čtyři byty a průměrný pronájem z těchto bytů činí 38 000 Kč/měsíčně. Jednoduše řečeno v Moravskoslezském kraji si koupíte 4x více nemovitostí a výnosy z pronájmů jsou 3x vyšší. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHG-czf8LQY Bonita obyvatelstva Ostrava již není převážně průmyslovým městem, ale stává se z něj technologické a kulturní centrum. Největší IT firmy využívají mezeru na trhu práce, která vznikla po vytěžení uhlí a s tím spojenou redukcí těžkého průmyslu. Technologičtí giganti jako Tieto, Okin a další zaměstnávají tisíce Ostraváků v IT odvětví. Díky výstavbě obchodních center další tisíce lidí získalo dobře placenou práci. Obchodní centrum Nová Karolína, kde byly také postaveny novostavby s byty a kancelářemi je dnes chloubou Ostravy. Díky tomu je bonita místních lidí na velmi dobré úrovni a tím pádem je tento region  přístavem pro bezpečné investice do nemovitostí. Investoři se také zajímají i o jiná města v tomto kraji jako jsou Karviná, Paskov, Opava, Bruntál, Nový Jičín a jiné. Společnost MBRE Investiční nemovitosti vypracovala analýzu, v které popisuje vývoj realitního trhu. V této analýze se můžete dočíst specifikace každého z těchto měst, jako jsou například údaje týkající se výše cen nemovitostí a pronájmů. Investice na dálku Investoři z jiných krajů často využívají služeb výše jmenované společnosti, která vám investiční nemovitost obstará a následně spravuje. Díky tomu investorům odpadají starosti s nájemníky, kteří například neplatí řádně nájem.
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MBRE Investiční nemovitosti vám také předem smluvně garantuje zpětný odkup nemovitosti a cenu za kterou vaši nemovitost zpětně odkoupí. Investoři proto nemusí složitě hledat kupce, když chtějí svou investiční nemovitost prodat za tržní cenu.
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Závěr Spousta investorů začíná chápat, že Moravskoslezský kraj je ekonomickým tygrem, který se začíná probouzet. Změna regionu na kulturní, turistické a IT centrum vytváří prosperitu a bohatství pro místní obyvatele a tím pádem i pro investory do nemovitostí, kteří chtějí své peníze zhodnotit a zároveň ochránit před inflací. Read the full article
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burningsuitpaper · 1 year
What the Best How does Cytisine work? Pros Do (and You Should Too)
So how exactly does Tabex perform?
Tabex is actually a medicinal products against cigarette smoking. You should be aware that it's not a drug of any variety nonetheless a completely natural based mostly product made from a plant extract. It is accessible to buy without having a prescription. All over the world desire has grown in recent years on account of its performance.
Tabex has an extensive impact on pathogenetic mechanisms of nicotine dependence:
The alkaloid cytisine is a robust antagonist of nicotine receptors.
Cytisine has broader therapeutic assortment than nicotine which makes its profile of motion safer.
Cytisine minimizes depressive signs and symptoms connected to discontinuation of nicotine intoxication.
When compared with nicotine, it's got Considerably weaker effect on the peripheral anxious method and hypertension
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Inside your Mind
Cytisine is an agonist in the cholinoreceptors from vegetative ganglia and belong towards the team of gangliostimulating medicine. It excites the nicotine incredibly sensitive cholinoreceptors of your postsynaptic membranes at the vegetative ganglia, chromaffin cells on the molecular Component of the suprarenal gland and sinocarotid reflexogenic place, which results in excitation with the respiratory center, mainly all through the reflexes, simulation of adrenaline launch through the medullary side from the suprarenal glands plus a advancement during the blood pressure level. Adhering to its absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, cytisine performs the role of a smoking cigarettes substitution compound that decreases the period of conversation among smoking cigarettes and the corresponding receptors.
This subsequently causes the gradual minimize and cessation of smokers and bodily nicotine habit. A lot of scientists validate in various pharmacological experiments the connection between the medicinal Homes of cytisine and tobacco, How does Cytisine work? as described by Dale & Laidlaw and can also be supported by conclusions ofmore potent as ganglion-stimulating than as ganglioblocking Zachowsky, Anichkov, Dobrev and Paskov, Daleva, and so forth.much more powerful as ganglion-stimulating than as ganglioblocking substantially a lot more powerful as ganglion-stimulating than as ganglioblocking broker. Comparable results of The 2 medicine were being obtained in experiments on smoking cigarettes and cytisine is way more quantitative than qualitative. Equivalent effects of the two medicine had been acquired in experiments on rats and cats, or on guinea pig ileum and rat diaphragm, the doses of cytisine being 1/4 to two/three from the smoking dose. Technique, Cytisine features a weaker nerve procedure, Cytisine features a weaker influence as compared nerve technique.
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petpav · 2 years
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Wood pulp production. Looks nice for lens, but I hate that smoke - non stop all year long - day and night.
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skewedwayoflife · 3 years
Loco & Jam - Snap Shot (Matt Sassari Remix) - SoundCloud
Listen to Loco & Jam - Snap Shot (Matt Sassari Remix) by Lyubomir Paskov on #SoundCloud
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katieamazeballs · 4 years
Speaking of the Paskovs.....I can’t figure out why they’re both in the DWTS apts. Didn’t they move to LA? Why isn’t one of them home?
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cinema-confidential · 5 years
Behind the scenes of the short criminal thriller "I know what you did".
Director: Stanislava Ivy DOP: Tomislav Mihaylov - Chocho BTS Camera: Krassimir Mihaylov Production Design: Andrea Popova Stylist: Mirela Vasileva Stayling Assistant: Gergana Ivanova First AD: Yana Alexieva Second AD: Lorina Kamburova Scriptor: Zuzi Asparuhova First AC: Vanq Ivanova Second AC: Sevastian Tonchev BTS Photographer: Diliana Florentin Camera Assistant: Veronika Hristova Sound on set: Svetozar Shenkov, Audiogenetik Ltd. Gaffer: Filip Penev, Georgi Penev, Daniel Savov, Nikola Lilovski Grip: Atanas Stoyanov. Andrey Slavkov, Anatoli Todorov MUAs: Slav Anastasov, Marina Mladenova, Evgenia Djaferovic, Alina Manova Hair: Georgi Petkov, Blagovesta Markova Editing and color: Vladislav Lakov Music Composer: Mario Grigorov UPM: Ivan Hristov, HandPlayed Productions Production coordinator: Krasimira Krasteva, HandPlayed Productions Produced by: Vlady Gerasimov, HandPlayed Productions, Nikolai Pavlov, Infinity Films, Jacqueline Wagenstein CineLibri, Stanislava Ivy
Cast: Michael McKell, Arsenia Ivanova, Claudia Grace McKell, Militsa Gladnishka, Vladimir Zombori, Leart Dokle, Ivan Paskov, Lorina Kamburova, Alexandar Ivanchev
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cysnews · 2 years
Manažer roku 2021
Ve 28. ročníku prestižní soutěže MANAŽER ROKU zvítězili Kateřina Kupková, ředitelka Lenzing Biocel Paskov, a Norbert Schellong, který vede Nemocnici Havířov.  Jejich příběhy mohou být inspirací pro zájemce o letošní ročník, jehož slavnostní vyhlášení proběhne 20. září 2022. Přihlášky je možné zasílat do 15. července. Formuláře jsou dostupné ke stažení na www.manazerroku.cz. (more…)
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tradedmiami · 2 years
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SALE IMAGE: Marley Dominguez, Mitch Paskover, Max Sharkansky & Adrie Bailey DATE: 05/27/2022 ADDRESS: 8855 Fontainebleau Blvd MARKET: Miami ASSET TYPE: Multifamily BUYER: Trion Properties - Max Sharkansky (@Maxshark), Mitch Paskover (@Mitch8181), Marley Dominguez (@MarleyDominguez) & Adrie Bailey (@Adrie.Bailey) SELLER: Grand Peaks BROKERS: Maurice Habif, Simon Banke & Ted Turner - JLL MORTGAGE BROKER: Jesse Wright - JLL SALE PRICE: $87,250,000 UNITS: 294 ~ PPU: $296,769 SF: 231,348 ~ PPSF: $377 #Miami #RealEstate #tradedmia #MIA #Multifamily #TrionProperties #MaxSharkansky #MitchPaskover #MarleyDominguez #AdrieBailey #GrandPeaks #MauriceHabif #SimonBanke #TedTurner #JLL #JesseWright
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prispru · 2 years
Пасков охарактеризовал кампанию
Пасков охарактеризовал кампанию по выборам лидера Болгарии http://vybor-naroda.org/lentanovostey/208280-paskov-oharakterizoval-kampaniju-po-vyboram-lidera-bolgarii.html
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petpav · 4 years
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Post-industrial places has it’s character. Landscape around closed coal mine.
Paskov, 20.2.2020
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