#Past kratos
robsmooth · 1 year
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He kinda.......
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pansylair · 2 years
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happy god of war ragnarök day have some art i made in the meantime because i still like to buy physical copies for some reason while others jump on digital midnight releases
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frootertooter · 7 months
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"You are cruel, and arrogant, and selfish... But you are more than that. You have always been more than what others saw."
A quick late night render- Been thinking about that line from the speech at the end of GOWR: Valhalla a lot,,
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aphro · 7 months
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𓅻 | I finally found you...
| A remake version of the old one bc I got new ideas ✺. ✺. ✺. ⋆˙⊹ Summary: 'Kratos found his past lover..' ⋆˙⊹ Warnings: NSFW, MARRIAGE, ANGST, MEMORIES LOSE, BLOOD, REVENGE, SEX, SFW, COMFORT. ✺. ✺. ✺. [Ignore any misspelling please English is not my first language] -Aphro.
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-CHAPTER 1: Who are you..?
• A gloomy sky and a wintry atmosphere. Footprints of large, small and medium-sized cover the snowy ground in a straight line. Kratos and his companions Freya, his son Atreus, and his wise friend Mimir, the head hanging behind Kratos, lead their way to the broken prison in Niflheim, Advancing towards Raven Tree. Kratos saw the prison covered in snow.
✢|KRATOS: 'there it is..' He said under his breath and his son answered tiredly.
✢|ATREUS: 'Finally, my feet hurt a lot, father.' Freya smiled a little at Atreus comment and put her hand on top of Atreus' head, caressing him. Mimir didn't say anything.
After this light conversation ended, the team continued on its way towards the prison, and after a few minutes they arrived at the prison gate. It was really broken.Kratos entered and his team followed behind him. No one commented on the place. They were silent and cautious, their weapons in their fists, ready to fight.
Eager steps spread throughout the place, and Kratos' sharp gaze wandered around the prison, searching for any trace of Tyr. Mimir's head fell silent, and after a while he said:
✢|MIMIR: 'I think he's in that room on the right, brother.' He said calmly and wisely in his words. Kratos nodded his head and a light 'Hm' left his lips as he turned to the door. Freya and Atreus followed his steps.
Kratos opened the door and found Tyr Sitting on the ground, there is a rope around his neck connected to the ceiling of the cell. But what caught Atreus's attention was the unconscious completely naked body of a woman, with her reproductive system covered by a white piece of cloth as a towel. He looked at Freya and he poke her arm and whisper:
✢|ATREUS: 'look over there, That woman..'. Freya looked at her and then looked at Atreus.
✢|FREYA: 'She's just a prisoner, nothing special'. She said And then she look at Kratos, who freed Tyr by cutting the rope from his neck. The woman woke up from those sounds and opened her eyes. No one paid attention to her, but after a while she spoke. Her voice was calm and soft.
✢|WOMAN: 'who are you?'. She said, curiosity overwhelming her tone, and she looked up at that huge man with white skin and red marks on half his body. He seemed strong and angry. He reminded her of someone she knew, but her memories were blurry.
Tyr looked at her. His cell mate, She was a peaceful and quiet woman who did not speak much like a doll, and glorious for sure, Tyr looked at her and then answered.
✢|TYR: 'don't worry, Y\N. Those people are good'. Atreus nodded his head in confirmation of Tyr's statement, then Freya say:
✢|FREYA: 'whor are you?'. Freya asked her, giving her a sharp look. Y/N looked at her, her eyes full of innocence. She answered in a low voice.
✢|Y/N: 'i'm Y/N..' Freya nodded her head, but something caught Kratos' attention when he saw that naked woman. His gaze fell on her neck, a necklace dangllin down between her cleavage. "Is this the immortality necklace?... No.., this does not make sense. I gave it to the love of my life. But She is dead!. How did it fall into this woman's hands?" This dialogue took place inside Kratos. No one knows about this story Not Even, his deceased wife, Faye, Not Even, his son, Atreus. He tried to recall his memories when he was still a young man, full of anger in order to take revenge on Zeus, but also full of romance to a certain woman. Kratos did not feel himself until these words came out of his mouth like poison from the venom of a snake.
✢|KRATOS: 'Who gave this to you?!' He said in an angry voice, and his eyes became more intense, his son Atreus and Mimir and Frey never seen Kratos that mad. Kratos Snatch the necklace from her delicate neck that it leaves a small red hickey from the aggressive way he snatch it from her.
A small cry left her lips and looks up at him scared. Her body start to tremble slightly and her fingers ashes for having her most dearest necklace back to her.
✢|Y/N: 'no, please give it back..' she plead and Tyr looks at both of them before he speak.
✢|TYR: 'I suggest you god killer to give it back to her.' Tyr said calmly, trying to calm the situation. Kratos did not answer him, then he put it in his pocket.
Y/N looked at him with tears streaming from her eyes. She did not understand how hard this man’s heart was. She spoke, her voice trembling.
✢|Y/N: 'You have no right to take what I own!'. She said while crying. Atreus and Tyr were sad about her situation. Mimir was listening to what was happening and wanted to ask Kratos what was wrong and why he behaved like this towards this harmless woman. But Freya did the thing.
✢|FREYA: 'are you okay?' She asked with concern in her voice as she was about to put her hand on his back. Kratos pushed her away from him, then sighed and returned to his normal state. The fire of questions was still burning in his heart and the hearts of everyone inside the cell.
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A week passed in Freya's camp. The camp was beautiful, like a forest full of good things. Kratos, the god of war, sitting on a log with his own axe in his hand, sharpening it with a stone. The fire was on even it was morning and quite sunny. His son Atreus and Mimir were away with the blue dwarf brok, it was quiet between Kratos and Y/N. Of course he took some glances at her from time to time but he didn't talk, the necklace was still in his pocket and her neck was healed.
✢|Y/N: 'butterflies..' Y/N whisper as she looked up at the butterflies flying over her head. A blue one landed on her nose, as Kratos watch this a same scene Plays in his memories it was the same thing, the woman he loves with a butterfly up on her nose. He gets a feeling of nostalgia inside his chest and he speak.
✢|KRATOS: 'the butterflies suits you..' he say in a low, deep voice. It was the same phrase he said to his past lover, "the butterflies suits you". Y/N looked at him with wonder and curiosity and then said with a little anger in her voice.
✢|Y/N: 'i'm still angry at you, cruel man.' she said with a slight pout that curved on her soft, plump lips, her eyebrows frowns softly and Kratos couldn't help but faintly smile.
✢|KRATOS: 'i'm Kratos. Not cruel man, lady'. He said simply and looks back at his axe, Y/N didn't reply and looks up at the butterflies before Kratos asks her again.
✢|KRATOS: 'how did you end up being in prison?'. He asked with curiosity as he looks at the beautiful woman next to him, he can't help but feel drawn to her but he's ego is more important.
✢|Y/N: ' I don't remember..' that's all what she said and that leaves some questioning marks up his head. "She doesn't remembe, what does she mean?" Kratos thought to himself.
✢|KRATOS: 'you don't remember?, How come?'
✢|Y/N: 'I've lost my memories'. She said simply and lostness fills her tone.
Before Kratos could say another word, Freya, walks over them and say in a slight sacrastic tone and a slight smirk.
✢|FREYA: 'what are you two talking about?' she say as she sit between Y/N and Kratos. Y/N went quiet again and look down at the flowers while Kratos looked down at his axe. Freya didn't like it when someone ignores her, she looked at Kratos and whisper to him.
✢|FREYA: 'did she say something?' Kratos shake his head in reponce and then Freya nod and looks back at the fire. The trio was staring at different things.
After a few hours, the sky began to darken and the wind became cold but calm. Y/N was inside a tent that Brok and Sindri had set up for her to sleep in. The camp was silent. She heard the sound of butterflies and birds fluttering in the sky. It was the only sound present.
Y/N's eyes could not sleep as she looked at the moonlight through the tent, the confused memories and life passing before her eyes, that strange man again, that angry man who fell in love with her like Romeo fell in love with Juliet. She could feel his eyes penetrating her, looking into her soul. Y/N tossed and turned in her bed. She couldn't describe her feeling. Was it longing and sadness, or was it just lust or... love?.
Y/N closed her eyes, trying to sleep, but she couldn't. Her mind said, "They can't sleep and forget." She wanted to remember her life, her relatives, who she loved, her family, but she couldn't. She sighed sadly, and the questions were running through her mind till she falls asleep.
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A sunny day in Olympus. The peasants took the fruits from their fields and put them in baskets to sell and serve to the gods. Y/N was a young version of herself, full of life, living inside a simple house with her aunt and her two daughters. Anthea and Phoebe. Their characteristics include jealousy and envy, like their mother, Lone. They treat Y/N ​​as if she were a servant and not her deceased mother's guardian, Cassia.
✢|ANTHEA: 'clean that spot, maid'. She said while laughing at Y/N who was mopping the floor after Phoebe spilled coffee on the floor. Y/N was wiping, tears gathering in her eyes, and she looked at Anthea sadly. She couldn't stop Anthea from humiliating her. If she did that, her aunt would kick her out of the house. She didn't want to be homeless in the cold, with men harassing her. She's beautiful. Beauty that rivals the gods. This is the reason for Anthea and Pheobe's jealousy and envy.
A few days ago, Y/N was away from home and the fields a little. She was sitting on her knees next to the river washing the clothes, A strange man was watching her from behind the Bushes, Sharp, dark eyes were watching her as if she were prey. Y/N did not notice it, but after a few seconds, a voice spoke behind her. It was a sharp and angry voice.
✢|YOUNG KRATOS: 'you, what are you doing?'. He asked while looking at her. Y/N turned to him and was shocked by this strange man. He was tall and carried weapons. His muscles were sharp and strong.
Y/N looked at him calmly and spoke
✢| YOUNG Y/N: 'doing laundry..'She answered simply, looking at him. Her hands were full of soap. For a few seconds, they were silent, looking after them. They were the opposite of each other. One is rageful, dominate and strong. The other is quiet, calm and submesive.
✢|Y/N: ' are you a god?' She said curiously, looking at him. The idea of ​​speaking face to face with a god was too much for her young mind to understand. Kratos didn't say anything, but nodded, his angry expression not leaving his face.
✢|YOUNG Y/N: ' oh, what a honour!' She said in astonishment and smiled at him. He looked at her smile, it seemed innocent and bright, not like the women he met, full of hatred and vanity, those fake goddesses.
✢|YOUNG KRATOS: ' the honour is mine' he pause and looks at the lake 'it's quiet cold for a woman like you'
She raised her eyebrows, surprised by his cold comment. Cold on me? Why would this God care about me of all people? She had these questions in one second, but remained silent.
To be continued..
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bird-wells214 · 9 months
my god of war hot take is that the games have always been a parody of toxic masculinity behind male action heroes, even if not intentional during the greek era (or at the least presented awkwardly) bcuz it's 100% intentional during the norse era, and people who claim that kratos has "gone soft" are completely missing the point ESPECIALLY the point of the norse era, in this essay i will-- (GETS FUCKING SHOT)
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stupidrant · 10 months
okay for one, this actually clarified a question i had the past year abt kratos’ godly hood and him ruling the realms in the next game. From what i have seen so far, they have been helping around yet still have not said anything at all abt how much time has passed 🥲 i believe more than a year due to the way they are speaking, the situation and kratos speaking in norse. This also means he cares enough to learn it and has had some time to do so. Which is funny cuz in 2018 he mentioned he didnt care abt learning the history 😭 anyways, im so proud of kratos’ growth you guys its crazy 🥹 Him looking at himself in that chair and saying he’s more than what he went through is so true. let kratos' journey be inspiration for yourself. not only saying this to myself but any of you out there reading this: You are worthy and worth more than you think regardless of what wounds you have. life is not perfect nor easy, but we absolutely can get better. SMS with the life lessons LMAOOOOO Also i knew freya was somewhere in the dlc solely bc i remember months ago Danielle posted a random picture of herself at sms. I thought it was extremely odd bc i knew she wasnt there just for fun times as she said🤔 I thought it was her silently confirming she re-signed her contract or smth and i guess in a way i was right 😭😭😭 plus there's a bunch of valkyrie statues everywhere i mean hellooooo
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bladesofkyber · 2 years
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God of War: Ragnarök
What did you see in there, brother?
A path. One I had never imagined.
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myimaginationplain · 2 years
this Princess Tutu quote literally being the plot of God of War: Ragnarok
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tacticalhimbo · 6 months
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" It is my deep belief that in talking about the past, in understanding the things that have happened to us we can heal and go forward. Some people believe that it is best to put the past behind you, to never speak about the events that have happened that have hurt or wounded us, and this is their way of coping – but coping is not healing. By confronting the past without shame we are free of its hold on us. " — bell hooks
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supercityboys · 2 years
I can’t imagine Kratos’ relief when he realized Mimir was there to help coparent Atreus
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radioroxx · 10 months
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also the fact that its. okok yes i know its gonna be combat focused and. definitely a lot of older gow references BUT. the thought that its gonna be based on that. the shrine he saw at the end of ragnarok??? "a future he never thought possible"?? HELLO??? PLEAAEEEESE
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nanopedayo · 3 months
No but I cannot hide my excitement, I'm so excited to see people post about the games, to see fans creating, to see fans analyzing... The themes in AAI1&2 were one of my personal favorites and I'm really looking forward to people finding appreciation for the games 😭
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capna-honey · 4 months
Its always funny to see people argue over who tops in thunderfrost (kratos x thor) cus the obvious answer is that they wrestle a little and whoever hits the ground first is the one bottoming that night
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(Also don’t think that they would have really rough sex and are probably a bit tender in bed)
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godshivered · 2 years
me, watching freya try to strangle kratos to death: wow… there’s so much love here
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chonideno · 2 years
the way god of war is one of the best stories I've ever gone through on so many levels. the way this is a character arc 17 years in the making. man video games are driving me insane
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unrclypirxte · 8 months
Me seeing GOW muses on dash and trying not to dust off my GOW au/OC
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