egobrazil · 1 year
Patricia Abravanel recebe convidados de peso no SBT
No “Programa Silvio Santos”, deste domingo, 26 de março, às 20h, Patricia Abravanel recebe convidados especiais. No quadro que já é sucesso, “Cantando em Família”, Patricia se diverte com os cantores Matheus, ex-Br’oz, Nahim, Lupão e Pimpolho, que, com alguns de seus entes queridos, participam de um duelo musical. O auditório e os jurados especializados Yudi e Karin Hils e Regis Danese avaliam…
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patricianicoloso · 2 years
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Anu-preto/Smooth-billed Ani 
Crotophaga ani
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maryflorlovyblog · 27 days
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" Whoever looks at spring must see the flowers, but whoever looks at the darkness must project hope, what comes from the heart is more important than what we see. Whoever looks with their heart sees it from what it is and that is enough for me to continue believing. Always..."🥀
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blindfoureyes · 1 month
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🇧🇷 Ana Patrícia & Duda Lisboa just won a gold medal in women's beach volleyball.
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sinnerjannik · 1 month
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ana patrícia & duda lisboa headers
like/reblog if you save x
- 🥇💛
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alicetassara · 1 month
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Duda and Ana Patrícia beat Canada at beach volleyball final, earning Brasil's third gold medal in the 2024 Paris Olympics
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deathstroke-wilson · 2 months
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crystalsenergy · 1 year
Outside the box Astrology notes / approach ✨📚🌟
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A new approach to Astrology
astrology does not define who we are, it is just a tool to study who we are in essence
and this essence was already defined by ourselves before we even got here
it is no coincidence that the natal chart that we study and know the most is, in reality, the chart that has the Sun - the essence, center of being - in focus (however, we can take other planets as a basis and create their respective charts, and this we do through the Persona charts)
therefore, there is no sense in blaming our natal chart for what we need to deal with. well, it wasn't the sky that defined anything before you were born, the stars just translated your essence into the zodiacal language.
following this reasoning, astrology is a gift, a tool of the universe for you to find everything about yourself, including what you least understand and are aware of, bringing out your potentials, beauties and difficulties.
nothing is defined by the stars…
our natal chart (or our natal charts) is a pure reflection of our Soul
"but I don't like my birth chart, what could that mean?".
it probably means an inner conflict between what you are and what you wanted to be. why don't you like who you are? reflections: why don't you like a certain characteristic about yourself? is this purely about you, or about a desire to achieve a personality trait defined as the "appropriate", the "right" trait?
example: "I don't like my Piscean sensitive way, I think that makes me a weak person". the problem lies in your view of Pisces, particularly in a larger context. Pisces is important to our life, but in today's society we define Pisces-like characteristics as naivety, weakness, and uselessness. therefore, the problem is not the sign or placement. but the view one has of what surrounds it.
now a point that goes beyond what I mentioned above and involves the idea that there are past lives
(if you don't believe that, maybe it makes more sense to believe only the top part):
we all have a Soul. the soul is the breath, the origin of life (Alma from the Latin anima.ae). exactly because it is the mark of our origin, it also marks our stages of evolution, where we are now.
Is the person very selfish? the Soul will have egoistic tendencies.
Does the person self-sacrifice excessively for others? Soul will also register this tendency. it is the Ctrl C + Ctrl V of our current state of consciousness.
our Soul evolves. we are not the same as in our past life, by the way, this is the purpose - to develop.
Souls are not perfect. therefore, they will sometimes have egoistic desires (think of a South Node in Aries in 1st house, this being's comfort zone is to live inside the "me and I" bubble. but is this ideal, correct? no. that's why North Node exists to show us where we need to improve). that's why the Soul is and needs to be in constant evolution.
Soul is different from Self, which represents what we have to become. Soul is the reflection of who we are most deeply, our mistakes and successes. Self is the state of balance and perfection that we do not possess, but which we can seek life after life, according to our interest and openness.
therefore, as most likely you have had more than one past life,
with each life, things are changing astrologically IF you work on yourself, seek to evolve, grow, improve in those points that already existed in your personality to be worked on. as you evolve, your Soul evolves.
things may not change much either, a) if you live in the vibe of stagnation and little inner work
b) or if other more intense circumstances arise, making certain problems stand out in your personality. example: let's assume that in a lifetime you had to deal a lot with the wound of rejection in relationships, Chiron in the 7th house. assuming that you have had a very complicated life in terms of family, with many hurts, pains and psychological abuse, it is possible that the family and emotional wound has become so great that your Chiron in the next life becomes Chiron in the 4th house.
this leads us to the conclusion that, for example, having Chiron in a natal house, does not mean that you only have that wound. it is quite obvious that life is so complex that it is difficult to limit a wound, a hurt to just one astrological house. then there will be other points for you to work on, improve, transmute, heal in you. but WHAT IS MOST EVIDENT is what the natal chart translates. therefore, studying the natal chart is
Studying the urgencies of your Soul
Studying your potentials and your greatest difficulties
Applying to yourself and others the best you already have, and evolve in what you still lack.
did you understand the idea?
in the next post (tomorrow), meanings of planetary placements, astrological points and some asteroids based on this vision.
© Crystalsenergy.
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egobrazil · 1 year
Patrícia Ramos se pronuncia após falar mal de Key Alves em áudio vazado
A apresentadora Patrícia Ramos se manifestou nas redes sociais após a repercussão do áudio em que fala mal da ex-BBB Key Alves Na noite desta sexta-feira, 24, Patrícia Ramos usou as redes sociais para se pronunciar pela primeira vez sobre o áudio vazado em que fala mal da ex-participante do BBB 23 Key Alves. A apresentadora do programa BBB Tá On chamou a jogadora de vôlei de “escrota”, e após a…
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amor-barato · 2 months
Dizem que os vampiros têm pior destino que os mortais, e que a mais severa punição é a eternidade. Não há vampiros para a confirmação da tese. Suspeito que o verdadeiro castigo aos homens, o que causa mais sofrimento, seja a insônia, que alterna o horror da realidade com nossos demônios notívagos num ciclo perverso. Insones, somos só um punhado de carne irritável, um feixe de nervos em frangalhos, um sistema que não desliga nem funciona, sempre pronto para entrar em colapso.
Patrícia Melo, in: Escrevendo no Escuro
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patricianicoloso · 2 years
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Quiriquiri/American Kestrel 
Falco sparverius
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mariana-mar · 1 month
isso aqui é cinema
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versosaoentardecer · 1 year
Se você soubesse...
Se você soubesse tudo o que eu senti desde que nos vimos pela primeira vez Se você soubesse tudo o que eu evitei sentir quando olhei nos seus olhos pela primeira vez Se você soubesse o quanto eu pensei em você a semana inteira Se você soubesse o quanto eu quis lhe ver todos esses dias que não nos vimos Porque você não faz ideia do que eu sinto por você Porque você não faz ideia nem de 1% de tudo o que eu sinto desde aquele primeiro dia Porque você não sabe o quanto eu tentei evitar não me apaixonar por você Mas tudo foi em vão Porque, no fim daquele dia, tudo o que eu queria era ver você novamente Porque, no fim daquele dia, tudo o que eu sabia é que eu estava inteiramente entregue ao que eu estava sentindo por você Tudo o que eu sabia é que eu queria estar ao seu lado todos os dias da minha vida Tudo o que eu sabia é que eu queria você. Ah, se você soubesse o que eu sinto por você... Se você soubesse o que eu senti desde o momento em que eu aceitei que eu estava amando você Se você soubesse o que eu senti desde o minuto que você passou por aquela porta Se você soubesse o que eu senti durante todos os dias que eu não vi você lá... Eu pensei que não veria mais você Eu pensei que não olharia em seus lindos olhos novamente Eu pensei que meu coração seria partido Eu pensei que tudo o que tinha acontecido semanas atrás tivesse sido apenas algo da minha cabeça Eu pensei que nossos caminhos não se cruzariam novamente Eu pensei que tudo estaria acabado Eu pensei que nada mais seria como antes Até que você apareceu novamente Até que você cruzou meu caminho de novo Até que você chegou em minha vida de novo Até que você passou pela porta de novo Tudo melhorou em minha vida novamente Tudo enfim ficou colorido novamente Tudo melhorou em um piscar de olhos Todos os meus problemas simplesmente desapareceram Porque você estava ali novamente Porque você estava ali, há centímetros de mim Porque você estava ali E eu não poderia ter ficado mais feliz Tudo porque eu vi você de novo Ah, se você soubesse tudo o que eu senti...
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Gold medal.🏅
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myheartisbro-ken · 1 month
friendly reminder that all three gold medals brasil got in this olympic games so far were won by black women
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mantecol · 11 months
Milei pide el voto de los radicales ahora. Maestro, acordate de cuando dijiste que en tus momentos de ira incontenible cagabas a trompadas un muñequito con la cara de Alfonsin. Ahora te pusiste de rodillas y andas mangueando los puntos de Bullrich llamándola como se debe cuando hace días para vos era una simple montonera asesina.
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