#Patrick x Henry
The only reason they couldn't make Stu and Billy fuck in Scream is because it'd give too much of the handjob scene from It
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rozetavivala · 10 days
Finally some good fucking food
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princess-glassred · 30 days
Just like how Bev marries Tom and Eddie marries Myra because they remind them of their parents, I think Henry has done something similar with Patrick and Butch. Of course, in Henry's mind they aren't dating, they just fuck and hang out alone, but I don't think Henry would let Patrick take advantage of him if he did not subconciously remind him of Butch at least a little.
What's the difference between a paperman and a man who's not real? What's the difference between a boy that suffocated his brother because he upset his daily routine and a man who shot at his son for failing to do a chore for him? What's the difference between daddy dearest demanding you prove you're a real man by killing an animal and your friend demanding you prove it by taking off your pants? I can't see the difference, and I doubt Henry can either.
Bev married Tom because a worried violent man was what she was used to, Eddie married Myra because a controlling smother was what he was used to, and Henry let's Patrick fuck him behind closed doors because a condescending, cold bastard who INSISTS Henry isn't real, and thusly, undeserving of respect or decency, is what he's used to, it's his whole life.
That's his home.
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alsoitsjunie · 2 years
Herny x Patrick where Patrick finally convinced Henry to have sex
ok i love this ship. i will try so hard, im almost done with the other request i got so i will try. i've never written mlm smut but i have ideas so thank you bird.
patrick x henry smut
warnings - SMUT, mlm sex, drunk sex, high sex, lowkey public sex? (like in the junkyard) f slur (yes im a gay) drugs, cursing, RLLY BAD WRITING SMH
i apologize in advance :/ imma write this in third person?
henry and patrick were sat across from eachother in the junkyard. patrick was stoned out of his mind, and henry was drunk out of his mind next to him. belch and victor had gone home when it got dark, ‘giant pussies for not wanting to get bitten by some mosquitoes.’ henry claimed. but really they just didn’t want to be around thing one and thing two for a few hours.
‘so like..’ patrick started to ramble, making henry roll his eyes and huff in annoyance ‘if you had to fuck aanyyone out of the gang.. who would you fuck?’ patrick quipped. henry scoffed, annoyed at such a stupid question.
‘that’s a dumb shit question man.. fucking none of you?’ henry slurred, letting his head fall back against the dusty couch.
‘nononono like you have to pick. who would you fuck?’ patrick quickly retaliated
‘ughh thiss it.. so stupid.. ugh .. i guess you?’ he muttered the last part, but patrick heard and his ears pricked up at it. deep down he was hoping that’s what henry would say.
‘really? not vic?’ he quirked an eyebrow. ��nah. his pastel ass has a thing for some fag in his english class.’ henry chuckled. patrick nodded. ‘you gonna do it then?’ he asked.
henry slowly looked over at patrick with shock smeared across his face. ‘the fuck did you just say?’
patrick smirked. ‘you said you would fuck me.. so do it. you’re no pussy.’ henry scoffed and rolled his eyes angrily. ‘you’re on some fairy shit hocksetter. i’d have to be blackout drunk to even touch you.’
patrick laughed and reached down to grab another beer out of the box, and tossed it to henry. ‘get to drinkin’ then bowers, cuz my dick will be up your ass at some point tonight.’
henry caught it and groaned, clicking it open and rolling his eyes again. ‘yeah right. keep it in your pants patrick.’
sure enough patrick was right about clappin’ henry’s cheeks. henry was five more beers in, and patrick was higher than fucking clouds. 
patrick’s cock thrusted in and out of henry’s puckered asshole at an inhuman pace, heavy pants and grunts leaving his mouth. high pitched whimpers and moans fell out of henrys lips as patrick fucked him over the back of the couch. patrick grinned darkly at the sweaty whining boy under him. slowly he traced the long scars that ran along henry’s tan back, anger filling his veins at the thought of the shit he goes through with butch at home. his thrusts got harder, hitting a spot deep inside him that made henry’s back arch and his toes curl. he let out a loud whiny moan, echoing through the empty junkyard. patrick groaned and his head fell back as he felt his orgasm rapidly approaching. his thrusts quickened, and he reached down to stroke henry’s throbbing cock with his long fingers. cum leaked out of henry’s aching tip, while patrick abused that spot repeatedly. his orgasm came fast, filling henry up and leaking out of his asshole. henry buried his face in the dirty couch, cum squirting out of his cock onto the fabric. patrick smiled at the sight of his quivering, sweaty body, and leaned down. he pulled open henry’s cheeks and licked up the cum leaking out of his bruised hole. henry whimpered as patrick cleaned him up, droopy eyes falling closed. patrick stood, pulling up his jeans and buckling his belt. he gabbed henry’s red shirt and tossed it to him. reaching down, patrick grabbed henry’s face and turned it to him.
‘told you.’
henry groaned, batting patrick’s hand away. ‘yeah whatever hocksetter. just get out of here. and this never happened. i’m not no fruit.’
patrick chuckled. ‘sure. but this wasn’t the last time playboy. i’ll see you tomorrow.’
with that patrick walked away, leaving a cum soaked henry on that couch, thinking about what the fuck had just happened. and why he didn’t hate it.
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bella-goths-wife · 5 months
How reader could manipulate the bowers gang boys
Again, please enjoy my attempts at being deep writer while being sick and sad
I do not intend to romanticise or encourage any of the following warnings, my writing is solely for entertainment and informational purposes. I do not support or condone any and all abuse and I do not believe in any of the various themes I write about.
Henry bowers:
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As we've established in previous posts, Henry craves to be taken care of
His mother was the only person who cared about him until his dad scared her off, and now he has no one
His dad couldn't give less of a shit about him, and while he sees the boys as his brothers, he'd never discuss thoughts and feelings with them because he was their leader and he can't seem weak
But you, you were so gentle and kind to those around you
Sure, you looked cold and sometimes you'd act like an arrogant bitch
But he saw how you acted with Beverly, before he made you his
You knew she struggled, so you'd make her an extra lunch and offer her a shoulder to cry on
Something about watching those interactions made Henry's skin crawl with an ugly jealousy which he mistook for anger and disgust
That's why he was so intent on hurting you the day he and the boys followed you after school, so he could take out his frustrations
But then he and the other boys saw you dancing, and he knew you'd be perfect
The way you could manipulate Henry is by really playing into the caregiver role
Make his lunches, write him little notes on them, offer to trim his hair, cook his dinners, offer to do his laundry and take care of his wounds after fights
Really act like you care about Henry, make him believe that you can be relied on
Make Henry believe that you are the one person in the world who cares about him and you'll be in for a world of surprises
As time goes on Henry will reveal more about himself, in his own gruff and verbally abusive fashion
But there will be a gentleness that's unlocked within him, it's minuscule when looking at it through the societal norms but if you view it as someone who has experienced his abuse for months, the change can be unexpected
If you do something wrong, as long as it's only minor (like burning his food slightly or not responding the first time he speaks), he'll turn a blind eye to it for the first time it happens instead of yelling and hurting you
And if he does decide to 'punish' you, he'll clean up your wounds instead of making you work through it and he'll make sure to avoid body parts that are vital to your ballet dancing
He'll also become more affectionate in his own way
He'll hold you at night in a way that used to be rough and only a precaution in case you tried to do something while he slept, but now his hold is less bruising and held more adoration then before
If you want to manipulate Henry, then the best way to do this is to voice your opinion while he holds you
It's really the only time he'd listen, so you'd have to make sure you do it correctly and you don't overuse it because he would eventually catch on
But if you wanted something to change within the group, your best chance is to mention it during this time
For example, if you didn't want to be around Patrick for too long, all you'd have to say to Henry is "Patrick makes me uncomfortable sometimes when he touches me"
And suddenly, your around Patrick by yourself less and less by Henry's command
Another route you could take is to cause conflict within the group, for example
You could say something like "Patrick's been quite demanding lately, he told me not to make you lunch tomorrow and to make it for him instead"
This will plant seeds of doubt in Henry's mind and will cause problems amongst the boys
The only side effect to this manipulation is a very needy, clingy and possessive Henry who feels the need to have you around 24/7 since you take such good care of him
Patrick Hockstetter:
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Patrick is a sociopath, it's very clear to see and if he were born ten years later he would be labelled as dangerous to society
So his manipulation would be extremely hard, but everyone has their blindspots
And Patrick's is that he craves sexual attention and validation
Patrick has been sleeping with girls since he was fifteen, and sometimes he thinks it's the only thing that makes other people seem real to him
He's engaged in sexual relations with you, but never with your consent
And while he enjoys the pleasure and control he gains from the interaction, he knows that he would prefer it if you were an active participant who enjoyed the experience with him
A way you could manipulate Patrick is if you started to act enthusiastic to sleep with him
You'd have to force yourself and you'd have to be a good actress, but if you acted enthusiastically about having sex with Patrick and sharing that part of yourself willingly with him it would definitely lower his guard
As I've mentioned before in previous posts, after having any sexual interactions with you he will be kinder to you for a few weeks afterwards
This means that If you wanted to make it so he was being nicer to you then you could initiate sex with him for your own benefit
This would grant you many rewards such as gifts he stole from the mall, defending you against the other boys when they get too rough and he's even able to get you out of some of the punishments the other boys set out for you
Another route you could take Patrick's manipulation is to withdraw from sex completely
For weeks you'd be enthusiastic and initiating sex with Patrick until he does something that makes you upset
Once he does this, you stop acting happy about having sex with him and you stop participating
You can't outright stop having sex with him unfortunately as he will just force you to
But If you withdraw from sex go from someone who was enthusiastic and excited to someone who just lays there and takes it while you dissociate from the situation, it's gonna give Patrick a case of whiplash
He'll try and enjoy the sex even though your withdraw but he just can't anymore, not when he's experienced you at your fullest
So he'll subconsciously start to gain back your attention
This would be an opportunity to try and gain more out of Patrick
Request things that you'd get smacked for before
Ask for things like alone time, cigarettes, friends and they'll all be granted as long as you just have sex with Patrick with the same passion as before
If you want to cause problems with the group through your manipulation of Patrick, start sleeping with one of the other boys with enthusiasm while denying Patrick and you'll have a fist fight in no time
Victor Criss:
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Vic is extremely possessive of you
You are his and he is yours, he has stated this to you many times
This possessiveness has always been encouraged by his silent resentment of Henry and the other boys
All of his nice and pretty things were always taken from him
When he was younger, belch would steal his toys and break them
When he was a pre teen, Henry would steal his lunches and snacks from home
And when he was a teenager, Patrick would steal any girl that vic found pretty before sleeping with her and leaving her broken hearted
Vic held so much resent in for those instances, but they formed dark bruises on his heart from the memories
All you have to do is press down on those bruises and reignite the sting he felt from them
You could act very affectionate with him behind closed doors and act like the two of you are just passionate lovers
Be affectionate with him and make him more vulnerable and susceptible to your manipulative behaviour
Once he's comfortable, reinforce his thoughts of how you are his and his only
Make sure he knows that you believe that you are his as well
This will encourage to him to take your requests more seriously and to even grant the very few he can
It also reassures you that he's less likely to punish you if you act like his perfect little toy
•But if you wanted to go down the route of manipulating the boys against each other, then your best bet is to pit him against Henry
Drop into conversations that you wish you could spend more time with him, but Henry just won’t let you
Describe all the horrible things Henry does to you and exaggerate it before adding “if it was just you and me, you’d never do anything like this to me”
All those feelings of resentment that vic repressed for years will boil over
At first it will start off as small arguments but it will quickly develop
If you continuously use these methods of manipulation on vic for months and then try to provoke Henry into acting cruel to you and punishing you in front of vic, then make vic watch the cruelty being inflicted on you and watch his possessive and protective behaviour bubble to the surface
There would be a bloody fight which would end up with one of them dead, and you better pray that it’s Henry who looses
You know what they say
If you want to kill a snake, remove the head
Belch Huggins:
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As I’ve said in my other posts, belch is absolutely desperate for your approval
He’s craved it ever since the first time you granted him a compliment
Even if it was more of an observation of a compliment, to him it felt like a goddess had finally given him a purpose
You may think that’s enough to be able to manipulate belch, but unfortunately you weren’t the first person to figure this out
Henry has always been observant over belch, belch is physically stronger and if he were smarter he could probably overtake Henry as the group leader
So Henry definitely noticed how much belch lit up after you praised or complimented him
And he saw this as something that could be a threat
So he decided to use it against you before you figured out a plan
He told belch that in order to gain your approval, he would have to follow Henry’s instructions no matter how cruel or violent they were
Henry reassured him that even if you insulted belch or yelled at him for following Henry’s instructions, but it was all for your own good
And eventually you’d thank belch for helping you figure out what you wanted
At least that’s what Henry told him
So no matter how guilty belch may feel, Henry has manipulated him so much that he truly does believe the abuse is gonna help you
But one way you could manipulate belch is through similar methods as vic or Henry
Overpower him with your affection and compliments
Make him feel loved and wanted with your words and actions
But only do this obviously in private with him
Only give him your affections and approval subtly
Think about secret lovers affection, like touching pinkies with your hands spread out or his hand on your knee under the table
These actions will make his as giddy as a teenager in love
He truly will believe that you and him are in love
While you give him the affection and approval that he craves, make small requests like
“I really wish I could smoke again, do you think you could give me one of your cigarettes”
Now there is a small chance that he’ll allow it if he’s blissed out on your touch, but if he denies you then immediately stop all the affection that your giving him and push him away
This will cause him to backpedal and give in to your request as long as you continue to touch him
This only works for minor requests though, for major requests you’ll need to scare him
For example, if you wanted some time to spend with Beverly then you’d have to ask him and when he Denies you then simply threaten him with harming yourself or not eating
This will send his protective side into overdrive and you can have this man on his knees begging for forgiveness if you play your cards right
A way to manipulate him against the rest of the group is to prove yourself as the only person who cares about him and loves him before planting the seeds of doubt in his mind
Drop little comments like “Patrick was wrong about you, your not stupid” or “vic says your too violent, but I don’t think that’s true”
He’ll start to second guess his friends and he’ll start to come to you more with his problems
But the best move to make is to make it so after all those months of manipulating belch against the rest of his friends, have him watch as Henry is unnecessarily cruel to you
And then go crying into belchs arms in private and demand to know why he didn’t help you or defend you
Drop in a “I thought you loved me” and you’ll have undone all of Henry’s manipulation in seconds
You could convince belch to take you away from the rest of the boys and to run away with you so you could be together forever
Hopefully you’ll be able to sneak away from belch at some point because he now trusts you
And even if you don’t, being stuck with belch is the lesser of two evils
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blue-sadie · 8 months
Plaid Skirts
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Being the only one not taking any of the bowers gangs shit which makes them target you more and on photo day you were forced to wear a plaid skirt which drove the boys crazy so after school they dragged you into an empty classroom to have their way with you.
"You should were skirts more often so it makes it easier for us to fuck you or finger you during class oh you'd like that wouldn't you to get used whenever we want"
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girlystories · 8 months
Being the Bowers gang girl
*ೃ::Both platonic & romantic headcanon
– pairings: various x reader
addition warnings: swearing, bullying, very few depictions of sexism, few derogatory names, toxicity, abusive parenting.
words: 2.6k
this was entirely inspired by z0mbiekittyy, so please check them out!
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Meeting/joining the gang
you were at first the quiet, loner girl who kept to herself, only having a few acquaintances, with very few friends.
it wasn't because you were a loser. only the opposite. everyone wanted to become friends with you or get to know you in some way but you never let anyone get close.
everyone had heard of you of course. when they realized you were different they stopped trying to read you or make their mind about you.
that was until greta keene couldn't get enough. she hated the attention you got. so one day she started spreading rumors about you.
it was relatively easy, since no one knew you enough to disprove them in any way. one word went to another and everyone in town now started talking shit about you.
despite that, you didn't care. you had your mind somewhere else. popularity and school drama weren't your thing.
you didn't mind hearing the remarks spat at you when you wandered the halls or when you were in class. you were completely and utterly unbothered.
word got fast that it even reached the all too feared bowers gang.
you were making your way to biology class when you were shoved against a locker, all your books falling one by one on the floor.
"well well well, if it isn't derry's most favored whore", henry was the first to indulge in the act.
he was followed by vic, or – as he liked to refer to him as his 'right-man', "hey, hank. why haven't we ever tried to mess with her before?"
you tried to back up slowly, but your back hit against another frame. when you looked up your eyes met with a pair of green ones, followed by an unsettling smile.
it seemed like no one noticed what was happening – or in better words, no one gave a shit about what was happening.
"dont worry, [name], we're not gonna kill you, jeez," belch revealed.
that made henry groan and turn his head towards his friend. "shut up."
patrick, still behind you, held onto your shoulders, which was very easy due to his height. "or we will, you will find out soon."
"both of you shut up," henry silenced them before it could escalate to something else. "so, how about you come with us for a ride? ya'know, get some air n' stuff."
"you mean like skipping school?", you asked.
"why? are you scared? I'm sure your reputation is as shitty as it can get. can't get any worse than that. even ours is better."
you shrugged, and just decided to follow them. just as you sat at your seat – between vic and patrick, you couldn't make out the read ahead of you, as they were driving recklessly. where you were, you hadn't the slightest clue.
they were laughing and howling, sometimes shouting at the drives passing by.
you? well, you were scared shitless. you clung onto your seat belt, and holding back the urge to start shrieking.
after a while you got used to it and had to admit deep down it was kinda fun.
when you stopped, you realized you were at a junkyard. they prepared a fire when the sun began to set down and opened some bottles of beer.
as you all circled around the fire you began to talk about whatever. you also found yourself to... tolerate them. or, better yet, even enjoy their company.
before you knew it, little by little you hang more and more with them, slowly becoming one of them. it was the first time you were a part of something. they felt like home and you could trust them, despite the hardships and more extreme emotional outbursts.
your reputation got even worse but you didn't care. you had found your people.
other than hanging out in the junkyard, you guys do other stuff (of course).
it's like you all live together, while you also don't. frequent sleepovers, meet-ups on each other houses take place, ect.
vic once convinced you all to go camping a few towns away. despite being the one who recommended the idea, he ended up despicing it. on the other hand, patrick who hated the idea ended up having the most fun. scaring vic by hiding bugs in his tent and pretending he was hearing bears or wolves. belch had enough and kept demanding they'd stop fighting, while you kept laughing at vic's reactions everytime. you never went camping again.
every morning belch picks everyone in order, first henry, then patrick, then you, and lastly – the sleeping queen himself: vic.
then, you make a stop at the local diner, everyone choosing their own specific order that the waitress had already memorized.
unless vic had a hangover from the party the day before, he wouldn't stop complaining about who-knows-what.
sometimes, when you were really bored, you'd go out of town in search of abandoned places, owning them for a while until someone else found them and ruined them almost immediately.
it was expected and common sense you'd show up at ever party. then you all would split for a while but meet up in order to leave. belch was in priority not to drink or get high until anyone else got a license. that's what you all agreed on but that possiblility seemed unlikely.
at school you avoided bullying anyone, but giving up on trying to stop them from terrosizing another kid since it was the only thing they ignored you on. the only time you fought back was to defend yourself. not that you needed to, but because you wanted them to know that you weren't as incompetent as you seemed.
when you had the change you'd shoot empty beer bottles with henry's dad's gun.
Henry Bowers
you and henry would share your deep wounds together. him about his alcoholic and insane old man, and you about your hard time fitting in, both in family and friends.
you would joke around, but to an extent. if you said the wrong thing he'd refuse to speak to you for days, weeks or maybe even months – depending how much it affected him. if he was too stubborn, vic would have to somehow find a way to talk him out of his bitchy attitude.
despite him trying to seem hard-shelled, deep down he was very sensitive. he knew you knew that, and he hated it. it was the only thing he hated about you except the fact that tend to be pushy sometimes.
he had never cried in front the guys, but one day he couldn't hold back when he was only with you. it happened only once, but he still feels humiliated about it and hopes you'd never bring it up. he made you swore to never tell anyone.
butch seemed to like you for a reason, only approving of you from the gang. he hated the rest. when you find yourself at their house, he'd warmly greet you.
at first he and patrick made a lot of sexist joke about you. later when he noticed you went silent you, he started using them less, only saying them once or twice.
always offers you cigarettes, and makes sure to buy your favorites.
sometimes (when he's not in a shitty mood) he pays for your food when you go at the diner without saying a word or giving you the chance to convince him otherwise.
all good things considered, let's be honest here cuz we all know he has more negative that good qualities.
for example; gets jealous super easily and gets mad at you for it, making you apologize for something that isn't your fault.
NEVER admits he's wrong. ever.
when you have a different opinion he tells you to shut up or straight up threatens you.
needs a lot of attention, while also can't have on his tail all the time, making him indecisive and confusing.
sometimes doesn't realize you need help and leaves you deal with your problems alone while you clearly do need some sort of hand.
still, you always have a way to be together again, unable to keep any distance between you both. on weekends you usually take the bus to his house, helping him with the choses around the farm.
Vic Criss
you and vic already knew each other from middle school. you were in the same class and he used to help you with homework.
then, when kids started growing up through that phase everybody did about that sort of rivalry against girls and boys. because of that, your 'friendship' fell apart.
you weren't really friends back then but you could've been.
he never admitted it but he always stared at you from away, wishing you would somehow start talking to each other again.
he was the one who convinced henry to approach you that day. the idea popped into his mind just as those rumors started going around.
he was glad henry agreed. even though he always did, he was anxious of saying no. later, he lied to you, saying it was henry's idea instead and that first interaction you had with him was henry's way of being kind (despite calling you a 'whore').
you and vic were close, in a different way you were with the others. he understood you better and he was very good at telling advice. he was also fun gossiping with. definitely the best when having a sleepover. the others found him annoying or bitchy about it, but with you he was himself.
he also was kinda subtle about his true personality, not showing his true small but intresting quirks only you knew.
speaking of gossiping, almost every weekend he crashed at your place, the excuse being his siblings giving him a headache, while his mom being 'a pain in the ass'.
everytime he had a problem with the others you would be the first to know. he was still henry's 'right-man', but sometimes henry was, well... henry.
at parties he'd get wasted and you'd be 100% sure he'd be found in the bathroom pucking his guts out.
you guys are so close he would be showering while you were doing your business at the toilet, gossiping about everything single detail.
still sometimes helps you with school after some persuation, but keeps reminding you that 'he is not your tutor'.
loves braiding your hair when you're hanging out, especially during class when it's something super boring (even for him).
Patrick Hockstetter
you were honestly pretty scared of patrick at first, and most definitely the only one from the gang who gave you the creepes.
the alligations weren't few, to say the least, and at first you kept your distance from him.
he also didn't try to make a move on you, which you found stange, yet grateful. maybe henry threatened him or something. either way you were considerably on good terms with patrick.
one day at school, while you were waiting for the other three to come at your usual spot during break, he offered you a cigarette. you received it with gratitude, since it was rare for an offer coming from patrick. he even stricked up a conversation, which was... maybe a bit thought provoking.
then he smirked – that one charismatic he wore when you would stop being able to read his mind. he was like a puzzle, but most pieces were missing or switched with incorrect ones. "are the rumors true?", he asked, closing his zippo with a 'click' after he light your cigarette.
"i dont think that you care if they're true or not," you answered back, the tobacco filling your lungs with nicotine.
clouds of smoke escaped his nostrils with each chuckle. "maybe."
on your ride home Black Sun Morning by Screaming Trees was playing from the radio and you found yourself singing alongside patrick. he rose his brows, "you know 'em?"
"duh, of course."
the next day on the ride to school, instead of gossiping with vic you ended up having a deep conversation with patrick about music. you never imagined that you'd be having a conversation about art with him of all people.
since then, you hit it off well. he stopped using sexist comments as well, and even attempted physical contact at the diner, brushing his fingers against your hair. when he realized you let him or try to stop him, he smiled to himself.
in the end you were usually seen together, you sitting on his lap during breaks or at the gym stands, in the car or diner. he would wrap his arms around your waist and rest his head on your shoulder. it was making the others sick.
sometimes you attempted to help him with homework, but he only agreed so you could just hangout. he wasn't really interested in attending college. the thing he was good at was certainly playing the guitar. both bass and lead guitar. vic jokes about him making a band but it something told you he didn't view it as a light joke.
one day he invited you to his house to show you his vinyls and discs. that's when you met his mother and was pretty surprised to find out she was vietnamese. he made sure to never speak vietnamese around you or the others.
when meeting you he became less... interested at the fridge at the junkyard, viewing it less and less. maybe therapy was starting to work out? even for a tiny bit.
extremely protective of you, especially at parties. makes sure to keep an eye out even though you wouldn't know it.
Belch Huggins
belch was the most chill and the most independent one of the gang. aways making sure everything was in check and going smoothly. it was no surprise he was super welcome to you and tried to make you at ease the first few weeks, asking you if you were okay or needed a ride home.
is a gentleman, of course. doesn't tolerance any disrespect towards you, no matter how small it may seem to you.
offeres to pay for you when going out, no matter how many times you don't let him.
one time you both got so drunk you couldn't stop laughing; your bellys hurting and your eyes filled with tears while your faces were bright red. it made henry mad (as usual) but it's a memory you'd never forget. you had no way to get back home, though.
on fridays you watch him play basketball, sitting at the stands, and smoking and encouraging him. sometimes vic or patrick came too, but it was very rarely.
he offers you the ball but you immediately decline, being reminded of the day the ball hit you in the face after you missed your shot.
you requested him to teach you how to drive, which was a bad idea honestly. at first you didn't understand his instructions at all, but when he asked you if you had any questions you lied saying 'no'. after that instead of stepping on going forward you accidentally went backwards, almost crashing his beloved trams-am that he named 'daisy'. then you turned the wheel too far, almost falling at a ditch before he saved you two.
swore that you'd never get a license in your life and forbid you anywhere near the wheel, not even the passengers seat.
his dad owes a workshop, fixing cars. he helped too, supporting him in any way he could. you also helped him here and there while he taught you the basics and answered any questions you had.
he promised that he'd let you fix a car entirely on your own without his help. he said he'd also let you keep it for free.
you have a drawer contained only of belch's clothes. at first you'd ask him to try his sweatshirts on. then you'd complain you were cold and he'd sigh, saying you could give it back another day. but you never did.
you loved it when he gave you biggyback rides. his, especially. he could never refuse, despise how tired he was.
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angelbowerz · 7 months
Bowers gang asking you out/you asking them out
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-if you asked him out...it would be a no, he would be inlove with you and still say no
"Hey Henry"
"I was just wondering if you wanted to go out some time?"
*gives you a blank stare* "...no"
-he'd wanna say yes but if he said yes to a someone asking him out...his ego would be down a notch
-I mean come on...how DARE you ask the MAN out 🙄
-but a few hours later you're getting books out of your locker and here he comes
"Wanna be my girlfriend or something"
"But I just-"
"I'M ASKING NOW! yes or no"
"Okay sure, I'll be your girlfriend"
"After school we're going to the woods to bang, see ya"
*before you could respond he walks away*
-let's face it..Henry doesn't do dates, he finds them too romantic and cheesy
-you'll obviously hang together but he wouldn't class it as 'dates'...just 'hanging time'
-romantic rating 2/10 😭
-he would be WAY too scared to ask you out.. poor reggie
-buuut..if you asked him out....
"Hey reggie, I was wondering if-"
-you just made him the happiest person alive
-but on the actual day of the date he is PANICKING
-he is so nervous...what If you aren't enjoying it? What if something bad happens?
-he has blankets...food..drink...everything
-when he drives to pick you up...omg he is a sweetheart
-waits outside with a bouquet of roses
-treats you like the only person in the world
-drives you to a secluded place and stargazes with you
-the perfect date..literally something out of a movie
-drives you home then calls you later tonight and checks in on you
-romantic rating 100/10!!!!
-he wouldn't exactly ask you out but...
-he'll stalk you, wait for the right moment and then just walks alongside you all day
-you won't realise it's a date until he mentions that halfway through
"This date is going great right?"
"Wait wha-"
-he'll walk you home...well follow you home expecting you to invite him inside
-if you don't? That's fine, he'll just climb in while you're sleeping
-he'll either walk through the door or climb through your window
-he'll get in the bed with you...to watch you, not to sleep
-when he notices you start slowly waking up..he'll wait until you look at him then he very slowly turns his head...with the most scary smile you have ever seen
-when you scream..he just laughs...so much
-if you ask him out though...oh god...you're in for a night of torture
"Hey Patrick...I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime"
*does THAT smile* "oh I would love to..."
-it won't be cute...oh no no no
-he'll take you out to the movies, not to watch a romantic movie
-Patrick will do his research to find the most scary horror movie playing right now
-if you think he's taking you there so you'd cuddle into him....ahahaha aren't you delusional
-he'll laugh his head off when he sees you scared, pure happiness
-if you try covering your face, he'll take his hands, place them on your head and will force you to watch that movie
-After it ends..he'll still scare you in ways (making you jump etc)
-if you're in the right state of mind, you wouldn't go near him again...but if you're THAT crazy over him...goodluck
-romantic rating -10/10
-if you ask him out infront of the gang, he'd say no just because he wants to act 'cool' in front of the guys
-but when he's alone he'll come upto you and say he actually will go out with you and apologises
-probably had no clue where to take you so you two just end up in a park talking all night
-I feel like he would be very awkward at first but after awhile he'll loosen up and be really cool
-when you two get tired of talking, you'll just end up making out lol
-he'll walk you home of course
-romantic rating 6/10
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reareaotaku · 5 months
yamdere bowers gang ^^
Had to look up their names. Didn't even know people liked them like that I was going to add some NSFW themes, but I didn't
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They bother you whenever they see you, but not in the bully way they do other people, but like annoying and bothering
They tease and taunt you. Even going as far as making sexual remarks, like telling you to '...bend over so I can get a nice view of your ass!'
Will slap books out of your hand, mess with your hair [Pulling or twirling it], scare you, etc
Suspiciously, no one else bothers/ taunts you
The Loser Gang gets spared if they're getting bullied and you happen to pass by
Henry was trying to cut up Ben [Along with Victor, Patrick, and Blech holding him down], and he saw you walking below the bridge, he instantly drops Ben and calls your name. You roll your eyes and try and walk faster, but they'll catch you
Wait outside your house/school/job, and bug you when you leave
You can't avoid them, no matter how hard you try
You only get lucky if Henry's dad, Officer Bowers pulls up, effectively scaring Henry
You're biggest issues are with Henry and Patrick, as they are the most violent out of the gang. Say you were to see Vic and Belch alone, they wouldn't bug you. They might harass you a little, but they won't follow you
They [Henry mainly] have gotten violent with you when you don't do what they want
The group will hold you down while Henry teaches you 'a lesson'
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maxiscoolongg · 7 months
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☆ Lets bfr yall probably became friends because you were tutoring him on math because he is failing in school😭😭
★ like the teacher would pull you and Patrick aside after class and be like "Y/n you are going to be tutoring Patrick" you were stuned tbh
☆ Patrick however was really happy or something. When you guys were tutoring he kept asking questions about you.
★ You guys got surprisingly close.
☆ He gives you so much nicknames😭 (Ex: doll, dollface, pretty, darling, peaches)
★ he is really affectionate like REALLY affectionate.
You were at your locker getting your books for next period until you felt to hands go into your hoops of your shorts you giggled a little as you said "Hello pat" you said sweetly. That same sweet voic that made him fall in love with you "Hey dollface, I was thinking we watch a movie at your house?" He asked as his hands traveled to your waist as his head went onto your shoulder as you looked at him "Mm.. Maybe, I have dance after school" you said as you turned around
"Awh, come one can't you just skip one class, prettyface" He said flirty "I guess I can, but if my mom yells at me I will blame you" You said smiling a tiny bit as he smirked.
☆ He was the one who confessed to you for sure.
★ he LOVES watching horror movies.
☆ He for sure loves scream (Pretened it was released then)
★ Loves the way you get closer to him everytime a murder scene pops up
☆ If you don't flinch he love if you rant about it.
You guys were watching a movie and a murder scene popped up, he looked at you a little as you got closer in fear he watched as your brows came together as the character made a stupid decision "Oh my God!- she is so stupid! Why wouldn't she run the other way!" You yelled as he chuckled a little. He ADORED the way you ranted about movies he loves it so much.
★ Loves your lips, thighs, waist, ass,
☆ Definitely whispers stuff in your ear during school like ge would wishper stuff to make you laugh or to make you flustered
★ Your scared of the Bowers gang. Without a doubt, they are nice to you (Vic is the nicest) but still. You are friends with the losers and the keep telling you about them but you say "They're nice to me though!"
☆ Patrick definitely stalks you and takes pictures without permission. He loves the pictures of you drawing in class,
♡ you thought the relationship was all lovey dovey? No way.
♥︎ this man is so fucking overprotective, to the point its not even funny anymore
♡ if your asking me bro probably started stalking you in the 6th grade💀🙏🏻
♥︎ anyway, he probably planned the whole tutoring thing cause believe it or not he is actually probably really smart.
♡ teachers are SCARED of patrick, bro can practically get anything he wants so be careful my guy.
♥︎ If your hanging out with one of friends? Nope. Not any more! Patrick can keep you company,
♡ loves and I mean LOVES when he takes photos of you when you don't know, like bro will definitely pull a Johnathan byers and take photos of you changing. Not even kidding.
"I'm going to bed night ma!" You said to your mom as you gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked in your room closing the door behind you as you walked to your closet and took off your top to grab a pajama shirt
"God.." Patrick whispered from outside of your window, he was far but not the far, he was far enough you couldn't see him. He took a quick photo and almost chocked on his breath when he saw you bare naked. "Fucking gorgeous, darling" he whispered to himself but then again towards you
♥︎ bro is a sneaky mother fucker, steals everything.
♡ think a bracelet of yours looks nice? His now. No he doesn't do it because he wants it, he did it because he thinks you looked good wearing it and now he wants it so he can have a piece of you on him.
(EDITED March, 31st 2023.)
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ashtheketchum · 5 months
Bowers Gang Kissing Y/N
A/N: It's the first time I've written for all four of them and not just Patrick or Henry alone. If I make anything sound strange about Victor or Belch, please forgive me. Warnings: Reader is gender neutral!, mention of smut, public, make out, Patrick being Patrick Summary: How would the members of the Bowers Gang kiss you? Both in public and when you are among yourself? ___________________________________________ Henry:
For him, it often depends on where you kiss. When it's in public, he likes to kiss you passionately, in front of others, to show them that you're his. Sometimes he'll reach under your clothes or rub his knee between your legs. If you want to defend yourself, I'm afraid I have to tell you that he won't care. Most of the time he even goes wilder. But when you're alone, he peppers your face with gentle kisses. In your room, your entire body too. You should then lie completely naked in bed and he kisses every inch of your body that he finds attractive. These include, for example, your hands, your shoulders and your chest. But whether the kisses are gentle or intense depends on his mood. Patrick:
Whether in public or when you're alone, Patrick always puts his all into a kiss. For him it's all or nothing. And by that I mean everything. French kissing is a must with him, just like touching. Sometimes you have dry sex, even in the school hallways. Because the students and teachers are afraid of Patrick, they simply ignore it. Because if someone messes with you, they will automatically mess with Patrick. What else you need to know about Patrick is that he doesn't kiss normally. Aside from a kiss on the head or your hand, he always adds his tongue. When he kisses your neck, he gently licks your skin, when you kiss on the mouth, he pushes his tongue into your mouth. You got used to it after a few weeks. Victor:
Victor doesn't particularly like kissing you in public. But not because he is ashamed, but because he finds the kisses between you so special that he wants to keep them just for the two of you. They are normal, gentle kisses in themselves, but they are special for him. Especially if they are from you. Victor loves to nibble on your bottom lip sometimes just to hear your voice. No matter whether it's a moan or a whimper, it turns him on, a lot. When you make out with each other, he sometimes kisses you more passionately, but with every kiss you can feel that he loves you and he wants to be gentle. He usually tells his friends that he is always very hard on you. Belch:
Belch proudly shows off that he loves you. He hugs you, carries you around, cuddles with you and drives you around in his car. Even with the kisses. In every kiss he gives you, you feel how much he loves you. They are mostly gentle kisses, but he also likes to show intense sides. However, he respects your limits. If you say no, he'll stop immediately and try something else. He's always very careful when he kisses, as if you could break. And he does that in front of the others, he doesn't care that he's called baby. When you have sex he is usually very gentle, but if you tell him that you don't want it to be gentle, he can do something different.
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Patrick definitely does this thing where every time Henry mutters "god" in a good or bad way, he will reply "yes dear?"
And then Henry wacks him like forty times and yells how he's not god because if he was god then he'd be better at fucking
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rozetavivala · 2 months
Based off of my mutuals post on TikTok :3
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princess-glassred · 15 days
A short interaction I wrote between Henry and Butch about Patrick
Tw: Bruises, abuse, blood, cuts, Butch Bowers, toxic henpat
It was 11 AM on a saturday, and the Bowers house was still dark as a sewer drain. The warm sunlight from the windows hit the floor to illuminate the room, but even natural sunlight was not nearly enough to make the pig sty of a house feel like a home. Today was like any other day in the Bowers residence, everything was right where it was supposed to be, as if Henry and Butch had been plopped down in predesignated spots like dolls. They sat on the couch together, not talking, entranced by the cold blue glow of the tv. Nothing good was ever on tv at this time, not that public access television was ever that good to begin with, but at least on late nights you could find some decent adult programming. Right now it was all shitty kids shows, probably ran by people who shouldn't be within 25 feet from a school zone, so Butch and Henry were stuck learning colors and watching unfunny clowns preform for screaming kids on a bench until around 6 o' clock.
Henry wasn't too focused on the tv though, he was watching, but he wasn't really paying attention. He was much more focused on the bowl of oatmeal he was stuffing in his face, almost like he expected Butch to reach over and take it from him. He was pretty famished though, his stomache had been rumbling since he woke up, and lord knows Butch Bowers would never cook breakfast. That was a woman's job, and when there wasn't a woman around to do the job, it was Henry's. They sat in silence for a little while longer, until Butch suddenly turned his head to look Henry up and down. As per usual, Butch's eyes were only ever locked into one specific emotion whenever they landed on Henry: contempt. Suddenly his eyes stopped on one specific part of Henry's body, transfixed on his right wrist that he was currently using to shovel strawberry oatmeal down his throat. Butch cocked his head to the side and squinted at Henry. "You're not very sneaky son." He said plainly, and right on cue, Henry's entire body went stiff.
Despite the vauge statement, his son's suddenly panicked face indicated that he knew exactly what he was talking about, which only made it worse when he inevitably tried to deny it. "What-" Henry coughed, nearly choking on his food as he put his spoon back in the empty bowl with a clink. "What are you talking about?" He said, trying and failing to hide his terror. "I raised you, I know when somethings different about you. Your stupid braclets are on one side of your arm now, you've never done that before. You're hiding something." He grumbled, grabbing an open can of beer from the end table and taking a swig.
Henry blinked in shock then tried to deny it again with a nervous laugh "That doesn't mean-" but suddenly, Butch lunged for him, and Henry instinctively flinched. Fortunately for Henry, this did not result in a punch or slap like it usually would, but Butch did grab his wrist and pull it over to his side of the sofa. His muscular calloused hands squeezed down hard enough that Henry wanted to yell "you're hurting me!" but stopped himself. Butch wasn't a man who could listen to reason, and in fact, to Butch, "you're hurting me" was basically like saying "Good job!" and would have encouraged him to do it more. He used his fingers to scooch Henry's bracelets down his arm, his fingernails and the thick leather of the bracelets causing even more pain to him as they inched down his arm. After what felt like an eternity of burning, scratching, and writhing, the pain finally stopped, but Henry's shame quickly took it's place as Butch stumbled upon his secret, and there was no way for Henry to hide it anymore.
There were big bruises on his wrists, and even a big cut on the back, like some one wanted to cut him but didn't wanna risk slitting a vein open. Henry had attempted to cover up what the bracelets couldn't hide with make up yesterday, but that was now rubbed off too, and even then, Butch could tell. Seeing bruises on Henry was typical, in fact, Butch was often the cause of these bruises, but Butch was always very careful to only do it on the torso where they could be easily hidden. Whoever caused this had been sloppy though, real sloppy, maybe even wanted them to see the bruises for some weird reason. For a brief moment he considered the possibility that Henry might have done this himself, but that was quickly dismissed. Henry was too much of a pussy to ever hurt himself, he could barely handle Butch's beatings with out whining. Besides, Henry knew if he did some embarrassing cry baby attention seeking shit like that then Butch would have to buckle down and give him something to really cry about.
Eventually Butch unclenched his grip and allowed Henry to break away, leaving him to cower and rub his wrist on the far end of the sofa like an abused housewife. A twinge of shame and pain flashed across his face as he rubbed and whimpered like a scared dog, something Butch found both pitiful and incredibly annoying. Those bruises on his wrist could only be from one person in this stupid town, Henry might have been a little pansy but he was big for his age, so the only person who could hurt him like this would have to be some one taller than him, and more importantly, some one who he'd actually let hurt him. Butch crossed his arms and frowned, making the already humiliated and scared Henry feel even worse.
"So, who did that?" he asked, not a hint of concern for Henry's well being. "I... don't know." Henry mumbled, letting his voice go a little soft like he always did when his dad caught him in a bad situation. "But it was probably you, sometimes you get-" "Bullshit." Butch interuppted, insulted by the accusation. Butch might have been a crazy abusive drunk, but he could always recognize his own work on Henry, and those bruises were not his. "It's him, isn't it? It's from that Hockstetter fag you hang out with. I know it is." Butch said, so disgusted it was a miracle he didn't spit in his fucking eye.
Henry looked down to the floor, no longer able to deny the truth, but still desperate to cling onto his last shreds of dignity. Henry groaned, growing a little angry and defensive "it's not a big deal! He said he was sorry..." that was a blatant lie though, and Butch knew it, Patrick never apologized for anything unless it benifited him in some way. He'd apologize to adults anytime he got in trouble, but he never meant it, he was just very good at manipulating others to get what he wanted, and those manipulative tendencies leaked into every facet of his life, including sex. He got sex through manipulative means and the sex itself was a form of manipulation, but Henry just couldn't find a way to ever say no to him. Everything they did seemed to cross a boundry, and yet, everytime, Henry still found himself asking if it was really bad enough to warrant putting his foot down. It always started the exact same way too, first it would be pretty normal, then it'd get rough, and then it'd get violent, and then it'd be over before it ever really started, and Henry was beginning to like it less and less each time.
"Do you have pig shit for brains, son?" Butch questioned, catching Henry so off gaurd he thought he misheard him at first. "Huh?" he stammered, and Butch sighed at his own sons stupidity "I only ask 'cause i'd never be fucking brain dead enough to be friends with a guy who beat the shit out of me." he continued, getting up with a grunt to go get himself his third beer from the fridge. Whatever, it was certainly better than asking him to go get it, but it did kinda seem like the only reason he went to fetch it himself was so he didn't have to look at Henry anymore. To anyone else that would have sounded almost cartoonishly cruel, but for Henry that was just the kind of shit his dad liked to do, and had been doing to him for years.
Henry lowered his head and clenched his fists, beginning to quietly seethe with anger he would no doubt let out on Mike Hanlon or Bill Denborough later on. He shook ever so slightly as his rage boiled inside him "well- you hit mom and expected her to stay..." He mumbled, regret hitting him like a truck the instant the worlds left his mouth. Butch spontaneously let the beer in his hands slip out of his fingers, sending the bottle plummeting to the floor where it bursted into a big mess of booze and broken glass. The sound was so loud and out of nowhere, Henry jumped from his seat in fright and skittered away from the couch. He'd been afraid of that sound for a while now, ever since Butch got a little too drunk one night and threw an empty bottle at him, he'd found any kind of breaking glass noise horrifying. He thankfully missed him, but it was still a pretty fucking awful thing for a kid to experience, and it left some lasting damage on his psyche.
Butch whipped his head around to glance back at Henry while he knelt down to the broken glass, a difficult feat for some one as large and out of shape as him, but one he still managed to accomplish regardless. "That's different, women need to be hit so they don't get out of line, if they don't get hit they don't learn. You're just a fucking idiot who thinks when some one beats you it means they like you." butch shouted over his shoulder, poking at the shards of glass but never daring to actually clean it. Henry nervously swallowed and stared off to the side, racking his brain as he tried to understand it all. He furrowed his brows as his lip quivered, unsure of what to say but not quite content with the awful silence that filled the room.
He sighed and hung his head, still shaking and still silently enraged. "Yeah... wonder where I could have possibly gotten a stupid idea like that..." Henry muttered, letting his gaze drift down to the floor and away from his father. Suddenly, Butch rose up and put his hands on his hips, his face twisting into a repulsed grimace. At this point, Henry fully expected to be screamed at, beaten, and kicked out of the house, all in that order, but butch managed to do none of those. Instead, he just stood and stared at him in scornful silence to show his disappointment.
He glowered at him, balling his hands into tight fists ready to strike and shook his head "you know what? I take it back." said Butch, breifly catching Henry's attention again with the smallest bit of false hope. "Maybe this hockstetter kid has the right idea about you! after all, you were always a bit girly, maybe you need a good smacking every now to knock some snese into you." He elaborated, and that small bit of false hope Henry had flew right out the window, because of course it did. His father turned back to the broken glass and groaned, gesturing at Henry to look at it and do something. "God, Why don't you do something actually useful and clean this shit up? I'm sick of looking at it." he "asked", but really it was more of an order, an order he knew damn well Henry would never have the guts to say no to.
He hesitated there for a moment, shifting his weight from side to side on each foot before eventually giving up and giving into his fathers command. Even when Henry complied Butch didn't even have the decency to stick around and see him clean, he grabbed his coat and ran out the front door with out a word, probably off to go get wasted somewhere else. But that was fine, it didn't matter if he left or not, I mean, it did kind of hurt but Henry didn't really care, just like how he didn't care if Patrick hurt him sometimes. He was used to hurting, in the same way he was used to hurting others. Henry was durable. He was strong. He could handle himself just fine with or without his fathers input.... or at least, that's what Henry liked to think to himself. In reality, if all of that were true, then Henry wouldn't be in this situation right now. Groveling down on his knees, sniffling back sobs as he scooped little pieces of broken glass into a dust pan, the tiniest bits of blood dropping down his fingers with each new bit he tossed...
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sematarygirls · 4 months
Living Dead Girl Pt. II — Patrick Hockstetter.
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part one
pairing : patrick hockstetter x ghost!reader
summary : patrick gave into his urges and finally tested his morbid curiosities on prey much larger than just a cat or dog. little did he know his actions would come back to haunt him... literally.
warnings : patrick being a psychopath , animal cruelty , male masturbation , graphic descriptions of murder and suicide , reader being manipulative , degradation , sexual themes ,
word count : 4.5k words !
a/n : can't believe i'm finally posting this after a year and a half. also this is my first attempt at smut-ish so i'm sorry if it's ass. im not gonna say this is 18+ bc I myself am not 18+ (im turning 18 this year tho) also im not your mom and idgaf what you read.
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"Finally," a voice sounded, causing him to drop both his can and his plate. The sharp sound of glass breaking followed by a loud thud echoed through the room as the plate and soda can collided with the floor.
"No, no, no," Patrick shook his head, shutting his eyes. "This isn't real. I killed you. You're not here. You're not real."
"Sorry, babe," the voice, your voice, whispered into his ear. Your warm breath fanned his ear, and he felt his whole body tense. "I'm very much real."
"That's not possible," he said through gritted teeth. "I watched you die. I buried you!" He opened his eyes, convinced that this was all some terrible drug trip. Maybe the weed he'd just got from Henry was laced, or maybe he was suffering from a temporary psychosis. Either way, there had to be some rational and logical reason that he was seeing you.
However, when he saw you there, sitting there with a smug look on your face, your presence as solid as any living person, he felt his heart skip a beat.
You tilted your head, eyebrows furrowing as you pouted. "What's wrong, Patrick?" You asked condescendingly. "Don't act so scared now." You walked toward him slowly, watching him scramble backward in a panic. A smile spread across your lips as you saw the pure fear in his eyes when he hit the wall behind him, having nowhere else to go. "You weren't scared when you stabbed me. You weren't scared when you watched me bleed out in your arms. You weren't scared when you buried my body like some animal you found on the side of the road." Your voice was seeping with anger as you stepped closer and closer, cornering him. "So you don't get to be scared now."
Patrick Hockstetter was not someone who was frightened easily. In fact, up until this very moment, he didn't think he had the ability to be frightened at all. His unique ability to remain calm and collected in situations that would often stress others out was one he was prideful of. However, at that moment, he felt all composure and level-headedness dissolve. For the first time in his life, he was scared. Not just scared—terrified.
"What- What do you want?" He asked, his voice shaky as he looked into your eyes. You no longer looked at him like he hung the moon. There were no remnants of your innocence and naivety—willing to trust that people have the best intentions. There was nothing behind your cold, lifeless eyes. It was like staring at a corpse.
"Now, what's the fun in that?" You grinned, leaning forward so your face was inches away from his. Your gaze flickered to his lips. The same lips you thought he'd planned to kiss you with, but instead, he'd stabbed you in the stomach and mocked your intelligence. "You should really watch your back, Patrick," you whispered with a devious smirk, your breath fanning over his face. "I heard the search for me is really picking up after they found my blood in the woods."
Your words snapped him back to the reality of the situation at hand. He had killed you. What you were saying was impossible though. Right? He was meticulous in every stage of his plan. There was no way they found any trace of you. "What are you talking about?" He asked, his eyes searching you for any sign of deception, but you were impossible to read like this. He was no longer able to detect everything from a single glance. He only knew what you wanted him to know.
Without another word, you disappeared, leaving the boy spiraling as he went through all the events of that night over and over again. "Come back!" He screamed, his voice echoing through the empty house. "You can't just leave like that you bitch!"
Patrick let out a frustrated yell as he grabbed the nearest thing—which happened to be a porno mag—and threw it across the room in a fit of rage. Who did you think you were to haunt him? To come into his room, make him feel that horrible emotion, and tease him just to leave abruptly?
He sat on the edge of his bed, trying to control his heavy breathing as his anger took over. You had to have been lying, trying to get into his head. He hated to admit that it was working. He was supposed to be the one in your head. This was his world. He controlled everyone and everything. You shouldn't be here. You should be dead and buried like he had intended.
He fell back in his bed and took a deep breath, letting his mind settle as he chased sleep. He told himself you would be gone tomorrow and that would be that. Your appearance to him, like something out of a Charles Dickens novel, was just a fluke. Tomorrow you would be dead and all would be right with the world.
He drifted off to sleep, having convinced himself that he would never see you again. He was able to get a few hours of sleep, but you weren't going to let him be at peace for long
At around 4 am, Patrick had a very vivid dream that he was choking. He was gasping for air, clawing at his neck as he looked around frantically. His surroundings dissolved into a pitch-black room. He felt his lungs burning, his brain growing fuzzy as the oxygen left him. It felt so vivid, so real.
He awoke in a panic, sitting up straight as he gasped for air. His lungs felt like they were on fire. Like he had truly been deprived of air like he'd dreamed about. He panted, catching his breath as he looked around at his room, thankfully finding no signs of you. However, when he finally felt secure, able to draw a breath without feeling like a thirsty man drinking water, he realized the pillow that had been behind his head was now sat on his lap.
The realization dawned on him that he may have been actually suffocating, and you were the culprit. He shook his head, trying to expel the thought as he laid back down, throwing the pillow off into the black depths of his room, so he wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. It was just a dream. Just as you were just a vision.
Patrick wasn't stupid, though many would argue to the contrary. Just because he didn't give a shit about school and didn't try didn't mean he wasn't smart. He just saved his intelligence for things that actually mattered—like planning and executing a murder.
That in mind, his refusal to accept the things he deep down knew to be true was not, as some would think, him being stupid. On the contrary, he believed himself smarter than to believe in silly things like ghosts. Dead things stay dead. He'd learned that at a very young age. He knew when he killed his brother that he would not be coming back. Just as he knew when he killed you that you would not be coming back.
Ghosts don't exist. He wasn't dumb enough to believe that.
As he laid in bed, trying to rationalize himself into a calm enough state to fall asleep again, he found himself more on edge with every creak of the old house around him. He stared up at the ceiling, his eyes conspiring with the moonlight to play tricks on him. His breath hitched at every shadow dancing around the dark.
You were proud of your work, and you had barely done anything yet. You watched from the shadows, pleased as he seemed to run himself in circles trying to cope with everything going on. The mere thought of you was torture enough.
You grinned, biting your lip as a thought washed over you. As a ghost, not bound by the physical realm, you had the ability to do a lot of things. One of those so happened to be raising and lowering the temperature in a room.
You focused hard, raising the temperature several degrees, making Patrick swear at the sudden sweat washing over him. You watched with a satisfied smirk as he pulled his shirt over his head, trying to cool himself off.
He didn't have a six pack or anything, but you didn't expect him to. He had a lean, toned torso with a very sexy v-line peeking out from his jeans. A small tattoo sat on his stomach just above his v-line on the right side. You couldn't make it out in the darkness, but you didn't care much. The sight of it alone was enough.
After all, who said you couldn't mix a little bit of business with pleasure.
He had taken away the rest of your life, all the possibilities of experiencing having your first kiss, losing your virginity, falling in love. It was only fair he made up for that in one way or another before your time together came to an end.
The time passed agonizingly slowly with Patrick staring at the ceiling and you watching him, studying him like he was some foreign thing. It was so interesting to watch someone when they don't know they're being watched. Of course, he felt the hairs on his neck stand on end, his body detecting the unseen eyes on him, but he chalked it up to paranoia—as he did every other unexplainable thing that seemed to be happening to him.
His mind drifted off, the heat making him restless as his brain filled with gruesome images of his previous kills. He sifted through his memory for the most interesting ones—dismembering birds, beheading cats, snapping a squirrel or two's neck—but none of them seemed to get him off anymore.
The image of your face right after he stabbed you made it's way into his mind. Your eyes, so wide and filled with fear. He could practically hear your sweet voice crying out, asking why he would do this to you. The thought made his cock tighten in his jeans.
He reached down, palming himself through his jeans with a groan. Reliving the sounds of you choking and coughing up your own blood had his fingers working quickly to undo his belt. He tossed it to the side, practically ripping the button off his jeans as he pulled them down along with his underwear, allowing his dick to finally be free from the restrictive fabric.
He spat in his hand, gripping his cock and lubricating it. He caught his chapped lower lip between his teeth as swept his thumb over his pink head, smearing his precum across it. He let out a low moan, letting his hand travel up and down his dick at a slow, agonizing pace. He kept his eyes screwed shut, immersing himself in the memory of your murder as he stroked himself.
Patrick was not a moral man by any means but this was a new low. Getting himself off to you, in his mind, was no better than if he was imagining one of his dead animal playthings. You were nothing to him. You were roadkill.
But, for some reason, the fresh sight of you, wearing the clothes he killed you in with that dark blood stain right where he'd stabbed you, your hair all matted, and the cold, lifeless look in your eyes, made it so easy to relive that night in great detail.
It was the greatest night of his life. The biggest release of pressure he'd ever felt since he began getting those homicidal urges—those itches. He didn't think he'd ever get to feel that euphoria again, but fucking himself to the thought of it would get him pretty damn close.
He let out a strangled moan, his hips pushing into his hand as he came, and he was right, it was the second-best feeling he'd ever felt. It didn't compare to killing you, but it was enough to satiate his urges once again.
He laid there, panting for what felt like hours. The time moved by so slowly until finally, the sound of the alarm block beside his bed blaring pulled him from his thoughts.
The red numbers reading 7:30 blinked slowly, reminding him that he had to get up and get ready for school. He leaned over, smacking the top of the clock roughly to silence it before falling back flat on his bed, preparing himself to get up.
He groaned, pushing himself up and grabbing a random pair of jeans and a shirt that smelled clean enough. He quickly got dressed before making his way back downstairs. He knew Belch would be here any second to pick him up—he always woke up later than he was realistically supposed to.
He slipped his boots on, and a few moments later, he heard Belch laying on his car horn. Rolling his eyes, he opened the door, heading outside and letting it slam just behind him.
"Calm your tits," he shouted in annoyance. Patrick always had a short fuse, but after the particularly restless night in which he'd been visited by some fucking ghost of Christmas Past, he found himself particularly irritable.
"Dude what happened yesterday?" Victor asked as Patrick climbed into the blue Trans Am.
"You were totally tripping the fuck out," Belch chimed in, starting the car and peeling out of Patrick's neighborhood.
"Dumb fuck can't handle his liquor," Henry scoffed from his spot in the passenger's seat.
"Shut the fuck up, Bowers," Patrick bit back, gazing out the window. "At least some of us don't piss our pants when we drink."
"It was one fucking time you dickhead!" Henry defended quickly, his cheeks turning red from the embarrassment.
At the feeling of someone's hand on his thigh, Patrick quickly looked over at Vic. "Don't fucking touch me you-" he paused just short of spitting some derogatory remark about Victor being gay and a freak when he saw you sitting between him and Victor, grinning at him darkly.
"What the fuck are you talking about, dude?" Victor asked, bewildered by Patrick's behavior. Patrick was always an odd one, but he never acted this weird.
"He probably smoked himself fucking dumb," Henry grumbled, still annoyed about the pants pissing remark.
You held a finger to your lips as climbed over onto his lap, holding onto his shoulders to steady yourself. You just wanted to rile him up a little, make him feel suffocated by you, like he could never escape. And truly, he couldn't. You were never going anywhere until you believed justice had properly been served, and you would take that in any form.
He glared at you, but you paid him no mind, leaning to whisper into his ear: "How cute," you condescended him. "You thought I would just go away." You dug your nails into his shoulders making him sharply inhale, trying not to tip off his friends to the seemingly unwarranted pain he was feeling. "You will never be rid of me," you whispered menacingly, looking deep into his eyes with a sickening grin that made nausea pool in his stomach.
In any other situation, having someone on his lap, digging their nails into his shoulders would probably have been a pleasurable experience, but this was not any other situation. This was a nightmare he couldn't seem to wake up from.
When Belch finally pulled into the school parking lot, Patrick couldn't get out of the car fast enough. You disappeared as he scrambled to unlock the door and get out, finally feeling like he could breathe. He pulled his shirt collar to the side, looking down at the angry red marks where your nails had been. They served as a disturbing reminder that you were really there, and you could do anything to him.
"You get laid last night, Hockstetter?" Belch asked, grinning as he saw the red marks.
"That why you ran off yesterday?" Henry snickered. "You pussy whipped?"
"At least, I actually get pussy," he sneered, paling as he heard your laugh echoing around him the moment the words slipped from his lips. It was a deafening sound. Like a mix between a cackle and a scream that seemed to permeate his surroundings.
His jaw clenched, eye twitching as he resisted the urge to cover his ears. Apart from not wanting to look insane, he also didn't think it would help much. You weren't around him. You were in him, in his head.
The bell could faintly be heard going off inside the school, making Victor curse under his breath. They had two minutes to get to class or they were late.
"Mrs. Denton's gonna throw a bitch fit if I'm late again," he groaned, watching as Henry lit a cigarette.
"Kiss ass," he remarked, taking a long drag before exhaling the puff of smoke into Belch's face as Victor walked away.
"You asshole," Belch coughed, shoving Henry.
"Oh, shit." Henry's eyes widened as he tossed his cigarette on the ground, quickly stomping it out. "Let's go," he ordered, making his way up the stairs to the front doors of the school, looking behind him frantically.
Patrick's eyebrows furrowed at the sudden shift in Henry's demeanor. He followed the brunette's gaze, his eyes locking with those of Butch Bowers, the sheriff.
"Wonder if they're here for you," your voice taunted him, breath tickling the back of his right ear. He turned, preparing to come face to face with that condescending smile you always seemed to be wearing, but you weren't there.
He looked back, finding Sheriff Bowers still staring at him, seemingly ignoring whatever the deputy was leaning into his ear to say. Patrick wasn't one to back down easily, but your presence, your warnings, had him on edge. He quickly advanced forward, his lengthy legs providing long strides as he followed suit in heading inside Derry Highschool.
The sounds of his heavy boots hitting the linoleum floor echoed through the empty hall as he made his way to his math class. Victor was right; Mrs. Densen was going to throw a bitch fit that he was late, but he didn't care. He wouldn't have cared on a normal day, but on this day, with the police sniffing around and you practically breathing down his neck, he cared even less—which he didn't even know was possible.
He pulled open the door to the classroom, a hush falling over the students as he entered. Most stared at him wide-eyed, some avoided looking at him altogether, and he briefly caught Vic looking at him with sympathy. The teacher, however, was glaring at him, her arms crossed over her chest.
"Mr. Hockstetter, late again I see," she said pointedly. "You've earned yourself a detention after school today." Patrick stifled a laugh as he made his way to his seat at the very back of the classroom. "Is something funny?" She asked, her tone displaying clear annoyance.
"Yeah, that you think I care," he rolled his eyes, slipping into his desk. He tuned out whatever lecture the teacher decided to give him after that. His gaze drifted to the empty desk in the front row— the one you used to sit at.
"Don't go feeling remorseful now," you said into his ear. He felt your arm around his shoulders as you leaned down, your face positioned next to his. He turned to look at you, and you turned to look at him, your faces almost touching.
your breath fanned across his face, the moment oddly intimate until you grinned at him, opening your mouth and emitting an ear piercing scream.
"Ah," he grunted in pain, his eyes screwing shut, and his hands gripping his ears. It felt like his eardrums were seconds away from bursting and causing blood to pour out of his ears. "Shut the fuck up!" He yelled, the room, and you, falling dead silent immediately after the words left him.
He peeled his eyes open, his hands falling as he looked around. "Excuse me, Mr. Hockstetter," the teacher gasped, clearly taken aback by his outburst. "Take yourself to the principal's office right this instant!" She ordered him.
His blood began to boil as he stood up abruptly, storming out of the classroom and slamming the door behind him. He was getting very very sick and tired of your little games. He headed toward the back door of the school, not wanting to cross paths with Henry's dad.
"This doesn't look like the way to the principal's office," you mused, appearing beside him. He stopped, turning to shove you against the locker. He groaned when his arms made contact with the locker instead of your body, and your laugh echoed behind him. "You think you can hurt me, how cute."
He let out a frustrated groan, smashing his fists against the locker. He couldn't stand you. He couldn't stand having someone that he couldn't manipulate or hurt but that could manipulate and hurt him. "What do you want with me?" He asked, refusing to look at you.
"To break you," you grinned. "To have you begging for it to stop."
Yeah, right he thought.
He was Patrick fucking Hockstetter; he didn't beg. He didn't bend to the will of others, especially not some dead bitch. He was determined not to let you win. You would eventually get tired of tormenting him and go back to wherever the fuck you came from. He was sure of it.
Oh, how he underestimated your patience and overestimated his resilience.
He lasted exactly a week. A week of you screaming and poking and scratching and fucking with his head. A week of people staring at him like he was insane with his random outbursts and talking to the air. A week of torment before you finally had him right where you wanted him.
"Just leave me alone!" He begged, standing in the middle of his room with his head in his hands. You had finally drove him to the brink of insanity, and he didn't know how much longer he could live like this. You, being everywhere all the time, taunting and touching and teasing, it was too much for him. He couldn't take it anymore. "Go away!"
You tsked, grinning at him, that condescending grin that filled him with indescribable rage. How could you look at him like that? Like he was stupid? You were the stupid one. You were killed by him not the other way around!
"I'm afraid that's not how this works," you told him, shaking your head slightly. "I get to stay until you give me what I want." You took a step, punctuating the next words you said with a pause between each one and another step forward. "However. Long. It. Takes."
"What the fuck do you want from me?" He yelled, desperate to get you away from him forever.
"Well," you drawled, running your index finger along his chest, making him flinch. You smiled at the effect you had on him. He talked a big game, getting mad when you left—cursing, throwing things, even—having the audacity to fuck himself to the thought of your murder— but when it came to being face to face with you, he cowered away.
Ain't nothing like a little fear to make a paper man crumble as Henry Bowers' father once said.
"I'll be nice and give you a choice," you said darkly. "You can turn yourself in," you almost laughed at the way his demeanor hardened. "Which we both know you're too proud and stubborn to do," you continued. The intrigue behind Patrick's eyes was undeniable as he eagerly awaited his second choice. "Or," you trailed off, grabbing a razor from his dresser and holding it in front of his face. "You can die."
"You're a crazy bitch!" He shouted, though his inability to mask the tremble in his voice made him sound less than threatening.
"Maybe," you shrugged, admiring the sharp piece of metal. "Hmm," you hummed. "I wonder how you'll feel about me in another week," you asked thoughtfully. "I bet you'll be wishing you took the chance while you had it."
His jaw clenched at your words. He'd already lost a considerable amount of sleep because of you, and the thought of you tormenting him any longer was a fate worse than death. "Why don't you just kill me?" He asked defeatedly. You'd backed him into a corner that he was positive he couldn't get out of without doing things your way.
"I'm not you, Patrick," you spat hatefully. "I don't kill people or things."
"What? Like driving me to suicide is any better?" He scoffed, challenging your sense of superiority over him.
"You have an informed choice," you told him, trying to regain your calm. You didn't like losing your temper, especially not to the likes of Patrick Hockstetter, scum of the earth. "That's a luxury you didn't extend to me."
He eyed the blade in your hand warily. He didn't like accepting defeat. He would never admit to killing you. Being confined to a tiny room, unable to satiate that burning itch deep inside him whenever he needed; it would drive him mad.
"Go on," you urged him softly, holding the razor out for him to take. "Put yourself out of your misery. End it all and be free."
He looked between you and the blade hesitantly, a million thoughts running through his mind as he tried to make a decision. Glaring at you, he took the blade. A scowl formed on his face as he observed the triumphant expression that you seemed to wear immediately after he made his choice.
"Two deep cuts, and you'll never have to see me again," you assured him. That all but sealed the deal. Patrick didn't believe in heaven or hell and death didn't scare him. Being caged like one of the many animals he's so cruelly killed scared him more than dying. He walked over to his bed, sitting on the edge.
He sucked in a breath, pressing the blade into his wrist and dragging it upward toward his inner elbow. He clenched his teeth, deeply inhaling through them. A groan of pain fell from his lips as he felt the warm blood begin seeping from his wound, running down his arms and onto his jeans. He continued the action on the other arm, feeling nauseous and lightheaded.
The blade fell from his trembling fingers, clattering to the floor as he fell back onto the bed. His head felt foggy, and the pain began to melt away into numbness. His eyes began to droop, and he faintly saw your outline standing above him.
He just barely felt you lean down, pressing a kiss to his forehead. His ears began to ring as his eyes fell shut. The words you spoke next were the last he would hear before his heart slowed to an eventual stop. He almost couldn't make them out, the sound muffled, as if he was underwater, but his mind used its last bit of energy to process them before giving out.
"Goodbye, Patrick Hockstetter," you said softly. "May you burn in hell."
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tags! : @fatfagsj , @mysticalhills , @simpingforthe80s , @slasherho , @pinkpanther-44 , @slaggylemon , @kyranisnotdead , @ladydragiiss ,
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bella-goths-wife · 5 months
How the yandere bowers gang love reader
I’m just a girl trying to be deep with her writing while very sick and in her feels so please tolerate my trash 🙏
Warnings: non-con mentions but not explicit, mommy issues, daddy issues, physical abuse, psychological abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, injuries, forced relationships, dead dove do not eat, yandere behaviour, obsession
I do not condone or romanticise abuse, the abuse I write about is purely to educate and entertain. Please do not romanticise the abuse that is occurring.
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Henry bowers:
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Love is a strong word, it’s not the pure love that you’d dreamed about since you were a little girl
No, this love is deeply depraved and disgusting
He cares about you in his own way, he’d kill someone if they ever hurt you with the same hands that have carved his initials into your delicate body
But he does love you, for some inconvenience reason he does love you in his sick and twisted reason
He views you as someone who can take care of him, someone who can make his lunches and make him feel better after a bad day
He would never admit it, but he sees you as someone who could fill the void his mother left
He loved and adored his mother more than anyone else in the world and she left him, so he had no one to pour all of those feelings into until he met you
Except these feelings are increased and made more sickening
That’s one of the reasons that, unlike Patrick, he won’t force himself on you
He tried to, believe him he really tried
But all he could think about was when he saw his dad do it to his mom, and the look of pure horror on his moms face
He could definitely see himself marrying you one day, I mean, he’s the one in the group who deserves you the most after all
He’d kill the other boys if he had to, he may see them as his brothers
But you, he sees you as his wife and the person who will carry his future children
Patrick Hockstetter:
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Patrick’s love is based in lust, but isn’t entirely consumed by it
He knew he was attracted to you from the start, he probably would have tried to drag you off at a party before Henry staked his claim on you
He is mostly obsessed with the way he can control you
He, as Henry’s unofficial second hand, has the second most control over you
And he loves you for it
He can control what you eat, how you dress and how you spend your time
He can control if you breath during the times he chokes you
He blames it on his mothers death or his ‘rough childhood’ but he’s just a sociopath
Genuinely, I know I’ve been adding in what factors to them being like this for the rest but for Patrick it’s simple
He’s a sociopath
You may be wondering how a sociopath is capable of love, and well he’s not fully in love
He’s obsessed with you and some part of him cares about you, the same way he would care if his car got scratched
Your a possession, he doesn’t care about your personality or your likes and dislikes
But you intrigue and entertain him enough to get his loyalty in exchange for what you can do for him
He doesn’t feel guilt for how he and the others treat you and he doesn’t feel bad for the fact that they are completely destroying you
He’s the only one to actually recognise that what they all do to you is making you slowly break, he just does not care
As long as your not hurting yourself or others are hurting you, he does not feel the need to care about what happens to you
He doesn’t even care about the fact that he’s sexually assaulting you
He would enjoy it more if you were actively consenting but he doesn’t care that you don’t
Because for him sex isn’t about pleasure, it’s about control and when he has sex with you he’s showing you another form of his control over you
So yes, in a way Patrick does love you
But it’s the similar way he would love a pet or a shiny care, as soon as you lose your entertainment value then you’d become nothing to him
Unluckily for you, as long as the rest are interested in you you’ll never not be entertaining for Patrick
And as you can see, that’s unlikely to happen
Victor cross:
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Victors love is based in possession
He knows your Henry’s girl
Henry may share you with the rest of the group, but you belong to Henry
That’s always how it’s been in the group
Anything vic owned Henry would eventually take away from him
He views Henry as a brother, but some dark part of victor hates him
Especially when it comes to you
Victor sees how rough Henry is with his affection towards you, Victor could be so much gentler than him
Victor wants to own you, to possess you fully
He wants you to only think about him, to only speak to him, to only fuck him and to only be with him
He has fantasies of killing the others and locking you away so you can stay with him together
He chalks it up to having everything he’s over owned taken away from him by the others, but it’s more than that
He wants revenge
He sees how the others are obsessed with you and how they love you, the same way he loved all the possessions they took from him
He wants to take you away the way they took his things
And he’ll kill the others if he has too
Belch Huggins:
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Belch loves you for your approval of him
His entire life he has lacked people being proud of him
He has a dead dad and an absent mom, he wasn’t really spoiled for choice when it comes to people who appreciated him
He thought his growth at such an early age would gain him approval, but it only gained him fearful looks
But you changed that
You may not remember the insignificant comment you made but he’ll always remember it
“Wow, your pretty strong” you had commented once after he had picked you up to take you to bed “you’d be good to practice lifts with”
He felt a surge of adoration after you said that
Finally, someone decided he was worth something
You decided he was worth practicing with you, you practically decided he deserved to live in his eyes
He’ll be anything or say anything to make you approve of him
Accept for defying Henry
Henry knows best, and Henry knows when you need to be disciplined for you own good
So no matter how much you look at him with those beautiful sorrow filled eyes, he has to do what he has to do to make sure you are given the best chance at the life you need
At least, the life that Henry decided that you need
He loves you deeply and with a sense of desperation
At times he would seem like a puppy desperate for your love and attention, the other times he would seem like a threat who could kill you at any moment
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