#Paush Purnima
prinsliworld · 2 years
What is Paush Purnima, Shakambhari Purnima. Time & Date in Jan. 2023
What is Paush Purnima, Shakambhari Purnima. Time & Date in Jan. 2023
Paush Purnima, Shakambhari Purnima, Time and Date in January 2023 – Paush Purnima, also known as Shakambhari Purnima, will occur on Friday, January 6, 2023. Purnima Tithi begins at 02:14 AM on January 6, 2023, and ends at 04:37 AM on January 7, 2023. According to the Hindu calendar, the full Moon in January 2023 is Shakambhari Purnima and Paush Purnima. For the Sri Lankan Buddhists, this is…
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jeevanjali · 8 months
Magh Month Upay 2024: माघ महीने में करें ये चार उपाय,दूर होगा दुर्भाग्य और खुलेगा भाग्यMagh Month Upay 2024: माघ महीना स्वास्थ्य लाभ और पुण्य प्राप्ति के लिए बहुत अच्छा माना जाता है। यह पवित्र महीना देवी-देवताओं की पूजा-अर्चना के लिए सर्वोत्तम है। इस माह में सनातन धर्म के लोग एक माह तक प्रयागराज में कल्पवास करते हैं।
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lou-bonfightme · 8 months
The Wolf Sings for the Moon: Part One: The Wolf Moon or Paush Purnima |O| [Self-para]
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“Bonjour,” Lou announced himself as he entered the Ivy Grove.
It was a bit strange, because it was his house--technically, but he had guests here. And he wanted them to feel as though this was their home. Especially the wolves. 
Which was, also, why he had, himself, brought breakfast. It was the first full moon for Raksha and little Dhaumya in Swynlake. And Lou knew how uncomfortable his first changes had been. In this exact house. (Though, the little hovel he had bought to exile himself to was gone now--burned to ash. This grand house had risen from the ashes.) He did not know much about Raksha’s circumstances, but he wanted her to feel welcome.
There was also an anxious part of him that wanted to make sure that everything had gone fine. That there were no issues with her transformation. No flags raised in town…the amount of wolves that had recently immigrated was making him a touch paranoid. After all, he was who would have the blame thrown on him if anyone attacked someone. 
The house was--quiet, but not empty. 
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[link here]
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bestcareerprection · 2 years
Purnima Vrat 2023: पौष मास के शुक्ल पक्ष की पूर्णिमा तिथि को मनाई जाती है पौषी पूर्णिमा। इस वर्ष 06 जनवरी को मनाई जाएगी पौषी पूर्णिमा।
पूर्णिमा तिथि प्रारंभ: 06 जनवरी, रात्रि 02:14 से
पूर्णिमा तिथि समाप्त: 07 जनवरी, प्रातः 04:37 तक
पौषी पूर्णिमा शुभ पूजा मुहूर्त: 06 जनवरी, प्रातः 08:33 से सुबह 11:09 तक
नववर्ष की पहली पूर्णिमा मानी जाती है पौषी पूर्णिमा।
इस शुभ दिन पर भगवान सत्यनारायण व माता लक्ष्मी जी की करी जाती है पूजा।
इस दिन भगवान सत्यनारायण जी की कथा करवाने का भी है विधान।
इस दिन हरिद्वार, काशी व प्रयागराज में गंगा स्नान से मिलता है अनंत कोटि पुण्य।
इसलिए सूर्यदेव की पूजा व आराधना से भी जुड़ा है पौष मास.
इस दिन सूर्यदेव की पूजा करने से मिलता है मोक्ष।।
चूँकि पौष सूर्यदेव का माह और पूर्णिमा चंद्रमा की तिथि है.
इसलिए इस दिन सूर्य व चंद्रमा की पूजा से पूर्ण होती है समस्त मनोकामनाएं।
इस शुभ दिन पर तिल, गुड़ व कंबल का दान करने से दूर होती है घरेलू समस्याएं।
यदि आप अन्य किसी व्रत व त्योहार का शुभ पुजा मुहुर्त जानना चाहते है तो, आज का पंचांग/Today's Panchang देखे या अपनी राशि वार्षिक राशिफल 2023/Yearly Horoscope 2023 पढने के लिए यहा क्लिक करें।
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joachimnusch · 7 months
An diesem Wochenende, insbesondere am heutigen Vollmondtag, findet auch in der Umgebung von, in Karnataka ein großes Vollmonfest statt, was ich am Abend besuchen werde. Der Mond, steht heute im Sternbild Löwe, im Monhaus "Magha".
Das Nakshatra "Magha" liegt zwischen 0°00' und 13°20' im Zeichen Löwe (Simha) und ist das zehnte der 27 Nakshatras in der vedischen Astrologie. Es wird von Ketu, dem südlichen Mondknoten, regiert und steht für königliche Eigenschaften, Autorität, Tradition, Erbe und Respekt vor den Vorfahren. Menschen, die unter dem Einfluss von Magha geboren sind, können eine starke Führungsqualität besitzen und eine tiefe Verbindung zur Tradition und Geschichte ihrer Familie haben. Es wird auch mit spiritueller Entwicklung und dem Wunsch nach Anerkennung in Verbindung gebracht.
Magha Purnima
Magha Purnima ist ein wichtiger Tag im indischen Kalender. Religiöse Texte beschreiben die Herrlichkeit des heiligen Bades und die Entbehrungen, die während des Magha-Monats eingehalten werden. Es wird angenommen, dass jeder einzelne Tag im Monat Magha ein besonderer Tag für Wohltätigkeitsarbeit ist. Magha Purnima, im Volksmund auch als Maghi Purnima bekannt, ist der letzte und wichtigste Tag des Magha Mahina. Die Menschen führen an Maghi Purnima bestimmte Rituale wie ein heiliges Bad, Almosen, Kuhspenden und Homa in Prayag, dem Zusammenfluss von Ganga, Yamuna und Saraswati, durch, aber auch an den Stränden der Meere.
Während Magha nehmen die Menschen den ganzen Monat über frühmorgens ein Bad in der Ganga oder in der Yamuna. Das tägliche Bad, das mit Paush Purnima beginnt, endet an Magha Purnima. Es wird geglaubt, dass alle Wohltätigkeitsarbeit, die während dieser Zeit geleistet wird, leicht Früchte trägt. Daher spenden die Menschen je nach ihren Möglichkeiten an Bedürftige. Es ist auch der letzte Tag des Kalpawas, des einmonatigen Entbehrungslagers, das am Ufer des Flusses Ganga in Prayag eingerichtet wird.
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mypanditastrologer · 7 months
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jothishi · 8 months
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It is believed that the water of the most sacred and holy river in Hinduism, the Ganga, turns into the nectar on Mauni Amavasya day. Due to this belief, Mauni Amavasya day is the most important day in the Hindu calendar to take a holy dip in the Ganges.
According to the North Indian calendar, Mauni Amavasya falls in the middle of Magha month, also known as Maghi Amavasya. Many pledge to take a holy dip in the Ganges on Mauni Amavasya day and during the whole Magha Mahina. The daily bathing ritual starts on Paush Purnima and ends on Magha Purnima day.
During Kumbh Mela, Mauni Amavasya is the most important bathing day at Prayag in Allahabad and known as the day of Amrit Yoga and the day of Kumbh Parva.
#mauniamavasya #amavasya #hinduism
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gokuldhammahatirth · 8 months
In Hinduism, Purnima is considered very special. This time, the full moon of the month of Paush is being celebrated on on thursday. This is the first full moon of the new year. On the day of Paush Purnima, there is a special importance to fasting, bathing in the Ganges, and doing charity. It is a religious belief that by bathing, donating, chanting, and fasting in the holy river on this day, one attains virtue and salvation. On the day of Paush Purnima, after taking a bath in the holy rivers and donating, the Moon God and Mother Lakshmi are worshiped at night. Apart from this, by taking some measures on this day, special blessings from Goddess Lakshmi are received. The moon is the lord of full moon days. On this day, the moon is equipped with its arts. It is believed that Mahalakshmi is worshiped on the night of Paush Purnima. Bathing, charity, and penance before sunrise are more fruitful. Bathing and donating on this day destroys all the sins of a person. Paush's full moon in the year is also special because on this day, the sun and moon are worshipped in a special coincidence. It is believed that all the sins of humans are destroyed by donating on this day. Donate to the needy after a bath and meditation. Cows should also be worshipped. one should donate according to one's ability. This leads to a better life. Also, all the wishes have been fulfilled.
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sharpbharat · 8 months
Jamshedpur paush purnima mahotsav : बिष्टुपुर तुलसी भवन में धूमधाम से मना शाकंभरी माता का दसवां पौष पूर्णिमा महोत्सव, मनोज शर्मा मोनू के गाये माता शाकंभरी के भजनों पर खूब थिरके श्रद्धालुओं के पांव
जमशेदपुर : बिष्टुपुर स्थित तुलसी भवन में गुरुवार को शाकंभरी माता का दसवां पौष पूर्णिमा महोत्सव सह सामूहिक मंगलपाठ का धूमधाम से आयोजन हुआ. टाटानगर स्थित श्री शाकंभरी माता परिवार की ओर से आयोजित इस एक दिवसीय धार्मिक अनुष्ठान की शुरुआत पूजा अर्चना एवं ज्योत प्रज्वलन के साथ हुई. यजमान निशा-सुभाष सोंथालिया, सरिता-विनोद सोंथालिया, मंजू-विजय सोंथालिया, उषा-मुरारी सोंथालिया, चुमकी-रितेश सोंथालिया एवं…
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manishprajapati3311 · 8 months
भगवान श्री रामलला सरकार के अलौकिक दर्शन - अयोध्या धाम
पौष मास, शुक्ल पक्ष, पूर्णिमा तिथि, विक्रमी संवत् २०८०
Divine Darshans of Bhagwan Shri Ramlalla Sarkar- Ayodhya Dham
Paush Maas, Shukla Paksh, Purnima Tithi, Vikrami Samvat 2080
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astrovastukosh · 8 months
Guru Pushya Nakshatra Yog: 5 very amazing auspicious yogas after years on 25th January, buying these things will bring happiness and prosperity
Guru Pushya Yog 2024: According to the Hindu calendar, the 25th of January is very special. According to the Hindu calendar, on this day, along with Paush Purnima, many amazing yogas are being formed. It is believed that such combinations are being formed together after years. On January 25, with Paush Purnima, Guru Pushya Yoga is being formed along with Sarvartha Siddhi, Amrit Siddhi, Ravi, and Preeti Yoga. Where Sarvartha Siddhi Yoga is going to last the whole day. Along with this, Ravi Yoga is from 07.13 am to 08.16 am. Along with this, Guru Pushya and Amrit Siddhi Yoga are from 8:16 am to 7:12 am on January 26. According to astrology, by worshiping Lord Vishnu, Goddess Lakshmi, and Moon God on this day, auspicious results are obtained. Also, by bringing some things on this day, a person never has to face financial crunch. Friends, do you know about the auspicious yoga that will be formed on 25 January 2024?
On this day, along with Sarvartha Siddhi, Amrit Siddhi Yoga, Guru Pushya Yoga is also being formed. Friends, what is the contribution of Pushya Nakshatra in the formation of Guru Pushya Yoga and why?
Pushya Nakshatra – The most sacred constellation
Pushya Nakshatra is considered the most auspicious in Hindu scriptures. Pushya means 'to nourish' and hence this nakshatra provides energy and strength. People born in this nakshatra are always ready to help and serve people. They also believe in progressing in life through their hard work and ability. It is said that the goddess of wealth and prosperity – Maa Lakshmi was born on this auspicious day.
Pushya Nakshatra is considered to be one of the most beneficial and powerful Nakshatra in Vedic astrology. It is the eighth constellation among the twenty-seven constellations, and it is located in the Cancer zodiac sign. The symbol of this nakshatra is the udder of a cow, which represents abundance, nourishment, and fertility. The ruling planet of Pushya Nakshatra is Saturn and it is believed to bring immense wealth, prosperity, and success to those born in the Nakshatra.
Nature and life of the person born in Pushya Nakshatra:
People born under Pushya Nakshatra are considered to be very nurturing, caring, and helpful by nature. They have a deep sense of responsibility towards their family and loved ones and always try to provide them with the best possible care and support. These individuals are also known for their intelligence, knowledge, and ability to handle difficult situations with ease and grace.
The deity of Pushya Nakshatra is Jupiter, who is considered the guru of the gods. Jupiter is associated with knowledge, intellect, and spirituality, and people born under this nakshatra are believed to have these qualities in abundance. They have a natural inclination toward spirituality and are often drawn toward the path of self-discovery and self-realization.
If you are born in Cancer sign between 03°20′ to 16°40′, then you have Pushya Nakshatra in your birth chart. It is believed that people born in this nakshatra are blessed with good luck, abundance, and prosperity throughout their lives. They are also believed to have a deep connection to their family and roots and often have successful and fulfilling careers in fields related to education, finance, or spirituality.
When this nakshatra is present in the horoscope it brings good luck, prosperity, and happiness to the person. People born in this Nakshatra are endowed with intelligence, creativity, and a caring nature. They are also known for their spiritual inclinations and strong connection with their roots and family.
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chaitanyavijnanam · 8 months
శాకంభరీ నవరాత్రులు - బనాద అష్టమి Shakambari Navaratri - Banada Ashtami
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🌹 శాకంభరీ నవరాత్రులు - బనాద అష్టమి🌹
శాకంభరీ నవరాత్రులు పౌష శుక్ల అష్టమి నాడు ప్రారంభమై పౌష పూర్ణిమ నాడు ముగుస్తాయి.
పౌష్య శుక్ల అష్టమిని బనద అష్టమి లేదా బానదష్టమి అంటారు.
అష్టమి నాడు ప్రారంభమై పూర్ణిమ నాడు ముగిసే శాకంభరి నవరాత్రులు మినహా చాలా వరకు నవరాత్రులు శుక్ల ప్రతిపాదాన ప్రారంభమవుతాయి. అందుకే శాకంభరి నవరాత్రులు మొత్తం ఎనిమిది రోజుల పాటు సాగుతాయి.
అయితే కొన్ని సంవత్సరాలలో తిథిని దాటవేయడం మరియు అధిక తిథి కారణంగా శాకంభరి నవరాత్రులు వరుసగా ఏడు మరియు తొమ్మిది రోజుల పాటు ��ొనసాగవచ్చు.
శ్రీ శాకంభరీ మాత దేవి భగవతి అవతారం. భూమిపై కరువు మరియు తీవ్రమైన ఆహార సంక్షోభాన్ని తగ్గించడానికి దేవి భగవతి శాకంభరిగా అవతరించినట్లు నమ్ముతారు. ఆమె కూరగాయలు, పండ్లు మరియు ఆకుపచ్చ ఆకుల దేవత అని కూడా పిలుస్తారు మరియు పండ్లు మరియు కూరగాయలతో కూడిన పచ్చని పరిసరాలతో చిత్రీకరించబడింది.
శాకంభరి నవరాత్రులు పౌష్య పూర్ణిమ నాడు ముగుస్తాయి, దీనిని శాకంభరి పూర్ణిమ అని కూడా అంటారు.
శాకంభరి పూర్ణిమను శాకంభరి జయంతి అని కూడా పిలుస్తారు, ఎందుకంటే శాకంభరి దేవి అదే రోజున అవతరించింది.
శాకంభరి నవరాత్రులు రాజస్థాన్, ఉత్తరప్రదేశ్, కర్ణాటక, మహారాష్ట్ర మరియు తమిళనాడులోని కొన్ని ప్రాంతాలలో ప్రసిద్ధి చెందాయి.
కర్ణాటకలో శాకంభరీ దేవిని బనశంకరీ దేవి అని పిలుస్తారు మరియు నవరాత్రులలో బనద అష్టమి ముఖ్యమైన రోజు.
🌹 Shakambari Navaratri - Banada Ashtami... 🌹
Shakambhari Navratri begins on Paush Shukla Ashtami and ends on Paush Purnima.
Paush Shukla Ashtami is known as Banada Ashtami or Banadashtami. Most Navratri begins on Shukla Pratipada except
Shakambhari Navratri which begins on Ashtami and ends on Purnima.
Hence Shakambhari Navratri spans for total eight days. However in some years due to skipped Tithi and leaped Tithi Shakambhari Navratri might span for seven and nine days respectively.
Shakambhari Mata is incarnation of Devi Bhagwati.
It is believed that Devi Bhagwati incarnated as Shakambhari to mitigate famine and severe food crisis on the Earth.
She is also known as Goddess of vegetables, fruits and green leaves and depicted with green surroundings of fruits and vegetables.
Shakambhari Navratri culminates on Paush Purnima which is also known as Shakambhari Purnima.
Shakambhari Purnima is also known as Shakambhari Jayanti as it is believed that Devi Shakambhari was incarnated on the very same day.
Shakambhari Navratri is popular in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and some parts of Tamil Nadu.
In Karnataka, Shakambhari Devi is known as Banashankari Devi and Banada Ashtami is an important day during Navratri.
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jeevanjali · 8 months
Paush Purnima 2024 Upay: पौष अमावस्या के दिन पीपल के पत्तों से करें ये उपायPaush Purnima 2024 Upay: हिंदू कैलेंडर के अनुसार, एक वर्ष में कुल 12 पूर्णिमा मनाई जाती हैं। सनातन धर्म में पूर्णिमा का विशेष महत्व है। यह दिन देवी लक्ष्मी की पूजा को समर्पित है। इस बार पूर्णिमा 25 जनवरी, गुरुवार को मनाई जाएगी।
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astrocenter · 10 months
December 2023 Panchang Mahurat for the month of December 2023
Panchang is an ancient Indian Calendar system based on Astronomical data. Calendar calculations are done based on the position and movement of the planets, stars, Nakshatra and constellations. Panchang is very useful in determining the ideal or auspicious vaar, tithes, yogas, Nakshatras and Karan commonly called the Muhurat, for carrying out various activities like vivah muhurat or marriage, greh pravesh, starting a puja etc.
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We are sharing with you the Panchang Hindu Calendar for the month of  December 2023. (Last month of English year) Hope you will find it useful for planning of your various activities.
13th December  ,2023                     Margashirsha  month Shukal Paksha month
27th December  ,2023:-                     Paush month Krishan Paksha
Ekadashi :- Utpati  Ekadashi on 08th December  ,2023  (Friday ) in Krishan Paksha –    Margashirsha month
 Mokshada   Ekadashai on 22nd December  ,2023 ( Friday )  in Shukal Paksha –Paush  month .
Pardosh fast: 
On 10th December  ,2023 in Krishan Paksha Margashirsha  month.
On 24th December ,2023 in Shukal Paksha Margashirsha   month
Sankranti – Sun will enter in Sagittarius  on 16th December  ,2023 (Saturday)  Paush  month
 Sankranti at 15.58 PM.
Amavasya  :- 12th December  ,2023 in Margashirsha  month (Tuesday ).
Satyanarayan Fast:- 26th December  ,2023 Margashirsha month
Purnima :-                 26th December ,2023 Margashirsha  month
Pardosh fast:-          24th December ,2023 Shukal Paksha Margashirsha  month
                                :-10th December ,2023  Krishan Paksha  Margashirsha month
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Shubh Muhurats in the December 2023:-
Engagement dates in December  2023 :- 
07th ,08th and 14th December ,2023
Marriages Muhurats in December  2023:-
04th ,06th,07th,08th December, 2023.
Vehicles Purchase, Computer, refrigerator, Truck and other valuables dates in December   2023:- The best Nakshatra for purchase of Vehicles are Shatabhisha, Rohini, Mrigashira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Chitra, Swati and Sharvana –
02nd, 07th,08th, and 14th December 2023
* Avoid Saturday if Saturn is bad in the chart and avoid that dates when Moon falls on 4th, 8th and 12th in transit from Natal Moon
Greh pervesh:- Vishakha, Bharani, Ashlesha and Magha Nakshatra are inauspiciousfor Greh parvesh.
Tithi:- 4th, 9th,15th and 30th are inauspicious as per Hindi dates for Greh parvesh
Sunday and Tuesday dates are inauspicious for Greh Parvesh.
The best months for Greh parvesh are Vaishak, Sharavana, Phalguni and Ashwin.
The house to be shifted in Fixed Lagna Taurus, Leo and Scorpio.
The house to be shifted in Shukal Paksha on Monday,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
There are dates in Krishan Paksha are auspicious but Shukal Paksha are most auspicious.
Greh parvesh:- Old 01st,02nd,06th,08th,09th,15th,18th and 21st December 2023
(New house).:-  No mahurat in December 2023 No auspicious date
Construction of new house:- 08th December, 2023
 Inauspicious Nakshatra  December 2023- Gand Moola Nakshatra :-  Ashwini, Ashlesha, Magha, Jyestha , Moola and Revati.
Aslesha Nakshatra from 02nd December  ,2023 from 18.54 PM to 05th December  ,2023 Magha Nakshatra till 00.35 AM
Jyestha Nakshatra from 12th December ,2023 from 11.57  AM to Moola Nakshatra 14th December  ,2023   till 09.47 AM
Revati Nakshatra from  20th December , 2023 22.58  PM till 22nd December  ,2023 Ashwini 21.36  PM
Aslesha Nakshatra from 30th December,2023 from 03.10 AM till 1st January,2024 Magha Nakshatra till 08.36 AM
Panchak: - 17th December   ,2023 from 15.45 PM  till 21st December  ,2023 at 22.09   PM
All auspicious works should be avoided during Panchak - (No Auspicious tasks). The time is not considered good to start any new business.
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Parmod Kumar
Former  Assistant General Manager ( Punjab National bank)
Astrologer (PK Astroceneter now The PK Astro)
Blogger:- www.pkastrocenter.com
For love marriage, delayed marriage, foreign travelling,settlement abroad or career ,business and kaal sarp yoga /dosha
Email at [email protected] or place your query
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YouTube Channel The PK Astro (Parmod Kumar Astrologer)
Website:- www.pkastrocenter.com
You may reach on WhatsApp numbers + 917009270427 or +918860017788
This site is for high profile and premium customers.
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artijaihind · 2 years
Paush Purnima 2023: हिन्दू धर्म में पौष मास के शुक्ल पक्ष की पूर्णिमा तिथि को बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण माना जाता है। इस वर्ष पौष मास में 6 जनवरी
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marketingstrategy1 · 2 years
Paush Purnima 2023:कड़ाके की ठंड में हरकी पैड़ी पहुंचे हजारों श्रद्धालु, गंगा में लगाई आस्था की डुबकी - Paush Purnima 2023: Huge Crowd Of Devotees On Har Ki Pauri For Ganga Snan
Paush Purnima 2023:कड़ाके की ठंड में हरकी पैड़ी पहुंचे हजारों श्रद्धालु, गंगा में लगाई आस्था की डुबकी – Paush Purnima 2023: Huge Crowd Of Devotees On Har Ki Pauri For Ganga Snan
हरकी पैड़ी पर गंगा स्नान करते श्रद्धालु – फोटो : अमर उजाला ख़बर सुनें ख़बर सुनें पौष पूर्णिमा पर हजारों श्रद्धालुओं ने गंगा में डुबकी लगाई। सुबह चार बजे से हरकी पैड़ी एवं आसपास के गंगा घाटों पर श्रद्धालु स्नान के लिए पहुंचने शुरू हो गए। श्रद्धालुओं की आस्था कड़ाके की सर्दी पर भारी पड़ी। दिन में धूप निकलने पर भीड़ बढ़ती गई। श्रद्धालुओं ने गंगा घाटों पर पितरों के निमित डुबकी लगाकर मां गंगा से…
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