#Pedro pascal gc
steebersss · 4 years
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anyways here’s @coredrive ‘s giveaway present! they wanted a shirtless whiskey with his electric lasso but of course i had to give him a ~wet t shirt~ for inexplicable reasons
i hope you like darling and thank u for participting!
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miriammaisel · 3 years
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well this year has literally been the worst but i’m so happy to have this place to go to when i’m feeling down. you all brighten up my days and i thank you for that!! i met so many amazing mutuals this year so here’s a post i guess!
first off alexandria @merceralexs - i think i’ve known you the longest on this hellsite and i just appreciate you so much!!! you really mean a lot to me and just thank you for always being there and having my back. ilysm!
and to the [redacted] 2: electric boogaloo gc: @merceralexs, @alexsmercer, @kieumyvus, @lukefromsunsetcurve, @juliesmolinas, @alexjulies, @misterparnassus ily all!! can’t wait for more chaos in 2021!! 
also shoutout to gcwca!! ily all and you make me feel seen
and shoutout to the barchie babes!! @bettycooopers, @betty-coopers, @willowdeandickson, @candicepatton, @jharvelles can’t for barchiedale s5 ahhhh 
this is in no particular order:
@eizagonzalezs, @friarlucas, @isakvaltzrsen, @unspokenfaith, @stydixa, @jonahsimms, @mikeshanlon, @sunsetjulie, @tmhollandss, @aniskyswalker, @jacesclarissas, @archiesbetty, @behlamy, @captainmmarvel, @quincywillows, @amarakaran, @bidoctor, @lucamarinnelli, @anyatylorsjoy, @elizabethchapel, @stephensking, @katherine-mcnamara, @samwwinchester, @madisonreyes, @iridescentides, @lyrassilvertongues, @joeshardy, @lorelaigilmo, @lorelaileighs, @neverfindmegone, @buffyscmmers, @timothyolyphant, @lukehan, @shadowsweavers, @aarontveit, @lorelaigilmoure, @magnusedom, @pedros-pascal, @taylorjoy-anya, @ghostes, @docmcfly, @peter-quint, @elenas, @collinear, @calebcovington, @bisexualsdean, @thewonderwoman, @montygreen, @dindjharin, @danslevy, @alexisrosemullens, @naaleys, @gwenparkrs, @madisonrooney, @eddiediaz, @rapunzels, @solacelight, @lyrasbelacqua, @oswiins, @alkaysaniyusuf, @lizzie-mcguires, @nora-reid, @stewart-booboo, @kennyortegas, @reggiespeters, @valenttine, @kalaadandekar, @rockyblue, @jakeperalta, @sunsetscurving, @leifdonnellies, @cmonreginald, @fyeahbuddie, @erinsdoherty, @robertsbarbie, @myfuckingbirthday, @steviebuds, @madeline-kahn, @anakinslywalker, @hotdogalex, @wokealex
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clairiere · 3 years
Mazin on TLOU cast
So every Tuesday, Craig Mazin, who's adapting TLOU for HBO, does a podcast with fellow screenwriter John August on screenwriting as craft and the film industry in general, and I was hoping he'd talk about the latest news as they frequently talk about their own works and experience, and he did! Briefly (main topic today is the WGA/agencies settlements), but he did. 
It's Episode 488 (2/16/21), and it's free (for about 5 months or so) so you can listen for yourself on your favorite player. Just search for Scriptnotes. They also upload a transcript @ https://johnaugust.com/scriptnotes within a week or so, but here’s a rough transcript anyway:
0:54 mark
JA: Craig you had some exciting news, tell us the exciting news that happened this last week.
CM: So yeah, we announced our casting for the two main characters in The Last of Us HBO series. Pedro Pascal is going to be playing Joel, and Bella Ramsey who people might be most familiar with as Lyanna Mormont [...] on GOT [...] is gonna be playing Ellie. I was a bit nervous. I don’t know if you noticed but the video game fanbases can be a little harsh. (laughs) You may have read about these things from time to time. There had been months and months of people sort of tweeting at me or at Neil Druckmann about who they wanted to, you know, "you have to cast this person!", "you have to cast this person!" Everybody was very much, you have to do this or this or this. And we didn’t do any of these things. (laughs) We did what we did. But it went over pretty well, actually it went over really well. And I was thrilled with the response. And more importantly, we know what we’re doing. We know why we made these choices. And we are thrilled with them. We couldn’t be happier on our end of things. So this was fun to announce.
[segues into CM imploring people to use the correct past participle for the verb ‘cast’ (also ‘cast’) because ‘casted�� pushes him over the edge] 
CM: So Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey were cast in The Last of Us. They were not “casted.”
And I’m quoting him because it’s one of my pet peeves as well. 
4:38 mark
JA: I just wanted to acknowledge, I was so excited for your casting. I’ve never met Bella Ramsey, she’s fantastic on GOT. Pedro Pascal’s also great on GOT. I got to hang out with Pedro Pascal over a year ago at a social setting, and he was just delightful and lovely. And I think he’s going to be phenomenal, and phenomenal to work with.
This was also a week in which some actors who apparently are not phenomenal to work with, or who did some things which were controversial.
[and yes, they do talk about, among other things, GC briefly but I’m not interested in summarizing, you can listen for yourself if you're curious]
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themandadlorianbod · 3 years
Hi hi! I’m newish in town (intense, serotine-boosting Pedro Pascal fandom town) and what did he delete after the election? I tried googling but all the GC crud muddied my results. Thank you for your time! Happy weekend to you!
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max--phillips · 4 years
I keep telling myself that I would love to take a masterclass course to learn about acting with Pedro Pascal as the teacher.
And I realized something. . . . GC HAS HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN FROM HIM AND OTHER TALENTED ACTORS ON SET?! Like whaaaaaaat? Bish, why didn't you take the chance?? I would have seized the opportunity with zero hesitation! AND apply the knowledge right then and there. What a waste of opportunity . . .
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Some ppl do not recognize an opportunity when it slaps them upside the head fjgkvjfhdjfhdndjdjsb
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thestangossip · 3 years
What did GC say about Lux Pascal? She named her?
She never named her but in general Gina is transphobic. Lux in the article stated they’ve been transitioning for years, and Gina claimed Pedro talked to her about trans issues. Do you think the topic of his sister didn’t come up?
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pestopascal · 4 years
Wait wait how did I not notice this? It’s pesto pascal for pedro pascal when he’s literally your icon smh
ksdjhfsdkj yes 😌 @kitanotakeshi made a typo in the gc and it stuck hehe
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astramachina · 2 years
(Lush) Good to know! Only thing I liked in GC besides The Boys was Pedro Pascal, because, well, Pedro. Will keep an eye on Kings Man again. And I've been well! Hope to get more script shenanigans, that last one with the two voice recordings with one being garbage (or both were?) was intense.
Pedro Pascal can have my number, lbr.
Good luck with those script shenanigans! Those are always a handful to get all spiffy and ready to go, and I'm sure you've got this. A lil revising and editing usually does wonders. ~
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edencherries · 3 years
Lock screen
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Last picture
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From computer classes, my professor sent it to the gc lmao
And the last song is I wanna dance with somebody, :)
aaaaaah i love your lock screen!!! i didn’t know you were in computer classes bestie you are so smart💗
I wanna dance with somebody now always reminds me of pedro pascal
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kafkatits · 3 years
So now people are saying Pedro Pascal should be fired because he compared Trump supporters to white supremacists and nazis?? Like that’s somehow comparable to what GC has been saying???
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