flock-talk · 2 years
Transparency With Parrot Food Manufacturers
There's been a significant rise in the expectation of transparency between pet food manufacturers and the general public. Dog food manufacturers, for example; have AAFCO, feeding trials, and an array of nutrient digestibility charts, base nutrient expectations, and sanitary guidelines to follow which a lot of brands then openly share with the public. These standards help pet parents make more active choices in what they feed their pets, tailor their pets diet to meet their individual needs, trust that their food meets a base line of nutrition, and that the food was produced in a sanitary manner. The dog food industry is far from perfect and even these regulations have their flaws and the tests aren't without fault but it is a good base for us to compare to when we're trying to sort out what we want from other pet food manufacturers. In this case I'm focusing on parrot pellet manufacturers.
I had a few different goals heading in to this.
I wanted to see how transparent pellet manufacturers would be with sharing information that is common to ask dog food manufacturers (information is not confidential, revealing formulas, secrets, etc.)
The availability of nutrient analysis charts (breakdowns of how much of each nutrient is in their pellets)
What standards parrot food manufacturers held themselves to
If any feeding trials were performed on their pellets
And to preface this with my own bias, I am pro-pellet, I currently feed pellets.
Before we get too deep in to this let's break things down a bit.
As it stands there really aren't any regulating bodies above parrot food manufacturers as far as I could find. There doesn't seem to be much of any standards when it comes to their sanitization or product quality, the best you get is the FDA/ CFIA which basically just make sure a food isn't outright toxic. As it stands there haven't been enough studies done on parrot nutrition for there to be a governing body stating what the minimum nutrient requirements are for parrot food, we simply do not actually know what those requirements are yet so there cannot be a set standard for it. This unfortunately leaves us open to a lot of problems, if there's no nutritional requirements and no standardized testing then we're really just putting a lot of trust in to a company that wants to turn a profit. We're hoping that the food that says it's nutritionally complete is what it says with no evidence to show for it, and no science to confirm it.
So with that said no parrot food can actually claim to be "100% nutritionally complete", we do not know what nutritionally complete looks like for parrots, there is no science to back up those claims.
So I set out and emailed every parrot pellet manufacturer I could think of and asked them the some questions.
"Does your company do feeding trials? If so, is that data available to the public anywhere?"
"Do you have a nutrient profile available?"
Feeding trials are very simply a test where you feed a set of animals exclusively one diet and then monitor them to see if the food is capable of providing the base essential nutrients needed to live. Usually they do blood work, urine and fecal alongside regular physical exams to monitor things like nutritional deficiency, ailments, and nutrient digestibility. This helps show that a food is capable of providing what the target animal needs to survive without causing health problems and provides vital information on what amount of vitamins/ minerals in the produced food are actually being digested and absorbed. These tests are common among well-known dog food companies and most are more than willing to share that data to give their consumers peace of mind with easy transparency.
And let me tell you I am beyond disappointed at what happened when I asked parrot food manufacturers the exact same thing.
TOPs: No nutrient profile listed on the website, does have a detailed breakdown of why every single ingredient was added though. Happily discloses that parrot nutritional science doesn't have all the data to claim any food as 100% nutritionally complete and advises for the feeding of fresh foods in addition to their food, didn't specify exactly how much of each to maintain optimal nutrition.
I emailed them three times and never got a response back from any of them.
Harrisons: Does say you can feed 20% vegetables by weight while the pellet should be 75%, has an easily available nutrient analysis on their website.
also emailed three times with no response back.
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Caitec: no nutritional analysis listed on their main website, website did not state how they want their product to be fed, product packaging states that veggies should be a treat/ addition and lists the pellet as a "complete diet".
emailed three times with no response back.
Lafeber: Primarily promotes mixed seed and pellet formulas, doesn't state any risks of parrot's selective consumption (study on that problem), does promote the feeding of fresh produce in conjunction with their formulas at 20% of the diet, no nutrient analysis on their website.
emailed three times with no response back.
Zupreem (Compana Pet Brands): did respond back but they phrased their response in a way to dance around the subject, after some pushing they confirmed they do not do feeding trials. Encourages use of fresh foods with their formula, at least 60% pelleted diet recommended. Had an extremely small nutrient profile that just skipped over the important nutrient requirements like the Ca:Ph. I asked for a nutrient profile which they did not want to provide but were able to tell me that the naturals pellets have 0.59% calcium
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Roudybush: Says fresh foods can be fed but "as a minor part of the diet", does say that science doesn't have enough information to make a product tailored to each species of bird, did make changes to their formula recently to remove menadione in favour of alfalfa due to it's potential toxicity. does seem to be evolving as science progresses. Ingredients list wasn't listed on the website, nor was a nutrient profile.
did not reply to any emails.
Tropican (HARI): I was hopeful for this one by the way their website boasts about their feeding trials and research. So so hopeful.
Talks about doing feeding trials openly on their website, recommends 70% pellet to 30% fresh foods (by caloric content not weight) but mentioned that their birds eat 100% pellets. Easily accessible albeit basic nutrient profile but it covers the main things.
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After my email Mr. Hagen actually ended up calling me and what I was hoping would be a motivating call ended up being very hostile. Whenever I asked questions about data or results of a feeding trial I was immediately shut down, the topic was changed, I was interrupted mid-sentence over and over again. I was able to get small tidbits of info that were as vague as "we've fed multiple generations of birds on this food" and "we do annual weigh-ins". He would casually mention data from a study he had done but then dart away if I asked for the name of the study so I could read it later. It was an extremely off-putting phone call. Completely unwilling to say how many birds were in a trial, how many years the trial went on for, if there was bloodwork or nutrient digestibility charts, nothing at all. He also casually mentioned that once the birds are old enough they get sold to stores which was very unnerving to me.
So I guess they maybe do legitimate feeding trials but they will under no circumstances offer that data to the public? I don't know. They wouldn’t provide any published articles or data to actually prove that the trials exist and I will definitely not be contacting them again to find out. They suggested I was trying to steal their formula and lying about my identity. I'm not going to try to get a simple answer out of them again.
Mazuri: recommends 20% fresh foods 75% pellets, nutrient profile available on the website.
did not reply to any emails.
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Pretty Bird: Does not do feeding trials, prompt to reply, at least knew what a feeding trial was. Couldn't find feeding recommendations on the website, no nutrient profile aside from the generic guaranteed analysis having a few add-ons but still skipping on the important nutrients you'd want to know about.
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Kaytee: Did not know what a Feeding Trial was. Thought I wanted samples and offered me a coupon. I had to explain to this animal food manufacturer what a feeding trial was. Unsurprisingly they do not do feeding trials. Website had no listing of a nutrient analysis. Recommended 70-90% pellets to some fresh foods. In their own published article they went over how damaging seed diets are for parrots but then they also sell seed-only diets with the ingredients they were specifically bashing in their own article. When I asked for a nutrient profile this is what I was given:
"Nutrient levels are calculated based on ingredient data, feed compendium tables and direct diet analysis. Actual levels may vary slightly due to ingredient and analytical variation."
Kaytee exact naturals cockatiel pellet:
"0.4% Calcium 0.2% Available Phosphorus (non-phytate P) 0.1% Magnesium 120 ppm Zinc 140 ppm Iron 700 IU/kg Vitamin D3"
and that's just extremely limited information. I'm glad they were willing to provide something but in comparison to some of the others it's just not a lot of data.
Psittacus: advises for the use of grit in parrots, recommends 100% pellets but says you can feed a minimum of 70% to make room for fresh foods. Their response to feeding trails was really vague: "our products have been evaluated and tested in our centre as well as collaborating centres. This information is for internal use and it is not published anywhere". Wouldn't say what tests were done or elaborate further than that in any way. I then inquired for a detailed nutrient analysis chart saying that Mia's calcium has been a bit of a struggle (since it has been), curious if their brand may have more calcium than the ones Im using now to help her out to which they replied with "our food contains the calcium levels appropriate for him/her". (you literally cannot say that, you haven't run tests on my bird, you haven't worked with my vet regarding my bird, you cannot guarantee a blanket statement like that.). They did offer me a link to this catalogue which has more detailed info on their pellets production and a more thorough nutrient analysis chart.
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I am shocked by the responses I received. I am disappointed in parrot food manufacturers. I am frustrated with parrot food regulations.
I knew I wouldn't get much out of these emails since the standards for parrot food are so low but the amount of companies that just pretended not to get my emails or didn't even know what a feeding trial was is ridiculous. The amount of companies that were making claims that science can't back up, or making claims that science actually disagrees with is astounding.
The complete lack of transparency is terrifying.
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carloskaplan · 9 months
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Pellets, por Leandro Lamas
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cantoghalpon · 9 months
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O Nunca Máis converteuse en Outra Vez
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lemoonuwu · 6 months
Got the buns some toys, lol.
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elkoko · 9 months
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Para la Xunta los pellets son la nueva quinoa y como dijo aquel "entran por donde entran y salen por donde salen"
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beauh · 1 year
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carabanchelnet · 9 months
RUEDAFAKE | Un alcalde del PP desmiente a Rueda. Se repite la historia del Prestige. Abandonan hasta a sus propios alcaldes. Video publicado por ℂ𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕒 ℙ. 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕔𝕠𝕥𝕖 @crispmarcote
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Quand même efficace le poêle à pellets à la montagne
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planetabio · 2 years
Feito de carne, osso e PLÁSTICO!
Bem, talvez alguém esteja se perguntando "tem plástico dentro de mim?
TEM Sim!
E em quase tudo e todos, também!
Tartaruga na iminência de engolir uma garrafa pet
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Microplásticos (partículas inferiores a 5 mm) e nanoplásticos (partículas inferiores a 0,001 mm) já foram detectados nas fezes e urinas humanas. Também há evidências científicas da presença dessas partículas em diversos órgãos humanos, dentre os quais, fígado, baço, pulmões e rins.
Recentemente, cientistas holandeses coletaram sangue de 22 doadores anônimos. No sangue de 17 desses doadores foram encontradas partículas de micro e nanoplásticos com concentração média de 1,6 microgramas por mililitro (equivalente a uma colher de chá em mil litros de água).
Em outras medições realizadas por cientistas da Universidade do Arizona (EUA), micro e nanoplásticos derivados de diversos tipos de polímeros foram detectados em tecidos humanos, dentre eles policarbonato (PC), tereftalato de polietileno (PET), polietileno (PE) e bisfenol A (BPA).
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Tá ok, mas os micros e nanoplásticos podem trazer malefícios à saúde humana?
Bem, embora não se saiba com exatidão de que forma essas partículas interferem no metabolismo celular, é preocupante saber que dentro de nosso organismo existem partículas que não são biodegradáveis. Uma garrafa PET, por exemplo, demora cerca de 500 anos para se degradar na natureza.
Microplásticos acumulados em larva de peixe
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Sabe-se que os polímeros plásticos podem se acumular nas mucosas do trato digestivo interferindo no funcionamento do estômago e do intestino delgado, sobretudo na absorção de nutrientes efetuada pelas vilosidades intestinais.
Diversos animais acabam ingerindo macro, micro e nanoplásticos, especialmente animais marinhos e aves aquáticas. Muitas vezes, confundem utensílios plásticos com comida. Tartarugas, peixes, baleias, focas, gaivotas e golfinhos estão entre as principais vítimas de obstrução do tubo digestório por excesso de plástico ingerido.
Outro fato importante que preocupa os cientistas é que alguns tipos de polímeros presentes nos micro e nanoplásticos podem ser degradados por enzimas digestivas com consequente liberação de substâncias potencialmente tóxicas e carcinogênicas.
O bisfenol A, por exemplo, composto utilizado na fabricação de plásticos de policarbonato (chamado de PC), pode causar câncer e mimetizar determinados hormônios sexuais, como os estrógenos. O policloreto de vinila (PVC) é outro tipo de plástico capaz de liberar substâncias carcinogênicas no organismo.
Mas o mundo sempre utilizou plástico no seu dia a dia?
Os primeiros tipos de plástico sintético surgiram no final do século XIX. Mas foi no início do século XX, por volta de 1930, que polímeros plásticos passaram a ser utilizados como matéria prima na produção de canos d'água, utensílios e embalagens, dentre eles o poliestireno (PS) e o policloreto de vinila (PVC), ambos obtidos a partir de derivados de petróleo. Em 1938, a chamada poliamida (nylon) foi inventada e passou a ser uma das principais matérias primas na produção de vestuários.
A partir de 1950 a utilização de plástico na produção de diversos produtos que consumimos aumentou vertiginosamente. Além disso, a cultura do "descartável" ganhou força em nosso modo de consumir. Em questão de poucos anos, diversos objetos de plástico passaram a ser "descartáveis": copos, garfos, colheres, pratos, garrafas, fraldas etc.
Microplástico acumulado em larva de lagosta
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Segundo a revista científica Science Advances (2017), desde 1950 o mundo já produziu 8,9 bilhões de toneladas de plástico.
Onde todo esse plástico está?
Bem, cerca de 29% de todo esse plástico ainda estão "por aí", em uso, porém, cerca de 70,9% foram acondicionados em aterros sanitários, ou pior, descartados em lixões, isto é, como diriam "dois palitos" para boa parte desse plástico ir parar nos rios, florestas e oceanos. Apenas uma pequena parcela do plástico é reciclada (0,06%).
Nos Alpes, nas Fossas das Marianas, no Rio Amazonas, nos charcos pantaneiros, nas águas de todos os oceanos.....
Nada escapa do plástico!
Quantos continentes existem no mundo? Você falou 6? Errou, são 7! Temos América, Ásia, Oceania, África, Europa, Antártida e a ILHA DE PLÁSTICO!
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A Ilha de Plástico situa-se no Oceano Pacífico ,entre a Califórnia e o Havaí, ocupando atualmente uma área equivalente a três Franças. Essa ilha é formada por um acúmulo de 1,8 trilhões de pedaços de plástico flutuantes descartados por diversas pessoas do mundo. Todo esse lixo flutuante acumulou-se devido ao chamado "Giro do Pacífico Norte", uma espécie de rodamoinho natural das águas que direcionam lixo, por meio de correntes marinhas, para aquele local do Pacífico. Anualmente, milhares de mamíferos marinhos, peixes, tartarugas e aves aquáticas morrem, ou por ficarem presos nos entulhos plásticos, ou por ingerirem plástico.
Uma tragédia!
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Vale ressaltar que, por meio das cadeias e teias alimentares, micro e nanoplásticos acumulados nos tecidos de diversas espécies animais, dentre eles peixes, moluscos e crustáceos, chegam também aos humanos. Não escapamos dessa tragédia, como advertiu em 2016, um relatório da Organização das Nações Unidas para a Alimentação (FAO).
Baleia Grávida Morta devido à grande ingestão de plástico
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Talvez a solução para esse grande problema ambiental esteja na revisão de nossas posturas como consumidor. Descartar a cultura do descartável e substitui-la pela cultura do reutilizável é certamente um dos caminhos.
Para que utilizar saquinhos plásticos, se podemos levar os produtos que compramos nos supermercados da vida em caixas de papelão ou simplesmente em sacolas de tecido reutilizáveis?
Jogar lixo na rua, nos bueiros, nos rios e nas praias, então, nem pensar!
Claro que a ciência está fazendo a parte dela, pesquisando materiais biodegradáveis que possam substituir alguns tipos de plásticos. Mas tudo isso será em vão se não fizermos a nossa parte.
Leia também:
1-https://www.iberdrola.com/sustentabilidade/ilha-de-lixo-pacifico-setimo-continente (acesso em 03 de novembro de 2022).
2-https://g1.globo.com/meio-ambiente/noticia/2022/03/24/cientistas-encontram-microplasticos-na-corrente-sanguinea-humana.ghtml (acesso em 03 de novembro de 2022)
3-https://www.bbc.com/portuguese/geral-48518601 (acesso em 03 de novembro de 2022).
4-https://g1.globo.com/meio-ambiente/noticia/2022/11/02/baleias-azuis-engolem-10-milhoes-de-pedacos-de-microplastico-por-dia.ghtml (acesso em 03 de novembro de 2022)
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feuerwehren-org · 14 days
Im Keller befand sich ein Pelletslager mit ca. 5 t Holzpellets, aus dem dichter Rauch drang.
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flock-talk · 1 year
Ain’t no way this bird hasn’t seen pellets before, no seed junkie eats TOPs on the first try, I refuse to believe that
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malakkc-poetry · 2 months
Certificate of Excellence,  poem: Deemflum Falls
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View On WordPress
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holdvarmen · 3 months
Hos www.hold-varmen.dk har vi billige træpiller af høj kvalitet. Læs mere på: www.hold-varmen.dk
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thesmallestclown · 6 months
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Counted them all. That's it. There is nothing else in this image.
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elkoko · 9 months
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La Xunta quita importancia a la marea de pellets y solo le ha faltado decir que son lo mejor que le ha pasado a las costas gallegas en los últimos años.
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wally-b-feed · 6 months
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Anthony Fineran, Algeria Pellets, 2024
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