#Penalty area
mapecl-stories · 9 months
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be-queer-do-arson · 6 months
It's crazy how even though exy is almost a direct rip off of lacrosse, lacrosse isn't the closest real world sports equivalent. It's hockey
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wilhelm-laugh · 9 months
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it’s them, ok?
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hollis-exe · 3 months
they gotta put some sort of enrichment in my cave man i just spent 3 hours placing cubes
#picked up 76 to round out the end of the season and oh my god base building has me by the brainstem#the worst part i think is that theres no way for me to show a non-player what i do without it losing a degree of its impressiveness#like dgmw objectively my builds look nice and a viewer would be like [wow! that looks great]#but they would lack the necessary knowledge to know why its great beyond the aesthetic sense like.#the insane fuckin exploits i have to pull off in order to make shit look good#for anyone still reading this: my favorite technique for punching up an area is merging and merging;#there's certain terrain features and items in game that#when under specific conditions#allow you to merge two objects together. but it gets more complex: some objects require support.#so you have to sandwich in either a conduit or a floor mat.#but then it gets more complex: even if you merge objects together; the architecture of your structure may prohibit placing it.#so you pull out a flame thrower trap. intentionally break the architecture (only possible across some varieties of wall and floor btw)#at a penalty. and then you place your shit. and then you repair it. and then: most vitally of all: you do not fuck with it.#a misclick can undo hours of work#AND FOR WHAT: BTW: I ENJOY THE PROCESS BUT OBJECTIVELY THERE ARE BETTER WAYS I COULD SPEND MY TIME!!!!!#anyway once i finish this latest build i think ill do a walkthrough of it or smthn to post here. im very happy with it =:]#daily h
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bijoumikhawal · 1 year
Florida's passed a law wanting the death penalty for child sex crimes and now everyone's gonna pat themselves on the back and not enough people are gonna think about how kids are hesitant to report already and this'll just make it worse
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alliluyevas · 10 months
why do so many apartment buildings have this weird mix of five and one star reviews
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There is no in between with the conversations in my friend group; they’re either about really serious topics or the most batshit thing possible.
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butt-puncher · 2 years
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goonerkiki · 9 months
Still not convinced about that decision
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georgia-stanway · 1 year
I know I haven't been to a huge number of games but I do feel slightly cursed that I have never seen my team score more than 1 goal AND win. Also I've never been to a game that's been like really proper filmed cause I've only ever been to lower league games so that was interesting
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fatehbaz · 1 year
Good question:
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In the United States, many jails and prisons can and will charge you money for every single night that you spend imprisoned, for the entire duration of your incarceration, as if you were being billed for staying at a hotel. Even if you are incarcerated for years. Adding up to tens of thousands of dollars. What happens when you’re released?
In response to this:
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You’re getting charged, like, ten dollars every time you even submit a request form to possibly be seen by a doctor or dentist.
You’re getting charged maybe five dollars for ten minutes on the phone.
Any time a friend or family tries to send you like five dollars so that you can buy some toothpaste or lotion, or maybe a snack from the commissary since you’re diabetic and the “meals” have left you malnourished, maybe half of that money gets taken as a “service fee” by the corporate contractor that the prison uses to manage your pre-paid debit card. So you’re already losing money every day just by being there.
What happens if you can’t pay?
In some places, after serving just a couple of years for drugs charges, almost 20 years after being released, the state can still hunt you down for over $80,000 that you “owe” as if it were a per-night room-and-board accommodations charge, like this recent highly-publicized case in Connecticut:
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Two decades after her release from prison, [TB] feels she is still being punished. When her mother died two years ago, the state of Connecticut put a lien on the Stamford home she and her siblings inherited. It said she owed $83,762 to cover the cost of her 2 1/2 year imprisonment for drug crimes. [...] “I’m about to be homeless,” said [TB], 58, who in March [2022] became the lead plaintiff in a lawsuit challenging the state law that charges prisoners $249 a day for the cost of their incarceration. [...] All but two states have so-called “pay-to-stay” laws that make prisoners pay for their time behind bars [...]. Critics say it’s an unfair second penalty that hinders rehabilitation by putting former inmates in debt for life. Efforts have been underway in some places to scale back or eliminate such policies. Two states — Illinois and New Hampshire — have repealed their laws since 2019. [...] Pay-to-stay laws were put into place in many areas during the tough-on-crime era of the 1980s and ’90s, said Brittany Friedman, an assistant professor of sociology at University of Southern California who is leading a study of the practice. [...] Connecticut used to collect prison debt by attaching an automatic lien to every inmate, claiming half of any financial windfall they might receive for up to 20 years after they are released from prison [...].
Text by: Pat Eaton-Robb. “At $249 per day, prison stays leave ex-inmates deep in debt.” AP News / The Associated Press. 27 August 2022.
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Look at this:
To help her son, Cindy started depositing between $50 to $100 a week into Matthew’s account, money he could use to buy food from the prison commissary, such as packaged ramen noodles, cookies, or peanut butter and jelly to make sandwiches. Cindy said sending that money wasn’t necessarily an expense she could afford. “No one can,” she said. So far in the past month, she estimates she sent Matthew close to $300. But in reality, he only received half of that amount. The balance goes straight to the prison to pay off the $1,000 in “rent” that the prison charged Matthew for his prior incarceration. [...] A PA Post examination of six county budgets (Crawford, Dauphin, Lebanon, Lehigh, Venango and Indiana) showed that those counties’ prisons have collected more than $15 million from inmates — almost half is for daily room and board fees that are meant to cover at least a portion of the costs with housing and food. Prisoners who don’t work are still expected to pay. If they don’t, their bills are sent to collections agencies, which can report the debts to credit bureaus. [...] Between 2014 and 2017, the Indiana County Prison — which has an average inmate population of 87 people — collected nearly $3 million from its prisoners. In the past five years, Lebanon’s jail collected just over $2 million in housing and processing fees.
Text by: Joseph Darius Jaafari. “Paying rent to your jailers: Inmates are billed millions of dollars for their stays in Pa. prisons.” WHYY (PBS). 10 December 2019. Originally published at PA Post.
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Pay-to-stay, the practice of charging people to pay for their own jail or prison confinement, is being enforced unfairly by using criminal, civil and administrative law, according to a new Rutgers University-New Brunswick led study. The study [...] finds that charging pay-to-stay fees is triggered by criminal justice contact but possible due to the co-opting of civil and administrative institutions, like social service agencies and state treasuries that oversee benefits, which are outside the realm of criminal justice. “A person can be charged $20 to $80 a day for their incarceration,” said author Brittany Friedman, an assistant professor of sociology and a faculty affiliate of Rutgers' criminal justice program. “That per diem rate can lead to hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees when a person gets out of prison. To recoup fees, states use civil means such as lawsuits and wage garnishment against currently and formerly incarcerated people, and regularly use administrative means such as seizing employment pensions, tax refunds and public benefits to satisfy the debt.” [...] Civil penalties are enacted on family members if the defendant cannot pay and in states such as Florida, Nevada and Idaho can occur even after the original defendant is deceased. [...]
Text by: Megan Schumann. “States Unfairly Burdening Incarcerated People With “Pay-to-Stay” Fees.” Rutgers press release. 20 November 2020.
So, to pay for your own imprisonment, states can:
-- hunt you down for decades (track you down 20 years later, charge you tens of thousands of dollars, and take your house away)
-- put a lien on your vehicle, house
-- garnish your paycheck/wages
-- seize your tax refund
-- send collections agencies after you
-- take your public assistance benefits
-- sue you in civil court
-- take money from your family even after you’re dead
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mapecl-stories · 9 months
Triumphant Victory: Jonas Leads the Way
In the autumn 2022 points round, an exciting away game began for the C-youth against TSV Eintracht Bad Cannstatt. Jonas, one of the talented strikers of the team, was full of anticipation and ready to give his best.
From the start, Jonas' team aggressively pushed forward, but was hindered by frequent offside positions in the offensive play. Nevertheless, they did not lose courage. After a beautiful combination of three passes, Felix had the first chance for a goal, but the opponent's attentive goalkeeper skillfully parried.
The team maintained control of the game and used the high direct pass density to dominate the course of play. Lukas narrowly missed the goal with a quick advance, and Leon narrowly missed the goal with a long-range shot. The lead was practically in the air.
Shortly before the end of the first half, the team was awarded a standard. From a semi-right position, David curled the ball into the penalty area, the goalkeeper could only parry it centrally, and Noah was there to score the overdue halftime lead.
After the change of sides, the game continued intensely. Noah tried with a solo run and narrowly missed the goal. The tension in the match noticeably increased. After winning the ball in the middle of the field, Ben started another run. He outsmarted the entire defense and shot the ball halfway up the right side of the goal. A strong goal, really well executed!
The home team reacted immediately and scored a consolation goal. A similar action followed, which almost led to an equalizer, but Tim managed to deflect the ball just around the post.
In the final quarter of an hour, Bad Cannstatt became increasingly dangerous, and lapses in concentration on the part of the C-youth favored their chances of equalizing. But then the team remembered, physically held their ground, and shifted the game into the opponent's defense.
Finally, the referee's final whistle sounded, and the team could celebrate. With a final score of 2-1, they had played a successful game. Congratulations were extended to the entire squad. There was nothing to criticize about the team's attitude on this day, and their physical condition was also in good shape. Now, the task was to further improve their hunger for goals and finishing hardness, in order to confidently face the next home game against TSV Stuttgart Gerberau.
Jonas, as a striker, had once again proven himself in this game, showcasing his strength and determination. His goals were crucial for the team's victory. With each game, his confidence grew, and he was full of anticipation for the upcoming challenges, where he could once again demonstrate his skills.
After the game, the team gathered in the locker room and congratulated each other.
Jonas: "What a game, guys! We really gave it our all and deserved the win."
Felix: "Exactly! You paved the way for us with your goals. Simply played brilliantly!"
Jonas: "Thank you! But without your setups and support, my goals wouldn't have been possible."
Lukas: "We really functioned as a team. Everyone contributed."
Leon: "True! The fighting spirit was truly impressive today."
Jonas: "And Tim, you made some crucial saves in the final quarter. That was the key to the victory."
Tim: "Thank you! I was determined to prevent them from equalizing."
Coach: "Guys, I'm proud of you! Today, we showed what we're capable of. But now, it's time to continue working hard and prepare for the next game."
The team nodded in agreement and together they said: "Together we are strong!" They left the locker room, full of confidence and anticipation for the upcoming challenges.
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rafescurtainbangz · 5 months
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College Hockey Rafe…
♡ who met you at a hockey party and has been with you ever since.
♡ whose been in the penalty box a little too much because of you. Fully aware of where you're at in the stands. Quick to chirp any player with a wandering eye; ready to throw his gloves for almost anything when it comes to you.
♡ who changed his number, choosing your birthday instead.
♡ who has to fight back his climax, watching you bounce on top in his jersey. Taking you from behind to last a little longer, cumming almost instantly when he sees his last name on your back.
♡ who’s running into the area because he's late… He looked a little too good in his game-day suit.
♡ who knows he can count on you to be standing outside of the locker room after the game, greeting you with a smile and a kiss, showing you off to all his teammates.
♡ who practically melted when he saw the jean jacket you made with Cameron and his number on the back.
♡ who would never let you go to a hockey party alone; his arm usually wrapped around your waist. The two of you leaving early or finding a room with a lock because he just can't get enough.
♡ whose post-game/post-workout showers include you. Always.
♡ who needs to have you right against the glass. And, without fail, will look out for you the second he scores a goal.
♡ who would never call you Puck Bunny in front of the guys, but the second the bedroom door closes, he's in your ear. “Bunny, Puck Bunny, Puck Slut.”
♡ who takes his attack out on the ice. Usually leaving the rink with a gash or a shiner. But that agression instantly fades when he's around you. He leans in close, hands on the fullness of your hips as you sit on the bathroom counter, wincing slightly as you clean his cut, soothing it with a bandaid and your lips.
♡ who calls you right after every away game.
♡ who’ll book you a plane ticket because his game falls over Valentine’s Day, and he wants to take you out after.
♡ who’ll call you from his hotel room if he’s on the road for phone sex or just to fall asleep because he doesn't like being without you.
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alotofpockets · 3 months
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Accidental | Leah Williamson x Chelsea!Reader
Summary: Where you accidentally injure your girlfriend.
Woso masterlist | Words: 2.1k
A knock on your front door pulls you out of your focus on getting ready, you head to the door and open it. “Hi Lia, come in!” She enters your home and greets you with a hug. “I’ll be right back.” Back in your bedroom, you grab your training kit, and start changing. From the bathroom your girlfriend calls out for you, “Baby, I forgot to bring my clothes, can you please grab them for me?” You walk to her overnight bag, and pull out the Arsenal kit she packed. 
In the bathroom Leah is waiting for you in a towel. “Here you go, my love. Though, I do think it’s the wrong colour, because London will be blue tonight.” Playing for rivalry teams could have been hard on your relationship, but in your relationship it had never been a big deal, and you could joke about things like this without hurting each other’s feelings. “Ah, so you are colour blind then, because it will definitely be red.” She jokes back. You peck her lips, “I’ll head down and keep Lia company.”
The big rivalry between the teams, and between some of the players within the teams had also been the reason that the two of you kept your relationship private. Lia knew of course, as well as both your family’s, but not your other teammates or the public. You were both happy with that, and it had worked for you for the past year. 
When Leah got downstairs, she greeted her best friend with a hug. “Sorry to keep you waiting, y/n was trying to get me to wear a Chelsea kit.” The smirk on Leah’s face gave her away instantly. “That would have been so much better, I should do that next time!” The three of you share a laugh, before you have to head out. “See you at the stadium my love.” You kiss your girlfriend goodbye. “Good luck out there today!” You wave to the both of them and get into your car, while Leah and Lia get into Lia’s car. 
The London Derby was well underway, and Arsenal had taken a 2-1 lead. Both teams were fighting hard, which came with a number of free kicks for both teams. Every time you moved up the left flank, you were challenged by Katie McCabe, one of the Arsenal players you always had a tussle with on the field. Both of you were quite aggressive in your playing styles, so on the field it was like you were each other’s enemies. Things like this had also been taken into consideration when you and Leah had decided to keep your relationship private. Right now, your mind was fully focussed on getting past McCabe, but with a rough pull on your arm you were taken to the ground. You were frustrated with her move and wanted to get right into her face about it, but Guro anticipated you being angry, and was already standing between you and McCabe to hold you back. Katie got a yellow card, and Chelsea got a free kick from just outside of the penalty area. 
Lauren got in position to take the free kick, while you positioned yourself at the near post with Leah defending you. When the referee blew the whistle Lauren showed with her hands which one of the set pieces you had practised was the one she was going to deliver. She sent the ball flying in your direction, you jumped up and tried to turn your body mid air. Before your head connected with the ball, you felt your elbow crash into something, or rather someone. Your focus was off of the goal and the ball flew far over, as your girlfriend crashed to the ground from your arm hitting her in the face. “Are you alright?” You hold out your hand to help her up. “Yeah fine.” After helping her to her feet, you both run away from the goal again, like the rest of the players, but when Leah grabs her face, your hand is instantly on her back. “Are you sure you are okay, Lee?” Without answering you she falls to her knees and hands. You wave over the medics instantly, before you’re able to crouch down with her you feel a pair of hands push you backwards. “Don’t you think you’ve done enough, y/l/n?” Your eyes meet Katie’s angry one’s looking back at you, you raise your hands and back up, right now all that mattered was Leah’s well-being and fighting with her teammate wouldn’t help. Still you watched from a distance as the medical team was assessing her with the referee standing next to them. The referee signalled to the Arsenal staff that a substitution needed to be made, next she made her way to you, and gave you a yellow card. Usually you would fight it since it was accidental, but it was your girlfriend that was walked off of the pitch by the medics, and all you could think about was the fact that you had injured her.
Your focus was completely off the game, so it was to no surprise to you that you were subbed off soon after Leah was. You jogged to the sidelines where Maika was ready to come on for you, and gave her a quick hug before stepping off yourself. After taking your coat and your bottle from the staff, and shaking hands with the coaching staff and your teammates, you headed into the tunnel instead of taking a seat on the bench. 
Determined to find Leah, you made your way through the halls of Emirates Stadium. With your next turn you saw Lia sitting opposite a closed physio room, “How is she?” Lia shakes her head, “I don’t know, they’re still checking her out, I haven’t heard anything yet.” You start pacing the hallway instantly. “She walked here herself, I’m sure she is going to be okay.” It was like you didn’t even hear Lia. “Y/n, why don’t you sit down?” She said putting her hands on your shoulders. “No, I can’t.” Lia knew there was no changing your mind, so she let you be as she sat down herself again. After a couple more minutes of you pacing around the hallway another figure comes around the corner, checking on her teammate. You were so out of it that you hadn’t noticed the person coming closer until you were pushed against a wall. “Who gave you the right to be here?” It took you a moment to realise what was happening, Katie had you pushed against the wall by your shoulders. “Katie, get off of her.” Lia tried but to no avail, Katie was full of anger. “What are you doing here?” She spat in your face. You push her off you, “I am checking on Leah, what does it look like I’m doing?” A slight annoyance in your tone.
Lia tried to come between the two of you again, now that Katie wasn’t at your throat. “Katie, please calm down.” Katie shook her head. “She’s the reason Leah is in there, why are you on her side?” She didn’t wait for an answer from Lia and turned back to you. “Why don’t you go home and wait for an update on Leah when it gets posted online?” You finally had enough of Katie’s antics, and exploded. “Because she is my girlfriend, McCabe. I fucking injured my girlfriend, and you are being a piece of shit to me, which isn’t helping. So, please just shut up, I feel bad enough as it is.” Katie is taken back by your sudden outburst, and the information shared within. She looked over to Lia for confirmation, who simply nodded her way. “Well, shit.” The Irish woman said and took a step back and sat down in one of the chairs. 
You slide down against the wall, the interaction with Katie having one positive result, no more pacing the hallway for you. The three of you sit in silence, waiting for an update on Leah. When the medics come out they talk to Lia, but of course you and Katie hear them as well. A concussion, you gave your girlfriend a concussion. “Can we see her?” Lia asks. “Yes, just keep the volume down and don’t turn on the light.” She talks with the medics about the next steps, but you don’t hear them anymore. The words “She has a concussion.” Play over and over again in your mind. You were the reason that she would be out of the game for a couple of matches, what if she would hate you over it? 
Katie realised that you were struggling and moved your way. “I’m sorry for being an ass to you. Leah clearly means a lot to you, so I am sure that you do to her as well, and that means she is going to need you in there.” You let your eyes meet Katie’s, the anger you saw in them earlier, replaced by a softness you couldn’t place yet. She reached out her hand to help you up, “What do you say we go see her?” You let her help you up and follow Lia into the room. 
Leah’s eyes open slightly when the door opens, but she closes them as soon as the slightest bit of light enters the room. Katie quickly closes the door to keep the light from the hallway out. “Who’s there?” Lia starts by saying her name, Katie follows, and you follow them, “and y/n.” You could see Leah tense upon hearing that you and Katie were both there. “Relax love, she knows.” Her shoulders untense, and you walk to her side and grab her hand. “I am so sorry for hurting you.” Leah squeezes your hand, “It’s not your fault, it was an accident.”
The three of you sit in the room with Leah until the medics let you know that she can leave. You decided that Leah was going to stay with you during her recovery. Since Leah wasn’t feeling well, you didn’t feel comfortable driving her on your own, so Lia offered to drive the both of you back to your place. Katie offered to pick up some stuff at Leah’s place, and drive Lia back to get her car. With that plan in place, you headed home. Leah leaned into your side in the backseat, her head heavy and painful. 
After almost a week Leah was starting to feel better, light wasn’t bothering her as much anymore, and her headaches were less present. The first few days had been rough, her head was pounding, and she was very nauseous most of the day. Luckily her symptoms got less day by day. You didn’t have many visitors, because that would be too much for Leah, but Lia and Katie had come by to bring you supplies every now and then.
You drop your phone on the bed in frustration, not realising that Leah had woken up already. “Hey baby, what’s wrong?” Your chest felt thigh, you didn’t want her to worry about this as she had too much going on already. “Nothing love, it’s fine.” She knew you were trying to hide what was bothering you, so she grabbed your phone that was still laying open on the bed. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing, the screen was filled with your Instagram notifications. Each one of them that she read worse than the other. People were sending hate your way for hurting Leah. “I am so sorry this is happening baby.” She pulled you closer to her and hugged you tight. “Why didn’t you say anything?” You shrug, “I didn’t want to bother you. You’ve had enough going on, I didn’t want to add to it.” She kisses your forehead. “You’ve been taking great care of me, but it’s okay if you need someone to take care of you too. I am always here for you, remember?” With a nod of your head you let her know that you know. 
“I have an idea, but you need to tell me if you’re okay with it, because if you aren’t that’s okay too. I am just so angry at the people sending these kinds of messages your way.” Leah told you your plan, and you let her know that you were okay for it.
----- leahwilliamsonn just posted to her story
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Of course the comments didn’t stop with that, but they lessened and were overruled by the nice comments people were sending both your ways now. The reasoning might not have been ideal, but you were both happy that you didn’t have to hide your relationship from the world anymore.
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saerins · 1 year
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+ itoshi sae x f!reader | wc 4.7k | content: fluff (i promise), slight insecurities, comfort, 5 times he says yes and 1 time he says no
notes: ok ok so guys !! i know i’ve been posting angst recently so i offer you comfort sae !! <3 this man has my entire heart so i’m just gonna embrace it hehe may or may not have been thinking of ‘daylight’ when i wrote this .
summary: the way sae loves you is beautiful. it’s nothing like you envisioned and something you never knew you needed.
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“be my girlfriend, then, idiot.”
he’s handsome, seventeen.
even more handsome when he’s on the field, being the beast you know he is. he dribbles past everyone like they’re robots, like they’re snails. he gets into the penalty area and scores, and everyone in the stand cheers.
if there’s one common knowledge in your high school, it’s that itoshi sae is one of the world’s best soccer players.
maybe it’s no wonder that you’re holding a bag full of gifts for sae for valentines, being assistant manager for your school’s soccer team. it’s astounding how heavy this bag is. but you’ll know that in the end, whatever’s inside will likely get distributed between the entire team anyway, given how sae never accepts a single one.
“is it that time of the year again?” sae sighs, squirting water from his bottle into his mouth, towel hanging around his neck as he walks out of the locker room shirtless, fresh after a shower and hair all damp, sticking to the sides of his face.
still handsome.
“would it kill you to accept at least one of them?”
you expect one of his usual retorts—maybe a yes or a one of them could be poisonous. but instead, he grabs the bag from you, still frowning. “fine then,” he says, opening the bag and peering inside before he turns his gaze back onto you, “which one’s from you?”
the one with the purple post-it attached to sae’s favourite candy bar.
“i didn’t give you any, itoshi,” you lie, keeping your calm and crossing your arms. but sae cocks a brow because he doesn’t believe you. “really!”
“yeah, you sure about that?” sae’s tone takes a surprisingly gentle turn, and you find it hard to get used to. especially when it’s coupled with an amused expression.
“really, i’d die before giving anything to a grump like you.”
sae nods his head like he doesn’t believe you and starts rifling through the contents. he takes something out—a candy bar with a purple post-it attached to it. you can’t escape from him even if you tried.
“you’re the most irritating smart handsome guy i know, i hope you make it to the big leagues, i’ll never get tired of watching you play,” sae reads out loud, monotonously because it’s his way of mocking you. his gaze shifts from the note up to you, and he has his answer by your unwillingness to meet his eyes. “slick.”
“oh, shut up,” you tell him before turning on your heels and walking off.
“you want me so bad.”
“you wish, itoshi sae.”
“hey, take the rest of these away from me,” sae calls after you, referring to the big bag of valentines’ gifts you’d just left him with.
you turn around, walking backwards. “i’m not your girlfriend, itoshi, not my job!”
sae smirks. “be my girlfriend then, idiot.”
taken off guard, you fail to watch where you’re walking and fall over a broom, knocking several of the janitor’s stuff over. sae runs over, straight-faced while he holds his hand out to you.
“damn klutz,” he remarks as he pulls you up on your feet.
you’re thankful sae’s not the kind to make jokes like how he swept you off your feet, but the close proximity is making you giddy, in a good way, and you’re not sure you want to pass up on that.
“so what, itoshi? and let me go,” you say, trying to pull away from him. he doesn’t let go though.
“say yes, then i’ll let go,” he tells you, and you can feel his breath fanning your lips and you’re sure he’s having a field day watching you get flustered.
“sure you want me, itoshi sae?” because a part of you finds that hard to believe, with the way he rejects other girls left and right and barely feels any remorse.
but what you don’t know is how different you are to him. if he dare say, special. maybe it’s the way you’ve always seemed like the stubborn kind, the kind of girl that refuses to ask for help but secretly wants to be protected. the kind of girl who can always help herself, but kill him if he thinks you’re someone who wouldn’t mind having someone to lean on.
maybe at some point, he started to want to be that person for you. no matter how many times you scream his name for not complying to schedules, no matter how many times you flip your hair against his face. you have everyone on the soccer team on a leash, and most of all sae.
that’s the first time he tells you—yes, he wants you.
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“not even if you bribe me.”
at nineteen, sae’s serious about you.
it’s no secret that he’s devoted—you can feel it. because sae isn’t the type to profess his love every day, no. he’s the kind that shows it through his actions, through the way he automatically carries your shopping for you, through the way he always takes your side in public, through the way he looks at you whenever you’re talking.
you have no doubt about it. it doesn’t even cross your mind that he might stray. yeah, you have your priorities, and he has his. you’ll go after them, and he’ll go after his—there’s no reason why you can’t chase your dreams in parallel.
your parents think otherwise, though.
like some rather typical parents do, they’re sceptical; sae can see it in their eyes. the way they furrow their brows whenever you invite him to chime in during dinner, the way they ask investigative questions—things about his past history that even you never asked him.
“mom!” you’re fed up with their interrogation tactics, shooting a warning glare at your parents.
your mom and dad look at each other in resignation before resuming to quietly eat their dinner. you’re reluctant to leave sae alone at the dinner table with your parents while you help to wash up, but sae tells you he’ll be fine. because he will.
they’re humans. they’re like you, just older and less prettier. why should sae be scared?
as expected, the moment you turn the tap on, your parents jump on him.
“you know, she really likes you,” your mom tells him. “i can’t say the same for you, though.”
sae’s never navigated around conversations with parents. he doesn’t know the first thing about this. he’s just keeping his fingers crossed he doesn’t fuck up.
“you look like someone who has a lot of girls, itoshi,” your father chimes in before sae can speak up. “you have a lot of girls on the side?”
he could not be more wrong.
“none, sir.”
why does this effort feel much more than necessary?
“why y/n?” your mother jumps in, and for the first time tonight, sae spots a genuine curiosity in her eyes.
not the best question to ask someone who doesn’t even remotely talk about their feelings. sae finds himself stumped, but your mother is, fortunately, a nice person deep down.
“just tell me this,” she leans forward, and your father seems to relax a little bit, sinking back against his chair. none of you realise the tap’s turned off. “do you love her?”
that’s… premature, if sae has any say in it. and he thinks it’s criminal that he’s telling your mother before he even tells you, but he knows that not admitting it would likely cause a rift between you and them—not something he wants.
making you miserable? no thank you.
so he nods, “yes, i do.”
“you realise that—”
“sir, let me put it this way: you can’t force me to stay away from her, not even if you bribe me.”
from the kitchen, you smile as you listen. looks like you had nothing to worry about after all.
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“they’re nothing compared to you.”
you love seeing sae living his dreams; love having front-row seats to his matches, love catching the fleeting glimpses he gives after he wins.
he’s twenty-one and thriving in the soccer scene, more than ever. world-famous and revered. the two of you are stronger than ever, still, because despite how sae looks, he’s much softer than people think.
when he’s running late from practice, he texts you the moment he can, tells you what’s up. when he has to cancel on you, he makes sure he makes it up to you. if he has soccer obligations on special occasions, he’ll let you know.
it’s funny thinking back to the days when you used to squabble with each other, to the days when everyone was tired of hearing you and sae argue.
not that that should be a problem now anymore—why? simple, because non-disclosure agreements are ass. but a highly recommended thing by his publicist; to protect his image, and then he told you not to take it personally because he’s asking all of sae’s close contacts to sign it too.
which didn’t take long.
it was mostly rin and his parents, and some other guys he used to know back in high school.
oh, and there’s you. apparently, you can’t divulge anything about being in a relationship with itoshi sae. so, as far as the world is concerned, he’s a bachelor.
“it’ll sell better,” was all the explanation his publicist offered.
sae had been against it, because why should he hide you from the world? and it’s stupid. but his publicist is smart, pointing out that you might get harassed online if his loyal fans find out. (to which sae begrudgingly agreed to, for the interim.)
it was fine, up to a point, but you’d never really considered how you’d feel seeing all these headlines of sae possibly being romantically linked with all these socialites and up-and-coming movie stars.
a part of you, the prideful part, is too stuck-up to ask your boyfriend for assurance. mainly because you think it’s stupid. sae constantly texts you when he’s not with you (as much as his schedule allows), and whenever he’s done for the day he goes back home and calls you if he can.
the other part of you, the lovestruck one, is afraid that maybe you can’t measure up to everyone else. that just maybe, you’re worlds apart and you’re not good enough.
usually you’d wait for sae to tell you he’s home, you’d let him rest his mind on the way back, but this time you’re impulsive and you’re dialing his number before you know it.
“hey, what’s wrong?” he asks, picking up after just two rings. even he knows you don’t usually initiate the calls.
“um,” you stutter because you don’t actually know how to tell him you’re calling to ask for assurance. despite having been together for four years, you realise that neither of you have actually sat down and talked about feelings.
“babe, talk to me,” sae urges you, and you can hear him getting off the bus. he must have just reached his apartment complex. he must’ve been tired from an entire day of intensive bootcamp and here you are, calling him with your trivial matters.
“it’s nothing, sae, forget it.”
“wait, what—”
you hang up before he can say anything and quickly text him.
i’m feeling a little sick tonight, just going to rest early.
sae leaves you on read and you think you’ve fended him off.
you did not.
an hour later, he’s at your door, carrying all your favorite convenience store snacks and a worried expression.
“what is it?” he asks you. you’re a little too stunned to speak. sae lets himself in, placing the snacks on your dining table before he really looks at you, surveying your face. “what were you crying about?”
you suddenly feel stupid for thinking your puffy eyes wouldn’t give you away.
sae tips your chin up when you try to look down. “y/n, tell me,” and he sounds only concerned, and the guilt builds up inside you.
so you tell him—you tell him about your intrusive thoughts as he lets you lay against his chest on the couch. you tell him about your insecurities as he sits in silence and listens. you tell him that you think it’s stupid of you to think this and you’re beginning to think you’re an ass for keeping him up so late when he has training tomorrow morning.
but sae doesn’t feel that. not one bit.
“it’s not stupid,” he tells you, and if you’d been able to see his expression, you’d know that he can never look at anyone the same way he looks at you. “all those girls you’re worried about, they’re nothing compared to you.”
“really?” you sniffle, appreciating the fact that even though he’s horrible at talking emotions, he’s trying his best for you.
sae pulls some hair away from your face and you pull back to get a good look at him. “really, stupid.” you laugh and he laughs, and now you’re really feeling stupid because there’s no way sae would ever choose anyone else over you. would never dream of having any other option.
sae sighs, in that lovingly way he does. “yes, i promise,” and he means it—he’s never thought of being with anyone else. “i love you, don’t i?”
you nod, chuckling because yes, yes he does. and yes, you know that more than anyone. even if it has to be kept under wraps for now; there’s no cause for concern.
when you fall asleep on his chest and sae’s too cautious to wake you up, your mother wakes up to take some water and stumbles upon the sight. she greets sae with a nod and a smile, the softest one he’s seen so far.
“my daughter has good taste.”
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“that’s a secret.”
sae’s only getting more and more famous as he gets older. a year later and he’s already garnering attention from everyone, with girls lining up to be a possible mrs itoshi.
you’re still unknown; hidden in the crevices, tucked between pieces of signed contracts. you’re dealing with it, it’s fine. it’s going great, only because you’ve learned to get used to it. it was either that or to call everything off, and you don’t want that.
it’s a friday night and sae’s away for another match, this time in london, and you’re watching post-game interviews on your screen while you finish your pack of chips.
they finally get to sae, throwing the normal obligatory questions like how he feels after winning the match, how he feels like being the man of the match. until they start asking personal questions like who he’d like to dedicate his win to.
he dodges the first few easily with vague answers. but then they get even more personal.
“so, itoshi, rumours have it that you’ve been in a long-term relationship now, is that true?”
you freeze up hearing the question, noticing how sae momentarily looks to the right before he rolls his eyes and turns back to the interviewer.
“maybe,” he answers, and you’re surprised. that’s the first time he’s probably not listened to his publicist.
“now who is this lucky lady?”
sae sighs, “that’s a secret.”
his interview ends there as he retreats back into the locker room, your phone vibrating almost immediately after.
one day i’m gonna show you off to everyone.
you smile as you type your response.
sure you want the whole world to know you belong to me?
you expect a retort about how it’s the other way around, but he does one better.
fuck yes.
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“you make me lose my goddamn mind.”
you’re both comfortable, twenty-three and lounging in sae’s apartment, curled up in the couch, fingers intertwined and spending a lazy sunday in.
it’s right smack in the middle of his break and you’ve got him to yourself for four entire months. it’s been good, so good.
everyday you’re reminded of why you love him, of why he’s yours. the way he pulls you back against him in the mornings when you wake up. the way he says your name when he’s sleepy, the raspiness in his voice known only to you.
“hey, i’m heading out for a while,” he tells you, slipping on his slides and unlocking the door.
that’s how it usually goes; you’re still not allowed to admit to your relationship, even if sae has hinted at being in a committed relationship. what his publicist considers as minimising risks is that both of you shouldn’t be seen out in public together. that’s why you’re having fun nights out at odd hours and being romantic in private.
sae often just leaves in the middle of the day, some alone time and maybe get some groceries since you can’t let yourself be seen leaving his apartment. it’s not an ideal situation, but you’ll take it. the last thing you want to do is make his life harder.
while he’s gone, you do the chores—make the bed, defrost some chicken breasts, vacuum, maybe wash the laundry. he’s doing his best to learn the right way to do chores (because one time when you asked him to help vacuum he ended up vacuuming the bathroom too), but you find it’s easier if you just do them instead.
usually he comes back by now, takes about a half an hour because his apartment is nestled in the centre of town, surrounded by all the stores and amenities he could need. but you stare at the clock.
it’s been an hour and a half, what’s he up to?
sae doesn’t even respond when you text him. right as you’re about to call him, worried, you hear his keys jangling and the door opening.
you expected to find him carrying a huge bag of groceries with the amount of time he was gone, but he’s empty-handed and you’re starting to think maybe he was hounded by paparazzi.
“did you have trouble with some press?” you ask innocently, mop in your hand.
sae sighs, “fuck no, thank god.” he toes off his slides and tosses his keys on the dining table, taking his cap off and tousling his hair. his pretty pretty reddish brown locks.
“oh, then where’d you go?”
sae smirks at you this time, hiding something behind his back.
“what’re you up to, itoshi?”
he rolls his eyes because you only call him that when you’re afraid. “relax, baby,” he coos, inching closer to you and revealing what he’s holding.
sae’s holding up your keychain; a mini figurine of sae you got from one of the gift shops during his match. but you spot something that wasn’t there before—a key, painted black like the door to his apartment.
“this key’s yours.”
you blink at him, a little stupefied. “sae, did you get lost while trying to find the key copy place?”
sae clicks his tongue, annoyed. “shut up, do you want this or not?” by the way he’s all red, he did get lost.
you take the key from him, suppressing a grin. “aw thanks, now i can let myself in.”
sae sighs again, “i’m asking you to move in, stupid.”
“y-you want me to move in here?”
“like, you want to see my face everytime you wake up and before you go to bed?”
“you want me to live here with you, together?”
“yes and if you ask anymore i’ll take it back.” because sae’s aware that you’re asking out of disbelief—he loves his alone time yet here he is, asking you to be with him whenever he’s back home. which isn’t that hard to believe for him; you’re the only one he’d ever want to be alone together with.
you giggle, “okay okay, roomie.”
sae only sighs. “you make me lose my goddamn mind.”
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“i don’t want this anymore.”
it’s your fault, it’s all your fault.
sae’s publicist is at the house, screaming at the top of his lungs, and by sae’s unamused expression, he’s not having it. he’s just controlling himself so he doesn’t end up getting a lawsuit filed against him for employee abuse.
“who thinks it’s safe to go out wearing their boyfriend’s jersey, which isn’t even for sale yet by the way,” he rants, staring straight at you, “and go down and buy a birthday cake on his birthday and take it up to his apartment, all while knowing that the press is gonna be camping outside the complex?”
he makes you feel stupid.
sae steps in front of you, his broad shoulders the only thing making you feel safe from his publicist’s constant attack. “you yell at my girl one more time and you’re done,” sae threatens, managing to get his publicist to storm out of the house.
apparently, sae had a big endorsement deal all planned with the one stipulation being that he had to appear a bachelor up until the stunt was over. and now his publicist’s mad because that’s all down the drain and his commissions are gone.
“hey, you okay?” sae asks you, gently, and you can’t bring yourself to look at him.
you’re fine, you’ll get over it. it’s just what his publicist said that gets in your head.
it’s like you’re trying to ruin his deals.
being with a famous pro player comes with some form of caution, you know that right?
she’s just in the fucking way!
weeks pass and it’s not easier to drown out the voices. sae’s good at it, so he’s already moved past it, resumes work as per usual, assumes you’re okay too because of the multitude of times you insisted that you are.
but really? it’s fucking difficult.
if you thought you were insecure before everyone knew about you, it’s ten times worse now. while the majority of people are nice about it, saying wonderful stuff like how the two of you are so sweet and look so good together, there’s still so many people who shit on you.
wait, i thought he was with that model from that one shoot? damn, he got the short end of the stick with his gf lol
lmaooo what a downgrade from that other soccer star he was dating
@itosae you okay, dude? you blind or something?
there’s a lot more than that. a lot. some of them even found your account, messaged you directly and said some less-than-nice things.
you keep it all from sae, though. the last thing you need to do is distract him any further, especially when he has the champions’ league coming up.
“i’m fine, mom,” you say one night when your mother calls to check up on you. “i promise.”
you’re a bad daughter, keeping these from your mother who’s just concerned. she isn’t convinced, but she hangs up anyway afterwards, telling you to rest.
it’s easy for things to spiral when you keep them all to yourself. the voices in your head that belongs to sae’s disgruntled fans growing louder, drowning out the words of affection sae tells you everyday.
until one day you think you can’t take it anymore.
they’re all telling you that you’re not good enough, that you’re just a burden. his publicist is nowhere near your side, instead silently siding with the fans who berate you. sae’s oblivious to it all, you think, because he doesn’t do anything about it.
one day you’re just sitting side by side, watching a movie, sae’s arm around your shoulders, his fingers idly twirling your hair.
“sae, we need to talk.”
like the lover he is, he pauses the movie, adjusting himself to look at you. “yeah, what is it?” he’s smiling at you because he has no idea what’s coming.
and you know, you know if you tell him what you really think that it won’t work, so you put on your best game face. truth be told, you’d been building up to this moment anyway, purposely telling him you’d be busy whenever he’s back from his games just so you won’t spend time together. it was all to give him the illusion that you just weren’t interested anymore, no matter how fucked up that sounds.
“i don’t want this anymore.”
sae furrows his brows. “what? what’s this?”
you sigh, feigning frustration. “this, sae. us. i don’t want this anymore.”
“why not?”
“because i’m tired. i’m tired of dating someone who’s half here and half not, i’m tired of tolerating your stupid habits, i’m tired of being with you, sae.” you’re raising your voice, but sae doesn’t flinch. his expression doesn’t even change. you’re beginning to think you broke him, made him malfunction.
when sae doesn’t say anything, you continue.
“i want to break up.”
sae looks away from you, at the patch of rug on the floor beside him, jaw clenched. he blinks a few times before he looks back at you.
now it’s your turn to be confused. “w-what?”
sae tilts his head to the side, concern etched in his expression. “i said no, y/n,” he repeats, sighing. he puts his forefinger under your chin, his thumb caressing the side of your face. “who are you trying to fool?”
“i-i mean what i said, sae.”
you’re in disbelief. you hate how he knows you better than anyone else, maybe better than yourself, and you’re beginning to realise no one can come close to sae for you.
“so you don’t love me anymore? don’t wanna be my girl anymore?” he asks, but it’s redundant because he knows the answers. “i love you, okay? and i’d be a shit boyfriend if i let you go like this.”
you’re speechless, so you don’t say a thing, just sit awkwardly in front of him while for the first time in his life, he resolves to being there for you.
“look, i don’t know what mean things people are saying online, but fuck them,” he tells you.
“sae, it’s not easy,” you sniffle.
“then talk to me, and stop shutting me out, you idiot,” he chastises, and you find yourself falling onto him. “i fired my publicist too, by the way. couldn’t stand him spouting shit about you even after i told him to shut the fuck up.”
you laugh at his exasperation, your chest somehow feeling lighter.
“and, do me a favor? ignore the mean comments, yeah?” sae tells you, softer this time. “i kinda don’t ever wanna lose you, so.” he has his head resting on top of yours, your fingers intertwined and your heart soaring.
until now, you’d thought it’d be easy to drive sae away. you thought if you’d been enough of a nuisance, an eyesore, that he’d just take your word for it and run, that he’d throw a fit and let you leave.
but he doesn’t.
sae stays. and he tells you to stay. because he doesn’t know much about laundry, or how to handle feelings, but what he knows is how to love you. he knows what you need and he knows what you’re thinking, even if he doesn’t necessarily tell you about it.
and sae is a bitch to the world. he’s not the friendliest to fans nor does he care about making friends or enemies.
but to you, he’s everything. he says no to either of you straying and he says yes to whatever you ask except when it doesn’t make sense and you never knew that this was the beauty of being with someone who wants you—in every sense of the word.
there’s a certain threshold to pass before you can see everything clearly. suddenly it’s like the mean voices are faded into the background, and suddenly sae’s love is all you hear, and nothing is blurred because now all you can think about is how even if the world fails you, sae never will.
“hey, sae?”
“thank you.”
he smiles against your head and you can feel it. “i love you, stupid.”
and you love him; recognising your handwriting and sweeping you off your feet. you love him; braving your parents, living his dreams. you love him; protecting you and showing up at your door. you love him; bashful yearning and unwavering emotions.
so you kiss him in response, and that’s all he needs to know that you’re with him for life.
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zegrasdrysdale · 3 months
[ 5 more minutes ] l. hughes
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paring : Luke Hughes x fem!reader
summary : Luke’s girlfriend surprises him in Newark after his last college hockey game
warning(s) : none really. just very fluffy and emotional. also very short bc it was 1 am when i came up w this idea
author’s note : in honor of today being my last day as an ncaa student athlete, i quickly wrote this up. i was feeling very emotional and i needed a way to express how i felt. hence why we now have a very fluffy / emotional fic. some of the comments luke makes are some of my thoughts about how my own season ended yesterday. it’s kinda sad but it had to be done. you’re welcome (i think ?)
Jack texts her when he has picked up his younger brother from the airport. She begins to pace around the living room of Jack’s apartment that he’s now going to be sharing with Luke.
She has no clue what state Luke is going to be in when he walks through the door. He’s probably going to be so pissed that he spent the last two minutes or so of his college career in the penalty box instead of on the ice or on the bench with his teammates. He’s been so busy traveling that he hasn’t had time to sit and reflect on the season.
That’s the reason that she hopped on a flight to Newark as soon as the clock hit zero against Quinnipac. She just wanted to make sure that he’s okay before he goes and signs his NHL contract in two days and joins Jack on the Devils.
Either he’s going to be really upset and pissed or he’s going to be excited to start the next chapter in his career. She has no idea which version of Luke she’s going to get.
Keys jingle in the door about a half hour after Jack texts her to let her know he has Luke. She stops pacing and stands in the middle of the living room. Her eyes are on the door as Jack pushes it open.
“… not really in the mood for any surprises,” Luke says as he walks through the door. “I’m so tired.”
“I think you’ll like this one,” Jack tells his brother as he shuts the door behind them. Luke drops the big duffel bag that contains his hockey gear on the floor by the door in the foyer area. Then he finally makes his way to the living room with his suitcase.
He freezes mid-step when he sees his girlfriend.
With a small wave and a smile, she says, “Hi, Lukey.”
Luke crosses the room in five strides because of his stupidly long legs. He envelops her in a hug and buries his face in her neck. She wraps her arms around his torso and they stand like that for what feels like an eternity.
She doesn’t mind. If it means that Luke’s okay then she’ll stand like this forever.
She presses soft kisses into his shoulder and whispers to him, “I’m so proud of you, Luke. So incredibly proud of you. I know that’s not how you wanted the season to end but you did everything you could, and for that I am so, so proud of you.”
A quiet sob wracks Luke’s body as he pulls back from the hug. She sees tears in his eyes and frowns. A couple roll down his cheek and she reaches up to wipe them away. Jack silently sneaks out of the apartment. He thinks he’s slick but she saw him leave behind Luke.
“I hated that I wasnt out there those last two minutes,” he tells her, voice shaky. “Maybe I could’ve done something that pushed the game into overtime or won it for us. Instead I was in the penalty box while my team had to fight even harder to get goals because they were down a man.”
“I know, baby,” she softly replies. “I wish I could’ve given you guys five more minutes. You all fought so hard. So fucking hard. I’m so sorry that’s how your season ended.”
More tears roll down Luke’s cheeks and she continues to wipe them away.
“I feel like I let them down,” he whispers. “I could’ve fought harder for them. For this season. I let them down when they needed me most and now I’m abandoning them.” His words break her heart.
She shakes her head and cups his jaw. “You didn’t let anyone down,” she tells him. “You did what you could in the sixty minutes you had. They know that and they will always remember how hard you fought for them. You’re so important to everyone on that team and you played such an important role in getting as far as you did as a team. They’re just as proud of you as I am because you are about to start an amazing new chapter in your hockey career. You aren’t abandoning them, Luke. They want you to move forward in your career. They understand that you’re ready and that this is what you want.”
Luke nods and wraps his hands around her wrists. She continues to look up at her boyfriend.
She’ll never understand how he feels because she isn’t an athlete. All she can do now is try to help him realize that he isn’t the worst teammate that he thinks he is at the moment. She doesn’t want him to have that mindset as he transitions from college to the NHL.
Losing is tough in any sport. She knows that much and she is going to make sure that Luke understands that it is okay to feel this way but that he also has to get ready to move forward.
“Thank you for being here,” he says after a moment of comfortable silence. “Sorry I’m such a mess. I didn’t think it would affect me this much.”
“It just shows how much you love every team that you’re on,” she replies. “You dedicate so much time to hockey because you love it. You’re allowed to feel this way and feel it for a little bit. You do have a contract to sign in a few days so I’m giving you tonight to get out everything you feel about the Michigan season ended. Tomorrow, it’s time to get excited. I’m here to help you get excited.”
A smile finally cracks through the frown that’s been plastered on Luke’s face since he saw her. She dries his cheeks one more time before she pulls him back into a hug.
Luke presses a soft kiss to the top of her head. “I love you,” he says into her hair. “I don’t deserve you.”
“Shut up. Yes you do,” she retorts. “I love you too. Let’s go get you unpacked then we can take a nap because I heard you tell Jack how tired you are.”
When she pulls away from the hug and starts to walk to his suitcase, Luke grabs her hand and pulls her back to him. She looks up at him for a quick second before his lips are on hers. The kiss surprises her because of how emotional he is, but sometimes a kiss is all it takes to feel better.
She happily smiles into the kiss and runs her fingers through his curls as she returns it. It’s one of his favorite things she does so many he’ll start to feel better a little faster. Luke loves feelings her fingers in his curls. It’s the reason he doesn’t try to tame them.
The front door opens again and a voice says, “Okay, we are establishing some rules. Rule one, the door stays open three inches when your girlfriend is over. I don’t need any babies crying in my apartment at three in the morning right now.”
They both pull back and she looks behind Luke at Jack, who has a disgusted look on his face. She smiles but Luke’s cheeks turn a tomato red. She laughs and shakes her head.
“Rule two,” Jack continues. “No making out anywhere I can see you. That means the-”
“Jack!” Luke snaps. “I get it. We get it. Also, I’m not going to be leaving my door open three inches. If I want to have sex with my girlfriend then I’m going to. It’s my room and we split the rent now so I’ll do what I want.”
“None of that premarital kissing stuff where I can see or hear it,” Jack tells his brother. “I don’t need that in my life.”
She laughs and takes the opportunity to grab Luke’s bag and suitcase. “Don’t worry,” she says. “We won’t traumatize you. Again.”
Both Luke and his girlfriend laugh as they make their way to Luke’s new room, leaving a disgusted and definitely traumatized Jack Hughes in the living room.
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