#Penny Haywood x Jacob's Sibling
rainbowmess823 · 1 year
I dont know if I actually read it or I've just imagine the entire thing but there's this fic with penny haywood from Hogwarts Mystery and it's set after the game and penny and mc are roommates and they have date nights with documentary but they aren't actually dating but everyone is just "ohmygod they were roommates" i can't find it, pls help.
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ariwilder · 2 years
It’s not over until the Fat Lady sings | Part VII
Pairing: Penny Haywood x Jacob’s Sibling
Summary: It’s over. It’s your final day at Hogwarts. It’s time to say farewell to your friends and soon enough the start of new adventures.
AN: Yes, the hiatus is over after SO LONG. If only you are curious as to what could have taken me so long, just go ahead and read. All I can say for now, however, is this gif.
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Part I  |  Part II  |  Part III  |  Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII
Not today. 
You land clumsily on the floor and fall face first. You heave a deep breath and feel the cool breeze over your bruised forehead.  The floor is wooden you take notice. 
“We live.” You sound more excited than relieved.
The tall man of very dark skin gives you a disapproving look as he offers you his big, callous hand, “you may not believe us, but we are not kidnapping you.” He says dimly. 
“You are not doing a very believable job at it,” you mutter under your breath as you stand up and divert your eyes in search of your friend. 
If Nicolau heard you or not, you do not care. 
Feeling a tap behind your shoulder, you turn to find Penny unscratched for the exception of a few stray golden hairs out of place. It kind of takes your breath away, you are not sure if it’s the intense sense of relief or not. 
“You okay?" You feel her cradle your face with one of her hands,“I think I heard you hit yourself when we landed.” 
You open your mouth to answer, while you feel a hot liquid make its way down your nose. Now that she mentions it a throbbing headache is starting to thunder your scalp. 
A hot-cold sensation goes over your forehead in that instant, interrupting the nearing headache altogether. You blink at Penny, and smile at her in gratefulness, only to realise the voice you heard had been a baritone.  
*Wait….that couldn’t have been Penny. 
A sudden cough makes Penny shriek away from you. 
“I hopee you are doing goodje , crianças , Nico,” it is Maria's soft voice smiling over you. From the corner of your eye you witness Nicolau withdraw a rather stout wand into his pocket. 
If Maria took notice of your awkward situation, she does not verbalize it. You go over your face with your hand quickly, confirming that all of your features remain unscratched in their right place. On your hand, a smear of red blood.  Marvelous. 
"Where are we?" It is Penny who asks. You both have been asking this question a lot more than you'd like. 
From the looks of it, after a brief inspection of the place since your landing, you notice you are inside an old library. Or at least that's what it looks like to you. Row over row of tall, dusty dark bookshelves  cover every wall of the two story tall ceiling room. All filled by equally old and dusty books of all sizes, colors and lengths.  In the middle is a rectangle reading table, also made of dark wood, six chairs with red tattered cushions and on the roof, suspended on mid-air, an old wooden enchanted chandelier,  which oddly enough, didn't offer much for illumination. 
"This is my família biblioteca , heirloom of the familia Oliveira  for centuries. We are stayim in minha casa for now, is probably more safe." She says this in a grave tone. It does not suit you well. 
“What is going on here and where is Rakepick?” you see Nicolau to your left roll his eyes. 
Once again, much to your distress, despite being the creator of the portkey, Patricia Rakepick is nowhere to be found in the near vicinity. 
Maria grimaces, "Paty is probably getting o’ Ministério off our backs, they almost got us down there , talvez," she  adds the last as after thought before avoiding your eyes with a sigh. Yet, you are not ready to let things go.
“What does that even mean? Are we some sort of fugitives? Why were we in the Amazonas? What is this ministerio and why are we running from them?” 
You try your best not to holler at them in anger, but being left out of the loop is making you really anxious. You are clenching your fists so tight they are starting to pale. Nicolau steps between you and Patricia instinctively, Penny puts a hand on your arm. 
The more time passes the harder it is becoming for you to trust the whole expedition, and the more you think this is a bad idea. You just can't help but to know.
“ Relaxa Nico , it is time dei know.” Maria pats Nicolaus broad shoulders softly, motherly. He untenses instantly. 
“Sit, por favor , it is long,” she signals to the chairs over the table. They look as if they haven’t been dusted for centuries, and perhaps they haven’t. 
You make your way to a chair, with Penny behind you, begrudgingly.  Over the table, you notice, several pictures both magical and inanimate reside in piles, a map of Brazil and another one of the city (you read the words Rio de Janeiro) with different floating signals. One of the maps even had several floating names over it making their way around the city. You try to gulp but you fail, finding your mouth unusually dry. 
In front of you, you watch a clearly shaken Maria Aparecida put two bony hands over the research table, her expression distraught, “Eu nem sei por onde começar, how to explain.” She opens her mouth and closes it again, a visible quiver on her bottom lip. 
You wish you could feel sympathetic with her, but you don’t. Not when you have been kept in the dark for so long. 
“Let me,” it is Nicolau this time, his face as stoic as every moment you have spent with him, “what you see over here is a map of Brazil and the city of Rio de Janeiro ." 
You raise one of your eyebrows at him with a sober stare. Your cheeky ‘don’t you say’ remains hot on your lips because Penny nudges your ribs with the point of her elbow. You owww at her, she purses her lips at you. You hiss a ‘ fine ’ under your breath while Nico pretends not to notice your banter. 
"We have been following the trail of a number of unusual disappearances, all of which have been escalating in the recent months since their start more than a year ago." Nico pauses as you see a trace of struggle surface through his impassive face. 
You dart your attention between Nico and Maria intrigued. The brief info dump had felt like a joke with a punchline that never quite arrived. You can understand why it would be important to follow the trace of several disappearances but you fail to understand how this could be related to curse breaking or why Rakepick had decided to involve herself in it. 
"Do the authorities know any of this? Don't you have a Ministry that attends to these matters?" Penny asks matter-of-factly, she probably feels as bewildered as you. 
What would a trio of British wizards be doing in Brazil to help solve an arbitrary disappearing mystery? Sounds pretty random, if they asked you. What could you do that the Brazilian ministry couldn't?
Maria Aparecida interrupts your train of thought with a banshee-like chuckle. You would've laughed after her had you not been feeling as annoyed as you currently feel. 
"Ja! O’ministério?” she points one bony finger at Penny while she looks at Nicolau, "O’ministério, menina! Ja-ja-ja-jaaaaaaa!" She hollers in fake laughter only to stop suddenly. 
"Dei have known for months, dei were the first notify of the disappearances of dise…of dise…" she heaves for a second breath, perhaps to gather herself, "....crianças!" She motions wildly in the air with her hands, “...childs!”
She had spoken so fast it was hard for you to understand.
"Dei are corrupt! The worst, porcaria ! Dei do not care. Not about childs, not about safety, not about Macumba!" She hits the wooden table with both her hands in feverish anger before muttering unintelligible words under her breath, that might have been portoguese with a swear word or two by the sound of it. 
"Wait, did you say they are disappearing children?" 
A powerful feeling between nausea and bemusement punches your stomach. As a persecuted child yourself, you can't help but feel sympathy–anger. It hadn't occurred to you before, not really, that outside of Britain all other kinds of terrors persecuted other children daily. 
"They are disappearing sem-magica children from poor regions of Rio de Janeiro-No maj?” He adds as an afterthought after seeing our confused stares. 
“You mean muggleborn? Magical children born from no magical parents?” It is Penny who interjects, you hadn’t heard of the term No-maj before. 
“Yes, muggleborn. We have tracked seven so far." Nico’s face is in a deep frown, an expression you hadn’t seen in his face before, and emanated a menacing aura around him.
"But that would be hard to hide, right? How can school age magical children disappear out of thin air and have no one notice? Or–" 
You can hear a clear distraught in Penny’s voice, heartbreak even. She is probably having a harder time believing something like that could happen just like that, even on the other side of the world. The thought that something like this could happen to her still school-aged sister probably bothers her more than she would be willing to admit. 
“Who say dei were school agee?” Maria’s words impale us into an ominous silence. 
The implications give you immediate goosebumps, while bile hits the back of your throat. 
"Dei are disappearing childs yet to be register in Castelobruxo . O’ministério does not care because dei are not registered ainda the Brazilian magical census,” You see Maria change her palms into firsts over the table.
“Brazilian muggles do not care because the disappearing children are poor and this is ‘normal’ in Brazilian favelas.” Nico quotes in the air with his fingers. 
“We also believe there is enough evidence to suggest this might not only be happening in Rio de Janeiro, but all over Brazil.” 
Nico’s words are so grave, neither you or Penny dare to utter a word. Not of disbelief, nor support. The matter at hand is far more horrifying than any worst case scenarios you would’ve come up with. 
Maria Aparecida hits the wooden table with fury, “And all O’ministério care about is plan the next International Warlock Convention !” She fumes.
“No cause troubawl Maria,” she hits the table with each of her sentences,” No conspiracy theorie Maria,” pum! , “ noting is wrong , noting is happening in Brazil.” pum! , “ Stop or we fire you! Pffft!” pum! , “Macumba no exist anymore!” Her hair turns wilder with every new pummeling of the table, her eyes set up in a flaring glare. Almond eyes so tight and slant you could barely recognize her irises. 
Penny reaches for your robe instinctively. You didn’t know Maria Aparecida, if at all, and she looked ready to cast an unforgivable curse at the minor provocation. 
“What is Macumba?” The question slips through your lips unconsciously. The word had shimmered at you since its first mention, for some reason resonated in your recent memory. 
“Macumba is a very old kind of ritualistic magic that developed in the early magical communities of the 16th century,” Nico pauses and moistens his lips, “you are foreigners, so you do not know but around that time a massive wave of immigration populated Brazil and sem magica, muggleborn, children were not trained in Castelobruxo. That is no longer the case, but  Brazil has a long history of misuse and practice of illegal magic, so we think the disappearances could be related.”
Maria stands up suddenly at this, “No, Nico, we no ‘tink’,” she quotes in the aire, “dei are related, we know.” 
The loud pop of an apparition interrupts your conversation, before the heavy front doors of the library open with a screech. The bloodied figure of a woman collapses before you, the first to run to her side being Maria in a rush. 
“Paty, querida, what happen?” she puts Rakepick’s head over her lap and uncovers her face from a veil, revealing Patricia Rakepick’s signature red head, blood pouring grotesquely down her eyes.  
“They have him, Maria, they have him.” She anguishes, if you didn’t know better you could swear you could hear her sob. 
Maria remains silent, her face unusually petrous. Beside her Nico kneels. 
“Who do they have?” He grabs her robes quite forcefully with intention to shake her. Such a strong reaction takes you aback. Beside you, you notice Penny rummaging through her bag. 
“Who do they have, woman?!” He shakes her for real this time, breaking Maria from the quiet reverie she had immersed into. 
“She is hurt, stop it,” you grab Nicolau’s forearm menacingly. He glares at you with a snarl, you make a quiet dash to your wand. You might not be fond of Rakepick right now, but you would not allow a stranger to hurt her. 
Rakepick brushes Nicolau’s hands from her robes taciturn but placating before speaking to Maria again, “Santos, I think they have Santos, he… he saved me, we have to go back, you have to go back, check your watch.” she orders Maria.
 “Help.” Patricia adds as an afterthought before closing her bloodshot eyes. You grip your wand beside you tightly. These last words, however, are meant for you, that much you know.
ah: I have no excuses, or way too many for the reason why I had been on hiatus for so long. But I have decided, I will finally give it a try and finish something for a change. The outline is done. I delayed a bit because of the world cup, but I hope to keep going forward. Looking forward for the ride, and you'd like, your company!
xoxo, everyone,
You can find me in ao3 too.
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akaryuga · 1 year
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Sorry, LoL I tried.((
Don't get me wrong I like the official MC, but I just trying to get in (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) with my favourite witch Merula hehehe(?
Happy to see the new art style (?) Merula finally show up on the loading screen༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ💕
I'm looking forward for the funny weird ad now LOL.
The original one:
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domaslut · 2 years
Starring: Merula Snyde x f!reader
Warnings: none, just fluff!
Plot: you have to pick a date for the incoming Ball and all of your friends seem to have suddenly picked an interest in you. No one, however, made you feel as alive as Merula did. After a tormented night spent wide awake in your bed, you finally confront and confess your feelings to the lovely brat you have fallen in love with.
Quote: “Last night, I laid in bed so blue 'Cause I realized the truth They can't love me like you I tried to find somebody new Baby, they ain't got a clue Can't love me like you”.
“Let me guess… You haven’t picked a date yet, have you?” Tonks quizzically inquired, plopping down on the empty seat next to you.
“Bingo” you shortly replied, fidgeting with the umpteenth note you had received since the beginning of the week. Where did all of these secret admirers come from? Further more, why did they not sign their gushing letters, if they desperately yearned to be your date for the Ball? You were officially done with them and the absurd situation they were putting you through.
Your pink-haired friend chuckled and propped her chin over her hand, her bright eyes scanning the Great Hall in search for a potential candidate to accompany you to the infamous Ball “What about Andre? He has declared countless times that you’re his muse… I wouldn’t be surprised, if one of these notes has been sent by him?” she observed, pursuing her lips at you.
You averted your droopy eyes from the note to your ravenclaw friend, who was currently showing a new, expensive fabric to a rather joyful Penny. Well, maybe Tonks was not wrong about Andre… But the blonde potioneer was probably one of the other anonymous senders. You thought you had recognized her calligraphy earlier and, judging by the languid glances she was directing to you from across the room, there was no doubt about it. Penny had a crush on you.
“You’re probably right, but I’m not interested in him… And, for what can matter, I’m not going to choose Penny either. – you said, folding your arms over your chest – She’s way too sweet and pure to be my perfect match” you clarified, lolling your head back in dispair.
At this point, you had almost given up on going to the Ball. If a romantic experince had to turn into a stressful loop of anxiety and dissatisfaction, you would have rather spent the night locked up in your dorm, cuddling your pets.
Tonks snickered and stood up, shooting a knowing look at you “Ouch, poor Penny... Well, then I guess I should probably let you know that Tulip heard Talbott and Badeea talking about you in the ravenclaw common room yesterday. – she casually informed you, stretching her arms over her head – Actually, they were arguing. I mean, isn’t it weird? They’re both so calm and rational, then again they’ve lost control over you!”.
Your left eye twitched, your hand ripped up the note in your hand at the shocking revelation. When did she think it was the right time to let you know about it? Not that you were going to consider them as an option in the first place, but you would have surely avoided them down the corridors earlier. Any kind of interaction would have been detrimental in your desperate search for the right date.
“Tonks! – you whined, stomping your foot as a sign of irritation – Is there something else you wish to tell me?” you rhetorically asked her, palming your forehead.
She shook her head and turned her back at you “Nah, I’mma go to bed. And you should do the same!” she replied, ambling towards the exit calmly, as if she had not just dropped a bomb.
She was right. Maybe you were just too tired. And, maybe, you had already made up your mind. You knew who your heart desired, who you enjoyed sharing your meals, or butterbeers with. You had a fling with her. Nothing official, yet something important. You had not kissed many times. Actually, you had barely kissed. However, the way your lips brushed over hers, and the fact that the spark igniting your heart that very night was still vividly stuck in your mind were a clear sign that you were in love with her.
Dragging your feet along the floor, you made your way to your dorm and slipped under the covers without even changing into a proper attire. You were too stressed, too nervous and you struggled to fall asleep for hours. You tossed and turned continously, as you tried to make up your mind. You were conscious that, if you decided to pick her as your date for the ball, this time it would have been forever.
“Fuck it, alright?” you cussed, rolling on your back and staring at the ceiling.
Did anyone else make you feel the way she did? No. Was there someone else residing 24/7 in your mind? Of course no…
“Well… Maybe Barnaby? Argh, who am I kidding? He is always so sweet with me. Just stop, Y/N! I love her! There is no going back. I choose her” you said, maybe a little bit too loud, considering it was 2 o’ clock in the morning. One of your roommate groaned out in frustration and threw a pillow in your direction, that you easily dodged.
“Shut the hell up and ask her out. I wanna sleep...” she ranted, slithering back underneath the blankets to try to get some sleep.
The morning after, you met her at breakfast. You had a very hard time to approach her, especially when Ismelda shot daggers in your direction and seemed to be a minute away from jinx you. Your purple-eyed crush, on the other hand, had no troubles in glaring at her and making you the center of her attention.
“So, what’s the matter? Have you slept last night?” she commenced, cocking her head to the side.
You rolled your eyes at her and rubbed the back of your neck in distress “Please, Merula, don’t make things so damn complicated. – you complained, locking eyes with her – Be my date. I … I’d very much like it, if you just said yes” you blurted out, cheeks flushing up as she stared at you dumbfounded.
“Are you serious?” she asked, blinking skeptically at you.
“Yes, I am”.
“Prove it then” she challenged you, folding her arms against her chest.
You chewed on your lower lip in nervousness, fists clenched at your sides as you pondered her request. You were there, opening your heart to her, making the first step, and she had the audacity of teasing you? Was it not clear enough that you were serious about your proposal? Yet, that side of her personality, what most of your friends loathed about her, was exactly what drove you crazy.
“I love you” you simply quipped then, watching her lips parting in disbelief. Yet, you were done playing games. Sticking up to your intent to make your relatioship official, you cupped her heart-shaped visage in your hands and smashed your lips against her ones.
That was the kiss you had dreamt about for years. That was the kiss you craved and the one you could not wait up until midnight to finally steal from her. Merula was completely shocked, as if a lightning had struck her and she was left fuzzy and disoriented right after it.
“No one is quite like you” you breathed out, pressing your forehead against hers.
She blushed, pulling you in for another brief kiss “I get to have the last word, though. Don’t forget it” she joked, winking at you.
You chuckled and took a step back, bowing your head as a sign of resignation to her umpteenth declaration of her supremacy “See you tonight, miss Snyde”.
Hi there!
Happy Valentine’s Day, guys! This is the first request I had got from my “Valentine’s Day Event”. I will publish the other ones in the next few days. I hope you have enjoyed this drabble♥️
And, if you cannot find me online on tumblr, just text me on my wattpad account: Domaslut! I hang on that platform quite a bit❤️
x o x o
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sailorwritesstuff · 2 years
Poly curse breakers would be so cute idc HOW impractical it is.
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In my head: MC, Charlie, Rowan, Penny, Chiara, and like maybe Talbott live in a little place in Romanian. Charlie goes to work at the Dragon reserve and Rowan works at the Romanian equivalent Gringotts. Talbott keeps a job to fill his Time and Chiara is a healer part time it's no st. Mungo's (yet) but she's getting there. And One day a letter comes for Charlie and MC picks it up while he's getting ready in the morning (he always liked the company in the morning and is hopeless in the kitchen so he simply wouldn't eat before work without you there) as he pulling on his heavy work boots he asks mc to read it. They read it over in their head first and a wicked smile plays on their lips. Charlie asks what it is and MC just grins even harder.
"oh you've got to go save your brother." They laugh covering their mouth "Hagrid and those friends of his are going to get him in trouble. Minnie 'll have a heart attack, my love."
"well what is it then?" Charlie frowns tying his hair back.
"a dragon. They've got a baby dragon. 'Names Norbert"
(McGonagall did not catch a break for 14 years straight.)
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hphmseojunglee · 6 months
TLSQ: Valentine's Day (year / Seojung finally gets his shit together and asks Penny out.
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i literally just got fucking petrified and i was literally waiting for angsty hurt/comfort trope to happen where all of my friends find out and are like "omg are you okay bitch" but NOTHING.
maybe i'm just an attention whore ( I am )
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endlessly-cursed · 1 year
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Update on HPHM
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Lunch Date
Merula and Ismelda: Eww gross.
Beatrice: Well, at least Penny use her time on Douglas instead of me.
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arielemberbridge · 2 years
So, I've been wanting to write hphm tlsq, chapters, quidditch sidequests, and creature sidequests down from my character's point of view. I recently started writing a bit of flying solo (the quest where you become friends with Talbott), and I was wondering if I should continue writing it, and post it on my blog. I'd really appreciate feedback on my writing, and how I could improve. Thanks for reading this long a/n, and now, feel free to read the fanfic if you want.
Word count (so far) : 3,800
Flying Solo
Ever since becoming an animagus, I’ve been wanting to get closer with the mysterious, quiet bloke Talbott. I felt like he was a magnet, pulling me towards him. Speaking about Talbott, I got a letter from Penny, and all it stated was, “We need to talk about Talbott. Let's meet in the Great Hall now. With the urgency of her letter, I was really concerned. I ran from my dormitory straight to the Great Hall.
While walking over to the tables, I heard Rowan comment, “ I’ve seen an eagle flying around the school grounds a lot recently. I hope all the pet rats are safe.” After I heard that, I stopped moving and started wondering, could that be Talbottt?
I also passed Chiara, but she didn’t mention anything about an eagle, she instead mentioned to some Gryffindor kid called Jae, “Sorry, I’m a bit… preoccupied tonight.” Poor thing. She always makes me think about why bad things happen to good people. At least there is some good that comes out of it; a person that cares about making transforming less painful and more affordable.
While still walking over to Penny, I heard Merula yell at Ismelda. She was screaming, “Some bloody bird tried to nest in my hair earlier!” I guess even birds think her hair is messy as heck too. I laughed at the thought. That couldn’t have been Talbott though because he usually keeps to himself, and isn’t the biggest fan of Merula.
I finally finished walking over to where I normally sit with friends in the Great Hall, but when I got there, Penny was nowhere to be found!! I sighed and sat down. I nearly left after waiting for 10 minutes, but finally, Penny decided to show up.
“Ah, you’re here, Isabella! Thanks for coming,” she greeted, looking worried.
“Of course, Penny,” I said, picking up on her fidgety behaviour, “Now, what’s wrong?” I asked, getting straight to the point, “You sounded worried when you asked to meet.”
“It’s Talbott…” she said nervously. I quickly started paying more attention. I don”t know why Talbott has this sort of effect on me, but I really care about him, even though I hardly know him.
Taken by surprise, I blurted out without thinking, “Talbott Winger, the one who helped us brew an Animagus Potion? What’s wrong?! Is he hurt?!”
“No…” Penny said uncertaintly, “at least I hope not.” I raised my eyebrow at this. Based on my reaction, Penny quickly explained, “He’s been spending all of his time alone recently.”
I held back a laugh, “no offence, Penny, but have you met Talbott? He makes Snape look talkative.”
Penny awkwardly said, “I know he’s a… private person, but I've been his friend for a while. I can tell something’s wrong.” I gave Penny a sceptical look, and she added, “plus he’s been missing class, even Transfiguration, and that’s his favourite.” I subconsciously added that to my mental list of things to remember. Could Talbott be in an organisation like me? Did he join the Keepers of Adeen? No… I would’ve known if there was a new member… Maybe he joined Dark Core? It would make sense why they’d want him of all people because he can spy with his animagus ability… No, he doesn’t seem like the type of person to do that… Penny continued, snapping me out of my thoughts, “I’d ask him myself, but I haven’t been able to find him. I think he’s been avoiding me,” she said, looking like she was about to cry. I immediately became determined to help, I didn't want to see Penny this sad.
“That’s why I asked to meet you, actually. I was hoping you might know where he is,” she explained.
I felt really bad admitting, “sorry, Penny, I haven’t seen him at all recently.” I couldn’t look at Penny’s face with tears threatening to fall, so I quickly looked away. Suddenly, while gazing at my other friends, I got an idea, “but let’s ask around. Surely someone has to have seen Talbott.” Thankfully, Penny cheered up. “Mission accomplished,” I muttered under my breath.
First I went up to Rowan who apologised, “sorry, Isabella, I’ve been too busy with my studies to pay much attention to gossip.”
I asked again, “are you sure you haven’t seen him?”
She looked up from her book sighing, and asked, “if Talbott wants to be alone, shouldn’t you give him his space?”
Getting the hint, I left Rowan reading. Maybe I can get information from Merual, I thought. After asking the question, Merula asked, snorting, “Winger? Are you picking up another odd friend to add to your collection?”
“Talbott’s not odd,” I muttered, wanting to blast that smirk off Merula’s stupid face.
“Sorry, what’s that, Wallace? Standing up for your boyfriend?” she asked, trying to provoke me. I walked away, thinking better than starting a fight.
“Guess I’ll go to Tulip,” I told myself, “she might know since she’s in his house.”
All she could tell me was, “I haven't seen Talbott Winger around the Ravenclaw common room much lately.”
I sighed, leaving her to ask Andre who just asked me, “Talbott Winger’s the bloke that keeps to himself a lot, right?”
Giving up, I reluctantly went over to Merula again, who was no help, and just asked, “you have a hard time keeping track of a lot of people, eh Wallace?”
I looked away from her and spotted Professor Flitwick at the staff table. He might know more, I thought. Apparently, I thought wrong. He had just as much of an idea on the matter as me, saying, “no, I’m afraid Mr. Winger hasn’t told me anything,” and requesting, “if you do see Mr. Winger, please tell him we need to discuss his attendance.”
Tulip beckoned me over to her. I was hopeful for a moment for evidence, but all I got from her was, “Now that I think about it, I didn’t see Talbott Winger at dinner, does that help?’
“Not really, but thanks anyway Tulip,” I replied sadly.
Andre saw me and, I suppose he felt guilty for not giving me any information, because he quickly said, “sorry, I don’t know much about Talbott other than that he looks interesting.”
I sighed, saying, “it’s okay Andre, it’s not like it’s your fault.”
Me and Penny regrouped and I said, “that’s odd. I asked everyone who knows him and it doesn’t seem any of them has seen Talbott,” making sure she at least would feel a bit better, I added, “whatever’s going on, it doesn’t seem like he’s ignoring you specifically, Penny.”
“Though I’m glad he’s not only avoiding me, now I’m even more worried…” She looked away, and became lost in thought. She looked back up, “I want to look for him, but I promised I’d tutor a few first years in potions now…”
Seeing her sad look, I had to tell her, “don’t worry, Penny. I’ll find and talk to him.”
“Really? You’ll check in on Talbott for me? Why?” She asked, seeming suspicious.
I was quick to explain, “Talbott’s my friend, even if he doesn’t like to admit it. I’m worried about him and want to make sure he’s okay too.” I slowly added in, talking to myself more than Penny, “Besides, this might be a good opportunity to try to get to know him better.”
Penny ran up and hugged me, “thanks, Isabella. It’s a relief knowing you’ll be there for him if he does need help.” She pulled away, “Talbott might say he’d rather be alone, but I don’t think he really means it,” she said with a soft expression, “I really appreciate this, Isabella. Let me know how it goes and if you need any help.”
“Of course!,” I said almost immediately, “I’m heading to the Courtyard now, I’ll look for Talbott while I’m there.”
Me and Penny parted ways. I headed back up to my dormitory. After changing from my robes to my casual outfit since school was done for the rest of the day on Friday, I layed down, only for Chocolate to come with a piece of parchment in her beak. I was quick to take and read it. It started:
Dear, Isabella,
Since you won’t give up on looking for me, I’ll meet you in the Courtyard now.
This time, I was too lazy to run all the way to the Courtyard, so I transformed into my animagus form; a Peregrine Falcon, and flew out of my dormitory window, down to the Courtyard. “Shoot, I forgot about the landing process,” I said to myself, since I’ve always ended up landing by crashing into the ground.
As soon as the Courtyard caught my sight, I sighed, found the pear tree, and decided to crash into it. I shut my eyes tight and felt all the branches scrape me. I transformed back to a human and hissed in pain. I stood up, ignoring how bad it actually was. Looking around, the only people I saw in the Courtyard other than me were Jae and Chiara. Do they just spend all their time together? I thought to myself. I slowly walked over to the doors leading to the Courtyard.
I heard a calling whistle and quickly looked around to see Talbott leaning against the fountain as he stated, “over here.”
“Talbott! When I told Penny I’d look for you, I wasn’t expecting you to reach out and agree to meet me here first,” I said, surprised.
“So it’s true that you and Penny have been looking for me,” he said with an eyebrow raised and a sceptical look.
“Where did you hear that?” I asked, “everyone I talked to hasn’t seen or talked to you in days.”
“I little birdie told me,” he said smirking. I broke my composure and giggled.
After controlling myself again, I said, rolling my eyes, smiling, “nice try, but bird puns won’t distract me from asking about what’s going on with you for that long.”
He sighed, “It was worth a shot.”
I glared at him, “Talbott, I’m being serious. You’ve even been missing classes,” I sighed before continuing, “When Penny told me how concerned she was about you, I couldn’t help but be worried too.”
“I appreciate the concern, but as you can see, I’m fine,” he said, trying to convince me. I guess it was too bad for him that I’m able to tell when people are faking their emotions because I do it too.
“Are you actually fine?” I asked, then said accusingly, “Or are you just lying and telling me you’re fine so I’ll leave you alone?”
Surprisingly, unlike most people who get nervous or surprised when I accuse them of things, Talbott kept his composure and asked, “If I tell you I’m lying, will you keep pressuring me to find out what’s wrong?”
“Then, I’m actually fine,” he said, rolling his eyes.
“Talbott!” I yelled, getting annoyed.
He actually did lose his composure for a bit but then continued, “So I’ve spent a lot of time alone lately. That’s not exactly newsworthy,” he paused and added quieter than before, “Why do you care if there’s anything bothering me anyways?”
I felt my face slowly heat up as I was under his piercing gaze, “I consider you my friend, Talbott, and I care about you. If something’s bothering you, I want to know so I can help,” I swallowed before continuing, “I thought you opened up to me back then because you thought of me as your friend, too,” I looked back into his eyes, “was I wrong?”
He looked around awkwardly, and, trying to come up with an excuse, he said, “I know I called you my friend earlier, but it’s just because I got caught up in the moment.” Apparently I’m good at making people feel bad, because, after seeing my face, he said, “It’s not that I don’t like you or anything. I’m just not ready to call you my friend yet. You barely know me.”
I muttered to myself, “Part of me was hoping this was my opportunity to change that.”
Noticing the awkward silence, I said, “Fine, we don’t have to talk about what’s wrong,” I felt around in my mokeskin pouch, and found what I was looking for. Smiling, I said, “We can play a game of Gobstones instead…” suddenly I got an idea, and added, “But if I win, you have to at least consider telling me why you’ve been extra distant lately,” I finished, smirking.
“And if I win?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I’ll tell Penny you’re actually fine and never bring any of this up again,” I said, trying to convince him.
“Alright, Isabella. If you can beat me at Gobstones, I promise to hear you out,” he said, looking determined.
After I set up the game, Talbott must have gotten a flashback, because he stated, “Your distractions won’t work this time, Isabella. I don’t intend to lose,” and to add some uncertainty for me he said, “I’ve been practising Gobstones.”
The distraction rolled off my tongue like water causing me to say, smirking, “and I’ve been spying on the ministry.”
“You’ve been what?!” He said surprised, not realising he completely missed the stones until it was my turn and he was sprayed, “ugh, honestly, you should be a Slytherin,” he said annoyed, “anyway, why’s Penny worried about me?”
“She fancies you,” I said sarcastically. Unfortunately, I was too distracted saying that, and only came back to my senses to see Talbott smirking, and myself smelling horrible.
“Nice try, but I know Penny likes someone else,” he said proudly.
“If I couldn’t say it any better, I’d say you actually like hanging out with me,” I stated.
“Well, I’d prefer to keep to myself,” he said, flustered.
“Well, I’d prefer to report you to the ministry,” I said, distracting him enough to spray him.
He sighed, “I’ll admit, I didn’t see that coming,” and under his breath he stated, “maybe if you didn’t keep distracting me.”
I smirked, “Distractions? What distractions? I’m just making small talk,” I finished casually.
Observing the game with his “eagle eyes” he replied, “You might be close to winning, but you can’t possibly have any distractions left…”
“We’ll see about that,” I glared while smiling.
“I’m setting up my special move…” he muttered.
“Is that a ministry official I see?” I asked, distracting him long enough for him to miss yet again, and for me to knock the rest of the Gobstones out of the circle.
Talbott groaned, “I know when I’ve lost. I suppose I can at least hear you out.”
After we stood up, he admitted, “Alright, Isabella, you won. Just like I promised, I’ll hear you out.”
“Talbott, I know you don’t like talking about yourself, but you shouldn’t be afraid to tell me what’s bothering you. You trusted me with your secret that you’re an unregistered Animagus… And as an unregistered Animagus too, I understand how much trust that requires…” I said, trying to convince him to tell me, “I guess what I’m saying is… I hope you know you can tell me anything,” I can’t say I wasn’t surprised by his response.
Talbott stopped to listen intently and suddenly said looking horrified, “shh!”
“What?” Then I stopped to listen too. I heard footsteps close by us. My eyes widened, “oh no! Oh no oh no oh no oh no,” I muttered under my breath. As quickly as those words came out of my mouth, I whipped out my wand, just to see Talbott doing the same thing after looking around. I softly yelled, “Homenum revelio!” Pointing my wand at where I heard the footsteps. I noticed Talbott did the same thing.
I wasn’t surprised on who I revealed, “Merula?! You were spying on us?!”
Talbott rolled his eyes, “She must have been under the Disillusionment Charm. That would explain why we didn’t notice her until she moved,” he moved his attention over to her, “How much did you hear?”
Merula looked annoyed, “Nothing… I was just passing through.”
Talbott scoffed, “Like I’d believe that. People who are “just passing through” don’t use Concealment Charms.”
“Even if I had heard you, what makes you interested in your little gossip? I have better things to do with my time…”
Talbott turned back to me, looking horrified, “Even though she denies it, Merula had heard we’re unregistered Animagi,” he looked more angry by the moment, “If that’s not bad enough, everyone in school knows her parents are in Azkaban for supporting You-Know-Who! The child of two Death Eaters knows we’re unregistered Animagi!”
I immediately backtracked, “I’m so sorry, Talbott. I had no idea Merula was listening in on us.” I’m gonna have to give myself several more scars for this later.
Talbott took a deep breath, “it’s fine…”
Trying to make things better I added, “Let me talk to Merula. Maybe I can-”
“No offence, Isabella, but you’ve done enough,” Talbott said angrily.
“But I know Merual! I can at least try to convince her to keep our secret!” With Talbott looking like he was about to say no, I said, “In fact, I’ll go find Merula and talk to her right now.”
“Thanks, but I don’t need anymore of your help. I’ll handle Merula on my own,” and with that, he walked away from me.
After going to the bathroom, adding several more cuts on my arm, cleaning them, and going back to my dormitory, I sent Merula a letter;
Dear Merula,
I know this sounds crazy, but I need to talk with you.
I sent Chocolate away. I sketched for about thirty minutes, waiting for her to come back. When she returned, she had a letter in her beak;
Dear Isabella,
If you must talk to me, you might as well come now. I’m in the Potions Classroom.
I walked down to the dungeons, to see Merula getting blasted in the face with a potion she was attempting to make. I laughed and walked over to her. Although her face was now covered in a black-ish colour, she tried to act like nothing happened by quickly wiping it off. She went back to her potion, clearly ignoring me, so I cleared my throat.
Groaning, she asked, “What do you want, Wallace? I’m studying.”
“You read my letter, didn’t you? We need to talk.”
“If this is about you and Winger, I already told you that I didn’t hear anything”
I sighed, “Do you really think I’m daft enough to believe that lie?”
She smirked, “Are you sure you want me to answer that question?”
“Why were you spying on us, Merula?”
Rolling her eyes for the hundredth time, while making her cauldron stir on its own, she countered, “Why are you so incredibly annoying?”
“Look, Merula, you can keep avoiding the subject all you want, but I'm not leaving until you agree to talk, so you might as well cooperate,” I said, trying to not let my anger get the best of me.
“Ugh, you’re really not going to go away until I do, are you?”
“Now you’re getting it,” I said with a prideful smile.
Losing the argument, Merula gave in and said, “Fine, but I’m going to finish this potion first, so you might as well grab a beaker and make yourself useful.”
While grabbing the beaker she pointed at, I mentioned, “I didn’t know you were so studious, Merula.”
Just having to be rude, Merula said, “Studying must be a foreign concept for you, eh Wallace?”
After handing the beaker over to her, I sighed, crossing my arms, “Just because you don’t usually see me studying doesn’t mean I don’t. I just try to avoid you throughout the day.”
“Since you’re just standing there, you might as well hand me that bottle.”
Leaning over to give it to her, I noticed Merula’s book was filled with notes in the margins that aren’t in her handwriting. “What potion is Merula even brewing?” I muttered, studying her book. Apparently she heard me because she replied, “How are you passing potions? This is just a simple Wideye Potion. Honestly, Barnaby has more brain cells than you.”
“Well, I feel like Barnaby is very smart, so I’ll consider that a compliment,” I said, sticking up for him. Changing the subject, I asked, “Would you really report Talbott to the Ministry, Merula?”
“I couldn’t care less about Winger. I just followed you thinking you were sneaking off to go Cursed Vault hunting, so I really don’t care.”
“I’d say I can’t believe you’d spy on me, Merula, but that’d be a lie.”
“Wow, you finally understand my personality, Wallace,” she said sarcastically, “Fine, I admit it, I was listening in on you and Winger, but only because I thought you had more info on the Cursed Vault of Fear.”
“Aha! So you were lying!”
“Yes, alright, I lied about not hearing anything. So what?”
“I don’t blame you for spying on me and lying about it. I would’ve done the same if I were in your position, but I would’ve gotten away with it,” I muttered in the last part.
She put an over-exaggerating expression on her face, “I wasn’t spying, I was keeping an eye on my competition,” she thought for a moment, and suddenly said, “And what’s that supposed to mean?!”
Ignoring her last comment, I continued on, “So just to be clear, you weren’t spying on Talbott and me to try to learn our secrets?”
Without confirming or denying what I asked, Merula replied, “Like I said, I wasn’t spying, I was keeping an eye on my competition, and why else would I be interested in you and your odd friends?”
“Like I said, Talbott’s not odd, and I’m not sure if I should feel relieved or insulted.”
“If that’s all-”
“-Wait, Merula, the real reason I came was to convince you to not tell anyone about Talbott’s and my secret,” I said quickly.
“Why shouldn’t I tell anyone you and Winger are unregistered Animagi?” Merula said challengingly.
“Because I’ll force you to keep it a secret if necessary.”
“Are you seriously threatening someone who could get you and your friend sent to Azkaban?” Then she said something I wasn’t expecting, “You might be more interesting than I thought, Wallace.”
“So will you keep Talbott’s secret?” I said.
“We’ll see, won’t we?” She asked, trying to scare me.
“Merula, this is serious,” I said, unfazed.
“I am being serious,” she smirked, making me worry. Not for myself, but for Talbott. I don’t want to be the reason he’d get sent to Azkaban.
“I better find Talbott now and warn him about Merula…” I said to myself after Merula left with the biggest smug look on her face.
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jasmineeeuwu · 2 years
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Answering @immagrosscandy sorry I kinda messed up with my draft and accidentally erased your question T____T fortunately I took a Screeshot before the tragedy happened x'D
18.- Does your MC like Rowan?
Yes, Rowan it's a pure cinammon roll when she's around Felicia and her friends (Like Penny, Tonks and Chiara). Feli is very grateful to have a good friend like Rowan, whenever she feels like she is about to colapse, Khanna would always offer her shoulder. Rowan is her first friend and the first person that didn't hesitate to make a friendship with her despite the fact that her eye and physical condition brought Felicia an unusual appearance. She considers Rowan as the sister she never had <3
19.-Who does MC have a platonic relationship?
Okey, maybe this one would be a little confusing but... She used to have a relationship with Jae (In their fifth year) It didn't last too much, since both of them were using each other to forget their feelings towards Talbott and Chiara.
Jae was having problems on confessing to Chiara. She was so busy helping Madamme Pomfrey at the Hospital Wing that very hardly she had time to hang out with him, so he felt sad and it didn't help to find out that Chiara had a friend who looked like her (Hair, eye and skin color), so... without realizing it he started to see Felicia as if she was Chiara.
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And Felicia... well, she was aware of her feelings for Talbott, but she didn't want to ruin their friendship, and obviously she was having a hard time comparing herself with Badeea since she thought that she would be a perfect match for him instead of her. Also she had small interactions with Jae at the end of their fourth year and beginning of their fifth year, in which little by little it made her have a certain interest in Kim; eventually they started dating but, sooner they confesed to each other the truth.
Both were relieved to know that they were in the same boat, so after this "break-up" they agreed to stay as friends and try to help each other with their crushes.
Later on, Talbott confessed to Fel, and started a lovely relationship a few months before the fifth year ended.
29. Was MC's Patronus what they expected it to be?
No. She expected it to be a mouse. She used to think that she was like a little mouse, weak and without any possibility to fight back. Once Felicia casted the patronus charm and saw it was a wild cat, she almost fainted.
Later on, her patronus would change due to her love for Talbott Winger; she got into a deep depresion in which she felt so lonely and unworthy of Talbott's love. The new form of her patronus was an eagle.
65. Who's their favourite Weasley sibling?
Bill Weasley, obviously. Since she lost Jacob, Bill was the closest family figure she had, having him made her totally happy, even if she already had a brother, she came to consider him as just as another sibling. Since the first day they met, William would treat her as if she was his little sister "Ginny"
They both treat each other well and when one needs help, they can always count on the other.
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I had a hard time trying to write since school is consuming all of my time 😅 hope you like it!
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ariwilder · 2 years
personal 2
I just feel like sharing that I have in fact been working on "Fat Lady" after a two year hiatus (wtf, I know). It's basically planned, I want to try and update weekly, but for now, I have already edited all the 6 available chapters, fixed Patricia's Brazilian, and some tensing and pronouns shenanigans, so if you are bored and enjoy adventure stories with sprinkles of romance, you might as well give it a go. Also, this is a second-person POV story, no personal OC, so you don't need new info the game does not provide.
Sorry for the flagrant advertising.
If you haven't read it, here you go: It's not over until the Fat Lady sings
If you have, give it reblog for me?
In my defense, all I can say is this:
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akaryuga · 1 year
Hiya! I got to ask, you friends with Chiara? I have a crush on both her and Merula, but since you are in love with her was wondering if you could help me be braver? Sometimes i wish i could have the Gryffindor bravery over one of or attached to my Hufflepuff traits. Anyways, keep up the art and winning over Merula! Also, be wary of puffskins, i speak from experience, they will try to eat any food you have.
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Thank you for your Askᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ!
Sorry, I haven't been clearing my ASK box all this time. Please forgive me orz.
I will gradually clear it by drawing pictures or creating short comic strips. ((Like this one
I hope you'll still be on Tumblr by then. (I'm really sorry, I'm super slow.)_(┐「ε:)_hiya
Aside from the usual busyness, I might be experiencing some social fatigue, which is why I haven't been updating social media much, haha. But don't worry! I still really like Merula! I'm still taking Merula around and enjoying life happily!♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
Btw All the English translations are done by chatGPT! If they're not accurate, blame it on the AI ٩(๑òωó๑)۶(#
I have to say, it's saving me a lot of time in translating and proofreading. Haha, who knows, I might actually be able to create a fan comic of Macarula(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
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domaslut · 2 years
Felix would be so proud of Mc. She’s spending all her books on dragons to make his dream come true… She is like “Wake up, little dragon, it’s time to surprise my soon to be husband!”.
So, Felix, babe, be ready for Mc and her army of dragons. Buy her a ring, she deserves it.
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amalthea-fictions · 2 years
Can you do a Talbott x jacob’s sibling story? He gets jealous when another classmate slips you a love potion
Yes! This was such a pleasure to write.
So, I debated whether I wanted Tally boy and MC to be together or not already for this, but @lisin-drw (who does THE CUTEST Talbott X MC stuff) has this super cute comic which takes place before they officially get together. So, I did this one where they are already a little established. I hope you enjoy! 😊
SPOILERS: Some minor spoilers for some of the Romance quests.
He knew something was wrong when Penny Haywood was not cheery. 
His gaze darts up to her, the shrill tone of her voice the first indicator that something’s amiss. Sure enough, tears blot her eyes. 
“Talbott, I’m so sorry!” 
He furrows his brow. “What do you mean?”
Penny shakes her head and starts babbling. “I didn’t know— when Billingsley asked me for help I thought it was for a Potions exam— I should have realized— I’m so sorry!”
“Hold on. You need to calm down.” The evenness of his tone betrays the tightening in his chest. 
If Billingsley was involved, could this be about you? 
“Penny, what happened?”
She gulps and confirms his fears. “It’s [Y/N]. Billingsley slipped her a love potion.”
Talbot’s heart skips a beat. 
“She’s in class right now with Professor Sprout, but—”
He’s shifted into an eagle before she can even finish, zipping through the sky to get to you. Normally he’s more cautious about who sees him in his animagus form. But right now, the churning in his stomach is all he can focus on. 
He has your schedule memorized. Fortunately, Billingsley isn’t in your Herbology class. But he’s in History of Magic with you right afterwards. 
Talbot reaches the East Floor quickly. He shifts and begins running down the hall as soon as his human feet hit the ground— much to the shock of some First-Years roaming the halls. He makes his way towards the greenhouse, but then freezes in place. 
Billingsley is waiting for you, leaned against the stone wall just outside of the Herbology classroom. 
Talbott clenches his jaw. 
How could he do this to you? 
Talbott is normally a private person. He never used to care about what anyone else thought.
Until the holiday ball, when everyone’s eyes were on you in your stunning dress. 
Until the spring festival, when everyone stared at the two of you holding hands, and instead of shying away from the glances he felt pride swell in his chest. 
Until Flitwick’s play, when the thought that someone else would be the co-star kissing you on stage made his heart palpitate to the point that he scrambled to sign up for an audition. 
Him. Talbott Winger. Auditioning. 
Even McGonnagal had commented on the oddity of it. 
But, how does the phrase go? Love makes you do crazy things?
So now, staring at Billingsley, waiting with a giddy smirk on his face for you to exit the classroom where you must’ve drank his potion— Talbott is surprisingly unsurprised with how his own anger darkens him. 
The boy quickly spins around. He grimaces at Talbott. 
“Did you really think I wouldn’t find out?” Talbott’s heart is pounding as he approaches Billingsley. 
“I— listen, this is a misunderstanding—“
“There’s nothing to be misunderstood.” Talbott’s voice is hushed in rage. 
Billingsley opens his mouth to say something more, when the doors to the Herbology classroom burst open. 
“Class dismissed!” Sprout’s voice rings out, and robes flash through the doorway before she can even finish. 
It’s you. 
Talbott watches you rush up to him and Billingsley. Your eyes dart between the two boys. 
Talbott reaches out to you. “[Y/N]? Are you alright?”
You blink. Then burst into a smile.
Talbott’s gut wrenches. 
“Merlin, I can’t believe I’ve never seen it before, but you are so handsome, Billy!!” you exclaim. 
Talbott flinches. The expression on your face— that’s the same look he so adores on you, the one that you gave him when he rearranged the library for you, when he decorated the greenhouse on Valentines day, when he surprised you after your one-act play...
“And so smart and refined! Can we please spend the rest of the day together?” 
Billingsley glances nervously at Talbott as you continue on. He gulps. “It— it wasn’t supposed to be like this—”
“What do you mean?” You exclaim. “Billy, everything is perfect because you’re here!”
You take a step towards Billingsley. 
Talbott steps between you. 
“Starlight—“ he begs, placing his hands on your shoulders “—please, this isn’t you—”
But you wrench yourself away from his grasp. “Let go! I want to get to Billingsley!”
Talbott blanches. 
“Listen, we need to get you to Madam Pomfrey.”
You shake your head, and suddenly your attention is over his shoulder. 
“Billingsley!” You shout, shoving past Talbott.
 He turns to see the culprit running down the hall. “Wait!” You cry, dashing after him. “I think we should get married! We’d make such a perfect match!”
Talbott clenches his fist. 
He transforms into an eagle and soars past you. He unshifts in the hallway right in front of Billingsley, who skids to a halt. 
“Talbott, I’m sorry! I didn’t think it would actually work!” 
Talbott scowls at him. He draws his wand.
“Bloody hell,” Billingsley curses, “you wouldn’t actually hurt me, would you?!”
Talbott grits his teeth and points his wand forward.
Billingsley raises his hands to his face and braces himself.
The beam of magic shoots over Billingsley’s shoulder. Behind him, you’ve frozen in your tracks.
Billingsley slacks in relief, but Talbott marches up to him. 
Talbott stares daggers into the boy’s eyes. Billingsley’s adam's apple bobs up and down. 
“Leave [Y/N] alone,” Talbott says. 
Talbott doesn’t turn around, but hears Billingsley trip on his way running back to his dorm. 
– - - -
“Mr. Winger. She is ready to see you now.”
Talbott nods and thanks Madam Pomfrey. Thankfully, Professor Sprout witnessed the whole thing. Billingsley was reprimanded, and Talbott praised for his restraint. The professors quickly took you to the hospital wing, but –because Billinglsey had produced the love potion with the careful instruction of Penny, who kept apologizing profusely– you were completely fine.
When he enters the wing, he immediately notices your eyes light up at the sight of him.
It makes his heart leap. 
“Tally!” You exclaim. 
He rushes to you and wraps you in an embrace. 
“Are you feeling better?” He asks, sitting on the edge of your bed.
You blush. “Yes, but I remember everything. I’m so sorry– you know I didn’t mean any of that, right?”
He smiles. “Yes, Starlight. Besides, Billingsley? Being smart and handsome? If it weren’t a love potion, the only other logical conclusion would have been that you were stupefied.” 
You giggle, then take his hand in yours. “Still, though. I’m sorry to put you through all this, Talbott.” You squeeze his hand in yours. “I should have known something was off when my drink smelled different.”
Talbott’s heart suddenly lurches. He is almost scared to ask. “What… what did it smell like?” His heart is pounding— what if it smelled like someone else? 
But your laugh interrupts his spiraling thoughts. You beam at him.
“Oh, Talbott— it smelled like the Owlery.”
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