#seojung x penny
hphmseojunglee · 3 months
TLSQ: Valentine's Day (year / Seojung finally gets his shit together and asks Penny out.
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5 notes · View notes
hphmseojunglee · 1 year
‘deed i do [1/4]
read on ao3
wc: 4576
more info about this fic in this tumblr post
It hits you, out of nowhere, one Tuesday afternoon in the Hufflepuff Common Room.
You’re minding your own business, reading about how to turn the tiny owl hooting quietly in front of you into a pair of opera glasses, when you catch a rustle of fabric to your right.
Looking up from your secondhand textbook, you bite back a fond grin.
Sitting next to you is your study partner and best friend of five years, Penny Haywood. Your futures were forever intertwined when your paths crossed as tiny little first-years in the main Courtyard. She appreciated your lack of ass-kissing and down-to-earth introvertedness. You were grateful that she didn’t hold Jacob’s actions against you. You two had a lot in common and became fast friends.
You remember the sense of warmth and safety emanating from Penny. Your immediate thought was, “Yep, I’ve just met my best friend.” You could not put your finger on what made you so sure. You still can’t. But if there is one thing you are sure about, it is that Penny Haywood will always be in your life.
At the moment, Penny has a cute little frown on her face. It’s the face she makes when she hits a wall. As a perfectionist and someone with extremely high standards for herself, when she doesn’t grasp a concept right away, it frustrates her.
You know you should be a good friend and console her, but she is so adorable, you find yourself blanking on words for some reason. Your throat feels dry and raspy, so you say nothing and wait for her to speak first.
“I’m taking a break. This is doing my head in.” A sour scowl sits on her lips as she crosses her arms and glares daggers at the textbook in front of her.
Penny was a whiz at Potions and Herbology, but Transfiguration did not come as easily to her. She often joked, “That’s why I keep you around, so I get perfect grades.”
You both knew it wasn’t true. But what was love without a little banter?
Underlining a section in your textbook, you put down your pen, moving closer to Penny and gesturing for her to pick up her wand. “I’ve got you, Pens. Alright, so first we’re going to practice the wand movement. Is it okay if I grab your hand?”
She nodded.
Gently putting your hand over hers, you slowly move her arm and wand. “It’s like a violin bow. You keep your wrist flexible and make small circular movements from the wrist, not the elbow. Two loops, okay?”
If you weren’t so focused on teaching, you might have noticed the dusting of pink on her high cheekbones. But, you don’t catch it. Instead, you steamroll on.
“Next, the spell itself. Operaspecula. O-per-a-spec-u-la. Make sure to accentuate the first and fourth syllables, not the second and fifth. Common mistake.”
You take a moment to demonstrate, mentally crossing your fingers that you get it right. It would be awkward if the teacher flubbed up the demo.
The owl gracefully turns into a handsome pair of opera glasses, then back into an owl. She gives an indignant hoot and flaps her wings to display her discomfort at the situation. You quickly apologize to her and then turn to Penny. “Your turn.”
“Okay. I got this.” Squaring her shoulders, she exhales slowly, then raises her wand. “Operaspecula.”
Nothing happens. Penny’s shoulders slump.
“Try again.”
“No, I have faith in you, Pens. Really mean it this time. You got this.”
A brief staredown happens. Both you and Penny are stubborn as hell, so it’s a common occurrence. Thankfully, this time, you win.
This time, the owl changes into a pair of opera glasses with feet sprouting from the bottom. It’s not a complete Transfiguration, but it’s certainly progress. That’s enough reason to celebrate for the both of you.
Penny nearly knocks you out of your chair with an enthusiastic hug. The warm scents of musk and amber hit your nose. You relax into the embrace and whisper quiet congratulations to your best friend. She tightens her arms around your neck, despite the awkward side position you’re both in.
One thing you learned quickly about Penny Haywood: she is touchy. Hands thrown around necks, hugs, pats on shoulders and heads, and if she’s feeling particularly in high spirits, hip checks. These are all things to expect from the epitome of Hufflepuff. Especially if you choose to be in her inner circle.
It’s not a huge problem, except for the fact that you’re horribly touch-starved from a less-than-stellar family life back home. The steady, non-judgemental contact makes your chest feel warm, every single time. Even after five years of it.
In the beginning, you shied away from the hugs, believing you were undeserving. But after a lengthy conversation about your family history, Penny fiercely set the record straight and made sure to give you as much physical contact as she could. And that is how you find yourself the constant recipient of hugs, back rubs, linked arms, and shoulder squeezes in passing. You’ve never been happier about anything.
When Penny pulls back, she looks back to her usual self. Her frustrated pout is gone, replaced with her usual sunny smile. You’re sad to see it gone, but also happy that she’s not beating herself up anymore.
“I’ve got to go to Runes, but we should pick this up after that. Will you still be here?” Her hands play with the hem of her school robes, adjusting her Prefect badge.
“Should be. I’ve got a DADA essay that I need to start and I’m done with classes for today.” Sighing, you pick up your pen again, closing your Transfiguration textbook and opening up your Defense Against the Dark Arts one instead.
Penny’s face brightens at the news. Her shoulders relax and her hands stop fiddling with the lapels of her robe. “Great! In that case, I’ll see you later. Thanks, Jung. You’re a lifesaver.” She stands from the table, slings her bag on her shoulder, and hugs you from behind. A hug, you expected. What you didn’t expect was a quick kiss on the cheek.
By the time you realize what transpired, Penny is gone in a swish of robes and blonde pigtails. All that’s left in her place is the lingering scent of her rose and sandalwood perfume.
Where did that come from? Sure, Penny’s always used physical contact as a way to show her affection, but she’s never kissed you before.
Your hand reaches up slowly to your cheek. Damn.
Before you can dissect this move, you feel a nip on the middle knuckle of your pointer finger.
Dropping your pen, you swear under your breath and cradle your left hand. Throwing a dirty look at the owl, who is innocently preening her feathers, you smart at the pain. “Okay, okay, I’m taking you back to the Owlery. Yeesh.”
Penny finds you a couple hours later, still in the same spot where she left you. You are surrounded by balled-up sheets of parchment and your hands are covered in ink. As it turns out, describing how hex-deflection works is harder than you thought it would be.
“Oh, what am I going to do with you?”
Her soft voice jerks you out of concentration, causing an ink blot in the middle of your sentence.
“Oh, sorry.”
“S’okay.” You sigh and wave your wand, whispering an undoing spell you learned pretty early on. The insistence to use antiquated technology for writing was laughable. And of course, no pencils; ink is a must. It took a lot of persuasion to convince your professors that a fountain pen would be acceptable. You were hoping for a ballpoint pen, but anything was better than a quill, so you took the win and didn’t push. Suffice it to say, you’re very good at removing ink blots and misspelled words from parchment. “How was class?”
“Interesting, as usual.” Penny’s voice was rife with sarcasm. “More grammar today.”
“That bad, huh?” You reach for her hands, but then think twice as you remember the stains. “Why’re you taking it, then?”
“It’s useful for reading old books, which is where all the interesting Potions recipes are.” She groans, plopping into the chair next to you and laying her head on your shoulder.
“Ah, yes. I should have known.” You want to wrap an arm around her shoulders, but your inky hands stop you again. You stand, jostling her head, and hold up your hands. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to wash my hands.”
Penny, who pouted at the loss of contact, breaks into laughter, wiping away tears. “Come sit back down, you idiot. Tergeo.”
You blink down at your now-spotless hands. “Oh, right. There’s a spell for that.”
The blonde rolls her eyes and pulls you back down into your seat, putting her head back on your shoulder and pulling your arm around her. “What kind of witch are you?”
“One that doesn’t like to depend on magic.”
You both share a chuckle, looking at all the things strewn on the table in front of you. For the life of you, organization does not seem to be in your vocabulary. No matter how hard you try, chaos always finds its way.
“I know you said you wanted to work on Transfiguration stuff again…but what if we found our friends and went to supper instead?”
“That sounds like a grand idea.” With a wave of her wand, Penny organizes your books and parchment into neat stacks. Happy with her work, she tucks her wand away and loops her arm through yours. “I’m hungry and in no mood to study.”
You find Chiara and Skye in the dorms, Rowan in the Library, and send an owl for Tonks. There is no telling where Tonks is at any given moment. As a matter of fact, you would rather not know. Plausible deniability and all that. They don’t tell, you don’t ask.
The six of you meet up in front of the Great Hall before entering as a group. All six girls take your unofficial designated seats at the Hufflepuff table. Rowan on your left, Penny on your right. Tonks sits across from Penny. Skye’s seat is on Tonks’ left and Chiara sits next to her.
Today’s meal options feature different kinds of sandwiches, steaks, and soups. You have a hankering for soups, so you’re thankful that something is your way for once.
As you dip your roast beef & Pepper Jack sandwich into your chicken noodle soup, you listen to Skye, Tonks, and Penny excitedly catch up about a recent Quidditch match. You share a glance with Rowan and Chiara as they begin to use words and names that even you don’t know. Sure, you might be on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, but you don’t follow any actual games that happen outside of Hogwarts.
“How were your classes, Row?”
“I almost got trampled by an Abraxan in Magical Creatures. But other than that, it was largely uneventful.” Rowan dryly remarks, then takes a bite from her chicken sandwich.”How about you?”
“The classes are fine, but the homework is really testing my will to live. Especially the DADA assignments. I’ve never been more reluctant to write an essay!”
Rowan knocks her shoulder into yours. “I understand completely. The classes are getting real now… We’re covering topics even I have never heard of in History of Magic.”
“Speaking of which, have you started on that essay due next week?”
“Not yet. I was thinking of working on it tomorrow after Potions in the library.”
“I might just join you.” You sigh darkly, not looking forward to working on yet another essay. Words are hard.
As dinner begins to wind down, Professor Dumbledore stands and makes his way to the center of the raised platform. Amplifying his voice with his wand, he begins to speak.
“Greetings, students and staff. We are rapidly approaching the time of year when we shift our attention to happy matters of the heart.”
A buzz begins among the student body. The Headmaster clears his throat and continues.
“As such, it is my pleasure to announce that Hogwarts will be hosting a special Valentine’s Day Ball this year.”
The Great Hall explodes with chatter. All around, students are asking each other about outfits and food and dates.
Penny sighs dreamily. You can feel her warmth down the entire right side of your body as the blonde leans into you. “A Valentine’s Ball! What could be better? I bet it will be full of blooming flowers, colorful lights, and candy…”
Tonks, on the other hand, has a different idea in mind entirely. “And a killer band we can rock out to, with great music. No way this isn’t the best night of the year!”
“Maybe we’ll even get to bring a date! Ooh, I can’t wait.” Penny clasps her hands to her chest and giggles. For as long as you’ve known her, Penny has had a soft spot for romance and love stories. It’s one of her endearing qualities that you love about her. You resist the urge to kiss her forehead.
Professor Dumbledore wisely waits for the hubbub to die down before he continues. “For more details on the event, let’s hear from the teacher who will be in charge of every detail… Madam Pince.”
The six of you exchange confused looks. Wait, what?
Madam Pince does the same as Professor Dumbledore to amplify her voice. “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I promise I’ll approach planning this ball as I do all things at the Library—with the utmost seriousness!”
You don’t remember what she says after that, but with each sentence she says the mood in the room sinks ever lower. Finally, she nods curtly and returns to her seat.
The excited buzz that filled the room quickly turns sour. There is much turbulence among the students. Madam Pince is not known for having fun.
Tonks puts their head in their hands. “Blimey, this ball just went from being a potential blast to a crushing bore!”
“Let’s hope that’s not the case. It’s possible Madam Pince has something fun planned after all.” Always the optimist, Penny is trying very hard to look on the bright side. It’s a valiant effort.
Both Rowan and Chiara are quiet, introverted girls, but even they know that a party should be the opposite of everything Madam Pince stands for. They silently nod in agreement with the more vocal members of the group.
You look for your friends in other houses around the room. Jae is glaring daggers at Madam Pince, Talbott has a very disappointed blank face, Tulip is face-palming, Andre looks like he’s going to cry, and you can almost hear Badeea’s wince. You find Merula at the Slytherin table, her fist shaking as she holds a knife.
Suffice it to say, no one is happy about this new development.
You sigh, picking up your mug of ginger tea. “At least it sounds like Madam Pince is taking this assignment very seriously.”
Tonks throw up their hands. “Too seriously. She said it would be chaste, uncomfortable, and we’d have to follow the rules!”
Penny wacks them lightly on the shoulder, reprimanding gently. “Let’s focus on the positive. There are so many great things about a holiday ball!” She turns to you, laying a hand on your upper arm. “Jung, what are you looking forward to most about the ball?”
You stumble on your words as you feel warmth emanating from Penny’s hand, through your whole body. What was happening with your brain? “Hm? I wasn’t planning on going.”
“Oh, come on, please?” The blonde pleads with her puppy eyes. She knows that you cannot say no to her pitiful blues. You wait a few seconds, but in the end you know you’re a goner.
“Yay!” Penny leans forward and wraps her arms around your middle. “Thank you, thank you! I promise we’ll have a good time. We could all use a really fun night together.”
Skye is much in the same boat as Tonks. It doesn't help that she isn’t the biggest fan of the Librarian. “With Pince in charge, this night could end up being torture for all of us!”
Rowan nudges your arm. “You should do something about this. You’ve beaten much harder opponents in the past.”
“Yes, yes! Pretty, pretty please, Hero? You’re the exact right person for this job!” Penny’s face is back to her pleading pout. The use of her special nickname for you is certainly deliberate. She knows how to slip past your defenses and hit you in the heart with her persuasion.
You won’t lie; you were thinking up ways to trick Pince into relinquishing control. Now, with a very compelling reason sitting to your right, you find yourself speaking before your brain can fully catch up.
“Okay. I’m going to save the Valentine’s Ball from Madam Pince.”
Tonks and Skye raise their goblets and cheer loudly. “Alright, Jung! Three cheers for the Hero of Hogwarts!”
Chiara clinks her mug of tea with yours calmly. “I’m rooting for you, Seojung. You can do this.”
Suddenly, a Gryffindor sixth-year comes up to them. “Penny Haywood… would you go to the dance with me?”
“Oh hell, here we go.” Penny mutters this under her breath so quietly only you hear. She straightens up and smiles her best socialite smile. “Thank you for the offer, but I will have to decline. I hope you can find someone.”
The Gryffindor boy nods. “Cheers.”
You are aware of a burning sensation in the pit of your stomach. It’s hot and strong and totally alien. What is it? Anger? Fear?
It’s jealousy.
But wait. Why are you jealous? If anything, you understand why people are so keen to ask Penny out. She is kind, friendly, warm, funny, smart, pretty—
Because you want to ask Penny out.
Really, for someone so smart, you can be so dense sometimes. Falling for the popular straight girl? Of course you had to have the quintessential lesbian student experience. It could never happen. But now that you know, you can’t stop thinking about it.
All of the feelings you didn’t quite understand, the strange things you did, they all make sense now. You don’t know when your feelings turned from friendship to something more, but you’re certainly aware of it now.
You tamp down the fire in your gut and return to your sandwich and soup. You have no chance.
Another boy, this time a Ravenclaw, comes up to Penny and asks to be her date to the dance. Again, the offer is rebuffed. By dessert, five other boys have shot their shot. All five walk away without a “yes” from Penny.
You’re relieved. A dark part of you is happy that Penny hasn’t accepted an offer. If you can’t have her, no one can have her. Immediately, you lecture yourself for having such possessive thoughts. Penny is not an object for you to claim, she is your friend. Your best friend, in fact.
“Penne, are you going to accept an offer? What’s the hold up?” Tonks unleashes a disgusting belch. “People are practically lining up to ask you out!”
“I’m not interested in any of them! I don’t even know half of them. If I’m going to take a date to the ball, at the very least I should know who they are.”
Skye pipes up. “They’re just going to keep asking, then, unless you accept or something.”
As Penny opens her mouth to say something else, another Gryffindor comes up to her. “Penny, would you—”
“No. I’m already going with someone else.” This time, Penny snaps in an uncharacteristically curt tone. The Gryffindor nods quickly and practically runs away.
Tonks raises an eyebrow. “Why’d you say that?”
“I don’t know!”
“Well, now you need to say yes to someone.”
“Oh, Merlin…” The blonde starts unbraiding and re-braiding her hair. You put your hand on the small of her back. Her coping mechanism for stress is playing with hair. Usually it’s hers, but sometimes it’s yours.
Penny smiles at you, silently thanking you for the silent support. You smile back. You’re a sucker for Penny Haywood.
A throat clearing to your left makes you look up. It’s another boy, this time a Hufflepuff in your year. You sigh and roll your eyes internally, readying yourself for another suitor throwing himself at Penny.
“Erm, Seojung…” Wait, what? He’s asking you? “Will you go to the Ball with me?”
You’re not as nice as Penny. Laughing, you respond, “Dude, I’m a lesbian. But even if I wasn’t, I still wouldn’t. Fuck off.”
“Right. Sorry. Seeya.” The boy scrampers off.
The six of you sit in silence. Did that really just happen? Then, you all burst into raucous laughter.
“Did he just— No fucking way!” Tonks is pounding the table lightly with their fist in between fits of laughter.
“I could not possibly be more gay. There are very clear signs! What the hell!” This time, you really do roll your eyes.
Even Penny cracks a smile, despite her stress. And frankly, that makes it all worth it.
“Mates, I got it.” Tonks breaks you out of your haze. Immediately, Rowan, Chiara, and Penny cast wary glances at each other. They know much too well how most of Tonks’ ideas turn out.
“Yes?” Rowan takes one for the team and asks the question you’re all scared to ask.
“You two—” The pink-haired witch wags their fingers between you and Penny, “—should pretend to date each other, so people will stop asking you guys to the ball.”
The table falls silent. You scoff at the very notion, but shut up once you look at the other three girls. They aren’t objecting. You can’t believe that Rowan of all people is actually considering this.
“I think it’s an elegant solution.” Chiara pipes up quietly.
Rowan shrugs. “It does make sense. Benefits both parties.”
Skye grins manically. “You two do act like an old married couple anyway. Might as well play it up and use it to your advantage.”
You roll your eyes and turn to Penny, about to say, “Can you believe this nonsense?”, but you find her staring off into space.
“Would you be okay with it?” She looks at you with imploring eyes. Classic Penny, always looking out for others. “It would be nice to stop having people come up to me, but only if you’re okay with the arrangement. I don’t want to force you.”
“The question is, would you be okay with it? I mean, you’re straight and all.”
Penny snorts. “No I’m not! Jung, how do you not know this?”
“You’re… not?”
“Jung, I’m bi. I told everyone last year!”
You blink. “Was I there?”
This time, all of the other girls respond. “Yes!”
“Oh. Huh. Alright then, I stand corrected. But, still, my other points still stand. Do you really think it’s a good idea?”
The blonde takes both of your hands gently in both of hers. “I am so tired of all the unwanted advances. I’ll make it worth your while. Think about it?” Her bright blue eyes drill into yours.
You sigh and squeeze her hands. “Let me sleep on it.” You glance down at your wristwatch. “Right. Off to Quidditch practice. Come on, Skye.”
Thankfully, the drills keep your mind off of Penny, Penny, Penny. By the end of practice, your limbs are sore and your robes are soaked with sweat. You hit the showers, and only then does the fake-dating scheme come to the forefront of your mind again.
Pretending to date Penny Haywood. Could you compartmentalize your feelings? Could your heart survive this?
You can’t keep this secret to yourself. You need to tell someone.
Thankfully, when you return to the Hufflepuff Common Room, you find just the person you’re looking for.
“Row! Can we take a walk?”
Over the years, you and the bookworm have come up with a set of code phrases. Her eyes instantly snap up from the book she’s reading. She closes the tome with a quiet thud. “Of course.”
Once you’re bundled up in appropriate coats and out walking the border of the grounds, Rowan speaks up. “What’s up, Jung?”
“So you know the fake-dating thing? There’s a problem with the plan.”
“What is it?”
“I may or may not… have actual feelings for Penny.”
Rowan halts in her tracks. “Oh, dear. That is a complication. How long?”
“I just found out at dinner. I realized I was jealous of all the guys asking her out. I wanted to be one of them. And then it all kinda hit me, and all the dots connected.”
The other girl nods. “Honestly, that makes a lot of sense. I did wonder sometimes. So… are you okay with fake-dating Penny with your real feelings?”
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out. I think so. I mean, I know I have no chance. She’s in a different league.”
The bespectacled girl frowns. “No, she’s not. You’re just as popular as she is, you know.”
“Oh, yeah. Everyone wants to rub elbows with the great Curse-Breaker and sibling of Jacob Lee. You really don’t know?”
“Guess not. Explains a lot.” You roll your eyes and move on to your other pressing question. “Hey, when did Penny tell us she was bi?”
“Oh, she mentioned that sometime last year during breakfast one day. You probably weren’t awake enough yet.”
You nod. That makes sense. Everyone in your inner circle knows that you are not a morning person in the slightest. They’ve learned not to strike up conversation during breakfast, because you don’t talk.
“Well, that doesn’t change anything. There’s no way she likes me back. She sees me as her best friend, and I would hate to betray that.”
“O…kay. If you say so.” Rowan pushes her glasses by the bridge up her nose. “So, will you do it?”
“Do you think I should?” You fidget with the zipper to your jacket.
“Well, I was less sure than I was earlier, due to this new information, but I do think it would be nice. Like a trial period. Do you really want to be Penny’s girlfriend, and all that. She doesn’t have to know.”
You grin. Rowan has a knack for looking at problems analytically. “Thanks, Row.”
“Anytime, Seojung. Now, let’s get back inside. I’m freezing.”
As you troop back to the Hufflepuff Common Room, you notice your shoulders feel lighter. A good talk with your best friend always helps.
That night, as you turn in for bed, you stare up at the ceiling of your canopy. Tomorrow, you’re going to agree to the fake-dating scheme, for Penny’s sake. You might not be totally sold on the idea, but you have a bad habit of putting other people’s needs before your own.
If it makes Penny happy, then it will all be worth it. Fake-dating Penny Haywood and saving the Ball? Honestly, compared to the Cursed Vaults, it seems like a breeze.
Suddenly, the curtains to your bed open. On the other side stands Rowan in her pajamas, sans glasses. “Scoot over.”
“I could hear you thinking from my bed. Scootch.”
You make room for the other girl, who slides in and shuts the curtains again. “Now, goodnight.”
“Night, Row.”
9 notes · View notes
hphmseojunglee · 1 year
‘deed i do [2/4]
read on ao3
more info about this fic in this tumblr post
“Alright. I’ll do it.”
Five sets of eyes whip towards you. It’s the middle of breakfast on Wednesday morning. They’ve not said anything about Tonk’s idea last night, but you can tell that they are dying to know.
“You’re okay with it?” Penny’s blue eyes shine with anticipation and excitement. She spoke earlier about how tired she was of being approached. Luckily, since she started telling people that she was going with someone else, less brave souls tried. However, there were some older students with massive egos who thought they could change the Hufflepuff’s mind with chocolate or flowers. As you well know, some men believe the world revolves around them.
You nod. “I’m in.”
Tonks rubs their hands together. “Excellent! Now, we have to get your story straight.”
“There’s nothing straight about this story,” you mumble quietly into your tea.
Only Penny hears. She snorts and slaps you lightly on the thigh. “Shut up.”
Rowan picks up where Tonks left off. “Right. When did you two start dating?”
“I think last year would be good. You wanted to keep it a secret in the beginning, as a new relationship.” Chiara suggests as she takes a bite of her toast. “You did spend a lot of time visiting Penny in the Hospital Wing after she got attacked by that Dementor, Seojung.”
“She’s right… you visited her more than I did, and that’s saying something.” Tonks rubs their chin. “And I walked in on you two sharing a cot more than once.”
“It wasn’t my idea! Penny hates hospitals. She asked me to sleep with her so she doesn’t get nightmares. Who was I to refuse?”
Skye rolls her eyes. “Married.”
You flick a crumb at her. “Shut up.”
“This is good. Okay, so you shacked up after P’s Dementor attack, and you’ve been dating in secret ever since. You’re not fond of PDA, which is why you haven’t kissed or anything. On your first anniversary, this year, you decided to be less secretive. But you aren’t about dramatic gestures, which is why you didn’t do some stupid public ask to the dance.” Tonks lists off the details. “Any objections?”
Everyone shakes their heads.
“Great. Next, speaking of PDA… do you want to step it up, or keep it as-is?”
“What do you mean, ‘keep it as-is’?” You are perplexed. What is Tonks talking about?
“You really have no idea?” They raise an incredulous eyebrow.
Rowan answers kindly. “You guys are so touchy, it could be interpreted as dating.”
“What! No!” Surely Rowan is exaggerating. But as you look around the table, everyone else nods in agreement. Except Penny.
“Pens, is this true?”
She shrugs. “I don’t think so, but we’re in the minority.”
“Alright. Well, I think we should add stuff like hand-holding, maybe kissing on the cheek and head?” You feel your cheeks heat up as you talk about kissing, but you steamroll on and hide your face in your mug.
“I agree. What do you think of pet names?”
You love terms of endearment. Perhaps to an unhealthy extent. But you probably should say something more acceptable. “I think that would help with the illusion. I wouldn’t be opposed. I’m partial to terms like ‘darling’, ‘honey’, and ‘yeobo’. How ‘bout you?”
Penny is practically bouncing in her seat. “Oh, I adore pet names! I can use ‘babe’, ‘love’, and ‘dear’.”
“Penny can start coming to your Quidditch practices and you can start walking her to classes.” Chiara smiles. “Maybe you can even share a bed? That’ll be the quickest way to get the rumor mill running.”
You nod, looking over at Penny. This is fine. You went as friends to the Celestial Ball and had a great time. The added “dating” things aren’t really a departure from how you two normally act. At least you don’t have to kiss her. Because if you had to kiss her, things would get really messy, really fast.
“Just make sure to cast some Muffling charms before you go to sleep. Jung snores.” Rowan scowls as she eats her oatmeal. “Loudly.”
“I do not! Chiara, back me up.”
The silver-haired girl shakes her head. “Sorry, Seojung. Rowan and I cast Silencing and Muffling charms every night on you after you fall asleep. Luckily, you turn in much earlier than the rest of us.”
Tonks scoffs. “You’re such an old man.”
“I’m going to un-seam all of your robes again, Tonks.”
They stick out their tongue and return to their steaming stack of pancakes.
“I’ll be the judge of whether or not Jung snores badly.” Penny smiles brightly, much too cheerfully, considering the time of day. “I’m sure it’s not bad!”
“Perfect! May Operation Swandive commence!” Tonks whoops and raises her goblet.
“Operation Swandive? What the hell, Tonks?”
They shrug. “What? Swans mate for life.”
“Fine.” You roll your eyes at Tonks’ shenanigans. “So, girlfriends?” You stick out your hand to Penny.
Skye groans. “A handshake? Come on, at least hug her, you dork.”
“Oh. Right.” Opening your arms, you smile in what you hope is a comforting way. It seems to work. Penny practically jumps into your arms like she always does. And just like yesterday in the Common Room, she pecks your cheek.
You make a mental note to talk to Penny about PDA and new boundaries later. You’re not sure what she’s comfortable with. For the moment, you follow her lead, playing the loving girlfriend and twisting Penny’s body so that her legs are resting on yours perpendicularly. Chiara asks you a question about Muggle jazz musicians, and you’re lost in the world of Ella Fitzgerald, Blossom Dearie, Sarah Vaughan, Keely Smith, and Billie Holiday. Otherwise, you would have noticed Tonks smirking at Penny, who is staring at you dreamily.
Before you know it, breakfast is over. The six of you pack up and head over to the Greenhouses.
You offer to carry Penny’s books the way there. Skye and Tonks make kissy noises behind the both of you, Rowan sighs, and Chiara giggles.
“Don’t make me hex you, Tonks.”
“Just focus on being a good girlfriend, Jung!”
When you and your friends arrive at Greenhouse 3 for Herbology, Penny thanks you for carrying her books with a sweet peck on the cheek. “Thanks, babe!”
“It’s my pleasure, honey.”
It has the intended effect. Instantly, all of your classmates, fellow Hufflepuffs and Slytherins, shut up and stare. You find Barnaby and Liz among the group. They’re both smiling. Liz gives you a double thumbs-up and mouths “Congrats”, throwing in a wink.
You ignore the many pairs of eyes drilling holes into your back as you arrive at your desk and set up the class supplies. No doubt there are a few boys who are insulted by the fact that they got turned away in favor of a girl. And many more students who would kill to be in your shoes.
Even if the circumstances are unconventional, you’re glad to be where you are. The fact that you are means that Penny trusts you very much. And the thought of Penny’s deep trust makes you smile.
Tonks huffs out a sigh as they stare at their leather gauntlets. “So, how are you going to save the Ball from being an awful clanger?”
“I have no idea how I’m going to try and change Pince’s mind.”
“Sounds like the first thing you need is an excuse to talk to her about the dance.”
“Yeah…” Your brainstorming is interrupted by Professor Sprout’s arrival. She bustles into the Greenhouse with an excited gleam in her eye.
“Good morning everyone, it’s time to begin today’s instruction. As you know, Professor Dumbledore announced the Valentine’s Day Ball yesterday. To help with the joyous occasion, I thought it would be helpful to grow flowers as decorations for the event!” Her wand seems to jump from a pocket on her coat into her hand.
“As some of you may recall, on Valentine’s Day in the past we used the Herbivicus Charm to grow roses. This year, however, we’ll be adapting the charm to grow this romantic bloom again as a bouquet.”
The instruction is pretty short, considering it is basically a review. Sprout teaches the spell and the wand movement within half an hour.
“Now, you try.”
Up and down the long tables, you can hear students attempting the spell. Penny attempts it before you do. The pot in front of her blooms into several pretty roses.
“Nice one, Pens!” You raise your hand for a high-five. She beams and gives you one.
“You should try next!”
“Alright. Herbivicus Duo!” Green light shoots from your wand. Not only does the pot sitting in front of you bloom, but the extra pots behind it bloom as well.
“Look at these! So lush and vivid! Filled with color, life, and romantic possibility! Well done, Miss Lee, five points to Hufflepuff. I believe these are the best in the class.”
You feel your face heat up again at the praise. “Thank you, Professor Sprout.”
Penny leans on your side and kisses you on the cheek in congratulations. That definitely doesn’t help with your blushing, but you find yourself wanting more. Before you can daydream about sappy things, Professor Sprout turns to the rest of the class.
“We should keep going. I’m sure Madam Pince will want to fill the room with flowers for the ball!”
Tonks smirks, charming another pot. “I’m not. Flowers can get messy, and that’s something I can’t see Pince appreciating!”
“But surely she’ll want a romantic mood. And what’s more romantic than lush bouquets of roses?” Trust Penny to be the sweet optimist. You want to give her a hug, but a thought pops into your mind, stopping you.
“Hold on…that’s it.” You address Professor Sprout. “Professor, Perhaps I should bring this bouquet to Madam Pince for approval?”
The head of Hufflepuff claps her hands. “Grand idea! Do so at your first opportunity!”
“Looks like you’ve got your chance to talk to Pince. Which means you’ll be the power couple at the Ball before you know it.” Skye joins the conversation and winks at both you and Penny.
“Only if I can turn Madam Pince around on the dance details.”
Sprout’s voice rings out on the other side of the Greenhouse. “Well done, everyone! Class dismissed. And have a happy Valentine’s Day, dears.”
As your classmates pack up and file out the door, they throw you and Penny a varying array of looks. Happy, envious, disapproving, supportive—they’re all there. Chiara’s suggestion seems to work perfectly.
You sling your satchel over your shoulder and address your friends. “I’d better get going, see you guys later. It’s time to confront Pince and maybe even get to help plan the Ball.”
Penny slides her hand into yours. “I’ll join you. Come on, Jung. We’ve a ball to save!”
Sure, you look a little stupid, holding a bouquet of roses with one hand and Penny’s hand with the other. But you don’t care. Penny’s hand fits perfectly in yours. All too quickly, you arrive at the Library. Reluctantly, you break contact with your best friend and go find the Librarian—you both figured going alone would be best. She’s at her desk, holding a rather large stamp and looking at a long list.
“Excuse me, Madam Pince. Professor Sprout asked me to bring—”
“Shh! Lower your voice, please.” Without looking up, she carefully presses the stamp down on a card.
“Sorry, Madam Pince.” You internally roll your eyes. Your voice wasn’t even that loud!
As she puts the stamp down and finally looks up, she speaks again. It seems you’ve caught her in one of her bad moods. Her eyebrows are turned down spectacularly low. “Miss Lee, you should know that plants in the library are prohibited. You will need to leave immediately.”
“Actually, the flowers are the reason I came to speak with you. Professor Sprout hoped you’d like to decorate the Great Hall with them for the Valentine’s Day Ball.”
Madam Pince’s forehead wrinkles lessen imperceptibly. “I didn’t realize she went through the trouble… But flowers only remind one of what they don’t have on a holiday, and this dance isn’t meant to make anyone feel more alone.”
“Why would flowers make anyone feel alone on Valentine’s Day?”
“Nevermind about that. It’s not my way to discuss such matters with students.” Immersing herself back in her bookkeeping, she attempts to dismiss you. Unfortunately for her, you’re incredibly stubborn and don’t care about
“It’s just- this ball is meant to be a celebration. And there are some concerns amongst students that…”
“Yes?” She looks up sharply.
“Well, that perhaps you might not have the same vision in mind for the ball as the students do.”
“Perhaps you’d like to enlighten me about the type of ball ‘the students’ would like to see.”
“With pleasure.”
You tell her what your friends have said. With every sentence, her mouth gets thinner, rivaling Professor McGonagall’s.
“So your classmates would like a loud, sugar-fuelled night of happy connections with your dates and friends. Bathed in flowers and bright lights, even. Is there anything else you can think of? Perhaps one more request?”
You probably shouldn’t push it, but you cheekily do anyway. “Certainly Butterbeer should be present. And then the night you just described sounds perfect.”
“There will be no floral arrangements at this dance. No sugary refreshments either, and the only sounds I want to hear that evening is a lonely classical Fortepiano.”
That sounds absolutely miserable, but you’re smart enough to not say that to Madam Pince’s face.
“As much as I love books, I don’t intend to force storybook romance on myself or others. No matter how much we all might want to believe in it.”
“But, Madam Pince—”
“No buts. Professor Dumbledore hand-picked me for this responsibility and asked me to do as I see fit. If you have issues with how I’m planning the event, I suggest you take it up with him.”
You sigh in disappointment, but nod quietly and walk away. Clearly, you have someone else to speak to. Heading back to Penny, you fill her in on what the Librarian told you.
“I better go see the Headmaster, because if I don’t, there might not be a Ball worth attending.”
“But first, we have Charms with Flitwick.”
There is no instruction during Charms. Everyone is so excited about the upcoming dance that no one is able to focus on the topic at hand. So Flitwick calls it a free period. You ask him to send a message to Professor Dumbledore. You need an appointment.
“Professor Dumbledore will be happy to meet with you. The password is Chocolate Frog. And, Miss Lee?”
He smiles. “Good luck.”
After class, you and Penny walk together to the Headmaster’s office.
“I’ll wait out here. You’ve got this, babe.”
You’re pretty confident that Professor Dumbledore will be on your side. As you walk up the circular staircase, you run over your lines. At the top of the staircase, there is a large wooden door. Knocking thrice, you wait for an answer.
The door silently moves without your doing, revealing Professor Dumbledore at his desk. He stands as you enter the expansive office.
“Professor Dumbledore, thank you for seeing me. It’s about Madam Pince and the Valentine’s Day Ball.”
“I trust that you and your friends are excited for the event?” There’s a twinkle in his eye as he gestures for you to sit down in a comfy chair. He takes the one across from you.
“It’s all anyone can talk about. And we’re especially excited to spend time connecting with friends, and about the prospect of choosing who to take to the ball. But I’m worried Madam Pince’s plans for the event are a bit…rigid.”
“You are not the first student to tell me that Madam Pince is set in her ways. It often serves her well.”
“Perhaps not this time. I’m not sure the students will appreciate the event she’s planning.”
Professor Dumbledore smiles and inclines his head. “What has Madam Pince planned for the ball that has you so worried?”
“No roses, no lights, no sweets, and only soft, sad piano music. I just can’t understand why anyone would want a party like that!” In your passionate rant, you shake your head so hard that your glasses almost fly off.
“The party the students want certainly sounds festive. And Madam Pince may have different ideas for the ball… So perhaps a compromise can be reached.”
A compromise? You doubt that will happen. Madam Pince seems to be a very stubborn and convicted person, much like yourself. You put your head in your hands. “I don’t know about that. Madam Pince said flowers would make people feel lonely. Who doesn’t love flowers on Valentine’s Day? And she doesn’t want to quote-unquote, ‘force storybook romance on people, even if they want to believe in it’. It doesn't even make sense. How can I reason with logic like that?”
Dumbledore smiles, steepling his hands in front of him. “It sounds like Madam Pince shared more with you than you realize. Sometimes listening to what someone is really saying requires more than using one’s ears. Perhaps you should listen with your heart. Do that, and I think you’ll find the answers you seek.”
“If you think that will help, I’ll try again.” Internally, you don’t think it will help, but maybe Madam Pince has more respect for the Headmaster than she does of you.
He rubs his chin. “Perhaps it would help to share why you care so much about this Ball.”
“We need something positive and celebratory. It would be nice to have something nice lift us up.”
“I’m happy to know there is a student who cares enough about this ball to ensure its success. Just listen with your heart and consider another way… and you and your friends will have a Ball to remember.”
“Thank you, Professor Dumbledore. With your advice, perhaps I can still save this ball.”
“And you may yet show Madam Pince the true spirit of the day we will be celebrating. Have a good day, Miss Lee.” Dumbledore stands and runs a hand over Fawkes’ head. It’s a clear dismissal, so you thank him quickly and make your way to the door.
As you walk back down the circular staircase, you mull over Professor Dumbledore’s suggestion. Time to call in reinforcements. Starting with the most optimistic witch in the entire school, Penny Haywood.
Luckily, Penny is still at the foot of the stairs, like she promised.
“How did it go?” She loops an arm around yours as you make your way back to the Library.
“I’m… not sure. I tried talking to Dumbledore about Madam Pince’s plans for the event, and he suggested I listen to her with my heart rather than my head. I don’t do that!”
“I know, love. But if the advice came from Dumbledore, it’s sure to help us solve our Pince predicament.”
You chuckle at the alliteration as the both of you cross over the threshold to the Library.
“I think so, too. But to really listen, first we need to get her to talk to me again. How are we going to do that?”
“Shhh!” Speak of the devil. The Librarian appears seemingly out of nowhere.
“Sorry, Madam Pince. Penny and I were hoping to talk to you about the Valentine’s Day Ball?”
“Not this again. I told you, everything is under control. And it’s frankly insulting that you continue to stick your nose in matters that the Headmaster put me in charge of.”
Your immediate instinct is to snap back. However, you remember the conversation you just had with Professor Dumbledore. Taking a calming breath, you swallow your annoyance and try a different tack.
“You’re right. Professor Dumbledore assured me that you want to make this a wonderful event. But he also thought we should try and collaborate with you in an effort to make it a grand ball for all.”
That stops her ire. “Well, if the Headmaster took the time to suggest it…”
“I think Penny and I would be able to help if we understood why you want the ball to be so simple.”
“I simply don’t want to create a storybook version of romance at this dance. Such fairy tales don’t end happily. In fact, they can leave one feeling more on the outside than ever. I don’t want anyone feeling excluded or lonely.”
“No one will be lonely, Madam Pince.”
Penny agrees with you. “Valentine’s Day is about connections of all kinds, including friendship!”
You give her a lopsided smile as the warmth in your chest grows stronger. You love Penny so much. She’s simply too good for this world.
“It’s simply a matter of controlling expectations and avoiding disappointment. Some people may feel out-of-place at a romantic event where they aren’t with someone they care about.” Madam Pince’s voice shakes you out of your thoughts.
You and Penny share a look. There it is: the crux of the situation. Before you can say anything, she speaks again.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a serious matter to attend to. Good day, Miss Lee, Miss Haywood.”
With a curt nod, Madam Pince turns and walks away, leaving you and Penny to think about the conversation.
“Well, Jung, I think we both listened with our hearts.”
“Mine says Madam Pince might be lonely and doesn’t want anyone else to feel like that, either.”
“It’s understandable. Being with someone who makes your heart feel as warm as a freshly brewed potion, well, that’s what Valentine’s Day is all about. And, truth is, you make my heart feel like that, Seojung.”
“That’s really sweet, Penny.” You open your arms and raise an eyebrow. “What are you waiting for?”
She barrels into your arms without a second thought. You’re much less likely to initiate contact than she is, so she takes full advantage of every opportunity she is given when you do take the first step.
“You definitely need to sort out this Valentine’s Day Ball business first or there won’t be a ball worth going to.”
“Out! Out!” All of a sudden, Filch’s rough tenor can be heard near the entrance. A poor first-year Gryffindor scurries out the door with his proverbial tail between his legs, sufficiently scolded for eating in the Library.
“Oh, Madam Pince! Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to cause a ruckus in your library.”
“It’s quite all right, Mr. Filch. I’m sure you were taking care of a disturbance so I wouldn’t have to. Such a gentleman. I actually wanted to thank you for helping me with the dance preparations.”
“Why, of course, Madam Pince!”
You can’t believe your eyes. Madam Pince is actually smiling. At Mr. Filch, no less. It’s an unlikely pairing, but the more you think about it, the more you can see how it works. They both like rules and the simpler side of life. They seem to enjoy scolding students and handing out punishments. Both are fiercely protective of the things they love. Yes, Filch and Pince.
“Look at that. Perhaps Beauty isn’t the only one who can tame the Beast. Pince can, too!” Penny winks at you.
“Wait, that’s it, Pens! We need to make Madam Pince believe in fairy tales again, and show her the true meaning of Valentine’s Day by cheering her up with her own valentine!”
“Oh, how adorable! That’s brilliant, babe!” You resist the urge to kiss her, right there in the library.
“If I can make the two connect, then maybe Madam Pince will finally listen to our ideas about the ball.”
“You’ve got to get Mr. Filch’s attention if you want to talk to them. And to do that, you might need to get in trouble. Not that you have a hard time with that.”
“Hey!” You push her gently.
“You know I’m right.” Her bright blue eyes glimmer with amusement. You can’t bring yourself to disagree, because it’s true. Penny is usually right. That’s just how life is.
“Alright, fine. But there’s someone who knows better-Merula.”
“She’s in Astronomy with me. I’ll let her know you want to chat in the Courtyard, if that’s okay.”
You nod in agreement. “Hey, if you want to ask her, I won’t complain. Thanks, Pens.”
“Meet me in the Common Room later?”
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll get some studying done here first.”
“Catch you later, Hero.”
With a light peck on the cheek and an easy smile, Penny is gone.
You mean to do your History of Magic assignment, you really do. But you can’t stop thinking about Penny and her casual touches. It’s driving you insane. You’re surprised you’ve managed to hold it together this long. If you two are going to share a bed tonight, you might just die right there.
Someone snaps their fingers under your nose. It’s Rowan, who looks quite concerned.
“Oh, hey Row. What’s up?”
Your best friend rolls her eyes. “Don’t even bother trying. You’re a horrible actor. I tried calling your name five times! What’s biting you?”
This time, you smile and chuckle at Rowan’s attempt to use an American phrase. “That’s ‘eating at you’, but… I think you know.”
She takes out her schoolbooks and cracks open her Potions textbook. “How are you doing with that?”
“I wish it was real.” The words fall out of your mouth before you can stop them at your teeth. You pause. “I love her. A lot.”
Rowan pushes her glasses up her nose. “Have you considered telling her?”
“Yeah… I’m worried how she’ll react. What if she doesn’t want to be friends anymore?”
The dark-haired girl snorts. “As if Penny Haywood would ever do that to you. You don’t have to worry about her cutting off your guys’ friendship.” She lays a hand on your forearm. “For what it’s worth, I think you should ask her to the ball as actual dates. Let her know how you feel, for real.”
You nod slowly. You’ve known Rowan even longer than you’ve known Penny, and you know she wouldn’t lead you wrong on purpose. She knows both you and Penny very well. “Thanks, Rowan. I’ll think about it. If the Ball preparations go right, maybe.” Pulling out your silver pocketwatch, you pop open the cover and look at the time. “I’ve got to go. I need to go convince Merula to help me get Filch’s attention.”
She raises her eyebrows. “Tell me about it over dinner?”
“You bet. See you, Row.”
“All right, Lee, what do you want? Haywood said it was urgent.” Merula stands near the fountain with her arms crossed, not caring that you can barely catch your breath.
You roll your eyes and clutch at your sides. Running was not your strong suit. You need to work out more often.
“I need your help getting Filch’s attention so that I can cheer up Madam Pince and save the Ball.”
The Slytherin raises an incredulous eyebrow. “I’m not sure I understand why one grump helping another grump plan a ball is even remotely a good idea.”
“I just saw them in the Library earlier. The two of them looked happy talking to each other. She seems to want to believe in storybook romance. So perhaps Filch could be Madam Pince’s valentine? I’m hoping I can get Filch to think my ideas are the same as Pince’s, then the ball might be a success.”
“That’s quite the nefarious plan, Lee. All right, I’m in. And I want this Ball to be a good time. What if… we did something to Mrs. Norris? That’s sure to get him to react.”
“That’s a good idea! What’s something easily reversible?”
She sniffs. “That’s easy. Colovaria.”
You take a second to think about it. “I like it. You’re really on a roll today.”
“It’s a brilliant idea. I’m the Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts, and I have the best ideas. You wish you had thought of it.”
You don’t bother to respond to her preening. It’s incorrect. Obviously, McGonagall is the Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts. Instead, you change the subject.
“So, why are you so invested in helping Pince?”
“Because I don’t want the Ball to be a bore. You heard her plans.” She rolls her eyes. “Still, Pince and Filch. What a strange couple.”
“It might be strange, but they’ll get no judgment from me.”
“Suppose we could be an even odder couple if we were to show up together. Of course, you’d be the odd one. The Most Powerful Witch at Hogwarts isn’t odd. She’s awesome.”
You sigh. “Honestly, Merula, I’m still not over all the abuse you gave us the first few years we were at Hogwarts. I’d barely even call us on good terms. You still have a lot to make up for. So even if I was available, I wouldn’t want to go with you. But I’m going with Penny, so I’m not available anyway.”
She nods, looking like she sucked on a bad lemon. “You know what? Forget I said anything.”
“Done.” You shrug. “Okay, I need to get Filch to see things our way. Oh, there’s Filch and Mrs. Norris now.”
Merula turns to where your head is tilted towards. She pulls out her wand and grins devilishly. “Ready?” At your nod, she fires off an enthusiastic Colovaria! at the Maine Coon.
It’s a little concerning how much pleasure Merula is deriving from this, but you have more pressing matters. Mrs. Norris turns a bright neon pink and yowls indignantly.
“Gamey goblin bogies! Who’s responsible for this?!” He looks around, making eye contact with you. “Lee! You’re coming with me!”
“Looks like you got his attention. Now, let’s see what you do with it. Good luck, Lee.”
You roll your eyes as you walk away. “Thanks, Merula.”
Upon opening the door to Filch’s office, he explodes on you.
“How dare you do such a nasty prank to a poor, sweet, innocent creature like Mrs. Norris!”
Sweet? Innocent? You barely hold back a scoff. Mrs. Norris is anything but.
“The next words out of your mouth better be an apology, Ms. Lee.”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Filch.”
“Not to me, to Mrs. Norris!” The caretaker growls, spittle flying from his mouth.
“Oh! Sorry, Mrs. Norris.”
You take out your wand and reverse the spell.
“Why would you do this to a magnificent creature like Mrs. Norris?”
“It was for the ball. Speaking of which, I was really hoping to talk to you about the Valentine’s Day Ball, Mr. Filch.”
That certainly gets his attention. A brief look of worry crosses his face. “Why? Has Madam Pince said something? Is she upset with how I’ve been stacking the chairs?”
“Not…exactly. But you really do care about what she thinks, right?”
“No! I’m just helping set up the ball for Madam Pince as she has enough on her plate.”
“Oh, because I happen to know that Madam Pince is looking for more help. Someone to discuss her ideas and truly collaborate with her.”
“Is that so?” Filch takes Mrs. Norris into his arms and starts stroking her head.
“I thought perhaps you might want to be the one to talk to her about the ball?”
“What, no! How could I help? I don’t know anything about planning dances!”
Mr. Filch unwittingly opens the door for your persuasion. “Actually, I happen to know some of the things Madam Pince wants to see for the Ball.”
“You do? Might be useful for our next event planning meeting later today…”
“It certainly would. Perhaps I could help you get organized for your meeting?”
“All right, you can help me. But no funny business!”
With a few white lies and half-truths, you fill Mr. Filch in on what “Madam Pince” would like to see at the Valentine’s Day Ball.
“So Madam Pince wants sophisticated refreshments and refined music and elegant flowers.”
“Yes, and she also wants the party to be fun. But something people of all ages will enjoy. I think she really needs a peer she respects to confirm all of these notions. So perhaps you could tell her you like those things, too?” You give him your sweetest smile.
“But I don’t like those things!”
“Are you sure, Mr. Filch? Because Madam Pince sure does. In fact, I think she really wants to believe that the night could be romantic and special for everyone, but is afraid that people who don’t have someone special in their life might not enjoy it as much.”
He shakes his head quickly. “I wouldn’t want such a marvelous woman as Madam Pince to feel she isn’t getting the ball she wants. And I suppose those things might suit a dance like this.”
“It seems Madam Pince wants this night to be like a storybook romantic ball right out of a fairy tale! Perhaps you should dress the part when you go to the meeting? To show you truly understand her vision.”
“Dress the part? I wouldn’t even know how! I’m not magical like Madam Pince, I’m just Squib.” He spits the last part out like it’s a terrible affliction. Part of you feel bad for him, surrounded by such wondrous magic and unable to partake in it.
“I bet Madam Pince likes you just the way you are, Mr. Filch. Magical or not. But, if it would make you feel better, I know someone who could give you a makeover!”
“A what?! Out of the question. You kids and your new-fangled ideas…”
You ignore him and continue. “Looking your best is always a good idea. Sprucing yourself up will feel great! And Madam Pince might like it, too.”
“Well, let’s be quick about it! I’ve still got other duties to attend to.”
“Andre, I need a favor…” You poke your head into the Transfiguration classroom.
“This better be good, Seojung, I’m already busy enough making outfits for the Ball!” Andre Egwu, the most stylish person you know at Hogwarts, is currently surrounded by random patterns and many manikins.
“Trust me, the Ball won’t be worth your effort unless we get your help right now.” You step fully into the classroom, Mr. Filch right behind.
“Excuse me? It will be a proper event, with or without your contribution, Miss Lee. Remember we’re here to help Madam Pince achieve her vision for a romantic ball and for nothing else.” Mr. Filch snaps at you.
Andre’s confusion is clear on his face. “Her vision? I thought that Pince’s boring ball ideas were the problem in the first place.” Oh, Andre. You want to clap a hand across his mouth, but it’s too late.
Filch glares at you. “Boring?! What is he going on about?”
“Andre, Mr. Filch is going to help Madam Pince have a storybook Valentine’s Ball just like we all want. I was just explaining she wants fun and lights and romance, she’s just having trouble seeing that. But as she seems to very much respect Mr. Filch, he’s agreed to talk to her about it.”
His eyes clear up. “Now I understand what we’re after. That’s proper brillant, Jung. So how can I help?”
“Well, any romantic storybook Valentine’s Day features a dashing, well-dressed suitor for the ball’s host…”
“I see. So we’re thinking a full makeover?” He scans Filch from head to toe, gears already spinning in his head.
“There’s that ridiculous word again! I never agreed to anything of the sort.”
You grin and pull the Madam Pince card again. “Remember you’re giving your colleague a happy Valentine’s Day!”
“We all really want this to be a magical night, Mr. Filch, and you can reflect that with how you dress.” Andre pipes up, waving at the many half-finished project scattered around the room.
Mrs. Norris meows languidly and stretches at Mr. Filch’s feet. For once, she is at ease.
“See? Even Mrs. Norris agrees!”
“All right. I’ll let you try your hand at it, but I don’t want anything too frilly. Or colorful. Or uncomfortable.”
You step back and watch as Andre takes Filch’s measurements and quickly throws together a formal, ball-worthy outfit for the custodian. Before long, Mr. Filch is behind the partition, trying on the clothes. When he steps out, it’s like there a whole new person has replaced the man you know.
Mr. Filch is wearing a handsome pinstriped three-piece suit, complete with the long tuxedo tails, spats, and a tophat. All he needs is a cane, and he could be the front man for a tap show.
“I cannot believe what I’m seeing…” Andre’s jaw hangs open.
“It’s horrible, isn’t it?!?”
“No, you look quite handsome, Mr. Filch. The question is, will Madam Pince like it?”
The fashion whiz regains his footing and collects himself. “I believe she will. If it weren’t for Filch’s scowl I’d almost mistake him for a gentleman.” You wince at the dig. Andre seems to really want to piss Filch off. Thankfully, Mr. Filch is too busy looking at his boutonniere to hear him.
Mrs. Norris comes out from behind the partition as well. She is dressed in a matching bowtie, cuffs, and tophat. You think she looks adorable, for once. Andre is a genius.
“So, do you feel ready for your meeting with Madam Pince, Mr. Filch?”
“Wait a second, my tie is crooked…” As the Caretaker fiddles with his bowtie, you turn to Andre.
“Thank you for helping me. The ball wouldn’t be the same without your stylish eye for clothes.”
“Oh, please say more. It was my pleasure, Curse-Breaker. Good luck with Pince.” With an impish wink, he returns to his work.
“We’d better get a move on, Miss Lee. Can't keep Madam Pince waiting, now can we?”
You agree and together head out. The Library is a short jaunt up a few flights of stairs. Unfortunately, Madam Pince is nowhere to be found. You scan the aisles and find a familiar face.
“Hey, Talbott. How’re you?”
Tallbott Winger gives you a small smile. He’s reading a thick textbook in another language you can’t understand. “Fine, I suppose. And you?”
“On a mission. Have you seen Pince?”
“Madam Pince is putting jinxes on some of the new books.”
Mr. Filch suddenly comes up next to you and Talbott. “Here to cause trouble, Mr. Winger? I bet you are!”
“Keep your voice down, Mr. Filch. Madam Pince wouldn’t want us to disturb the quiet of the library.”
“Fine, but only because Madam Pince wouldn’t appreciate it.” Mr. Filch looks down at his outfit again. “I can’t believe you convinced me to wear this ridiculous outfit.”
“You look handsome, Mr. Filch, not ridiculous. Just as I said before.”
It seems that Mr. Filch is unable to take compliments. His face twists into a scowl. “Bah! I’m going to go find Madam Pince.” With a swish of his coattails, he walks to the Forbidden section of the library.
Talbott raises his eyebrows as he watches Filch leave. “I’ve heard you’re trying to save the Valentine’s Day Ball.”
“Yep. I’ve enlisted Mr. Filch to help persuade Madam Pince to make it a lot more fun. And maybe even be her valentine.”
“I’d like to help.”
You have a double take, looking quizzically at the introverted Ravenclaw. It seems rather unlike him to care about this sort of thing. “Really? I didn’t realize you were interested in the Ball.”
“A lot of things you don’t know about me, Lee. But it would be worth it if you were there. I wasn’t planning on seeing you here, but now that I have, I want to ask you to the Ball.”
“That’s really kind of you, Talbott… I’m already going with Penny, sorry.” It doesn’t surprise you that Talbott hasn’t heard the gossip flying around the castle. He keeps to himself very well. A small part of you hopes he’s okay with it, because he’s close friends with Penny. Not that you’re looking for validation.
The quiet boy takes it in stride. He nods slightly and gives his signature quirk of his lips. “That’s all right. You two make a great couple! And don’t worry, I’d still like to help. First, you definitely need to talk to Pince and save the dance. Now we really need to make sure it’s a great night.”
“Thanks, Talbott. Speak of the devil…” You both fall silent as Mr. Filch and Madam Pince near you. That way, they couldn’t possibly lecture you. But, as it turns out, they wouldn’t have heard you anyway. They are in the midst of a conversation of their own.
“My, you’re looking quite dapper, Argus.”
“Thank you, Irma. I was hoping to try something different today…though I’m now worried I look like a Hippogriff’s behind.”
“Nothing of the sort. I think it looks very nice. And I won’t hear anything different.” Madam Pince smiles elegantly at Mr. Filch. It shapes her face quite nicely, turning her into a different woman. But just as quickly as it came, the smile drops at the sight of you.
“I see you’re back, Miss Lee. This time with Mr. Winger, it seems. Can I ask why?”
You turn to the caretaker. “I’ll let Mr. Filch fill you in.”
“Miss Lee here was helping me get organized for our meeting.”
Madam Pince nods. “Very well. Let’s start our meeting, then.”
And so the meeting happens. You, Mr. Filch, and Talbott outline your suggestions. Finally, Mr. Filch does what you asked him.
“I think your Valentine’s Day Ball vision would be even better with tasteful sweet refreshments, smart music, and beautiful flowers fit for a woman such as yourself, Madam Pince.”
“Oh, I don’t know, Mr. Filch… it’s all a bit much.”
You quickly speak up. “Madam Pince, you should know that Mr. Filch worked really hard to come up with ideas that fit your vision. We talked about string music to liven up the mood but keep it classy, delicious treats and tasteful, red flowers. Mr. Filch has your best interests at heart, Madam Pince.”
Talbott pipes in. “And isn’t that what Valentine’s Day is about: heart?”
You continue. “We just want to make sure that you and Mr. Filch get the Valentine’s Day Ball you both want.”
“Me and… Mr. Filch?” Your words seem to have an effect on the librarian.
The caretaker removes his tophat and worries the brim with both hands. “Well, not- I don’t mean to presume or nothin’… but, well, you deserve a fairy tale ball, Madam Pince. Something right out of one of the story books you have here in the Library, even.”
“And Mr. Filch will be right by your side making sure everything turns out just as you like!” You use your best Penny smile to inject as much optimism as you can into your words.
“He will?”
Talbott nods sagely. “He will.”
“Well… yes, it would be my honor, Madam Pince… If you’ll have me, that is.” Mr. Filch bows his head slightly.
“I suppose I may have been a little too utilitarian with the festivities. Adding some tasteful flair may be in order. What Mr. Filch has described sounds simply wonderful. Magical, even, like a fairy tale, just as he said. Perhaps people of all types can enjoy connecting on Valentine’s Day, after all.”
“I wholeheartedly agree, Madam Pince.” Yes! Success. You did it!
Talbott smiled. “I agree, too.”
“The only problem is that now there’s so much to prepare with these new ideas!” There is a new light in Madam Pince’s eyes as she considers the new tasks.
Thankfully, Mr. Filch rises to the opportunity. He pledges his assistance. “Don’t worry, Madam Pince, I’ll help you.”
“Talbott and I can help too! And our friends, of course.”
“All right, Miss Lee, get your friends together to help. We’ve a romantic storybook ball to plan. Don’t forget that this should still be a classy sort of fun, even the music.” She sternly reminds you that she is still in control.
“Don’t worry, Madam Pince. I know just the person to talk to about romantic music.”
Bidding farewell to the Librarian, Mr. Filch, and Talbott, you make your way to the Hufflepuff Common Room. Talking with Chiara will have to wait for tomorrow. You have a study session with Penny to prepare for. You make a mental note to ask Chiara at dinner tonight or breakfast tomorrow.
Penny greets you with a big hug and another kiss on the cheek. She seems to like it as much as you do. “How did it go?” Grasping your hand earnestly, she steers you over to an empty table in the corner of the Common Room.
“Really good. I managed to change Pince’s mind with a little help from Filch. Andre gave him a makeover and everything. He cleans up well. How was Astronomy?”
“Utterly boring. I wish you were there.” She pouts. “Stuff isn’t fun if you’re not around.”
Penny always seems to know just what to say. That weird feeling in your chest grows again. Spending time with the blonde Hufflepuff is one of your favorite things to do.
You bump her shoulder with yours. “I missed you, too. And I really need help with my Potions essay.”
“I see how it is. You only talk to me for my brains.” Penny crosses her arm in faux-anger. Her fond smile gives it away.
“Not true! You also compliment me a lot.”
She shoves you in the shoulder. “The nerve!”
You grab one of her hands. “Seriously though. I’m glad you’re my friend. You’re important to me for much more than just homework. I promise, I’ll always be around.”
All your worries about saying the wrong thing are wiped away with Penny’s embrace. She smells like roses and patchouli, and the scent fills your lungs.
She cuddles close to you as she explains the potion Snape covered in lecture today. Her ability to break down complicated concepts into simple terms is what’s keeping your ass afloat in Potions.
With Penny’s help, you finish the essay for Potions and move onto the DADA one you started the day before. With renewed focus and the help of your best friend, you manage to scrape together the right words for that assignment as well. In exchange, you offer help with Transfiguration, Muggle Studies, and Charms.
You lose track of time, realizing that afternoon has turned into evening only when you glance out one of the windows.
“Damn, it’s night already?”
Penny laughs kindly. “Yes, we missed dinner. Are you hungry?”
Your stomach joins the conversation, growling like an old automobile.
“I guess that answers that. Come on.” She stands and offers a hand. “We can get something from the Kitchen.”
You’re thankful that the Hufflepuff Common Room is right next to the Kitchen. It makes getting midnight snacks easy.
Despite the late hour, the Kitchen is still thrumming with energy, its numerous hearths still roaring away. A house elf, Dory, approaches them. “Good evening, Misses. What can Dory do for you?”
“Good evening, Dory! Seojung and I missed dinner, we got caught up in our studies. We were wondering if there were any leftovers?”
Dory grins and pops away with a snap of her fingers. She reappears with a tray of steaming sandwiches and two covered bowls. You gratefully take the tray from the elf. “Thanks, Dory. We appreciate it.”
Dory curtsies. “Dory is happy to help. Enjoy!” She snaps her fingers again, leaving you and Penny alone.
“Come on.” Holding the tray carefully, so as not to spill the precious goods, you lead the way back to the Common Room.
Over the late but scrumptious meal, you chat about upcoming exams and the younger students Penny had to reprimand. You don’t envy her position at all. Being a Prefect seems too stressful for you.
Pretty soon, the other students retire to their beds. One by one, until it’s just you and Penny sitting in the quiet room.
You remember the note you gave yourself at breakfast. “Hey, Pens?”
“Hm?” Penny smiles in response to your nickname for her. It’s something only you alone are allowed to use. Tonks might call her Penne from time to time, but they usually just call her P.
“I wanted to ask about PDA and boundaries… and other stuff. Just making sure we’re on the same page.”
“Of course. What’s up?”
“How much PDA are you comfortable with? Anything that’s completely off-limits?”
She wrinkles her nose. “I hate when people snog in the hallways and in front of other people. Could they have a little more class? Definitely nothing like that will fly with me. But quick little kisses as greetings, I’m fine with.”
You nod, taking everything she says to heart. “I feel the same way. The sounds people make when sucking on each other’s faces make me sick. But I… really like when you kiss my cheek, so you can definitely do more of that.”
You don’t look at Penny as you speak, too embarrassed to make eye contact. Instead, you pick up a pen and spin it aimlessly. But Penny has other ideas. She reaches forward and gently cups your face, turning it so that you’re facing her. She leans closer, never once breaking eye contact.
“You promise me you’re telling the truth?”
“I promise.”
Her lips touch your cheek and linger there. When she pulls back, she searches your eyes for any pushback. “Is something like that okay?”
You feel your lips curl up before you can even tell them to move. “More than.”
The clock above the fireplace chimes, signaling the new hour, making you jump. It is ten o’clock, your bedtime. You stretch, hearing the bones in your neck and upper back pop and crackle. Your sitting posture is a bit poor. Okay, a lot poor.
As you pack up your schoolwork, you look over at Penny, who is doing the same. “Do you want to sleep in my bed tonight?”
“Sure. I’ll get washed up and come over.” She yawns and raises her arms over her head, stretching her sides.
You give her a thumbs-up and go to your room, changing into pajamas and washing up in the bathroom. As you’re finishing up a diary entry, Penny comes into the room. She’s wearing a light blue t-shirt and light grey sweatpants, quite similar to your sleepwear. The only difference is that your top is dark blue.
“Look at us, two Hufflepuffs wearing Ravenclaw colors. A disgrace to the house.”
Penny snorts as she climbs under the covers and closes the curtains on her side. “It’s not our fault that blue is our favorite color. Though the Sorting Hat did consider putting me in Ravenclaw.”
“Same. But I wanted to be in Hufflepuff, because Jacob was in Hufflepuff. I felt like I had to prove that I could be in the same house as him and not turn out the same way.” You slip your glasses off and toss them lightly onto your bedside table, clicking off the lamp and closing the curtains. Casting a muffling charm, you turn back to the other girl. “My biggest fear is turning out like him.”
“You won’t. You have your friends to keep you from turning out that way. And you have me.” It’s dark now without the light from your nightstand, but you can hear the smile in Penny’s voice as she calmly encourages you.
“Thanks, Pens.” You’ll probably regret it later, but you pull her close so that her head is resting on your chest and shoulder. You cross your fingers and hope that she can’t hear how fast your betraying heart is currently thumping inside your ribcage.
She gives you a tiny kiss on your collarbone and snakes an arm around your waist. “Goodnight, Jung. Thanks for everything.”
Throwing caution into the wind. You lean forward and press your lips on the part of Penny’s forehead you can reach. Laying back, you feel the blonde’s breathing deepening and slowing down. Pretty soon, she’s out.
The constant weight on your right side is comforting, but you are hyperaware of the closeness. It makes your skin prickle. You tell yourself that it’s worth seeing Penny so happy.
But yeah. It’s going to be a long night.
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hphmseojunglee · 1 year
i’m writing a new penny/mc fanfic! it’s called ‘deed i do (inspired by this song, because it’s great), and you can read the first chapter on ao3!
if you wish to read on tumblr: chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4
With Valentine’s Day coming up, I wanted to write a funny & sweet fake-dating AU between my MC and Penny. I absolutely adored the “Valentine’s Day Ball” side quest, so I decided to take the story and add a layer of drama and fake-dating shenanigans to it. And of course, Seojung is actually into Penny, which makes the fake-dating game that much harder.
I’m really excited for this fic. For once, I have a very clear idea in my head of what I want to write and how I want the story to progress. I even outlined this thing, which I rarely ever do. I’m taking this very seriously.
I look forward to pushing my writing skills by writing in a different tense and POV. I’ve chosen present (I think?) tense and a second-person POV, immersing the reader so they feel like a character in a video game. You see everything happen “as” the character.
Hopefully, all 4 parts will be out to enjoy on AO3 by Valentine’s Day! I have two days. Wish me luck!
If you do get about to reading the fic, please let me know what you think! Whether with a kudos or a comment, I appreciate your interaction with my story. Just doing my part to expand the library of penny/female!mc fics on AO3. Long live sapphic fanfic!
“Mates, I got it.” Tonks breaks you out of your haze. Immediately, Rowan, Chiara, and Penny cast wary glances at each other. They know much too well how most of Tonks’ ideas turn out.
“Yes?” Rowan takes one for the team and asks the question you’re all scared to ask.
“You two—” The pink-haired witch wags their fingers between you and Penny, “—should pretend to date each other, so people will stop asking you guys to the ball.”
what if the Valentine's Day Ball TLSQ had a fake-dating spin to it? (a sapphic remix)
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hphmseojunglee · 1 year
my hphm fics: a masterlist
- come heavy of a golden hue | 6 chapters
friend, darling, hero, love, babe, partner. six names penny haywood has for seojung lee.
(or, a sapphic remix of hogwarts mystery with slowburn penny & mc)
read on ao3 here
- happy birthday! i think. | oneshot
Penny enlists Jae’s help to wish Seojung a Happy Birthday in Korean.
Jae teaches her something else instead.
read on ao3 here
- cigarettes in rumination | oneshot
MC sneaks out in the middle of the night, Penny brings him back.
read on ao3 here
- ‘deed i do | 4 chapters
what if the Valentine's Day Ball TLSQ had a fake-dating spin to it? (a sapphic remix)
read on ao3 here
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hphmseojunglee · 1 year
cigarettes in rumination
link to ao3 here
AN: just a little angsty think piece that grew longer than I expected. enjoy a little hurt/comfort fluffiness.
It was a gloomy day. The clouds above are dreary and grey, and there was a chill in the air. It slid between his layers of clothing. He watched as mist rolled off of the lake before him.
His favorite kind of weather. Perfect for brooding.
Bundling the thin leather jacket he was wearing tighter around himself, Seojung balled his hands into fists and stuffed them in the jacket pockets. 
Between the exams, captaining the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, finding the next Vault, and trying to find Jacob, stress is a constant friend. He felt like he was at a breaking point. 
His chest spasmed and he pulled out a white handkerchief from his trouser pocket to cover his cough. 
This time of year always meant sickness for Seojung. The changing of seasons, the temperature dropping, and the impending deadlines were all factors in his suffering. Nothing like a lingering cough to keep him company as the seasonal depression steamrolled his soul.
His friends had noticed the changes in him, but they shad stopped asking about it when he bit their heads off one night over supper. He felt a little bad about losing his top, but on the other hand, he really hated the question, “Are you okay?”
Stuffing the handkerchief back in its place, Seojung fixed his glasses and sighed deeply as his eyes roved aimlessly over the dark lake. 
Glancing at his timepiece, he pulled a beaten-up box out of the inside pocket of his jacket. Tapping a slim cigarette out, he brought it to his lips and lit the end with his lighter. 
The lid of the lighter shut with a satisfying click. He loved the sound. Tucking it safely into his trousers, he took a light drag of the death stick in his mouth.
It was arguably quite stupid to smoke with a history of respiratory weakness and seasonal asthma, but he did it anyway. If his body was going to deteriorate, Seojung wanted it to be by his own hand. 
If there was one thing he hated, it was being out of control. His emotions were getting harder to keep in line, as of late. He didn’t wish to burden any of his friends with his feelings, didn’t think they warranted that kind of care. So he coped with cigarettes and late nights spent on the lakeside. It could be worse.
He tapped the butt of the cigarette with his thumb, flicking the ashes into the sand below. Just as he was going to take another drag, he heard footsteps crunching towards him. 
Pivoting towards the noise, his wand seemed to jump into his non-cigarette-holding hand. Who the hell was awake at this hour?
Penny Haywood, that was who. 
He breathed a sigh of relief and stowed his wand back in its pocket. At least it wasn’t a Professor patrolling the grounds. 
Looking a little pale and lackluster, the blonde Hufflepuff drew closer to him, dressed in a thick house sweater, house scarf, and warm pajama bottoms. Her dress shoes had been swapped for tall brown boots. Overall, she was dressed quite warmly. Penny was always more susceptible to the cold than he was.
“You missed dinner again.”
The words hung in the air between them thickly before dissipating. 
Seojung cleared his throat, not looking at his best friend. “Yep.” Sucking on the cigarette, he blew out the smoke away from her. Then, he dropped the stick, crushing it with the heel of his Derby.
Penny hated the smell of cigarettes. He wasn’t a jerk. He might be avoiding her, but he had more respect for her than he did for anyone else put together. 
They said nothing for a moment, listening to the snoozing forest around them. 
Finally, Penny broke the silence. “I can’t sleep, I’m worried about you. Will you come back with me?”
He didn’t say anything.
A hand on his shoulder gently turned him around. He was face-to-face with Penny now. Her blue eyes were brimming with tears. When she spoke, her voice trembled.
He could not say no. Although his feelings still felt like a dark ball in the middle of his chest, he always put the needs and wants of his loved ones first. So he nodded silently, and Penny let her guard down. She fell into his arms and he felt the collar of his pullover growing moist.
Penny Haywood’s touch had the bizarre power to ease his tumultuous thoughts. He felt much less stressed now. 
They stayed in the warm embrace until Penny’s sobs subsided. He noticed something about the sweater she was wearing: on the back of the collar, a long black line drawn vertically across in permanent marker. 
It was something he did with his sweaters so he knew which side was the back. 
“Are you wearing my sweater?”
Penny sniffled into his shoulder. “I deserve it after all the trouble you put me through. I’ve been sick with worry!” She lightly punched his upper arm.
He deserved that. “Fair enough. Come on, you’re shivering, let’s head back in.”
Penny slipped her arm underneath his as they made their way through the forest, back to the castle. They tiptoed in the dark hallways, ducking into empty rooms to avoid patrolling Prefects. 
Finally, they made it back to the Hufflepuff Common Room. Once again, Seojung was glad that they were in the same house, and that Penny was a Prefect. A lot could be done without repercussions when the supervising students were inclined to look the other way, such as breaking curfew to moodily glare at the Lake.
As he scrubbed under his fingernails and brushed his teeth as quickly as possible, he took in the reflection before him. 
Dark bags under his eyes. Sallow skin. A permanent frown. Worry lines between his brows. 
Damn, he looked tired. 
“Which is why you’ll be going to bed immediately.” Penny leaned on the doorway, arms crossed. There was still some anger in her eyes. A common point of contention between them was how much Seojung neglected to care for himself. 
He was silently thankful that they did not share a dormitory; she would have much more ammunition during their arguments if she knew the extent to which he put personal wellbeing to the wayside.
“Did I say that out loud?”
“Yes, and you’re right. Come on, to bed with you.”
Seojung felt a little bit like a prisoner being walked back to his cell, but he knew better than to protest. Penny Haywood was not one to be crossed or disobeyed. 
He crept into his room to the tune of Rowan’s snores. By the light of the moon, he changed into his pajama bottoms and shucked off his current sweater for the one he wore to sleep. Turning back to his bed, he found Penny waiting, covers turned back for him to climb in.
Whispering an imperturbable spell, a nightly ritual, he settled under the covers and turned toward his bed mate.
“Don’t you have a bed of your own?”
“Someone needs to make sure you get some sleep. So shut up and close your eyes.” He had a hard time taking his best friend seriously when she looked so comfortable, but he knew better than to say that.
“I’m sorry for being an ass—” His words were halted by Penny’s fingers. 
He sighed as the fingers retreated. “Tomorrow.”
It wasn’t the first time they had slept in the same bed, but it was definitely different from the other times. It was most likely the chilly energy he was getting from Penny. The distance between them emotionally and physically felt like a gaping chasm, even though she was at arm’s length. 
He was at fault. He had to take the first step. Gently, he motioned the other girl closer to him. He felt Penny’s shoulders relax as she settled on his chest. 
They both needed this.
A difficult conversation would be waiting for him tomorrow, but for now, he was determined to get a good night’s sleep. 
After all, he had a very compelling reason in his arms.
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hphmseojunglee · 2 years
happy birthday! (i think.)
Penny enlists Jae’s help to wish Seojung a Happy Birthday in Korean.
Jae teaches her something else instead.
read on ao3
Penny poked her head into the owlery. Scanning the area, she found who she was looking for and sighed in relief.
“Hi, Talbott. How are the owls today?”
The enigmatic Ravenclaw nodded at her. “They’re doing well. What brings you by?”
“I was wondering if you’ve seen Jae?”
“Yeah, saw him at lunch. He told me he would be in the Kitchens again. Serving detention, as usual.”
“School just started! He’s gotten himself into trouble this soon?”
That’s Jae Kim for you. Why’re you looking for him?”
She had figured he would be down in the Kitchens with Pitts. “Oh, I just wanted to ask him something.”
“Anything I can help you with?” Talbott raised his eyebrow.
She laughed. “Not unless you know any Korean!”
Talbott had a bit of a protective streak in his nature, especially when it concerned his only real friend at Hogwarts. He didn’t trust people by default, especially tricksters like Tonks, Tulip, and Jae.
“If you want to learn Korean, why don’t you ask Seojung? Isn’t he also Korean?”
“Well… It’s a surprise for Jung, so I don’t want to spoil the surprise. His birthday’s tomorrow, and I want to wish him a Happy Birthday in Korean as I gave him the gift.” Penny fidgeted with the edge of her robes as she finished. “Do you think he’d like that?”
The dark-haired boy snorted. “Penny, Seojung will like anything from you, because it’s from you. Have you seen the way he looks at you? As long as you feel good about your gift and you know it comes from the heart, it’s a good gift.”
“Thanks, Tal.” As she turned around to exit the coop, she registered his second statement. She turned back to the Ravenclaw. “Wait, what do you mean the way he looks at me?”
“Not only that, have you seen the way you look at him?”
“No, how could I do that?” She could feel her forehead wrinkling.
A small barn owl landed on Talbott’s arm. He stroked their head gently as it hooted softly, closing its eyes contentedly. “It’s not my place to tell you how you feel, but the way you and Seojung act around each other and look at one another in broad-fucking-daylight reminds me of my parents.”
She opened her mouth to snippily retort. But then, as she thought about it, she found herself starting to agree with Talbott.
“You better not be pulling my leg.”
“My lady, I never jest. Especially not about matters of the heart and soul.” The quiet boy winked and smiled. “If you head to the Kitchens now, he should be finishing up for today. Good luck.”
As she walked through the school to the lower levels, she mentally rehearsed what she was going to ask. It was simple enough, right? She just wanted to wish her best friend a Happy Birthday.
Not looking where she was going, she walked straight into someone. They fell to the ground, and she scrambled to help them up. It turned out to be just who she was looking for.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. Jae! Well, isn’t this some good luck?”
“It’s good luck that you knocked me over?” The connoisseur of contraband snickered as he brushed off his clothes. “Just tell me you don’t like me, Penny, it’ll hurt less.”
“No, not that! That was a mistake, I didn’t knock you down on purpose—”
“Relax, Penne. I’m just giving you a hard time. It was pretty obvious that you were thinking real hard about something. Otherwise, you would have heard me saying hello.” He grinned and motioned up the stairs. “Let’s walk and talk. I need a change of clothes from my dorm.”
Penny rolled her eyes at Jae. He and Tulip were certainly kindred spirits, what with their chaotic attitudes and taste for pranks. “If you’re quite done, I’d like to ask you something.”
He narrowed his eyes. “This sounds like a favor. I’ll hear it, but I can’t promise I’ll help.”
“That’s good enough for me. So, tomorrow is Jung’s birthday…”
“정말? I didn’t know! What did you get for him? Do you have a card? Can I add my name?”
“No! Get your own gift! Anyway, as I was saying, tomorrow is Jung’s birthday, and I wanted to wish Happy him a Birthday. Sorry, no, wait—”
“I get what you’re saying. You want to wish him a Happy Birthday, but in Korean? I’m the only other Korean you know, so it would make sense that you would come to me.”
“Yes, exactly!”
Jae gave her a calculated look. “You know what? I’ll do this for you free of charge. Just this once. I really like Seojung, and he’s a faithful customer. But more than that, he’s a friend. Come join me in my office.”
They walked on, and soon found themselves in front of the Gryffindor Common Room. The Fat Lady greeted them with a suspicious gaze.
“Mr. Kim, Ms. Haywood. What are you two up to?”
“Penny wants to surprise her friend Seojung with some fancy-shmancy Korean. I’m the only other Korean she knows.”
The Fat Lady looked at Penny, who shrugged. “It’s true. He’s not lying this time, ma’am.”
“Very well. Password?”
“Very good! I won’t make you say it backwards.”
The portrait swung open silently and they stepped over the wall into the Common Room together.
They walked up the stairs to the Gryffindor Boys’ dorms, entering the one at the end of the hall.
“I have to warn you: Korean doesn’t have an exact translation to English with a lot of phrases. So the phrase I’ll be teaching you is a loose close approximation.”
“Okay, that makes sense.”
“Repeat after me: Na-rang sa-gwil-rae-yo.”
“Na-rang sa-gwil-lay-yo?”
“Sa-gwil-rae-yo. Make it more like a curved ‘R’ and ‘L’ sound mixed together.”
“Na-rang sa-gwil-rae-yo.”
“That’s it!” Jae’s voice became muffled as he wiggled his way out of his yellow hoodie and white button-up. Left in a white tee shirt, he opened his closet and pulled out an identical button-up and hoodie.
“How many copies of the same outfits do you have?” Penny was amused at the endless rows of yellow, white, and black. “Do you ever wear anything else?”
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I like this jumper, so I bought a few of them.”
“Only a few?”
He shrugged. “Well, they were on sale. Maybe more than a few.”
“I suppose that makes sense.” She chuckled as she looked at the wardrobe again. “Can you say it one more time?”
“Well, they were on sale—”
“Not that, the Korean phrase!” Penny rolled her eyes. She was never sure if Jae was being obtuse intentionally.
“Oh, okay. Narang sagwilraeyo. Make sure your voice goes down at the end, since it’s a statement, not a question.”
“Na-rang sa-gwil-rae-yo.”
“Try saying it smoothly now, no pauses.”
“Narang sagwilraeyo.”
“That’s it! You’re a natural.”
She grinned and pumped her fist. “What am I saying?”
He hummed. “That’s tough. Let’s go with ‘I congratulate you for your birth’, that’s pretty close.”
“Thanks, Jae. If you wanted to give Jung something… honestly, just give him something from your… Uncommon Collectibles on the house. You know how he is, always getting into sticky situations. He needs all the help he can get to survive one week at Hogwarts.”
“Hey, that’s a good idea! Thank you, Penne. I’ll see you in History of Magic Class tomorrow?”
“Of course.”
“Great!” Jae skipped out of the bedroom. “Smell ya later!”
Penny shook her head as she slowly made her way down the spiral stairs and out of the Gryffindor Common room. Wordlessly, she recited the phrase over and over.
Through her studies and as she fell asleep in her four-poster bed, she repeated the phrase and tried to keep the pronunciation as close to Jae’s.
The next day, Penny was a ball of pent-up restless energy. She was unfocused and distracted in class, especially those she shared with Seojung.
At lunch, she was helped by Rowan, Skye, and Tonks. They decorated Penny’s dorm room and promised her dorm mates that the party would be done well before bedtime.
“Why aren’t we putting up the decorations in his room?” Tonks asked around a thumbtack.
“Because that would be the quickest way to piss him off.” Penny handed Tonks some more of the streamer. “He likes to have his own quiet space where he can escape the attention and hubbub. An invasion of his privacy to turn his room into a social outing would not end well.”
Rowan nodded and chimed in. “This way, it’s still a surprise, but Jung won’t have to deal with the cleanup. Who wants to clean their entire bed before going in?”
“Wow, you really are a Hufflepuff, Penny.” Skye winked and grinned, letting her know that she meant it in a joking way. “So kind and thoughtful and hardworking, such a good friend.”
“That’s our girl, the truest embodiment of the Badger House!” Tonks jumped down from the stolen—borrowed!—Common Room chair and looked at her handiwork. Nudging Penny’s shoulder, she asked how everything looked.
“You did amazing, everyone. Let’s get the Butterbeer and snacks, round up our friends, and find the birthday bastard.”
Over the next hour, the four Hufflepuffs collected the last few items they needed. Finally, Penny deemed the room perfect. Now, it was time to find Seojung.
As it turned out, finding Seojung took longer than decorating the room and preparing the food and drink, combined.
She searched in all the usual places: the Library, the Kitchens, the Courtyard, even Jacob’s secret bedroom. In the end, she found him in his own dorm.
“Oh there you are, Seojung! I’ve been looking for you.”
“You have? Where’s the fire?” He raised his eyebrow, looking up from his notebook. He rubbed his face under his glasses, sighing quietly.
He looked so tired, and she felt a crushing sensation in her chest, knowing that part of it was her fault. The magic portrait debacle with Beatrice last year had put her through the wringer, but she hadn’t thought about how it would affect Seojung.
For years, she had listened to him gripe about only being asked to do things for people, endless fires to put out. She had vowed to treat him as a friend before any of it, but she was just as bad as everyone else as of late.
She knew that he was having trouble sleeping and could see the stress weighing down on him like a straightjacket.
Penny climbed onto the bed next to him. “Hey, no. I’m sorry, it’s nothing bad. I know everyone just calls on you for help or to clean up your brother’s mess, but this is different. Will you just come with me? I want to show you something cool in my room.”
Seojung smiled his little smile that showed up when she was around. Penny selfishly hoped that it happened for her only. “I trust you, Pens.”
That was what she wanted to hear.
“Great!” She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek bravely. She hoped it wouldn’t backfire, but judging from her friend’s reaction she didn’t have anything to worry about. He grinned like a sap and leaned into their embrace a little more, relaxing his shoulders.
She took him by the hand and led Seojung to her dorm room.
“Take a gal out to dinner first before dragging them to bed, huh?”
“Shut up, you idiot.”
Dark eyes glittered with mirth as he chuckled. “Heard.”
They entered the pitch-black room.
The lights flicked on and everyone popped out of their hiding places. “Happy Birthday!!”
Seojung’s hand tightened in hers. Then, it relaxed as he took in the decorations, the smiling people. “Damn, you all got me good. Someone get me a glass of ginger beer, and let’s get this party started!”
Skye, Badeea, Tonks, Rowan, Tulip, and Chiara had all been invited to the get-together. Penny had recalled that her best friend was uncomfortable around men and boys, especially in close quarters like a dormitory. She made sure to only invite the girls in Seojung’s friend group.
For dinner, Penny had sweetly asked her family back home if they could mail some Shin Ramen, to their great confusion. They had to learn what ramen was and where to find some. As it turned out, there was an Asian grocery store near their flat.
Seojung had remarked once that he liked to prepare his ramen with a splash of oat milk, firm tofu, shrimp, scallions, and an egg, sans yolk. Using a little math, Penny had multiplied the recipe and used her (very clean) cauldron, simmering it for a couple hours. The tasty, spicy-smelling concoction happily bubbled away as Rowan ladled out servings for everyone.
The birthday bastard, as Seojung preferred to call himself, looked down at his bowl.
“Is something wrong?”
“It’s perfect. How did you know?”
“I listen to some of the things you say.”
He bumped their shoulders together and smiled in the dry manner he often did. “I don’t remember telling you about this. How did you squirrel this information away?”
Penny just shrugged, downplaying the impressiveness. “I just remember random things you say. They prove to be helpful.”
“Thanks, Pen.” Holding his bowl in one hand, Seojung hugged her with his free arm. “I really appreciate it.”
Where was the Guest of Honour? Seojung was nowhere to be found. Penny saw Rowan sitting on Tonks’ bed, nursing a warm mug of Butterbeer.
“Ro, have you seen Jung?”
“Not for a while. Why?”
“I was thinking we should do the cake before it gets too late. You know how he is.”
“I certainly do.”
Memories of Seojung falling asleep on her shoulder or retiring to bed before midnight popped into her head. His tired smile, the way he would bid everyone else goodnight before addressing her. He really was a grumpy old man at heart.
They shared a laugh. Rowan nodded toward the door. “I think I saw him slip out around ten minutes ago. He might have snuck into our room for a breather.”
“Thanks.” Grabbing a glass of water as she walked over to the dark oak door, she opened it and stuck her head outside. Leaning against the wall sipping a bottle of ginger beer was just the person she was looking for.
“Jung! Are you alright?”
“Yeah, just chilling. Wanna join me?”
“Love to.” She leaned on his warm shoulder, taking the bottle out of his hand and taking a large sip. She was expecting something like ginger ale, but it was nothing like it. The spicy heat of the strong ginger hit the back of her throat and she coughed violently.
“Woah! P, you okay?” Seojung quickly grabbed both the bottle and the glass out of her hands as her lungs spasmed. When she stopped coughing, he handed the glass back, keeping the bottle far from her.
“Fine, fine.” Eyes streaming, she harrumphed to clear her throat and gulped water from her glass to quench the fire in her throat. “I just wasn’t expecting so much ginger. How do you drink that?”
He shrugged, grinning lopsidedly. “It’s an acquired taste, like most of the things I’m fond of. I like when things make you work to like them. They make you put in some effort. I prefer sipping drinks, not drinks that are supposed to be knocked back in one shot.”
“That actually makes a lot of sense. Can I try the ginger beer again?”
“At your own risk.” Seojung shrugged and handed it over. Now prepared for how it would taste, she sipped slowly and let the flavour marinate in her mouth. It was a warm, complex medley that got better every passing second.
Penny hummed approvingly. “I think I get it now.”
“My favorite things rarely give good first impressions, but then, neither do I.” He winked. “Plus, I’m Asian. I’m about forty percent ginger on any given day. A big factor of why I love ginger beer.”
She took another sip. This ginger beer… it was something she could enjoy by a fire, with a good book.
“Hey! Get your own drink.” He pulled out his wand, pointing it at the bottle he had taken back from her. “Supplementum.” The bottle filled itself back up with more ginger beer. “Geminio.”
Another bottle split away from the original like a cell in mitosis. Seojung gave her the original and he sipped from the duplicate, sighing appreciatively.
“Can I let you in on a secret?” He looked sidelong at her.
“Of course.”
Taking another sip, he tensed his shoulders. “I hate celebrating holidays or special days. Especially my birthday.”
The world grinded to a halt. Penny froze, her bottle halfway to her mouth. Oh, no. This was not what she expected to hear.
“Should we stop the party?” Her hands started trembling. Had she screwed everything up?
Seojung laughed and quickly put her at ease. “Pen, don’t worry about it. No, we’re going back in a few. I just needed a breather.”
“If you hate the party so much, why are you letting it go on? You could’ve asked us to leave.”
“You’re right, I could have.” He shrugged. “But as my brother once told me, these types of celebrations and get-togethers aren’t about me. Same with wedding receptions and funerals. It’s about your loved ones.”
She nodded silently, gesturing for him to go on.
“So I muddle through because I know my friends love me and want to celebrate with me. I suppose I can consume social behavior in small amounts. As long as it’s not, you know, in public and obnoxious. Which this isn’t. Anyway, this is fine.”
Penny finally relaxed, and the world unfroze. “If you’re really sure. That’s rather sweet.”
As Seojung started to reply, Tonks poked her head out of the dorm room door. “Oi, Lee! Quit necking your girl and come back to the party! Come blow out the candles on your cake!”
A girl could dream. Seojung was unaware of the rumors flying about, but Penny had heard it all. She was usually not on the side of gossip, but in this instance she was.
For a second, she wondered what it would be like, being Seojung’s girl. They’d be the power couple of their year, like James Potter and Lily Evans before them. He would probably open doors and carry books for her even more often than now, and there would be cute dates to Hogsmeade… but then her favorite voice shattered her dreams.
“We aren’t kissing, and she’s not my girl!” Seojung rolled his eyes. He turned to Penny. “How do you put up with her?”
“Sounds about right.” He stuck out her arm. “Care to accompany me?”
“With pleasure.”
When the clock struck 10 on her bedside table, Seojung whispered to Penny that he had had enough of the party.
The party broke up quickly as everyone headed to their bedrooms, wishing Seojung a final happy birthday.
The words Jae had taught her yesterday sat heavy on her tongue, heavier than the stone in her pocket. She’d been waiting for the perfect moment, but nothing so far had felt right. It still didn’t.
“What did you wish for?”
“You’re not supposed to say, that’s bad luck!” He laughed at her pleading eyes. “If it comes true, I’ll tell you then. Deal?”
“Deal.” She smiled, but internally she was panicking. Her opportunity was slowly slipping away, but she wasn’t brave enough to seize it.
Warm, callused hands took hold of hers gently. “Hey, penny for your thoughts?”
“I hate you.” She rolled her eyes at the phrase.
“Suuure you do. Come on, what are you thinking?” Seojung’s eyes were gentle and warm, dark and steady as earth. Standing in the hallway between their bedrooms felt like it was just the two of them.
She pulled out the smooth piece of stone out of her pocket. “I didn’t want to overstep and creep you out by how many things I remember you say to me, but I went on holiday with my family to Scotland over the summer. I convinced them to take me to Alisa Craig, which you know what happens there. I chipped a little piece and sanded it down.”
As she placed it in Seojung’s hands, she saw that her hands were shaking. She tried in vain to stop them, only making it worse. Holding her breath, she watched as her best friend accepted the small grey stone.
It was only a piece of granite, but why did it feel like she was giving him her heart?
She supposed that she was, in a way. Never had she put so much work into doing something nice for a friend. Or, as Tonks liked to say, a “friend”. Because apparently, friends did not look at each other like she looked at him. Or the way he looked at her, as her friends kept telling her.
She had scoffed the first time Rowan brought it up watching Hufflepuffs practice Quidditch last year, but she fought less and less every time someone brought it up. Even her male friends were starting to notice, which was saying something. They were unobservant as hell when it came to feelings.
Seojung was looking at her, his mouth moving.
Oh, right. She should probably stay in the present.
“Panini head, are you good?” His forehead crinkled.
“Yes, just overthinking.”
“What about?”
“My gift.”
“But I love it. Gamsahapnida.” He bowed at the waist slightly.
Oh, yes. Now was the moment she had been waiting for all day.
“That reminds me. I have one last surprise for you.”
“You spoil me, Penny Haywood.” Seojung grinned in that silly way of his that made her heart beat uncontrollably fast. “What did I ever do to deserve this?”
“You’re my best friend and you deserve everything. Now shut up and let me concentrate.” She slapped him lightly on the shoulder as he mimed locking his lips and throwing away the key.
“Narang sagwilraeyo.” The words came out quickly, almost too quickly to be discernible. She hoped she had said it correctly.
“Say again?” His eyebrows raised.
“Narang sagwilraeyo.”
Seojung frowned, not saying a thing. Finally, he spoke slowly. “Okay, what do you think you just said?”
“I asked Jae to teach me how to say Happy Birthday in Korean. Did I say it correctly?”
“Oh, I’m going to kill him. And then thank him.” He rolled his eyes and chuckled wryly.
“Jung, what did I say?”
He laid a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Well, you just asked me out.”
For the second time that day, Penny’s world halted. She had done what?
Oh, she was going to kill Jae too. The little trickster! No wonder he had been so nice. She should have known there were strings attached.
“I’m sorry, I should have known—”
She puttered to a stop. “Yes, what?”
“Yes, I’ll go out with you.” Seojung’s smile was dazzling in the low light.
“I…” Why wasn’t her brain working?
He hugged her tightly. “Thanks for making my wish come true. Best birthday I’ve had in years.”
Finally, her brain caught up with his words. “You were hoping I would ask you out?”
“I didn’t think it would ever happen, but yeah. Doesn’t hurt to dream, right? I figured it would never happen because you’re out of my league.”
“Well, I happen to not care about who is in my league or not. I see you as an equal. You’re my best friend!”
“Apparently, you’d like to be more than friends…”
She whacked him softly on the arm. “Shut up, you idiot! But… you’re right.”
“Girlfriends.” Penny nodded, desperately trying to remain calm. She clasped her sweaty palms together as she sent a wobbly smile Seojung’s way.
He opened up his arms and she almost knocked him over with how hard she jumped into the embrace. There was much more to talk about, but not right now. She was just glad that her unintentional offer had been received well. The outcome was far better than what she had expected.
“Catch some Z’s. I’ll see you tomorrow, wifey.” He ducked into his room with a quick wink.
She was left standing in the hallway between their bedrooms in adoring exasperation. “Idiot.”
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