#Pepperjack Ricotta
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sylphwing · 6 days
i'm a little sad when i rlly like a pkmn that can still evolve bc then i'm stuck between ohh i'm holding it back it's gnna b weak 😓 and oh cutie babyyy 😍 argghh
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angelzzz-222 · 1 year
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she knows
no thoughts inside ricotta's head, just twine probably
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What's the recipe for your favorite sandwich?
1 bun
1 tomato
olive oil, a little
salt, pepper
1 tomato, thinly sliced
1 bag of pre-shredded cheese of choice (i like pepperjack best, but i prefer sharp cheddar to most)
1/2 red onion, chopped
1 bag of sun-dried tomatoes in oil
1 bag of black olives
black olives, sliced in half (they're in brine, so no salt)
6 tablespoons chopped sun-dried tomatoes in oil
1 cup crumbled feta cheese (no salt)
1 cup ricotta cheese (no salt)
pickled jalapenos, chopped into tiny pieces
1. spread 1/4 of the tomato slices on bread
2. put 1/2 of the sun-dried tomatoes with oil in a saucepan and warm them gently (if necessary)
3. layer the rest of the tomato slices on top
4. lay the top of the bread down on the bottom of the sandwich (cut as necessary)
5. repeat until you've used up the cheese, olives, and sun-dried tomatoes
6. spread ricotta cheese on bottom of bread (this is optional)
7. put the top of the cheese on the outside, pressing it down slightly
8. stick a pickle half in between each slice, cut off the "top" of each, and press gently on the slices to seal them
9. cut into small triangles (or whatever size you like). Put in a toaster if you want to turn it into a sandwich for eating in the car
10. eat in a toaster if you like it with a meal
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getsunnysideupd · 2 years
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OOC: Sunny’s family tree featuring her dreadful parents! Since Sunny’s whole setting does take place in FOE, her ancestors are way pre-war. Like tons of generations behind.
I like to talk about Sunny’s design bc she’s very important ot me, I hope everyone can appreciate the traits passed down and everything! (jade lullaby is the reason why sunny’s teeth are absolutely insane even for a bat pony)
Species wise! Jade Lullaby - Kirin Long Ears, Shadow Glide - Bat Pony Opal Boast, Diamond Ace - Bat Pony (with Kirin descend) 
Ricotta Tumble, Burnin’ Brie, Swiss Gallop, Cheddar Mash, Fetta Dash, Gorgon Zeel, Cottage Jack and Pepperjack Hop - Shetland Earthponies
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superstarlena · 2 months
I just realized that, intentional or not, so far the bosses of the Pizza Tower would do well on their respective floors in PepperJack Tower.
Pepperman is an artist and is well versed in stonework. He'd probably be honored to sculpt for a queen!
Vigilante relies on weapons to get the job done, since cheeseslimes are basically powerless without them. He'd likely do well in the Survival floor.
Finally, Noise is not just a feral rat man, but also a showman, and is likely familiar with keeping rhythm. He'd probably make Geronimo jealous!
Which makes me worried about Bruno...
(Nerd Voice) Um ackually, it's called the CheddarSpice Tower! PepperJack is the former Ruler!
But in all seriousness, your observation was completely unintentional! The PT Bosses would easily appeal to their respective Guardians.
Pepperman would be ecstatic that royalty has commissioned him, with the added threat of being a part of Gorgonzola's 'statue' collection if his piece is not up to her standards.
Vigilante would easily fit in the world of Vampire Survivors. With his arsenal, Ricotta would be impressed!
Noise however, would be the exact opposite of Geronimo. While Geronimo isn't a showman, he's a chivalrous (local) hero that would fight fairly. Noise would cheat first chance he gets!
Unfortunately, I can't say anything about the Fourth Guardian until that bossfight comes up. But I will say that they have some similarities with Bruno. You're just gonna have to wait and see...
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wint3r-h3art · 2 years
cast your mutuals as different types of cheese 👁️👁️
join my summer party !!
ok ok! lololol! I have to search for some of these because I can only have a certain kind of cheese lol
Brie @crazycookiecrumbles
Buratta @fluffyprettykitty
Chedder @strange-mischief
Comte @hollandparkersx
Cotija @blackbat05
Feta @sanctumsanctorumshenanigans
Mozzarella @tom-whore-dleston
Gouda @strange-dreams-are-made-of-these
Gruyere @lucywrites02
Parmesan @sobeautifullyobsessed
Pepperjack @boop-le-snoot
Provolone @imeternallylove
Ricotta @yummymatcha
Romano @psychedelic-ink
Muenster @buckybleu
Halloumi @e-dubbc11
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catboymoments · 3 years
UT Flowey: Cheddar
US Flowey: Brie
UF Flowey: Pepperjack
I love those but the first cheese that came into mh head was fuckin ricotta
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brainscrewz · 3 years
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i call this Fuckshit Casserole. it's ricotta cheese, a whole bag of tater tots, half a pound of pepperjack cheese, arby's seasoned curly fries, cheese pizza rolls, mini pepperoni, green chile of course, and some crumbled potato chips on top bc who even cares. i will update how it tastes
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strangerfae · 3 years
I love you havarti. I love you mozzarella. I love you gouda. I love you ricotta. I love you american. I love you gruyere. I love you mascarpone. I love you swiss. I love you feta. I love you pepperjack. I love you parmesan.
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So my partner is vegan, and I am not, but the majority of the things that I eat now are vegan friendly. For the most part, it is not a hard transition. Most things can be subbed out pretty easily, but then of course, there is dairy. While most non-dairy milks are fantastic (just like regular milk without the debilitating stomach ache to follow) and non-dairy butters are indistinguishable to me, non-dairy cheeses and similar food items are seriously lacking. If you are going vegan, my advice is to just cut these things out instead of using substitutes. But if you are like me, a non-vegan trying to cling to the products of my favorite tit liquid between times when I have them, I've compiled a list of my experiences with vegan dairy substitutes to help guide you:
- Mozzarella; closest to dairy cheese so far. Melts the most like real cheese. Taste is almost right but kind of sweet. 8/10
- Cheddar; tastes like it was made by someone who tasted cheddar once and just remembers hating it. They really went "huh? just orange and stink" and rolled with it. Still okay to use in casseroles when you bury the taste with broccoli and corn. 2/10
- Pepperjack; very close. A little stinkier than regular pepperjack. The spice helps it tremendously. Great for sandwiches. 7/10
- Ricotta; texturally, i guess?? Does not taste like ricotta. Tastes more like chewing gum. It is actually delicious and good in lasagna. I will not elaborate further. ???/10
- Cream cheese; texture is right depending on the brand. Tastes like water. Not that it lacks a taste. It specifically tastes like water. True neutral. 5/10
- Cashew cheese spreads; my nemesis. If you are vegan and give this to your non-vegan saying "it taste just like cheese" or "you can't even tell", I hate you personally. Yes I've tried different brands. No, there is not a "good one". Tastes like bile and hell. -3/10
- Queso; unlike cheese spreads, non-dairy quesos have been fairly good so far. More like spicy potato taste than spicy cheese taste, but pretty pleasant on chips. 6/10
- Sour cream; is neither sour nor cream. Great disappointment. Not bad tasting, but unacceptable replacement. Do NOT put in stroganoff. If you are going to replace sour cream, use a plain non-dairy yogurt instead. That is more what you are going for. 3/10
- Yogurt; we love it. We love to see it. Some noticeable taste differences for sure. (A bit of the gum taste like the ricotta. Near impossible for me to explain, but if you know, you know.) However, good sour taste. Has the thing I miss for sour cream. Good by itself or in other foods. 10/10
- Ice cream; okay I've mostly avoided talking about brands on this list because these are kind of my compiled feelings from trying several brands of each thing. But ice cream is the exception. Get non-dairy Ben and Jerry's. Those sweet boys know what they are doing. I've had many very BAD non-dairy ice creams that just taste like mildly chocolatey ice chips. Ben and Jerry's legitimately tastes the same as the dairy ones. I will not use the phrase lightly or lead you astray. 11/10
If anyone has any other non-dairy subs I should try, let me know. Also this list so far is non-negotiable, and I do not take criticism.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
What's something you've always wondered?  The meaning of my life/what I’m meant to do. Are alligators pink?  Uh, no. Why is the sky blue? Something about colors scattering and wavelengths. Why are smurfs blue?  Apparently, blue looked best. Why is there always white in asylums?  I think it’s intended to be plain and calming, but seems like the opposite to me. When I was a kid I spent a lot of time at the children’s hospital and there it was very colorful and inviting and I think that really made a difference. 
Do colorful things make the crazy high or something?  I wouldn’t say that, but perhaps certain colors provoke bad feelings or emotions or something. *shrug* What's the prettiest place you've ever been?  Various beaches and mountainous areas. Do you have gunk in between the buttons on your remote? No. What's the dustiest thing in the room your in right now? I admittedly have some stuffed animals that have sat on top of my bookshelf for several years and have collected a lot of dust in that time. :X  Do you like to wear dresses?  No. Did you ever make something out of popsickle sticks?  Yeah, when I was a kid. Ever had a canker sore in your mouth?  Ugh, those are horrible. What's your current favorite song? Hmm. Don’t have a particular current favorite song at the moment. I haven’t been listening to music much lately. What's your favorite button on a calculator?  I don’t have a favorite button. Have you ever gotton an F on a report card? No. If you could live in any state, which would you chose? I’d like to stay in this state, just a different city. Would you ever live in New York City? No. What do you like the most about the place you live? My family is here. That’s really the only thing I like about it.  Do you like the way it smells after its rained outside?  Yes. do you think there's really a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Uh, no. Do you know what colors are in the rainbow? ROY G BIV.  Would you like to ride a rollar coaster on the rings of Saturn?  Noooo. I have no interest in going to outer space for one, that sounds terrifying in itself. Second, I don’t do roller coasters, but one on the rings of Saturn??? Nah. Take a piggy back ride threw the eye of a hurricane?  Nooo. I’ve never experienced a hurricane, but if I ever did I certainly wouldn’t be out in it. Have you ever seen a tornado up close in person?  Nooo omg. I’ve never experienced one of those either, thankfully. Would you help the kids in Africa?  If I could, yes. What's on your dream pizza? I’m pretty simple just give me feta, ricotta, spinach, garlic, and crumbled meatballs with olive oil and pesto drizzled on top. Have you ever told a pizza man he was cute?  No. What's your favorite board game? I enjoy a lot of board games. Did you play this game as a child? I played a lot of board games as a kid, yes. What's your best child hood memory? Sigh, just being a kid. Worst?  The hospital stays. Do you find Andy Warhol's art weird or beautiful?  I think it’s cool. If someone made a movie about your life what do you think it'd be called? I’d do something with a play on words with my last name.  Do you celebrate Darwin's day?  No. Do you even know what that is? A day to celebrate Charles Darwin?  Ever ate green eggs and ham?  Yeah, in elementary school they did that on Dr. Seuss Day. Do you remember the name of your kindergarden teacher?  I do. Do you give money to the homeless? I have. What would you do if you or your family became bankrupted?  I honestly don’t know.  Do you want to sleep and take your fix to bed?  “Take my fix to bed”? Never heard that saying. Anyway, I do need to sleep it’s almost 8AM. Have you ever taken a whole bottle of pills in one day?  No. Does this rollar coaster still exsist today?  Huh? What's your favorite thing about Bzoink? I don't use Bzoink. Have you ever been inside the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?  No. Are you a fan of musicals? Some. What's your favorite musical? Sweeney Todd. Ever read Shakespeare?  Yeah, in high school. What's the last song you downloaded illegally? I don’t recall, it’s been several years now since I last did that. What's the last song you downloaded legally? Same answer ^^^ I’ve used Spotify for quite awhile now. Have you ever had a dream where no one in the dream seen you?  Hmm. Not that I can recall. What's the weirdest dream you've ever had? All my dreams are weird. Do you believe dream interpretations?  I think they’re interesting and some I think do make sense. What if there was such a thing as killer hot dogs? Wtf. Where do hot dogs REALLY come from? Blech. What's your favorite kind of cheese?  I love various kinds of cheese. Do you like pepperjack cheese? I used to, but I can’t have spicy food anymore. How about colby? Yes. What's your favorite flavor of yogurt?  I don’t like yogurt, it’s a texture thing. Do you drink milk often?  I don’t drink milk ever. Are you a fan of spring time?  No, cause it starts to get warm and summer is around the corner. Isn't it so pretty when everything is in bloom?  Yeah. What's your favorite kind of bird? I don’t have a favorite bird. What's your favorite animated movie? Alice in Wonderland, Winnie the Pooh, and Toy Story are among the top. What's your favorite magazine?  I don’t have one. I haven’t read a magazine since I was in high school. Are you an avid reader? Yes.
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