#Permanent Magnet Sucker
krislin · 10 months
The Special Pokèvendture of Sanders Sides!
Sanders Sides Pokémon AU fic
So I've had this fic for a while, but I wanted to give rewriting a try. It's old enough that my writing style was so bad, but now I've improved.
Maybe I'll come to rewrite more of that fic, but we'll see.
Hope you enjoy!
Word count: 3256
In the world of Pokémon, there are many types of different creatures living alongside humans.
A group going by as the Sanders Sides are well know single Type Pokémon Trainers journeying around together.
The group is divided into different 'teams':
The Light Sides.
The Dark Sides.
And The Neutrals.
Sometimes they travel all together, sometimes the Dark Sides venture out on their own.
But those who know of them know that they are a close group, and all powerful, alone or together.
It was the usual peaceful day in the world of Pokémon. Few clouds hung up on the darkening blue skies. Pokémon chirps could be heard coming from the grass, trees, and bushes around, while also from above from those who flew around. And for the group of young men on the road, it was a usual day, just not a peaceful one.
Three of the seven men shouted out at the one dressed in mostly green clothes. This man had dark brown, almost black hair, with a silver highlight on the front. He wore a black t-shirt with a green jacket over. His trousers were black, but filled with visible dirt and dust, along with plenty of tears all over, some bigger than others. His hands had black and green finger-less gloves on, a cobble web design sewed on the top. Above the right-hand glove, he had a red, green, and black bracelet, which held firmly onto a Key Stone laying on the top.
The man, Remus, laughed loudly as he bolted over a field the road crossed over, and not too far away from a forest. "Come and catch me, suckers!"
One of the three men chasing him growled in pure annoyance. "Come back here at once, Remus!" he warned, but gritted his teeth when receiving laughter in return. This man wore a mix of yellow and light purple. Around his left eye, actually most of his left side of his face, had strange marks around. It wasn't extremely clear, but one would be able to see that something had happened to the man that made permanent scars on his skin. Other than that, he had normal lighter brown hair, with a black fedora with a yellow ribbon, that had a few purple bubbles around it. On the front right side of the hat, a Key Stone was stuck to the ribbon. He had a black shirt under a yellow and purple vest, and he wore whole gloves that were yellow, but purple on the back. His trousers were dark grey with an extra belt that hung down from under his magnet belt, small bottles hanging down from it. 
Remus, from the front, laughed yet again, but threw a sneer back at them as he glanced over his shoulder. "You'll just send your snake on me, Janus!" he called back, earning a snort.
"And he won't be the only one, and I'll make we'll add more to it than just poison!" the young man running next to him called out with a growl as well. This man wore mostly black, but had dark purple spread around. His hair was black, but his skin was paler than normal compared to most. Around his neck laid a pair of black headphones, but admitted into it on the right side, you could see a Key Stone barely coming out of it. The man wore a black zipper hoodie with dark purple patches spread around, and the rest of his attire was mostly black as well. He wore finger-less gloves on his hands, which were black with silver highlights around the fingers and sides.
The last man chasing Remus gave a small chuckle as he shook his head. He may be amused, but he continued to chase the man alongside the other two. "Hey, Virgil," the man called to the other. The man clad in pretty normal clothes, a red t-shirt under a light grey jacket, dark grey trousers, picked up his speed to jog next to him as he earned his attention. He gave the man a grin as he stepped next to him, his necklace with his Key Stone swinging to the sides as he jogged.
"What is it, Thomas?" Virgil asked, raising an eyebrow at the other. "You know we need to get Remus before he does something more."
"Yeah, of course I know," Thomas answered, rolling his eyes, but gave another grin. "But I have a plan that may work."
This seemed to intrigue Virgil, as the man slowed to a stop, Thomas following his pace until they fully stopped. "Really now?"
Thomas' grin never left, and he leaned forward to whisper into the man's ear. While those two stood still, Janus continued to chase Remus, none of the two having taken notice of Virgil and Thomas, while the rest of the three in their group stood by their tents, all working to put out the fire Remus started to create this scene. The fire of one of four tents, that is.
Remus turned to glance behind him again as he heard Thomas call out to Janus, and he saw Thomas and Virgil running to catch up to them, having fallen a bit behind in the chase. As Janus turned to glance behind him, Remus grinned and turned to bolt into the forest they had approached. The day had started to become dark, so little to no light was between the trees and bushes in the forest.
But as he stepped around in the forest, all sounds seemed to ease. He heard no one behind him now. Raising an eyebrow, Remus turned to glance back, wondering where the other three had gone off two. He was pretty sure at least Virgil and Thomas saw him bolt into the forest, and he was pretty certain they'd follow him inside, just in case he went to start a fire inside there as well.
Remus slowly stepped around in the forest, disappointment lingering around him as he sighed when seeing no one following him inside. But as he stepped around, everything seemed to suddenly grow much darker, as if it was midnight with black clouds covering the entire sky.
This seemed to bring some excitement into the man, as a grin spread widely across his face. "Oh~ How fun! I love the dark!"
To his side, he heard the violent rustling of a bush in the darkness. He saw nothing, but his excitement only seemed to grow stronger, and he skipped over towards the sound. Approaching a bush, the man leaned into the bush, but pouted when seeing nothing inside it. 
Another violent rustling came from his side, and he spun around with excitement. "Hello~o! Someone out here who wants to play?" he man called out with a glint in his eyes as he approached the other bush. 
As he approached it, he saw two sharp sparkle of light from what seemed to be in the middle of the low bush. Remus, however, only cooed in excitement, skipping over again. He continued to ramble out nonsense as he followed the rustling and ominous sparkles which seemed to jump from one place to another constantly.
But when seeing the sparkling lights go farther and farther away from him, he called out in sadness. "No~ Don't leave me, ominous sparkles! I want to play! Come back!" The man took off into a run after the lights, but soon they vanished completely. "Naw..." the man whined in disappointment. He turned around to leave, but instead of facing pure darkness, he came face to face with a dragon's head. The dragon stared right at him, their noses almost touching, but Remus only blinked once. "Oh, hello there! You wanted to play with the lights as well?"
The dragon raised an eyebrow and gave out a snort. He shook his head, then lifted his long neck to hold his head higher. Remus only followed his eyes up at the dragon, not noticing what sounded like a face palm coming from right next to him. A faint grumbling came from the side, and before Remus got to do anything, a bright light shone behind him.
Remus gave out a tiny yelp as he felt something wrap around him, trapping him in it's hold. He turned to glance behind him, and a slow chuckle came from him as he looked at the annoyed Drapion staring up at him. 
"About time," someone said from close by.
When Remus turned back, the darkness around lifted off, making the area turn into the normal evening light again. In front of them stood a Drampa, shaking his head as he turned to see six others step out from the bushes. 
"Still doesn't seem like your Ghost Type tricks works on Remus," the young man clad in a bright red jacket and light grey pants stated to Virgil. The man a facial shape and hair similar to Remus, only having a red highlight instead of Remus' gray. But he had a bracelet with a Key Stone similar to Remus. Instead of red, green, and black, his was red, green, and white.
Virgil rolled his eyes at the man in answer, but turned as a Trevenant and Sableye stepped over to him. "It's Remus we're taking about, Roman," he commented, but smiled as he gave his two Pokémon a pat. "Good job, guys. We got him distracted enough to get him."
"Sableye!" the two Pokémon beamed before Virgil returned them into their Pokéballs.
Roman shook his head, but turned to look at the two standing to his left. "You alright, Padre?"
"I-Is it over...?" the man dressed with mostly light pink and light blue asked. His round glasses shining slightly to the light from above, his hands clenching the grey cardigan around his neck. His strawberry blond hair rustling slightly to a gentle breeze, but the flower pin with a Key Stone inside keeping a part of his hair still with its weight. "Is it over, Logan?" he asked, shivering, but turning to the other man with glasses.
The man raised a hand to push up his black glasses. "Yes, Patton. It is over. There is nothing to be afraid of," he answered. His hair was dark brown, almost blending in with the darkening forest around them. He wore a navy jacket with a chest pocket to his left that had a dark pink highlight. His trousers were black and neat, but from the side one could see a pink Psychic Type key chain hang out from his belt. Around his neck was a small scarf, and with it moving in the gentle breeze, one could see the Key Chain placed on the skirt under.
"Well, it didn't go as planned, but at least it worked, Kind of?" Thomas spoke, giving out a chuckle as the others turned to him. The man stepped forward to place a hand on his Drampa, giving him a smile before returning him. "So..." he spoke afterwards, turning to glance at Logan, Patton, and Roman.
"The fire is put out," Logan stated with a small nod.
A snort came from Roman, and he leaned back into a tree, his arms crossed as he glared at his brother. "And gotten rid of. Again."
"But seriously, Remus," Virgil snarled, glaring at the man as well. "Did you really have to burn the tent again?!"
"This is like the fifth time this month," Thomas sighed, shaking his head at the man.
Before Remus got to respond in any way, Janus gave a sigh and turned to his Drapion. He gave him a nod, and Drapion returned one before dropping Remus to the ground.
"Ow," Remus said as he crashed to the ground. The others stepped to surround him, and he glanced up with a grin and amused chuckle.
Janus took a step forward, standing to glare down at him. "Don't make us use Toxic on you."
"That would be delightful~," Remus answered again.
Everyone around immediately groaned, while Virgil swung his arms into the air in defeat. "Oh, come on!"
A sigh left Logan as he pinched the bridge of his nose while shaking his head. "Now we will need to buy yet another tent at the next town," he commented, giving the rest a brief glance.
"At least we have the money for it!" Patton stated with his usual optimism.
Roman gave out a scoff, standing up from the tree and dropping his arms. "Yeah. Who knows how broke we'd be if not..."
"You're brother is of no help with that," Janus grumbled, giving Roman a glance before focusing on Remus again. The man yelled out in protest, but stopped at Janus' fierce glare. 
"Well then," Patton spoke out, breaking the growing silence around them. "I'll go and start on dinner now."
The others around turned to give the man a thankful nod, making him beam brightly before skipping back to where the remaining tents still stood, even after the fire. As Patton stepped away, the others turned back to the nuisance in their group, making said nuisance grin widely.
"I'll take care of him," Janus sighed, a hand to his forehead as he shook his head in exhaustion. The man grabbed the scuff of Remus' clothes, then gave his Drapion a nod before dragging the man after them. The others watched as Remus squealed in excitement, whilst being dragged on the ground by Janus, as they stepped further into the forest.
When the two were gone, the others turned back with yet another sigh.
"So, how do we divide the tents?" Roman asked, glancing between the three with him. 
Thomas shrugged in response, but all turned to Logan. Said man saw the gesture, and was the one to answer. "We will most likely have to divide into our teams again."
"So Light Side, Dark Side, and Neutral?" Thomas stated, earning a confirming nod from the other.
"No way! I am not sleeping in the same tent as Remus again!" Virgil snarled, glaring at them. "I'll just sleep outside for the night."
The others gave the man a blank stare, raising their eyebrows, but before they got to speak, Patton beat them to it. "You are not, mister!" Patton called from behind the bushes, them barely able to see him glare over towards them. "Last time you did that, you got sick!"
"I agree with Padre," Roman said, narrowing his eyes slightly at Virgil. "You didn't tell any of us. It took until it got too bad that we actually noticed and had to force you to rest."
Thomas and Logan nodded to show their agreement, both not seeming pleased at the memory or at Virgil's statement.
"That was only that one time..." Virgil grumbled with a glare.
"Was it now?" Logan questioned, raising an eyebrow at him again. "Would you like me to remind you of all the other times you-."
The rest seemed to nod along with the man, only stopping as Virgil groaned out loudly. "Alright, fine!" he snarled out. "But I'm still not being in the same tent as Remus!"
He did receive looks of understanding, so Thomas placed a hand to his shoulder while giving a smile. "Hey, you know we can share a tent, Virge," he stated, giving him a wide smile as he stepped back again, knowing the man doesn't really like physical touch from other people. "You're a Neutral as well, remember, and I don't mind."
"Thanks," Virgil sighed in relief with a small nod. "Janus is the only one who can survive with that guy," he said, then shook his head. "We really need a fire proof tent for Remus... If that even exists..."
The rest immediately agreed with him, no doubt or argument present in them at all. 
"Why did his ace have to be a Bug-Fire Type?" Thomas grumbled with a sigh as he turned to glance in the direction Janus had dragged Remus off to. He wasn't able to see or hear them, but he was sure they weren't too far away.
"Well, he did meet Sizzlipede when we were really young, and they grew close together," Roman explained, but a proud grin was on his face. A hand was then raised to his chest, the other up towards the air in a dramatic effect. "The bond grew so strong, even stronger than our Scyther back then! But not as much as my ace and I!"
Virgil gave a tiny hum, but not even bothering to turn to look at the dramatic man next to him. "Yeah. You did say your parents gave you each your own Scyther when you were little."
"That's right," Roman nodded in confirmation to the other.
"Quite fitting, isn't it?" Thomas said as he gave Roman a grin. "You being a Steel Type Trainer, and Remus a Bug Type Trainer. So it was perfect when you both evolved them."
"That was indeed quite the coincidence," Logan had to agree with a small nod at Roman. "There are eighteen Types for Pokémon, so being gifted the same Pokémon, who became exactly those two types, is quite low."
"It wasn't exactly Scizor that had me become a Steel Type Trainer. I did meet my ace before them too, you know," Roman informed, but did hum with a nod. "But, yeah. Destiny must love me!"
A snort left Virgil, making Roman's eyebrow twitch. "Dream on, Princey."
"Say, didn't we all become the Type of Trainer from our first Pokémon?" Thomas suddenly questioned, earning their attention.
"That is actually correct," Logan answered, coming to realize the fact was indeed true. "Those we see as our ace was our very first Pokémon, all being the Type we have expertise on."
"Hey! How about we all come to tell the fabulous tales of our first meetings with our best friends?" Roman suggested, a wide and excited grin crossing his face. His eyes glowing in excitement at getting to tell his tale, while also hearing the others stories.
Thomas immediately beamed at the suggestion, and he was immediately in. "Sounds great! Count me in!"
"It does sound intriguing," Logan said truthfully. He gave out a small hum, then gave them a nod.
But in contrast to the others, Virgil flinched at the suggestion. The others took notice of the movement, growing slightly concerned. "You okay, Virge?" Thomas asked, concerned for their friend.
"'m fine," Virgil answered immediately, but gave out a small sigh. "Just some unpleasant memories that I didn't really want to recall..."
"Did something happen that made such an impact on you?" Logan questioned, his eyes slightly narrowed, as if studying the other for any signs he needed to take note of.
A tiny hum came from Virgil, but he shook his head briefly. "Yeah, but I guess I'll tell later."
"Then it's decided!" Roman cheered out loudly in joy. If Virgil was in on the idea, then it meant everyone was in. Virgil was the pessimist, after all, so Roman knew all was in if he was able to get Virgil in.
The rustling of some bushes earned their attention, and they turned just in time to see Janus appear. "What is?" he asked, raising an eyebrow as he glanced between them all. 
Next to the man, Remus stepped out as well, but, surprisingly, rather down-looking. Whatever Janus told or did, it seemed to work on the other. The rest raised their eyebrows in wonder, but none dared to ask.
"Well..." Thomas began, choosing to ignore what they all thought of. "We were discussing, and concluded that we'll all take turns to tell the story of our aces. How we met them and became the Trainer we are today!"
"Really?!" they heard Patton squeal from the other side of them. The man was approaching them through the bushes as well. When seeing that he got their attention, he gave a sheepish chuckle, but his eyes glowing in excitement. "But first of, dinner's ready!"
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infiniteeight8 · 2 years
cosplay plans for the next 6-12 months
Rose City Comic Con is in 6 months, and next ECCC is 12 months away, so here's the stuff I have planned for the next year. A bunch of repairs and improvements, one old project that I still want to finish, and two (related) new projects that I just came up with in the last day or two.
Repairs & Improvements
Star Lord armour: - Test magnets as the new armour-to-bodysuit attachment method. - Assuming the magnets work, install a whole lotta magnets. - Replace/Repair the shoulder clip that's missing half the clip. - Super glue the velcro to the head piece. - Adjust boots to fit over running shoes. (And you thought the two boot adjustments I've done were the end of it! LOL.)
Paladin armour: - Figure out how to fix up the shoulders. (I could just adjust the positioning of the left one, but I'm considering permanently attaching the superstructure to the substructure. The only problem with that is that they will take up roughly 3x as much space in my luggage at a result, so I have to ponder.) - Put a clear coat on all the armour parts. - Repair the chipped paint on the shoe armour. - Install rubber/foam edges on the leg armour to hopefully prevent further shoe armour damage. - Add moar magnets to the flames so that they stay on better. - Make a mechanical attachment for the belt piece (the magnets work, but fall off way too easy--I'll relax more wearing it if its more secure).
Green Lantern - Eventually, remake the boots. Again. Don't get me wrong, I think they turned out well given the rush, but I can do better. - Replace the gloves. They're getting a bit tattered. - Possibly remake the pants. Honestly, they're too small. I can squeeze into them, but they kind of... slide down during the day. But if I'm really lucky, by the time I get around to doing this, it won't be necessary anymore. (Unlikely, but hey, you never know.)
In Progress (generalized points, as this is a long term project and I don't see the point of listing every tiny step separately at this stage)
Tron armour: - Finish making the helmet. - Probably re-make the bottom part of the boots. I can't recall which shoe I made it for. - Test the fit of the rest of the armour and adjust as needed. (I've gained weight since making it originally.) - Figure out the attachments. Never did get these working to my satisfaction, although I have a vague memory of what I planned to try after attempt #1 failed. - Determine amount of EL wire needed for the lighting / Figure out EL wire mounting strategy. Order & Install EL wire. - Make the undersuit. - Figure out how not to die of heat exhaustion while wearing a full body vinyl undersuit and a a near full body armour, including helmet, made out of layers of plastic and foam and absolutely covered in lighting.
New Projects (generalized as above)
Project #1: Captain Marvel leather jacket. Yes, I know people sell various versions. No, I don't like any of those enough to buy them. My sewing skills are very limited, so this will be a long term project involving a lot of test/learning stages.
Project #2: Captain Marvel armour. Yes, I like the design enough to make this sucker twice in two different styles. The armour would be EVA foam, not worbla. I've never worked in EVA foam before, but I've worked with other types of foam, and I've done armour generally. I still expect a learning curve, but I'm much more comfortable with this project than with Project #1.
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marketwatchpune · 1 year
Canada Freight Forwarding Market Global Production, Growth, Share, Demand and Applications Forecast to 2030
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mpcomagnetics · 3 years
Lifting Permanent Magnet Crane
Lifting Permanent Magnet Crane
Lifting Permanent Magnet Crane, 600KG Portable Permanent Lifting Magnet Crane Magnetic Lifter Tool Permanent Magnet Sucker for Handling Steel Plates, Iron Blocks Permanent magnet jack crane 1.normal temperature,high frequency&high temperature type 2.suitable for steel scraps Lifting Electromagnet is special equipment which utilizes the electric&magnetic physical quantity to lift attached…
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hsmagnet · 3 years
Electromagnetic Transmissions Solenoids Holding Magnets
Electromagnetic Transmissions Solenoids Holding Magnets
Electromagnetic Transmissions Solenoids Holding Magnets Solenoids for simple operation Single-acting solenoids are for common applications. The magnetic field delivered by the coil upon power-up attracts the core. Then, the nucleus becomes free again in the absence of current. They are thus available in different designs, folded sheet, square profiled, machined in the mass. Solenoids for double…
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greenix · 2 years
A few years after Ingo disappears, the Black Stone is found in the hallowed resting site of the Pearl Clan. Upon awakening, Zekrom remembers his life in Hisui, and that he's the Dragon of ideals-but his Ideals have shifted to protecting Sinnoh. He does have vague flashes of a dragon in white, and a sense of emptiness-but he's used to that by now, so why seek out something he might not find? (There is a happy reunion! It just takes a while, and a lot of Zekrom's memories are Not There anymore.)
(hope you're okay with me stringing all your asks together!)
I really like this concept! it makes a lot more sense for the Dragon in Ingo to attempt to find it's own niche as a god in Hisui rather than just being lost and confused. and every group of people needs Ideals, particularly new settlers with grand dreams of developing a home in the new land they're living in! I can see him being a major proponent of immigration into Hisui, helping people find their place etc. delving into Zekrom's lack of memory is an interesting contrast to Ingo just forgetting he's a dragon all together - I agree that it would make a lot more sense if he remembered his godhood and adapted his realm to match the new location! good concept!!
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such a great design.... I love this very much. I'm a sucker for people's time in a situation changing them mentally and that change being reflected permanently and visibly on their bodies!!! excellent!!!! I had already been thinking about having an offshoot AU where Hisuian Zekrom has a different typing (Dragon Poison) so I might incorporate this into that concept :D
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OOOH YES. I LIKE THE IDEA OF THEIR PSYCHIC BOND GETTING MESSED UP. I'm picturing it as like. you know when you put your magnetic hotel room key in with your phone or wallet and the magnet messes up and won't open your door anymore? the ultra space is like that but for mental frequencies - adding on to the mental change Ingo undergoes in Hisui as well, his mind becomes pretty unfamiliar and therefore Emmet has a hard time connecting to him.
and no worries about the angst! I also like cosmic horror, it's so fun (and. depressing) to think about
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YEES YEES. YES. I LIKE THIS. I'm picturing it also as a pokemon mystery dungeon remake style game with the ultra space being the constantly shifting mystery dungeons!!! because i love pmd and think that format fits this concept very well :]
thank you for all the asks you have some really cool ideas!
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sugar-petals · 4 years
Cuddling With SuperM
↳ ❤︎ CARO’S NOTE: their concept is all about badassery i know but we’re dealing with seven angels so let’s talk about that shall we
warnings ⚠️ some light teasing, innuendo
length: 1.5k
am i really telling you something ground-breaking with this:
so this guy’s truly adorable
turns into a baby what else is new
draws his knees to his chest and just enjoys the ride with his eyes closed
you can do whatever the hell you want
back rubs, head pats, foot massages, caressing the neck or underneath the chin which is particularly sweet
and a whole lot of tickling he’s kinda obsessed with this
excellent chef he is, taeyong enjoys preparing snacks for a set cuddling time or movie night
so what if this turns into feeding each other basically are you ready for that
this guy’s impossible face up close is hard to bear for the faint-hearted just mentioning that in passing here
because… he has that one yearning expression and his eye contact is very steady
bit of a duality here huh
but worry not because taeyong’s tiger inside is more of a cat actually, tyongkitty behavior guaranteed right there
he does do friendly head buts and yeah the eye contact is also a cat thing now that i think about it… it all makes sense now
ten, baekhyun, lucas and taemin are pretty cocky types of cuddlers, taeyong leads the more subdued fraction in super m
it’s the kind of cuddling that needs rainy weather and a cup of tea
quality time right here
banter is always included ofc
or at least a lot of talk because with ten, conversation and cuddles go together
likes pets joining, three’s a party, a cat can always make a snuggly contribution
add a ball of wool to play around
like. a-you, a-me, and a cat right in between ya see
music is always playing in the background, always
ten’s body is very sensual… you can tell he’s a dancer by the way he’s adapting, how he’s feeling it, how he moves in general
the reflexes are just so different he has great feeling for what you wanna do next it’s his bodily intuition and he just goes along with it
what you gotta tell him though is to keep it lowkey with keeping his jazzy outfits on
a hoodie cuddles better than high fashion and spiked jackets
plus he looks adorably small in it so two birds with one stone
never forget ten is really tiny that sure makes a difference
reluctant little spoon, he keeps it face-to-face or sleeps on his back
ten is glad to be approached with hugs he’s not always doing the initiative
shy thailand angel ikr
but don’t complain if he farts because he absolutely will
goddammit chittaphon
if it’s without a plushie something’s going wrong it always needs one
his favorite teddy’s gotta participate y’know he’s a social creature
in this home we don’t discriminate against plush bears
and yeah, his bear ear hoodie likewise he is sure to put it on
jongin tends to be rather taciturn because he wants to enjoy the body-to-body sensations
meaning, don’t interpret his frequent silence as awkwardness he’s just observing
is not above teasing… if his outfit is showing some skin he’ll invite you to touch the area
also enjoys you putting your hands under his sweater
he’s laughing like crazy and kicking his legs all giggly if you put your head underneath it and let it roam oh la la
yeah nini likes some wit to it for sure, and some steaminess in the mix it’s just a natural byproduct if we’re honest
dim the lights down low for this one…
but also light the candles alright
cuddling is more of a soft and steady thing there’s not much position changes going on
this is the couch not the dancefloor your honor
while we’re talking about that: jongin is a buff biatch my god
prep a water bottle to chug when you’re cuddling this guy is effortlessly hot
also know that kai will almost definitely snap a picture of you huddled together for the memory of it
unlike his memes, baekhyun’s cuddling behaviour is entirely predictable
will snuggle against your shoulder by default pretty much that’s his favorite area
stays glued there for two hours if you’re not busy
im not kidding
needless to say he needs a partner who can handle this level of clinginess
baekhyun can’t keep his hands to himself in general
neither can you
it’s groping x cuddling these two are a dead sure combination
keen to snuggle casually while he’s gaming, cross-legged on the ground with you massaging his back
likes to lay his head into your lap, too.
baekhug i mean back hug enthusiast. something inside his face has an inbuilt magnet that sucks him into the space between your collar bones
especially when you’re at the stove cooking
caution: love bites. lots of them. does this count as cuddles? probably. it’s not like he’s eating you or is he. oop—
what am i saying all he does is nibble alright
and oh yeah bring on the sweater weather. he can’t stay still in bed it’s gonna be a pillowfort building session though
you gotta exhaust him until he naps off lmao!
energizer bunny bf
enjoys being fed watermelon during the process how else could it be
wait until this guy hears what harry styles’ watermelon sugar is all about his world will never be the same again
he’ll look so cute in his striped shirt and his round glasses awh
cuddling is his favorite way to show his trust and affection before all else
his favorite time to cuddle is before going to sleep
he usually hugs pillows so you can tell how clingy he winds up as
mark really sleeps and dreams better if you do that it has an astounding effect. cuddles are his perfect recharging if you will it’s just that he’s actually calming down through it whereas he can be nervous throughout the day so he needs that downtime
spooning is a given
what he enjoys the most about it is the warmth
markie easily gets cold sometimes he just needs that tune-up with you he’s like blink blink there goes my dose of daily heat beep beep
what the fuck
anyway again
talk about tune
just like ten he’s very talkative all the way verbal stimulation and mark lee just go together
if you compare him to taeyong there’s not much of a transformation going on mark lee on two legs is the same mark lee during cuddles it’s all copy paste
all in all a delectable experience, extremely cute and heart-melting, super m truly has a super mark
much like xuxi he has that permanent smile on his lips that tries to make you laugh
in fact taemin is hard to stop with his puns and his humor
ffs he is a true brat
taems can’t help but try to escalate this into a playfight every time
not that he doesn’t enjoy the calmer types of cuddling but he needs some action in the sack
enjoys praise along the way who are we kidding
the clothes you both cuddle in are very important alright, the fabric in particular
taemin keeps it expensive here it’s just the way he rolls
satin my dear
it’s just so satisfying to the touch
but also beware of his most lethal clothing choice which brings out his innate maknae charm the most
which he will use during special occasions to turn you into a cuddle monster ready to pounce him
give it up for shinee my loves they taught him well and sent him out to fluff up the world
what else is there okay we also gotta mention that cuddling consists of many little kisses here and there
taemin wants to get absolutely peppered
he is and stays a prince
ideal body type for cuddling except that it needs the right place, not the environment but the spot i mean, you can imagine
lucas can explode any smol-size couch or bed
don’t even think about trying to cuddle on regular chairs my god why would you live so dangerously
king size por favor
there is a lot to cuddle against it’s really a whole wonderland
those big ole thighs are practical cushions for anything really.
and his face is just so amicable it has to be kithed
his hands… his hands! you will feel maximum protection with those giant baby fingers around your hips i’m telling you
admittedly yukhei is hard to properly hug around the shoulders obviously that’s a drawback but hey his waist is lithe and tiny so hello there, very inviting
oh, that infectious smile.
serious cuddling: 0 — funny cuddles: over 9,000
and tasty cuddles because foodcas brings some fried rice every time oh yum
hates to go to work he really prioritizes you and cuddles go on for long long hours especially when you watch your favorite series
xuxi goes the extra mile, he will touch your hair a lot, just gently combing through it
and he doesn’t mind it when you do the same, he’s got the most angelic blonde locks after all
lu calls you beautiful all the time the cheesy mf is really pulling the standard compliment alright
cue jonas brothers sucker for you
ugh, boyfriend
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dangermousie · 4 years
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Even in the iffy machine translation, the end of the last extra story left me all sorts of emo. Sniffling from joy because this is so perfect as a coda and sniffling from sadness that I have no more.
I have been reading 2HA for almost two weeks, since May 31. I am a notorious speed reader (an average 300 page book takes me two hours) and I was reading it very steadily for these 11 days (though it was only the last few days where I basically stopped watching or reading anything else, obsessively binging.) The fact that it took me 11 days says something about both the immense size of this novel and the fact that I (a) reread my favorite parts mid-read and (b) had to take breaks from the emotional onslaught.
I went from disliking Moran and being not keen on Chu Wanning - the former was an immaturely evil reincarnation of a monster and the latter cold and unpleasant, as far as I was concerned - to bawling my eyes over both of them together or separately and being so invested, it was honestly a little scary.
Funny thing is I can pinpoint the exact moment I fell for CWN - when he throws his exorcism fee into the face of the evil elder who amply earned the wrath of his particular ghost and proceeds to restore justice. But I cannot pinpoint such a moment for Moran. I have no idea how I went from “I don’t like novels with an evil protagonist” to “I am sobbing over him so hard I want to barf” but there it was. I also can’t pinpoint when I went from “this is kinda random as a novel” to “this is really interesting” to “you can pry this novel out of my cold dead hands and then my zombie self will still fight you for it.”
But here we are.
I am always leery to claim I can be objective about something I loved so hard so I don’t know if my view of this novel as amazing is objective. All I can tell you is that it is impeccably plotted, has complicated characters and some beautiful language. It also hit my particular narrative and character kinks so hard they are still ringing - period setting, men with weapons, love beyond death and then beyond even that, redemption narrative, view of the power structures as hypocritical and corrupt, heroism, and above all for yours truly SO MUCH ANGST. I am a notorious angst vampire but despite that (or perhaps because of that), I don’t tend to cry over angsty things much. This novel made me full on bawl five times - (1) when Chu Wanning sacrifices himself for Moran at the rift and Moran realizes what has happened and the bit with the body and the wontons (2) Nangong Si’s sacrifice (3) Chu Wanning rescuing Moran from execution and fighting the whole world for it and then Moran dying in his arms and aftermath (4) destruction of Siseng Peak (5) the ending - though this time from happiness...And we are not even going to get to all the times I sniffled like someone with a permanent cold. Hell, I am getting sniffly now just thinking about it.
I could try to be objective and ask whether it would have been better to not have as many dubcon/noncon flashbacks (though for once, some of the sex scenes actually had to do with character development, which is a total rarity in any book) or whether Chu Wanning really needed to be the resident psychopath magnet for every psychopath in a hundred mile radius, but at this rate it honestly would feel churlish to nitpick anything that gave me so much pure emotional reading pleasure. Plus, one of the joys of this novel is how unrestrained, how far-flung, how gonzo it is in every way - from emotional to physical to plotwise. It’s like a feast with so much food some of it is going to fall off the table.
Don’t worry, I am going to go back to my regular scheduling programming soon but before I do, a little fun:
Favorite Character: Moran. Yeah yeah I know, it seems everyone’s favorite is Chu Wanning. I adore CWN and he’s a close, very close second, but I am such a sucker for painful redemption narratives. (Moran’s narrative is redemption of his character; CWN’s is slow revelation of his character.) Plus, he’s had the worst childhood of anyone in this book and you know me...
Most Hated Character: DUHHHHHH!!!! Past life Shimei. I am still pissed off he didn’t get a more gruesome death. There is absolutely nothing redeeming about him - even XSL, mad and evil as he was, still had a warm feeling for his teacher. But there was nothing but rot and murder inside past life Shimei. (I hate current life Shimei also, but nowhere nearly as much.)
Biggest OTP: duh! Moran x CWN is everything I love in an OTP. They literally died for each other twice. But it’s just wonderful to read about them in every way and it’s a rare OTP with big drama that I can also see happy in every day mundane surroundings. Nangong Si x Ye Wangxi are my runner up.
Best family: The Xues. Is there any doubt? They are amazing and loving and righteous. They managed to bring up Xue Meng who despite being loved and spoiled is a total pure, righteous puppy. They took in Moran and made him family (and even once they find out he’s not really family, they still love him every bit as much as if he’s their own; but then Uncle Xue was the best, most loving, and most proud father to Xue Meng, even if XM was not his biologically.) And they ran a cool righteous sect and were fun and warm and awesome. There is a reason why Chu Wanning, who is a paragon who every sect would love to have, stayed there for so long.
Biggest (for me) plot twist: there are so many, but for me it was the plot twist that Moran became Taxian Jun by absorbing the demon flower that controlled him and turned him into a monster with Shimei as controller voluntarily to protect Chu Wanning. That was the only way he had to prevent Shimei from turning CWN into the monster he himself later became. The bitter irony that he gave up his soul to protect CWN and thus became the soulless monster who reveled in destroying CWN is !!!! (Side note - I just now realized that alternate life Moran freaked out the way he did when he thought he saw Shimei with a knife while CWN was in seclusion was because he subconsciously remembered when he walked in on Shimei attempting to harm CWN with the demon flower years earlier (in either timeline) even as his conscious memory was erased.) Runner up: porridge. The fact that it was teen Chu Wanning who fed starving five year old Moran and saved his life and that it’s that encounter that made CWN leave the monastery and try to help the suffering world.
Character who died that you wish had lived: Nangong Si. Proof that being an awesome, noble person is not enough; I bawled when he sacrificed himself.
Character who lived that you wish had died: Nangong Liu. Yup, that murdering horrible monster made it through the whole book. JUSTICE where is it!
Coolest setting: I loved Netherworld. And not just because I am a sucker for Orpheus themes.
Angstiest moment: that’s like asking which pine needle on a 30 foot tree is your favorite. But to me, it’s Moran’s death after core extraction - when he asks if he has finally expiated and still worries he’s too filthy for CWN - my heart! And then CWN tucking in his body in bed as if he’s still alive and making food for him because Moran was always hungry as a child and so food is his love language. I was crying SO HARDDDDD!!!
Most wholesome character: Xue Meng. Are there even any other close competitors? He’s another character I started out rolling my eyes at and ended up loving.
Most romantic moment: Literally every single one, but to me it’s Chu Wanning coming to that hut at the end and finding Moran alive and waiting for him.
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theexecutionerssong · 4 years
the “then fucking have me” line just made me want to reread the book, I had completely forgotten about it ugh!! do you have other favorite lines?
That line I knowwwww! I usually save lines that sucker punched me while reading so i can write them down in my notebook later, so I’m gonna copy paste them....... i guess there are quite a lot, whoops 😬
“It sounds like you did your best.” Alex forgets what he was going to say next. He gets told he’s great a lot. He just doesn’t often get told he’s good enough.
Straight people, he thinks, probably don’t spend this much time convincing themselves they’re straight. and not far after that there is In an instant of sudden, vivid clarity, he can’t believe he ever thought he was straight.
“Thinking about history makes me wonder how I’ll fit into it one day, I guess. And you too. History, huh? Bet we could make some.”
“For a few moments, I can hold my breath and be back there with you, in a dream, in a thousand rooms, nowhere at all.”
He wants to stay tangled up in Henry’s legs forever. He wants to match the new freckles across Henry’s nose to the stars above them and make him name the constellations.
“What do you want?” “I want you—” “Then fucking have me.”
“Fuck you,” Henry says, his voice breaking, and he gets a handful of Alex’s shirt collar, and Alex knows he’s going to love this stubborn little shit forever.
If it’s the last time, they go down shivering and gasping and epic, all wet mouths and wet eyelashes and Alex is a cliché on an ivory bedspread, and he hates himself but he’s so in love.
“I’m into making history.”
“I thought, this is the most incredible thing I have ever seen, and I had better keep it a safe distance away from me. I thought, if someone like that ever loved me, it would set me on fire. And then I was a careless fool, and I fell in love with you anyway.”
“And then, inexplicably, you had the absolute audacity to love me back. Can you believe it?”
“You and me and history, remember?”
If Henry’s voice on the phone was a tether, his body is the gravity that makes it possible, his hand gripping the back of Alex’s neck a magnetic force, a permanent compass north.
“But the thing is, jumping off cliffs is kinda my thing. That’s the choice. I love him, with all that, because of all that. On purpose. I love him on purpose.”
“I see you. I am one of you. As long as I have a place in this White House, so will you. I am the First Son of the United States, and I’m bisexual. History will remember us.”
The way Henry’s looking at him in the picture is so affectionate, so openly loving, that seeing it from a third person’s perspective almost makes Alex want to look away, like he’s staring into the sun. He called Henry the North Star once. That wasn’t bright enough.
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one-d-library · 4 years
August 2020 Fic Recs
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Young & Beautiful by velvetoscar
{mature, 227k, 34 chapters, slow burn, angst, hate to love, no detailed smut, university AU, side ziam, OT5 friendship, descriptive plot}
Louis, to his horror, attends an elitist university in which the name Zayn Malik means something, Niall Horan doesn't stop talking, there are pianos everywhere, and Harry Styles, only son of a drug-addled, clinically insane ex-rocker, has a perfect smile and empty eyes.
My opinion which no one really asked for: 
My country has started another lockdown for corona so of course I had to bless the start of it with y&b. This is one of the better known fics in our fandom but I still don’t think it is talked about enough!! This author has a way with words that I hold in the highest regard. Honestly, I am in love with this book. It was so layered, descriptive and I fell in love with every. single. character. Words can’t describe how wonderfully written this was. Truly my favorite fanfic (or one of them hehe can’t choose). 
Can be found in: 
Longer Fics
Uni AU
Iconic Fics
Fav Fics
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Just a Flower Boy by Larryruinedme
{not rated, 70k, 15 chapters, highschool AU, football player!Louis, out!Harry, homophobia, OT5 friendship, pining, fluff, smut, first time, somewhat of panty kink}
Harry Styles is a clumsy, flower crown-wearing, openly gay junior with only two true friends, Niall and Zayn. Louis Tomlinson is the school's attractive, straight football captain, with a small body and a big personality. As fate will have it, Harry has a huge, unrequited, utterly hopeless crush on Louis.
Fate is thrown out the window the day that Harry and Louis find themselves partnered up for a history project. Harry starts to receive notes from a secret admirer, Louis starts to get jealous of Harry's budding friendship with senior Nick Grimshaw, Zayn and Liam develop a thing for each other, and Niall is the best mate anyone could have asked for. And suddenly, Harry's crush on Louis doesn't seem so utterly hopeless anymore.
My opinion which no one really asked for: 
Oh my god. This was absolutely adorable. I’m a big sucker for a cute little high school AU, especially ones with popular!Louis and nerd!Harry. This fic felt really intimate and personal and beautiful. Honestly, I think I liked this so much because this Harry is lowkey how I was in highschool, and I would’ve liked a Louis in my life then. 
Can be found in: 
Highschool AU (2)
Fav Fics
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Untangle Me by suicxne
{explicit, 103k, 11 chapters, canon compliant, MITAM era, friends to lovers, pining, angst, fluff, smut, OT4 friendship}
Louis finds himself out of place in LA, unable to get at an itch that’s been bothering him for years. He supposes back in the early days, home hadn’t been a place. It’d been a person. He’d etched it permanently into his skin for fucks sake. It was always him and Harry. Stuck to each other like super glue. Pulled together by some magnetic force, existing in their own bubble. Everyone could see it, but that was half the problem, wasn’t it?
It’s not like Louis can pinpoint the exact moment in time when him and Harry fell out of sync. There wasn’t really one at all. It had been a gradual slip, like the tide wearing away at a sandstone cliff. Chipping the solid foundations until there was nothing left to stop the structure falling to the waves below. It’s not like he spends all of his time sitting around moping over a lost friendship, he’s good at distractions. But LA only seems to accentuate the distance between them. Two separate planets, not even in the same solar system.
Or the one where Harry and Louis finally get it right.
My opinion which no one really asked for: 
I’m sorry I couldn’t find a collage for this fic and I didn’t want to make one, so this funny gif of OT3 will have to do. Anyways, canon compliant fics were how I first dug my way into this larry fanfiction hole so I’ll always have a part of me that loves and appreciates a good non-au. This fic is one of the ones I’ll always appreciate. The smut is very well written and the characters all feel personal to you. It gives me a weird sense of peace relating to the whole ‘we ruined their friendship’ narrative, (which, of course, is not true). I recommend to read this if you’re into non-au and descriptive smut. 
Can also be found in: 
Canon Compliant 50k+
more fic recs can be found here!
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minniethemoocherda · 4 years
When will my life begin?
A/N A birthday present for RoninReverie! She wanted more Tangled Entrapdak aus for I thought I would write her one for her birthday! Based off her awesome fanart! She always just made this amazing animation of an Entrapdak version of the kiss the girl which you should also check out! Anyway I hope that you guys enjoy!
Tangled au 
The Little Mermaid au
Hordak groaned as his consciousness came back to him, the back his head banging. The last thing he remembered was him and Imp getting separated from their older brother whilst on the run from guards, before climbing what he’s thought had been an abandoned tower to hide in. His vision swam until the image in front of him cleared to show a girl’s curious face barely an inch away from him.
Hordak would later deny that he hadn’t screamed as he tried to back away in shock, only to discover that he was unable to move. He glanced down in confusion to find that he was tied down with some sort of thin purple rope. It wasn’t until he looked up again, that he realised it was her hair. 
“Oh good, you’re awake! I was starting to speculate if you had suffered permanent brain damage.” The girl said, not sounding particularly worried about the latter. By the frying pan held in her left hand, he guessed that she was responsible for his state of conscious.
“How many fingers am I holding up?” She asked shoving her free hand in his face.
“…Three?” Hordak replied unsure of what exactly was happening. That was when his senses came back to him enough to realise, he was alone.
“Where is Imp?” He growled. “If you hurt one hair on his-“
“Oh, that’s his name! He’s playing with Emily.” The girl told him, unfazed by his threats. “Here they come now.”
Hordak strained his neck as he heard something enter the room behind him. It was a large ball of a machine with spiderlike legs and a bright purple light that blinked at him. When the girl had said Emily, he had expected a dog or a young child, not a six-foot-tall robot. Still he couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief when he saw Imp sitting happily on top of it. Now that he knew Imp was safe, he took the opportunity to observe the robot in more detail. He had never seen anything like it before. The fluidity of its movement, the happy purr as it carefully helped his younger brother climb all over it.
“That is a truly remarkable machine.” Hordak breathed, at first aware that he had spoken. He must still be a bit delirious. He was unprepared for the way the girl’s bright purple eyes lit up with excitement at his comment.
“Thank you! I’ve been working on her for over a year now! Sure, there’s still some upgrades I’ve been meaning to do but she’s still amazing! Do you really think she’s remarkable?”
“Yes. Can she walk up walls like a real spider?”
Somehow the girl’s eyes got even wider. “No but that’s a great idea! I could attack suckers or grippers to her feet-“
“Or magnets for climbing up metal.” Hordak suggested before cursing himself. Anytime he offered improvements for his older brother Prime’s schemes he was met with a slap to the face. But the girl stared nodding in agreement.
“Once I make these improvements Emily is going to be the best she’s ever been! Do you want to see more of my inventions?”
Before he could reply, she had lifted the chair using only her hair and carried him towards what must be her lab. There were pieces of sparking circuitry everywhere with test tubes overflowing. It was no doubt a safety hazard but that didn’t make it any less awe inspiring. Inventions where crammed into every corner of the room, mostly robots that chirruped happily at the sight of their creator who greeted each of them individually.
Hordak was unsure what to make of the girl as she introduced him to each of her machines. He was technically her hostage even though he had been the one who had broken into her home in the first place. He cursed himself for speaking out loud, wondering what Prime would have done if he had heard him talking to his captor like this.
“Sorry, just realised I forgot to introduce myself. I don’t really have much experience with talking to new people. Well any experience really. My name’s Entrapda!” The girl who was apparently named Entrapda said. From the manner he was trapped in her hair, her name seemed appropriate. She held out her hand but blushed when she remembered that he was unable to move. Hordak once again marvelled at her hair as she gentle placed him down before her hair retreated from him. He got to his feet, testing his wrists to find that it had not hurt him in any way. Then he noticed that she still had her hand held out.
“…My name is Hordak.” He told her, taking her hand, trying not to think how Prime would react if he found that he had given out his name.
“A pleasure to meet you Hordak.” Her handshake was firm and unflinching. Now that he was free the scientist inside him couldn’t stop himself from asking what he had been dying to ever since he had woken up in this place.
“How are you able to do this with your hair?”
For the first time, Entrapda’s expression changed from excitable curiosity to suspicion.
“Why? You’re not going to sell it are you?”
“Why would I do that?”
Entrapda shrugged. “That’s what my parents always told me. That’s why they put me in this tower, to keep me safe.”
“And you’ve never left?” Hordak asked, unable to keep the growl out of his voice. Prime may have been a controlling bastard but at least his schemes took them all over the kingdom.
“It’s not so bad. I’ve got lots of time to work on my inventions. The servants bring me tiny food and I’ve always got Emily.” Entrapda tried to reassure him, although even in the limited time since they had met each other, Hordak could tell that her enthusiasm was forced.
“Is there nowhere you would like to go?”
“Well…” Entrapda sighed, gazing out of the tower window. “I have always wanted to go to the party they throw at the palace.”
In the short time that he had known her, Hordak wouldn’t have thought that she would be interested in some party.
“I’ve always wanted to study social interactions in a more intimate context.”
Ah that sounded more like her.
“Do you mean the Princess Prom?”
“You’ve heard of it?” She screamed, her infectious excitement returning.
“Yes. Everyone in the kingdom is invited as the King and Queen hope to find their lost princess.” He had told himself that the entire event was a waste of time and resources especially since the lost princess of Drill was most likely long dead by now. But secretly he had dreamt was walking up to those palace doors in a long black dress with a scandalous slit.
“Oooo! So, have you been then?”
The scowl had been missing from Hordak’s face returned. “Of course not!”
Her head turned in confusion.
“Is it because you’re a criminal?”
He stared at her. Could she not see the scars mottled across his face and arms? As he hugged his arms across his chest in an attempt to hide them, a look of realisation crossed Entrapda’s face. Gently she placed her hand, rough and bandaged from her experiments, on top his own.
“I always thought that it was our imperfections that make us beautiful.”
Hordak froze. Nobody had ever said anything like that before. Prime would blame him for making them stand out which often resulted in more scars as a punishment. What little he could remember of his parents had been disgust at the way he had been born. And Imp still showed no signs of being able to speak. He didn’t know what to say. Part of him wanted to scream at her how wrong she was but no words came out. Then he thought of how incredible her hair was and the way she acted, and that maybe this was lesson she had spent years to learn herself.
Hordak was forced from his thoughts as Entrapda jumped up and down.
“I’ve just had the best idea! What if you took me to the Prom?”
“No.” He spat.
“Please! Plus, you do kind of owe me for breaking into my house.”
Hordak was about to refuse when he looked into her hopeful purple eyes that shone with the desire to learn and have an adventure. Into the eyes of the first person who took the time to know him. Even if he didn’t have a choice because he had kept in her tower after breaking into it. Which yeah, he did kind of owe her for. And any excuse to put of having to reunite with Prime was a good one.
“Fine, I will take you to the prom.”
As they left the tower, his ears still rung from her screech of happiness.
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plounce · 6 years
do you have any molly or widomauk fic recs? You have good characterization taste & I miss him and need to recover from seeing caleb/nott/molly as a relationship tag
well after that gutpunch of a closing line, here are my offerings:
… under a cut because there are a LOT. rifled through my bookmarks and subscriptions for this. hope you like these! my ultimate personal faves are bolded. newer additions are starred.
massive widomauk indulgence (oneshots & completed fics)
take your kid gloves off - oh this is SUCH a fave!! teacher au. really good mature emotions… still has the pining that makes fic great but it doesn’t feel soap opera-y as some do. read this please.
my only sunshine - soulmate au! i can be very picky about soulmate aus but this one really agreed with me. follows canon where it can. this was great!! very tender and sweet and hurts at the right parts and is so good at the right parts
twisters chasing storms - written in the week between ep 25 and ep 26. beau centric with side wm. the remaining members of the m9 have to deal with doing what they must to get them back. kind of dark but just like. oof. i reread this a bunch. really good character work in this. (violence warning)
Caleb, huddled on the cart over Molly’s books, says what Beau has been thinking all along: “Jester and Fjord and Yasha were not terrible. This—” and he gestures around at all of them, “—is a terrible combination.”
“That’s slander,” says Molly. “I’m a good person. And—you know, you’re—you’re not all great, sure, but you do good things. I like you.”
The rest of them look at him.
“Okay, that was weak,” he admits.
any clever ideas? - molly and caleb make out in the evening nip in order to dissuade cree from talking with molly. it is SO GOOD and just. rules. it hits those trope buttons perfectly. i LOVE this one 
strictly ballroom - UNDERCOVER AT A FANCY DRESS BALL… DANCING… PINING… JEALOUSY… this is SUCH an indulgent fave and i just enjoy it so much. this is a FUN read. THIS is what i enjoy fic for
discover us safely destroyed - an interesting character study from the zadash arc
our early days - pre relationship. figuring each other out and being tender and protective. taking care of each other. (violence warning)
the crossroads - caleb falls in battle and has a conversation in limbo (without knowing he’s in limbo). very bittersweet and so like… OOF
hopscotch - a lot of the m9 body swap. good character stuff. the differences in molly and caleb’s brains in terms of memory capabilities is… ouch! ouch!! it’s really good. “you’re my friends. i trust you.”
let’s dance - this one is an older one one, and cute! dancing!
comfort walks softly on little cat feet - h/c. an older one, and very sweet.
strange light - a good coda to the cali ep, which was hard to find. measured characterizations with some molly details i adore - his love of theatrics, and keeping copies of lucien’s wanted posters that he’s torn down and using them for kindling.
a street cat named frumpkin - a cute little modern au with side wm! hooray for kitties.
familiar comfort - frumpkin pov. implied wm. really super excellent. i LOVE frumpkin pov stuff
until you set your old heart free - modern with magic… established relationship… molly gets rezzed and returns home… ohhhhhhhh. oh my heart 
take me back into your arms - molly gets rezzed! tam lin setup! hell yeah! power of love babey!!
kiss me once, kiss me twice - a series for kiss prompts!! so sweet. this one has some really heartwarming modern au installments that i just adore
something new for me and you - this one recently wrapped up! a good multichapter, probably the peak modern urban au in the tag. very detailed and has some very good themes about like… feeling love and feeling deserving of relationships and having to grapple with being bond to the people you’re close to. ALSO has background claysol which you KNOW i’m a BIG SUCKER for. very charming!
*indelible - modern au! tattoo parlor stuff, which can be very hit or miss for me, but this was such a sweet, lovely au with a lot of like. recovery stuff in it? for both of them. very nice.
*meet me in the woods - OOF this has such such delicious piiiining… yearning! molly Noticing caleb’s hands and the two of them slowly growing closer. it was such a sweet read and i enjoyed the whole thing like a soft blanket.
*boats and birds - i love this! such a great snapshot of molly (swinging from the ropes on the ball eater, and being a bit reckless & unlucky in his circus tricks - that’s my bitch!), and such a lovely, telling interaction between him and caleb. i loved that “did you just tell a joke? well, it was a good one” bit, and i love fics that revisit it with a bit more future tenderness. this is the line that won me completely over to this fic:
Because Molly is an idiot and likes to pretend that he has a chance of breaking through the ten layers of trauma Caleb wears like a second skin to find the person underneath and convince him he’s worth something, he takes a minute to appreciate the view.
*matryoshka - immediate fixit after molly’s death, which rules. molly’s ghost gets to carpool in caleb’s body before they rez him. i think this scenario was written enjoyably but with appropriate weight as well, which could be very hard to find. pre-relationship, which i always enjoy - i love me some people meandering towards feelings. it also has some very interesting lucien theory tidbits sprinkled in, which i enjoy.
*cat magnet - molly gets turned into a cat for a hot minute and cuddles up to caleb. short and fun and not weird (thank goodness).
*devil’s tongue - i’m always a bit bashful/hesitant about reccing explicit stuff, but this one has such excellent and caring characterization that i feel correct in putting it on this list. the best explicit ship fics always have an element of knowing that the characters aren’t losing their personalities once they get in bed, and this one has both characters as like. people. the d/s stuff does not overwhelm the characters or the fic and is very light - you see that these are real people in an equal relationship trying to help each other feel good (and i’m a judgmental bastard about fic, so you can take my word on this). AND it has some linguistic stuff about infernal as the actual plot, which i can be a sucker for.
*a thin line - molly gets injured, caleb sews him up, they dance around a conversation before actually Talking About Stuff and becoming closer. excellently written h/c. this is an early wdmk fic, but actually writes the characters pretty well in hindsight! op rules. it’s interesting to see what the author manages to get right, and the backstory elements they made up are still engaging and consistent for the molly & caleb they have written.
*heartfrost - molly lives au, taking place around ep 72. molly is resistant to fire, so he’s vulnerable to cold. he has a bad time with that, and with grieving for yasha as well. caleb takes care of him. this was just sweet h/c whump, and reading molly getting his feelings validated by caleb was *kisses fingers* very good.
*limerence - caleb accidentally casts a spell that makes everyone who sees him fall in love with him - except the party lesbians and… molly, for some reason. isn’t it strange that a love spell doesn’t alter molly’s behavior towards caleb??? synopsis aside - i really enjoy how this fic took the fact that molly canonically wouldn’t pursue caleb because he sees caleb isn’t in a good place to have that; molly’s respect for consent with regards to relationships shines through here and agh i love him. also, i am beau in this fic.
**VWOOP! (every time a bell rings, a tiefling gets their wings) - a really interesting take on the soulmate au involving true name stuff (the author has some notes at the end about “true names” which made me :) about the concept in terms of identity and meaning, so dw about deadname snarls yk). wings! soulmates! friends with benefits that accidentally evolve into feelings!
**the fool, reversed - i’m a hack who loves to see molly slotted into present canon just for fun. this one has him being abducted with yasha by obann, and in dealing with the trauma afterward accidentally discovering his incorporeality bloodhunter powers. good stuff.
**the skin beneath the facade - this one is so self indulgent and i love it. fake dating at a fancy party! kissing! POISON! A CAT! fun fun fun read.
WIPs that i am subscribed to and really enjoy, and are good reads already: 
the prophet of tortham - LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS ONE… god i just love it. molly scrambling to be the best scammer he can and rolling miracuously well, while trying to solve a mystery! very perceptive caleb and perfectly slow burn widomauk. it’s an au where molly pretends to be an actual fortuneteller to a lord that the rest of the m9 work for. i’ve been adoring this one so far, such a great molly.
there’s a ghost in my lungs - vague future canon! the m9 finds molly again, but the empire put a bunch of stuff in his head and the gang seeks to cure him, all while getting tangled up in a town plot and festivals. very good widomauk pining. side note: the “winter soldier au” tag has nothing to do with marvel at all besides the basic premise of what’s up with molly, but for the vast majority of the fic he is himself (changed somewhat after what he’s gone through, but his wonderful self). i’ve been keeping up with this one for a long time and i’ve been loving it.
Caleb blinks, as if coming out of a Frumpkin trance. Beau knows better, though, she’s seen him staring at Molly like Molly’s a lighthouse in the dark, and he’s a man paddling desperately back to shore.
we circle by night - a far-flung-future caleb travels back in time and accidentally averts molly’s death! and there’s a splintered timeline. slow burn widomauk starts kindling but caleb’s dealing with uh… pretending he’s not an older and higher-level wizard inside a canon age caleb body. VERY good. love it.
fractured moonlight on the sea - molly is a selkie and doesn’t know it!! i looooooove this so far and can’t wait for more, this is such good like… pining for stuff you don’t know, romantically and sealwise.
map to alexandria - modern music au! very good writing of like. human emotions. very good relationship themes. this is my good buddy mauve @phantomsteed‘s fave fic!
the gay and wondrous life of caleb widogast - this is a modern with magic childhood friends road trip au! it is also fjollygast, and i really enjoyed it. extremely good and well-written pining and relationship drama, that luckily has been resolved. from what i’ve detectived, it seems like it’s been put on permanent hiatus after canon has diverged a lot from what the author was working from. but it stopped at a very good point and is a fave. extremely delicious pining.
wilderswans’ 30 day nsfw challenge - this is such a great series with a lot of character work and like… stuff about intimacy and it’s really good and tender! early relationship. really sweet and well-written!
**the names that make us - soulmate au! with twists and turns. starts out as bren/lucien and will become caleb/molly. looking forward to it.
molly focused:
true north - molly and yasha relationship stuff… i love them. platonic soulmates. a grand adventure!
visions in lightning, voices in thunder - yasha and molly again, but this time more of a snapshot. implied wm and by. yasha’s aasimarness interacts with ukatoa’s dreams in a nasty and cool way. this one has a line that alwaaaaaays gets me right in the gut
“I’d keep an eye on him, if I were you. There’s still some sharp edges to him.”
Molly chuckled. “I’m well acquainted with sharp edges.”
Yes, and you cut yourself on them all the time, Yasha thought to herself. If he cuts you, will you bleed for him?
also if you haven’t… you should read my high school au oneshot where beau and molly are siblings ;) if you want some numbers to back my self promotion it is the 9th highest kudos’d wm fic on ao3 atm… AND it’s a oneshot. blue gatorade rights
OH and as an edit: here’s my more serious in tone wdmk fic, canticle. it is very good and self indulgent. molly character study and repressed pining. ep 25/6 divergent au, as one does. inspired by twisters chasing storms, recced above.
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pilferingapples · 5 years
favorite thing about them
oh geez there’s a Lot ...on a writing level I appreciate that Hugo managed to convey a Mood about him such that, without it ever  being mentioned in text, so many people seem to have independently decided that Obviously He’s a Werewolf or Something, that’s beautiful transcendence there 
Character-wise like..the whole gleeful Ready To Fight Life’s Problems Or Indeed NonProblems not with Sorrow or Grim Resignation but with Exuberance and A Spirit of Exploration is always horribly endearing to me! The problems are obvious!  But I’m a sucker for it always, gad.  
least favorite thing about them
his continued  absence from adaptations. I respect his Street(uprising)Smarts in not letting himself be on Official Records, but come oooon:P(obviously his actual Biggest Flaw is probably something on the lines of “ thinks riots are fun times” but ngl  I find that Highly Appealing and this is about my  Least Favorite Thing)
favorite line
..I’m gonna count it all as a line:
Chacun son genre, Enjolras... Cette prose d'évêque me choque, je veux manger des œufs sans qu'on me le permette. Toi tu as le genre froid brûlant; moi je m'amuse. D'ailleurs, je ne me dépense pas, je prends de l'élan; et si j'ai déchiré ce mandement, Hercle! c'est pour me mettre en appétit.
random headcanon
Gad Bahorel is so much the magnet for all my Absurd Headcanons?? uh let’s try for a fairly Realistic one this time: Bahorel hasn’t always been The Senior Partner of the weirdo/radical groups he was in; he started out a Junior Member of the Hellion Squads of his (early) youth and just...didn’t un-Hellion while everyone else who’d been in it when he started was Getting Old and Moderate and Bourgeois, or arrested in a fairly permanent way, or died, of causes Natural or Political.  Which is A Little Distressing , sometimes, when he’s in the mood to be A Little Distressed about it, but the first of those Circumstances mean that Bahorel is either a welcome friend or Direly Feared Voice of the Past (he doesn’t blackmail ,  you can make a blackmailer shut up ) , often both, at a surprising number of Nice Respectable Households.  
unpopular opinion
Besides that adaptations that cut him are all cowards (they are ALL COWARDS though) you mean?hmm..there’s been some Very Good Bahorel Trends in the fandom for a while, and IDK what’s even Popular these days--are we big enough to have a Popular Things Side of Fandom and not just like Five People Who Are Friends are Doing A Thing anymore?  
 hm- I think his role as flaneur/Connection to Others In Paris is generally way underrated. What exactly constitutes a flâneur is practically its own academic field and there’s a ton of debate on it (which alone says a lot about how much that tag on a character actually should be taken into account imo) but Hugo seems to have been in the camp that had a very positive view of the concept-- I mean,  “Errer est humain, flâner est parisien.”   Given how much Hugo is just generally is Awash in Feelings about the Importance of Being Paris in Les Mis, that’s. A Lot. 
I’ve. I’ve got a lot of Feelings about that character/symbolism combo myself, but I’ll leave it there for now, I’ve already taken forever posting this...
song i associate with them
...I have an Embarrassment of Riches for them but I’ll stick with If You Ain’t Been Called A Red for this 
favorite picture of them
Bahorel is Too Smart to let himself get Documented by Official Photographic Sources apparently 
... All his panels in the Arai Manga are Good though! here’s  one I like a lot: 
Tumblr media
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hqkj · 5 years
darling, you’re my lover — kaia.
date & location — monday september 2, 2019 / kj’s vancouver apartment tl;dr — maia has been living in vancouver with kj for the better part of the last month and kj has decided that he could definitely get used to this life. but first, he has to ask maia a question. featuring — @maiimitchell, kj’s dad, mom, and sister trigger warning(s) — NONE
KJ: KJ was tired. He were going on a full week of having his parents and sister staying with him. And of course there was Maia and Ollie as well but they weren’t so much guests as they were now permanent fixtures of the house. He was tired but the very best kind of tired. The kind of tired that he wanted to be all the time; the kind that was brought on by family dinners, movie screenings, and game nights, talking and laughing loudly into the wee hours of the morning. Today was Monday morning, Labor Day. The Apa family was set to fly home later that evening and KJ’s heart was already heavy, despite there being one last day of fun still to be had. Last night, everyone had agreed to sleep in so they could be well rested for their travels back to New Zealand but KJ’s eyes fluttered open at the sensation of rustling sheets and a shifting mattress. He rubbed the sleep away and, once he did, found himself in an empty bed. “Mai?” His voice was low and raspy. When she didn’t reply, KJ relaxed again, stretching his back out and taking his time getting up, the faintest sound of music floating into their bedroom from somewhere else in the apartment.
Maia: Maia’s anxious mind was put to ease mid week when she’d finally earned the Apa family stamp of approval. After that she felt at peace and felt like she could be her self with his family. She didn’t have to put on a show to impress anyone or stress herself out about them not liking her. The weekend was filled with so many laughs that her stomach still hurt and Maia was finding herself growing more and more attached to new Kiwi’s in her life. So much so that the thought of them leaving today and not hearing their voices around the apartment made her chest ache. Not only for herself but for KJ. She knew how hard it must be for him to say goodbye. Wanting to do something special for them Maia got up a little earlier than she and KJ had planned on and tipped toed her way to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone. Wearing an old band tee and boy shorts, her hair in a messy bun that the short hairs at the back of her head at all fallen out of, she started a pot of coffee.  The sun was just come up and was casting rays of light through the kitchen window, lighting up the room enough that she didn’t feel the need to turn on the lights.  After days of laughs and thick accents filling the halls of the apartment Maia couldn’t stand the thought of cooking in the silence. Turning on spotify she quietly played Taylor Swift’s new album as she got her mug ready. Humming along to the first song, since she wasn’t too fond of it anyway.
KJ: For the first time in so many months, his head felt screwed on right and it surprised him what a positive impact that made across the board. He slept better, ate better, focused better. His heart was content and full...all thanks to the girl that was currently missing from his bed. If he closed his eyes, he probably could have fallen right back to sleep but, you see, he missed his girl too much. He’d gotten spoiled over the past few weeks and now found it difficult to fall asleep in an empty bed. Sitting up, KJ pulled a pair of baggy grey sweats up his legs, looking around for his shirt before realizing Maia was probably wearing it as she loved to steal his things, and ruffled a hand through his hair. He and his father had enjoyed a couple of cigars late the night before and KJ honestly couldn’t remember if he’d brushed his teeth before passing out last night so that definitely needed to happen before he went outside. He could still smell the sweet smoky scent lingering on his skin but never mind. Following the sweet melody down the hall, KJ rounded the corner, his eyes finding Maia. She was humming softly to herself, stopping only when the song switched over. She moved with a grace that made it seem like she was floating, angelic, the dewy glow of new morning light lending nicely to the cause. KJ watched in silence as she poured herself a cup of coffee, standing over the sink and looking out the window there as she took a sip, Taylor serenading her about her lover. He hoped this particular song reminded her of him, that he was on her mind as often as she was on his. Coming up behind her, KJ wrapped her in a gentle embrace, kissing the top of her head before allowing her to turn and face him. “Why are you awake so early, pretty girl? I thought we agreed on 8:30.” As he spoke, his hands seemed to find places on her hips, their bodies subconsciously swaying slightly to the addicting swing tempo of the music. 
Maia: There was a goofy smile on her face as Lover came on. This song has made her heart skip a beat the first time she heard it. Every line making her think of Keneti James Fitzgerald Apa. The boy who’d given her a second chance and stole her heart away for good this time. The line that always got her was the line about summer, ‘I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all’. The Last Summer was where they first met and while it’d only been two summers together, she knew she wanted them all with him from here on out. This week with his family had showed her a different side of him and really made see what a future with him could look like. While walking through the Sunflower’s she’d had this daydream of them with their own kids, taking day trip and making memories together. Seeing his parents so happy and in love after all these years gave her hope that they could be like that one day. KJ was no summer fling for her and it was in that field that she started to realize the kind of life she wanted with him.  Standing in front of the window, her coffee in her hands, she slowly moved her lips to the music as she sang along. “/Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close? Forever and ever. And ah, take me out, and take me home/“ She sang softly as KJ’s arms wrapped around her. Without missing a beat Maia tilted her head to look at him, grinning ear to ear before finishing the line in the song “/You're my, my, my, my — lover/.“ Placing her coffee down on the counter she turned in his arms to look at him. “I wanted to make you guys breakfast and surprise you.” As KJ’s hands found her hips, she slung one arm across his shoulders, the other resting over his heart as they started to move with the music. “ I wanted to make it special and I didn’t think you’d be up for a while. You and your Dad were up late last night. You feeling okay?”
KJ: “I’m fine,” KJ said softly, glancing around at the litany of ingredients scattered around the counter, a sight he’d been loveblind to mere moments before. “There you go again, caring so much about everyone else. I love you and that sweet heart of yours, Maia.” As the song pushed into its quick-fire bridge, one of KJ’s hands slid slowly around her waist, anchoring their frames together, their movements shifting from unaware swaying to much more deliberate dancing. “Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand? With every guitar string scar on my hand, I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover.” Taking one of Maia’s hands, he held it up, spinning her beneath the peak before stabilizing her body and falling back into their established swaying. It felt like something out of a movie or a cheesy teenage drama series except that nothing about this moment felt cheesy or forced or directed. It was organic, spontaneous and if his life with Maia was going to be an endless string of these perfectly organic Hallmark moments, he knew he would die a happy and well loved man. “My heart’s been borrowed and yours has been blue. All’s well that ends well to end up with you. Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover.” His heart was beating irrationally fast, he realized, in comparison to the lackluster intensity of their dancing and it took him a moment to process why that was. Taylor was crooning about a wedding, her words a literal vow to love and protect and choose her lover over and over again; truth be told, KJ wasn’t exactly a T.Swift fan but in this moment, she was speaking the words in his head and heart better than he ever could. His conversation with his dad at the sunflower field came flooding back. He was sure then, he was sure now. The question was going to burst out of his chest if he waited to ask her any longer. The song was almost over when KJ spun Maia, sending her twirling away, coming to a stop with her back to him. “Darling, you’re my, my, my, my — lover.” By the final titular word, KJ had dropped to one knee, swallowing all his anxieties and fears, waiting for her to turn back around.
Maia: Maia’s cheeks warmed and her gaze broke from his as he flattered her yet again. “I love you more,” she said softly before looking back up at him. Her hand cupping his cheek as she spoke again, “This big heart of mine is a bit of a sucker for you and by extension, your family.” Knowing just how hard saying goodbye would be for him later on was more than enough fuel to her fire. She’d do whatever it took to distract him or make this day just a little better for him. Maia couldn’t help but grin as he slid his hands to her waist, intentionally moving to the music this time. She couldn’t remember the last time they’d danced together like this and was already making a mental note to do it more often. Maia was so caught up in the moment that she barely heard a single word of the song. Not to mention the sound of her racing heart made it harder to hear the words. Giggling softly she let KJ spin her around before pulling her back into his gentle embrace. It really was like something out of a movie! Little did she know this would be a moment she’d remember for the rest of her life.  Before she knew it the song was ending, it was taking everything in her power not to reach other for her phone to restart the song and keep this moment from ending. But before she could KJ spun her around once more, letting her go mid spin. Cornelia Street started playing as she came to a stop, turning around with the biggest smile on her face. Maybe it was because she hadn’t finished that coffee yet and was still a little slow but it took a few seconds for her to register what he was doing. At first she innocently thought he’d dropped something but as KJ stayed down on one knee just staring up at her she started to think something /bigger/ might be happening. “Kaje—“ she breathed as she stepped closer to him. Her hand raised to her mouth, her fingertips covering her lips as she waited with baited breath for him to say something. Anything.
KJ: “Marry me.” Maybe if he posed it more as a command and less as a question, she would have to do as he said. That’s how it worked, right? He didn’t have a ring, a fact that he was suddenly all too aware of as he struggled with what to do with his hands. Slowly, he raised his shaking hands, willing her to come closer so that he could take hers in them. “Maia, I love you. My life is better with you in it. I know this because I had you once and I lost you so I can tell you, without a doubt, that everything is better when you’re involved. You bring so much joy and excitement and laughter to my life. My family loves you and seeing you with them only made me love you even more than I already do.” The shaking had migrated from his hands to the rest of his body, his whole frame buzzing with fear and excitement. “You’re it for me, forever. I love you so much. So Maia, will you marry me?” His question hung in the air between them, his gaze cast upward at the most beautiful face he’d ever seen, searching and scanning for answers in her glowing eyes. What if she said no? Or worse yet, what is she just laughed? He hadn’t even paused to consider these all-too-real outcomes. This was crazy. They had only gotten back together a handful of weeks ago. How could he expect her to be as sure about him as he was about her? Well, it was too late to take anything back now. Where they went from this moment would be entirely dictated by the next words she spoke.
Maia: Maia was stunned. Speechless. Absolutely shocked by KJ’s words. Her mind was racing as she tried to process everything. One minute she’d had her mind on coffee and what kind of pancakes to make, now she was thinking about what he’d look like in a suit at the alter! How had everything shifted so drastically? Standing in front of him she let him take her hand, her fingers lacing around his as she tried to make sense of everything that was happening. Hearing KJ talk about what life with out her was like brought a tear to her eyes, remembering all too well what it was like to miss him and wonder what could have been. She knew when they got back together that she’d do anything to make things right and make it work this time. Knowing now that they had the kind of love that could make this work. But never had she thought marriage would be on the table so soon. Her head was spinning with questions and even some doubt but then KJ said the words that grounded her and gave her the hope she needed. /“You’re it for me, forever./“ It didn’t matter if he proposed today or two years from now, she knew he was her forever so what difference did it make? She loved him too and truth be told the thought walking down the aisle towards him set a fire in her heart like she’d never felt before. He was the one she wanted and til death do they part. “You’re crazy!” She laughed softly, wiping her tears with her free hand.  “But you’re my kind of crazy.” Letting go of his hand she planted her hands on either side of his face, tilting his face up so he’d keep looking at her. “Yes —— a million times yes. Keneti James I love you and couldn’t imagine spending my life with anyone else.” Leaning down she pressed her lips to his, letting her love pour into their kiss. “I love you — I love you so much,” she mumbled between kisses.
KJ: The sense of relief that washed over him when Maia spoke the one tiny word that he craved was indescribable. Of course, Maia being Maia, couldn’t start out with a simple yes or no; no, first she had to confirm what he already knew about himself...that he was crazy. “Maybe I am. We’ll have to wait and see,” KJ confirmed before she grabbed his face, crashing her lips against his. Without breaking their kiss, KJ stood slowly, wrapping her in a tight embrace, lifting her slightly off the ground as he did. “Now we get to be crazy together for the rest of our lives,” he said against her mouth. Moments ago, when he’d woken up, he had no idea this was where his morning would lead but here they were, a newly engaged couple, and it was the most at peace he had felt in months, maybe years. The young actor peppered small kisses along her jawline as they leaned against the kitchen counter, utterly wrapped up in each other. So enamored, in fact, that KJ had completely forgotten that they weren’t alone in the house until he heard his parents’ voices softly conversing in the guest room. “We better get cooking if we’re gonna pull off this surprise, fiancée,” KJ said, his smile doubling in size at his last word. “Wow, that felt good. That felt really good to say, fiancée.” Despite having just said they needed to get to work, he was having an awfully hard time moving and instead continued to steal as many kisses as he could, their hands a tangled mess between them. At that moment, KJ was hit with a stroke of genius. Well, maybe genius was a strong word. Reluctantly pulling himself away from Maia and towards the fridge, KJ rummaged around until he turned back around, a single spaghetti noodle pinched between his fingers. Returning to the girl waiting for him, he gently tied the limp pasta around her ring finger, laughing the entire time. “It’s not much but it’s the best I could do on such short notice,” he said through his fits of laughter, tipping forward once he was done until their foreheads pressed lightly together. A piece of him kept expecting for the panic to set in but that sense of peace remained, strong and steady.
Maia: “Oh I know,” she chuckled softly against his lips. Maia knew this man was straight up crazy but it was one of the things she moved about him. He pushed her out of her tidy, structured, comfort zone. He made her take risks, follow her gut and not worry so much about “the plan”. KJ challenged her in ways that no one ever had before and for that she owed him more thank yous than she could even count. Maia knew in that moment that he was completely insane for wanting to marry her but the way he looked at her while he was down on one knee made he realize just how crazy she was about him too. Things were different this time around, they weren’t hiding their love story in a one bedroom apartment in some foreign city. They were integrating each other into their busy lives, their friend group and their families. They were raising a dog together and planning for a future together. What they had this time was no fling or temporary arrangement. It was real and Maia knew he was everything she wanted, now and forever. “You make me crazy,” she whispered back to him, neither of them pulling away to talk. Ever word muddled against the others lips and heavy breathes. As KJ peppered her face with kisses she giggled softly, forgetting all about the world around them. Including Ollie who was sitting next to his food dish unimpressed that his parents were kissing instead of feeding him breakfast. “How am I supposed to do anything after that?” she raised a brow at him. A smile never fading from her lips as the word fiancée lingered in the air. “I like the sound of that.” Maia leaned in to him, letting him steal another kiss.. or two… or three. Hell she’d lost count! When KJ pulled away Maia watched him careful, her brow raised as he rummaged through the fridge. When he returned with a limp piece of spaghetti she couldn’t help but break out laughing, a laugh that could be heard throughout the apartment. “Ew Kaje!” Despite the gross slimy feeling, she let him tie it around her finger. “You better get me a ring that’s not so cold and squishy or else this will be the shortest engagement ever.”  Pressing her forehead against his she let herself close her eyes and just take this all in. The love, the laughter and feeling of being so happy her heart could burst. “I love you,” she whispered to him. Their moment interrupted by the sound of Ollie whining at their feet. He’d been patient long enough and couldn’t stand being left out any longer. “Oh honey are you jealous that Dad’s not giv
KJ: Their start may have been on the salacious side of things but that only fueled KJ to make the rest of their story legit and this engagement felt like a huge step in the right direction. Then again, a cold spaghetti ring hardly screamed traditional. “I promise, I’m working on the dream ring. You just looked so beautiful in this morning light, I couldn’t help myself,” he reasoned, holding her left hand up and admiring his work, faking a few ooo’s and aah’s for good measure. “I felt like my chest was going to explode if I didn’t ask you right here, right now. If you need to blame someone, blame Taylor Swift and her damn catchy music. I love you too,” he said, adding on a reply to her whispered sentiment. “So damn much.” The young actor was about to launch into yet another list of reasons why he loved her when he was interrupted by the incessant whines of their canine son. “C’mon, Olz, way to kill the mood, mate.” Begrudgingly, KJ released Maia’s frame from his grasps, taking over where Maia had left off cutting strawberries as she took care of Ollie. Moments later, Maia made a noise that was half scream, half moan combining with the word no repeated over and over. KJ looked over just in time to see the very last bit of spaghetti engagement ring disappear into Ollie’s mouth. “Oh my god. Oliver, how could you?” The look on Maia’s face made it impossible for KJ to *not* burst into laughter, so loud that it echoed through the house which his parents would take as an invitation to join them in the kitchen, he was sure of it. “It’s okay, that was a terrible idea,” he said as he rounded the island, coming to a stop once he reached Maia. Loosening the ring he was sporting on his right hand ring finger, KJ pulled it off before holding it up between them like an offering. “I know you hate this thing but it beats pasta until we can get you the real deal. At least our son can’t eat this one.”
Maia: Maia shook her head at him and laughed quietly as he held her hand up and ooo'd at the noodle on her hand. "You better move fast, this thing is going to start to smell after a while." Maia didn't need a ring though, just the fact that he'd been so wrapped up in the moment that he had to ask her right then and there meant the world  to her. "I just can't believe that I took your breath away looking like this, " she gestured at his shirt that she'd slept in. "So much so you had to ask me to marry you right here in the kitchen. You know this is the story we're going to be telling our kids and our grandkids one day?" The smile on her face had never shone so bright. Something about thinking about the future and their family just made her so incredibly happy and  excited. "Lover is now our song and you have no one to blame for it but yourself," Maia teased. Who knew the Van Halen Fanboy would end up with Taylor Swift singing the soundtrack to their love story.  The short brunette pouted as he pulled away from her and moved back to the counter. "You're a real cockblock you know that?" She asked Ollie, using her signature baby voice that she always used on him. Over on the other side of the kitchen Maia squatted down to grab Ollie's kibble bowl and refill it. Just as she was reaching out to put it back he nipped at her finger, taking the noodle away in one swift bite. "Ouch!!" she pulled her hand back, dropping the bowl in it's place. "No, Ollie. That's bad!" She tried her best to sound stern but she was already laughing through the pain at how ridiculous this all was. "Look what you did to me!" Her pout only grew bigger as she held out her hand for KJ, showing off the new tiny teeth marks on the side of her hand. "Did you ask his permission to marry his Mum? I don't know if he was just really hungry or if he disapproves of all of this." Maia watched as he pulled off his ring and held it out to her instead. "Baby, your hands are twice the size of mine." Never the less, she slipped the ring on her left ring finger and kissed him tenderly. "I'll try my best not to lose it." Or maybe she would lose it so she'd never have to look at it again. Only time would tell. In the mean time she wrapped the twist tie from their loaf of bread around the bottom of it to make it a little snugger so it wouldn't fall off her finger.
KJ: “You always take my breath away,” KJ said simply, truthfully. “You’ve had a power over me since the moment we met, Maia. Leaves me breathless every time.” He held her gaze as she mused about the future, about kids and grandkids, the future generations that they would one day help to bring forward. “Sorry I didn’t do it on the side of a sweep cliff or at the top of the Empire State Building,” he said, only half joking. Now that it was done with, he immediately started thinking about all the other ways he could have asked her. Something monumental and posh would have been the expected route but they were a very low key couple and this moment with this setting...it fit. It felt right. And he knew, 50 years from now, he would tell this story with pride, knowing how every single second of it felt like magic in its purest form. “Oh my god, I’m sorry baby,” KJ said, an overly exaggerated pout on his lips when she thrust her finger in his face, kissing the spots indented with tiny teeth marks. “I honestly thought he and I were good, all bonded up like fathers and sons should be. I didn’t think he would try to come in here and ruin everything.” Emphasizing his last two words, KJ threw a look of phony disgust at Ollie would was now happily munching away at his breakfast, paying them no mind. “Already such a killjoy,” he mumbled as he kissed her yet again, simultaneously unhooking the chain he always wore around his neck, the one that held the cross at the end. Taking the ring back, he thread it on the chain before fastening it around Maia’s neck. “Because I want that thing back eventually,” he teased, gently grasping both sides of her face and pulling her in for a deep kiss that only grew more intense until the sound of an opening door snapped through the kitchen. It was everything in him to pull away just as his family entered the room, turning Maia around to face outward but keeping his arms wrapped around her body from behind. “Sorry guys,” KJ said, biting his lower lip as they all surveyed the mess of uncooked ingredients littering the counters. “Maia was kind enough to have gotten up to make everyone breakfast but I sort of distracted her so nothing’s ready yet.” KJ and Maia exchanged glances before breaking into the kind of laughter you only get from an inside joke. His parents were clearly confused while Ari was simply searching for coffee. KJ debated holding it in, letting it be only theirs for a while longer but he just couldn’t wait to let them in on the little secret that had formed this morning. “I asked Maia to marry me and she said yes.” That smile of his was back twofold as he watched confusion shift to elation on his parents’ faces, gladly accepting the onslaught of hugs and congratulatory claps on the back that came moments later. His mum was crying, holding him by the face as she rambled something about her baby boy growing up so fast while Ari immediately started talking wedding details and his dad gave Maia a giant bear hug.
Maia: “Keep saying stuff like that and I’ll end up marrying you right here in this kitchen too.” Leaning forward she pecked his lips, whispering the word thank you before pulling back. “I didn’t even think you liked me when we first got to set. You were spending all your time getting to know the crew and I was sure you were avoiding me.” Later she realized that that’s just who KJ was. He was the big hearted softy who treated everyone with respect, took time to learn their names and always greeted them with a smile. He was one of a kind and best of all, he was all hers. “Don’t be sorry. You know I’m into any of that flashy stuff. —— I do wish you had warned me to at least put pants on,” she teased playfully. In the retelling of the story she could tell their kids she had done her hair and put pants on, they’d never know the difference. “Oww” she whined as quiet as a mouse as he dipped down to kiss her hand. “Clearly he’s jealous. I’m not sure he wants to dance with you but you’ll definitely have to take him for some father / son bonding to win him over again.” Ollie didn’t give a damn what they were doing now that he had his breakfast. Unless they said ‘wanna go for a walk?’ he wouldn’t even look at them until he finished. Maia dropped her jaw, trying to look shocked that he didn’t trust her with his ring. “Eventually as in 50 years from now?” Her giggle only silenced by his lips crashing against hers. Thank god for KJ hearing the door because she hadn’t. She was lost in his kiss and even felt a little dazed as he pulled back. It took a blink and the sound of his Dad’s footsteps on the tile floor for her to remember where she was and what she was doing. Instantly her face went red and she did her best to cover it with her hand. Her body twisting into his side, as if he could hide her from the embarrassment of being caught making out in the kitchen by his parents. “I was really trying but your son is a real distraction!” Unsure if he was going to tell them about the engagement she kept her mouth shut about what had distracted her in the first place. However she didn’t have to keep it a secret for long. With in minutes KJ was opening up to his parents and telling them all about the engagement. With a gasp she looked up at him and smiled, letting go of him just in time for his Mum to step in and shower him with congratulations. His Dad pulling her into a tight hug seconds later. “Maybe we should go out for breakfast to celebrate instead?” 
KJ: KJ laughed softly as Maia recounted their first few days on set together. “I just knew I’d have tons of time to spend with you. Too much, some might say, looking back at it. We had too much time to get into trouble.” He thought back to those days, how different everything was, carefree and utterly reckless. Back then Maia hadn’t been his - not technically, anyway - but even then, the feelings he’d carried for her had been just as intense as they were today. Perhaps the intensity had come from the fact that she had been forbidden back then and KJ - always one to want what he couldn’t have - had been drawn to her like a moth to flame for that reason alone. Despite how fun it was to be intoxicated by lust, he thanked his lucky stars that their circumstances had changed. She was all his and he was hers, forever. “Eventually as in the second we get you a ring of your own,” he retorted, kissing the tip of her nose. He chuckled as she squirmed in his arms, seemingly trying to block herself from view when his family joined them. Luckily, reactions to the news quickly shifted attention away from whatever they had been doing moments previous while alone. “I think breakfast out is a great idea,” KJ echoed from where he was standing, his father’s arm slung around his shoulder. He ducked his way out of that embrace before taking Maia’s hand and pulling her towards their bedroom so they could get ready. “We’ll be right out.” Alone once again, KJ shut the door before pulling her into another deep kiss. He just couldn’t seem to keep his hands off of her. “You make me so happy,” he whispered, his breath hot against her lips. “Thank you, I love you.” He needed to commit this feeling to memory. Life would unavoidably get rough at times and he wanted to make sure he had this memory to draw from when he needed it. “I was thinking we could go to the beach for a few hours before we take them to the airport. I think they’d like that.”
Maia: “Trouble? No no no, I was innocent and sweet before I met you. You’re the one who got me into all kinds of trouble.” She quirked her brow at him, a devilish smirk on her lips. Things had been complicated back then. Maia was seeing someone else when they started filming together and as they grew closer things got more and more difficult for her. One one hand she had this new and exciting man in her life that made her feel like her heart was exploding in her chest and on the other she had the safety of a relationship she’d been in for years. One she hadn’t been happy in for a while but was afraid of change and conflict. None of that mattered now though. Maia had made the right choice this time around and was so ready to all of herself to this man in front fo her. “Or never… we’ll play it by ear, don’t worry.” She brushed off every word he’d said, still thinking of ways to make it disappear. Maia had gotten up and put herself together every morning before coming out to see his family. Standing their in her skimpy PJs she was looking for any excuse she could to hide behind KJ and not be the centre of attention. Lucky for her KJ seemed to sense the unease coursing through her and pulled her back into his room to get ready before Maia could turn any redder. Before she could thank him his lips were on hers again and she was swept up in moment once more. Almost like his parents had never walked in on them. “I love you — I can’t wait to spend the rest of the life with you,” she murmured back to him. Maia knew if they didn’t stop though they’d end up back in bed together. As much as she wanted him right now she couldn’t bare the thought of making love to him with his parents on the other side of the door waiting for them. “I like that idea. Should we bring Ollie to run the on the beach or leave him here?” Maia started to change as they talked through the plan, making a show of tossing his shirt back at him. “Thanks handsome,” she turned to wink at him while she clasped her bra. “And I was thinking we could order in some sushi or something for dinner. Have a low key night here after we drop them off.” Mostly because she could only imagine how hard saying goodbye would be and didn’t want him to have to put on a brave face to go out with her for dinner or drinks.
KJ: Begrudgingly, KJ pulled away from Maia, knowing full well they could go no further than a few more stolen kisses with his family waiting for them. Thankfully, they would be alone tonight and would be caught up in each other enough that hopefully he wouldn’t even have time to miss them once they left. KJ hopped around as he struggled to gain his balance while pulling a pair of dark denim jeans up his legs, only half listening to Maia’s plan for the rest of the day. “Of course we can bring Ollie. He’d have the time of his life,” KJ said as he slipped another few rings and a new necklace on; while he’d been excited to tell his parents, he definitely wanted to keep it away from the press as long as possible and if anyone saw him without his necklace...well, people were both smarter and creepier than he wanted to believe and someone would probably figure it out. He caught his shirt when Maia launched it at him, shooting her a smirk as he tossed it back onto the bed. “Anytime, beautiful.” KJ nodded at the mention of their evening plans as he spritz some product into his hair, putting a little more effort into his getting ready, assuming his mom would want to be taking lots of pictures to memorialize the happenings of the day. “I love the sound of having you all to myself tonight,” he said, glancing himself over before deciding he was ready. He took Maia’s hand, spinning her under his arm and giving her a once-over. “I’m so goddam lucky,” he said to no one in particular, stealing one last kiss from his fiancée. Today marked the first day of their new chapter and he couldn’t wait to get started writing it with Maia.
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diveronarpg · 6 years
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Congratulations, LIA! You’ve been accepted for the role of PARIS with a faceclaim change to Jordan Bolger. Admin Rosey: Lia, you have no idea how happy we are to finally have a Priam in our midst. He’s a character that has always been very close to my heart because I love characters that you expect to be overlooked, shadowed by more gaudy and boisterous personalities. But you bring a subtle shine to Priam, like a dying star that’s about to explode and consume us all. Your plots for him make me especially excited because even then you bring his voice to life - you make him wholly yours while doing so. I can’t wait to see him on the dash! Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Out of Character
Alias | I’m Lia but my friends call me Lil Li Nasty. (not really :/)
Age | 20.
Preferred Pronouns | She/Her.
Activity Level | I’m able to login 3 to 4 days during the week for replies.
Timezone | EST.
Current/Past RP Accounts | You can look at this one if you’d like. ;-)
In Character
Character | The lovely Paris, AKA Priam Taravella. With a faceclaim change to Jordan Bolger.  
What drew you to this character? | Let’s be real, I’m a sucker for morally ambiguous characters with a ton of internal turmoil sdkflfdgk. But I’ve never played a character quite like Priam, which is what drew me to him even more? Like I’ve always played dreamy characters with their heads in the clouds, but this isn’t Priam whatsoever. He has no interest in dreaming, if it isn’t something attainable, then he wastes no time thinking about it. He’s almost practical to a fault, like come on dude you can have one dream! The sheer purposelessness that pervades through his being, his overwhelming desire to belong to something, to someone. All of this contrasted by his inability to understand the concept of love (after all, how can you truly understand something you’ve never experienced?) and his ever shifting principles. Priam is the epitome of someone who gets excited and does something consistently for two days then loses interest and finds something new a few days later aksdjsdlkf I love him for it!
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? |
il tipo volubile / the fickle fellow — everchanging are his ideas and everchanging are his loyalties. cosimo capulet gave him a sense of purpose and for that he’ll forever be thankful, but priam, ever the opportunist, is partial to whomever offers him the best opportunity. he doesn’t behave this way with the intention of appearing disloyal, but priam prioritizes his need to belong and find purpose over his loyalty. there’s no telling how far he’ll go to occupy his void and betrayal isn’t necessarily out of the question.
mobilità verso l'alto / upward mobility — priam is confident with his standing in the mob, and almost too comfortable with it. i’d be interested in a situation where he screws up, possibly compromising the mob, which will be almost unreal to him because he’s just used to everything going the way that he wants it for the most part? to also keep his position secure, i see him blackmailing a few people, caps and monts, so that’ll be something interesting i see playing out. ;-)
finché morte non ci separi / till death do us part   — just as priam had suspected, the montague heir had blossomed into reasonable competition. an attractiveness unrivaled by most, with a soft disposition outlining sharp features, everything verona wanted and more. him and the phan girl had made quite the handsome couple, her perceptiveness balancing out his altruism, but neither the montague heir nor the phan girl recognized this wasting potential. priam had every intention of turning his and juliana’s engagement into an opportunity, as this was a chance for them to play up their marriage to the veronans, affording them just enough of a peak into their lives that they await with watering mouths, for any other opportunity at sight. the least he could do for the pair of them was make them loved by many. and into oblivion will the montague heir fall. priam desires to be remembered to such a degree, that there simply won’t be enough room in the mind of verona for both of them. and he is actively working for this outcome.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | Yes. >:-)
In Depth
In-Character Interview:
What is your favorite place in Verona? | We recommend looking at the location page and reading it over to figure out where your character’s favorite place is – if it’s not their own house/room.
He pondered the question for a moment, mouth pressed thoughtfully to his fist, before turning to the interviewer with a toothy grin. “There’s a garden on the Capulet estate, just west of the of the glass room.” Priam inclined backwards in his chair, perfectly manicured hands crossed in his lap, his eyes fixated on the wall reminiscently. “Juliana and I were first married there. She’d wanted a dress with a matching veil, but naturally her parents hadn’t approved, so she’d settled for the flower crown I made for her.” He’d been magnetizing. There was something about the way Priam carried himself, that just drew whoever he’d been speaking to in. His hands moved in unison with his words, the pictures building upon the story he told. “I made it out of yellow daisies. Tybalt officiated the marriage, and we’d done a butterfly kiss, and that was that. I intend on marrying her in that same garden.”
What does your typical day look like?
“Talking and more talking.” He chuckled purposefully. “In all seriousness, that’s what my job is. Knowing exactly what to say and in the right moment. It’s a delicate art form, you somehow have to make the other side satisfied, while simultaneously achieving the best possible outcome in favor of your own side.” He toyed with his Ferragamo cufflinks. “When I’m not doing that, I’m working with Cosimo. He’s practically taken me under his wing. I’ve learned so much in these past few years with him. He’s like a second father to me.” It had been an easy position to fill, with Priam’s own father being anything but. “When I’m not working, then I’m working out or spending time in nature. I’ve studied certain scenes so much that I could practically paint them from memory.” Priam had actually had his hand at painting, and while they’d been painted skillfully,per say, the complete lack of passion and lifelessness emitting from them had almost been disturbing.
What has been your biggest mistake thus far?
Something dark flashed across his countenance, as he recalled the Capulet soldier he’d nearly been caught disposing of. They’d been symbolic of the people who attempted to disrupt his path to wars spoils— the city and the throne. The bride. The notoriety. The name. “There was a time when I was younger,” he begun with pursed lips. “When I wore white socks and black shoes. My parents never let me hear the end of it. I haven’t made that mistake since.” Priam sinks into his seat, smiling humorously, beckoning the interviewer in with his silly, boyish hospitality. He hadn’t the time to dwell on the past or mistakes. Only of the now and what will propel him to the future.
What has been the most difficult task asked of you?
Mixing family and work— always a tricky task. Something he learned he ultimately could not handle. It made way to Cosimo gifting him a canvas, giving Priam the opportunity to paint whatever portrait of himself he pleased. Give me at least one part politician and one part killer. That was all that he’d required of him. And thus he began his Capulet reign. “Not losing sight of myself amidst the chaos,” he responded thoughtfully, careful to speak just the right amount. “Becoming one with Verona requires a certain fee. You pay in the relinquishment of your humanity. And if you don’t voluntarily pay, then she’ll force it from you.” Priam, on the other hand, had been on a quest to sell his humanity to the highest bidder.
What are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?
“Inevitable. With great power comes great longing. No powerful person ever went without people desiring the power for themselves. And thus erupted a war.” This was one of those moments Priam had grown to appreciate, the ones where he’d been able to speak freely, from whatever parts of him that had remained authentic. He tilted his head with a raised eyebrow, lips etched into a teasing smile. “I’ve grown bored of your questions. Now, if there’s anything else outside of the interview you’d like to further discuss…”
myers briggs: the commander (entj-a)
“Commanders are natural-born leaders. People with this personality type embody the gifts of charisma and confidence, and project authority in a way that draws crowds together behind a common goal. However, Commanders are also characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality, using their drive, determination and sharp minds to achieve whatever end they’ve set for themselves. Perhaps it is best that they make up only three percent of the population, lest they overwhelm the more timid and sensitive personality types that make up much of the rest of the world – but we have Commanders to thank for many of the businesses and institutions we take for granted every day.”
random brainstorming for priam.
muse tag.
cartier hoops, a poisoned tongue positioned between antidote lips, fickle values and fickler lovers, indefinite scowls, a pair of sunglasses for every day of the week, provocative realism, a tipsy crown (if it weren’t for the graff vivid yellow diamonds, it’s tilt might’ve been discernible), a gaping void, pompous vexation, flowery tattoos (the only evidence of permanence in your life), morsel of your true self, anything to belong, salvatore ferragamo’s limited edition loafers, an impassioned youth.
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Artificial lift systems market to reach a valuation of ~US$ 12.3 bn by 2027: TRANSPARENCY MARKET RESEARCH
Artificial Lift Systems Market: Introduction
The global artificial lift systems market was valued at ~US$ 8.1 Bn in 2018 and is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of ~5% during the forecast period. In terms of component, the hardware segment accounted for a prominent share of the artificial lift systems market in 2018, due to the high cost of hardware components in artificial lift systems, along with rising demand for artificial lift systems in mature oil and gas fields. Based on system, the electrical submersible pumping (ESP) segment held a major share of the artificial lift systems market in 2018. This can be ascribed to the high demand for ESP systems due to lower operational costs and flexibility in production output. The artificial lift systems market in Middle East & Africa is likely to expand at a substantial pace in the near future, led by the increase in number of mature fields in the region.
Key Drivers of Artificial Lift Systems Market
Rise in number of mature fields and aging oil & gas wells is estimated to boost the demand for artificial lift systems during the forecast period. Oil & gas production has been increasing in aging fields across the globe. As a result, the production output of these fields is gradually decreasing, owing to the decline in reservoir pressure. Artificial lift systems are deployed in these fields to ramp up the production output. These systems not only help increase reservoir production, but also improve the recovery rate of crude oil and natural gas from these reservoirs.
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Growth in investments in the upstream oil & gas sector is also anticipated to drive the demand for artificial lift systems during the forecast period. Increase in investments in the upstream oil & gas sector enables discovery of new fields and drilling of new wells to exploit underlying reserves. However, currently, more than 90% of oil and gas fields require artificial lift systems for production. Thus, increase in investments in the upstream oil & gas sector is estimated to boost the demand for artificial lift systems in the near future. However, volatility in prices of oil and rise in shift toward environment-friendly technologies such as electric vehicles are likely to restrain the artificial lift systems market during the forecast period. Volatility in oil prices can significantly affect investments in the upstream sector of the industry. This, in turn, is projected to hamper the demand for artificial lift systems.
North America Dominates Artificial Lift Systems Market
North America was the prominent region of the global artificial lift systems market in 2018. The region is anticipated to maintain its dominance during the forecast period. This can be ascribed to the high demand for artificial lift systems, especially in the U.S., due to the increase in production of shale oil and gas in the region. Growth in investments in unconventional resource exploration and production and rise in number of aging fields in Middle East & Africa are driving the demand for artificial lift systems in the region.
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Artificial Lift Systems Market – Key Developments
In May 2019, Apergy Corporation announced that Apergy’s UNBRIDLED ESP Systems had successfully installed an electrical submersible pumping (ESP) system in association with Houston-based Reynolds Lift Technologies. The ESP system utilizes a modular permanent magnet motor (PMM), which is powered by the company’s variable speed drive (VSD) SMARTEN for Life. This setup was installed for a mid-continent region customer by both the companies. The VSD employed sought no additional adjustments to its standard configuration, ensuring that the SMARTEN control software and hardware effectively operates for permanent magnet and induction motors.
In May 2018, Weatherford International plc announced it had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Valiant Artificial Lift Solutions in order to jointly promote, commercialize, and service ESP systems. The MOU would help the company expedite the commercialization of its ESP systems powered by Valiant. These systems are optimized to handle large range of flow applications. Weatherford International plc designed the pumps for reliable, durable, and efficient productivity in abrasive, harsh, corrosive, and challenging downhole environment.
Competition Landscape
The global artificial lift systems market is led by multinational players operating across the globe. Increase in adoption of automation and software in artificial lift systems; large number of technological collaborations; and significant capital investment are some of the key features of the global artificial lift systems market. Major players operating in the global artificial lift systems market include Schlumberger Limited, Weatherford International Plc, Baker Hughes, a GE Company, Apergy Corporation, Borets International Limited, Superior Energy Services, Inc, National Oilwell Varco, Halliburton Inc., Occidental Petroleum Corporation, Flowco Production Solutions, Novomet, and OiLSERV.
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Global Artificial Lift Systems Market: Segmentation
Artificial Lift Systems Market, by Component
Cable System
Pump Jack
Sucker Rod
Others (including Drive Head, Separator, Sensor, and Coriolis Meter)
Artificial Lift Systems Market, by System
Electrical Submersible Pumping (ESP)
Sucker Rod Lift
Progressing Cavity Pumping (PCP)
Gas Lift
Hydraulic Pumping
Others (including Plunger Lift)
Artificial Lift Systems Market, by Region
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Russia & CIS
Rest of Europe
Rest of Asia Pacific
Rest of Latin America
GCC Countries
Rest of Middle East & Africa
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