#Personnal post
ndvydual · 2 months
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Really major spoilers, you should play the game blind if you haven't
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demodraws0606 · 3 months
People complaining about Tsukasa5 already are pissing me off, because like, it's so unbelievably obvious what this event is trying to do and the fact that people are so hung up on "urgh dur tsukasa strong why can't he do a wall climb".
Like, first of all, a lot of Tsukasa's strength has been used as comedy before and also it's never been said that Tsukasa could specifically do a wall climb before so people calling this a retcon or a stretch is really dumb to me.
Sure we can make jokes about it, but this is not like a serious writing problem or anything.
Also are we just gonna ignore the fact this event is literally just a reference to his 3rd event in a silly trenchcoat. Or the fact that this is obviously meant to be WxS's downtime and training arc to prepare them to face the loose plotpoints in the future?
His inner dialogue when chasing the ninja is very clearly a reference to the whole Pheonix thing, how he can't reach it no matter how hard he tries.
The wall climb is like an extremely fucking on the nose metaphor to him climbing over his issues as an actor.
THERE IS ALSO THE WHOLE THING THAT HINTS THAT TSUKASA CAN ONLY OVERCOME HIS PROBLEMS IF HE HAS HELP FROM OTHERS (AKA tsukasa would've literally BEEN INJURED, if it wasn't for the fact the troupe's leader was there).
In fact this literally followed an event aka Tsukasa 4 where he FAILED to do his role correctly.
It's almost like this event is meant to be a transition point between Tsukasa 4 and 6, where Tsukasa builds up the knwoledge on how to face his problems.
But no this is just mid event because it's very silly and "wow plot is stupid why can't tsukasa wall climb".
WxS fans are slowly just turning into VBS fans in terms of how whiney they're being i swear
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miyakuli · 2 days
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** Permission to post it was granted by the artist Do not repost/edit the art without permission Please, support the artist on their pages too **
Artist : @omotimoti820
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adeleeh · 8 months
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"The claim really was that, we only do what we like, without looking in an specific direction. Let's go, we want to make trouble, and we want to be extreme. We didn't care at all whether anybody liked it." - 'Jung, wild, grenzenlos' (2022), episode 1 English translation by notafraidofredyellowandblue
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iamhereinthebg · 9 months
Haven't they broken several rules they've established just for everything to revolve around Tsukasa? Like...
1. A mystery can't be defeated in their own boundary (and yet Tsukasa somehow ripped Kako's heart out in his own boundary)
2. You can't use your tsueshiro in a boundary without permission (and yet Tsukasa ordered his to hold down Mirai)
3. Nobody could move because the school's time was frozen (yet Tsukasa did, as well as Yashiro, and Hanako who if I remember correctly suddenly unfroze on his own to break down into tears)
The earlier chapters were way better at following previously established rules and concepts compared to whatever's going on right now
They did ! :))) (want to explode)
I can understand the idea that Tsukasa is a rule breaker, he did destroy the previous n°3 in his own boundary too and it was an interesting twist! I can understand the idea and why it can be interesting, but the way AidaIro using all others characters/plots to make him stand out is just terrible. Dirsregarding rules is not a new thing about AidaIro unfortunately but Tsukasa really wins all medals on breaking them.
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As you said, he was able to move when time was stopped and for which reason?? We don't know. Hanako was able to move once Akane and Teru got to him, probably because Akane is a clock keeper and can somehow give the permission to people to move.
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I said it before and I will say it again, but wanting to show a character is powerful/cool by making the others characters look stupid is terrible writing, and that's the feeling I got with Tsukasa in general. (and chapter 109 is just a whole sequence of the characters being made fun of)
We don't know where to stand because he has every kind of tropes attached to him. They want us to understand he is some kind of martyr who is 'omg poor lil Tsukasa who was so selfless at only 4yo boohoo' (no matter which translation I read for the red house arc, he is believable somehow with Kou but then we get the flashbacks with Amane and it's gone). They put him in an 'angel' position and naive position in a lot of aus, want us so bad to understand deep down he is a nice boy. When we watched him do every possible horrors on screen. And don't get me wrong, I don't mind this, it's cool. Him forcing Mitsuba to eat, creating him, the way he treats some characters... It's the way they are not doing that to other characters who is so strange in my opinon. They know how to handle grey characters like Hanako or Teru (from the reader's pov) so I don't why they try so hard to put Tsukasa in a good light.
He is not a believable kid character in the red house arc, being smarter than Kou and Nene is not making him cool, it's just making Kou and Nene absolute idiots.
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Him destroying his shackles thanks to Mirai power? It's not him being clever, it's Mirai and the clock keepers being made fun of. Him knowing what Hanako should be doing by using Nene? Not making Tsukasa cool, it's making Nene just as an object for Hanako's love, and to get a reaction out of him, most of the time by making Hanako look stupid. (I could go hours on why Nene is just here to serve as a mean to Hanako's character since some arc rather than being her own person but that's for another day)...
I understand that Tsukasa is like 'the antagonist and should be some steps ahead of the portagonist' but it's just so repitive in the way he is unpredicatble that it became boring and predictable. I was overjoyed to see him like this in chapter 108. (which was let's be honest the only good chapter in this new arc)
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Tsukasa is really good here, which is why the drop of quality in chap 109 is even worst. Seeing a new side of him as a supernatural and his sorrow/hatred for Amane is really great. He even moralizes Nene about why sometimes you just need/have to get yourself out of situations alone, and that's how he himself proceeds because his brother never went to see him in 50 years. That he had no choice but to do so. It's great! Really great! To see that he is also an unpredicatble character and who decides to do what he wants not taking people's opinions in mind, because even his older never helped him when he called for him during all this time. It adds a good layer to his character and seeing him weaker/not really knowing what to do is something we desesperatly need for his chacter. But as everything in chap 108, chap 109 throws it out of the window and goes back to the usual ' we have set ups but terrible pay offs' things that has been happening a lot in the recent arcs.
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He is also way too OP. As you said suddenly his tsueshiros could move again and he got rid of Kako. Even Hakubo and Teru being ones of the most powerful characters, were defeated once, Tsukasa never was seriously. It's never explained why he is so powerful (probably because he has an entity inside him/he eats others supernaturals) but the difference of levels is just insane, and absolutely not compelling to read.
We don't know why he is doing what he is doing and they try so hard to make him mysterious. They want us to get to know him without saying anything relevant or his backstory. We are left with whole chapters of absolutely nothing. Welp too bad I am not patient enough to see Tsukasa doing random stuff when half of the characters have rushed characters development or none because 'there isn't much time'.
AidaIro want us to understand they love him and that we should too but they are just destroying every other characters rather than make him loveable.
I hate what they did with his character, his role is terrible because it's destroying eveyone else's. Tsukasa is the favorite and it shows, but it's so badly done that I can't help but hate him.
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maddiesbookshelves · 10 months
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As a fandom we read aftg and collectively thought "andrew has piercings" like 90% of fanart i see he has at the very minimum 3/4 earrings
And i just love that for us
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meirimerens · 1 year
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The year is 2024 and I'm considering using my blog as a random art dumpster again... hm. Is this bad or good for me.
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jules-and-company · 2 months
toujours dans ma lecture des misérables, et je viens de découvrir les amis de l’abc….les enfants, j’ai besoin de headcanons, de modern au (BEAUCOUP) et de ships. godspeed
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randomnameless · 7 months
Je viens de voir passer un fanart de Byleth et Dedel à 1min27 dans cette vidéo de France Culture (https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=1377800556269036) sur un sujet qui n'a rien à voir en plus. C'est beau.
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C'est magnifique, parfait avec le petit logo "France Culture" pour sponsoriser tout ça.
Je suis fière de participer au service public audiovisuel en payant mes impôts!
Pourquoi sur un sujet qui n'a rien à voir, elle était en train de parler de otome games qui tirent la sonnette d'alarme sur, en gros, les relations toxiques qui peuvent se cacher derrière le traditionnel "je trouve mon âme soeur, on se fait des bisous et tout est bien qui fini bien"! - et justement, Dedel et Billy c'est un peu le même bouzin : Billy suit Dedel parce que l'amour rend aveugle (ou complètement débile?) et ça se donne la main et ça fait un soutien de rang S avec une illustration franchement pas tip top...
Mais le couple toxique se révèle !
Dedel refuse d'accepter l'héritage métisse de Billy, (si bien que le jeu doit se plier en quatre pour faire en sorte que Billy perde son héritage maternel de Nabatéen) et l'a poussée à démolir ce qui lui reste de famille, pour que Billy redevienne la personne détachée qu'elle était auparavant, même si elle détestait son surnom et sa réputation de "démon cendré".
Billy qui a suivi son coeur et ses sentiments se retrouve dans une situation complètement pourrie qu'elle avait adoré quitter, et est condamné à n'être qu'un faire-valoir (les ailes de l'hégémonisme Adrestien uwu) pour servir les desseins de Dedel.
Si ça se trouve, c'est exactement ça que voulait dire la personne interviewée par France Culture, qui avait joué à Fleur Vermeille!
ou pas lol
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dazeofcoral · 4 months
le monde du rp c'est devenu des séances psy gratuites ? vous êtes au courant que les autres personnes qui font du rp ont pas les diplômes pour ça / peuvent eux-même mentalement mal supporter d'être votre soutien moral h24 où ça se passe comment ? écouter les gens ; ok
supporter leurs angoisses, les conseiller, tenter de les rassurer ; ok
le faire h24 7/7j toute l'année : pas ok à un moment faut bien se dire qu'on a tous des problèmes et des sensibilités, mais tenir la main à quelqu'un qui provoque ses propres malheurs dans la commu rp et vient chialer continuellement parce que machin et truc l'aiment pas non désolé, quand on a des réactions que même mon gosse de moins de cinq ans n'a pas faut pas s'étonner que les gens le supportent pas non mais c'est quoi ça
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zellkabellk · 3 months
Picked up BG3 on my main run after a long while not playing it (I stopped during the beginning of act 3 bc I was overwhelmed by the sheer quantity omfg) and I just finished a BIG step in Shadowheart's quest and I'm.... so emotional ;;;;;;;;; I cradle her in my arms and give her the biggest hug ever
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resuri-art · 1 year
Title: We meet in the middle
Rating: Mature
Chapters: 1/?
Categories: F/F, M/M
Relationships: Thief King Bakura/Marik Ishtar, Bakura Ryou/Yami Marik
Additional Tags: Female Marik Ishtar, Nonbinary lesbian Thief King Bakura, Gender Exploration, menstruation talk, gnc characters, Citronshipping, side deathshipping
The leader of the tombkeepers has to be a man. It can’t be otherwise, but how do you live when all your life you've been told to be someone else than yourself?
Marik doesn't know, but she can't disappoint her father.
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cold-violet · 1 year
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katewalker · 5 months
anyone might know why my dash is broken? my dms and saved tags in the search bar are not showing correctly as if ui was broken only for those 2 parts. also when i check on my blog on the dash, everything is crammed to the right
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