#Pet Food Packaging Sales
coldpenguintaco · 2 years
Pet Food Packaging Market Company Profiles, Product Specification, Revenue and Forecast| MarketsandMarkets™
Pet food packaging is the type of packaging used to store and protect pet food. It is an important part of the pet food industry, as it helps to ensure the food is safe and fresh while also helping to maintain its quality and appeal. The packaging also helps to extend the shelf life of pet food, ensuring it stays fresh and appealing for longer. Common types of pet food packaging include metal…
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threepandas · 4 months
Like A Dangerous Cat: Yandere!Aizawa
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See, here's the thing. (And don't get me wrong, to each their own.) I come across Yandere!Aizawa fics time and again, that forget his crucial truth. This man? THIS man... is fuckin EXHAUSTED.
No sexy body or "ooooh~ IMPRISON ME sempai~♡" energy is gonna motivate him enough to get out of his damn sleeping bag. No today, not tomorrow. Not EVER. He's best friends with Nemuri, for god's sake. He's seen finer tits for far less effort.
And HURTING you? Why would he do THAT? You got something to confess? He has more then a few cops on speed dial. He WILL if he must... but for your sake. Do Not Make Him Do That.
It's his napping time.
He gets that so, SO fucking rarely.
But! Does this mean he can not become a Yandere? Are we cursed to a hot hobo-daddy-less Yandere-free world?
The FUCK it does!
He has SO much love to give. And is that not the CORE of the Yandere? The love? The OBSESSION. Hey, real quick, how much of his personality has he completely reshaped around the hole Oboro left in his life? How far do you think he would GO for Mic? What do you think he would DO?
The thing is? He's not the sort of Yandere that would ever hurt or humiliate his Darling. Oh no, he'd sooner die. Take you all with him. No...
No he's a HERO.
He's gonna PROTECT them. Make them HAPPY. Bask in the light of it, like a cat on a sunbeam. And? HOW he protects them? What he needs to DO, to make sure everything is SAFE? That their dreams come true and their path is full of nothing but rose petal n light? Well... they don't need to know about THAT do they?
That's his JOB, isn't it?
To be a HERO. To PROTECT. Keep watch, just in case.
And? He is the sort of Yandere you'll NEVER notice. Others will. They'll never get the chance to WARN you, but they'll notice. Or, they'll already be so wrapped up in his madness, that it all feels normal.
You'll just... start finding your life easier, all of a sudden. Little things will start going your way. Then bigger and bigger. That creep who kept cat calling you? Finally stopped! The rumored pervert around the neighborhood? Caught! Oh! Look! You didn't even KNOW about this sale!
Wonder how the ad even GOT to you...
Still, you'll brush it off. Pet some cats. Wonder why all the guys who used to hit on you STOPPED. Figure they were messing with you. Oh, hey! Promotion! You buy nicer coffee for the weird hobo looking Hero that uses your balcony as a patrol rest stop.
You DID offer.
Even set up a lil coffee maker out there. Electric kettle. A lockable snack box n stuff. You figured he wouldn't trust food left to the open air. It's suspicious, right? He knocked on your sliding door and asked about it. You guys had a conversation and everything. Was pretty cool.
And? Slowly? He'll pull you in. Vague thank you notes becoming polite but generic "how are you"s. Which of course meanders in to questions about things you mention. Longer responses from you. More and more notes. Until? Oh, he just HAPPENS to be early today...
Slowly, carefully, dragging you into his friend group. Letting Mic do the heavy social lifting. Letting Nemuri do the loud girls nights. Letting you roam free, happy and oblivious. Careful as he peppers in the benefits of working for UA. Good pay, excellent protection, unmatchable care package...
Ah, but he's rambling, you were mentioning your unreasonable boss?
And of course, his friends will tease. He has a "crush". That's one word for what he feels. They suggest dates and hookups. It sounds awful. He has an almost comically low sex drive. You would too, with working hours like his. WOULD he though?
The second you showed interest. In anyway you'd have him. Like it's his life's MISSION to get you off. He'd do RESEARCH. Deep dives. Your computer? Hacked. Your search history? Gone through with a fine tooth comb. He found your smut stash WEEKS ago. Has copies of every title, been going through them like he's studying for a final.
He's been friends with Nemuri for YEARS. Knows things youve never even considered. If not from HER, then from her 18+ Hero work friends. They're loud. He's vaguely annoyed that it actually HAS become useful knowledge.
And? The thought of having you completely, taking you apart, holding you, boneless and soft and warm against him? Makes feels like some horny teenager, for how quick that does it for him. He has FANTASIES of what he would do to you, if he actually had enough time of to be well rested.
Wants to pamper you. Wants to limp, bruised and sore, to your apartment, so you'll WORRY. Want to pamper HIM. Want to focus on him. Pay attention to him. Be soft and careful and gentle with him. Your poor wounded hero...
Ah, he bets he could convince you to let him sleep, propped up in your arms.
It'd be so WARM.
In the meantime? He'll slowly get you used to him. Use Mic to do it. That's right, every hour is cuddle hour. It's good for mental health and hormonal regulation. Perfectly logical, really, to get some casual touch from trusted friends, right? Honestly, there's nothing to see here. He's harmless. Of course he can help braid your hair. Sure you can lean against him. Cold? Let's share a sleeping bag.
He's harmless.
Like a grumpy cat.
A big, dangerous cat.
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𝙈𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙂. 𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙭 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙖!𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
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warnings: none, sfw, fem!reader, earth 42 Miles barely appeared so I'm not sure if there's such thing as ooc?
Notes: this is very self indulgent and reader is shamelessly based off of me
Part two (1610 Miles)
>He's glad he doesn't have to instruct you when you meet his family
>and speaking of that, is more likely that he'll be quicker to introduce you to them
>I will push the "he calls his girlfriend mami" agenda
>Loves to cook with you<3
>Specially if you aren't boricua, because that means he gets to teach you things about his culture, and you get to teach him about yours
>"si es una niña tan linda, o la cuidas o la cuidas, mijo" -Rio, wondering why did you picked his son out of everyone
>He's got so much more confidence and is so shameless while flirting, unlike his earth 1610 counterpart
>bro was literally rizzing himself up
>does the "you looking fine" whistle (not when his mom's around though)
>He probably had his eye on you for some time
>Miles "donde pongo el ojo pongo el bicho" Morales
>loves to touch you, and is not ashamed to be possessive
>a hand firm on your waist, an arm around your shoulder, intertwining fingers
>Those forms of PDA are his way of telling you that you mean the world to him, even if he has a hard time expressing and processing his emotions after his dad's passing
>He's a puertorrican man who's father died and left him "the head of the home" at a young age, of fucking course his love language is providing for you
>You gotta tell him you can get things for yourself and you don't need his money constantly (specially because it's not like he's rich) but he accuses you of not loving him, deadass 💀
>He probably picks up words and expressions from your dialect
>Talks shit to you about other people in spanish
>Really, really, really likes when you call him pet names
>wants you to call him papi
>I don't think he has enough spice tolerance for some mexican food, but he can handle jalapeños and valentina
>no, he does not dance, don't even ask
>ok, he may dance with you when you're alone, but in a sensual setting, not in a party
>Your family is a bit weary of him at first (he's so serious!) But they see how much he cares for you and how dedicated he is
>you two definitely yell at each other in spanish from one corner of the house to the other and everyone think you're arguing
>what happened: "You bought the rice I asked for?", "Yeah I got it on sale so we have 5 packages", "thanks, cielo"
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
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Lucky Day! (Visual Novel)
Created by: JORDAN
Genre: Horror
Phew, really going with these yanjam games. Lucky Day! is the prequel to Dr. Morgan’s Counseling Session and I think that it is a major improvement in a lot of different aspects. What is really nice is that true ending into the events of the next game, which I really liked. If you are interested in more information on these games, you can find them at @verinefan for more information.
In total there are nine different endings you can get- one for discovering what Oliver is doing in every strange thing that happens, one for ignoring him, one for being completely oblivious, one neutral ending and one true ending that feeds into the next game. I'll be splicing the other endings between each day while writing the summary portion.
The story starts with the MC going to the pet store to buy somethings for their friend's pet. After grumbling to find the items, they bump into a strange man who seems to need help. The MC offers his their help to find where the hamsters are located before leaving and giving the items to their friend. They have a tough following week and hopes for a better following week.
Rejecting to help this man will lead to it's own ending where the MC just continues on with life.
The MC ends up going to a garage sale and finding one of their favorite plushes in the sale for a cheap price. The MC brings it home only to find a strange beeping noise coming from it.
Opening the plushie will reveal a camera inside of it and the MC removes the SD card on it to inspect it. They notice that the person was the same one they met in the pet store and that they planted the plushie in the yard sale. Oliver knocks on the door, and the MC escapes via car and runs him over.
The next day the MC is excited for a package they ordered. Opening the package reveals not what they bought but rather a USB. Within the USB are folders of different shows, games, music and other things that the MC likes. The MC notices a hidden unnamed folder.
Opening it will reveal countless photos and videos of things related to the MC. Scared, the MC tries to figure out what to do and if they should turn it to the police but instead decides to investigate it themselves. Looking through the photo properties, the MC is able to find the location of where it was taken. As it's close by, the MC decides to go to the location and finds a box to find some of the things that they had lost. Oliver ends up drugging the MC and taking them away.
The MC has a day off and decides to cancel some subscriptions to save some money. While going to cancel one of them, but realizes that something is weird and that all of the payment dates are off by a month.
Investigating further finds that all of the subscription have a Paypal connected underneath the MC's credit card. The MC is confused since if it was a hacker, why would they pay for all of them? The MC emails Oliver and Oliver response that they paid for them all because he likes them and hat they've been watching them. The MC cancels and blocks Oliver, locking the windows as well. At night, someone comes to knock on the door and runs into Oliver. The MC freaks out that he's broken in and the MC knocks him out and calls the police.
The next day the MC goes biking with a friend. You two enjoy the outdoors and then take a rest- only for the MC's friend to realize that they were being tracked. Checking on the bike, they find the tag on the bike.
Contacting the owner will have the MC and the friend call at a nearby cafe only to hear the ringtone nearby. Oliver responds stating that he didn't lose the tag, and that he was tracking the MC on purpose wanting to make sure they were okay. Your friend offers to hold onto the tag for you and the MC goes home only to find Oliver there who declares happily that he had come to pick them up. The MC gets knocked out due to the drugged food they were eating and Oliver takes them away.
The MC finishes a project for work the next day and a coworker apologizes for the bad last week and offers to treat them out for food. The MC agrees, but upon reaching the location, the coworkers apologizes for ditching at the last second and sends them money for a meal.
Looking for the coworker, the MC walks around and tries to call them only to hear the phone ring in an alleyway. The MC picks up a metal pipe for protection and finds a bloodied coworker with a Oliver standing on top of him. Oliver attempts to apologize to the MC before attacking them to prevent him from going to the police. The MC strikes back knocking Oliver out and calling the police/ambulance.
Ignoring or being mostly oblivious will lead to the MC having a nice week with one ending wishing every week were this lucky or wondering if they should have looked more into other things.
The true ending occurs if you build the MC's anxieties up but never catch Oliver. The MC has a bit of a panic attack and gets an ad about going to therapy which is what leads to the event of the next game.
Like I mentioned before, I honestly do think that the creator has improved a lot since their last game in terms of story, UI, artwork and everything. This game feels a lot more full (if that's the right word) and more colorful- it's really nice to see creator's improvements as they move onto another project or game.
Personally, I think the ways that Oliver was able to "improve" each day for the MC were all done fairly creatively. From the USB with all the things that the MC liked, to paying for their subscription services to tracking them on their bike ride, each of them have a fairly unique spin on how Oliver was able to track the MC. I think it's also nice that Oliver doesn't always win in his encounters and that the MC is generally a bit more prepared even when they do lose. I'm very used to yanderes that are able to win in all these kinds of bad endings, so it's nice to have it where it's a bit more matched. I also really like how the True ending is able to tie the prequel to the events of the next game so that it really does feel like a prequel. It was a good touch.
As a yandere, I did mention that Oliver was a bit clumsy in his methods and it continues in this as well. In each encounter, the events are generally suspicious or obviously weird in some way or another. A lot of the times, he seems to not be prepared when some things happen, like when the MC discovers that Oliver had knocked out their coworker or he comes in at a point where the MC can very easily retaliate like when he knocks on the door and the MC ends up running him over with their car. Oliver does seem to be pretty opaque when the MC does find out, stating straight out for instance when the MC asks him why he paid for his account, Oliver straight up tells the MC it's because he likes them instead of making up an excuse, or when trying to return the tag, tells them that he put it there on purpose. Even in cases where he does win like when he chloroforms the MC, the MC at least is a bit more prepared on what will happen and had to do work to track where the items were. Generally, it does seem like Oliver only purposefully interacts with the MC either because the MC finds out or he doesn't want to be sent to the police, and is happy just staying in the shadows and giving the MC different "gifts" to make their week better. Relatively harmless to the MC except when caught, which is on par with his other game.
Other than that, it seems like a pretty good prequel. If you have played Dr. Morgan’s Counseling Session but not this game, then I highly recommend you play it. It really builds on Oliver's character as a yandere and is just a fun time.
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today-review · 2 months
Search Engine Optimization Service (SEO)
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Have you spent a lot of money and resources on your amazing website and wondered why the traffic doesn't grow much? Being visible in Google search is of utmost importance nowadays. Why? 85% of people who are looking for products or services perform the search online.
Now, the hard truth is…
…if your website doesn't have backlinks, you are NOT going to be visible on Google!
With my advanced link-building strategy, you receive high-quality backlinks that will improve your SEO rankings so you can get more traffic and sales!
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ravnique · 3 months
Blog Post: Bringing Pet Paradise Boutique to Life - Our Operations Plan
Welcome to the Pet Paradise Boutique blog! Today, I’m excited to share the operations plan and how we plan to bring the premium pet products to market within the next six weeks. This journey involves careful planning, strategic purchasing, and a clear vision for launching the business successfully.
Operations Plan Overview
Purchasing Products: At Pet Paradise Boutique, thegoal is to offer high-quality, organic pet treats and personalized accessories that discerning pet owners will love. Here’s how i plan to source the products:
Organic Pet Treats: 1. will partner with local organic pet treat manufacturers and wholesalers. Initial research has identified several reputable suppliers who offer bulk purchasing options at competitive prices.
To ensure timely delivery, we’ve established communication with these suppliers and confirmed their ability to meet our initial demand within the next four weeks.
Personalized Accessories:
For personalized pet accessories, such as collars and tags, we will source customizable items from specialized manufacturers. These suppliers offer fast turnaround times for personalization, ensuring we can deliver unique products quickly.
By ordering a small initial batch, we can manage inventory effectively while gauging customer preferences and demand.
Bringing the Product to Market
With our products sourced and suppliers confirmed, the final six weeks of the course will focus on bringing Pet Paradise Boutique to market. Here’s our step-by-step plan:
Weeks 1-2: Website and Branding
Website Development: Finalize the user-friendly website where customers can browse products, make purchases, and book grooming services. We’ll use platforms like Shopify or Wix for easy setup and professional appearance.
Branding: Develop a cohesive brand identity, including a logo, color scheme, and packaging design that reflects our premium offerings.
Weeks 3-4: Marketing and Promotion
Social Media Campaigns: Launch targeted campaigns on Instagram and Facebook to build awareness and attract potential customers. Engage followers with contests, giveaways, and pet-related content.
Local Outreach: Participate in local pet events and markets to showcase our products and interact with pet owners directly. Distribute flyers and business cards to spread the word.
Weeks 5-6: Sales and Customer Engagement
Online Sales Launch: Officially open our online store for business. Monitor website traffic and sales closely, making adjustments as needed.
Customer Feedback: Encourage early customers to leave reviews and provide feedback. Use this input to refine our products and services.
Team Roles and Responsibilities
If working within a group, here’s how we’ll divide responsibilities:
Project Manager: Oversee overall operations, ensure deadlines are met, and manage supplier relationships.
Marketing Specialist: Handle social media campaigns, local outreach, and customer engagement.
Web Developer: Build and maintain the website, ensuring a smooth shopping experience for customers.
Product Manager: Manage inventory, coordinate with suppliers, and ensure product quality.
Licenses and Permits
Operating Pet Paradise Boutique may require certain licenses and permits, including:
Business Registration: Ensure the business is registered with local authorities in Kingston, Ontario.
Food Safety Compliance: Adhere to regulations for selling pet food, including proper labeling and safety standards.
Sales Tax Registration: Register for collecting and remitting sales tax on products sold.
Vision and Tools for Launch
Our vision for Pet Paradise Boutique is to create a premium shopping experience for pets and their owners, offering high-quality products and exceptional customer service. To launch our business successfully, we need the following tools and items:
Website Platform: A user-friendly e-commerce platform (Shopify or Wix).
Social Media Tools: Tools for managing social media campaigns (Hootsuite or Buffer).
Inventory Management: Software to track inventory and manage orders (TradeGecko or inFlow Inventory).
Packaging Supplies: Branded packaging materials to enhance the customer experience.
Marketing Materials: Flyers, business cards, and promotional items for local events
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packagesolution · 6 months
Versatility Unwrapped: The Power of Flexible Packaging Solutions
In the dynamic landscape of modern consumer goods, packaging plays a pivotal role beyond mere containment. It's a silent ambassador that communicates brand identity, preserves product integrity, and enhances user experience. Within this realm, flexible packaging versatile and innovative solution in USA, offering a myriad of benefits for both manufacturers and consumers alike.
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Adaptability in Design
One of the primary advantages of flexible packaging lies in its adaptability. Unlike traditional rigid packaging formats, such as cans or glass jars, flexible packaging can be tailored to accommodate a wide range of shapes, sizes, and product types. This flexibility in design opens up endless possibilities for brands to differentiate themselves on the shelf and effectively cater to evolving consumer preferences.
Whether it's a resealable pouch for snacks, a stand-up bag for pet food, or a spouted pouch for liquids, flexible packaging offers the versatility to meet diverse packaging needs. This adaptability not only enhances product visibility but also optimizes shelf space utilization, ultimately driving sales and brand recognition.
Enhanced Sustainability
In an era marked by growing environmental consciousness, sustainability has become a top priority for consumers and businesses alike. Flexible packaging presents a compelling case in this regard, offering several eco-friendly advantages over traditional packaging materials.
First and foremost, flexible packaging typically generates less waste compared to rigid alternatives, thanks to its lightweight construction and efficient use of materials. Additionally, advancements in recyclable and compostable films have further bolstered the sustainability credentials of flexible packaging, allowing brands to minimize their environmental footprint without compromising on performance or durability.
Furthermore, the compact nature of flexible packaging translates to reduced transportation costs and carbon emissions, contributing to overall supply chain sustainability. By embracing flexible packaging solutions, brands can align themselves with the growing demand for eco-conscious products and demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship.
Preservation of Product Freshness
Maintaining product freshness and shelf life is a critical consideration for manufacturers across various industries, particularly in sectors such as food and beverage. Flexible packaging excels in this aspect, offering superior barrier properties that effectively safeguard against moisture, oxygen, light, and other external factors that can compromise product quality.
Whether it's extending the shelf life of perishable goods or preserving the flavor and aroma of delicate ingredients, flexible packaging provides an effective barrier against environmental contaminants. This not only enhances product integrity but also reduces food waste and enhances overall consumer satisfaction.
Moreover, advancements in active and intelligent packaging technologies have further enhanced the functionality of flexible packaging by incorporating features such as oxygen scavengers, moisture absorbers, and temperature indicators. These innovations empower brands to deliver products that are fresher, safer, and more appealing to consumers, thereby fostering trust and loyalty in their brand.
In conclusion, flexible packaging represents a paradigm shift in the world of packaging, offering a versatile, sustainable, and efficient solution for modern businesses. From its adaptability in design to its enhanced sustainability credentials and superior product preservation capabilities, flexible packaging continues to redefine industry standards and unlock new possibilities for brands across the globe.
By embracing the power of flexible packaging solutions, businesses can not
only elevate their brand presence and market competitiveness but also contribute to a more sustainable and consumer-centric future. As consumer preferences continue to evolve and environmental concerns grow more pronounced, flexible packaging stands poised to remain at the forefront of innovation, driving positive change and delivering value at every touchpoint of the product journey.
In this ever-evolving landscape, the true power of flexible packaging lies in its ability to adapt, innovate, and inspire meaningful connections between brands and consumers. As we look towards the future, let us embrace the limitless possibilities of flexible packaging and unlock a world of endless potential.
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foundinfantasy · 1 year
Not a Modder (Just like to think creatively)
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These were ideas I had before the pack came out with just knowing we were getting horses, nectar making, and mini-goats and sheep and just thought of how much more they could've done.
Tabletop dancing -> broken arm, leg, drunken antics, ie consequences
Bulk -> sell to bars, shipping, packaging, (carton of eggs, wine, boxes of apples), (personally would like to see cat and dog food as a purchasable item, cans and bags and tupperware)
Scouts update - > fundraising, bake sales / cookie drive, and horse camp
Lasso -> toddler to elder, child+ competitions
billiards -> social activity for teen+, random outcome, betting, pool hall
motorcycles -> we have bikes, wouldn't this basically be the same animation without the moving feet.
Rodeos - > with zero pixel animal abuse - social event and competition (using mechanical bull riding) at a saloon lot type with saloon doors
glasswork, ironwork, stones -> gold or stones from river, mining, making horseshoes, glassblowing, bead-making
any indigenous gameplay?! Sage harvestable, burnable, craftable sage, weaving skill, dreamcatchers, totems, blankets, books/conversing with sim about culture - > beads, jewelry, knitting addons - > crafting table
horse plow -> attachable wheel barrow to mass harvest all
mischief and politics -> new protests, new policies, and the urban legend of cowtipping
petting zoo - > update to barn to free llama and cow, ability to lock bunnies in, employee a fox, [just adding snakes and lizards]
nectar making - > should've been in mws - winetasting, order bottle during meal, blends, nameable, snob interactions and/or moodlets about the notes, make box wine [low, get drunk quick quality],
stare down - > rude introduction
pianola - > upgradable to play on its own [even though not historically accurate] - > ability to play piano drunk
MY IDEAS AFTER THE PACK WAS RELEASED (and I've spent like two days in game, not bored just drawing out that single drop of gameplay) - this is mainly where the "not a modder" comes in as I have no idea how easy or difficult it would be to add these things.
First off, lock that dance behind a skill or something
A Wandering Cowboy Mod - a cowboy NPC shows up randomly at my doorstep, is he hurt, is he friendly, is he a burglar, is he here to start a quest???
^^^ same concept but Alien Crash landing
Horses that steers goats/cattle back.
Ability to lead horses
Horse betting / mini game (make my rich sims poor)
Obvi, wild horses
Ability to brush teeth and/or an actual horse bath
Horsegirl books, toys, interactions,
Holster gun match with chances of misfire, with either possibly dying, etc, (historic version of this too)
Gunslingers and Bounty Hunters
obvi, Unicorn things; could be cool if used to cure all sickness/alignments from other mods and/or resets their age and/or work like Father Winter.
Bank Heists
A fiddle or banjo.
Ability to craft all the furniture with woodworking table.
Falling off the horse -> consequences
Replace in-game harvestable grapes with debug grape vines
Dual riders, teach to ride for children, romantic kiss where one sim is on the horse and the other is standing below them, lift onto horse to kiss, thrown over the horse and taken, watching stars together while sitting on horses
Nothing to do with westerns but the rocking horse mod made me want a rocket ride coin machine mod
Add with more thoughts later.
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aetherspoon · 1 year
A not-so-simple relocation, days 19-27
Hi. Been sick for a while there, plus a whole heck of a lot of depression hitting gave me a nice one-two punch toward writing this up. Kriatyrr gave me a flu/cold/not-covid-because-we-tested thing last week and it basically KO'd me. I'm fine at this point, but that kind of put a bit of a damper on doing, well, just about anything. Where did I last leave off? *reads the previous entry*
Oh, right. The Mail Saga, Part 2
That's right, mail! Last time I mentioned that I basically didn't exist according to the Norwegian postal service. Specifically:
I ordered cat supplies (food, tree, shrub, water fountain) from the website on the 24th of May. I pay for home delivery instead of to a package drop-off because cat trees be heavy, yo.
Tracking information became available on the 29th of May. Turns out, the pet supply site is based in Germany and I didn't realize it. [5 days / 2 or 3 business days; I'm counting as three because Germany doesn't have it as a holiday, just the US and Norway]
1st of June, the packages arrive in Oslo. This is a Thursday, so I thought Oslo might actually have their shit together on Thursdays. [8 days / 6 business days]
First "attempt" at delivery occurred on the 2nd of June. The post office claims to have no knowledge as to what my address is. For reference, my address is, in fact, directly on these boxes, but I assumed that something went wrong on the store side of things. [9 days / 7 business days]
I contacted the company I bought the items from, as per the instructions from the Norwegian postal service. Unfortunately, they had shut down their chat an hour prior to the postal service contacting me.
I heard back from the store on the 5th of June, saying that the address was indeed correct and the Norwegian postal service just didn't deliver the package to my home for some reason? [12 days / 8 business days]
Later that same day, the Norwegian postal service decides to drop off the packages at the package drop-off area located inside of the mini-mall. This is around 20 minutes by foot away, and these packages are around 70kg / 150 lbs; just... no way in hell am I able to pick that up. I get that information and ask them to deliver it to my home, paying again to have home delivery. This time, I give them Kriatyrr's phone number instead of mind. Keep in mind, Kriatyrr has been ordering things delivered by the same postal service without issue during this entire time.
7th of June, the Norwegian postal service picks up the packages from the mini-mall and brings them to a terminal. By this point, my cats would be eating my face if I hadn't found the vet that had some T/D for sale. [14 days / 10 business days]
8th of June, the Norwegian postal service drops the packages off... at the package drop-off area located inside of the mini-mall. That's right, they picked them up, brought them to a depot, turned around, and put them right back where they were. [16 days / 12 business days]
9th of June, I start trying to find out how to just contact the post office to ask them WTF, mate? but to no avail. By this point my voice is mostly gone and both Kriatyrr and I are sick. Neither of us like calling people to begin with and that appeared to be the only option. [17 days / 13 business days]
12th of June, I finally figure out how to break their chat bot enough to force them to direct me to customer support. Seriously, I literally broke the bot enough where it started swapping languages willy-nilly on me and kept breaking it until I found a consistent path to a secret queue. [20 days / 14 business days]
I explain to the support agent the situation and give them the three tracking numbers. The support agent is utterly dumbfounded as to what the hell happened and literally ordered someone to take a car to pick up the dang boxes like I had paid for twice.
14th of June, the packages are picked up from the mini-mall. They are dropped off in front of my apartment, as per my original request. The boxes are heavily damaged, there are holes large enough for all of the objects ordered to fall through, but everything is accounted for. [22 days / 16 business days]
I... I have no words. This can't be just incompetence, there are too many people involved. They literally delivered other packages with the same address on them to the same apartment. My mail was delivered to the correct mailbox with the same name on it even.
Good news though, my cats now have a very scenic cat tree.
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Depression sucks, especially when it gets a new vector to intrude in on my thoughts.
I don't think I've mentioned this too much around social media, but I was formally diagnosed with "Major Depressive Disorder (Severe) With Anxious Distress" (DSM-5's name for "your brain gots it BAD", I think) quite some time ago. I say "was" and "had" because, as of around the time I finally started the process of moving after all of my myriad delays, I was reclassified as having Major Depressive Disorder (Partial Remission).
While logically I understand that I'm living in a new country/region/culture/etc and it is going to take a lot of time to adjust, I still feel like I've made a terrible mistake. It doesn't help that, looking at pure mathematics, this has been the single most expensive decision of my life by a very large margin. With how much this has cost me in both literal-dollars and future-dollars, this likely set me back 5-10 years on retirement.
Those two bits? Definitely not unrelated. I'm basically never sure how much of this is StupidBrain (tm) trying to worm itself back in to throw me back to my major depressive episodes, how much of it is that I genuinely made a really bad decision, and how much of it is "this is bullshit but temporary". Everyone else tells me it is the latter, but I keep finding more and more evidence that this is probably one of the two other decisions.
Kriatyrr left today to head back to their other home. Their kitties are (hopefully) waiting on their arrival back in the middle of nowhere but unfortunately this means that I'm by myself again - the exact situation that I try to avoid whenever possible, since that's my severe depression trigger button. I'm okay right now, but I'm concerned, if that makes sense.
Other things
I wasn't actually well by day 19 as per my previous entry, it just fluctuated a bit first. It was more like day 21 that I felt well enough to go walking again.
Speaking of walking, Stupid Hill (tm) is still stupid, but I'm walking up it much faster than before. I don't know if it is a different pacing than before, or my legs adjusted to elevation being a thing, or just "I'm getting back into shape", but I can make halfway decent time walking up the hill now, only needing to take a break if I have to go to the mini-mall.
The Mini-Mall
I guess this needs a bit more description. Norway, like much of mainland Europe as far as I know, has a lot of shopping malls. Unlike the US and Canada, they're typically located at centers of public transit; the main mall nearby me is at a transfer point three stops to the west of where I live... but there is a mall closer. Much closer - it is one stop west on the main bus line by my home and is a reasonable walk from my apartment. It... doesn't really have much in it though, and the hours leave a lot to be desired.
The mall has a grocery store (common in Europe, and I really don't understand why it is so uncommon in the US), Asian import food store, doctor's office, dentist, department store, furniture store, clothing stores, consignment shop, and a handful of restaurants. Really though, beyond the restaurants, I actually have closer things to me than the mall to fulfill those needs. If I want to go slightly further time-wise, I can hit the main mall area instead.
It does, however, have a bakery. An actual not-inside-of-a-grocery-store independent bakery with freshly baked bread and pastries on the daily. One of the objectives I had when it came to choosing a place to move to was having a place to walk to on a regular basis. This means having a goal in mind... and the goal I selected was a bakery.
Next week, I'm going to start regularly going to the bakery. We'll see how well this works.
Last time:
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Overview of the Pet Care Industry
The pet care industry has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, driven by a deepening human-animal bond and increasing pet ownership rates. This sector encompasses a wide range of products and services, including pet food, grooming, veterinary care, pet supplies, and accessories. 
Market Size and Growth 
The pet care market is projected to be valued at USD 20.02 billion in 2024 and is anticipated to grow to USD 24.59 billion by 2029, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.20% during this forecast period. The United States remains the largest market, accounting for nearly 40% of global sales, followed by Europe and Asia-Pacific. 
Trends Influencing the Market 
Humanization of Pets: 
Pet owners are increasingly viewing pets as family members, leading to higher spending on premium products and services. This trend has spurred demand for high-quality food, pet clothing, and health supplements. 
Environmentally conscious consumers are driving the demand for sustainable and eco-friendly products. Brands focusing on sustainable sourcing and packaging are gaining a competitive edge. 
Technological Advancements: 
Innovations in technology, including telehealth services for pets, smart pet devices, and apps for pet care management, are reshaping the industry landscape. 
Aging Pet Population: 
As pets live longer, there is an increased focus on senior pet care, including specialized diets, supplements, and veterinary services tailored to older animals. 
Despite its growth, the pet care industry faces challenges, such as: 
Regulatory Compliance: Strict regulations regarding pet food safety and veterinary practices require companies to invest in compliance and quality assurance. 
Market Saturation: With numerous brands and products available, differentiation is crucial for success. Companies must innovate to stand out. 
Economic Factors: Economic downturns can affect discretionary spending on pets, pushing consumers toward more budget-friendly options. 
Future Outlook 
The pet care market is poised for continued expansion, driven by emerging trends in consumer behavior and advancements in technology. Companies that prioritize sustainability, innovation, and high-quality products will likely thrive in this dynamic environment. The rise of pet ownership in developing markets also presents significant growth opportunities. 
The pet care industry is not just about products and services; it reflects a profound connection between humans and their pets. As this bond deepens and pet ownership continues to grow, the industry will evolve, presenting new opportunities and challenges. For businesses looking to enter or expand in this market, understanding consumer trends and adapting to changing demands will be essential for success.    For a detailed overview and more insights, you can refer to the full market research report by Mordor Intelligence: https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/pet-care-market 
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amrutatbrc1 · 5 days
Additive Masterbatch Market By Product Type, By Manufacturers, By End-User And Market Trend Analysis Forecast 2033
The additive masterbatch global market report 2024 from The Business Research Company provides comprehensive market statistics, including global market size, regional shares, competitor market share, detailed segments, trends, and opportunities. This report offers an in-depth analysis of current and future industry scenarios, delivering a complete perspective for thriving in the industrial automation software market.
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Additive Masterbatch Market, 2024 report by The Business Research Company offers comprehensive insights into the current state of the market and highlights future growth opportunities.
Market Size - The additive masterbatch market size has grown strongly in recent years. It will grow from $4.38 billion in 2023 to $4.67 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.4%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to economic growth, growth in demand for plastic products, regulatory compliance, industrial growth, rise in building and construction sector.
The additive masterbatch market size is expected to see strong growth in the next few years. It will grow to $6.12 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.0%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to rising plastic recycling initiatives, rising government investments in infrastructure development, growth in automotive industry, rising packaging sector, rising demand for sustainable products. Major trends in the forecast period include smart masterbatches, bio-based and biodegradable masterbatches, customized formulations, antimicrobial and antiviral additives, collaborative partnerships.
Order your report now for swift delivery @ https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/report/additive-masterbatch-global-market-report
The Business Research Company's reports encompass a wide range of information, including:
1. Market Size (Historic and Forecast): Analysis of the market's historical performance and projections for future growth.
2. Drivers: Examination of the key factors propelling market growth.
3. Trends: Identification of emerging trends and patterns shaping the market landscape.
4. Key Segments: Breakdown of the market into its primary segments and their respective performance.
5. Focus Regions and Geographies: Insight into the most critical regions and geographical areas influencing the market.
6. Macro Economic Factors: Assessment of broader economic elements impacting the market.
Market Drivers - Rapid growth in the packaging industry is expected to propel the growth of the additive masterbatch market. Packaging is the process of covering a product with an informative and protective covering to safeguard the product. The packaging industry uses the additive masterbatch for packaging food, drugs, medical supplies, cosmetics, and other things. For instance, in January 2022, according to Flexible Packaging Association, a US-based packaging association, sales for the U.S. flexible packaging market are projected to reach $39 billion in 2021, up from $34.8 billion in 2020, and shipment volume is projected to reach 27 billion pounds. Therefore, rise in the packaging industry is expected to boost the demand for additive masterbatch during the forecast period.
The additive masterbatch market covered in this report is segmented –
1) By Type: Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Flame-Retardant, Other Types 2) By Carrier Resin: Polyethylene (PE), Polystyrene (PS), Polypropylene (PP), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), Other Carrier Resins 3) By End User Industry: Packaging, Automotive, Consumer Goods, Building And Construction, Agriculture, Other End User Industries
Get an inside scoop of the additive masterbatch market, Request now for Sample Report @ https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/sample.aspx?id=7203&type=smp
Regional Insights - Asia-Pacific was the largest region in the additive masterbatch market in 2023. Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing region in the additive masterbatch market share during the forecast period. The regions covered in the additive masterbatch market report include Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East and Africa.
Key Companies - Major companies operating in the additive masterbatch market include Clariant AG, Ampacet Corporation, Tosaf Compounds Ltd., Dow Corning Corp, Primex Color Compounding & Additives, Universal Masterbatch Llp, Roto Pre Masterbatch, XLPE Masterbatch, Engineering Masterbatch, Special Effect Masterbatch, Biodegradable plastics, Entec Polymers Llc, Chroma Color Corp, The Chemours Company, Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad, Sattler PRO-TEX GmbH, European Plastic Company, Plasticon Masterbatches, Sumiran Masterbatch Pvt Ltd., M.G. Polyblends, JJ Plastalloy Private Ltd., Kandui Industries, Chrostiki SA, Cromex Technology LLp, Delta Tecnic, GRAFE GmbH & Co KG, Reinforced ThermoPlastics, Astra Polymer Compounding Co Ltd., PolyOne Corp
Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 2. Additive Masterbatch Market Report Structure 3. Additive Masterbatch Market Trends And Strategies 4. Additive Masterbatch Market – Macro Economic Scenario 5. Additive Masterbatch Market Size And Growth ….. 27. Additive Masterbatch Market Competitor Landscape And Company Profiles 28. Key Mergers And Acquisitions 29. Future Outlook and Potential Analysis 30. Appendix
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Three Effective Tips to Reduce the Amount of Waste Generation
This fact will surely surprise you that on a per-person basis, Australia is the biggest producer of garbage in the world. The garbage and waste that we generate impact nature in multiple ways and in all situations, bulk waste collection services must be availed. Without these services, our environment suffers a lot like the nature starts getting depleted and more non-renewable resources are required for waste management. According to the experts in waste collection in Adelaide, reducing the amount of waste generated from our homes and offices is very easy. The only stipulation is that those interested in this must follow the waste minimisation strategies and hierarchy discussed here.
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The most effective step regarding waste management is reducing the amount of waste we generate. This can be done in different ways, such as using as many things as possible rather than simply throwing them in the garbage bin. Similarly, setting up a compost bin for fruits and vegetable scraps will help you reduce the amount of food waste going into your dustbin. Other steps can also be taken, such as using reusable cloth nappies that can help you reduce the waste sent to our landfill sites daily.
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You can also opt to reuse the items as much as possible to reduce the amount of waste collection in Adelaide. Experts of bulk waste collection services recommend several tips for this, such as using reusable shopping bags rather than plastic bags. These reusable items greatly reduce the amount of garbage we generate regularly. Another option is switching to the reusable version of single-use items, including rechargeable batteries, razors, nappies, and so on. You can also consider buying or swapping your old clothes with friends and family. This is a cheap and easy way to reduce the garbage. You can consider selling or donating the furniture to those needing it. You can also hold a garage sale, where you will not just sell your old furniture but also earn some quick bucks while reducing the amount of bulk waste collection.
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Recycling is considered the most effective step in reducing the amount of waste collection in Adelaide. According to the experts in waste collection services, more than 70% of the garbage or items sent as waste materials can be recycled. This mainly includes paper, cardboard, metal cans, plastic bottles, containers, glass bottles, jars, etc. Here is a complete list of what can be recycled by the experts in waste collection services.
Aeroguard Cans
Baby formula tins
Bottle tops (preferred separated from bottle)
Bug bomb spray cans
Coffee tins
Cooking oil spray cans
Deodorant spray cans
Drink cans
Fly spray cans
Foil pie trays
disposable food cans
Food cans
Insect spray cans
Hair spray cans
Milo tins
Lids (preferred separated from bottle or jar)
Olive oil cans
Paint tins (empty and under 15 litres)
Pet food cans
Cardboard packaging
Cereal boxes
Egg cartons
Fresh milk and juice cartons
Greeting cards
Junk mail
Laundry powder boxes
Office and computer paper
Pizza boxes (clean)
Phone books
Wrapping paper (not foil or plastic)
Biscuit trays
Body wash bottles
Detergent bottles
Cleaning spray bottles
Cream containers
Drink bottles
Ice cream tubs
Laundry liquid bottles
Lids (separated from bottle, container or jar)
Margarine and butter tubs
Sauce bottles
Shampoo and conditioner bottles
Strawberry and tomato punnets
Take-away food containers
Yoghurt tubs
Beer bottles
Jam jars
Juice bottles
Medicine jars
Pickle jars
Sauce bottles
Sauce jars
Spread jars
Wine bottles
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ngofundraising · 16 days
How to start your business on QuickCommerce platforms like Zepto,Blinkit & Bigbasket
Starting your online business on QuickCommerce platforms can be an exciting and profitable venture. Platforms like QuickCommerce, Zepto, Bigbasket, AmazonNow, and others offer businesses a great opportunity to reach a broad customer base with high demand for convenience. Whether you're an established seller or a new entrepreneur, understanding which products sell best on these platforms can give your business the competitive edge it needs. Let’s dive into some of the top-selling products that can help you succeed on QuickCommerce and similar platforms.
Why QuickCommerce Platforms?
QuickCommerce platforms have transformed the way people shop. With fast delivery and a wide range of products, customers are increasingly turning to these services for their daily needs. If you're thinking of starting an online business, these platforms are excellent options due to their large customer bases and efficient delivery networks. Platforms like Zepto, Bigbasket, and AmazonNow are known for delivering products within hours, making them highly attractive to busy consumers.
Top-Selling Products to Boost Your Sales
To succeed on QuickCommerce platforms, selecting the right products is crucial. Here are some categories that tend to perform exceptionally well:
1. *Groceries and Everyday Essentials*
Groceries are among the most popular items sold on platforms like QuickCommerce, Zepto, and Bigbasket. Consumers love the convenience of ordering fresh produce, dairy, grains, and other essentials with just a few taps. Offering a range of fresh and packaged goods ensures repeat customers, as many people regularly restock these items.
-Example:  Selling organic fruits and vegetables or gourmet spices can set you apart from competitors who may focus on standard offerings.
2. *Health and Personal Care Products*
Health and personal care items like shampoos, toothpaste, and skincare products are top-sellers on these platforms. People prefer purchasing such necessities online because they save time and effort. Platforms like AmazonNow also offer a variety of these products, allowing for quick, same-day deliveries.
- Example: Consider selling niche products such as organic skincare lines or Ayurvedic health supplements, which are growing in popularity.
3. *Home Cleaning Supplies*
Cleaning supplies such as detergents, disinfectants, and other household essentials are also in high demand. QuickCommerce users often turn to these platforms for last-minute purchases when they run out of something at home. Offering a variety of eco-friendly or specialized cleaning products can give your business a unique edge.
- Example: Products like natural cleaning agents or high-efficiency washing machine detergents could cater to a more environmentally conscious customer base.
4. *Beverages and Snacks*
Snacks, beverages, and ready-to-eat meals are other high-demand categories. Whether it’s for a quick snack, a party, or last-minute grocery shopping, consumers frequently order drinks and snacks from platforms like Zepto and Bigbasket. Stocking items that cater to different dietary preferences can also appeal to a broader audience.
- Example: Selling vegan snacks, sugar-free drinks, or protein-rich options can attract health-conscious consumers.
5. *Pet Supplies*
Pet owners are increasingly turning to QuickCommerce platforms for their pets' needs, from food to grooming products. By offering a wide variety of pet products, including specialized pet food, toys, and health products, you can target this growing segment.
- Example: You could specialize in premium pet food or unique pet accessories like eco-friendly toys and biodegradable waste bags.
6. *Baby Care Products*
Products like diapers, baby food, and baby wipes are consistent top-sellers on platforms like QuickCommerce and AmazonNow. Parents often rely on the convenience of these platforms to quickly restock on essentials for their children.
- Example: Offering organic or chemical-free baby care products can help you stand out in this competitive category.
 Tips to Succeed on QuickCommerce Platforms
1. Optimize Your Product Listings: Use clear, high-quality images and detailed descriptions. Make sure to highlight any unique features or benefits of your products, such as eco-friendliness, organic ingredients, or health benefits.
2. Offer Competitive Pricing: While convenience is a huge factor for customers on QuickCommerce platforms, price sensitivity can still play a role. Research your competitors on platforms like Zepto, Bigbasket, and AmazonNow to ensure your pricing is competitive.
3. Ensure Fast Shipping: Quick delivery is a core feature of these platforms, so work on maintaining a strong supply chain and quick processing times. If you can offer faster deliveries, it will improve your customer reviews and drive repeat business.
4. Focus on Customer Reviews: Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews. High ratings and strong reviews significantly impact a product’s visibility and attractiveness on QuickCommerce platforms.
5. Stay Stocked Up: Since these platforms thrive on quick delivery, ensuring that your inventory is well-stocked and that you can meet the demand is essential. Having popular items constantly in stock will help you avoid losing sales due to unavailability.
Conclusion Launching a business on QuickCommerce platforms can be an excellent way to tap into the growing demand for fast, convenient shopping. By offering in-demand products and following best practices for online selling, you can position your business for success on platforms like Zepto, Bigbasket, AmazonNow, and of course, QuickCommerce itself. The key is to stay responsive to customer needs and be proactive about keeping your inventory updated with trending products. In case your startup needs help in Fundraising or consulting then reach India's best  Fundraising Consultant Mr. Kunal Verma.
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blogmodule2 · 19 days
At Chewy, Inc., we’re renowned for providing pet food, toys, healthcare products, and a wide range of pet-related items through our online retail platform and mobile app. While we take pride in offering the convenience and speed our customers expect, we are equally committed to delivering top-notch customer service. Ensuring the happiness of our customers and their pets is our number one priority.
Our customer base has grown consistently, and by the end of 2021 (Q4), we were excited to have 20.7 million active users on our platform. Our net sales have also seen substantial growth, reaching $8.9 billion in 2021—an impressive 24.41% increase from $7.1 billion in 2020 (Macrotrends, 2022). We are optimistic that the final figures for 2022 will surpass previous years’ results.
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A significant contributor to our success has been our marketing efforts. In addition to online and TV ads, a large portion of our growth is fueled by word-of-mouth referrals from loyal customers. Our expansive product selection allows customers to easily find what they need without having to shop elsewhere. Additionally, the care and attention we show to both our customers and their pets are reflected in every interaction, which has helped build lasting trust. As we move into new ventures, we will continue to leverage these strengths.
As the newly appointed Chief Innovation Officer (CIO) of Chewy, Inc., I’m excited to share some thrilling news: we are expanding beyond our online retail space! Our first venture into the physical world will be the launch of pet grooming and lodging facilities. While we’ve enjoyed building relationships with our customers through phone and online interactions, we recognize the importance of in-person connections.
These new service-focused brick-and-mortar locations will allow us to deliver the same exceptional care we’re known for in an in-person setting. Our customers love pampering their pets, and our facilities will be designed to cater to those desires. Planned features include self-washing stations, professional grooming appointments, various grooming packages, a luxurious waiting area for pet owners, an indoor play park, upscale pet suites for lodging, daycare services, and an on-site pet chef creating gourmet treats and meals for our furry guests. As our facilities develop, we will continue to introduce more exciting features.
According to our CarePlus partner, Lemonade, 70% of U.S. households currently have pets (Team Lemonade, n.d.), making this new service valuable not just for our customers but for Chewy, Inc. as well. The pet grooming industry is experiencing 8% annual growth and is projected to maintain this pace through at least 2026 (Price, 2022). With the additional services we’re offering, we expect to surpass these growth projections. By diversifying into this new area, we believe these facilities will support and further propel Chewy, Inc.’s continued growth.
Best regards, Ashley De Los Santos Chief Innovation Officer Chewy, Inc.
Chewy, Inc. (n.d.) Investor Relations-Corporate Overview. Chewy, Inc. Retrieved October 29,
2022, from https://investor.chewy.com/overview/default.aspx
Macrotrends. (n.d.). Chewy revenue 2019-2022: Chwy. Retrieved October 28, 2022, from
MarketLine. (2022). SWOT Analysis. PetSmart LLC. Retrieved from https://advantage-
Price, L. (2022). How to start a dog grooming business. Small Business Trends. Retrieved
October 28, 2022, from https://smallbiztrends.com/2021/10/dog-grooming-business.html
Team Lemonade (n.d.). 2022 pet ownership statistics: 70 Fur Facts - Lemonade. Lemonade Pet.
Retrieved October 28, 2022, from https://www.lemonade.com/pet/explained/pet-
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viablesources · 28 days
Custom Packaging Company in Delhi: Tailor-Made Solutions for Every Business
Custom Packaging Company in Delhi: Tailor-Made Solutions for Every Business
At Viable Sources, we are your trusted Custom Packaging Company in Delhi, dedicated to delivering innovative and personalized packaging solutions to businesses across all industries. Packaging is more than just a container for your products—it’s a powerful marketing tool that communicates your brand’s values, protects your goods, and enhances the customer experience. As a leading Hard Board Boxes Manufacturer, we specialize in crafting packaging that meets your unique needs, from design and functionality to sustainability and cost-efficiency.
Why Choose a Custom Packaging Company in Delhi?
Custom packaging is an essential element for businesses aiming to stand out in a crowded market. Unlike generic packaging, custom packaging allows you to create a unique brand identity that resonates with your target audience. As a top Custom Rigid Packaging Box, we offer a range of customized options that help enhance your product's visibility and appeal. Our custom packaging solutions cater to various industries, including food and beverages, cosmetics, electronics, apparel, and more.
Working with a Gift Box Manufacturers in Delhi NCR like Viable Sources ensures that you get packaging that is tailored specifically to your product’s dimensions, material needs, and branding requirements. Our expert team understands that the right packaging can make a significant difference in your product’s success by providing a superior customer experience while protecting your goods from damage during transit.
Custom Packaging Options from Leading Custom Packaging Company in Delhi
As a premier Cosmetic Packaging Box in Delhi, we provide a wide variety of packaging options to suit every product type and industry. Our goal is to create packaging that aligns perfectly with your brand while providing the functionality and protection your products need.
Our range of custom packaging solutions includes:
Corrugated Boxes: Our durable and versatile corrugated boxes are ideal for shipping and storage. As a leading Exclusive Packaging Boxes, we offer various styles such as regular slotted containers, die-cut boxes, and more, with custom printing and branding options.
Retail Packaging: We specialize in eye-catching retail packaging that enhances product visibility and boosts sales. From folding cartons to blister packaging, our custom designs cater to different retail needs.
Eco-Friendly Packaging: We offer sustainable packaging solutions that are both recyclable and biodegradable. As an environmentally conscious Corrugated Boxes Manufacturer, we help businesses reduce their carbon footprint while maintaining premium packaging standards.
Luxury Packaging: Elevate your brand with our luxury packaging options, including rigid boxes, magnetic closure boxes, and high-end paper bags. Perfect for high-value products, our luxury packaging solutions combine quality materials with exquisite finishes.
Flexible Packaging: Our flexible packaging options, such as pouches and bags, provide a versatile and cost-effective solution for products like food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.
Our commitment to quality and innovation makes us the go-to Hang Tag Manufacturers in Delhi for businesses looking for distinctive and functional packaging that enhances their brand presence.
The Benefits of Partnering with a Custom Packaging Company in Delhi
Choosing Viable Sources as your Sticker Manufacturers in Delhi comes with numerous advantages:
Enhanced Brand Visibility: Custom packaging ensures that your brand stands out on the shelves and online. We create packaging that catches the eye and tells your brand’s story, making a memorable impression on your customers.
Improved Product Protection: Our packaging is designed to protect your products from damage during shipping, handling, and storage. As an experienced Pet Packaging Boxes Manufacture, we use high-quality materials to ensure durability and reliability.
Cost-Effective Solutions: We work with you to create packaging solutions that fit your budget without compromising on quality. Our team provides cost-efficient options tailored to your specific needs.
Sustainability: We offer eco-friendly packaging solutions that reduce waste and support your business’s sustainability goals, helping you attract eco-conscious customers.
Personalized Service: As a leading Wine Packaging Boxes Manufacture, we work closely with you to understand your brand, products, and market needs, ensuring that the packaging we create is perfectly aligned with your objectives.
Why Choose Viable Sources as Your Custom Packaging Company in Delhi?
As a leading Home Furnishing Box Manufacture, we bring a blend of creativity, technical expertise, and dedication to quality in every project. Here’s why businesses across Delhi and beyond trust us for their packaging needs:
Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in the packaging industry, we have the expertise to handle all types of custom packaging requirements. Our team is skilled in design, material selection, and manufacturing.
Wide Range of Solutions: We offer an extensive range of packaging solutions, from simple corrugated boxes to luxurious packaging options. Our versatility makes us the preferred PDQ Boxes​ Manufacturers in Delhi NCR for businesses in various sectors.
Commitment to Quality: Quality is at the core of everything we do. We use the best materials and the latest technology to ensure that our packaging meets the highest standards.
Eco-Friendly Approach: As a responsible Best Packaging and Tags Manufacturer, we prioritize sustainability and offer packaging solutions that help reduce environmental impact.
Customer-Centric Service: We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients. Our team works closely with you to provide personalized service, ensuring that your packaging aligns with your brand vision.
FAQs About Custom Packaging Company in Delhi
What types of packaging do you offer? As a leading Hard Board Manufacturers in Delhi, we offer a wide range of packaging options, including corrugated boxes, retail packaging, luxury packaging, flexible packaging, and eco-friendly solutions.
Can I customize my packaging design? Absolutely! As a Custom Packaging Company in Delhi, we provide full customization options to ensure that your packaging reflects your brand identity and meets your specific needs.
Are your packaging materials sustainable? Yes, we offer eco-friendly packaging solutions made from recycled and biodegradable materials. As a sustainable Custom Packaging Company in Delhi, we help businesses reduce their environmental footprint.
What industries do you serve? We serve a wide range of industries, including food and beverages, cosmetics, electronics, apparel, and more. Our expertise as a Custom Packaging Company in Delhi allows us to cater to diverse sectors.
What is the minimum order quantity for custom packaging? The minimum order quantity varies depending on your specific requirements. As a flexible Custom Packaging Company in Delhi, we cater to both small and large orders. Contact us for details.
How long does it take to produce and deliver custom packaging? The production and delivery timeline depends on the complexity and quantity of your order. Typically, as a responsive Custom Packaging Company in Delhi, we can deliver within 2-4 weeks of order confirmation.
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A Guide to Sourcing Pet Bottles in Delhi
If you're looking to source (Polyethylene Terephthalate) pet bottles in Delhi, here’s a guide that can help you find the right suppliers and navigate the market efficiently:
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1. Analyzing the Market for PET Bottles
PET bottles in Delhi applied for beverage, Cosmetic, medicine and many other products. Delhi being the largest market for PET bottles the buyers & sellers, that operates within varies sectors are many.
2. Identify Your Specific Needs
Before reaching out to suppliers, determine:
Size and Volume: Either in terms of volume that you need the bottles to hold, or the type of bottles, what do you require? PET bottles vary in size, from small volumes where 1 PET bottle can hold, for instance, 100 ml of the consumable to huge receptacles or containers holding 5 liters or more of the consumable.
Shape and Design: Determine if your production requires just typical forms and templates or if more elaborate ones are necessary. Non standard moulds are more expensive but can be branded.
Quantity: Through quantity purchase, or purchase through purchase orders or tenders, one will be able to access lower prices. Think about how many bottles you require by the month or the year.
Food Grade or Non-Food Grade: When in the food and beverage industry, make sure that the PET bottles, which may likely come into contact with the food items, complies with the laid down food standards.
3. Major centers of sale and production.
There are several industrial hubs and markets in and around Delhi known for packaging materials, including PET bottles:
Bawana Industrial Area: Well known for manufacturing units in connection to plastic used in packaging.
Narela Industrial Area: It is one of the origin of raw materials as well as final products such as PET bottles.
Kirti Nagar: Manufacturers and distributors of packaging materials for various uses and trades are based in this region.
Sadar Bazaar & Chandni Chowk: Virtually all can be used those which are originally wholesale markets of various products may also have packaging supplies.
Get in touch with pet bottles manufacturers and distributors. Here are a few common approaches:
Direct Manufacturers: Like all other products, manufacturers have the most attractive prices particularly to the large scale buyers. Most of the PET bottle makers have their base in Delhi NCR.
Wholesale Distributors: For smaller quantities or more flavours, one can procure from distributors. They may even provide even better minimum order quantities than those of the manufacturers above.
Online Platforms: Local vendors can be some of the best sources and contacts can be made from sites such as IndiaMart, TradeIndia, Alibaba.
Notable Pet Bottles Suppliers in Delhi
Some PET bottle manufacturers and suppliers in Delhi you can look up include:
Teknobyte India Pvt Ltd : Concentrates on packaging products for for baverages, cosmetics, personal care, and medications. A company which has several pet preform and bottles manufacturing centres in India including some in the Delhi area.
Bansal Poly Plast Pvt. Ltd. : Provides a wide range of PET bottles for both, the beverage companies and the pharmaceutical industries.
Pearl Polymers Ltd. : More popularly recognized for its custom design services as well as for its ability to manufacture product in large quantities.
Quality and Compliance
It is a must that PET bottles should conform to certain quality assurance measures. Check for:
ISO Certification: This helps the manufacturer to meet the international quality standards hence produce high quality products.
BIS Certification: The regulation of quality PET bottles relating to foods and beverages and for other uses is done by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).
FDA Compliance: When using the PET bottles in the food and beverage industry, the bottles should be FDA approved for use with food.
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Negotiate and Build Relationships
Pricing: Book in large quantities in order to get lower prices and lock-in the prices in the future.
Samples: In large orders always ask for samples first in order to check the quality of the items.
Logistics and Delivery: Any contract with the supplier should have a strong logistics channel that will support the supply of the product. Add the cost of transpiration and delivery time if you are not situated in Delhi NCR.
Sustainability and Recycling
With increasing focus on sustainability, inquire about:With increasing focus on sustainability, inquire about:
Recycled PET (rPET): If sustainability is a concern in your beverages brand, one needs to consider supplier who sells Recycled PET bottles.
Post-Consumer Waste: Certain suppliers make an effort to incorporate post-consumer waste to bottles and as an outcome, minimize environmental effects.
Regulatory and Legal Considerations
For those whose businesses deal with packaged food or beverages, you should educate yourself with some rules regarding the PET bottles in India. Sign a legal agreement with your suppliers so that they meet today’s legal requirements of packaging.
To buy PET bottles in Delhi, India the following strategies are recommended; Local markets, industrial areas and online platforms. Stability in supply chain will also be achieved by ensuring that the company develops close associations with the suppliers.
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