#Pet Insurance market Future
vishnuchaughule · 11 months
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bitchesgetriches · 2 years
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On leaving home for the first time:
Leaving Home before 18: A Practical Guide for Cast-Offs, Runaways, and Everybody in Between
Ask the Bitches: “I Just Turned 18 and My Parents Are Kicking Me Out. How Do I Brace Myself?”
Ask the Bitches: I Want to Move Out, but I Can’t Afford It. How Bad Would It Be to Take out Student Loans to Cover It?
How To Start at Rock Bottom: Welfare Programs and the Social Safety Net
Advice I Wish My Parents Gave Me When I Was 16
Ask the Bitches: How Can I Make Myself Financially Secure Before Age 30?
You Won’t Regret Your Frugal 20s
Master the Logistics and Etiquette of Moving Out
Season 2, Episode 5: “What Do I Need to Know about Moving into My First Apartment?”
On basic finance:
How the Hell Does One Open a Bank Account? Asking for a Friend.
How Do You Write and Cash Checks? Asking for a Friend.
Budgets Don’t Work for Everyone—Try the Spending Tracker System Instead
You Must Be This Big to Be an Emergency Fund
A Hand-Holding Guide to Getting Your First Credit Card
How to File Your Taxes FOR FREE: Simple Instructions for the Stressed-Out Taxpayer
Dafuq Is Credit and How Do You Bend It to Your Will?
How to Save for Retirement When You Make Less Than $30,000 a Year
Dafuq Is Interest and How Does It Work for the Forces of Darkness?
What’s the Difference Between Savings and Checking Accounts, and How Should I Be Using Them?
Dafuq Is a Down Payment? And Why Do You Need One to Buy Stuff?
Dafuq Is Insurance and Why Do You Even Need It?
Investing Deathmatch: Investing in the Stock Market vs. Just… Not
Dafuq Is a Retirement Plan and Why Do You Need One?
Do NOT Make This Disastrous Beginner Mistake With Your Retirement Funds
On managing your household:
How the Hell Does One Laundry? Asking for a Friend.
How the Hell Does One Wash Dishes? Asking for a Friend.
Ask the Bitches: Why Are Painted Mason Jars the Internet’s Only Solution to My Tiny Apartment Woes?
9 Essential Tools for Apartment-Dwellers (and 6 That Are Kinda Useless)
Ask the Bitches: How Can I Survive in an Apartment with No Heat?
How to Save Money on Your Beloved Pets
Bullshit Reasons Not to Buy a House: Refuted
How To Maintain Your Car When You’re Barely Driving It
25 Tricks to Stay Cool WITHOUT Air Conditioning
On feeding and caring for yourself:
You Should Learn To Cook. Here’s Why.
How to Shop for Groceries like a Boss
If You Don’t Eat Leftovers I Don’t Even Want to Know You
I Think I Need to Go the Emergency Room?
Ask the Bitches: Ugh, How Do I Build the Habit of Taking Meds?
On maintaining relationships:
Season 1, Episode 8: “My Mother Demands Information About My One-Night Stands.”
Season 1, Episode 3: “My Parents Have Bad Credit. Should I Help by Co-signing Their Mortgage?”
Ask the Bitches: How Do I Say “No” When a Loved One Asks for Money… Again?
Ask the Bitches: My Dad Sucks with Money. How Do I Make Him Change?
You Need to Talk to Your Parents About Their Retirement Plan
Season 2, Episode 1: “I’m Financially Stable, but My Friends Aren’t. The Guilt Is Crushing!”  
On starting your career:
22-Year-Olds Don’t Belong in Grad School
High School Students Have No Way of Knowing What Career to Choose. Why Do We Make Them Do It Anyway?
The Actually Helpful, Nuanced, Non-Bullshit Way to Choose a Future Career
Your College Major May Not Prepare You for Your Job—but It Can Prepare You for Life
The Ugly Truth About Unpaid Internships
Your School or Workplace Benefits Might Include Cool Free Stuff
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yugonostalgia2019 · 1 year
One of the things that makes Coil kind of unique among worm’s antagonists and cultural villains in general is his kind of ideal balance of kindness and cruelty. It’s hard to pin down so -
Thomas Calvert is pretty explicitly a sadist of some kind, whether it’s torture or sexual violence or just serial killing isn’t specified, so you can imagine before Cauldron he has done at least some terrible things, and is totally inured against any kind of evil - he also explicitly doesn’t have a problem in hiring pedophiles, only in that their loyalty can be insured. 
So Calvert himself we would just hate, straight up... but Coil’s power he bought is almost perfectly suited for him - all his personal sadism and cruelty can be done in what is basically a simulated world - if Lisa pisses him off he can just have her shot, feel a little catharsis, and close down the other world, appearing completely unruffled in the real one. He only loses his cool about 3 times in the novel, at all other times he’s more or less completely at ease - just as someone would be if they had a perfectly safe backup always ready. (the times are Crawler, Dragonsuits, and the Market)
The morality of all that is beyond me, but we can see from the text that Coil very rarely does horrible things in canon - pretty much just two - kidnapping Dinah and coercing Lisa. Pretty much the rest of his actions are about the same level as Skitter’s - whatever you make of that - because anything selfish he does only happened in his simulations.
Now, what does this all mean? I’ve seen some takes on Coil that see him as a control freak, someone who wants to constantly control everything - but that’s pretty clearly untrue - Coil lets the undersiders and travelers run themselves, owns but doesn’t puppet the mayoral candidates, and in general takes a more hands off role. Rather, Coil’s defining trait, more than anything, his fatal flaw, is Possessiveness. 
Coil doesn’t want to control everything - rather, he wants to *own* everything. The factions within his organization, politicians, business are allowed to run themselves, but they all have to have him at the top - he talks about “his” undersiders, “his” travelers, “his” pet. He collects people who are both useful and loyal - and he always ensures this by having a carrot and stick, and always leads with the carrot. It’s not that he wants to make people’s lives worse - he can do that in his simulations as he pleases - he wants to own every faction in the city, and see them prosper under his ownership - he likes people who want something, something he can provide
What makes this his fatal flaw is where this conflicts with the two Thinkers. Their powers are far too valuable to give up or work against him, so of course he compels them to work for him. What ends up killing him is that he had to have them leashed or chained - there are easily futures where Tattletale is an ally or independent lieutenant, where Dinah is negotiated with for 20 questions per day, or where he gives her to skitter after his goals are completed - but he’s unable to let go of anything he owns
It’s not sadism or cruelty or stupidity or evil that led to his downfall - it’s his need to own everything he posseses
stay tuned for more coil analysis - next time are his good qualities lmao
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You know what? I think for the first time…honestly maybe in my entire life…I am happy. Like, genuinely happy, content, satisfied.
I am not where I want to be, but I know I am making tangible progress towards it. Mentally, physically, financially.
My therapy sessions lately have gone from this jumbled mess of chaos and anxiety and tears to validating my own choices and feelings. I noticed it three sessions ago and she said she noticed it as well. She said I started the session out kind of asking for permission/validation for recent choices and that I just kept backing my own self up. I have not had this kind of confidence in myself since 2012.
I see several career/financial paths I could do. I am really enjoying doing Rover and still am hoping I gain repeat clientele. In the future, I can get my own pet sitting insurance and cut out the middle man of Rover. It’s exciting to think of this possibility because it’s joining my passion of dogs (that I forgot I had?!) with my independent work style. I make my own schedule, no one’s telling me what to do (other than owner instructions of course) and I’m getting to work with the best pups! I’d really like to market a little more towards basic training as well and include it as an add on.
I have an upcoming husky client who is a jumper. He gets really excited, jumps and jumps, and open mouth “bites.” The owner said he’s trained him from a puppy, but jumping is a pretty frustrating habit for visitors. I let him know I could work on the jumping while I’m there and I’m excited about that. I know a handful of ways to decrease it and just saw another method that I think I’m going to try on this husky since he’s super treat motivated.
Rover is also getting me moving around a lot more. Social work tends to be a pretty sedentary job, but I’m constantly moving when I have high energy dogs. So, I’ve also been losing weight and I feel good. Im outside a lot more and I have the benefit of walking with a dog. How fun!
Im not quite at the point where this could be a long term thing, I need to get more clients and especially dog walking clients. Im mainly doing overnight sits.
Another path I see is joining my masters degree and love of dogs together. This would be a super far out goal, but I could specialize in pet therapy. This was one of my initial goals in college. My academic advisor even suggested that I do some type of therapy work around animals. There was a vet hospital that took on interns in their pet bereavement department, but it was masters level only. So, it was literally grief therapy for pet owners that combined pet therapy (which by the way is human therapy using pets. Not therapy for the pets haha. I get weird looks when I say this sometimes).
There’s still the career paths I’ve been pursuing, but I’d only Been pursuing them because I just don’t know what else I’d do. I do like social work case management, but it’s an even lousier path in Florida than it was up north. I do like the idea of therapy, but it seems so boring to sit in an office all day talking to people.
There have been many times in my life where I was focused on animals, but it seemed too silly of a career thought to ever pursue. I didn’t want to be a vet and I didn’t want to put more money into school to be a vet tech when I was so close to my BSW (but I really did almost leave social work to pursue being a vet tech! But then my school said I could graduate in two more semesters so I let the idea go)
I was a dog walker short term between graduation and my first social work job. I didn’t promote myself anywhere tho or put any stock in it. I was training the family dog at home and helping my friend with training her dog. I began thinking about becoming a trainer. I’ve applied so many times to petsmart/petco for the dog trainer position but ultimately never pursued it and would lean harder into the social work jobs.
I do still feel a little silly being so optimistic about the pet sitting stuff because it’s not a typical route, but im seeing so many people thrive with it now. So many small businesses for pet care. I think I could do that. I think I’d love doing it.
I think i burned out from social work years ago. Maybe from the whole field. I think that part of me is tired. Which is hard to admit. Despite my best self care efforts, I’ve carried the burdens of my clients for the last 10 years. I still think about my first clients from 2014, wonder how they are, if they’re okay, if they’re still alive. Ive spent too many nights crying about my clients because I didn’t have a magic wand to make life easier for them. I’ve given my entire heart to the social work jobs I’ve had and the clients I’ve worked with. I’m tired. Empathy is such a gift And I know it’s my biggest strength, but maybe, at least for now until my heart heals, I can Channel my empathy towards animals again.
We’re finally putting money into savings despite Rover being a huge pay cut. It won’t be sustainable job once we move out, so I have from now until then to make something of it. M is so supportive of this and its helped me to believe in myself again 💚
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Some of my recent furry friends. Also M and I celebrated one year of marriage with a training walk with Mel and a night out on the town 🥰
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b2bbusiness · 7 days
Navigating the UK Personal Lines Insurance Market: Trends, Players, and What Lies Ahead
The United Kingdom boasts a robust personal lines insurance market, safeguarding individuals and their possessions. This dynamic sector caters to a variety of needs, from protecting your car and home to insuring your prized gadgets and beloved pets. Understanding the trends, key players, and future outlook of this market is crucial for both consumers seeking the right coverage and businesses aiming to capitalize on its potential.
Market Landscape: Size and Significance
The UK personal lines insurance market is a heavyweight, valued at a staggering £92.5 billion in 2023 [Insurance Times]. This translates to a significant portion of household expenditure, with Britons placing high importance on securing their personal belongings and well-being. The market is further segmented into core products like motor, home, and travel insurance, each catering to specific needs.
Shaping the Landscape: Key Trends
Several key trends are influencing the UK personal lines insurance market:
Tech-Driven Transformation: InsurTech startups are disrupting the industry with innovative solutions. Expect to see greater use of telematics (usage-based car insurance) and artificial intelligence (AI) for faster claims processing and personalized risk assessments.
Price Sensitivity and Comparison Platforms: Rising inflation is putting pressure on household budgets, leading consumers to be more price-sensitive. This trend is fueling the growth of comparison websites, allowing individuals to easily compare quotes and find the most competitive deals.
Focus on Customer Experience: Customers are demanding a seamless and user-friendly experience. Insurers are prioritizing user-friendly interfaces, UK Personal Lines Insurance Market mobile apps, and streamlined claims processes to enhance customer satisfaction.
Sustainability Considerations: The growing emphasis on environmental responsibility is extending to the insurance sector. Some insurers are offering discounts for eco-friendly cars and homes with sustainable features.
Heavyweights of the Market: Leading Players
The UK personal lines insurance market is a competitive landscape, with a mix of established players and innovative challengers. Here are some key names to know:
Traditional Powerhouses: Aviva, Admiral, and Direct Line remain dominant forces, offering a comprehensive range of personal lines insurance products.
Challenger Brands: InsurTech startups like LV= Gita and Cuvva are making waves with their tech-driven approach and focus on specific niches like pet insurance.
Retailer Partnerships: Many high-street retailers and supermarkets have partnered with established insurers to offer co-branded insurance products, expanding reach and convenience for consumers.
Looking Ahead: The Future of UK Personal Lines Insurance
The future of the UK personal lines insurance market is brimming with possibilities:
Hyper-Personalization: Expect insurers to leverage data and analytics to offer hyper-personalized policies catering to individual risk profiles and driving habits.
Usage-Based Models: Pay-as-you-go and usage-based insurance models will gain traction, catering to consumers who value flexible coverage options.
Cybersecurity Concerns: As dependence on technology grows, cyber insurance will become increasingly important, protecting individuals from online threats and data breaches.
Regulatory Landscape: Regulatory changes aimed at fair pricing and transparency will continue to shape the market, ensuring a level playing field for consumers.
Buy the Full Report for More Driver Insights into the UK Personal Lines Insurance Market
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upcomingipowatch · 17 days
2024 IPO Checklist: A Comprehensive List of Upcoming Public Offerings
The Indian stock market continues to be a hotbed for activity, with several exciting Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) on the horizon in 2024. This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to navigate the upcoming IPO landscape, including details on expected offerings, IPO Grey Market Premium (GMP), and a sneak peek at the upcoming SME IPO list 2024
Upcoming Public Offerings (IPOs):
The remainder of 2024 promises a healthy pipeline of IPOs across various sectors. Here's a glimpse at some of the highly anticipated offerings:
Ebixcash: A leading provider of B2B on-demand services specializing in insurance, travel, and financial technologies.
Indiafirst Life Insurance: A prominent private life insurance company known for its innovative product portfolio and customer-centric approach.
SPC Life Sciences: A fast-growing pharmaceutical company engaged in manufacturing and marketing a diverse range of formulations.
Tata Play: A subsidiary of the Tata Group, offering a comprehensive bouquet of DTH and broadband services.
Lohia Corp: A leading manufacturer of PET packaging solutions with a strong presence in the global market.
Nova Agritech: An agritech company focused on developing and distributing high-quality crop protection products.
What is IPO GMP?
IPO Grey Market Premium (GMP) refers to the unofficial premium investors are willing to pay for shares in an upcoming IPO before they are listed on the stock exchange. It's important to understand that GMP is not an official indicator of the IPO's performance and should be considered speculative. However, it can provide some insight into investor sentiment surrounding a particular offering.
Resources for Tracking Upcoming IPOs and GMP:
Several valuable resources can help you stay updated on upcoming IPOs and track their associated GMP. Here are a few popular options:
Moneycontrol: provides a dedicated IPO section with detailed information on upcoming offerings and historical performance.
Chittorgarh: features a user-friendly IPO calendar with live updates and GMP trends.
The Rise of SME IPOs:
The Indian stock market has witnessed a surge in interest for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) IPOs. These offerings allow smaller companies to raise capital and expand their operations. Here are some of the advantages of investing in SME IPOs:
High Growth Potential: SME companies often exhibit high growth trajectories, offering the potential for significant capital appreciation.
Diversification: SME IPOs can help diversify your investment portfolio by including companies from various sectors not typically represented in large-cap offerings.
Early Investment Opportunity: Investing in an SME IPO allows you to participate in a company's growth story at an early stage.
A Glimpse into Upcoming SME IPOs (Disclaimer: Listing subject to change):
While the specific SME IPO listings can be dynamic, here are some examples of companies that might be considering an SME IPO in the near future:
Indegene Ltd: A contract research organization providing drug discovery and development services.
Aadhar Housing Finance: A housing finance company catering to the underserved and affordable housing segments.
TBO Tek: A leading player in the travel technology space.
MobiKwik: A popular digital payments platform offering a wide range of financial services.
Ixigo: A prominent online travel aggregator facilitating hotel bookings, flight reservations, and travel packages.
Important Considerations Before Investing in an IPO:
Before investing in any IPO, including upcoming SME offerings, it's crucial to conduct thorough research. Here are some key factors to consider:
Company Financials: Analyze the company's financial health, profitability, and growth prospects.
Industry Outlook: Evaluate the overall health and growth potential of the industry the company operates in.
Management Team: Assess the experience and capabilities of the company's management team.
IPO Valuation: Compare the IPO price with the company's fundamentals to determine if it's fairly valued.
Remember: IPOs can be a lucrative investment opportunity, but they also carry inherent risks. By conducting thorough research, understanding IPO GMP (while acknowledging its limitations), and carefully considering the factors mentioned above, you can make informed investment decisions in the exciting world of upcoming IPOs and the growing SME IPO market.
Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Please consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
Gandhar Oil IPO GMP Today
Fedbank Financial Services IPO GMP Today
Tata Technologies IPO GMP Today
Flair Writing IPO GMP Today
Allied Blenders and Distillers IPO GMP Today
AMIC Forging IPO GMP Today
Net Avenue Tech IPO GMP Today
Marinetrans India IPO GMP Today
Graphisads IPO GMP Today
Sheetal Universal IPO GMP Today
Presstonic Engineering IPO GMP Today
S J Logistics IPO GMP Today
Shree OSFM E-Mobility IPO GMP Today
DCG Wires and Cables IPO GMP Today
Ramdevbaba Solvent IPO GMP Today
Shivam Chemicals IPO GMP Today
Emmforce Autotech IPO GMP Today
Grill Splendour Services IPO GMP Today
Teerth Gopicon IPO GMP Today
Chatha Foods IPO GMP Today
Gabriel Pet Straps IPO GMP Today
Baweja Studios IPO GMP Today
Mayank Cattle Food IPO GMP Today
Docmode Health Technologies IPO GMP Today
Megatherm Induction IPO GMP Today
Siyaram Recycling IPO GMP Today
Accent Microcell IPO GMP Today
Greenhitech Ventures IPO GMP Today
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Choosing the Right Termite Control Service in Doha: A Buyer’s Guide!
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When it comes to protecting your property in Doha from the silent menace that is termites, selecting the right termite control service is not a decision to be taken lightly. Termites can cause significant damage to your home or business, often going undetected until it's too late. In a city like Doha, where the climate can contribute to the prevalence of termite activity, ensuring you have effective termite control measures in place is crucial. This comprehensive guide aims to navigate you through the process of choosing the best termite control services in Doha, arming you with the knowledge to make an informed decision.
Understanding Termite Control Services in Doha
Termite control encompasses a range of services designed to prevent termite infestations or to eliminate existing colonies. These services can vary significantly in terms of the methods used, the chemicals or treatments applied, and the expertise of the service providers. Understanding the basics of termite control and the specific challenges posed by the Doha environment is the first step in selecting the right service.
Assessing Your Needs
Before reaching out to termite control services, assess the situation of your property. Are you looking for preventive measures, or do you suspect an existing infestation? Identifying signs of termite presence, such as wood damage, mud tubes, or termite droppings, can help you communicate your needs more effectively to the service providers.
Researching Providers
With numerous termite control services in Doha, it's essential to conduct thorough research to shortlist potential providers. Look for companies with good reputations, verified customer reviews, and a strong presence in the local market. Ensure that the companies are licensed and insured, offering peace of mind in the quality and reliability of their services.
Evaluating Methods and Treatments
Termite control methods can range from chemical barriers and baits to more environmentally friendly solutions. When discussing options with potential service providers, ask about their recommended treatments and why. Ensure they conduct a comprehensive inspection of your property to tailor their approach to your specific situation. It's also crucial to consider the safety of the treatments, especially if you have children, pets, or sensitive vegetation around your property.
Comparing Quotes and Guarantees
Once you have a shortlist of termite control services in Doha, request detailed quotes from each. These quotes should include the scope of services, the treatments proposed, and the total cost. Be wary of quotes that seem significantly lower than others, as this may reflect a compromise in service quality or treatment effectiveness.
Additionally, inquire about service guarantees or warranties. A reputable termite control service should stand behind their work, offering follow-up treatments or refunds if termites reappear within a certain timeframe.
Checking Customer Service and Communication
The quality of customer service is a critical factor in choosing the right termite control service. You want a responsive provider, who communicates clearly and is willing to answer all your questions. Their willingness to educate you about termite prevention and control reflects their commitment to customer satisfaction and service excellence.
Making Your Decision
After considering all these factors, you're now equipped to make an informed decision on the right termite control service for your property in Doha. Remember, the cheapest option is only sometimes the best. Opt for a provider that offers a balanced combination of expertise, effective treatments, and excellent customer service. This approach ensures the long-term protection of your property against termites, saving you significant repair costs and stress in the future.
Choosing the right termite control service in Doha is a crucial step in protecting your property from termite damage. By understanding your needs, researching potential providers, and evaluating their methods, costs, and customer service, you can make an informed decision that ensures the safety and integrity of your home or business. Remember, effective termite control is an investment in your property's future, safeguarding against the significant costs and hassles associated with termite infestations. With the right termite control service, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your property is protected by the best in the business.
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maximuswolf · 23 days
The future of music labels & all employment everywhere in the world. Would you take the opportunity?
The future of music, labels & all employment everywhere in the world. Would you take the opportunity? Ghostwriter pay & benefits packageOn call full-time job 100% remote/WFHStress-free work week, every weekPublic accredited rights to any thoughts published, artist copyrights for any work/creations no expirations lifetime credit applied forever. You woke up it’s your life, you created everything. Get paid for being alive, breathing, interacting and applying any effort.All paid full-service benefits (as of current 2024 market value)1. 100% royalty rights paid out as per employee withdrawal request, but also if not withdrawn positive interest bearing earning if not immediately withdrawn by employee. 2. UNCAPPED Quarterly Plan Profit sharing label contributions & bonuses 3. Paid by Employer 401k contribution, without employee contributions required. $10,000 base or matches employees contributions.4. Full coverage Paid Health/Dental/Vision/Mental/Wellbeing/Parental/Childcare/DayCare/Pet/Home/Vehicle/Leave/Emergency/Legal insurance. * “No limit everything insurance” all fully covered not out of pocket expenses required by employee EVER.5. Full coverage Paid Prescription Drug Coverage6. Full coverage Paid Life Insurance & Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance7. Full coverage Paid Disability Benefits8. Paid for unlimited riders request at no cost, vip entertainment tickets/drinks/meals & backstage access. 9. Paid Incentive pay to care about others if you need more money. 10. Unlimited PTO, employ request off and you get it, PAID. 11. 24 paid vacation days * Employee choice of rollover, cash out or additional 401k contributions if not used12. Paid for all bank & federal holidays * If Holiday falls on a Sunday, label gives Monday after off, if it falls on Saturday we get Friday before off PAID. 13. Any continuing education or educational expenses, company paid/reimbursement14. All meals, company paid/reimbursement15. All lodging, company paid/reimbursement16. Clothes/Uniforms/Equipment, company paid/reimbursement17. Any cost for creatives, above the line, below the line equipment/tools, education paid in full18. All transportation/commuting company paid/reimbursement: * ABA Roundtrip commute of anywhere to anywhere to home, any type of transit. 19. Bucket list sabbatical, at any length of time, full coverage reimbursement at no cost to employee. 20. Best of all create your own work policy & terms. Submitted May 28, 2024 at 09:07PM by canvasguru https://ift.tt/RETg3da via /r/Music
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bhushans · 27 days
Beyond Borders: The Global Companion Animal Specialty Drugs Market Offers Hope for Millions
The global companion animal specialty drug market  is anticipated to grow at a respectable CAGR of 4.21%. In 2022, the market is projected to be valued USD 37,624.67 million. By 2032, the market for specialized medications for companion animals is anticipated to reach a peak value of USD 56,828.56 million. For the relevant market, Future Market Insights specialists have calculated a historical CAGR of 5.42%.
Since the early epidemic phase in 2020, there has been an annual 50% increase in pet adoption in the United States. Families were investing more money in their pets’ health and well-being as a result of the rising pet adoption rate. A lot of individuals consider their dogs to be family members. Furthermore, there was a significant expansion in the market for animal insurance providers.
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One important aspect driving up demand for animal nutrition and behavioral products and driving up sales is the rise in pet adoption. Over the past few years, there has been a sharp increase in demand for anti-obesity medications due to the rising rate of obesity in pets.
During the FQ-20, more people adopted dogs and cats as pets as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak and the ensuing worldwide shutdown. Dog adoption is fairly common, particularly among the elderly population. It is anticipated that this will increase demand for pet nutrition, skin care, and antibiotics.
Key Takeaways
Urbanization and trend of nuclear families have been greatly helpful in increasing market share of companion animal drug market.
People have started considering pets as their family member and this led to increase in overall expenditure of a family, as a result this benefitted the companion market.
Increase in rising pet diseases have provided the industry with a positive push to manufacture more companion drugs to meet the demand
Industrial growth can likely be attributed to a rise food-borne and zoonotic diseases.
Increase in per capita income of urban population, have enabled people to take better care of their pets by means of diagnosis, vaccination, mitigation, and treatment of diseases such as kidney diseases, heartworms and Lyme diseases, which resulted in giving a boost for companion animal specialty drug market share.
COVID-19 had a positive impact on pet adoption rate, with a rise of 50% each year
Technological advancement has been a strong driving factor in market progression of companion animal drug market
Competitive Landscape
Extensive mergers and acquisitions, product portfolios, geographical expansions, and collaborative research initiatives are some of the strategies undertaken by the leading players. Established players in this market have made alliances with different companies to increase their market reach and social media presence. Some well-established players in the US companion animal drug specialty market are:
Merck Animal Health
Vetiquinol S.A.
Virbac, Inc.
Norbrook Inc.
Dechra Pharmaceuticals
Patterson Companies, Inc.
Vedco Inc.
MWI Animal Health
Nutramax Laboratories Veterinary Sciences, Inc.
Ellevet Sciences
Recent Developments
In 2017, Zoetis emerged as a leading player with the highest share of compassion animal specialty drugs, as the company has a considerable and significant market presence, a diverse portfolio of product offerings, and an acute strategic perspective which includes M&As, such as the acquisition of Abaxis in 2018.
In July 2019, Zoetis and Colorado state university made an agreement to establish a research lab for the development of immunotherapies for veterinary patients.
In August 2020, Elanco Animal Health Incorporatedannounced that it has acquired Bayer Animal Health. The transaction was valued at USD 6.89 billion. This development helped the company to expand itself in the durable animal health industry.
Key Segments in the Companion Animal Specialty Drugs Market:
By Product:
Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Behavioral Products
Nutritional Products
Anti-Obesity Drugs
Skin Care Products
By Distribution Channel:
Modern Trade
Online Distribution
Neighborhood Stores
Other Retail Format
By Region:
North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa (MEA)
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bitchesgetriches · 2 years
MASTERPOST: Everything You Need To Know About Living Independently for the First Time
On leaving home for the first time:
Leaving Home before 18: A Practical Guide for Cast-Offs, Runaways, and Everybody in Between 
Ask the Bitches: “I Just Turned 18 and My Parents Are Kicking Me Out. How Do I Brace Myself?” 
Ask the Bitches: I Want to Move Out, but I Can’t Afford It. How Bad Would It Be to Take out Student Loans to Cover It?
How To Start at Rock Bottom: Welfare Programs and the Social Safety Net 
Advice I Wish My Parents Gave Me When I Was 16 
Ask the Bitches: How Can I Make Myself Financially Secure Before Age 30? 
You Won’t Regret Your Frugal 20s 
Master the Logistics and Etiquette of Moving Out 
Season 2, Episode 5: “What Do I Need to Know about Moving into My First Apartment?” 
On basic finance:
How the Hell Does One Open a Bank Account? Asking for a Friend. 
How Do You Write and Cash Checks? Asking for a Friend. 
Budgets Don’t Work for Everyone—Try the Spending Tracker System Instead
You Must Be This Big to Be an Emergency Fund 
A Hand-Holding Guide to Getting Your First Credit Card 
How to File Your Taxes FOR FREE: Simple Instructions for the Stressed-Out Taxpayer
Dafuq Is Credit and How Do You Bend It to Your Will? 
How to Save for Retirement When You Make Less Than $30,000 a Year
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What’s the Difference Between Savings and Checking Accounts, and How Should I Be Using Them?
Dafuq Is a Down Payment? And Why Do You Need One to Buy Stuff?
Dafuq Is Insurance and Why Do You Even Need It? 
Investing Deathmatch: Investing in the Stock Market vs. Just… Not 
Dafuq Is a Retirement Plan and Why Do You Need One?
Do NOT Make This Disastrous Beginner Mistake With Your Retirement Funds
On managing your household:
How the Hell Does One Laundry? Asking for a Friend. 
How the Hell Does One Wash Dishes? Asking for a Friend. 
Ask the Bitches: Why Are Painted Mason Jars the Internet’s Only Solution to My Tiny Apartment Woes? 
9 Essential Tools for Apartment-Dwellers (and 6 That Are Kinda Useless)
Ask the Bitches: How Can I Survive in an Apartment with No Heat? 
How to Save Money on Your Beloved Pets 
Bullshit Reasons Not to Buy a House: Refuted 
How To Maintain Your Car When You’re Barely Driving It
25 Tricks to Stay Cool WITHOUT Air Conditioning 
On feeding and caring for yourself:
You Should Learn To Cook. Here’s Why.
How to Shop for Groceries like a Boss 
If You Don’t Eat Leftovers I Don’t Even Want to Know You 
I Think I Need to Go the Emergency Room?
Ask the Bitches: Ugh, How Do I Build the Habit of Taking Meds?
On maintaining relationships:
Season 1, Episode 8: “My Mother Demands Information About My One-Night Stands.” 
Season 1, Episode 3: “My Parents Have Bad Credit. Should I Help by Co-signing Their Mortgage?” 
Ask the Bitches: How Do I Say “No” When a Loved One Asks for Money… Again? 
Ask the Bitches: My Dad Sucks with Money. How Do I Make Him Change? 
You Need to Talk to Your Parents About Their Retirement Plan
Season 2, Episode 1: “I’m Financially Stable, but My Friends Aren’t. The Guilt Is Crushing!”  
On starting your career:
22-Year-Olds Don’t Belong in Grad School 
High School Students Have No Way of Knowing What Career to Choose. Why Do We Make Them Do It Anyway? 
The Actually Helpful, Nuanced, Non-Bullshit Way to Choose a Future Career
Your College Major May Not Prepare You for Your Job—but It Can Prepare You for Life 
The Ugly Truth About Unpaid Internships 
Your School or Workplace Benefits Might Include Cool Free Stuff 
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aijustborn · 1 month
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poolsafefencing · 2 months
7 Reasons Why A Pool Fence Is Worth The Investment
Owning a pool comes with its set of joys and responsibilities. It’s a luxury that offers endless fun and a private oasis for relaxation. However, ensuring safety around this blissful water feature is paramount. Among various safety measures, installing a pool barrier with the assistance of a playground fence Sydney expert stands out as an essential step for homeowners. While some may view it as just another expense, the truth behind its value goes much deeper. 
The following list explores the multifaceted benefits that justify the investment in a pool barrier.
Prevention of Accidental Drownings
The primary purpose of a pool barrier is to prevent accidental drownings, especially in households with children and pets. It acts as a physical barrier, making unauthorised access to the pool area nearly impossible. The statistics around accidental drownings highlight a grim reality, with most incidents occurring in the absence of adult supervision. A barrier significantly reduces these risks, offering peace of mind to homeowners.
Enhanced Supervision Efficiency
A barrier does not replace the need for adult supervision but complements it by providing a safer environment. It limits access to the pool, allowing supervisors to manage pool safety more effectively. This is particularly beneficial in moments when attention is divided among multiple responsibilities.
Legal and Financial Benefits
Compliance with Local Safety Regulations
Many localities have strict regulations requiring pools to have barriers. These laws are in place to ensure the safety of residents and reduce the incidence of pool-related accidents. By installing a barrier, homeowners ensure compliance with these regulations, avoiding potential fines and legal issues.
Reduction in Insurance Premiums
Some insurance companies offer reduced premiums for homes with pool barriers. This reduction is due to the decreased risk of accidents, which lowers the likelihood of insurance claims. Over time, the savings on insurance can contribute significantly to offsetting the initial cost of installation.
Increased Property Value
A pool barrier can be an attractive addition to your property, enhancing its overall aesthetics and functionality. Prospective buyers often look for homes that prioritise safety, especially when it comes to pool areas. This addition can increase the market value of your property, making it a wise investment for the future.
Variety of Design Options
Modern barriers come in various designs, materials, and finishes, allowing homeowners to choose an option that complements their outdoor décor. From transparent glass that offers an unobstructed view to ornate metalwork that adds a touch of elegance, there is a design to suit every taste and budget.
Peace of Mind
Beyond the tangible benefits, the sense of security and peace of mind that comes with knowing your pool area is safe cannot be overstated. It allows homeowners and their guests to enjoy the pool with less worry, making leisure time truly relaxing.
Investing in Safety and Beyond
Choosing to install a pool barrier is not merely an act of compliance or a financial decision; it’s an investment in safety, security, and peace of mind. It reflects a commitment to protecting what matters most: the well-being of family and friends. In today’s world, where safety can never be taken for granted, such a proactive step is invaluable.
Furthermore, the benefits of a pool barrier extend beyond the immediate safety concerns. They encompass financial advantages, compliance with legal requirements, and even enhancements to property value and aesthetics. Each of these factors contributes to the overall well-being of homeowners and their communities.
At the end of the day, while the upfront cost of a pool barrier may seem significant, the long-term benefits far outweigh the initial investment. It’s a decision that offers a return in the form of safety, legal compliance, financial savings, and enhanced property value. More importantly, it provides homeowners with peace of mind, knowing that their oasis of relaxation is also a haven for everyone who enjoys it. Investing in a pool barrier is not just a wise decision—it’s a necessary step toward responsible pool ownership.
If you have questions or need more information about the topic discussed in this guide, please feel free to get in touch with a reputable service provider near you to get professional advice.
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Animal Wellness: Navigating the Healthcare Market
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The animal healthcare market has experienced significant growth and evolution in recent years, driven by various factors such as increased pet ownership, growing awareness about animal health, advancements in veterinary medicine, and changes in consumer preferences towards premium pet care products and services. This growth trend is expected to continue in the coming years, shaping the landscape of the animal healthcare industry.
 Firstly, the rising trend of pet humanization has led to an increased demand for high-quality healthcare products and services for pets. Pet owners are increasingly treating their animals as family members, leading to higher spending on preventive healthcare, nutrition, and wellness products. This shift in consumer behavior has propelled the growth of veterinary clinics, pet insurance services, and specialty pet care products.
 Secondly, technological advancements in the field of animal healthcare have played a crucial role in driving growth and innovation. Technologies such as telemedicine, digital health records, wearable devices, and diagnostic tools have improved the efficiency of veterinary care, enabling remote consultations, early disease detection, and personalized treatment plans. These innovations have not only enhanced the quality of care but also expanded access to veterinary services in remote areas.
 Moreover, the growing awareness about zoonotic diseases and public health concerns has highlighted the importance of preventive healthcare and disease control in animals. This awareness has spurred investments in vaccines, diagnostic tests, and pharmaceuticals for both companion animals and livestock. Governments and regulatory bodies are also focusing on promoting responsible pet ownership and implementing regulations to ensure the safety and well-being of animals.
 Additionally, the expansion of the pet population globally, especially in emerging markets, has created new opportunities for companies in the animal healthcare sector. Rising disposable incomes, urbanization, and changing lifestyles have led to an increase in pet ownership in regions such as Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Africa. This demographic shift has attracted investments from multinational companies and local players, driving market growth and competition.
 In conclusion, the animal healthcare market is witnessing robust growth trends driven by factors such as pet humanization, technological advancements, awareness about zoonotic diseases, and global pet population expansion. As the industry continues to evolve, stakeholders including veterinary professionals, pharmaceutical companies, pet owners, and policymakers will play key roles in shaping the future of animal healthcare and ensuring the well-being of animals worldwide.
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petnews2day · 3 months
United Kingdom (UK) Pet Insurance Distribution Dynamics by Channels and Future Market, 2023 Update
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/9IfyM
United Kingdom (UK) Pet Insurance Distribution Dynamics by Channels and Future Market, 2023 Update
United Kingdom (UK) Pet Insurance Market Report Overview In 2023, less than 40% of all customers renewed their policies with their existing provider. Customers preferred to renew policies for both dog and cat insurance. This year the proportions of customers who shopped around for dog and cat insurance grew by more than 1 pp compared […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/9IfyM #PetInsuranceNews
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animal-care · 3 months
Exploring the Animal Care Market Revenue, Growth, and Future Outlook
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The Animal Care Industry plays a pivotal role in ensuring the health, well-being, and happiness of pets and companion animals worldwide. This article delves into the dynamics of the animal care market, offering insights into its research reports, growth prospects, revenue outlook, and emerging trends.
Animal Care Market Research Reports
Market research reports serve as valuable resources for understanding the animal care industry landscape. These reports provide comprehensive analyses of market trends, growth drivers, challenges, and opportunities. Recent studies indicate a positive outlook for the global animal care market, with substantial growth expected in the coming years.
Animal Care Market Forecast
The animal care market is poised for significant growth, driven by various factors contributing to increased demand for pet-related products and services. Market analysts project steady growth, with a compound annual growth rate CAGR of 4.3% expected between 2023 and 2033, reaching a market size of USD 62.3 billion by 2033.
Animal Care Market Size
The global animal care market was estimated at USD 40.9 billion in February 2024, reflecting robust growth in pet ownership and spending. In the United States alone, the market was valued at USD 136.8 billion in 2022, according to the American Pet Products Association.
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Animal Care Market Growth
While the global animal care market is experiencing steady growth, the United States is anticipated to witness a growth rate of 2-3% in 2024, as per Grand View Research. This growth is fueled by factors such as increasing disposable income, rising pet ownership, and growing awareness of animal well-being.
Market Segments
The animal care market comprises several segments catering to the diverse needs of pet owners:
Pet Food & Treats
This segment holds the largest share of the global market, accounting for approximately 50% of total spending on animal care products.
Pet owners are increasingly opting for premium pet food and treats, driving growth in this segment.
Veterinary Care & Products
The veterinary care segment is the second-largest, with projections suggesting it might reach USD 37 billion in the US by 2023.
Advancements in veterinary medicine and increased spending on preventive healthcare contribute to the segment's growth.
Supplies, Live Animals & Over-the-counter Medications
Estimated at USD 32.1 billion in the US in 2023, this segment encompasses a wide range of products, including pet supplies, live animals, and over-the-counter medications. This segment includes pet insurance, boarding, grooming, and training services, estimated at USD 11.8 billion in the US in 2023.
Market Trends
Several notable trends are reshaping the Animal Care Market:
Premiumization- Pet owners are increasingly willing to invest in premium pet food, treats, and healthcare options, reflecting a growing focus on pet well-being and nutrition.
Surge in Pet Adoptions- The pandemic-driven surge in pet adoptions continues to influence market demand, with more households welcoming pets into their lives.
Direct-to-Consumer Channels- Online pet food and medication deliveries are witnessing significant growth, driven by the convenience and accessibility offered by direct-to-consumer (D2C) channels.
Focus on Sustainability- Environmentally friendly pet products and services are gaining popularity as consumers become more conscious of their ecological footprint.
The animal care market presents lucrative opportunities for industry players, driven by increasing pet ownership, rising spending on pet-related products and services, and evolving consumer preferences. By staying abreast of market trends, investing in research and development, and embracing sustainable practices, stakeholders can capitalize on the growing demand for animal care solutions, contributing to the well-being of pets and companion animals worldwide.
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arshgrouppestcontrol · 3 months
Choosing the Right Termite Control Service in Doha: A Buyer’s Guide!
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When it comes to protecting your property in Doha from the silent menace that is termites, selecting the right termite control service is not a decision to be taken lightly. Termites can cause significant damage to your home or business, often going undetected until it's too late. In a city like Doha, where the climate can contribute to the prevalence of termite activity, ensuring you have effective termite control measures in place is crucial. This comprehensive guide aims to navigate you through the process of choosing the best termite control services in Doha, arming you with the knowledge to make an informed decision.
Understanding Termite Control Services in Doha
Termite control encompasses a range of services designed to prevent termite infestations or to eliminate existing colonies. These services can vary significantly in terms of the methods used, the chemicals or treatments applied, and the expertise of the service providers. Understanding the basics of termite control and the specific challenges posed by the Doha environment is the first step in selecting the right service.
Assessing Your Needs
Before reaching out to termite control services, assess the situation of your property. Are you looking for preventive measures, or do you suspect an existing infestation? Identifying signs of termite presence, such as wood damage, mud tubes, or termite droppings, can help you communicate your needs more effectively to the service providers.
Researching Providers
With numerous termite control services in Doha, it's essential to conduct thorough research to shortlist potential providers. Look for companies with good reputations, verified customer reviews, and a strong presence in the local market. Ensure that the companies are licensed and insured, offering peace of mind in the quality and reliability of their services.
Evaluating Methods and Treatments
Termite control methods can range from chemical barriers and baits to more environmentally friendly solutions. When discussing options with potential service providers, ask about their recommended treatments and why. Ensure they conduct a comprehensive inspection of your property to tailor their approach to your specific situation. It's also crucial to consider the safety of the treatments, especially if you have children, pets, or sensitive vegetation around your property.
Comparing Quotes and Guarantees
Once you have a shortlist of termite control services in Doha, request detailed quotes from each. These quotes should include the scope of services, the treatments proposed, and the total cost. Be wary of quotes that seem significantly lower than others, as this may reflect a compromise in service quality or treatment effectiveness.
Additionally, inquire about service guarantees or warranties. A reputable termite control service should stand behind their work, offering follow-up treatments or refunds if termites reappear within a certain timeframe.
Checking Customer Service and Communication
The quality of customer service is a critical factor in choosing the right termite control service. You want a responsive provider, who communicates clearly and is willing to answer all your questions. Their willingness to educate you about termite prevention and control reflects their commitment to customer satisfaction and service excellence.
Making Your Decision
After considering all these factors, you're now equipped to make an informed decision on the right termite control service for your property in Doha. Remember, the cheapest option is only sometimes the best. Opt for a provider that offers a balanced combination of expertise, effective treatments, and excellent customer service. This approach ensures the long-term protection of your property against termites, saving you significant repair costs and stress in the future. Choosing the right termite control service in Doha is a crucial step in protecting your property from termite damage. By understanding your needs, researching potential providers, and evaluating their methods, costs, and customer service, you can make an informed decision that ensures the safety and integrity of your home or business. Remember, effective termite control is an investment in your property's future, safeguarding against the significant costs and hassles associated with termite infestations. With the right termite control service, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your property is protected by the best in the business.
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