#Pet Food and Nutrition Market
animal-care · 6 months
Exploring Trends Shaping the Animal Care Market
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The Animal Care Market is undergoing significant transformations driven by evolving consumer preferences, technological advancements, and emerging trends. In this article, we delve into the latest trends shaping the landscape of the animal care industry and their implications for market players.
Humanization of Pets: Treating Pets like Family
One of the prominent trends in the animal care market is the increasing humanization of pets. Pet owners are treating their animals more like family members, seeking products and services that cater to their pets' health, comfort, and emotional well-being. This trend has led to a growing demand for premium pet food, grooming services, and accessories designed to enhance the quality of life for companion animals.
Natural and Organic Products: A Shift towards Healthier Options
Consumers are becoming more conscious about the ingredients and materials used in pet care products, leading to a surge in demand for natural and organic alternatives. Pet owners are seeking products free from artificial additives, preservatives, and chemicals, opting instead for wholesome and sustainable options that promote the health and vitality of their pets. This trend has propelled the growth of natural pet food, eco-friendly toys, and biodegradable pet accessories in the market.
Telemedicine and Remote Veterinary Care: Convenient Healthcare Solutions
Advancements in technology have revolutionized the way veterinary care is delivered, with the adoption of telemedicine and remote monitoring solutions gaining traction in the animal care industry. Pet owners are increasingly turning to virtual consultations, telehealth platforms, and mobile apps to seek medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment for their pets, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This trend has expanded access to veterinary services, improved convenience for pet owners, and facilitated early detection and intervention for pet health issues.
Personalized Nutrition and Wellness: Tailoring Care for Individual Pets
Pet owners are embracing personalized approaches to pet nutrition and wellness, recognizing that each animal has unique dietary and health needs. The demand for customized pet food formulations, tailored supplementation, and genetic testing services is on the rise as pet owners seek to optimize their pets' health and longevity. This trend has spurred innovation in the development of personalized pet nutrition plans, DNA testing kits, and health monitoring tools that cater to individual pets' requirements.
Sustainable and Ethical Practices
Environmental sustainability and ethical sourcing have become key considerations for pet owners when choosing products and services for their animals. There is a growing emphasis on eco-friendly packaging, cruelty-free ingredients, and ethical manufacturing practices in the animal care market. Companies are increasingly adopting sustainable initiatives, such as carbon-neutral operations, recyclable packaging, and ethical sourcing of raw materials, to align with consumer values and reduce their environmental impact.
The animal care market is evolving rapidly, driven by shifting consumer preferences, technological innovations, and societal trends. By staying attuned to these emerging trends and embracing innovation, companies can capitalize on new opportunities, differentiate their offerings, and meet the evolving needs of pet owners and their beloved companions. As the bond between humans and animals continues to strengthen, the animal care industry is poised for continued growth and transformation in the years to come.
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Navigating the Pet Market Exploring the Market Trends, Growth, and Outlook
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In the Pet Care industry, it is crucial to understand the Pet Market for pet owners, businesses, and enthusiasts alike. This comprehensive exploration delves into key aspects of the Pet Market, ranging from demand dynamics to growth projections, trends, and the challenges and opportunities that shape this flourishing industry.
Exploring Pet Market Research Reports: A Wealth of Insights
The Pet Market Research Reports serve as beacons of information, offering a comprehensive understanding of the industry's landscape. These reports, compiled by experts and analysts, provide valuable insights for stakeholders aiming to navigate the dynamic pet market. Pet Market Research Reports offer a detailed analysis of consumer preferences, emerging trends, and competitive landscapes, aiding businesses in making informed decisions. The increasing frequency of these reports, with over 150 published annually, underscores the growing demand for in-depth insights into the Pet Market.
Unraveling Pet Market Demand: Understanding Consumer Preferences
The heartbeat of the Pet Market lies in understanding what consumers seek for their furry companions. Exploring Pet Market Demand illuminates the evolving preferences of pet owners and sheds light on the factors influencing purchasing decisions. Pet Market Demand is witnessing a notable shift towards premium and specialized pet products, reflecting the growing trend of pet humanization. The demand for organic and natural pet products has seen a significant upswing, emphasizing the growing importance of health-conscious choices in pet care.
Forecasting Pet Market Trends: Peering into the Future
Anticipating trends is essential in a market as dynamic as pet care. Pet Market Forecast sections provide a glimpse into the future, considering factors such as technological advancements, changing consumer behaviors, and emerging product categories. The Pet Market Forecast suggests a surge in demand for sustainable and eco-friendly pet products, indicating a shift towards environmentally conscious pet ownership. Technological innovations such as AI-powered pet care apps and telemedicine services are expected to become prominent trends in the near future.
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Pet Market Growth: Nurturing a Flourishing Industry
The continuous growth of the Pet Market is a testament to the unwavering love and care bestowed upon pets. Exploring Pet Market Growth patterns delves into the factors contributing to the industry's expansion with an annual growth rate of 5%, the Pet Market Growth is fueled by a rising awareness of pet health and the increasing adoption of pets across diverse demographics. The emergence of emerging markets and increased disposable income contribute significantly to the global growth trajectory of the Pet Market.
Outlook on Pet Market Opportunities: Navigating Possibilities
Amidst challenges, opportunities abound in the Pet Market. The Pet Market Opportunities section explores potential areas for growth, innovation, and market expansion. Innovations in pet tech, including smart collars and health-monitoring devices, present significant Pet Market Opportunities for businesses aiming to tap into the burgeoning pet technology sector. The rising trend of pet insurance and wellness programs represents untapped opportunities for businesses to diversify their service offerings.
Harvesting Pet Market Revenue: Understanding Financial Dynamics
For businesses, comprehending the financial aspects of the Pet Market is crucial. The Pet Market Revenue section unravels the economic landscape, considering factors like pricing strategies, consumer spending patterns, and revenue projections. The global Pet Market Revenue is expected to reach USD 200 billion by 2025, driven by a surge in pet product sales and an increased focus on premium pet services. The expanding e-commerce landscape and the ease of online transactions are contributing factors to the consistent growth in Pet Market Revenue.
Trends Painting Pet Market: Unveiling Consumer Preferences
The pet market is not immune to trends that shape consumer behaviors. Pet Market Trends delve into the evolving landscape, from the rise of pet influencers on social media to the increasing demand for organic and natural pet products. The influence of Pet Market Trends on consumer behavior is evident in the growing demand for personalized and customized pet products, reflecting an era of individualized pet care. The integration of technology, such as QR-coded pet food for traceability, is gaining popularity, aligning with the overall tech-savvy trend in pet ownership.
Challenges in Pet Market: Navigating Obstacles
Every industry has its hurdles, and the Pet Market is no exception. The Pet Market Challenges section sheds light on obstacles faced by businesses, ranging from regulatory constraints to market saturation. Regulatory uncertainties pose significant Pet Market Challenges, necessitating businesses to stay adaptable and proactive in complying with evolving standards. The prevalence of counterfeit pet products in certain markets represents a challenge to the industry's integrity, necessitating enhanced regulatory efforts.
Conclusion: Embracing the Pet Market Dynamics
The Pet Market is a vibrant and ever-evolving landscape shaped by the love and care bestowed upon our beloved pets. From the challenges that keep businesses on their toes to the opportunities that beckon innovation, the Pet Market remains a thriving hub for those dedicated to the well-being of their cherished companions.
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happydogophiles · 1 year
The Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing Healthy Dog Food
Discover the paw-fect recipe for your furry friend's health! 🐾🐶 Avoid these common mistakes when choosing #HealthyDogFood and unleash their vitality! 🌟 #PetNutrition #HappyDogs
Choosing the right food for your furry companion is crucial for their overall health and well-being. With so many options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to make the best decision for your dog. In this comprehensive guide, we will highlight the top five mistakes pet owners often make when selecting healthy dog food. By understanding these common pitfalls and learning how to avoid…
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lindacasedogs · 2 years
Are There Benefits of Insect-Based Dog Foods?
Are There Benefits of Insect-Based Dog Foods?
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cosmicpuzzle · 6 months
5th Ruler and What you Love 💞
The 5th lord or 5th ruler shows what you love. This house is traditionally associated with sign of Leo and thus symbolizes your heart, what touches you most deeply.
The 5th ruler brings heartfelt joy, love, keeps you alive, inspired and refreshed by doing those house things it influences.
5th ruler in 1st : You love children, you love to express yourself through some art like dance, music, painting etc. You are likely to keep a youthful disposition throughout your life.
5th ruler in 2nd: You love money, the things it can buy, you love your family, you love food. You love being heard.
5th ruler in 3rd : You love sibling interactions, cousins, you love to do short trips with partner, you love writing, you love to read, you love playing games and sports.
5th ruler in 4th: You love your mother, family. You love spacious homes, cars, comforts, furniture. You love learning, education. You love gardening.
5th ruler in 5th: You love having fun, watching movies, sports, games. You are in love with love. You love attention, fame, politics, celebrities and fashion.
5th ruler in 6th: You love exercise, diets, nutrition, small pets, your uncles and relatives. You love to compete, so sports and adventure. You love working on your inspirations as well
5th ruler in 7th: You love to form relationships, you love your husband/wife, you love public and getting famous, you love foreign travels, bureaucrats, foreign relations, international politics, doing business and shopping.
5th ruler in 8th: You love crime novels, detective stories, crime movies, fiction books, occult, astrology, metaphysics, psychology, medicine, trauma healing, shamanism, reseach and investigation, complex mathematics.
5th ruler in 9th: You love long travels, foreign journeys, your father, attending ivy league universities, flight trips, religious ceremonies, weddings (where you can dress as per culture), foreign music and movies, grandparents, elders, you love commitments, philosophy and spirituality.
5th ruler in 10th: You love working on creative projects, you love status and authority, you love being known for your work, you love politics, power and ambition, you love your public image.
5th ruler in 11th: You love your friends, elder siblings, socializing, networking, attending conferences, seminars, you love joining groups, social organizations, social media, you love the stock market, gains, your father's siblings.
5th ruler in 12th: You love solitude, watching movies in your bed in dark, web series, you love making love, sex, you love imagining things, contemplating, spirituality, God, romance, past lives, music, and reading literature.
For Readings -DM
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yorutsuki · 5 months
「 ✦ Isekaied Reversed Pt. 5 ✦ 」
↳ Your nutritions had slowly decreased overtime, thus you needed to head out for a grocery trip! Surprisingly, you ran into a cat and, unfortunately, as well as trouble.
It's been approximately 46 days since Xiao made his arrival out of nowhere.
Over the course of the days—weeks, the two of you slowly bonded as time flowed, albeit it was rough the first few weeks, your relationship with him gradually blossomed.
Comparing since a few weeks ago, you've gotten to the point where he could be comfortable enough around you to let his guard down for a while—even better that he didn't draw out his spear with every corner he turned.
In all, you guys were mutuals at best—which was quite progress in your book.
"You have to be shitting me."
Xiao's eyes glanced over to you, his brow raised.
You sighed, closing the fridge. "We're out ingredients."
You walked over towards your bag, picking up your wallet which thankfully had money—around a rough $50. Unfortunately, that would mean you'd have to save up once again.
Xiao took notice if your downed mood, before squinting his eyes, trying to get a glimpse of the problem.
You felt a feeling of eyes watching you. Looking over towards the origin of the feeling, you saw Xiao looking towards you, well, the wallet. Seeing he got caught, he quickly averted his gaze like nothing happened.
You eternally chuckled at his shy actions, before your midn reminded you of your problem.
"Well, Xiao. Looks like we're running out of stuff." You huffed with a grimace before starting to put on your shoes. "I'll be back in uhh..20-30 minutes tops."
Xiao looked towards you before giving a slight nod.
Making your ways to the door, you grabbed your keys, phone, earbuds and wallet before turning the doorknob though swiftly turned around, "right! Do you need anything while i'm out?" You asked the yaksha who shook his head. "Don't spend your money on me, or unnecessary things in general." He sighed. You frowned.
You couldn't tell if that was worded weird or if he really did see himself as unnecessary. Nonetheless, you pushed those thoughts away before giving him a thumbs up but closing the door behind you.
You thought for a minute, looking between your wallet and the door.
'am I listening to that? Hell nah.' You grinned before heading towards your apartment elevator.
Making your way down to Safeway, you yelped and tensed up as you felt something furry brush against your leg.
Quickly looking down, your muscles relaxed when finding out it was only a cat and quite a cute one too.
It was a Edgyptian Mau. It's fur was black with some gray and white spots around it's body. Though it's eyes were the most captivating—they looked like a vibrant sunset.
You were quite surprised that an Egyptian Mau was around this area but decided not to look to deep into it. It was probably someone's pet who ran off and ended up in this dump. Though, that wouldn't stop you from giving it a little pet.
"Aren't you a cutie~" You smiled with awe, kneeling down towards the cat to which the animal slightly staggered back. It calmed down though as you put your hand in front of you, letting it sniff it before melting into your hand as you lightly scratched it's jaw.
"Man, I wish I could take you home.." You whined lightly before sighing as you stood up, the cat letting out a needy call, looking up towards you for more scratches.
"Sorry buddy, I gotta get some things from the market." You cried internally as you looked down at the furry creature. Your heart breaking at seeing it's sad face.
Persevering, you looked away, a single tear falling down as you began to walk away, trying your best to ignore the meows of need.
"Tofu...tofu.." You mumbled, trying to recall what isle the food was. Unfortunately, while lost in your train of thought, you felt someone harshly bump into you, causing you to snap back to reality.
The person merely grunted with a harsh, 'watch where your standing' which received just as harsh of a glare from your end.
"Idiot." You muttered before going back to your task.
Finally after you payed, you left the store, two bags of groceries-one in each hand.
As you exited the store, you subconsciously scanned the 'lot for the black splotched cat.
Your slightly frowned upon not seeing it anywhere. 'Probably ran back to it's owner.' you shook your head, continuing your way home.
As you walked along the street, you heard small paws running a bit behind you along with desperate calls.
Turning around, you saw the cat once more, only it looked rougher—like it had just came out from a low-grade shelter.
You dropped your bags as it clawed onto your legs, meowing. You slightly hissed at the stinging sensation from the new marks as you picked it up—it trying to hide up onto your shoulder.
"Poor baby, what happene-" Your words were cut short when you suddenly heard shouting. "Give the damn cat back!"
Looking ahead, you saw the same man from the store, holding a...bat?
You had a feeling where this was going so, picking up your bags quickly, you made a run for it as the shouting behind you grew louder.
'fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck!' You screamed mentally, your legs and arms growing tired with each push but you didn't dare stop. That man seemed restless and merciless, plus, he was right behind your trail.
Unfortunately, you were hit in the shoulder by something hard. Your body giving up as you hit the hard concrete with a thud- the cat standing by you with it's hairs sticking up as it hissed with aggression and fear.
You saw the man try reaching for the cat, though you intervened, by grabbing his hand and biting as hard as you could. The man grunted loudly as you heard a crack and suddenly tasted metal in your mouth.
You grimaced at the metalic taste and gagged a bit.
"You bitch!" He shouted at you before kicking you in the ribs, in return you let out a winded yelp.
As the man saw your stunned state, he went for the black Mau, grabbing it by the back of the neck. Though fortunately, the cat retaliated by scratching the man's hand though led it to be thrown harshly aside. "Fuckin' creature, i'll deal with your shit later." He hissed before turning to you.
You tried getting up only to be hit back down with the same back that knocked you in the first place. "Thats!-" He hit your shoulder, "-for stealing what's mine!" He shouted before he went to strike you at your head, though thankfully you blocked it in time with your arms—feeling a pounding sensation within them.
Suddenly, you looked to the side, finding a very convienent brick. As the manw as distracted, you picked it up and rammed it into the side of the man's ankle.
He shouted curses of pain, giving you a brief break. Unfortunately, it didn't last long before he shouted, going for your head as well as taking a few breaks to kick you around.
Your eyes were teary, feeling bruises forming already. You felt weak and heavy-your body betraying your mind as you screamed it to get up—to do something than lie on the floor helplessly.
"Y'know this wouldn't happened if you just handed us the damn critter. The only person ya' can call for now, tis' God." He snicked, enjoying the sight in front of him.
But something clicked in your brain, and hopefully it worked.
The man watched in amusement as you called out a name. "Saying your final goodbyes?" He laughed huskly, but you only gave a grin, "Not quite." You smiled weakly. He stared confused at you but grinned, looking down at your pathetic form.
Suddenly, his view of you was blocked by something, well someone.
Looking up, he was met by a familiar yaksha, his spear centimeters away from his head. He only grinned with amusement once more. "What is this? Some type of costume party?" He laughed though it came to a brief halt and replaced with a winding grunt as he was kicked backwards a few feet on the street.
The man shouted slurs and insults towards the masked yaksha who only replied with silence.
The man's anger grew with each second as he stood from the ground, bat in hands before trying to strike the boy. Unfortunately for him, he was no match for a yaksha. All his strikes were dodged and returned with precision, sharp, powerful and agile blows from the back of the boy's polearm.
Ultimately, near in the end, the man ended on his rear, looking at the immortal in fear before he scurried to get away, embarrassingly. "Keep the damn cat then!"
The yaksha glared at the retreating figure before turning towards you, his mask disappearing onto his belt.
As he helped you get to your feet and wrapped your arm around his neck for support. You saw a glint of concern in his eyes, making your lips curl into a small smile. "Thanks for that back there." You grinned but faltered as you grunted, making Xiao's concern grow.
"Is anything broken?" He asked, his voice stern as ever.
You shook your head, "I don't believe so, just a few-" you were cut with a wave of pain electrocuting you. "-I take that back, a lot of bruising." You chuckled as the adeptus sighed.
Your brows furrowed in worry, glancing back to the animal on the ground. Xiao's gaze followed yours as his expression hardened.
He sighed, knowing where this was going.
Over the course of a few days, you recovered quickly though on the second day, your whole body ached and you ultimately stayed in bed for 24 hours.
As for the cat, he recovered quite quickly as well—almost too quick. It was like a miracle with everything his body took. Though during the few days of resting and even after, it appeared that the cat took a major liking to the adeptus.
As the adeptus would bring you water or check up on you every once in a while, (though albeit when your not noticing cause he's like that 💀), the cat would be at his side, looking towards you then up to him in worry.
Sometimes he'd be laying next to you but ultimately stayed with Xiao most of thetime.
By day 4, you felt as good as new—a few bruises left but they were like small pebbles in the road.
You huffed in defeat as the cat curled up to Xiao's lap.
'wasn't I the one who risked my life for you?' You groaned in annoyance, but it quickly disappeared when seeing the calm expression Xiao carried. If you looked closely, you could see a very faint smile.
You smiled at the sight. "So...what do you think we should name him?"
Xiao snapped from his small trance, "why do we need to keep him?" He asked. Your brows furrowed, "I don't want him to be abandoned. I don't think he has a owner and..I don't want that guy to come after him again." You spoke softly, before smiling, "Plus, I think he really likes you."
Xiao's brows furrowed before he sighed, mumbling something.
You looked up to him, cocking a brow—curious to what he said. "What was that?"
"Qíji. His name." He muttered, looking away towards the ground.
You looked at the yaksha in slight surprise before mumbling the name. "Qíji.." You smiled before looking at the peacefully sleeping fur boy, "well then, welcome home Qíji."
Well look at that, looks like you did get Xiao something after all.
A/N: THAT WAS A LONG WRITE-, I tried making it as least as cliché as I could 😭. But yep, here's part 4, by what part do you guys think Xiao and Reader will end up together??? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Also, feel free to write comments! I love reading them and they keep me motivated! :D
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one-vivid-judgment · 5 months
Hi hi! An aquarium date h/cs with Joongi and Tomi pls! Thx! <3
My baby boy and my wife whom I love dearly 💙💙 (and want to see get destroyed in a sexy way)
Joongi Han
- He probably has never been to an aquarium himself. Only ever seen it in movies and thought it looked pretty, but never actually gone to one because work always comes first. He doesn't even take that many days off to begin with. 
- His face visibly lights up when you ask if he wants to come to the aquarium with you. "Oh, of course, I'd love to" he says, but you can tell he is vibrating from excitement when you hand him the ticket. 
- Get ready for him to start infodumping if he sees a fish he has eaten before. He can go on and on about nutritional value and health benefits for hours if you let him, and even if he has never eaten a specific kind, he can always start speculating. You'll have to beg him not to ask for clownfish next time he goes to the fish market. That is NOT food, Joongi. 
- Absolutely fascinated by the sea creatures. He never had a proper childhood, never did any activities like this ever and only really started doing fun things when he met Kasuga. Needless to say, he LOVES it. Expect him to ask to come to the aquarium again. He probably loves the dolphins—they are beautiful, but also very fucking unhinged. Sounds like someone you know, actually. 
Eric Tomizawa
- He knows his way around Hawaii like the back of his hand, so you bet he knows an aquarium or two. He used to go with Marie all the time, since she loved it so much, but to be honest, he always paid more attention to her reactions than he did the animals, the lovesick fool. 
- It doesn't go any differently with you, honestly. He knows he is supposed to be watching the jellyfish show, but he'd always end up looking at you instead. You're so fascinated by the little guys, and really, if he wants to see jellyfish, he can swing by Aloha Beach whenever, so why not get his fill of your beautiful face? 
- The type to get super offended if you point at a random fish and say "This you". Like, okay, a putterfish is cute, kinda? But also, just why? Does he have bug eyes too? Or is it the 'small but deadly' part? Then again, he's probably gonna join in on the "Hey, this fish looks like someone we know" game. That orca is Yamai, that clownfish is Ichiban. You? An angelfish. But only after jokingly saying you were an aggressive ass piranha. 
- Take him to an animal encounter experience and feed penguins or stingrays. He'd be extra cautious at first, because hey, it won't kill him but that stingray over there may not like his face, and that could get dangerous. After that though? He has the time of his life. Those little guys are so cute. You still have a pic you took without Tomi knowing of him petting a penguin with the biggest grin on his face.
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
Hello Sophia,
I’ve been curious about any relationships and linkages between SMA title, Alba and Jinx. Finally, I’ve managed to discover Chris’ influencer profile on one marketing platform (note: Carbons Dating The Web estimated creation date: 2023-06-01).
There are some interesting facts and figures in the case study:
Premium US dog superfood brand, Jinx is redefining dog nutrition and is sold at Walmart stores across the country. Its audience are 71% female, typically single or married and aged in their thirties. English-speaking, Jinx’s followers are 84% US-based, with India, The Philippines, Indonesia and Brazil as secondary markets. Top cities for its customers include New York, LA, San Francisco and Chicago.
Looking at celebrity influences, Chris Evans does not appear in the list.
Media-wise, Buzzfeed, Betches Media, The New York Times, HGTV, The New Yorker, People Magazine, Vice and Bon Appetit come out on top for consumption.
Chris’ audience is 67% female, typically single and aged 25-34. English-speaking, his followers are typically based in the US, with Brazil, India, Italy and Mexico as other territories. Top cities include São Paulo, New York and LA. On basic demographics, Chris Evans and Jinx are rather well matched, particularly if the brand is hoping to reach a slightly younger customer base.
Diving into likes and interests, Film & TV rank highly, as well as music, dance, sport, college, poetry, Mexican food and spirituality. Pets is present, with 1.5% of the share, which is 1.3x the platform average, putting Chris Evan’s profile in the top 20% of all Instagram accounts for pets.
Looking at media consumption, Buzzfeed, BBC, CNN, 9GAG, New York Times, TIME Magazine, The New Yorker, GQ and Hugo Gloss dominate. Crucially, Jinx isn’t listed as one of Chris Evan’s follower’s main brand affinities. Instead, the likes of Marvel, Disney, NASA, Starbucks, Google, PlayStation and Sephora lead. That being said, no other pet food brand appears.
It is important to note that Chris Evans is one of a few celebrity investors in Jinx. However, he is still quite an organic brand ambassador, being known for his relationship with his dog. Overall, it’s a smart match for brand and talent that taps into authentic interests and with the addition of Evans as creative director for campaigns, it appears to be a more substantial collaboration than a simple awareness-based sponsorship.
November 2020 – Chris followed Alba.
16 November 2021 – Pooch loving celebs Trevor Noah, Chris Evans, NFL star Odell Beckham Jr. and CAA co-founder Michael Ovitz are among the latest high-profile investors in Jinx.
PageSix: Chris Evans and more A-listers invest in healthy dog food brand.
9 March – Pet Age: Walmart Partnership Expands Distribution of Premium Dog Food Brand Jinx.
10 March – Pet Product News: Jinx Pet Food Now Available at Walmart.
21 May – People Mag: Chris Evans celebrates National Rescue Dog Day with adorable photo of himself and pet Dodger.
2 June – Buzzfeed announces Puppy interview.
18 June – Buzzfeed releases Puppy interview.
24 June – Alba’s first like in 2022 (iPhone post).
15 July – Laser focused interview.
16 July – Chris liked Alba’s MHGP post.
17 July – JustJared, Daily Mail and Buzzfeed report Chris Evans is laser focused on finding a partner (no mention of Alba).
18 July – People Mag: Chris Evans Says He's 'Laser-Focused on Finding a Partner' to Spend His Life With.
20 July – Chris’ Dating Poll by Buzzfeed.
27 July – Entertainment Tonight meet Chris Evans' 'Long-Term Partner': His Adorable Dog Dodger!
Forbes: Chris Evans Partners With Jinx Premium Dog Food.
Adweek: Chris is Future Jinx Ad Star.
CNN: Talking dog parenting with Chris Evans.
People: Chris Evans Says His Pet Dodger Is 'a Cut Above the Average Dog,' But Admits 'I'm Probably Biased'.
26 August – People Mag: Chris Evans Celebrates National Dog Day with Pup Dodger: 'In My House, Every Day.
27 August – E! news tweet: When Captain America found his perfect sidekick. ❤️ Happy #InternationalDogDay to Chris Evans & Dodger.
October – Alba deactivated her IG account.
6 October – People mag: the actor and his beloved rescue dog Dodger star in a new ad spot for dog food company Jinx.
11 October – Alba reactivated her account. Chris liked 2 WN posts.
7 November – SMA announcement on Monday's The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.
Chris Evans Is PEOPLE's 2022 Sexiest Man Alive.
Entertainment Tonight: Chris Evans Reacted to Getting 'People' Magazine's 2022 Sexiest Man Alive (editor Julie Jordan: “If he is dating someone he will talk about it or you will see him with the person”.
10 November – People: Chris Evans Is Dating Actress Alba Baptista: 'It's Serious,' Says Source — He's 'Never Been Happier'.
OK! Mag: Chris Evans & Actress Alba Baptista's Relationship Confirmed Months After Packing On The PDA At 'Super Affectionate' Date Night.
PageSix: Chris Evans and girlfriend Alba Baptista hold hands in first PDA photos.
12 November – Daily Mail: 'World's Sexiest Man' Chris Evans, 41, is seen holding hands with Alba Baptista, 25, for the FIRST time on a romantic stroll in Central Park.
E! News: Chris Evans & Alba Baptista Confirm Romance With PDA Stroll.
14 November – E! News tweet: The strongest bond in the universe (Dodger).
10 December – Alba deactivated her IG account.
10 March – Alba reactivated her IG account.
18 April – Alba at Ghosted Premiere in NY.
26 April – People: Jinx to bring "The Dog Dream Box" to dog lovers nationwide.
28 April – Pet Food Processing: To celebrate Pet Month in May, Jinx launched a new limited-edition “The Dog Dream Box” collaboration with celebrity Chris Evans, brand ambassador at Jinx, and his dog Dodger.
J2 June – 40/29 News: 2023 Walmart Associates' Celebration.
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animal-care · 7 months
Exploring the Animal Care Market Revenue, Growth, and Future Outlook
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The Animal Care Industry plays a pivotal role in ensuring the health, well-being, and happiness of pets and companion animals worldwide. This article delves into the dynamics of the animal care market, offering insights into its research reports, growth prospects, revenue outlook, and emerging trends.
Animal Care Market Research Reports
Market research reports serve as valuable resources for understanding the animal care industry landscape. These reports provide comprehensive analyses of market trends, growth drivers, challenges, and opportunities. Recent studies indicate a positive outlook for the global animal care market, with substantial growth expected in the coming years.
Animal Care Market Forecast
The animal care market is poised for significant growth, driven by various factors contributing to increased demand for pet-related products and services. Market analysts project steady growth, with a compound annual growth rate CAGR of 4.3% expected between 2023 and 2033, reaching a market size of USD 62.3 billion by 2033.
Animal Care Market Size
The global animal care market was estimated at USD 40.9 billion in February 2024, reflecting robust growth in pet ownership and spending. In the United States alone, the market was valued at USD 136.8 billion in 2022, according to the American Pet Products Association.
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Animal Care Market Growth
While the global animal care market is experiencing steady growth, the United States is anticipated to witness a growth rate of 2-3% in 2024, as per Grand View Research. This growth is fueled by factors such as increasing disposable income, rising pet ownership, and growing awareness of animal well-being.
Market Segments
The animal care market comprises several segments catering to the diverse needs of pet owners:
Pet Food & Treats
This segment holds the largest share of the global market, accounting for approximately 50% of total spending on animal care products.
Pet owners are increasingly opting for premium pet food and treats, driving growth in this segment.
Veterinary Care & Products
The veterinary care segment is the second-largest, with projections suggesting it might reach USD 37 billion in the US by 2023.
Advancements in veterinary medicine and increased spending on preventive healthcare contribute to the segment's growth.
Supplies, Live Animals & Over-the-counter Medications
Estimated at USD 32.1 billion in the US in 2023, this segment encompasses a wide range of products, including pet supplies, live animals, and over-the-counter medications. This segment includes pet insurance, boarding, grooming, and training services, estimated at USD 11.8 billion in the US in 2023.
Market Trends
Several notable trends are reshaping the Animal Care Market:
Premiumization- Pet owners are increasingly willing to invest in premium pet food, treats, and healthcare options, reflecting a growing focus on pet well-being and nutrition.
Surge in Pet Adoptions- The pandemic-driven surge in pet adoptions continues to influence market demand, with more households welcoming pets into their lives.
Direct-to-Consumer Channels- Online pet food and medication deliveries are witnessing significant growth, driven by the convenience and accessibility offered by direct-to-consumer (D2C) channels.
Focus on Sustainability- Environmentally friendly pet products and services are gaining popularity as consumers become more conscious of their ecological footprint.
The animal care market presents lucrative opportunities for industry players, driven by increasing pet ownership, rising spending on pet-related products and services, and evolving consumer preferences. By staying abreast of market trends, investing in research and development, and embracing sustainable practices, stakeholders can capitalize on the growing demand for animal care solutions, contributing to the well-being of pets and companion animals worldwide.
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Navigating the Pet Market Landscape: Market Share, Revenue and Growth
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Introduction: The Flourishing Landscape of the Pet Market
In the realm where furry companions and commerce converge, the Pet Market stands as a testament to the inseparable bond between humans and their animal counterparts. This exploration delves into various facets of the industry, unraveling insights into market research reports, demand dynamics, forecasts, growth patterns, outlook, revenue metrics, trends, challenges, and the plethora of opportunities shaping the pet market.
Understanding Pet Market Demand: The Canine and Feline Frenzy
At the heart of the industry lies the dynamic force of Pet Market Demand. The insatiable desire for pet companionship has created a market that extends beyond the basics of pet care to the realms of pet pampering and premium services. Understanding the nuances of demand is pivotal for businesses navigating this flourishing landscape. The Global Pet Market Demand is soaring, with an estimated 10% year-on-year increase in pet adoption rates. Specialty pet foods, catering to specific dietary needs, witnessed a remarkable 15% surge in demand in the last fiscal year.
Forecasting the Future: Pet Market Forecast
Peering into the crystal ball, the Pet Market Forecast segment anticipates the trajectory of the industry. With pet ownership trends evolving and pet parents seeking innovative products and services, forecasting becomes a compass for businesses aligning their offerings with the ever-changing preferences of pet owners. The projected market value by 2030 is an astounding USD 350 billion, propelled by a growing awareness of pet well-being and an increase in pet-humanization trends.
Pet Market Growth
The heartbeat of the pet industry resonates in the rhythm of Pet Market Growth. With a projected annual growth rate of 5.8%, the industry is not just expanding; it's evolving. This growth signifies not only the increasing number of pets but also the elevated expectations of pet parents for high-quality products and services. The global pet market is poised to reach USD 269.9 billion by 2025, reflecting a CAGR of 5.8%. The burgeoning pet tech sector is expected to witness a growth rate of 12% annually, emphasizing the integration of technology in pet care.
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Outlook into Pet Paradise: Pet Market Outlook
The Pet Market Outlook envisions a world where pets are not just companions but integral members of households. The outlook explores emerging trends, consumer behaviors, and innovations that define the evolving landscape of the pet market. Over 60% of pet owners express a willingness to invest in high-quality, organic pet products, reflecting a shift towards more conscientious and health-focused choices.
Pet Market Revenue
Beyond cuddles and playtime, the pet industry is a formidable economic force, as evidenced by Pet Market Revenue. The revenue streams encompass pet food, grooming, healthcare, and a burgeoning market for pet tech. Understanding the financial dimensions is essential for stakeholders seeking to tap into this lucrative market. Pet food sales account for the largest share of pet market revenue, contributing over 40%. The pet grooming and wellness sector recorded a remarkable 18% increase in revenue over the past fiscal year.
Trends Tailoring the Pet Experience: Pet Market Trends
In the ever-evolving pet landscape, Pet Market Trends are akin to the wagging tail of innovation. From the rise of eco-friendly products to the integration of artificial intelligence in pet care, staying abreast of trends is imperative for businesses seeking to captivate the discerning audience of modern pet parents. The market for smart pet products is expected to witness a growth rate of 8% annually. Eco-conscious pet products witnessed a 20% increase in sales, reflecting the growing emphasis on sustainability among pet owners.
Deciphering Insights: Pet Market Report
The foundation of informed decision-making lies in the insights derived from Pet Market Reports. These reports unravel consumer behaviors, competitive landscapes, and emerging opportunities. For businesses aiming to thrive in the pet market, these reports are indispensable guides. Over 70% of industry experts refer to research reports for strategic decision-making in the pet industry. The utilization of data analytics tools in pet market research increased by 30% in the last two years, showcasing a shift towards data-driven decision-making.
Challenges in the Pet Playground: Pet Market Challenges
Amidst the tail wags and purrs, challenges abound in the Pet Market Challenges section. From regulatory complexities to the growing concerns regarding pet health, businesses need to navigate these challenges strategically to ensure sustained success. Stringent regulatory frameworks contributed to a 15% increase in compliance costs for pet-related businesses in the last fiscal year.
Opportunities in the Pet Kingdom: Pet Market Opportunities
Within challenges lie opportunities, and the Pet Market Opportunities segment illuminates the pathways for growth. From the surge in demand for premium pet products to the untapped potential in emerging markets, seizing these opportunities is crucial for businesses aiming to thrive in the pet industry. The market for organic and natural pet products is projected to grow at a rate of 9% annually. Emerging markets in Asia-Pacific and Latin America are witnessing a 25% year-on-year increase in pet product demand.
Conclusion: Pawing Towards a Prosperous Future
In the final analysis, the Pet Market is more than a marketplace; it's a reflection of the evolving dynamics between humans and their beloved pets. From understanding demand patterns to navigating challenges and embracing opportunities, each aspect contributes to the vibrant tapestry of the pet industry. As businesses stride forward into the realm of paws and profits, the Pet Market remains a haven of potential, promising not only financial success but also the joyous companionship of our four-legged friends.
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todaysbird · 2 years
Is there trouble with kaytee mix specifically or is the implication there that they're not getting a balanced diet without fresh food?
It’s definitely important to make the diet balanced with non-seed and pellet food, but mostly it’s a problem with Kaytee themselves. Kaytee markets themselves as nutrition experts for birds, and they frequently make manuals for pet stores etc, so it’s easy for a first time bird owner to believe they’re a good brand - they are one of the biggest bird food brands. However, they really favor low quality ingredients that are more cost effective than beneficial; there’s a lot of ‘filler’ food and artificial dye in Kaytee brand products. It’s not some fatal error if you feed Kaytee when you first get your bird, but largely you should avoid it.
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I hate the brand Fresh Pet. Like is it better than feeding kibble? Sure. But if you're gonna spring to pay for better food just feed raw. Can't afford straight raw? Mix. Like I can't go back after what I know.
Kibble- low quality ingredients, heat kills nutrition, no intracellular moisture. Full of preservatives Pro: affordable, lasts forever
Wet food- range of quality, still cooked, moisture but not intracellular pro: can put in a Kong I guess. Better than kibble
"Fresh" food- slightly better ingredients, still cooked so the nutrition is still deplenished in the process, moisture but not intracellular, usually not biologically appropriate and is shockly similar to human nutrition over the animals its meant for. pro: better than kibble. Con: smells, fridge space, only lasts like 4 days defrosted, pricey, not actually as nutritious as its being marketed as
Raw food- biologically appropriate, intracellular moisture, not cooked so max nutritional value, you can literally visually assess the quality of the ingredients or track the company's meat sources online. Comes in multiple forms. Downsides: freezer space and cost. Pros: literally all of it.
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ataleoftwopitties · 1 year
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These past few years, I have become a huge advocate for feeding fresh food to dogs to enhance their lives. However, you don't exactly have to transition your dog to a 100% fresh food diet in order to gain the benefits of fresh food.
Simply adding fresh food to your dog's kibble can go a long way in improving their nutrition and overall health. For instance, one study done a group of dogs in 2005 revealed that feeding vegetables just three times a week had significantly lowered their risk of developing cancer, compared to dogs who were only fed kibble.
Asian markets, in particular, have some very beneficial fresh food items that aren't typically found at your local grocery store. These food items, however, are not intended to fully replace your dog's food. Remember - too much of something good can be bad for you.
Instead, they should be offered in moderation as treats, or just small amounts topped over an already complete and balance meal. As a general rule of thumb, treats/toppers should never make more than 10% of your dog's overall diet.
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Bok choy (Chinese cabbage) is full of essential vitamins and minerals needed to support a dog’s eyesight, cardiac function, digestion, bone strength, and immunity. Sulfurophane - a compound found in bok choy and other cruciferous vegetables - has been linked to inhibiting cancer cell growth, lowering blood pressure, and activating the nuclear factor Nrf2 which prevents the development of diabetes and its complications. Bok choy’s low calorie, high fiber content also make it a good option for a snack/food topper for dogs who need to control their weight. 
Preparation: Lightly steam or boil for better nutrient absorption. Cooking will also help neutralize the enzyme (myrosinase) that can decrease thyroid function. You should also chop/trim their long leaves to avoid choking hazards.
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Goji berries (wolfberries) are rich in amino acids, carotenoids which support healthy vision, and polyphenols that have anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, and cardio-protective properties. Studies on goji berry supplementation in animals have shown that it has the potential to help lower cholesterol, protect the liver by increasing hepatic antioxidant activity, as well as enhance metabolic homeostasis and prevent diabetes-induced renal inflammation. 
Preparation: Remove stems if still attached and cut/mash berries. If dried, soak in water until softened to avoid passing straight through the GI tract and losing the benefits of its nutrients. 
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Offal refers to the internal organs and variety meats of animals that can be consumed as food (i.e. lung, heart, kidney, liver, gizzard, head, feet, etc.) The word 'offal' literally translates to "fall off", and thus, whatever falls off the skeleton during the butchering process. Offal is densely loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats - so small amounts go a long way. Pet owners who use these as ingredients as part of a complete and balanced recipe should keep in mind that each organ is unique in its nutrient profile - dependent on the animal it is sourced from and how it is raised. For example, grass-fed beef may contain less fat yet more vitamin A and E than grain-fed beef, and beef liver has significantly more vitamin A and copper than chicken liver.
Preparation: Boil in water or low-sodium broth. May also be baked or dehydrated into jerky treats.
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Oyster mushrooms are a good source of protein and fiber, and vitamins that support healthy digestion. They can help to increase satiety and maintain healthy body weight. Oyster mushrooms are also full of pantothenic acid which help to maintain cognitive function and healthy skin/coat. Beta-glucans derived from oyster mushrooms have also been shown to reduce inflammation and strengthen immunity. 
Preparation: Lightly sauté or boil in water or low-sodium broth. Raw or dried mushrooms can be difficult for dogs to digest. 
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Purple sweet potato (Ube or Okinawan sweet potato) are typically found in grocery stores more commonly during the fall/winter seasons. They contain more antioxidants than regular sweet potatoes due to the anthocyanins that cause their violet hue. While all potato varieties may impact blood sugar levels because of their high carbohydrate content, purple potatoes may exert less of an effect because of their high polyphenol content that decreases the absorption of starches in the intestines. In addition, they have been linked to improving blood pressure, likely due to their high potassium content. 
Preparation: Peel skin and bake until soft for better digestibility and to prevent intestinal blockages. May be boiled and drained to reduce oxalate intake for dogs with a history of bladder stones, or prone to urinary issues. 
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Quail eggs are small, yet packed with protein and essential fatty acids, and have a higher ratio of iron, riboflavin, and vitamin b12 than chicken eggs. It is even safe and can be beneficial to feed them with the shells included for added calcium. Quail eggs have been linked to improving bone growth/healing, reducing liver damage, and increasing energy levels. While some studies have shown evidence of quail eggs treating allergies in humans and mice, they may be less likely to trigger reactions than chicken eggs in dogs who have poultry sensitivities.
Preparation: Wash thoroughly, and handle gently as they are more fragile due to their tiny size. Cooking methods are similar to that of chicken eggs, yet require less time. 
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Sardines contain all the amino acids your dog needs for optimal health, making it a "complete protein". They are also notorious for being rich in omegas and coenzyme q-10, which help support heart and brain health. What sets sardines apart from other fish, too, is that they are smaller and more short-lived species than larger predator fish and may have less of a risk for mercury poisoning. Because they are so small and have soft bones, you can feed them whole to your pets.
Preparation: Bake or dehydrate. If already purchased as dried, be sure to make sure there is no added salt or seasonings. If canned, preferably those stored in water only.
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Sushi rice (Japanese sticky rice) has a high proportion of starch and moisture, giving it a stickier texture when cooked. Sushi rice has virtually zero fat, yet still provides a desirable balance of nutrients while remaining gentle on a dog’s digestive tract. Its higher iron content than regular rice supports healthy blood circulation and can provide more energy to dogs who are recovering from illness. Cooling/refrigerating the rice before serving also enables more retrogradation of prebiotic fiber, helping to lower glycemic responses and maximize intestinal function.
Preparation: Rinse thoroughly and soak in water (with 1tbsp apple cider vinegar - optional) before cooking. If you don’t have a rice cooker or instant pot, boil on the stove until the water is completely absorbed. May be cooked with bone broth for added flavor. You can also use small amounts of beet root powder, turmeric, or blue spirulina to add color and nutrients.
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 years
5th Ruler and What you Love 💞
The 5th lord or 5th ruler shows what you love. This house is traditionally associated with sign of Leo and thus symbolizes your heart, what touches you most deeply.
The 5th ruler brings heartfelt joy, love, keeps you alive, inspired and refreshed by doing those house things it influences.
5th ruler in 1st : You love children, you love to express yourself through some art like dance, music, painting etc. You are likely to keep a youthful disposition throughout your life.
5th ruler in 2nd: You love money, the things it can buy, you love your family, you love food. You love being heard.
5th ruler in 3rd : You love sibling interactions, cousins, you love to do short trips with partner, you love writing, you love to read, you love playing games and sports.
5th ruler in 4th: You love your mother, family. You love spacious homes, cars, comforts, furniture. You love learning, education. You love gardening.
5th ruler in 5th: You love having fun, watching movies, sports, games. You are in love with love. You love attention, fame, politics, celebrities and fashion.
5th ruler in 6th: You love exercise, diets, nutrition, small pets, your uncles and relatives. You love to compete, so sports and adventure. You love working on your inspirations as well
5th ruler in 7th: You love to form relationships, you love your husband/wife, you love public and getting famous, you love foreign travels, bureaucrats, foreign relations, international politics, doing business and shopping.
5th ruler in 8th: You love crime novels, detective stories, crime movies, fiction books, occult, astrology, metaphysics, psychology, medicine, trauma healing, shamanism, reseach and investigation, complex mathematics.
5th ruler in 9th: You love long travels, foreign journeys, your father, attending ivy league universities, flight trips, religious ceremonies, weddings (where you can dress as per culture), foreign music and movies, grandparents, elders, you love commitments, philosophy and spirituality.
5th ruler in 10th: You love working on creative projects, you love status and authority, you love being known for your work, you love politics, power and ambition, you love your public image.
5th ruler in 11th: You love your friends, elder siblings, socializing, networking, attending conferences, seminars, you love joining groups, social organizations, social media, you love the stock market, gains, your father's siblings.
5th ruler in 12th: You love solitude, watching movies in your bed in dark, web series, you love making love, sex, you love imagining things, contemplating, spirituality, God, romance, past lives, music, and reading literature.
For Readings -DM
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internutter · 7 months
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Challenge #04082-K064: Everything You Wanted to Know
Fripp begins to sell Christmas Beetles as "Mostly Havernworlder Safe Pets" with a little help from the N'Ozzies who are MORE than happy at seeing these rather stupid, but beautifully colorful, harmless beetles.
As far as the somewhat noxious plants needed for the insects environments? Genetic engineering ensured the plants no longer produced strong fumes yet the beetles could, and did, eat them, and that the plants couldn't spread, they had to be lab-grown.
https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-02936-h013-a-buggy-plan -- Anon Guest
They came with environmental requirements. They came with travel terrariums. They came with complete information regarding their life cycle and keeping them healthy throughout. Most importantly, they came with specially gengineered food plants.
All the nutrition they needed, but none of the noxious compounds that could give any Havenworlder problems.
They were marketed as Jewel Beetles, a Deathworlder pet that was mostly Havenworlder safe[1]. Both Frip and Arn were available to answer any queries not already on the FAQ. Some would soon join the FAQ.
[Check the source for the rest of the story]
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cmweller · 7 months
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Challenge #04082-K064: Everything You Wanted to Know
Fripp begins to sell Christmas Beetles as "Mostly Havernworlder Safe Pets" with a little help from the N'Ozzies who are MORE than happy at seeing these rather stupid, but beautifully colorful, harmless beetles.
As far as the somewhat noxious plants needed for the insects environments? Genetic engineering ensured the plants no longer produced strong fumes yet the beetles could, and did, eat them, and that the plants couldn't spread, they had to be lab-grown.
https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-02936-h013-a-buggy-plan -- Anon Guest
They came with environmental requirements. They came with travel terrariums. They came with complete information regarding their life cycle and keeping them healthy throughout. Most importantly, they came with specially gengineered food plants.
All the nutrition they needed, but none of the noxious compounds that could give any Havenworlder problems.
They were marketed as Jewel Beetles, a Deathworlder pet that was mostly Havenworlder safe[1]. Both Frip and Arn were available to answer any queries not already on the FAQ. Some would soon join the FAQ.
[Check the source for the rest of the story]
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