#Peter Ian staker
scorpill 9 months
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I am completely normal about this man
I just escaped from artblock 馃槶
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harrietmjones 2 years
It just dawned on me. Three of the main/recurring characters in the show, are played by actors connected to three of my favourite movies over the years.
(The sentence above doesn鈥檛 flow right to me but never mind! 馃槃)
Shawn Ashmore (Wesley Evers) starred in X-Men, X-Men 2 and X-Men: The Last Stand as Bobby Drake aka. Iceman (I loved the superhero movies of the early/mid noughties, including Tobey Maguire鈥檚 Spider-Man trilogy).
Nathan Fillion (John Nolan) starred in Waitress as Dr. Pomatter (I first watched this movie back in 2008 and watched it so many times but haven鈥檛 for years atm).
Mircea Monroe (Isobel Bradford), her partner Stephen Merchant appeared in Hot Fuzz as Peter Ian Staker/Mr. P. I. Staker (I feel like I know the characters in reality鈥inus the murder, as I鈥檓 from that region of England. I even live near(ish) to a village called Sandford).
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sandford999 5 years
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buckybarneseyes 7 years
Mr Peter Ian Staker still cracks me up
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victorluvsalice 7 years
AU Thursday: Wonderland Fuzz -- Casting Call! Part 2
Sequel to the original Casting Call! Had a chance to watch the movie again over Thanksgiving (it is awesome please go watch it) and have a think on the characters I couldn't include before because I wasn't sure about who they should be. Here's the rest of this potential AU cast list! Again, under a read-more because I鈥檓 talking spoilers.
Sandford Police Service
The Caterpillar (C. T. Pillar) as Bob Walker -- This is one where I'm fitting two people together based mainly on age -- Bob Walker is the oldest member of the Sanford Service, and Caterpillar is portrayed as an older "wise man" in the games. Bob is the least-seen member of the service (he doesn't even participate much in the main climax), and the main joke about his character is that he's incomprehensible until you get used to his accent (there's a great gag in the film where he has to translate for someone whose accent is even THICKER, and Danny translates for him to Nick). Caterpillar's more cryptic bullshit statements, particularly as the Oracle in the first game, I guess match him up decently with that.
Neighborhood Watch Alliance
Elder (Theodor) Gutknecht as Prof. Tom Weaver -- Oh, this one hurt to do a bit, as I like Elder Gutknecht, and I don't particularly like to put him on the side of evil. But, again, the fact that both characters are on the older side matches up, they're both kindly grandpa-types (at least when you first meet them), and Gutknecht stresses the importance of abiding by the rules during the climax of Corpse Bride (not letting the dead go after Barkis until after he's drunk the poison). And he's also okay with people getting "what they deserve," given he's only too happy to let the dead at Barkis once the rules aren't in the way, so. . . All those ravens he has in his tower remind me of all the cameras Weaver has access to as well (perhaps I can blame at least two fanfic authors in the CB section having him use them to gather intel on/for the main characters). And. . .well, Weaver is the only member of the NWA to explicitly die in the end. (Yes, the guy taken out by bear trap to the head AND the guy who impales himself on the replica church tower BOTH LIVE.)
Dr. Harry Wilson as Dr. Hatcher -- No, I'm not doing the long version of his name, screw that. Anyway, this is kind of a "they're both doctors, even if they're not the same kind, so. . ." And it's easy enough to interpret Wilson as a bad guy, given he is a Victorian-era psychiatrist. He'd fit decently into Hatcher's role of unofficial coroner and mild ass. He may be better than Dr. Bumby, but Alice probably wouldn't object to him suffering a few nonlethal injuries.
The Duchess (Amanda Duchess) as Amanda Paver -- one of the more minor NWA members, I decided a character who is known for moralizing in her appearance in the books would do for the headmistress of the local primary school. (Though we never see Amanda at her job, admittedly.) Also, an opening boss I still sometimes have trouble with in AMA seems a decent match for one of only two NWA members to actually HIT Nicholas in the ending firefight. (And besides, the image of her pedaling down the street on a bicycle, guns blazing, is just amusing.)
Pris Witless as Annette Roper -- Another fairly minor role, I figure running a small shop isn't beyond Witless's talents. At the very least, it means Alice keeps giving her money. :p And I enjoy the idea of her being dragged away from sniping at Alice by Charlie and his gang of hoodies.
(James) Mayhew and Hildegarde (Mayhew) as James Reaper and Mum Reaper -- more minor roles in the NWA, Reaper and his mother are basically there to pay off a joke about everyone and their mum packing in the country, and to be the first NWA members taken out by Nicholas when he comes back for the climax. I've got nowhere better to stick Mayhew and Hildegarde -- and the idea of Alice racing at Hildegarde and kicking her in the face before she can reload a shotgun amuses me.
Humpty Dumpty (Humphrey Dumpty) as Mr. Treacher -- An extremely minor NWA member, Treacher's only purpose is to wander around in a suspiciously thick coat for a while, and then reveal a big old gun under said coat for the major firefight. He doesn't even have any lines. Using Humpty, who has little more than a cameo appearance in AMA to point out the loose brick that leads to the Blunderbuss, seems like just the ticket.
The Jabberwock (Lewis Dragon) as Lurch (Michael Armstrong) -- Okay, this one feels like a pretty big mismatch -- Lurch is a mentally disabled man who we only ever see saying "Yaaarp," while the Jabberwock is a boss who knows how to make words hurt as much as his fire breath. But they're both tough as nails, and take multiple attempts to defeat (the Jabberwock has two boss battles, Nick has to take down Michael twice), so for a lack of better options. . .
Tweedle-Dee & Tweedle-Dum (Dennis and Columbus Tweedle) as Skinner's Butcher Brothers -- A minor role, but it calls for a pair of men who look both dangerous and a bit thick, and the Tweedles fit it perfectly. And their neverending supply of cutlery in the final supermarket raid does sort of mirror the neverending supply of little Tweedles they produce in their boss fight in AMA.
Murder Victims
Wilton Radcliffe as George Merchant -- this one's based off the fact that overly-fancy houses are a thing with both of them -- Radcliffe with his townhouse stuffed floor to ceiling with Asian artifacts, Merchant with his out-of-place mansion. Martin Blower was the solicitor in the original movie, but I think I could move it to Radcliffe without a problem (it's a minor detail in what you THINK is the motive behind the murders). Also, there's an interesting bit of irony in the man who thinks Alice had something more to do with the fire in A:MR getting reduced to a fiery crisp in the AU.
The Gnome Elder (George Elder) as Arthur Webley -- the guy who Bob Walker up there had to translate for. He has a stash of illegal weaponry in his barn, the confiscation which provides Nick with the firepower he needs in the end to go up against the NWA. He ends up killed off-screen, although I'm not sure if it's because of his gun stash or because he was cutting Reaper's hedges. Either way, he's such a small role that I feel justified shoving the Gnome Elder in his position based on the fact the Gnome Elder has the right look. And does spew a fair amount of cryptic bullshit, so I guess he is a good fit as the guy Caterpillar has to translate for. . .
The White Rabbit (Robin White) as Peter Cocker -- a shoplifter who leads Nick on a hell of a chase through Sandford -- sounds appropriate for a character built around speed and being chased! Peter also ends up dead for his crime off-screen -- again, appropriate for a character whose major role in both Alice games is to get offed.
Peter Ian Staker and his Swan as themselves -- what do I mean by this? Well, Peter is a gag role built around the fact that Nick mistakes him calling about his swan for a prank call (P. I. Staker = piss-taker). I'd throw someone like the Mock Turtle into this role, but Peter happens to be played by none other than Stephen Merchant.
AKA in this AU, Peter forgives Alice for thinking he was a prank caller and tells her that's why everyone calls him Wheatley. I can't bring myself to recast him, is what I'm saying. XD
As for the swan? . . .It's a swan. What do you want.
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sam-abbott-lip-sync 5 years
BA1b - Lip Sync - Week 24
Today we were given the brief explaining the deliverables of this current assignment. The assignment focused on Lip Syncing. The lip sync would be created using TV Paint. Using TV paint allows the use of creating a storyboardesque layout for your animation.
Upon beginning the project. We were tasked with choosing an audio clip in order to use as a guide to create lip shapes to mimic the audio. The two clips available were the monologue from "The Tick" the quote being "Woah! Check out the crime lab! It's all thorough and complicated! You got ideas theories. I like that in a sidekick." The other being an audio clip from Peter Ian Staker from "Hot Fuzz" the quote being "(can you describe it to me?) s'bout uhhhh, two foot tall. Ummmm long slender neck. (Yep) kinda orange n' black bill (yep, anything else?) Well it, it's a swan."
Initially my choice was going to be the crime lab audio clip, due to the expressive nature of the actor's performance. As I listened to the clip entitled "Crime Lab" first. Then listened to "Swan" Seeing swan I thought this would be more calming. But I had to choose Swan our of a biased decision through the fact that Hot Fuzz is one of my favourite films. Also through this monotone performance, I believed that I could create a sarcastic character with personality, while making not so exaggerated movements.
After choosing my clip. I inserted it into TV paint and created a notes tab in order to annotate around the words, determining where the sounds would appear in the timeline. Instead of writing out the words in order on the timeline. We were advised on writing out the sounds made by the words. This then allowed the easier creation of creating the shapes for the lip changes later on in the process.
To begin with, rather than focusing on the body. I decided to start with the lips. As I thought making them first would be easier as then I would have a guideline. I later realized, this was a mistake.
Following a guide presented to us on screen, I began constructing the shape movements for each sound and word. This was to begin with worrying. As in my opinion, I didn't feel they looked like lips. However, my queries were soon rectified after adding colour to the lips. This gave them life. After creating a simple anim layer. I began crafting the lips in which I needed. I didn't see the point of wasting time creating each sound and mouth movement known, as most of them weren't present in my audio clip. So focusing on the ones in the clip, I began to make unique shapes for each sound. By using the cut out tool and selecting all the frames with a highlighter, I was able to save a preset stamp which allowed me to place any mouth movement I had created straight onto a page on the timeline.
This workshop was fun and useful as the use of learning how the stamp tool dramatically increased my workflow as well as my accuracy and my jaggy work when it comes to drawing.
To improve for next time. I should aim to complete a frame at least for the head and body. Only creating mouth pieces in the space of one lesson was first a mistake and second, lacking in progress.
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monkeymoved 4 years
just found out peter ian staker in hot fuzz is WHEATLEY
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wellspokenrambler-blog 10 years
Have you seen short poppies on Netflix yet? Also, headcanon for Peter Ian Staker
I haven鈥檛 seen it yet, no! Netflix is a mystery to me. Anyway:
What they smell like:
Smells like a man who spends most of his life tending to his waterfowl. In other words, he stinks of goose shit (or swan shit in this case).
How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc):
light sleeper, goes to bed late, wakes up early to tend grounds of the castle.
What music they enjoy:
tranquil classical music
How much time they spend getting ready every morning:
maybe 10-20 mins at most? Get the clothes on, eat the toast, drink the tea, get out and start working
Their favorite thing to collect:
Feathers. Sometimes he fashions them into quills.
Left or right-handed:
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passion-pitiful 11 years
Peter Ian Staker
P I Staker Piss taker
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iggyface 13 years
When you realize that Stephen Merchant is totally Peter Ian Staker.
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