#Peyton Halliwell
phoebehalliwell · 5 months
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next gen color branches ➻ phoebe + pink
pj, parker, & peyton // the children of coop & phoebe halliwell
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asexualtuckerfoley · 2 months
I did a fancast of the Charmed One's kids as the ages they would be right now and I'm not okay
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lookat da babies (rip Henry got cut off in the screenshot)
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vanquishedmelon · 2 months
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Charmed Next Generation ~ running name themes
Piper and Leo: Ancestors.
Wyatt Matthew Halliwell
Christopher Perry Halliwell
Prudence Melinda Halliwell
Paige and Henry: The Sky.
Tamora Helene Mitchell
Katya Selene Mitchell
Henry Mitchell Jr
Phoebe and Coop: Love.
Prudence Johnna Halliwell
Parker Valentina Halliwell
Peyton Cora Halliwell
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last-night-is-a-blur · 11 months
If we ignore the comics, what kind of powers would you give the Charmed One's children?
Chris and Wyatt's powers have already been confirmed in the show, but what about the others?
I have 3 versions in mind
Nr 1
PJ would have telekinesis, parker cryokinesis (just to shake things up. in my head it is a "mutation" of molecular immobilization), and Peyton molecular immobilization. PJ would eventually develope levitation as an extention of her telekinetic powers, which would then develope into full scale flight. As half cupids, they also have a sixth sense regarding love. Not real empathy, but more like a strong and accurate intuition.
The twins have have molecular immobilization and combustion respectively, like in the comics, and orbing, but not telekinetic orbing, since I hc that only whitelighter-witches who were supposed to inherit telekinesis as as their active power, possess telekinetic orbing.
Henry Jr. is adopted like in the comics. He is a witch practioner, and/or gains a some kind of magical talisman at some point. Or he just gets a job at some bar or store for magical beings and keeps his family informed and helps them get access of magical supplies they might need.
Melinda I would give premontions. Eventually she would develope empathy as well, and after some time it would get to the point where she could use psychic reflection, like Phoebe did in "Morality Bites", though it would take many years before she could inflict nearly as much damage as Phoebe did in that episode. Instead Melinda would just use that power to momentarily distract her enemy by inflicting them with an wave of emotions intense enough to briefly catch someone off guard. Later on she would either develope astral projection naturally or learn it. I go back and fourth between deciding if she should ever become powerful enough to use her active powers while astral projecting. She would have no whitelighter powers.
Nr. 2
Everyone is the same as in scenario 1, except Melinda and Henry jr.
Henry jr. isn't adopted, and has orbing (but not telekinetic orbing, for the same reason as the twins) and premonitions. I feel like it's a power that is normally associotiated more with women, so giving it to one of the boys would be cool. Eventually he would develope astral projection. Not just astral visions, but also astral projection, like Prue (i know it was an extention of telekinesis in prue's case, but imo it could also be an extention of premontions, since premonitions could be considered projecting your mind through time and space and we have seen Phoebe have astral visions).
Melinda would have telekinesis and eventually develope astral projection.
Nr. 3
The twins have premonition. One of them sees the future, the other the past, and they both can see the present. One developes empathy, the other astral projection.
Henry jr. is adopted and a mortal, while Melinda has molecular immobilization and combustion.
The cupid-witches are the same as in the other scenarios.
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notanothercharmedblog · 9 months
A Charmed Fan Blog
Please talk to me about ananlysis and hc, especially regarding the Next Gen
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divcrse · 2 months
@cfthesoul. sc. PEYTON & JAMES.
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PEYTON HALLIWELL. there was a hum that fell past her lips as she turned her attention to him, the corners of her lips quirking upward in the slightest. ❝ are we going far? ❞ she questioned after a short moment, before she turned her gaze to the front as she walked alongside him.
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paigemathews · 1 year
Who did you think would win in a battle?
Wyatt Halliwell or Hope Mikaelson?
Definitely Wyatt Halliwell! Mostly because I haven't actually watched a single episode of any of the Vampire Diaries shows yet, so I have no idea who Hope is. (The main character in Legacies, I think?) (Don't worry, it's on my to watch list, my watch list is just really long atm.) I will say though that Wyatt is gonna be my answer for most situations. (Also thanks for the chance to do a little meta about Wyatt and his powers.)
From an objective standpoint in regards to powers, Wyatt wins against pretty much anything. I've said before and I'll say it again, I believe that Wyatt managed to break the Grand Design in the unchanged future with the exposure of magic, and I think that means he was able to kill some beings that he should not have traditionally been able to, aka the Cleaners and maybe even the Angel(s) of Destiny. (Which also loops into one of my now favorite headcanons that prophecies are made as a warning that a witch capable of breaking the Grand Design is coming.)
The catch, and how I'm able to write Wyatt in literally any conflict in my next gen fics, is that he has a critical weakness: he is terrified at the possibility of what he's capable of. (I have also mentioned that interpretation before, in connection with how Billie unintentionally makes it worse.) That kind of power is a lot for one person to handle, and Wyatt outclasses quite literally everyone around him by a large margin. I think that in a sense, his own fear serves as a kind of limiter on his power because he won't use them to the fullest extent. This is partially because he doesn't fully know what he's capable of because he doesn't experiment with his powers or push boundaries the same way that Chris does. While Wyatt has that kind of power, he lacks a greater amount of control and precision because he doesn't practice.
In a situation where Wyatt does go full-out, however, I think that he wins, no question. It's incredibly rare for him to do so, but one of his primary powers (projection) is a version of reality warping, y'know? That's not even getting into the fact that he has energy waves that can flat-out incinerate enemies without even trying. The challenge is getting him to a place where he doesn't hold back.
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ac1numa · 9 months
@divcrse, peyton halliwell required a starter from phoebe halliwell.
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ph. " it’s not your fault that i ruin everything. "
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nightwhispcrs · 1 year
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enjolras was pondering the confusing choices on the coffee menu overhead when he noticed a worker he'd seen there the day before . "excuse me - can you make a recommendation ?" the names were so foreign to him . "i don't know what i should get to drink ." / closed starter for @masqce ( enjolras & peyton )
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mvsicinthedvrk · 10 months
@masqce said : [ FAKE ]: alternatively, the sender (who has just been crying in private) hastily wipes away their tears and tries to greet the receiver casually (to varying degrees of success). ( peyton & pei ming. i wanna see him deal with this. )
The martial god regrets approaching Peyton instantly, upon hearing the croaking tone of voice and catching sight of what her eyes actually look like. He has no idea how to deal with someone showing this level of emotion, even if she's clearly trying to hide it-- which he does appreciate for both their sakes. "Don't pay me any mind, I can come back over later, if that's... better," he ends awkwardly, while he boldly points to a vague location on opposite end of the room, looking for any excuse to flee from the situation.
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phoebehalliwell · 6 months
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before melinda was burned at the stake, she vowed that each generation of warren witches would become stronger and stronger, culminating in the arrival of...
PJ, PARKER, & PEYTON HALLIWELL · precious earth series · gemstones
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asexualtuckerfoley · 2 months
Peyton: wow my first demon vanquish!
PJ: yep and now that that's done, who wants to do the summoning?
Peyton: summoning? is there some special procedure to cleanse the area that mom didn't tell me about? a potion we can't carry with us?
Parker: no, an uber. none of us have cars.
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wvsteria · 1 year
cangse sanren & peyton halliwell @masqce
sanren ventured into the apartment as if it was her own. "i'm here!" she shouted to announce herself as she wandered towards the dining table to snag one of the pastries sitting in the box. "anybody home?" she asked as she bit into the donut, humming to herself at the taste.
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cquity · 2 years
hyacinth & peyton 
pushing her fringe back off of her face she offered the other her hand. “let’s dance.” she stated before pulling the other towards her. “whats the worst that can happen, and don’t tell me you have two left feet.” she wouldn’t listen to the others complaints. “we’re here to have fun and i won’t take no for an answer.” 
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mcrcki · 1 year
@masqce said : “You need to drink some water.” ( peyton & pj )
sharp objects || still accepting
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"no. you need to drink some water." pj grumbled, rolling her eyes at her sister-- not that peyton knew they were sisters but that was besides the point. "pey come on, just-- like one more shot. water is lame, shots are fun. i'm trying to be fun. everyone thinks i'm not fun but i can be fun so-- shots."
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divcrse · 2 months
@coloursburst asked "I know I shouldn't love you, but I do. And that terrifies me more than anything." (Pogue @ Peyton?)
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she was a little surprised at his words, her heart picking up in the slightest and she blinked a few times. she needed to answer him because if she didn't, he'll probably take her silence for something different and she didn't want that. ❝ what about kate, pgoue? ❞ she asked him lightly, brows furrowing in the slightest.
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