#Phase 1: For You The Replaceable Ones
tidepoolalgae · 5 months
One way by sj morden is annoying me in very specific ways
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prokopetz · 11 months
Your long and arduous journey has led you to this, the final confrontation. You thought you knew what to expect, but just as you struck the final blow, your ultimate foe's eyes gleamed with unnatural light as they proclaimed…
A game for 4–6 players
This Isn't Even My Final Form is a GMless tactical minigame for 4–6 players. You'll take on the roles of a party of heroic adventurers nearing the end of a world-spanning quest to defeat a great evil, the Final Boss. Unfortunately for them, each time they think they've won, the Final Boss assumes a new, even more horrifying form, and the struggle begins anew. Is there any end to this conflict? There's only one way to find out!
What You'll Need
This Isn't Even My Final Form requires a dozen six-sided dice, as well as a way of keeping track of a few important numbers – a shared text document or some scrap paper will suffice.
Update 2023-10-30: Print-and-play card decks are available here:
Character Creation
Choose two of the following actions to be your Party Member's Class Actions: Strike, Heal, Buff, Debuff. If you'd rather determine this randomly, roll on the following table.
1. Strike, Heal 2. Strike, Buff 3. Strike, Debuff 4. Heal, Buff 5. Heal, Debuff 6. Buff, Debuff
Give your Party Member's Class a name which suits your Class Actions. Also give your Party Member a name; it is traditional but not obligatory for your Party Member's name to have exactly five letters.
Playing the Game
Play is divided into a series of Phases. During each Phase, one player takes on the role of the Final Boss. That player's Party Member does not participate in this Phase; they're trapped, lost, incapacitated, or otherwise separated from the party or unable to act for the duration of the Phase. All other players take on the roles of their Party Members.
The Final Boss player's first order of business is to describe what the current Phase looks like. The Final Boss player can roll 1–3 times on the following table (re-rolling duplicates) to decide on a theme, or use it as inspiration for their own theme. To use this table, roll a six-sided die twice, treating the first roll as the "tens" place and the second roll as the "ones" place, yielding a number in the range from 11 to 66.
11. Beasts 12. Bells 13. Blood 14. Bones 15. Chains 16. Chaos 21. Cubes 22. Eyes 23. Fire 24. Flowers 25. Food 26. Games 31. Gears 32. Glass 33. Gold 34. Hands 35. Holes 36. Ice 41. Iron 42. Light 43. Mazes 44. Meat 45. Mirrors 46. Music 51. Orbs 52. Order 53. Plague 54. Shadow 55. Slime 56. Space 61. Spikes 62. Teeth 63. Time 64. Trees 65. Weapons 66. Wings
Once the Phase has been defined, set the party's Momentum to zero. Momentum is a value which will increase or decrease over the course of the Phase; it has a minimum value of zero, and no particular upper limit.
Play proceeds in a series of rounds, as follows.
The Final Boss Attacks
The Final Boss always goes first in each round. Roll one die:
1–3: The Final Boss chooses one of the following actions. 4–5: The Final Boss chooses two of the following actions. You may not target the same Party Member twice; however, you may use the same action on two different Party Members if you wish. 6: The Final Boss does nothing this round. On its turn next round, it does not roll and instead uses its Ultimate Attack.
Wound: Inflict the Critical Condition on a single Party Member. If the chosen Party Member already has the Critical Condition, it's replaced with the Down Condition and the party loses one Momentum.
Imprecate: Inflict the Cursed Condition on a single Party Member.
Envenom: Inflict the Poisoned Condition on a single Party Member.
Bewilder: Inflict the Confused Condition on a single Party Member.
Counter: If you're targeted by the Strike or Debuff actions this round, after resolving that action, perform the Wound action on the Party Member who targeted you. You may counter any number of actions in this way.
Dispel: Remove the Buffed and Protected Conditions from any number of Party Members.
Enrage: The Final Boss rolls two dice and takes the better result on its next action. The party may cancel this benefit with a successful Debuff action; doing so removes the extra die instead of forcing the Final Boss to roll twice and take the lower result.
Ultimate Attack: This action can only be chosen by rolling a 6 during the previous round. When the Final Boss uses this action, choose Cursed, Poisoned, or Confused: you may perform the Wound action AND inflict the chosen Condition upon any number of Party Members, in that order. (i.e., Wound each targeted Party Member, THEN Curse/Confuse/Poison any who remain standing.)
The Final Boss player describes the outcome of the chosen action(s) in as much or as little detail as they like; control then passes to the other players.
The Party Acts
After the Final Boss has attacked, each Party Member who doesn't have the Down condition chooses one of the following actions, in any order the players wish. After choosing any action other than Defend, the player rolls their dice pool, which is a handful of six-sided dice constructed as follows:
Start with a number of dice equal to the party's current Momentum (initially zero, though it will grow over the course of the Phase)
Add one die if you're performing one of your Party Member's Class Actions
Add one die if your Party Member currently has the Buffed Condition
Add one die if your Party Member currently has the Critical Condition
Roll all of the dice together, and find the highest result. Ties for the highest result have no special significance; for example, if you rolled four dice and got 1, 3, 5 and 5, your result is 5. If you'd ever end up with zero or fewer dice for any reason – either because your dice pool was empty to begin with, or because some effect obliged you to discard every die you rolled – you receive an automatic result of 1.
If an action requires you to target a specific Party Member or make other choices, you can wait and see the result of your roll before making those decisions.
Strike: You attack the Final Boss. Roll your dice pool:
1–3: Nothing happens – either the attack misses, or the Final Boss turns out to be immune to whatever you just did. 4–5: The attack strikes true. The party gains one Momentum. 6: Critical hit! The party gains two Momentum.
Special: If you roll triples or better (i.e., at least three of the same number) on a Strike action, the Final Boss' current Phase is defeated, and you move on to the next Phase. It doesn't matter what number comes up triples.
Heal: You attempt to restore the party's strength. Roll your dice pool:
1–3: You may remove the Critical Condition from a single Party Member. If no Party Member has the Critical Condition, nothing happens. 4–5: You may remove the Critical Condition from any number of party members OR you may remove the Down Condition from a single Party Member. 6: You may remove the Critical and Down Conditions from any number of party members.
Buff: You attempt to bolster a party member. Roll your dice pool:
1–3: You may grant the Buffed Condition to a single Party Member OR remove a Condition of your choice other than Critical or Down from a single Party Member. 4–5: You may grant the Buffed Condition to a single Party Member AND remove a Condition of your choice other than Critical or Down from that Party Member, if they have one. 6: You may grant the Buffed Condition OR remove a Condition of your choice other than Critical or Down to any number of Party Members. You may choose a different option for each targeted Party Member.
Debuff: You attempt to weaken the Final Boss. Roll your dice pool:
1-3: Nothing happens – it turns out the Final Boss was immune to that effect. 4–5: The Final Boss rolls two dice and takes the lower result on its next action. 6: The Final Boss rolls two dice and takes the lower result on its next action AND the party gains one Momentum.
Defend: You may grant the Protected condition to a Party Member of your choice. Do not roll.
Based on the outcome of your roll (if applicable), describe the outcome of your action in as much or as little detail as you wish.
Once each Party Member has acted, return to "The Final Boss Attacks" to begin the next round.
Ending the Phase
As noted above, rolling triples or better on a Strike action results in the immediate defeat of the current Phase. Alternatively, if all Party Members simultaneously have the Down Condition, the Final Boss player's Party Member suddenly breaks free or arrives on the scene and rescues everyone in a stunning deus ex machina; this also ends the Phase, but does not count as defeating it.
In either case, reset the party's momentum to zero, remove all Conditions, and move on to the next Phase. The role of the Final Boss passes to a different player, with preference given to those who haven't yet had a chance to be the Final Boss; the previous Final Boss player resumes playing their Party Member.
Continue until the party has defeated a number of Phases at least equal to the number of players, or until mutual agreement has been reached that all this has gone on quite long enough.
Some actions can impose Conditions upon the individual Party Members. Conditions can be positive or negative, and last until specific conditions for their removal are met.
Buffed: Your strength has been boosted. When rolling your dice pool, you roll one extra die.
Confused: You've lost your wits. When the party acts, your action is determined by rolling a d6 – 1: Strike; 2: Heal; 3: Buff; 4: Debuff; 5: Defend; 6: do nothing this round AND remove this Condition. This Condition is also removed if you gain the Critical Condition while under its effects. You may choose targets normally if the rolled action requires them. Confused Party Members always act before their un-Confused peers; if there are multiple Confused Party Members, the Final Boss decides the order in which they act.
Critical: You are badly wounded. Desperation lends strength, and so this Condition adds one extra die to your dice pools; however, if you suffer the Critical Condition a second time, it becomes the Down Condition instead.
Cursed: You've been afflicted with misfortune. Discard your highest result after rolling your dice pool, but before applying your chosen action's effects. If there's a tie for the highest result, discard all of them; for example, if you roll four dice while Cursed and get 1, 3, 5 and 5, your result is 3. If the Condition causes you to discard your only set of triples of better on a Strike action, the Phase does not end.
Down: You are incapacitated by injury or foul enchantment. When the party acts, you may not choose an action; your action remains lost even if this Condition is removed before the end of the round. When you gain this Condition, remove all other Conditions, and the party loses one Momentum. (This is not in addition to the Momentum loss noted by effects which inflict this Condition – those are just reminders.) You may not gain other Conditions while this one persists.
Poisoned: You're afflicted by a poison, plague, or death-curse. If you have the Poisoned Condition after resolving your action for the round, you gain the Critical Condition. If you already have the Critical Condition, you instead gain the Down Condition, and the party loses one Momentum.
Protected: The next time you would gain any Condition other than Buffed, remove this Condition instead. You also remove this Condition if you take any action other than Defend on your turn.
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hyunjilicious · 1 year
most to least kinky [skz ver.]
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A/n: this has probably been done a million times before but I thought I could make my own list, right?
Warnings: this isn't full on smut, but A LOT of things are mentioned (from slapping to ass eating to crying to cnc) I can't possibly mention them all. Needless to say, this is strictly 18+, please proceed with caution!!!!
Disclaimer: I'm sorry. I'm incredibly sorry, ok? I don't understand Seungmin 😭😭 I absolutely love him with all my heart, but he's a mystery to me. I've also only been in this fandom for a few months so maybe with time I'll be able to write for him but until then, I'll just keep apologising to my Minnie biased readers for doing their baby dirty. I'm sorry, I promise I'm trying!! 🥺
Please let me know what you thought and if you have other ideas!! I'd love to hear different opinions!!!
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1. Lee Know 
Do I even have to explain? At this point, you could basically write an entire encyclopedia only using the stuff this man is into - he knows it all and wants to try it all. The thing is, whether he trusts you enough or not, because if he's too shy to bring up the one thing that's on his mind, he'll bombard you with hints, hoping he'd "manipulate" you into mentioning it first. Not that he'd ever do anything you're not 100% comfortable with, but he'd much rather you be the one who asks. He'd slap your ass, bite it, mark it, grope it, eat your pussy from behind and send you porn links - all while hoping you'd finally get the idea and ask him to eat your ass. Because he's shy like that. But once you do catch on and tell him about it, he's all in. 
And then, as he grows more comfortable around you, all these little games you two play will slowly start to shift. His main priority will always be you, but with time, his teasing nature will replace the old Minho you used to have sex with, and literally everything this man does will be about driving you insane. 
He'd make you beg, whine, crawl on your knees, hump pillows - hump his leg, just so you can prove yourself, only to deny you again, always with a grin on his face. A loving smile as he looks at you, right before he throws a very swift "No" in your face and makes you start over. You have to be spent, exhausted, dumb and drunk on him before he finally gives you what you want. But when he finally does, it's everything you ever wanted and more because he doesn't.hold.back.
2. Jeongin
To be fair, it might be because he had to go through the "Watch your mouth, there's a child in our grup!" phase, which - cute and all, got old very fast. Maybe this side of him would have never surfaced like this, but you can't possibly know, there's only one Jeongin and he's a meanie. He's stern, he's serious and there's only one way, his. 
He takes the safe word very seriously because otherwise, he doesn't take no for an answer. There's no "too much", "too hard", "too fast". He doesn't care. He knows you can take it and you have to. 
You don't move, he moves you. If you don't shut up when he tells you to, it's 'ass up, face down into the pillow' - no questions, no warnings. 
It all starts nicely, though. His good little girl, his angel, who needs to do absolutely everything she's told otherwise his punishments will be downright cruel and you'll be nothing more than a "dumb, fucking whore" until he's done with you. 
One thing that makes him draw the line though, is crying. He loves to see little tears at the corner of your eyes as he fucks you into oblivion, just so he can mock you for it, "Oh, is my sweet, little baby crying?" and then go faster. But if you let out anything more than a cute, little sob, or if you start actually crying, even though you're still down to keep going, he won't. He can't. He's cruel, but not that cruel, it hurts his heart to see you like that and absolutely never lets things get that far.
3. Felix
This man is into… everything. His eyes light up every single time there's something new for you two to try, and he puts his whole soul into it. 
On one hand, he's into the basics - he goes crazy for your tits, will lick, bite, suck and eat anything off of them (absolutely adores eating cream off your body, but yeah, your tits are his favorite spot). He loves lingerie, loves ripping it off of you, loves seeing you dress up, pretend to be a nurse, a teacher or the girl next-door who just so happened to leave the window open. 
Doesn't have a daddy kink but he's just so obsessed with doing absolutely anything for you, he'd go with it. Most likely prefers 'Sir' but it isn't a must. Will melt and cry if you allow him to fall you 'Mommy'
The definition of a switch. When he's a dom, 90% of the time he's soft, full of praises and encouragements, loves making you feel all safe and loved as you degrade yourself for him. He'll whisper in your ear the absolute sweetest, most loving words you ever heard in your entire life, all while completely breaking you in half with his cock. But also, there are times when there's just one way for him to relax and let loose, and during those days, he's lazy and he's condescending, judgy and a little bit mean, and these are the absolute worst moments for you to be brat. 
But all of these are only half of him, because this man is probably the most dedicated and enthusiastic sub in the world. He'll do absolutely everything he's told and then beg for more. Way too eager to humiliate himself for you. Also very, very vocal, he'll cry, whine and beg and will also never fail to let you know just how obsessed he is with worshiping the ground you walk on. 
4. Chan
Also a switch, but it takes months, if not more, for you guys to get there. He's a leader by nature, used to having a lot of responsibilities and a lot of control over the things around him. He likes to be in charge, knows how to do it, and loves the responses he gets. Probably one of the best doms out there because even though you have a safe word, he's so fucking careful with you at all times that he knows to slow down before you even have to think about using it. It only happened once, and your voice still rings in his head - he still hasn't forgiven himself for it. 
But since he's so observant and trusts you to put a stop to whatever is going on in case you need to, he feels free to go crazy. Unlike Jeongin, he likes to hear you cry, likes knowing he has that power over you and the fact you know how easy it is for him to absolutely wreck and ruin you, but still allow him to go crazy, drives him wild. Trust is probably what gets him off the most, he absolutely adores how you give up control and leave yourself at his mercy. 
But then again, as your relationship strengthens and he slowly realizes that maybe he doesn't always have to be the one to do it all, that others can take care of him too, that he can actually let loose and renounce all control, you start to see another side of him. 
He's an exemplary sub, not one brat bone in his body. He tries sometimes to test you, but he goes back to being doe eyed and whiny for you in no time. He's not as vocal and not as eager to let all his enthusiasm show, but just like Felix, he'll do absolutely anything you tell him, and then thank you for allowing him to do it. 
5. Han
Another switch. He can be a dom and he can be a sub, but I think there are two other sides of him. This man will go back and forth between being the absolute, most cocky motherf on the planet, to being absolutely wiped and wrapped around your finger. And while these for aspects of him can pair up in any way, leaving you with a teasing dom, a loving and soft one, or a bratty sub that will try to make you prove to him just how badly you need him to worship you and so on, I think he's not always like this.
You can't really tell whether there's a pattern, but maybe if you spent more time together you'd be able to spot one. Maybe it depends on how his day went, how tired he is, how his social batteries are like at the moment, but I think there are many, many days when this man just needs to feel you, to smell you, hear you. To collapse into the sheets with you, forget about the world and melt in your arms. Yeah, he's down to try a lot of stuff, but what he loves the most are the simple things. Like missionary late at night, with the lights on so he can see every glimmer of anything in your eyes, to wipe the sweat off your temples and to be able to smother you with kisses. Impromptu sex in the morning, lazy sex in the shower, cuddling that turns into you riding him on the couch while watching a movie. That's what I think he's into the most.
6. Changbin
Thank god this man is not the kinkiest because he'd probably break you in half and no amount of aftercare would be able to fix that. This man goes hard. No matter if you're the one that woke him up, all needy and clingy, or if he came home riled and ready to go, he's already ready to give you his all. That dumptruck isn't there for nothing, he doesn't even have to try that hard to make you scream. 
But it's not just physical, he goes all out in all ways. He doesn't just want you on your back, legs spread open so he can eat you out, no, you have to be on his face, full weight down on top of him, and you have to ride. Other than that, you don't really have to do much, because he's a sucker for handling you. He'll hold up your weight when he fucks you against the dresser and he doesn't mind being the one who gets rid of all the clothes in the way when he randomly decides he wants to fuck you bent over the kitchen table. 
So I don't think he needs much more than you two already have. Of course, he's usually fine with trying things you're into, and yeah, he likes them, but that's just more like 'fun' to him. He's not the kind to call you degrading names or spank you until you cry, through he might enjoy a little bit too much seeing his hand print on your ass or the bruises he left on your hips just from hard he was holding onto you while fucking you into oblivion.
Out of all the things you'd get him to try, I think one of his favorites would be wax play. He'll probably ask you to do it again, maybe like 3 months later. Also, one other thing that gets him going and that he still might be shy about it, is just how hard his cock twitched when you called him daddy. Oops. I don't like it, please do it again.
7. Seungmin 
Ok, again, disclaimer with this one. I wanna start by apologizing to Minnie and to all the Minnie biased readers that are here with us today, but I can't read this man. At all. And that's the reason I put him so low on the list because while I do have some ideas, associating him with certain kinks and stuff felt completely empty to me. Like I have no idea what he'd like? But in case you've read this far, lemme tell you what I did manage to come up with and please let me know how you see it!!
I think trust, communication and fun are the most important to him. I feel like he'd have so much fun guiding you and giving you instructions on how to do different things, from how to suck him off just the way he needs it, to how to use a toy on yourself. And I think it goes both ways, he'd love to have you tell exactly how and what to do at all times.
I also think he can be stern and commanding, serious and totally focused, but he also probably adores being a giggling mess, unable to control himself as you give him your all, worship him and make him feel absolutely cherished. I'm sorry, but I feel like this man thrives on love and appreciation. Other than that, my brain is empty, please help me!!
8. Hyunjin
Ok, maaaaybe I shouldn't have put him last. But fuck it. Sue me. I don't think he's kinky at all. I think that again, he'd be the type to try out most of the things you come up with, but I don't think he associates them with sex like that. I think it's just some form of fun you two have, I don't think there are too many crazy things that necessarily get him going. 
He's a romantic, ok? His main goal is pleasure. He's the kind to absolutely not give a shit about anything, all that he needs is you. If he has you and a surface (not even mandatory) he's satisfied. He'll do absolutely anything, worship every single inch of your body. The kind to kiss his way up your leg before eating you out, to kiss you before you even finished swallowing his cum. Nothing to him is gross, to him, bodies are beautiful and made to be worshiped. He'd paint your body, lay back and allow you to do absolutely anything you want to him, he's just full of want and passion. 
I don't think he'd ever be the kind of person to associate pain or humiliation with pleasure. Like he knows they're valid kinks and will not shame anyone about it, but with him, you have to feel like the most beautiful woman in the world, loved, cradled and appreciated in absolutely every way. 
Absolutely the type to eat your ass and then be like "What? People don't do that?". Doesn't think spitting in each other's mouths is degrading because, "We literally kiss all the time, what?" 
Will ask you to slap him just to see what it's like but will probably malfunction if you ask him to do it to you. 
I think he'd be down for a lot of stuff, but doesn't see any of them as kinks. Doesn't need any of them. They don't get him hard. It's all just for fun. 
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Please let me know what you thought!! I'd love to talk about this!!! ❤️
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circeyoru · 7 months
Unwanted Soul _ Part 3 = Requested
[Yandere!Alastor x Owner of his Soul!Reader]
The Request
Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 2.5 (ask) — Part 3 (here) — Part 4 — Part 5
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At first you allowed it because you understood Alastor was worried about you, as absurd as it was. Now it was plain annoying. Him requesting, no, that’s not the right word, forcing himself to be in the same bed as you. At first there was the excuse of you recovering and him not wanting you to roll over on you stomach to apply pressure to the wound. Then it was him not used to his new room. Now? He just flops onto the bed and hugs you no matter what you’re doing
“Do I look like a pillow to you???? Or a soft toy??????” “Darling, you are the best cloud ever.”
He doesn’t even mind you slapping the back of his head and snuggles closer to you. You gave up trying to escape his hold and continue with your reading or watching
It went as bad as to you needing a bigger bed since Alastor was always here with you. Alastor got you covered and gave you the best bed you could ever think of. You really just treated Alastor like one of your giant soft toys and slept, you’ll admit, listening to his heartbeat was more lulling than any other sounds. Your warmth and presence had the same effect to him
Oh, right. Alastor filled you in that you were in the hotel and you were occupying a room Alastor took for himself near his bedroom and radio tower. He connected your room with his, evident with the difference in style
You never seen his old room, but he did say he had half of the room as a bayou where he ate his meals. Yeah, he didn’t do that with you, never has he eaten a whole raw meat in front of you. This time though, it was just two different room styles on either way while the wall separating the two was gone. There was an extra door that replaced the window as a dimension to his feeding ground, you just never enter it
It happened out of the blue. When the room door opened and you thinking it was Alastor greeted him without looking. You noticed the lack of static or the obnoxiously loud announcement of his arrival, that’s when you looked up to see who you believe to be Husk from Alastor’s stories and reports
Before Husk knew what hit him, his neon green chains appeared and dragged him into the large room, the door closing and locking behind him. Husk landing on the ground looked up to see Alastor looming over him
You had to wack your memory to recall their relationship. Right, Husk was a former overlord of gambling and he lost his soul to Alastor in a bet to regain power. Poor choice of decision really. Why would you make deals with other Overlords that would want to knock you down? You looked away, thinking that it was none of your business how Alastor treated his souls, as long as he wasn’t like that to you
But your voice snapped Alastor out of whatever he was planning to the former Overlord, “Alastor, I’m craving some steak for tonight. Can you go to Rosie’s and get some nice ones?”
Of course Alastor knew you were giving Husk a save. Yet he can’t deny your request to have his cooking again. (you were binge eating snacks and cup noodles after your wound healed and didn’t want to eat his cooking) So he left into his shadows
Turning back to your laptop, you typed away for another new episode while Husk composed himself. You heard that sigh of relief, you knew Alastor was a cruel demon. You knew because he’d paint the streets red and black whenever sinners and demons alike would glance at you the wrong way, even worse when they said the wrong or vile things to you
“I’m curious, does anyone know I’m here?” “I know now.” “Mhm… You best leave before Alastor’s back and please don’t say anything. Else I’m positive you’d be wishing otherwise.” “Why are you here?” “I wonder too. Because of Alastor?”
You shouldn’t have phased it that way because Husk thought you were an innocent soul that Alastor took as well. That can’t be farther from the truth, but you let him believe as he please. Neither you nor Alastor wanted to disclose your hold over Alastor’s soul to anyone apart from the two of you. Perhaps you could play it like Alastor has your soul, that would make more sense. Maybe
Over dinner, you told Alastor that you’ll be making your appearance as his assistant in the hotel. That way it was reasonable to take the room next to his (that you are currently in) and you’d be always seen around Alastor (more like Alastor could always be near you). Alastor agreed without a second thought
He did added a little detail to your plan. That you two were romantically involved with each other. You shot that idea down immediately. Changing the subject, you told him how Husk thought you were the one that Alastor took the soul of. That gave him a good laugh and you a chuckle. Both of you calmed down, you with your small smirk and Alastor with his wide grin as you two met eye contact, thinking the same: That was such a ridiculous assumption
“Everyone, I’d like you to meet My Dearest Darling.” Alastor’s hand patted your shoulder “Nice to meet you all, Alastor’s told me all about you guys.” You had bowed your head a bit with a smile, appearing as humble as you could. The introductions went without hiccup, was what you would wish for “Pager! My good fellow!” Lucifer came over and wrapped you in a tight hug. “How have you been!?” You missed how Alastor was glaring daggers at Lucifer and the King of Hell was grinning like crazy. “Sire, just fine. Thank you for asking?”
Now it was everyone else’s turn to be shocked and confused. Questions came at you left and right. You didn’t even need to answer because Lucifer had told them you used to work for him. Your room would have been assigned next to Lucifer’s if not for Alastor’s intervention that you were to be ‘put to work’ under him
Well, now that there was something of an intermission for the hotel to bounce back to its former glory (if it had any), things were pretty chill around the hotel. Everyone did their things like usual. Though it was odd that things were unchanged, since you were supposed to be a new staff member. Yet they hardly saw you, nor did Alastor tell you to work on anything
All they knew was you were always in your room, doing whatever behind closed doors. Charlie and Vaggie had asked about you, from Alastor since you were barely out when they were active and the only other contact was through Alastor who was never bothered that you were slacking
Alastor reassured that you were writing scripts for his broadcast and doing your own research on something else, so you wouldn’t be leaving the room for the majority of the time
Everyone would catch Alastor using the kitchen at the oddest time of the day to cook or bake things, then bring it up to his radio tower to eat. When he was confronted on his odd mealtimes, he informs that it was yours. As for why he was the one making, he said it was because he sent you to work overtime and so he compromised
“The poor darling was feeling peckish so I, as the employer in charge, should do my duty, yes?” “Oh ho! No need to fret over my dear Pager upstairs, merely took a longer nap than usual and needed to delay dinner!” “My doe won’t be joining us for breakfast, still sleeping from all that work, you see. I’ll make some food later on.”
All lies. Each and every one of them. All this time, you were eating up on the internet provided by the hotel and doing what you do best. Laze around and chill. There was no work assigned, no script to be written, and certainly no research underway. You were doing what you would back home, now it was just a change in location. Then there’s Alastor joyfully serving you like always without change
But none was the wiser when any of them hardly knew you. Save for Lucifer. He’d pop into your room without Alastor’s notice and give you new books or comics or shows or whatever you please. All while saying they were gifts to you for all you’ve done for him. He was quickly chased out of the room when Alastor sensed another being with you
Now when it came to your break periods, your room wasn’t enough and you wandered around the hotel to stretch and give yourself a change of scenery
This was when everyone else got to talk to you and not through Alastor
Charlie got you to join in her exercises, wanting some feedback from you. You lazily joined, matching Angel’s attitude to it all. You two shared a knowing glance and smirk from time to time. Vaggie groaned and scolded Angel since he was the one that wants to be redeemed, but then turned to you to be more supportive and put heart into it since you were a staff
Alastor immediately poofed out of nowhere, hands on your shoulders while you had a bored look on your face at Vaggie. At the growing static, you sighed, “Please don’t.”
Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel raised a brow at your words. Vaggie wanting to pull you away from Alastor since from their point of view, Alastor was having a scary face again. Husk watched silently from the bar, wondering if you’d be ‘punished’ later behind closed doors for ordering the Radio Demon
But to everyone’s surprise, Alastor reverted back to normal and hummed, offering you his hand to escort you away from the group, “Shall we take a stroll outside the hotel, darling?”
That day, a whole street was painted red. You and Alastor returned late and just went to your room to rest. No one dared to question. They did wonder what would have happened if you said nothing when Alastor appeared behind you. Perhaps Vaggie was lucky she got off with a glare
You wandering the hotel became obvious to the others that you were ‘resting’ from your heavy workload given by Alastor which was rare, they noticed that there was no routine nor a fixed time you’d appear
They held off attacking Alastor about your workload since everytime they see you you weren’t complaining or drained in any way. So they continued as normal, sometimes asking Alastor if he was giving you enough breaks between work or if you were eating. Alastor kept up with appearances and assured them you were well and dandy. You had a good laugh at their concerns
Yeah, neither of you were going to correct it since there was no need
You’ll admit that Alastor was doing a good job at keeping people away from you, just as you like it. Though it could be because of his possessiveness you can tell. Still, it aligns with your wishes, so you leave it be
Once when you were on break and with Charlie and the others for a broad game day, another activity for bonding and the like. Suddenly left mid-game and went to the kitchen to cook, everyone thought Alastor was preparing for everyone’s lunch so no one questioned it. Soon enough you got up
“What’s wrong?” Charlie asked, everyone turned to you “Hungry.” It was like you were on autopilot when you turned to walk into the kitchen Everyone else shared a glance, thinking it was time for food anyways. “Let’s eat.”
They weren’t prepared to see you leaning against Alastor with your arms crossed over your chest meanwhile Alastor was having no trouble plating whatever dish was cooked. Another point, you were just causally touching Alastor and he didn’t do anything! He didn’t even make a peep and let you stay there while he worked
No one could touch Alastor unless he does it first. No one touches Alastor especially when he’s in the kitchen cooking!
“Have a seat, darling, food’s ready.” Alastor cooed “Mhm~ Looks nice.” You remarked with contentment as you pushed yourself off of Alastor and sat on one of the high chairs on the island Angel noticed how only you had food and no one else, complaining, “Hey, what about us?” Alastor turned over, shamelessly commenting, “Oh, I finished using the kitchen, you can make your own food now. Sorry for taking so long.” The condescension was gone when he turned his attention back to you, “How’s the food, dear?” “Good as always.” You praised, glancing up at him to know he was overjoyed at your words even with the lack of expression. His eyes narrowing while his grin widened was the hint. “Could use some mini cupcakes when we play the board games later.” “Say no more!” Alastor snapped his fingers, making a bunch of ingredients appear. He turned to the crew, “Apologies, but I’ll be using the kitchen since you’re all merely standing at the entrance!”
Yeah. Everyone came to the conclusion that Alastor was extra weird after you came to the hotel. They’d ask Alastor about it but he would dodge the question all together or he’d just shift the attention elsewhere. They’d love to ask you, since you were somewhat more approachable? But you were just rarely around. When you are around, Alastor was not far from you
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Note: Yup. Part 3. Amazing right? I blame the ask and you can thank the ask. The writing mood just hit me like a truck, so here's the result
Guys I'm very tempted to change all the stories in ask to a post format so I can keep track of them! Not sure about this yet, but if I do do it, the stories in ask will be replaced with a link instead and the stories will be readable as a post (maybe with a picture of the ask?). Do I reboot all of them or just start with the next new request?
Circe Y.
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daycourtofficial · 18 days
All’s well that ends well to end up with you
Pairing: Eris x Rhysand’s sister!reader | WC: 1.5k | warnings: none
Summary: fears and doubts cause you and Eris to do your first irrational act together: a secret mating bond ceremony
Author’s note: happy Eris Week to all who celebrate and to @erisweekofficial for all their work!! I gotta start with my roots and my first post has to be gingerfucker!! I have to give the people what they know me for!! This can be read as a stand alone tho 🫶🏻
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You breathed deeply, the chimes of the clock tower drowning out any other noise. Eris stood before you, an immaculate jacket of deep red adorning his chest. He wore a black dress shirt beneath, embroidered with the phases of the moon around the collar. His jacket was a rich velvet, gold thread woven throughout.
It was the perfect way to symbolize your unity. You were not sure who made such a garment, unsure if black fabric was even allowed in the Autumn Court.
You couldn’t find it in yourself to care when his soft amber eyes look down at you as he held out his arm for you.
The two of you were in the Day Court under the cover of darkness, a secret mating ceremony. It was truly quite romantic, a tale you hoped to share whenever it’s safe for you to do so.
You had come to visit Helion a month prior for negotiations on behalf of Rhysand. You had asked to come in Rhys’s stead because 1) you also had wanted to peruse the libraries and 2) you were hoping to negotiate a pegasus from Helion.
At least, those were the reasons you gave your brother.
The end of Amarantha’s reign had allowed you to finally see your mate for the first time in five decades, having slipped away to a spot in the woods after Rhys’s return to wait in hopes of just a glimpse of him.
You had waited impatiently, certain that the nerves and anxiety were rolling off you in waves for any nearby wildlife to intercept. It felt incredible to see him again, your face tucked beneath his chin as he held you close to him, his scent burning itself into your memory once more.
His first words to you following your separation were a desperate plea for a ceremony, his pleas soft as he clutched you tightly to his chest.
You knew it was too risky to do it in either of your home courts. Spring was an obvious no, Winter and Dawn were quite risky, leaving Summer and Day as your only real options.
You were quite fond of Helion, and you were sure you could convince him to allow the two of you passage into his court for a few hours.
After he listened to your pleas, he agreed to allow the two of you access to one of his temples for a few hours.
“Not all of us can see so well in the moonlight,” he had told you, letting you know the location of the most beautiful temple in his court. “Only one priestess roams the halls on Tuesday nights. She is quite fond of performing such ceremonies.”
His words were no embellishment. The temple before you was massive and stunningly beautiful. The high arched ceilings with suns painted everywhere almost glowed against the blue backdrop behind them.
You wondered how it looked during the day.
Eris looked down as you hooked your arm into his. You had accepted the bond decades ago, but the two of you wanted to go through with the ceremony. To ensure that no matter what happened to two of you moving forward, whatever happened to your courts, your people, your homes, there was some record with this date and your names on it. Some written record for future generations to find eons later, when the lands look nothing like they do now and the people live lives that resemble nothing like your own.
When the common tongue is gone, replaced with some newer language you couldn’t begin to understand. Your names would live forever within the pages of this temple, tucked away in their recorded archives: the prince of the Autumn Court and the princess of the Night Court, bound together by fate and by their own wishes.
The flickering light from the candles made Eris’s freckles dance across his face.
The lord led you down the long aisle, your arm nestled into his elbow. The two of you moved in tandem, your long skirts kissing the ground as you went, the black fabric turning red as it moved down your body until it looked as if you walked in the flames.
The priestess nodded at the two of you as you approached the altar, your dress’s slight train cascading down the steps behind you. You turned to Eris, his hands outstretched in invitation, pleading for yours to rest atop them. His hands were warm against yours, the familiar heat calming your nerves.
The priestess before you wore all white, a long flowing gown cinched at the waist. It looked nothing like what Helion wore - instead of long, flowing fabrics, the priestess wore a long, tight-fitted dress, long bell shaped sleeves adorning her arms. A white hood covered her dark black hair, and dark hands adorned with gold rings peaked out from her sleeves.
The priestess lit the candles around the altar as you two looked into each other’s eyes, every emotion strumming through the bond between you two, a song you swore you could hear humming through the air and your chest.
She approached the two of you, a golden silk ribbon in her hands. You moved your right hand into his right hand, and he gently scraped his index finger against his palm. She began chanting, wrapping the soft silk around your forearms. She connected the two joined hands, and you squeezed Eris’s palm, offering a soft smile that he returned.
He was captivating in the night, a fire that kept you warm long through a treacherous night.
Her chanting paused as she looked at you, her low voice telling you, “if you wish to exchange any personal vows, now is the time.”
You took a deep breath, turning back to Eris.
Your mate looked back at you, and any nerves you had dissipated as you started speaking, the words coming from your lips as you gazed into his amber eyes.
“I’m not sure if we were ever two separate things, but if we were, if we are, the edges of you and I have been blurring since I met you, our definitions becoming hazier. I am officially laying claim that there is no longer any part of me that hasn’t been invaded by you.
“I have prayed for you in bonfires, in the dying hearths of my childhood. I always viewed fire as a sacred thing, always offering it something so it can continue to burn before me. Perhaps I was just learning how to stoke the flames, or maybe I knew that worshiping the flame would lead me to you.”
His hand squeezed your own, the ribbon not feeling tight enough to truly blend the two of you together.
His eyes shone in the candlelight, his beauty intensified in the flame as if it knew he was kin.
“I have gone by many names. Eris Vanserra, heir to the Autumn throne, prick, eldest, …. All of those names pale in comparison to the first time you called me ‘mate’.
“That awful playwright who you adore so much put into one of his plays, “What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.” And yet, he never knew what it felt like to be called ‘yours’, what it feels like when you gaze at me so softly, to see the words ‘mine, mine, mine’ swimming in your irises.
“I do not know where my promises can lie, what I am truly capable of. I do not wish to commit to false promises. Our foundation has always been on feeble ground, and I do not wish to build a mateship on such poor foundations.
“I promise to do my very best for you, every day, every minute, for the rest of my life. I promise that every decision I will make will include you as a factor. As the factor. My life is complicated, as you are aware, but you are not complicated. You never have been. My chest yearns for you, at all times. You have always offered me the peace of familiarity.“
You surged forward, capturing his lips in a kiss before pulling back quickly.
“Er, I don’t care about my name, or my title. None of it compares to being called your mate.”
The priestess looked at you two, probably waiting to see if you would pounce on him right here. Maybe that was how they held these ceremonies in Day. You were sure Helion wouldn’t mind.
“You are bound together, from here for eternity, in perfect union. May the Mother bless you both with endless love and patience for each other.”
The air had a certain crispness to it at her words, the bond humming in your chest with satisfaction, satisfying a yearning that hadn’t let up for centuries.
Nobody could deny either of you the sanctity of your bond anymore.
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Permanent taglist: @vanilla-seabass @cyrygher @lees-chaotic-brain @topaz125 @chessebookgirl @fides25 @lady-of-tearshed @ashbatz @fxckmiup @lilah-asteria @justvibbinghere @daughterofthemoons-stuff @mybestfriendmademe @heartless-tate @tsunami-of-tears @idrkwhatthisisimsorry @olive-main @azrielsmate3 @pit-and-the-pen @durgenyx @dee-writes-smut @chairofchaos @thelov3lybookworm @berryzxx @throneofsmut @kennedy-brooke @prythianpages @itsswritten @acotarxreader @milswrites @the-golden-jhope @hannzoaks @secretlyhers @tothestarsandwhateverend @sarawritestories @chxosangxl
Eris taglist: @magicstrengthandcourage @panther-girl-124
Thanks for reading ❣️
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onelittlespiral · 4 months
I'd like your BOGO offer. I am the scrawny waterboy for my college. I'd like the kicker of the football team to get taken down a peg or five. I want him to be a nerd and no one else remembers him being a jock.
Subject: Order #100567
Thank you for your recent purchase from The Spiral, home for all your transformation needs! Your order #100567 has been received and is on its way as we speak. Your order includes:
(1) Nerd(Assort)_From_Football(Kicker)
(1) Mystery(Self)
Expect delivery in 3-7 days.
The Spiral
We knew you’d come around and round and round and round…
You had seen just yesterday that your order from The Spiral had finally come through. When you saw some nerd hanging around the practice field, you checked your inbox for the email confirmation. They had provided some details on how they had done it. As the kicker had been leaving practice, they grabbed him and pulled him into an empty supply room. They had him bound and gagged before stripping him of his cleats and cramming his feet in a pair of penny-loafers. The changes, they said, were near instantaneous. Change rippled up his legs as muscle deflated and his lower pads turned to cargo shorts. His stomach flattened and his jersey and pads changed into a sweater and bow tie. He had shrank so much that his restraints had nearly come loose, not that he would be able to fight the men holding him now.
He was already defeated by the time his new glasses were slipped on, which triggered phase two of his changes. Any and all past as a jock we’re gone in an instant, replaced with memories of his advanced mathematics degree and research projects. His memories of summer workouts and practice were now late nights in the library. Football games turned to Quiz Bowls. His mind would no longer be focused on working out his body, instead it was filled with stretches and skills for prepping himself for bottoming. His IQ was shooting up, and he could now understand exactly how to calculate an integral and when to squeeze tight around a dick to elicit the deepest grunts. The team packed up as he was left tied up, growing hornier at the thoughts of his old teammates dominating him like they did the opposing teams…
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You couldn’t believe the efficacy of service. Hats off to them for the quick turn around. But you knew you were supposed to get a delivery of your own. You were tired of waiting. But as you were walking home from practice, after scrubbing out bottles and avoiding harassment from the team, you noticed something off. It was strange, but you thought you had smelled one of those jocks following you around. You turned around, worried that some guys were following you home, but the streets around you were empty. Instead, the smell was still coming from behind you, in your book bag. Rolling your eyes, you searched the pockets, expecting to find a jock or some other nasty garment as a dumb prank, but you instead find a chain, buried down at the bottom. In an instant, you feel compelled to hold in in your hands and take a whiff. The scent is metallic and cold how you would expect, while at the same time rancid and wet. You don’t fight the urge as your hands open the clasp and secure it around your neck. The feeling is electric. Your body ripples in response, and you feel your body begin to ache. The cold metallic feeling reaches into your bones and fills your veins with ice. A cold sweat breaks out of you as your body stretches taller and your muscles are filled with cool, hard lead.
I have to get warm, you think, I have to.
Your body seems to respond, as peach fuzz erupts from every inch of your chest, itchy and burning like fire. You scratch, and the hair only grows more in response. It begins to curl around your callousing hands and take root up your arms, spreading its fiery tendrils. You make the mistake of scratching your face, where it also takes root, as a beard erupts from your baby face. The hot licks of fire and freezing spikes of ice is reaching a crescendo as your body is engulfed, ready to reach a melting point and boil off all together when finally… it stops. You are left panting like a dog, sweat dripping from every pore. You knew the transformations offered were powerful, but you never expected this. You take stock of your furry, sweaty body, inspecting every inch of muscle. You feel so… powerful. Flexing your guns and let out an animalistic shout.
But then, something begins to tickle your nose. It smells like the necklace has surrounded you in that layer of stench. Except, it isn’t the necklace. It’s you. Your own sweat is beginning to dry and fill your head. Your past rolls off your brain like the sweat rolls down your washboard abs. Drop by drop you are no longer a waterboy for your football team. You hardly can even understand the sport. You have spent the last few years perfecting your reps and carving your physique. College sports? Who cares. You were lucky enough to graduate high school. You only saw those guys when they needed a personal trainer like you to give them an extra little boost. Those boys spent most of the game standing around. Real men need stamina. And you knew a cardio routine that would get their hearts racing. Bottoming for you was an hours long affair that left boys like them sore, sweaty, and moaning for more. Just how you liked them. You got up off the ground, dusted yourself off, and smirked in the mirror.
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Gotta meet my next client in an hour, you think, sticking your tongue out.
In your pocket, you receive an order confirmation from some company called “The Spiral”. Whatever, probably some scam…
Subject: Order #100567 Fulfilled
Your order has been fulfilled. We know you have many options, but thank you for supporting The Spiral.
The Spiral
228 notes · View notes
just for fun, here's all of the gay parts of 2d's private journal, aka the official lyric booklet for the gorillaz album "The Now Now" (written in character from 2d's perspective)
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1: humility's pages, featuring a page with a messy heart and scribbled and underlined words that read "see the state I'm in." as well as the opposite page underlining "I don't want this isolation" and adding the additional line "I see the state of you now."
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2: the page between hollywood and kansas, that has "my soul" written in one corner and a picture of murdoc with his face scribbled out in the other
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3: the pages for kansas: one repeating the text "Am I incapable of healing the memory of my fall from grace in your heart," and the other scratching out "I don't want to cry" to replace it with "I'm not gonna cry"
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4: the page between idaho and lake zurich, featuring the word "selfish" in one corner and a picture of murdoc's face scribbled out and (seemingly) surrounded by hearts in the other
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5: the page for magic city having text that reads "About us? About you!"
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6: the pages for fireflies: one modifying the lyrics to read "Sometimes I follow a firefly; He takes me into the night baby," and the other page having a note that reads "you = are/were = everpresent"
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7: pages in the break between lyrics that feature a torn free murdoc sticker, and a note in the corner that reads "where have you gone"
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8: pages in the break between lyrics with notes that read "you gotta have fate" and "I'm sorry too"
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9: the page for souk eye with a doodle of two people in a car on the road and (what appears to be) a robot shark (both reminiscent of the stylo music video, referencing murdoc and 2d being in the front seat of the car, and the car later turning into a robot shark at the end), and notes emphasizing the lines "I will always think of you" and "I'm a renagade"
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Additional Notes about the album and surrounding media !
1: the souk eye live visual. these were the visuals created for the song, intended to be projected during concerts. the live visuals for souk eye heavily feature footage of murdoc (from phase 3, 4, and 5). both calling back to phase 3 (like the book had done) And seemingly stitching together a narrative of murdoc breaking out of prison (interspersing footage of murdoc driving from a phase 4 commercial with police chase footage)
here's a fan recreation of the visuals:
2: both interviews and the free murdoc chat confirmed that the album was written (by 2d) About murdoc, and most probably because of his incarceration
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3: pages from 2d's private journal being scattered on a desk in murdoc's winnebego. particularly "I am an island" and what appears to be the modified lyrics for firefly (featuring "he"). likewise, murdoc has appeared to have framed 2d's booty shorts from the humility mv and hung them up on his wall.
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Bonus: my playlist of visuals for the now now
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water-to-drink · 3 months
Be a Gladiolus in a Field of Belldonnas pt11
Underneath the Electric Sakura Petals
(Summary): After narrowly evading the Natlan army you make your way to Inazuma, all the while your doppelganger is tearing Snezhnaya apart
Part 1 Last Part Next Part
✧ Masterlist ✧
(Characters): Tsarita, Piero, Arlecchino, Childe, traveler!Lumine, abyss Prince!Aether, Paimon, and Yae
(Tags/Warnings): gn!reader, foul language possible ooc, someone gets choked out (not reader), Aether and Childe being catty towards each other (they almost fight), (lmk if I missed anything)
(Word Count): 1.7k
“Italics” = Non human speaking
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“Damnit!” An expensive vase is thrown at the wall and shatters once it makes contact with the wall. “Look again!” Shrieked your Doppelganger making the poor soldier shrink back before running off to search for you
They card their fingers through their hair and the more keen eyes could see that the imposter slightly tug at their hair
“Where are they?!” They turn towards the tall blonde woman
“I do not know who you are referring to.” The Tsarita stated coldly
“You know who I’m referring to.” Your doppelganger snarled as they stormed towards the cryo archon but stop when Piero steps in between the two
“I would suggest you control yourself before you cause more of a scene.”
A scowl forms on the double’s face but they stop as if something or someone is telling them something, their hands find their way to the large orange pendant. The unusual stone catches the eye of Pantalone, he watches the crook impersonating his creator with interest, mainly their gem. Instantly noticing how the pendant shines bright an abnormal amount unlike any precious gem he has come across.
A twisted smirk quickly replaces the scowl on your doppelganger’s face. “You know, I’m feeling awfully generous today. But I swear if I find out that you were harboring them, your beloved land will go up in flames.” They look up at Piero who hides the utter hatred and disgust under a stoic expression, but let the mask slip a bit when he hears the imposter’s next words “I will not hesitate to do it again.”
With a simper turn away from the Tsarita and her Harbingers and slams open the large doors.
The doors close with a loud bang and after a few moments of an intense silence the Tsarita finally turned towards the Harbingers, her usual ice cold expression now is replaced with one of panic
“Mobilize each and every one of your forces! We need to find their Grace as soon as possible, before that snake gets them!” The Tsarita announced, a level of urgency present in her voice.
The Harbingers bowed and make their way out of the meeting hall
The sound of heels rapidly clicking on the floor fill the halls as Arlecchino makes her way through the corridor
“Lady! Lady Arlecchino!” A voice shouted out from behind her. “Thank the archons I’ve found-”
Sharp nails dig into the delicate skin of the poor agent’s neck as he is slammed into the nearest wall, sure that a rib was broken from due to the impact
“Out of uniform and improper manners, you better have a good excuse for this.” Arlecchino said as she squeezed the agent’s neck
“It-it’s regarding their… Grace……” At the mention of your title this causes her to loosen her grip on Alexei’s neck
“I ran into them as they were fleeing, they swapped my for theirs so they couldn’t easily be seen. Their Grace wanted me to tell you, they’re with Lord Tartailga and the traveler… they said they needed to leave until the suspicion dies down.”
Arlecchino releases the agent which causes him to fall onto the floor and clutch his neck, this causes him to break out into a coughing fit.
Arlecchino makes her way back to the Tsarita to alert her on the new information
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“Are you sure it’s really a good idea for me to step foot here?” You asked as you walked up the steps to the Grand Narukami Shrine. The sun long had set, the moon high in the sky and in its constant full phase, and the normally busy streets are empty with only the sounds of cicadas replacing them
“Don’t worry, with that little spell our Prince put on you and the fact that Ei is in her head again, you’re safe from detection.” Yae explained
You wanted to voice your worries but pushed them down. Gradually you finally reached the top of the shrine and walk towards the Sacred Sakura. You noticed the twins and Childe would periodically look around to see if someone is around all the while Yae confidently strides forward until all of you make it in front of the tree
The Sacred Sakura looked more majestic in person compared to seeing it behind your screen. You almost forgot what you’re supposed to do until Yae subtly clears her throat. You placed your hands on the bark and concentrated on resonating with the tree
A sensation similar to the static shock you get when touching an item that has a built up charge, but instead of feeling the urge to jolt away you find yourself leaning into the sensation. After what felt like a few minutes the static stopped coursing through your body and you take your hands away.
You turn to see your companions talking to you but only your mind could focus on sounds coming up from above. The chirping of the birds flying around becomes a lot more pronounced. No longer falling into the background and sounding more like indistinguishable voices, the type that one would hear in when entering a semi crowded restaurant. You put your hands next to your ears and focus on the sounds coming from above you. As you focus more the chirps slowly become distinct and transition into muffled words until
“They’re here! Their Grace is here!”
“Can they hear us. I want to talk to them so bad!”
“They’re looking at us, could they hear us?”
“I think they can understand us!”
You hold up your hand and watched as multiple birds fly towards you, almost racing to get to you first. However you ended up with birds perched on both arms
“We’re so happy to see you.” One bird spoke
“Are you okay, we heard that the fraud is looking for you.” Another bird explained
“If you need us, then we’ll help you anyway we can!” A third spoke, their constant bombardment quickly overwhelmed you as you tried to discern what they’re saying
“Whoa whoa whoa, just like people I need you little guys to talk to me one at a time. I get that you’re all happy to see me but I’m a bit when you all talk at the same time overwhelmed.” You gently explained to the birds and saw them look at each other almost as if they were silently communicating with each other
“Paimon’s confused, what’s happening?” The floating girl said as she put her hand on her head trying to figure out what’s happening before her
“The Ley Lines contain the memories of Teyvat and thus the more they resonate with them their Grace is able to retrieve their old powers back.” Aether explained
“Hmm, why not just go to that giant tree in Sumeru I heard them mention before just to get it over with?” Childe asked
“That would bring more harm than good to their Grace, they need to slowly integrate themselves with Ley Lines before resonating with Irminsul!” The blond prince glared at the Harbinger
“Whoa! It’s just a suggestion!” Childe hissed back
“Your ‘suggestion’ is dumb at best and dangerous at worst. I won’t tolerate anyone afflicting harm upon their Grace.”
“I have never said anything that would imply that, but the opposite. I risked my life for their safety and am an actual vessel instead of being some guy who they barely know!” Childe growled as she stalked towards Aether, both ready to summon their weapons and settle things right then and there
Before the swords could materialize in their hands a violent spark of electricity shocks the two and bring their attention to Guji
“Gentlemen, remember where you are.” Yae warned as static filled the air, causing your hair to slightly rise up. The two men stepped away from each other, Yae cleared her throat and turned towards you. “Well now that that’s settled, why not test out your new powers.”
“Uh, yeah it’s best to see if you got any electro powers. Lumine said desperately trying to dissipate the tension that still lingers between the two
You looked around for the perfect target until your eyes fell on some sakura blooms. Sparks of electro form around your forearm, raising your hand up you threw a small wave of electro towards the petals. The blossoms sparks before condensing into its harvestable form
“Yahoo! ” Paimon cheered
“Perfect. Now that you resonated with the Sacred Sakura do you have any thoughts of where you’re going to next?” Yae questioned
“I think that Mondstadt is our best option due to the fact that their forces are reduced in half because of Varka and his expedition.” You explained your answer without bringing up any of the imposter au fanfics you read before being transported to Teyvat, thankfully a good portion of them are helping you through this process
“You’re right, that is our best bet, I don’t think I’m ready to face the Millelith or the Adepti.” Paimon said
“You say as if you’re the one fighting them.” Lumine retorts giving the fairy the side eye
“With that taking the waverider makes the most sense.” Aether concludes and you and Lumine agree
You and company make the long trek to the waypoint all the way up north on Araumi, all the way making sure to avoid all ruin machines. Thankfully normally aggressive creatures like Hilichurls were pretty passive and let you go through without any issues, even the camps that has Fatui let you past once Childe explained the situation. When you all reached the waverider waypoint Lumine summoned the boat, you get ready to enter the vehicle but turned towards Yae after noticing her not moving from her spot
“This is as far as I can accompany you, but take this.” Yae said as she handed you a charm, “This will help you on your journey, wherever you are in Teyvat if you ever need me just use it.” you looked at your hand to see it’s an omamori amulet. It looks exactly like the one she gave Lumine during the Inazuma Archon quest with the exception of the characters on the paper slip being different and written in a gold ink that shimmers in the light
You hold the amulet to your chest and smiled. “Thank you Yae, once this all blows over I would love to properly visit this place.”
“Give us some time and all of Inazuma will throw you an appropriate celebration for you, your Grace.”
You waved at Miko as you entered the boat, the Guji watched as the waverider disappeared into the distance
“Safe travels, your Grace.”
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@chuuya-brainrot @creation-magician @tartarsaucechi1de @vvyeislazzy @aludicpoet @undecidingfate @annoying-mary @randomnatics @bore2808 @nickey-diano @transbirbboi @dxprived4-starboys @angstylittleb1tch @esthelily @yurivision @angelamelamela @chocolatekuns @ghost-mint @mmmhyperfixation @legendaryexperthideout @lapinaenmicoche @sinsdumbdrabble @rebeccawinters @imyme20 @nymphsdomain @sun7lowxr @blackcoffex @itz-luna @flowerypesky @land-of-eternity @deathcvltcivilofficial @d4y-dr3am3r @yuriclouds @artwitchh
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percyluvr · 7 months
Heyhey :D can i request a percy jackson x daughter of demter!reader headcanons? Plss 💗
percy jackson x daughter of demeter!reader summary: hcs about percy w a daughter of demeter
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his first thought when he saw u was 'she is so cute i need her in my life IMMEDIATELY'
when he went to ask you out, he bought one of those flower language books so that he could get you flowers that were meaningful and romantic
u literally almost cried when he gave u the bouquet bc it was the most romantic thing u had ever received in ur entire life
he's such a sweetie and he always listen when u talk
he loves it if u have a softer voice
he just loves u fr
but anyways
he always follows u around when u go around camp making sure all the plants are healthy
and he asks so many questions
hes genuinely so interested
he gives you carefully picked out bouquets of flowers and he keeps some flowers so when they die he knows when to get you a new bouquet
hes ur #1 fan
he thinks its so cool how u can manipulate plants n shit
and make them grow
he just finds it really cute how u care so much about the planet too
sometimes yall just sit in silence and do a lil gardening
u show him what u love and he shows u what he loves
HE LOVES taking you underwater
and if u can like do shit with the seaweed he thinks its awesome
like one time u changed the seaweed to be changed like a heart and he almost cried because it was so cute
u made him a flower crown to match the one u like wearing
and he literally died
he could NOT stop telling people about it
he wore it everywhere
and u replaced it every time he lost it... which was a lot more times than he would've preferred
he felt bad
but u didnt really mind remaking it so!
yall just be connecting w nature n shit
frolicking in the strawberry patch type beat
he just thinks ur so cute
ur like a little flower to him
BUT that doesnt mean that he doesnt think ur powerful
bc lord knows u ARE
one time he made you mad and u almost strangled him with a vine
he knew to never piss you off again
yall r honestly chill tho
like the two of you just chill around camp with each other
the shit that goes on at camp doesnt phase you at all
adding onto that, i think yall have just been through so much together that u have a strong ass connection that nobody could break
when yall go on quests together, it always goes smoothly
you keep him in check
but u also let him have his fun
in conclusion, yall were just made for each other
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possiblylando · 1 year
An Analysis on the meaning of each Moonscorched Contestant in Termina.
It comes with the territory; Discussions of Sexual Content Additionally, Spoilers for Termina. CHAUGNAR; Abella
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Chaugnar is one of the more unusual moonscorched forms as unlike other Moonscorched forms it doesn't seem to share much with Abella herself. Chaugnar takes the form of a Large Masculine humanoid with a Mutilated Earless Elephant head. It's skin seems almost scaley in portions, Like it's been callused. The lower half of Chaugnar is the most obvious parallel in the design. Abella lives a more masculine life for the 1940s. Due to be a mechanic she's in much better shape than many other contestants. Notably being the only Female Contestant able to use two handed weapons without issue. I've not encountered anything suggesting Abella to be insecure about her masculinity; which is a bit odd for a Moonscorched form as they tend to embody the traits the original contestant was most insecure about. Chaugnar as a name originates from H.P. Lovecraft Mythos, From a creature of the same name. However it's been confirmed the name Chaugnar is a reference in name alone due to having a similar appearance to Chaugnar from Lovecraft Mythos. So the question stands, Why does Chaugnar have an Elephant's head? Looking at Elephants from a spiritual sense they tend to represent Luck and Prosperity. Which would take on an inverted meaning as Abella is one of the first Contestants to become Moonscorched. Additionally I've seen the theory that Chaugnar's Elephant Head is due to Abella being fused with another version of the Woodsman's "Parasite" which jumps her in Tunnel 7. However Abella still becomes Chaugnar if she's in your party at the Tower or the player waits until Day 4. This could be so that she doesn't have two Moonscorched forms. Depending on how you look at it this could prove or disprove the theory.
Lore - It can't be the Parasite because Abella becomes Chaugnar when she isn't caught by one.
Development - It could be the Parasite because making an entirely new Moonscorched form just for the Tower would take a lot of extra time for an unnecessary feature.
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The Gentleman is one of the more straight forward Moonscorched forms. But also one of the more interesting ones. The Gentleman takes the form of a Large Guard-Esq creature which an unusual head. It's face is twisted to the point you're unable to make out it's expression at any given moment. Additionally it's eyes are so warped it's not clear if they're eyes of secondary mouths replacing them. Put simply the Gentleman is an exaugurated version of Henyrk who's lost a majority of his inhibitions. Unlike Abella it's much more clear why Henyrk Moonscorches so early on in the competition. Henyrk is prone to Paranoia and Panic as seen in the mayor's mansion on Morning 1. The Gentleman retains most of Henyrk's sensibilities but seems unattached to Henyrk's memories. This is a twisted form of how Henyrk views himself. Notably I don't believe the Gentleman to be a bad person. Unlike many other Moonscorched forms he retains an ability to reason and control himself. He won't attack the player unless they directly insult his cooking, One of the only things Henyrk seemed to value himself on. Notably it seems the Gentleman went through several phases in development which are still leftover in the game. Under certain circumstances Marina can be found in the Mayor's mansion having been kidnapped by him. Given what I've previously said about the Gentleman I doubt he would've done anything Sexually Predatory to her as Henyrk doesn't seem like the kind of person who would do something like that. However the same can not be said for the Gentleman's original appearance.
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This version of the Gentleman is much more defined demonic appearance, His face showing visible malice and anger. Additionally he can be seen with a Stinger, Similar to the guards in the first game. Clearly this initial design was meant to evoke the Guards. However unlike the Guards who are animalistic, The Gentleman is cruelly aware of his disgusting deeds. I have no doubt this version of the Gentleman would have been a Sexual Predator. Given his design was changed to remove the more crass "implications" (Less Implications more outright statements), Its logical to assume the final version of the Gentleman wouldn't be as disgusting as the original. DYSMORPHIA; Samarie
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Dysmorphia takes the form of a tall black feminine creature. Her torso is notably rounded. The flesh around Her face is flayed and pulled back by a metal ring behind her head evoking the imagry of a Halo. Dysmorphia is one of the more interesting Moonscorched forms as she acts less like a monster and more like an awoken form of Samarie. She shares many of the same emotional issues and insecurities as Samarie. Dysmorphia as a name is incredibly straight forward as it refers directly to Samarie's feelings of hatred towards herself. As a recap, Samarie was apart of the Experiments in the 9th circle to contact the old gods. Her time there was torturous and awakened her ability to read minds. She feels ostracized from society and is always afraid of her imitate death due to what happened to her. Notably if she survives Termina she seems to be able to continue living just fine as she's seen to still be stalking Marina. While not explicitly stated it's possible Samarie as a form of Body Dysmorphia. Dysmorphia has a rounder stomach and torso in comparison to Samarie's stick thin body. It's hard to say if this is intentional or not due to Samarie's lack of- really anything in the game. Samarie and Dysmorphia by extension are torn between their self hatred and their need to be able to live as their true selves. As seen in their battle dialog. Player: “You were just a regular person a moment ago...” Dysmorphia: “What is that supposed to mean!? Why must everyone be regular!? Regular this! Regular that! Be normal! YOU CALL ME REGULAR!?” You managed to infuriate Dysmorphia with your persuasion efforts. (+Furious)
She's so blindsided by anyone showing any sort of kindness to her that it's enough to make her question everything she's been doing and planning for, For assumably years. Dysmorphia: “I did all this for her... I had it all ready... But then you come along...AND RUINED IT ALL!” Player: [PERSUADE] “Let's just talk this through. No harm done yet...” Dysmorphia: “Talk!? TALK!? Why would you want to talk to me!? Just look at me!” Player: “What's so weird about wanting to talk?” Dysmorphia: “...” Dysmorphia is clearly hesitating... “This is just a trick, isn't it...? You don't care about me...” (+Hesitation) I'll talk about it more in detail when I get to the Mastermind but it's also seen with Dysmorphia. Moonscorching seems less like complete monsterfication and more like an Evolution/Awakening. It's quite literally stated by Dysmorphia. Player: “What do you mean 'radiating'?”
Dysmorphia: “Like a moth! I'm finally close to bloom! A hairy moth in the night!” MONSTER; Caligura
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The Monster is the most straight forward Moonscorched form. It takes the form of a giant bulbus and warty combination of a Vagina and a Ball sack. This is because Caligura is a bastard. He is a ball sack before he's moonscorched and he's a ball sack after he's moonscorched. Gaining a Vagina mouth represents his lust after women. There is not much depth present in Caligura's moonscorched form. It maintains a portion of Caligura's consciousness but not much. It's only real communication ability is insults and telling the player to choke on it's balls. Semi Unrelated to Monster; One theory I've heard is that Caligura is Samarie's Bio-Dad due to how similar they look. They look even more similar when you look at Beta Caligura in comparison to Samarie.
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It's interesting enough to mention due to Monster's otherwise lack of subtly. WEEPING SCOPE; Levi
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The Weeping Scope takes on a tall and semi-thin masculine form with an elongated torso. It's head has been replaced with the fleshy barrel of a tank cannon. The remains of Levi's clothes can be seen fused to it's upper torso with a notable lack of visible gentiles despite the lack of clothes. The Weeping Scope represents Levi's worst possible ending. Unlikely others like Dysmorphia and Gentleman who act as evolved forms of their contestants, Weeping Scope is Levi regressed back to his trauma and unable to escape from it. It seems to act entirely on instinct until it has a realization of what it's become. He's been turned into a weapon which can't do anything except kill. Once the player encounters the Scope for the first time it'll fire on them before fleeing. Once it flees it will hide in the Orphanage and become passive to the player unless they directly attack it. Levi is clearly still present within the Scope and still wants to be able to move on from his Trauma but is unable to escape it as he keeps getting dragged back into it. The Scope goes to the Orphanage as despite it being a location Levi was implied to have been abused in, It's the only familiar place he knows in Prehevil. Levi will never be able to fully escape the terrible circumstances of his upbringing as they'll always hang over him. -Second Reading- There's also another possible reading of the Weeping Scope which I'll mention. In this interpretation the Scope acts as an inverted version of the Cocoon. Both forms see the Contestants lose their heads in place of their most notable mutation and lose control over themselves to that mutation. The Cocoon is controlled by the Cocoon, And the Scope is controlled by it's gun. Additionally the reason no gentiles are visible on the Scope is because it doesn't have a dick, It has a Vagina which is hidden by it's pubic hair. Both the Scope and the Cocoon reveal the biggest insecurities of their contestants, Being their birth gender. This reading would make Levi trans. I think it's a valid reading even though it isn't the one I personally ascribe to. The main points against it can be handwaved. That main problem being, Levi was a Child Soldier long before women were allowed to fight in a war. Transphobia exists in the Fear and Hunger universe so it's unlikely they would let it slide. However it's also possible that they didn't care about gender in the slightest so long as they could use a gun and kill the enemy. POCKET CAT; Daan
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We all know and [HAVE EMOTIONS PERTAINING TO] Pocket Cat. He's unusual because not only is he special he probably isn't a moonscorched form. He possesses Daan no matter what, The moon's radiation just speeds up the processes. Daan has without question the most cruel backstory in the series. It's almost a guarantee that his life was tampered with by outside forces. To put it simply, Daan was groomed into becoming Pocket Cat. Daan's blank soul definitely makes it easier (A blank soul may even be a requirement for possession) for him to become possessed by Pocket Cat. It's hard to say for certain how Possession works in Funger given we only really see it happen once. In lue of any deeper analysis on the meaning of Daan becoming Pocket Cat, I'd like to bring up something you may not know about. The Pocket Cat Room. If you bring a Joy Mask to the Man under the lamp post you're able to gain access to the Pocket Cat Room. The Pocket Cat Room will change depending on if Daan has been possessed or not. Here are the rooms pre and post possession.
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It requires contest of both to fully make sense. In the original room it's been filled up with toys and bags. These are obvious metaphors for Pocket Cat's crimes. Every time we see him with a bag there's a child inside. Each of these bags likely hides a body inside. The way this is presented, Each time a new Pocket Cat is created the slate is wiped clean as they've yet to commit any atrocities. Meaning Pocket Cat as an entity is able to escape any sort of "Karmic Punishment" is the best term I can think to describe it. As seen in Daan's room the outlines of the Sun and Star and still present as he has yet to fully delve into Rher Worship. The body seen within Daan's room likely represent the Baron and Elise. The empty chalk outline could represent how the Baron was able to get up and become Needles. Or it could represent how Elise was daan's only concern in that moment as aside from the blood and police tape the room is blank. If we were encounter another Pocket Cat room in the future while Daan is still pocket cat (Probably won't happen), We'd likely see this room become morphed to fit the original being filled up with more sacks and toys and Pocket Cat's influence becomes deeper. THE MECHANICAL DANCE; Olivia
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The Mechanical Dance is a weird one as it's both straight forward and mysterious at the same time. The Mechanical Dance takes the form of a Large metal pyramid with fan slots on it's sides. Attached at the top is a feminine torso in a suit with pauldrons of some sort and long stick arms. The face is completely blank aside from it's eyes. The entirety of the Dance seems to be made out of Metal. The most obvious part is that the Dance has lost it's legs entirely only being able to move via it's pyramid base. Representing Olivia being bound to a wheelchair due to her weak legs. That however is where the most obvious aspects end. Her being apart of the Dance makes some degree of sense as it could be reasons as Olivia wanting to be able to do something she can't usually do. It's hard (but not impossible) to Dance in a wheelchair. It seems the Dance's mannequin like appearance is there to draw attention away from the Humanoid aspects of it and draw attention to the Pyramid. This represents Olivia's fears/insecurities of being unable to escape the shadow of both Relia and her disability. So the Dance itself is secondary to it's mode of transport. Overall, One of the weirdest Moonscorched forms. GIANT; Marcoh
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The Giant is another of the more straight forward Moonscorched forms. It takes the form of a large hulking creature with a strange warped black torso covered in eyes and teeth. It's head is comparable to that of a barnacle's tongue. Marcoh's personality is nearly completely absent from the Giant as it's only able to say "GUILTY!". It represents Marcoh's bad ending in which he becomes a brutish monster unable to think and which only acts in Violence. it's singular dialog line suggest the Giant believes everything it's doing is for the great good. However it's hard to say for sure. VALKYRIE; Karin
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The Valkyrie is a peak moonscorch as it perfect encompasses Karin as a character and her flaws. The Valkyrie which opposite to it's name takes the form of a large Harpie with thick blonde hair. The bases of it's wings are protected by pauldrons and it's face is covered by a metal blindfold/helmet. It carries a group of Bellend on it's back. there has been a bit of debate as to what the creatures of her back are but they're clearly Bellend.
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The Valkyrie's name represents Karin's own opinion of herself. In her mind she's a purveyor of truth and justice, Exposing the evils of the world and making sure those who suffer at it's hand never suffer in vein. Yet in reality her actions have acted to further ostracize the downtrodden by exposing the worst parts of their lives to the world. She's figuratively and literally blinded to the truth as she believes he's carrying lost warriors on her back to save them from death. In reality she's just bringing more Bellend to Prehevil so they can wreck havoc. From a Metaphor Standpoint, My favorite Moonscorched by far. Miro was cooking flames with Valkyrie. JUDGEMENT; Tanaka
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Judgement is unusual as it just seems like Tanaka fell through a window. Judgement is another Moonscorched form which acts an awoken form of the initial contestant. Tanaka as much as he's meme'd as the guy who dies first, Is actually a very strong person. As seen in his growth throughout the festival.
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If you fight needles after Tanaka is decapitated, Needles is notably damaged. He didn't go down without a fight even this early on. Judgement is Tanaka's logical end point should he never go through his growth. Judgement represents Tanaka breaking the metaphorical Glass ceiling as seen with all the glass in his attacks and the move called "Glass ceiling". It's rather blatant. Judgement still retains Tanaka's memories as seen when you present him with the Crossword puzzle. Player: (Player has Crosswords puzzle) “That sounds familiar. Did you fill this Crosswords puzzle?” Judgement: “What of it? Back when I first arrived here, I lacked the ambition and determination. I would waste my time on this planet on the most useless of things.” Judgement has become obsessed with the Grind. Money makes the world go round and Judgement wants the sun to rise each day so he can continue to grind. COCOON; Marina
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The Cocoon is Marina's body which has been bent over backwards and forced to crab walk. It's grown a second pair of arms which it uses to aid in it's mobility. A second head has grown in place of her dick which is connected by a Leash to a large Cocoon made of twisted flesh that has replaced Marina's head. The Cocoon represents Marina's traumas and fears. The Cocoon exposes her biggest secret to the world and makes it one of the only things people are able to see about her. You're only really able to see the Head, The Limbs. And the Cocoon. It's hard to tell if the Cocoon controls the body now, Or if the new head control it. Either way it represents Marina being unable to escape being lead around by her birth gender and the baggage that comes with it. I've heard the theory that the Cocoon contains Domek's corpse due to Marina being found in the church on the final day after his death. Even in death he has an inescapable control over her. The Cocoon is up there with the Valkyrie when it comes to the insight and metaphor it can give us into their respective contestants. MASTERMIND; O'saa
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I've saved the Mastermind for last for a reason. The Mastermind without doubt is the single most unusual Moonscorched form in the game. It takes the form of O'saa with a Fungal looking growth replacing his head. a disembodied eyeball floats above it's right hand. SO WHAT THE FUCK? The mastermind more than any other moonscorch proves that moonscorching itself acts as a form of evolution. O'saa has not changed outside his appearance and now inability to speak. The Mastermind will not hunt the player down, They have to engage in battle with it. O'saa does not topple over in pain when he becomes Moonscorched like the other contestants, He sits down and meditates. Alright are you ready for my crackpot theory? Moonscorching is a form of divine enlightenment akin to the throne of ascension in mah'abre. this might sound crazy as you're probably thinking they're nothing like the New Gods we see. However I assure you, They're quite similar. New Gods aren't actually Gods in the literal sense. They're humans who have gained incredible power through the throne. However we see through the new god forms of the first game's protagonist this doesn't automatically come with a new cool form. Take Ragnavldr for example, His New God form is horrific.
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He's been hunched over and swallowed by his fur clothes which have begun to take over his entire body. It's much less gruesome than some of the Moonscorched form. But thats because everyone who can ascend in the Dungeon has gone there of their own volition. They're prepared to ascend. Aside from Samarie and O'saa, None of the contestants are at all prepared to enter a form of divine ascension. So their bodies are warped and twisted. They don't have what it takes to ascend to the next form of humanity like the New Gods. It's very possible that the Mastermind and Dysmorphia are incomplete forms of ascension which had yet to fully manifest their true selves. We fight them both soon after they moonscorch so they've had no time to grow accustomed to the green hue. Look at the normal Moonscorched people, None of them have the drive to become true Moonscorched beings like the contestants. While it's probably just for gameplay balance, Notice how we can only absorb souls from the Contestants? Their souls aren't strong enough to ascend via the green hue. Samarie and O'saa have the Radiant and Enlightened souls respectively. We know one's soul matters when it comes to moonscorching because Pocket Cat is able to possess Daan due to his Blank Soul. Rher is the trickster moon god, He doesn't want humans to ascend to godhood. However have you noticed how Rher's servants only try to stop the Girl from Ascending? True Humans can not ascend to godhood via the throne. Only Hybrid Humans can ascend to true godhood. The Girl is born of Le'Garde and Nilvan. A New god and a Human. Alll-Mer is the same. He was the son of a New god and a Human. So what if the Presence of an Old God is enough to impart a form of Divinity onto those receptive to it? The Old Gods we see in Funger 1 are only present for a single boss battle and are only traces. Yet Rher's traces are present for the entire game.
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chaoticace2005 · 7 months
Reasons Angel’s eyes may be different colors:
1. Black eye Arackniss gave him before dying
2. Got eye injury before dying another way (crime related?)
3. To show his deal with Val (if going with black eye theory)
4. Born with different colored eyes/ congenital eye disorder (potential vision problems?)
5. To show he’s the “black sheep” of the family
6. To show the “different sides” of him
7. Because he’s THAT bitch and refuses to have the “standard” eye color (and good for him)
8. He uses colored contacts for the “Angel Dust” brand
9a. He makeups so hard that the eyeliner goes INTO his eye
9b. The eyeliner may have been sharpie ( @wazzi2ya )
10. Tried to dye his hair black and failed miserably
11. Did his lethal dose of PCP by snorting it through his eye (which gave him both the best high ever and also killed him)
12. Because he’s bilingual. One color per language.
13. He spawned in hell with one (or five) eyes, then he stole one from a cannibal and sewed it on so he’d have a full set. Unfortunately it’s like when sewing you can’t find matching buttons so you have to submit to using different colored buttons.
14. To get fat nuggets he had to relinquish an eye, someone later gave him a replacement.
15. His black eye is actually full of demonic power and is what has control over Alastor’s soul. So it’s black like Alastor’s shadows.
16. He wanted to match Husk but lost commitment half way through
17. The black is actually his eye’s pupil. It’s just a REALLY big pupil for… reasons
18. It’s a magical tattoo
19. He fell into a river of dark chocolate at a certain chocolate factory. It left a permanent mark.
20. He went through an emo phase that he never recovered from.
21. He died of alcohol poisoning after trying the Pinterest homestuck sharpie bath method and only his eye stayed black ( @helluvahazbinheathen )
22. That eye is his venom sac
23. To represent the fact he’s had two different VAs
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audliminal · 14 hours
It's just a game, right? Pt 2
pt 1
"It's like. Crazy, y'know?" Bernard's voice echoes in Tim's ears as he fiddles with his mask. "Like, when they started posting, I was kinda meh about it? I mean the first few videos they posted were just like. Basic shitty, scrambled audio, and the first clues were just like, real simple. Basic word replacement stuff; mostly vigenères, right? But now it's- they're using everything! The current drop is. It's layers, man. And I think it's intentional."
"Isn't it supposed to be intentional? I thought that was like, the whole point of an ARG."
"No I mean, like yeah obviously the clues are intentional, but like. The way the difficulty curve is just increasing. When this started it was so easy, but I don't think it was because they like, didn't know what they were doing or anything. Which, cool yeah that makes sense, you want people to buy in before it gets super hard or whatever, but there are, like all these threads that never went anywhere. And everybody kind of wrote them off as red herrings because they didn't seem to fit into the narrative that we had so far, but I can't stop thinking about them, you know?"
"I mean, they could still be red herrings, couldn't they?"
"Well, technically, yeah, but like. Why? It's one thing to have a dead end that maybe calls back to a previous clue or, like, reaffirms some detail from before but having something completely unconnected seems like a weird choice. Especially when the creator keeps telling us to dig deeper."
"What the fuck does that mean?" Tim asks with a laugh.
"No that's the thing!" Bernard's voice goes intense, and Tim momentarily stops putting his mask back together. "Literally every fucking drop those exact words are hidden somewhere in the mess of encryptions, and as things get more complicated, it's showing up more not less. And that together with all the fucking loose details that don't seem to fit in anywhere? I'm literally on the verge of going back to the beginning of the whole thing and solving it from scratch, bc I think we're missing a lot." Tim kind of forgets, sometimes, how similar he and Bernard are, but the in his boyfriend's voice is one he's intimately familiar with. That combination of obsession and frustration - and obviously it's not really serious because like, it's an internet game, but it doesn't matter what the stakes are, being stuck on a puzzle fucking sucks, and he can't exactly patrol what with his broken ankle, so maybe a fun, no-stakes challenge would be good for him.
"We were planning on hanging out on Friday, so what if you walked me through it from the start, and maybe together we can come up with some answers?"
"Seriously? Dude that would be so awesome! I will teach you everything I know about code breaking!"
"I mean, I do know some things, you know. You think I didn't have a spy phase as a teenager?" Tim smiles at Bernard's responding laughter. It'll be nice, he thinks, to mess with a puzzle where nobody's life is at stake.
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amoreva · 6 months
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—– ٠ ✤ ٠ —–· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • · —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —–
pairing: luke castellan x fem!reader
summary: as a little childish act of rebellion, you try dating your friend, Luke Castellan, to really piss off your parents (for a actual real reason, not the small things they hate). what was supposed to be no strings attached turned into a little more than just childish revenge.
warnings: slow burn, college au, smau, fake dating to dating, cursing, clarisse x chris, aged up! pjo charcters, yn is older sister figure to percy, luke and thalia are older sibling figures to annabeth
a/n: i have re-written this one too many times and am still in the process of revising and proofreading to give you guys the best condition of the start of this fic series! So sorry for the delay!
series list | next
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“Are we still friends?”
“Can we be friends?”
“After all of this?”
“After all of this.”
It would be a disastrously great story to tell your grandkids (if you had grandkids). Quite embarrassing really, telling someone about how naive and oblivious you were (still are.)
It was spring. The flowers in full bloom. Allergies spreading like wildfire due to pollen. Thankfully, it was raining cats and dogs, so no stuffy noses tonight. You decided to come back from your hometown two days before spring break ended. As much as you were homesick after spending so long at college, your family made you feel homesick for college.
It was torturous. Questions and questions about your college life were thrown at you left and right. From potentially having a significant other to your major that you were taking to who you were friends with to being disappointed in your college major to asking about your grades to being disappointed you party to just being disappointed.
All in all, truly you loved your family. Really, you do. Your aunt made great pastries. Your dad a great cook. Your uncle made really funny (bad.) jokes. Yet, they found some way to critic your every decision and move you make. You hated it.
Your shoes squeaked on tiled stairs. Lugging up your suitcase, you just prayed you didn’t fall. The tiles were wet because people’s shoes were wet. You did not want to pay a hospital bill after barely paying for college.
By the time you got to your dorm, you were already half asleep, running on an overpriced yogurt parfait from the airport. The soft comforter of your bed calling out to you like a siren’s song.
You were lulling off to dreamscape when a loud ominous creak filled the silence. “C’mon. You gotta be better than that. Lock your doors.” Luke’s “charming” voice replaced your peace. “Some creep could waltz in and kidnap you in your sleep.”
“Supposed you’re that creep?”
Luke has been attached to your hip since highschool, freshman year. Both of you have suffered through each other’s numerous cringy phases (only to bring them up for the annual birthday post on instagram).
He was one of the friends your parents despise. They always ranted about how they’ve been a bad influence to you since highschool.
“Depends.” The bed dipped under his weight. “Do you think you look okay enough to go out?”
“I guess, but I feel disgusting.” You answered. Confusion swimming through your mind. Where was Luke going with this?
“Are you upset because of a recent event?”
“Upset enough to stay holed up the whole evening?” Luke rephrased.
“Okay.” Decision.
You heard his windbreaker swish as his arms wrapped around your waist. “Luke!” Like a bag of potatoes you were tossed over his shoulder. “You fucking—!”
He grabbed what he was originally came in your dorm for and exited. Silena, Chris and Clarisse were waiting for Luke and now, you. “Welcome back!” Silena said, masking her shock.
No one knew you were coming back home early and Luke wasn’t surprised. As much as you wanted to stay in your dorm and sleep, you were glad to be with your friends.
The restaurant was loud and lively. The rain ceasing. College students were celebrating their final few days before classes started up again. The occasional drunks here to watch the multiple football games going on. Your friend group chose to celebrate.
The dim lighting was a stark contrast to the bright TVs that played various football and soccer games. Drinks slid down the bar into the awaiting consumer’s hand. Alcohol got everyone in a better mood during the night (though the same cannot be said the morning after).
A waiter placed down the five shots Luke had ordered, in toast of your unexpected return and the final days of spring break. The shot glasses made a tiny clink before the liquid burned your throat. It left a warm feeling in your chest.
Silena and Clarisse went to take photos via Chris the cameraman. The three went out to the porch of the restaurant bar. You opted out and Luke stayed with you. You weren’t exactly in the nicest clothes.
Another round of shots were placed on the table. Luke ran his fingers through his curls and checked his phone. “What’s bothering you?” He asked.
“What?” You tore your gaze from the two girls and looked at Luke.
“You said you were upset about something, but not too upset to not go out.” Luke explained. “Better to get it off your shoulders than to bottle it up.”
You roll your eyes at his last sentence and sat up in the cushioned restaurant chair. “Family.” Luke laughed a little at that. He’s known how perfect your family wants you to be.
You shove your face into your hands as if you were reliving the reunion all over again. “I didn’t even do anything bad or get in serious trouble this time!”
Luke nodded along slowly, taking in your every word. You can’t tell what he’s thinking as you continue on your little rant. Yet his face shifts as you rant.
“Why are your grades like that?”
“I saw your Instagram post. Drinking? Really?”
You parrot some of the questions your family said to you, with their fake smiles and judgmental eyes. You were old enough to drink! “And then they started talking my ear off about you all. Clarisse! Thalia, you—Silena and Chris” The list goes on. Luke knows it. You know it.
“Why are you friends with that temperamental girl? Lord knows the trouble you’ll be roped into with her.” You mocked your parents, aunts and uncles’ words. “I don’t like how that Thalia girl. Too rebellious, disrespectful too!”
“That one girl is an airhead. Head in the clouds.”
“Don’t get me started on that Luke boy again.”
“Get better friends.”
“Maybe you hang out with a different group.”
“They piss me off! And well maybe they’re concerned about my wellbeing, but—they keep harping me about everything little thing I do.” You groaned and rubbed your eyes exhausted. “Which is why I came back early.”
“So piss them off.” Like that was the hardest thing you do. You unintentionally trigger their judgmental side without even trying.
“It’s what I do to my dad. I piss him off most of the time when he tries to come back.” Luke shrugged. “If they hate all of us so much. Date one of us, shit—date me, you’ve known me the longest. I think they’d be pretty pissed about you dating a bad influence.”
“That’s so childish.” You commented, but it was good, but it could work. Rebellion never hurt anyone that bad. Well, maybe your aunt will have a “heart attack”, but it should be fine.
And you were out of options to try and get your family off your back.
So the next afternoon, when Clarisse was out, Luke and you sat on your bed and conjured up a contract for this temporary relationship; a day before break was over.
“I don’t see why we need a contract.” Luke sipped on a juicebox. The sunlight providing a nice atmosphere in your dorm room.
“I saw it work on a show I watched kinda.” You whispered the word “kinda” under your breath. It was a long time since you’ve seen the show.
Luke raised an eyebrow and set the empty juice box on your desk. “So…uh—terms and conditions.” You typed out on a Google doc in big bolded letters. How do you start this?
“We could “date” from now until the start of summer? I think that is a long enough rebellion.” You suggested and looked at Luke. “I have to go back home for Easter and my little sister’s birthday, but then I have that family trip in summer…”
“Sure.” Luke agreed.
You looked at him silently asking him to elaborate. “From now until that family trip is over. I’ll go to Easter, the birthday and the trip.”
“You aren’t trying to mooch off me for the trip are you?”
Luke slid the computer to him and typed out the first terms and conditions. He ignored your question with a smile and a shake of his head. “You have to come with me when it’s Mother’s Day though.”
You agreed to that relatively quickly. Your mom and dad were always out of town that day. “I’m fine with kissing on the cheek and forehead and holding hands, if you are?”
“What? No lips?” Luke teased with a grin.
“I haven’t had my first kiss yet.” You muttered in embarrassment.
“Fine, no lips.” You were slightly surprised Luke didn’t tease you for not having your first kiss yet. He typed it on the computer. “And no sex.”
“No sex.” You agreed. “And we cannot let the others know. They’ll start talking and then it’ll get to my family somehow—”
“Okay…no sex and no talking about the fake relationship.” Luke chucked and typed it on the computer. “This seems good enough for a contract right?” He still thinks the contract is stupid.
You smack his shoulder. “This is serious, Luke! If I wanna piss of my parents I have to do it right.”
“Okay, sweetie.” He spoke sarcastically and typed his name at the end of the document. You did the same. “But there is no right way to piss off someone. You just do.”
After signing the temporary dating contract, Luke and you talked about the story of how you got together.
Luke and you supposedly have had some unrequited feelings during highschool. Both of you began talking over spring break after a drunk conversation and decided to give dating a shot.
Then, there was the fact that Luke and you had to announce the relationship. So, social media it was. Which prompted you to grab his hand. “Where are we going?” Luke asked as he was dragged off your bed.
“A cafe.” You held his hand, fingers lacing together. “I’m hungry after all that and it would be great publicity if we went out holding hands.”
“Whatever you say.” Luke rolled his eyes, though he didn’t mean it. “Then I guess I’ll be the good boyfriend and pay.”
“Really?” You asked and looked back at him.
He shrugged. “Why not.”
Luke and you held hands and talked about whatever came to mind. Like you usually did as bestfriends. He opened the cafe door for you and paid for your food and drink.
Maybe “dating” Luke won’t be the worst thing ever. Rebelling doesn’t seem to be all that bad now. Maybe everything will turn out fine. You rebel against your perfect family and Luke will get a free trip as a reward. Yeah, you’re sure things will turn out okay. Maybe.
—– ٠ ✤ ٠ —–· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • · —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —–
@happy-mushrooms @m00ng4z3r
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yoga-onion · 18 days
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[Image above: Kyoto Sanzenin Temple, statue of Mahāsthāmaprāpta]
What is the 23 nights temple? [Part 1]
Thank you for your continued support of the ‘A Message from 23 Nights Temple’ blog. We have received quite a few questions from our readers about the ‘23 Nights Temple’, so we would like to answer them here in two parts.
23 nights is one of the folk rituals on the night of a specific moon phase, such as the 13th, 15th, 17th or 19th night, to wait for the moon to rise, make offerings, eat and drink together. Hundreds of years ago, halls where these events used to be held were scattered all over Japan, but unfortunately most of them have now been demolished and replaced by parking lots and modern ossuaries, especially in urban areas. The moon-waiting rituals of the Mid-Autumn Moon, 15 Nights (Full Moon), are still practised today. Although most modern Japanese are agnostics, some ritual events incorporating Buddhism and Shintoism remain.
The moon phase on the 23rd night is the ‘waning moon’, the half moon after the full moon, when the left half of the moon appears to be shining. The moon on the 23rd night is characterized by appearing late, around midnight, and in some mountainous areas surrounded by mountains, it can appear as late as 1 a.m.
In moon-waiting, the object of worship was determined by the time of the lunar phase at which the event was held. The object of worship on the 23rd night was Mahāsthāmaprāpta (bodhisattva mahāsattva), who was also said to be the incarnation of the moon. The light of wisdom possessed by Mahāsthāmaprāpta was thought to illuminate everything, freeing people from suffering and giving them strength.
In Shinto, Tsukuyomi-no-mikoto (Ref) is another name for Mahāsthāmaprāpta. He is also known as the god of agriculture and fishery, due to his characteristic control over the moon calendar.
The widespread ritual of waiting for the moon on the night of the 23rd lunar phase can be attributed to the worship of Mahastamaprapta, the savior of all things.
In “ A Message from 23 Nights Temple,” one of those shrines is featured. However, 2 years ago, the shrine, built over 1,000 years ago, was removed and converted into a commercial ossuary (August 2022), and the monk who left many of his messages died at the same time, but we continue to present the Zen words he left behind.
And personally, I am posting this not quite as a religion, but with the hope that as many people as possible will remember the philosophy of the prehistoric people, who lived with a sense of the cosmos, worshipping nature and enjoying the beauty of flowers, birds, wind and moon.
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月待ちでは、行事を行う月年齢の時期によって崇拝の対象が決まっていた。二十三夜で礼拝したのは、月の化身ともいわれた「勢至菩薩 (せいしぼさつ、梵: マハースターマプラープタ) 」である。勢至菩薩が持つ智慧の光は全てを照らし、人々を苦しみから解放して力を与えると考えられていた。その名は文字通り「大いなる力の到来」を意味する。
神道における「月読命(つくよみのみこと: 参照)」は、勢至菩薩の別名。暦を支配するという特徴から、農耕や漁業の神としても知られている。
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pascallftv · 9 months
Girl Next Door— Part 2
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Previous Part Series Masterlist
This is part 2 of a series. I highly recommend you read part 1 first!
Summary: Joel takes you to the store to pick out the materials for your new bathroom. At the store, you have an uncomfortable run-in with Joel’s ex wife.
Content: This is a plot based chapter, but it’s very important for the trope <3 Also thank you so much for the love on the last part. Part 3 will be here soon, she’s so cutesie and I can’t wait for you to read it :)
Word count: 4.6k
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The drive to the nearest home improvement store was half an hour away. You watched as Joel popped a CD into the CD player in his truck, immediately recognizing the intro to the Rumors album by Fleetwood Mac.
“Rumors?” You said, blocking the sun from your eyes with your hand as you hit the road. Joel glanced over at you, the hint of a smile toying at his lips.
“I didn’t take you as a Fleetwood Mac kind of girl.” Joel said. You watched the veins on his forearm and hand as he gripped the steering wheel to make a turn.
“Dad always played this album when I was growing up. He loved to try and explain all the romance drama in the band to me.” You explained, tapping your thigh with your free hand to the beat of the song.
Your bangs fell softly over your forehead, the golden sun making your skin radiate. Joel kept peeking over at you to admire your beauty. You were so effortlessly beautiful.
“What else do you listen to?” Joel asked you. You looked over at him, admiring the way the sun made the brown in his eyes softer.
“A little bit of everything. I love classic rock because of my dad, but I dabble a lot into pop and alternative. I’d say my favorite artist is probably Aerosmith.” You bit your lip as you thought about your music taste. Most of the artists you listened to were probably after Joel’s time. “What about you?”
“Hmm.” Joel hummed in thought, tapping his forefinger against the steering wheel. “Anythin’ from the sixties and seventies. I love Pink Floyd and Elvis.”
“Interesting.” You said. You noticed a pair of yellow aviators sitting on the dash of his truck, so you reached out to grab them, placing them over your nose. Joel looked over at you, shaking his head.
“Makin’ yourself at home, huh?”
“Do I look like Elvis?” You bit your lip, snapping your finger and pointing at him.
“Somethin’ of the sort.” Joel teased, turning back to watch the road.
“He sure was dreamy wasn’t he.” You said, watching at the fields flashed by you as Joel accelerated down the highway. “I had such a huge crush on him when I was a teenager.”
Joel knit his brows together and glanced over at you with a look of interest, silently asking you to elaborate.
“I had a random Elvis phase. Dad made me sit down and watch a documentary about him one night and after that I was infatuated.”
“Didn’t take you as the type to like Elvis either.” Joel observed, glancing over to look you up and down. “I have his greatest hits CD in the glovebox.”
You grinned and opened the glovebox, sure enough finding the CD. You pressed the eject button and the CD player spit out Rumors, and you carefully replaced it with Elvis 30 #1 Hits. You quietly hummed along as Heartbreak Hotel began playing.
The rest of the drive, you exchanged small talk about music with Elvis playing softly in the background, making it go by in a flash. When you reached the home improvement store, the sun was beginning to set in the horizon. It was golden hour as Joel shifted the truck into park and you both climbed out. Joel caught himself staring at you again. You looked even more beautiful in this lighting and he couldn’t get over it.
You walked beside each other as you entered the store. Something about the smell of a home improvement store felt nostalgic to you. The crisp smell of fresh wood wafted into your nose, mixing with the smell of Joel’s aftershave.
“Let’s look at tiles first.” Joel said, leading the way through the aisles of the store. The store was overwhelming; there were too many aisles to count and you had no idea where anything was, but Joel knew the place like the back of his hand. Going to the hardware store was a common trip for him and he had the store almost memorized.
“Here we are.” He said, entering an aisle with a wide array of both shower and floor tiles. There were so many different colors and textures of tiles, and you immediately began inspecting some that caught your eye. You started with shower tiles.
Your eye landed on a beautiful, dark green backsplash that was coated in a gloss, emphasizing the shifts of color within it. You immediately fell in love with the style of it.
“I think this might be the one.” You said, pointing towards the forest green tile. Joel stepped closer, running his forefinger over the sample of the tile. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. In his chest pocket was a pen, and he jotted down the inventory number of the tile.
“Alright, now what about flooring?” He said, stepping to the left towards the arrangement of flooring samples. There was an overwhelming number of floor tiles.
“Joel?” A voice spoke behind you. Both of your heads snapped up, and standing there was a woman who appeared to be in her forties. She had blonde, blown out hair and a striking red lip. Her makeup was done boldy, and she was wearing a long black dress with sandals.
“Josephine.” Joel cleared his throat. His brows were knit together in irritation. His ex wife was the last person he wanted to see right now.
“And what brings you here?” Josephine questioned, her eyes flickering over to you. She eyed you up and down, taking in your appearance. Suddenly feeling very insecure under her stare, your arms crossed in front of you.
“Buying some things for a remodel.” Joel said monotone. He noticed the way she was eyeing you, and he knew she assumed the worst, but he didn’t care. In that moment he wanted her assumptions to run wild. He didn’t care if she thought you were his girlfriend.
“And who is this?” Josephine said in a catty tone. Her smoked out eyes locked on you, her red manicured fingernails tapping against her purse. You looked down at your own nails. Your nails were barren of any polish, and you felt childish standing next to her.
Joel told her your name and glanced over at you.
“I’m remodeling her bathroom for her.” Joel clarified, his finger toying with the sheet of paper in his hand.
“Hmmm, Lionel’s daughter?” She pursed her lips. “I’d say she’s a bit young for you, huh?”
Your stomach dropped and your eyes quickly landed on Joel. His expression was stoic and almost peeved.
“Where’s Rick?” Joel changed the subject. “Usually when I see you, your tongues are down each other’s throats.”
Josephine scoffed, rolling her eyes. It was then you noticed the massive diamond ring on her finger.
“He’s over in the light section. We’re replacing our chandelier in the foyer.” She said, glancing back over to you. “What’s a spry little thing like you need a new bathroom for?”
“I just moved back from Chicago to live with my father for the time being, and my bathroom needs some updating.” You explained, your voice wavering.
“Living with your daddy, huh?” Josephine’s eyes reverted to Joel’s with a smirk toying at her overdrawn red lips. “I remember those days. Mooching off my parents with no responsibilities.”
You shifted your weight on your feet, now feeling extremely uncomfortable. You weren’t sure who this woman was, but it was evident that she and Joel had a past and she was making it a point to make jabs at you. Joel’s fists clenched at his sides.
“That’s enough, Josephine.” Joel grumbled, shooting daggers with his eyes. She chuckled manically, looking back at you.
“Oh, please. You know I’m just being satirical.” She half smirked, winking at you. You stared back at her blankly.
“Jo?” A man’s voice interjected your attention. A man who looked to be in his thirties was walking towards you all. He appeared to be younger than Josephine, a ring also adjourning his finger. Putting two and two together, you realized this was her husband. His gaze stayed on Joel for a few seconds before landing on you briefly.
“Hi, baby.” She said, pulling him in for a rather long, wet kiss. You tried to hide your face of disgust and turned to distract yourself with the floor tile samples.
“Joel.” You turned your head at her husband’s voice. He was nodding at Joel, and Joel stared back at him with a blank stare.
“Well, we should get going.” Josephine cleared her throat. “It was wonderful to see you.”
Josephine patted her husband’s chest, her fake nails clacking together. Her eyes flickered over to you, but didn’t acknowledge you. The two of them walked away, leaving you with a steaming Joel.
“I fucking hate her.” Joel grunted, stepping closer to you, your shoulders bumping together. “I’m sorry about that. Don’t take anything she said to heart. She’s a miserable bitch.”
“Who is she?” You asked. His brows were taught together in frustration and he shook his head.
“My ex wife. It’s a long story.” He mumbled, lifting the piece of paper with the inventory number. You frowned up at him.
“We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, but I have all the time in the world if you want to tell me over dinner.” You said caringly, your hand reaching up to touch his arm. Joel looked down at your hand, his eyes then moving to your face. His brows drew together at the gesture, your touch sending heat up his arm. God, you were beautiful.
“I’m sure it would bore you.” He murmured.
“Far from it.” You responded sweetly, removing you hand from his arm and pointing towards a black and white checkered tile. “This one’s perfect.”
He nodded at you and quickly wrote down the inventory number.
“Let’s go pick out your sink and shower so we can get out of here.” Joel said.
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You quickly chose your sink, faucets, toilet, shower basin, and shower head. You made sure to choose a detachable shower head, and you hoped to god Joel didn’t pick up on your intentions. Joel, on the other hand, knew exactly why you wanted a detachable shower head. All he could picture was showering with you and using it on your pretty pussy, but he quickly discarded his dirty thoughts, considering you were still in the middle of a home improvement store.
After you’d checked out and left, it was already dusk outside. The materials for your new bathroom would arrive early next week which was perfect. You both climbed up into Joel’s truck, him starting up the engine. Elvis began playing softly through the speakers again. You glanced over at Joel, his mouth turned downward in a frown. The interaction with his ex wife was still bothering him. He was incredibly guilty; it was his fault she degraded you and he should’ve blown up on her right then.
“Where would you like to eat?” You asked, attempting to distract him. He looked at you, his eyes softening when he made eye contact with you.
“Hmm.” He pondered, resting his arm on the door, and scratching his chin in thought. “There’s this diner down the road with really good burgers and shakes. That okay?”
“Sounds amazing.” You replied, reaching to turn the volume dial to turn up the radio as “Return to Sender” began to play.
The drive to the diner was silent, both of you lost in your own thoughts. You were trying your best to seem indifferent, but you truly felt insecure after your interaction with Josephine. After that conversation, you realized you were way too young for Joel and it would never be anything close to what you fantasized about. You felt stupid to even think you’d ever had a chance. Before you knew it, you became teary eyed, but you quickly blinked away the tears. The last thing you needed was to cry in front of Joel.
Joel pulled into the parking lot of the diner, putting the truck in park. You followed behind him inside, keeping your head low. He opened the door for you, noticing your change in mood. He sighed quietly and followed you inside. He followed you to a booth tucked away in the corner. The restaurant was mostly empty aside for a couple elderly couples.
“This place is cute.” You observed, looking around at the various retro decorations. In the corner you noticed a jukebox and bit back a grin.
A waitress approached your table and sat down your menus. You ordered your drinks and food since you already knew what you wanted, and she quickly whisked away with your orders. You cleared your throat and played with your hands in your lap. Joel was looking out the window, his face still laced with irritation.
“So..” you began. “Josephine.”
Joel shifted his eyes to you. He swallowed and rested his arms on the table.
Joel and Josephine’s relationship dated back to high school. They dated on and off for ten years. When they reached their mid twenties, Joel decided he wanted children, but Josephine did not. Albeit, Joel decided it wasn’t a dealbreaker, and decided to stay with her. She was the first woman he truly loved, and he was willing to do whatever it took to please her. Despite her distaste for starting a family, Joel proposed to her on the night of her twenty-eighth birthday. They had a courthouse wedding the next day per her request. Fast forward to their thirties, and Joel noticed that Josephine was acting differently.
Josephine began leaving home for days at a time without an explanation. She stopped being intimate with Joel altogether. He would try, and Josephine would complain that she was tired and not feeling it. One night, Josephine snuck off, and Joel decided to follow her. She drove a few blocks away, and parked at a random house. Joel’s heart dropped when he realized what this meant. Joel parked one house over, and waited several minutes before getting out of the car. He tried the front door, and it was unlocked. The door swung open, and he found Josephine spread out on the couch with Rick between her legs. Nauseous at the sight in front of him, Joel slammed the door behind him and stormed to his car, Josephine yelling his name. Joel ignored her and revved his engine, speeding off.
After he caught her cheating, he soon after learned that Josephine was pregnant, but not with his child. Joel filed for divorce soon after, and it wasn’t a pretty divorce. Joel won the house, but Josephine won most of his money. Years after the divorce as Joel grew older, he realized nothing was tying him down to that deadbeat town. He moved next door to you over four years ago.
Your food came during his story, and you quietly ate as Joel spoke. No wonder he was so agitated at the sight of that woman. You frowned as Joel finished telling you the story.
“I haven’t made an effort to date since then.” He said. “I don’t know why she was at the store. Must not’ve had what they wanted at the store in their area.”
“How long had it been since you’d seen her?” You asked, then took a sip of your chocolate milkshake.
“I’d seen her at our mutual friend’s wedding a couple years ago. She was there with Rick, tonguing each other down the entire time. Then again when my Mom passed away. She had the audacity to show up and kiss on him at the funeral.” Joel said, wiping his fingers with a napkin.
“Oh my god.” You said, reaching across the table to touch his hand. “I’m so sorry. What the fuck is wrong with her?”
Your touch sent shocks up his forearm. He swallowed hard, glancing down at your hands touching.
“I don’t even think god knows.” Joel said as he waved the waitress over to give him the check. You reached for your purse, pulling out your credit card, quickly handing it to the waitress.
“What— no.” Joel said, pulling cash out of his wallet.
“Yes, it’s fine. You drove and you’re doing me a massive favor.” You insisted, Joel putting the cash away in defeat.
“I owe you one.” He said. He cleared his throat looking down at you.
“So, are you seeing anyone?” He spoke, taking a drink of his shake. You laughed and looked down at the table.
“Absolutely not.” You sighed with a smile. “Now that’s a long story.”
“Well, sweetheart. I’ve got time.” Joel responded, tapping his finger against the glass of his milkshake.
“Give me one second.” You said, reaching into your purse and pulling out a five dollar bill.
You stood up from the booth and walked over to the jukebox, inserting the bill into it. You searched through the database of songs, choosing several that stood out to you. You smiled as Sweet Emotion by Aerosmith began playing through the speakers of the diner. When you’d chosen all the songs you could, you found your way back to the booth. Joel gazed up at you with wonder in his eyes. He chuckled softly and shook his head at you. While you were gone the waitress had returned your card, and he slid it across the table to you. You grabbed it and put it away in your purse, then leaned onto your crossed arms on the table.
Joel listened attentively as you gave him the rundown of your last relationship. Similarly to what your dad had told him, you explained that your ex boyfriend cheated on you after dating him for two years. You caught him cheating on you with your best friend at the time. There wasn’t anything crazy about the story, just that you spent many sleepless nights crying yourself to sleep wondering what you could’ve done differently. You wondered if there was something wrong with you; you had given him your all just to be torn down entirely. Among many firsts with him, he was your first love and was the one to take your virginity. Since then, you’d avoided getting close with anyone romantically out of fear of getting hurt again.
“I went on a few dates in Chicago, but none of them really amounted to anything.” You said, your finger tracing the rim of your milkshake glass. “I didn’t want to waste anyone’s time in all honesty. My ex fucked me up pretty bad and I just wasn’t ready to commit to anyone. I’m glad I didn’t.”
“You’re glad you didn’t?” Joel questioned, furrowing his brows.
“Yeah, I don’t think that would’ve been fair to someone, you know? Me not being ready to commit and fighting my own insecurities shouldn’t have been anyone’s problem but my own.” You explained further.
“And how do you feel currently?”
You cleared your throat and averted your gaze around the restaurant as you thought. You bit your bottom lip as “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” by Queen began playing.
“I’m not sure if I’m being honest with you. I’m not entirely opposed to trying a relationship again, but I’m not going to actively go out and seek something. If it happens, it happens.” You said. “And you?”
“I think you explained it perfectly.” Joel said as he pulled his truck keys out of his pocket. “As much as I’d like to keep chatting, the night isn’t getting any younger and neither am I.”
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The next day, you were working attentively in your makeshift office while Joel began tearing apart your bathroom. After your dinner the night prior, all you could think about was Joel. Your heart ached for him. You felt hopeful that he had enough trust for you to tell you about his past. You also felt more comfortable with him in general. It was comforting seeing a side to him that wasn’t abrasive and stand-off. You’d both had your tribulations with your romantic pasts, and it made you hopeful that just maybe there was a future for the both of you. You felt silly for even thinking there was a part of you that thought there was a possibility of you two being able to be together.
By noon you were finished with your work for the day, so you decided you could help Joel with the demolition. You stood from your desk, closing your laptop for the day after sending off your completed content. Suddenly, you got an idea. You remembered you brought your vintage camcorder, and this would be the perfect opportunity to use it. You could record the progress of your bathroom remodel and make a short video when it was all finished.
You entered your bedroom to the sound of Joel ripping apart the walls of your shower. You reached into one of the boxes you had yet to unpack and pulled out your camcorder. You turned it on, and walked over to the entryway of the bathroom, recording him. You admired the way his muscles flexed as he pried apart the paneling of the shower wall, exposing the bare wall behind it. He was sporting protective glasses and thick gloves. You watched as he leaned over in his jeans, the material pulling tight against his muscular legs. A smile tugged at your lips as Joel turned around, his breathing heavy.
“What are you doing?” He said winded, letting his hand with the crowbar fall slack to his side.
“Making a progress video.” You replied, zooming in on him with your camera. Joel fought back a smile, shaking his head at you.
You looked adorable standing there in your flowy sweatpants and off the shoulder sweater. Joel could tell you weren’t wearing a bra underneath, your nipples poking through the material. You looked so cuddly and he wanted nothing more than to halt working for the day so he could spend his time cuddled up next to you in your bed kissing every inch of your body.
You lowered the camera from your eyes, and turned it off. You tossed it on your bed, then turned back around to watch Joel for a moment. You leaned against the door frame and crossed your arms. Joel continued peeling the shower paneling off the wall, tossing the remnants into the tub behind him.
“Can I help you?” You asked. Joel turned to face you, his chest rising and falling, his breathing heavy.
“No need.” He said, wiping the beads of sweat off his forehead.
“But I want to. I’m done with work for the day, it’s the least I could do.” You pleaded. Joel stared at you for a moment before finally reaching down to his tool bag, grabbing a spare pair of gloves and goggles.
“Here.” He said, holding out the gear for you to take. You grabbed them from him, carefully putting the goggles over the bridge of your nose, then sliding on the gloves.
“Do you see those tiles behind the paneling? I need you to break those off the wall.” Joel instructed. “Watch me.”
He brushed past you, rearing back his dominant hand with a hammer, striking the tiles with force, watching them crumble down into the shower basin. He stepped back to give you room to take.
“Your turn.” He said, gesturing for you to try.
You stepped forward, taking the hammer from his hand, clearing your throat. You wound your arm backwards, before hitting another tile. You didn’t hit it hard enough, as the tile didn’t budge. Joel approached you from behind, grabbing your hips, then snaking a hand around to lay flat against your belly. Your breath hitched in your throat, the touch planting goosebumps across your skin. Joel leaned down to your ear, his breath hot against your skin.
“Keep your abdominals tight. Twist your torso like this when you swing.” Joel said, using his hand to twist your hips backwards slightly, then twisting them back parallel with his own. Your back brushed against his chest. Your cheeks felt hot, and the air began to feel stuffy in the room.
Joel’s internal monologue was screaming at him to back away from you. Your body heat was radiating onto him, your hips pressed to his. Your sweet vanilla scent enveloped him, his eyes fluttering shut as he made a mental note to cherish this moment with you, for he didn’t know if he’d ever be this close to you again. Snapping out of his trance, Joel backed away from you, giving you room to try again at the tiles. Your cheeks were flushed and your skin was on fire. You knew you were pooling in your panties; you felt pathetic. The most innocent of touches and you completely and utterly in shambles.
You inhaled deeply, and did exactly what Joel told you to. You tightened your core muscles, and wound back to swing at the tiles, shattering two of them on impact. You smiled proudly, turning your head to gauge Joel’s reaction. A smile tugged at his lips, and he brushed his hand across your lower back.
“Amazing, sweetheart.” He said. His touch sent chills up your spine.
For the next hour, the both of you took swings at the tiles, knocking the rest of them off the wall. By the end, you were both sweaty and exhausted. You were starving by then, your stomach grumbling.
“Sounds like someone is hungry.” Joel observed ss he took off his gloves and glasses, tossing them in his tool bag. You mimicked his actions, placing yours adjacent to his.
“I haven’t eaten since this morning.” You admitted, running a hand through your hair to get it off your forehead. Joel noticed one of your hairs sticking up, so he reached up and gently fixed the hair, blending it in with the rest of your locks. You bit your lip and averted your gaze. The effect Joel had on you was insane. You felt like a swooning teenager again, like a ball of putty anytime he touched you.
“How about this: I planned on grilling tonight. Why don’t you come over and I’ll make you dinner.” Joel offered.
“That sounds amazing.” You smiled. “I’ll shower, then I’ll head over.”
Joel wondered if you’d touch yourself in the shower like you did the day before. The possibility aroused him immediately. He longed to shower with you, washing your hair and massaging your beautiful body for you.
“I guess I’ll see you in a little bit, darlin’.” Joel said, grabbing his phone and sliding it in his back pocket. Joel started to walk away, and you reached out to grab his arm to stop him. He turned to you with a look of confusion.
“Do you like scary movies?” You asked, keeping your hand on Joel’s wrist.
“I don’t mind them, why?” Joel questioned.
“I’ll bring a couple movies over and maybe we can have a movie night. I know I’ll have nothing to do tonight and I’m sure you get lonely over there by yourself.” You said. You wanted to be able to spend more time with him without raising any red flags or seeming desperate. You couldn’t help that all you wanted was to be around him.
“Sure, that sounds nice.” Joel said, glancing down at your hand on his skin, then giving the slightest trace of a smile on his lips. You smiled up at him, releasing his arm from your grip.
“See you there.”
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rreskk · 6 months
hello! i really love your more angsty, realistic headcanons ( the last ones with the holy trinity)so could you some more about negative/toxic aspects about being in relationship with trevor specifically? obviously only as toxic as you're comf with. i appreciate your work!
HEADCANONS: The reality of dating Trevor Philips
As predicted, the following content includes heavy angst.
It’s hard to love someone who can’t love themselves. You’d have to deal with the emotional depth and baggage Trevor brings along. He’s so deep into his psychological problems that you are unable to help in anyway as he refuses to help himself.
Sorry babe, this means you can’t fix him.
By all means, your love is easily replaceable with drugs. Trevor has phases of in and out usage. On some occasions he’ll love you, but that’s until he’s on another bender. Instead of sex or intimacy as a pass-time, he’ll be too busy out and about doing god knows what. It’s only your guess, so you’d have to wait around until he “needs” you.
Trevor will assume you are using him. With his background and mother issues, he will stop you occasionally and accuse you of using him for sex or money (mainly during his drug usage). If you approach this indifferently, he will get violent and either: 1) Leave and not return for days straight 2) Hit the nearest wall until you stop him 3) Threaten to kill you.
His hygiene and living conditions are really unattractive to any humans eye. Unless you’re willing to walk out feeling like maggots are creeping in your skin, it’ll be hard dating him. Especially when he lacks hygiene. He will stink. He will have grub. He will be dirty.
Trevor is not capable of loving someone without conflict. Aggression and conflict comes with him as personality and a trauma response. You’ll have him screaming at you, or he does something that makes you start a fight. He’s hard at communication and will end up shouting his feelings instead of talking through it.
He’s deadly honest. You look bad that day? He’ll tell you. You’re depressed? He’ll tell you to get a grip. Of course, he does this since he hates lying and it’s his way of coping since he doesn’t understand the concept of giving reassurance (cough cough, his childhood), so he’ll be naturally honest and cold.
A high sex drive is good until you feel used. Trevor is non-stop and when he wants something, he wants it. If you don’t want sex, this’ll put him in a foul mood and therefore cause arguments because apparently you “hate” him and his sexual performances.
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