rosiebrie · 4 years
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cetrece · 7 years
What were your favorite poses from the new little meme thing? I really enjoyed the video by the way, but was not expecting the little angst in there.
 I couldn’t avoid the little angst, the true history is so sad ;; - ;; This are my favs!
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Basically the ones where they’re together, I enjoyed making them a lot!
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mollymauk-teafleak · 6 years
Dog Park AU
Okay so! For my darling @childofdustandashes because we were both far too impatient to wait until it’s valentines day for both of us so we’re making the most of our time zone madness to get even MORE VALENTINE’S DAY!
But yeah, I love you baby girl and I will write a big mushy post about you tomorrow tomorrow when I’m a little more coherent. Love you! 
Theo Burr was a very high stress person by nature. It ran in her family, if her father, with his daily hours formulaically chipping away at the ever-growing mountain of paperwork in his office that she made sure to periodically check hadn’t fallen on him and put him in desperate need of rescue, were anything to go by. And she couldn’t say it didn’t have its uses, it had gotten her through high school, through college, through law school and put her in the positon she currently was now- confidently facing the bar exam this summer with an actual hope in hell of passing and a shining career just like her father all neatly laid out for her, like a road map she just had to follow determinedly.
But it was in those very few and far between moments, where she found herself completely relaxed and free of worry, that she realised what a burden it actually was sometimes. She knew she didn’t truly want to, couldn’t really want to on some very basic and fundamental level of her mind, but Theo couldn’t help thinking longingly of her brief oases of calm, daydreaming of curling up in them and living there forever, never having to return home and pick up all the burdens she carried.
But no, that wasn’t the kind of person she was. And Theo knew what kind of person she was and she was proud of it; it had taken a lot to reach that point it and she wouldn’t give it up easily.  
Still, she smiled and sighed in satisfaction on that pleasantly chilly October morning, as she stood on the threshold of another pause, another brief moment of peace. She could always sense them coming, she knew exactly the conditions, the situation she needed to set up to make one happen and as such she could engineer them into her schedule as tightly and efficiently as she did everything else.
All she needed to do to get there was exactly what she did that morning, to the letter. Theo woke late, when the morning sun was already filtering in from under her curtains, a little thin and washed out with the oncoming winter sapping it, but all the same. She enjoyed the warmth of her thick, down comforter (Theo believed in being frugal in most parts of her life but never, ever skimped on her bedsheets), reading the paper in bed, filling in the crossword, recording the time she completed it in so she could proudly text it to her father and see if she’d managed to beat his time. She had last Sunday, for the first time since they’d started doing this when she was fourteen, and she was eager for another taste of victory with her morning coffee. The coffee was a ritual in itself, made with her extra special, uber expensive, strictly-saved-for-the-weekend beans, cream and two sugars, drank at the window seat of her small studio apartment as the news played in the background, as she surveyed the street below, never failing to get a sense of calm. Theo always felt part of something when she’d rest against the window and watch the people going past, all with their own senses of purpose and place, fuelling her own even though she couldn’t even see their faces.
Maybe that young man was going to fetch breakfast for his pregnant wife. Maybe that mother was on her way to pick up her daughter from dance class. Maybe this was that couples second date, so much potential and promise hanging in the air between them. Maybe that group of young women were old college friends and hadn’t seen each other in years but were spending a weekend in the city together. All these possibilities would make Theo smile.
Full and awake and content, she bathed and dressed, taking her sweet time in the shower, using her favourite shower gel, the one that smelled of full, rose skinned apples and pomegranate seeds heavy and pregnant with red, tart juice. She would wash her hair thoroughly, singing along to her music as she did so, even dancing a little, turning and swinging her hips for her imaginary audience, hitting high notes and belting without a care in the world. She then lounged in her towel for a while, reading magazines on her bed and performing a little more carefree choreography through her bedroom before drying her hair, massaging a little coconut oil into it. She took care with her clothes too, this being one of the few days she didn’t have to resolutely stick to her uniform of pantsuits and neat skirts and pressed blouses. She ended up with a long skirt in a bright, bold pattern, as bright and bold as she felt, her nana had brought it back from Barcelona for her. A crop top went on too, she’d be cold but fuck it, she looked too damn good not to show off a little, just for herself. Some sacrifices were worth making. Kicks, not her best ones but her old, worn favourites, hair in twin buns, bold lipstick and she was done.
Now for the hard part.
Theo strode over to the basket under the table in her kitchen, knowing that’s where he’d be, even though she had been awake for hours.
She hunkered down, grinning brightly, “What kind of guard dog are you, lazy bones?”
Titus gave a whine in response, hefting one huge, tawny paw over his eyes, like he thought that would save him from being woken up. Like he suddenly became invisible to her if he did that.
“Nice try,” Theo snorted, reaching in and ruffling his thick mane of fur, “Up, up, up! Time for walks!”
That magic word had him. He made his resentment clear through huffs and whimpers but he eased himself out of his basket all the same, tail managing to wag for her, eyes managing to brighten as he hopped up, forepaws on her knee, for his good morning hug.
Titus had originally been intended as a guard dog, a house warming present from her father, given with the express promise that he would keep a young lady living in downtown New York all on her lonesome the protection and security she desperately needed. It ended up being a bit of a running joke in their family. Titus was big, there was no denying that, he was actually bigger than most other German Shepherds, but he also happened to be the world’s biggest wuss, preferring to use his huge bulk to hug rather than for any safekeeping purpose. He jumped when leaves blew past him on the sidewalk and taxis honked as they passed by. He hid behind Theo’s legs if a cat happened to appear, bolting from an alleyway as they walked past. He would whine and fuss mercilessly if his lady happened to leave his sight for more than five seconds, even if she’d just ducked into a store for an ice cream which she would, of course, give him the cone from. All in all, he didn’t really fulfil the role Aaron had had in mind when he gave him to his daughter.
But Theo adored him all the same. And he adored her right back.
She hummed brightly to herself as she tied his usual red bandana around his neck and slipped him into the harness she’d got for him back when he was still a puppy and way too small to fit in it (“He needs to feel big like the other dogs, dad!”). She put on her headphones, show tunes turned up, and together, both full of optimism and fortitude that only comes with a good morning well spent, they set out for Central Park.
 Theo had a smile on her face a mile wide as she bounced on her heels along the path, head swaying in time with the music in her ears, making her buns waggle with perfect timing. Titus ploughed on ahead of her, as if clearing the path and making sure no threats lay ahead of his mistress for him to jump at and get scared by and need cuddles. A blanket of leaves that looked as if they’d been moulded and shaped from copper itself littered the path ahead of them, rustling under four paws and two sneakers as if in quiet conversation. Squirrels skittered from branch to branch just over their heads, ink drop eyes glittering curiously, and birds broke the constant clear blue of the sky with their arrowhead silhouettes, probably flying off to somewhere much warmer than New York city in the middle of autumn. The season didn’t come without its gifts, though; there were bright lavender and yellow bursts of crocuses along the path. Theo saw them and gave a slightly melancholy smile. They made her think of her mother, having been her favourite flowers, but it was a good memory. Not a twist of a knife, just a dull ache from doing work she was happy to do. She made a mental note to buy some from a florist, half to go on her mama’s grave and the rest to fill a glass vase on her kitchen table. Knowing they would see the same colours, smell the same delicate scents, brought Theo comfort, as if her mama had bought the flowers for her rather than the other way around. It was kind of a hangover from something her father had told her when she was younger, just after she’d died. He’d told her that Mama sent the crocuses up in Central Park just for Theo, so she’d know she wasn’t really gone and was always watching over her baby girl. At twelve, Theo had been a little too old to believe that story even then, but she appreciated the effort and would always associate those proud, regal blooms, like tiny paper crowns made by a careful, loving, attentive hand, with her mama.
Titus took her a little off the main track through the park, he liked the thickets best, they came with the opportunity to stick his long snout into a bush or too and find some interesting smells or a nice smooth stone he could present to his mistress as a gift. Theo whistled pleasantly to herself as some good old fashioned soul music kicked in through her headphones, gearing herself up to get lost in Aretha Franklin’s feather-boa-rattling voice.
That was what distracted her.
She didn’t even hear Titus’ yelp as the blur of black and white and grey barrelled into him and knocked him off his paws completely, sending him sprawling in the dirt at the side of the path. Which, of course, as Theo was holding the end of his leash, she got to go sprawling right along with him.
“What the-?” she managed to exclaim just before the surprise of no longer being vertical and suddenly rolling (thankfully harmlessly and painlessly) onto damp and unpleasant grass took her breath away.
It dislodged her earbuds too so she managed to hear her Titus whining and wailing in distress, as well as a new, much more fierce, much more energetic yapping that belonged to the black and white and grey blur, still a blur as whatever it was when it wasn’t going five hundred miles an hour zig zagged this way and that over the poor, downed Titus.
“Hey! Get off him!” Theo demanded, not able to do anything more than make her threat before her lap was taken up with nearly 88 pounds of dog as Titus hid in her arms.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry!” another new sound cut over the pandemonium, “Othello’s only little, he’s not got the hang of making friends yet. Othello, down boy!”
A lot of thoughts were running through Theo’s mind at that point, very quickly, but the one that got to her mouth was this.
“What kind of name is Othello?”
“Huh?” the owner of the voice, a nearly impossibly tall young man, about her age and with face covered in more freckles than Theo thought could exist on a human person, blinked in confusion.
“Uh, sorry,” Theo felt her face flush, she hadn’t wanted to sound so incredulous. Though, really, she had every right to be, seeing as she was sat in the mud thanks to this guy.
The man caught the blur in both arms, hauling it up and suddenly, it manifested as a very small, very hairy dog, panting, scrabbling his paws in the air and looking very disgruntled at having his game interrupted.
“I really am sorry about that,” the guy said again, looking embarrassed as he held out one hand to help Theo up, “He slipped his collar and got away from me back there, I had to chase him through the whole park…”
“I’m not surprised,” Theo said breathlessly, accepting the offer of help after she managed to convince Titus to get off, “I’m not sure they even make dog collars that small…”
Fortunately, he laughed at that, “Yeah, he’s kind of a runt. Fast though. Big personality.”
“Yeah,” Theo brushed down her skirt, “Yeah, I got a taste of that personality…”
The kid flushed red, biting his lip guiltily, “I am sorry. You’re not hurt, are you?”
“Nah,” Theo shook her head, recentering her braids, “Titus might have some emotional damage, though.”
He winced and addressed the cowering German Shepherd behind her legs, “Sorry, buddy. He doesn’t mean any harm, I swear, he’s just got a lot of energy.”
That much was obvious, Othello- if that really was the thing’s name- was squirming and wriggling so furiously in the guy’s arms, Theo was genuinely impressed he was holding on so effortlessly.
“He’s not that dented up, really,” Theo said quickly, not wanting to come off like she was criticising, “He’s just a wuss. A big old furry wuss.”
Titus whined, as if in indignance, though he soured his argument a little by diving back behind Theo’s legs when Othello gave a growl.
“Behave!” he snapped, patting his dog’s head, “Stop being a meanie!”
“Maybe he’s mad cos some doofus named him Othello,” Theo muttered, a little louder than she’d intended. She cursed herself, god damn her big mouth…
But the guy only laughed again, a nice sound, one he clearly used often.
“I’m a literary nerd, what can I say?” he grinned hugely, “I’m hoping he grows into it.”
Theo blushed a little, smiling back, “Did you just get him?”
“Is it that obvious?” he chuckled, “Yeah, I got him from the pound the other week, we’re still, ah…establishing who’s the alpha in the situation…”
“Well…best of luck with it,” Theo smiled, wanting to leave this particular exchange before she embarrassed herself any further, or before Othello escaped his owner’s arms and Titus had a heart attack.
“Hey, um, do you…do you have somewhere to be?” the guy blinked, “I mean, the least I owe you after that mess is a coffee?”
“A…oh…” Theo’s blush was back with a vengeance.
“If that’s okay, I mean?” he smiled, that same hundred kilowatts smile that outshone even this harsh, autumn sun, “Although, god, what am I even doing, I haven’t even asked your name…”
“Theo Burr,” she interrupted him gently, “And a coffee sounds great.”
“Theo,” he repeated, eyes brightening, finally letting Othello slip from his arms, letting him land in a heap at his feet where he thankfully stayed.
“I’m Philip Hamilton.”
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hangsters · 7 years
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“Even if we can’t find heaven
I’ll walk through hell with you”
Poly ITH AU aesthetic for @my-dearesteliza
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jetgirl1832 · 6 years
drabble list #2 18
“That was kinda hot.”
Date nights were something to be savored, especially in Theodosia Burr’s life. Not that she ever expected that embarking on medical school would be easy, but there were times when she really missed her boyfriend. Which then led to designated date nights, like tonight.
Theo happily ditched her scrubs and jumped in the shower, donning a dark purple dress that she knew to be Philip’s favorite. Tonight was just dinner, but even just dinner was enough to make her happy.
There was a knock on the bathroom door, “Hey you ready to head out?” Philip asked.
Theo finished applying her lipstick, “Yup! I’m ready to go!”
The two of them grabbed their jackets and walked arm in arm out of their apartment, “So where are we headed?” Theo asked.
“Some fusion place,” Philip responded, “on Eli’s recommendation.”
“So then it had better be good,” Theo grinned.
“Knowing Eli it will be amazing,” Philip smiled.
The two of them showed up at the restaurant where Philip had made reservations and were taken to their seats.
“Something smells amazing,” Theo sighed sitting down.
Philip began to flip through the menu, “And a very extensive menu,” he noted.
They sat their perusing their options, ordering some wine to go with their meal and chatting about their respective days.
“All I’m saying is you owe me a serious foot rub when we get home,” Theo spoke up, she had chosen what she wanted and now was eying the dessert menu.
“Yeah, yeah,” Philip rolled his eyes.
They didn’t get to continue their conversation because there was a clatter of glass and the sound of a woman screaming.
Theo whipped around forgetting everyone else as she focused on the man a couple tables away who had his hands on his neck and his was quickly turning red. He was clearly choking, and no one else seemed to be doing anything, so it clearly was up to Theo.
She made her way over to the table where the woman she assumed was his wife was crying hysterically, “Please someone help him…”
“Ma’am I’m a doctor I can help,” Theo replied in a calm voice, “let’s get your husband standing.”His wife quietly nodded and got her husband to his feet, Theo wrapped her arms around his middle placing her hands on top of each other on his abdomen. “Here we go,” Theo muttered and began administering abdominal thrusts until the piece of steak the man apparently had been eating was dislodged and he gasped.
Theo helped to get him back in his chair and sighed brushing a loose strand of hair from her face.
“Thank you!” The man’s wife threw her arms around Theo in a tight hug, “thank you so much!”
Theo quietly nodded her head, “You’re welcome, now sir,” she turned to the husband, “you may be a little bruised but I think it’s a small price to pay, enjoy your evening.”
Theo went back to their table and casually placed her dropped napkin in her lap, and took a sip from her wine that apparently had been brought in her absence, oblivious to the fact that nearly everyone in the restaurant was staring at her. As she set her glass down she noted Philip’s wide eyes.
“What?” Theo raised her brow.
“That was kinda hot,” Philip admitted his face turning red.
Theo laughed, “Only you would think me performing the Heimlich maneuver is hot.”
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hamso00 · 7 years
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Inktober day 3
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smoljamesmadison · 7 years
Idea: A 'Helpless' reprise sung by Philip when he first sees Theodosia Jr.
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virusap · 7 years
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Theo jr and Pip☆ I love them♡♡
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minky-for-short · 7 years
maybe some Phildoesia where Theo is sick and Pip is taking care of her???
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Drew more Theo Jr,, philtheo themes wink
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rmanovas · 7 years
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hamilton aus // the philtheo instagram au no one asked for
ft. melodie monrose as theodosia burr jr.
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rosiebrie · 4 years
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I doodled some Philidosia kids.
- Philippa Catherine “Pippa” Burr Hamilton
- Esther Elizabeth Burr Hamilton
- Aaron Alexander Burr Hamilton
I’m not completely satisfied with this, but whatevs
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cetrece · 7 years
The Ultimate question tho Hamgelica Hamliza or Leggy?!?
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mollymauk-teafleak · 6 years
Happy anniversary @childofdustandashes my angel. Sorry this is kind of shitty but I love you lots xxxxx
The first time, it didn’t really feel like anything special.
Alex was the first one in the office, as usual, already deeply and hopelessly lost in the swamp of paper that covered his desk and even a little of Aaron’s, in a state of organised chaos which was, again, all as expected. Philip had wanted to look just as busy as his Pops and seeing as his Mama had foiled his attempt to leave the apartment wearing one of Alex’s ties like a kind of long, thin scarf, he’d had to settle for arranging his colourings on the floor in a miniature version of the desk above him- the puddle to Alex’s ocean. He was also trying to imitate the furrowed, intense set of his father’s face, stealing glances up at him to make sure he was getting it exactly right, jutting his tongue out of the side of his mouth and scrunching up his heart shaped little face as he doodled mindlessly.
He’d almost got it exactly perfect when something much more important came to occupy his attention.
Aaron’s arrival was preceded by the sound of eagerly scampering feet, making Philip turn and beam so wide in anticipation, it was like his whole face lit up from the inside, from somewhere in his brown eyes. He was ready as little Theo came bursting into the office, already on his wobbly, Bambi legs ready to meet her in the middle as his best friend flew into his arms. They only just managed to keep their feet, though it was a close thing that they didn’t go tumbling over each other like two little beetles, the two of them giggling madly.
Alex and Aaron’s greeting was much more subdued, a nod as Aaron sank into his chair across the joined desks and a tired, raspy grunt in reply before Alex took another swallow of his black coffee and slunk back into his lair of legal documents. But still, neither of them could lie and say the cramped, start-up office didn’t feel a little bit brighter with the sound of their children laughing and greeting each other with excited toddler babbling and hands patting hair eagerly.
Theo never said an awful lot, she was a little girl who only spoke when she saw a real need. But apparently, she did now, as her friend took her hand and excitedly pulled her over to behold his drawings, most of which were just indecipherable scribbles but Theo cooed proudly over them all the same.
She grinned, resting her head on his shoulder, her cloud of black, corkscrew curls tickling his nose, “My Pip.”
Philip blinked rapidly, pride flooding his expression. He didn’t seem like he knew quiet what to say in response to that, he just blushed as red as the strawberries he’d wheedled out of his Pops for breakfast rather than anything healthier or more appropriate, grinning and grabbing at his mop of hair as he gurgled, “My Theo!”
That set them off immediately, going back and forth loudly in between raucous laughter.
“My Pip!”
“My Theo!”
“My Pip!”
Alex and Aaron shared a bemused look across the desk, a smile even as they listened to the happy chattering of their little ones. A very rare smile between two law partners who just about managed to tolerate each other. Finally, something unusual in that otherwise perfectly normal day.
 No one really decides what becomes a thing between two people, it just kind of happens. And besides, Philip and Theo were never really a pair that made an awful lot of sense; how their friendship even happened in the first place was a mystery to most, never mind their little quirks, their way of saying hello, their little exchange to comfort each other their thing. They would cry it across the street as they met up on the way to school, Theo waiting under her usual lamp post, rocking on her sneaker-clad heels and nodding her head to the music pouring in from her headphones until she saw Alexander’s battered truck, still clinging to life, turn the corner and Pip’s head stick out of the window, grinning.
Theo would say her half in a hopeful, placating voice, after she’d just elbowed Philip in his prominent and abominably ticklish ribs to keep him from swiping a power up in the game they were playing so she could take it for herself. Philip would scowl and press his lips firmly together, folding his arms and scowling and shaking his head until Theo was promising him the world, pledging him the coveted position of Player One until the end of time and he was giggling in spite of himself, shoving her away so she couldn’t see him grinning. And then he’d gasp out his half in between gales of reluctant laughter, as Theo took on the boss single handed and won.
They would murmur it in each other’s ears as they hugged each other close whenever they said goodbye or just whenever they knew the other needed to hear it, when they needed reminding that they were here and had someone to hold them and keep them and recognise them.
Not everyone got it, the tall, freckled giraffe of a kid whose wild mass of hair scraped the top of most doorframes and the short, fierce, curved girl with eyes that could turn flinty as her father’s if she wanted them to.
But some things just stick despite everything. And for years after their first meeting in their daddies’ law office, Philip and Theo stuck.
 There was a time in Theo’s life where she was more glad than she could ever have words for that she had something to keep her stuck on Earth.
 The only word she could think to accurately describe it was that she felt pinned. Like a poor butterfly, caught and stuck through, pinned to a board until her colours faded and she could only shrivel up and try to hide from the searing sun, to preserve what little of her she could.
Theo buried deeper under the blankets, trying to lose herself in the scent of someone else. The sheets smelled like Philip, of the cologne he’d started using recently, the scent of his hair, of a home that wasn’t cold and convulsing after having the heart of it ripped out. So, she pulled the blankets further over her head when she felt Philip enter the room, tip toeing as best someone like him could tip toe.
He was going to try again, the third time in as many hours. Her best friend was nothing if not persistent.
“Hey Theo…” he somehow injected a passable note of cheeriness into his voice, like this wasn’t his third attempt at dragging her out of bed even as the sun was sinking below the horizon, heavy and swollen, infected looking, feeling like Theo’s heart as it sank into the depths of her chest.
She could only summon up a low grunt, everything seemed to be too much effort.
The bed dipped as he hopped up on the edge of it, where her legs didn’t reach but his did, “My pops made asopao if you’re interested…”
“No thank you,” Theo murmured, her voice such a flat, toneless imitation of her usual musical voice, it broke Philip’s heart.
“Aw come on,” he tried to smile, “He made it extra spicy, your favourite!”
“Not hungry right now, Pip,” Theo whispers, sounding so much further away than she really was. He could reach out and touch her but he couldn’t shake the feeling that if he did, his comforting hand would just pass right through.
No. No, he wasn’t going to let the most important person in his life fade away like that. This was Theo. His Theo.
Pip swallowed hard, trying and failing to shift the lump in his throat, it was still evident in his voice, the one he’d been trying so hard to hide behind his thin mask of cheerfulness until now.
But now he had no choice left but to beg.
“Theo, listen, I…” he stared down at his hands, “I’m scared.”
He got no response from the pile of blankets but he just had to pray that she was listening.
“I’m scared I’m going to lose you,” Philip admitted, his voice thin, “And…I know that might sound kind of selfish but I…I know you must feel like you have nothing left to k-keep you here? But I need you, Theo. I really do, please don’t think that if you just…just gave up that no one would miss you. Cos I would. Of course I would. You’re my Theo.”
His voice snapped somewhere in the middle of it all and there were tears dripping from the end of his prominent nose onto his hands, clasped so tightly that his knuckles had turned white. The silence that stretched out between the two of them was thick and dizzying until it was broken mercifully by the sound of bed springs.
Theo sat up, her exhausted muscles protesting, the need to hide away screaming in panic, running around her head in terror, but still she pushed through. She was suddenly so aware of how ghastly she must look, eyes red, hair wild, face blotchy. And yet Philip beamed at her with such pride and relief, like she was the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen, throwing his arms around her gratefully.
“My Pip,” Theo murmured against his chest, her voice raspy and tired but she clung to him in turn with every scrap of strength she had.
She was so far from being better, her grief was so far from healed.
But she had a reason to try and get there now.
Her Pip.
 Theo would have more bad days, more days when she’d feel that weight pressing down on her, like gravity was increasing on her alone and leaving everyone untouched, like she was simply being pressed out of the equation, out of existence, like the world was just sick of dealing with her.
But she would always have her Pip. She’d have his warm eyes like two drops of amber, the first thing she usually saw in the morning, gazing at her from above as her flushed, panting boyfriend would come back from his run and wake her up from sleep with a kiss to the forehead and a coffee and a croissant. She’d have his hands roving over her when he would interrupt her as she dressed- for class, then work, maybe a few parties or fundraisers thrown in along the way- coming up behind her and squeezing the softness of her stomach and hips, the rolls where her body curved that he adored and somehow managed to make her adore too. She’d have his lips, his tongue, his body, when he’d lay her out and make her feel so loved and do it so gladly. She had his words, those gorgeous, wonderful, beautiful words he just pulled out of thin air and gave to her, worth more to her than any gem or jewel or metal, even the simple gold wedding band he gave her before long. Because they represented his support, his belief in her to replace what she’d never been able to conjure up for herself, that was what kept Theo going.
Because there had to be something to it right? Someone as brilliant and smart and loving and just so positive had chosen someone like her, he’d stuck with her for as long as either of them could remember and he’d claimed her as his own. He’d chosen her as his Theo and himself as her Pip.
And if he’d done that then there simply had to be something in herself that was worth his love.
These were all the gifts Philip gave Theo, on her good days and on her bad days, to keep her going, gave them freely and without hesitation. Theo would worry sometimes that she wasn’t reciprocating, in spite of how much Philip assured her that she did just as much for him, every single day.
Until she found something she could give him.
Pip yelped, sitting up suddenly, his notebook clattering to the floor, hand flying to the back of his head.
Theo opened one eye lazily, she’d been contentedly dozing for most of the sunny Saturday afternoon, “Huh?”
Philip’s voice was incredulous as he whirled around and cried, “They just kicked me in the back of the head!”
Theo couldn’t quite stifle the little giggle that rose up in her chest in time, as her hand moved to stroke her vast belly, “Well, you shouldn’t have been leaning on them, then?”
Pip stuck his tongue out at her, pressing his lips to the swell in her dress, “I expect an apology.”
“I don’t think you’re going to get one, babe,” Theo arched one eyebrow, her other hand moving to stroke his curls.
“Well…” he frowned, shrugging sourly, “I expect one in…four weeks. When they get here.”
Theo snorted with gently laughter, shaking her head fondly at her husband as her long fingers massaged through his close crop of dark curls, threatening to spill over right down his back.
Four weeks. It sounded like no time at all and yet, it felt like an eternity. An eternity until they’d meet the two little souls that were currently only represented by slight nudges and kicks and wriggles and what Philip and Theo could dream for themselves.
She had a feeling it was going to be brilliant. And it had been so, so long since she’d been able to say that about her future, say it with such certainty.
“Hey, Philip?” she murmured, blinking quickly. Tears had been coming frequently recently, never with much warning. She’d grown used to it.
“Hmm?” her husband turned from where he was still rubbing the back of his head even though it hadn’t really been that hard of a kick.
“I love you,” Theo whispered, pulling him close, her voice suddenly thick.
If he was surprised by her sudden flood of emotion, he didn’t show it. He just laughed softly and hugged her right back, gladly.
“I love you, Theo. My Theo.”
“My Pip.”
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hangsters · 7 years
Philtheo, 16 and 14 xx
16. Favorite Type(s) of Kissing
Theo’s favorite type of kissing is when she comes back from going on holiday with her dad every summer, and Philip meets her at the airport and they’re running for each other and just kissing all greedily and grasping at each other and they’re so in love and completely forgetting that there are other people around
Philip’s favorite type of kissing is Sunday morning kisses, when they have all the time in the world together in bed and their kisses are just gentle and lazy and they’re dozing off together and waking up to kiss some more cos kissing each other is great??
14. Pregnancy/Birth
When Theo’s pregnant the first couple of times, it’s really really hard on her, she’s already got a lot of insecurities about this motherhood thing and her body is being all weird and she feels like a big whale? And Philip knows she feels terrible so he just wants to help her feel better so he cuddles her so close as much as she needs and gives her the best massages, he just wants her to feel as beautiful as she looks to him
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crowbalt · 7 years
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oh wow he definitely blew us all away jesus christ
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