#Phoenix address your trauma
aceof-stars · 7 months
Thinking about AA role-swap AUs and if prosecutor Phoenix Wright would also “choose death” and then I remembered that in Farewell My Turnabout, Phoenix tells Edgeworth it might be time for "Defense Attorney Phoenix Wright chooses death". In the bad ending where Matt Engarde is declared "not guilty", Phoenix literally wanders the streets. Before I played this case, I thought Maya dies in the bad ending which prompts this reaction, but no he doesn't even see Maya again.
The more I look at canon, the more I realize Phoenix is as much of an emotional mess as Miles is, likely even worse. Phoenix's identity has always been so tied to being a lawyer, to saving people. He condemns one innocent person (Adrian Andrews) and he completely falls apart. And honestly, the same would probably happen if he got Matt Engarde "guilty" and Maya dies. Of course prosecutor Phoenix Wright would leave like Miles did.
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Wildflowers For A Hangman Ch. 12
Daisy, a career novelist, moves in with her college best friend Phoenix who has been permanently assigned to Top Gun with Dagger Squad. She finds herself instantly connected with a cocky pilot who's soft only for her and Jake can't help but want to know everything about her. When the past comes knocking at both of their doors, will they stand together or fall apart?
Or: The Dagger Squad can't cook and Jake falls in love with a woman who makes a mean lasagna while they work their personal trauma.
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x writer!femOC | 18+ (eventually) minors dni. Fluff, smut (eventual), idiots in love, past trauma.
A/N: Daisy needs to be alone to get her latest draft done but that leads to an unexpected situation...and confession...
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Previous Chapter
I had checked into a hotel room a week ago to get some writing done, which had been driving Jake crazy. When I was approaching a deadline I took a note out of Maya Angelou’s playbook, except, to a more extreme extent. She would rent a hotel room in her hometown, using it as an office of sorts, removing all distractions while she got her writing done. As a procrastinator who worked at the whims of her muses, I condensed the routine into a sprint. I wrote from 6am to 9pm with nothing in the room to distract myself except for a deck of cards and a thesaurus. 
The reason it was driving Jake crazy was the fact that I wouldn’t tell him which hotel I was at and that I would only text him before 6am and after 9pm. If given the chance, I knew he would have caved by day three and stopped by to see me, which would have derailed the entire process, Jake had begrudgingly agreed to her reasoning of keeping him out of the loop.
Cassandra was closing in on her killer, her and her partner Timothy were standing in front of the apartment door, weapons drawn and ready to go. They were going to do it. Except the scene that was in my head wasn’t the one that ended up on the page, Timothy kicked the door open and the apartment was empty except for a note addressed to her. The killer got away. For now at least. Jason and Grace would be ecstatic that the sequel was perfectly lined up but for me it felt like a blow to the chest. My detectives always got their man by the end of the story. Always. 
I spent close to four hours trying to rewrite the scene in a way that even vaguely made sense but nothing felt right. I glanced at the clock, it was past ten o’clock, Jake was probably ready to file a missing persons report at this point. I chuckled to myself, thinking about how he was. Jake liked to be by my side, even without the looming threat of me running off because of Rudolph Lance, he spent so much time at our apartment that Natasha had joked about charging him rent…which he had shrugged at and asked how much. 
When I pulled my phone out of the room safe I had three missed calls from Jake and Natasha and texts from most of the Daggers telling me to please, please, please call my boyfriend and best friend.
“Baby,” Jake sighed on the other side of the call. “Everything okay?” I giggled, it wasn’t even a full hour past when I was supposed to check-in and Jake sounded like I had been missing for days. “Daisy,” His serious tone cut my laughter short. Something had to be wrong. 
“I’m fine, Jake. What’s going on?” There was a long pause that had my heart rate shooting through the roof. “Baby, what’s wrong?” 
“What hotel are you at?” I started to repeat what I had been telling him all week about the importance of being left alone but he cut me off. “Daisy, I love you and I respect your process but I’m going to need you tell me where the fuck you are.” I flinched, surprised, he had never taken that tone with me before. 
“The Marriott on Sixth and Kewee. What the hell happened?” Jake shouted that I was okay to whoever he was with, probably Natasha. It hit me at that moment that Jake had just said he loved me but the next words out of his mouth ruined the moment.
“There was a big fire at the Marriott on Stiltson, the news said people died.” All the air rushed out of my lungs. All I had told him and Natasha was that I was staying at a Marriott, they must have been so worried. 
“Shit, Jake. I’m so sorry, I’ll come home. I can be there in-” Jake cut me off again,
“Stay put, I’m coming to you.” I plopped down on the bed, chewing on my thumbnail. The hotel was a five minute drive from our apartment, twenty from his. “We’re not doing this again, okay? Somebody needs to know where you’re at, somebody. Even if it’s Amelia for Christ’s sake.”
“Okay, baby, I promise.” Jake exhaled sharply. “I’m in room 108, come in the front doors and go right, I’ll be just a few steps away.” Another exhale, “Unclench your jaw, pretty boy, or you’ll give yourself a headache.” He didn’t say anything but I knew he was listening to me. “Now relax your fingers, you can drive at a speed I don’t want to know about without white knuckling it.” The time the huff had a hint of a chuckle, “You can’t come yell at me then smother me in kisses if you wrap your truck around a palm tree.” 
“I’m not going to yell at you,” He didn’t sound convincing, like he was still mulling it over. We sat in silence while he drove, a few torturous minutes passed by. “I’m here,”
“I really don’t want to know how fast you were going.” Jake sighed, “I’m not going to lecture you, just don’t tell me. I’m going to unlock the door for you.” I crossed the room, flipping the latch so that the door was held open, then I stepped back towards the center of the room. Jake rushed into the room not long later, sweeping me into his arms.
“Hi, baby.” He kissed my temple, hands shaking as he held me. Jake’s whole body was tense around me, showing just how concerned he was. I rubbed his back,
“Let it out, Jake, don’t keep it in.” He pulled away, gripping my face tightly but not harshly. Jake looked wrecked, eyes rimmed red, brow pinched, his jaw tensing and relaxing like he was fighting himself. “I’m right here.” 
“At least last time I knew where you were,” Jake’s tone was harsh. “I knew that you were safe,” I gripped his sides, digging my fingers in. He kissed me fiercely but pulled away before I could respond. “I don’t want to be a controlling boyfriend who tells you what to do, Daisy, but you’ve got to stop doing this to me.” Guilt flooded through me, my grip on him loosening. Jake shook his head tersely, “Please don’t pull away from me.” 
“I’m not pulling away, Jake,” I wrapped my arms around his waist. “I’m right here, tell me what you need.” Jake buried his face in my neck, hugging me tight. “Tell me what you need,” I whispered. “I love you too, Jake Seresin, just tell me what you need.” He didn’t say anything right away, he just held me. With every breath I felt him relax just a little bit more into me until it felt like I was holding all of his weight. “I love you, Jake. Just tell me what you need, I’ll give it to you.” Jake stayed quiet and I found myself filling the gap. “Have you heard of Life360? It’s an app, Harvey and his wife have it, lets them track each other's locations. I just won’t look at the weekly driving report so I won’t see how fast you speed.” 
“You don’t have to,” He kissed the crook of my neck, pulling away just to rest his forehead against mine. “If it makes you uncomfortable.” 
“I don’t mind, Jake,” I kissed him softly, “Not if it gives you peace of mind. Okay?” I slipped my hands under his shirt, resting them on his warm back, pulling him even closer. “Are we okay?”
“I love you, Daisy.” Jake kissed my nose and pulled away, smiling softly at me. “Not exactly how I planned on telling you, it just kind of slipped out.” I giggled, pulling him to lay on the bed with me.
“Well, nothing about this relationship has exactly been normal since the whole ‘FBI showing up at my house’ thing. So, I think it’s fitting.” I sat back on the pillows and Jake laid his head in my lap, I carded my fingers through his hair. “Let’s talk about things, Jake. What do you need?” He looped an arm between my legs, snuggling me like a pillow. 
“Can we get that tracking app? I promise I won’t look at it unless I’m worried.” I rolled my eyes, knowing that if he checked the app every time he was worried about me, it would be constantly open on his phone. The…hypervillegance surrounding my whereabouts on Natasha’s orders had lessened but hadn’t faded away entirely. It was something I had learned about Jake, he cared with his whole heart about all of the people in his life, and with that came a certain level of anxiety. 
“Check it as much as you need to, pretty boy,” I kissed his hair. “What else?” 
“I want to take you home for Thanksgiving, introduce you to my mama,” My fingers paused in his hair, the thought swirling around in my mind. What would meeting Jake’s parents be like? Would they be warm and welcoming or stoic and standoffish? What about his sisters? Would they like her? “Stop thinking so hard, that hamster wheel in your head is starting to smoke.”
“Shut up,” I laughed, my fingers moving in his hair once again. “Yes, I’ll meet your mama, what else?” Jake gently bit my thigh and I tapped him on the head, “Jake, baby, is there anything else you need to feel better?” 
“I’m going to marry you one day,” 
“Okay.” Jake turned to look up at me and I’m sure I had multiple chins at that angle but he was looking at me with nothing but love in his eyes and I couldn’t find it in myself to care.
“Wait, so, asking you to meet my family takes a full minute for you to think about but getting married is an instant yes?” 
Daisy tilted her head back against the headboard, a small smile on her face. In the last few hours, my emotions had been wrecked. Going from bored, sitting on the couch listening to Rooster and Phoenix argue about something I wasn’t paying attention to, then worried beyond belief when the news alert popped up on our phones, and then instant relief when her name flashed on caller ID. 
“I’ve never met a boy’s parents before,” 
“One, I’m a man, baby.” Daisy scoffed at me, her hand resting on my chest. “Two, you’ve never met someone’s parents?”
“Jake, I hadn’t even cuddled someone before you,” I couldn’t help the smug smile that grew on my lips. Daisy liked cuddling but she needed the conditions to be just right, apparently I was a “human heater” and she needed a fan to be running, more than one if she wanted to keep her beloved pajama pants on.
“My mama’s going to love you, already does,” I reached up, wrapping my fingers around the duplicate dog tags of mine she wore around her neck to pull her down for a kiss. The angle wasn’t perfect but her lips on mine could never be wrong. “Told her all about your lasagna and the way you’ve been feeding the team. My sisters already love you too, they’re both true crime junkies, apparently they have all of your books.” 
“No way,” She snorted, dissolving into a fit of giggles. Her whole body shook as she laughed and it was a beautiful sight. “I’ll sign them when I come to visit. Did I ever tell you that Grace and Jason spent a week arguing over how my signature should look?” 
“Seriously, I thought I had carpal tunnel by the time we figured it out. Well, I probably do but that’s neither here nor there.” I made a mental note to Google that later, see if there was anything to do to make it better. “What about your pops?” 
“God, he cannot wait to meet you,” I groaned, pulling her down for another kiss. “Pops won’t stop asking about his “new daughter” when I call him. I think my family’s going to propose to you on my behalf.” Daisy laughed but it wasn’t really a joke, my whole family had been calling, texting, even emailing me for information on Daisy and our relationship. Pops had even offered up his parents’ rings for us to use.
“There seem to be a lot of expectations for me to live up to, Jake.” She kissed me one, twice, three times before sitting back up, that same soft smile on her lips. “But I’m telling you now, if you propose to me before we’ve known each other for at least a year, I’m telling you no.” 
Taglist: @dizzybee03 @littlezee80 @nervousenemyduck @carolina-on-my-mind03 @mizzzpink @beltzboys2015-blog @writingrose @hookslove1592
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offender42085 · 8 months
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Post 1150
“... You took her life for no apparent reason, other than that she bit your finger.” --Judge
Charles Reese Karn, Wyoming inmate 34943, born 2003, incarceration intake November 2023 art age 20, sentenced to life
In October 2023, a Cheyenne man who pleaded guilty to second-degree murder for strangling his girlfriend to death was sentenced to life in prison.
Charles R. Karn was sentenced by District Judge Catherine R. Rogers, who gave him a life sentence without any qualifications for minimum prison time. The sentence was more strict than the recommendations made by the assistant district attorney for the case and Karn’s public defender.
Karn was arrested in June 2023 after Phoenix Cerenil was hospitalized. At his arraignment in September 2023, Karn pleaded guilty to a second-degree murder charge in a deal that Public Defender Diane Lozano said she got for him.
At the sentencing, Karn was handcuffed, and 11 Laramie County Sheriff’s deputies were present in the courtroom. When she began the hearing, Judge Rogers asked that all lawyers remain seated at their respective tables “for security purposes.”
She added that she wanted to “minimize movement around the courtroom.”
Public Defender Lozano, when addressing the court about the defense’s sentencing concerns, said she would not call Karn’s family to address the court due to his mother’s previous interruption.
She began by saying that she would address the court in an unconventional manner, given the coverage of Karn’s case and his consistent desire to plead guilty.
“My client came to court today expecting a life sentence,” she told Rogers.
She added that Karn let her share the details of personal conversations she’d had with the defendant in order to give the court a better picture of his character.
“I felt that Mr. Karn and I had a connection,” she said.
Throughout her statement, Lozano made no apologies for the defendant’s actions, calling the statement he made during his guilty plea “honest” and “brutal.”
Later, Lozano said she wanted to clarify some confusion surrounding Karn’s second-degree murder plea. She said the defendant always intended to plead guilty to first-degree murder, and, as his defense attorney, she spoke to the state about an agreement to allow him to get a lesser charge in exchange for his willingness to plead guilty so quickly.
She offered to get Karn that agreement as early as his preliminary hearing, she added, but said that Karn wanted to attend that hearing because he did not want to seem like a coward to the Cerenil family.
She pushed back on the idea that the second-degree murder plea was a surprise to the state and said “it shouldn’t have been.” She added this case had the most misinformation and misunderstanding of her career.
Lozano continued her statements by saying that Karn had a number of characteristics that should be considered for his sentencing. She cited his age, childhood trauma, reduced mental capacity, acceptance of responsibility, remorse, potential for change and value as a human being when defending him.
She presented details previously not heard in court about Karn’s childhood trauma at the hands of his biological father, going back to when he was 4. She also said Karn had had two stints at the Wyoming Boys’ School in Worland, which she said took a serious toll on his mental health and may have negatively impacted his ability to improve.
“We have a system that generally works for most kids,” she said, adding that Karn was too “complex” and that the system didn’t work for him.
She continued by saying that, if criminal charges he faced at the Boys’ School had never happened, he might have been able to get treatment, and they would not have been in court that day.
“I guess that makes me sad,” she said.
She also said a psychiatric specialist said Karn likely had a trauma and stress disorder, anxiety, potential obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, a developmental disability and an impulse control disorder that might have contributed to his behavioral problems.
She concluded by saying that Karn’s family believes he has changed and asked for a sentence of 20 years to life with credit for time served, adding that Karn still seemed like a “kid” to her.
“He is but a child,” she said. “He’s a child that’s done horrible things, and he will face the consequences.”
After a brief recess called by Judge Rogers to decide if Karn would share a statement, the defendant gave a speech, restating his guilt and culpability to the court.
“I have a lot of emotions,” he said. “I feel lonely now that I took Phoenix’s life. ... I took somebody that had a family. ... Phoenix did not deserve what I did to her.”
He said he was sorry, but did not ask for forgiveness, and acknowledged that he was “selfish” and that “saying sorry will never bring her back.”
Judge Rogers told Lozano, when determining Karn’s sentence, that she did not see many factors that weighed in Karn’s favor.
“While there are mitigating factors,” she said, “in this court’s estimation, they are few.” Rogers called Karn’s series of offenses, culminating in Phoenix’s murder, an “enduring” crime spree.
“When I review your juvenile history, I conclude that every effort was made,” she said, “to allow you to return to and remain within the community, to receive rehabilitative services in the community. ... When I read your (criminal history) ... I conclude that you squandered every opportunity.
“... You took her life for no apparent reason, other than that she bit your finger.”
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laidee-flegman · 10 months
Shadow work prompts for dealing with anger
The Blaze Within: Reflect on a recent moment when anger flared up within you. What triggered it, and how did you express or suppress it?
The Roots of Rage: Explore your earliest memories of anger. How was anger expressed in your family, and how did it shape your current relationship with this emotion?
The Volcano Effect: Describe a time when your anger erupted unexpectedly. What were the consequences, and what deeper emotions were fueling the eruption?
The Mask of Calm: Identify situations where you tend to mask your anger with a calm exterior. What fears or judgments are you avoiding by doing this?
The Inferno of Injustice: Recall a situation where you felt a strong sense of injustice. How did this injustice trigger your anger, and what actions can you take to address it constructively?
The Fire and Relationships: Reflect on how anger influences your relationships. How do you express anger with loved ones, and how can you improve communication during heated moments?
The Ember of Self-Anger: Explore instances where you directed anger inward. What self-judgments or criticisms trigger this self-directed anger, and how can you practice self-compassion instead?
The Thunderstorm Release: Consider healthy outlets for releasing anger, such as physical activity or creative expression. How can you incorporate these outlets into your routine to prevent emotional buildup?
The Tsunami of Triggers: Identify recurring triggers that consistently ignite your anger. How can you address or reframe these triggers to diffuse their power?
The Echoes of Childhood Wrath: Reflect on how anger was expressed in your childhood home. What patterns have you carried into adulthood, and how can you break or transform them?
The Shadow Self: Explore the aspects of your personality or desires that you suppress or deny. How does acknowledging and integrating these shadow aspects influence your experience of anger?
The Smoke Screen: Consider moments when you used anger as a distraction from addressing deeper issues. What emotions or truths were you avoiding, and how can you confront them directly?
The Inferiority Flame: Examine situations where anger arises from feelings of inadequacy. How can you work on building self-esteem and addressing the root cause of these feelings?
The Blaze of Betrayal: Reflect on a time when you felt betrayed. How did anger manifest, and what steps can you take to heal from the betrayal without letting anger consume you?
The Phoenix of Forgiveness: Explore your resistance to forgiveness. What beliefs or fears prevent you from letting go of anger, and how can forgiveness liberate you?
The Heat of Expectations: Identify situations where unmet expectations trigger your anger. How can you adjust your expectations or communicate them more effectively to avoid unnecessary rage?
The Infernal Internal Dialogue: Examine the way you talk to yourself when angry. What critical or harsh words arise, and how can you reframe your internal dialogue to be more compassionate?
The Wildfire of Projection: Reflect on times when you projected your anger onto others. What insecurities or unresolved issues were you avoiding, and how can you address them directly?
The Flashback Flames: Explore whether past traumas contribute to the intensity of your anger. How can acknowledging and addressing these traumas help you manage anger in the present?
The Avalanche of Accumulation: Consider the impact of suppressing anger over time. How does accumulated anger manifest in your life, and what steps can you take to release it in a healthy way?
The Cooling Waters: Imagine a scenario where you navigate anger with calmness and clarity. What tools or strategies can you implement to achieve this state in real-life situations?
The Smoke Signals of Boundaries: Reflect on your relationship with boundaries. How does setting and enforcing healthy boundaries contribute to managing anger?
The Firewalk of Acceptance: Explore the concept of accepting anger as a natural emotion. How can acknowledging and accepting anger without judgment transform your relationship with it?
The Firefighter's Compassion: Consider how you respond when others express anger. How can you cultivate empathy and understanding instead of reacting defensively?
The Ember of Grudges: Examine any lingering grudges you hold. How do these grudges fuel your anger, and what steps can you take to release them for your own well-being?
The Quenching Rain: Identify activities or practices that soothe and calm your anger. How can you integrate these into your routine as preventive measures?
The Inferno of Control: Reflect on situations where a lack of control triggers anger. How can you embrace uncertainty and release the need for control to manage anger more effectively?
The Lighthouse of Reflection: Consider journaling as a tool for reflecting on your anger. How can regular journaling help you gain insights, track patterns, and manage your emotions?
The Cauldron of Creativity: Explore creative outlets as a means of expressing and transforming anger. How can engaging in artistic or expressive activities help channel your emotions constructively?
The Bonfire of Release: Imagine a ritual for releasing pent-up anger. What symbolic actions or ceremonies can you create to release and let go of anger in a transformative way?
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goodbyeapathy8 · 8 months
Departure letter
As mentioned in this post, that outlines why I needed to let this be my last message in the Kindergarten Mafia Discord server... here is the Scathing Letter™. ------------------------
It is time for me to go. 
I absolutely loathe having to do a departure announcement because this is not an airport and I’m sure not a lot of people care. 
But as someone who has spent 10+ years of their life actively decolonizing and liberating my viewpoints, it would be absolutely remiss for me to not leave final remarks here expressing my utter disappointment and feelings of not being safe in this space. Not just as POC but someone chronically ill and autistic. Y’all have not made it kind for someone who has any sort of marginalized identity, as evidenced by the public dogpiling in this thread as well as the now deleted messages in clarifications.
I’m not going to address the majority of the drama except for what started it all : someone refusing a Native person’s (well-deserved) call out for a culturally appropriative phrase. 
It is devastatingly clear to me that a large portion of folks in this server have a poorly curated personal life extremely lacking in diversity. 
The defensiveness and elitism (really? Dictionary definitions?). Refusal to actively listen and instead attack others about lacking critical thinking. Self-claimed expertise. I could go on. 
So I revise what I had posted previously. Everyone is a little racist and this server is full of white supremacy tenets. 
This is my last attempt at educating some of you, which will go poorly, I’m sure. 
I spent an inordinate amount of time/energy/spoons to provide coherent context the last time but to find the entire thread deleted with no respect for the effort I spent there, has been one of the final straws. 
Frequently mentioning your volunteer status is frankly laughable. I have volunteered for quite a few places, including mutual aid organizations, and across multiple timezones and never have I seen so many excuses to say that y’all do not care about POC. (1/2)
I don’t care how old anyone is, what their job IRL is, what works you’ve posted with how many kudos, etc. I *do* care about the fact that multiple people, when speaking up, are treated with callousness and hurtfulness. That is a larger indication of your mental age and capacity than any other words you can type. 
That I felt safe enough to be so vulnerable in this space for a while was an illusion. There are continued indicators that POC words are ignored, especially calling out that I know both Jynx and William have requested their labor be deleted in the server but have not been. 
Last, but not least, I’m sure people will read this and think oh it’s Phoenix banding together with their friends. I say this with as much passion I can muster : I would have the same amount of disdain for the actions seen in this server without any personal friendship ties and emotions. That is how the social justice aspect of my autism works. 
You all have so much work to do when it comes to respecting other human beings that have different experiences than you. If I weren’t so consumed with the feelings of my actual divorce, recent termination, and the continued trauma of world events like that in Falasteen, I’d feel bad for you. 
As it stands, I believe my energy is precious and I simply cannot spare any more in spaces where I (and others) am not welcome or given respect to. Let it be noted that I’ve actually gone viral on social media before and I still have not left THOSE spaces and yet am choosing to leave this one. The troll comments I received on Tiktok can be ignored because they are from complete strangers that I do not give a single fuck about. The ones here, purportedly from those who claim it’s “safe”, are even more insidious in nature. 
Whatever race or ethnicity you are, to take people who have shown you their vulnerabilities and turn around to show your entire behinds in the least sexiest way ever, is not a good look. Ever. 
Leave the ass scenes to KinnPorsche. 
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arliedraws · 2 months
There is something about Order of The Phoenix that's bugging me.
Why was Surius not allowed to go out? I know that wizards and witches would gave a heart attack if they saw a grim amd there was the fear of Peter telling the Death Munchers that Sirius is a dog but why not go on a walk woth him as a dog in a muggle park? Put a collar on him, a leash and boom, Sirius is outside. He can spend time in the sun, play in the mud, whack people with sticks and play fetch.
He literally spent the last year outside! Living in a cave! Stealing food as a dog! If he was in danger he would have moved! I don't get it!
Was he... not allowed to go out as a power play? A... way to break him? Keep him in control and also Harry because Sirius is someone he respects and loves?
Or did JKR just forget logic exists
What do you think??
Sirius could do whatever he wanted. He was not in prison. But taking a walk outside was not going to solve the problem of his depression. The trouble is that he could have left at any time, but he stayed because there was a huge risk in going out after he went with the kids to Kings Cross in September because he was recognized pretty quickly—Snape confirms that the Death Eaters are well-aware of his Animagus form.
Why is this important? It’s just not worth the risk. The reason the Death Eaters knows about Sirius is because of his connection to Harry—I have no doubt that Voldemort would have literally used Sirius to lure Harry to the DoM if he could have. And Sirius KNEW that the reason he couldn’t be caught was because of Harry—Harry would either do something heroic or he would be without a parent again if Sirius were caught.
Also, remember, Voldemort had not yet come back yet in GoF so the rest of the Death Eaters wouldn’t be trying to hunt Sirius. The only people who knew he was an Animagus in GoF were Peter (and Voldemort probably), Dumbledore, the trio, and Remus. Not a huge threat!
Dumbledore strongly advised Sirius not to leave—what was he going to do? Imprison Sirius? Sirius could do whatever he wanted, but Sirius stayed because of Harry and because he wanted to fight Voldemort. I think Dumbledore wanted to keep Sirius and Harry emotionally separated, but I also think he wanted to keep Sirius from being a liability in the way that, Sirius could easily be used against Harry. Dumbledore’s solution was to keep Sirius safe and unhappy—put people on shelves who are unpredictable like chess pieces. Sirius was a very valuable piece that he wanted to save but also keep to use later. Callous but somewhat effective. If Harry had been able to master Occlumency, it would have been successful, but the problem is that because Harry failed this one part of the plan, Dumbledore had already created the circumstances in which Harry would not trust Sirius (emotional separation) but feel like he had to save Sirius.
And the thing is, Sirius was always going to have some sort of depression, and without something to focus on (fighting the war) and his loneliness, all he had time to do was think. But the amount of trauma of finding your best friend dead (and you think it’s your fault), witnessing a MASSACRE committed by the friend who murdered your best friend, getting blamed for all of it, going to solitary confinement/eternal misery prison, and then everything from PoA and beyond was never addressed. He was going to break eventually. A few walks outside here and then might have been nice, but it was never going to fix the problem. He was fucking miserable but it wasn’t just because he was in Grimmauld Place—everything was just exponentially worse because he had all this trauma he didn’t know how to process in a place that made him feel horrible. I just don’t think taking a break for an hour was going to fix that.
Anyway, I think sticking Sirius in Grimmauld Place and his backstory was really well-done and a very solid storytelling technique. Do I feel sad for this fictional character? Yes! But also, not a real person and I think Order of the Phoenix sets up Sirius’s death astoundingly well.
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Okay okay okay reunion after trauma letter
With nat???
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What’s In The Envelope? 
Pairings: Natasha “Phoenix” Trace x Female Reader
Warnings: Angst, injuries, fluff and lots of emotions.
Word Count: 1015
Masterlist Series Masterlist
A/N: I want to thank you so much for this ask! The second I saw it I knew what I wanted to write for this. Natasha has been flowing out of me today! I really really hope you like this part. Heres to my mini celebration!
Natasha had had the envelope setup since you guys made it to the 6 month mark of dating. 2 years in and the tradition still stood.  She would take it to the post office and give them a date to mail it out. It would simply arrive in your mailbox a couple of days after she was meant to be back. She would make sure to grab it from the mail once she came back from the mission so you wouldn’t see it. This time however she was back but unable to grab it. You had found the envelope this time. 
Heading to the hospital you made sure to put the envelope in your bag. You had no idea what it was, just that it was addressed to you from Natasha. But she was still alive. She was just laid up in a hospital bed with a couple bruised ribs, a concussion and a fractured pride.
Her and Bob had been on a mission that had gone south and they had to eject. The ejection worked like it was supposed to. Her parachute however took too long to deploy and that caused her to have a rough landing to the ground. She had smacked her head on the ground and had landed on her ribs weirdly. No one knew how she had made it out with only a concussion and a few bruised ribs but everyone was very thankful. 
The doctors requested she stay in the hospital for a week so they could observe her concussion and ribs in case any complications arose. You had stayed by her side the first 3 days. On the 4th day she was begging you to go home and get her some comfortable clothes. You had agreed and made your way to your shared apartment. You decided to check the mail while you were there and that's when you found the envelope. 
When you showed back up to the hospital 2 full duffle bags and an uneasy expression she was immediately worried. She had asked you what was wrong in which you replied by pulling out the envelope and dumping it into her lap. Her stomach dropped and she gave you a look of sadness. “Baby girl, I promise you I can explain this okay? Just don’t get mad and hear me out okay?” She pleaded with you. 
“I’m not angry sweetheart, I really have no idea what to think. I show up to the apartment and find a random envelope addressed to me from you.” You had said to her tears working themselves into your eyes and slowly down your cheeks as you started to chew on the inside of your cheek. You knew that whatever was in that envelope wasn't anything happy. She patted the spot on the bed next to her and gave you a pleading look. Making your way to the bed you carefully sat down next to her. 
“I never intended for you to find this unless I was no longer here. I don’t want to worry you more than I already know you are. If it will help to ease some of your worries I will tell you everything I have in this envelope.” She said with tears entering her eyes. You nodded your head and so she continued. “There are 4 letters inside this envelope. One for you and the rest for Bradley, my parents and Bob's parents. There is also a USB drive with a video of me on it that’s for you. Bradleys letter consists of me begging him to look after you or I swear to haunt his idiot ass.” You let out a laugh at that one. 
“The one to my parents is telling them how much they mean to me and that I am beyond sorry for not making it back. The one written to Bob’s family is me expressing my grief and apologizing for not bringing their son back to them. The final letter for you is me pouring my heart and soul out to you. Saying goodbye and telling you everything I love about you.” With that her hand had moved up to your cheek. Tears slowly making it down both of your faces. 
“And what about the video?” You shakily asked her, looking in her eyes leaning your face against her hand. She took a shaky breath before replying. 
“The video is of me telling you about the future I wish we could’ve had together. It’s me reading you your favorite book. It’s me laughing and crying and trying to convince you that I wanted to come back to you more than anything in this world but I for some reason wasn’t meant to. But that I loved you more than I loved anyone else and that you were definitely without a doubt the last thing I thought about as I took my last breath.” as she finished you had let out a sob. She quickly pulled you to her chest and rubbed your back trying to sooth you. After what felt like ages you pulled back. 
“Please promise me that you will always try with everything in you to make it back to me. I never want to read my letter or watch that video. I don’t want to have to hand out the other letters. I just want to have you.” You pleaded with her. She quickly nodded her head and wiped the remaining tears from your eyes. 
“I promise to always do everything in my power to make it back to you. I never want you to have to read that letter or watch that video. I don’t want you to have to hand off letters or live a day knowing I won’t be thinking about you every minute of every day.” The end of her sentence was met with a kiss. There was one thing in the envelope she hadn’t told you about. Which was the ring that she had had picked out for the last 3 months just waiting for the perfect time to ask the question it came with.
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jadelynlace · 1 year
Ivar & Children Part III ⎮Ink Drinker Modern Vikings AU One-Shot [Ivar x F!Reader]
find the series masterpost here.
author’s note: much like what this holiday represents, we’re having the re-birth of Ink Drinker. yes, that sounded much better in my head. 
content warnings: medical jargon, children getting hurt, Ivar and children
word count: 1000+ words
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You recognize the address as soon as the report sings from the radio. Despite the nature of the call, you’re worried it’s actually Floki who has injured himself and not his son—and in the confusion the child called for the emergency response. 
When you step into Floki’s home, Hvitserk is right on your six and you’re scanning for evidence of trauma that doesn’t seem to exist. Instead, Helga’s holding their youngest son, Apollo who has just reached his second birthday last week—your mind recalls the quick image of Ivar dancing with him to celebrate before he blows out his birthday candles. Apollo shirt was torn off in a rush and his chest is red—ruby red and you already know.
“I didn’t know he could reach the counter,” Helga nearly cries softly. “Next thing I knew he was wearing my tea,” She adds. “The pediatrician—”
“She told us to take him to the emergency room,” Floki says for her. “I knew this would be faster once I realized who was at work today,” He finishes, winking at you. 
Apollo screams when your chief attempts to take a closer look at the burn.
“Let me try—coordinate with medical control, you know what’s going to happen,” You say.
“When did you become my boss?” He teases.
“When you hired me,” You joke back. “Apollo—it’s me, baby,” You say softly while you pull your mask down. “It’s Miss Y/N,” And the familiar voice calls the boy to calm slightly in your presence. “We’re just going to take a look at you tummy, Mommy and Daddy aren’t going anywhere, alright?”
“Floki, can you pack up some of his things?” Hvitserk asks. “I’ll pull vitals,”
“Do a manual heart rate,” You start, “On his back, there’s no room for it on his chest it’s too burnt—he’s not allergic to anything that you know of, Helga?” You ask and she nods. 
“This is going to give your arm a real tight hug, alright?” Hvitserk says as he attaches the pediatric cuff. “Do you want to try to squeeze my hand just as hard? He then offers, holding up a gloved hand. Apollo reaches out quickly, grabbing the first two fingers and barrels down, despite the soft grip Hvitserk lets out a huff of improvised impression. “You’re a strong little man!”
“Breathing rate is high,” You mumble.
“Mine would be too!” Hvitserk says, “It’s scary when you hurt yourself. We have 110 on 72,”
“Little high, too,” You say. “Can you walk me through what happened, Helga?”
“I had my back turned just to grab the sugar—I didn’t even know he was able to reach that high and I had just taken the kettle off and poured a cup…next thing I knew he started screaming and I—I took his shirt right off,”
“He didn’t lose consciousness?”
“No, he just started screaming,”
“Nothing in his diaper?”
“No, that was the first place I looked too—it just got on his chest and on his one wrist—oh sweetheart I’m so sorry I should have known better—”
“Helga these things happen to all parents, this is how we learn,” Hvitserk says.
“Helga,” You start, “There’s not much we’re going to be able to do from our end. We can give him pain medication but he’s going to have to be air lifted to a burn center,” You say firmly. “Now, they’re going to put him in a burn dressing—for someone his age it’ll likely be a silver sulfadiazine suit or a biobrane dressing. From what I can see, it looks like a partial thickness burn, which is what we would prefer over a full thickness,”
“Phoenix is still in school—how far is the center?” Helga asks.
“A few hours away,” You start. “I’ll call Ivar,”
“Thank you,” She says to you. “I can’t think straight right now,” 
When Ivar knocks on the door to the classroom, he’s greeted with the warm smile from Phoenix school teacher.
“His father called you?” Ivar asks.
“He did, Phoenix has not stopped talking about it since we told him,”
“Mr. Ivar!” Phoenix beckons. “It’s Mr. Ivar,” He says proudly to his teacher. Ivar kneels to his height before speaking:
“How about you and I go get something to eat?” Ivar suggests.
“Tacos?” The child requests.
“A man wise beyond his years,” Ivar hums, lifting Phoenix’s backpack onto his shoulder.
Ivar waits. In doing so, he watches the child before him inhale one taco after the other. He can hardly see Phoenix chewing. Finally, as his mouth slows, he peeks up at Ivar through eyes that match Floki’s perfectly.
“What did you do today, Mr. Ivar?” “Did you go to work?”
“No, no, I was off today. I talked to Y/N, and I talked to your mommy and daddy about Apollo,”
“Why?” Phoenix asks, Ivar takes in a breath and mentally prepares himself.
“Little brother got hurt, he’s with mommy and daddy at the doctors,”
“I hurted myself on my bike the other day,” 
“Yes, I remember, and what happened?” Ivar asks.
“My knee was all red,”
“Little brother hurt himself with Mama’s tea. Remember how mama likes her tea each morning? And how Mr. Ivar drinks his coffee, and so does Y/N?”
“Daddy says Miss Y/N drinks coffee like it’s ‘going out of style’,” Phoenix replies, air quotes and all—it makes Ivar snort.
“Yes, well Apollo got the hot tea on himself, and on his chest. Do you know where your chest is?"
“Right here!”Phoenix replies. “And, here is my heart—mama says that’s where kindness comes from,”
“Mama’s right,” Ivar starts. “Now, do you remember when Mr. Ivar was at the doctor’s office after he hurt his legs?”
“Daddy said not to touch them,”
“That’s what it’s going to be like for Apollo—we have to make sure we don’t touch where he hurt himself because it’s going to be sore—just like your knee when you fell off your bike. Now, I was thinking maybe we could draw a picture for little brother, so he can feel better when he’s home?”
“Mr. Ivar?”
“Yes, little man?”
“Is Apollo going to be alright?”
“He’s going to be just fine—Miss Y/N and Mr. Hvitty made sure of it,”
“He got to go in the am-bu-wance?” Phoenix gasps. “I went in one when we saw them at the school!” 
“He did,” Ivar replies, leaving out the part where he was also air lifted in the helicopter, because he knows that Phoenix will be asking you for that for the next year once he finds out. 
As Phoenix makes sure to leave no crumb behind, Ivar peaks down at his phone to see your message:
All set at the hospital, see you tonight xo
“Ready for the art store?” Ivar asks.
“Can we get a taco to go, for later?” Phoenix asks.
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*please message me to let me know if you would like to be added or removed from my tag list. specifications for series/etc. are also welcomed, as well as feedback.*
full masterlist can be found here.
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kamyru · 2 years
Public Safety detectives bringing their child(ren) to work: Seiji Goto
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Hi, @chelle-bells! Thank you for this request. I'm not crying, you are. I like writing for this series so much. Please, request more domestic bliss for Her Love in the Force and other games I write about. I'm so happy. I hope you'll enjoy it too. ❤️
Hideki Ishigami & Hyogo Kaga version
Takaomi Tsugaru & Takeru Momose version
Ayumu Shinonome version
Word counting: 1180
A knock on the door caught Soma's attention. After his permission to enter, the door opened, and no one entered. A second later, his eyes met a pouty girl. She closed the door and went towards the couch. 
"What are you doing here, pretty girl?" the equally pretty man asked. The girl crossed her hands on her chest and puffed her cheeks before she started talking. From time to time, she looked at the man in front of her to make sure she had his attention. After she saw him putting away the pile of papers he had had in front of him, she turned towards him and opened her mouth. However, it took her a few times to get her thoughts in order. 
"I want your opinion on something because you also have a younger daughter and an older son."
Soma had to cover his mouth not to give away how his jaw dropped in shock at the girl's seriousness. 
"Hmmm," Soma started and rubbed his chin, "for such an important request, we need an entire committee of girls' dads."
For a second, the girl's eyes sparkled. The lost hope, which made her ask for help from her father's senior, was reborn like a Phoenix in her pure soul. However, Goto's seriousness passed to her, and she gained her composure.
"Is it possible to do it right now?" 
Soma let out a chuckle that came to an abrupt end when he saw the frown between Baby Goto's brows. He opened a chat on his phone that he was sure till a second ago he wouldn't ever use for personal matters while at work. 
Baby Goto requires an urgent meeting of all the dads who have daughters. 
The first one who read the message was the girl's dad, who let her cool off while going to the bathroom and now was met by something like this. He was also the first to enter Soma's office, taking into consideration that the whole time he was a wall away. 
"Hey, darling," Goto addressed his daughter while his older son tagged along. The older Baby Goto had his dominant hand in a cast. Soma had seen both Goto kids earlier that day. However, he didn't have enough time to ask them what had happened. Now, he had a hunch the girl's behavior had something to do with her brother's injury. 
Soon, Kurosawa, Ayumu, Ishigami, and Kaga entered Soma's office. Even the Chief came to get some experience. Suddenly, Soma thanked all the Gods that they were in the Academy because there was no way Tsugaru would miss something like that. 
Even if the girl knew all of them, seeing some of the best detectives in Japan in the same room was overwhelming. So, she snuggled closer to her father, searching for some comfort. Her brother left Goto's lap to pass his place to his younger sister, which she gladly accepted. The detective hugged his daughter by her shoulders, which made her tilt her head backward to smile at him. Goto kissed her nose, and the girl giggled. Kaga rolled his eyes, even if it was visible that he bit his lips from the inside to hide his smile. The others weren't as shy as the Captain and nearly melted at the interaction between the dad and his daughter. 
"So, what's your complaint?" Soma-the-Judge started. 
Baby Goto sat straighter in her father's lap. Though, she didn't talk till her brother pushed her shoulder a little. 
"I want to play baseball just like my brother, and dad was okay with this till yesterday when my brother broke his thumb at a game."
"That's because he loves you, dummy!" the older Baby Goto said the moment his sister stopped talking. 
"He loves you too but doesn't ask you to quit!"
"That's because I have been playing baseball for a year now!"
"Traumas don't care if you play for the first time or the thousandth!"
While the younger Gotos continued yelling at each other, their dad leaned on the couch, moving his hand over the back. He looked at the ceiling above him as if it was completely different from what was in his identical office. 
"I'll film it so that when I want a second kid, to rewatch it," Ayumu whispered to Ishigami, who also had a daughter. Shinonome could tell the same thing to Namba and Kurosawa, but he knew better than to think that they would stop at only a kid. Ishigami, however, wasn't impressed by his colleague's comment. Instead, he looked deep into his thoughts. The Captain was also the first one to talk:
"It is true that sports put you in danger regardless of how long you practice them."
That made both kids stop talking. Simultaneously, they put their elbows on their knees to listen better to Ishigami. However, their dad's Captain was interrupted by the other Captain, who had the most experience dealing with kids. 
"Parents are made to be worried, while their kids' purpose is to worry them."
Now, everyone looked at Kaga, trying to get a glimpse of the sentiment he was talking about. There was no doubt that he was a good dad. Everyone saw his kids and how much they loved him. But no one wanted to miss the slightest proof of emotions on the always grumpy detective's face. However, when he mouthed an annoyed "What?", his colleagues gave up on observing him and moved their eyes back to Gotos. 
For a while, no one said a single word, deep in thought at what Kaga said. The faces of their kids appeared in front of their eyes, and sad but possible scenarios started to run as vividly as 3D movies. 
"Unfortunately, no one can protect their dear ones forever," Kurosawa whispered seriously, loud enough to be heard by everyone. He failed his purpose of easing every situation, yet, at least, he didn't annoy anyone. 
"Why do you want so much to play baseball, though?" Ayumu changed the subject that dried everyone's mouths.
"Because she thinks dad spends more time with me. Even now, she tagged along only because dad took me with him," the boy raised his cast to show everyone why Goto had to bring him to work.
"I came here because of you, but I want to play baseball because I like it. I watch you and dad play it every time and repeat it with the kids from daycare."
This time, both older Gotos looked at her in disbelief, having no idea she did this. A frown appeared on her brother's face, but soon it was followed by a smile.
"That means we can play together!"
Goto sighed and rested his chin on his daughter's head. There was no way he would upset both his kids by denying the younger one to play baseball. He would have a long talk with his wife after her mission. There was no way his heart would survive if one of his children got another injury. Yet, it was natural in the process of getting older, wasn't it?
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v-thinks-on · 2 years
My offers for this year’s FTH auction!
Type of fanwork: Written - Fanfic Fandom(s): Sherlock Holmes: Arthur Conan Doyle stories, A Study in Emerald; Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century, X-Men (comics or movies), Ace Attorney Highest rating: T (Teen) Length/scope: Less than 5k words
Especially interested in: I love established relationships, hurt/comfort, and working through trauma. Also crossovers. Holmes/Watson: I’ve been thinking about putting them in horror or fantastical situations. I also love the role reversal of Holmes trying to care for Watson, whether early in their relationship or in retirement around WWI. Or maybe Holmes reconnecting with Victor Trevor. Magneto/Professor X: I especially like their later relationship, being there for each other despite years of animosity. I’m also fond of First Class, and the idea of Magneto getting used to the mundanities of normal life. In addition, I’m Jewish and bring that perspective to writing Magneto. Phoenix/Edgeworth: A newer fandom for me and a bit more wide open, happy to write something based on canon or an AU (as long as DL-6 stays roughly intact). I’d also be interested in writing Kirk/Spock (TOS only), Superman/Batman (but not DCEU), Jeeves/Wooster, Satterthwaite/Quin (Agatha Christie), Yugi/Yami Yugi (Yu-Gi-Oh), Takao/Midorima (Kuroko’s Basketball).
Unwilling to address: I’m pretty set on my ships and would like to focus on them, though I’m fine with open relationships and including friendships with other characters. I also don't write NSFW or noncon of any kind (including drunken confessions and the like), pining isn’t my cup of tea, and I’d rather not do something with an unhappy ending. X-Men - I'm not really interested in the new continuity movies after First Class or complete AUs that don’t include Magneto and Professor X’s canon roles in mutant politics (or something similar). Ace Attorney - I’ve only played the first three games, so I’m not really equipped to write anything that involves elements from later games.
Notes: One of the reasons I’m excited to contribute to FTH is because I’ve been a little short on ideas of my own lately, so I would especially encourage you to bid if you already have an idea (the more detailed, the better) for a story you’d love to see, but just don’t want to write yourself, or would enjoy brainstorming with me to come up with a story that’s tailored to your tastes. I can also be a little picky in regard to tropes, so expect a bit of a brainstorming process in any case to come up with something that we both love. The more involved you are, the more motivated I’ll be, so the faster the project will come together and the more I’m likely to write.
Type of fanwork: Fan Labor - Betaing Fandom(s): Any Highest rating: M (Mature) Length/scope: 1 round of edits on 1k words per $1 bid (more flexible for brainstorming)
Notes about labor offered: I do a very thorough edit for wording and flow, and can also help with brainstorming and hammering out plot and characters. For shorter stories (or a larger donation), I’m happy to do multiple rounds to get it perfect. The main exceptions are I can't cheerlead, and I'm better at sentence flow than grammar.
Especially interested in: I have a particular love of historical fandoms and antiquated prose, but I’m broadly happy with most genres, romance or gen, and am happy to edit for ships and fandoms I’m not familiar with.
Unwilling to address: I can't edit sex scenes, but am happy to read around them, and I would prefer nothing too violent, no noncon, nor teacher/student pairings. I'm also more picky in fandoms that I'm closer to, so unless you think it aligns closely with my work and would benefit from my particular perspective on the characters, or is a very distant AU, I'd be hesitant to edit Holmes/Watson, Kirk/Spock, or Jeeves/Wooster. Pining is also not really for me, so I might not be the best person for editing it.
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arkadiaasks · 3 months
How is Season 3 of GX trash? This is literally the TVTropes description: Season 3 is considered by many fans to be the series' start of its true highest point owing it to Jaden's Character Development, better pacing, and an overall darker tone with much more dire situations.
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It's basically a bad action movie, or at least devolves into one. Or a phoned-in sequel where the author is writing for the check.
I have an extremely low opinion of Director Tsuji due to how his run of Cardfight!! Vanguard (it follows his impersonal space force villain fetish to its logical conclusion and it basically killed Vanguard as a meaningful competitor to Yu-Gi-Oh!) and a lot of the second half of GX Season 3. But basically? It's style over substance, especially as you move into the second half.
The first half is good and has decent set-up and general follow through and escalation, resulting in some really fun intense climatic Duels.
But. Basically?
The second half of the season has the writers more or less stumbling over each other's feet with regards to writing decisions. If you've ever actually watched it, the tone just gets really off kilter and doesn't even work as well as the tone for the first half of Season 3. And basically plot points (namely who or what The Supreme King exactly is changes from week to week).
Jim's sacrifice really doesn't get well built up because the Orichalcum Eye comes out of left field without build up from earlier in the season.
O'Brien's character basically gets shot to hell.
Amon and Echo basically get their heads blown out spontaneously with no real meaningful clarification that "Yes, they're dead for reals, holmes."
Shou, Edo Phoenix and Kaiser basically act in really weirdly out of character ways (yes I know why Shou does but it just comes off as edge for the sake of edge).
The show tries to clean itself up in the fourth quarter but you have a lot of 'but the damage was already done' problems, and it adds a heavily unnecessary twists of past lives I've never seen defended in a meaningful way.
GX's pacing was generally fine as it ran on "we do this for 11-13 episodes and then we complicate the plot in a new way", which is how a good production does its story for syndicated TV in Japanese animated long runners.
I'm also suspect of people who only really got into GX with Season 3 as "The real GX" as anecdotally, those types were basically bullies, transphobes, or gaslighting manipulative sexual abusers or all three combined. (But I will acknowledge this is a personal bias)
Or the types so fucking insecure about their media they need it to be Grimdark so their friends don't judge them for watching a kid's show. (At which point, my dude, drop your friends if they're gonna be shitbags to you)
And honestly, Judai's character development only works with Season 4 to contextualize the trainwreck Season 3 became (which itself was an attempt by the writers to try and get the show back to the more dramedy setting they had been shooting for for Season 1 but got shot down for reasons similar to why the Dark Signers arc turned into Kiddy Nobody Did Nuffin Wrong Town)
Season 3 is honestly just a mess, especially with Cour 3. Takegami and Yoshida and the rest of the writers were given an idea by Takahashi (the Supreme King concept) and could not figure out what they wanted to do with it.
He was simultaneously an extra dimensional ruler that already existed. A past life. Judai's trauma giving him a Batman of Zur-En-Arrh autopilot fugue state. It just wanders around in circles, and doesn't figure out what it wants to be until meaningfully at the end.
Yoshida clearly not interested in the past life baggage. Or a forced / phoned-in addition of The Light of Destruction again.
Basically tosses Season 3's events into a trash can outside of broad strokes, in favor of addressing plot points from Season 1 and 2 about the main cast, and using loose ends from the first season to construct the story's endgame.
It's basically treated as a failure by the staff themselves except for it as a vehicle to do cool stuff in Season 4.
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readmypost · 3 months
Investing in Our Future: School Readiness Funding & Educator Training at Phoenix Support
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At Phoenix Support, we believe in fostering a love of learning from the very beginning. School readiness funding plays a vital role in this mission, allowing us to invest in both our educators and the resources that empower them to prepare young minds for academic success.
School Readiness Funding: Building a Strong Foundation
School readiness funding is a government initiative dedicated to supporting early childhood programs like ours. These funds allow us to provide a well-rounded learning experience that equips children with the skills they need to thrive in kindergarten and beyond. Here's how:
Smaller Class Sizes: School readiness funding can contribute to creating smaller class sizes, enabling educators to personalize instruction and provide more individualized attention to each child.
Enhanced Curriculum: These funds can be used to develop and implement a curriculum specifically designed to address key developmental areas, including language development, social-emotional learning, and early literacy. This curriculum may incorporate innovative resources, technology, and hands-on activities to keep children engaged and learning.
Professional Development for Educators: Investing in our educators is paramount. School readiness funding can help support ongoing training workshops and professional development opportunities. This ensures our educators stay up-to-date on the latest research and best practices in early childhood education.
Empowering Educators Through Training
At Phoenix Support, we understand that effective educators are the cornerstone of a successful early learning program. Here's how we leverage school readiness funding to empower our educators:
Specialized Training: We provide educators with training programs focused on specific areas such as play-based learning, trauma-informed practices, and supporting children with diverse learning needs. This equips them to cater to every child's unique development and learning style.
Collaborative Learning: School readiness funding can facilitate opportunities for educators to collaborate, share best practices, and learn from each other. This fosters a supportive and dynamic learning environment for both educators and children.
The Benefits of Investing in Early Childhood Education
Research consistently highlights the long-term benefits of high-quality early childhood programs supported by school readiness funding:
Improved Academic Achievement: Children who participate in these programs often enter kindergarten with stronger foundational skills, leading to better academic performance throughout their schooling.
Enhanced Social-Emotional Development: These programs nurture social-emotional skills like communication, collaboration, and problem-solving, which are crucial for success in school and life.
Reduced Achievement Gaps: School readiness funding can help bridge the gap between children from different backgrounds, ensuring all children have an equal opportunity to succeed.
Investing in Our Future, Together
At phoenix-support.com.au, we are committed to using school readiness funding responsibly and effectively. By continuously developing our educators and our curriculum, we can ensure every child receives a nurturing and stimulating learning environment that sets them on the path to lifelong success.
We encourage you to explore our website further to learn more about our programs and how we utilize school readiness funding to benefit your child.
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anand07723 · 5 months
Elevate Your Orthopedic Care with Davis Orthopaedics - Phoenix: Leading Orthopedic Surgeon Serving Peoria, AZ
In the bustling city of Peoria, AZ, Davis Orthopaedics - Phoenix stands as a beacon of excellence in orthopedic care. Led by renowned orthopedic surgeon Dr. Michael Davis, our practice is dedicated to providing top-tier orthopedic services to patients in Peoria and beyond. With a commitment to compassion, expertise, and innovation, we strive to empower individuals to regain mobility, alleviate pain, and reclaim their quality of life.
Orthopedic Surgeon Peoria AZ: Delivering Excellence in Orthopedic Care
At Davis Orthopaedics - Phoenix, we understand the profound impact that musculoskeletal conditions can have on everyday life. Whether you're dealing with a sports injury, degenerative joint disease, or musculoskeletal trauma, our team is here to offer personalized care tailored to your unique needs.
As a leading orthopedic surgeon in Peoria, AZ, Dr. Michael Davis brings years of experience and expertise to the table. With a focus on minimally invasive techniques and advanced surgical procedures, Dr. Davis is dedicated to achieving optimal outcomes for his patients. From initial diagnosis to post-operative care, you can trust our team to guide you every step of the way on your journey to recovery.
Comprehensive Orthopedic Services: Beyond Surgical Excellence
At Davis Orthopaedics - Phoenix, our commitment to excellence extends beyond surgical intervention. We offer a comprehensive range of orthopedic services designed to address a wide spectrum of musculoskeletal conditions. Whether you require conservative management, physical therapy, or surgical intervention, we have the expertise and resources to meet your needs.
Our practice is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technology to ensure that our patients receive the highest standard of care. From diagnostic imaging and arthroscopic procedures to joint replacement and fracture management, we offer a full suite of orthopedic services under one roof.
Patient-Centered Care: Your Well-Being is Our Priority
At Davis Orthopaedics - Phoenix, we believe in putting our patients first. From the moment you walk through our doors, you can expect to be treated with compassion, respect, and dignity. Our team takes the time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and develop a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your goals and preferences.
We understand that navigating the healthcare system can be overwhelming, which is why we strive to provide a seamless and stress-free experience for our patients. From scheduling appointments to coordinating with insurance providers, we handle the logistics so that you can focus on your recovery.
Community Engagement: Giving Back to Peoria, AZ
At Davis Orthopaedics - Phoenix, we are proud to be an integral part of the Peoria community. Beyond providing exceptional orthopedic care, we are committed to giving back and making a positive impact on the lives of those around us. Whether through community outreach programs, educational initiatives, or charitable endeavors, we are dedicated to supporting the health and well-being of our neighbors in Peoria, AZ.Elevate Your Orthopedic Care with Davis Orthopaedics - Phoenix: Leading Orthopedic Surgeon Serving Peoria, AZ
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sweetlaws123 · 5 months
Phoenix Car Accident Attorney: Experienced Representation for Your Personal Injury Case
Car accidents can have profound and lasting impacts on individuals' lives, leaving them with serious injuries, emotional trauma, and financial burdens. In Phoenix, Arizona, navigating the aftermath of a car accident can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with insurance companies and legal complexities. That's where a skilled Phoenix car accident attorney comes in, offering experienced representation to help individuals recover compensation for their injuries and damages. In this article, we'll explore the importance of hiring an experienced car accident attorney in Phoenix and the benefits they provide in personal injury cases.
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The Role of a Phoenix Car Accident Attorney:
A Phoenix car accident attorney plays a crucial role in advocating for the rights of individuals who have been injured in car accidents. These legal professionals specialize in personal injury law and have extensive experience in handling various types of car accident cases, including rear-end collisions, intersection accidents, and drunk driving accidents. Their primary objective is to help clients recover compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages incurred as a result of the accident. From investigating the accident scene to negotiating with insurance companies and, if necessary, representing clients in court, a Phoenix car accident attorney provides comprehensive legal support every step of the way.
Experience and Expertise: One of the most significant advantages of hiring a Phoenix car accident attorney is their experience and expertise in handling personal injury cases. These attorneys have a deep understanding of Arizona's personal injury laws, as well as the tactics used by insurance companies to minimize payouts. With their knowledge and skills, they can build strong cases on behalf of their clients and pursue maximum compensation for their injuries and losses. Whether it's gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, or negotiating settlements, experienced car accident attorneys leverage their expertise to achieve favorable outcomes for their clients.
Legal Representation and Advocacy: In the aftermath of a car accident, individuals may find themselves facing complex legal processes and negotiations with insurance companies. Without proper legal representation, they risk being taken advantage of or receiving inadequate compensation for their injuries. A Phoenix car accident attorney serves as a dedicated advocate for their clients, fighting tirelessly to protect their rights and interests. They handle all aspects of the legal process, allowing clients to focus on their recovery while knowing that their case is in capable hands. Whether through settlement negotiations or courtroom litigation, car accident attorneys advocate zealously on behalf of their clients to secure the compensation they deserve.
Tailored Legal Strategies: Every car accident case is unique, with its own set of circumstances, injuries, and damages. A skilled Phoenix car accident attorney understands the importance of developing tailored legal strategies that address the specific needs and goals of each client. They conduct thorough investigations, analyze evidence, and consult with experts to build robust cases that stand up to scrutiny. Whether pursuing a settlement or taking the case to trial, car accident attorneys tailor their approach to achieve the best possible outcome for their clients. By providing personalized and strategic legal representation, they ensure that clients receive the compensation they need to rebuild their lives after a car accident.
Compassionate Support and Guidance: In addition to providing legal representation, Phoenix car accident attorneys offer compassionate support and guidance to clients during what can be a challenging and stressful time. They understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll that car accidents can take on individuals and their families. By offering empathetic listening, clear communication, and practical advice, car accident attorneys help alleviate some of the burdens associated with the recovery process. They serve as trusted allies and advocates, working tirelessly to ensure that clients receive the care, support, and compensation they need to move forward with their lives.
A phoenix car accident attorney can turn your life upside down in an instant, but you don't have to face the aftermath alone. With the experienced representation of a Phoenix car accident attorney, you can have confidence knowing that your rights will be protected, your voice will be heard, and your best interests will be prioritized. From negotiating settlements to litigating in court, car accident attorneys are dedicated to helping you recover the compensation you deserve for your injuries and damages. If you've been injured in a car accident in Phoenix, don't hesitate to seek the experienced legal representation of a skilled car accident attorney who will fight tirelessly on your behalf.
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phoenix-sa · 6 months
Rising From the Ashes Finding Strength with Phoenix Mental Health
Mental health challenges can feel overwhelming, like a burden that weighs you down. But just as the mythical phoenix rises from the ashes, renewed and strong, so too can you find the support and empowerment you need to overcome your struggles. Phoenix Mental Health centers across the country offer a beacon of hope, providing a variety of services to help individuals of all ages navigate the complexities of mental well-being.
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Understanding Phoenix Mental Health Providers
There are several Phoenix Mental Health practices scattered throughout the United States, each offering unique services and areas of expertise. Here's a glimpse into what you might find:
Phoenix Mental Health & Wellness: This practice, with locations in Arizona, focuses on providing accessible mental healthcare through telemedicine. They offer psychiatry services, including medication management, for a range of conditions like depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
Phoenix Mental Health Services: This clinic caters to adults, adolescents, and families, offering therapy sessions both remotely and in-person (depending on location). Their website highlights a focus on ADHD and addiction treatment.
Phoenix Mental Health (San Antonio): This practice emphasizes innovative treatments for depression, including Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and ketamine therapy, alongside psychotherapy services.
A Spectrum of Support
The beauty of Phoenix Mental Health providers lies in their diverse offerings. They cater to a wide range of needs, from:
Individual therapy: Offering a safe space to explore personal challenges and develop coping mechanisms.
Family therapy: Working with families to improve communication and navigate complex dynamics.
Medication management: Providing support for those who benefit from medication alongside therapy.
Specialized services: Addressing specific concerns like ADHD, addiction, or trauma.
Finding the Right Phoenix
With multiple practices under the Phoenix Mental Health umbrella, it's important to find the one that best suits your needs. Consider factors like:
Location: Do they offer in-person or telehealth appointments, and is either option convenient for you?
Specialization: Do they have experience treating your specific condition?
Therapist fit: Finding a therapist whose approach and personality resonate with you is crucial for successful therapy.
Beyond Therapy: Resources and Support
Many Phoenix Mental Health providers extend their support beyond therapy sessions. They may offer:
Informative websites: Providing resources and educational materials on mental health conditions.
Support groups: Connecting individuals with others facing similar challenges.
Crisis hotlines: Offering immediate support during moments of distress.
Taking the First Step
Reaching out for help is a brave and empowering decision. Phoenix Mental Health providers understand the vulnerability involved in seeking support and are committed to creating a safe, welcoming environment. Here are some ways to get started:
Visit the website of a Phoenix Mental Health practice near you.
Call their office to inquire about services and schedule an appointment.
Utilize online resources to learn more about mental health topics and treatment options.
mental health is just as important as physical health. By seeking help from a qualified provider like Phoenix Mental Health, you can begin your journey towards emotional well-being and rise above your challenges, stronger and more resilient.
For more info:-
phoenix mental health in san antonio
phoenix mental health in san antonio
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Navigating Relationships and Trauma: Phoenix Couples Therapy and EMDR therapy phoenix
The couples therapy in Phoenix operates with a multidimensional approach specially formulated to meet the sundry needs of each relationship. It is not all about reconciliation of discrimination; it involves putting the pieces together to recreate conciliatory relations and grow a better understanding between partners.
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The Therapeutic Approach
Personalised Sessions :- Every session is uniquely designed to address the unique needs of each couple and promote free flowing discussion leading towards understanding.
Conflict Resolution :- Techniques are used for the partners to work on disagreeable points and make sure that they lead to a peaceful result instead of adding further arguments.
The Expected Outcomes
Improved Communication :- The couples tend to have a drastic change in how they communicate, understanding not only what is being said but also the ability of listening.
Renewed Intimacy :- The underlying problems are addressed and couples find their emotional as well as physical connection revived.
Transforming Trauma :-
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, or simply EMDR therapy as most people know it to be, has received a lot of fame due to its efficacy in traumas. In Phoenix, EMDR can be used as one on the go method for somebody looking at controlling effects of past trauma that might run over his current life and connections.
The advantages of EMDR.
Rapid Results :- It is considered by many people who have used this kind of therapy that they get some immediate relief from trauma symptoms faster than the conventional modes.
Improved Relationships :- If one resolves his or her trauma, he/she will be in more rewarding and wholesome relationships since they are able to establish intimacy with others.
Combining EMDR therapy couple with phoenix couples therapy
EMDR therapy may form the ideal formula for couples among whom at least one or both is handling trauma; when incorporated into their treatment plan, it can be transformative.
Enhanced Emotional Intimacy :- Trauma processing and overcoming are effective avenues to intimacy since they cripple the emerging defences that prevent couples from getting closer.
Harmonised Healing :- In the process of EMDR therapy, when couples are made to talk one on one in a peaceful setup they share understanding and empathy towards each other.
A Stronger Bond :- Facing personal and relational challenges together further strengthens the partnership between partners.
Whether it is the puzzle of relationship dynamics or the aftermath of individual trauma, Popex provides Phoenix couples therapy along with EMDR therapy phoenix which can make its way towards recovery. If you and your partner are coping with these difficulties, please remember that positive transformation is possible. Let these therapies be the means for you to travel towards a better harmonious future together.
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