#Pisces facts
cosmiccannibalcamille · 5 months
Neptune in the Anaretic Degree (29th Degree) -- What YOU Need to Know
     On May 3, 2024, Neptune shifted into the anaretic degree of Pisces, marking a major milestone for the outer planet and us. In astrology, the anaretic degree refers to the 29th degree of any sign. This degree holds a unique significance, often regarded as a critical point of transition and culmination within a zodiacal sign. Understanding the anaretic degree requires delving into the broader context of astrological symbolism and the cyclical nature of the zodiac.
     This degree—the 29th degree—has always been a degree of interest to me, as I have one of my personal planets in the degree. It is one of the “fame degrees” but I’ve always attributed a lot of my troubles, lessons, and struggles to this degree. I’ve also realized over the years just how critical this degree is in the good parts of my personality: my drive, urgency, and tenacity to DO SOMETHING. With that in mind, I’d like to dive deeper into the 29th degree in astrology, paying special attention to how it manifests in this ongoing transit of Neptune in Pisces.  
Anaretic Degree Meaning in Astrology
     At its core, the zodiac consists of 12 signs, each representing different archetypal energies and qualities. As the Sun traverses through each sign over the course of a year, it reaches its culmination point at the 29th degree before transitioning into the subsequent sign. This transition embodies a sense of completion, marking the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.
     The term "anaretic" is derived from the Greek word "anareta," meaning "destroyer" or "bringer of necessity." In traditional astrology, the anaretic degree was often associated with challenging circumstances, indicating a sense of urgency or crisis that demanded resolution. However, modern astrologers interpret this degree more broadly, recognizing its potential for pivotal moments of growth and transformation.
     When a planet occupies the anaretic degree in a birth chart or during a transit, it can amplify the sense of urgency and intensity associated with that planet’s energy. For example, if Mars is at the anaretic degree in a natal chart, it may signify a strong drive to initiate change or take decisive action in the areas of life represented by its sign and house placement.
     Similarly, when considering transits or progressions involving the anaretic degree, you want to pay close attention to any planets or points that make significant aspects to that degree. These configurations can indicate key turning points or moments of reckoning, where important decisions need to be made or significant events unfold.
     For instance, if a New Moon occurs at the anaretic degree of a sign, it may signal a powerful opportunity for new beginnings or the culmination of a long-term project or goal. Conversely, if a planet stations retrograde or direct at the anaretic degree, it could suggest a period of intense reflection or a profound shift in direction.
Neptune in the Anaretic (29th) Degree
    Neptune is one of the outer planets in astrology and holds profound significance in shaping our collective and individual experiences. Often referred to as the planet of dreams, illusions, and spirituality, Neptune represents the realm of the subconscious, imagination, and transcendence. It influences our perceptions, ideals, and capacity for empathy, blurring the boundaries between reality and illusion.
     Pisces, as the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac, is associated with themes of spirituality, compassion, and transcendence. Symbolized by the Fish, Pisces embodies the collective unconscious and the journey towards spiritual enlightenment and unity with the divine.
     When Neptune is in Pisces, its influence is heightened, as the planet is in its natural ruling sign. This placement accentuates the mystical and ethereal qualities associated with Neptune, amplifying its influence on both a personal and collective level. Neptune in Pisces fosters a heightened sense of spirituality, creativity, and sensitivity, inspiring us to explore deeper realms of consciousness (as well as our collective obsession with idealized beauty standards) and connect with the divine.
Work with Anaretic Neptune with my popular 2024 Birth Chart Reading. Learn how to work with the themes of 2024—along with Neptune in the 29th degree—to enhance your communication, build better relationships, and foster transformative personal growth.
Explore the lessons, opportunities, and karma of YOUR 29 degree placements with a Critical Degree Birth Chart Reading. This reading will illuminate the areas of your chart where urgent transformation is needed and help YOU harness the power of these critical degrees to navigate life's challenges with clarity and confidence.
     The 29th degree of Pisces holds particular significance, as it represents the culmination of Neptune's journey through the sign. At this critical degree, the energy of Neptune is intensified, marking a transitional phase between the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. With Neptune sitting in the anaretic degree of Pisces, we may experience a heightened sense of spiritual awakening, creative inspiration, or emotional sensitivity.
Learn MORE about the Anaretic Degree of Pisces, including YOUR horoscope at CosmicCannibal.substack.com
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pisces: the dreamer, the mystic
dates: feb 18th - mar 20th symbol: ♓�� - the two fishes (american) other symbols: the wolf (native american), the rabbit (chinese), the snake (celtic, feb 17th - march 17th) or the fox (celtic, march 18th - 20th) based on: the greek myth of aphrodite and eros element: water day: thursday ruling planet: neptune (modern), jupiter (traditional) polarity: negative quality: mutable sister sign: virgo colors: blues, purples, and greens flower: water lily or lotus stones: amethyst, aquamarine, moonstone, turquoise, rose quartz ruling house: 12th spirital animals: the dolphin, unicorn, butterfly, otter, whale, seahorse, turtle, sloth, koala, ladybug, narwhal. chameleon, deer, wolf, fish, swan, blue heron traits: intuitive, creative, gentle, wise, empathetic, compassionate, escapist, fearful, sensitive, curious, naive, dreamy, psychic, selfless, spiritual tarot card: the moon body part: feet, liver, and lymphatic system herbs: sage, lemon balm, and wood betony
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monsterohnenamen · 1 year
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rachellaurengray · 2 months
5 𝙁𝙤𝙤𝙙𝙨 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩 𝙖 𝙋𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙚𝙨:
Creamy seafood pasta Warm apple pie with cinnamon Soothing chamomile tea Chocolate-covered strawberries Tropical fruit smoothies
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badbitchzodiac · 7 months
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Tag that Pisces friend who works her magic and always gets what she wants. 🐠✨️
Then, join the fun and shop our irresistible zodiac collections together.
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astrosolutions · 1 year
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When it comes to astrology, understanding the unique traits and characteristics associated with each zodiac sign can provide valuable insights into people’s personalities. In this context, Pisces male traits focus on exploring the distinctive qualities and behavior patterns often associated with men born under the sign of Pisces. It is the twelfth astrological sign in the zodiac and is represented by the symbol of two fish swimming in opposite directions. Those born between February 19th and March 20th fall under this water sign, and their astrological profile offers intriguing glimpses into their emotional nature, creative tendencies, and intuitive inclinations. By delving into the key traits associated with Pisces males, we can gain a deeper understanding of their unique qualities and how these shape their perspectives and interactions with the world around them.
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wtfzodiacsigns · 2 years
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witchescauldron · 2 years
My big three are Pisces sun Aquarius moon Libra rising
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Pisces suns are deeply emotional and creative beings. They are typically hard to get a read on because they are the last sign of the zodiac, meaning, they typically embody one aspect of each of the zodiac. That is why they typically fit well in many groups, and typically have a more compassionate and understanding approach to people because they can often see both sides of the coin and where everyone is coming from. pisces can get lost in thought and really enjoy the deep waters their mind brings them to.  water might be a cheesy comparison for this sign. That’s a really used however, once you understand the versatile nature of water, that’s when you truly appreciate how well it symbolizes Pisces. What is cooling and healing affect can help anyone we can bring nourishment in life to the world however, water can also be destructive seductive and treacherous. Just like a Pisces.
Aquarius moons are a fairly social sign and enjoy interactions with friends. They do enjoy their alone time often where they contemplate and think about the wonders of the universe. However, having a group of friends that hold the same values and enjoy the same topic says they do can be really beneficial for the sign and often help them thrive. Your moon sign is the ruler of your emotions, Aquarius isn’t known for being the most emotionally open sign. Typically, when they experience emotions, they prefer to look inward, and really dissect and understand what they’re feeling. Often in arguments and heated situation. That’s gonna be a good quality as it gives them time to reflect on the situation. 
Libra risings are light and airy, they have an aura of daintiness to them. They enjoy, looking good and taking the time to do so. They have a love for the arts and love for romance. Often indulging in romance novels or watching romantic shows or movies. We were risings are very compassionate and often extend hands to strangers and are just generally a good time to be around. If you want a feel good, pick me up, get yourself a libra rising friend, they will raise you up no matter the time or date. Once you are in their lives, you’re in their lives, even when you leave, they will still hold space for you and still love you with that same passion they had for you when they first met you.
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apiscesthing · 2 years
A little update…
Been awhile since I updated here, but as for now I have been able to put in more time on A Pisces Thing.
This means that you will now be able to get daily post everyday until the beginning of Jan 2025!
Also I wanted to ask you if you would like me to create a whole year reading for Pisces for the year 2023 or if you want me to do monthly posts instead?
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astrowithkaro · 2 years
Hi, I really love your language of birthdays :) would you be able to do February 28 if you have the time , please
Language Of Birthdays: February 28 - Pisces
The Day Of Zest
Those born on February 28 have a tremendous zest for life, which they communicate to everyone who meets them. These positive, energetic individuals are able to brighten up most occasions with their vibrant personality. Yet, on the other hand, they have a propensity for heading off in entirely the wrong direction, full steam ahead. To make them aware of this is almost impossible when they are caught up in their own enthusiasm. They can be at once assured and positive, dynamic, effective or destructive, depending on the circumstances. Obviously, those born on this day would do well to sit down and contemplate their direction in life, get to know themselves better, and be more deliberate and purposeful in their actions.
Because their energies tend to be diffused and dispersed, and since they can so easily get carried away with new endeavors, February 28 people may adopt an unrealistic attitude toward the world which causes those near and dear to them a great deal of worry. Part of the problem is that some February 28 people may like having others worry about them, and may even engage in dangerous or uncertain activities precisely to get that attention.
Because they choose to live in such a vital and uncompromising way, February 28 people are likely to experience far more of life than the average person. Most bom on this day wouldn't have it any other way. On the other hand, uninhibited enthusiasm can lead to carelessness or thoughtlessness, which stands in the way of their serious development. Also, as they mature, February 28 people may find that the negative after-effects of their activities begin to outweigh the fun or stimulation.
Those born on this day need to imbue their zest for life with understanding. Through both intensely positive and negative encounters, they may eventually come to develop a personal philosophy and deepen their spiritual understanding of life. The question is at what point experience will at last translate into wisdom. For some born on this day, such an evolution takes place quite late in life, for others not at all. Indeed, it is incumbent on February 28 people to at some point stand removed from life's passing show and observe themselves and others living.
Emotionally complex
Those born on February 28 may not have a great awareness of their body and how it works. An objective medical authority with whom they may haw regular checkups and health discussions is highly beneficial. February 28 people must be particularly careful of chronic conditions affecting their lymphatics, venous return and blood pooling in their lower extremities with advanced age (leading to varicosities). A regular exercise schedule involving swimming, jogging and/or yoga is a good combination of thoughtful body work which suits them. Those born on this day usually like both to cook and eat, so they do not need much encouragement in this respect.
Cultivate your contemplative side and confront the important questions of your existence
Don't get carried away with thrills and sensation
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⥾ Aries Observation ⥾
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❁ Being the leader or always just take the natural lead in any situation, it’s how they show they’re care for people (or someone) they want to lead them the way to success, and of course holding hands because they’re so affectionate.
❁ Ususally have a good head of hair or cute chin or dimple chin, maybe small cute jawline.
❁ May had scars on their head/faces any kind of injury towards the face or birthmark on their face or head. Have nice bone structure. Might have a mole on the face or a mole around the chest area (if have heavy Aires placements) also might’ve gotten hurt a lot during they’re childhood or from a sport they did.
❁ Suffer from head colds often, sinuses prone. Since they’re fast thinkers or thinkers in general, they suffer from headaches.
❁ They carry a lot of stress from being the best, when do they have time to actually be weak? Never. Because Aries are never weak, it’s just temporary if they have that feeling.
❁ They’ve been to the ER a couple of times but if they can handle it or fit it themselves, they’re resilient don’t underestimate that.
❁ With all the sickness they come with they surprisedly heal fast.
❁ Love their hair being stroked (Aires women love their hair being played with or combs, my cousin is an Aries with thick hair and she would always want me to do her hair.)
❁ If you hate on an Aries you hate being passionate or willing to put your efforts out there. I never meet an Aries that wasn’t confident in their own personality or they grew into that.
❁ Aries carry’s the best qualities of all the zodiac signs mostly physical.
❁ Never meet an Aries that didn’t pass up a good happy hour, or an aesthetically pleasing drink menu!
❁ They say Aries have big foreheads because that’s where they’re horns are supposed to be (same with Capricorns)
❁ Aries Venus is kid like love, almost like highschool sweethearts lovers forever love. (My Gemini Venus is weak)
❁ Aries women are powerful in the color red. SexyyRed wears red all the time and she’s at the peak of her career.
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 3 months
YOUR Retrograde Saturn in Pisces HOROSCOPE
What: Saturn Retrograde in Pisces
When: June 29 - Nov. 15, 2024
Who’s Impacted: EVERYONE, but especially mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) near 12° and 19°.
Takeaway: A necessary (and welcomed) slow down that paves the way for reflection and a reassessment of your current goals, boundaries, and limits.
🪐 Understand how this five-month retrograde period affects YOUR life, goals, and dream ambitions with a 2024 Birth Chart Reading. Gain invaluable insights and learn how to use this retrograde period to YOUR advantage.
     What are YOU being called to recommit to? Retrograde Saturn in Pisces might have the answer. That’s right: Saturn, the abhorred planet of all things adulting, including hard work, striving, sacrifice and commitments, is beginning a backwards pedal through Pisces. If you read your original horoscope for Saturn in Pisces, then you might be familiar with the major plot of this transit. If not, let me refresh your memory:
Saturn Meaning in Astrology
     Saturn is astrology’s Big Daddy. The outer planet oozes paternal and authoritative parent vibes, being all about restriction, limits and responsibilities. Getting its namesake from the Roman titan (who just-so-happened to eat his children—how fun!), Saturn rules over ambition, goal-setting, time, and long-term success. The outer planet organizes, architects, designs, and plans success over the long-term. With each Saturn transit, the planet presents you with specific lessons—and it’s up to you to figure out how to learn those lessons and work within Saturn’s strict limits, whilst simultaneously strengthening your own boundaries and sense of self.
     Now, unless you’re a Capricorn, all of that stuff probably sounds like hell. Why? Because lessons, limits, and boundaries take A LOT of hard work and A LOT of time. They’re also not things Pisces likes. AT ALL. 
Saturn in Pisces Meaning in Astrology
    Pisces is a mutable water sign that doesn’t like to be caught, let alone forced into any confine. Seriously, evading capture is an Olympic sport in which every Pisces is a gold medalist. This is because Pisces is made to move, swim, and dream. So, in this mutable water sign oh-so famous for its boundary avoidance and responsibility evasion, Saturn harnesses his formidable Master Builder prowess, directing it towards the most elusive thing of all: dreams. 
     So, yes: Saturn in Pisces is about dreaming productive dreams and architecting them into reality. But there’s a catch: these dreams have to really mean something to you, they have to have an emotional resonance, and can’t just be idle fantasies that literally have a snowball’s chance in hell of becoming a reality. Because to Pisces, everything has meaning. But to Saturn, not everything is worth your time. 
     Saturn is the ultimate realist, while Pisces loves to live and dream in la-la land. As such, a fear of boundaries and loss of control, as well as professional uncertainty are the not-so-sunny sides of this transit. The silver lining is that from these uncertainties and doubts come intuitive goals and strategies, and lots of wisdom. Saturn in Pisces also makes it easier to see (as in “sense” or “imagine”) and understand the path towards completion of your dream goal. That’s where Saturn Retrograde comes in.
Saturn Retrograde in Pisces Meaning in Astrology
     Saturn Retrograde is an excellent time to look at the reality of the situation, and reassess your commitments, asking yourself: Is that dream worth the effort? Is it worth the time and sacrifice? OR is it just…a dream? There’s no shame in admitting that something truly and honestly can’t be done; but there is a difference between looking at the cold, hard facts and pivoting in a new direction, and giving up simply because it all seems too hard. 
     That’s what you have to get real about starting June 29. Success takes time, effort, sacrifice and persistence. And YOU must determine if the thing that you are currently committed to—be it project, relationship, goal, or career ambition—is worth all of that. Is it worth the time, the effort, the sacrifices and striving? Are you still emotionally motivated by it? Does it still resonate with you and fill you with a sense of meaning?
Get the FULL SCOOP on Saturn Retrograde in Pisces (including in-depth horoscopes for YOUR Sun Rising Sign) here:
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🌫️🌷Venus Observations #2 🌷🌫️
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Venus and Neptune have a really interesting interaction when in aspect to each other, particularly with the conjunction, opposition, and square. It’s not that sextiles and trines are not important, but since they are softer, the energies tend to flow with more ease and therefore, less difficulties.
Venus is exalted in Pisces, so it would bring no surprise that individuals with this planetary aspect would display similar traits to the sign, if not maybe even stronger.
Natives with the strong aspects (preferably less that 6 orbs) are perceived as distinctively beautiful in some way. Not necessarily in a conventional way, but more so in their aura field, which then translates to the physical on some level. When Venus makes a strong aspect to the angles (specially ASC or MC) the native can be seen as classic beauties or it simply just draws a lot of judgment from others when it comes to their appearance or mannerisms. Venus with any other planet in general enhances and beautifies it. Pleasure becomes associated with the traits of the planet that its touching it.
When Venus meets Neptune, the planet that represents inspiration, spirituality, illusions, healing, and loss it causes the same effect but much stronger.
Therefore, these natives can find joy, pleasure or become enamored with the Neptunian topics mentioned above. Since Venus thrives the most in relationships that are inherently spiritual, “rose-colored”, or somewhat obscured from the public it encourages to only feel that inner harmony when love comes from a source that isn’t material or seen at all.
In essence we understand love to be a non-physical experience, even if we’re used to being brainwashed by the notion of pursuing this experience through physical or material experiences. The media tries to lead us to filling a void, that simply cannot ever feel complete without spiritual consciousness.
Venus in Pisces or Venus-Neptune natives despite being seen as those who foolishly and innocently love others almost to a detrimental level, understand this the most. They feel as if love can only be found in the moments that are filled with emotions and spiritual connections. A moment where the love they feel seems to be connected with everything, which it is, since the universe thrives when its in energetic harmony.
Does it mean these placements have an easy time simply because of its exaltation? Yes and no. They are given the blessing of finding beauty in everything, but that is exactly the same reason why they are prone to looking for love and beauty in all the “wrong” places. To them, there’s no such thing as an experience that can’t be filled with love and beauty. They will romanticize and beautify absolutely everything, including those who only wish to use them for their own benefit.
For example, if Neptune squares or opposes Venus, the person might choose the wrong partners in life and will tend to idealize them/not see them for who they really are.
At their most difficult moments they become victims of a lot of traumatic experience in love and struggle with understanding feminine energy (which is not exclusively related to gender), which can only be restored by recognizing that love truly lies within them, and in that which is the most connected to the universe, like nature. Many who have a harsh time with recognizing this can end up trying to transform themselves into a version they’ll love or others will, without noticing that they already embody that beautiful version they so desperately seek. They forget that their beauty truly comes from their own inner world and the amazing gifts that lie in there. They are creative geniuses, in every sense of the word. Similarly to Venus-Ketu/South Node natives.
I’ve personally noticed they tend to succumb to enhancing their bodies wether permanently or temporarily, as they initially may try to pursue their best outward self. They crave for others to see them, as they feel within.
It is advised for these natives to be extra careful when involved in romantic scenarios and with the uses of substances that can make them feel more connected to their inner world or the spiritual realm. You are already tied to the universe’s waves by nature, and without much effort. Instead of pouring the oceans of love you have to others all the time, do it instead consciously towards your passion, creativity, and those who are truly interested in your well being.
Note: Venus in the 12th house can also apply to this post to a certain extend.
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monsterohnenamen · 1 year
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insomni-frog · 8 months
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Every year around Valentines day, heart-shaped sea glass washes up on the shores of beaches everywhere. No cookie can explain this odd phenomena—although plenty of superstitions have formed around them.
Some say if a couple find one together, they will blessed with everlasting love; others say the colour can indicate how the relationship will go.
Although no one truly knows why it happens, the sea glass is pretty, so why look a gift horse in the mouth.
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badbitchzodiac · 1 year
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Pisces moods don't just swing - they bounce, pivot, fluctuate, oscillate, rebound, & pirouette! ♓️ Tag a bad Pisces bitch & check out our store today! 💕
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