elliebirdwrites · 9 months
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In the 14 years I’ve been on tumblr this is the funniest fucking thing to ever cross my dash.
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plum-pitt · 6 months
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Mikey does the funny SpiderMan pose in one of the official Rise comics, do with that information what you will.
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Is the Pendulum Nightclub a reference to I am in Eskew? I'm really sorry if this has been answered before or if having the same name as the nightclub in Eskew is just a coincidence. I only just noticed it. I hope you have a good day though! I haven't caught up with the current episodes yet so I have no malice, just admiration and expectation for the episodes that make people scream
@thesiltverses you and me, two Edgar Allen Poe aficionados caught red-handed stealing references out of the fridge at night
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Congratulations to the PitBabe audience because Pavel thinks he's being vague but everything ive seen literally is glaring, eyes ahead full on, at mpreg
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themundanedumpling · 6 months
yaoi gods please give more omegaverse adaptations this year PLEASE
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lights-at-night · 3 months
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iwasbored777 · 1 year
90% of Margo's fans: Omg Margo is so much better for Miles than Gwen and she knows it
Margo in the actual movie: On my way to rescue Miles with my friends and our new leader/bestie Gwen ❤️. Power of friendship ✨. Miguel can suck our dicks. I wanna leave my room so bad 😔
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ohanny · 6 months
KentaKim royalty AU!
(screw “five fun facts” i have never been good with rules, @le-trash-prince hope you don't mind)
once upon a time, in a land far, far away tony is king and also a giant, sexist dick. he rules his kingdom with an iron fist, over-taxes the poor, believes alphas are the shit and omegas are only good for breeding and has made being the royal gardener into the most perilous position in the land (he beheaded four gardeners last year alone for over watering his bonsais and one for looking at them with “malice in his eyes”). but even a grand monarch like tony must have allies - and since everyone thinks he's a raging asshole, he actually desperately needs them which is why he resorts to the oldest royal scheme of them all: MARRIAGE.
enter kim. kim is the royal omega from an extremely wealthy kingdom just across some ocean stretch and sails into town, set to marry tony’s eldest son babe. (well, currently eldest. tony does not have a great track record when it comes to keeping custody.) babe is not very enthusiastic about this situation since he is carrying a secret affair with the castle archivist, charlie. (and by secret i mean pretty much everyone except tony knows but since they like babe, they just pretend babe actually is that passionate of a reader behind closed doors.)
but babe also has a conscience and really feels bad for kim who seems like such a nice young man so when they stroll in the gardens, arm in arm, far enough from their chaperones for an illusion of privacy but in their sight so nothing uncouth could happen, babe apologetically whispers that he finds kim bewitching indeed but alas his heart belongs to another. to which kim says “oh thank fuck, i would rather jump off a cliff than let you knot me”
babe: well that’s a bit harsh.
kim: also your dad’s shit.
babe: i mean -
kim: and i am here to kill him
babe: um -
kim: by the way, pete says hi!
and oh pete, tony’s original eldest son who years ago sadly perished (was banished) because he fell off a horse (because he dared to do something as leftist as write poetry to the stable boy way). it was actually kim’s family who sheltered pete and recognized him as a way better option for tony’s throne and kim is in cahoots with him, going undercover. in return of a proper alliance and the liberation of tony’s people, kim’s family will get rid of tony - plan a being an assassination, plan b an outright invasion.
plan a is proving to be quite tricky due to tony being a paranoid motherfucker, but kim is patient. of course something has to throw a spanner into his plans and that something is someone: namely kenta, tony’s secret bastard son most loyal knight. it starts when kenta is sent to summon kim to afternoon tea and sneaks up to him so quietly that he startles kim and suddenly finds himself slammed against a statue with a knife against his neck - oh how the turns have tabled!
kim: oh shit.
kenta: …
kim: i mean oh no, you scared me kind sir!
the knife disappears in the blink of an eye and kim let’s out this ditzy little giggle and offers his arm all “isn’t it time for tea! how lovely!” steadfastly ignoring kenta’s disbelieving are-you-fucking-kidding-me eyes. and well, kenta does escort kim to have his lovely afternoon tea with the other palace omegas. and then keeps escorting kim everywhere. no matter where kim tries to sneak off to, kenta somehow always finds him and it takes everything he has in him to not snap and scream because it is infuriating.
and then the ball happens. because of course there has to be a ball to celebrate the fortuitous engagement full of fancy dresses and foods and wine and palace plots! kim wants to take the opportunity of all the chaos and security being centered around the throne room where tony holds court to sneak but this time it is not kenta who catches him first. this time it is just your regular assassin hired by your regular jealous local omega noble who had their eye on babe and are now pissed they missed out on the royal wedding special. kim is honestly a bit shocked because “seriously?!?” but then kenta, once again, appears out of nowhere and steps in front of kim to shield him as the assassin attacks.
kenta kills the assassin but gets rather seriously hurt in the process. they’re alone in an empty hallway and kim is applying pressure on kenta’s stab wound, cursing up a storm, just letting it all out because what’s the point of hiding anymore? he goes on an epic, totally not panicked, rant about his fuckass skirt and who the fuck wears this many frilly layers, it is the most impractical shit ever and how he totally could have dealt with the assassin on his own if it weren’t for these damn petticoats! “see this is what's wrong with your entire society!” kim hisses as he drags kenta towards the sick bay. “obviously your omegas cannot do anything because who fucking could wearing all this crap! i am a person, not a cupcake!”
kenta stares up at kim in awe. he should probably have more questions but… wow. at least he can blame it all on blood loss.
so anyway, kim dumps kenta outside the sick bay and then runs off before anyone can see him and his blood stained clothes. he enters his room, sends a maid to the party to tell them he suddenly felt ill and retired early, and then spends the rest of the night pacing, pretty sure he fucked up and should be fashioning a rope out of his sheets to scale the tower and disappear. but nothing happens. he hears there was an attack, of course, and sir kenta got hurt but when questioned, kenta looked tony straight in the eye and said he must have hit his head because he cannot remember anything.
kim really could have done this without catching feelings but fuck.
so the next time he and babe have their little garden stroll, kim lowers his voice and insists they will add kenta to the list of people who will be protected at all costs. when babe sceptically exclaims kenta is tony’s right hand man, kim stares him down with a “he goes on the list or you can kiss me and my armies goodbye.” that is one thing dealt with. the next is actually avoiding getting knotted by babe because tony would love to have them married by the end of the month and that cannot happen. so kim starts delaying by any means necessary - he insists his religious beliefs demand they be wed when the stars are aligned a certain way and oh, he simply must have pink gardenias in his ceremony! it has been his dream ever since he was a little pup but alas it is november so they must wait until gardenias are in full bloom!
kim in the council meeting in his cupcake dress:
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tony, gritting his teeth: of course. we don't want that.
but the longer kim delays, the more tony suspects something is off. kim is cagey and his mask is wearing increasingly thin. there are rumblings of soldiers making moves and gathering in kim’s kingdom. fuck, even kenta is being shady with his head injury and insisting he keep an eye on kim and then come back with shit like “he complained the tea wasn’t sweet enough and then accompanied babe to the library to read poetry.” absolutely useless, that one. the horror.
of course this will all come to an end when tony, sick of kim’s antics, invites him into a totally non-threatening family dinner in the privacy of his quarters. babe is there, as is kenta, guarding the door. it is the tensest consuming of roasted quail the kingdom has ever experienced with buttholes all across the land clenching for seemingly no reason. for dessert tony serves kim tea with a side of hair yank and knife to a throat with a “you will marry my son in three days time or take a dive off the tallest tower, you filthy fucking -”
aaaaaand he has a knife in his back. it's unclear who looks more shocked: tony or kenta himself who kind of acted on instinct when he saw his kim threatened and about to be married off to someone else. he is about to just go full catatonic because oh, what has he done when kim grabs his face and kisses him. “wow. the plot twists just keep on coming” babe says to absolutely no one but if he has leaned one thing from charlie, it is that someone needs to narrate things for the record.
(of course it isn't as easy as simply getting rid of tony but it is a great start. they will have to weed out loyalists and find out who they can trust and then rework the whole damn constituion but hey, no tony! pete and way will ride in with an army at their backs only to meet open gates and a very smug kim (happily wearing pants) stating “i told you my ass was irresistible enough to get the job done!”)
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sparklecryptid · 6 months
BrokenIce!Luche: Gilgamesh tries to pull his ‘I must test you oh daughter of the stone and if you should prove worthy you’ll need a shield’ stuff with Luche. Only to run headlong into a furious Ardyn who is sweetly inquiring if Gilgamesh would like to repeat what he said to HIS DARLING NEICE? (Bonus if Cir gets to see his childhood nightmare running away very very fast, pursued by an enraged trash hobo)
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Luche: *who literally just got back from her ‘I’m not hiding from my father but totally am’ road trip* Cor, Uncle, Uncle, Cor. Please don’t make me wrangle you two like cats.
Tredd, who managed to find Luche and convince her to come back: *snicker*
Ardyn: we aren’t members of your Glaive, dear niece.
Luche: that may be so, but I know you-
*ominous booming voice*
Gilgamesh: Daughter of Stone, prove thyself worthy-
*a sword almost impales Gilgamesh*
Ardyn: what do you think you’re doing?
*Ardyn’s voice is dark, dark like the shadows that follow him. Dark like the lingering sick that sticks to him like gauze on a wound.
He takes a step forward, around him magic whirls like a storm.
Luche takes a loud sip from her straw. If shit goes down she is not wasting the bubble tea.*
Cor: *letting his sword fade again as Gilgamesh tries to move forward only to be blasted backward by the force of Ardyn’s magic* hm.
Luche and Tredd: *stare at him*
Luche: no.
Cor: I never said anything.
Luche: you’ve said enough.
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ineffable-opinions · 9 months
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Delgado Díaz, Ubillus Breña & Cappello 2022, p. 146.
Clearly, Marina Delgado Díaz, Patricia Alexandra Ubillus Breña, and Giancarlo Cappello failed anticipate
Pit Babe (2023)
in their 2022 paper "Omegaverse o la forja de un universo fanfiction".
Omegaverse is a sub-genre of speculative fiction with immense possibilities:
alphas also can get pregnant
only omegas can get pregnant
secondary gender changes (eg. beta turning into alpha/omega)
different manifestations (eg. alpha-looking omega; omegas at the top of social hierarchy)
variation in presentation (eg. assigned omega at birth, later presenting as alpha)
female alphas impregnating male omegas
female alphas who get impregnated by male omegas
alphas who can change other alphas into other genders
alphas who can impregnate other alphas
betas who can't get pregnant
omegas who can impregnate alphas
hierarchy within secondary genders (eg. S-class alphas; dominant omegas)
there can be other genders - delta, gamma, sigma, etc.
Rules of omegaverse vary from story to story. Omegaverse conventions vary across the globe. eg. Heterosexual mpreg is rare in the western omegaverse.
Terminology may vary.
In Kanraku Alpha Enigma an enigma can not only turn an alpha into an omega but also impregnate the former alpha.
There are other omegaverse stories where an alpha impregnates another as well as those in which alpha turns into omega without assigning the term "enigma". While classification of enigma as a fourth gender was new, the mise-en-scène wasn't.
Somehow, dangerous daddy and "orphans" with special abilities are the commonalities that Pit Babe (2023) and Kanraku Alpha Enigma share.
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just me and my 700 unused/unfinished/concept/post- Overmorrow doodles compiled into 3 canvases against the world today 👊😅🩵
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lightningidle · 1 year
I wonder if Gwen and Margo ever talked about preferring to hang out in the Spider-People headquarters? It was kind of a throwaway line that Margo is spending her time as an avatar there because her own dimension isn’t great to be in (which I imagine is compounded from her home situation and everybody being terminally online) but given that Gwen is basically homeless for the duration of the movie, I wonder if they ever hung out at HQ together, off the clock. I know that for many Spideys, a bad home situation isn’t out of the norm, but since Margo had a specific line about it, and Gwen’s home situation is so bad, I’d like to think it became a point of connection for the two of ‘em. 
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dcynight · 1 month
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Oh... Interesting.
A pause is given at first, then Moon crouches down to her height. Staring at her with flickering red optics and a demented smile.
"... That's a good question, Starlight..." The animatronic mused with a raspy tone. Then without a moment wasted, he reaches out to her, gently slips his hands up under her arms and stands to his feet.
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After replying, the animatronic spins around on his heel, then TOSSES HER-- Gently. Right into the ball pit.
He's not a monster you guys.
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ladyblue275 · 10 months
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This is now me with the Heartsteel lore “easter eggs” in the lyrics of the “Paranoia” verses after having done a massive deep dive into the lore of each champion.
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spidersins · 2 months
"Wait!" Valentino stopped Angel before he could rise from the table. The Overlord meeting had just been adjourned, and he and the mafia Overlord were the last two to leave the room, minus Zeezi, who was packing her things. Val held his phone out for Angel to see.
"You should do this quiz!" he said, eagerly. "It's the 'What Kind Of Ice Cream Are You' test! I'm trying to figure out what type of person you are."
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He batted his eyes.
"I got mint chocolate chip, because I have a unique personality."
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the overlord fought the temptation to smirk at the familiar voice calling for him to wait. it seemed like there was always something after these meetings - had angel seen his glasses anywhere, how did his extermination go, do you think the feathers on this new top makes me look too fluffy?
so when he turned to look at the other overlord he was scarcely phased by the phone being shoved into his face.
❛ what typ'a person i am? ❜ he mused, head tilting to the side as he took the phone, amusement curving the corner of his lips upwards into a faint smile. ❛ alright 'tino, i'll bite. ❜
it took less than a minute, pausing only a few times before the result loaded, eyebrows raising slowly. ❛ huh.....mint chocolate chip. ❜
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heartbinders · 2 months
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Eating popcorn.
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