#Please Subscribe to My Channel
yourheartbeat · 3 months
heartstopper 2.03 reaction
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violettranslations · 8 months
Please Subscribe to My Channel (チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします)
はじめまして! ぼくはずんだの妖精 ずんだもん!
Nice to meet you! I'm the soybean fairy, Zundamon!
配信活動ってやつを始めてみたいのだ おまえら! チャンネル登録 よろしくお願いします!
I wanna try this streaming thing. Hey, you! Please, subscribe to my channel!
何をすればいいのか考えてみる みんなが見てみたいことやってみる ありきたりじゃ見てもらえないから ぼくのパワーで強化効果バフをかけ盛り上げる 準備は完了 完璧な計画 必要なもんは少しの勇気だけ 刮目せよ 伝説の始まり いくぞやるぞ ホントにいくぞやるやる あっあ〜
Let me take a moment to think about what sort of things I should do. I guess I'll just do whatever everyone wants to see. But nobody'll watch if it's just the same old stuff, so I'll use my power to cast some crazy buffs and really get this party started! Preparations complete! The plan is perfect! All I need now is just a little bit of courage. Witness the birth of a legend! Here I go, I'm really doing it! It's actually happening, I'm doing it, I'm doing it! Aaaaaah~
チャチャ チャンネル登録 チャンネル登録 よろしくお願いします なのだ 高評価 拡散 いいね よろしくお願いします なのだ
Plea-plea- Please- Please, subscribe to my channel! Yeah! Please, rate highly, share, and like! Yeah!
さあということで今回はこの企画 与えられたミッションを成し遂げる 熟練の技 巧みな身のこなしで 百パーセント 実力を発揮する ぼくの手から零れ落ちないように 一人残さず救いあげて見せる 慌てず騒がず落ちちちちついて いくぞやるぞ 一気にまとめガバーっと あっあ〜
And so with that in mind, here's what I've got in mind for this time: I'll be taking on a special mission! With skillful technique and an adroit bearing, I'll display 100% of my true strength! Just watch me scoop up every last one without a single drop spilling out of my hands! Don't panic, don't lose your cool, caaaaaalm down— Here I go, I'm really doing it! All in one go, in this one fell swoop— Aaaaaah~
チャチャ チャンネル登録 チャンネル登録 よろしくお願いします なのだ 高評価 拡散 いいね よろしくお願いします なのだ
Plea-plea- Please- Please, subscribe to my channel! Yeah! Please, rate highly, share, and like! Yeah!
さあということで今回はコラボレーション 対戦よろしくお願いします お願いします ぼくの強さ見せつけて理解わからせる ボコボッコにして あのちょ あのえ あの あっあ〜
And so with that in mind, this time we've got a collaboration! It's a pleasure to battle here today. Likewise. I'll show off my strength and make you realize how epic I am! I'll beat you to a pulp— Uh, wai- um—huh? Uh... Aaaah~
チャチャ チャンネル登録 ※きりたんを チャンネル登録 ※きりたんを よろしくお願いします とーほく 高評価 ※きりたんを 拡散 いいね ※きりたんを よろしくお願いします たんぽ〜
Plea-plea- Please- Please, subscribe to *Kiritan's channel! Tohoku! Please, rate *Kiritan highly, share, and like *Kiritan! Tanpo~
さあということで 今回はこの企画 洗練された無駄のない走りで 誰より速く 美しく華麗に進んで〜
And so with that in mind, here's what I've got in mind for this time: with polished, lean movements, I'll speed through faster, more beautifully, more elegantly than anyone ever—
チャチャ チャンネル登録 チャンネル登録 よろしくお願いします なのだ 高評価 拡散 いいね よろしくお願いします なのだ
Plea-plea- Please- Please, subscribe to my channel! Yeah! Please, rate highly, share, and like! Yeah!
おはようございま〜す ということで 今回は寝起きドッキリをするのだ 只今の時刻は午前5時半なのだ いまぼくはきりたんの部屋の前に来ているのだ 寝ているところを直撃して 寝ボケたきりたんを大公開してやるのだw あられもない姿が見れるかもなのだwww みんな準備はいいか? いくぞやるぞ いくぞやるぞ はっわ〜
Goooood morning! With that in mind, this time, I'm doing a wake up prank. It is, at present, half past 5 in the morning. I am just about to head into Kiritan's room. I'll land a direct hit while she's asleep, and reveal her derpy dazed expression to the world (lol). We might get to see something totally unladylike (lololol). Are you ready, everyone? Here I go, I'm really doing it! Here I go, I'm really doing it! Howwuhhh~
チャチャ チャンネル登録 やめろー チャンネル登録 するなー やめろー よろしくお願いします なのだ 高評価 やめろー 拡散 いいね するなー やめろー よろしくお願いします なのだ
Plea-plea- Please- Stop— Please, Don't you do it— Stop— subscribe to my channel! Yeah! Please, Stop— rate highly, share, Don't you do it— Stop— and like! Yeah!
面白かったら 楽しかったら 応援よろしくお願いします
If you had fun or otherwise enjoyed this video, please consider supporting us!
(Tohoku Chorus Time)
たまに辛いことも あるけれど 見てくれる人がいる限り ぼくたちは 歩いてく だから おまえらの 支援 待ってるぜ!
It gets tough sometimes, but as long as there are people out there watching our videos, we'll be able to keep going. That said, we're both eagerly awaiting your patronage!
チャチャ チャンネル登録 チャンネル登録 よろしくお願いします 高評価 拡散 いいね よろしくお願いします もっと! チャンネル登録 チャンネル登録 もっと! チャンネル登録 チャンネル登録
Plea-plea- Please- Please, subscribe to my channel! Yeah! Please, rate highly, share, and like! More! Subscribe to my channel! Subscribe to my channel! More! Subscribe to my channel! Subscribe to my channel!
いつも見てくれて ありがとね なのだ これからもどうぞ 末永くどうぞ 宜しくお願い致します なのだ
Thank you all for watching all this time! Yeah! We're very glad to have you here from now throughout the many years to come. Yeah!
今日という記念日を忘れないように 誕生日に設定しておくのだ あ〜
Ooh, how about I mark this anniversary by setting today as this channel's birthday, so I don't forget— Ah~
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flyingchips · 3 months
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killahmaria · 3 months
hey guys heres my fanart for dungeon meshi i really hope u guys like it 🥰🥰
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vynnyal · 9 months
This is likely the hardest I've laughed in rain world yet. Basically, you can glitch a spear into a quantum state using a dead bat body, allowing stabbed enemies to follow you through tunnels. So I tried bringing a leviathan to Moon. And the game really, really didn't like that
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expelliarmus · 2 years
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fitzselfships · 22 days
I've been meaning to add this to my dni but I keep forgetting so I'm saying it here for now. Do not interact with me if you are mutuals/friends/frequently interact with @/lydiaselfships or their main or whatever other blogs she has. To my knowledge nobody who interacts with her follows me but just in case I need to get this out.
BIG disclaimer: PLEASE for the love of god do not harass her or send her anything and do NOT turn this into some big deal. I am just stating a boundary and do not want drama (everything has been so shitty and stressful for me lately PLEASE DON'T ADD TO IT) I understand that I'm taking a risk by posting this but again this is just a simple boundary. DO NOT make this into some big thing
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roselinbooks-archive · 6 months
My review of Deltora Quest (and kind-of review of the anime) is now available publicly on YouTube!
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animalartist18 · 18 days
Hey guys, sorry for not posting again for such a long time but I was on vacation lol
Anyway I just wanted to tell you all that I got a YouTube channel now! And so far so good I guess, all I'm asking is for some support since I'm new to this..🥺🙏
If you could just subscribe, that would be great^^
I hope you enjoy my content and thank you all very much!🥰💖❤️
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New video up on youtube!! Please subscribe to my youtube guys, I'm begging 🙏
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ann1e-on-earth · 26 days
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myparadisepeace · 2 months
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nobleclover · 10 months
Yo lads, come check out my YouTube channel. Subs have been yo-yoing for a long time so please consider subscribing and liking my videos. 🥹👉👈
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*checks date*
OH MY GOD IT'S JULY 26, 2023
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em-bandaid-boy · 1 year
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Why did I give the sheep family a store it's so hard to draw
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kandidandi · 2 years
heyaaaa how did you get into doing those animations?
im just gonna assume you asked for my life story, okAy so- i love drawing and i really like coming up with storys and characters and then one day i was watching adventure time and i had a moment of realisation like “oh, my god, I could do that!!!!! I could make my characters talk and move like that!!!” so i started animating with stuff like mspaint and piskel (online pixel animation thing) and then i moved onto proper programs like adobe and clip studio! :>
if you weren’t asking for my life story i just made those animations cuz i think theyre funny and i like making people laugh at them
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