#Poems written by Jeet
anytonki · 2 years
Bwana in india crossword
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Eliot said to Ted Hughes, “There’s only one way a poet can develop his actual writing - apart from self-criticism & continual practice. In this anthology we see two poems by Vinod Kumar Shukla, a Hindi poet, translated by Mehrotra. And it has been the life’s work of poets like Arvind Krishna Mehrotra to translate Hindi and Prakrit poetry into English. We have some fluency in Hindi, we understand the language of our family (in my case Gujarati) and can somewhat comprehend the language of our state (in my case Marathi). At the same time, we are inward looking – for so much great Indian literature is in numerous Indian languages and many of us are multi-lingual. This openness is a fact of our transnational lives. It’s a tongue-in-cheek way of accepting both conqueror and influence, and stating that for the contemporary Indian poet, born in India or not, living there or elsewhere, there is no desire to be part of an exclusive club. On my desk I have sketched a rough map of the world and over India I’ve written “Enter Here, All are Welcome”. For the Indian poet in America, the problem is explored by Sunu Chandy in ‘Shelter-In-Place (2017)’ and by Minal Hajratwala in ‘Decomposition’. As Indian poets writing in English, we know we are a minority, and our readership is small, even as it is growing. Thayil writes, “Indian poetry, wherever its writers are based, should really be seen as one body of work.” So over here we are not going to have debates about traitors or heroes. Now, and perhaps after The Bloodaxe Book of Contemporary Indian Poets (2008) edited by Jeet Thayil, some of the issues have been thrashed out and many of us don’t feel the need to justify the voice of the Indian poet writing in English. In his 1976 poem ‘Missing Person’, Jussawalla wrote: In ‘Father of Mr S’ Vivek Narayanan writes, “Ah but I speak/ your English, wear your pants why/ o why must I feel useless/ amidst your life’s unlikely reach?”Īnd so here I am, at once in two places, excited to bring you new poems from twenty-one poets writing in English, who trace at least some of their experience or heritage to India. When you are at the crossroads, in a port town gifted to the British as dowry for a Portuguese princess, your very nature is to include, bring in, and listen to the world. We read many poets spanning centuries, continents and languages – Jorge Luis Borges, Italo Calvino, Ted Hughes, and Christina Rossetti. The heat eased by the evening in the shade of the stone buildings. We were close to the ocean, the monsoon had left the island by mid-October, and the sea had calmed, no more fish thrown up by thrashing waves onto asphalt. A dozen of us, including Anand Thakore featured here, would gather outdoors in the tropical gardens of the National Center for the Performing Arts, sharing poets we loved. I imagine myself yet again a part of Loquations, a group started by essayist and poet Adil Jussawalla. In Bombay, nine and a half hours ahead of me, it is Tuesday evening. A stag is staring at me, gold antlers against tree bark. I feel like I am being watched and search the undergrowth. Insects buzz and leaf blowers scream over the hum of traffic. Outside my window is the morning forest still green although autumn has arrived. It is a Tuesday in late October in a city in America. AKHIL KATYAL ♦ ANAND THAKORE ♦ ANINDITA SENGUPTA ♦ ARUNDHATHI SUBRAMANIAM ♦ VINOD KUMAR SHUKLA TRANSLATED BY ARVIND KRISHNA MEHROTRA ♦ CP SURENDRAN ♦ DEVASHISH MAKHIJA ♦ ELLEN KOMBIYIL ♦ HOSHANG MERCHANT ♦ KEKI DARUWALLA ♦ MENKA SHIVDASANI ♦ MICHAEL CREIGHTON ♦ MINAL HAJRATWALA ♦ NITOO DAS ♦ RANJANI MURALI ♦ RANJIT HOSKOTE♦ RAVI SHANKAR ♦ SAMPURNA CHATTARJI ♦ SHIKHA MALAVIYA ♦ SUNU CHANDY ♦ VANDANA KHANNA
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shayaribazaar · 3 years
Dil Se Ranjishen Na Gayi
Dil Se Ranjishen Na Gayi
Kuchh Yaadon KiKuchh Alfaazon KiDin Se Ranjishen Na Gayi Tere Aaaghaton Ki| कुछ यादों कीकुछ अल्फाज़ो कीदिल से रंजिशे न गई तेरे आघातों की। Kuchh Wadon KiKuchh Ehsaason KiDin Se Ranjishen Na Gayi Tere Rooth Jaane Ki| कुछ वादों कीकुछ एहसासों कीदिल से रंजिशे न गई तेरे रूठ जाने की। Kuchh Saanso KiKuchh Alfazon KiDin Se Ranjishen Na Gayi Tujhse Takraaro Ki| कुछ सांसों कीकुछ अल्फाज़ो कीदिल से…
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sameerabrahamthomas · 4 years
20 Books to Read Against CoViD-19
Thank you to my ex-student Svetya for the idea.
Why 20? Because we should always be one step ahead of the enemy. Why Books? Because they allow you to escape the world we’re in while also expecting your mind to do some of the heavy lifting. Why “Against”? Because whether it’s against the backdrop of the virus or a handy weapon against it, this list should hold you in good stead. So here it is, in no particular order:
 1.     Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke
 A beautifully illustrated fantasy of escape and adventure involving dragons, mushrooms and other magical creatures. Perfect for days when the news is only making you wish you were somewhere else.
 2.     2666 by Roberto Bolaño
 A long, dark read about rapes, murders and mysterious authors. Definitely a commitment, but one worth attempting even if the book was never completed. Worth reading when you start thinking things couldn’t possibly get any worse.
 3.     His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman
Technically cheating, since it’s three books and not one, but my list, my rules. Magical, controversial, beautiful and haunting. If you want to question the powers that be but wish you had people to help you on your journey, read this for inspiration. There’s a sequel book series and a TV adaptation in the air, so this is as good a time to pick these books up as there ever was.
4.     Harry Potter series by JK Rowling
 Cheating again. If you haven’t read them already, give it a go. A lot of pop culture references will make a lot more sense. Magic, love, and solidarity wrapped up in a story that’s as much a meme as it is a series. I hope you find something worth bringing home after reading it.
 5.     Hopscotch by Julio Cortázar
 A book written to be read two ways – the normal way or the hopscotch way. Read chapters in order or jump from one chapter to another according to the author’s rule, or your own. A perfect book for reminding you that you can have agency even when it doesn’t feel like you do.
 6.     Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas Hofstadter
 One of the most mindbending and revelatory books I’ve ever read. If you’re interested in music, mathematics, lithographs, philosophy, artificial intelligence, genetics, Lewis Carrol, and/or human consciousness, this is the book for you. Open yourself up to strange new experiences now that you have some time.
 7.     A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking
 Speaking of time, read the book that starts off with CBSE +2 physics and chemistry syllabus and ends with questions of black holes and dimensionality. Great for learning about physics whether you identify as a science enthusiast or not. Go for it. A wizard in Harry Potter did (true story, Google it).
 8.     Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
One of the few books that has made me laugh out loud in a manner that exceeds the usual nose exhalation that LOL-worthy content actually inspires (or expires, or respires). Do you hate the system? Does everything seem like a trap? Read Catch-22 and learn to fight the power and lose, but with a smile on your face and joyful insanity in your heart.
9.     Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
 A book I prescribed for my LAA course but didn’t end up teaching. Read it anyway. A touchstone when it comes to dystopian fiction, it’s a primer for what not to do when the State has you in lockdown.
 10.  Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
 If you’re going to read Nineteen Eighty-Four, read the other prophet of dystopia too. Brave New World might convince you that we’ve always lived in a dystopian future, with or without the coronavirus. Read for context to the debate surrounding dystopias that you might not know existed.
 11.  Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie
A magnum opus with a sprawling narrative that follow the history of our country with more than a pinch of what literature types like to call “magical realism”. If you think it’s overhyped, here’s something to lure you in: it’s basically X-Men: First Class set around the time of the Emergency. Not even kidding.
12.  Em and the Big Hoom by Jerry Pinto
 A heartbreakingly honest look at loving people with atypical states of mind and how to deal with loss and mourning. Not all of us will come out of this lockdown unscathed. Jerry Pinto shows us we can still laugh and cry and live, even if our loved ones can’t anymore.
 13.  The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy
 Another book that you might think is overhyped, but I assure you, it’s worth the read, if not for Roy’s lush, vibrant prose, then for the unflinching gaze it casts at the cruelty of family and the realities of caste oppression, both things that some people are grappling with more than ever during the lockdown.
14.  Annihilation of Caste by Dr B.R. Ambedkar
 If you’re interested in questions of caste, go to the source. Ambedkar is a titan when it comes to anti-caste literature, but he’s also a keen student of history and sociology. Read the speech he never got to give and try to find reasons why his argument doesn’t hold water. Whether you succeed or not, you will have learnt something crucially important to the world around us.
 15.  The HarperCollins Book of English Poetry, edited by Sudeep Sen
A book I’m currently reading, so take my recommendation with a grain of salt. Poetry is something we don’t read as much as we should and anthologies are a great way to start getting into poetry, especially this one, with its special focus on Indians writing poetry in English. If nothing else, read the poems in this collection by Jeet Thayil. Maybe they’ll inspire you to read the whole book, as they did for me.
16.  London ki Ek Raat by Sajjad Zaheer
 Translated into English as A Night in London, Sajjad Zaheer’s novel is a masterpiece of modernist fiction set before Independence. Reading it certainly made me aware of how the more things change, the more they stay the same. Read it for the way in which people belonging to your grandparent’s generation echo the exact same sentiments you might have, only in a different context.
 17.  The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas
 I’m a sucker for melodrama, and Dumas is its master. Read the book in its unabridged form to cry, rage and experience the rollercoaster of emotion and revenge that Dumas creates. If nothing else, it might offer you a little catharsis.
 18.  Any book you've already read
 My list, my rules. And here’s the rule: re-read something. We often don’t get the time to but you’ll be amazed at how much different a book can feel the second time over. If you’ve never read a book before, pick up the first book you see and read it again if you liked it the first time. You’ll thank me later.
 19.  Any book you've been meaning to read
 Tsundoku is the Japanese term for the act of buying books and never reading them. Whether they’re physical books or e-books, whether you obtained them or someone else did, if it’s there and it’s waiting for you, let it wait no more. Get into reading, now.
 20.  The book you're about to write
 “If you find a book you really want to read but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.” – Toni Morrison, speech at the annual meeting of the Ohio Arts Council, 1981.
 This was the quote that convinced me I wanted to be a writer someday. Let it inspire you too. We are living in strange times and if there’s one thing that such times give birth to, it’s strange narratives. Be the midwife to the tales of the new world we are living in. Add to this list. Add to my list. Add to your list. Be the writer the world wants to read. Be the writer you need to be. Good luck.
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nazmehayat · 4 years
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17 Days | 17 Provocations Day 15 | Content 15 Title: #लॉकडॉउन_डायरी कागज पर आंखों का आज पानी लिखते हैं, बहक जाए पढ़कर सभी वो जवानी लिखते है। मिलकर तुमसे जो पाई है मैंने खुशियां सारी, उन खुशियों को सनम तेरी मेहरबानी लिखते है। सुबह शाम धड़क रहे हो बन याद हमारे सीने में, तुमको यादों की मीनार इक आसमानी लिखते है। उतरी हैं घटाएं मेरे शहर में तेरी यादों को लेकर, मौसम बदलने के फन को तेरी मनमानी लिखते है। दिल के गुलशन को हमने कर लिया नाम तेरे, हो इजाज़त गर तो नाम तेरे जिंदगानी लिखते है। होगा अपने प्यार का ये किस्सा भी मशहूर फिर, खुद को श्याम और तुमको हम राधारानी लिखते है। ज़र्रा जर्रा जिंदगी कतरा कतरा सांस पर मेरे, तेरे 'जीत' की हसीन अब ये कहानी लिखते है। Written by: Jeet Jangir Siwana (@jeetsaa7 ) Tags : #writing #writersofinstagram #writer #poetry #love #writingcommunity #quotes #poem #poetrycommunity #poetsofinstagram #writers #writerscommunity #poet #poems #art #writersofig #words #reading #write #author #wordporn #life #writerslife #books #quoteoftheday #amwriting #bookstagram  (at Apna Prayagraj) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_hzOUSgUOr/?igshid=1aerbin44bgsn
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ekata1 · 5 years
Bruce Lee and Taosim
In today’s message, we discuss one of Bruce Lee’s primary philosophical influences – The Tao.  If you look at Bruce Lee’s “Tao of Jeet Kune Do” – a series of teachings from Bruce Lee posthumously collected and assembled from his notes – you will see on the first page an illustration depicting a Taoist Priest.  And beside the Priest, a poem – attributed to a Taoist Priest. 
Into a soul absolutely free
From thoughts and emotion,
Even the tiger finds no room
To insert its fierce claws.
One and the same breeze passes
Over the pines on the mountain
And the oak trees in the valley;
And why do they give different notes?
No thinking, no reflecting,
Perfect emptiness;
Yet therein something moves,
Following its own course.
The eye sees it,
But no hands can take hold of it –
The moon in the stream.
Clouds and mists,
They are midair transformations;
Above them eternally shine the sun and the moon.
Victory is the one,
Even before the combat,
Who has no thought of himself,
Abiding in the no-mind-ness of Great Origin
Bruce Lee was a student of philosophy.  Part of his mission was to expose the west to the teachings of the east.  In this poem and illustration, we are introduced the principle of “The Tao”.  This is a relatively foreign concept to most of us in the west.
Taoism (pronounced Daoism) is an indigenous philosophical and religious practice that formed in ancient China.  Scholars estimate the evolution of this worldview took place over 5000 years ago.  The root text of Taoist philosophy is considered the “Tao Te Ching” which translates as “The Way or Path of Change”.   This text is attributed to the ancient philosopher and teacher Lao Tzu.  Scholars believe this series of teachings to be an anthology of sorts.  It is a compiled work that may have been assembled by more than one author.  And the teachings themselves most certainly reach further back into antiquity than Lao Tzu who lived roughly 2500 years ago.
On a literal level, “Tao” means “Path or Way”.  The capitalization is due to the spiritual context.  It refers to each individual’s path of spiritual and material evolution.  But it has a dual meaning.  Tao also refers to that oneness from which everything and everyone was born.  It is the great void from which the universe was birthed.  It is “The One” that gives rise to all dualistic concepts – to the material, to the spiritual – yin and yang.
Today we discuss the first four lines in the first chapter of the “Tao Te Ching”.  The translation I am working from was written by Taoist teacher and scholar Derek Lin.  Derek is a close friend and as a native Chinese and English speaker holds command over both languages seldom seen in the west.  He has written a series of books that share the teachings of the Tao with western audiences and I highly recommend his work to anyone who wants to learn the original philosophy of the Tao.
Let’s look at the first four lines:
The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named is not the eternal name
In the first line “speaking” of the Tao naturally infers that we are aware of the concept of Tao.  Being aware of concept infers an intellectual understanding of the term.  In this line, Lao Tzu is saying intellectual understanding of the Tao will not suffice.  It must be experienced.  As Bruce Lee states in Enter the Dragon, “Don’t think, feel!”
The following is an excerpt from Mr. Lin’s annotation about the second line:
Not only is the Tao beyond the power of spoken words to describe, but it is also beyond the power of written words to define.  That which can be defined is limited by the definition, and the Tao transcends all definitions.
The nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth
The named is the mother of myriad things
Before the universe came into being “concepts” and “material essence” did not exist.  Thus the Tao existed despite the existence of no means by which to define it.  To quote Mr. Lin, “Therefore the Tao that initiated Creation was the ultimate nameless enigma”. 
If we look back to the Taoist poem in the Jeet Kune Do, we can see the obvious relationship.  Two stanzas of the poem clearly reflect these principles:
Into a soul absolutely free
From thoughts and emotion,
Even the tiger finds no room
To insert its fierce claws.
Victory is the one,
Even before the combat,
Who has no thought of himself,
Abiding in the no-mind-ness of Great Origin
Both stanzas refer to “no thought” and finally a reference to abiding in the “no-mind-ness” of Great Origin.  This is an artistic expression of the “oneness” experienced in deep meditation when the boundary between what we consider the bodily “I” and “It” dissolves.  This is the state of spontaneous arising or “Wu Wei” so frequently referred to in ancient Chinese philosophy. 
Bruce Lee believed the practice of martial arts to be a form of expression by which one could attain this unique state of being – oneness with the Tao. 
The post Bruce Lee and Taosim appeared first on Ekata Mindful Fitness Training Center Valencia, CA.
from Ekata Mindful Fitness Training Center Valencia, CA https://ift.tt/3cZeb2T via IFTTT
from WordPress https://ekata1.wordpress.com/2020/03/13/bruce-lee-and-taosim/
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Tu Aashiqui 30th April 2018 Written Episode , Written Update
Tu Aashiqui 30th April 2018 Written Episode , Written Update
The episode starts with Ahaan coming to Uday’s house .Pankti is very happy. Ahaan sees ghe poems and tells Pankti that we will post this everywhere so that the public understands that Pankti is innocent. Kids are playing downstairs and their ball comes in Uday’s house. This happens 3-4 times,Uday throws the ball down. Finally Pankti says now I will give them the ball, Ahaan says no this is weird…
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catsdogsgif · 7 years
Happy BirthDay “Big B”– Many happy returns of the day! Tell us at http://www.dup-dup.com where we should send you a large portion of mevaa (dry fruits) J & here is a wonderful poem written by your father. (Nav Varsh) Nav Varsh - Harsh Nav - Jeevan Utkarsh Nav - Nav Umang - Nav Tarang - Jeevan Ka Nav Prasang -Naval Chaah- Naval Raah- Jeevan Ka Nav Pravaah -Geet Naval -Preeti Naval -Jeevan Ki Reeti Naval-Jeevan Ki Neeti Naval-Jeevan Ki Jeet Naval meaning – May the new year brings in new joys, hopes, and promises; new yearnings, wishes and desires, a new zest to live on, to begin new journeys, new chapters, with a new enthusiasm! by Harivansh Rai Bachchan –
If you love “Amitabh Bachchan a.k.a. “Big B” “Say Happy Birthday” and don’t forget to subscribe at http://www.dup-dup.com Your Buddy – Everything connected with Heart
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alaruine · 7 years
Some people wonder how we know their news despite  their afterlife but did not know We watch them and  watch their voices ... from afar Today, I will travel to the unknown world, a journey not a return after it. Today I do not know who will remember me and weep for me and who will be happy and happy for my fellow. Today the word will die and the character will die and the lines will bleed. Today the hour of mourning will begin and the mourning will start on the pen, which never failed to portray my feelings one day. Darling .. I give you farewell to the dead I leave the scene of this life .. Do not grieve heart, then back to grief place .. Death is the only truth and the only fate that is not denied rational and sure of us that he is coming one day inevitably .. Death does not scare me is my comfort after That long distance of this life after all that amount of .. Fatigue .. And misery .. Bother .. Cry .. Do not grieve .. Do not despair and do not shed your tears there at the beach and do not tell the sea news Rahli .. He is the most sad of me Most of them know me .. Do not cry .. Do not cry for me .. Only .. Give me a poetic poem and Ahdini it on the banks of the beaches Ahzani and writing on the sand of the road and admitted Once that I adore you and I love I love crazy and that I cried over much destruction and I loved you until death. Do not be sad and do not give up to the news of my life and do not make it shake those depths .. wonderful in you .. Imagine me that my life will be harsh on you .. It may astound .. It may disturb you and may terrify you .. It may hurt you and may Hazelzlk .. may blow you and may break you .. And may . Habibi .. Do not grieve .. After my departure .. Stand on my grave and followed him Al-Fatihah .. Stand there and talked to me .. Talk to me as you returned and told me to tell you how you took the world after me and how I became the world after my absence and how I became the color of days after my departure and how the hair from After me and how my whispers and my thoughts became. Do not cry .. When you remember my details and do not collapse with your tears .. When you remember that I was waiting there waiting for you .. There is no longer waiting for you eagerly waiting for you in fear and waiting for you nostalgia and waiting for you eagerly waiting for pain and waiting for you and waiting for you and waiting for you. And you are in a burning heart of your wrath, you think of that heart that burned it, waiting for you. There are no longer crying moments without you .. And there is no one to doubt the passage of time in your absence .. And there are no longer counting my confidence to meet you. Do not cry .. because the world deprived me of me has deprived me of you before. Do not cry .. You open the doors of his heart at the moment of sincerity and gave me love without hesitation and grant me unlimited security and flooded me with dreams and overwhelmed by the gift and restore my feelings and restore my dreams and redrafted my sad remnants. Habibi .. They say that the distance between birth and death .. Measured by the number of days that I loved .. Calculate my distances .. wonderful days that I lived with you .. And my father will be my last grief. Ahbibi .. Ahbibi Ktok and Drew that they kill you have killed .. Ahbibi Dhbok and did not know that your slaughter has slaughtered .. Ahbibi and Adok and did not know that they have Boadk and Adoni .. Ahbibi Qabrook but they did not bury their graves did not tell me .. No Mndayi have heard my voice did not hear me. Any one of my followers has my voice and did not save me .. Any of my fans have my voice and they have wounded me with your wound .. Any of my posts and I have shed my blood on your pages when they threw me .. I will remember you and the heart is sad and sad my eyes. The deeds of good people do not go in vain .. They reward them with immediate reward .. With a happy heart and peace of mind congratulations to those hearts. The beauty of the mind and thought .. The beauty of the heart with morality .. The beauty of the tongue with silence .. And the beauty of the face with a smile .. (Be simple be the most beautiful). I am tired of fire .. Oh Lord, I appreciate it .. And all of the faithful .. The most beautiful thing we may do is to forget our worries and smile. Ah Blach miss the memory of his sweetness in our heart .. Blach miss the memory of his sweetness in our heart. You promised me that you are in a distance from you. Days, my age in old age is gone and everyone has chosen his life .. days, my age in old age is gone, and everyone has chosen his life .. And the tears of jay was a farewell farewell to us. Tmnoni Shlona how her eyes .. God forgives Halzman Khalani live without it Madri How to stand .. Time stick or obey .. Happy her memory with me or increase her pain .. Love after my lips, but only like me laugh laugh my life and smile otherwise sadness and silence. Believe me, you are sweeter than the creation of my Lord is sure, even if they answer Zein you are ashamed to stop with you, but you Shi second thing in itself unique .. Chemistry al - Hassan Vic caused by friction between the atoms elegance and sweetness and blood vein, which proves that the best in the basis of confusion of your fission and interaction remains in the world alone. Habibi If your voice has gone by living the present with your past the echo of the anniversary and no reality distinguishes between you and me. If I grew up my wounds Flanip fractured .. I break who said he broke me .. What is the story of Zayif and not arrogance and arrogance .. I am in the pride and arrogance who overwhelmed me and time is going to come Daim and must be wiped out Ghashim lost. In my eyes I draw his pictures and the spirit of his license and the heart of his heart for security attended my life flooded my pleasure and missed my soul with him Daim Tabrih and Ghosun longing sang his career and his place in the heart of his. Do not say that you are in my absence I bought you, just as the slaves and I owned you like the owner of the necks .. I charm you with the hairs of my hair and the dose is increased if the admonition gives up and I do what I want and wrong becomes your eyes as the right. Come and see me tears I hold her Elaine Qack may you wipe the tears will be lost grief and its roots I, the owners of Madri mentioned you on the day of Jeet Ansak and mentioned that you left and said this love and grief. Give me promise that you are with me throughout the days, and I will give you the covenant that you are my life, and my self is afraid I will wear with you, I will paint dreams, If you see what happened and what you see behind the days or days hide my wounds in my conscience hidden as a prisoner waiting for the death sentence fate is not being raped by what prevents the written destruction of numbers. And I wonder if the moment passed without you .. And I wonder if the night passed without you .. And I wonder if my days passed without you Believe me .. Of your loss is still an important need. Our relationship seemed to be a lie and became a love illusion of love and each one seemed to lie to the second love relationship What hurt her with pain Life Quotes #Life #Quotes #Top #Famous #Best #Time #Collection #Love #Positive #Cute #Beauty #Quotes #Art #Romance #Amazing #Flowers #Winter #painteditmyself #Landscape #relationships #coloringbook #Naturephotography #Life #painting #Sunset #wedding #Quote Famous Quotes The Best Quotes of All Time Famous Quotes Inspirational Quotes Motivational and Inspirational Quotes Collection Love Quotes
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shayaribazaar · 3 years
Tum Jaan Ho Tum Jahaan Ho
Tum Jaan Ho Tum Jahaan Ho
Tum Jaan Ho, Tum Jahaan Ho,Mere Muskuraane Ki Wajah Ho,Ishq Ki Ek Khilkhilaati Si Ada Ho,Mere Ashqo Me Bheegi Rooh Ki Dua Ho,Tum Hi To Wafa Ho, Wazib Kai Ki Pahli Dafa Ho || तुम जान हो, तुम जहान हो,मेरे मुस्कुराने की वजह हो,इश्क की एक खिलखिलाती सी अदा हो,मेरे अश्कों में भीगी रूह की दुआ हो,तुम ही तो वफ़ा हो, वाजिब है कि पहली दफ़ा हो|| Tum Jaan Ho, Tum Jahaan Ho,Mere Labon Par Khilti Sabra Ka…
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shayaribazaar · 3 years
Zara Hum Hi Badal Jaayen
Zara Hum Hi Badal Jaayen
Tirchhe Ho Raaste To Zara Hum Hi Sambhal JaayenSabki Chhodo Saahab, Zara Hum Hi Badal Jaayen|| तिरछे हो रास्ते तो जरा हम ही संभल जाएँ।सबकी छोड़ो साहब, ज़रा हम ही बदल जाएँ।। Kuchh Tuchchh Vichaaron Ko Kab Tak SamjaayenSabki Chhodo Saahab, Zara Hum Hi Badal Jaayen|| कुछ तुच्छ विचारों को कब तक समझाएं।सबकी छोड़ो साहब, ज़रा हम ही बदल जाएँ।। Kisi Ko Vadon Ki Saugandh Kab Tak KhilaayenSabki Chhodo…
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nazmehayat · 4 years
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 17 Days | 17 Provocations Day 07 | Content 07 Tittle: लॉकडॉउन_डायरी झील के मध्य कश्ती में मन का अक्सर खुद ही से मिलना होता है...... ये रास्तों से परे का सफर हैं..... जहां मंजिल फकत आनंद हैं.....हृदय तल तक लहरा जाती मौजें अपने में काफी कुछ समेट के हिलोरा करती हैं। कोई पहाड़ों के बीच... विहंगम झील में कश्ती पर.... अगर अपने हृदय सरगम के सातवें सुर पे अपनी चित सृजना सुन रहा हो..... तो उसकी तल्लीनता झकृत करना कोई अक्षम्य गुनाह है..... खुद ही से मन की वीणा पर किसी की काल्पनिक छवि का...... अनायास गीत कहीं पर सुना जाता है....... तो उसमें से एक अग्रिम जगह कश्ती को ही मिलनी चाहिए...... कश्ती का वास्तविक अहसास पहाड़ों के मध्य अवस्थित झील में ही है..... और अगर उक्त स्थिति में आप आनन्द के उच्चतम शिखर पर हैं........ तो निश्चित ही ये उदियाण की झील है...... प्रकृति की गोद में रमना..... निच्छल अहसास है..... अहसास रास्तों का.... रिश्तों का....... जो खामोशी में रहते है..... इन एहसासों को कभी अल्फ़ाज़ नहीं मिल सकते हैं...... और वास्तविक खूबसूरती भी यहीं है...... नुमाइश से परे दो तट ..... जो बाहें है..... अपने में बहुत कुछ समेटने की आकांक्षा रखा करती हैं...... जो इसकी गहराई है..... वो अप्रमाणिक है...... जितना चाहो उतने गोते लगा लो..... बस चेतना न जागे..... क्योंकि एहसासों के आंगन में चेतना अक्सर कंटक का काम करती हैं.... चेतना का सम्बन्ध जेहन से होता है..... और जेहन गणित का एक्सपर्ट..... इस मदहोशी में नफे नुकसान का आकलन करने वाले वालों को खुदकुशी का तलबगार माना जाएं...... ये ठहराव अप्रतिम हैं..... खुशरंग हैं.... मगर फिर भी बहाव की क्षणिक संभावना लिए है....... ये हृदय की मस्ती और चित की निचेतना पर निर्भर है..... रुके रहिए..... पतवार खींचकर..... बस बहते जाइए.... खुद ही में...... एहसासों के दरिए से....... Written by: Jeet Jangir (@jeetsaa7 ) Tags: #poetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagram #writingprompts #poemsofinstagram #poetrycommunity #writersofig #writersofinstagram #creativewriting #writer #write #writerscommunity #reading #follow #writer #writersofinstagram #poetry #poetryisnotdead #poets #poem #artist #igwrites #igpoets #igpoetryfollow #writers #writings #indianwriters #poetsofinstagram #instagram #instaquote #instawrite (at Apna Prayagraj) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_NblvvBXW1/?igshid=1d3ww6bhlin65
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nazmehayat · 4 years
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17 Days | 17 Provocations Day 06 | Content 06 #लॉकडॉउन_डायरी पलटकर अरमानों को बार बार छुआ करता है जिसे, ये रोशनाई का बरतन भी तेरा कितना खुशनसीब हैं, अपनी हर बात जो जिसे तूने अल्फ़ाज़ नहीं दियें, और वो ख्यालात जो किसी को जाहिर तक ना किए, वो सबकुछ इसके बदन से होकर गुजरा करता है, जब अपनी डायरी में तू इससे ये सब लिखा करता है, कौन बात तुम्हें सुहाती होगी और कौन गवारा नहीं है, तेरे मुस्कुराने के बहाने और आंसुओ की वजह क्या है, कौन जगह तुम्हें किसके साथ खुद का होना भाता है, क्या भूल चुका है अब तक तू और क्या याद आता है, ये सब की सब बातें सिर्फ वो अकेला जानता होगा, या वो पन्ना जिसके हिस्से में इसका अंश आता होगा, कुछ मुलाकातें जो तू सदारंग घड़ियों में गिनता होगा, उसमें कौन खुशरंग शख्स अपना अक्स पाता होगा, बात जो पुरानी है उसमें मेरा कितना हिस्सा रखे हो, और बदलती दुनियां में मेरा याद कौनसा किस्सा रखे हो, तेरे एहसासों में अपनी मौजूदगी खो तो नहीं सकूंगा, मगर अफसोस कि तुम्हारी कलम भी हो नहीं सकूंगा। मैंने सदा ही इसे तुम्हारे हाथों में या तेरे पास देखा है, पता नहीं कौन जन्म के रिश्ते से ये इस मुकाम पे है, कभी सोचते, मुस्कुराते हुए तेरा इसे उंगलियों में घुमाना, दांतों में दबकर और फिर कुंतलों में सफ़र करना, तुमने अपने किरदार का इसको हिस्सा बना दिया, इस कलम जितनी खुशकिस्मत शायद कोई होगी। Written by: Jeet Jangir ( @jeetsaa7 ) Tags: #poetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagram #writingprompts #poemsofinstagram #poetrycommunity #writersofig #writersofinstagram #creativewriting #writer #write #writerscommunity #reading #follow #writer #writersofinstagram #poetry #poetryisnotdead #poets #poem #artist #igwrites #igpoets #igpoetryfollow #writers #writings #indianwriters #poetsofinstagram #instagram #instaquote #instawrite (at प्रयागराज उत्तर प्रदेश) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_K1VXSBrGc/?igshid=lq1ljgoof3e1
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nazmehayat · 4 years
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17 Days | 17 Provocations Day 05 | Content 05 #लॉकडॉउन_डायरी रंगों की सीरत ये है कि अपने वजूद से दूसरों की सूरत को रंग दे.... वो अपने आप में खुशरंग हैँ.... और मुबारक घड़ियों के संगी है.... उनकी मौजूदगी महक की तरह है.... जो हर इक को रोमांचित कर लें...... ये डिपेंड अगले की सीरत पर करता है कि उनको क्या खिताब दें.... वो अपने से कभी दाग नहीं हुआ करते.... इंसां इंसां बनकर हर इक रंग से मुहब्बत कर ही लें.... मगर उस ही को एक उल्फत में बंधकर रंग विशेष से नफरत हो जाया करती हैं.... इसमें कोई खता रंग की नही...... वरन जहन की....जहन में पैदा हुए अनुचित आयामों की हैं..... जो स्वयं आश्रित और पंगु है..... आश्रित के अनुसरण को मूर्खता कहा जाता हैं...... और मूर्ख कहलाना शायद ही कोई पसन्द करता हो..... देवचाप की कल्पना हो तो सात रंगों के साथ हो.... वरना कल्पना भी न हो.... ऐसा नही हैं कि आप फ़क़त उन ही रंगों को उसमें देख लें.... जो आपको अच्छे लगे...... ये कोई पताका नही.... प्रकृति का साज हैं..... आपके लिए चंद्रमा या चढ़ता सूरज अपनी छटा नही बदल लेगा...... आपको अंधेरे से डर लगता हो.... तो आप रोशनी का इंतजाम ही कर लें.... क्योंकि अंधेरा स्याह हैं तो ..... उससे बदलाव की आकांक्षा नही की जा सकती.... पानी बेरंग हैं.... मगर उसके अनन्त रंग हैं..... हर जगह.... अलग.... ।। Written by: Jeet Jangir ( @jeetsaa7 ) Tags: #poetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagram #writingprompts #poemsofinstagram #poetrycommunity #writersofig #writersofinstagram #creativewriting #writer #write #writerscommunity #reading #follow #writer #writersofinstagram #poetry #poetryisnotdead #poets #poem #artist #igwrites #igpoets #igpoetryfollow #writers #writings #indianwriters #poetsofinstagram #instagram #instaquote #instawrite (at प्रयागराज उत्तर प्रदेश) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_IgLrMhTek/?igshid=1lz4lv0zniex6
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nazmehayat · 4 years
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17 Days | 17 Provocations Day 04 | Content 04 संजीदगी अगर जिंदा रहे तो नजदीकियां सदा पर्दानशीं रहा करती हैं....... पर्दें हमेशा हित के साधक हुआ करते है..... चाहे रंग... आकार और बनावट में आप उनमें भेद पाते हो.... कुछेक नजदीकियां आपको अंतर तक जंकृत करती हैं और आप उनकी नुमाइश के आकांक्षी होते हो..... तो उनको स्वार्थ के अंश मान लें। अंतर के राज हो या बाह्य दर्शन.... जो हुस्न परदों में इनायत हुआ हैं....... वो फ़क़त मेहरबानियां हैं..... परदों की। कल्पना ये बेहतर हो सकती हैं कि सबकुछ जाहिर हो मगर..... ये ज्यादा रुचिकर नही है। और कल्पना साकार कर आप कुछ पा नही सकते.... शिवाय शून्य के...... रंगत जितनी नजरों की उम्दा हैं उतनी छुअन की नही...... आहिस्ता आहटें तलक इंकलाब की इब्तिदा किया करती हैं..... सो जरूरी नहीं कि हर बार शोर मचाकर ही नुमाइश की जाएं.... धड़कन तलक सुन ली जाती हैं अहसासों के दायरे में..... जो पर्दे जरूरी हैं.... उनका अस्तित्व महफूज रखे.... ये उन पर हमारी मेहरबानियां नही.... खुद ही पर अहसान हैं..... अपनी जीवटता और तिश्नगी को मुकम्मल करने की.... हवाएं जो इन परदों को हिलाकर जाती हैं.... वो हमारी हितैषी नही हो सकती.... वो हमें गवारा भी नही हो..... हरकतें झुंझलाती हुई खुद ही को प्रकट कर दें ऐसा भी पल ना आये... दुआ..... महफूज रहें......परदों में.... परिधानों.... और अहसासों के। Written by: Jeet Jangir Siwana ( @jeetsaa7 ) Tags: #poetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagram #writingprompts #poemsofinstagram #poetrycommunity #writersofig #writersofinstagram #creativewriting #writer #write #writerscommunity #reading #follow #writer #writersofinstagram #poetry #poetryisnotdead #poets #poem #artist #igwrites #igpoets #igpoetryfollow #writers #writings #indianwriters #poetsofinstagram #instagram #instaquote #instawrite (at प्रयागराज उत्तर प्रदेश) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_F3IZJh6_t/?igshid=14fsc2tmklk3z
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nazmehayat · 4 years
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17 Days | 17 Provocations Day 03 | Content 03 #लॉकडॉउन_डायरी सुबह की खूबसूरती शायद रातभर के आराम से हैं मगर शाम..... थकान की पराकाष्ठा पर सौंदर्य का दर्शन.....दिवाकर की ढलान के रास्तों में मद्धम सा हवा का झोंका....चाय का एक कप..... वाह..... नंदन कानन की शोभा का कल्पित अहसास। ये मनस्थिति ख्वाबों और ख्यालों को काफी नजदीक से देखा करती हैं..... खूबसूरती......बेतहाशा..... यादों का अगर इन झोंको में अहसास ना हो तो अच्छा है.... हवाओं ने ताजगी की बदौलत अक्सर वो ही यादें बख़्शी है.... जो भूलने लायक थी। शाम का साथ अंधेरे तक हैं.....मगर उसके बीच छोटे से वक़्त के टु���ड़े ने लपेट रखा है.... जहां भर की यादों को.... सूकुं..... तड़पन.... और ताजगी को.....ये मनोभावों का अथाह सागर हैं.... ये किसी के त्याग और बिछोह का सानी है..... शाम किसी के निराश हृदय हो ये अहसास करवाते गुजरा करती हैं कि इस धुंधलके के आगे एक घना स्याह अंधकार हैं.....मगर उसके आगे हैं....एक भोर..... एक जीत..... और जीवन का अविरल प्रवाह। Written by: Jeet Jangir Siwana Tags: #poetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagram #writingprompts #poemsofinstagram #poetrycommunity #writersofig #writersofinstagram #creativewriting #writer #write #writerscommunity #reading #follow #writer #writersofinstagram #poetry #poetryisnotdead #poets #poem #artist #igwrites #igpoets #igpoetryfollow #writers #writings #indianwriters #poetsofinstagram #instagram #instaquote #instawrite (at Prayagraj) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_FXBqshX6n/?igshid=1a7grnym9tks2
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nazmehayat · 4 years
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17 Days | 17 Provocations Day 01 | Content 02 Caption: #लॉकडॉउन_डायरी किसी की पुकार से भी न जागने वाली नींद खो सी गयी हैं। अधजगे सपनों का अंधकार निरन्तर घेरता जाता हैं..... और निरन्तरता में सिर्फ एक अवरोध की तलब रहती हैं..... कि नींद खत्म हो जाएगी..... मगर कैसे? एक मुकम्मल नींद का साया अक्सर गलियों में मंडरा रहा है...... एक चिंतन की चेतना थी.... जो उस साये के डर से गुम हो चुकी हैं..... व्यंग्य और विनोद की संभावना धूसरित होती जा रही...... ये सब उस दौर की बात है जब मनुष्य इतना सामर्थ्यवान हो गया है कि ..... हर चीज खरीद लिया करता है। रिश्तों और रिवायतों की दूरियों की आदत शायद तन को भी भा गयी..... आज तस्वीरें तलक से बात करने को जी चाहता है.... वक़्त फालतू कभी नहीं हुआ.... आज वक़्त ही वक़्त है..... मगर व्यस्तता नही.... कभी अट्टालिकाओं से अम्बर तक को चुनौती देने वाले को...... निज निकेतन में सोते हुए दीवारें भी परदे सी लगने लगती हैं...... नींद क्या.... निश्चिंतता तक दिखाई नहीं देती..... कोई पलकों तक आकर लौट जाता हैं.... बाहर गली में बचपन ढूंढ रहे काल्पनिक बच्चे मुस्कुरा रहे है.... खैर.... ये मुस्कान भी सच्ची नही है..... एक आसमान के तलें तूफान खड़ा है.... जिसकी ओर देख रहे है.... असंख्य दिप धरा के.... व्याकुल, अस्थिर और......नश्वर। Written By : Jeet Jangir Siwana Tags: #nazmehayat #17day #17provocations #poetsofinstagram #poetryofinstagram #writingprompts #poemsofinstagram #poetrycommunity #writersofig #writersofinstagram #creativewriting #writer #write #writerscommunity #reading #follow #writer #writersofinstagram #poetry #poetryisnotdead #poets #poem #artist https://www.instagram.com/p/B_As7oMBy8F/?igshid=oclho07z11kv
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