#Pokèmon GO Aaron Brodeur
grey-eyed-menace · 3 years
Asher: I CAN'T DO IT!
Aaron, laughing: I CAN'T EITHER!
Asher: ...
Asher: I appreciate it,
Blanche: Asher-
Spark: Asher we gotta-
Asher: YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF AND SAY 'What am I willing to put up with today?'
Asher, motioning to Arlo: NOT FUCKING THIS!
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grey-eyed-menace · 3 years
Yarrow Cael
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Oh, look, it's a Pokèmon GO OC...
...I really need to stop being a chicken, and get Team Nexus out there before I die.
Anyway, this is Yarrow Cael, second in command of my rendition of a team repersented by Lugia.
His leader, Aaron, is probably in a heated conversation with a museum tour guide over the history of an art piece from the seventeenth century.
His partner is a Medicham, who, has, rather respectfully, asked to go by the name Mikaela, and primarily specializes in... well, dirty tactics, on paper he's a Psychic Type specalist, (which Aaron's Espeon knows is bullshit, but likes seeing him squirm).
The other members of his team are pretty clear cut.
He has a Gothitelle he raised from an egg, Vesper, and quite literally refers to him as her father, a Lilligant, Daffodil, who serves as his team healer, a frustratingly stubborn Lucario, Nean, the ever adorable Samurott, Adrian, and the rather strange Gallade he also raised from an egg, and who refers to him as his father well, Mirai.
(It should be noted that, for all his talk, Yarrow is absolutely whipped for his team.
He's personally raised and bonded with every last one of them since they were very young. They're his babies.)
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grey-eyed-menace · 3 years
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Gou knew, realistically speaking, that she was a liability.
A big one at that, a below average trainer who happened to be a bit luckier than most, or maybe less in some situations, but the fact was apart of her life, she was a liability to the GO Project as a whole, she had little talent, and the trust the leaders gave her was purely circumstantial and largely moral bound.
That didn't mean she didn't care though, against her better judgement might she add, Gou cared quite a lot if she was being honest with herself.
So, it hurt to be shut out of Aaron Brodeur's life, hurt more than she wanted to admit, mostly because she didn't have a right to feel as such, she had known the young woman for just over six months, and it was all for a fluke of judgement.
Gou didn't belong in this carefully constructed family of their's, glaringly out of place and so very naïve in the face of their experience, she never did.
[Gou had never had anything on the line like they did, she wasn't nearly as brilliant or talented, or empathetic, the simple fact being that she didn't know them.
Gou was so very alone in this, so very scared that she might hurt these people who didn't deserve to be hurt anymore than they already had... and Gou didn'twant to be afraid of them, she didn't, but how else was she supposed to feel in this situation?]
Yet, she was here. She existed, as horrible as that might be, clumsy and useless, but she was here.
And she was going to try, she had to, for however long she was allowed to be by their side.
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grey-eyed-menace · 3 years
Er, families of the Pokèmon GO Project Leaders, their vices, and Gou.
I suppose.
I feel like I needed to get this out here...
Team Mystic Leader Blanche Laverre
Aeris Laverre - (Paternal Grandfather)
Luvenis Laverre - (Paternal Grandmother)
Acier Laverre - (Biological Aunt)
Aurum Laverre - (Biological Uncle)
Revah Laverre - (Aunt via Marriage)
Sasaki Misao - (Soon to be Aunt via Marriage)
Feyrè Laverre - (Father)
Ayaka Laverre - (Mother)
Jacqueline Laverre - (Younger Sister)
Allegra Laverre - (Younger Sister)
[A significant multitude of honorary cousins, aunt's, and uncle's.]
Team Valor Leader Candela Anais Flint
George Michaels - (Maternal Grandfather)
Gregory Flint - (Father)
Nadia Flint - (Mother)
Kyra Flint - (Younger Sister)
Justina Flint - (Younger Sister)
Tanner Flint - (Younger Brother)
Verde Flint - (Younger Brother)
Benjamin Flint - (Younger Brother)
Florence Flint - (Younger Brother)
Azura Flint - (Younger Sister)
Odette Flint - (Younger Sister)
Nathaniel Flint - (Younger Brother)
Royce Flint - (Younger Sister)
Hadrian Flint - (Younger Brother)
Match Flint - (Younger Sister)
Team Nexus Leader Aaron Brodeur [Extremely Strained Relationship, Has Cut All Contact]
Juliette Brodeur - (Mother)
Aaron Brodeur Sr. - (Father)
Yves Brodeur - (Older Brother)
Delphine Auclàir - (Older Sister)
Laurent Brodeur - (Younger Brother)
Dominique Brodeur - (Sister-in-law)
Olivier Auclàir - (Brother-in-law)
Bernadette Auclàir - (Niece)
Team Instinct Leader Spark Levin Audra
Surge Addison - (Paternal Uncle) - [Absolute No Contact]
Rikka Park - (Maternal Aunt) - [Antagonistic Relationship]
Levin Addison - (Father) - [Deceased]
Mace Audra - (Mother)
Annalise Park-Audra - (Adopted Sister/Cousin)
Team Mystic Vice Leader Gabrielle Morgendy [No Listed Biological Family]
Yamamoto Jun - (Ex-Caregiver)
Yamamoto Koneko - (Ex-Caregiver)
Takai Kojimaru - (Self-Proclaimed Uncle)
Yamamoto Kazuto - (Self-Proclaimed Brother)
Yamamoto Mikasa - (Self-Proclaimed Sister)
Yamamoto Sakurako - (Self-Proclaimed Sister)
Sakaguchi Makiko - (Self-Proclaimed Sister)
[Somewhere off to the side, there's a long list full of people with the family name 'Evert', a hastily added trio of names with 'Sakaguchi', and a single 'Ishikawa'. Blanche has never had the courage to ask about whether or not this is a actually hitlist or reference sheet.]
Team Valor Vice Leader Asher Hassenfeld
Castor Salem - (Maternal Uncle)
Pollux Salem - (Maternal Uncle)
Felix Hassenfeld - (Father)
Timandra Salem-Hassenfeld - (Mother) - [Deceased]
Kai Hassenfeld - (Older Brother)
Veronica Hassenfeld - (Sister-in-law)
Team Nexus Vice Leader Yarrow Cael
Elise Montague - (Maternal Grandmother) - [Deceased]
Wren Avatar - (Paternal Grandfather)
Kain Cael - (Father) - [Cut Contact]
Morgan Cael - (Mother) - [Cut Contact]
Cordelia Cael - (Younger Sister) - [Status Unknown, Presumedly Deceased]
Team Instinct Vice Leader Yanagi Sakuya
Yanagi Eiji - (Father) - [No Consistent Contact Since Ten]
Yanagi Asuka - (Mother) - [No Consistent Contact Since Ten]
Yanagi Matsuri - (Older Sister) - [Deceased]
Yanagi Seimei - (Older Brother, Paternal Figure) - [Cut Contact After Falling Out When Fifteen]
Kunugi Sorahiko - (Self-Proclaimed Older Sister, Maternal Figure, Legal Guardian From Ages 14-19)
Team Mystic Field Trainer Intern Kimisawa Gou
Kimisawa Hachirou - (Father)
Yamasaki Satsuki - (Mother)
Kimisawa Shion - (Younger Sister)
Sasaki Bijou - (Younger Half-Brother)
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grey-eyed-menace · 3 years
Hey, so my Pokèmon GO OC's?
Here's a weird fact dump.
Yarrow Cael, the Nexus vice, is officially banned from any PWL sanctioned Gym circuit after an incident in Sinnoh that was the result of a screaming match between him and a newly crowned Champion Cynthia Shirone, and ended with him interrupting an investigation headed by Interpol.
(He almost might have broken Cynthia's nose when she demanded he stop fucking up his life, and then segwayed into an accidental insult pertaining to his grief when she also offered him a position as Gym Leader.
Look, it was a fucking event for everyone involved. He and Cynthia still aren't on speaking terms, but he also felt it necessary to send a genuine retirement gift to her after Tanigawa Hikari, the Sinnoh Heroine here, took over her mantle.)
Yanagi Sakuya, the vice of Instinct, might as well have been raised by his older brother and his friends, and considers it a rather touchy subject due to the fact that Sorahiko and Seimei, in this universe at least, had a pretty big falling out once he graduated the Ranger Academy.
Considering he refers to it as the more emotionally impactful divorce of his lifetime, well... It's a thing.
[He's more than aware he's got problems, but he also knows that if he has to talk about this particular aspect of his life to a therapist, he's going to expand to his current situation and he's under so many ND's concerning the GO Project leaders as a whole it's almost ridiculous.]
Gabrielle Morgendy, the vice of Mystic, wasn't an officially recognized trainer until she joins up with the GO Project, and was very much wrapped up with her own set of adventures before than, she has, however, met Aaron Brodeur a few times beforehand on the basis of being one of Professor Juniper's guinea pig when it came to trying out her newer PokèDex models.
She lives with two Kanto based trainers by the name of Yamamoto Kazuto and Sakaguchi Akiko. The former of which is something of a hermit, if a talented battler, and the latter has, on multiple occasions, and even succeeded once, in throwing herself out a window to get out the spotlight, considering the girl is a cordinator, it's... Strange.
[The reason Blanche chose her was her level of competency, inability to deal with their bullshit, and the fact that she refused to sell out Kazuto when pressured.
...plus she unsettles Spark at a primal level.]
Asher Hassenfeld, Candela's second in command, spent the three hours before Team Valor's first official T.V. Broadcast emptying her lunch into a urinal due to a minor mistake in her lunch order. The woman was not happy.
She also found an entirely new reason to hate anything and everything to do with milk.
[She's also the oldest of the SIC's despite looking younger than most of them at twenty-six, by that, Sakuya's the youngest at twenty-one.
Her entire team is based off of the Nasuverse Holy Grail war classes, and are named as such. Her partner, an Arcanine, is named Rider. Her Falinks are right terrors.]
Blanche Laverre has two younger sisters named Jacqueline and Sybil, the former of whom, due to a major miscommunication, thought they were dead for the better half of two years while they recovered from the incident in Shamouti and finished their degree.
Blanche is unable to live this down in her eyes, and she refuses to ever deal with it ever again. By that, Jacqueline is a Ranger stationed in Ferrum, and Sybil is a Shift Manager at a Kalosian restaurant in Lumiose.
[Blanche swears up and down it wasn't there fault, and really wants that headstone Jacqueline has erected in her apartment to burn.
Jacqueline, despite her uneasiness with the incident, thinks the above tidbit is hilarious and refuses to let them anywhere near it.]
Spark Audra dropped out of the Ranger Academy two days before the official graduation, however, due to the technalities, and sufficient filing, he's legally a licensed Ranger until he turns twenty-five. This frustrates quite a few people.
[Namely his uncle, but he's been persona non grata to the Audra's since his brother, Spark's father, Levin, died.
His mother is only slightly exasperated, and his mother's ward is just confused.]
Expanding beyond this, Spark grew up with a single mother, and later his mother's ward, Annalise, in Orre. That's gonna be brought up soon.
Moving forward...
Aaron Brodeur, the leader of Team Nexus that I mentioned, has absolutely horrible luck with first impressions. Like complete shit. F-Rank only when it comes to meeting people for the first time. It's actually kind of hilarious, because the only time this has ever worked in her favor is when a terrified six year old Aaron met a pissed off eight year old Blanche and quietly asked if she could braid their hair.
The second time they met, however, involved a jittery Aaron passing out after having gone nearly two days without eating, and proceeding to freak out when confronted with this after Blanche went searching for her concerning a partner project.
By comparison, Candela immediately assumed she was just as bad as Blanche when they met, and was incredibly brusque and rude for their introduction, and had Aaron freaking out near the end for the fact that this meant that she was probably the reason a research opportunity was being risked.
Spark thought she was just an island native and dismissed her outright for her Espeon.
So on and so forth, Yarrow thought she was a cop and was ready to get into a fistfight, Asher puked up blood on her dress and she had to carry her to a hospital, she was legitimately convinced Gabrielle was a demon, and she mistook Sakuya for an intern rather than recognizing him for the newly appointed vice leader of Team Instinct.
[Aaron and Blanche are the only leaders to know each other from their childhood, however they are not the only leaders to have travelled together during their respective Journeys, as Blanche has, and by extension refuses to ever do so again, challenged three gyms alongside Candela.]
Candela is one of the eldest of her brood, having grown up as one of the primary caregivers to an array of siblings, nieces, nephews, and cousins, she knows a thing or two about caring for others, this does not, however, translate to good self-care practices. Asher was largely responsible for making sure Candela didn't kill herself via an instant ramen based diet when they were originally setting up the foundations for Team Valor, and GO Project as the whole.
[Her younger sister, Odette, is apart of the Instinct Elite.
Candela feels both proud and mildly betrayed.]
Kimisawa Gou, our resident hapless high school Mystic Intern, is the result of a teen pregnancy and has a younger sister by three years, and a younger half-brother via her mother by six, and originally took the GO Project's internship for the sake of the pun.
She regrets it so fucking mutch by year three.
[Gou is not a nice person by the end of her internship, she goes from a terrified high school student, to a tired college student, straight to a pissed off nurse of Team Instinct.]
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